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The Small Penis Bible
by Ant Smith
Illustrated by Christine Adams
a cockahoop publication
Copyright © 2016 by Ant Smith
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced
or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of
the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or
scholarly journal.
First Printing: 2017
ISBN 978-1-326-89299-9
I would like to acknowledge those who have helped
me start and navigate this journey of understanding,
of self-awareness and perhaps ultimately of
thank you for helping me quell the voices and approach peacefulness
It is also right that I thank once more those others who helped make the Big
Small Penis Party possible:
Ms Sliderule,Volker Renato, Thomas Smith Gillies, Gerry Newnham,
Peter Jacobs, Ernesto Sarezale, Becky Fury, Lizanne Davies, Cy Wol,
Seddondoleo, MeatRaffle, Adrian Ellis, Rob George, Vis the Spoon
The Small Penis Bible
I really do have, the most beautiful little cock. It ain't
twistedbentcrookedangry... It's a cock that could make a princess's jaw
drop. And I'm not joking - you just have to imagine it isn't small, but rather
just far away
Does Size Matter? THE ANSWER
How NOT to Enlarge Your Penis
Small Penis Sex
Shorty – The Poem
Jokes and Puzzles
Talking About Stature
So you think you have a small penis.
What is small?
Why is my penis small?
Sitting versus standing
On puberty and development
Does size matter?
Does size matter to women?
Does penis size really matter?
So, does penis size matter?
So what if it's small?
Bulge enhancement
How NOT to enlarge your penis
Penis transplants
Small dick spotting
What about "The Irish Curse"
Lies damn lies
Little cocks rock!
What about humour?
Interlude: Find 69 phalli
When do we start to feel small?
Pride and shame
Confidence (Why do we worry?)
Talking about it
How to find acceptance
Does a small penis mean worse sex?
Casual sex
Performance anxiety
Toys! Toys! Toys!
Society and Culture
The obsession with size
Fig leaves (classical art)
Good joke bad joke
New York's small penis pageant
Ilma Gore's painting of Trump
History of Shorty
After Shorty
The Big Small Penis Party
To my fellow men
Final words
Talking About Stature
…everything to be said about size
So you think you have a small penis.
Or you’re worried you might have a small penis. Or someone you know
thinks you have a small penis. Or you know someone with a small penis. Or
you’re just interested in small penises. Or you think small penises are a joke
and you ended up with this book for a laugh…
Well, the good news is, penises are funny. All of them. The big
bent twisted ugly angry ones. The cute little petite ones. All of them.
This eBook is a manual of, for, and by, the small penis guy. Everything you
could possibly want to know about coping with a small penis. As you can
tell by the way I’ve already mentioned ‘penis’ ten times (well, that’s eleven
now) and already included a picture of a penis, this book will pull no
punches. It will be informative, sometimes sad, but generally upbeat and
funny – the anxiety men feel about penis size simply causes far too much
misery in this world; so whether you are reading this just for a laugh or if
you want a genuine first-hand account of how to cope with penis size
anxiety I hope this manual helps.
The author has lived for fifty years with his own anxiety, but went through a
transformative journey of acceptance. You’ll read about that through the
course of these pages, but for context the penis in question is:
Four inches (10cm) long in action mode
Four inches (10cm) around (girth) in action mode
Which is 5.1 cubic inches (83 cubic cm)
And is around 1-2 inches (3-5cm) at rest (unless sitting, when it can
retract fully)
These are the facts of the matter. Incontrovertible. Precise, yet abstract
numbers. This is the only reality. Everything else that follows on from these
simple measurements is opinion. Or rather judgement. Do these numbers
say that this is a small penis? Absolutely not! Compared to a Silver Back
Gorilla it is quite large.
Penis size anxiety comes only from real or imagined comparison with
others, and we shall see how most of what we believe is simply wrong.
At the same time I judge this as a small penis, but I don’t judge it as a bad
penis. Through the course of this manual we shall see that bigger isn’t
necessarily better and small isn’t necessarily bad.
