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The Plymouth Laryngectomy Club (PLC)
    A Charitable Support Group for Plymouth Cancer Laryngectomees

 The Voice of PLC
 April- May 2011
 Address: c / o The Mustard Tree Support Centre, Derriford Hospital, Derriford, PLYMOUTH, PL6 8DH, Devon
 Mobile: 07745819828 (text only) Email: Website:

                  EDITORIAL COMMENT                                               Our Club comes under the umbrella organisation of the
                                                                                  National Association of Laryngectomy Clubs (NALC). NALC
                                                                                  have confirmed to us that some of the clubs in the UK allow
I  NTERNET Links. If you’re reading this on-line and come
   across words with blue lettering that are underlined, then
you can click on these links and be taken directly to another
                                                                                  membership to Head & Neck Cancer patients and not just to
                                                                                  Laryngectomees.      Again, this is something that will be
                                                                                  discussed at our forthcoming Club Meetings. So do please
site for more information on that particular topic. Put your
                                                                                  give this some serious thought and consideration. A change
cursor over the link, hold down the Control (Ctrl) Key and
                                                                                  of this nature would require a change to our Constitution
click! Ed.
                                                                                  but we intend to seek expert advice from our medical
                                                                                  supporters before taking any final decision.
                   Written by Geoffrey N. READ                                    Finally, I should just like to say a big Thank You to the
                                                                                  Devonport Regeneration Community Partnership for their
                                                                                  kindness in supporting us by providing us with photocopying
Dear Friends & Supporters,                                                        facilities over the past few months. This has saved us quite
                                                                                  a few pennies. Unfortunately DRCP is no more, having
Catherine Zeta JONES is back in the news again, suffering                         wound up at the end of March 2011. Do you know of
from stress resulting months of looking after her husband                         anyone or any organisation who might give us assistance in
Michael DOUGLAS who is getting over throat cancer. As                             reproducing copies of this Newsletter in the coming
the stress takes its toll, Michael is now having to act as                        months?
Catherine’s carer!     This illustrates just how much the
partners and carers of Laryngectomees have to tolerate                            If you have any comments regarding anything in this
during the operation phase and the during the rehabilitation                      Newsletter then do please get in touch with me in the best
afterwards. It is wondered sometimes just how everyone                            way you know how!
copes. But cope they do!
                                                                                  On behalf of the other PLC Committee Members may I wish
Our Club was formed to promote the rehabilitation of                              you all a very Happy Easter! I hope you all get time to view
Laryngectomees in the Plymouth area and to provide                                the Royal Wedding too!
support to Laryngectomees and their partners and / or
carers. We have been wondering lately whether our Club is                         Best wishes,
veering away slightly from being a Support Club and is                            Geoff
heading towards becoming simply a Social Club. What are
your thoughts? This will be discussed at our forthcoming
meetings so that we can try to remedy this situation... if it is
considered that a remedy is needed!

     The Plymouth Laryngectomy Club (PLC) is an Affiliated Member of: The National Association of Laryngectomy Clubs (NALC)
     In Association with Macmillan Cancer Support
      Registered Charity Number: 273635

     A Member of The Plymouth Third Sector Consortium (PTSC)

     Patrons & Medical Advisors : Mr. W.M. BRIDGER, FRCS - Consultant ENT Surgeon,
     Mr. Tass MALIK, BSc FRCS (Gen), FRCS (ORL H&N) - Consultant Otolaryngologist, Head & Neck / Thyroid Surgeon, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth.
GREETINGS!                                                            THE PLC TREASURER’S REPORT

                                                                               M     ONTHLY Report. The Treasurer, Jean, reports that we
                                                                                     have enough to pay our NALC Fees for 2011 which is
                                                                               our only known expense at present. The NALC Fees are due
                                                                               for payment in April 2011.
BEST Wishes to Fiona MARTIN for Thursday, 21 April 2011
on the occasion of her Birthday! Happy Birthday Fiona!                                    THE PLC SECRETARY’S REPORT
MANY Happy Returns to Irene NORGATE for her Birthday
on Friday, 27 May 2011. Happy Birthday Irene!                                  C  ALENDAR of Events. A copy of the Club’s Calendar of
                                                                                  Events, including Future Entertainments for the next 12
                                                                               months or so, is available on our Club’s website. Please
                     FAREWELL DOT!                                             keep yourselves up-to-date by taking the occasional peek!

                                                                               C   LAN Newsletter. NALC has very kindly provided us with
                                                                                   hard copies of the March 2011 edition of their
                                                                               Newsletter. These were distributed copies at April 2011
                                                                               meeting and the spares were passed to Maggie and Julia for
                                                                               their patients. Please take a look at the back page to see the
                                                                               write-up and photographs about the PLC.

                                                                               I NSURANCE. One of our PLC Members recently asked me
                                                                                 for advice about Travel Insurance as she was getting
                                                                               quoted some extortionate rates for premiums simply
                                                                               because she once had cancer! It didn’t seem to matter that
                                                                               she is now completely clear of the illness! I was so pleased
                                                                               to offer some assistance as this illustrates precisely what the
                                                                               Plymouth Laryngectomy Club is all about... helping each
                                                                               other! We’ve received two lots of information:
Photograph courtesy of Liz BURNETT
                                                                               1. National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs (NALC).

R    ETIREMENT of Dorothy (Dot) WARE (Receptionist at
     Derriford ENT). Dot has retired and her last working day at
Derriford was Thursday, 31 March 2011. Ted BURNETT (our
                                                                               Geoff has received an electronic copy form NALC and will email
                                                                               it to anyone that asks him for a copy. Geoff will also pass a
                                                                               hard copy to anyone who wants one and isn’t on-line. We’ve
Chair) presented Dot with a framed Certificate of Appreciation                 asked our Computer Pixie to put this onto our website:
and a Farewell Card signed by most of our Members! Dot was           
delighted, and especially asked that her thanks be passed on to
all PLC Members & Friends. Farewell Dot and thank you from all                 2. The Mustard Tree Cancer Support Unit at Derriford
of us!                                                                         Hospital. This centre has hard copies available for anyone to
                                                                               go in and pick one up.
          THE PLC APRIL 2011 MEETING                                           It is important to note that neither organisation can endorse
                                                                               any of the companies on their lists but have produced the lists

O    UR April Meeting took place took the form of a tour of
     Plymouth Central Library Services after which Geoff, as
                                                                               merely to help PLC Member to find the right travel insurance.

Acting Chair, presented our host, Melanie RAWLES, with a
box of Easter Chocolates. This was followed by our formal
Monthly Meeting in the History Room. We then adjourned
                                                                               M      acmillan Cancer Support. We have received the
                                                                                      Spring 2011 edition of Mac News. Anyone not on-
                                                                               line who would like a copy, do please do contact Geoff.
for an informal lunch at the Southside Cafe at the Roland
Levinsky Building at the University of Plymouth. All those
attending agreed it was a very informal, relaxing and
enjoyable run of events!
                                                                               M       EMBERS & Friends. Our current Membership Status
                                                                                       is shown in the table below:

                                                                                                                    POSTAL     EMAIL    TOTAL

R    AFFLE. £10 was raised on our raffle at our March 2011
     Meeting, and both Ron MARTIN and Dave EDWARDS
won prizes. Hopefully Ron or Dave will provide the prize
                                                                                 Confirmed Members:
                                                                                 Prospective Members:
                                                                                 Confirmed Friends:
                                                                                                                          7       15
for our May 2011 Meeting. No raffle was held during April                        TOTALS:                                 15       25        40

                           Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only)
                                 or email:, or go to PLC website at                            2
N                                                                            J
     ATIONAL Association Of Laryngectomy Clubs (NALC).                          ULY 2011. Monday, 4 July 2011: PLC Club Meeting at
                                                                                the Mustard Tree followed by Lunch at the Jack Rabbit.
Geoff and Jean (Treasurer) will be                                           After the meeting there’ll be a Talk on Heimomed UK by
travelling to London in May 2011 to                                          Company Representative Ulla ROHRBECK.
attend the NALC Annual General
Meeting. If you have anything you
wish to have raised at this meeting
                                                                              HEAD & NECK CANCER PRIORITY SETTING
then do please contact Geoff at your earliest opportunity.                               PARTNERSHIP

