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God makes a man before a minister and a minister comes before the ministry. When you check in
the case of Moses, Jeremiah, the Apostles, Jesus and all the men God used you would realise that
the statement made earlier is true so nothing should make you think that one can by- pass this
process as he or she walks with God. Someone may ask why I'm bothered about this? It is
because some have crept into the household of God and are have laden people with sins; ever
learning but are not able to come to the knowledge of the truth but as we know the truth and walk
in them they would be fully known-2 Timothy 3:6-10 because we would recognise the
prerequisites of a man of God and know how to relate with them. And for us who are moving
more into the ministry it would enlighten us and mature us unto God's requirements of a man of
God. It will also sharpen those that are already in the ministry to know what is required from
them. Stay blessed and put on your seat belts as we embark on this journey. Enjoy the flight.
SECTION 1: What must be in place if you are a man of God?
Every profession has qualifications. In either ways whether you have knowledge about the field
of work or not you get to learn the way things are done as time goes by or you will be forced to
opt out of a profession if you don't adhere to the principles. For instance if you are a lecturer you
must have obtained a certain level of education and gone through certain interviews before you
can ultimately be employed. After the employment too you would need to do certain researches,
lecture certain topics and do other things all in the aim of achieving a certain goal as a
much the same way Paul admonishes Timothy that the work of God is not for novices-1Timothy
3:6. In his letter to Timothy he gives him the criteria for appointing church leaders- 1Timothy 3.
This gives us the idea that we need certain requirements as we work in the vine yard of God.
Whether you were called by God without any prior notice to these things or not you still need to
ask yourself this question. God is not an author of confusion and He has a purpose for doing
everything. What many people fail to realise is that Christianity is a Kingdom and God employs
people to fulfil His mandate on earth and God qualifies the called as time goes by. Since the
topic is in M's we would use Ms as requirements of a man of God. When Jesus called Paul in the
book of Acts He asked Him what you would have me to do- Acts 9. It is very funny that as you
get close to some Men of God and other church leaders you realise they have no idea of what the
ministry is all about and they are not following any vision God has given them or any vision
according to the word of God. It is of no news that some are easily swayed away by money,
immorality, fame among other things. The sad thing is that the flock suffer the loss most at the
long run. Let's gird up our loins therefore as we go through what must be in place as a man of
A. MATURITY: Growing in the Lord.
Everyone that God will use and exalt must possess this quality and consistently develop it.
In 1 Timothy 3, Paul reiterates it unto Timothy that the work of God should not be given
unto novices. Don't get me wrong: many people God called did not seem qualified in their
own eyes but God knew he could help them develop all the need as time went by. Consider
the case of David; although he had no techniques in fighting, he had certain potentials he
learned in the wilderness, Moses had a rod he used to tend the sheep and Paul had
knowledge in the law although he was not sent to the Jews.... The list can go on and on and
on. Ecclesiastes 10:6 says folly is set in great dignity while princes sit on lowly places....
This he says is an error! The work of God is not for playing games and the ministry is very
challenging. Unless you are mature you cannot become the man God wants to use. I can
picture Moses crying unto God when the people run all sorts of accusations on him...Or
Joshua blaming God for convincing them about possessing the land but they faced various
oppositions....What about Nehemiah, Jeremiah etc. BUT YOU SEE NONE OF THE
THESE THINGS HAPPENING. Consider Hosea..oh my! And the list goes on.
Christian maturity has nothing to do with age although to some extent as you grow you
begin to see some realities of life that toughens you. That is why I always admonish young
people to seek good counsel from the old too to avoid some mistakes in life. The reason
why Rehoboam was overthrown was because he took the advice of the peers rather than the
elderly. However there should be a caution in this direction because there are some elderly
people you can give you very bad and foolish advice. That is why I said maturity has
nothing to do with age. Maturity is in levels and everyone who is mature is mindful of time
and season and boundary. You can't get up and do just anything, say anything or move
anything. One sign to know that a person is not mature is when they are blown up by every
wind. If a person leaves by the least accusation, easily gives up on God, can fall easily into
sin etc. that shows that a person is not mature. Sadly enough this is one of the things that
bring about collapse in many ministries, companies and marriages.