Ultimately, it is up to you to decide if your penis is small or not and
whether you think that’s a good or bad thing. Penis size anxiety comes from
having those judgements thrust upon you by social norms. Penis size
acceptance comes from embracing your own identity and not accepting the
judgements of others.
What is small?
If you’ve downloaded this manual because of size anxiety you will already
have searched the internet and come across a bewildering array of statistics
hoping to find out what is ‘average’.
The precision of numbers is a potent lure. But ultimately all the statistics in
the world are nothing more than a means to compare yourself with others –
and whenever we do that we always end up more miserable than we were.
Happiness and acceptance never comes from comparison with others. But
we do it anyway.
Almost a half of men are dissatisfied with their penis size and not all of
those are guys with what you might consider to be a small penis (that's
right, some small guys are totally happy with it).
Some guys with a bigger than average penis worry
about their size.
It gets worse. Penis enlargement websites will tell you “women want more;
even an average penis is small”. This lack of appreciation of numbers irks
me greatly – to proclaim average as small is ludicrous! The world is filled
with disinformation, wrongful conclusions, bad judgements, and real
misery. So let’s clear something up:
The average erect penis size is 5-6 inches and
probably closer to 5 inch.
It’s impossible to know for certain, and a leap of faith is needed to accept
this. Growing up I always believed the average was 6-7 inches and
accepting this new assessment was really quite difficult because nobody I
knew had ever said they have a dick less than 6 inches. To be fair I’d never
told anybody my own size. Whenever the question of size came up I just
kinda kept quiet. I realise now that guys who were less, just like me, didn’t
tend to mention it. It was invariably the bigger guys that were happy to
openly discuss such stuff. So I developed a pretty skewed view. Early
research (Kinsey et al) also reported the average at around 6 inches so it all
seemed to stack up.
But we well know the early research was flawed. We know most smaller
guys don’t brag. We know larger guys may well brag, or go on display in
the locker room or in porn. We know guys will ambitiously round up when
measuring. We know everything we see or hear on the subject of penis size
inflates reality.
So accepting that the average is a little over 5 inches may well take a leap
of faith, but it is a leap worth taking. Let me be absolutely clear:
The average cock size is 5.2 inches.
Believe it
68% of men, according to statistics, will be in the range ~4.5 - 6.0 inches
(assuming a standard deviation of 0.8 inches) and therefore 16% of men
will be under 4.5 inches. Does this mean anything under 4.5 inches is
small? Well, that’s a judgement (not a fact) you might well make. Perhaps
you’re comfortable with classifying 1 in 6 men as having a small dick.
Perhaps that seems reasonable.
1 in 6 is quite a lot of men though. If you have a 4.5 inch dick and you think
it is small, the chances are in a group of 12 men you’re not the only one.
You don’t need to look very far from home to find 11 other men you know
and love very well (your father, brothers, sons, brothers-in-laws,
nephews…) in order to know you’re not alone! If we believe a small penis
is under 4.5 inches then we need to be sensitive about what we think of
small penises – because we are talking about our loved ones.
95% of men, according to statistics, will be in the range ~3.7 - 6.8 inches
(assuming a standard deviation of 0.8 inches) and therefore 2.5% of men
will be under 3.7 inches. 2.5% is 1 in 40 men, which isn’t exactly rare. In
fact on a busy morning commute on London’s latest underground trains
there’s likely to be 11 guys packed-in who are packing under 4 inches!
(Given a capacity of 876 people).
The point is, whatever
judgement you make,
whatever size you decide ‘is
small’ there will be a lot of
guys in that boat.
Why is my penis small?
First and foremost, because you think it
is. Which is fine, since small dicks aren’t
Being brought up in England in the 70's
there was very little discussion of
anything of a sexual nature, aside from a
single very clinical SexEd lesson in
junior school and later an awkward
conversation on the importance of
foreplay from my elder brother.
Therefore I have no idea whatsoever if
my brothers, or my father, had small,
average, or big dicks.
