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Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Threes: The Need to Succeed
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner
to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a
trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans.
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Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Threes - Achievers - are the sales people of the Enneagram.
Their need to be liked and admired means that they have a
deft ability to promote themselves and anything that they
are selling: product, service, team, project, the organisation
itself. They feel at home with promotional language and the
current fashionable idiom. They work hard to look good and
attractive to others. Threes can often be the stars of the
organisation, their own desire to win being reflected in the
rewards they bring to the organisation. Unfortunately, this
desire can sometimes be at the expense of other values that
matter and that Threes may overlook in the race for success.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Group: heart or "feeling" group
Label: achievers
Drive: the need to be successful
Orientation: moving against others competitively
Childhood orientation: a positive view of having been loved
unconditionally by their mother or mother figure
Problem: out of touch with their feelings
Preoccupation: being better than others; winning prizes
that prove their success
Sin: deceit; lies
Routes to growth: honesty
Characteristics: competitive; active; goal-oriented;
ambitious; self-confident; glamorous; popular; sexy; enjoy
physical exercise; emotionally controlled; keep feelings back;
tuned in to what's "in"
Strategy: the charming-manipulative character.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Threes are easy to recognise because they look so good.
Threes have a highly-developed instinct for creating an
appearance that others will admire. They are physically
attractive, having turned themselves into the embodiment
of what passes for the current desired male or female
image. They dress to please. Their speech is full of positive,
self-confident, "can-do" words. They smile a lot. They glow
with self-assurance.
Threes divert so much energy into creating an appealing
image that it is hard for them to see that there's little left for
anything else. For the image can indeed hide a lack of real
feeling, an absence of depth to their understanding and
little concern about anybody but themselves.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Threes have a positive orientation towards their mothers or
mother substitutes whom they remember as showering
them with love and admiration when they were young. As a
result, Threes grew up with huge amounts of belief in their
innate value but no conscience about the effects of this self-
love on others.
Because this self-love depends on other people, Threes
believe that love equates not to who they are but to what
they do. Threes thus discover early in their lives that they
can get what they want by what they can get others to
believe. A theme of the child Three's strategy was: "I'll trick
you to get what I want".
Threes believe they can go far in life and often do. They
work hard to achieve things but they don't count the cost
and don't even see it.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Twos, Threes and Fours all have a problem with hostility.
Threes project hostility towards anyone who appears to be
more successful than they are, their strategy being to
present an image that says: "Look at me, I'm better than
At their psychological healthiest, this hostility is resolved.
Threes can accept themselves fully as they are without the
need to sell an image of someone whom they're trying to
be. Image and reality are the same.
As they deteriorate psychologically through the fear that
they might not be as good as others, Threes build up the
image more and more, first by believing in their own
publicity and finally by condemning anyone else who
doesn't believe in it as they do. In the end all that the
unhealthy Three has left is a web of lies and deceit and no
real grasp of who they really are.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Healthy Threes are self-assured, confident and role models
to others.
Very healthy Threes have worked their way beyond the
need to be admired by others. They recognise that they are
not defined by their image nor by the results of what they
do. This process enables them to accept themselves as they
really are.
Healthy Threes reflect some of the qualities of their society
that others most admire. They are physically attractive, well-
mannered, and in tune with the way many people want to
be. When they are mature enough to add touches of self-
mockery and humility, Threes can be admired for
themselves not for the image they would like us to like. They
then become role models of behaviour, manners and
attractiveness. They become true stars.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Average Threes are competitive, slick and image-conscious.
Average Threes are highly competitive. Important others are
only players in the game: the Three has to beat them at
whatever game they're playing. This makes close
relationships with a Three very difficult.
Average Threes don't do things because they enjoy them or
believe in them but only to appear perfect. They are smooth
and slick and say and do the right things at the right
moments. They almost appear too good to be true.
Underneath, average Threes are cold and calculating. They
are master manipulators of success formulas. They are not
concerned with the needs of others. They simply want you
to like them for nothing in return.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Unhealthy Threes are self-seeking, treacherous and
Unhealthy Threes have a neurotic fear of failure and will do
anything to avoid it. They are willing to lie, take credit for
work that is not theirs and put others down. Others often
fear to confront a Three for fear of vicious retaliation.