That is why I entreat people that if you are not mature for marriage they shouldn't enter into
a relationship because relationships should be done with focus of getting married. In as
much the same way if you don't have any idea about marriage don't try to try it out to see
whether it works. Dearly beloved the work of the Lord is a serious business and it requires
people are willing to ignore their own feelings, sacrifice, to loose and are willing to learn
and adjust to the plans and purposes of God. If working in the ministry is your focus then
you need to endeavour to mature and keep at it unto the very end.
B: MESSAGE: When God calls you He will give you a message.
The word of God is the message. As a minister, before your gifts come to play, you must be able
to preach and teach the word of God- 2 Timothy 2:24. After that God will send you by giving
you a message. This is a peculiar message. When God calls you, he puts His message in you.
God backs His message and not your personality. The Bible says God honours His word. Some
ministers and ministries do not last because they are not built on the word of God. We don't build
the ministry on our gifts and personality. Any time you spend time with the word you spend time
with God. Draw people's mind to the word first before anything else. When people's minds are
drawn to the word, faith is released and the anointing follows. When God called Moses He gave
him a message to tell Pharaoh; Let my people go that they may worship me.God backed this
message with various signs and wonders. He gave all those he called a peculiar message and this
is the same with us.
So then men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the SECRET
1 Corinthians 4:1
You cannot achieve divine assignments by using carnal methods. Divine assignments are
fulfilled by divine methods. The real things that will touch people's heart are done in secret. The
ministry is about dyeing, loosing, sacrificing and being denied. If you want God to exalt you, you
must descend to the valley. It is about dyeing to self and denying the flesh.
2 Corinthians 10:4 says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God
in the pulling down of strongholds.
Brethren, we can only grow as ministers and be exalted by God if we take heed to our lives
behind closed doors with God. If growth in the unction and ministry is your desire, then the
Word of God, Prayer and Fasting are indispensable. If you pay an unusual attention to the word
of God, unto prayer and fasting, you will live under the anointing and experience a continual
growth in your ministry all the days of your life.
D: MORALITY: What fuels the anointing is the life the anointed lives behind
closed doors.
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the
Lord out of a pure heart.
2 Timothy 2:22
You must stand between the porch and the anointing. You cannot secure a holy life in people's
life without living a good moral life. Sexual immorality is one of key forms of immorality that
brings a lot of people down before God is through with them. I always tell people that you can
never outgrow the flesh and its desires. Until you are willing to control the flesh with God's
enabling power He has given you, your flesh will lead you to places that is not in the will of God.
E: MANNERS: Manners means how you behave.
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation,
in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Sayings which are not convenient should never be encouraged. You must learn to be polite.
Smile to people and welcome everyone. Speak well of people. The way you behave in the house
of God and everywhere else should give glory unto God.
F: MOTIVES: Why do I do what I do?
Do I preach to make people believe I can speak or to make men come to the knowledge of the
truth? Why do I pray for the sick; is it to have them healed or make people know I have the
power to heal. WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO?
For God will judge us for our motives.-1 Corinthians 4:5; Proverbs 16:2
However sometimes we need to ignore motives and do the will of God. Motives should never
inhibit the will of God. By this I mean you may not understand why you are doing what you are
doing but if it is the will of God then do it.
G: MONEY: How do you handle money?
And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in
the abundance of the things which he possesses.
Luke 12:15
Money is one of the tools that enhance the work of God but that should not be your aim. If you
are in the ministry because of money then I'm sorry to tell you are wrong profession. Money will
come by as you diligently work for God but you have to know the reason for the wealth. It is
supposed to be used to enhance the work of God. In fact without money you will be somehow
limited in fulfilling your ministry but you have to realise that cannot serve both God and
mammon. Jesus made it very clear so in as much as God wants us to prosper it is not for us to be
controlled by money but by God. Don't make a move because of money but because God is
leading you to do so.
H: MARRIAGE: Your marriage will affect your ministry.
A bishop then must be blameless, THE HUSBAND OF ONE WIFE, vigilant, sober, of good
behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
1Timothy 3:2
Marriage is very vital in the life of the minister if he should marry. This is because the one
instructing people about this requirement was not married. However, I entreat almost all men of
God to get married this is because most men of God were married and that blessed their lives.Let
us also realise that it is a husband of one wife; not more than one or a wife and a wife or a
husband and a husband. That is evil in God's sight! I'm saying this because the people who are
practicing this now used to see it as evil until some people chose to advocate it. In fact some
people will actively support it if given the chance.
