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The topic is :
some story in your life and it should be more detail like the
example below , if you read the below example carefully you
will know what i need , i need 3 pages .
Below is Chase’s Unit 1 Essay. As you’ll see, both Caitlin and
Chase’s narrative essays tell a very visual story and hopefully
place you right into each scene. Unlike Caitlin’s essay, Chase’s
is written in past tense, but either tense is fine; its solely up to
you and what you think feels best for your story!
She Saw Me Coming
Before I had a chance to knock, the door opened and I was
pulled inside.
“It’s freezing out there! Go on into the living room and warm
yourself up. We’ve got warm pie and wine and hot chocolate
and brownies and anything else you might want in the kitchen,”
my friend Denise chirped enthusiastically as she helped me out
of my heavy winter coat. I still don’t know why I decided to
accept her invitation here. She and I both know I am not fond of
big family gatherings, especially when it’s not even my family.
I pushed myself forward, into the living room of aunts, uncles,
cousins and many other members of Denise’s family. As I
walked forward across the room, I apprehensively looked down
at my brown loafers sinking in the overly thick, beige carpet.
Here we go, I thought.
“Hey Chase! It is so good to see you!” Aunt Mary Lou
exclaimed as she hugged me. Her old lady perfume—as I called
it—intoxicated anyone less than few feet away from her. “Are
you all ready for Christmas?!” Her southern draw was heavier
than usual, probably something to do with that lipstick-stained
wine glass she was holding.
“Oh yes, I’m all set I think, but I—“
“Honey, you look so thin, you need to get yourself some of that
apple pie Aunt Helen Sue brought, go on, and get you some!”
She instructed as she turned away. I had to chuckle to myself as
I watched her wobble in the direction of the wine bar, her bright
red sweater looking a little disheveled.
As I turned to go down the hallway, I bumped into someone
coming around the corner. “Oh, I’m so clumsy, I’m sor—“ But
as my eyes set on the person in front of me, I lost my words.
The environment around me changed, it got quieter,
“No dear, I didn’t see you coming.” With her comment she gave
me a slight grin, as if she were laughing to herself. “You’re a
cousin of Denise?” She asked as she ran her hand through her
long, raven-black hair. Her fingers were covered in rings, all of
them much different than any other ring at the party, I was sure.
“Oh, no, I’m just a friend, Greg did a ton of work on my
boyfriend’s house when we were doing renovations last month.”
I chattered on and on. She was the most mystical person I had
ever met. Her skin looked course, and her voice was rasped,
probably a smoker in her younger days.
As curiosity consumed me, the minutes escaped me. I asked her
all about her life and where she was from and she asked me the
same. She nimbly dodged a few questions, and more than once I
wondered why she was even bothering to talk to me. Her age,
frankness, and general wear and tear told me she wasn’t
someone who wasted time, especially on a jabbering twenty-
“You work in the non-profit field?” She asked in the mysterious
fashion that seemed to be her normal persona.
“Umm, yeah, I work for the Red Cross downtown, how’d you
“Can’t you tell? I’m a psychic.” She glanced over her right
shoulder, to the French doors at the end of the room.
“Oh my god, really? You’re a fortune-teller?”
“Nope, I’m a psychic, not a fortune-teller.” She stated frankly. I
felt my cheeks turn red.
Great Chase, you offended her already, I thought to myself.
“Here, let me grab my cigs, I need a smoke, I’ll tell you about it
on the deck.” She said. I quickly pushed past the crowd of
people in the living room to grab my coat hanging in the front
Winter coat or not, it was freezing outside, and the constant
breeze made me question if hypothermia was possible in
“I read cards, Tarot cards.” She told me. “Have you had a
reading?” I quickly shook my head no, and she went on. “Well,
it’s like counseling, it’s guidance. People bring me their
problems, and I help them work through them. You know, you
can read cards too.” I was a little caught off guard by her
“Umm, you think? I don’t know…” I stammered.
“I mean, you’ve got to learn of course, but I can tell, you’ve got
it, you’re psychic too,” she said as her black hair blew in wind,
puffing a breath of smoke into the air. Normally I would have
decided that she was insane, and probably would’ve politely
excused myself to run inside for something, but she was just so
intriguing and her no-nonsense personality assured me she
wasn’t just trying to be funny.
“Well, it’s all up to you of course, but if you want a lesson
sometime look me up in the phone book, my name’s Sophie. I
think you’ll surprise yourself at how easy it comes to you—
reading cards, that is. And maybe you can fill in that part of
your life you think is empty.” She glanced up at me before
snuffing her cigarette out on the deck railing and turning to
walk back inside. I stayed outside for a few more moments,
thinking about what she said about a part of my life being
empty…she had totally nailed it. A particularly cold gust of
wind slapped me back into consciousness and when I made my
way across the deck I saw through the French doors, the
mysterious woman hugging Denise goodbye and leaving the
The next day I decided to call her, and finding her phone
number was a cinch. I never thought I’d be calling a random
stranger from Denise’s family Christmas party, but I was glad I
was. I didn’t know it, but my life was about to soon take an
unexpected turn. I had an interesting path ahead of me, and it
all started with bumping into a mysterious woman at a
Christmas party. Well, she wasn’t just anyone; she was Psychic
Sophie after all.