Unhealthy Threes use people for their own ends. That is
why many unhealthy Threes have few long-term
relationships; others are simply there to be used and then
dropped once their usefulness is past.
Without deeply-held beliefs, conscience or real passions and
values, Threes can walk away from situations as if nothing
had happened. For them, nothing has happened. They can
simply forget and move on.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
The roles that Threes take on include:
• the golden boy or girl
• the winner
• Victor Ludorum
• the star
• the hero or heroine
• the status-seeker
• the self-starter
• the producer
• the achiever
• the image-builder
• the spin doctor
• the marketing man or woman
• the magician
• the con-man
• the trickster.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
The Threes' working style is that of the TRY HARDS.
Threes are a highly motivated group. They try hard and work
hard to achieve public recognition. They expect their efforts
to win them prizes especially favoured status, high profile
jobs, promotion. They are simple, sleek and direct.
Because Threes are so motivated they seem like a godsend
to any organisation. There is no need to push them, they
will push themselves. When any job needs done and
nobody else is willing to do it, Threes will volunteer just to
look good at saving the day.
The outward success of Threes covers up a lack of much
depth. They are highly superficial, have few opinions of their
own and tend to believe in their own success so much that
they lack the willingness to test themselves and grow.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Threes look like they were made for teams. They can enter a
room full of people and immediately adjust to the mood of
the group. In large organisations, Threes can belong to many
different groups at the same time and move smoothly and
effortlessly between them all.
Unlike Twos who prefer direct contact, Threes come to life
in front of an audience. One-to-one contact is more difficult
for Threes where they require a level of genuineness and
Threes use groups to advance themselves. They rarely
present any personal view just in case others don't like it.
Instead, they detect what the group needs and volunteer to
do just that. Threes often have many projects on the go at
once. Their own hard work ensures that the high-profile
important projects are successfully concluded while
anything low-profile is left to fall by the wayside.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
The boss is an important figure in a Three's world. They
have it in them to bestow or withhold the admiration which
Threes so crave.
Threes believe that the route to the boss's admiration lies
through personal success. They therefore seek out just what
the boss regards as ""success"" and work hard to achieve it.
Threes have no doubt they will manage it; there even comes
a point when it becomes easy. Failure does not figure in a
Three's thinking. If something should go wrong, the Three
knows how to explain it away to the boss as a partial victory,
a negative-turned-positive, or as someone else's fault.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Threes often get drawn to top jobs because of the glory and
prestige associated with them. As bosses, Threes can attract
good people to work for them. Everyone wants to be part of
a winning team and Threes inspire confidence in others to
believe they can win.
When they are successful, Three-led teams can be happy
and productive. Three bosses can take genuine pleasure in
the successes of others although they may not always show
it. It is after all what they expect.
Threes find it harder to lead people through setback and
failure. It is then that it becomes clear that Threes can lack
personal vision, genuine deeply-felt values and any real
concern for anyone other than themselves.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
A Three organisation has the following characteristics:
1. work is a source of power and money
2. work defines social status and life success
3. work is part of an upward life progress
4. a win-lose life view in which they are winners
5. constant benchmarking of themselves and their teams
("How do we rate compared to...?")
6. networkers
7. a belief in the value of branding (themselves, their
products and their service)
8. prepared to do anything to come out on top
9. like to set and be set targets that prove how well they
are doing
10. adapt what seems to work elsewhere
11. motivated by tangible results.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
The symbols of Threes include the following:
• the United States of America, money and capitalism
• competitive sport
• animals such as the peacock and chameleon
• the colours yellow and gold
• success.
Threes are astute at adopting the current idiom of success.
But there are other ways of looking at success:
"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent
people and the affection of children; to earn the
appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of
false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in
others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy
child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to
know that even one life has breathed easier because you
have lived; this is to have succeeded." (Ralph Waldo
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
A Three is someone who seems to have the golden touch.
