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February 2013
                                                                                               Thank You to those who con-
                                                                                                  tributed to Newsletter!
                                                                                               Have a race report, good read
                                                                                               article, recipes to share w/ the
                                                                                                club for Newsletter. Send to

                                                                Guest Speaker—
      Keep Chlorine
                                       Dr. MATT SILVERS & SCOTT WARD
    from destroying
      your body…
            Pg. 2-4      KIDS TRIATHLON                                                             JANUARY 30TH!!!
                                                                       SIGN UP
How to find a
 Sponsor…                These spots will fill up fast!!
                         So tell your friends and family to be ready to get

    Pg. 5

                       their kids signed up and ready for another awesome

                                      LD                              O
                        year put on by your club and YOU!! Stay tuned for
                        exciting opportunity to be a huge part of youraclub t.
                                                                                    t h is g
                                                                                            re t e

          vs.         by volunteering at this incredible event!atWe can’t do     er
                                                                      o lu n t e
                                                                  to vfor special discounts
      Triathlete                                        ig n u
                      it without your help!! Also -listen      ps
                                            un ed for s
        Pg. 6-8                      St y t
                               & earlyaregistration for members only!!
                              Q’s? Contact Jessi Thompson or any other boardmember
Eating for
                      Now that the Race Season is almost here… I’m looking forward to read-
                       ing some race reports & new articles from my fellow team members. I
 Pg. 9-10             will be contacting one of you soon down the road to submit a race report
                                      of your “A” race of the season and/or BIO
                        If you have any articles, race reports or recipes to share… please email
        Recipes                  me :                     thanks!

        Pg 11-13           NEW MEMBERS:!!                                      If you are a new member and haven't
                                                                     received your welcome bag of goodies
  BOD,                (visor/hat, socks, water bottle, etc.) please contact and/or see Melissa
                      Erickson so she can get you taken care of, after the meeting!! :)
   & Calendar
      Pg. 14


     If your pool, like my local health club pool where I swim, doesn’t have
        a saline, ozone or a structured water filter, then you’re going to be
          stuck swimming in chlorine. Chlorine is utilized because it kills
     bacteria and germs, oxidizes organic debris from perspiration and body
       oils, and fights algae. But you may have noticed that it has some side
        effects, such as red eyes, dry skin and hair (ever seen the wrinkled
            face of an Olympic swimmer up close?), and a strong odor.
       Unfortunately, the risks of chlorine exposure go way beyond these
                            annoying aesthetic issues.
     Research has shown that kids who swim frequently in chlorinated pools
       have increased risks of developing allergies or asthma, and among
      adults, exposure to chlorine in pools has been linked to bladder and
            rectal cancer, increased risk for coronary heart disease.
       If your pool is indoors, things can get even more dangerous. Indoor
         pools have high levels of toxic gases such as nitrogen trichloride,
        which can cause significant long-term damage to the lining of your
                lungs, leading to respiratory problems or asthma.
                         SMART LIFESTYLE HABITS
      Fact is, you don’t have to be drinking the water to increase your risk
    of damage from chlorine, since chlorine absorbs directly into your skin.
       And for those of us who swim frequently, this is a significant issue,
    because we can’t follow the general health recommendations to swim in
                       chlorinated pools on occasion only.
        Of course, there are little lifestyle habits you can take if you’re a
                           regular swimmer, such as:
       - Shower immediately before and after with a natural, chemical free
    soap like Dr. Bronner’s (use a natural soap, because when chemicals used
       to disinfect the pool react with organic matter like sweat, hair, urine
    or nitrogen-rich substances commonly found in consumer products it can
                   create a more toxic agent called chloramines)

- Drink plenty of non-chlorinated, filtered water before you swim so
                       that you’re as hydrated as possible
         - Get fresh air into your lungs as soon as possible after you swim in
                                    an indoor pool.
                         SMART NUTRITION HABITS
   But you can also take nutritional measures to protect yourself. In the
  study “Antioxidant Administration Reduces Lung Injury from Chlorine
  Exposure”, a research team exposed laboratory rats to chlorine gas, and
    administration of a mixture of antioxidants, which included ascorbic
   acid (vitamin C), deferoxamine, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine dramatically
                 reduced the respiratory damaging effects.
      Several months ago, on my podcast, I interviewed well-known
 naturopathic physician David Getoff about what he would do to mitigate
  the damage from swimming in chlorinated pools.You can listen to the
      entire episode by doing a search for "David Getoff chlorine" at [1] but the basics of Dr. Getoff’s
                        recommendations were to:
     1) See how well-equipped your body is with anti-oxidants by doing a
     test such as a _Metametrix ION Panel [2] (i.e. from [3])
   2) Listen_ _to the audio podcasts on Vitamin C antioxidants at David
Getoff's website on [4]:_ Vitamin C Lecture Part
                       1 & Vitamin C Lecture Part 2
            3) Take anti-oxidants to equip your body to fight the damage,
                          especially including the following:
 •       Regular intake of dark fruits and vegetables such as pomegranate and
                                    •   Vitamin D
             •   Vitamin E (David recommended one called Unique E)
     •    Alpha lipoic acid (such as NutraRev) or a full spectrum antioxidant
           (many are out there, I personally use a daily packet of Lifeshotz

     By combining smart lifestyle choices such as showering, avoiding
  chemical-rich personal care products, and staying adequately hydrated
  with targeted micronutrients rich in antioxidants, you can mitigate the
 damage from swimming in chlorinated pools – a necessary “evil” for most
          of us who are preparing for a swim event or triathlon.
Want to learn more about how to optimize your biology and performance
     Then keep reading, because this March 8 & 9, at an event here in
  Spokane, Washington called “Become Superhuman”, I’m gathering the
     best-of-the-best in the realms of performance, fat loss, recovery,
  digestion, brain, sleep and hormone optimization to teach you how to
    optimize your biology – and how to take advantage of the type of
   practical ways to combine health and performance, and much more.
  If you show up at this event, you’re going to you’re going to come away
    completely set for life to achieve everything you want for your body,
   mind and performance, whether you want to maximize fat loss, break
     through a weight training barrier, fix your gut, achieve an Ironman
   triathlon, or push your body and mind to the absolute limits of human
performance.You can get all the information at [7],
 and you save $50 on your registration if you use code TRIFUSION. I hope
                                to see you there.
                                                - BEN GREENFIELD


Signing up for your first triathlon can be exhilarating, but adding up the expenses can be nauseating.
Aside from the entrance fee – which can cost several hundred dollars alone – you’ll need a wetsuit for
the swimming portion of the race, a bike and helmet for cycling, and running shoes for the final running
portion of the race. A sponsor can cover or offset these costs, taking pressure off of you, while reaping
valuable exposure in return.

Market Yourself—Most sponsors want to be associated with high-performing ath-
letes. If don’t have any previous triathlon experience to fall back on, you’ll need to find
creative ways to convince sponsors that you’ll do well in the event and therefore reflect
well on them. Have a friend record you training for the triathlon and edit the footage into
a highlights reel showing off your excellent form and quick pace. Be sure to include infor-
mation about your average times in training events. Consider making a website about
yourself and your triathlon training. If you can build a following, eventually you can put
your sponsor’s information on the site to give the sponsor even more exposure.

Know What to Ask For—Many sponsors won’t know anything about triathlons, so
you must be prepared to educate them and ask for exactly what you need. Rather than
saying, “I need money for an entrance fee and some new equipment,” prepare a spread-
sheet listing the estimated expense for everything you need. Sponsors can then choose
what they’d like to cover. For instance, a sponsor may not be able to afford everything but
may opt to pay for your wetsuit and bike helmet, provided you attach advertising to these

Find Sponsors—Large sports equipment companies are unlikely to take a chance on
an unknown competitor, so turn your attention to smaller, local companies. Start with
places that focus on athletics, such as sporting goods stores, fitness centers and health
food stores. These stores may provide you with merchandise or free training time. If you
don’t get any takers, move on to places where you have connections such as your favorite
restaurant or a store where you once worked. Visit each potential sponsor in person.
Even if the person you speak with declines to help, leave behind some information such
as a card with your website address so she can reach you if she has a change of heart.

Make an Agreement—Once you’ve gotten a verbal agreement from a sponsor, type
up a simple agreement that explains everything you and the sponsor have agreed to do.
For instance, list each item the sponsor will pay for and its cost. Write out the payment
agreement you’ve reached, such as: “(Athlete) will buy equipment and provide receipts by
Dec. 1, and (sponsor) will reimburse her with a check by Dec. 8.” Include all your promis-
es, such as: “(Athlete) will affix (sponsor)’s logo to her wetsuit and helmet during the race
and display it on her personal website.” Ask your sponsor to sign a copy so you don’t have
any confusion down the line.

Relationship Advice for

As someone who                     has been active in
the endurance community for a long time, I felt an
obligation to my younger competitors to pass
along some sacred words of wisdom. This advice is
designed to help you create harmony and balance
with your spouse or significant other in the already
chaotic and busy world of a triathlete.

1) Communicate.

Communicate, communicate and, when you are done, communicate some more.

2) Contrary to popular belief the weekend is not designed only for long rides and long runs

Picture this: The grass is getting long, the laundry is piled up, your roof is leaking, your son has a soc-
cer game and you haven't had quality time with your partner in months but you schedule a long brick
workout for Saturday.

Advice: You swear somewhere in the Old Testament it says something like, 'Thou shalt go long on
the weekends', and who are you to argue with the Big Guy. But, believe it or not, Saturday and
Sunday are reserved for other important tasks too, including time with the family, yard work and
shopping. Know what needs to get done and balance your time appropriately.

3) Stick to your time schedule.

Picture this: "Honey, I am going out for a three-hour ride this morning." Six hours later you return and
wonder why he/she is not happy. He/she says: "But I made plans for us today." You throw gas on
an already five-alarm fire by responding: "Oh, what's the big deal, it was only a few extra hours."

Advice: It is a big deal; your word needs to be your bond.

4) Do your own laundry.

Picture this: It's 5 a.m. and you're getting ready to meet friends for your long ride. You notice your
favorite bike shorts are still in the dirty hamper. Advice: This is not the time to tip toe back into the
bedroom and whisper into your spouse's sleeping ear: "Honey, when were you going to do the laun-

Advice: Wear the dirty shorts--let's be honest, its been done--and do your laundry when you get
home. Between running apparel, bike kits, swim towels and jackets, workout clothes pile up and take
up valuable real estate in a hamper built for the average person. Do your part to keep the dirty
clothes under control. It will keep your partner happy, and it's guaranteed your favorite shorts will be
clean for your next ride.

5) Put your gear away.

All your gear, I am sure, has a designated shelf, closet, hanger or cubbyhole where it all belongs.

Picture this: You get done with your run and you come in the front door. Being a thoughtful and re-
sponsible person, you remove your shoes with the intention of putting them away later. Your spouse/
significant other says nothing and you go about your day. He/she must not care that you leave your
stuff at the front door. But later in the day as you are ready to go and look for your running shoes
you call out: "Honey, where are my running shoes?" You get that staunch reply: "In the closet where
they belong."

Advice: If your partner takes the time to put your stuff away, you can to.

6) Stock your own nutritional supplies.

Picture this: Most triathletes eat a regimented and specific diet to optimize their energy. Your daily
consumption might consist of fruits, vegetables, energy bars, power drinks and protein shakes. Five
minutes before dinner you ask, "Honey, where is the organically-grown vegetable bean dip I usually
have with dinner; didn't you go food shopping?"

Advice: Keep a running list of the items that you need daily, weekly and/or monthly; and, either com-
municate well in advance that you are running out of something or buy it yourself.

7) Be gracious.

Picture this: You miss your weekly massage with Olga so you ask your spouse/significant other to
give you a quick rub down after a workout. When they ask how it feels you respond, "You're not as
good as Olga but it'll do."

Advice: If you ask your partner for help, accept it graciously without pointing out what they do wrong
or differently. And maybe even book your partner their own massage the following week to thank
them for their support.

8) Create a line item in your budget for training and racing.

Picture this: Your partner comes home after a long day at work, walks in the front door having to ma-
neuver around your brand new Cannondale Slice and asks "whose bike is this?" You reply: "Oh, I
didn't tell you?"

Advice: Allocate money each month for nutrition, race entry fees, maintenance and new gear. If you
are looking to purchase a new pair of Newtons, go for it. The money is in your account. And since
you do your own shopping for nutrition you can feel free to stop at the health food store on the way
home and stock up.

9) Use your own razor.

Men, this is for you: After a long day you and your partner are sitting on the couch watching your fa-
vorite program. You nestle close together and she puts her hand on your leg and says, "Wow, your
legs are smoother than mine. What razor do you use?" You think: 'play stupid.' She repeats the ques-
tion. You reply: "Why, Lady Bic of course, why do you ask?" Her reply: "I was wondering why my ra-
zors are always dull, why don't you use your own?" "Well, if I use my own, I won't have any to shave my
face with."

Advice: Sanctity in the shower is important. Honor this humble but important piece of real estate
and, though you may be fond of Lady Bic, get your own.

10) When all else fails, revert back to #1: Communicate.

If your partner knows why triathlon is important to you, and you make a visible effort to keep the life-
style from overpowering your relationship, you both will be a lot happier.

Eating for Exercise: Nutrition Notes for Triathletes - Kat Gunser

                                                It’s time to shift from the offseason frame of mind to the it's-
                                                almost-triathlon-season mindset. And what does that mean for
                                                nutrition, fueling and general health?

                                                Eating for exercise is an essential skill for triathletes to master
                                                since your eating habits can make or break your performance.
                                                If you want to get faster this season, you have to evaluate more
                                                than just your training schedule. Follow these tips to stay on top
                                                of your nutrition and make this your most successful year yet.

Nutrition Basics of Losing Weight

1. Eat frequently and spread your meals throughout the day.
2. If you want to lose weight, remember that a 500 calorie deficit per day equals 1 pound of fat loss per
3. Consume a diet high in protein and carbohydrates, and low in fat.
4. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store.
5. If it comes in a box, bag or can, nix it.
6. Fill up on healthy fruits, vegetables and lean protein.

Pre-Exercise Nutrition

Calories: To help lessen the stress of intense training, start your workouts with optimal carbohydrate stores
and be sure to maintain blood glucose levels during your session. One to one and a half hours prior to training,
consume 200 to 250 calories for men or 120 to 225 for women.

Energy: These pre-exercise calories should come mainly from carbohydrates and proteins. This combination
helps improve and lengthen endurance performance and limits muscle damage for repeated training sessions.

Sustained Energy: Foods with a lower glycemic index, such as whole grains, brown rice and yogurt, cause a
slower and more sustained release of blood glucose. Foods with a high glycemic index such as waffles, pan-
cakes and white bread cause a more rapid rise in blood glucose. This is important because some research
suggests that low GI carbohydrate foods are useful before exercise to provide a more sustained carbohydrate

Hydration: Drink 16 ounces of water 30 to 60 minutes prior to workouts.

Important lesson: Abstaining from food prior to exercise will not help you in the weight-loss process, if that is
your goal. An apple or banana before a workout is ideal and only costs 100 to 200 calories.

Fueling During Exercise

Depending on your age, weight, height and workout intensity, you can burn anywhere from 350 to 700+ calo-
ries per hour of exercise. Whereas food does not make you go faster, it allows you to maintain your optimal
speed throughout the course of the workout. So, you should consume 150 to 350 carbohydrate-rich calories
per hour of exercise for training sessions lasting over 60 minutes. Doing so can greatly enhance endurance

Note: Forty five minutes into a workout or race, especially a long run or ride, is the longest you should wait be-
fore refueling.

Post-Exercise Nutrition Basics

•   To aid in rebuilding and repairing muscle tissue.
•   To maximize your glycogen storage potential.
•   If the body is not refueled, it decides to turn down metabolism.

Post-Exercise Nutrition Tips

•   Eat within 15 to 45 minutes post exercise.
•   Men should consume between 200 and 350 calories while women should consume 120 to 240.

Hydration Basics

Perspiration is the body’s cooling mechanism. Sweating keeps the body’s core temperature from rising. Sweat
contains water and electrolyte minerals. The more water and electrolytes the body loses, the less efficient this
cooling mechanism becomes.

Part of eating for exercise is hydrating properly, so here are a few hydration reminders.

Hydration Tips

•   Stay hydrated throughout the day, even on rest days.
•   Consume a fluid replacement drink of 4 to 12 ounces in extreme heat and humidity, 6 to 10 minutes
    before exercise.
•   Weight should be the same post long run. As little as 1 percent body weight loss can negatively impact
•   It is possible to overhydrate so measure your sweat loss and drink accordingly.