ISM 7510 Online Term Project
Note: Please do the projects in groups of 3 or 4. Please select
your own team. Please submit
each milestone via the digital drop box on blackboard. Please
make sure that every milestone
that you submit contains your group member names and unique
names (email ids).
Once you have formed a group, you need to pick one of the four
scenarios listed at the end of
this document. All of your milestones will be based on the
scenario that your group chooses.
The details of what you have to do for each part of the term
project are described below.
Milestone 1: ER diagram
50 Points
Your task for milestone 1 is to convert the situation description
enclosed at the end of this
document into an ER diagram. It should contain all entities and
relationships with cardinality,
existence, and optionality indicated. I do not expect artistic
perfection, but I expect what you
submit to be very easy to understand.
On another sheet of paper provide a list of all the tables
represented in the ER diagram, in
functional notation. This will give you a chance to specify
which attributes go in which table,
and where the foreign keys are, etc. This will give you the
foundation for the next part of the
project, where you implement the tables in Oracle.
What to complete for Milestone 1:
• One page containing your ER diagram
• Another page containing the functional notation of all the
tables in the ER diagram, the
primary key, the foreign keys, and other attributes in each
• A third page that lists any assumptions you needed to make to
complete your ER diagram
Milestone 2: Table implementation
35 Points
For the previous part of the project, you described a set of
tables needed to represent the
information in an ER diagram. In this part you will actually
implement these tables in MySQL.
You only have to implement those tables that you described in
functional notation of the
previous part of the project.
You should create six files:
1. A command file to create the tables
2. A command file to delete the tables
3. A command file to create those indices that are necessary for
each table
4. A command file to drop these indices
5. A command file to add one record to each table
6. A command file to delete all records from each table
When defining the tables, remember to include information
about primary keys, foreign keys,
uniqueness, and nullness. Annotate your ER diagram where
necessary to ensure that I can tell the
correspondence between the ER diagram and your SQL tables.
What to complete for Milestone 2:
• The six files
• A print-out of the output of each of these six files, labeled
accordingly (a screenshot of
each output is fine as well, we will test this milestone by
running the files).
Milestone 3: Reports and Queries
40 Points
For this part of the project you are to implement queries that
display data gathered from queries.
You should define 5 important questions for your business,
along with the queries necessary to
gather the information for each report. The goal here is to ask
interesting questions of your
business and answer them using SQL queries.
What to complete for Milestone 3
• Your 5 SQL files (1 for each report)
• A one-page write-up of the value of each of the reports you
produced. The best way to
do this is by using a list numbered 1 to 5 that briefly defines the
use and importance of
each report. It should be just a sentence or two for each report.
• A print out showing the output for each report. A screenshot is
fine. Each report should
be formatted to look like a report. Be sure to write the report
number and your group
member names on the each page of the print-out
ISM 7510 Online
Final Project Situations
General description
You will be a member of a group. Your group will be focused
on one segment of the value chain.
Your assignment is to develop a database application for one
segment of the travel industry,
including hotels, airlines, car rental agencies, and travel agents.
You will be graded on how much
value you add to your group (your group members will grade
your performance), and how well
your group does (I will grade this). Each group will pick one
The Situation
Each organization has its own needs and concerns. Each also
wants to have its own data.
However, each also knows that it should share as much data as
possible with other
complementary firms in the travel industry. As a result, four
firms are getting together on a joint
project to hire several consulting firms to design and implement
four separate database systems--
-one each for a hotel, an airline, a car rental company, and a
travel agency---that are able to
cooperate and share data.
1) Hotel
The hotel reserves rooms through both its own telephone
operators and its connections to travel
agencies. The hotel has several locations, each with its own
employees (that aren't shared with
other locations).
The hotel rooms can have different rates because they offer
different amenities---different
number of beds, with or without bathrooms, balconies, TVs, etc.
Rooms are normally available
to book for whole weeks (though sometimes rooms are booked
for less than or more than a
week), with different rates applying for any given room for
different months in the year. A
room's rate is determined by referencing both its "type" (e.g.,
"Deluxe Ocean View", "Standard")
and the month. The "type" also specifies the amenities that are
available with that room. Each
hotel defines its own room types. Further, a room type (e.g.,
"Standard") at one hotel does not
necessarily have the same amenities as a room with that same
room type at another hotel. The
booking "locks in" the price of the room for that customer---if
the price changes for that room for
that time period, the price for that customer does not change.