Apparently there is a genetic
determination to penis size, but that's
only one of several factors and it doesn't
in fact seem as though small dicks
necessarily run in the family. There are
certainly many forum posts on the topic
"smaller than my younger brother". If it
were purely a genetic issue there'd
probably be more familial support
available, but it seems more like a
Foetal development has an impact -
allegedly if your mother ate chicken
wings while pregnant the chemical
phthalate could have stunted growth -
although this feels like a typical urban
myth. It's pretty certain though that, as
with all growth concerns, poor nutrition
is a significant factor. Perhaps my family
could afford to eat better before I was
born so that my older brothers avoided
the issue!
Some think circumcision has an effect,
and if the cut is particularly tight that
seems to make sense. In fact the average
length of circumcised penises has been
reported to be half an inch shorter than
their uncut brethren - I'd be wary of that
statistic though as we don't have the
same breadth of data that is now
available for general size analysis.
Of course the medical profession wants
us to believe smoking shrinks the penis.
Some blame oestrogen in the water
supply. Others blame riding bicycles
during puberty...
It seems as though all of life's ills can
either be blamed for causing guys to
have small penises or else blamed on
guys who have small penises!
It all seems like pretty futile supposition,
especially as you have what you have -
why worry over what made you a unique
individual when you could just be
enjoying the fact that you are?
The one factor though that you can
influence is weight. The penis actually
extends inside the body, like a tree that
needs good roots! Fat is stored in the
pubic mound and 50lbs of excess weight
can bury an inch of penis.
I was in the pool!
You can't tell how big a guy's cock can get just by looking at it on the slack.
Yet, a small soft penis will bring peals of laughter. Resorting to the "but I'm
a grower!" line hardly helps since as soon as you try to defend yourself
others know you're vulnerable... (Much better to just laugh it all off).
It's true of course, some guys are growers and others are show'ers. That's a
little complex for the human mind though (especially the kind that body
shames people) and people assume you can't really grow that much.
Equally a large floppy penis may elicit delighted gasps even though it may
be a show'er with perhaps no increase in length whatsoever as matters arise.
We know most penises are about the same size when hard and that they
grow by a greater or lesser extent. But at the same time we believe small
ones can't possibly grow enough, and that big ones must grow significantly.
Most dicks grow by around 50% (the average flaccid length being 3.5
inches and the average erection being between 5.1 and 5.6 inches).
Watching a dick grow is a true wonder of nature, especially if it starts out
very small but seemingly expands almost uncontrollably.
Seeing a truly large dick might be impressive - but nothing beats the joy, the
delight, the sheer surprise of seeing a 'one inch wonder' expand maybe 4 or
5 times in front of your eyes!
Looking at a soft dick, you simply never can tell...
It's cold in here!
Sometimes life throws up a perfect storm. The universe conspires to firstly
bestow you with a small (soft) cock and then presents you with a cold day,
after exercise. So that as you sit on the locker room bench to change you
find your little chap 'turtling'. That is shrunken all the way down such that it
is totally rolled up inside of you. If you're uncircumcised perhaps the
foreskin still protrudes. This can happen at other times too; a long seated
commute, a pair of tight jeans. You nip to the loo and find you have to tease
your chap out, pressing down on the pubic pad with index finger and thumb
to encourage him to pop out. Fiddling on while the guy next you smirks,
thinking "what's wrong, can't you find it?" - Perhaps even letting a snigger
escape. I paint a specific and graphic picture so that you know, you are not
alone. It happens.
But thinking about what I've already said, it is extra awesome to see a cock
in this state rise to the occasion. To go from barely peeping out to a full on
four inches of blue steel just causes delight. The very definition of a 'sweet
My wife loves that. And I love to see her hands clapping together in excited
joy when it happens. A hefty six inch soft cock might bring a gasp on the
reveal, but then when it just thickens up and stiffens a bit it can be
somewhat anticlimactic! A penis is a delightful thing, and no matter the
stature they can all bring pleasure in an infinite variety of ways.
