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Those Winter Sundays Essay
Those Winter Sundays Everyone has done something in their lifetime that they later regret. A great example of that in poetry is "Those Winter
Sundays" by Robert Hayden which really states so much in just three short stanzas. In this poem the speaker talks about how his father used to
work so hard during the week and kept them warm with fires on Sundays. No one ever showed the father any respect and never did they thank him
for doing this. The speaker is reflecting on his past and even feels bad at about not showing appreciation back when his father did these nice things.
This poem seems like it is written by Hayden for his father and used as a symbol in his own personal life. Hayden has a unique way of developing a
sense of regret, sacrifice, anger and even love more content...
In the beginning of the poem it says, "Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueback cold" (Hayden 1–2). In this sentence
Hayden uses a consonance with "blueback" because of the repeated b sound. This gives the feel of how cold it really is there and what his father is
experiencing. Also, imagery is used in the same lines because the coldness the father is feeling is described with blueback cold which gives a mental
image while the poem is trying to describe a feeling. With this wording readers experience two different senses both at the same time and that makes
the imagery even more intense. In the next lines some alliteration is utilized. When the speaker says, "From labor in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze" (Hayden 4–5). The alliteration here appears with "weekday weather" and "banked" and "blaze"; this alliteration reminds readers of
the rough, unfortunate condition of the father because in the story. The use of these devices in the first stanza develop the theme of the poem in the
beginning and enables the reader to have a feel for what the rest of the poem will be
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Analysis Of Those Winter Sundays
Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden
Those winter Sundays written by Robert Hayden is a poem to ponder for a while. The poem may look simple, but analyzing it deeply shows that is a
complicated one with a well–defined sentiment of no appreciation and sorrow towards his father. These sentiments will change to the end of the
poem. Also, the poem can be understood in various ways: one way could be a positive feeling from the writer towards his father or the other one
could be a complaint about his father's toughness. The choice of words that Robert Hayden uses is not complicated, which makes it easy to read and
understand at first glance and produces imagery of gloom and cold changing to more content...
But the kid did not realize that the father sacrifices his comfort waking up early in the morning to ignite the fire in order to heat up the house and give
comfort to his family "Sundays too many my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,/ then with cracked hands that ached/ from
labor in the weekday weather made/ banked fires blaze./ No one ever thanked him" (1–5). There is no doubt that the father was a noble and responsible
The writer uses middle diction because he uses an educated language but not elevated enough to be considered formal diction. He describes what the
child would do on Sunday mornings: "I'd wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking./ When the rooms were warm, he'd call,/ and slowly I would
rise and dress," (6–8). The writer uses a proper choice of words and reduces the formality with the apostrophe in the line number six.
Another aspect of the poem that emphasizes the background of the poem is the syntax.
"Sundays too many my father got up early /and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold" (1–2). Robert Hayden writes blueblack before cold to be more
specific on the description of the early morning, which gives the idea of an uncomfortable cold weather.
The author's tone on this poem changes from sorrow and bitterness to love and thankfulness. "then with cracked hands that ached/ from
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Those Winter Sundays Essay
"Those Winter Sundays," written by Robert Hayden, imply the defects of the social structure which could't be easily modified. Through retrospective
comparison with reality, he shows the misery of African American lives. Imperfect nature has brought discrimination and the poem strike a blow
toward class prejudice.
"Those Winter Sundays" shows the consistent agony of the African Americans' in 20th century. Hayden conveys his message through various linguistic
techniques. For example, the repeated consonant of "C" sounds in the first stanza–blueblack, cracked and ached–emphasize the harsh condition that
Afro–American had to suffer from. It implies that the ordinary blacks have done physical labor in frigid weather. "No one ever thanked him," the last
sentence of the first stanza states that economic distress had been seemed as a matter of course, making us believe that manual labour is a typical work
for the African more content...
"I'd wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking. When the rooms were warm, he'd call." By making cold as something that is tangible, speaker
implies that racial segregation can be reshaped and redefined. To add on, warmth provided in the house emphasize on the fruit of one's labour to end
deep despondency. In the last sentence of the second stanza, speaker's thoughts and feelings have been described "Fearing the chronic angers of that
house" is a mourning of the speaker, foreseeing the arduous journey he has to endure. Personification enhances the comprehension of speaker's
emotions. The house is so soaked with anger that he could feel it coming out. In other words, intergenerational cycle of poverty in African American
household is so threatening that he fears it would never end. It criticizes the unfortunate livelihood of African
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Those Winter Sundays Analysis Essay
Robert Hayden's poem "Those Winter Sundays" is about Robert's memory of his father trying to keep him warm in those Sunday mornings, it also
shows the love of a father in a different way. From the poem, "then with his cracked hands that ached / from labor in the weekday weather made"
indicated Robert's father is an hard working inarticulate man, he shows his love for the family through actions instead of words (Robert 525). He
worked hard during the weekdays and still willing to get up early in the morning to make up the fire keep the cold out of the house instead of
sleeping when he can finally rest a little during the week. Even though "No one ever thanked him" but he still "polished my good shoes as well", his
father repeatedly doing the same thing every Sunday mornings because he believes that is what a father should do for his family as a man's
responsibility without expecting any feedback (Robert 525). Last two sentences of the poem give full expression to Robert now realize his father's
love and loneliness, which is a selfless spirit.
Robert's poem "Those Winter Sundays" demonstrates his memory of past now makes he realize his understatement of his father, compactness imagery
well describes his father's personality and characteristic. Combined with more content...
Many years later, when Theodore writes this poem he still remembers those memories are full of fun and warmth of dancing a waltz with his father.
This poem starts with staggered waltz dancing with drunken father, and then end with love and warmness kinship, demonstrates the traditional father
who just got off work, haven't have time to clean up himself before enjoy playing with his son until he goes to bed. This love between Theodore and
his father, from a feeling of being left out into a feeling of fullness, rough and then gentle, back and forward, just like the dance moves of the
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What Is The Tone Of Those Winter Sundays
Family members will sometimes disagree with one another, but no matter what they say, love is always present. In Robert Hayden's, "Those
Winter Sundays", love is always shown, no matter the circumstances. Throughout stanzas one, two, and three, the speaker and his father are shown
caring for one another; however, at times, the speaker dislikes his father and isn't grateful for all of the work his father does for him. In "Those
Winter Sundays", diction clears a path to show us signs of love between the speaker and the father, even though they are not clear. As we grow up,
whether it is our parents or others, we are given help to build a better future. In "Those Winter Sundays", the speakers father provides large
quantities of aid toward the speaker. In the first line of the first stanza, "Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack
cold." Hayden notes two very small details that are awfully important. The first two words encompass a great deal of love, "Sundays too.". The word
too implies that not only does the father more content...