Hotels routinely reserve rooms of a
certain type for a certain day but delay assigning a customer to
a particular room until a time
closer to the actual check in date or until the customer supplies
a credit card number.
The hotel has a "frequent guest" program that gives its members
a percentage off their total bill
(excluding tax). If the guest is a "gold" member, then the guest
receives a 5% discount; if a
"platinum", then it's 10%. These discount rates have changed in
the last few years. Through these
changes, the structure of the program has remained the same
and is expected to remain
unchanged; discounts are expected to continue to be based on
member class. The number of
categories may change as might the discount percentages.
Employees of the airline get a 5% discount on top of any other
discounts. For the guest to get this
discount, the guest has to supply his or her employee number
and currently be employed by the
airline. Employment status should be verifiable through
connection to the airline's database.
While guests are at the hotel, they have additional charges that
are put on their bill. Two that we
are concerned with here are those for phone calls and those for
room service. The important
information about a phone call is the time it was made, how
long it was, to what phone number,
whether it is local or long distance, and the appropriate charge.
The important information about
a room service charge is the receipt number, the time the initial
room service request was made,
and the charge amount.
The hotel likes to keep track of what its employees do. The
hotel likes to note which employee
handles the initial reservation, which employee handles the
check in, which one takes a call for
room service, and which one actually takes the food to the
When a reservation is made by a travel agency in connection
with a tour package, the travel
agency typically asks for a certain number of reservations to
hold rooms but does not supply
customer names (because the travel agency doesn't have
reservations yet). As the travel agent
gets an actual reservation for its tour package, it converts the
package reservation that is holding
a room type into a reservation for a person that reserves a
specific room. The travel agency
receives the bill for the room itself; the customer only pays for
charges to the room.
2) Airline
The airline reserves seats through both its own telephone
operators and its connections to travel
agencies. A trip reservation involves one or more legs, with
each leg consisting of one or more
flights. For example, a trip from Detroit to El Paso, TX and
back might consist of two legs:
1) Detroit to El Paso, and 2) El Paso to Detroit. The first leg
could consist of two legs: 1) Detroit
to Dallas on NW #515, and 2) Dallas to El Paso on AA Shuttle
#42. "Leg" is a customer-oriented
concept. The airline does not really care (for internal scheduling
purposes) about legs. Customers
care about legs because that is how they think about their travel
plans: "I'm going to San
Francisco, Phoenix, and then back to Detroit." Unlike the hotel
charges, the cost is independent
of the season though it does depend on whether the seat is
economy, coach, business, or first
class (or whatever classifications this particular airline may
come up with in the future). The cost
changes when the airline decides it needs to be changed.
Flight numbers get reused; that is, there might be a NW #515
every day --- but there is never
more than one NW #515 on any particular day. A flight number
is defined by the airport from
which it takes off, the airport at which it terminates, and the
time of its departure. When a flight
is set up, an airplane of a particular type is assigned to it. At
some later date an actual plane of
that type is assigned to fly that route on that date. At some point
a pilot, co-pilot, and flight crew
are assigned to the flight. The flight crew is a group of flight
attendants that always work
together (until reassignment to another crew). A flight attendant
is never part of more than one
crew at any time though sometimes they aren't assigned to any
The airline has much information about its planes. The plane
type is known (e.g., Boeing 707).
This determines how many seats the plane has. Each seat has a
different designation (e.g., 1A,
1B). Each seat can be of one or more types (e.g., coach, first
class). Some seats (those near the
divider) can have multiple possible types because the plane can
be reconfigured while its on the
ground preparing for take-off.
A reservation "locks in" the price of a flight for a person even if
the price of the seat is changed.
Assigning a seat involves knowing the particular reservation
number, the specific flight that is
being reserved, the seat that is being assigned, and the type that
it will be on that particular flight.
The airline has a "frequent flier" program that gives its
members a certain number of points for
every flight they pay for with cash. These points are
reimburseable for other flights. Flights
within the Continental US or Europe or Asia cost 15000 points
per leg, between Alaska or
Hawaii and the Continental US or Asia cost 25000 per leg,
while all others cost 30000 per leg.
The points earned on a flight depend on the flight itself.
Customers not only like to see the
number of points they have earned but also the detailed activity
in the account. Customers can
only pay for a whole reservation with his or her points; he or
she cannot pay for one leg with
points and another with cash. Points are earned by the customer
by "leg"; the airline may still set
points that can be earned by flight number internally, but the
customer will see points earned by
leg on his/her program summary. Further, the points that can be
earned on a flight can change at
any time. The customer's account should show the number of
points that were awarded at the
time the flight was taken.
