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• .’” Around the sanctuary
and its solemn
services mystically
gathered the grand
truths which were to
be developed through
generations. FLB
Sanctuary as a magnet of all truth
• "There is no other subject which so fully
unites all parts of the Sacred Volume
into one harmonious whole as this
subject of the sanctuary. Every gospel
truth centres in the sanctuary service,
and radiates from it like the rays of the
sun." J. L. Shuler, in "The Great
Judgment Day," P. 51.
Lev. 23:26 And the LORD spake unto Moses,
Lev. 23:27 Also on the tenth day of this
seventh month there shall be a day of
atonement: it shall be an holy convocation
unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and
offer an offering made by fire unto the
This begun to get its fulfillment in the antitypical day of
atonement which took place on the 22.10.1844 AD
The weekly Sabbath was a stepping-stone
leading up to the other sabbatic institutions;
and besides being a memorial of creation, it
pointed forward to the final rest of the
Jubilee….. The jubilee was the fiftieth year
following seven weeks of years, and would
occur once at least in the lifetime of every
individual who lived out his natural life (1914
SNH, CIS 249.2)
Leviticus 25:9. Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to
sound on the tenth [day] of the seventh month, in the day of atonement
shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.
The Day of Atonement was the most solemn of all the feasts, and the
Jubilee the most joyful.
The jubilee followed the seventh-year Sabbath, thus bringing two
Sabbath years in succession. But God made ample provision for His
people by commanding His blessing upon the forty-eighth year, when
the earth yielded enough to keep the people for three years.
"On the tenth day of the seventh month, in the Day
of Atonement," the trumpet of the jubilee was
sounded. Throughout the land, wherever the Jewish
people dwelt, the sound was heard, calling upon all
the children of Jacob to welcome the year of release.
On the great Day of Atonement satisfaction was made
for the sins of Israel, and with gladness of heart the
people would welcome the jubilee. {PP 533.3}
“At the close of the Day of Atonement, on the tenth day of
the seventh month, in the sabbatical year which closed the
last of the seven weeks of years (49 years), the trumpets
were blown throughout all the land, announcing the
jubilee. 1914 SNH, CIS 250.1 LEV 25:9
. In every sacrifice, Christ’s death was shown. In every
cloud of incense His righteousness ascended. By every
jubilee trumpet His name was sounded. In the awful
mystery of the holy of holies His glory dwelt.” DA 211.5
1500 Years From Exodus To
• “The striking of the door-post with the blood
of the slain lamb was to represent the blood
of Christ to which they were to look
forward…Fifteen hundred years after this
night, Jesus, the antitype of the paschal lamb,
died upon the cross for the sins of the world.”
{YI May 1, 1873, par. 11}
How Many Jubilees To Christ?
• From the Blood of deliverance for Israel from
Egypt to the Blood of deliverance for the world
from sin was 1500 years.
• 1500 years are a total of 30 Jubilees. (1500/50)
• Christ was right on target. Why did He come?
• Luk 9:56 For the Son of man is not come to
destroy men's lives, but to save them. ..
From Bondage To Liberty
• Gal 4:3 Even so we, when we were children,
were in bondage under the elements of the
• Gal 4:4 But when the fullness of the time was
come, God sent forth his Son, made of a
woman, made under the law,
• Gal 4:5 To redeem them that were under the
law, that we might receive the adoption of
The Jubilee Was Christ’s
• Luke 4:16 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he hath anointed me to preach the
gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal
the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to
the captives, and recovering of sight to the
blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
• Luke 4:17 To preach the acceptable year of
the Lord.
Spring Feasts & The Heavenly
• AD 31 saw the fulfillment of many prophecies
and typical feasts. They all came together in
the experience of the Man of Calvary.
• Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, ascension
and inauguration to His High priestly work in
heaven was done in a Jubilee year.
Consider Daniel’s Prophecy
• Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon
thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish
the transgression, and to make an end of sins,
and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to
bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal
up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the
most Holy.
1) Every person in bondage was freed, and
all returned to their own land. LEV 25:10
And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and
proclaim liberty throughout [all] the land
unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall
be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return
every man unto his possession, and ye
shall return every man unto his family.