A Three is someone who can be too self-absorbed to form
long-lasting relationships.
A Three is someone who spends a lot of their time
networking with others.
A Three is someone who seems to make everything just
drop into their lap.
A Three is someone who stays with a job long enough to put
it successfully on their cv.
A Three is someone who can mislead others about their age,
background and origins if it will help them get on.
A Three is someone who has mastered the art of putting
others down while appearing to be nice to them.
A Three is someone who in a new situation will hold back
until they can work out how to exploit it for their own good.
A Three is someone who gets straight to the point before
realising they missed out on the social niceties.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
The root sin of Threes is their deceit. Deceit is not one of
the original Seven Deadly Sins but it is a prime sin of our
image-obsessed modern life. Threes lie to themselves and
others in order to promote the image of themselves above
the reality.
Here are three ways Threes can overcome the temptations
of their personality type...
Not: rushing about mechanically;
but...taking time to stop and feel.
Not: avoiding problems by moving somewhere else;
but...taking time to genuinely listen.
Not: re-framing failures by calling them successes;
but...drinking fully from the cup called ""failure"".
If Threes move to the position of Sixes, they will benefit
from forming a relationship where they recognise that
others' needs are as important as their own.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Some noteworthy Threes include:
• Icarus who flew too near to the sun and fell to earth
• Julius Caesar
• Midas, the king who turned everything he touched to
• Jacob of the Bible, who took what belonged to his
brother Esau and made himself rich working for Laban as
a result of the deception
• Napoleon Bonaparte
• Henry Ford, automobile maker
• Walt Disney, film maker
• Arnold Schwarzenegger
• John F. Kennedy, president of the USA
• Paul McCartney, Beatle
• Tony Blair, UK Prime Minister
• Sylvester Stallone
• Bill Clinton, president of the USA.
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
Three’s: The Need to Succeed
Enneagram Personality Types
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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Threes: The Need to Succeed

  • 1. 1 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics Threes: The Need to Succeed ENNEAGRAM PERSONALITY TYPES
  • 2. 2 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION Threes - Achievers - are the sales people of the Enneagram. Their need to be liked and admired means that they have a deft ability to promote themselves and anything that they are selling: product, service, team, project, the organisation itself. They feel at home with promotional language and the current fashionable idiom. They work hard to look good and attractive to others. Threes can often be the stars of the organisation, their own desire to win being reflected in the rewards they bring to the organisation. Unfortunately, this desire can sometimes be at the expense of other values that matter and that Threes may overlook in the race for success.
  • 5. 5 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics A SUMMARY OF THREES Group: heart or "feeling" group Label: achievers Drive: the need to be successful Orientation: moving against others competitively Childhood orientation: a positive view of having been loved unconditionally by their mother or mother figure Problem: out of touch with their feelings Preoccupation: being better than others; winning prizes that prove their success Sin: deceit; lies Routes to growth: honesty Characteristics: competitive; active; goal-oriented; ambitious; self-confident; glamorous; popular; sexy; enjoy physical exercise; emotionally controlled; keep feelings back; tuned in to what's "in" Strategy: the charming-manipulative character.
  • 6. 6 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics HOW TO RECOGNISE A THREE Threes are easy to recognise because they look so good. Threes have a highly-developed instinct for creating an appearance that others will admire. They are physically attractive, having turned themselves into the embodiment of what passes for the current desired male or female image. They dress to please. Their speech is full of positive, self-confident, "can-do" words. They smile a lot. They glow with self-assurance. Threes divert so much energy into creating an appealing image that it is hard for them to see that there's little left for anything else. For the image can indeed hide a lack of real feeling, an absence of depth to their understanding and little concern about anybody but themselves.
  • 7. 7 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics ON THE COUCH Threes have a positive orientation towards their mothers or mother substitutes whom they remember as showering them with love and admiration when they were young. As a result, Threes grew up with huge amounts of belief in their innate value but no conscience about the effects of this self- love on others. Because this self-love depends on other people, Threes believe that love equates not to who they are but to what they do. Threes thus discover early in their lives that they can get what they want by what they can get others to believe. A theme of the child Three's strategy was: "I'll trick you to get what I want". Threes believe they can go far in life and often do. They work hard to achieve things but they don't count the cost and don't even see it.