3) Car Rental Company
The car rental company rents cars through both its own
telephone operators and its connections
to travel agencies. A car rental has a pick-up and drop-off
location. These locations are all known
to the company because each one is a franchisee of the
company. The company has daily and
weekly rates, all of which vary depending on the class of the car
(e.g., subcompact, compact,
minivan). There is a maximum daily mileage allotment that does
not depend on the class of the
car though the company also allows rentals (at a higher price) to
have "unlimited mileage". In
addition to the "frequent renter" program described below, the
company also gives an additional
5% discount to customers either whose employers have
corporate accounts or whose employer is
the airline. In the second case the car rental company must
know the employee's employee id
number and must know if he/she is a current employee. This
second fact should be verified by
the Internet link.
When a reservation is made, the company indicates that the
rental is for a car of a certain type
but does not assign any particular car. The reservation does not
become firm until the day before
the car is set to be rented if the company has the customer's
credit card number at that time. If the
company does not know it at that time, the reservation is
cancelled. Once the reservation
becomes firm, the reservation is assigned a specific car from the
company's fleet.
Cars are kept in their inventory at the same locations where the
cars are picked up and dropped
off. Of course, cars aren't always in the locations they need to
be. A customer might want to pick
up a Ford Contour at location X while location X does not have
any of these cars in stock. The
company's task is to find where the nearest Ford Contour is and
transport it to location X by the
time it is needed. Failing this the company could rent out a car
in a higher price range to the
The car rental company has a "frequent renter" program that
gives its members 6% off the total
bill if it's less than $300 (not including tax), 9% off if it's
between $300 and $500, and 12% off if
it's more than $500. The discounts only take effect if the
customer has rented a car in the last 60
days. As a promotional item, the company likes to send its
frequent renters an annual statement
showing how much they've saved in renting with them in the
past year.
Rentals that are gathered by travel agencies work the same;
however, the travel agency receives
1% of the total bill as a "finder's fee". This amount is added to
the travel agency's account. Once
a year on the travel agency's anniversary of association with the
car rental company, each travel
agent is sent a check covering this amount. With the check, the
car rental company sends a list of
rentals that the travel agency made for the company.
Travel agencies also make reservations for their packages. They
usually start by putting "holds"
on a bunch of cars (car types, actually) before the agency even
knows the customers names.
Then, as the agency books reservations for its packages, the
agency converts the one of the holds
into a firm reservation for a particular person. The person is not
billed for this rental --- the travel
agency receives the bill.
To track productivity of its employees, the company likes to
keep track of which employee took
a rental, which one checked out a car (that is, verified its
mileage and condition), and which one
checked in a car (the same).
4) Travel agency
The travel agency wishes to use a computer database to assist
with their vacation package
booking service. They put together their own vacation packages,
each of which offers
accommodations in hotels located in a number of towns or cities
(the stops on the tour),
transportation between the cities (bus, ferry, cruise ship, or
train), and hotel and car reservations
in whichever cities are needed. The package has a total price
that is set by the travel agency and
is not directly calculated from the price of the underlying
components of the package (e.g., rental
car or hotel room). The travel agency updates information about
these packages daily, including
current prices, new packages, changes to existing packages. The
travel agency does not retain
historical information about these packages---that is, no one can
tell what the old price was or
how it was originally configured.
The travel agency will also book flights to (and from) the
origination (destination) of the
package. The price of these flights are not included in the price
of the package.
The travel agency wants the database to indicate the
geographical areas in which each city is
located, for example, the French Alps, French Riviera, Western
Europe, Wisconsin Dells,
Midwestern US, Southeast Asia, etc. This allows customers to
request packages that go through
one or more of these areas or hotels that are located in one of
these areas.
The travel agency offers complementary services in which they
will also reserve hotel rooms,
airline seats, or rental cars. Each company will maintain its own
copy of the reservation but
should keep no more information than it needs to track the
reservation (the travel agency) or to
manage its reservations (the other companies). The travel
agency does not offer the ability to
search its reservations (e.g., find the cheapest hotel room in
Michigan). It merely offers the
ability to make a reservation with a particular company (e.g.,
reserve a car with Hertz in Chicago
on August 3, or reserve a car with Avis in a particular city on
some dates, or get a hotel room at
the Days Inn in South Bend during the first weekend in
September). Of course, these hotels and
airlines and car rental companies have connections to other
travel agencies as well.
The hotel rooms can have different rates because they offer
different amenities---different
number of beds, with or without bathrooms, balconies, TVs, etc.
The amenities available depend
on the particular hotel in the particular city the customer is
interested in. Rooms are normally
available to book for whole weeks (though sometimes rooms are
booked for less than or more
than a week), with different rates applying for any given room
for different months in the year. A
room's rate is determined by referencing both its "type" (e.g.,
"Deluxe Ocean View", "Standard")
and the month. The "type" also specifies the amenities that are
available with that room. Each
hotel defines its own room types. The booking "locks in" the
price of the room for that customer-
--if the price changes for that room for that time period, the
price for that customer does not
change. Hotels routinely reserve rooms of a certain type for a
certain day but delay assigning a
customer to a particular room until a time closer to the actual
check in date. When the hotel
assigns the room to a customer, the hotel sends this information
via the Internet link to the travel
To assist their repeat customers, the agency also keeps track of
their customers' preferences---
e.g., does the customer prefer an aisle or window seat, smoking
or non-smoking room.