2) The divine decree was: "The land shall not be
sold forever: for the land is Mine; for ye are
strangers and sojourners With Me." Lev. 25: 23
Notwithstanding the fact that the Lord owns the
world, yet He counts Himself a stranger and
sojourner with His people upon the earth, until
the antitypical jubilee, when Satan, the present
prince of this world, will meet his doom. {1914
SNH, CIS 251.4}
Wonderful truth
If a man became involved and was obliged to sell his home, it
was sold with the understanding that it should return to its
original owner when the Jubilee trumpets were blown in the
land. If the unfortunate man had one near of kin able to
redeem his land, the purchaser could not hold it, even until
the jubilee. Lev. 25: 25-28 {1914 SNH, CIS 251.5} Then the
brother produces evidence of his kinship, that he is "one that
hath right to redeem." 23 He offers the redemption money,
and the home is redeemed to the rightful owner. A stranger
might have wished to help the poor, but his money could
never have released him/her; the price must be paid by "one
that hath right to redeem" one near of kin.
The study of the Levitical laws in regard to land
and servants gives new beauty to the name
An angel could not redeem mankind, nor the world. His life
would have been powerless, for he was not "nigh of kin"
unto humanity. Lev. 25: 47-49 Christ left the heavenly courts,
partook of flesh and blood, "that through death He might
destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and
deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime
subject to bondage. For verily He took not on Him the nature of
angels; but He took the seed of Abraham." Heb. 2:14-16 He
became the "First born among many brethren," Heb. 2:11. The
one nigh of kin, that He might have right to redeem every son
and daughter of Adam; and down through the ages, comes the
cheering assurance that "He is not ashamed to call them
brethren." {1914 SNH, CIS 252.4}
"Thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and
ye shall be redeemed without money," Isa. 52:3
even "with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without
blemish and without spot." 1 Peter. 1:18,19.
3) If one sold a dwelling-house in a walled city,
during the first year after the sale it might be
redeemed; but if not redeemed the first year, it
remained in the hand of the purchaser. It did not
revert to its original owner in the jubilee, for houses
were the work of man, and had no part in the
jubilee, which released ONLY the land and persons.
Lev. 25: 29-30.READ JER 4:26 {1914 SNH, CIS 254.5}
The cities of the Levites were under
different regulations;
they were the only walled cities that had
a part in the Jubilee. If a man purchased
a house of a Levite, the house that was
sold "and the city of his possession"
went out free in the year of jubilee…….
WHY ? LEV 25 :33
The priests were a type of Christ. Our great
antitypical Priest has prepared a walled city for His
people, (HEB 11:10) and in the antitypical jubilee,
they will receive the city. The regulations in regard
to the cities of the Levites were a constant reminder
of the New Jerusalem to be given to God's people in
the great final jubilee. {1914 SNH, CIS 255.1}
In the type, the jubilee was ushered in at the close of the Day of
Atonement. In like manner we understand that the antitypical
jubilee will follow the antitypical Day of Atonement. {1914 SNH, CIS
"The Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard." (Isaiah 30:30)
Then the pious slave will rise and shake off the chains that bind him.
The trumpet of the Lord's jubilee will resound through the length
and breadth of the land. Saints sleeping in Satan's prison house the
grave will hear the glad sound, and he "that made the world as a
wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the
house of his prisoners" "did not let his prisoners loose homeward,"
will be powerless to hold his prey; for our Redeemer has said, "The
prey of the terrible shall be delivered,“ Isa. 49:25- yea, delivered
forever from the power of sin and Satan. {1914 SNH, CIS 255.4}
Heaven’s Jubilee – AD31
• {6BC 1055.2} “The time had now come.
The Spirit had been waiting for the
crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension
of Christ. For ten days the disciples
offered their petitions for the outpouring
of the Spirit, and Christ in heaven added
His intercession.
Heaven’s Jubilee – AD31
• This was the occasion of His ascension
and inauguration, a jubilee in heaven. He
had ascended on high, leading captivity
captive, and He now claimed the gift of
the Spirit, that He might pour it out upon
His disciples.” {6BC 1055.2}
Miller - 36 Jubilees Afterward
• {GC 330.2} “He [Miller] began to present
his views in private as he had
opportunity, praying that some minister
might feel their force and devote himself
to their promulgation. But he could not
banish the conviction that he had a
personal duty to perform in giving the
Miller - 36 Jubilees Afterward
• “The words were ever recurring to his
mind: “Go and tell it to the world; their
blood will I require at thy hand.” For nine
years he waited, the burden still pressing
upon his soul, until in 1831 he for the
first time publicly gave the reasons of
his faith.” {GC 330.2}
Summer of 1831
• “After reviewing his positions over a period of
years and assuring himself as to their
certainty, he responded in early August, 1831,
to an invitation to publicly present his views
on the prophecies. From then on his time was
devoted largely to the heralding of the Advent
message. …” {EW 303.1
The Final Jubilee Is Coming
“…Cut loose from everything
that hinders thy progress,
too late to be entangled,
the Jubilee is coming.”