He seems to not realize how much effort the dad uses for him, and he speaks coldly to his father's warmth. The speaker, however, questions his
thinking here. At this moment, he says, "What did I know, what did I know/of love's austere and lonely offices?" The words lonely and austere give
a tone that is sad and placid. They are lonely, but love's austere shows a presence of love and not hate. Offices, is one's duty in this way. The father
and speaker's "duty" is to love one another and not cause "cracked hands". The son seems to finally understand his father's nourishment towards him.
Back in stanza one, the line "No one ever thanked him," shows that the son is now regretful of his cold words toward his dad. The son and father now
can see each other's love toward one another
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Analysis Of Those Winter Sundays
I am going to perform Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden. in this poem Hayden explains how hard a speaker's father worked. The term
"blue–black cold" depicts the very early cold morning when the sky is between black and blue. It illustrates how early the father wakes up. He
wakes up before sunrise which really had with a person who is tired to do that. Although it was difficult for him to wake up this early, he does it
anyway to provide for his family. He doesn't get enough sleep, but he is such a hard worker that the reader is able to grasp his hard work with the
description "cracked hands that ached." His cracked hands that ached further highlights his sacrifice. The word "ached" shows us a strong meaning for
hard work. It shows that
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Those Winter Sundays Summary
Those Winter Sundays
In this poem by Robert Hayden, the author speaks of his father as being a hardworking man that goes through the same backbreaking routine every
day of the week to provide for his family, even on Sunday which is supposed to be the day of rest during the week. The constant willingness to get
up early every morning to go out and work to be able to provide and the authors feeling of missing his chance to show appreciation for his dad's
work seem to be the theme of this poem. The poem describes how the work the father did everyday took a toll on his body, but he continued to do it
so that he could survive and his son could have a good life. The first stanza talks about how the author never showed gratitude for more
The shift appears when it changes from comparing his feelings towards his father using temperature from cold to warm. For instance, when he
goes from talking about the "the cold splintering, breaking" to saying (6), "When the rooms were warm, he'd call", this shows that he has had a
change of heart in regards to his father and all of the hard work he has put in to provide for his family (7). By using temperature as a description for
the feelings the author had for his father, the author shows how feelings changed fairly quickly as he began to see the good in his father and how
his constant willingness to work was his way of showing the deep, fierce love he had for his son. In the midst of the tone change in this poem the
author writes of his obedience towards his father's commands. For example, when his dad would call for him to wake up and he said, "Slowly I
would rise and dress, fearing the chronic angers of that house" (9). He would get up and go to him because he feared that his dad might get angry and
punish him in some way for his lack of obedience to his command. One could also interpret the quote, "fearing the chronic angers of that house", to
mean that the house represents the authors whole family also had feelings of anger towards the son for not listening to his father and getting up (9). By
using this synecdoche, it helps to signify the author's apathetic view on life and how his other family members
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Diction Of Those Winter Sundays
In the poem, "Those Winter Sundays" the speaker talks about his father leaving for "labor". Curiously, the father goes to work on a Sunday, the
speaker then elaborates how his father goes to work very early "with cracked hands that ached" (3). The theme of this poem is that love does not
always appear in a friendly or lovable form. Lines like "I would rise and dress/fearing the chronic angers of that house" (8–9), we can see that the
speaker lives in a dysfunctional house and imagery of cold and harshness "cracked hands that ached," (3) "blueblack cold." (2). The reader can also
interpret that the speaker and the father have a dysfunctional relationship, "the chronic angers of that house" (9) The diction the author uses, can be
used to give
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Those Winter Sundays Analysis
In Robert Hayden's poem "Those Winter Sundays" tells of an individual reminiscing about their father and the sacrifices he made to provide for
them. In the poem, the father was not appreciated for his contribution but the narrator seems to now acknowledge the hard work of the father. As the
poem progresses the tone of the narrator is one of regret and remorse. The relationship of the parent and child is often one of misunderstanding and
conflict until the experiences life more and come in grasps of the parent's intention. So, the relation between a parent and child evolves as the child
emerges to adulthood. I was able to connect to this poem as I experienced mutual feelings for my own father. Similar to the narrator in the writing, I too more content...
Hayden uses the juxtaposition of the cold of the outdoors to the warmth of the home that the writer creates to present the father's love for his child.
Although the father did not demonstrate conventional love for the narrator but proved his unconditional love by putting a roof over the child's head.
The winter night is metaphor for the absence of love. Though the child did not comprehend the love the father had for them, they reminiscence upon
how the would be left in the cold if the father did not meet the provisions. So the father's love was not evident in displays of affection but meeting the
needs of the child. Most fathers demonstrate their love in what seems like a harsh manner, working most of the time and not spending quality time to
fulfil their first role as a father – the provider. Nevertheless as a transformation take place the role of the father or parent become replicated in the adult
child. Through understanding the contribution of the caregiver; once empathic response to the parent increases. Hence it closes the gap of differences
that exist within the child parent
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Those Winter Sundays Essay
During childhood, people possess a natural inclination to rely on their parents without sufficiently appreciating them. This often influences them to take
advantage of their parents, as well. Children are prone to become accustomed to the chores their parents complete for them on a daily basis because
their parents' helpful and generous efforts are apt to be interpreted as 'normal' and perhaps even expected. However, as adults, they must assume similar
roles and responsibilities to those of their parents when they themselves were children, thus encouraging a better understanding of the significance that
their parent's sacrifices hold. The speaker in Robert Hayden's poem, "Those Winter Sundays," has this type of perspective–altering
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His father generally was taken for granted by his son and by his other children, if he had any. The speaker emphasizes this lack of appreciativeness for
his father with the statement, "No one ever thanked him." Although one might consider this dearth of gratitude normal for young children still living
with their parents, the speaker, as an adult, reveals obvious concern for it in "Those Winter Sundays." A sense of remorse for his ungratefulness for his
father's generosities is revealed through his deliberate mention of ungratefulness. If the speaker was not currently troubled by his lack of gratitude as a
child, he would not mention his failure to thank his father in the poem at all; yet, a correlation is contrived between the actions of the speaker's father
and his own absence of gratitude. I am able to conclude that the speaker is intentionally revealing this connection due to the lack of transition between
the two pieces of information: throughout the majority of the first stanza, the father's helpfulness is described, while the final line ends with the
statement, "No one ever thanked him." The author used an abrupt change in his tone along with an absence of transition in an attempt to help the
reader better understand and more easily notice this
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Those Winter Sundays Poem Analysis
The representation of father–son type relationships in literature is used by authors to give their work more depth and meaning. Three poems that rely
on this theme are "My Father's Song" by Simon J. Ortiz, "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke and "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden. The
author's style in these poems carefully craft poetic language that demonstrates the complex nature of a father–son relationship.
To begin with, My Papa's Waltz" Roethke's diction in powerfully communicates the bond between a father and son by choosing words with conflicting
connotations. The poem opens with the lines:
The whiskey on your breath
Could make a small boy dizzy;
But I hung on like death:
Such waltzing was not easy.
We romped until more content...
In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" the speaker describes a father that "...put his clothes on in the blueback cold, /then with cracked hands that
ached..." (2–3) every Sunday morning as a child. Hayden uses consonance of the /k/sound in these lines that creates a natural rhythm in the poem and
emphasizes the emotions the speaker about his relationship with his father. The harsh /k/ sound combined with winter imagery throughout the
beginning of the poem demonstrates a "cold" distant relationship between the speaker and his father. The tone of the poem shifts with positive imagery
that shows the speaker realization that his father's sacrifices and love looking back at his Sundays as a child as an adult. Hayden's poem demonstrates
how more times than not a child goes on not noticing or valuing the things parents sacrifice until looking back as an adult. The descriptive imagery
connects the emotions of the narrator to the audience, creating a distant, then regret mood forcing the reader to consider their own life and
relationships. While the poets of "My Papa's Waltz" and "Those Winter Sundays" build on ambiguity and regret Simon Ortiz chooses words that create
a nostalgic memory of his father. In the first stanza the speaker longs for his father, missing "His voice, the slight catch/the depth from his thin
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Those Winter Sundays Essay
Those Winter Sundays
"Those Winter Sundays" is a very touching poem. It is written by Robert Hayden who has written many other poems. This paper will talk about the
poem "Those Winter Sundays". In particular we will look at the structure, main idea, and each stanza of the poem. "Those Winter Sundays" has a
structure like many other poems. It is written in the first person notation. Often through the poem you would find yourself reading "I'd wake" and "I
know". "Those Winter Sundays" has three stanzas that are separated with even white space. The firststanza consists of five lines followed by the second
containing four lines and like the first stanza the last consists of five lines. Although the poem does not seem to more content...
He also describes the conditions of the father's hands demonstrating that he was a hard worker and still woke up before everyone else to warm up the
rooms. The father basically says love in the simple act he does. Like many people I can personally relate to this poem. My father was not always
demonstrative and affectionate but during my childhood years he always made sure I had everything I needed. That showed me that my father
cared. There is another side to this poem where the child admits to his own lack of empathy to his father. I suppose at that time he never realized
what his father was doing. The line, "no one ever thanked him" explain the child's regrets. In the first stanza the reader is introduced to the two
characters in the poem. The reader is also made aware of the time of the year and day. The first stanza reveals a lot of information. It tells the
reader who, when, and where. It also appeals to the sense of touch and sight when it describes the father's hands and also when he "puts his clothes
on in the blueblack cold." One could almost feel the "cold" and see the "cracked hands." The second stanza is almost like the first in the fact that it
appeals to the same senses. It talks about the actions and the feelings of the child. It describes how the child would wake and wait for his father to call
him. The second stanza also describes the mood of the house in the line, "fearing the chronic angers of that house." Perhaps that line is
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In Response To "Those Winter Sundays" Essay
In Response to "Those Winter Sundays"
Being a child, is one of the hardest stages of ones life. They go through doing all the wrongs in order to do the right, and they socially develop into a
mature and sensible human being. During this stage of a young child's life, the roles of parenting are absolutely crucial. In the poem "Those
Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, I get a sense that the narrator does not have a special bond with his father, and that there is a sense of fear. I
feel that in order to grow up and be a morally strong and stable person, you need a well–built relationship with at least one of you parents, if not both.
Growing up in a very suburban town taught me many things about being a boy and more content...
I feel that the boy will regret not having and knowing what it is that makes you who you are, and may never get a chance to have and hold a special
bond with one of the people who brought him into the world. This would bring an enormous amount of sadness to my life had I not had my Dad there
to guide and protect me.
Even further along the road of life, I encounter instances where our relationship is still strong as I used to be. The only difference now is the fact that
the roles are almost flipped. I am not teaching my father to be a good person, but I am protecting him. Not literally protecting him, but looking out for
his well being. He comes to me when he needs help doing something that he necessarily cannot do as well as he used too, and I am always there to
help him. I will never look at our relationship as a nuisance or a burden to my life, and will always be there willing to stop what I am doing to help
him, just like he did for me. Unlike in the poem, Hayden does not claim that he did not help or be at his father assistance when he needed it or even
tell him that he loved him, but he does say that he never did truly show how much he appreciated what his Dad would do for him. Now he states that
he regrets never having that Father to son relationship like most do, and he wishes that he could have those times back to let his father know how he
really felt.
So as I get older, and somewhat wiser, I begin
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Those Winter Sundays Essay
Although the poems "Those Winter Sundays," "Catch," and "Blackberry Eating" all have different themes and elicit different emotions, all three use
visually dense words to impact the reader. The first poem, "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, highlights the relationship between a child
and his father through the description of their typical Winter Sunday morning. The first clue to their relationship is the setting of the poem itself:
wintertime, which usually indicates an icy or poor relationship. However, this analysis will focus on the strong and descriptive onomatopoeia used
to paint the picture of those Sunday mornings for both the father and the child. For example, line 3 describes the dad using his "cracked hands that
ached" to warm the family's house (Hayden 3). The use of the words "cracked" and "ached" elicit specific feelings in the audience in addition to
contributing towards the relationship between the father and the child. The use of these two words indicate that the relationship may also be cracked,
and the two may be 'aching' due to the loss of a wife or mother. A mother or a more content...
The use of key visual words in this poem helps manifest a scene for the audience in which the readers can easily place themselves in. One example of
this is in lines 4 and 5 where the poem describes one of the boys, or readers, attempting to "stoop" down and "scoop"up the poem's meaning while
incorporating internal rhyme (Francis 4–5). Like "Those Winter Sundays," "Catch" creates a visual of a reader working hard to 'stoop' down to the
level of the author in order to pick up on, or 'scoop' up, the meaning of a poem. This shows that both poems have dual meanings behind their dense,
descriptive word choice; in "Catch," the poem uses words that are easy to visualize as a metaphor towards the methods used to read and interpret a
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In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, the speaker is reflecting on his past with his father, but mainly the Sunday mornings he
experienced during his childhood. Throughout the poem, there also happens to be a very dark and possibly even somber tone, which is shown by
using several different types of literary devices. Hayden utilizes strong imagery supported by diction and substantial symbolism comprehensively.
Furthermore, there are various examples of both alliteration and assonances. The poem does not rhyme and its meter has little to no order. Although
the father labors diligently all day long, and he still manages to be a caring person in his son's life. The poem's main conflict comes from the son not
realizing how good his father actually was to him until he was much older. When the speaker was a young boy, he regarded his father as a callous
man due to his stern attitude and apparent lack of proper affection towards him. Now that the son is older, he discovers that even though his father did
not express his love in words, he consistently did with his acts of kindness and selflessness.
Hayden utilizes diction to set a dark and solemn tone throughout the poem. Like the various examples of imagery, there is also a strong use of
underlying symbolism. In the first stanza, the words "cold" (1. 2) and "fires blaze" (1. 5) are used, which introduces a conflict. This is emphasized
in the second stanza when the word "cold" (2. 1) is used again, later followed by the word "warm" (2. 2). In the last stanza, the father eventually "had
driven out the cold" (3. 2). Yet the father had not ridden the house of the cold air until the end of the poem, which symbolizes how it took his son
several years later to recognize the behaviors in which his father conveyed his love for him.
This arising tone of regret and distance is also formed by the speaker's depiction of his father having "cracked hands that ached," (1. 3) which further
signifies the father's struggle with the severe coldness. The concept of self–sacrifice is apparent in this portrayal of his father's disregard to his own
pain in order to provide warmth and light for his family's home. The stirring of "banked fires blaze" (1. 5) within the house,
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Those Winter Sundays Analysis Essay
Poetry, the feeling and emotions of the soul recorded on paper for men, women and children alike to interpret and enjoy. When a poet puts their
thinking cap on, the result is much more substantial than rushed lines and forced rhymes; if effort is put into the reader's interpretation of the work, the
feelings and emotions put into the text are revealed. Through love, empathy, and remorse the speaker's state of mind is divulged as a state of reflection
in "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden.
The first emotion Robert Hayden exhibits is love for his father. Although love can expressed numerous ways, children often do not realize this
when they are young. "When the rooms were warm, he'd call" (Line 7) to wake up and dress in the blistering cold and warm the house simply so
his children would not have to suffer the cold, is a clear indication of just how much his father cared; however, when you're young the little deeds
that are done for you seem to advance unnoticed and expected. Only later in life, when reflecting on the past, does one truly perceives actions similar
to "driven out the cold / and polished my good shoes as well"(11–12) as important acts of love.
The second emotion Hayden portrays is empathy. Now that he is finally an adult more content...
It's not always simple admitting when you have done wrong, but, being a major aspect of growing up, its inevitably something everyone must come
to terms with. "No one ever thanked him" (5) is a perfect example of remorse, acknowledging the wrong done and feeling guilt over it. Being a
critical emotion, regret is one that makes you conscious of your actions and willing to change your behavior to better yourself. Another example of
remorse is "speaking indifferently to him" (10) this line makes it evident that he feels guilt for treating his father the way he did, now that, in hindsight,
he knows he did it out of
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Essay On Those Winter Sundays
Silence offers valuable moments of introspection and understanding. The poem "Those Winter Sundays" written by Robert Hayden describes the
narrator's childhood and memories of his father. The poem conveys the message of a father's unconditional love presented through his actions.
Essentially, it displays different aspects and forms of love that can be found beyond the literal and positive meanings. Through diction, imagery, and
syntax the author reflects on the sacrifices and hardships of his father, to express his remorseful feeling for overlooking his father's love.
Diction is used to reveal the narrator's tone of guilt or regret. It is evident that the father is a restless man as on "Sundays too" he gets up early to
work. Typically, more content...
The poem is written as a reflection/recollection of the narrator's past memories and actions pertaining to his father. It is arranged in the past tense
format with past participles. This further proves of the events occurring in the past and ties in with the relation of a specific time or age
complementing with one's lack of knowledge and understanding. Since the author is reflecting on his past there is the consideration of his lower
comprehensive skills. The poem is also structured in the form of memories, which is coherent to the meaning of the poem as it efficaciously
communicates the reflective theme. At the end, there is a major shift as the rhetorical questions play into role. "What did I know, what did I know?"
In this the narrator's tone partially sounds as if he is directing the questions to his younger self in an interrogating manner, questioning his
understanding. This particular statement expresses more of his inner voice, which is of deep sorrow and guilt for not acknowledging his father's
deeds and noticing his love. Likewise, the reader is able to notice this change and appreciate the narrator's new level of maturity and
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Essay on Those Winter Sundays
Knowing Your Father
Being a child is one of the hardest stages in a person's life. They go through doing all the wrong things in order to learn how to do the right things,
and then they socially develop into a sensible mature adult. During this stage of a young child's life, the roles of parenting are absolutely crucial and
determine a child's role that he/she is going to play in society in the future. This is a crucial part of everyone's life, they need to learn what they are
good at and what they are not good at. In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, there is a sense that the narrator does not
have a special bond with his father when he was a young boy, and that there is a sense of fear toward his father. more content...
In the poem, I get a sense that there is no bond, like my father and I have which leads to confusion in the narrator's life. For instance, in line eight
when he says, "I would slowly rise and dress,/ fearing the chronic angers of the house"(8–9), this gives me a strong sense of sadness, for
him because I feel that he is greatly deprived of what every child should have a good role model as a father, and someone to look up to. "Speaking
Indifferently to him, / who had driven out the cold"(10–11) is saying that they really did not know how to communicate with each other. I feel that the
boy will regret not having and knowing what it is that makes you who you are, and may never get a chance to have and hold a special bond with his
father and having a relationship with a person that can not be held with anyone else. This would bring an enormous amount of sadness to my life had I
not had my Dad there to guide and protect me, when I could have used tremendous support and security.