Marriage is a good thing and should make you a better person than used to be. The choice of
your life partner will definitely affect the ministry. Hence you have to take this into consideration
when doing that as a man of God. That is why you have to know where you are going in other to
choose a help meet as such. The person you marry will prove to be a challenge to you. However
don't marry a woman of ministry but marry a wife. Many women can do well in ministry but that
is not what you need. If your wife possesses such a quality it is an added advantage but marry a
noble wife. Marry someone who will be able to say as Ruth;
And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, [or] to return from following after thee: FOR
me, and more also, [if ought] BUT DEATH DEPART THEE AND ME.
Ruth 1:16- 17
Such is a characteristic every man needs in a wife especially as a man of God. If these things are
in place then the rest of the things will easily be followed. This is because you are one flesh with
your spouse hence if your ministry will be a blessing unto others then you would have to have
one mind toward the same goal. A wife is a key player to help every man to accomplish his life's
vision and purpose.
I: MINISTRATION: In your ministration as a man of God do things that are
Don't just hop up out of your seat and do anything because God has given you spiritual gifting.
God expects you to use what he has placed in your hands to edify the body of Christ.
J: MENTOR: You need a mentor as a man of God.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is our ultimate mentor.
Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN OF ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall
find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:29
Be ye followers of me, even as I ALSO [AM] OF CHRIST.
1 Corinthians 11:1
You did not call yourself unto the work of the Lord hence learn from the examples and the
character of our Lord Jesus as He worked in the vineyard of God and emulate them.
Learn the good things that were exemplified by men of God in the Bible and in history.
You also need earthly mentors. Learn from the people who have gone ahead of you and those
around you and emulate their good example especially those who have a similar ministry as your
own. Indeed a mentor is someone who is an advisor, guide, counsellor, teacher and a tutor to you.
Your mentor is the picture of your future.
FLEE ALSO YOUTHFUL LUST: but FOLLOW RIGHTEOUSNES, faith, charity, peace, with
them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
2 Timothy 2:22
The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, WITH ALL PURITY.
1 Timothy 5:2
One of the marks of a man of God is purity. In fact it is one of the major marks every man of
God should have. I hear people often say Great Man of God, Powerful man of God but I have
never seen it in the Bible. What is said about men of God in the Bible was their holy lives they
lived. Although power is one of the marks of men of God as we would come to learn later in our
study, that is not the primary mark of a man of God.
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but HOLY MEN OF GOD spake [as
they were] moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 1:21
That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the HOLY PROPHETS, and
of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
2 Peter3:2
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his
Ephesians 3:5
Many are working under great power but are living sinful lives behind the scenes. To make
matters even worse is when the crowd endorses them by their power they exhibit. But the Bible
says by their fruits you will know them.
Jesus said many will come saying we did such and such in your name but He will reply them by
saying: I know you not, depart from me you worker of iniquity.
And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but BE GENTLE UNTO ALL [MEN], apt to teach,
2 Timothy 2:24
But we were GENTLE among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children:
1 Thessalonians 2:7
The work of God is such that you will be dealing with people from various backgrounds and
works of life. Some are old but behave like Children, others are mature , some seem not to be
changing, others are gladly growing etc. but God requires you to take good care of all of them for
you will give account of how you managed the flock He gave you. As a result of this be gentle
unto all men. Remember also that it is another mark of a man of God.
One of the characteristics a minister should demonstrate is love
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not CHARITY, I am become
[as] sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
1 Corinthians 13:1
In fact John says if you do not walk in love then you do not know God- 1 John 4: 8
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, CHARITY, peace, with them that call
on the Lordout of a pure heart.
2 Timothy 2:22
So being AFFECTIONATELY DESIROUS OF YOU, we were willing to have imparted unto
you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because YE WERE DEAR UNTO US.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
You have to demonstrate great care and love for the people of God.
Jesus said a good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep and he fulfilled it because of the love
he had for us. He set an example for us to follow in His stead.
And my speech and my preaching [was] not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in
demonstration of THE SPIRIT AND OF POWER:
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in THE POWER OF GOD.
1 Corinthians 2:4 -5
And they were astonished at his doctrine: FOR HIS WORD WAS WITH POWER.