The Voice of Deliverance
• “Then commenced the jubilee, when the land
should rest. I saw the pious slave rise in
triumph and victory, and shake off the chains
that bound him, while his wicked master was
in confusion, and knew not what to do; for the
wicked could not understand the words of
the voice of God.” {CET 96.1}
Where Are We?
• From Egypt to Christ was 30 Jubilees.
• Moses spent 40 days in the mount.
• Christ spent 40 days in the wilderness and 40
days on earth after He rose.
• Will His work in heaven be 40 Jubilees? A total of
70 Jubilees from Egypt to the millennium?
• 40 Jubilees are 2000 years from AD 31 to AD
2031. BUT…
The Harvest is Fast Ripening
• The last Jubilee year was 1981.
• This is now 2019.
• There are yet 12 years before the next (final)
Jubilee in 2031.
• However, we cannot say that we have five,
ten, twenty or hundred years before Christ
comes. Why?
Jesus in
31 AD 2031
1500/50 = 30 JUBILEES
forward…Fifteen hundred
years after this night,
Jesus, the antitype of the
paschal lamb, died upon
the cross for the sins of the
world.” {YI May 1, 1873,
par. 11}
12 Years
to final
3 Jubilees 2019
Because The Work Will Be
Rom 9:28 For he will finish
the work, and cut it short
in righteousness: because a
short work will the Lord
make upon the earth.
God's original plan
• God's original plan was, that man should
possess the earth. "The heaven, even the
heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath He
given to the children of men. Adam was given
dominion over the earth and everything upon
it. But God's plans were thwarted, and Satan
became prince of this world. In the antitypical
jubilee the redeemed of the Lord will be re-
instated in the original home of man CIS255.5
Terrifying climate change warning: 12 years until we’re
BY LIA EUSTACHEWICH Published October 8
Earth is on track to face devastating consequences of climate change – extreme drought, food
shortages and deadly flooding – unless there’s an “unprecedented” effort made to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, a new United Nations report warns.
There are many in the church who at heart belong to the world, but
God calls upon those who claim to believe the advanced truth, to rise
above the present attitude of the popular churches of today. Where
is the self-denial, where is the cross-bearing that Christ has said
should characterize His followers? The reason we have had so little
influence upon unbelieving relatives and associates is that we have
manifested little decided difference in our practices from those of the
world. Parents need to awake, and purify their souls by practicing the
truth in their home life. When we reach the standard that the Lord
would have us reach, worldlings will regard Seventh-day Adventists
as odd, singular, strait-laced extremists. "We are made a spectacle
unto the world, and to angels, and to men." {FE 289.1}
I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so
needful and were looking to the time of "refreshing"
and the "latter rain" to fit them to stand in the day of
the Lord and to live in His sight. Oh, how many I saw in
the time of trouble without a shelter! They had
neglected the needful preparation; therefore they could
not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them
to live in the sight of a holy God. Those who refuse to be
hewed by the prophets and fail to purify their souls in
obeying the whole truth, and who are willing to believe
that their condition is far better than it really is, will
come up to the time of the falling of the plagues, and
then see that they needed to be hewed and squared for
the building. But there will be no time then to do it and
no Mediator to plead their cause before the Father. {EW
Am not setting dates here but just looking at the specification in the inspiration. If Jesus in AD 31 on the cross is looking
forward 2000yrs in the last days this brings us to AD 2031 and Christ affirms this to be the last days. Still, in the wilderness
of temptation AD 27, we are told it is 4000yrs after Adam had left Eden. Adding 2000yrs because sin has been decreed to
last for 6000yrs it brings us to AD 2027. Christ says in Matthew 24 if the days were not cut short then no flesh would be
saved. We may not precisely give the dates of Christ coming but surely inspiration doesn’t lie. The Lord will surely do
nothing except he revealeth his secret to his servants the prophets. We are close to this earth history coming to an end.
