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The Hidden Wisdom of God
The Wisdom of Man versus the 36 Wisdom of God
Tomisin Ajileye
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus
Christ. I believe the Lord has laid it on my heart to share with my fellow believers:
mysteries about THE WISDOM OF GOD and how it differs from the wisdom of
I discovered that believers today and even local churches have bought so deeply
into the wisdom of men which is total foolishness to God and hindrance to His
Work in us. (1Cor 1:25)
In this note, I will by the help of The Holy Spirit share with you these differences.
Only those "that are perfect" in their spirit (true believers) will have tendencies to
understand these mysteries! (1Cor 2:6, 13, 14)
Caution, it is not for you to discern your friends or church's foolishness, but to
work on your own life and walk with God. (1 Cor 11:31) Look through the mirror
of God’s Word and purge out the foolishness of man’s wisdom that has deadened
your conscience and affected your value system.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
1. How to acquire all?
2. Wisdom for Increase
3. Wisdom for all round success
4. Wisdom for life security
5. Who is the richest?
6. Who is the greatest?
7. What about my deserved rights?
8. Attaining life and peace after death
9. Best choice
10.I want to be great
11.Achieving victory and success
12.Where to go and what to do
13.Attitude towards enemies and offenders
14.Attitude towards Bad Government and Environment.
15.Secret of Good Health
16.Secret of Long Life:
17.How do I get more Righteous?
18.The Promised Savior
19.Creation of our own World.
20.Attitude towards Problems
21.Who is the Poorest?
22.The Presence of God
23.Who is a Fool?
24.Where is the Best Place to be?
25.Best spouse
27.Finding God’s Purpose
28.Causes of Problems
29.The Power of God
30.Who are Christians?
31.God’s Fiery Judgment
32.Sorrow, Tears and Weeping
The Hidden Wisdom of God
33.My attitude towards me.
34.Working for God
35.Who is of Greatest Value in Heaven and in Earth?
36.What is Wisdom?
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 1:
How to Acquire All:
The Wisdom of the World teaches that for you to acquire a lot and have all you
need, you need to work hard, invest, seek excellence and relevance, believe and
pray about it. This is not a lie, it is a fact.
Mat 6:31-33: Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What
shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (FOR AFTER ALL THESE
THINGS DO THE GENTILES SEEK:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have
need of all these things. BUT SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and his
righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
1Ki 3:11 And God said unto him (Solomon), Because thou hast asked this thing,
and hast not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor
hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast asked for thyself understanding to
discern judgment; …. And I have also given thee THAT WHICH THOU HAST NOT
ASKED, both riches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings
like unto thee all thy days.
God’s Wisdom teaches that you should not be ambitious about anything
ephemeral or earthly, but your ambition should be to please God and fulfill His
will and your prayers should follow suite.
Mat 6:10: Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth (especially in my life), as it
is in heaven.
As believers we should not follow the way of the world, craving so greatly for its
riches; we know that in this last days churches are greatly on this path, but dear
believer, I say unto you that you come out of them and be separated. God wants
to give us true riches, but the way is by seeking Him single heartedly. (Mat 6:22;
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 2:
Wisdom for Increase
The Wisdom of the World teaches to spend less, invest more, work harder, give
less, save more, calculate well, and minimize expenses among others. This is not
false. The wisdom of man is not false, it is just inferior to the Wisdom of God.
Luke 6:38: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and
shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the
same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Pro 11:24: There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that
withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.
God tells us that the secret of having much is by giving much. Are you a giver
today or you are using all the worldly methods. You must understand the
difference between whatGod wants you to use and what He wants you to give.
Manage God’s fund well if you are truly His.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 3:
Wisdom for All Round Success
The Wisdom of the World tells you to acquire certificates here and there, learn
here and there. Do this and do that, use your mind, Solve problems.
Jos 1:8: (1) This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; (2) but thou
shalt meditate therein day and night, (3) that thou mayest observe to do
according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt MAKE THY WAY
The Wisdom of God teaches that you read, study, meditate upon and obey His
Word for you to have all round, indestructible, for all time, and ever relevant
success in this world and that which is to come.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 4:
Wisdom For Life Security
The Wisdom of the World tells you to have security men, have metal and bullet
proof doors, among others; don’t walk into danger; don’t go to Northern Nigeria;
don’t go to the Cross; don’t go to where God sends you, apply wisdom;
compromise God’s standard to remain alive and escape suffering maybe just
John 12:25: He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this
world shall keep it unto life eternal.
Phi 1:21: For to me to live is Christ, AND TO DIE IS GAIN.
To be a true child of God, we must beneither afraid of death nor of suffering. This
does not imply we foolishly walk into the lair of death, but that we should be
ready to do anything or go anywhere God wants us to go irrespective of the
danger or suffering it may promise. Jesus said only such people will be able to
keep their life and are living in true life security. We must be ready at any cost: be
it persistent failure, pain, shame, disgrace, poverty, bareness, tears, suffering or
even death; to look them all in the eye and say boldly and clearly “I CHOOSE
JESUS no matter what I may go through!”This is the characteristics of a true
disciple of Jesus. We must beware, because the persecution life of Christianity is
being preached out of churches today.
2Ti 3:12: Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
This does not mean we should expect troubles, but that we should be unmovable
by them peradventure they come and stand steadfast in the faith of Jesus Christ
growing thereby in the love of God.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 5:
Who is The Richest?
The World defines World Richest men as those who have so much. Those who
have big cars and great and fat bank accounts loaded with billions and great
Luk 12:15: And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a
man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
Children of God, we must begin to see greatness and riches as God sees it. We
must desist from seeing greatness from the perspective of abundance and great
treasures. We must stop secretly envying the rich and powerful and wishing we
were them. We must desist from our secret desire to acquire great wealth. We
must lay this desire on the Altar of Christ; because no one can love God and love
money. You must hate one and love the other.
Mat 6:24: "No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love
the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. YOU
If God grants us wealth, all well and good; but it must not be our desire. Our main
ambition must be to please God and do His will like Jesus did.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 6:
Who is the Greatest
The Wisdom of the World defines the greatest men as the bosses, the lords, the
commanders, the most influential, the presidents, the most famous, the richest,
the chairmen, the strongest, and the fastest among others.
Mat 18:4: Whoever becomes like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of
Mat 23:11: The person who is greatest among you will be your servant.
Luke 22:25, 26: Jesus said to them, "The kings of nations have power over their
people, and those in authority call themselves friends of the people. But you're
not going to be that way! Rather, THE GREATEST AMONG YOU MUST BE LIKE THE
When God looks down to find out who the greatest is, He does not pick the
strongest or richest or smartest or the boss; He looks for the least of the least of
servants. Dear believer, what is your concept of greatness today, is it being the
best in your class, being the most beautiful, using the best phone or best car,
highest position or free from serving others? If that is it then, you are operating in
the foolish wisdom of men. For you to be the greatest, focus on being the one
who serves others, especially those who are younger than you in all things. Can
you wash your annoying roommate’s cloth even though she is younger to you and
still disrespects you? What about rendering services to those that despise you as
Jesus did to Judas? This is how God knows if there is greatness in you.
John 13:12-15: So after he had washed their feet… He said unto them, Know ye
what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 7:
What about my Deserved Rights?
The Wisdom of the World teaches us to fight for our rights in words and in deeds
and so refuse to be cheated; we can shout and scream if we have to; slander and
curse if need be; go on strike if necessary; do all we can, the way we can, through
every means we have to reject cheatings. Most of us even say “The only thing I
hate in my life is cheating; I hate cheating more than anything else”. This is the
men’s wisdom.
Mat 5:44: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do
good to them that hate you, and PRAY FOR THEM WHICH DESPITEFULLY USE YOU,
and persecute you;
Phi 2:5-8: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in
and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he
humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Jesus had the same rights and equality with God, yet He let go of these rights and
privileges of being God and became man. He deserved to be in heaven as God
taking instruction from nobody, but denied Himself of these rights to become
dirty sinful man who now learns obedience (Hebrews 5:8); how more cheated can
a person be? The Spirit in us is different from the spirit of Elijah. (Luke 9:51-56).
We must learn to bless men, forgive them, and still love them even when they
cheat us; this is the Spirit of gentleness because our Father owns all things.
Rom 12:19: Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves…
But does this mean we should let people just cheat us unchallenged? No! There is
a difference between “fighting over your right” and “challenging your right”. As
The Hidden Wisdom of God
believers, Jesus showed us an example of challenging our rights without fighting
over it.
John 18:22,23: And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by
struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so?
Jesus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: BUT IF WELL,
Jesus was unjustly slapped; Jesus never spoke when He was spat upon, beaten or
nailed. But this man slapped Jesus for no reasonable cause, He simply challenged
Him. Whether the officer struck him again we wouldn’t know, but one thing we
know is Jesus challenged him. Paul also angrily did the same“but with wrath” in
Acts 23:1-5; he later apologized for being too hard, nonetheless we learnt he
challenged his rights. He did the same also in Acts 16:37-39. We can speak when
our right is being trampled, but if it tends towards a fight or it persists, a believer
should gladly withdraw and put on the shield of long suffering, love, and
endurance. Generally, what scripture teaches us is toeven deliberately deny
ourselves of our rights;
Luke 9:23: And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, LET HIM DENY
HIMSELF, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
Jesus said His true disciples must learn to deny themselves;deny themselves of
what? You can’t deny yourself of suffering or problems since it is not your right.
God expects us as His disciples to deny ourselves of what we deserve: we deserve
the best cloth, best position, best meat in the pot, best honor, best respect, best
offer, best this and that. By this shall all men know we are true children of our
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 8:
Attaining Life and Peace after Death
The Wisdom of the world especially those of religion that believe in life after
death teaches to live right and be good to enter into eternal rest. They
accumulate lots of rites, rules, benevolence, and religious activities as criteria to
be received by God and appear pure enough to enter His Kingdom.
Rom 3:10: As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
Job 15:14, 15: What is man, that he should be clean? and he which is born of a
woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, he putteth no trust in his saints;
yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight.
1John 1:10: If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is
not in us.
Mar 2:17: When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no
need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but
sinners to repentance.
Mat 21:31: … Jesus saith unto them (the law keepers), Verily I say unto you, THAT
Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee,
that I am not as other men are, extortionists, unjust, adulterers, or even as this
publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the
publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but
smote upon his breast, saying, GOD BE MERCIFUL TO ME A SINNER. I TELL YOU,
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Every religion and wisdom of the world talks about becoming good to enjoy life
after death and be accepted with God. Only Jesus taught that no one can be good
enough (Mark 10:18) to be saved from God’s wrath; we have to accept we are
helpless sinners; believe in the Savior who died to take our sin away and be saved.
All those who think they are clean or are trying tolive clean to be accepted with
God will not achieve it. Onlythose who put no confidence in the works of their
flesh and lean on the Lord our Righteousness who alone can grantus true
righteousness and present us as blameless brides before our Lord will be saved.
Only Jesus said words like “Sinners, thieves and prostitutes who accept they are
sinners and obtain mercy will be saved far before perfect law keepers are saved”.
This is God’s Wisdom but foolishness to them that perish!
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 9:
Best Choice
The Wisdom of the World chooses the eldest, wisest, smartest, most skilled, most
learned, and richest among others. Every organization in the world wants the best
for their job.
1Co 1:27: But GOD HATH CHOSEN THE FOOLISH THINGS of the world to confound
the things which are mighty;
Jam 2:5: Hearken, my beloved brethren, HATH NOT GOD CHOSEN THE POOR OF
THIS WORLD RICH IN FAITH, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to
them that love him?
The world always chooses the best and bravest. God on the other hand looks for
the worst, the smallest, the unqualified, the basest, the youngest, and the
puniest. If God put out an employment advert, it will read: All the dejected,
maimed, helpless, hurting, foolish, unqualified, smallest and weakest apply here.
This is unlike the wisdom of the world. We as believers also should not judge by
sight but by His leading. Secondly we should not judge His power in our life by our
disabilities. His strength is more perfect in our weakness.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 10:
I Want To Be Great
The Wisdom of the World considers “Solomonic” life as greatness: characterized
with great fame across continents, riches beyond measure, treasures
unimaginable; and great possession uncountable. Any man with these things is a
very great and successful man in the sight of men.
Luke 7:28: For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women THERE IS NOT
Jesus said that the greatest man that lived from creation is John the Baptist. This
implies John the Baptist is greater than Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Solomon,
and David among all the great men of the Old Testament. This John the Baptist
has no good cloth on, he is dressed in a camel-hair habit tied at the waist by a
leather strap; he lived a very short life; he died a very humiliating death; he had
no wife; no heir; no daughter; no house; he has no good food, he lived on a diet
of insects and honey. Yet, this is the greatest man in the Old Testament in God’s
sight. Does this not tell us we need to adjust our idea of greatness?
Even in churches today, we celebrate rich men and great achievers and inventor
of this world as great men. Our idea of a real man is the man who has at least a
house of his own, a wife, responsible children, enough money to take care of
extra business, and a car of his own. Let us not be deceived, we are children of
Light, we know better. Motivational speaker sensitize us towards greatness and
make examples out of great men of the world, this is an insult to God’s wisdom.
Greatness is not a function of achievement but of the heart of humility and
Luk 16:15b: What society sees and calls monumental, God sees through and calls
monstrous. (MSG) Luk 16:15B:For that which is highly esteemed among men is
abomination in the sight of God (KJV)
The Hidden Wisdom of God
How great do you want to be my brother and sister? Is it before man or before
God? Do you want man to call you great or God to call you great? Like Solomon or
like John the Baptist? How much and in what direction are you investing on
greatness? Think on these things.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 11:
Achieving Victory and Success.
The Wisdom of the World asks us to consider our capabilities, strength and how
much we have labored. We make our plans and calculation of success only by
how much we have labored and we plan our success and living based on our
earnings. Students usually calculate their expected grades by how much they
scored in test, assignments they do or did not do, the number of questions they
could answer or could not answer in the exam among others.
Mat 14:17-21: And they say unto him, We have here but FIVE LOAVES, AND TWO
FISHES. He said, Bring them hither to me. And he …took the five loaves, and the
two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake …And they did all eat,
and were filled: …And they that had eaten were about FIVE THOUSAND MEN,
Zec 4:6: …Not by might, nor by power, BUT BY MY SPIRIT, saith the LORD of hosts.
BECAUSE THEY ARE MANY; AND IN HORSEMEN, because they are very strong; but
they look not unto the Holy One of Israel…
God’s wisdom teaches us not to depend on the arms of the flesh; in fact, God
despises men who trust in their labor, capabilities, wisdom, brilliancy, income,
certificates, grades, and connections among others as guarantee for their success
or failure. No matter that area of life, WE DON’T NEED FIVE THOUSAND FISHES TO
FEED FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE, we must learn to trust in God for our success and
living and not live like men.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 12:
Where to Go and What to Do
The Wisdom of Man teaches us to analyze situations when we get to cross roads.
We are to judge where we turn, where we go and what we do by what is
obviously best and promises the brighter future. Many will choose between two
offered jobs the one that pays more and promises more security. We are taught
to look carefully before we choose and think twice before we make our decision
based on critical thinking and justification.
Pro 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and LEAN NOT UNTO THINE
OWN UNDERSTANDING. In all thy ways acknowledge him, AND HE SHALL DIRECT
Even though the world’s way is not wrong, God’s way simply promises better.
Many times, God’s choices looks like foolishness to man: like David fighting
Goliath without strength, sword, armor nor battle experience; like Abraham
leaving home for a place he does not know; like Naman bathing in Jordan river for
healing; like Hezekiah singing to the battle against men who are coming with all
weapons; like Israelites marching around Jericho to penetrate the walls; like Jesus
dying on the cross to save the whole world. God’s ways are always better, but to a
carnal man, it looks like the most foolish thing to do. In our lives, the judgment of
what we do must be based on God’s will and not on our calculations, critical
thinking or natural judgment. When He tells us what we do, we must fearlessly do
it whether it sounds logically reasonable or not.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 13:
Attitude towards Enemies and Offenders.
The World teaches us to war against those who hurt us in words and action. We
stay away from them. Many who do not do any of these would attack their
enemies in prayers asking that God’s judgment and wrath may come upon them.
This is simply the World’s way: either we war against men physically or spiritually
we are warring against our enemies.