Sometimes when I hear that snigger from the guy next to me at the urinal I
smile to myself because I know the surprise and joy my little chap can
And remember, nobody's going to love you unless
and until you love yourself.
Or diagnosis by statistic
If you read about the issue of Micropenis you'll see we're told that about 1
in 200 men suffer from it.
Hang about; I work for a company that employs 20,000 people. That means
probably 50 of my colleagues have so called 'micropenis'. How come we're
calling that rare?
Usually with medical conditions you're diagnosed through symptoms - then
we can look at how many people have those symptoms and say something
like "1 in 10 Americans suffer diabetes".
But micropenis is diagnosed by statistics. It's said that anyone whose penis
is more than 2.5 standard deviations less than the mean 'suffers' from
In other words we can take a perfectly normal functioning human being and
bestow upon them, uninvited, a 'medical condition'. Which we then can't do
anything about, except to pity or ridicule them.
I just read this in the comments on an article about living with a micropenis:
His affliction has a greater psychological effect than perhaps some
other abnormality or disability because of the emphasis we as a
society put on sexuality and his penis
I suppose they meant well, but really? Affliction, abnormality, disability -
what possible help are terms like these? How is it useful to draw an
arbitrary line and say that a 7cm penis is abnormal but a 7.5cm penis isn't?
Such a 'diagnosis' doesn't even come with the benefit of a 'cure'.
Micropenis is not a medical condition. It's a category, a judgement, a
Diagnosis by statistic feels to me to be very wrong; to be heading towards
eugenics. We cannot allow ourselves to say "because only 0.6% of people
are born like you, you are not quite human, you deserve a special tag". We
can't allow ourselves to recognise this term, this idea.
If you suffer size anxiety you will almost certainly have measured yourself
at least a dozen times. Hoping the result will change. After all, you weren't
fully hard last time; you'd been drinking (a common frame of mind for such
an exercise). Or perhaps a lad down the pub has given you a Viagra, or
maybe it'll be bigger with a cock ring in place - or if you don't have one of
those perhaps you've tried gently tying it up with an old boot lace. But, no
matter, you still don't get anywhere near those self-reported 8, 9 or even 10
inch monster cocks you see claimed all over the Internet.
The trouble is, you're measuring correctly and seeing the truth in front of
you while everyone else is measuring up from the floor and/or simply
There's endless debate about how to measure 'correctly'.* Do you jam the
ruler as deep into the pubic pad as possible (so called bone-pressed method)
yelping in pain while reading the scale through teary eyes? Or do you
measure from the underside drawing the tape out and generously around
your balls? And what about accuracy - guys will claim they are 9.7 inches
as though measured with laser precision, yet a dick will vary continuously
so did they set it in concrete or something first?
The normal medical method these days is to measure the flaccid stretched
length as that has a high correlation with the erect length and is presumably
a little less 'messy' in the surgery. But I daren't advocate that method for fear
folk desperate for the extra inch will stretch themselves beyond snapping
All this ambiguity and measurement shenanigans, the desperation to claim
that extra tenth of an inch just demonstrates how important the question of
claimed size can be to men. It is a search not for fact but for judgement.
All that said though, if you have size anxiety I recommend that you do
measure - not for comparison purposes but so that you at least know the
facts of the matter.
Some men with size anxiety have penises in the typical, or even larger,
range and they should appreciate that. It is easier to inspect and mentally
process our feelings about size if we can objectify the concern. It is easier
for an average guy to cope with feelings of not being big enough than to
struggle with the idea he is small - if only because conversations with others
will make more sense!
But what about guys who are actually smaller than the typical range, can
measuring then also be helpful? I've read many stories of 'rude awakenings',
the sudden realisation that can crush a guy's ego.
I'd say if you're 100% happy with your dick don't ever bother measuring it.
But if you suffer anxiety in anything more than a trivial way, the objective
fact of the matter is an important step in the road to acceptance. Nothing
worries and taunts us more than uncertainty.
If you suffer anxiety and you suspect you don't 'measure up' to the average
then take a measurement - but do it at the right time. Be open to ideas,
contrary views to those that drive the anxiety. Get used to the idea that lots
of guys have small dicks (1 in 6 in my view). Be at least prepared to accept
that many of these guys are completely happy and that actually you can be
too. Read the rest of this manual. Let go of the subjective judgement so
many of us have that 'small is bad'. Because it isn't.
Believe it
*The right way is to measure along the top while standing, with a cloth tape
following the curve if necessary. When measuring girth (around the shaft
not across it) take several measurements and average them if needs be.
Sitting versus standing
I've noticed that when I'm sitting my cock appears much smaller. Sat, the
pelvic bone angles backwards so that the suspensionary ligaments pull more
of the shaft into my body, the pubic fat pad bunches up so more of the shaft
is buried and, with knees closed, my balls ride high. All of which just about
halves the apparent length when hard or causes my soft dick to totally
disappear. I assumed these things were pretty common for us all but in
researching my assumptions to write this manual I find some men report
that they measure larger when sitting than standing. Which goes to show
how individual we all are, often in surprising ways! It also shows how
impossible it is to take an accurate single measure you can seriously
compare with others.
From the statistics, average girth is 4.6 inches
Much of what is written about size anxiety discusses length. This is a little
lazy but somewhat convenient and it's generally okay since most dicks are
proportional - larger ones often being thicker too. But because we're human
we can, and do, vary in every conceivable way. So yes, there are guys
swinging 7 inch dicks who are desperately embarrassed by how thin, or
straw or pencil like, they perceive them. At the same time some guys worry
they are 'only' 5 inches despite being as thick as a beer can.
There are always more ways to hate ourselves than there are things to love.
It's odd that 'chode' is considered an insult. It describes a penis that has
greater girth than length, e.g. 4 inches long by 5 inches around. Yet the
mechanics of penetrative sex are such that greater girth typically provides
greater pleasurable sensation. Obviously you can always have too much of
a good thing, but the feeling of being 'stretched' generally beats the pain of
'bottoming-out' (or so I understand).
Also if you worry about length but are quite happy with your girth consider
Length Girth Volume
Penis 1 5.5in (14cm) 5.1in (13cm) 10in3
Penis 2 6.3in (16cm) 4.7in (12cm) 8.7in3
(142 cm3
Penis one here is a very typical 5.5 inches, and Penis 2 is an above average
6.3 inches. The shorter of the two is just a little fatter (1cm more on the
girth). Calculating the volume of each though, we see that the shorter penis
is actually about 20% bigger over all. There are many possible perspectives
and the most immediate isn't necessarily the best thing to focus on.
With the emphasis on length, it's easy for guys with a good chubby dick to
forget this. The important thing when it comes to concerns you cannot
change, is to concentrate on the best of what you are in yourself - not the
worst of what you are in comparison with others.
Long dicks can seem to be small dicks if they are perceived to be
Fat dicks can seem to be small dicks if they are perceived to be short.
Short thin dicks can seem to be small if they are dangled into a
Long fat dicks can seem to be small if they're owner thinks they are.
Is it any wonder guys worry?
In terms of understanding how you measure up against others, it probably
makes most sense to look at volume rather than just length. But, aside from
a deep love of maths I can't think of a single good reason why you'd want to
do that! Comparison with others only leads to misery, so don't do it. Just
remember there's more to penis size than a mark on a ruler.
On puberty and development
Trawl any forum on the subject of dicks and you'll find endless posts from
anxious young teens asking "what's normal for a 14 year old?" etc. So many
in fact it's clear that even the most rudimentary sex education is woeful,
even in this day and age. There's various data available online, but such
facts and figures are extra ludicrous because of how the development
happens in fits and starts. It's more relevant to ask "am I developing
normally in comparison with others at the same stage of puberty as me,
whatever their ages?" (puberty occurs in Tanner Stages, which is a
developmental rather than simple age based scale).