Luke 4:32
Your message should be full of the power of God. You are not there for motivational speaking
whatsoever. It is God's message and as such has to carry power. When Peter preached in the
Book of Acts, the Bible says they were cut through their hearts and asked: What shall we do to
be saved? This was because he message was backed by the power of God. This can only come
through the Holy Spirit and having consistent fellowship with Him. For Jesus said you will
receive power after which the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you will be witnesses unto
me. You can never become a true witness of Jesus without the Holy Spirit.
Power here also includes various signs and wonders.
some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing
themselves among themselves, are not wise.
2 Corinthians 10:12
Everyone God calls has a peculiar task to fulfil. It is about knowing that task and taking heed to
it. Never make the mistake of comparing yourself to another. It may be that what God has placed
into your hands is higher than others or vice versa. It may also be totally different. If you are
called to teach don't force yourself to be a prophet. If you are called into the healing ministry do
not compare yourself to a pastor.
That in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and [IN] ALL KNOWLEDGE;
1 Corinthians 1:5
You cannot work for someone you do not know. As a result of this one mark of a minister is the
Knowledge of God.
Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes that they may also obtain the salvation which is
in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
2 Timothy 2:10
Everyone God calls has a clear cut vision. The person has something God wants him to fulfil.
Moses' vision was to lead the Israelites unto the Promised Land, John the Baptist was to prepare
the way of the Lord. Jesus also had a vision of dyeing for the souls of men. All these people had
a clear cut vision that was given to them by God. Because of this they were not tossed to and fro
by the wind. Paul was given a commission to the Gentiles and Peter was commission unto the
Jews. They each followed the vision to fulfil the ministry God had called them into. Dear
minister, you cannot do everything. That is why God has given you a peculiar task. Seize that
vision, make it your own and move with it religiously without been swayed by people's opinion.
Paul was not only willing to be bound but to die for Christ despite the prophecy that came by
Agabus because Jesus had shown him how he would suffer for Him -Acts 9:16.
Identify the vision, believe in the vision and run with the vision.
H: PRAYER LIFE: One mark of a minister is his prayer life.
Prayer is the telephone link to Heaven. God is the C.E.O of the ministry and as a result you
would have to contact him for what to do and what not to do. If problems come your way as you
walk with the vision, you would have to tell Him, if you are promoted you have to thank Him
etc. You are not the boss over the ministry that is why you have to report to him. You have to
commit the flock unto Him because you are just a care taker.
For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing
Romans 1:9
But we will give ourselves CONTINUALLY UNTO PRAYER, and to the ministry of the word.
Act 6:4
This goes to tell us that every minister should be consistently prayerful.
I: PATIENCE: Another mark of a minister is patience.
That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and PATIENCE inherit the
Hebrews 6:12
Don't expect the work of God to growovernight. You would have to endure tough times,
accusations etc. but stay patient to see the vision fulfilled.
Every minister therefore has a vision, a consistent prayer life and patience being peculiar about
their life.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for being in the wilderness and the time for manifestation. In the wilderness you
take care of another man's own but when you are in manifestation the eyes of the public are on
you. You have to go through the wilderness before you come into manifestation. In the
wilderness, you go through pruning, nurturing and upbringing before you become prepared for
In the wilderness Moses took care of the sheep of his father in-law, Jethro before God called him
to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. Joshua was a servant of Moses before he was
called, Joseph took care of Potiphar's house and served faithfully in prison before he became a
governor. David took care of his father's flock and served Saul before he became King. All these
people served faithfully under their masters. The Apostles served faithfully under Jesus before
they were sent unto the world.
Brethren, there is no need in getting out before your time is due. There is the time to be in the
hiding and the time to be seen, there is the time to pour water on people's hand and the time to
wash your own hands.
Dear minister, if you get out before your time, you would become a casualty. Never be under
pressure to leave the incubation room before God is through with you.
Stay faithful unto God and wait for your appointed time of manifestation.
Pastor, Christian World Church,
Santasi- Newsite, Kumasi - Ghana.
Contact: 0501366888
P.O. Box 387, KNUST- Kumasi.
Facebook name: Arnold Karikari

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  • 2. God makes a man before a minister and a minister comes before the ministry. When you check in the case of Moses, Jeremiah, the Apostles, Jesus and all the men God used you would realise that the statement made earlier is true so nothing should make you think that one can by- pass this process as he or she walks with God. Someone may ask why I'm bothered about this? It is because some have crept into the household of God and are have laden people with sins; ever learning but are not able to come to the knowledge of the truth but as we know the truth and walk in them they would be fully known-2 Timothy 3:6-10 because we would recognise the prerequisites of a man of God and know how to relate with them. And for us who are moving more into the ministry it would enlighten us and mature us unto God's requirements of a man of God. It will also sharpen those that are already in the ministry to know what is required from them. Stay blessed and put on your seat belts as we embark on this journey. Enjoy the flight. SECTION 1: What must be in place if you are a man of God? Every profession has qualifications. In either ways whether you have knowledge about the field of work or not you get to learn the way things are done as time goes by or you will be forced to opt out of a profession if you don't adhere to the principles. For instance if you are a lecturer you must have obtained a certain level of education and gone through certain interviews before you can ultimately be employed. After the employment too you would need to do certain researches, lecture certain topics and do other things all in the aim of achieving a certain goal as a much the same way Paul admonishes Timothy that the work of God is not for novices-1Timothy 3:6. In his letter to Timothy he gives him the criteria for appointing church leaders- 1Timothy 3. This gives us the idea that we need certain requirements as we work in the vine yard of God. Whether you were called by God without any prior notice to these things or not you still need to ask yourself this question. God is not an author of confusion and He has a purpose for doing everything. What many people fail to realise is that Christianity is a Kingdom and God employs people to fulfil His mandate on earth and God qualifies the called as time goes by. Since the topic is in M's we would use Ms as requirements of a man of God. When Jesus called Paul in the book of Acts He asked Him what you would have me to do- Acts 9. It is very funny that as you get close to some Men of God and other church leaders you realise they have no idea of what the ministry is all about and they are not following any vision God has given them or any vision according to the word of God. It is of no news that some are easily swayed away by money, immorality, fame among other things. The sad thing is that the flock suffer the loss most at the long run. Let's gird up our loins therefore as we go through what must be in place as a man of God.
  • 3. A. MATURITY: Growing in the Lord. Everyone that God will use and exalt must possess this quality and consistently develop it. In 1 Timothy 3, Paul reiterates it unto Timothy that the work of God should not be given unto novices. Don't get me wrong: many people God called did not seem qualified in their own eyes but God knew he could help them develop all the need as time went by. Consider the case of David; although he had no techniques in fighting, he had certain potentials he learned in the wilderness, Moses had a rod he used to tend the sheep and Paul had knowledge in the law although he was not sent to the Jews.... The list can go on and on and on. Ecclesiastes 10:6 says folly is set in great dignity while princes sit on lowly places.... This he says is an error! The work of God is not for playing games and the ministry is very challenging. Unless you are mature you cannot become the man God wants to use. I can picture Moses crying unto God when the people run all sorts of accusations on him...Or Joshua blaming God for convincing them about possessing the land but they faced various oppositions....What about Nehemiah, Jeremiah etc. BUT YOU SEE NONE OF THE THESE THINGS HAPPENING. Consider Hosea..oh my! And the list goes on. Christian maturity has nothing to do with age although to some extent as you grow you begin to see some realities of life that toughens you. That is why I always admonish young people to seek good counsel from the old too to avoid some mistakes in life. The reason why Rehoboam was overthrown was because he took the advice of the peers rather than the elderly. However there should be a caution in this direction because there are some elderly people you can give you very bad and foolish advice. That is why I said maturity has nothing to do with age. Maturity is in levels and everyone who is mature is mindful of time and season and boundary. You can't get up and do just anything, say anything or move anything. One sign to know that a person is not mature is when they are blown up by every wind. If a person leaves by the least accusation, easily gives up on God, can fall easily into sin etc. that shows that a person is not mature. Sadly enough this is one of the things that bring about collapse in many ministries, companies and marriages. That is why I entreat people that if you are not mature for marriage they shouldn't enter into a relationship because relationships should be done with focus of getting married. In as much the same way if you don't have any idea about marriage don't try to try it out to see whether it works. Dearly beloved the work of the Lord is a serious business and it requires people are willing to ignore their own feelings, sacrifice, to loose and are willing to learn and adjust to the plans and purposes of God. If working in the ministry is your focus then you need to endeavour to mature and keep at it unto the very end. B: MESSAGE: When God calls you He will give you a message.
  • 4. The word of God is the message. As a minister, before your gifts come to play, you must be able to preach and teach the word of God- 2 Timothy 2:24. After that God will send you by giving you a message. This is a peculiar message. When God calls you, he puts His message in you. God backs His message and not your personality. The Bible says God honours His word. Some ministers and ministries do not last because they are not built on the word of God. We don't build the ministry on our gifts and personality. Any time you spend time with the word you spend time with God. Draw people's mind to the word first before anything else. When people's minds are drawn to the word, faith is released and the anointing follows. When God called Moses He gave him a message to tell Pharaoh; Let my people go that they may worship me.God backed this message with various signs and wonders. He gave all those he called a peculiar message and this is the same with us. C: METHODS OF A MINISTER: So then men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the SECRET THINGS OF GOD. 1 Corinthians 4:1 You cannot achieve divine assignments by using carnal methods. Divine assignments are fulfilled by divine methods. The real things that will touch people's heart are done in secret. The ministry is about dyeing, loosing, sacrificing and being denied. If you want God to exalt you, you must descend to the valley. It is about dyeing to self and denying the flesh. 2 Corinthians 10:4 says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God in the pulling down of strongholds. Brethren, we can only grow as ministers and be exalted by God if we take heed to our lives behind closed doors with God. If growth in the unction and ministry is your desire, then the Word of God, Prayer and Fasting are indispensable. If you pay an unusual attention to the word of God, unto prayer and fasting, you will live under the anointing and experience a continual growth in your ministry all the days of your life. D: MORALITY: What fuels the anointing is the life the anointed lives behind closed doors.
  • 5. Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22 You must stand between the porch and the anointing. You cannot secure a holy life in people's life without living a good moral life. Sexual immorality is one of key forms of immorality that brings a lot of people down before God is through with them. I always tell people that you can never outgrow the flesh and its desires. Until you are willing to control the flesh with God's enabling power He has given you, your flesh will lead you to places that is not in the will of God. E: MANNERS: Manners means how you behave. Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Sayings which are not convenient should never be encouraged. You must learn to be polite. Smile to people and welcome everyone. Speak well of people. The way you behave in the house of God and everywhere else should give glory unto God. F: MOTIVES: Why do I do what I do? Do I preach to make people believe I can speak or to make men come to the knowledge of the truth? Why do I pray for the sick; is it to have them healed or make people know I have the power to heal. WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO? For God will judge us for our motives.-1 Corinthians 4:5; Proverbs 16:2 However sometimes we need to ignore motives and do the will of God. Motives should never inhibit the will of God. By this I mean you may not understand why you are doing what you are doing but if it is the will of God then do it. G: MONEY: How do you handle money?
  • 6. And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesses. Luke 12:15 Money is one of the tools that enhance the work of God but that should not be your aim. If you are in the ministry because of money then I'm sorry to tell you are wrong profession. Money will come by as you diligently work for God but you have to know the reason for the wealth. It is supposed to be used to enhance the work of God. In fact without money you will be somehow limited in fulfilling your ministry but you have to realise that cannot serve both God and mammon. Jesus made it very clear so in as much as God wants us to prosper it is not for us to be controlled by money but by God. Don't make a move because of money but because God is leading you to do so. H: MARRIAGE: Your marriage will affect your ministry. A bishop then must be blameless, THE HUSBAND OF ONE WIFE, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 1Timothy 3:2 Marriage is very vital in the life of the minister if he should marry. This is because the one instructing people about this requirement was not married. However, I entreat almost all men of God to get married this is because most men of God were married and that blessed their lives.Let us also realise that it is a husband of one wife; not more than one or a wife and a wife or a husband and a husband. That is evil in God's sight! I'm saying this because the people who are practicing this now used to see it as evil until some people chose to advocate it. In fact some people will actively support it if given the chance. Marriage is a good thing and should make you a better person than used to be. The choice of your life partner will definitely affect the ministry. Hence you have to take this into consideration when doing that as a man of God. That is why you have to know where you are going in other to choose a help meet as such. The person you marry will prove to be a challenge to you. However don't marry a woman of ministry but marry a wife. Many women can do well in ministry but that is not what you need. If your wife possesses such a quality it is an added advantage but marry a noble wife. Marry someone who will be able to say as Ruth;
  • 7. And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, [or] to return from following after thee: FOR WITHER THOU GOEST, I WILL GO; AND WHERE THOU LODGETH, I WILL LODGE: THY PEOPLE [SHALL BE] MY PEOPLE, AND THY GOD MY GOD: WHERE THOU DIEST, WILL I DIE, AND THERE WILL I BE BURIED: the LORD do so to me, and more also, [if ought] BUT DEATH DEPART THEE AND ME. Ruth 1:16- 17 Such is a characteristic every man needs in a wife especially as a man of God. If these things are in place then the rest of the things will easily be followed. This is because you are one flesh with your spouse hence if your ministry will be a blessing unto others then you would have to have one mind toward the same goal. A wife is a key player to help every man to accomplish his life's vision and purpose. I: MINISTRATION: In your ministration as a man of God do things that are edifying. Don't just hop up out of your seat and do anything because God has given you spiritual gifting. God expects you to use what he has placed in your hands to edify the body of Christ. J: MENTOR: You need a mentor as a man of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our ultimate mentor. Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN OF ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:29 Be ye followers of me, even as I ALSO [AM] OF CHRIST. 1 Corinthians 11:1 You did not call yourself unto the work of the Lord hence learn from the examples and the character of our Lord Jesus as He worked in the vineyard of God and emulate them. Learn the good things that were exemplified by men of God in the Bible and in history.
  • 8. You also need earthly mentors. Learn from the people who have gone ahead of you and those around you and emulate their good example especially those who have a similar ministry as your own. Indeed a mentor is someone who is an advisor, guide, counsellor, teacher and a tutor to you. Your mentor is the picture of your future. SECTION 2: MARKS OF A MINISTER. A. PURITY FLEE ALSO YOUTHFUL LUST: but FOLLOW RIGHTEOUSNES, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22 The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, WITH ALL PURITY. 1 Timothy 5:2 One of the marks of a man of God is purity. In fact it is one of the major marks every man of God should have. I hear people often say Great Man of God, Powerful man of God but I have never seen it in the Bible. What is said about men of God in the Bible was their holy lives they lived. Although power is one of the marks of men of God as we would come to learn later in our study, that is not the primary mark of a man of God. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but HOLY MEN OF GOD spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1:21 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the HOLY PROPHETS, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: 2 Peter3:2 Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his HOLY APOSTLES and PROPHETS by the Spirit;
  • 9. Ephesians 3:5 Many are working under great power but are living sinful lives behind the scenes. To make matters even worse is when the crowd endorses them by their power they exhibit. But the Bible says by their fruits you will know them. Jesus said many will come saying we did such and such in your name but He will reply them by saying: I know you not, depart from me you worker of iniquity. B: GENTLENESS And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but BE GENTLE UNTO ALL [MEN], apt to teach, patient, 2 Timothy 2:24 But we were GENTLE among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children: 1 Thessalonians 2:7 The work of God is such that you will be dealing with people from various backgrounds and works of life. Some are old but behave like Children, others are mature , some seem not to be changing, others are gladly growing etc. but God requires you to take good care of all of them for you will give account of how you managed the flock He gave you. As a result of this be gentle unto all men. Remember also that it is another mark of a man of God. C: LOVE One of the characteristics a minister should demonstrate is love Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not CHARITY, I am become [as] sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1
  • 10. In fact John says if you do not walk in love then you do not know God- 1 John 4: 8 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, CHARITY, peace, with them that call on the Lordout of a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22 So being AFFECTIONATELY DESIROUS OF YOU, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because YE WERE DEAR UNTO US. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 You have to demonstrate great care and love for the people of God. Jesus said a good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep and he fulfilled it because of the love he had for us. He set an example for us to follow in His stead. D: POWER: And my speech and my preaching [was] not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of THE SPIRIT AND OF POWER: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in THE POWER OF GOD. 1 Corinthians 2:4 -5 And they were astonished at his doctrine: FOR HIS WORD WAS WITH POWER. Luke 4:32 Your message should be full of the power of God. You are not there for motivational speaking whatsoever. It is God's message and as such has to carry power. When Peter preached in the Book of Acts, the Bible says they were cut through their hearts and asked: What shall we do to be saved? This was because he message was backed by the power of God. This can only come through the Holy Spirit and having consistent fellowship with Him. For Jesus said you will receive power after which the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you will be witnesses unto me. You can never become a true witness of Jesus without the Holy Spirit.
  • 11. Power here also includes various signs and wonders. E: MINISTERING DISTINCTIVENESS FOR WE DARE NOT MAKE OURSELVES OF THE NUMBER, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 2 Corinthians 10:12 Everyone God calls has a peculiar task to fulfil. It is about knowing that task and taking heed to it. Never make the mistake of comparing yourself to another. It may be that what God has placed into your hands is higher than others or vice versa. It may also be totally different. If you are called to teach don't force yourself to be a prophet. If you are called into the healing ministry do not compare yourself to a pastor. F: KNOWLEDGE OF GOD That in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and [IN] ALL KNOWLEDGE; 1 Corinthians 1:5 You cannot work for someone you do not know. As a result of this one mark of a minister is the Knowledge of God. G: VISION Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 2 Timothy 2:10
  • 12. Everyone God calls has a clear cut vision. The person has something God wants him to fulfil. Moses' vision was to lead the Israelites unto the Promised Land, John the Baptist was to prepare the way of the Lord. Jesus also had a vision of dyeing for the souls of men. All these people had a clear cut vision that was given to them by God. Because of this they were not tossed to and fro by the wind. Paul was given a commission to the Gentiles and Peter was commission unto the Jews. They each followed the vision to fulfil the ministry God had called them into. Dear minister, you cannot do everything. That is why God has given you a peculiar task. Seize that vision, make it your own and move with it religiously without been swayed by people's opinion. Paul was not only willing to be bound but to die for Christ despite the prophecy that came by Agabus because Jesus had shown him how he would suffer for Him -Acts 9:16. Identify the vision, believe in the vision and run with the vision. H: PRAYER LIFE: One mark of a minister is his prayer life. Prayer is the telephone link to Heaven. God is the C.E.O of the ministry and as a result you would have to contact him for what to do and what not to do. If problems come your way as you walk with the vision, you would have to tell Him, if you are promoted you have to thank Him etc. You are not the boss over the ministry that is why you have to report to him. You have to commit the flock unto Him because you are just a care taker. For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I MAKE MENTION OF YOU ALWAYS IN MY PRAYERS. Romans 1:9 But we will give ourselves CONTINUALLY UNTO PRAYER, and to the ministry of the word. Act 6:4 This goes to tell us that every minister should be consistently prayerful. I: PATIENCE: Another mark of a minister is patience. That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and PATIENCE inherit the promises. Hebrews 6:12
  • 13. Don't expect the work of God to growovernight. You would have to endure tough times, accusations etc. but stay patient to see the vision fulfilled. Every minister therefore has a vision, a consistent prayer life and patience being peculiar about their life. SECTION 3: MANIFESTATION OF A MINISTER TO EVERY [THING THERE IS] A SEASON, AND A TIME TO EVERY PURPOSE UNDER THE HEAVEN. Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for being in the wilderness and the time for manifestation. In the wilderness you take care of another man's own but when you are in manifestation the eyes of the public are on you. You have to go through the wilderness before you come into manifestation. In the wilderness, you go through pruning, nurturing and upbringing before you become prepared for manifestation. In the wilderness Moses took care of the sheep of his father in-law, Jethro before God called him to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. Joshua was a servant of Moses before he was called, Joseph took care of Potiphar's house and served faithfully in prison before he became a governor. David took care of his father's flock and served Saul before he became King. All these people served faithfully under their masters. The Apostles served faithfully under Jesus before they were sent unto the world. Brethren, there is no need in getting out before your time is due. There is the time to be in the hiding and the time to be seen, there is the time to pour water on people's hand and the time to wash your own hands. Dear minister, if you get out before your time, you would become a casualty. Never be under pressure to leave the incubation room before God is through with you. Stay faithful unto God and wait for your appointed time of manifestation.
  • 14. STAY BLESSED PREPARED BY: ARNOLD KARIKARI Pastor, Christian World Church, Santasi- Newsite, Kumasi - Ghana. Contact: 0501366888 E-mail: Blog: P.O. Box 387, KNUST- Kumasi. Facebook name: Arnold Karikari