Luke 23:34: Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they
Act 7:59, 60: And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus,
receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, LORD, LAY
NOT THIS SIN TO THEIR CHARGE. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do
good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, AND
Many believers who claim to have no enemy today hate the persecutors of the
church with grave wrath and wish that God’s wrath and judgment may come
upon them. Many believers carry great bitterness in their hearts against political
leaders, law enforcers, and persecutors among others. This is not the example
Jesus laid down for us. We can by His grace still love them because they do not
know what they are doing. I trust the Holy Spirit to touch your life by this
Eph 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 14:
Attitude towards Bad Government and Environment.
The World teaches us to speak against bad governance whether local or national.
This has crept into the church and believers. We speak evil of them and call them
every vile name based on things we hear about them, most of which we don’t
fully understand. We have been taught to complain and nag about the bad
environment they have created. We join discussion that criticizes them and
discusses their flaws and evil.
Act 23:5: Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is
1Tim 2:1,2: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; FOR KINGS, AND FOR ALL
Rom 13:1: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power
but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Psalm 122:6: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: THEY SHALL PROSPER THAT LOVE
God teaches us to pray for our leaders. How better will our lives be, if we can
desist from criticizing them, begin to pray for them and speak good to their lives?
Are we so ignorant that we cannot see that criticizing them does not change a
thing? God’s Word is sure, many turmoil we face in our lives and family are
caused by speaking evil against God’s anointed leader. Even if all that is said about
them is true, it is not enough reason for us to speak against them. We are
supposed to pray for them when we clearly see they are doing wrong. They are
anointed by God, we should be afraid to speak against them; like David, we must
reference them and esteem them so high. We must not join in the conversation
The Hidden Wisdom of God
that criticizes them instead we should reproof those who do such. And concerning
the country, we should pray for her with thanksgiving instead of complaining. For
through this we shall prosper ourselves. This is God’s way and God’s promise.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 15:
Secret of Good Health
The Wisdom of Men teaches that we live on drugs, food supplements, balanced
diet, rest and exercise among others. Men are always clamoring about what to
eat and what not to eat; always buying and following good health trends;
spending money buying different drugs; living on prototypes and diets that will
grant them good health and long life. This is not wrong though! Is it not pathetic
that many who do these still end up with terminal diseases?
Pro 4:20-22: My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let
them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they
are life unto those that find them, and HEALTH TO ALL THEIR FLESH.
Pro 3:5-8: Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. IT
Deu 7:12-15: Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments,
Why run from place to place looking for good health tips and diets to remain
healthy, when God provides the best solution by His Word? All God ask us to do is
delight in His Word and keep it in our hearts; that is all the good health we need.
Many believers have become slaves to doctors and made them lord over their
lives and health because they are children of God living like slaves. Doctors are
doing a good job I must say, but we as children of God should know and live
Isa 53:5: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our
The Hidden Wisdom of God
1Pe 2:24: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we,
being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: BY WHOSE STRIPES YE WERE
Jesus paid for our sins as much as He paid for our sicknesses with His suffering
and His Blood. Sickness is not God’s way to correct His children neither is He
asking you to endure sickness. God would have to apologize to Jesus if He ever
allows sickness on you. The author and finisher of sickness is the devil. Christ has
healed you. His Spirit that raised Him from the dead lives in you.
Rom 8:11: But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in
you, he that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead SHALL GIVE LIFE ALSO TO YOUR
MORTAL BODIES through his Spirit that dwelleth in you. (ASV)
Children of God should be living on divine health.
(Please, send me a personal message on my number +234-813-189-0348; if you
need my summary e- teaching on “Walking in Divine Health” to be sent to you;
specify if it should be sent to your inbox or shared with you on Facebook. Shalom)
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 16:
Secret of Long Life:
The World’s wisdom recommends different type of food the elderly should and
should not eat; they keep on coming with this diet and that diet; they recommend
continuous medical checkup; they keep on coming up with several kinds of tools
and patterns for maintaining good health and having long life.
Psalm 91:14-16: Because he hath set his love upon me …WITH LONG LIFE WILL I
SATISFY HIM,and shew him my salvation.
Deu 25:15: A perfect and just weight shalt thou have; a perfect and just measure
shalt thou have: THAT THY DAYS MAY BE LONG IN THE LAND which Jehovah thy
God giveth thee.
God offers the right combination for long life of peace. Even if you use all the
medications in the world and you violate God’s Word, you will still die young
maybe not very young; that is harsh, but it is the bitter truth. Please pay attention
to all these scriptures and you will die full of age in life and peace. God also sends
a note of warning to those who cheat others. If you cheat other people, God says
you have a high tendency of not living long in life.
There are basically two requirements for a joyful and peaceful long-life; I will
extract them out for emphasis:
Number 1:Love the Lord:(Psalm 91:14-16)
This cannot be overemphasized; do you love the Lord or you love your belly, are
you seeking Him because of what you want or because you love and want to
please Him; is your love for Him only in fair weather and not in earthquakes. A
man I respect said “All I want is to be with Jesus and be in His will, if Jesus is in
hell, I want to be there with Him” That is a man that loves God.
Number 2: Submission to all Authorities:
The Hidden Wisdom of God
God repeats the importance of submitting, respecting and honoring any authority
that is set upon us, so much that He gave it to us as the first commandment with
a promise.
Pro 3:1-2: MY SON, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my
Exo 20:12:Honor thy father and thy mother, THAT THY DAYS MAY BE LONG IN THE
LAND which Jehovah thy God giveth thee.
Eph 6:2: Honor thy father and mother (which is the first commandment with
promise), that it may be well with thee, and THOU MAYEST LIVE LONG ON THE
When Christians read this they are quick to conclude, I obey and honor my
parents, so I am excluded: Read this:
Rom 13:1-2: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no
power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore
resisteth the power,resisteth the ordinance of God: AND THEY THAT RESIST SHALL
Rom 13:1-2: Every person should obey the government in power. No government
would exist if it hadn't been established by God. The governments which exist
have been put in place by God. Therefore, whoever resists the government
opposes what God has established. THOSE WHO RESIST WILL BRING
Authorities are not only limited to our parents. God is as strong about His
principle over parents as He is strong over every laid down authority whether in
the spiritual settings or the secular settings. (Remember Miriam who was older
The Hidden Wisdom of God
than Moses and yet got struck with leprosy for challenging Moses). Every
authority is carrying God’s anointing whether they are believers or infidels. We
must honor them in words and in deeds irrespective of their wrongs. We must
desist from the company of those who criticize them, gossip them and insult
them. (Remember how much David respected wicked shameless Saul).
I believe that for every government leader, boss, parent, or any secular authority
you insult, gossip or speak against, you are cutting away a percentage of your
scheduled life on earth. This is not to condemn you but to bring you to
repentance. Let us desist from attacking our leaders; trouble lies on the head that
wears the crown; let us seek to pray for them even when they are cheating us,
that is why we are children of God, We are different from the world.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 17:
How do I get more Righteous?
Believers seek righteousness the world’s way, by self-discipline, morals,
courtesies, and benevolence among several other good deeds to become more
righteous. This is not wrong.
FAITH: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Gal 5:5: For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
Gal 3:3: Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by
the flesh?
God’s wisdom teaches us that He is as involved in the process and the end as He is
involved in the beginning. Many believers know they got saved by faith but now
try to live a good and acceptable life by morals and ethics taught by the world.
God’s Word teaches us that the way to grow in righteousness is by faith. We are
supposed to live by faith in God’s Word and promise concerning us. We must
believe in Christ’s finished work in us as a seed and patiently begin to grow out as
we study, read and get transformed by His Word with fervent prayers and
thanksgiving. We must keep on looking at Jesus who is our Forerunner on this
journey. There is no limit to this as long as we are still in the flesh. (Heb 6:20; Heb
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 18:
The Promised Savior
The Israelites expected a savior who would become a great emperor and deliver
them from the tyranny of the Roman empire. They thought God’s ultimate plan is
to free them from their oppression and establish the government that will stand
forever on the earth at that time.
Mat 1:21: And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: FOR
John 10:10: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I AM
The World expected a Savior who would deliver from physical oppression, but
God sent a carpenter’s son born in a sheep tent who will deliver men first from
their spiritual oppression and state of death;who would restore to them all that
the devil has stolen by getting humiliated and killed. Even in the church today,
believers see Jesus as Him who only grants them more financial capacity, more
breakthroughs, more good health, more fame, and probably heaven in the end.
This is a big mistake! Abraham had all of these and yet still made heaven. So what
did Jesus come to do? He came to deliver us from not just the sin of Adam but to
create and raise specie of people, who would be delivered from sin and their own
self; who would live in righteousness and dominion like He lived. He came to raise
a people who would love God, seek to please and do His will without being forced
or coerced with the fear of hell; men who would love God and still serve Him even
if they will be sent to hell like He was; people who would thirst after
righteousness all their lives and will live like Him in all things even if they live in
poverty all their lives.
Rom 8:35: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or
distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
2Co 11:25: Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered
shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep; In journeyings often, in
perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils
by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea,
in perils among false brethren; In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often,
in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 19:
Creation of our own World.
The Wisdom of the world teaches us that we should plan, design, build, get
sufficient capital, and manufacture, for us to bring things to physical and
emotional existence.
Psa 33:6: By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of
them by the breath of his mouth.
We as Believers are children of God; we must understand that this makes us like
Him in many things. As a believer, our most important tool of creativity is our
words. This is a more reason why we must be careful of what we say.
Jam 3:5-6: Even so the tongue is a little member…and SETTETH ON FIRE THE
Many of the troubles we face in our lives today are because of what we said
yesterday. Parents especially must be very careful of what they say about or to
their children and their spouse especially at angry moments. They are in the best
position to destroy or make them, give them a good life or a good as dead life.
Pro 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it
shall eat the fruit thereof.
Fellow believer, your words carry more power than anyone else; not just those
we say in God’s presence but more effective are those we say in our day to day
living. How better will this country be if believers can begin to say good about
her? Our lives and family will take a better turn if we can learn this. Any kind of
World we want can be brought to life by our words. We must anyway remember
that words come from the heart. A bad mouth is an output device for its dirty
heart. If you clean your heart your words will be purer.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 20:
Attitude towards Problems
The general attitude of most men towards problem is to get worried, become
bothered, begin to think and seek help from man in whom is no help. A believer
should know better.
Mat 6:25-30: Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall
eat, or what ye shall drink; …Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither
do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are
ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit
unto his stature? …Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day
is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye
of little faith?
God’s Word teaches us to pray, trust in God and maintain peace because of the
assurance that we have a loving Father who has provided a way for us before the
problem ever came. (Matthew 6:8)
Luk 8:30-33:…And THEY BESOUGHT HIM that he would not command them to go
out into the deep… And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the
mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them.
And he suffered them.. Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the
If Jesus could answer to the petition of a legion of demons, what makes you think
He will not answer your prayer who is a child of God saved by His blood? Are you
not more important to Him than demons cursed unto everlasting judgment? God
is fast and always on time, His maximum speed is expressed in patience. Learn
Patience and unwavering trust in God’s love.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 21:
Who is the Poorest?
The people we call poor are those without a good or no house to live, no food to
eat, and no good cloth to wear. The pitiful, miserable, and helpless people living
in slums and abject poverty are those we refer to as poor. Even those who live in
a good house but are not able to build themselves a duplex consider themselves
still poor. How sad!
1Co 15:19: If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most
Rev 3:17,18 Because thou sayest, I AM RICH, AND INCREASED WITH GOODS, AND
MISERABLE, AND POOR, AND BLIND, AND NAKED: I counsel thee to buy of me
gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou
mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear…
Be careful of the lust for riches. Jesus warned vehemently against the rich and
those who seek to be like them. Jesus teaches us that most of the enviable people
in the society today are miserable in God’s sight (Luke 16:15b). Much more
miserable is a believer who begins to measure his relevance by his earthly
possession. How sad!Our churches are flooded with people who desire great
hope in this world and shallow hope in the world to come everlasting life.
Believers arise! Life is more than possession, we think we are smarter than Jesus,
John the Baptist, and Paul among others who lived from hands to mouth and
needed to wait several minutes - perhaps hours, for a miracle to pay just a coin of
tax. This is not a call to earthly poverty, but a call to heavenly riches. Can a
believer be extremely rich to God and be extremely rich to man? Yes of course!
But brethren, it is difficult, Jesus said it. Those who seek to be extremely rich on
earth can never be rich towards God. What a man must seek is God, His will and
His righteousness and all others (if extreme riches are there) will follow.
Scriptures expresses caution repeatedly. A wise man will be watchful.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Mat 19:23,24:Then said Jesus …a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of
heaven …It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich
man to enter into the kingdom of God.
1Ti 6:9:BUT THEY THAT WILL BE RICH fall into temptation and a snare, and into
many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
1Ti 6:17: Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded,
nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things
to enjoy;
Luk 6:24: But WOE UNTO YOU THAT ARE RICH! for ye have received your
Jam 2:5: Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this
world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that
love him?
Jam 5:1: Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come
upon you.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 22:
The Presence of God
The world measures the presence of God in a man’s life by how much success he
has. A man who prospers in all his ways, who succeeds in all his endeavors like
David and a man who experiences the miraculous, great comfort, prosperity, and
peace. This may be true, but it is not limited to this. These are proofs of a man
who is present with God in the outer court. Even some of these enviable men
have passed through fire and were still in God’s presence as much.
Psa 16:11: …IN THY PRESENCE IS FULNESS OF JOY; at thy right hand there are
pleasures for evermore.
Mar 10:30: But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and
brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, WITH PERSECUTIONS;
and in the world to come eternal life. (One of God’s blessings in hundredfold upon
them that love Him is persecution, isn’t that strange? That is the Word.)
Joh 16:33: These things I have spoken unto you, THAT IN ME YE MIGHT HAVE
PEACE. In the world ye shall have tribulation: BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER; I have
overcome the world.
Joh 14:27: PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU, my peace I give unto you: not as the world
giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
God, even thy God, hath anointed thee WITH THE OIL OF GLADNESS above thy
One of the greatest proofs of being in God’s presence in the holies of holies is joy
and peace. Someone would think “that is easy, I have joy and peace”, but the
question is: Do you still have joy and peace in the face of tribulations and
trials?Do you still have joy and peace when your right is being trampled upon?Do
The Hidden Wisdom of God
you still have joy and peace when you are going through challenges that seem
endless?Do you still have praises on your lips and your dancing shoes on when it
seems God has forsaken you?Do you rejoice and smile when someone steals from
you, insults you, hates you, criticizes you, disrespects you, dishonors you, and
attacks your loved ones among others; or your joy is quickly replaced with
bitterness, anger and wrath? Believers, it is very easy to abide in God’s presence
every minute of every day: live lives of joy, peace, praises, mercy and love on daily
basis even when there is no food to eat or you are thrown into the fiery furnace,
on the mountain or in the valley. This will attract God’s blessings to your life.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 23:
Who is a Fool?
Has the world called you a fool; perhaps your fiancé, your friends, your boss at
work,your classmate or your neighbor among others? Perhaps because you refuse
to compromise righteousness or because you are like a lamb led to the slaughter
and opened not your mouth, you must feel like a fool indeed. Or have you angrily
shouted and fought back when you were reviled and insulted “do you think I am a
fool” or “I will show her I am not a fool”. Have you been advised to be wise
because you refuse to do things the way others are doing it?
Ecc 7:9: Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: FOR ANGER RESTETH IN THE
corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
Pro 10:18: …Anyone who spreads gossip is a fool.(GNB)
Pro 19:1: Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, THAN HE THAT IS
Luk 12:19,20: And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for
The Word of God answers clearly who a fool is. The world must call you a fool if
you are a godly man; do not be made inferior by the world. Many of them are like
mad men who call a sane man insane; Let God’s Word be weightier to you. Is it
not a foolish thing to do for a man to become maggot so save some other
maggots from death? That was what Jesus did for us. When you are called a fool
for righteousness, rejoice and be exceedingly glad, (Matthew 5:11,12) you are
privilege to walk as Jesus walked, because at one time, they said He was mad
The Hidden Wisdom of God
(John 10:20)! I beseech you to meditate on those few scriptures today and let the
Holy Spirit convict you of areas where you have been demonstrating folly, receive
God’s forgiveness and repent. For more instruction on how to get rid of folly from
your life, Read the Word. There are more answers there for you and I.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 24:
Where is the Best Place to be?
The World has conformed us to always choose the best by sight. We want to get
out of the country with the next available opportunity; if we are ever privileged to
choose between two job opportunities, we will choose the best paid and the most
promising. If we are going on youth service, if given the power, we want to
choose the most promising state. We want to live in the city rather than the
village; with the rich rather than the poor; in the south rather than the north; in a
big church rather than a small one.