N    ATIONAL Cancer Action Team. The February – March
     2011 Newsletter has been received. If there is any
member not on-line who wishes to have a hard copy then
                                                                             T  HE National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs (NALC)
                                                                                has been involved in Head & Neck Cancer research
                                                                             Projects for many years, through having Members serve on
please contact Geoff.                                                        the National Cancer Research Institute’s Head & Neck
                                                                             Cancer Clinical Studies Group.      The text below was

P   ENINSULA Cancer Network Allied Health Professional
    Rehabilitation Group.
                                Geoff attended a full day of
meetings on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 at Dartington. It was
                                                                             forwarded to us by NALC from what is on The Chesterfield
                                                                             Club’s website.

another full and intensive day of discussion and learning but                HEAD AND NECK CANCER PRIORITY SETTING PARTNERSHIP
enjoyable for all that! If anyone wishes to know more then do                (ENTUK and Head & Neck 5000 in association with the
please contact Geoff.                                                        James Lind Alliance)

P  LYMOUTH LINk. We have received the March 2011
   edition of their Newsletter. If there is any member not
   on-line who wishes to have a hard copy then they
                                                                             To Laryngectomee Clubs:

                                                                             HEAD AND NECK CANCER RESEARCH PRIORITY SETTING
should contact Geoff.                                                        PARTNERSHIP - INTRODUCTION

S  PEAKEASY Club Cornwall. We have received a copy of
   the March 2011 Newsletter. Those not on-line can ask
Geoff for a hard copy.
                                                                             I am contacting you to ask for the help of your club and its
                                                                             members in a project that has just been launched. The aim
                                                                             of the project is to produce a list of uncertainties or
                                                                             unanswered questions about the treatment of head and

S   PEAKEASY Published Book. The SpeakEasy Club has
    published a book entitled “Our Story” which relates to
how the Club was formed and to its Laryngectomy Club
                                                                             neck cancer that can be resolved by research. The aim is
                                                                             then to produce a priority list and the results will be passed
                                                                             to research commissioning bodies to be considered for
Members. It was compiled by the then Secretary, Reverend                     funding.
Colin SALTER. Our Club has now purchased a copy and it
will be sent around on circulation to each of our Members                    What is unique about the project is that it is a collaboration
over the next few months or so. Once it’s done the rounds                    between clinicians and patients on equal terms and the
it will be used as a RafflePrize.                                            views of both groups will have equal weight in arriving at
                                                                             decisions about the priority list. People may suffer
        THE PLC FORECAST OF EVENTS                                           unnecessarily because uncertainties about the effects of
                                                                             treatments have not been addressed in research. Patients
                                                                             and doctors may have very different ideas about what
      AY 2011. Monday, 9 May 2011: PLC Club Meeting
      at the Mustard Tree followed by Lunch at the Jack                      important questions need to be addressed compared to
Rabbit. After the meeting there’ll be a Talk on The Funny Side               those raised by the drug manufacturers or medical
of Nursing by Carol CHESHIRE.                                                technology companies. The aim is to bring our ideas to the
IMPORTANT:         Our Monthly Meetings are usually held on
the first Monday of each calendar month. The meeting in May                  How you can help
is being held on the second Monday because the first one is a                Your club or individual members of the club can contribute
Bank Holiday.                                                                to the project by completing the form and submitting one or
                                                                             more examples of a treatment uncertainty or unanswered

J                                                                            question. Could you please arrange a discussion of the
   UNE 2011. Monday 6 June 2011: PLC Club Meeting at
   the Mustard Tree followed by Lunch at the Jack Rabbit.                    project at one of your meetings or pass the information to
Prior to the meeting there’ll be a Talk on the National                      individual members who you think may be interested? The
Association of Laryngectomee Clubs (NALC) given by the NALC                  address to which forms can be returned is included on the
Treasurer Alex MCGUIGGAN. Alex has kindly agreed to                          form and the deadline for completion is Friday, 10 June
stand in for the President who has had to cancel all further                 2011.
engagements during 2011.

                         Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only)
                               or email:, or go to PLC website at                       3
The form is available for download, so that it can be                        Geoff THOMAS, 46, who played against Robson in the 1990 FA
completed and sent in by email rather than by post. The                      Cup Final between United and Crystal Palace, was diagnosed
Chesterfield Club website ( has a link                    with leukaemia in 2003 and saved by a bone marrow transplant
which can be found by clicking on the Priority Setting                       from his sister.
Partnership item on the home page menu.                                      He said: “Bryan ROBSON was someone I looked up to as a
                                                                             captain and player.
It does not matter if the ideas that patients and carers                     “I know he’ll show the same grit and determination in his fight
submit are real uncertainties or not, once they are collected                against cancer that he showed during his playing days. His
they will be checked to find out if they have been                           positivity will get him through this, as it did on the pitch.”
thoroughly researched or not.                                                Determination. On Twitter, Mirror columnist Robbie SAVAGE
                                                                             said: “Bryan ROBSON has had surgery for throat cancer. A
Please consider “treatment” in its widest sense to include                   wonderful player and great captain. A strong man who’ll fight
anything that contributes to a successful outcome in                         this cancer.”
treating head and neck cancer and improves the quality of                    And Roberto MANCINI, manager of rivals Manchester City,
life of patients.                                                            added: “The thoughts and wishes of everyone at Manchester
                                                                             City are with Bryan and his family. I am sure the determination
Further Guidance                                                             he had as a player will shine through as he fights cancer.”
Please use the Contacts page in "About Us" on this website                   Awarded an OBE in 1990, father-of-three ROBSON made 90
if you need further information or help.                                     appearances for England, 65 as captain.
                                                                             He won two Premier League titles, three FA Cups and the
Thank you for your time and any assistance you can give to                   European Cup Winners’ Cup with United in his career as a box-
this project.                                                                to-box midfielder. In total, he made 461 appearances for the
                                                                             club and scored 99 goals between 1981 and 1994.
                                                                             He managed English sides Middlesbrough, Bradford, West
Editorial Note: This subject will be discussed at the May                    Bromwich Albion and Sheffield United before taking over as
2011 Meeting. In the meantime, should anyone have any                        Thailand coach in September 2009.
difficulty in obtaining a copy of the form mentioned in the
article then do please contact Geoff who will provide you
with one.                                                                    D   ERRIFORD Hospital Makes Surgery Safety Improvements.
                                                                                 The following article was broadcast by BBC TV Spotlight
                                                                             on Friday, 1 April 2011:

                    NEWS & GOSSIP                                            A Plymouth hospital has made "significant improvements" to
                                                                             patient safety during surgery, the Care Qualify Commission

B   RYAN ROBSON Battling Throat Cancer. The following was

Laurie Hanna.
    published in the Daily Mirror on Thursday, 17 March by
                                                                             (CQC) has found.
                                                                             Concerns were raised about
                                                                             Derriford Hospital after four
                                                                             incidents in which swabs were
FOOTBALL great Bryan ROBSON is locked in a battle against                    left inside patients.
throat cancer, it was revealed yesterday.                                    CQC inspectors made an
The former England and Manchester United captain had                         unannounced visit to the hospital's operating theatres earlier
surgery to remove a tumour from his                                          this week.
throat in a Bangkok hospital on                                              The hospital said staff had worked "extremely hard" to make
Thursday, 3 March 2011.                                                      improvements to ensure the safety of patients.
Robson, 54, known to fans as Captain                                         The CQC had warned Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust it could face
Marvel for his all-action playing style,                                     prosecution after an inspection in February found it was failing
intends to carry on working as his                                           to meet three "essential" safety standards.
treatment proceeds.                                                          The inspection followed concerns raised after six serious
He is currently manager of the Thai                                          incidents... referred to as "never events" because they should
national team and yesterday the world of football united to pay              never happen... at the hospital within six months.
tribute to a hero’s fighting spirit.                                         These included four swabs being left inside patients.
Former Man United defender Gary PALLISTER, 45, said:                          'Increased risks'
“Robbo’s battles with injury during his career will stand him in             The CQC report into the February inspection, published earlier,
good stead for what lies ahead.                                              found the trust was in breach of three essential standards.
“Robbo will be up for a fight if that’s what’s needed because                These included patients being at an increased risk because
that’s the way he’s been all his life. He knows all about pain               important safety check-lists were not always being used
from his career and knows what to expect.”                                   effectively in some operating theatres.
And United star Norman WHITESIDE, 45, added confidently:                     It also found working practises in some theatres "did not
“Captain Marvel will pull through.”                                          promote an environment where clinical excellence could
A Man United spokesman said: “The oncologist is confident the                flourish" and that some patients receiving surgery were at an
condition is treatable. Bryan is fine to continue with his role as           "increased risk" of unsafe care.
Thailand coach and as ambassador of Manchester United.”

                         Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only)
                               or email:, or go to PLC website at                        4
th                                                             Karen MORSE
On Monday, 28 March 2011, the inspectors returned to the
                                                                              LINk Co-ordinator
hospital to check improvements had been made. Click here to
                                                                              Unit 15, HQ Building
continue reading the main story.                                              237 Union Street
                                                                              Plymouth PL1 3HQ

D    ERRIFORD Hospital Named for Refusing to Pay Staff
     Extra to Work Royal Wedding. This article appeared in
the Plymouth Herald on Tuesday, 12 April, 2011.
                                                                                             (01752) 202407
                                                                                             (01752) 202406

DERRIFORD Hospital has been "named and shamed" for
refusing to give bank holiday pay to staff working during the
royal wedding.
                                                                              I   VYBRIDGE Comings and Goings.
                                                                              Barn Dance at EST Ivybridge, Saturday, 14 May at 7.30
Plymouth Hospitals is one of                                                  p.m. to 11.30 p.m. Live Band and Caller, Bar and Hog
                                    Derriford Hospital
115 NHS trusts in England                                                     Roast. Tickets priced at £6 and must be purchased in
which have decided not to pay                                                 advance. Please telephone the Centre on (01752) 690 200
enhanced rates on Friday, 29                                                  for further information.
April 2011.
The union Unite released the                                                                                                             th
                                                                              Donkey Summer Fair at EST Ivybridge, Saturday, 18 June
list yesterday.                                                               from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Demonstrations, Games & Stalls,
Union officers branded the decision "shameful", highlighting                  Inflatables, BBQ, Donkey Carriage rides
that all NHS trusts in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland                   and much, much more! Fun Family Dog
are paying staff extra for the day.                                           Show from 2 p.m. Free entry and
                                                                              parking. For more information, please call
NHS Plymouth, which provides community health services,                       the centre on (01752) 690 200.
is also paying bank holiday rates. This means a nurse at
Derriford Hospital will be working for their usual pay while a                Car Boot Sales at EST Ivybridge on:
district nurse is receiving extra money.
Derriford managers said the holiday is being treated as a                               Sunday, 26th June,
normal working day, as far as pay is concerned, due to cash                             Sunday, 24th July,
                                                                                        Sunday, 21st August, and
constraints. All hospital staff will, however, receive an                               Sunday, 25th September.
additional day's holiday in recognition of the celebration.
For the full story, please visit:                         The timings have yet to be confirmed!

H     ave You Used Derriford Hospital in the Past Six
      Months? Then Tell Plymouth LINk About it! As part of
Plymouth LINk’s ongoing work to
                                                                              P  LYMOUTH City Council Will Scrutinise Derriford Hospital
                                                                                 Safety Record. This article was published in the Plymouth
                                                                              Herald on Friday, 18th March 2011:
improve patient experience at
Derriford Hospital and in response                                            DERRIFORD Hospital, which was warned in a damning report to
to your feedback, we are                                                      improve surgical safety or face prosecution, is to face further
researching       the     difficulties                                        interrogation next week.
encountered by those with                                                     Members of a Cornwall Council committee which keeps tabs on
disability when using the hospital. Maybe you or someone                      health issues say they are deeply worried by recent events at
you know has a visual impairment, limited mobility, learning                  Derriford and have called the matter in for scrutiny.
difficulty, hearing impairment or language barrier and has                    The hospital has recently been on the receiving end of a
encountered problems at the hospital as a result.                             stinging verdict by independent health watchdogs after a series
Tell us what you think of the signage, wheelchair availability,               of so-called "never events", as revealed in The Herald.
disabled toilets, pavement camber and even the parking!                       Jan POWELL, Chair of the Council's Health & Adults Overview &
Please obtain a questionnaire from the address below or                       Scrutiny Committee, said there were real concerns.
contact Geoff in PLC. When you’ve completed it you can                        "It is very worrying," she said. "We really need to know what is
post to the following freepost address:                                       going on at Derriford.
                                                                              "It is the first port of call for many people in Cornwall and we
LINk Support Team                                                             need to look at what has happened."
Unit 15, HQ Building                                                          The Conservative councillor for Liskeard North said most
237 Union Street                                                              patients requiring hospital treatment in her area would go
Plymouth PL1 3HQ                                                              straight to Derriford.
                                                                              "It is their first point of access, but also many other patients go
All completed questionnaires will be entered into a prize
                                                                              up there for specialist treatment, so there does need to be
draw, with the chance to win £50 of ‘Love to Shop’ vouchers.
                                                                              some form of monitoring from my committee."
Don’t forget to include your name and address if you wish to
                                                                              Derriford Hospital was subject to an unprecedented warning by
be entered into the draw! Please return questionnaires by
          th                                                                  the Care Quality Commission (CQC) after a surprise visit by
Friday, 20 May 2011.

                          Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only)
                                or email:, or go to PLC website at                          5
Among the revelations were six "never events"... those which
should never occur... including swabs being left inside patients
and procedures performed on the wrong part of the body.
                                                                             S  HADOWS Legend Jet HARRIS Dies From Throat Cancer,
                                                                                Aged 71. This article was published in The Daily Mail on
                                                                             Saturday, 19 March By Simon Cable.
The CQC told the hospital trust to take immediate action or face
prosecution and have operating theatres forcibly shut.                       Jet HARRIS, the original bass guitarist with The Shadows, has
Amanda FISK, acting Director of Commissioning for NHS                        died from throat cancer, aged 71.
Cornwall, which buys hospital services on behalf of patients in              Harris, who received an MBE for services to music last year,
the county, said the situation was being monitored.                          joined Cliff RICHARD’S backing group in 1959. They were then
She said: "Derriford Hospital provides the full range of acute               known as The Drifters, but
services to residents in East Cornwall as well as some specialist            Harris      suggested      they
services for patients across the county.                                     change their name to The
"We are working alongside the Primary Care Trust in Plymouth                 Shadows.
to ensure that the patient care issues raised by the CQC are                 He died in the early hours of
addressed as rapidly as possible."                                           yesterday at his partner
Dr. Alex MAYOR, Medical Director for Plymouth Hospitals NHS                  Janet HEMINGWAY’S home
Trust, said patient safety was their top priority and they were              in Winchester, his agent,
"determined and confident" of ensuring "full and                             Peter STOCKTON, said.
comprehensive" compliance with the CQC.                                      A family friend speaking for
                                                                             Miss HEMINGWAY said: ‘Jet

P   ROTEST At Plymouth's Derriford Hospital Over Cyberknife
    Delay. This article was published in the Plymouth Herald
on Saturday, 2 April, 2011.
                                                                             was a one-off. He had a
                                                                             wonderful sense of humour
                                                                             and        was       incredibly
                                                                             courageous and incredibly
CAMPAIGNERS have demonstrated outside Derriford Hospital                     loyal to his friends and
over the delay over plans for a "miracle laser" for cancer                   family.
patients.                                                                    ‘There are three Shadows
Derriford bosses have put back plans to buy and install a                    forums on the internet and
£2.6million CyberKnife radiosurgery machine due to cash                      fans are pouring out their
constraints.                                                                 grief and love for him.’ A
Cyberknife campaigner Ruth Peberdy and supporters yesterday                  heavy drinker for many
stood outside the hospital to highlight the hope the machine                 years, Harris was diagnosed
could bring to hundreds of patients.                                         with cancer two years ago.
They carried banners, a                                                      The bass player performed on tracks such as Apache and on Sir
model of the laser and                                                       Cliff’s number one hit Living Doll.
handed out leaflets to                                                       Born Terence HARRIS in Kingsbury, North London, he earned his
passers-by.                                                                  nickname thanks to his speed as a runner.
The machine shoots beams                                                     Having left school to work as an apprentice welder, he then
of radiation at difficult-to-                                                became a proficient self-taught bass player with a string of
reach tumours, replacing the                                                 skiffle acts and a fixture at the 2I’s Coffee Bar... known as the
need for invasive surgery.                                                   birthplace of British rock ’n’ roll... in Soho.
Ruth said: "Cyberknife would     PROTEST: From left are                      He formed a friendship with Sir Cliff and was invited to join his
save lives. We are hoping to     Dianna RICHARDS,                                                                 backing band. The singer also
work together with the           Ann COOPER, and                                                                  proved to be a source of
hospital to make the project     Ruth PEDERBY.                                                                    heartache for HARRIS when he
happen."                                                                                                          had an affair with HARRIS’s
                                                                                                                  wife, Carol COSTA.
                                                                                                                  Harris recalled in an interview:
                                                                                                                  ‘I never once rocked the boat,
                                                                                                                  asked questions, made things
                                                                                                                  difficult. He was my boss. I
                                                                                                                  wanted my job.’
                                                                                                                  In 1962 HARRIS left the band
                                                                             and had solo hits with Besame Mucho and The Man With The
                                                                             Golden Arm and the next year teamed up with another
                                                                             Shadows band mate, Tony MEEHAN, for a six-week spell at the
                                                                             top of the charts with Diamonds.
                                                                             He suffered serious head injuries in a car crash in 1963, but
                                                                             fought back and in months was recording again and performing
                                                                             at the New Musical Express Poll Winners’ Concert.
                                                                             HARRIS went on to have a brief stint in the Jeff BECK Group.

                         Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only)
                               or email:, or go to PLC website at                            6
By the 1970s he had                 NHS Plymouth currently controls the city's health budget and
                                          effectively left the                manages community services such as district nursing and
                                          music business and                  mental health.
                                          became a professional               Paul ROBERTS, Derriford Hospital Chief Executive, said: "The
                                          photographer, although              results from the national staff survey very much mirror the
                                          he returned to the                  challenging environment within which the NHS as a whole finds
                                          heritage circuit with a             itself.
                                          number of bands.                    "Whilst there is evidence of improvement on last year's results,
                                          In 2007 HARRIS released             there is a still a clear message from our staff that more work
                                          a new album in his own              needs to be done to improve their experience of work.
                                          right, The Journey.                 "We have heard that our staff want to be listened to and to feel
                                          Sir Cliff paid tribute to           more engaged. We need to make that happen."
                                          his former band mate,               He said the Trust Board is in the final stages of agreeing an
                                          saying: ‘Jet was exactly            'organisational development programme' which focuses on
                                          what The Shadows and I              workers feeling "valued, supported, involved, engaged and
                                          needed... a backbone                empowered, leading to higher productivity and release of
holding our sound together.                                                   greater discretionary effort".
 ‘Jet will always be an integral part of British                              Helen ALLEN, NHS Plymouth Workforce Development Director,
rock ’n’ roll history. Losing him is sad... but                               welcomed the survey, saying it shows staff appreciate many
the great memories will stay with me. Rock                                    improvements the PCT has made.
on, Jet.’                                                                     She added: "Our staff are experiencing a period of change and it
HARRIS had hoped to be invited to take part                                   is important that during this they continue to feel valued and
in The Shadows’ 11-date reunion tour in                                       supported by managers and colleagues.
2009, but was replaced by a session                                           "Clearly we do have challenges ahead of us to make further
musician, partly due to his ill health.          Photograph from              improvements in ensuring our staff are best equipped and
                                                  supported to carry out their jobs."
Read more:                                                She said there are a number of initiatives in place to improve
                                                                              communication across the trust.

S  URVEY Shows Staff's Low Motivation at Derriford
   Hospital. This article was published in the Plymouth
Herald on Thursday, 17 March 2011:
                                                                              Along with PCTs across the country, NHS Plymouth is set to be
                                                                              abolished by 2013, with power handed to GPs.
                                                                              Almost 306,000 NHS staff were asked about their experiences
                                                                              between October and December 2010. Of these staff, 54%
DERRIFORD Hospital staff have among the lowest motivation                     responded.
and job satisfaction rates in the country, according to a massive             For the full results, please visit
survey of NHS employees.
City health bosses said results
reflect      the      "challenging
environment"... as massive
                                               Derriford Hospital
                                                                              W      E OWE IT TO OUR SONS to Protect Them Against
                                                                                     Human Papilloma Virus... The New Oral Cancer Peril.
                                                                              This article was published in the Mail on Sunday by Professor
efficiency drives and structural                                              Lawrence Young on Sunday, 3 April 2011.
upheaval create widespread
changes.                                                                      Threat: Small studies, in which oral
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust                                                  cancer tumours were analysed, reveal
ranked among England's worst 20% in 14 out of 38 areas...                     a new culprit: the human papilloma
including job satisfaction, motivation and work pressure.                     virus:
The hospital was rated amongst the best in five areas including
physical violence against staff, appraisals, and health and well-             The seemingly unstoppable rise of
being.                                                                        throat and mouth cancers over the
The 2010 Survey by independent regulators the Care Quality                    past two decades has left experts
Commission (CQC) showed improvement or no change in the                       baffled and deeply concerned. These
vast majority of questions from the previous year.                            are truly horrible diseases.
For example, 68% of Derriford staff who responded said they                   More than 15,000 new patients are
felt satisfied with the quality of work and patient care they are             diagnosed each year in Britain alone and almost 8,000 die from
able to deliver. This compared to 62% in 2009. The national                   the most common type, cancer of the oesophagus.
average for hospital staff in 2010 was 74%.                                   Two-thirds of sufferers are men. And those that survive are
Meanwhile, the city's Primary Care Trust NHS Plymouth scored                  often left horrifically disfigured by aggressive radiotherapy and
above average in 26 of the 38 questions.                                      surgery. Most worryingly, numbers of new cases have doubled
These included motivation, work-related stress and injuries.                  since 1989.
Satisfaction rates were ranked as average at 74%.

                          Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only)
                                or email:, or go to PLC website at                         7
We used to think most oral and throat cancers... which also                   Fifty years ago, sex before marriage was frowned upon and
include laryngeal (voice box), tracheal (windpipe) and                        multiple partners were unusual.
oropharyngeal (soft-palate) tumours... were due to a lifetime of              HPV can be transmitted from a woman to the mouth and throat
smoking and heavy alcohol consumption, and only really                        of a man during oral sex. But this does not equate with
occurred in old age.                                                          promiscuity.
But as health messages hit home, numbers of smokers and                       Carriers of HPV 16 or 18 can show no symptoms for many years
drinkers dropped, fewer older men and women developed                         before the cancer develops, so it is entirely possible to have just
these cancers and a new group of patients... middle-class,                    one sexual partner and contract the virus without even
middle-aged men who drank moderately and had never                            knowing it.
smoked... emerged. This was a surprise.                                       The only thing that stands in the way of combating this deadly
Small studies, in which tumours were analysed, indicated a new                threat is funding. Currently the vaccine is not available for boys
culprit: the human papilloma virus (HPV), the same virus that                 in the UK... neither on the NHS, nor privately. This, in my
we knew was the cause of cervical cancer in women.                            opinion, needs rethinking.
For years there have been whisperings among oncologists that                  In the US, parents are already paying privately to get their sons
this could become one of the most significant cancer challenges               vaccinated. The NHS is under huge financial stress and the
of the 21 Century.                                                            announcement of £1billion in cuts turns a blanket vaccination
And six weeks ago, evidence published by two American                         for all British boys into a costs issue that must be debated.
universities showed that these fears were becoming a reality.                 Adults cannot be vaccinated... for us, regular check-ups and
Researchers found that about half of the male population                      limiting sexual partners are the only options.
carried some form of HPV; that every year there is a 6%                       Once contracted, there is no way to get rid of HPV, although we
increase in carriers of HPV 16 and 18... the deadliest forms of               hope to develop treatments. For the majority it won't cause
the virus... and that up to 64% of head and neck cancers are                  cancer.
likely to be caused by the virus.                                             More tests need to be done to fully understand how HPV is
HPV is an umbrella term for about 200 strains of virus. More                  spread between men and women.
than 40 types are transmitted through sexual contact.                         And we need to demand, as parents, that our sons have the
Some cause genital warts but most men and women who catch                     same right as their sisters in being protected against HPV.
HPV never develop symptoms.
I was involved in early screening studies that linked the virus to            To read more, please click on this link:
gynaecological cancers in women.
Now I implore health chiefs to think seriously about vaccinating
boys against HPV.
                                    Concern:                                     The Plymouth Laryngectomy Club
                                    More than 15,000 new
                                    patients are diagnosed each                  (PLC) aims to offer support and care to the
                                    year in Britain alone and                    laryngectomees and their families in Plymouth.
                                    almost 8,000 die from the                    We also encourage understanding and support by
                                    most common type, cancer                     the public.
                                    of the oesophagus.
                                                                                 Laryngectomy is the removal of the larynx and separation
Since 2008, British girls between the ages of 12 and 13 been
given the HPV vaccine Cervarix, which protects against HPV 16                    of the airway from the mouth, nose and oesophagus. The
and 18.                                                                          Laryngectomee breaths through the neck, a stoma. It is
                                                                                 done in the cases of laryngeal cancer. However, many
Initially the programme was met with disdain... it was claimed
                                                                                 laryngeal cancer cases are now treated only with radiation
that giving the vaccine would sexualise prepubescent girls.
But it needs to be administered as early as possible before the                  and chemotherapy or other laser procedures, and
onset of sexual activity as exposure to any strain of the virus                  Laryngectomy is performed when those treatments fail to
                                                                                 conserve the larynx.
renders the vaccine ineffective.
Some might think that vaccinating women is enough, but while
teenage girls are supposed to be given the vaccine, there is no                  If you are a Laryngectomy you would be
law to ensure every girl has it.
Even optimistic figures put the amount of British girls having the
                                                                                 most welcome to come along on your
jab at just 70 to 80%.                                                           own or with your partner.
Currently the HPV vaccine is not available for boys in the UK...
neither on the NHS, nor privately.
Furthermore, there has not been enough research about how                        Come join us!
HPV is transmitted from women to men... we still aren't entirely
sure if the vaccine stops a woman being able to carry the virus,                 Our Members and Friends
even if she has been made immune to the effects of it.                           meet on the first Monday
Yes, sex has played a role in increasing the number of HPV-                      of every month.
related cancers... it is incredibly difficult to transmit the virus
without having sexual contact.

                          Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only)
                                or email:, or go to PLC website at                          8

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The Voice of PLC1104-5

  • 1. The Plymouth Laryngectomy Club (PLC) A Charitable Support Group for Plymouth Cancer Laryngectomees The Voice of PLC April- May 2011 Address: c / o The Mustard Tree Support Centre, Derriford Hospital, Derriford, PLYMOUTH, PL6 8DH, Devon Mobile: 07745819828 (text only) Email: Website: EDITORIAL COMMENT Our Club comes under the umbrella organisation of the National Association of Laryngectomy Clubs (NALC). NALC have confirmed to us that some of the clubs in the UK allow I NTERNET Links. If you’re reading this on-line and come across words with blue lettering that are underlined, then you can click on these links and be taken directly to another membership to Head & Neck Cancer patients and not just to Laryngectomees. Again, this is something that will be discussed at our forthcoming Club Meetings. So do please site for more information on that particular topic. Put your give this some serious thought and consideration. A change cursor over the link, hold down the Control (Ctrl) Key and of this nature would require a change to our Constitution click! Ed. but we intend to seek expert advice from our medical supporters before taking any final decision. FOREWORD BY THE ACTING CHAIR Written by Geoffrey N. READ Finally, I should just like to say a big Thank You to the Devonport Regeneration Community Partnership for their kindness in supporting us by providing us with photocopying Dear Friends & Supporters, facilities over the past few months. This has saved us quite a few pennies. Unfortunately DRCP is no more, having Catherine Zeta JONES is back in the news again, suffering wound up at the end of March 2011. Do you know of from stress resulting months of looking after her husband anyone or any organisation who might give us assistance in Michael DOUGLAS who is getting over throat cancer. As reproducing copies of this Newsletter in the coming the stress takes its toll, Michael is now having to act as months? Catherine’s carer! This illustrates just how much the partners and carers of Laryngectomees have to tolerate If you have any comments regarding anything in this during the operation phase and the during the rehabilitation Newsletter then do please get in touch with me in the best afterwards. It is wondered sometimes just how everyone way you know how! copes. But cope they do! On behalf of the other PLC Committee Members may I wish Our Club was formed to promote the rehabilitation of you all a very Happy Easter! I hope you all get time to view Laryngectomees in the Plymouth area and to provide the Royal Wedding too! support to Laryngectomees and their partners and / or carers. We have been wondering lately whether our Club is Best wishes, veering away slightly from being a Support Club and is Geoff heading towards becoming simply a Social Club. What are your thoughts? This will be discussed at our forthcoming meetings so that we can try to remedy this situation... if it is considered that a remedy is needed! The Plymouth Laryngectomy Club (PLC) is an Affiliated Member of: The National Association of Laryngectomy Clubs (NALC) In Association with Macmillan Cancer Support Registered Charity Number: 273635 A Member of The Plymouth Third Sector Consortium (PTSC) Patrons & Medical Advisors : Mr. W.M. BRIDGER, FRCS - Consultant ENT Surgeon, Mr. Tass MALIK, BSc FRCS (Gen), FRCS (ORL H&N) - Consultant Otolaryngologist, Head & Neck / Thyroid Surgeon, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth.
  • 2. GREETINGS! THE PLC TREASURER’S REPORT M ONTHLY Report. The Treasurer, Jean, reports that we have enough to pay our NALC Fees for 2011 which is our only known expense at present. The NALC Fees are due for payment in April 2011. st BEST Wishes to Fiona MARTIN for Thursday, 21 April 2011 on the occasion of her Birthday! Happy Birthday Fiona! THE PLC SECRETARY’S REPORT MANY Happy Returns to Irene NORGATE for her Birthday th on Friday, 27 May 2011. Happy Birthday Irene! C ALENDAR of Events. A copy of the Club’s Calendar of Events, including Future Entertainments for the next 12 months or so, is available on our Club’s website. Please FAREWELL DOT! keep yourselves up-to-date by taking the occasional peek! C LAN Newsletter. NALC has very kindly provided us with hard copies of the March 2011 edition of their Newsletter. These were distributed copies at April 2011 meeting and the spares were passed to Maggie and Julia for their patients. Please take a look at the back page to see the write-up and photographs about the PLC. I NSURANCE. One of our PLC Members recently asked me for advice about Travel Insurance as she was getting quoted some extortionate rates for premiums simply because she once had cancer! It didn’t seem to matter that she is now completely clear of the illness! I was so pleased to offer some assistance as this illustrates precisely what the Plymouth Laryngectomy Club is all about... helping each other! We’ve received two lots of information: Photograph courtesy of Liz BURNETT 1. National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs (NALC). R ETIREMENT of Dorothy (Dot) WARE (Receptionist at Derriford ENT). Dot has retired and her last working day at st Derriford was Thursday, 31 March 2011. Ted BURNETT (our Geoff has received an electronic copy form NALC and will email it to anyone that asks him for a copy. Geoff will also pass a hard copy to anyone who wants one and isn’t on-line. We’ve Chair) presented Dot with a framed Certificate of Appreciation asked our Computer Pixie to put this onto our website: and a Farewell Card signed by most of our Members! Dot was delighted, and especially asked that her thanks be passed on to all PLC Members & Friends. Farewell Dot and thank you from all 2. The Mustard Tree Cancer Support Unit at Derriford of us! Hospital. This centre has hard copies available for anyone to go in and pick one up. THE PLC APRIL 2011 MEETING It is important to note that neither organisation can endorse any of the companies on their lists but have produced the lists O UR April Meeting took place took the form of a tour of Plymouth Central Library Services after which Geoff, as merely to help PLC Member to find the right travel insurance. Acting Chair, presented our host, Melanie RAWLES, with a box of Easter Chocolates. This was followed by our formal Monthly Meeting in the History Room. We then adjourned M acmillan Cancer Support. We have received the Spring 2011 edition of Mac News. Anyone not on- line who would like a copy, do please do contact Geoff. for an informal lunch at the Southside Cafe at the Roland Levinsky Building at the University of Plymouth. All those attending agreed it was a very informal, relaxing and enjoyable run of events! M EMBERS & Friends. Our current Membership Status is shown in the table below: POSTAL EMAIL TOTAL R AFFLE. £10 was raised on our raffle at our March 2011 Meeting, and both Ron MARTIN and Dave EDWARDS won prizes. Hopefully Ron or Dave will provide the prize Confirmed Members: Prospective Members: Confirmed Friends: 6 2 7 15 9 1 15 3 22 for our May 2011 Meeting. No raffle was held during April TOTALS: 15 25 40 2011. Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only) or email:, or go to PLC website at 2
  • 3. N J th ATIONAL Association Of Laryngectomy Clubs (NALC). ULY 2011. Monday, 4 July 2011: PLC Club Meeting at the Mustard Tree followed by Lunch at the Jack Rabbit. Geoff and Jean (Treasurer) will be After the meeting there’ll be a Talk on Heimomed UK by travelling to London in May 2011 to Company Representative Ulla ROHRBECK. attend the NALC Annual General Meeting. If you have anything you wish to have raised at this meeting HEAD & NECK CANCER PRIORITY SETTING then do please contact Geoff at your earliest opportunity. PARTNERSHIP N ATIONAL Cancer Action Team. The February – March 2011 Newsletter has been received. If there is any member not on-line who wishes to have a hard copy then T HE National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs (NALC) has been involved in Head & Neck Cancer research Projects for many years, through having Members serve on please contact Geoff. the National Cancer Research Institute’s Head & Neck Cancer Clinical Studies Group. The text below was P ENINSULA Cancer Network Allied Health Professional Rehabilitation Group. th Geoff attended a full day of meetings on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 at Dartington. It was forwarded to us by NALC from what is on The Chesterfield Club’s website. another full and intensive day of discussion and learning but HEAD AND NECK CANCER PRIORITY SETTING PARTNERSHIP enjoyable for all that! If anyone wishes to know more then do (ENTUK and Head & Neck 5000 in association with the please contact Geoff. James Lind Alliance) P LYMOUTH LINk. We have received the March 2011 edition of their Newsletter. If there is any member not on-line who wishes to have a hard copy then they To Laryngectomee Clubs: HEAD AND NECK CANCER RESEARCH PRIORITY SETTING should contact Geoff. PARTNERSHIP - INTRODUCTION S PEAKEASY Club Cornwall. We have received a copy of the March 2011 Newsletter. Those not on-line can ask Geoff for a hard copy. I am contacting you to ask for the help of your club and its members in a project that has just been launched. The aim of the project is to produce a list of uncertainties or unanswered questions about the treatment of head and S PEAKEASY Published Book. The SpeakEasy Club has published a book entitled “Our Story” which relates to how the Club was formed and to its Laryngectomy Club neck cancer that can be resolved by research. The aim is then to produce a priority list and the results will be passed to research commissioning bodies to be considered for Members. It was compiled by the then Secretary, Reverend funding. Colin SALTER. Our Club has now purchased a copy and it will be sent around on circulation to each of our Members What is unique about the project is that it is a collaboration over the next few months or so. Once it’s done the rounds between clinicians and patients on equal terms and the it will be used as a RafflePrize. views of both groups will have equal weight in arriving at decisions about the priority list. People may suffer THE PLC FORECAST OF EVENTS unnecessarily because uncertainties about the effects of treatments have not been addressed in research. Patients and doctors may have very different ideas about what M th AY 2011. Monday, 9 May 2011: PLC Club Meeting at the Mustard Tree followed by Lunch at the Jack important questions need to be addressed compared to Rabbit. After the meeting there’ll be a Talk on The Funny Side those raised by the drug manufacturers or medical of Nursing by Carol CHESHIRE. technology companies. The aim is to bring our ideas to the fore. IMPORTANT: Our Monthly Meetings are usually held on the first Monday of each calendar month. The meeting in May How you can help is being held on the second Monday because the first one is a Your club or individual members of the club can contribute Bank Holiday. to the project by completing the form and submitting one or more examples of a treatment uncertainty or unanswered J question. Could you please arrange a discussion of the h UNE 2011. Monday 6 June 2011: PLC Club Meeting at the Mustard Tree followed by Lunch at the Jack Rabbit. project at one of your meetings or pass the information to Prior to the meeting there’ll be a Talk on the National individual members who you think may be interested? The Association of Laryngectomee Clubs (NALC) given by the NALC address to which forms can be returned is included on the th Treasurer Alex MCGUIGGAN. Alex has kindly agreed to form and the deadline for completion is Friday, 10 June stand in for the President who has had to cancel all further 2011. engagements during 2011. Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only) or email:, or go to PLC website at 3
  • 4. The form is available for download, so that it can be Geoff THOMAS, 46, who played against Robson in the 1990 FA completed and sent in by email rather than by post. The Cup Final between United and Crystal Palace, was diagnosed Chesterfield Club website ( has a link with leukaemia in 2003 and saved by a bone marrow transplant which can be found by clicking on the Priority Setting from his sister. Partnership item on the home page menu. He said: “Bryan ROBSON was someone I looked up to as a captain and player. It does not matter if the ideas that patients and carers “I know he’ll show the same grit and determination in his fight submit are real uncertainties or not, once they are collected against cancer that he showed during his playing days. His they will be checked to find out if they have been positivity will get him through this, as it did on the pitch.” thoroughly researched or not. Determination. On Twitter, Mirror columnist Robbie SAVAGE said: “Bryan ROBSON has had surgery for throat cancer. A Please consider “treatment” in its widest sense to include wonderful player and great captain. A strong man who’ll fight anything that contributes to a successful outcome in this cancer.” treating head and neck cancer and improves the quality of And Roberto MANCINI, manager of rivals Manchester City, life of patients. added: “The thoughts and wishes of everyone at Manchester City are with Bryan and his family. I am sure the determination Further Guidance he had as a player will shine through as he fights cancer.” Please use the Contacts page in "About Us" on this website Awarded an OBE in 1990, father-of-three ROBSON made 90 if you need further information or help. appearances for England, 65 as captain. He won two Premier League titles, three FA Cups and the Thank you for your time and any assistance you can give to European Cup Winners’ Cup with United in his career as a box- this project. to-box midfielder. In total, he made 461 appearances for the club and scored 99 goals between 1981 and 1994. He managed English sides Middlesbrough, Bradford, West Editorial Note: This subject will be discussed at the May Bromwich Albion and Sheffield United before taking over as 2011 Meeting. In the meantime, should anyone have any Thailand coach in September 2009. difficulty in obtaining a copy of the form mentioned in the article then do please contact Geoff who will provide you with one. D ERRIFORD Hospital Makes Surgery Safety Improvements. The following article was broadcast by BBC TV Spotlight st on Friday, 1 April 2011: NEWS & GOSSIP A Plymouth hospital has made "significant improvements" to patient safety during surgery, the Care Qualify Commission B RYAN ROBSON Battling Throat Cancer. The following was Laurie Hanna. th published in the Daily Mirror on Thursday, 17 March by (CQC) has found. Concerns were raised about Derriford Hospital after four incidents in which swabs were FOOTBALL great Bryan ROBSON is locked in a battle against left inside patients. throat cancer, it was revealed yesterday. CQC inspectors made an The former England and Manchester United captain had unannounced visit to the hospital's operating theatres earlier surgery to remove a tumour from his this week. throat in a Bangkok hospital on The hospital said staff had worked "extremely hard" to make rd Thursday, 3 March 2011. improvements to ensure the safety of patients. Robson, 54, known to fans as Captain The CQC had warned Plymouth Hospital NHS Trust it could face Marvel for his all-action playing style, prosecution after an inspection in February found it was failing intends to carry on working as his to meet three "essential" safety standards. treatment proceeds. The inspection followed concerns raised after six serious He is currently manager of the Thai incidents... referred to as "never events" because they should national team and yesterday the world of football united to pay never happen... at the hospital within six months. tribute to a hero’s fighting spirit. These included four swabs being left inside patients. Former Man United defender Gary PALLISTER, 45, said: 'Increased risks' “Robbo’s battles with injury during his career will stand him in The CQC report into the February inspection, published earlier, good stead for what lies ahead. found the trust was in breach of three essential standards. “Robbo will be up for a fight if that’s what’s needed because These included patients being at an increased risk because that’s the way he’s been all his life. He knows all about pain important safety check-lists were not always being used from his career and knows what to expect.” effectively in some operating theatres. And United star Norman WHITESIDE, 45, added confidently: It also found working practises in some theatres "did not “Captain Marvel will pull through.” promote an environment where clinical excellence could A Man United spokesman said: “The oncologist is confident the flourish" and that some patients receiving surgery were at an condition is treatable. Bryan is fine to continue with his role as "increased risk" of unsafe care. Thailand coach and as ambassador of Manchester United.” Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only) or email:, or go to PLC website at 4
  • 5. th Karen MORSE On Monday, 28 March 2011, the inspectors returned to the LINk Co-ordinator hospital to check improvements had been made. Click here to Unit 15, HQ Building continue reading the main story. 237 Union Street Plymouth PL1 3HQ D ERRIFORD Hospital Named for Refusing to Pay Staff Extra to Work Royal Wedding. This article appeared in th the Plymouth Herald on Tuesday, 12 April, 2011. Tel: Fax: Email: (01752) 202407 (01752) 202406 Website: DERRIFORD Hospital has been "named and shamed" for refusing to give bank holiday pay to staff working during the royal wedding. I VYBRIDGE Comings and Goings. th Barn Dance at EST Ivybridge, Saturday, 14 May at 7.30 Plymouth Hospitals is one of p.m. to 11.30 p.m. Live Band and Caller, Bar and Hog Derriford Hospital 115 NHS trusts in England Roast. Tickets priced at £6 and must be purchased in which have decided not to pay advance. Please telephone the Centre on (01752) 690 200 th enhanced rates on Friday, 29 for further information. April 2011. The union Unite released the th Donkey Summer Fair at EST Ivybridge, Saturday, 18 June list yesterday. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Demonstrations, Games & Stalls, Union officers branded the decision "shameful", highlighting Inflatables, BBQ, Donkey Carriage rides that all NHS trusts in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and much, much more! Fun Family Dog are paying staff extra for the day. Show from 2 p.m. Free entry and parking. For more information, please call NHS Plymouth, which provides community health services, the centre on (01752) 690 200. is also paying bank holiday rates. This means a nurse at Derriford Hospital will be working for their usual pay while a Car Boot Sales at EST Ivybridge on: district nurse is receiving extra money. Derriford managers said the holiday is being treated as a  Sunday, 26th June, normal working day, as far as pay is concerned, due to cash  Sunday, 24th July,  Sunday, 21st August, and constraints. All hospital staff will, however, receive an  Sunday, 25th September. additional day's holiday in recognition of the celebration. For the full story, please visit: The timings have yet to be confirmed! H ave You Used Derriford Hospital in the Past Six Months? Then Tell Plymouth LINk About it! As part of Plymouth LINk’s ongoing work to P LYMOUTH City Council Will Scrutinise Derriford Hospital Safety Record. This article was published in the Plymouth Herald on Friday, 18th March 2011: improve patient experience at Derriford Hospital and in response DERRIFORD Hospital, which was warned in a damning report to to your feedback, we are improve surgical safety or face prosecution, is to face further researching the difficulties interrogation next week. encountered by those with Members of a Cornwall Council committee which keeps tabs on disability when using the hospital. Maybe you or someone health issues say they are deeply worried by recent events at you know has a visual impairment, limited mobility, learning Derriford and have called the matter in for scrutiny. difficulty, hearing impairment or language barrier and has The hospital has recently been on the receiving end of a encountered problems at the hospital as a result. stinging verdict by independent health watchdogs after a series Tell us what you think of the signage, wheelchair availability, of so-called "never events", as revealed in The Herald. disabled toilets, pavement camber and even the parking! Jan POWELL, Chair of the Council's Health & Adults Overview & Please obtain a questionnaire from the address below or Scrutiny Committee, said there were real concerns. contact Geoff in PLC. When you’ve completed it you can "It is very worrying," she said. "We really need to know what is post to the following freepost address: going on at Derriford. "It is the first port of call for many people in Cornwall and we Freepost RRZE-AGZT-EXRS LINk Support Team need to look at what has happened." Unit 15, HQ Building The Conservative councillor for Liskeard North said most 237 Union Street patients requiring hospital treatment in her area would go Plymouth PL1 3HQ straight to Derriford. "It is their first point of access, but also many other patients go All completed questionnaires will be entered into a prize up there for specialist treatment, so there does need to be draw, with the chance to win £50 of ‘Love to Shop’ vouchers. some form of monitoring from my committee." Don’t forget to include your name and address if you wish to Derriford Hospital was subject to an unprecedented warning by be entered into the draw! Please return questionnaires by th the Care Quality Commission (CQC) after a surprise visit by Friday, 20 May 2011. inspectors. Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only) or email:, or go to PLC website at 5
  • 6. Among the revelations were six "never events"... those which should never occur... including swabs being left inside patients and procedures performed on the wrong part of the body. S HADOWS Legend Jet HARRIS Dies From Throat Cancer, Aged 71. This article was published in The Daily Mail on th Saturday, 19 March By Simon Cable. The CQC told the hospital trust to take immediate action or face prosecution and have operating theatres forcibly shut. Jet HARRIS, the original bass guitarist with The Shadows, has Amanda FISK, acting Director of Commissioning for NHS died from throat cancer, aged 71. Cornwall, which buys hospital services on behalf of patients in Harris, who received an MBE for services to music last year, the county, said the situation was being monitored. joined Cliff RICHARD’S backing group in 1959. They were then She said: "Derriford Hospital provides the full range of acute known as The Drifters, but services to residents in East Cornwall as well as some specialist Harris suggested they services for patients across the county. change their name to The "We are working alongside the Primary Care Trust in Plymouth Shadows. to ensure that the patient care issues raised by the CQC are He died in the early hours of addressed as rapidly as possible." yesterday at his partner Dr. Alex MAYOR, Medical Director for Plymouth Hospitals NHS Janet HEMINGWAY’S home Trust, said patient safety was their top priority and they were in Winchester, his agent, "determined and confident" of ensuring "full and Peter STOCKTON, said. comprehensive" compliance with the CQC. A family friend speaking for Miss HEMINGWAY said: ‘Jet P ROTEST At Plymouth's Derriford Hospital Over Cyberknife Delay. This article was published in the Plymouth Herald nd on Saturday, 2 April, 2011. was a one-off. He had a wonderful sense of humour and was incredibly courageous and incredibly CAMPAIGNERS have demonstrated outside Derriford Hospital loyal to his friends and over the delay over plans for a "miracle laser" for cancer family. patients. ‘There are three Shadows Derriford bosses have put back plans to buy and install a forums on the internet and £2.6million CyberKnife radiosurgery machine due to cash fans are pouring out their constraints. grief and love for him.’ A Cyberknife campaigner Ruth Peberdy and supporters yesterday heavy drinker for many stood outside the hospital to highlight the hope the machine years, Harris was diagnosed could bring to hundreds of patients. with cancer two years ago. They carried banners, a The bass player performed on tracks such as Apache and on Sir model of the laser and Cliff’s number one hit Living Doll. handed out leaflets to Born Terence HARRIS in Kingsbury, North London, he earned his passers-by. nickname thanks to his speed as a runner. The machine shoots beams Having left school to work as an apprentice welder, he then of radiation at difficult-to- became a proficient self-taught bass player with a string of reach tumours, replacing the skiffle acts and a fixture at the 2I’s Coffee Bar... known as the need for invasive surgery. birthplace of British rock ’n’ roll... in Soho. Ruth said: "Cyberknife would PROTEST: From left are He formed a friendship with Sir Cliff and was invited to join his save lives. We are hoping to Dianna RICHARDS, backing band. The singer also work together with the Ann COOPER, and proved to be a source of hospital to make the project Ruth PEDERBY. heartache for HARRIS when he happen." had an affair with HARRIS’s wife, Carol COSTA. Harris recalled in an interview: ‘I never once rocked the boat, asked questions, made things difficult. He was my boss. I wanted my job.’ In 1962 HARRIS left the band and had solo hits with Besame Mucho and The Man With The Golden Arm and the next year teamed up with another Shadows band mate, Tony MEEHAN, for a six-week spell at the top of the charts with Diamonds. He suffered serious head injuries in a car crash in 1963, but fought back and in months was recording again and performing at the New Musical Express Poll Winners’ Concert. HARRIS went on to have a brief stint in the Jeff BECK Group. Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only) or email:, or go to PLC website at 6
  • 7. By the 1970s he had NHS Plymouth currently controls the city's health budget and effectively left the manages community services such as district nursing and music business and mental health. became a professional Paul ROBERTS, Derriford Hospital Chief Executive, said: "The photographer, although results from the national staff survey very much mirror the he returned to the challenging environment within which the NHS as a whole finds heritage circuit with a itself. number of bands. "Whilst there is evidence of improvement on last year's results, In 2007 HARRIS released there is a still a clear message from our staff that more work a new album in his own needs to be done to improve their experience of work. right, The Journey. "We have heard that our staff want to be listened to and to feel Sir Cliff paid tribute to more engaged. We need to make that happen." his former band mate, He said the Trust Board is in the final stages of agreeing an saying: ‘Jet was exactly 'organisational development programme' which focuses on what The Shadows and I workers feeling "valued, supported, involved, engaged and needed... a backbone empowered, leading to higher productivity and release of holding our sound together. greater discretionary effort". ‘Jet will always be an integral part of British Helen ALLEN, NHS Plymouth Workforce Development Director, rock ’n’ roll history. Losing him is sad... but welcomed the survey, saying it shows staff appreciate many the great memories will stay with me. Rock improvements the PCT has made. on, Jet.’ She added: "Our staff are experiencing a period of change and it HARRIS had hoped to be invited to take part is important that during this they continue to feel valued and in The Shadows’ 11-date reunion tour in supported by managers and colleagues. 2009, but was replaced by a session "Clearly we do have challenges ahead of us to make further musician, partly due to his ill health. Photograph from improvements in ensuring our staff are best equipped and supported to carry out their jobs." Read more: She said there are a number of initiatives in place to improve communication across the trust. S URVEY Shows Staff's Low Motivation at Derriford Hospital. This article was published in the Plymouth th Herald on Thursday, 17 March 2011: Along with PCTs across the country, NHS Plymouth is set to be abolished by 2013, with power handed to GPs. Almost 306,000 NHS staff were asked about their experiences between October and December 2010. Of these staff, 54% DERRIFORD Hospital staff have among the lowest motivation responded. and job satisfaction rates in the country, according to a massive For the full results, please visit survey of NHS employees. City health bosses said results reflect the "challenging environment"... as massive Derriford Hospital W E OWE IT TO OUR SONS to Protect Them Against Human Papilloma Virus... The New Oral Cancer Peril. This article was published in the Mail on Sunday by Professor rd efficiency drives and structural Lawrence Young on Sunday, 3 April 2011. upheaval create widespread changes. Threat: Small studies, in which oral Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust cancer tumours were analysed, reveal ranked among England's worst 20% in 14 out of 38 areas... a new culprit: the human papilloma including job satisfaction, motivation and work pressure. virus: The hospital was rated amongst the best in five areas including physical violence against staff, appraisals, and health and well- The seemingly unstoppable rise of being. throat and mouth cancers over the The 2010 Survey by independent regulators the Care Quality past two decades has left experts Commission (CQC) showed improvement or no change in the baffled and deeply concerned. These vast majority of questions from the previous year. are truly horrible diseases. For example, 68% of Derriford staff who responded said they More than 15,000 new patients are felt satisfied with the quality of work and patient care they are diagnosed each year in Britain alone and almost 8,000 die from able to deliver. This compared to 62% in 2009. The national the most common type, cancer of the oesophagus. average for hospital staff in 2010 was 74%. Two-thirds of sufferers are men. And those that survive are Meanwhile, the city's Primary Care Trust NHS Plymouth scored often left horrifically disfigured by aggressive radiotherapy and above average in 26 of the 38 questions. surgery. Most worryingly, numbers of new cases have doubled These included motivation, work-related stress and injuries. since 1989. Satisfaction rates were ranked as average at 74%. Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only) or email:, or go to PLC website at 7
  • 8. We used to think most oral and throat cancers... which also Fifty years ago, sex before marriage was frowned upon and include laryngeal (voice box), tracheal (windpipe) and multiple partners were unusual. oropharyngeal (soft-palate) tumours... were due to a lifetime of HPV can be transmitted from a woman to the mouth and throat smoking and heavy alcohol consumption, and only really of a man during oral sex. But this does not equate with occurred in old age. promiscuity. But as health messages hit home, numbers of smokers and Carriers of HPV 16 or 18 can show no symptoms for many years drinkers dropped, fewer older men and women developed before the cancer develops, so it is entirely possible to have just these cancers and a new group of patients... middle-class, one sexual partner and contract the virus without even middle-aged men who drank moderately and had never knowing it. smoked... emerged. This was a surprise. The only thing that stands in the way of combating this deadly Small studies, in which tumours were analysed, indicated a new threat is funding. Currently the vaccine is not available for boys culprit: the human papilloma virus (HPV), the same virus that in the UK... neither on the NHS, nor privately. This, in my we knew was the cause of cervical cancer in women. opinion, needs rethinking. For years there have been whisperings among oncologists that In the US, parents are already paying privately to get their sons this could become one of the most significant cancer challenges vaccinated. The NHS is under huge financial stress and the st of the 21 Century. announcement of £1billion in cuts turns a blanket vaccination And six weeks ago, evidence published by two American for all British boys into a costs issue that must be debated. universities showed that these fears were becoming a reality. Adults cannot be vaccinated... for us, regular check-ups and Researchers found that about half of the male population limiting sexual partners are the only options. carried some form of HPV; that every year there is a 6% Once contracted, there is no way to get rid of HPV, although we increase in carriers of HPV 16 and 18... the deadliest forms of hope to develop treatments. For the majority it won't cause the virus... and that up to 64% of head and neck cancers are cancer. likely to be caused by the virus. More tests need to be done to fully understand how HPV is HPV is an umbrella term for about 200 strains of virus. More spread between men and women. than 40 types are transmitted through sexual contact. And we need to demand, as parents, that our sons have the Some cause genital warts but most men and women who catch same right as their sisters in being protected against HPV. HPV never develop symptoms. I was involved in early screening studies that linked the virus to To read more, please click on this link: gynaecological cancers in women. Now I implore health chiefs to think seriously about vaccinating boys against HPV. Concern: The Plymouth Laryngectomy Club More than 15,000 new patients are diagnosed each (PLC) aims to offer support and care to the year in Britain alone and laryngectomees and their families in Plymouth. almost 8,000 die from the We also encourage understanding and support by most common type, cancer the public. of the oesophagus. Laryngectomy is the removal of the larynx and separation Since 2008, British girls between the ages of 12 and 13 been given the HPV vaccine Cervarix, which protects against HPV 16 of the airway from the mouth, nose and oesophagus. The and 18. Laryngectomee breaths through the neck, a stoma. It is done in the cases of laryngeal cancer. However, many Initially the programme was met with disdain... it was claimed laryngeal cancer cases are now treated only with radiation that giving the vaccine would sexualise prepubescent girls. But it needs to be administered as early as possible before the and chemotherapy or other laser procedures, and onset of sexual activity as exposure to any strain of the virus Laryngectomy is performed when those treatments fail to conserve the larynx. renders the vaccine ineffective. Some might think that vaccinating women is enough, but while teenage girls are supposed to be given the vaccine, there is no If you are a Laryngectomy you would be law to ensure every girl has it. Even optimistic figures put the amount of British girls having the most welcome to come along on your jab at just 70 to 80%. own or with your partner. Currently the HPV vaccine is not available for boys in the UK... neither on the NHS, nor privately. Furthermore, there has not been enough research about how Come join us! HPV is transmitted from women to men... we still aren't entirely sure if the vaccine stops a woman being able to carry the virus, Our Members and Friends even if she has been made immune to the effects of it. meet on the first Monday Yes, sex has played a role in increasing the number of HPV- of every month. related cancers... it is incredibly difficult to transmit the virus without having sexual contact. Contact The Voice of PLC Newsletter Editor Geoff Read on (01752) 563800 or 0774581928 (text only) or email:, or go to PLC website at 8