  • 8. 8 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics A CONTINUUM OF HEALTH Twos, Threes and Fours all have a problem with hostility. Threes project hostility towards anyone who appears to be more successful than they are, their strategy being to present an image that says: "Look at me, I'm better than you". At their psychological healthiest, this hostility is resolved. Threes can accept themselves fully as they are without the need to sell an image of someone whom they're trying to be. Image and reality are the same. As they deteriorate psychologically through the fear that they might not be as good as others, Threes build up the image more and more, first by believing in their own publicity and finally by condemning anyone else who doesn't believe in it as they do. In the end all that the unhealthy Three has left is a web of lies and deceit and no real grasp of who they really are.
  • 9. 9 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics HEALTHY THREES Healthy Threes are self-assured, confident and role models to others. Very healthy Threes have worked their way beyond the need to be admired by others. They recognise that they are not defined by their image nor by the results of what they do. This process enables them to accept themselves as they really are. Healthy Threes reflect some of the qualities of their society that others most admire. They are physically attractive, well- mannered, and in tune with the way many people want to be. When they are mature enough to add touches of self- mockery and humility, Threes can be admired for themselves not for the image they would like us to like. They then become role models of behaviour, manners and attractiveness. They become true stars.
  • 10. 10 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics AVERAGE THREES Average Threes are competitive, slick and image-conscious. Average Threes are highly competitive. Important others are only players in the game: the Three has to beat them at whatever game they're playing. This makes close relationships with a Three very difficult. Average Threes don't do things because they enjoy them or believe in them but only to appear perfect. They are smooth and slick and say and do the right things at the right moments. They almost appear too good to be true. Underneath, average Threes are cold and calculating. They are master manipulators of success formulas. They are not concerned with the needs of others. They simply want you to like them for nothing in return.
  • 11. 11 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics UNHEALTHY THREES Unhealthy Threes are self-seeking, treacherous and vindictive. Unhealthy Threes have a neurotic fear of failure and will do anything to avoid it. They are willing to lie, take credit for work that is not theirs and put others down. Others often fear to confront a Three for fear of vicious retaliation. Unhealthy Threes use people for their own ends. That is why many unhealthy Threes have few long-term relationships; others are simply there to be used and then dropped once their usefulness is past. Without deeply-held beliefs, conscience or real passions and values, Threes can walk away from situations as if nothing had happened. For them, nothing has happened. They can simply forget and move on.
  • 12. 12 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics ROLES The roles that Threes take on include: • the golden boy or girl • the winner • Victor Ludorum • the star • the hero or heroine • the status-seeker • the self-starter • the producer • the achiever • the image-builder • the spin doctor • the marketing man or woman • the magician • the con-man • the trickster.
  • 13. 13 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics THE WORKING STYLE OF THREES The Threes' working style is that of the TRY HARDS. Threes are a highly motivated group. They try hard and work hard to achieve public recognition. They expect their efforts to win them prizes especially favoured status, high profile jobs, promotion. They are simple, sleek and direct. Because Threes are so motivated they seem like a godsend to any organisation. There is no need to push them, they will push themselves. When any job needs done and nobody else is willing to do it, Threes will volunteer just to look good at saving the day. The outward success of Threes covers up a lack of much depth. They are highly superficial, have few opinions of their own and tend to believe in their own success so much that they lack the willingness to test themselves and grow.
  • 14. 14 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics THE TEAM THREE Threes look like they were made for teams. They can enter a room full of people and immediately adjust to the mood of the group. In large organisations, Threes can belong to many different groups at the same time and move smoothly and effortlessly between them all. Unlike Twos who prefer direct contact, Threes come to life in front of an audience. One-to-one contact is more difficult for Threes where they require a level of genuineness and vulnerability. Threes use groups to advance themselves. They rarely present any personal view just in case others don't like it. Instead, they detect what the group needs and volunteer to do just that. Threes often have many projects on the go at once. Their own hard work ensures that the high-profile important projects are successfully concluded while anything low-profile is left to fall by the wayside.