Jer 29:11: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Gen 50:20: But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto
good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.
Rom 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Mat 26:39: …O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless
not as I will, but as thou wilt.
Many have by their own wisdom made choices over their lives that God did not
want for them. In their sight, they chose the best, but before God it may be the
worst mistake of their lives. THE BEST PLACE TO BE IS NOT WHERE THINGS LOOK
WHETHER IN THE MOUNTAIN OR IN THE VALLEY.Even if I am in hell, as long as
God is there with me and He wants me there, then no other place is better. If
Joseph was given a choice, he would have chosen not to be sold into slavery, not
knowing he just traded his future of becoming the savior of the then world for
just a temporal enjoyment. What if Jesus had not died and had called legions of
angel to defend Him, He would have missed the joy He now has in bringing many
The Hidden Wisdom of God
sons to glory. My friend, is there a decision you want to make soon, do not
choose by sight; if you choose to live well instead of in the well, you may be
missing God’s perfect arrangement to bring you into the best you never imagined.
Who would have thought God would defeatsatan by using his own perfect plans
to bring his fall. (1Cor 2:7,8) His ways are nothing like ours (Isaiah 55:8,9). Let God
lead you, He has more planned out for you than your little head can figure out or
plan. Let Him do it His way. He may desire that rough road for you for a greater
reason unknown to you. If you obey, someday you will praise Him for His wisdom.
Seek His counsel over every matter, He cares!
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 25:
Best spouse
My Fellow Youths: with our “best-by-sight” mentality, we desire the most
handsome, most promising, most spiritual, most talented, most friendly, most
prayerful, most caring, most comfortable, most successful, and most hardworking
among several other characteristics of the man or woman of our dream. Worst of
all, we choose him or her by our rules, by our method and in our time. This is the
world’s way. No thanks to Bollywood and Hollywood.
Mat 6:33: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things (Spouse inclusive) shall be added unto you.
Pro 3:6: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Isa 55:8,9: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my
ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
God’s Wisdom teaches us to like Adam, be about God’s business, seeking His will,
and running the race. As you do, one day God Himself will judge you ready and
say: it is not good for this man to be alone, Iwill bring a helper for him to choose if
he so desires. This is God’s perfect way!It is sad today that believers attack the
issue of choosing a spouse like unbelievers: judging by sight, through hopes,
schemes, testing, trials, and errors; we have made the pattern set by Hollywood
and Bollywood our standard. Beware! God’s ways are different from men’s.
EMULATIONS THEMSELVES. Dear believer friend, God cares about every aspect of
your life and He wants you to acknowledge Him in all your decisions, especially
your marriage. Most youths are afraid of asking God’s opinion because they are
afraid God may give them an ugly, an illiterate, a low paid, a lame, or a blind. Cut
The Hidden Wisdom of God
it! His thoughts toward you are thoughts of good. God’s ways are not always like
that(they sometimes may be anyway.)But whatever the case may be, be resolute
that He has your best in mind. Even if God’s choice by sight lookslike the worst,
you must be ready to accept it as God’s best - trusting in His love.TRULY TRULY I
this will prepare you a great deal to choose God’s best, but in all your getting, do
not marry an unbeliever or an “unchristian-church-goer”.Before you begin to find
out if he or she is a good person or not, seek God’s opinion first. Finally, be
patient, God has you in mind; endeavor to stay within “Godly” counsels “not
counsel and not ungodly counsels”. (Pro 11:14) Where no counsel is, the people
fall: but in the MULTITUDE OF COUNSELORS there is safety.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 26:
The wisdom of the world has constrained us to want things done immediately we
need them. The world has set us on a course to get all things done as faster as
possible. One of the focus of the now technology is how faster things can get. We
cease from the use of post office to telephones and from telephones to mobile
phones because we want things done faster and easier. We want to get rich very
young; marry very young; become professors very young; reach the top of our
career very young. We want it done, now, quickly, fast, today, this week, this
month, this year. Every single one of us desires this. If it’s possible we travel in
seconds instead of hours; or earn a Doctorate degree in months instead of years,
how lovely.
Hab 2:3: For the vision is yet for AN APPOINTED TIME, but at the end it shall
speak, and not lie: though it tarry, WAIT FOR IT; because it will surely come, it will
not tarry.
Gal 4:4: But WHEN THE FULNESS OF THE TIME WAS COME, God sent forth his Son,
made of a woman, made under the law,
Act 1:7: And he said unto them, IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW THE TIMES OR THE
SEASONS, which the Father hath put in his own power.
The Wisdom of God says “Oh man, you can know my promises for you, you can
know my good plans for you, but it is not yours to know the time and the season
for them to happen, it is for an appointed time which is only known and decided
by my Wisdom” One of the reasons why men sin today is because, we want things
done for us before the appointed time, we thus assist God to make things happen
for us before His time, how foolish! Moses tried to assist God to deliver Israel
before their time and it cost Israel 30 extra years in bondage, because their
deliverer was now lost, fearful and wounded. (Gen 15:13; Exo 12:41) Have you
wondered how we can read Genesis chapter one in less than six minutes and
The Hidden Wisdom of God
God-The-Almighty-Most-Powerful read it in six days? GOD IS NOT SLOW; HIS
Himself prophesied of a Savior in Genesis 3:15 and the Savior came only 4000
years after? What prophesy has God said about you that has not been fulfilled in
five years and you are angry and compromise your faith. Abraham became a true
father of his promised son about 35 years after God told Him and became a
nation probably six hundred years after. There are several examples of this in the
Bible. Some of us cannot wait one year, one month or even one day. Let us learn
IS NO HOPE FOR RESULTS. God is never late! Wait on Him. He has great promises
for those who wait on Him. (Isaiah 64:4; 40:31) Patience is one of the greatest
characteristics of a Godly man, seek it. Love is first patient! (1 Cor 13:4a) That
spouse, that job, that promotion, that open door, that miracle, and that promise
of God will come at the appointed time. Be prayerful, be thankful, be joyful, and
be content, your time and your day will come. Nevertheless, be warned!
Sometimes, satan and his hosts can delay God’s will in your life and extend your
miracle beyond God’s will, so I say be vigilante and be prayerful; the devil can act
like an angel of light. I also believe that issues as regards to health have been fully
paid by Jesus and delayed healings are not God’s will for any of His children.
Healings are delayed because men have little faith. (Matthew 17:15-20)
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 27:
Finding God’s Purpose
The wisdom of the world has ravaged the church with no thanks to motivational
preachers and speakers. Please let us beware! Many believers have now been
taught to follow their passion, follow their talents, follow their heart, and follow
their skills among many other misleads to discover and fulfill God’s ultimate
purpose for their lives. We have been taught to dream big, think big, seek to be
the best, and beat the best in everything we do. This seems sweet, but how sad;
these motivations and unholy competitions are not found in God’s Word except
for those with itching ears who have twisted the Word to suit their desires. There
is a gross misplacement of priority. Believers beware! Preachers, be warned!
Isa 55:8,9: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my
ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Rom 8:29: God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided
from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as
the life of his Son... (MSG)
God’s will for our lives is not what we discover following our thoughts, talents and
burning passions. If David had followed his talent, he might have ended up a great
musician and song writer invited by kings from countries to countries; or a great
song minister and evangelist used of God to cast out demons and perform a lot of
miracles; or a great prophet who prophesies a lot about the future; or become a
great fighter who wins every battle - hired by every king with a great price; he
would have been rich, he would have been famous, he would have impacted
many lives and relevant in his generation, but he would have missed God’s
purpose. God wanted David to be a King which has no reference to any of his
talents. Beware! (2Samuel 7:1-13) David was passionate about building God’s
temple, this looks good and even was encouraged by God’s Prophet but that
wasn’t God’s plan for him. Ifyou follow your talent, your good passions oryour
The Hidden Wisdom of God
“God’s gifts”, you may miss God’s will for your life. Joseph is another man, a great
dreamer who not only sees the future but is also gifted of God to translate all
manners of dreams, he would have begun “Joseph’s Dreams and Interpretation
Ministry” He would be famous in his days and would have written several books
men may read even today; but he would have missed God’s will for him of
becoming a Prime Minister of Egypt and savior of their known world from famine
and death.
What is the point? Only God can reveal to you what His purpose is for your life.
Follow Him and He will guide your path into it. But before seeking your individual
purpose, seek to become like Christ first and as you do, God will lead you into
your personal purpose. Motivational preachers sound good, they say “Seek your
purpose, pray about it, ask God about it with prayers and fasting” how sweet! But
God’s Word says “Seek God, seek His kingdom, seek His righteousness, pray and
fast that you may grow in Him; and God will in His time tell you or guide you into
God and His righteousness wholly; all other things, which includeyour purpose,
will find you; and your partner also will follow” (Matt 6:33) If you know you have
missed it by following your passion, repent and now wait on God, you can pray if
there is need, trust God as he reveals to you His real agenda for your life.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 28:
Causes of Problems
Culture and Society have taught us to blame our problem on others: our parents,
our fore fathers, a curse on our generation, a hereditary spell, our environment,
our country, friends, our wives, and our husbands; when all else fails, we blame
God or blame the devil; anything and everyone but us. Some of these factors
definitely do exist and are facts;they one way or the other might have being
acontributor or a major factor in our predicament. While they remain facts, God’s
Word shows us the main cause of our problems.
John 5:14: Afterward Jesus …said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: SIN NO
Jam 3:16: For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and EVERY EVIL
Even though challenges are bound to come because we live in a fallen world
surrounded by fallen creatures; God’s Word teaches us that worse and terrible
things happen to us because of not just the sin of Adam we inherited, but also the
decisions and lifestyles of individual men. As believers, it is high time we began to
blame our problems on our FAITHLESSNESS, our PRAYERLESSNESS, our
UNDERSTAND.They are internal and personal friends that open doors to evils
outside. We attract sicknesses, terminal diseases, poverty, sufferings, undeserved
persecutions and torments because of these reasons stated above. Many
Christians will keep on praying and complaining that they may get out of
oppressive and helpless life problems, yet they entertain bitterness and strife in
their hearts. As little as this may be, it is one of the open doors of the devil into
Christians’ life today. Before you know it cancer strikes, failure knocks,
The Hidden Wisdom of God
hypertension enters; sudden attacks and calamities visit because this prayerful
vibrant child of God failed to forgive quickly, love his enemy, and fill his heart with
joy and praise always. Before we resolve into deceitful patience, we must identify
our part in our problem and repent. God is always willing to give, but many of us
have put up attitudes that indirectly reject God’s gifts. Many problems come to
go, we must understand such and handle them with God’s life knowing fully that
Jesus was manifested to destroy all the works of the devil. (John 10:10). We must
seek God’s will and God’s mind concerning anything we are going through. (Eph
5:17) May the Holy Spirit shed more light on these matters in our hearts.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 29:
The Power of God
When the World thinks of the power of God, we are quick to consider the
miraculous: raising of the dead, deliverance from demonic attacks, word of
knowledge, visions, healings, speaking in tongues, and various signs and wonders
that are naturally impossible with man. These are indeed the expression of Power
and must not be belittled. But God’s Wisdom offers more.
Rom 1:16,17: For I am not ashamed of THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST: for it is THE
POWER OF GOD unto salvation to every one that believeth; …For THEREIN is the
just shall live by faith.
Joh 1:12: But as many as received him, TO THEM GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME
THE SONS OF GOD, even to them that believe on his name:
God’s Word says:“the Message of Christ is the Power of God which brings all
round salvation; how and why? Because in the Gospel (by the power) is THE
THE OTHER (not just believed and received)”. Today, believers claim to have the
power of the Holy Spirit; this power causes them to speak in new tongue but
cannot stop them from cursing, gossiping or slandering with that same tongue;
how can this be? This is because the power of God is not seen to be a tool of
righteousness again but a weapon of manifestation and fame. Let us come to
think of it, of what need is the Holy Spirit today if Elijah, Elisha, Moses, and
Samson among several others have performed miraculous signs we have not even
smelled in our days? This is to tell us that the work of the Spirit of God coming
upon a man for ministry is different from the work of the Holy Spirit within him.
He is called Holy because He has a special assignment of purifying us and
presenting us as blameless brides before the Groom. Have you wondered why
those who healed the sick went to hell fire and those who visited the sick went to
heaven in Jesus’ parables? (Mat 7:21-23; 25:34-40)Believers beware! God is more
The Hidden Wisdom of God
particular about your quality of life than the lives you touch by His gifts of the
Spirit. Do not be like men who can cast out all demons and heal all sick, but are
still wallowing in lust of money, immoralities, anger, strive, pride, and envy. Cry
out to God thatHis power might be evident in your life as it enables you to have
victory over sins and iniquities;thus revealing righteousness in you by faith: love,
joy, peace, meekness, endurance, long suffering, patience, gentleness, and self-
control among others. (Gal 5:22,23; 1Cor 13:4-7) This is the fruit of the Spirit that
must be grown out by His Spirit and evidence of our faith. (2 Cor 3:18)
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 30:
Who are Christians?
The World today sees Christianity as a religion of people who read the Bible, go to
church and believe in Jesus. Christians are therefore “acclaimed worshippers of
Jesus” who dress likenineteenth century men or carry big bibles; who attend or
belong to a building called church; who say they are Christians or say they believe
in Jesus; or who spend long hours praying and know many scriptures;just to
mention a few. This is not the world’s fault; it is the picture we have painted for
them to see. How sad! Jesus wanted the World to get a better view of who His
disciples are.
John 13:34,35: A NEW COMMANDMENT I give unto you, That ye love one
another; AS I HAVE LOVED YOU, that ye also love one another. BY THIS SHALL ALL
WORKS, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
The world may not be able to see every believer in every house heal the sick and
raise the dead as important as this may be.More than all else,Jesus wanted the
world to see all His disciples as custodians of good works of love; notjust big
bibles carriers, consistent preachers, their pre-civilization dresses, or their long
love does not just love and care for lovely people, greet nice people, give to
friends, and pray for family members among others. But THIS LOVE smile when
slapped unjustly; pray that God forgives people who hate us without cause; pray
God forgives those who kill our beloved fathers and loved ones; wish well those
who steal our precious priceless possessions and belongings;love those who seek
our downfall and death by all means; smile at careless drivers who caused or
almost caused us accidents; apologize even when we know we are not at fault for
peace sake;take responsibility for wrongs we did not cause; labor without hope of
The Hidden Wisdom of God
appreciation; give to widows, orphans, beggars, as much as we would give as gifts
to our best friends; let go of our privileges and rights for the sake of peace and
comfort of others; refusing to compromise righteousness in the name of wise or
for fear of men; forgive people before they ask; bear suffering for a long time
without complaining or bitterness; go through pains with joy and praises on the
lips; more and so much more are characters of love that Jesus expect us to use as
proofs to the world that we are His disciples. Note: a child of God is not a Mr. Nice
Guy, but a follower of Jesus to the letter.
After spending hours praying, giving fat offering in church, reading the bible three
times a year, and preaching all day in words and with tracts, an unbeliever slaps
you and you so as little as shout back, you have misrepresented Jesus, MY
FRIEND, YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO HIM; that person may never learn who a
Christian is again till he dies. If you have ever done that, go to God in prayers of
repentance and receive grace to be different. Let’s be frank, Fanatic Muslims
ladies dress more modestly than the best Christians can achieve; do not think
your dress is your banner as a Christians. Dear Believer, the next time Jesus will
need you to show that unbeliever who a Christian is;the next time Jesus needs
one true Christian to show the world who He is: Please I beg you! I beg you so
strongly! DO NOT FAIL HIM! May God grant us all the grace.
Note: this is concerning the outward life of a believer God wants the world to see
and does not refer to who a Christian truly is on the inside or his inward life.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 31:
God’s Fiery Judgment
We have learnt from the world’s normal view that God is coming to judge all men
one day; so when we think of God’s judgment, we think of the thieves, killers,
fornicators, bad politicians, false prophets, and unjust Christians among others we
see. We believers need to know better!
Jer 17:10: I the LORD SEARCH THE HEART, I TRY THE REINS, even to give every
man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. (Rev 22:12):
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man
1Co 4:5:…the Lord come, who both will bring to light the HIDDEN THINGS OF
DARKNESS, and will make manifest THE COUNSELS OF THE HEARTS: and then shall
every man have praise of God.