WHAT CHRIST'S PRAYER ENVISIONED.--The door of the heart must be opened to the Holy Spirit, for this is the sanctifier,
and the truth is the medium. There must be an acceptance of the truth as it is in Jesus. This is the only genuine
sanctification: “Thy word is truth.” O read the prayer of Christ for unity, “Keep through thine own name those whom thou
hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.” The prayer of Christ is not only for those who are now His disciples, but
for all those who shall believe on Christ through the words of His disciples, even to the end of the world. Jesus was just
about to yield up his life to bring life and immortality to light. CHRIST, AMID HIS SUFFERINGS, AND BEING DAILY REJECTED
LAST DAYS, before the close of this earth’s history. {Ms21-1893, 3SM 18.2}
Christ, in the wilderness of temptation, stood in Adam's place to bear the test he failed to endure. Here Christ overcame in
from the presence of God, the human family had been departing, every successive generation, farther from the original
purity, wisdom, and knowledge which Adam possessed in Eden.. {1SM 267.3}
Adam had the advantage over Christ, in that when he was assailed by the tempter, none of the effects of sin were upon
him. He stood in the strength of perfect manhood, possessing the full vigor of mind and body. He was surrounded with the
glories of Eden and was in daily communion with heavenly beings. IT WAS NOT THUS WITH JESUS WHEN HE ENTERED THE
WILDERNESS TO COPE WITH SATAN. FOR FOUR THOUSAND YEARS the race had been decreasing in physical strength, in
mental power, in moral worth; and Christ took upon Him the infirmities of degenerate humanity. Only thus could He rescue
man from the lowest depths of degradation. {Ms113-1902, ST, December 3, 1902 par. 7}
When God's written word was given through the Hebrew prophets, Satan studied
with diligence the messages concerning the Messiah. Carefully he traced the words
that outlined with unmistakable clearness Christ's work among men as a suffering
sacrifice and as a conquering king. In the parchment rolls of the Old Testament
Scriptures he read that the One who was to appear was to be "brought as a lamb to
the slaughter," "His visage . . . so marred more than any man, and His form more than
the sons of men." Isaiah 53:7; 52:14. The promised Saviour of humanity was to be
"despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; . . .
smitten of God, and afflicted;" yet He was also to exercise His mighty power in order
to "judge the poor of the people." He was to "save the children of the needy," and
"break in pieces the oppressor." Isaiah 53:3, 4; Psalm 72:4. These prophecies caused
Satan to fear and tremble; yet he relinquished not his purpose to thwart, if possible,
the merciful provisions of Jehovah for the redemption of the lost race. He determined
to blind the eyes of the people, so far as might be possible, to the real significance of
the Messianic prophecies, in order to prepare the way for the rejection of Christ at His
coming. {PK 686.1}
Satan is a diligent Bible student. He knows that his time is short, and he seeks at every point to
counterwork the work of the Lord upon this earth. {9T 16.2}
On the Verge of Fulfillment.--We are living in a most solemn period of this earth's history. There
is never time to sin; it is always perilous to continue in transgression, but in a special sense is
this true at the present time. We are now upon the very borders of the eternal world and stand
in a more solemn relation to time and to eternity than ever before. Now let every person
search his own heart and plead for the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness to expel all
spiritual darkness and cleanse from defilement. {AH 549.3}
1Chronicles 12:32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of
the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their
brethren were at their commandment.
It is no time now for lightness, vanity, or trifling. The scenes of this earth's history are soon to
close. Minds that have been left to loose thought need change. Says the apostle Peter: "Gird up
the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto
you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according
to the former lusts in your ignorance: but as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in
all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." {3T 474.1}
As the ministration of Jesus closed in the holy place, and He passed into the
holiest, and stood before the ark containing the law of God, He sent another
mighty angel with a third message to the world. A parchment was placed in the
angel's hand, and as he descended to the earth in power and majesty, he
proclaimed a fearful warning, with the most terrible threatening ever borne to
man. This message was designed to put the children of God upon their guard, by
showing them the hour of temptation and anguish that was before them. Said
the angel, "They will be brought into close combat with the beast and his image.
Their only hope of eternal life is to remain steadfast. Although their lives are at
stake, they must hold fast the truth." The third angel closes his message thus:
"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments
of God, and the faith of Jesus." As he repeated these words, he pointed to the
heavenly sanctuary. The minds of all who embrace this message are directed to
the most holy place, where Jesus stands before the ark, making His final
intercession for all those for whom mercy still lingers and for those who have
ignorantly broken the law of God. This atonement is made for the righteous
dead as well as for the righteous living. It includes all who died trusting in Christ,
but who, not having received the light upon God's commandments, had sinned
ignorantly in transgressing its precepts. {EW 254.1}

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. . • .’” Around the sanctuary and its solemn services mystically gathered the grand truths which were to be developed through succeeding generations. FLB 194.2 .
  • 5. Sanctuary as a magnet of all truth • "There is no other subject which so fully unites all parts of the Sacred Volume into one harmonious whole as this subject of the sanctuary. Every gospel truth centres in the sanctuary service, and radiates from it like the rays of the sun." J. L. Shuler, in "The Great Judgment Day," P. 51.
  • 6. 5. THE DAY OF ATONEMENT Lev. 23:26 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Lev. 23:27 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
  • 7. This begun to get its fulfillment in the antitypical day of atonement which took place on the 22.10.1844 AD
  • 8. WEEKLY SABBATH POINTS TO THE FINAL REST OF JUBILEE The weekly Sabbath was a stepping-stone leading up to the other sabbatic institutions; and besides being a memorial of creation, it pointed forward to the final rest of the Jubilee….. The jubilee was the fiftieth year following seven weeks of years, and would occur once at least in the lifetime of every individual who lived out his natural life (1914 SNH, CIS 249.2)
  • 9.
  • 10. JUBILEE BEGAN ON THE DAY OF ATONEMENT Leviticus 25:9. Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth [day] of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. The Day of Atonement was the most solemn of all the feasts, and the Jubilee the most joyful. The jubilee followed the seventh-year Sabbath, thus bringing two Sabbath years in succession. But God made ample provision for His people by commanding His blessing upon the forty-eighth year, when the earth yielded enough to keep the people for three years.
  • 11.
  • 12. JUBILEE BEGAN ON THE DAY OF ATONEMENT "On the tenth day of the seventh month, in the Day of Atonement," the trumpet of the jubilee was sounded. Throughout the land, wherever the Jewish people dwelt, the sound was heard, calling upon all the children of Jacob to welcome the year of release. On the great Day of Atonement satisfaction was made for the sins of Israel, and with gladness of heart the people would welcome the jubilee. {PP 533.3}
  • 13.
  • 14. . “At the close of the Day of Atonement, on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the sabbatical year which closed the last of the seven weeks of years (49 years), the trumpets were blown throughout all the land, announcing the jubilee. 1914 SNH, CIS 250.1 LEV 25:9 . In every sacrifice, Christ’s death was shown. In every cloud of incense His righteousness ascended. By every jubilee trumpet His name was sounded. In the awful mystery of the holy of holies His glory dwelt.” DA 211.5 NOTE : NAME OF GOD = CHARACTER OF GOD (Exo 34:6)
  • 15.
  • 16. 1500 Years From Exodus To Christ • “The striking of the door-post with the blood of the slain lamb was to represent the blood of Christ to which they were to look forward…Fifteen hundred years after this night, Jesus, the antitype of the paschal lamb, died upon the cross for the sins of the world.” {YI May 1, 1873, par. 11}
  • 17. How Many Jubilees To Christ? • From the Blood of deliverance for Israel from Egypt to the Blood of deliverance for the world from sin was 1500 years. • 1500 years are a total of 30 Jubilees. (1500/50) • Christ was right on target. Why did He come? • Luk 9:56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. ..
  • 18. From Bondage To Liberty • Gal 4:3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: • Gal 4:4 But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, • Gal 4:5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
  • 19. The Jubilee Was Christ’s Theme: • Luke 4:16 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, • Luke 4:17 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
  • 20. Spring Feasts & The Heavenly Jubilee • AD 31 saw the fulfillment of many prophecies and typical feasts. They all came together in the experience of the Man of Calvary. • Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, ascension and inauguration to His High priestly work in heaven was done in a Jubilee year.
  • 21. Consider Daniel’s Prophecy • Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
  • 22. LAWS OF JUBILEE 1) Every person in bondage was freed, and all returned to their own land. LEV 25:10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout [all] the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.
  • 23. 2) The divine decree was: "The land shall not be sold forever: for the land is Mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners With Me." Lev. 25: 23 Notwithstanding the fact that the Lord owns the world, yet He counts Himself a stranger and sojourner with His people upon the earth, until the antitypical jubilee, when Satan, the present prince of this world, will meet his doom. {1914 SNH, CIS 251.4}
  • 24. Wonderful truth If a man became involved and was obliged to sell his home, it was sold with the understanding that it should return to its original owner when the Jubilee trumpets were blown in the land. If the unfortunate man had one near of kin able to redeem his land, the purchaser could not hold it, even until the jubilee. Lev. 25: 25-28 {1914 SNH, CIS 251.5} Then the brother produces evidence of his kinship, that he is "one that hath right to redeem." 23 He offers the redemption money, and the home is redeemed to the rightful owner. A stranger might have wished to help the poor, but his money could never have released him/her; the price must be paid by "one that hath right to redeem" one near of kin.
  • 25. The study of the Levitical laws in regard to land and servants gives new beauty to the name Redeemer. An angel could not redeem mankind, nor the world. His life would have been powerless, for he was not "nigh of kin" unto humanity. Lev. 25: 47-49 Christ left the heavenly courts, partook of flesh and blood, "that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. For verily He took not on Him the nature of angels; but He took the seed of Abraham." Heb. 2:14-16 He became the "First born among many brethren," Heb. 2:11. The one nigh of kin, that He might have right to redeem every son and daughter of Adam; and down through the ages, comes the cheering assurance that "He is not ashamed to call them brethren." {1914 SNH, CIS 252.4}
  • 26. . "Thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money," Isa. 52:3 even "with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." 1 Peter. 1:18,19.
  • 27. . 3) If one sold a dwelling-house in a walled city, during the first year after the sale it might be redeemed; but if not redeemed the first year, it remained in the hand of the purchaser. It did not revert to its original owner in the jubilee, for houses were the work of man, and had no part in the jubilee, which released ONLY the land and persons. Lev. 25: 29-30.READ JER 4:26 {1914 SNH, CIS 254.5} THE PLAN OF REDEMPTION MUST BE FULLFILLED ON TIME WITHIN ONE YEAR THAT JESUS BOUGHT US IN PASSOVER THE 1ST MONTH AND BRINGS US TO PERFECTION IN THE ATONEMENT 7TH MONTH
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30. BUT… The cities of the Levites were under different regulations; they were the only walled cities that had a part in the Jubilee. If a man purchased a house of a Levite, the house that was sold "and the city of his possession" went out free in the year of jubilee……. WHY ? LEV 25 :33
  • 31. The priests were a type of Christ. Our great antitypical Priest has prepared a walled city for His people, (HEB 11:10) and in the antitypical jubilee, they will receive the city. The regulations in regard to the cities of the Levites were a constant reminder of the New Jerusalem to be given to God's people in the great final jubilee. {1914 SNH, CIS 255.1}
  • 32.
  • 33. . In the type, the jubilee was ushered in at the close of the Day of Atonement. In like manner we understand that the antitypical jubilee will follow the antitypical Day of Atonement. {1914 SNH, CIS 255.3} "The Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard." (Isaiah 30:30) Then the pious slave will rise and shake off the chains that bind him. The trumpet of the Lord's jubilee will resound through the length and breadth of the land. Saints sleeping in Satan's prison house the grave will hear the glad sound, and he "that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners" "did not let his prisoners loose homeward," will be powerless to hold his prey; for our Redeemer has said, "The prey of the terrible shall be delivered,“ Isa. 49:25- yea, delivered forever from the power of sin and Satan. {1914 SNH, CIS 255.4}
  • 34. Heaven’s Jubilee – AD31 • {6BC 1055.2} “The time had now come. The Spirit had been waiting for the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. For ten days the disciples offered their petitions for the outpouring of the Spirit, and Christ in heaven added His intercession.
  • 35. Heaven’s Jubilee – AD31 • This was the occasion of His ascension and inauguration, a jubilee in heaven. He had ascended on high, leading captivity captive, and He now claimed the gift of the Spirit, that He might pour it out upon His disciples.” {6BC 1055.2}
  • 36. Miller - 36 Jubilees Afterward • {GC 330.2} “He [Miller] began to present his views in private as he had opportunity, praying that some minister might feel their force and devote himself to their promulgation. But he could not banish the conviction that he had a personal duty to perform in giving the warning.
  • 37. Miller - 36 Jubilees Afterward • “The words were ever recurring to his mind: “Go and tell it to the world; their blood will I require at thy hand.” For nine years he waited, the burden still pressing upon his soul, until in 1831 he for the first time publicly gave the reasons of his faith.” {GC 330.2}
  • 38. Summer of 1831 • “After reviewing his positions over a period of years and assuring himself as to their certainty, he responded in early August, 1831, to an invitation to publicly present his views on the prophecies. From then on his time was devoted largely to the heralding of the Advent message. …” {EW 303.1
  • 39. The Final Jubilee Is Coming “…Cut loose from everything that hinders thy progress, too late to be entangled, the Jubilee is coming.” Ms5-1849
  • 40. The Voice of Deliverance • “Then commenced the jubilee, when the land should rest. I saw the pious slave rise in triumph and victory, and shake off the chains that bound him, while his wicked master was in confusion, and knew not what to do; for the wicked could not understand the words of the voice of God.” {CET 96.1}
  • 41. Where Are We? • From Egypt to Christ was 30 Jubilees. • Moses spent 40 days in the mount. • Christ spent 40 days in the wilderness and 40 days on earth after He rose. • Will His work in heaven be 40 Jubilees? A total of 70 Jubilees from Egypt to the millennium? • 40 Jubilees are 2000 years from AD 31 to AD 2031. BUT…
  • 42. The Harvest is Fast Ripening • The last Jubilee year was 1981. • This is now 2019. • There are yet 12 years before the next (final) Jubilee in 2031. • However, we cannot say that we have five, ten, twenty or hundred years before Christ comes. Why?
  • 43. JUBILEE CHART Egypt Jesus in 31 AD 2031 1981 30 JUBILEES 1500YEARS 1500/50 = 30 JUBILEES forward…Fifteen hundred years after this night, Jesus, the antitype of the paschal lamb, died upon the cross for the sins of the world.” {YI May 1, 1873, par. 11} 12 Years to final 70th jubilee 70 JUBILEES 1831 36 JUBILEES 40 JUBILEEES 3 Jubilees 2019
  • 44. Because The Work Will Be Shortened! Rom 9:28 For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.
  • 45. God's original plan • God's original plan was, that man should possess the earth. "The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath He given to the children of men. Adam was given dominion over the earth and everything upon it. But God's plans were thwarted, and Satan became prince of this world. In the antitypical jubilee the redeemed of the Lord will be re- instated in the original home of man CIS255.5
  • 46.
  • 48. Terrifying climate change warning: 12 years until we’re doomed BY LIA EUSTACHEWICH Published October 8 Earth is on track to face devastating consequences of climate change – extreme drought, food shortages and deadly flooding – unless there’s an “unprecedented” effort made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, a new United Nations report warns.
  • 49. There are many in the church who at heart belong to the world, but God calls upon those who claim to believe the advanced truth, to rise above the present attitude of the popular churches of today. Where is the self-denial, where is the cross-bearing that Christ has said should characterize His followers? The reason we have had so little influence upon unbelieving relatives and associates is that we have manifested little decided difference in our practices from those of the world. Parents need to awake, and purify their souls by practicing the truth in their home life. When we reach the standard that the Lord would have us reach, worldlings will regard Seventh-day Adventists as odd, singular, strait-laced extremists. "We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men." {FE 289.1}
  • 50. I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful and were looking to the time of "refreshing" and the "latter rain" to fit them to stand in the day of the Lord and to live in His sight. Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter! They had neglected the needful preparation; therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a holy God. Those who refuse to be hewed by the prophets and fail to purify their souls in obeying the whole truth, and who are willing to believe that their condition is far better than it really is, will come up to the time of the falling of the plagues, and then see that they needed to be hewed and squared for the building. But there will be no time then to do it and no Mediator to plead their cause before the Father. {EW 71.2}
  • 51. SIMPLE ANALYSIS OF THE INSPIRATION Am not setting dates here but just looking at the specification in the inspiration. If Jesus in AD 31 on the cross is looking forward 2000yrs in the last days this brings us to AD 2031 and Christ affirms this to be the last days. Still, in the wilderness of temptation AD 27, we are told it is 4000yrs after Adam had left Eden. Adding 2000yrs because sin has been decreed to last for 6000yrs it brings us to AD 2027. Christ says in Matthew 24 if the days were not cut short then no flesh would be saved. We may not precisely give the dates of Christ coming but surely inspiration doesn’t lie. The Lord will surely do nothing except he revealeth his secret to his servants the prophets. We are close to this earth history coming to an end. WHAT CHRIST'S PRAYER ENVISIONED.