125 g large rolled oats
                                                       Energy Bars
125 g steel cut oats

40 g brown sugar

120 g raw butter (if available, otherwise, use organic butter)

210 g dried cranberries (try to find them without any added sugar)

90 g dried shredded coconut

40 g dried apples, chopped

45 g dates, chopped

45 g sunflower seeds

45 g pumpkin seeds

45 g sesame seeds

140 ml honey


 1. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F.
 2. Chop the dates, apple into small pieces and add to a large mixing bowl along with the oats,
    shredded coconut, cranberries, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds.
 3. Cut or scoop the butter into chunks and along with the honey and brown sugar, combine in-
    gredients into a sauce pan.
 4. Heat butter-sugar-honey mixture until it’s bubbling, the pour this mixture into the oats-fruit-
    seeds mixture. Stir well and allow 5 minutes for the oats to absorb the moisture.
 5. Line a 5cm deep baking pan with parchment and add the mixture pressing firmly to com-
    press it. Cover with another sheet of baking parchment and bake for 20 minutes.
 6. Cool thoroughly and then cut to your desired shape of approx. 50 grams each.
 7. Cover with cling wrap and keep in fridge up to 3 weeks.

 Note: this is a energy packed calorie bar, for those doing sustained exercising, training and races.

Makes 12 to 14 4-inch pancakes
                                            Blueberry yogurt Multi-grain pancakes
2 large eggs
1 cup plain, full-fat yogurt (I used blueberry flavored low-fat)
up to 1/2 cup non-fat milk (start with 1/4 cup and then mix until semi-thick consistency)
3 tablespoons butter, plus extra for buttering skillet
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup oat flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon table salt
1 cup fresh blueberries, rinsed and dried

Melt half of butter. Remove from heat and stir
in second tablespoon of butter until melted. This
keeps your butter from being too hot when you next want to add it to the wet ingredients.
Whisk egg and yogurt together in the bottom of a medium/large bowl. Whisk in melted butter, lemon zest
and vanilla extract. In a separate, small bowl, combine flours, sugar, baking powder and salt. Stir dry ingredi-
ents into wet only until dry ingredients are moistened. A few remaining lumps is fine. Heat your skillet or
saute pan to medium. If you’ve got a cast-iron skillet, this is my favorite for pancakes. Melt a pat of butter in
the bottom and ladle a scant 1/4 cup (about 3 tablespoons) batter at a time, leaving some space between each
pancake. Press a several berries into the top of each pancake. The batter is on the thick side, but you will find
that pressing down on the berries does enough to spread the batter. When the pancakes are dry around the
edges and you can see bubbles forming on the top, about 3 to 4 minutes, flip them and cook for another 3
minutes, until golden underneath. If pancakes begin cooking too quickly, lower the heat. Top your pancakes
with any favorite topping(s): maple or berry syrup, powdered sugar, fresh fruit & whip cream, or just a bit of
butter, yum.

Note: I made these pancakes last weekend for my husband who has an enormous love for
breakfast food and a sweet tooth that fills his mouth. However, he doesn't care for the taste of
multi-grains in his sweet treats. We were both very pleasantly surprised at how decadent the
pancakes tasted and Greg ate all but one of them! You can really taste the lemon zest and
vanilla. Also, use real butter in this recipe - it "crisps" the edges of the pancakes just right!


Ingredients                               Ginge
                                               r          Peanu
                                                                t   Chick
* 1 teaspoon olive oil                                                   en Sa
                                                                              lad W
* 6 (4-ounce) skinned, boned chicken breast halves                                 raps
* 1 cup chopped seeded peeled cucumber
* 3/4 cup chopped red bell pepper
* 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
* 1 tablespoon minced peeled fresh ginger
* 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
* 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
* 1 garlic clove, crushed
* 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
* 2 tablespoons water
* 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
* 8 (8-inch) fat-free flour tortillas
* 4 cups chopped romaine lettuce


1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken; cook 5 minutes on
each side or until done. Remove the chicken from pan; cool. Shred the chicken into bite-size
pieces. Place chicken, cucumber, and bell pepper in a large bowl; set aside.

2. Place sugar and the next 6 ingredients (through garlic) in a blender, and process until
smooth. Add peanut butter and water; process until smooth, scraping sides. Add peanut but-
ter mixture to chicken mixture; stir well. Add cilantro, and toss well. Warm tortillas accord-
ing to package directions. Spoon 1/2 cup chicken mixture onto each tortilla; top each serv-
ing with 1/2 cup lettuce, and roll up.

*I also add rice to the wraps. It makes them a bit more filling.

The Board of Directors, Sponsors and the Calendar of Upcoming Events….

                         BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                   •   ERIC BYRD ~ MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR
                   •   JAROD CROOKS ~ TREASURER
                   •   GREG GALLAGHER - VICE PRESIDENT
                   •   RENE GUERREO - WEBSITE DIRECTOR
                   •   JESSI THOMPSON - SECRETARY
You to our truly   •   ROGER THOMPSON - PRESIDENT
                                                             February - March 2013
                                                  J                                March 29-30 Snake River Tri,
                                        Training Opportunities:               •
                                        •   Whitworth Masters Swim, of-
                                            fered FREE to Tri Fusion          •    April 21st Spokane river run
                                            MEMBERS every Sunday am.          •    May 27th Spring Festival, Tri &
                                            Sign up on the forum as limited        Du, Moses Lake
                                            spots, and confirm times.
                                                                              •    June 23rd Ironman CDA
                                        •   Running workout opportunities
                                                                              •    July 14th Valley Girl, Liberty
                                            posted on the forum and/or Fa-
                                                                              •    July 28th Race the River, CDA
                                        •   Bike Clinics coming this winter, 8
                                            weeks series put on by Roger       •   August 18th Wunderwoman,
                                            Thompson. Check the forum for          Medical Lake
                                            sign ups!                          •   Sept. 21st Grand Columbian Tri,
                                        •   Continue to post & check for           Electric City
                                            any training swim/ride/run on
                                            the Forum, Facebook page and/
                                                                            Next Membership Meeting:
                                            or send out an email! We en-
                                            courage all of you to post your Join us at Twigs every 3rd Wednes-
                                            workouts there as well!         day of the month, next meeting will
                                                                            be: March 20th 6:30pm
                                        Upcoming Events:
                                        Check Forum “Races” for other post-
                                        ed events. Also find lots through
                                        Race Rag , & various
                                        online sources.


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Newsletter February 2013

  • 1. February 2013 Thank You to those who con- tributed to Newsletter! Have a race report, good read article, recipes to share w/ the club for Newsletter. Send to Guest Speaker— Keep Chlorine Dr. MATT SILVERS & SCOTT WARD from destroying your body… Pg. 2-4 KIDS TRIATHLON JANUARY 30TH!!! SIGN UP How to find a Sponsor… These spots will fill up fast!! So tell your friends and family to be ready to get !!! Pg. 5 UT their kids signed up and ready for another awesome Relationships LD O year put on by your club and YOU!! Stay tuned for exciting opportunity to be a huge part of youraclub t. t h is g re t e ven SO vs. by volunteering at this incredible event!atWe can’t do er o lu n t e to vfor special discounts Triathlete ig n u it without your help!! Also -listen ps un ed for s Pg. 6-8 St y t & earlyaregistration for members only!! Q’s? Contact Jessi Thompson or any other boardmember Eating for Now that the Race Season is almost here… I’m looking forward to read- Exercise ing some race reports & new articles from my fellow team members. I Pg. 9-10 will be contacting one of you soon down the road to submit a race report of your “A” race of the season and/or BIO If you have any articles, race reports or recipes to share… please email Recipes me : thanks! Pg 11-13 NEW MEMBERS:!! If you are a new member and haven't received your welcome bag of goodies BOD, (visor/hat, socks, water bottle, etc.) please contact and/or see Melissa Sponsors Erickson so she can get you taken care of, after the meeting!! :) & Calendar Pg. 14 1
  • 2. HOW TO KEEP SWIMMING POOL CHLORINE FROM DESTROYING YOUR BODY If your pool, like my local health club pool where I swim, doesn’t have a saline, ozone or a structured water filter, then you’re going to be stuck swimming in chlorine. Chlorine is utilized because it kills bacteria and germs, oxidizes organic debris from perspiration and body oils, and fights algae. But you may have noticed that it has some side effects, such as red eyes, dry skin and hair (ever seen the wrinkled face of an Olympic swimmer up close?), and a strong odor. Unfortunately, the risks of chlorine exposure go way beyond these annoying aesthetic issues. Research has shown that kids who swim frequently in chlorinated pools have increased risks of developing allergies or asthma, and among adults, exposure to chlorine in pools has been linked to bladder and rectal cancer, increased risk for coronary heart disease. If your pool is indoors, things can get even more dangerous. Indoor pools have high levels of toxic gases such as nitrogen trichloride, which can cause significant long-term damage to the lining of your lungs, leading to respiratory problems or asthma. SMART LIFESTYLE HABITS Fact is, you don’t have to be drinking the water to increase your risk of damage from chlorine, since chlorine absorbs directly into your skin. And for those of us who swim frequently, this is a significant issue, because we can’t follow the general health recommendations to swim in chlorinated pools on occasion only. Of course, there are little lifestyle habits you can take if you’re a regular swimmer, such as: - Shower immediately before and after with a natural, chemical free soap like Dr. Bronner’s (use a natural soap, because when chemicals used to disinfect the pool react with organic matter like sweat, hair, urine or nitrogen-rich substances commonly found in consumer products it can create a more toxic agent called chloramines) 2
  • 3. - Drink plenty of non-chlorinated, filtered water before you swim so that you’re as hydrated as possible - Get fresh air into your lungs as soon as possible after you swim in an indoor pool. SMART NUTRITION HABITS But you can also take nutritional measures to protect yourself. In the study “Antioxidant Administration Reduces Lung Injury from Chlorine Exposure”, a research team exposed laboratory rats to chlorine gas, and administration of a mixture of antioxidants, which included ascorbic acid (vitamin C), deferoxamine, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine dramatically reduced the respiratory damaging effects. Several months ago, on my podcast, I interviewed well-known naturopathic physician David Getoff about what he would do to mitigate the damage from swimming in chlorinated pools.You can listen to the entire episode by doing a search for "David Getoff chlorine" at [1] but the basics of Dr. Getoff’s recommendations were to: 1) See how well-equipped your body is with anti-oxidants by doing a test such as a _Metametrix ION Panel [2] (i.e. from [3]) 2) Listen_ _to the audio podcasts on Vitamin C antioxidants at David Getoff's website on [4]:_ Vitamin C Lecture Part 1 & Vitamin C Lecture Part 2 3) Take anti-oxidants to equip your body to fight the damage, especially including the following: • Regular intake of dark fruits and vegetables such as pomegranate and kale. • Vitamin D • Vitamin E (David recommended one called Unique E) • Alpha lipoic acid (such as NutraRev) or a full spectrum antioxidant (many are out there, I personally use a daily packet of Lifeshotz [6]) 3
  • 4. SUMMARY: By combining smart lifestyle choices such as showering, avoiding chemical-rich personal care products, and staying adequately hydrated with targeted micronutrients rich in antioxidants, you can mitigate the damage from swimming in chlorinated pools – a necessary “evil” for most of us who are preparing for a swim event or triathlon. Want to learn more about how to optimize your biology and performance potential? Then keep reading, because this March 8 & 9, at an event here in Spokane, Washington called “Become Superhuman”, I’m gathering the best-of-the-best in the realms of performance, fat loss, recovery, digestion, brain, sleep and hormone optimization to teach you how to optimize your biology – and how to take advantage of the type of practical ways to combine health and performance, and much more. If you show up at this event, you’re going to you’re going to come away completely set for life to achieve everything you want for your body, mind and performance, whether you want to maximize fat loss, break through a weight training barrier, fix your gut, achieve an Ironman triathlon, or push your body and mind to the absolute limits of human performance.You can get all the information at [7], and you save $50 on your registration if you use code TRIFUSION. I hope to see you there. - BEN GREENFIELD Links: ------ [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 4
  • 5. HOW TO FIND A SPONSOR AS A BEGINNER TRIATHLETE … KathrynWalsh Signing up for your first triathlon can be exhilarating, but adding up the expenses can be nauseating. Aside from the entrance fee – which can cost several hundred dollars alone – you’ll need a wetsuit for the swimming portion of the race, a bike and helmet for cycling, and running shoes for the final running portion of the race. A sponsor can cover or offset these costs, taking pressure off of you, while reaping valuable exposure in return. Market Yourself—Most sponsors want to be associated with high-performing ath- letes. If don’t have any previous triathlon experience to fall back on, you’ll need to find creative ways to convince sponsors that you’ll do well in the event and therefore reflect well on them. Have a friend record you training for the triathlon and edit the footage into a highlights reel showing off your excellent form and quick pace. Be sure to include infor- mation about your average times in training events. Consider making a website about yourself and your triathlon training. If you can build a following, eventually you can put your sponsor’s information on the site to give the sponsor even more exposure. Know What to Ask For—Many sponsors won’t know anything about triathlons, so you must be prepared to educate them and ask for exactly what you need. Rather than saying, “I need money for an entrance fee and some new equipment,” prepare a spread- sheet listing the estimated expense for everything you need. Sponsors can then choose what they’d like to cover. For instance, a sponsor may not be able to afford everything but may opt to pay for your wetsuit and bike helmet, provided you attach advertising to these items Find Sponsors—Large sports equipment companies are unlikely to take a chance on an unknown competitor, so turn your attention to smaller, local companies. Start with places that focus on athletics, such as sporting goods stores, fitness centers and health food stores. These stores may provide you with merchandise or free training time. If you don’t get any takers, move on to places where you have connections such as your favorite restaurant or a store where you once worked. Visit each potential sponsor in person. Even if the person you speak with declines to help, leave behind some information such as a card with your website address so she can reach you if she has a change of heart. Make an Agreement—Once you’ve gotten a verbal agreement from a sponsor, type up a simple agreement that explains everything you and the sponsor have agreed to do. For instance, list each item the sponsor will pay for and its cost. Write out the payment agreement you’ve reached, such as: “(Athlete) will buy equipment and provide receipts by Dec. 1, and (sponsor) will reimburse her with a check by Dec. 8.” Include all your promis- es, such as: “(Athlete) will affix (sponsor)’s logo to her wetsuit and helmet during the race and display it on her personal website.” Ask your sponsor to sign a copy so you don’t have any confusion down the line. 5
  • 6. Relationship Advice for Triathletes As someone who has been active in the endurance community for a long time, I felt an obligation to my younger competitors to pass along some sacred words of wisdom. This advice is designed to help you create harmony and balance with your spouse or significant other in the already chaotic and busy world of a triathlete. 1) Communicate. Communicate, communicate and, when you are done, communicate some more. runs. 2) Contrary to popular belief the weekend is not designed only for long rides and long runs Picture this: The grass is getting long, the laundry is piled up, your roof is leaking, your son has a soc- cer game and you haven't had quality time with your partner in months but you schedule a long brick workout for Saturday. Advice: You swear somewhere in the Old Testament it says something like, 'Thou shalt go long on the weekends', and who are you to argue with the Big Guy. But, believe it or not, Saturday and Sunday are reserved for other important tasks too, including time with the family, yard work and shopping. Know what needs to get done and balance your time appropriately. 3) Stick to your time schedule. Picture this: "Honey, I am going out for a three-hour ride this morning." Six hours later you return and wonder why he/she is not happy. He/she says: "But I made plans for us today." You throw gas on an already five-alarm fire by responding: "Oh, what's the big deal, it was only a few extra hours." Advice: It is a big deal; your word needs to be your bond. 6
  • 7. 4) Do your own laundry. Picture this: It's 5 a.m. and you're getting ready to meet friends for your long ride. You notice your favorite bike shorts are still in the dirty hamper. Advice: This is not the time to tip toe back into the bedroom and whisper into your spouse's sleeping ear: "Honey, when were you going to do the laun- dry?" Advice: Wear the dirty shorts--let's be honest, its been done--and do your laundry when you get home. Between running apparel, bike kits, swim towels and jackets, workout clothes pile up and take up valuable real estate in a hamper built for the average person. Do your part to keep the dirty clothes under control. It will keep your partner happy, and it's guaranteed your favorite shorts will be clean for your next ride. 5) Put your gear away. All your gear, I am sure, has a designated shelf, closet, hanger or cubbyhole where it all belongs. Picture this: You get done with your run and you come in the front door. Being a thoughtful and re- sponsible person, you remove your shoes with the intention of putting them away later. Your spouse/ significant other says nothing and you go about your day. He/she must not care that you leave your stuff at the front door. But later in the day as you are ready to go and look for your running shoes you call out: "Honey, where are my running shoes?" You get that staunch reply: "In the closet where they belong." Advice: If your partner takes the time to put your stuff away, you can to. 6) Stock your own nutritional supplies. Picture this: Most triathletes eat a regimented and specific diet to optimize their energy. Your daily consumption might consist of fruits, vegetables, energy bars, power drinks and protein shakes. Five minutes before dinner you ask, "Honey, where is the organically-grown vegetable bean dip I usually have with dinner; didn't you go food shopping?" Advice: Keep a running list of the items that you need daily, weekly and/or monthly; and, either com- municate well in advance that you are running out of something or buy it yourself. 7
  • 8. 7) Be gracious. Picture this: You miss your weekly massage with Olga so you ask your spouse/significant other to give you a quick rub down after a workout. When they ask how it feels you respond, "You're not as good as Olga but it'll do." Advice: If you ask your partner for help, accept it graciously without pointing out what they do wrong or differently. And maybe even book your partner their own massage the following week to thank them for their support. 8) Create a line item in your budget for training and racing. Picture this: Your partner comes home after a long day at work, walks in the front door having to ma- neuver around your brand new Cannondale Slice and asks "whose bike is this?" You reply: "Oh, I didn't tell you?" Advice: Allocate money each month for nutrition, race entry fees, maintenance and new gear. If you are looking to purchase a new pair of Newtons, go for it. The money is in your account. And since you do your own shopping for nutrition you can feel free to stop at the health food store on the way home and stock up. 9) Use your own razor. Men, this is for you: After a long day you and your partner are sitting on the couch watching your fa- vorite program. You nestle close together and she puts her hand on your leg and says, "Wow, your legs are smoother than mine. What razor do you use?" You think: 'play stupid.' She repeats the ques- tion. You reply: "Why, Lady Bic of course, why do you ask?" Her reply: "I was wondering why my ra- zors are always dull, why don't you use your own?" "Well, if I use my own, I won't have any to shave my face with." Advice: Sanctity in the shower is important. Honor this humble but important piece of real estate and, though you may be fond of Lady Bic, get your own. 10) When all else fails, revert back to #1: Communicate. If your partner knows why triathlon is important to you, and you make a visible effort to keep the life- style from overpowering your relationship, you both will be a lot happier. 8
  • 9. Eating for Exercise: Nutrition Notes for Triathletes - Kat Gunser It’s time to shift from the offseason frame of mind to the it's- almost-triathlon-season mindset. And what does that mean for nutrition, fueling and general health? Eating for exercise is an essential skill for triathletes to master since your eating habits can make or break your performance. If you want to get faster this season, you have to evaluate more than just your training schedule. Follow these tips to stay on top of your nutrition and make this your most successful year yet. Nutrition Basics of Losing Weight 1. Eat frequently and spread your meals throughout the day. 2. If you want to lose weight, remember that a 500 calorie deficit per day equals 1 pound of fat loss per week. 3. Consume a diet high in protein and carbohydrates, and low in fat. 4. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store. 5. If it comes in a box, bag or can, nix it. 6. Fill up on healthy fruits, vegetables and lean protein. Pre-Exercise Nutrition Calories: To help lessen the stress of intense training, start your workouts with optimal carbohydrate stores and be sure to maintain blood glucose levels during your session. One to one and a half hours prior to training, consume 200 to 250 calories for men or 120 to 225 for women. Energy: These pre-exercise calories should come mainly from carbohydrates and proteins. This combination helps improve and lengthen endurance performance and limits muscle damage for repeated training sessions. Sustained Energy: Foods with a lower glycemic index, such as whole grains, brown rice and yogurt, cause a slower and more sustained release of blood glucose. Foods with a high glycemic index such as waffles, pan- cakes and white bread cause a more rapid rise in blood glucose. This is important because some research suggests that low GI carbohydrate foods are useful before exercise to provide a more sustained carbohydrate release. Hydration: Drink 16 ounces of water 30 to 60 minutes prior to workouts. Important lesson: Abstaining from food prior to exercise will not help you in the weight-loss process, if that is your goal. An apple or banana before a workout is ideal and only costs 100 to 200 calories. 9
  • 10. Fueling During Exercise Depending on your age, weight, height and workout intensity, you can burn anywhere from 350 to 700+ calo- ries per hour of exercise. Whereas food does not make you go faster, it allows you to maintain your optimal speed throughout the course of the workout. So, you should consume 150 to 350 carbohydrate-rich calories per hour of exercise for training sessions lasting over 60 minutes. Doing so can greatly enhance endurance performance. Note: Forty five minutes into a workout or race, especially a long run or ride, is the longest you should wait be- fore refueling. Post-Exercise Nutrition Basics • To aid in rebuilding and repairing muscle tissue. • To maximize your glycogen storage potential. • If the body is not refueled, it decides to turn down metabolism. Post-Exercise Nutrition Tips • Eat within 15 to 45 minutes post exercise. • Men should consume between 200 and 350 calories while women should consume 120 to 240. Hydration Basics Perspiration is the body’s cooling mechanism. Sweating keeps the body’s core temperature from rising. Sweat contains water and electrolyte minerals. The more water and electrolytes the body loses, the less efficient this cooling mechanism becomes. Part of eating for exercise is hydrating properly, so here are a few hydration reminders. Hydration Tips • Stay hydrated throughout the day, even on rest days. • Consume a fluid replacement drink of 4 to 12 ounces in extreme heat and humidity, 6 to 10 minutes before exercise. • Weight should be the same post long run. As little as 1 percent body weight loss can negatively impact performance. • It is possible to overhydrate so measure your sweat loss and drink accordingly. 10
  • 11. INGREDIENTS: Cranberry—Apple—Coconut 125 g large rolled oats Energy Bars 125 g steel cut oats 40 g brown sugar 120 g raw butter (if available, otherwise, use organic butter) 210 g dried cranberries (try to find them without any added sugar) 90 g dried shredded coconut 40 g dried apples, chopped 45 g dates, chopped 45 g sunflower seeds 45 g pumpkin seeds 45 g sesame seeds 140 ml honey DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F. 2. Chop the dates, apple into small pieces and add to a large mixing bowl along with the oats, shredded coconut, cranberries, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds. 3. Cut or scoop the butter into chunks and along with the honey and brown sugar, combine in- gredients into a sauce pan. 4. Heat butter-sugar-honey mixture until it’s bubbling, the pour this mixture into the oats-fruit- seeds mixture. Stir well and allow 5 minutes for the oats to absorb the moisture. 5. Line a 5cm deep baking pan with parchment and add the mixture pressing firmly to com- press it. Cover with another sheet of baking parchment and bake for 20 minutes. 6. Cool thoroughly and then cut to your desired shape of approx. 50 grams each. 7. Cover with cling wrap and keep in fridge up to 3 weeks. Note: this is a energy packed calorie bar, for those doing sustained exercising, training and races. 11
  • 12. Makes 12 to 14 4-inch pancakes Blueberry yogurt Multi-grain pancakes Ingredients: 2 large eggs 1 cup plain, full-fat yogurt (I used blueberry flavored low-fat) up to 1/2 cup non-fat milk (start with 1/4 cup and then mix until semi-thick consistency) 3 tablespoons butter, plus extra for buttering skillet 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup oat flour 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon table salt 1 cup fresh blueberries, rinsed and dried Directions: Melt half of butter. Remove from heat and stir in second tablespoon of butter until melted. This keeps your butter from being too hot when you next want to add it to the wet ingredients. Whisk egg and yogurt together in the bottom of a medium/large bowl. Whisk in melted butter, lemon zest and vanilla extract. In a separate, small bowl, combine flours, sugar, baking powder and salt. Stir dry ingredi- ents into wet only until dry ingredients are moistened. A few remaining lumps is fine. Heat your skillet or saute pan to medium. If you’ve got a cast-iron skillet, this is my favorite for pancakes. Melt a pat of butter in the bottom and ladle a scant 1/4 cup (about 3 tablespoons) batter at a time, leaving some space between each pancake. Press a several berries into the top of each pancake. The batter is on the thick side, but you will find that pressing down on the berries does enough to spread the batter. When the pancakes are dry around the edges and you can see bubbles forming on the top, about 3 to 4 minutes, flip them and cook for another 3 minutes, until golden underneath. If pancakes begin cooking too quickly, lower the heat. Top your pancakes with any favorite topping(s): maple or berry syrup, powdered sugar, fresh fruit & whip cream, or just a bit of butter, yum. Note: I made these pancakes last weekend for my husband who has an enormous love for breakfast food and a sweet tooth that fills his mouth. However, he doesn't care for the taste of multi- multi-grains in his sweet treats. We were both very pleasantly surprised at how decadent the pancakes tasted and Greg ate all but one of them! You can really taste the lemon zest and vanilla. Also, use real butter in this recipe - it "crisps" the edges of the pancakes just right! WWW.SPOKANEDINNERCLUB.BLOGSPOT.COM 12
  • 13. Ingredients Ginge r Peanu t Chick * 1 teaspoon olive oil en Sa lad W * 6 (4-ounce) skinned, boned chicken breast halves raps * 1 cup chopped seeded peeled cucumber * 3/4 cup chopped red bell pepper * 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar * 1 tablespoon minced peeled fresh ginger * 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice * 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce * 1/4 teaspoon salt * 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper * 1 garlic clove, crushed * 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter * 2 tablespoons water * 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro * 8 (8-inch) fat-free flour tortillas * 4 cups chopped romaine lettuce Preparation 1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken; cook 5 minutes on each side or until done. Remove the chicken from pan; cool. Shred the chicken into bite-size pieces. Place chicken, cucumber, and bell pepper in a large bowl; set aside. 2. Place sugar and the next 6 ingredients (through garlic) in a blender, and process until smooth. Add peanut butter and water; process until smooth, scraping sides. Add peanut but- ter mixture to chicken mixture; stir well. Add cilantro, and toss well. Warm tortillas accord- ing to package directions. Spoon 1/2 cup chicken mixture onto each tortilla; top each serv- ing with 1/2 cup lettuce, and roll up. *I also add rice to the wraps. It makes them a bit more filling. WWW.SPOKANEDINNERCLUB.BLOGSPOT.COM 13
  • 14. The Board of Directors, Sponsors and the Calendar of Upcoming Events…. BOARD OF DIRECTORS • ERIC BYRD ~ MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR • JAROD CROOKS ~ TREASURER • MEGHAN FAULKENBERRY ~ MENTOR DIRECTOR • NATALIE GALLAGHER - SOCIAL DIRECTOR • GREG GALLAGHER - VICE PRESIDENT • RENE GUERREO - WEBSITE DIRECTOR We would like to • JENNIFER LITTLE - CLOTHING DIRECTOR extend a • MELISSA ERICKSON~ SPONSORSHIP LIASON generous Thank • ALISON STITT - NEWSLETTER DIRECTOR • JESSI THOMPSON - SECRETARY You to our truly • ROGER THOMPSON - PRESIDENT amazing sponsors!! February - March 2013 J March 29-30 Snake River Tri, Training Opportunities: • Lewiston • Whitworth Masters Swim, of- fered FREE to Tri Fusion • April 21st Spokane river run MEMBERS every Sunday am. • May 27th Spring Festival, Tri & Sign up on the forum as limited Du, Moses Lake spots, and confirm times. • June 23rd Ironman CDA • Running workout opportunities • July 14th Valley Girl, Liberty posted on the forum and/or Fa- Lake cebook. • July 28th Race the River, CDA • Bike Clinics coming this winter, 8 weeks series put on by Roger • August 18th Wunderwoman, Thompson. Check the forum for Medical Lake sign ups! • Sept. 21st Grand Columbian Tri, • Continue to post & check for Electric City any training swim/ride/run on the Forum, Facebook page and/ Next Membership Meeting: or send out an email! We en- courage all of you to post your Join us at Twigs every 3rd Wednes- workouts there as well! day of the month, next meeting will be: March 20th 6:30pm Upcoming Events: Races: Check Forum “Races” for other post- ed events. Also find lots through Race Rag , & various online sources. 14