The agency likes to keep track of the productivity of their
agents. To assist in this, the agency
likes to track which employees handles any of the reservations
(package, car, etc.).

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  • 1. The topic is : some story in your life and it should be more detail like the example below , if you read the below example carefully you will know what i need , i need 3 pages . Below is Chase’s Unit 1 Essay. As you’ll see, both Caitlin and Chase’s narrative essays tell a very visual story and hopefully place you right into each scene. Unlike Caitlin’s essay, Chase’s is written in past tense, but either tense is fine; its solely up to you and what you think feels best for your story! She Saw Me Coming Before I had a chance to knock, the door opened and I was pulled inside. “It’s freezing out there! Go on into the living room and warm yourself up. We’ve got warm pie and wine and hot chocolate and brownies and anything else you might want in the kitchen,” my friend Denise chirped enthusiastically as she helped me out of my heavy winter coat. I still don’t know why I decided to accept her invitation here. She and I both know I am not fond of big family gatherings, especially when it’s not even my family. I pushed myself forward, into the living room of aunts, uncles, cousins and many other members of Denise’s family. As I walked forward across the room, I apprehensively looked down at my brown loafers sinking in the overly thick, beige carpet. Here we go, I thought. “Hey Chase! It is so good to see you!” Aunt Mary Lou exclaimed as she hugged me. Her old lady perfume—as I called it—intoxicated anyone less than few feet away from her. “Are you all ready for Christmas?!” Her southern draw was heavier than usual, probably something to do with that lipstick-stained
  • 2. wine glass she was holding. “Oh yes, I’m all set I think, but I—“ “Honey, you look so thin, you need to get yourself some of that apple pie Aunt Helen Sue brought, go on, and get you some!” She instructed as she turned away. I had to chuckle to myself as I watched her wobble in the direction of the wine bar, her bright red sweater looking a little disheveled. As I turned to go down the hallway, I bumped into someone coming around the corner. “Oh, I’m so clumsy, I’m sor—“ But as my eyes set on the person in front of me, I lost my words. The environment around me changed, it got quieter, darker…empty. “No dear, I didn’t see you coming.” With her comment she gave me a slight grin, as if she were laughing to herself. “You’re a cousin of Denise?” She asked as she ran her hand through her long, raven-black hair. Her fingers were covered in rings, all of them much different than any other ring at the party, I was sure. “Oh, no, I’m just a friend, Greg did a ton of work on my boyfriend’s house when we were doing renovations last month.” I chattered on and on. She was the most mystical person I had ever met. Her skin looked course, and her voice was rasped, probably a smoker in her younger days. As curiosity consumed me, the minutes escaped me. I asked her all about her life and where she was from and she asked me the same. She nimbly dodged a few questions, and more than once I wondered why she was even bothering to talk to me. Her age, frankness, and general wear and tear told me she wasn’t someone who wasted time, especially on a jabbering twenty- year-old.
  • 3. “You work in the non-profit field?” She asked in the mysterious fashion that seemed to be her normal persona. “Umm, yeah, I work for the Red Cross downtown, how’d you guess?” “Can’t you tell? I’m a psychic.” She glanced over her right shoulder, to the French doors at the end of the room. “Oh my god, really? You’re a fortune-teller?” “Nope, I’m a psychic, not a fortune-teller.” She stated frankly. I felt my cheeks turn red. Great Chase, you offended her already, I thought to myself. “Here, let me grab my cigs, I need a smoke, I’ll tell you about it on the deck.” She said. I quickly pushed past the crowd of people in the living room to grab my coat hanging in the front closet. Winter coat or not, it was freezing outside, and the constant breeze made me question if hypothermia was possible in Virginia. “I read cards, Tarot cards.” She told me. “Have you had a reading?” I quickly shook my head no, and she went on. “Well, it’s like counseling, it’s guidance. People bring me their problems, and I help them work through them. You know, you can read cards too.” I was a little caught off guard by her comment. “Umm, you think? I don’t know…” I stammered. “I mean, you’ve got to learn of course, but I can tell, you’ve got it, you’re psychic too,” she said as her black hair blew in wind, puffing a breath of smoke into the air. Normally I would have
  • 4. decided that she was insane, and probably would’ve politely excused myself to run inside for something, but she was just so intriguing and her no-nonsense personality assured me she wasn’t just trying to be funny. “Well, it’s all up to you of course, but if you want a lesson sometime look me up in the phone book, my name’s Sophie. I think you’ll surprise yourself at how easy it comes to you— reading cards, that is. And maybe you can fill in that part of your life you think is empty.” She glanced up at me before snuffing her cigarette out on the deck railing and turning to walk back inside. I stayed outside for a few more moments, thinking about what she said about a part of my life being empty…she had totally nailed it. A particularly cold gust of wind slapped me back into consciousness and when I made my way across the deck I saw through the French doors, the mysterious woman hugging Denise goodbye and leaving the party. The next day I decided to call her, and finding her phone number was a cinch. I never thought I’d be calling a random stranger from Denise’s family Christmas party, but I was glad I was. I didn’t know it, but my life was about to soon take an unexpected turn. I had an interesting path ahead of me, and it all started with bumping into a mysterious woman at a Christmas party. Well, she wasn’t just anyone; she was Psychic Sophie after all. ISM 7510 Online Term Project Note: Please do the projects in groups of 3 or 4. Please select your own team. Please submit