  • 15. 15 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics THE THREE SUBORDINATE The boss is an important figure in a Three's world. They have it in them to bestow or withhold the admiration which Threes so crave. Threes believe that the route to the boss's admiration lies through personal success. They therefore seek out just what the boss regards as ""success"" and work hard to achieve it. Threes have no doubt they will manage it; there even comes a point when it becomes easy. Failure does not figure in a Three's thinking. If something should go wrong, the Three knows how to explain it away to the boss as a partial victory, a negative-turned-positive, or as someone else's fault.
  • 16. 16 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics THE THREE BOSS Threes often get drawn to top jobs because of the glory and prestige associated with them. As bosses, Threes can attract good people to work for them. Everyone wants to be part of a winning team and Threes inspire confidence in others to believe they can win. When they are successful, Three-led teams can be happy and productive. Three bosses can take genuine pleasure in the successes of others although they may not always show it. It is after all what they expect. Threes find it harder to lead people through setback and failure. It is then that it becomes clear that Threes can lack personal vision, genuine deeply-felt values and any real concern for anyone other than themselves.
  • 17. 17 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS A Three organisation has the following characteristics: 1. work is a source of power and money 2. work defines social status and life success 3. work is part of an upward life progress 4. a win-lose life view in which they are winners 5. constant benchmarking of themselves and their teams ("How do we rate compared to...?") 6. networkers 7. a belief in the value of branding (themselves, their products and their service) 8. prepared to do anything to come out on top 9. like to set and be set targets that prove how well they are doing 10. adapt what seems to work elsewhere 11. motivated by tangible results.
  • 18. 18 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics SYMBOLS The symbols of Threes include the following: • the United States of America, money and capitalism • competitive sport • animals such as the peacock and chameleon • the colours yellow and gold • success. Threes are astute at adopting the current idiom of success. But there are other ways of looking at success: "To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • 19. 19 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics A THREE IS SOMEONE WHO... A Three is someone who seems to have the golden touch. A Three is someone who can be too self-absorbed to form long-lasting relationships. A Three is someone who spends a lot of their time networking with others. A Three is someone who seems to make everything just drop into their lap. A Three is someone who stays with a job long enough to put it successfully on their cv. A Three is someone who can mislead others about their age, background and origins if it will help them get on. A Three is someone who has mastered the art of putting others down while appearing to be nice to them. A Three is someone who in a new situation will hold back until they can work out how to exploit it for their own good. A Three is someone who gets straight to the point before realising they missed out on the social niceties.
  • 20. 20 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics A THREE'S DEVELOPMENT The root sin of Threes is their deceit. Deceit is not one of the original Seven Deadly Sins but it is a prime sin of our image-obsessed modern life. Threes lie to themselves and others in order to promote the image of themselves above the reality. Here are three ways Threes can overcome the temptations of their personality type... Not: rushing about mechanically; but...taking time to stop and feel. Not: avoiding problems by moving somewhere else; but...taking time to genuinely listen. Not: re-framing failures by calling them successes; but...drinking fully from the cup called ""failure"". If Threes move to the position of Sixes, they will benefit from forming a relationship where they recognise that others' needs are as important as their own.
  • 21. 21 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics NOTEWORTHY THREES Some noteworthy Threes include: • Icarus who flew too near to the sun and fell to earth • Julius Caesar • Midas, the king who turned everything he touched to gold • Jacob of the Bible, who took what belonged to his brother Esau and made himself rich working for Laban as a result of the deception • Napoleon Bonaparte • Henry Ford, automobile maker • Walt Disney, film maker • Arnold Schwarzenegger • John F. Kennedy, president of the USA • Paul McCartney, Beatle • Tony Blair, UK Prime Minister • Sylvester Stallone • Bill Clinton, president of the USA.
  • 22. 22 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 23. 23 | Three’s: The Need to Succeed Enneagram Personality Types MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn