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**************************This is for Kim Woods
Assignment 2: Discussion—Species Interactions and You
Humans interact with various species every day without actually
realizing it. In the field of ecology, these interactions can either
be interspecific (between species) or intraspecific (within
species). Interactions between humans are known as
intraspecific (within species) interactions. For example,
interactions between a human and a pet would be interspecific,
whereas interactions between a human and another human
would be intraspecific.
Research interspecific and intraspecific interactions using the
module readings, the Argosy University online library
resources, and the Internet.
This assignment has
parts. Complete both parts.
Part A
Complete the following:
Track your interactions with other organisms—between and
within species—for one day.
Summarize your interactions throughout the day, using the
terms from this module’s readings. If required, review the
module’s readings again.
At a minimum, identify ten interactions that you witnessed or
participated in today. Among those interactions, you should be
able to identify a predatory-prey relationship, a competitive
relationship, and a mutualism. You could also identify parasitic
relationships or commensalisms, if you choose. Although you
can repeat interaction types—for instance, you can have
multiple mutualisms—the examples must differ. These are some
Did you have a predatory-prey relationship with a chicken
today? That is, did you eat chicken for lunch?
Did you have a competitive relationship with a coworker today?
That is, were you competing for a raise?
Click here
to download this template to track interactions with organisms.
Part B
Respond to the following:
For every interaction you identified above, describe an
interaction in nature that is similar to what you experienced or
witnessed. For example, if you had a predatory-prey interaction
with your meal, identify and describe an example of a
predatory-prey interaction in nature. Or, if you had a
competitive interaction with your coworker, identify and
describe a competitive interaction in nature.
Using the information you reviewed, explain why it is important
to recognize these interactions.
Support your statements with appropriate examples and
scholarly references.
Using the information that you compiled above, summarize your
interactions for the day. Be sure to classify your interactions
(parasitic, mutualism, etc.) and that you also determine if the
interactions are considered intraspecific or interspecific.
Write your initial response in a minimum of 300–350 words.
Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
, post your response to the appropriate
Discussion Area
Assignment 3: Environmental Issues and the Industrial
The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth
century, has had an ongoing influence on society as well as the
relationship between humans and their environment. With the
onset of industrialization came the drastic increase in
urbanization, setting up of factories in places which were once
biomes, and the rapid development of land. All this occurred
without assessing the long-term impact to the environment.
Recognizing the importance of the Industrial Revolution era and
the ongoing impact it has had on the environment is essential to
learning how to help the environment and correct the damage of
that era.
Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University
online library resources, and the Internet, complete the
Identify three of the most environmentally negative impacts of
the Industrial Revolution and justify your choices. For example,
the invention of the automobile revolutionized travel in a
positive manner. However, this invention is causing some of the
biggest environmental problems as a result of the extensive use
of oil extracted from the earth.
Examine how these three negative impacts changed the
environment; list the mechanisms through which this happened.
For example, factories caused an increase in pollution through
the release of toxic waste, which led to diminished and lost fish
populations in rivers.
Explain the effect of the environmental movement on the
process of industrialization in the United States during the
Identify the laws passed to help ameliorate the environmental
issues in the U.S. or around the world related to these three
impacts. Have any laws been passed since this movement in the
1970s? If there have been laws implemented, summarize the
spirit of the law and comment on the effectiveness of the law.
Based on your research, examine whether the state of the
environment has become worse or has improved as a result of
these laws. Suggest steps to improve the environmental
Support your statements with appropriate examples and
scholarly references. Be sure to include an additional page for
Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards
to citation of sources. Use the following file naming
convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc. For example, if
your name is John Smith, your document will be named
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
, deliver your assignment to the
M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox
Working Ahead
M4: Assignment 2—Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing
, you will evaluate the impact of being a conscientious recycler.
You will physically review the recyclables you have collected
over one week, and use your research to identify all materials
that can be recycled from what you would normally throw away
in a week’s time.
To prepare for this assignment, complete the following:
Identify the recycling services available in your community.
Determine whether your community offers a recycling program,
and if so, what types of material they recycle. For example, do
they take compost, steel cans, and such other material?
Find out how recycling materials need to be separated and the
dates and times of recycling pickup in your area. If you do not
have recycling in your area, select a nearby community that
offers recycling and use their information to guide your
Module 4
, you will collect items to be recycled and log a journal of these
items. Plan to collect the material for recycling in either
Module 2
Module 3
of this course.
As you collect these items, you will need to rinse them in order
to deter bugs. Save all your recyclables in a container that is
separate from your actual trash. You can use another trash bag
or a paper bag. Suggested items to separate and recycle include
plastics, paper, cans, glass, aluminum, and other recyclable
During the week you collect this data—the recyclables—keep a
record of the material you are recycling. This recycling journal
needs to be a rough estimate for each day.
Use the Recycling Journal template to keep this record. This
journal will be submitted as part of
M4: Assignment 2
Assignment 1: Discussion—Biomes, Development, Pollution,
and You
Each part of the United States has at least one ecological crisis
based on location, biome, and industrialization pattern. For
example, the Midwest was once a prairie with very fertile soil.
However, when people realized that with the right watering and
drainage system this area could become productive farmland,
there arose ecological problems. The conversion of the prairie
to farmland is the root cause of many ecological problems in
this region.
Regardless of what biome you consider, humans have likely had
an impact on the ecology of that area.
For this assignment, identify the biome in which you live. The
following are a few examples of biomes:
Tropical rainforests: This biome has high average temperatures,
high moisture levels, and high species diversity.
Prairies: The prairies have grassland-variable temperatures,
variable moisture levels—depending on proximity to mountain
ranges—and are mainly dominated by grasses and ungulate
Deserts: These biomes have hotter average temperatures, low
moisture, lower species diversity, and a composition of species
limited mainly to those that are adapted to hot temperatures.
Temperate forests: The temperate forests have variable
temperatures, high moisture levels, and higher species diversity.
Taigas: These biomes have colder average temperatures, lower
moisture levels, and lower species diversity.
Tundras: The tundras have cold average temperatures, low
moisture levels, and low species diversity.
Coral reefs: These biomes have high average temperatures and
high species diversity.
Open oceans: These biomes have a wide range of temperatures
and species diversity varies.
Chaparrals: The chaparrals have higher average temperatures,
lower moisture levels, and are dominated mainly by grasses and
Alpines: These biomes have low average temperatures, low
precipitation, and receive high ultraviolet (UV) rays due to high
Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University
online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the
Explain how humans have impacted the biome in which you
live. List the types of environmental damage that have been
caused and the species that have been impacted.
Describe the major pollution issues for your biome, and
elaborate on the sources of this pollution.
List any species that have become extinct in this biome.
Support your statements with appropriate examples and
scholarly references.
Write your initial response in approximately 300–350 words.
Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
, post your response to the appropriate
Discussion Area
Assignment 2: Demographic Transitions
Demographic transition is the process in which a nation
transitions from being a less industrialized society, with high
birth and death rates, to an industrialized nation, with lower
birth and death rates. Many countries have already been through
this transition including the United States, England, and
The demographic transition to an industrialized society is
detrimental for the environment because industrialized societies
tend to use up nonrenewable resources and give off pollution.
Industrialized nations have the largest ecological and carbon
footprint relative to developing or nonindustrialized countries.
Fortunately, there are some benefits to the process of
demographic transition, including lower birth and death rates.
Essentially, people in industrialized countries have fewer
children and this in turn helps control the overall population
Demographic transition involves the following five stages:
Stage 1
High birth rate, high death rate, low population size
Stage 2
High birth rate, decreasing death rate, increasing population
Stage 3
Decreasing birth rate, decreasing death rate, increasing
population size
Stage 4
Low birth rate, low death rate, high population size
Stage 5
Low birth rate, low death rate, population size decreasing
It should be noted that stage 5 is controversial, and it is
sometimes not considered to be a stage. This is partially
because so few countries are at this stage.
The following graph depicts the various stages of demographic
Using the stages listed above, create a demographic and
environmental timeline for one industrialized country,
excluding the United States. The following are a few suggested
industrialized nations:
You can
the Demographic and Environmental Timeline—United States
of America to review an example of such a timeline.
Include the following points in your timeline in order to
examine the advantages and drawbacks of demographic
transition in your selected country:
Major historical changes that caused the shift from one stage to
another (if available).
Changing population size through time (increasing or
Increase or decrease of birth and death rates through time—
particularly when considering the process of industrialization.
Environmental impact of this transition.
Dates (if available), series of events, and scholarly references
for these items.
Support your timeline with appropriate examples and a
minimum of three credible resources.
Present your timeline in a media that best displays the
information you researched. This can be in Microsoft Word, or
Microsoft PowerPoint. Apply APA standards to citation of
sources. Use the following file naming convention:
LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.xls, or
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
, deliver your assignment to the
M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox
Working ahead
Module 1
, you were informed about
M4: Assignment 2—Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing
, where you will physically review the recyclables you have
collected over one week, and use your research to identify all
materials that can be recycled from what you would normally
throw away in a week’s time.
In order to prepare for this assignment, you were asked to
complete the following:
Identify the recycling services available in your community.
Determine whether your community offers a recycling program,
and if so, what types of material they recycle. For example, do
they take compost, steel cans, and such other material?
Find out how recycling materials need to be separated and the
dates and times of recycling pickup in your area. If you do not
have recycling in your area, select a nearby community that
offers recycling and use their information to guide your
In addition, you were asked to select either
Module 2
Module 3
to collect items to be recycled and log a journal of these items.
If you have chosen
Module 2
to collect these recyclable items, be sure to rinse them in order
to deter bugs. Save all your recyclables in a container that is
separate from your actual trash. You can use another trash bag
or a paper bag. Suggested items to separate and recycle include
plastics, paper, cans, glass, aluminum, and other recyclable
As you collect this data—the recyclables—keep a record of the
material you are recycling. This recycling journal needs to be a
rough estimate for each day.
Use the Recycling Journal template to keep this record. This
journal will be submitted as part of
M4: Assignment 2
Assignment 1: Discussion—Nonrenewable Resources
Today, more than any other time in history, there is growing
support to move away from nonrenewable resources towards
developing renewable resources to meet current and future
energy needs. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources that
continue to negatively impact the environment. It is important
to learn how these resources are formed since this process of
formation is at the very heart of why fossil fuels are considered
to be nonrenewable.
Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University
online library resources, and the Internet, research the
nonrenewable resource assigned to you:
Natural gas
Petroleum (oil)
You are assigned a resource based on the first initial of your
last name. Last names beginning with K–R research natural gas.
Respond to the following:
Describe how this nonrenewable resource was initially formed.
Briefly explain where the major reserves of this nonrenewable
resource are located and how it is extracted.
Examine the environmental impact caused by the extraction
Explain how this nonrenewable resource is used to produce
energy, and identify the pollution problems that are caused from
this energy source.
Support your statements with appropriate examples and
scholarly references.
Write your initial response in approximately 350–400 words.
Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
, post your response to the appropriate
Discussion Area
Assignment 2: LASA 1: Organisms in Your Biome
In this assignment, you will create a Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation that exhibits the different organisms in your
current biome.
Include the following in your presentation:
Describe Your Own Environment
Consider the natural environment or biome found in the
geographic area where you currently live. For example, if you
live in the Midwest, the natural biome for this area is the
grassland. If you live in Alaska you are likely to live in either
the tundra or the boreal forest. Describe the main features of the
biome found in your geographic area. Include features such as
the environment (moisture, temperature) and any topographic
features that would influence the climate (mountains, large
bodies of water, etc.).
Identify Ten Organisms
Make a list identifying at least ten organisms—at least five
plants and five animals—that live in your biome, and describe
how these organisms interact with one another. For example, is
the relationship competitive or symbiotic?
Describe Each Organism and its Environmental Needs
In the speaker notes section in your presentation, briefly
describe these ten organisms and the type of conditions—that is,
moisture, warm temperatures, or a type of plant—they need in
order to survive. Be sure to include the interactions between
these organisms and the resources they need to survive. You
may wish to use various tools available in Microsoft PowerPoint
to visually depict these relationships.
Hypothesis of a New Environment
Consider a situation where the temperature of the climate was to
increase by an average of ten degrees Celsius. Address the
How would these organisms survive if the temperature warmed
up this much?
Would they stay or move to a more suitable environment?
Would a new species move in?
How would migratory species be impacted?
What would happen to your biome?
Now, consider if your biome changes with the temperature shift.
Address the following:
What types of plants and animals do you think would live there?
What will happen to the rarer species? Will they cease to exist?
Identify five plants and five animals that you feel would inhabit
this warmer area.
Describe this new ecosystem and the new interactions that will
most likely exist.
Additional Topics to Include
How would environmental management practices change in your
Would this drastic shift in temperature impact culture and
society in your area?
Would you still choose to live in this area after a drastic shift in
temperature? Give reasons to support your answer.
Use pictures from the Internet to represent your chosen species,
and give credit to these Web sites. Support your statements with
3–5 credible sources. Use the last slide of your presentation as a
reference slide.
Develop a 10–15-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint
format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the
following file naming convention:
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
, deliver your assignment to the
M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox
Working Ahead
Modules 1 and 2
, you were informed about
M4: Assignment 2—Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing
, where you will physically review the recyclables you have
collected over one week, and use your research to identify all
materials that can be recycled from what you would normally
throw away in a week’s time.
In order to prepare for this assignment, you were asked to
complete the following:
Identify the recycling services available in your community.
Determine whether your community offers a recycling program,
and if so, what types of material they recycle. For example, do
they take compost, steel cans, and such other material?
Find out how recycling materials need to be separated and the
dates and times of recycling pickup in your area. If you do not
have recycling in your area, select a nearby community that
offers recycling and use their information to guide your
In addition, you were asked to select either
Module 2
Module 3
to collect items to be recycled and log a journal of these items.
If you have not yet collected these recyclable items, be sure to
begin in
Module 3
. Ensure that you rinse the recyclable items in order to deter
bugs. Save all your recyclables in a container that is separate
from your actual trash. You can use another trash bag or a paper
bag. Suggested items to separate and recycle include plastics,
paper, cans, glass, aluminum, and other recyclable items.
As you collect this data—the recyclables—keep a record of the
material you are recycling. This recycling journal needs to be a
rough estimate for each day.
Use the Recycling Journal template to keep this record. This
journal will be submitted as part of
M4: Assignment 2
Assignment 1: Discussion—Renewable Resources
Each type of proposed renewable energy has its benefits and
drawbacks. For example, hydropower has the benefit of
relatively consistent results; however, it remains controversial
due to its impact on aquatic environments.
For this assignment, select one renewable resource to examine
its benefits and drawbacks.
Using this module’s readings, the Argosy University online
library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:
Describe the sources of this renewable resource.
Explain how this renewable resource is harnessed for energy.
Considering that it takes energy to make energy, identify the
kind of energy needed to make electrical energy from this
State the average amount of energy this renewable source
produces. For example, on average, how much energy does a
single wind turbine produce in a year? Or, how much energy
does a dam produce in a year? Or, how many wind turbines
would be needed to produce the same amount of energy as the
average dam?
Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of the
renewable energy resource.
Support your statements with scholarly references and
appropriate examples.
Write your initial response in a minimum of 350–400 words.
Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
, post your response to the appropriate
Discussion Area
Assignment 2: Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing
In the Working Ahead section in
Modules 1, 2, and 3
, you were informed to collect items to be recycled and log a
journal of these items. You were also instructed to select either
Module 2
Module 3
to collect these items.
Your assignment in this module is to submit your weeklong
Recycling Journal, along with an analysis of your recycling
efforts and an examination of the recycling process.
Be sure to examine what you have recycled in your chosen week
and estimate how many grocery sacks of material you
recycled—try to estimate the size. Results showing who
recycled the most material will be posted by your facilitator in
Module 5.
For this assignment, complete the following:
Part 1
Review your Recycling Journal for the week you selected. Write
a report that covers the next two parts of this assignment.
Part 2
Based on what you identified as recyclable in one week and
using this data, estimate how much garbage your entire locality
or city could prevent sending to the landfill. Include the
What is the total population of your community? You may use
reliable Internet resources to identify this information.
If everyone in your community recycled as much trash as you
did for one week, how much garbage could your area recycle?
To calculate this number, you can use your number and multiply
it by the number of people in your community.
How much trash could your community save in a year? To
calculate this number, multiply the weekly estimate for your
community by the number of weeks in a year.
Do you think your community recycles enough? How can the
US Government place more importance on recycling?
Part 3
Examine the process of recycling. Include the following:
Explain how recycled material is reused.
Describe what happens to recycled cans, bottles, and
newspapers after they go to the recycling bin.
Examine the impact you have on creating renewed resources
from these recycled items.
Support your statements with appropriate examples and
scholarly references.
Write a 4–5-page report in Word format. Submit the report,
along with your recycling journal. Apply APA standards to
citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention:
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
, submit the report, along with your recycling journal to the
M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox
Assignment 1: LASA 2: Examining Your Community’s Source
of Energy
It is easy to criticize society for not using renewable resources,
but in reality, how difficult would this transition be? What
processes and procedures would be involved? How would such a
transition be made?
The purpose of this assignment is for you to consider what type
of energy your neighborhood is currently powered by and what
it would really take to convert this source to a renewable one.
How much would it take to switch your community to a
renewable resource and what would this mean for the
For the assignment, complete the following:
Identify three primary types of energy that powers your home as
well as all of the homes in your community. You may find this
information on your community Web site or the Web sites of the
local power companies. For example, your community may use
electricity and solar panels.
Explain how the sources of energy you identified impact the
environment. Consider the following:
Does the use of these types of energy resource have a negative
impact on the environment in your area?
Does your community have nuclear waste to dispose of?
Has your community always used these three power sources? If
so, how do you feel this has impacted the environment over
How much of an impact have these sources of energy had on
local air and water quality?
Considering the current source(s) of power available, determine
how much energy your house uses each month. You can find
this information on your monthly energy bill.
Calculate your annual usage for a year. Using this value,
estimate the energy consumption for your community. The US
Census Bureau is one resource you can use to estimate the
number of households in your community.
You can use the following formulae for this calculation:
(monthly energy usage) × (12 months per year) = (household
energy usage per year);
(yearly energy estimate for your house) × (estimated number of
houses in your community) = (estimated yearly energy use for
your community)
The following is an example of the above calculation:
52.8 kilowatt hours (kwh) per month × 12 months = 633.6 kwh;
633.6 kwh × 200 houses in your community = 126,720 kwh
Recommend a realistic, renewable resource to power your
community, using your calculated power needs. Consider the
following sources: hydropower, solar power, wind turbines, and
geothermal energy.
Which source would be the best for your community?
Justify your choice based on the kind of resources that are
available, how much power these alternative sources can
produce, and your estimated energy demands for the
Having recommended an alternative power source, conclude by
addressing the following:
How realistic is this alternative power source for your
How will people in your community respond to energy
conversion? Will they support it or be against it? Give reasons.
How expensive would it be to convert to the alternative power
source you recommended? How would this new source impact
the environment?
What organisms would benefit most from this conversion?
Support your statements with appropriate examples and
approximately 4–6 credible resources.
Write an 8–10-page paper in Word format. Apply APA
standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming
convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.
Monday, August 15, 2016
, deliver your assignment to the
M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox
Assignment 2: Discussion—Your Carbon Footprint and the
A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions
that each individual produces. Calculating your carbon footprint
can give you a new perspective concerning how much you are
really contributing to the greenhouse effect.
In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about
taking personal responsibility for your environment and
calculate your own carbon footprint.
The Nature Conservancy
Web site, calculate your carbon footprint. You can calculate this
by clicking on the calculator and filling out the estimated
values. Access this Web site using the following link:
The Nature Conservancy. (2011).
Carbon footprint calculator: What's my carbon footprint?
Retrieved from
Respond to the following:
Describe your final carbon footprint.
Classify where most of the carbon you generate comes from.
Considering all you have learned in this course, state if you feel
you have a new appreciation for your role in the environment.
Examine how you impact the environment. Do you think you
impact the environment more than you should?
Describe the part of your life that is contributing the most
Propose how you can reduce this number. In your opinion,
explain if it is realistic for you to try and reduce this number.
Write your initial response in approximately 300–350 words.
Apply APA standards to citation of sources.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
, post your response to the appropriate
Discussion Area

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number 1Are you a born leader If yes, provide examples of how y.docx
number 1complete the attached test called the urbulence Tole.docx
number 1complete the attached test called the urbulence Tole.docxnumber 1complete the attached test called the urbulence Tole.docx
number 1complete the attached test called the urbulence Tole.docx
number 1answer this one in a pargraphAlthough you may not be.docx
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number 1answer this one in a pargraphAlthough you may not be.docx
Nr  QuestionMarkDiscuss the three main environments that make.docx
Nr  QuestionMarkDiscuss the three main environments that make.docxNr  QuestionMarkDiscuss the three main environments that make.docx
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nron Corporation was launched in 1985, with the merger of Houston Na.docx
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This is for Kim Woods ONLY.docx

  • 1. **************************This is for Kim Woods ONLY*********************************************** ****** Assignment 2: Discussion—Species Interactions and You Humans interact with various species every day without actually realizing it. In the field of ecology, these interactions can either be interspecific (between species) or intraspecific (within species). Interactions between humans are known as intraspecific (within species) interactions. For example, interactions between a human and a pet would be interspecific, whereas interactions between a human and another human would be intraspecific. Research interspecific and intraspecific interactions using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. This assignment has two parts. Complete both parts. Part A Complete the following: Track your interactions with other organisms—between and within species—for one day. Summarize your interactions throughout the day, using the terms from this module’s readings. If required, review the module’s readings again. At a minimum, identify ten interactions that you witnessed or participated in today. Among those interactions, you should be able to identify a predatory-prey relationship, a competitive relationship, and a mutualism. You could also identify parasitic relationships or commensalisms, if you choose. Although you can repeat interaction types—for instance, you can have multiple mutualisms—the examples must differ. These are some examples: Did you have a predatory-prey relationship with a chicken
  • 2. today? That is, did you eat chicken for lunch? Did you have a competitive relationship with a coworker today? That is, were you competing for a raise? Click here to download this template to track interactions with organisms. Part B Respond to the following: For every interaction you identified above, describe an interaction in nature that is similar to what you experienced or witnessed. For example, if you had a predatory-prey interaction with your meal, identify and describe an example of a predatory-prey interaction in nature. Or, if you had a competitive interaction with your coworker, identify and describe a competitive interaction in nature. Using the information you reviewed, explain why it is important to recognize these interactions. Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references. Using the information that you compiled above, summarize your interactions for the day. Be sure to classify your interactions (parasitic, mutualism, etc.) and that you also determine if the interactions are considered intraspecific or interspecific. Write your initial response in a minimum of 300–350 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, July 16, 2016 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ****************** Assignment 3: Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century, has had an ongoing influence on society as well as the
  • 3. relationship between humans and their environment. With the onset of industrialization came the drastic increase in urbanization, setting up of factories in places which were once biomes, and the rapid development of land. All this occurred without assessing the long-term impact to the environment. Recognizing the importance of the Industrial Revolution era and the ongoing impact it has had on the environment is essential to learning how to help the environment and correct the damage of that era. Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, complete the following: Identify three of the most environmentally negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution and justify your choices. For example, the invention of the automobile revolutionized travel in a positive manner. However, this invention is causing some of the biggest environmental problems as a result of the extensive use of oil extracted from the earth. Examine how these three negative impacts changed the environment; list the mechanisms through which this happened. For example, factories caused an increase in pollution through the release of toxic waste, which led to diminished and lost fish populations in rivers. Explain the effect of the environmental movement on the process of industrialization in the United States during the 1970s. Identify the laws passed to help ameliorate the environmental issues in the U.S. or around the world related to these three impacts. Have any laws been passed since this movement in the 1970s? If there have been laws implemented, summarize the spirit of the law and comment on the effectiveness of the law. Based on your research, examine whether the state of the environment has become worse or has improved as a result of these laws. Suggest steps to improve the environmental situation. Support your statements with appropriate examples and
  • 4. scholarly references. Be sure to include an additional page for references. Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M1_A3.doc. By Wednesday, July 20, 2016 , deliver your assignment to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ******************* Working Ahead In M4: Assignment 2—Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing , you will evaluate the impact of being a conscientious recycler. You will physically review the recyclables you have collected over one week, and use your research to identify all materials that can be recycled from what you would normally throw away in a week’s time. To prepare for this assignment, complete the following: Identify the recycling services available in your community. Determine whether your community offers a recycling program, and if so, what types of material they recycle. For example, do they take compost, steel cans, and such other material? Find out how recycling materials need to be separated and the dates and times of recycling pickup in your area. If you do not have recycling in your area, select a nearby community that offers recycling and use their information to guide your assignment. For Module 4 , you will collect items to be recycled and log a journal of these
  • 5. items. Plan to collect the material for recycling in either Module 2 or Module 3 of this course. As you collect these items, you will need to rinse them in order to deter bugs. Save all your recyclables in a container that is separate from your actual trash. You can use another trash bag or a paper bag. Suggested items to separate and recycle include plastics, paper, cans, glass, aluminum, and other recyclable items. During the week you collect this data—the recyclables—keep a record of the material you are recycling. This recycling journal needs to be a rough estimate for each day. Use the Recycling Journal template to keep this record. This journal will be submitted as part of M4: Assignment 2 . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ******************** Assignment 1: Discussion—Biomes, Development, Pollution, and You Each part of the United States has at least one ecological crisis based on location, biome, and industrialization pattern. For example, the Midwest was once a prairie with very fertile soil. However, when people realized that with the right watering and drainage system this area could become productive farmland, there arose ecological problems. The conversion of the prairie to farmland is the root cause of many ecological problems in this region. Regardless of what biome you consider, humans have likely had an impact on the ecology of that area. For this assignment, identify the biome in which you live. The following are a few examples of biomes: Tropical rainforests: This biome has high average temperatures,
  • 6. high moisture levels, and high species diversity. Prairies: The prairies have grassland-variable temperatures, variable moisture levels—depending on proximity to mountain ranges—and are mainly dominated by grasses and ungulate herbivores. Deserts: These biomes have hotter average temperatures, low moisture, lower species diversity, and a composition of species limited mainly to those that are adapted to hot temperatures. Temperate forests: The temperate forests have variable temperatures, high moisture levels, and higher species diversity. Taigas: These biomes have colder average temperatures, lower moisture levels, and lower species diversity. Tundras: The tundras have cold average temperatures, low moisture levels, and low species diversity. Coral reefs: These biomes have high average temperatures and high species diversity. Open oceans: These biomes have a wide range of temperatures and species diversity varies. Chaparrals: The chaparrals have higher average temperatures, lower moisture levels, and are dominated mainly by grasses and shrubs. Alpines: These biomes have low average temperatures, low precipitation, and receive high ultraviolet (UV) rays due to high elevation. Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following: Explain how humans have impacted the biome in which you live. List the types of environmental damage that have been caused and the species that have been impacted. Describe the major pollution issues for your biome, and elaborate on the sources of this pollution. List any species that have become extinct in this biome. Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references. Write your initial response in approximately 300–350 words.
  • 7. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, July 23, 2016 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ************* Assignment 2: Demographic Transitions Demographic transition is the process in which a nation transitions from being a less industrialized society, with high birth and death rates, to an industrialized nation, with lower birth and death rates. Many countries have already been through this transition including the United States, England, and Canada. The demographic transition to an industrialized society is detrimental for the environment because industrialized societies tend to use up nonrenewable resources and give off pollution. Industrialized nations have the largest ecological and carbon footprint relative to developing or nonindustrialized countries. Fortunately, there are some benefits to the process of demographic transition, including lower birth and death rates. Essentially, people in industrialized countries have fewer children and this in turn helps control the overall population size. Demographic transition involves the following five stages: Stage 1 High birth rate, high death rate, low population size Stage 2 High birth rate, decreasing death rate, increasing population size Stage 3 Decreasing birth rate, decreasing death rate, increasing population size
  • 8. Stage 4 Low birth rate, low death rate, high population size Stage 5 Low birth rate, low death rate, population size decreasing It should be noted that stage 5 is controversial, and it is sometimes not considered to be a stage. This is partially because so few countries are at this stage. The following graph depicts the various stages of demographic transition: Using the stages listed above, create a demographic and environmental timeline for one industrialized country, excluding the United States. The following are a few suggested industrialized nations: Canada England Germany Russia Italy You can download the Demographic and Environmental Timeline—United States of America to review an example of such a timeline. Include the following points in your timeline in order to examine the advantages and drawbacks of demographic transition in your selected country: Major historical changes that caused the shift from one stage to another (if available). Changing population size through time (increasing or decreasing). Increase or decrease of birth and death rates through time— particularly when considering the process of industrialization. Environmental impact of this transition. Dates (if available), series of events, and scholarly references for these items. Support your timeline with appropriate examples and a minimum of three credible resources.
  • 9. Present your timeline in a media that best displays the information you researched. This can be in Microsoft Word, or Microsoft PowerPoint. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc, LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.xls, or LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.ppt. By Wednesday, July 27, 2016 , deliver your assignment to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ************** Working ahead In Module 1 , you were informed about M4: Assignment 2—Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing , where you will physically review the recyclables you have collected over one week, and use your research to identify all materials that can be recycled from what you would normally throw away in a week’s time. In order to prepare for this assignment, you were asked to complete the following: Identify the recycling services available in your community. Determine whether your community offers a recycling program, and if so, what types of material they recycle. For example, do they take compost, steel cans, and such other material? Find out how recycling materials need to be separated and the dates and times of recycling pickup in your area. If you do not have recycling in your area, select a nearby community that offers recycling and use their information to guide your assignment. In addition, you were asked to select either
  • 10. Module 2 or Module 3 to collect items to be recycled and log a journal of these items. If you have chosen Module 2 to collect these recyclable items, be sure to rinse them in order to deter bugs. Save all your recyclables in a container that is separate from your actual trash. You can use another trash bag or a paper bag. Suggested items to separate and recycle include plastics, paper, cans, glass, aluminum, and other recyclable items. As you collect this data—the recyclables—keep a record of the material you are recycling. This recycling journal needs to be a rough estimate for each day. Use the Recycling Journal template to keep this record. This journal will be submitted as part of M4: Assignment 2 . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ********************* Assignment 1: Discussion—Nonrenewable Resources Today, more than any other time in history, there is growing support to move away from nonrenewable resources towards developing renewable resources to meet current and future energy needs. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources that continue to negatively impact the environment. It is important to learn how these resources are formed since this process of formation is at the very heart of why fossil fuels are considered to be nonrenewable. Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the nonrenewable resource assigned to you: Coal Natural gas
  • 11. Petroleum (oil) Note: You are assigned a resource based on the first initial of your last name. Last names beginning with K–R research natural gas. Respond to the following: Describe how this nonrenewable resource was initially formed. Briefly explain where the major reserves of this nonrenewable resource are located and how it is extracted. Examine the environmental impact caused by the extraction process. Explain how this nonrenewable resource is used to produce energy, and identify the pollution problems that are caused from this energy source. Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references. Write your initial response in approximately 350–400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, July 30, 2016 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *********** Assignment 2: LASA 1: Organisms in Your Biome In this assignment, you will create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that exhibits the different organisms in your current biome. Include the following in your presentation: Describe Your Own Environment Consider the natural environment or biome found in the geographic area where you currently live. For example, if you live in the Midwest, the natural biome for this area is the
  • 12. grassland. If you live in Alaska you are likely to live in either the tundra or the boreal forest. Describe the main features of the biome found in your geographic area. Include features such as the environment (moisture, temperature) and any topographic features that would influence the climate (mountains, large bodies of water, etc.). Identify Ten Organisms Make a list identifying at least ten organisms—at least five plants and five animals—that live in your biome, and describe how these organisms interact with one another. For example, is the relationship competitive or symbiotic? Describe Each Organism and its Environmental Needs In the speaker notes section in your presentation, briefly describe these ten organisms and the type of conditions—that is, moisture, warm temperatures, or a type of plant—they need in order to survive. Be sure to include the interactions between these organisms and the resources they need to survive. You may wish to use various tools available in Microsoft PowerPoint to visually depict these relationships. Hypothesis of a New Environment Consider a situation where the temperature of the climate was to increase by an average of ten degrees Celsius. Address the following: How would these organisms survive if the temperature warmed up this much? Would they stay or move to a more suitable environment? Would a new species move in? How would migratory species be impacted? What would happen to your biome? Now, consider if your biome changes with the temperature shift. Address the following: What types of plants and animals do you think would live there? What will happen to the rarer species? Will they cease to exist? Identify five plants and five animals that you feel would inhabit this warmer area. Describe this new ecosystem and the new interactions that will
  • 13. most likely exist. Additional Topics to Include How would environmental management practices change in your area? Would this drastic shift in temperature impact culture and society in your area? Would you still choose to live in this area after a drastic shift in temperature? Give reasons to support your answer. Use pictures from the Internet to represent your chosen species, and give credit to these Web sites. Support your statements with 3–5 credible sources. Use the last slide of your presentation as a reference slide. Develop a 10–15-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.ppt. By Wednesday, August 3, 2016 , deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ****************** Working Ahead In Modules 1 and 2 , you were informed about M4: Assignment 2—Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing , where you will physically review the recyclables you have collected over one week, and use your research to identify all materials that can be recycled from what you would normally throw away in a week’s time. In order to prepare for this assignment, you were asked to complete the following:
  • 14. Identify the recycling services available in your community. Determine whether your community offers a recycling program, and if so, what types of material they recycle. For example, do they take compost, steel cans, and such other material? Find out how recycling materials need to be separated and the dates and times of recycling pickup in your area. If you do not have recycling in your area, select a nearby community that offers recycling and use their information to guide your assignment. In addition, you were asked to select either Module 2 or Module 3 to collect items to be recycled and log a journal of these items. If you have not yet collected these recyclable items, be sure to begin in Module 3 . Ensure that you rinse the recyclable items in order to deter bugs. Save all your recyclables in a container that is separate from your actual trash. You can use another trash bag or a paper bag. Suggested items to separate and recycle include plastics, paper, cans, glass, aluminum, and other recyclable items. As you collect this data—the recyclables—keep a record of the material you are recycling. This recycling journal needs to be a rough estimate for each day. Use the Recycling Journal template to keep this record. This journal will be submitted as part of M4: Assignment 2 . ***************************************************** **************************************** Assignment 1: Discussion—Renewable Resources Each type of proposed renewable energy has its benefits and drawbacks. For example, hydropower has the benefit of
  • 15. relatively consistent results; however, it remains controversial due to its impact on aquatic environments. For this assignment, select one renewable resource to examine its benefits and drawbacks. Using this module’s readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following: Describe the sources of this renewable resource. Explain how this renewable resource is harnessed for energy. Considering that it takes energy to make energy, identify the kind of energy needed to make electrical energy from this resource. State the average amount of energy this renewable source produces. For example, on average, how much energy does a single wind turbine produce in a year? Or, how much energy does a dam produce in a year? Or, how many wind turbines would be needed to produce the same amount of energy as the average dam? Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of the renewable energy resource. Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples. Write your initial response in a minimum of 350–400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, August 6, 2016 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area ***************************************************** ******************************* Assignment 2: Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing In the Working Ahead section in Modules 1, 2, and 3 , you were informed to collect items to be recycled and log a journal of these items. You were also instructed to select either Module 2
  • 16. or Module 3 to collect these items. Your assignment in this module is to submit your weeklong Recycling Journal, along with an analysis of your recycling efforts and an examination of the recycling process. Be sure to examine what you have recycled in your chosen week and estimate how many grocery sacks of material you recycled—try to estimate the size. Results showing who recycled the most material will be posted by your facilitator in Module 5. For this assignment, complete the following: Part 1 Review your Recycling Journal for the week you selected. Write a report that covers the next two parts of this assignment. Part 2 Based on what you identified as recyclable in one week and using this data, estimate how much garbage your entire locality or city could prevent sending to the landfill. Include the following: What is the total population of your community? You may use reliable Internet resources to identify this information. If everyone in your community recycled as much trash as you did for one week, how much garbage could your area recycle? To calculate this number, you can use your number and multiply it by the number of people in your community. How much trash could your community save in a year? To calculate this number, multiply the weekly estimate for your community by the number of weeks in a year. Do you think your community recycles enough? How can the US Government place more importance on recycling? Part 3 Examine the process of recycling. Include the following: Explain how recycled material is reused. Describe what happens to recycled cans, bottles, and newspapers after they go to the recycling bin.
  • 17. Examine the impact you have on creating renewed resources from these recycled items. Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references. Write a 4–5-page report in Word format. Submit the report, along with your recycling journal. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc. By Wednesday, August 10, 2016 , submit the report, along with your recycling journal to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox . ***************************************************** ************************************** Assignment 1: LASA 2: Examining Your Community’s Source of Energy It is easy to criticize society for not using renewable resources, but in reality, how difficult would this transition be? What processes and procedures would be involved? How would such a transition be made? The purpose of this assignment is for you to consider what type of energy your neighborhood is currently powered by and what it would really take to convert this source to a renewable one. How much would it take to switch your community to a renewable resource and what would this mean for the environment? For the assignment, complete the following: Identify three primary types of energy that powers your home as well as all of the homes in your community. You may find this information on your community Web site or the Web sites of the local power companies. For example, your community may use electricity and solar panels. Explain how the sources of energy you identified impact the environment. Consider the following:
  • 18. Does the use of these types of energy resource have a negative impact on the environment in your area? Does your community have nuclear waste to dispose of? Has your community always used these three power sources? If so, how do you feel this has impacted the environment over time? How much of an impact have these sources of energy had on local air and water quality? Considering the current source(s) of power available, determine how much energy your house uses each month. You can find this information on your monthly energy bill. Calculate your annual usage for a year. Using this value, estimate the energy consumption for your community. The US Census Bureau is one resource you can use to estimate the number of households in your community. You can use the following formulae for this calculation: (monthly energy usage) × (12 months per year) = (household energy usage per year); (yearly energy estimate for your house) × (estimated number of houses in your community) = (estimated yearly energy use for your community) The following is an example of the above calculation: 52.8 kilowatt hours (kwh) per month × 12 months = 633.6 kwh; 633.6 kwh × 200 houses in your community = 126,720 kwh Recommend a realistic, renewable resource to power your community, using your calculated power needs. Consider the following sources: hydropower, solar power, wind turbines, and geothermal energy. Which source would be the best for your community? Justify your choice based on the kind of resources that are available, how much power these alternative sources can produce, and your estimated energy demands for the community. Having recommended an alternative power source, conclude by addressing the following:
  • 19. How realistic is this alternative power source for your community? How will people in your community respond to energy conversion? Will they support it or be against it? Give reasons. How expensive would it be to convert to the alternative power source you recommended? How would this new source impact the environment? What organisms would benefit most from this conversion? Support your statements with appropriate examples and approximately 4–6 credible resources. Write an 8–10-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc. By Monday, August 15, 2016 , deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox . ***************************************************** *************************************** Assignment 2: Discussion—Your Carbon Footprint and the Future A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that each individual produces. Calculating your carbon footprint can give you a new perspective concerning how much you are really contributing to the greenhouse effect. In this assignment, you will apply what you have learned about taking personal responsibility for your environment and calculate your own carbon footprint. Using The Nature Conservancy Web site, calculate your carbon footprint. You can calculate this by clicking on the calculator and filling out the estimated values. Access this Web site using the following link: The Nature Conservancy. (2011).
  • 20. Carbon footprint calculator: What's my carbon footprint? Retrieved from Respond to the following: Describe your final carbon footprint. Classify where most of the carbon you generate comes from. Considering all you have learned in this course, state if you feel you have a new appreciation for your role in the environment. Examine how you impact the environment. Do you think you impact the environment more than you should? Describe the part of your life that is contributing the most carbon. Propose how you can reduce this number. In your opinion, explain if it is realistic for you to try and reduce this number. Write your initial response in approximately 300–350 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Sunday, August 14, 2016 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . ***************************************************** ************************************