  • 5. each milestone via the digital drop box on blackboard. Please make sure that every milestone that you submit contains your group member names and unique names (email ids). Once you have formed a group, you need to pick one of the four scenarios listed at the end of this document. All of your milestones will be based on the scenario that your group chooses. The details of what you have to do for each part of the term project are described below. Milestone 1: ER diagram 50 Points Description Your task for milestone 1 is to convert the situation description enclosed at the end of this document into an ER diagram. It should contain all entities and relationships with cardinality, existence, and optionality indicated. I do not expect artistic perfection, but I expect what you submit to be very easy to understand. On another sheet of paper provide a list of all the tables represented in the ER diagram, in functional notation. This will give you a chance to specify
  • 6. which attributes go in which table, and where the foreign keys are, etc. This will give you the foundation for the next part of the project, where you implement the tables in Oracle. What to complete for Milestone 1: • One page containing your ER diagram • Another page containing the functional notation of all the tables in the ER diagram, the primary key, the foreign keys, and other attributes in each entity. • A third page that lists any assumptions you needed to make to complete your ER diagram Milestone 2: Table implementation 35 Points Description For the previous part of the project, you described a set of tables needed to represent the information in an ER diagram. In this part you will actually implement these tables in MySQL. 1
  • 7. You only have to implement those tables that you described in functional notation of the previous part of the project. You should create six files: 1. A command file to create the tables 2. A command file to delete the tables 3. A command file to create those indices that are necessary for each table 4. A command file to drop these indices 5. A command file to add one record to each table 6. A command file to delete all records from each table When defining the tables, remember to include information about primary keys, foreign keys, uniqueness, and nullness. Annotate your ER diagram where necessary to ensure that I can tell the correspondence between the ER diagram and your SQL tables. What to complete for Milestone 2: • The six files • A print-out of the output of each of these six files, labeled accordingly (a screenshot of each output is fine as well, we will test this milestone by running the files). Milestone 3: Reports and Queries
  • 8. 40 Points Description For this part of the project you are to implement queries that display data gathered from queries. You should define 5 important questions for your business, along with the queries necessary to gather the information for each report. The goal here is to ask interesting questions of your business and answer them using SQL queries. What to complete for Milestone 3 • Your 5 SQL files (1 for each report) • A one-page write-up of the value of each of the reports you produced. The best way to do this is by using a list numbered 1 to 5 that briefly defines the use and importance of each report. It should be just a sentence or two for each report. • A print out showing the output for each report. A screenshot is fine. Each report should be formatted to look like a report. Be sure to write the report number and your group member names on the each page of the print-out 2
  • 9. ISM 7510 Online Final Project Situations General description You will be a member of a group. Your group will be focused on one segment of the value chain. Your assignment is to develop a database application for one segment of the travel industry, including hotels, airlines, car rental agencies, and travel agents. You will be graded on how much value you add to your group (your group members will grade your performance), and how well your group does (I will grade this). Each group will pick one situation. The Situation Each organization has its own needs and concerns. Each also wants to have its own data. However, each also knows that it should share as much data as possible with other complementary firms in the travel industry. As a result, four firms are getting together on a joint project to hire several consulting firms to design and implement four separate database systems-- -one each for a hotel, an airline, a car rental company, and a travel agency---that are able to cooperate and share data.
  • 10. 1) Hotel The hotel reserves rooms through both its own telephone operators and its connections to travel agencies. The hotel has several locations, each with its own employees (that aren't shared with other locations). The hotel rooms can have different rates because they offer different amenities---different number of beds, with or without bathrooms, balconies, TVs, etc. Rooms are normally available to book for whole weeks (though sometimes rooms are booked for less than or more than a week), with different rates applying for any given room for different months in the year. A room's rate is determined by referencing both its "type" (e.g., "Deluxe Ocean View", "Standard") and the month. The "type" also specifies the amenities that are available with that room. Each hotel defines its own room types. Further, a room type (e.g., "Standard") at one hotel does not necessarily have the same amenities as a room with that same room type at another hotel. The booking "locks in" the price of the room for that customer---if the price changes for that room for that time period, the price for that customer does not change. Hotels routinely reserve rooms of a certain type for a certain day but delay assigning a customer to a particular room until a time closer to the actual check in date or until the customer supplies a credit card number.
  • 11. The hotel has a "frequent guest" program that gives its members a percentage off their total bill (excluding tax). If the guest is a "gold" member, then the guest receives a 5% discount; if a "platinum", then it's 10%. These discount rates have changed in the last few years. Through these changes, the structure of the program has remained the same and is expected to remain 3 unchanged; discounts are expected to continue to be based on member class. The number of categories may change as might the discount percentages. Employees of the airline get a 5% discount on top of any other discounts. For the guest to get this discount, the guest has to supply his or her employee number and currently be employed by the airline. Employment status should be verifiable through connection to the airline's database. While guests are at the hotel, they have additional charges that are put on their bill. Two that we are concerned with here are those for phone calls and those for room service. The important information about a phone call is the time it was made, how long it was, to what phone number, whether it is local or long distance, and the appropriate charge.
  • 12. The important information about a room service charge is the receipt number, the time the initial room service request was made, and the charge amount. The hotel likes to keep track of what its employees do. The hotel likes to note which employee handles the initial reservation, which employee handles the check in, which one takes a call for room service, and which one actually takes the food to the room. When a reservation is made by a travel agency in connection with a tour package, the travel agency typically asks for a certain number of reservations to hold rooms but does not supply customer names (because the travel agency doesn't have reservations yet). As the travel agent gets an actual reservation for its tour package, it converts the package reservation that is holding a room type into a reservation for a person that reserves a specific room. The travel agency receives the bill for the room itself; the customer only pays for charges to the room. 2) Airline The airline reserves seats through both its own telephone operators and its connections to travel agencies. A trip reservation involves one or more legs, with each leg consisting of one or more flights. For example, a trip from Detroit to El Paso, TX and
  • 13. back might consist of two legs: 1) Detroit to El Paso, and 2) El Paso to Detroit. The first leg could consist of two legs: 1) Detroit to Dallas on NW #515, and 2) Dallas to El Paso on AA Shuttle #42. "Leg" is a customer-oriented concept. The airline does not really care (for internal scheduling purposes) about legs. Customers care about legs because that is how they think about their travel plans: "I'm going to San Francisco, Phoenix, and then back to Detroit." Unlike the hotel charges, the cost is independent of the season though it does depend on whether the seat is economy, coach, business, or first class (or whatever classifications this particular airline may come up with in the future). The cost changes when the airline decides it needs to be changed. Flight numbers get reused; that is, there might be a NW #515 every day --- but there is never more than one NW #515 on any particular day. A flight number is defined by the airport from which it takes off, the airport at which it terminates, and the time of its departure. When a flight is set up, an airplane of a particular type is assigned to it. At some later date an actual plane of that type is assigned to fly that route on that date. At some point a pilot, co-pilot, and flight crew are assigned to the flight. The flight crew is a group of flight attendants that always work 4
  • 14. together (until reassignment to another crew). A flight attendant is never part of more than one crew at any time though sometimes they aren't assigned to any crews. The airline has much information about its planes. The plane type is known (e.g., Boeing 707). This determines how many seats the plane has. Each seat has a different designation (e.g., 1A, 1B). Each seat can be of one or more types (e.g., coach, first class). Some seats (those near the divider) can have multiple possible types because the plane can be reconfigured while its on the ground preparing for take-off. A reservation "locks in" the price of a flight for a person even if the price of the seat is changed. Assigning a seat involves knowing the particular reservation number, the specific flight that is being reserved, the seat that is being assigned, and the type that it will be on that particular flight. The airline has a "frequent flier" program that gives its members a certain number of points for every flight they pay for with cash. These points are reimburseable for other flights. Flights within the Continental US or Europe or Asia cost 15000 points per leg, between Alaska or Hawaii and the Continental US or Asia cost 25000 per leg, while all others cost 30000 per leg. The points earned on a flight depend on the flight itself. Customers not only like to see the number of points they have earned but also the detailed activity
  • 15. in the account. Customers can only pay for a whole reservation with his or her points; he or she cannot pay for one leg with points and another with cash. Points are earned by the customer by "leg"; the airline may still set points that can be earned by flight number internally, but the customer will see points earned by leg on his/her program summary. Further, the points that can be earned on a flight can change at any time. The customer's account should show the number of points that were awarded at the time the flight was taken. 3) Car Rental Company The car rental company rents cars through both its own telephone operators and its connections to travel agencies. A car rental has a pick-up and drop-off location. These locations are all known to the company because each one is a franchisee of the company. The company has daily and weekly rates, all of which vary depending on the class of the car (e.g., subcompact, compact, minivan). There is a maximum daily mileage allotment that does not depend on the class of the car though the company also allows rentals (at a higher price) to have "unlimited mileage". In addition to the "frequent renter" program described below, the company also gives an additional 5% discount to customers either whose employers have corporate accounts or whose employer is the airline. In the second case the car rental company must know the employee's employee id number and must know if he/she is a current employee. This
  • 16. second fact should be verified by the Internet link. When a reservation is made, the company indicates that the rental is for a car of a certain type but does not assign any particular car. The reservation does not become firm until the day before the car is set to be rented if the company has the customer's credit card number at that time. If the company does not know it at that time, the reservation is cancelled. Once the reservation becomes firm, the reservation is assigned a specific car from the company's fleet. 5 Cars are kept in their inventory at the same locations where the cars are picked up and dropped off. Of course, cars aren't always in the locations they need to be. A customer might want to pick up a Ford Contour at location X while location X does not have any of these cars in stock. The company's task is to find where the nearest Ford Contour is and transport it to location X by the time it is needed. Failing this the company could rent out a car in a higher price range to the customer. The car rental company has a "frequent renter" program that gives its members 6% off the total bill if it's less than $300 (not including tax), 9% off if it's
  • 17. between $300 and $500, and 12% off if it's more than $500. The discounts only take effect if the customer has rented a car in the last 60 days. As a promotional item, the company likes to send its frequent renters an annual statement showing how much they've saved in renting with them in the past year. Rentals that are gathered by travel agencies work the same; however, the travel agency receives 1% of the total bill as a "finder's fee". This amount is added to the travel agency's account. Once a year on the travel agency's anniversary of association with the car rental company, each travel agent is sent a check covering this amount. With the check, the car rental company sends a list of rentals that the travel agency made for the company. Travel agencies also make reservations for their packages. They usually start by putting "holds" on a bunch of cars (car types, actually) before the agency even knows the customers names. Then, as the agency books reservations for its packages, the agency converts the one of the holds into a firm reservation for a particular person. The person is not billed for this rental --- the travel agency receives the bill. To track productivity of its employees, the company likes to keep track of which employee took a rental, which one checked out a car (that is, verified its mileage and condition), and which one checked in a car (the same).
  • 18. 4) Travel agency The travel agency wishes to use a computer database to assist with their vacation package booking service. They put together their own vacation packages, each of which offers accommodations in hotels located in a number of towns or cities (the stops on the tour), transportation between the cities (bus, ferry, cruise ship, or train), and hotel and car reservations in whichever cities are needed. The package has a total price that is set by the travel agency and is not directly calculated from the price of the underlying components of the package (e.g., rental car or hotel room). The travel agency updates information about these packages daily, including current prices, new packages, changes to existing packages. The travel agency does not retain historical information about these packages---that is, no one can tell what the old price was or how it was originally configured. The travel agency will also book flights to (and from) the origination (destination) of the package. The price of these flights are not included in the price of the package. 6
  • 19. The travel agency wants the database to indicate the geographical areas in which each city is located, for example, the French Alps, French Riviera, Western Europe, Wisconsin Dells, Midwestern US, Southeast Asia, etc. This allows customers to request packages that go through one or more of these areas or hotels that are located in one of these areas. The travel agency offers complementary services in which they will also reserve hotel rooms, airline seats, or rental cars. Each company will maintain its own copy of the reservation but should keep no more information than it needs to track the reservation (the travel agency) or to manage its reservations (the other companies). The travel agency does not offer the ability to search its reservations (e.g., find the cheapest hotel room in Michigan). It merely offers the ability to make a reservation with a particular company (e.g., reserve a car with Hertz in Chicago on August 3, or reserve a car with Avis in a particular city on some dates, or get a hotel room at the Days Inn in South Bend during the first weekend in September). Of course, these hotels and airlines and car rental companies have connections to other travel agencies as well. The hotel rooms can have different rates because they offer different amenities---different number of beds, with or without bathrooms, balconies, TVs, etc.
  • 20. The amenities available depend on the particular hotel in the particular city the customer is interested in. Rooms are normally available to book for whole weeks (though sometimes rooms are booked for less than or more than a week), with different rates applying for any given room for different months in the year. A room's rate is determined by referencing both its "type" (e.g., "Deluxe Ocean View", "Standard") and the month. The "type" also specifies the amenities that are available with that room. Each hotel defines its own room types. The booking "locks in" the price of the room for that customer- --if the price changes for that room for that time period, the price for that customer does not change. Hotels routinely reserve rooms of a certain type for a certain day but delay assigning a customer to a particular room until a time closer to the actual check in date. When the hotel assigns the room to a customer, the hotel sends this information via the Internet link to the travel agency. To assist their repeat customers, the agency also keeps track of their customers' preferences--- e.g., does the customer prefer an aisle or window seat, smoking or non-smoking room. The agency likes to keep track of the productivity of their agents. To assist in this, the agency likes to track which employees handles any of the reservations (package, car, etc.).
  • 21. 7