Even further along the road of life, I encounter instances where my relationship
With my father is still strong as I used to be. The only difference now is the fact that the roles are almost flipped. I am not teaching my father to be a
good person, but I am protecting him for other things in life. Not literally protecting him, but looking out for his well being and his safety. He comes
to me when he needs
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Figurative Language In Those Winter Sundays
The poem "Those Winter Sundays" is a very sincere poem about love towards family even if you don't get any gratitude back. Hayden uses his
words carefully to give a deep and emotional impression to the reader. Throughout the poem Hayden uses the words "warm" and "cold" to change
the mood of the poem and give it more significance. By using these words you can tell the speaker has guilt and regret from not giving thanks or the
respect his father desired for when he writes, "No one ever thanked him." and "Speaking indifferently to him." Hayden also writes, "What did I know,
what did I know of love's austere and lonely offices." from this writing you can tell that the relationship the speaker has with his father is grim. The
speaker repeates the
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Those Winter Sundays Essay

  • 1. Those Winter Sundays Essay Those Winter Sundays Everyone has done something in their lifetime that they later regret. A great example of that in poetry is "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden which really states so much in just three short stanzas. In this poem the speaker talks about how his father used to work so hard during the week and kept them warm with fires on Sundays. No one ever showed the father any respect and never did they thank him for doing this. The speaker is reflecting on his past and even feels bad at about not showing appreciation back when his father did these nice things. This poem seems like it is written by Hayden for his father and used as a symbol in his own personal life. Hayden has a unique way of developing a sense of regret, sacrifice, anger and even love more content... In the beginning of the poem it says, "Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueback cold" (Hayden 1–2). In this sentence Hayden uses a consonance with "blueback" because of the repeated b sound. This gives the feel of how cold it really is there and what his father is experiencing. Also, imagery is used in the same lines because the coldness the father is feeling is described with blueback cold which gives a mental image while the poem is trying to describe a feeling. With this wording readers experience two different senses both at the same time and that makes the imagery even more intense. In the next lines some alliteration is utilized. When the speaker says, "From labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze" (Hayden 4–5). The alliteration here appears with "weekday weather" and "banked" and "blaze"; this alliteration reminds readers of the rough, unfortunate condition of the father because in the story. The use of these devices in the first stanza develop the theme of the poem in the beginning and enables the reader to have a feel for what the rest of the poem will be Get more content on
  • 2. Analysis Of Those Winter Sundays Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden Those winter Sundays written by Robert Hayden is a poem to ponder for a while. The poem may look simple, but analyzing it deeply shows that is a complicated one with a well–defined sentiment of no appreciation and sorrow towards his father. These sentiments will change to the end of the poem. Also, the poem can be understood in various ways: one way could be a positive feeling from the writer towards his father or the other one could be a complaint about his father's toughness. The choice of words that Robert Hayden uses is not complicated, which makes it easy to read and understand at first glance and produces imagery of gloom and cold changing to more content... But the kid did not realize that the father sacrifices his comfort waking up early in the morning to ignite the fire in order to heat up the house and give comfort to his family "Sundays too many my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,/ then with cracked hands that ached/ from labor in the weekday weather made/ banked fires blaze./ No one ever thanked him" (1–5). There is no doubt that the father was a noble and responsible man. The writer uses middle diction because he uses an educated language but not elevated enough to be considered formal diction. He describes what the child would do on Sunday mornings: "I'd wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking./ When the rooms were warm, he'd call,/ and slowly I would rise and dress," (6–8). The writer uses a proper choice of words and reduces the formality with the apostrophe in the line number six. Another aspect of the poem that emphasizes the background of the poem is the syntax. "Sundays too many my father got up early /and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold" (1–2). Robert Hayden writes blueblack before cold to be more specific on the description of the early morning, which gives the idea of an uncomfortable cold weather. The author's tone on this poem changes from sorrow and bitterness to love and thankfulness. "then with cracked hands that ached/ from Get more content on
  • 3. Those Winter Sundays Essay "Those Winter Sundays," written by Robert Hayden, imply the defects of the social structure which could't be easily modified. Through retrospective comparison with reality, he shows the misery of African American lives. Imperfect nature has brought discrimination and the poem strike a blow toward class prejudice. "Those Winter Sundays" shows the consistent agony of the African Americans' in 20th century. Hayden conveys his message through various linguistic techniques. For example, the repeated consonant of "C" sounds in the first stanza–blueblack, cracked and ached–emphasize the harsh condition that Afro–American had to suffer from. It implies that the ordinary blacks have done physical labor in frigid weather. "No one ever thanked him," the last sentence of the first stanza states that economic distress had been seemed as a matter of course, making us believe that manual labour is a typical work for the African more content... "I'd wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking. When the rooms were warm, he'd call." By making cold as something that is tangible, speaker implies that racial segregation can be reshaped and redefined. To add on, warmth provided in the house emphasize on the fruit of one's labour to end deep despondency. In the last sentence of the second stanza, speaker's thoughts and feelings have been described "Fearing the chronic angers of that house" is a mourning of the speaker, foreseeing the arduous journey he has to endure. Personification enhances the comprehension of speaker's emotions. The house is so soaked with anger that he could feel it coming out. In other words, intergenerational cycle of poverty in African American household is so threatening that he fears it would never end. It criticizes the unfortunate livelihood of African Get more content on
  • 4. Those Winter Sundays Analysis Essay Robert Hayden's poem "Those Winter Sundays" is about Robert's memory of his father trying to keep him warm in those Sunday mornings, it also shows the love of a father in a different way. From the poem, "then with his cracked hands that ached / from labor in the weekday weather made" indicated Robert's father is an hard working inarticulate man, he shows his love for the family through actions instead of words (Robert 525). He worked hard during the weekdays and still willing to get up early in the morning to make up the fire keep the cold out of the house instead of sleeping when he can finally rest a little during the week. Even though "No one ever thanked him" but he still "polished my good shoes as well", his father repeatedly doing the same thing every Sunday mornings because he believes that is what a father should do for his family as a man's responsibility without expecting any feedback (Robert 525). Last two sentences of the poem give full expression to Robert now realize his father's love and loneliness, which is a selfless spirit. Robert's poem "Those Winter Sundays" demonstrates his memory of past now makes he realize his understatement of his father, compactness imagery well describes his father's personality and characteristic. Combined with more content... Many years later, when Theodore writes this poem he still remembers those memories are full of fun and warmth of dancing a waltz with his father. This poem starts with staggered waltz dancing with drunken father, and then end with love and warmness kinship, demonstrates the traditional father who just got off work, haven't have time to clean up himself before enjoy playing with his son until he goes to bed. This love between Theodore and his father, from a feeling of being left out into a feeling of fullness, rough and then gentle, back and forward, just like the dance moves of the Get more content on