Clearly puberty is an important time with respect to physical sexual
development. If parents (or their children) have any concern in this regard
through this time of change, medical support should be drawn on. Don't let
embarrassment over this sensitive issue put you off. As ever, ensure you're
dealing with facts.
This is by no means a parenting manual and it would be irresponsible of me
to make it appear otherwise so I will say no more in this regard. See the
resources section for further useful links.
…answering the perennial questions: does it matter; and how to enlarge
your penis!!!
Does size matter?
I expect you'd expect I'd answer with a resounding NO.
But I think that it does matter, although perhaps not in the way you might
think and certainly not in a way that means being small is any kind of a
First, vaginas, just like penises, come in all kinds of different shapes and
sizes (as do the other potential openings that may take a penis). There are
online forums discussing 'big dick problems' where it is evident a large
member can be a real deal breaking concern. In no way is bigger better. In
fact it's true that small things can always at least enter a larger aperture -
whereas big things can't squeeze into too small a space!
What really matters is compatibility.
A lot of smaller guys will bemoan that certain sexual positions don't work,
but I think that's even truer for very large dicks. Bigger members not only
present a challenge in vaginal penetration but also in oral and anal. In pure
practical terms, if I could choose between having a massive or tiny penis
the latter would be by far the more sensible option!
But it isn't really a binary concern. So taking basic compatibility into
account, and without considering extremes, does size matter? Is a seven
inch penis better than a four incher? Would an extra inch even, make me a
better lover? A better man? More desirable to more partners?
My attitude to my small dick robbed me of confidence for years. If I'd been
packing more, things would have been different. But would different have
meant better? We can't know, but I doubt it. My dick (believe it or not) isn't
sentient. It didn't make me shy, it's just one of the things I learnt to be shy
about. If that were different would my whole personality have changed? Is
any man really only defined by his cock? No. The capacity for anxiety,
shyness, and lack of confidence comes first and you attach it to one or more
aspects of yourself.
No matter how much you blame your penis, it is
not the cause of anxiety.
But when we have the capacity for anxiety we fuel it and since penises are
made for sharing, the question becomes, does your size matter to other
There are two groups to consider: those you'd share your penis with and
those you wouldn't.
If you have zero intention of engaging sexually with a person then the size
of your penis is of no relevance whatsoever and in this case we can
categorically say size does not matter. Yet we behave, feel, and respond as
though it does. We let other people's insults tear us up. We might imagine
that's because they're then blabbing about our supposed inadequacies to
everyone and that everyone they tell will be of like mind; leaving you
universally ridiculed and derided.
The reality of course is that people are pretty self-centred and once the
moment is over they're unlikely to talk about you as they'll be too busy
talking about themselves. If there is no potential for sexual relations
between you, any and everything they say of sexual consequence is about
them, not you. If a guy says "man you have a little dick" it's quite likely he's
also thinking "thank god" due to his own anxiety. Or perhaps he just wants
to assert himself because he's been brow beaten by his boss all day. When a
woman insults a guy's dick size it's usually more because he's pissed her off
in some way than because he has a small dick (which he may or may not!)
Other people don't care about the size of your dick;
any comments relate to them not you.
Believe it
This is true. Once I told the world I have a small penis I discovered that
nobody gave a damn. It didn't suddenly make me the talk of the town. It
didn't become the one thing people discussed with me. It didn't mean I was
all of a sudden defined by that one fact. And I didn't just tell a few people, I
told the whole world.
However, when there's a sexual interest, a flirtation or a union, then the
motivations change. That person's attitudes to your dick do have a true
impact on you. The question becomes, does size matter to the people you
want to fuck?
Now I must make an apology. So that I can keep this manual honest I am
writing from my own experiences, with a lot of reading and thinking added
in, but primarily from my personal sense of truth. I'm afraid that this means
I'm just not qualified to discuss attitudes towards penis size in a homosexual
context. So my last exploration on the question of size is...
Does size matter to women?