--The door of the heart must be opened to the Holy Spirit, for this is the sanctifier, and the truth is the medium. There must be an acceptance of the truth as it is in Jesus. This is the only genuine sanctification: “Thy word is truth.” O read the prayer of Christ for unity, “Keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.” The prayer of Christ is not only for those who are now His disciples, but for all those who shall believe on Christ through the words of His disciples, even to the end of the world. Jesus was just about to yield up his life to bring life and immortality to light. CHRIST, AMID HIS SUFFERINGS, AND BEING DAILY REJECTED OF MEN, LOOKS DOWN THE LINES TWO THOUSAND YEARS TO HIS CHURCH WHICH WOULD BE IN EXISTENCE IN THE LAST DAYS, before the close of this earth’s history. {Ms21-1893, 3SM 18.2} Christ, in the wilderness of temptation, stood in Adam's place to bear the test he failed to endure. Here Christ overcame in the sinner's behalf, FOUR THOUSAND YEARS AFTER ADAM TURNED HIS BACK UPON THE LIGHT OF HIS HOME. Separated from the presence of God, the human family had been departing, every successive generation, farther from the original purity, wisdom, and knowledge which Adam possessed in Eden.. {1SM 267.3} Adam had the advantage over Christ, in that when he was assailed by the tempter, none of the effects of sin were upon him. He stood in the strength of perfect manhood, possessing the full vigor of mind and body. He was surrounded with the glories of Eden and was in daily communion with heavenly beings. IT WAS NOT THUS WITH JESUS WHEN HE ENTERED THE WILDERNESS TO COPE WITH SATAN. FOR FOUR THOUSAND YEARS the race had been decreasing in physical strength, in mental power, in moral worth; and Christ took upon Him the infirmities of degenerate humanity. Only thus could He rescue man from the lowest depths of degradation. {Ms113-1902, ST, December 3, 1902 par. 7}
  • 52. When God's written word was given through the Hebrew prophets, Satan studied with diligence the messages concerning the Messiah. Carefully he traced the words that outlined with unmistakable clearness Christ's work among men as a suffering sacrifice and as a conquering king. In the parchment rolls of the Old Testament Scriptures he read that the One who was to appear was to be "brought as a lamb to the slaughter," "His visage . . . so marred more than any man, and His form more than the sons of men." Isaiah 53:7; 52:14. The promised Saviour of humanity was to be "despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; . . . smitten of God, and afflicted;" yet He was also to exercise His mighty power in order to "judge the poor of the people." He was to "save the children of the needy," and "break in pieces the oppressor." Isaiah 53:3, 4; Psalm 72:4. These prophecies caused Satan to fear and tremble; yet he relinquished not his purpose to thwart, if possible, the merciful provisions of Jehovah for the redemption of the lost race. He determined to blind the eyes of the people, so far as might be possible, to the real significance of the Messianic prophecies, in order to prepare the way for the rejection of Christ at His coming. {PK 686.1}
  • 53. Satan is a diligent Bible student. He knows that his time is short, and he seeks at every point to counterwork the work of the Lord upon this earth. {9T 16.2} On the Verge of Fulfillment.--We are living in a most solemn period of this earth's history. There is never time to sin; it is always perilous to continue in transgression, but in a special sense is this true at the present time. We are now upon the very borders of the eternal world and stand in a more solemn relation to time and to eternity than ever before. Now let every person search his own heart and plead for the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness to expel all spiritual darkness and cleanse from defilement. {AH 549.3} 1Chronicles 12:32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment. It is no time now for lightness, vanity, or trifling. The scenes of this earth's history are soon to close. Minds that have been left to loose thought need change. Says the apostle Peter: "Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: but as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." {3T 474.1}
  • 54. As the ministration of Jesus closed in the holy place, and He passed into the holiest, and stood before the ark containing the law of God, He sent another mighty angel with a third message to the world. A parchment was placed in the angel's hand, and as he descended to the earth in power and majesty, he proclaimed a fearful warning, with the most terrible threatening ever borne to man. This message was designed to put the children of God upon their guard, by showing them the hour of temptation and anguish that was before them. Said the angel, "They will be brought into close combat with the beast and his image. Their only hope of eternal life is to remain steadfast. Although their lives are at stake, they must hold fast the truth." The third angel closes his message thus: "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." As he repeated these words, he pointed to the heavenly sanctuary. The minds of all who embrace this message are directed to the most holy place, where Jesus stands before the ark, making His final intercession for all those for whom mercy still lingers and for those who have ignorantly broken the law of God. This atonement is made for the righteous dead as well as for the righteous living. It includes all who died trusting in Christ, but who, not having received the light upon God's commandments, had sinned ignorantly in transgressing its precepts. {EW 254.1}