  • 5. What Is The Tone Of Those Winter Sundays Family members will sometimes disagree with one another, but no matter what they say, love is always present. In Robert Hayden's, "Those Winter Sundays", love is always shown, no matter the circumstances. Throughout stanzas one, two, and three, the speaker and his father are shown caring for one another; however, at times, the speaker dislikes his father and isn't grateful for all of the work his father does for him. In "Those Winter Sundays", diction clears a path to show us signs of love between the speaker and the father, even though they are not clear. As we grow up, whether it is our parents or others, we are given help to build a better future. In "Those Winter Sundays", the speakers father provides large quantities of aid toward the speaker. In the first line of the first stanza, "Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold." Hayden notes two very small details that are awfully important. The first two words encompass a great deal of love, "Sundays too.". The word too implies that not only does the father more content... He seems to not realize how much effort the dad uses for him, and he speaks coldly to his father's warmth. The speaker, however, questions his thinking here. At this moment, he says, "What did I know, what did I know/of love's austere and lonely offices?" The words lonely and austere give a tone that is sad and placid. They are lonely, but love's austere shows a presence of love and not hate. Offices, is one's duty in this way. The father and speaker's "duty" is to love one another and not cause "cracked hands". The son seems to finally understand his father's nourishment towards him. Back in stanza one, the line "No one ever thanked him," shows that the son is now regretful of his cold words toward his dad. The son and father now can see each other's love toward one another Get more content on
  • 6. Analysis Of Those Winter Sundays I am going to perform Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden. in this poem Hayden explains how hard a speaker's father worked. The term "blue–black cold" depicts the very early cold morning when the sky is between black and blue. It illustrates how early the father wakes up. He wakes up before sunrise which really had with a person who is tired to do that. Although it was difficult for him to wake up this early, he does it anyway to provide for his family. He doesn't get enough sleep, but he is such a hard worker that the reader is able to grasp his hard work with the description "cracked hands that ached." His cracked hands that ached further highlights his sacrifice. The word "ached" shows us a strong meaning for hard work. It shows that Get more content on
  • 7. Those Winter Sundays Summary Those Winter Sundays In this poem by Robert Hayden, the author speaks of his father as being a hardworking man that goes through the same backbreaking routine every day of the week to provide for his family, even on Sunday which is supposed to be the day of rest during the week. The constant willingness to get up early every morning to go out and work to be able to provide and the authors feeling of missing his chance to show appreciation for his dad's work seem to be the theme of this poem. The poem describes how the work the father did everyday took a toll on his body, but he continued to do it so that he could survive and his son could have a good life. The first stanza talks about how the author never showed gratitude for more content... The shift appears when it changes from comparing his feelings towards his father using temperature from cold to warm. For instance, when he goes from talking about the "the cold splintering, breaking" to saying (6), "When the rooms were warm, he'd call", this shows that he has had a change of heart in regards to his father and all of the hard work he has put in to provide for his family (7). By using temperature as a description for the feelings the author had for his father, the author shows how feelings changed fairly quickly as he began to see the good in his father and how his constant willingness to work was his way of showing the deep, fierce love he had for his son. In the midst of the tone change in this poem the author writes of his obedience towards his father's commands. For example, when his dad would call for him to wake up and he said, "Slowly I would rise and dress, fearing the chronic angers of that house" (9). He would get up and go to him because he feared that his dad might get angry and punish him in some way for his lack of obedience to his command. One could also interpret the quote, "fearing the chronic angers of that house", to mean that the house represents the authors whole family also had feelings of anger towards the son for not listening to his father and getting up (9). By using this synecdoche, it helps to signify the author's apathetic view on life and how his other family members Get more content on
  • 8. Diction Of Those Winter Sundays In the poem, "Those Winter Sundays" the speaker talks about his father leaving for "labor". Curiously, the father goes to work on a Sunday, the speaker then elaborates how his father goes to work very early "with cracked hands that ached" (3). The theme of this poem is that love does not always appear in a friendly or lovable form. Lines like "I would rise and dress/fearing the chronic angers of that house" (8–9), we can see that the speaker lives in a dysfunctional house and imagery of cold and harshness "cracked hands that ached," (3) "blueblack cold." (2). The reader can also interpret that the speaker and the father have a dysfunctional relationship, "the chronic angers of that house" (9) The diction the author uses, can be used to give Get more content on
  • 9. Those Winter Sundays Analysis In Robert Hayden's poem "Those Winter Sundays" tells of an individual reminiscing about their father and the sacrifices he made to provide for them. In the poem, the father was not appreciated for his contribution but the narrator seems to now acknowledge the hard work of the father. As the poem progresses the tone of the narrator is one of regret and remorse. The relationship of the parent and child is often one of misunderstanding and conflict until the experiences life more and come in grasps of the parent's intention. So, the relation between a parent and child evolves as the child emerges to adulthood. I was able to connect to this poem as I experienced mutual feelings for my own father. Similar to the narrator in the writing, I too more content... Hayden uses the juxtaposition of the cold of the outdoors to the warmth of the home that the writer creates to present the father's love for his child. Although the father did not demonstrate conventional love for the narrator but proved his unconditional love by putting a roof over the child's head. The winter night is metaphor for the absence of love. Though the child did not comprehend the love the father had for them, they reminiscence upon how the would be left in the cold if the father did not meet the provisions. So the father's love was not evident in displays of affection but meeting the needs of the child. Most fathers demonstrate their love in what seems like a harsh manner, working most of the time and not spending quality time to fulfil their first role as a father – the provider. Nevertheless as a transformation take place the role of the father or parent become replicated in the adult child. Through understanding the contribution of the caregiver; once empathic response to the parent increases. Hence it closes the gap of differences that exist within the child parent Get more content on
  • 10. Those Winter Sundays Essay During childhood, people possess a natural inclination to rely on their parents without sufficiently appreciating them. This often influences them to take advantage of their parents, as well. Children are prone to become accustomed to the chores their parents complete for them on a daily basis because their parents' helpful and generous efforts are apt to be interpreted as 'normal' and perhaps even expected. However, as adults, they must assume similar roles and responsibilities to those of their parents when they themselves were children, thus encouraging a better understanding of the significance that their parent's sacrifices hold. The speaker in Robert Hayden's poem, "Those Winter Sundays," has this type of perspective–altering more content... His father generally was taken for granted by his son and by his other children, if he had any. The speaker emphasizes this lack of appreciativeness for his father with the statement, "No one ever thanked him." Although one might consider this dearth of gratitude normal for young children still living with their parents, the speaker, as an adult, reveals obvious concern for it in "Those Winter Sundays." A sense of remorse for his ungratefulness for his father's generosities is revealed through his deliberate mention of ungratefulness. If the speaker was not currently troubled by his lack of gratitude as a child, he would not mention his failure to thank his father in the poem at all; yet, a correlation is contrived between the actions of the speaker's father and his own absence of gratitude. I am able to conclude that the speaker is intentionally revealing this connection due to the lack of transition between the two pieces of information: throughout the majority of the first stanza, the father's helpfulness is described, while the final line ends with the statement, "No one ever thanked him." The author used an abrupt change in his tone along with an absence of transition in an attempt to help the reader better understand and more easily notice this Get more content on