There are almost endless forums covering this online; it's a subject about
which some people get very vocal, angry even. We're definitely left with the
impression that the right thing for a women to say is "it doesn't matter" but
what they REALLY believe is it matters a hell of a lot. For guys already
vulnerable, it's easy to see why no amount of reassurance seems to work.
We have a skewed perception on size because most people don't talk about
it and those that do are more likely to be larger. The same is true here. We
have a skewed perception of the importance of size because frankly, women
who love big dicks also love to shout about it.
Size matters to SOME women a hell of a lot. It's good that they let us know
it, as then most of us don't need to waste emotional energy and time trying
to attract and satisfy them. I'm pretty disappointed though that a lot of
women in this category seem to feel it's necessary to create the belief that
their way is the right way. That they insist on spreading disinformation and
making it look as though all other women are lying, insisting that they are
just being kind and that in reality every woman wants mega-cock sex... But
this is typical human behaviour. I guess these ladies fear being sex-shamed
and so have a need to make it seem as though it's actually an inherent
The truth is its perfectly reasonable and natural to have a preference and we
should not be shaming women who like big cocks, or who like hundreds of
cocks. Sex is a fun thing and people should be free to enjoy it how they
like. Equally, they shouldn't be shaming us for not being the men they want.
The stats tell an interesting story. A small number (about 10%) of women
report that size is very important. That's good to know. That's not so many!
It's also true that most women do not achieve orgasm through penetration,
but a small number do. The reported preference for larger cock from some
women possibly tallies with their penetrative orgasm nature. What this
means, obviously, is that such women shouldn't be shamed, but also there's
a clear reason for that preference; but there is no logic that states if some
women prefer big penises all women surely must.
Of the 90% of women who do not say size is extremely important a third of
them say it really isn't important at all. That's 1 in 3 women claiming it is of
no concern. This may not stack up against personal experience, but in all
likelihood it will be the lack of confidence by the man that having a small
penis often brings that ruins relationships with these women than the small
penis itself.
The remainder of the women surveyed said that size was of some
importance - which is not an attitude that rules out smaller guys by any
means, although I can understand an uneasiness that, 'sigh, she really wants
a little more'... The point to linger on here though is that:
There are plenty of women (1 in 3) who unreservedly
DO NOT feel as though they are compromising,
making-do or missing-out because of your small
So size matters a lot to a small number of women. It kinda matters a bit to
others but actually doesn't matter one iota to a significant number of
Not one iota.
Does penis size really matter?
There's even better news. Because if size matters somewhat to a fair few
women, it doesn't actually matter that much... certainly not as much as
characteristics such as fidelity, attentiveness, kindness, dependability,
passion, intelligence, humour, confidence, generosity, etc...
So when you ask the isolated question "does size matter?" you find a
reasonable number of women say they kind of like the idea of something
just a bit above average. BUT when you ask what they really want in a man,
penis size just barely scraped into the top ten things. So even if you're not
with (or pursuing) the 1 in 3 who couldn't give a damn, and you're worried
that she has to make-do, in her mind it isn't really that much of a
compromise to ask for. And if that STILL feels like a major problem to you,
that she has to compromise a little bit on a thing that isn't that important to
her, you really have to accept this as much more your problem than hers. If
you just can't get round it, then there's still that woman of the 1 in 3 with
whom you could find happiness.
So, does penis size matter?
This is THE fundamental question for a guy with penis size anxiety so I felt
that it deserved FOUR entries in this manual asking the question in a
variety of ways:
Does penis size matter to you
Does penis size matter to others in general
Does penis matter to your partner(s)
Does penis size REALLY matter to your partner(s)
Obviously it matters to you or you wouldn't be reading this and equally it
obviously matters to me or I wouldn't be banging on about it as much as I
am doing! And it is perfectly fair and reasonable that it should matter. We
live in a world that is stuffed full of pressure on this issue. Whatever you
do, do not be anxious about your anxiety. But do recognise your penis is not
to blame. You've had years, decades probably, of subtle continuous negative
input on the question, don't give in to that. Try to be open to the possibilities
I'm laying out in this work. Remember above all, you cannot be loved if
you tell people not to love you. As long as you hate this part of yourself
happiness will escape you.