Rom 2:16: In the day when God shall judge THE SECRETS OF MEN by Jesus Christ
according to my gospel.
1Sa 16:7: …for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward
You may need to read these scriptures again to get the point, especially Jeremiah
17:10 and Revelation 22:12. God will indeed judge the works of men, but the way
He does that is not by looking at the man’s deeds, it is by looking at the man’s
heart. Two men would do the same thing the same way in the same place and
God would judge them differently because He alone sees their heart. As believers
what does this teach us? We must pay great attention to what we think. (1Cor
13:5) Love thinks no evil. Many times we cry when we commit a sin on the
outside, but we don’t care as much whenwe think evil in our hearts. Many times
we criticize others, insult others,and wish people evil in our heart, but since no
one knows and no one hears; we see no need for repentance and tears before
The Hidden Wisdom of God
God on the depravity of our heart. Don’t just go about feeling happy you don’t
steal, or kill or lie; instead, rejoice that:IF ALL YOUR SECRET THOUGHTS AND
LOOKED. The Old Testament focused on what people do and little or no reference
to their hearts; they were free to think what they want in their hearts but make
sure they obey God on the outside. This New Testament is different: it is the heart
first or nothing else matters. Another thing God will judge is what you do in secret
that no other person knows or sees. Believers, you and I need to pay more
attention to what we do in the secret than what we do in the open.The Word is
the Judge of today (Hebrews 4:12; 1Cor 11:31). This matter cannot be over
emphasized, only the Holy Spirit can reveal the urgency of this matter to you than
my words can express. I pray He shows you what He showed me and much more!
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 32:
Sorrow, Tears and Weeping
We feel sorrowful and weep when calamities befall us: when there is a
disappointment, shattered dreams, hopeless situations, oppressions, disgrace,
sicknesses, failures, and all kinds of discomforts. We may be justified at times to
feel sorrowful and cry out to God, yet we should learn to rejoice and praise God in
the face of trials. But God’s wisdom shows us a better reason to weep.
There are several valid and precious tears a believer can shed in God’s presence;
this teaching will show us a few.
1. The Tears of Loss of God’s Presence
And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock
crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. AND HE WENT OUT, AND WEPT BITTERLY. (Mat
26:75) And about the ninth hour JESUS CRIED WITH A LOUD VOICE, saying, …My
God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Mat 27:46)
God will never forsake us as He forsook Jesus on the cross. But the question to us
is: do we cry and weep when we see we have left God’s presence? Do we shed
tears when we transgress His commandments? Do we even perceive it when God
is not pleased with us or our spiritual impulses are dead? Dear believer, wake up!
These are tears unto love, restoration, and repentance and not unto
2. The Tears of Compassion and Intercession
Jesus wept. (John 11:35); And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and
wept over it, (Luke 19:41); My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until
Christ be formed in you, (Gal 4:19)
Do we weep and shed tears when we see the affliction of others and are moved
to intercede for them in prayers? Or we criticize, scorn and gossip about them?
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Does the spiritual growth of other believers move us into sorrowful tears and
prayers before God?
3. The Tears of Conformity to Christ’s Image
…Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts…Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone;
because I am a man of unclean lips… (Isa 6:3) But we all, with open face beholding
as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to
glory… (2Co 3:18)
As believers, is the Glory, the Love, the Image and the Holiness of Christ revealed
to us enough to drive us to tears, as it reveals our own depravity? Or we always
see ourselves as holy, pure, and perfect even before God’s throne? Does the
desire to become like Christ drive us to weeping in God’s presence?
4. The Tears of The Poor in Spirit
Then saith he unto them, My soul is EXCEEDING SORROWFUL, even unto death
…And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my
Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as
thou wilt. (Mat 26:38, 39) And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven,
STRENGTHENING HIM. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his
sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. (Luk
Do we go to God’s presence admitting our weakness in tears and sorrow as we
look up to Him for strength? Or there is no mountain too high to climb for us in
our spiritual life enough to drive us to tears?
5. The Tears of Freedom from the World
Heb 5:5-8: So also Christ …Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up
prayers and supplications WITH STRONG CRYING AND TEARS unto him that was
able to SAVE HIM FROM DEATH, and was heard in that he feared; Though he were
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Do we cry so we can be able to live a perfect life before God and live a life void of
sin? Do we cry and shed tears in God’s presence so He can grant us the grace to
learn obedience by all means possible even if it means suffering?
This is a highly concise teaching. May the Holy Spirit Himself take these Words
and shed them all in your heart.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 33:
My attitude towards me.
Growing up, we have been configured to seek to be better than others, or how
else will our parents be proud of us. We thus grew up always trying tobuild
ourselves monuments in whatever we do for ourselves or for others. We are
taught that we cannot love others except we love ourselves first;so I must do my
best to be the best I can be for myself; I must get the best portion, best spouse,
and reach the best height, to mention a few.We are configured to develop self-
confidence and self-esteem among others. This is good from every man’s point of
Rev 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of
Luke 14:26: If any man come to me, AND HATE NOT …HIS OWN LIFE also, he
cannot be my disciple.
The world offers a cheap substitute of God’s true Wisdom. Adam’s first reaction
to sin is to shift blame on his wife and justify himself. Jesus did not come all the
way from heaven to show us how to love our own self some more. He showed us
how to suffer in place of others; He showed us how to be shamed so others can
be praised and honored; He showed us how to take the servant position while
others are treated as masters. If you doubt it, just look at the cross. Jesus’
message is that we hate our own life even when it means pains for Him or for our
neighbors. This does not mean we are supposed to live despondently, beat
ourselves down and never expect any good out of life; it means even though we
are craving for the best and excellence we are not in the unholy competition of
trying to outshine everyone else as the world seeks. (Phi 2:3) Let nothing be done
through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind LET EACH ESTEEM OTHER
BETTER THAN THEMSELVES.Let us get out of the mindset of me first. The World
preaches self-confidence and self-esteem; God says this self must die. The only
part where we come before others is as pertaining to our spiritual life and walk
The Hidden Wisdom of God
with God (1 Tim 4:16). God’s Word warns that we first take heed to ourselves.This
wisdom is also deeper than this post can explain. I pray the Holy Spirit will purge
your daily activities by this Word in Jesus name.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 34:
Working for God
Across world religions are people wanting to work for God one way or the other;
either do benevolence for men or work for their god or God in some other direct
ways possible. This mindset is also in the church, but we should know better.
We believers have been taught to work for God and work with God aswe walk
with Him; yet, there are greater things God wants us to know about all works for
Him.There are more but we will share these two:
1. God MUST do His Work
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same
bringeth forth much fruit: FOR WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING (Joh 15:5);For
it is GOD which worketh in you BOTH TO WILL AND TO DO of his good
pleasure(Phi 2:13)
We did a lot of wonderful things before we were born again;we couldn’t steal,
fornicate, or kill; some of us even helped people; we were obedient; we preached
and prayed before wewere ever born again; yet Jesus said “WITHOUT ME YE CAN
DO NOTHING”. What does this tell us? It means a believer can do a lot of good
things without the power of God, but with the strength of his flesh; such good
deeds are not acceptable before God. Our offerings of service to God must first be
His will, it must then be good, perfect and acceptable before God (Rom 12:1,2). It
means we must find out WHAT God wants us to do, do it WHEN He wants us to
do and do it HOW He wants us to do it. If either of the pieces is missing, then God
has being kicked out of His work.Tendencies of pride come because we began to
do God’s work for him in our way. (1Cor 4:7; 1:29)
2. Man says What, God says Why!
1Co 13:3: And though I bestow ALL MY GOODS to feed the poor, and though I give
MY BODY TO BE BURNED, and have not charity, it PROFITETH ME NOTHING.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Believers are always clamoring about working more for God; God on the other
hand is more particular about why we are working for Him. It is not the size of the
work, it is the why. Is it not serious that a man canSELL ALL HIS POSSESSION TO
FEED THE POOR and yet, God says such man has a wrong heart and gets no
reward? What about a man who suffered and was burnt to death for the sake of
the Gospel? God says He wasn’t doing it for love and He gets nothing? Think on
these things. That daily prayers, your fasting, going to church, preaching,
evangelism, and your offerings, among others; are you doing it because you love
God truly as appreciation of His love (1John 4:19); or because you are trying to
escape destruction and trying to get some more favor from Him?Is it all about you
and your needs or all about HIM?
Think on these things, the day will declare it. It will be revealed by fire when God
will judge every good deed and know of what sort it is. God’s fire of Agape love
will test every deed of saints. (Songs 8:7; 1Cor 3:12-15) Judge yourself now, only
you can do that through the revelation of God’s Word by His Spirit. (1Cor 11:31;
Heb 4:12)
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 35:
Who is of Greatest Value in Heaven and in Earth?
If we talk about the most valuable person on earth; the world has several clues;
but in heaven, the universe and the earth, the world has no clue. Christians
measure it in terms of sphere of influence, souls won, and lives touched. But let’s
hear what God has to say.
Isaiah 66:1,2: Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my
footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my
rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been,
saith the LORD: BUT TO THIS MAN WILL I LOOK, even to him that is poor and of a
contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.
Let me explain this scripture to you, it contains great revelation. Permit me to
paraphrase what God is saying:
The LORD said: “The whole Heaven is not so important to me; it is simply what I
use as my throne; and the earth; it is nothing but my foot stool, I don’t as much as
value it. If heaven is not a big deal and earth is just nothing, what do you think
about the small temple you built for me inside the earth, you think I value it so
much? No I don’t, because these are all things I made with my own hands, they
come so easy, they have been existing and are nothing much. But there is a
something I will REGARD WITH PLEASURE, a man I behold, consider, regard, and
HAVE RESPECT FOR more than heaven and earth, a man who is valuable to me
than the whole universe: IT IS A MAN WHO IS HUMBLE (POOR), BROKEN AND
The Word translated “look” in verse two is from the Hebrew word “nabat” that
means “to REGARD with pleasure, favor or care: - (cause to) behold, consider,
REGARD, HAVE RESPECT, see”. This shows us what God is saying from verse one:
God is saying He doesn’t value the heavens or respectsthe earth; what He greatly
The Hidden Wisdom of God
values beyond them all is ahumble man. A contrite man is more valuable than the
whole universe. A man who values His Word is more important to God than the
whole riches and achievement of the earth. What are you chasing today, more
riches, more money, more miracles, more gift of the Spirit, more earthly riches, or
more heavenly reward? They are all good, but God says they are all not as
important to Him as that one man who is very humble, contrite and trembles at
His Word; a man who is like Him in value and nature (Philippians 2:5-11).
Change your focus today and pray that God refocuses your heart,your passion,
and your prayers. Do you want to be respected by God or you want to be
THIS DAY WHICH YOU WANT. May the Holy Spirit purge your heart and
conscience with these Word.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Wisdom 36
What is Wisdom?
As we conclude this series, we will consider what wisdom is and how to get it. The
World defines wisdom by results. The world’s way or explanation of desired
results is what they call wisdom, irrespective of the means. As long as there are
obvious, tested, proved, and undeniable results and facts, the world bases a
principle and wisdom on this.
1Co 1:24: But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, CHRIST THE
God’s Wisdom “may” never see obvious results in this peanut world nor even see
glorious results in one’sshort lifetime; but truly I say to you: God’s Wisdom stands
from everlasting to everlasting. First, Scriptures shows us that CHRIST IS THE
wise God is -That Almighty who runs the Universe since eternity past; you don’t
need an interview with Him in person; you simply need to study Jesus, study His
lifestyle, study His Words; then you will become as wise as God Himself. This is
not a wishful thinking, but an inheritance God wants for us in Christ. For He who
has seen Jesus has seen God. (John 14:9)
Many Christians say “My Christianity does not make me a fool” IT DOES MAKE
1Co 4:10: WE (the Apostles) ARE FOOLS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, but ye (the
Corinthian Church) are WISE IN CHRIST; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are
honourable, but we are despised.
Jam 3:17: But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and
without hypocrisy.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
There is a way we can measure what is wise and what is not. God’s Word gives us
a clue: anything we call wise must first be pure, with nothing against God’s Word;
foster peace with men and peace with God; not seek to struggle with others;
must go along with being merciful and forgiving; must produce the fruits of the
Spirit; must not promote partiality; and must be without pretense. Pursue
wisdom; God’s Raw Material on Wisdom (Jesus) “THE BIBLE” contains secrets shut
up since the world’s foundation, they can only be refined and revealed by the
Light the Holy Spirit shines upon all those who are ready to pay the price. He is
not a Respecter of persons. Spend the rest of your life seeking Jesus as you daily
read, study, and with fervent prayers meditate on the Word.
I commit you into the Hand of God and the Word of His Grace which is able to
transform you. I pray for all readers and followers of this Wisdom series that: God
will help us by His Spirit to be doers and not mere teachers and readers. This I
pray not by my righteousness but by the name of Him who is our Right Standing
with God–even JESUS.
The Hidden Wisdom of God
Thanks be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Author and He
who commissioned this Wisdom project. I owe Him all the encouragement,
strength, finance, the praise, and glory of this work. If there is any mistake in this
work, it would be the parts where I have refused to walk in the Spirit and refuse
His corrections. Unto Him be all the praise. He alone is the Father and the Teacher
of the Word. I also want to thank the Holy Spirit who seats me daily at Jesus feet
against my stubbornness, weariness, hard heartedness and carnality; He patiently
showed me and taught me to do and to teach these things; you cannot imagine
what I have made Him go through to make this happen.
I also want to thank everyone who has been a part of this work. These are only
the few we can contain in this teaching. There are much more indeed. Stay in
God's Word and don't you dare leave until God has revealed His way to you. God
bless you richly.
I teach not as if I've already reached the goal or have already completed the
course. But I run to win that which Jesus Christ has already won for me. Brothers
and sisters, I can't consider myself a winner yet. This is what I do: I don't look
back, I lengthen my stride, and I run straight toward the goal to win the prize that
God's heavenly call offers in Christ Jesus. Whoever has a mature faith should think
this way. And if you think differently, (I pray that) God will show you how to think.
However, we should be guided by what we have learned so far. (Philippian 4:12-
Thank you for all your time to read, your supports and encouragement thus far.
May God reward you and bless you richly.
I commit you into the Hand of God and the Word of His Grace which is able to
transform you. I pray for all readers and followers of this Wisdom series that: God
will help us by His Spirit to be doers and not mere teachers and readers. This I
pray not by my righteousness but by the name of Him who is our Right Standing
with God – even JESUS. Grace and Peace!

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The wisdom of man versus the wisdom of God 1

  • 1. The Hidden Wisdom of God THE HIDDEN WISDOM OF GOD The Wisdom of Man versus the 36 Wisdom of God Tomisin Ajileye
  • 2. The Hidden Wisdom of God INTRODUCTION Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe the Lord has laid it on my heart to share with my fellow believers: mysteries about THE WISDOM OF GOD and how it differs from the wisdom of men! I discovered that believers today and even local churches have bought so deeply into the wisdom of men which is total foolishness to God and hindrance to His Work in us. (1Cor 1:25) In this note, I will by the help of The Holy Spirit share with you these differences. Only those "that are perfect" in their spirit (true believers) will have tendencies to understand these mysteries! (1Cor 2:6, 13, 14) Caution, it is not for you to discern your friends or church's foolishness, but to work on your own life and walk with God. (1 Cor 11:31) Look through the mirror of God’s Word and purge out the foolishness of man’s wisdom that has deadened your conscience and affected your value system.
  • 3. The Hidden Wisdom of God CONTENT 1. How to acquire all? 2. Wisdom for Increase 3. Wisdom for all round success 4. Wisdom for life security 5. Who is the richest? 6. Who is the greatest? 7. What about my deserved rights? 8. Attaining life and peace after death 9. Best choice 10.I want to be great 11.Achieving victory and success 12.Where to go and what to do 13.Attitude towards enemies and offenders 14.Attitude towards Bad Government and Environment. 15.Secret of Good Health 16.Secret of Long Life: 17.How do I get more Righteous? 18.The Promised Savior 19.Creation of our own World. 20.Attitude towards Problems 21.Who is the Poorest? 22.The Presence of God 23.Who is a Fool? 24.Where is the Best Place to be? 25.Best spouse 26.When? 27.Finding God’s Purpose 28.Causes of Problems 29.The Power of God 30.Who are Christians? 31.God’s Fiery Judgment 32.Sorrow, Tears and Weeping
  • 4. The Hidden Wisdom of God 33.My attitude towards me. 34.Working for God 35.Who is of Greatest Value in Heaven and in Earth? 36.What is Wisdom?
  • 5. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 1: How to Acquire All: The Wisdom of the World teaches that for you to acquire a lot and have all you need, you need to work hard, invest, seek excellence and relevance, believe and pray about it. This is not a lie, it is a fact. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Mat 6:31-33: Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (FOR AFTER ALL THESE THINGS DO THE GENTILES SEEK:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. BUT SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 1Ki 3:11 And God said unto him (Solomon), Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment; …. And I have also given thee THAT WHICH THOU HAST NOT ASKED, both riches, and honour: so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days. God’s Wisdom teaches that you should not be ambitious about anything ephemeral or earthly, but your ambition should be to please God and fulfill His will and your prayers should follow suite. Mat 6:10: Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth (especially in my life), as it is in heaven. As believers we should not follow the way of the world, craving so greatly for its riches; we know that in this last days churches are greatly on this path, but dear believer, I say unto you that you come out of them and be separated. God wants to give us true riches, but the way is by seeking Him single heartedly. (Mat 6:22; 24)
  • 6. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 2: Wisdom for Increase The Wisdom of the World teaches to spend less, invest more, work harder, give less, save more, calculate well, and minimize expenses among others. This is not false. The wisdom of man is not false, it is just inferior to the Wisdom of God. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Luke 6:38: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Pro 11:24: There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. God tells us that the secret of having much is by giving much. Are you a giver today or you are using all the worldly methods. You must understand the difference between whatGod wants you to use and what He wants you to give. Manage God’s fund well if you are truly His.
  • 7. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 3: Wisdom for All Round Success The Wisdom of the World tells you to acquire certificates here and there, learn here and there. Do this and do that, use your mind, Solve problems. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Jos 1:8: (1) This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; (2) but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, (3) that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt MAKE THY WAY PROSPEROUS, and THEN THOU SHALT HAVE GOOD SUCCESS. The Wisdom of God teaches that you read, study, meditate upon and obey His Word for you to have all round, indestructible, for all time, and ever relevant success in this world and that which is to come.
  • 8. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 4: Wisdom For Life Security The Wisdom of the World tells you to have security men, have metal and bullet proof doors, among others; don’t walk into danger; don’t go to Northern Nigeria; don’t go to the Cross; don’t go to where God sends you, apply wisdom; compromise God’s standard to remain alive and escape suffering maybe just once. # THE WISDOM OF GOD John 12:25: He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. Phi 1:21: For to me to live is Christ, AND TO DIE IS GAIN. To be a true child of God, we must beneither afraid of death nor of suffering. This does not imply we foolishly walk into the lair of death, but that we should be ready to do anything or go anywhere God wants us to go irrespective of the danger or suffering it may promise. Jesus said only such people will be able to keep their life and are living in true life security. We must be ready at any cost: be it persistent failure, pain, shame, disgrace, poverty, bareness, tears, suffering or even death; to look them all in the eye and say boldly and clearly “I CHOOSE JESUS no matter what I may go through!”This is the characteristics of a true disciple of Jesus. We must beware, because the persecution life of Christianity is being preached out of churches today. 2Ti 3:12: Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. This does not mean we should expect troubles, but that we should be unmovable by them peradventure they come and stand steadfast in the faith of Jesus Christ growing thereby in the love of God.
  • 9. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 5: Who is The Richest? The World defines World Richest men as those who have so much. Those who have big cars and great and fat bank accounts loaded with billions and great achievements. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Luk 12:15: And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. Luk 12:21: SO IS HE THAT LAYETH UP TREASURE FOR HIMSELF, AND IS NOT RICH TOWARD GOD. Children of God, we must begin to see greatness and riches as God sees it. We must desist from seeing greatness from the perspective of abundance and great treasures. We must stop secretly envying the rich and powerful and wishing we were them. We must desist from our secret desire to acquire great wealth. We must lay this desire on the Altar of Christ; because no one can love God and love money. You must hate one and love the other. Mat 6:24: "No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND WEALTH. (God’s Word) If God grants us wealth, all well and good; but it must not be our desire. Our main ambition must be to please God and do His will like Jesus did.
  • 10. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 6: Who is the Greatest The Wisdom of the World defines the greatest men as the bosses, the lords, the commanders, the most influential, the presidents, the most famous, the richest, the chairmen, the strongest, and the fastest among others. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Mat 18:4: Whoever becomes like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Mat 23:11: The person who is greatest among you will be your servant. Luke 22:25, 26: Jesus said to them, "The kings of nations have power over their people, and those in authority call themselves friends of the people. But you're not going to be that way! Rather, THE GREATEST AMONG YOU MUST BE LIKE THE YOUNGEST, AND YOUR LEADER MUST BE LIKE A SERVANT. When God looks down to find out who the greatest is, He does not pick the strongest or richest or smartest or the boss; He looks for the least of the least of servants. Dear believer, what is your concept of greatness today, is it being the best in your class, being the most beautiful, using the best phone or best car, highest position or free from serving others? If that is it then, you are operating in the foolish wisdom of men. For you to be the greatest, focus on being the one who serves others, especially those who are younger than you in all things. Can you wash your annoying roommate’s cloth even though she is younger to you and still disrespects you? What about rendering services to those that despise you as Jesus did to Judas? This is how God knows if there is greatness in you. John 13:12-15: So after he had washed their feet… He said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. IF I THEN, YOUR LORD AND MASTER, HAVE WASHED YOUR FEET; YE ALSO OUGHT TO WASH ONE ANOTHER'S FEET. FOR I HAVE GIVEN YOU AN EXAMPLE, THAT YE SHOULD DO AS I HAVE DONE TO YOU.
  • 11. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 7: What about my Deserved Rights? The Wisdom of the World teaches us to fight for our rights in words and in deeds and so refuse to be cheated; we can shout and scream if we have to; slander and curse if need be; go on strike if necessary; do all we can, the way we can, through every means we have to reject cheatings. Most of us even say “The only thing I hate in my life is cheating; I hate cheating more than anything else”. This is the men’s wisdom. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Mat 5:44: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and PRAY FOR THEM WHICH DESPITEFULLY USE YOU, and persecute you; Phi 2:5-8: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, THOUGHT IT NOT ROBBERY TO BE EQUAL WITH GOD: BUT MADE HIMSELF OF NO REPUTATION, AND TOOK UPON HIM THE FORM OF A SERVANT, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Jesus had the same rights and equality with God, yet He let go of these rights and privileges of being God and became man. He deserved to be in heaven as God taking instruction from nobody, but denied Himself of these rights to become dirty sinful man who now learns obedience (Hebrews 5:8); how more cheated can a person be? The Spirit in us is different from the spirit of Elijah. (Luke 9:51-56). We must learn to bless men, forgive them, and still love them even when they cheat us; this is the Spirit of gentleness because our Father owns all things. Rom 12:19: Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves… But does this mean we should let people just cheat us unchallenged? No! There is a difference between “fighting over your right” and “challenging your right”. As
  • 12. The Hidden Wisdom of God believers, Jesus showed us an example of challenging our rights without fighting over it. John 18:22,23: And when he had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest thou the high priest so? Jesus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: BUT IF WELL, WHY SMITEST THOU ME? Jesus was unjustly slapped; Jesus never spoke when He was spat upon, beaten or nailed. But this man slapped Jesus for no reasonable cause, He simply challenged Him. Whether the officer struck him again we wouldn’t know, but one thing we know is Jesus challenged him. Paul also angrily did the same“but with wrath” in Acts 23:1-5; he later apologized for being too hard, nonetheless we learnt he challenged his rights. He did the same also in Acts 16:37-39. We can speak when our right is being trampled, but if it tends towards a fight or it persists, a believer should gladly withdraw and put on the shield of long suffering, love, and endurance. Generally, what scripture teaches us is toeven deliberately deny ourselves of our rights; Luke 9:23: And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, LET HIM DENY HIMSELF, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Jesus said His true disciples must learn to deny themselves;deny themselves of what? You can’t deny yourself of suffering or problems since it is not your right. God expects us as His disciples to deny ourselves of what we deserve: we deserve the best cloth, best position, best meat in the pot, best honor, best respect, best offer, best this and that. By this shall all men know we are true children of our God.
  • 13. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 8: Attaining Life and Peace after Death The Wisdom of the world especially those of religion that believe in life after death teaches to live right and be good to enter into eternal rest. They accumulate lots of rites, rules, benevolence, and religious activities as criteria to be received by God and appear pure enough to enter His Kingdom. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Rom 3:10: As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: Job 15:14, 15: What is man, that he should be clean? and he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, he putteth no trust in his saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight. 1John 1:10: If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. Mar 2:17: When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Mat 21:31: … Jesus saith unto them (the law keepers), Verily I say unto you, THAT THE PUBLICANS AND THE HARLOTS GO INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD BEFORE YOU. Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortionists, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, GOD BE MERCIFUL TO ME A SINNER. I TELL YOU, THIS MAN WENT DOWN TO HIS HOUSE JUSTIFIED RATHER THAN THE OTHER…
  • 14. The Hidden Wisdom of God Every religion and wisdom of the world talks about becoming good to enjoy life after death and be accepted with God. Only Jesus taught that no one can be good enough (Mark 10:18) to be saved from God’s wrath; we have to accept we are helpless sinners; believe in the Savior who died to take our sin away and be saved. All those who think they are clean or are trying tolive clean to be accepted with God will not achieve it. Onlythose who put no confidence in the works of their flesh and lean on the Lord our Righteousness who alone can grantus true righteousness and present us as blameless brides before our Lord will be saved. Only Jesus said words like “Sinners, thieves and prostitutes who accept they are sinners and obtain mercy will be saved far before perfect law keepers are saved”. This is God’s Wisdom but foolishness to them that perish!
  • 15. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 9: Best Choice The Wisdom of the World chooses the eldest, wisest, smartest, most skilled, most learned, and richest among others. Every organization in the world wants the best for their job. # THE WISDOM OF GOD 1Co 1:27: But GOD HATH CHOSEN THE FOOLISH THINGS of the world to confound the wise; and GOD HATH CHOSEN THE WEAK THINGS OF THE WORLD to confound the things which are mighty; Jam 2:5: Hearken, my beloved brethren, HATH NOT GOD CHOSEN THE POOR OF THIS WORLD RICH IN FAITH, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? The world always chooses the best and bravest. God on the other hand looks for the worst, the smallest, the unqualified, the basest, the youngest, and the puniest. If God put out an employment advert, it will read: All the dejected, maimed, helpless, hurting, foolish, unqualified, smallest and weakest apply here. This is unlike the wisdom of the world. We as believers also should not judge by sight but by His leading. Secondly we should not judge His power in our life by our disabilities. His strength is more perfect in our weakness.
  • 16. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 10: I Want To Be Great The Wisdom of the World considers “Solomonic” life as greatness: characterized with great fame across continents, riches beyond measure, treasures unimaginable; and great possession uncountable. Any man with these things is a very great and successful man in the sight of men. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Luke 7:28: For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women THERE IS NOT A GREATER PROPHET THAN JOHN THE BAPTIST:… Jesus said that the greatest man that lived from creation is John the Baptist. This implies John the Baptist is greater than Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Solomon, and David among all the great men of the Old Testament. This John the Baptist has no good cloth on, he is dressed in a camel-hair habit tied at the waist by a leather strap; he lived a very short life; he died a very humiliating death; he had no wife; no heir; no daughter; no house; he has no good food, he lived on a diet of insects and honey. Yet, this is the greatest man in the Old Testament in God’s sight. Does this not tell us we need to adjust our idea of greatness? Even in churches today, we celebrate rich men and great achievers and inventor of this world as great men. Our idea of a real man is the man who has at least a house of his own, a wife, responsible children, enough money to take care of extra business, and a car of his own. Let us not be deceived, we are children of Light, we know better. Motivational speaker sensitize us towards greatness and make examples out of great men of the world, this is an insult to God’s wisdom. Greatness is not a function of achievement but of the heart of humility and obedience. Luk 16:15b: What society sees and calls monumental, God sees through and calls monstrous. (MSG) Luk 16:15B:For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God (KJV)
  • 17. The Hidden Wisdom of God How great do you want to be my brother and sister? Is it before man or before God? Do you want man to call you great or God to call you great? Like Solomon or like John the Baptist? How much and in what direction are you investing on greatness? Think on these things.
  • 18. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 11: Achieving Victory and Success. The Wisdom of the World asks us to consider our capabilities, strength and how much we have labored. We make our plans and calculation of success only by how much we have labored and we plan our success and living based on our earnings. Students usually calculate their expected grades by how much they scored in test, assignments they do or did not do, the number of questions they could answer or could not answer in the exam among others. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Mat 14:17-21: And they say unto him, We have here but FIVE LOAVES, AND TWO FISHES. He said, Bring them hither to me. And he …took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake …And they did all eat, and were filled: …And they that had eaten were about FIVE THOUSAND MEN, BESIDE WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Zec 4:6: …Not by might, nor by power, BUT BY MY SPIRIT, saith the LORD of hosts. Isa 31:1: WOE TO THEM THAT … STAY ON HORSES, AND TRUST IN CHARIOTS, BECAUSE THEY ARE MANY; AND IN HORSEMEN, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel… God’s wisdom teaches us not to depend on the arms of the flesh; in fact, God despises men who trust in their labor, capabilities, wisdom, brilliancy, income, certificates, grades, and connections among others as guarantee for their success or failure. No matter that area of life, WE DON’T NEED FIVE THOUSAND FISHES TO FEED FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE, we must learn to trust in God for our success and living and not live like men.
  • 19. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 12: Where to Go and What to Do The Wisdom of Man teaches us to analyze situations when we get to cross roads. We are to judge where we turn, where we go and what we do by what is obviously best and promises the brighter future. Many will choose between two offered jobs the one that pays more and promises more security. We are taught to look carefully before we choose and think twice before we make our decision based on critical thinking and justification. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Pro 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and LEAN NOT UNTO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING. In all thy ways acknowledge him, AND HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS. Even though the world’s way is not wrong, God’s way simply promises better. Many times, God’s choices looks like foolishness to man: like David fighting Goliath without strength, sword, armor nor battle experience; like Abraham leaving home for a place he does not know; like Naman bathing in Jordan river for healing; like Hezekiah singing to the battle against men who are coming with all weapons; like Israelites marching around Jericho to penetrate the walls; like Jesus dying on the cross to save the whole world. God’s ways are always better, but to a carnal man, it looks like the most foolish thing to do. In our lives, the judgment of what we do must be based on God’s will and not on our calculations, critical thinking or natural judgment. When He tells us what we do, we must fearlessly do it whether it sounds logically reasonable or not.
  • 20. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 13: Attitude towards Enemies and Offenders. The World teaches us to war against those who hurt us in words and action. We stay away from them. Many who do not do any of these would attack their enemies in prayers asking that God’s judgment and wrath may come upon them. This is simply the World’s way: either we war against men physically or spiritually we are warring against our enemies. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Luke 23:34: Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do… Act 7:59, 60: And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, LORD, LAY NOT THIS SIN TO THEIR CHARGE. And when he had said this, he fell asleep. Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, AND PERSECUTE YOU; Many believers who claim to have no enemy today hate the persecutors of the church with grave wrath and wish that God’s wrath and judgment may come upon them. Many believers carry great bitterness in their hearts against political leaders, law enforcers, and persecutors among others. This is not the example Jesus laid down for us. We can by His grace still love them because they do not know what they are doing. I trust the Holy Spirit to touch your life by this Wisdom. Eph 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
  • 21. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 14: Attitude towards Bad Government and Environment. The World teaches us to speak against bad governance whether local or national. This has crept into the church and believers. We speak evil of them and call them every vile name based on things we hear about them, most of which we don’t fully understand. We have been taught to complain and nag about the bad environment they have created. We join discussion that criticizes them and discusses their flaws and evil. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Act 23:5: Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, THOU SHALT NOT SPEAK EVIL OF THE RULER OF THY PEOPLE. 1Tim 2:1,2: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; FOR KINGS, AND FOR ALL THAT ARE IN AUTHORITY; that we may LEAD A QUIET AND PEACEABLE LIFE IN ALL GODLINESS AND HONESTY. Rom 13:1: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Psalm 122:6: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: THEY SHALL PROSPER THAT LOVE THEE. God teaches us to pray for our leaders. How better will our lives be, if we can desist from criticizing them, begin to pray for them and speak good to their lives? Are we so ignorant that we cannot see that criticizing them does not change a thing? God’s Word is sure, many turmoil we face in our lives and family are caused by speaking evil against God’s anointed leader. Even if all that is said about them is true, it is not enough reason for us to speak against them. We are supposed to pray for them when we clearly see they are doing wrong. They are anointed by God, we should be afraid to speak against them; like David, we must reference them and esteem them so high. We must not join in the conversation
  • 22. The Hidden Wisdom of God that criticizes them instead we should reproof those who do such. And concerning the country, we should pray for her with thanksgiving instead of complaining. For through this we shall prosper ourselves. This is God’s way and God’s promise.
  • 23. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 15: Secret of Good Health The Wisdom of Men teaches that we live on drugs, food supplements, balanced diet, rest and exercise among others. Men are always clamoring about what to eat and what not to eat; always buying and following good health trends; spending money buying different drugs; living on prototypes and diets that will grant them good health and long life. This is not wrong though! Is it not pathetic that many who do these still end up with terminal diseases? # THE WISDOM OF GOD Pro 4:20-22: My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and HEALTH TO ALL THEIR FLESH. Pro 3:5-8: Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. IT SHALL BE HEALTH TO THY NAVEL, AND MARROW TO THY BONES. Deu 7:12-15: Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them …THE LORD WILL TAKE AWAY FROM THEE ALL SICKNESS, AND WILL PUT NONE OF THE EVIL DISEASES OF EGYPT, WHICH THOU KNOWEST, UPON THEE… Why run from place to place looking for good health tips and diets to remain healthy, when God provides the best solution by His Word? All God ask us to do is delight in His Word and keep it in our hearts; that is all the good health we need. Many believers have become slaves to doctors and made them lord over their lives and health because they are children of God living like slaves. Doctors are doing a good job I must say, but we as children of God should know and live better. Isa 53:5: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the CHASTISEMENT OF OUR PEACE WAS UPON HIM; AND WITH HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED.
  • 24. The Hidden Wisdom of God 1Pe 2:24: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: BY WHOSE STRIPES YE WERE HEALED. Jesus paid for our sins as much as He paid for our sicknesses with His suffering and His Blood. Sickness is not God’s way to correct His children neither is He asking you to endure sickness. God would have to apologize to Jesus if He ever allows sickness on you. The author and finisher of sickness is the devil. Christ has healed you. His Spirit that raised Him from the dead lives in you. Rom 8:11: But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead SHALL GIVE LIFE ALSO TO YOUR MORTAL BODIES through his Spirit that dwelleth in you. (ASV) Children of God should be living on divine health. (Please, send me a personal message on my number +234-813-189-0348; if you need my summary e- teaching on “Walking in Divine Health” to be sent to you; specify if it should be sent to your inbox or shared with you on Facebook. Shalom)
  • 25. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 16: Secret of Long Life: The World’s wisdom recommends different type of food the elderly should and should not eat; they keep on coming with this diet and that diet; they recommend continuous medical checkup; they keep on coming up with several kinds of tools and patterns for maintaining good health and having long life. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Psalm 91:14-16: Because he hath set his love upon me …WITH LONG LIFE WILL I SATISFY HIM,and shew him my salvation. Deu 25:15: A perfect and just weight shalt thou have; a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: THAT THY DAYS MAY BE LONG IN THE LAND which Jehovah thy God giveth thee. God offers the right combination for long life of peace. Even if you use all the medications in the world and you violate God’s Word, you will still die young maybe not very young; that is harsh, but it is the bitter truth. Please pay attention to all these scriptures and you will die full of age in life and peace. God also sends a note of warning to those who cheat others. If you cheat other people, God says you have a high tendency of not living long in life. There are basically two requirements for a joyful and peaceful long-life; I will extract them out for emphasis: Number 1:Love the Lord:(Psalm 91:14-16) This cannot be overemphasized; do you love the Lord or you love your belly, are you seeking Him because of what you want or because you love and want to please Him; is your love for Him only in fair weather and not in earthquakes. A man I respect said “All I want is to be with Jesus and be in His will, if Jesus is in hell, I want to be there with Him” That is a man that loves God. Number 2: Submission to all Authorities:
  • 26. The Hidden Wisdom of God God repeats the importance of submitting, respecting and honoring any authority that is set upon us, so much that He gave it to us as the first commandment with a promise. Pro 3:1-2: MY SON, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: FOR LENGTH OF DAYS, AND LONG LIFE, AND PEACE, SHALL THEY ADD TO THEE. Exo 20:12:Honor thy father and thy mother, THAT THY DAYS MAY BE LONG IN THE LAND which Jehovah thy God giveth thee. Eph 6:2: Honor thy father and mother (which is the first commandment with promise), that it may be well with thee, and THOU MAYEST LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH. When Christians read this they are quick to conclude, I obey and honor my parents, so I am excluded: Read this: Rom 13:1-2: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power,resisteth the ordinance of God: AND THEY THAT RESIST SHALL RECEIVE TO THEMSELVES DAMNATION. (KJV) Rom 13:1-2: Every person should obey the government in power. No government would exist if it hadn't been established by God. The governments which exist have been put in place by God. Therefore, whoever resists the government opposes what God has established. THOSE WHO RESIST WILL BRING PUNISHMENT ON THEMSELVES. (GW) Authorities are not only limited to our parents. God is as strong about His principle over parents as He is strong over every laid down authority whether in the spiritual settings or the secular settings. (Remember Miriam who was older
  • 27. The Hidden Wisdom of God than Moses and yet got struck with leprosy for challenging Moses). Every authority is carrying God’s anointing whether they are believers or infidels. We must honor them in words and in deeds irrespective of their wrongs. We must desist from the company of those who criticize them, gossip them and insult them. (Remember how much David respected wicked shameless Saul). I believe that for every government leader, boss, parent, or any secular authority you insult, gossip or speak against, you are cutting away a percentage of your scheduled life on earth. This is not to condemn you but to bring you to repentance. Let us desist from attacking our leaders; trouble lies on the head that wears the crown; let us seek to pray for them even when they are cheating us, that is why we are children of God, We are different from the world.
  • 28. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 17: How do I get more Righteous? Believers seek righteousness the world’s way, by self-discipline, morals, courtesies, and benevolence among several other good deeds to become more righteous. This is not wrong. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Rom 1:17: For therein is THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD REVEALED FROM FAITH TO FAITH: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Gal 5:5: For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. Gal 3:3: Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? God’s wisdom teaches us that He is as involved in the process and the end as He is involved in the beginning. Many believers know they got saved by faith but now try to live a good and acceptable life by morals and ethics taught by the world. God’s Word teaches us that the way to grow in righteousness is by faith. We are supposed to live by faith in God’s Word and promise concerning us. We must believe in Christ’s finished work in us as a seed and patiently begin to grow out as we study, read and get transformed by His Word with fervent prayers and thanksgiving. We must keep on looking at Jesus who is our Forerunner on this journey. There is no limit to this as long as we are still in the flesh. (Heb 6:20; Heb 12:2)
  • 29. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 18: The Promised Savior The Israelites expected a savior who would become a great emperor and deliver them from the tyranny of the Roman empire. They thought God’s ultimate plan is to free them from their oppression and establish the government that will stand forever on the earth at that time. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Mat 1:21: And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: FOR HE SHALL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS. John 10:10: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I AM COME THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE LIFE, AND THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY. The World expected a Savior who would deliver from physical oppression, but God sent a carpenter’s son born in a sheep tent who will deliver men first from their spiritual oppression and state of death;who would restore to them all that the devil has stolen by getting humiliated and killed. Even in the church today, believers see Jesus as Him who only grants them more financial capacity, more breakthroughs, more good health, more fame, and probably heaven in the end. This is a big mistake! Abraham had all of these and yet still made heaven. So what did Jesus come to do? He came to deliver us from not just the sin of Adam but to create and raise specie of people, who would be delivered from sin and their own self; who would live in righteousness and dominion like He lived. He came to raise a people who would love God, seek to please and do His will without being forced or coerced with the fear of hell; men who would love God and still serve Him even if they will be sent to hell like He was; people who would thirst after righteousness all their lives and will live like Him in all things even if they live in poverty all their lives. Rom 8:35: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword.
  • 30. The Hidden Wisdom of God 2Co 11:25: Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep; In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.
  • 31. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 19: Creation of our own World. The Wisdom of the world teaches us that we should plan, design, build, get sufficient capital, and manufacture, for us to bring things to physical and emotional existence. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Psa 33:6: By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. We as Believers are children of God; we must understand that this makes us like Him in many things. As a believer, our most important tool of creativity is our words. This is a more reason why we must be careful of what we say. Jam 3:5-6: Even so the tongue is a little member…and SETTETH ON FIRE THE COURSE OF NATURE… Many of the troubles we face in our lives today are because of what we said yesterday. Parents especially must be very careful of what they say about or to their children and their spouse especially at angry moments. They are in the best position to destroy or make them, give them a good life or a good as dead life. Pro 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Fellow believer, your words carry more power than anyone else; not just those we say in God’s presence but more effective are those we say in our day to day living. How better will this country be if believers can begin to say good about her? Our lives and family will take a better turn if we can learn this. Any kind of World we want can be brought to life by our words. We must anyway remember that words come from the heart. A bad mouth is an output device for its dirty heart. If you clean your heart your words will be purer.
  • 32. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 20: Attitude towards Problems The general attitude of most men towards problem is to get worried, become bothered, begin to think and seek help from man in whom is no help. A believer should know better. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Mat 6:25-30: Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; …Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? …Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? God’s Word teaches us to pray, trust in God and maintain peace because of the assurance that we have a loving Father who has provided a way for us before the problem ever came. (Matthew 6:8) Luk 8:30-33:…And THEY BESOUGHT HIM that he would not command them to go out into the deep… And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them.. Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine… If Jesus could answer to the petition of a legion of demons, what makes you think He will not answer your prayer who is a child of God saved by His blood? Are you not more important to Him than demons cursed unto everlasting judgment? God is fast and always on time, His maximum speed is expressed in patience. Learn Patience and unwavering trust in God’s love.
  • 33. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 21: Who is the Poorest? The people we call poor are those without a good or no house to live, no food to eat, and no good cloth to wear. The pitiful, miserable, and helpless people living in slums and abject poverty are those we refer to as poor. Even those who live in a good house but are not able to build themselves a duplex consider themselves still poor. How sad! # WISDOM OF GOD 1Co 15:19: If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. Rev 3:17,18 Because thou sayest, I AM RICH, AND INCREASED WITH GOODS, AND HAVE NEED OF NOTHING; AND KNOWEST NOT THAT THOU ART WRETCHED, AND MISERABLE, AND POOR, AND BLIND, AND NAKED: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear… Be careful of the lust for riches. Jesus warned vehemently against the rich and those who seek to be like them. Jesus teaches us that most of the enviable people in the society today are miserable in God’s sight (Luke 16:15b). Much more miserable is a believer who begins to measure his relevance by his earthly possession. How sad!Our churches are flooded with people who desire great hope in this world and shallow hope in the world to come everlasting life. Believers arise! Life is more than possession, we think we are smarter than Jesus, John the Baptist, and Paul among others who lived from hands to mouth and needed to wait several minutes - perhaps hours, for a miracle to pay just a coin of tax. This is not a call to earthly poverty, but a call to heavenly riches. Can a believer be extremely rich to God and be extremely rich to man? Yes of course! But brethren, it is difficult, Jesus said it. Those who seek to be extremely rich on earth can never be rich towards God. What a man must seek is God, His will and His righteousness and all others (if extreme riches are there) will follow. Scriptures expresses caution repeatedly. A wise man will be watchful.
  • 34. The Hidden Wisdom of God Mat 19:23,24:Then said Jesus …a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven …It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. 1Ti 6:9:BUT THEY THAT WILL BE RICH fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 1Ti 6:17: Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; Luk 6:24: But WOE UNTO YOU THAT ARE RICH! for ye have received your consolation. Jam 2:5: Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? Jam 5:1: Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. AGAIN I SAY, BEWARE OF THE DECIETFULNESS OF RICHES! (Mark 4:19) SEEK TO BE RICH TOWARDS GOD, EARTHLY RICHES MAY OR MAY NOT FOLLOW YOU! IN WHICHEVER CASE, BE CONTENT! (1Tim 6:6)
  • 35. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 22: The Presence of God The world measures the presence of God in a man’s life by how much success he has. A man who prospers in all his ways, who succeeds in all his endeavors like David and a man who experiences the miraculous, great comfort, prosperity, and peace. This may be true, but it is not limited to this. These are proofs of a man who is present with God in the outer court. Even some of these enviable men have passed through fire and were still in God’s presence as much. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Psa 16:11: …IN THY PRESENCE IS FULNESS OF JOY; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Mar 10:30: But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, WITH PERSECUTIONS; and in the world to come eternal life. (One of God’s blessings in hundredfold upon them that love Him is persecution, isn’t that strange? That is the Word.) Joh 16:33: These things I have spoken unto you, THAT IN ME YE MIGHT HAVE PEACE. In the world ye shall have tribulation: BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER; I have overcome the world. Joh 14:27: PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Heb 1:9:THOU HAST LOVED RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND HATED INIQUITY; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee WITH THE OIL OF GLADNESS above thy fellows. One of the greatest proofs of being in God’s presence in the holies of holies is joy and peace. Someone would think “that is easy, I have joy and peace”, but the question is: Do you still have joy and peace in the face of tribulations and trials?Do you still have joy and peace when your right is being trampled upon?Do
  • 36. The Hidden Wisdom of God you still have joy and peace when you are going through challenges that seem endless?Do you still have praises on your lips and your dancing shoes on when it seems God has forsaken you?Do you rejoice and smile when someone steals from you, insults you, hates you, criticizes you, disrespects you, dishonors you, and attacks your loved ones among others; or your joy is quickly replaced with bitterness, anger and wrath? Believers, it is very easy to abide in God’s presence every minute of every day: live lives of joy, peace, praises, mercy and love on daily basis even when there is no food to eat or you are thrown into the fiery furnace, on the mountain or in the valley. This will attract God’s blessings to your life.
  • 37. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 23: Who is a Fool? Has the world called you a fool; perhaps your fiancé, your friends, your boss at work,your classmate or your neighbor among others? Perhaps because you refuse to compromise righteousness or because you are like a lamb led to the slaughter and opened not your mouth, you must feel like a fool indeed. Or have you angrily shouted and fought back when you were reviled and insulted “do you think I am a fool” or “I will show her I am not a fool”. Have you been advised to be wise because you refuse to do things the way others are doing it? # WISDOM OF GOD Ecc 7:9: Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: FOR ANGER RESTETH IN THE BOSOM OF FOOLS. Psa 14:1: THE FOOL HATH SAID IN HIS HEART, THERE IS NO GOD. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Pro 10:18: …Anyone who spreads gossip is a fool.(GNB) Pro 19:1: Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, THAN HE THAT IS PERVERSE IN HIS LIPS, AND IS A FOOL. Luk 12:19,20: And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; TAKE THINE EASE, EAT, DRINK, AND BE MERRY. BUT GOD SAID UNTO HIM, THOU FOOL… The Word of God answers clearly who a fool is. The world must call you a fool if you are a godly man; do not be made inferior by the world. Many of them are like mad men who call a sane man insane; Let God’s Word be weightier to you. Is it not a foolish thing to do for a man to become maggot so save some other maggots from death? That was what Jesus did for us. When you are called a fool for righteousness, rejoice and be exceedingly glad, (Matthew 5:11,12) you are privilege to walk as Jesus walked, because at one time, they said He was mad
  • 38. The Hidden Wisdom of God (John 10:20)! I beseech you to meditate on those few scriptures today and let the Holy Spirit convict you of areas where you have been demonstrating folly, receive God’s forgiveness and repent. For more instruction on how to get rid of folly from your life, Read the Word. There are more answers there for you and I.
  • 39. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 24: Where is the Best Place to be? The World has conformed us to always choose the best by sight. We want to get out of the country with the next available opportunity; if we are ever privileged to choose between two job opportunities, we will choose the best paid and the most promising. If we are going on youth service, if given the power, we want to choose the most promising state. We want to live in the city rather than the village; with the rich rather than the poor; in the south rather than the north; in a big church rather than a small one. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Jer 29:11: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Gen 50:20: But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Rom 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Mat 26:39: …O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Many have by their own wisdom made choices over their lives that God did not want for them. In their sight, they chose the best, but before God it may be the worst mistake of their lives. THE BEST PLACE TO BE IS NOT WHERE THINGS LOOK MOST BEAUTIFUL AND PROMISING, BUT IN THE CENTER OF GOD’S WILL WHETHER IN THE MOUNTAIN OR IN THE VALLEY.Even if I am in hell, as long as God is there with me and He wants me there, then no other place is better. If Joseph was given a choice, he would have chosen not to be sold into slavery, not knowing he just traded his future of becoming the savior of the then world for just a temporal enjoyment. What if Jesus had not died and had called legions of angel to defend Him, He would have missed the joy He now has in bringing many
  • 40. The Hidden Wisdom of God sons to glory. My friend, is there a decision you want to make soon, do not choose by sight; if you choose to live well instead of in the well, you may be missing God’s perfect arrangement to bring you into the best you never imagined. Who would have thought God would defeatsatan by using his own perfect plans to bring his fall. (1Cor 2:7,8) His ways are nothing like ours (Isaiah 55:8,9). Let God lead you, He has more planned out for you than your little head can figure out or plan. Let Him do it His way. He may desire that rough road for you for a greater reason unknown to you. If you obey, someday you will praise Him for His wisdom. Seek His counsel over every matter, He cares!
  • 41. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 25: Best spouse My Fellow Youths: with our “best-by-sight” mentality, we desire the most handsome, most promising, most spiritual, most talented, most friendly, most prayerful, most caring, most comfortable, most successful, and most hardworking among several other characteristics of the man or woman of our dream. Worst of all, we choose him or her by our rules, by our method and in our time. This is the world’s way. No thanks to Bollywood and Hollywood. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Mat 6:33: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things (Spouse inclusive) shall be added unto you. Pro 3:6: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Isa 55:8,9: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. God’s Wisdom teaches us to like Adam, be about God’s business, seeking His will, and running the race. As you do, one day God Himself will judge you ready and say: it is not good for this man to be alone, Iwill bring a helper for him to choose if he so desires. This is God’s perfect way!It is sad today that believers attack the issue of choosing a spouse like unbelievers: judging by sight, through hopes, schemes, testing, trials, and errors; we have made the pattern set by Hollywood and Bollywood our standard. Beware! God’s ways are different from men’s. LEARN (THROUGH BOOKS AND CONTACTS) FROM ELDERLY BELIEVERS WITH TESTIMONIES OF GREAT MARRIAGES AND GOD’S WAY AND NOT FROM WORLDLY ACTORS AND ACTRESS WHO CANNOT EVEN BOAST OF MARRIAGES WORTH EMULATIONS THEMSELVES. Dear believer friend, God cares about every aspect of your life and He wants you to acknowledge Him in all your decisions, especially your marriage. Most youths are afraid of asking God’s opinion because they are afraid God may give them an ugly, an illiterate, a low paid, a lame, or a blind. Cut
  • 42. The Hidden Wisdom of God it! His thoughts toward you are thoughts of good. God’s ways are not always like that(they sometimes may be anyway.)But whatever the case may be, be resolute that He has your best in mind. Even if God’s choice by sight lookslike the worst, you must be ready to accept it as God’s best - trusting in His love.TRULY TRULY I SAY TO YOU, GOD’S GIFTS ARE THE BEST IRRESPECTIVE; SOON YOU WILL FIND OUT THIS IS TRUE IF YOU CAN JUST TRUST AND OBEY. Seek to hear God’s voice as this will prepare you a great deal to choose God’s best, but in all your getting, do not marry an unbeliever or an “unchristian-church-goer”.Before you begin to find out if he or she is a good person or not, seek God’s opinion first. Finally, be patient, God has you in mind; endeavor to stay within “Godly” counsels “not counsel and not ungodly counsels”. (Pro 11:14) Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the MULTITUDE OF COUNSELORS there is safety.
  • 43. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 26: When? The wisdom of the world has constrained us to want things done immediately we need them. The world has set us on a course to get all things done as faster as possible. One of the focus of the now technology is how faster things can get. We cease from the use of post office to telephones and from telephones to mobile phones because we want things done faster and easier. We want to get rich very young; marry very young; become professors very young; reach the top of our career very young. We want it done, now, quickly, fast, today, this week, this month, this year. Every single one of us desires this. If it’s possible we travel in seconds instead of hours; or earn a Doctorate degree in months instead of years, how lovely. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Hab 2:3: For the vision is yet for AN APPOINTED TIME, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, WAIT FOR IT; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Gal 4:4: But WHEN THE FULNESS OF THE TIME WAS COME, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, Act 1:7: And he said unto them, IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW THE TIMES OR THE SEASONS, which the Father hath put in his own power. The Wisdom of God says “Oh man, you can know my promises for you, you can know my good plans for you, but it is not yours to know the time and the season for them to happen, it is for an appointed time which is only known and decided by my Wisdom” One of the reasons why men sin today is because, we want things done for us before the appointed time, we thus assist God to make things happen for us before His time, how foolish! Moses tried to assist God to deliver Israel before their time and it cost Israel 30 extra years in bondage, because their deliverer was now lost, fearful and wounded. (Gen 15:13; Exo 12:41) Have you wondered how we can read Genesis chapter one in less than six minutes and
  • 44. The Hidden Wisdom of God God-The-Almighty-Most-Powerful read it in six days? GOD IS NOT SLOW; HIS MAXIMUM SPEEDOMETER VALUE READS PATIENCE!Have you wondered why God Himself prophesied of a Savior in Genesis 3:15 and the Savior came only 4000 years after? What prophesy has God said about you that has not been fulfilled in five years and you are angry and compromise your faith. Abraham became a true father of his promised son about 35 years after God told Him and became a nation probably six hundred years after. There are several examples of this in the Bible. Some of us cannot wait one year, one month or even one day. Let us learn patience. GREAT FAITHS ARE NOT MEASURED BY HOW FAST YOU SEE RESULT, BUT HOW MUCH YOU CAN HOLD FAST ON GOD’S PROMISES EVEN WHEN THERE IS NO HOPE FOR RESULTS. God is never late! Wait on Him. He has great promises for those who wait on Him. (Isaiah 64:4; 40:31) Patience is one of the greatest characteristics of a Godly man, seek it. Love is first patient! (1 Cor 13:4a) That spouse, that job, that promotion, that open door, that miracle, and that promise of God will come at the appointed time. Be prayerful, be thankful, be joyful, and be content, your time and your day will come. Nevertheless, be warned! Sometimes, satan and his hosts can delay God’s will in your life and extend your miracle beyond God’s will, so I say be vigilante and be prayerful; the devil can act like an angel of light. I also believe that issues as regards to health have been fully paid by Jesus and delayed healings are not God’s will for any of His children. Healings are delayed because men have little faith. (Matthew 17:15-20)
  • 45. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 27: Finding God’s Purpose The wisdom of the world has ravaged the church with no thanks to motivational preachers and speakers. Please let us beware! Many believers have now been taught to follow their passion, follow their talents, follow their heart, and follow their skills among many other misleads to discover and fulfill God’s ultimate purpose for their lives. We have been taught to dream big, think big, seek to be the best, and beat the best in everything we do. This seems sweet, but how sad; these motivations and unholy competitions are not found in God’s Word except for those with itching ears who have twisted the Word to suit their desires. There is a gross misplacement of priority. Believers beware! Preachers, be warned! # THE WISDOM OF GOD Isa 55:8,9: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Rom 8:29: God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son... (MSG) God’s will for our lives is not what we discover following our thoughts, talents and burning passions. If David had followed his talent, he might have ended up a great musician and song writer invited by kings from countries to countries; or a great song minister and evangelist used of God to cast out demons and perform a lot of miracles; or a great prophet who prophesies a lot about the future; or become a great fighter who wins every battle - hired by every king with a great price; he would have been rich, he would have been famous, he would have impacted many lives and relevant in his generation, but he would have missed God’s purpose. God wanted David to be a King which has no reference to any of his talents. Beware! (2Samuel 7:1-13) David was passionate about building God’s temple, this looks good and even was encouraged by God’s Prophet but that wasn’t God’s plan for him. Ifyou follow your talent, your good passions oryour
  • 46. The Hidden Wisdom of God “God’s gifts”, you may miss God’s will for your life. Joseph is another man, a great dreamer who not only sees the future but is also gifted of God to translate all manners of dreams, he would have begun “Joseph’s Dreams and Interpretation Ministry” He would be famous in his days and would have written several books men may read even today; but he would have missed God’s will for him of becoming a Prime Minister of Egypt and savior of their known world from famine and death. What is the point? Only God can reveal to you what His purpose is for your life. Follow Him and He will guide your path into it. But before seeking your individual purpose, seek to become like Christ first and as you do, God will lead you into your personal purpose. Motivational preachers sound good, they say “Seek your purpose, pray about it, ask God about it with prayers and fasting” how sweet! But God’s Word says “Seek God, seek His kingdom, seek His righteousness, pray and fast that you may grow in Him; and God will in His time tell you or guide you into His purpose”.NOBODY IN THE BIBLE PRAYED OR FASTED TO KNOW THEIR PURPOSE, THEY ALL WERE SEEKING GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS AND GOD GUIDED THEM OR GOD REVEALED THEIR PURPOSE TO THEM EFFORTLESSLY. I say “Seek God and His righteousness wholly; all other things, which includeyour purpose, will find you; and your partner also will follow” (Matt 6:33) If you know you have missed it by following your passion, repent and now wait on God, you can pray if there is need, trust God as he reveals to you His real agenda for your life.
  • 47. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 28: Causes of Problems Culture and Society have taught us to blame our problem on others: our parents, our fore fathers, a curse on our generation, a hereditary spell, our environment, our country, friends, our wives, and our husbands; when all else fails, we blame God or blame the devil; anything and everyone but us. Some of these factors definitely do exist and are facts;they one way or the other might have being acontributor or a major factor in our predicament. While they remain facts, God’s Word shows us the main cause of our problems. # THE WISDOM OF GOD John 5:14: Afterward Jesus …said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: SIN NO MORE, LEST A WORSE THING COME UNTO THEE. Jam 3:16: For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and EVERY EVIL WORK. Even though challenges are bound to come because we live in a fallen world surrounded by fallen creatures; God’s Word teaches us that worse and terrible things happen to us because of not just the sin of Adam we inherited, but also the decisions and lifestyles of individual men. As believers, it is high time we began to blame our problems on our FAITHLESSNESS, our PRAYERLESSNESS, our DISOBEDIENCE, our BAD ATTITUDE, our INSENSITIVITY TO THE VOICE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, our FOOLISHNESS, our REFUSAL TO SEEK GOD’S SINCERE WILL IN OUR DECISIONS, our LACK OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE THINGS THAT ARE FREELY GIVEN TO US BY GOD; and SO MANY OTHER THINGS WE MAY NOT EVEN UNDERSTAND.They are internal and personal friends that open doors to evils outside. We attract sicknesses, terminal diseases, poverty, sufferings, undeserved persecutions and torments because of these reasons stated above. Many Christians will keep on praying and complaining that they may get out of oppressive and helpless life problems, yet they entertain bitterness and strife in their hearts. As little as this may be, it is one of the open doors of the devil into Christians’ life today. Before you know it cancer strikes, failure knocks,
  • 48. The Hidden Wisdom of God hypertension enters; sudden attacks and calamities visit because this prayerful vibrant child of God failed to forgive quickly, love his enemy, and fill his heart with joy and praise always. Before we resolve into deceitful patience, we must identify our part in our problem and repent. God is always willing to give, but many of us have put up attitudes that indirectly reject God’s gifts. Many problems come to go, we must understand such and handle them with God’s life knowing fully that Jesus was manifested to destroy all the works of the devil. (John 10:10). We must seek God’s will and God’s mind concerning anything we are going through. (Eph 5:17) May the Holy Spirit shed more light on these matters in our hearts.
  • 49. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 29: The Power of God When the World thinks of the power of God, we are quick to consider the miraculous: raising of the dead, deliverance from demonic attacks, word of knowledge, visions, healings, speaking in tongues, and various signs and wonders that are naturally impossible with man. These are indeed the expression of Power and must not be belittled. But God’s Wisdom offers more. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Rom 1:16,17: For I am not ashamed of THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST: for it is THE POWER OF GOD unto salvation to every one that believeth; …For THEREIN is the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD REVEALED FROM FAITH TO FAITH: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Joh 1:12: But as many as received him, TO THEM GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, even to them that believe on his name: God’s Word says:“the Message of Christ is the Power of God which brings all round salvation; how and why? Because in the Gospel (by the power) is THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD REVEALED IN OUR LIFE FROM ONE LEVEL OF FAITH TO THE OTHER (not just believed and received)”. Today, believers claim to have the power of the Holy Spirit; this power causes them to speak in new tongue but cannot stop them from cursing, gossiping or slandering with that same tongue; how can this be? This is because the power of God is not seen to be a tool of righteousness again but a weapon of manifestation and fame. Let us come to think of it, of what need is the Holy Spirit today if Elijah, Elisha, Moses, and Samson among several others have performed miraculous signs we have not even smelled in our days? This is to tell us that the work of the Spirit of God coming upon a man for ministry is different from the work of the Holy Spirit within him. He is called Holy because He has a special assignment of purifying us and presenting us as blameless brides before the Groom. Have you wondered why those who healed the sick went to hell fire and those who visited the sick went to heaven in Jesus’ parables? (Mat 7:21-23; 25:34-40)Believers beware! God is more
  • 50. The Hidden Wisdom of God particular about your quality of life than the lives you touch by His gifts of the Spirit. Do not be like men who can cast out all demons and heal all sick, but are still wallowing in lust of money, immoralities, anger, strive, pride, and envy. Cry out to God thatHis power might be evident in your life as it enables you to have victory over sins and iniquities;thus revealing righteousness in you by faith: love, joy, peace, meekness, endurance, long suffering, patience, gentleness, and self- control among others. (Gal 5:22,23; 1Cor 13:4-7) This is the fruit of the Spirit that must be grown out by His Spirit and evidence of our faith. (2 Cor 3:18)
  • 51. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 30: Who are Christians? The World today sees Christianity as a religion of people who read the Bible, go to church and believe in Jesus. Christians are therefore “acclaimed worshippers of Jesus” who dress likenineteenth century men or carry big bibles; who attend or belong to a building called church; who say they are Christians or say they believe in Jesus; or who spend long hours praying and know many scriptures;just to mention a few. This is not the world’s fault; it is the picture we have painted for them to see. How sad! Jesus wanted the World to get a better view of who His disciples are. # THE WISDOM OF GOD John 13:34,35: A NEW COMMANDMENT I give unto you, That ye love one another; AS I HAVE LOVED YOU, that ye also love one another. BY THIS SHALL ALL MEN KNOW THAT YE ARE MY DISCIPLES, IF YE HAVE LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER. Mat 5:16: Let your light SO SHINE BEFORE MEN, THAT THEY MAY SEE YOUR GOOD WORKS, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. The world may not be able to see every believer in every house heal the sick and raise the dead as important as this may be.More than all else,Jesus wanted the world to see all His disciples as custodians of good works of love; notjust big bibles carriers, consistent preachers, their pre-civilization dresses, or their long prayers. JESUS CALLED IT A NEW COMMANDMENT BECAUSE IT IS INDEED NEW AND CANNOT BE FOUND ANYWHERE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT.(Luke 6:32-35) This love does not just love and care for lovely people, greet nice people, give to friends, and pray for family members among others. But THIS LOVE smile when slapped unjustly; pray that God forgives people who hate us without cause; pray God forgives those who kill our beloved fathers and loved ones; wish well those who steal our precious priceless possessions and belongings;love those who seek our downfall and death by all means; smile at careless drivers who caused or almost caused us accidents; apologize even when we know we are not at fault for peace sake;take responsibility for wrongs we did not cause; labor without hope of
  • 52. The Hidden Wisdom of God appreciation; give to widows, orphans, beggars, as much as we would give as gifts to our best friends; let go of our privileges and rights for the sake of peace and comfort of others; refusing to compromise righteousness in the name of wise or for fear of men; forgive people before they ask; bear suffering for a long time without complaining or bitterness; go through pains with joy and praises on the lips; more and so much more are characters of love that Jesus expect us to use as proofs to the world that we are His disciples. Note: a child of God is not a Mr. Nice Guy, but a follower of Jesus to the letter. After spending hours praying, giving fat offering in church, reading the bible three times a year, and preaching all day in words and with tracts, an unbeliever slaps you and you so as little as shout back, you have misrepresented Jesus, MY FRIEND, YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO HIM; that person may never learn who a Christian is again till he dies. If you have ever done that, go to God in prayers of repentance and receive grace to be different. Let’s be frank, Fanatic Muslims ladies dress more modestly than the best Christians can achieve; do not think your dress is your banner as a Christians. Dear Believer, the next time Jesus will need you to show that unbeliever who a Christian is;the next time Jesus needs one true Christian to show the world who He is: Please I beg you! I beg you so strongly! DO NOT FAIL HIM! May God grant us all the grace. Note: this is concerning the outward life of a believer God wants the world to see and does not refer to who a Christian truly is on the inside or his inward life.
  • 53. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 31: God’s Fiery Judgment We have learnt from the world’s normal view that God is coming to judge all men one day; so when we think of God’s judgment, we think of the thieves, killers, fornicators, bad politicians, false prophets, and unjust Christians among others we see. We believers need to know better! # THE WISDOM OF GOD Jer 17:10: I the LORD SEARCH THE HEART, I TRY THE REINS, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. (Rev 22:12): And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man ACCORDING AS HIS WORK SHALL BE. 1Co 4:5:…the Lord come, who both will bring to light the HIDDEN THINGS OF DARKNESS, and will make manifest THE COUNSELS OF THE HEARTS: and then shall every man have praise of God. Rom 2:16: In the day when God shall judge THE SECRETS OF MEN by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. 1Sa 16:7: …for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, BUT THE LORD LOOKETH ON THE HEART. You may need to read these scriptures again to get the point, especially Jeremiah 17:10 and Revelation 22:12. God will indeed judge the works of men, but the way He does that is not by looking at the man’s deeds, it is by looking at the man’s heart. Two men would do the same thing the same way in the same place and God would judge them differently because He alone sees their heart. As believers what does this teach us? We must pay great attention to what we think. (1Cor 13:5) Love thinks no evil. Many times we cry when we commit a sin on the outside, but we don’t care as much whenwe think evil in our hearts. Many times we criticize others, insult others,and wish people evil in our heart, but since no one knows and no one hears; we see no need for repentance and tears before
  • 54. The Hidden Wisdom of God God on the depravity of our heart. Don’t just go about feeling happy you don’t steal, or kill or lie; instead, rejoice that:IF ALL YOUR SECRET THOUGHTS AND IMAGINATIONS ARE PUBLISHED AND SCREAMED OUT EVERYWHERE YOU GO AT EVERY TIME, PEOPLE WOULD STILL THINK YOU ARE AS CHRISTIANLY AS YOU LOOKED. The Old Testament focused on what people do and little or no reference to their hearts; they were free to think what they want in their hearts but make sure they obey God on the outside. This New Testament is different: it is the heart first or nothing else matters. Another thing God will judge is what you do in secret that no other person knows or sees. Believers, you and I need to pay more attention to what we do in the secret than what we do in the open.The Word is the Judge of today (Hebrews 4:12; 1Cor 11:31). This matter cannot be over emphasized, only the Holy Spirit can reveal the urgency of this matter to you than my words can express. I pray He shows you what He showed me and much more!
  • 55. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 32: Sorrow, Tears and Weeping We feel sorrowful and weep when calamities befall us: when there is a disappointment, shattered dreams, hopeless situations, oppressions, disgrace, sicknesses, failures, and all kinds of discomforts. We may be justified at times to feel sorrowful and cry out to God, yet we should learn to rejoice and praise God in the face of trials. But God’s wisdom shows us a better reason to weep. # THE WISDOM OF GOD There are several valid and precious tears a believer can shed in God’s presence; this teaching will show us a few. 1. The Tears of Loss of God’s Presence And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. AND HE WENT OUT, AND WEPT BITTERLY. (Mat 26:75) And about the ninth hour JESUS CRIED WITH A LOUD VOICE, saying, …My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Mat 27:46) God will never forsake us as He forsook Jesus on the cross. But the question to us is: do we cry and weep when we see we have left God’s presence? Do we shed tears when we transgress His commandments? Do we even perceive it when God is not pleased with us or our spiritual impulses are dead? Dear believer, wake up! These are tears unto love, restoration, and repentance and not unto condemnation. 2. The Tears of Compassion and Intercession Jesus wept. (John 11:35); And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, (Luke 19:41); My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you, (Gal 4:19) Do we weep and shed tears when we see the affliction of others and are moved to intercede for them in prayers? Or we criticize, scorn and gossip about them?
  • 56. The Hidden Wisdom of God Does the spiritual growth of other believers move us into sorrowful tears and prayers before God? 3. The Tears of Conformity to Christ’s Image …Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts…Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips… (Isa 6:3) But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory… (2Co 3:18) As believers, is the Glory, the Love, the Image and the Holiness of Christ revealed to us enough to drive us to tears, as it reveals our own depravity? Or we always see ourselves as holy, pure, and perfect even before God’s throne? Does the desire to become like Christ drive us to weeping in God’s presence? 4. The Tears of The Poor in Spirit Then saith he unto them, My soul is EXCEEDING SORROWFUL, even unto death …And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. (Mat 26:38, 39) And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, STRENGTHENING HIM. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. (Luk 22:43,44) Do we go to God’s presence admitting our weakness in tears and sorrow as we look up to Him for strength? Or there is no mountain too high to climb for us in our spiritual life enough to drive us to tears? 5. The Tears of Freedom from the World Heb 5:5-8: So also Christ …Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications WITH STRONG CRYING AND TEARS unto him that was able to SAVE HIM FROM DEATH, and was heard in that he feared; Though he were a Son, yet LEARNED HE OBEDIENCE BY THE THINGS WHICH HE SUFFERED;
  • 57. The Hidden Wisdom of God Do we cry so we can be able to live a perfect life before God and live a life void of sin? Do we cry and shed tears in God’s presence so He can grant us the grace to learn obedience by all means possible even if it means suffering? This is a highly concise teaching. May the Holy Spirit Himself take these Words and shed them all in your heart.
  • 58. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 33: My attitude towards me. Growing up, we have been configured to seek to be better than others, or how else will our parents be proud of us. We thus grew up always trying tobuild ourselves monuments in whatever we do for ourselves or for others. We are taught that we cannot love others except we love ourselves first;so I must do my best to be the best I can be for myself; I must get the best portion, best spouse, and reach the best height, to mention a few.We are configured to develop self- confidence and self-esteem among others. This is good from every man’s point of view. # WISDOM OF GOD Rev 12:11: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and THEY LOVED NOT THEIR LIVES UNTO THE DEATH. Luke 14:26: If any man come to me, AND HATE NOT …HIS OWN LIFE also, he cannot be my disciple. The world offers a cheap substitute of God’s true Wisdom. Adam’s first reaction to sin is to shift blame on his wife and justify himself. Jesus did not come all the way from heaven to show us how to love our own self some more. He showed us how to suffer in place of others; He showed us how to be shamed so others can be praised and honored; He showed us how to take the servant position while others are treated as masters. If you doubt it, just look at the cross. Jesus’ message is that we hate our own life even when it means pains for Him or for our neighbors. This does not mean we are supposed to live despondently, beat ourselves down and never expect any good out of life; it means even though we are craving for the best and excellence we are not in the unholy competition of trying to outshine everyone else as the world seeks. (Phi 2:3) Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind LET EACH ESTEEM OTHER BETTER THAN THEMSELVES.Let us get out of the mindset of me first. The World preaches self-confidence and self-esteem; God says this self must die. The only part where we come before others is as pertaining to our spiritual life and walk
  • 59. The Hidden Wisdom of God with God (1 Tim 4:16). God’s Word warns that we first take heed to ourselves.This wisdom is also deeper than this post can explain. I pray the Holy Spirit will purge your daily activities by this Word in Jesus name.
  • 60. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 34: Working for God Across world religions are people wanting to work for God one way or the other; either do benevolence for men or work for their god or God in some other direct ways possible. This mindset is also in the church, but we should know better. #THE WISDOM OF GOD We believers have been taught to work for God and work with God aswe walk with Him; yet, there are greater things God wants us to know about all works for Him.There are more but we will share these two: 1. God MUST do His Work I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: FOR WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING (Joh 15:5);For it is GOD which worketh in you BOTH TO WILL AND TO DO of his good pleasure(Phi 2:13) We did a lot of wonderful things before we were born again;we couldn’t steal, fornicate, or kill; some of us even helped people; we were obedient; we preached and prayed before wewere ever born again; yet Jesus said “WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING”. What does this tell us? It means a believer can do a lot of good things without the power of God, but with the strength of his flesh; such good deeds are not acceptable before God. Our offerings of service to God must first be His will, it must then be good, perfect and acceptable before God (Rom 12:1,2). It means we must find out WHAT God wants us to do, do it WHEN He wants us to do and do it HOW He wants us to do it. If either of the pieces is missing, then God has being kicked out of His work.Tendencies of pride come because we began to do God’s work for him in our way. (1Cor 4:7; 1:29) 2. Man says What, God says Why! 1Co 13:3: And though I bestow ALL MY GOODS to feed the poor, and though I give MY BODY TO BE BURNED, and have not charity, it PROFITETH ME NOTHING.
  • 61. The Hidden Wisdom of God Believers are always clamoring about working more for God; God on the other hand is more particular about why we are working for Him. It is not the size of the work, it is the why. Is it not serious that a man canSELL ALL HIS POSSESSION TO FEED THE POOR and yet, God says such man has a wrong heart and gets no reward? What about a man who suffered and was burnt to death for the sake of the Gospel? God says He wasn’t doing it for love and He gets nothing? Think on these things. That daily prayers, your fasting, going to church, preaching, evangelism, and your offerings, among others; are you doing it because you love God truly as appreciation of His love (1John 4:19); or because you are trying to escape destruction and trying to get some more favor from Him?Is it all about you and your needs or all about HIM? Think on these things, the day will declare it. It will be revealed by fire when God will judge every good deed and know of what sort it is. God’s fire of Agape love will test every deed of saints. (Songs 8:7; 1Cor 3:12-15) Judge yourself now, only you can do that through the revelation of God’s Word by His Spirit. (1Cor 11:31; Heb 4:12)
  • 62. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 35: Who is of Greatest Value in Heaven and in Earth? If we talk about the most valuable person on earth; the world has several clues; but in heaven, the universe and the earth, the world has no clue. Christians measure it in terms of sphere of influence, souls won, and lives touched. But let’s hear what God has to say. # THE WISDOM OF GOD Isaiah 66:1,2: Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: BUT TO THIS MAN WILL I LOOK, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. Let me explain this scripture to you, it contains great revelation. Permit me to paraphrase what God is saying: The LORD said: “The whole Heaven is not so important to me; it is simply what I use as my throne; and the earth; it is nothing but my foot stool, I don’t as much as value it. If heaven is not a big deal and earth is just nothing, what do you think about the small temple you built for me inside the earth, you think I value it so much? No I don’t, because these are all things I made with my own hands, they come so easy, they have been existing and are nothing much. But there is a something I will REGARD WITH PLEASURE, a man I behold, consider, regard, and HAVE RESPECT FOR more than heaven and earth, a man who is valuable to me than the whole universe: IT IS A MAN WHO IS HUMBLE (POOR), BROKEN AND POOR IN HEART (CONTRITE IS SPIRIT), AND A MAN THAT GREATLY VALUE AND RESPECT (TREMBLES AT) MY WORD. The Word translated “look” in verse two is from the Hebrew word “nabat” that means “to REGARD with pleasure, favor or care: - (cause to) behold, consider, REGARD, HAVE RESPECT, see”. This shows us what God is saying from verse one: God is saying He doesn’t value the heavens or respectsthe earth; what He greatly
  • 63. The Hidden Wisdom of God values beyond them all is ahumble man. A contrite man is more valuable than the whole universe. A man who values His Word is more important to God than the whole riches and achievement of the earth. What are you chasing today, more riches, more money, more miracles, more gift of the Spirit, more earthly riches, or more heavenly reward? They are all good, but God says they are all not as important to Him as that one man who is very humble, contrite and trembles at His Word; a man who is like Him in value and nature (Philippians 2:5-11). Change your focus today and pray that God refocuses your heart,your passion, and your prayers. Do you want to be respected by God or you want to be respected by men? DO YOU WANT MEN TO CLAP FOR YOU ON EARTH OR YOU WANT THE ALMIGHTY TO CLAP FOR YOU SOME DAY IN HEAVEN. CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY WHICH YOU WANT. May the Holy Spirit purge your heart and conscience with these Word.
  • 64. The Hidden Wisdom of God Wisdom 36 What is Wisdom? As we conclude this series, we will consider what wisdom is and how to get it. The World defines wisdom by results. The world’s way or explanation of desired results is what they call wisdom, irrespective of the means. As long as there are obvious, tested, proved, and undeniable results and facts, the world bases a principle and wisdom on this. # THE WISDOM OF GOD 1Co 1:24: But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, CHRIST THE POWER OF GOD, AND THE WISDOM OF GOD. God’s Wisdom “may” never see obvious results in this peanut world nor even see glorious results in one’sshort lifetime; but truly I say to you: God’s Wisdom stands from everlasting to everlasting. First, Scriptures shows us that CHRIST IS THE EXPRESS REPRESENTATION OF THE WISDOM OF GOD. If you want to learn how wise God is -That Almighty who runs the Universe since eternity past; you don’t need an interview with Him in person; you simply need to study Jesus, study His lifestyle, study His Words; then you will become as wise as God Himself. This is not a wishful thinking, but an inheritance God wants for us in Christ. For He who has seen Jesus has seen God. (John 14:9) Many Christians say “My Christianity does not make me a fool” IT DOES MAKE YOU A FOOL – A FOOL FOR CHRIST BUT A WISE MAN BEFORE GOD. Do not be like those who chose to be “WISE IN CHRIST” LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS. 1Co 4:10: WE (the Apostles) ARE FOOLS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, but ye (the Corinthian Church) are WISE IN CHRIST; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised. Jam 3:17: But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
  • 65. The Hidden Wisdom of God There is a way we can measure what is wise and what is not. God’s Word gives us a clue: anything we call wise must first be pure, with nothing against God’s Word; foster peace with men and peace with God; not seek to struggle with others; must go along with being merciful and forgiving; must produce the fruits of the Spirit; must not promote partiality; and must be without pretense. Pursue wisdom; God’s Raw Material on Wisdom (Jesus) “THE BIBLE” contains secrets shut up since the world’s foundation, they can only be refined and revealed by the Light the Holy Spirit shines upon all those who are ready to pay the price. He is not a Respecter of persons. Spend the rest of your life seeking Jesus as you daily read, study, and with fervent prayers meditate on the Word. I commit you into the Hand of God and the Word of His Grace which is able to transform you. I pray for all readers and followers of this Wisdom series that: God will help us by His Spirit to be doers and not mere teachers and readers. This I pray not by my righteousness but by the name of Him who is our Right Standing with God–even JESUS.
  • 66. The Hidden Wisdom of God IN CONCLUSION Thanks be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Author and He who commissioned this Wisdom project. I owe Him all the encouragement, strength, finance, the praise, and glory of this work. If there is any mistake in this work, it would be the parts where I have refused to walk in the Spirit and refuse His corrections. Unto Him be all the praise. He alone is the Father and the Teacher of the Word. I also want to thank the Holy Spirit who seats me daily at Jesus feet against my stubbornness, weariness, hard heartedness and carnality; He patiently showed me and taught me to do and to teach these things; you cannot imagine what I have made Him go through to make this happen. I also want to thank everyone who has been a part of this work. These are only the few we can contain in this teaching. There are much more indeed. Stay in God's Word and don't you dare leave until God has revealed His way to you. God bless you richly. I teach not as if I've already reached the goal or have already completed the course. But I run to win that which Jesus Christ has already won for me. Brothers and sisters, I can't consider myself a winner yet. This is what I do: I don't look back, I lengthen my stride, and I run straight toward the goal to win the prize that God's heavenly call offers in Christ Jesus. Whoever has a mature faith should think this way. And if you think differently, (I pray that) God will show you how to think. However, we should be guided by what we have learned so far. (Philippian 4:12- 16) Thank you for all your time to read, your supports and encouragement thus far. May God reward you and bless you richly. I commit you into the Hand of God and the Word of His Grace which is able to transform you. I pray for all readers and followers of this Wisdom series that: God will help us by His Spirit to be doers and not mere teachers and readers. This I pray not by my righteousness but by the name of Him who is our Right Standing with God – even JESUS. Grace and Peace!