  • 11. Those Winter Sundays Poem Analysis The representation of father–son type relationships in literature is used by authors to give their work more depth and meaning. Three poems that rely on this theme are "My Father's Song" by Simon J. Ortiz, "My Papa's Waltz" by Theodore Roethke and "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden. The author's style in these poems carefully craft poetic language that demonstrates the complex nature of a father–son relationship. To begin with, My Papa's Waltz" Roethke's diction in powerfully communicates the bond between a father and son by choosing words with conflicting connotations. The poem opens with the lines: The whiskey on your breath Could make a small boy dizzy; But I hung on like death: Such waltzing was not easy. We romped until more content... In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" the speaker describes a father that "...put his clothes on in the blueback cold, /then with cracked hands that ached..." (2–3) every Sunday morning as a child. Hayden uses consonance of the /k/sound in these lines that creates a natural rhythm in the poem and emphasizes the emotions the speaker about his relationship with his father. The harsh /k/ sound combined with winter imagery throughout the beginning of the poem demonstrates a "cold" distant relationship between the speaker and his father. The tone of the poem shifts with positive imagery that shows the speaker realization that his father's sacrifices and love looking back at his Sundays as a child as an adult. Hayden's poem demonstrates how more times than not a child goes on not noticing or valuing the things parents sacrifice until looking back as an adult. The descriptive imagery connects the emotions of the narrator to the audience, creating a distant, then regret mood forcing the reader to consider their own life and relationships. While the poets of "My Papa's Waltz" and "Those Winter Sundays" build on ambiguity and regret Simon Ortiz chooses words that create a nostalgic memory of his father. In the first stanza the speaker longs for his father, missing "His voice, the slight catch/the depth from his thin Get more content on
  • 12. Those Winter Sundays Essay Those Winter Sundays "Those Winter Sundays" is a very touching poem. It is written by Robert Hayden who has written many other poems. This paper will talk about the poem "Those Winter Sundays". In particular we will look at the structure, main idea, and each stanza of the poem. "Those Winter Sundays" has a structure like many other poems. It is written in the first person notation. Often through the poem you would find yourself reading "I'd wake" and "I know". "Those Winter Sundays" has three stanzas that are separated with even white space. The firststanza consists of five lines followed by the second containing four lines and like the first stanza the last consists of five lines. Although the poem does not seem to more content... He also describes the conditions of the father's hands demonstrating that he was a hard worker and still woke up before everyone else to warm up the rooms. The father basically says love in the simple act he does. Like many people I can personally relate to this poem. My father was not always demonstrative and affectionate but during my childhood years he always made sure I had everything I needed. That showed me that my father cared. There is another side to this poem where the child admits to his own lack of empathy to his father. I suppose at that time he never realized what his father was doing. The line, "no one ever thanked him" explain the child's regrets. In the first stanza the reader is introduced to the two characters in the poem. The reader is also made aware of the time of the year and day. The first stanza reveals a lot of information. It tells the reader who, when, and where. It also appeals to the sense of touch and sight when it describes the father's hands and also when he "puts his clothes on in the blueblack cold." One could almost feel the "cold" and see the "cracked hands." The second stanza is almost like the first in the fact that it appeals to the same senses. It talks about the actions and the feelings of the child. It describes how the child would wake and wait for his father to call him. The second stanza also describes the mood of the house in the line, "fearing the chronic angers of that house." Perhaps that line is Get more content on
  • 13. In Response To "Those Winter Sundays" Essay In Response to "Those Winter Sundays" Being a child, is one of the hardest stages of ones life. They go through doing all the wrongs in order to do the right, and they socially develop into a mature and sensible human being. During this stage of a young child's life, the roles of parenting are absolutely crucial. In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, I get a sense that the narrator does not have a special bond with his father, and that there is a sense of fear. I feel that in order to grow up and be a morally strong and stable person, you need a well–built relationship with at least one of you parents, if not both. Growing up in a very suburban town taught me many things about being a boy and more content... I feel that the boy will regret not having and knowing what it is that makes you who you are, and may never get a chance to have and hold a special bond with one of the people who brought him into the world. This would bring an enormous amount of sadness to my life had I not had my Dad there to guide and protect me. Even further along the road of life, I encounter instances where our relationship is still strong as I used to be. The only difference now is the fact that the roles are almost flipped. I am not teaching my father to be a good person, but I am protecting him. Not literally protecting him, but looking out for his well being. He comes to me when he needs help doing something that he necessarily cannot do as well as he used too, and I am always there to help him. I will never look at our relationship as a nuisance or a burden to my life, and will always be there willing to stop what I am doing to help him, just like he did for me. Unlike in the poem, Hayden does not claim that he did not help or be at his father assistance when he needed it or even tell him that he loved him, but he does say that he never did truly show how much he appreciated what his Dad would do for him. Now he states that he regrets never having that Father to son relationship like most do, and he wishes that he could have those times back to let his father know how he really felt. So as I get older, and somewhat wiser, I begin Get more content on
  • 14. Those Winter Sundays Essay Although the poems "Those Winter Sundays," "Catch," and "Blackberry Eating" all have different themes and elicit different emotions, all three use visually dense words to impact the reader. The first poem, "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, highlights the relationship between a child and his father through the description of their typical Winter Sunday morning. The first clue to their relationship is the setting of the poem itself: wintertime, which usually indicates an icy or poor relationship. However, this analysis will focus on the strong and descriptive onomatopoeia used to paint the picture of those Sunday mornings for both the father and the child. For example, line 3 describes the dad using his "cracked hands that ached" to warm the family's house (Hayden 3). The use of the words "cracked" and "ached" elicit specific feelings in the audience in addition to contributing towards the relationship between the father and the child. The use of these two words indicate that the relationship may also be cracked, and the two may be 'aching' due to the loss of a wife or mother. A mother or a more content... The use of key visual words in this poem helps manifest a scene for the audience in which the readers can easily place themselves in. One example of this is in lines 4 and 5 where the poem describes one of the boys, or readers, attempting to "stoop" down and "scoop"up the poem's meaning while incorporating internal rhyme (Francis 4–5). Like "Those Winter Sundays," "Catch" creates a visual of a reader working hard to 'stoop' down to the level of the author in order to pick up on, or 'scoop' up, the meaning of a poem. This shows that both poems have dual meanings behind their dense, descriptive word choice; in "Catch," the poem uses words that are easy to visualize as a metaphor towards the methods used to read and interpret a Get more content on
  • 15. In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, the speaker is reflecting on his past with his father, but mainly the Sunday mornings he experienced during his childhood. Throughout the poem, there also happens to be a very dark and possibly even somber tone, which is shown by using several different types of literary devices. Hayden utilizes strong imagery supported by diction and substantial symbolism comprehensively. Furthermore, there are various examples of both alliteration and assonances. The poem does not rhyme and its meter has little to no order. Although the father labors diligently all day long, and he still manages to be a caring person in his son's life. The poem's main conflict comes from the son not realizing how good his father actually was to him until he was much older. When the speaker was a young boy, he regarded his father as a callous man due to his stern attitude and apparent lack of proper affection towards him. Now that the son is older, he discovers that even though his father did not express his love in words, he consistently did with his acts of kindness and selflessness. Hayden utilizes diction to set a dark and solemn tone throughout the poem. Like the various examples of imagery, there is also a strong use of underlying symbolism. In the first stanza, the words "cold" (1. 2) and "fires blaze" (1. 5) are used, which introduces a conflict. This is emphasized in the second stanza when the word "cold" (2. 1) is used again, later followed by the word "warm" (2. 2). In the last stanza, the father eventually "had driven out the cold" (3. 2). Yet the father had not ridden the house of the cold air until the end of the poem, which symbolizes how it took his son several years later to recognize the behaviors in which his father conveyed his love for him. This arising tone of regret and distance is also formed by the speaker's depiction of his father having "cracked hands that ached," (1. 3) which further signifies the father's struggle with the severe coldness. The concept of self–sacrifice is apparent in this portrayal of his father's disregard to his own pain in order to provide warmth and light for his family's home. The stirring of "banked fires blaze" (1. 5) within the house, Get more content on
  • 16. Those Winter Sundays Analysis Essay Poetry, the feeling and emotions of the soul recorded on paper for men, women and children alike to interpret and enjoy. When a poet puts their thinking cap on, the result is much more substantial than rushed lines and forced rhymes; if effort is put into the reader's interpretation of the work, the feelings and emotions put into the text are revealed. Through love, empathy, and remorse the speaker's state of mind is divulged as a state of reflection in "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden. The first emotion Robert Hayden exhibits is love for his father. Although love can expressed numerous ways, children often do not realize this when they are young. "When the rooms were warm, he'd call" (Line 7) to wake up and dress in the blistering cold and warm the house simply so his children would not have to suffer the cold, is a clear indication of just how much his father cared; however, when you're young the little deeds that are done for you seem to advance unnoticed and expected. Only later in life, when reflecting on the past, does one truly perceives actions similar to "driven out the cold / and polished my good shoes as well"(11–12) as important acts of love. The second emotion Hayden portrays is empathy. Now that he is finally an adult more content... It's not always simple admitting when you have done wrong, but, being a major aspect of growing up, its inevitably something everyone must come to terms with. "No one ever thanked him" (5) is a perfect example of remorse, acknowledging the wrong done and feeling guilt over it. Being a critical emotion, regret is one that makes you conscious of your actions and willing to change your behavior to better yourself. Another example of remorse is "speaking indifferently to him" (10) this line makes it evident that he feels guilt for treating his father the way he did, now that, in hindsight, he knows he did it out of Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Those Winter Sundays Silence offers valuable moments of introspection and understanding. The poem "Those Winter Sundays" written by Robert Hayden describes the narrator's childhood and memories of his father. The poem conveys the message of a father's unconditional love presented through his actions. Essentially, it displays different aspects and forms of love that can be found beyond the literal and positive meanings. Through diction, imagery, and syntax the author reflects on the sacrifices and hardships of his father, to express his remorseful feeling for overlooking his father's love. Diction is used to reveal the narrator's tone of guilt or regret. It is evident that the father is a restless man as on "Sundays too" he gets up early to work. Typically, more content... The poem is written as a reflection/recollection of the narrator's past memories and actions pertaining to his father. It is arranged in the past tense format with past participles. This further proves of the events occurring in the past and ties in with the relation of a specific time or age complementing with one's lack of knowledge and understanding. Since the author is reflecting on his past there is the consideration of his lower comprehensive skills. The poem is also structured in the form of memories, which is coherent to the meaning of the poem as it efficaciously communicates the reflective theme. At the end, there is a major shift as the rhetorical questions play into role. "What did I know, what did I know?" In this the narrator's tone partially sounds as if he is directing the questions to his younger self in an interrogating manner, questioning his understanding. This particular statement expresses more of his inner voice, which is of deep sorrow and guilt for not acknowledging his father's deeds and noticing his love. Likewise, the reader is able to notice this change and appreciate the narrator's new level of maturity and Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Those Winter Sundays Knowing Your Father Being a child is one of the hardest stages in a person's life. They go through doing all the wrong things in order to learn how to do the right things, and then they socially develop into a sensible mature adult. During this stage of a young child's life, the roles of parenting are absolutely crucial and determine a child's role that he/she is going to play in society in the future. This is a crucial part of everyone's life, they need to learn what they are good at and what they are not good at. In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, there is a sense that the narrator does not have a special bond with his father when he was a young boy, and that there is a sense of fear toward his father. more content... In the poem, I get a sense that there is no bond, like my father and I have which leads to confusion in the narrator's life. For instance, in line eight when he says, "I would slowly rise and dress,/ fearing the chronic angers of the house"(8–9), this gives me a strong sense of sadness, for him because I feel that he is greatly deprived of what every child should have a good role model as a father, and someone to look up to. "Speaking Indifferently to him, / who had driven out the cold"(10–11) is saying that they really did not know how to communicate with each other. I feel that the boy will regret not having and knowing what it is that makes you who you are, and may never get a chance to have and hold a special bond with his father and having a relationship with a person that can not be held with anyone else. This would bring an enormous amount of sadness to my life had I not had my Dad there to guide and protect me, when I could have used tremendous support and security. Even further along the road of life, I encounter instances where my relationship With my father is still strong as I used to be. The only difference now is the fact that the roles are almost flipped. I am not teaching my father to be a good person, but I am protecting him for other things in life. Not literally protecting him, but looking out for his well being and his safety. He comes to me when he needs Get more content on
  • 19. Figurative Language In Those Winter Sundays The poem "Those Winter Sundays" is a very sincere poem about love towards family even if you don't get any gratitude back. Hayden uses his words carefully to give a deep and emotional impression to the reader. Throughout the poem Hayden uses the words "warm" and "cold" to change the mood of the poem and give it more significance. By using these words you can tell the speaker has guilt and regret from not giving thanks or the respect his father desired for when he writes, "No one ever thanked him." and "Speaking indifferently to him." Hayden also writes, "What did I know, what did I know of love's austere and lonely offices." from this writing you can tell that the relationship the speaker has with his father is grim. The speaker repeates the Get more content on