Secondly, remember that the vast majority of people have no business
judging you on this basis. They will never feel the pleasure and delight that
your penis can bring to a loving relationship. Anything and everything they
say to put you down is about them, not you.
Finally, don't be so egotistical as to want everybody on the planet to love
you. So what if 1 in 10 women want a big cock that you don't have? How
many partners do you want? There are PLENTY of potential partners IF
you are open and honest about who you are, what you have, and what you
I would also say, we are all individuals. None of us match 100% ideally,
perfectly. Every relationship takes strength from what we are prepared to do
for the other. Love without compromise is empty. If you are really torn up
about this concern, then you owe it to your (potential) love partner to let
them be the strength in this matter. IF you truly feel wretched because you
are asking your partner to put up with what YOU think is a compromise -
let them do it. Give them this opportunity to demonstrate their love for you.
And so ultimately, finally, unequivocally and
without question YOUR penis size does not
The secret to happiness is to recognise those qualities that make us
unique individuals and to celebrate those. Embrace diversity - do not
deny it, do not suppress or ignore our differences. But do not use them
to judge either.
Vive la difference.
It's too simple to say size doesn't matter. Inclusivity, diversity, isn't
about denying who we are - it's about embracing it. You don't fight
racism by saying colour doesn't matter. You fight it by saying "your
history, your culture, is different to mine so what can I learn from
you?” The trick is to embrace difference, to make the most of the
positives that difference brings and to offer support for the negatives.
We need to embrace difference, not judge or condemn it.
So what if it's small?
There are very few real sexual implications. Sex is about much more than
the guy's penis and certainly great sex without a penis at all is quite
Psychologically though a small penis can rob a man of all confidence - and
that can cause real issues with regards to sexual fulfilment. And this all
comes from the social dimension, which actually even causes men with
average sized penises to worry about being small.
Socially there are several pressures. These days we rarely see other normal,
everyday guys around us naked but we see more and more porn and
idealised media images of men. Our experience of these penises gives us a
distorted view of what is 'normal'.
Once that view is entrenched you then find that smaller guys keep quiet, or
lie about their size when asked. And larger guys can be quite boastful
(although some find a large penis very embarrassing) - so we end up in a
cycle that reinforces the idea that you're the only really small guy you
Add to this the fact that penis size isn't a central or overriding concern for
most women - most women most of the time don't talk about it. But for
some women a large penis does matter, and they do let that be known;
which is fair enough but means we again get a distorted perspective.
Because size matters to some women we assume it matters to all women!
And finally, when we talk about penis size itself and find out some partners
prefer larger penises we fixate on that. We forget there's way more to any
relationship and that a 'preference' in penis size doesn't mean it's a deal
breaker. Very few women think that size is the most important thing.
Bulge enhancement
I remember when I was young reading that Jim Morrison packed his tight
jeans with a length of rope to enhance his 'stage presence'. I have no idea if
that was true but certainly I did experiment very briefly with 'sock stuffing'.
It wasn't very successful as a rolled up pair of socks had the habit of shifting
around and eventually falling down my trouser leg, I should perhaps have
pinned them in place! But by far the greater problem was that the only thing
this achieved was to make me constantly aware of the state of my package
all day - effectively increasing my anxiety a hundred fold. A writer for
Cosmopolitan tried a similar experiment and came to the same conclusion.
Nobody but himself really noticed anything. It seems consciously
enhancing your bulge only increases your awareness of the anxiety.
You can now buy 'form enhancing' male underwear which is less fiddly but
I expect the fundamental issue remains; i.e. that whilst they may give a
degree of confidence they reinforce the anxiety that says you need such
'enhancement'. I couldn't recommend such as day-to-day wear for that
reason. It's also hard to see how they'd be helpful for 'special occasions' - as
they'd clearly make it even harder to face the moment of denouement;
which frankly has been tough enough for me in the past, actually leading
me to readily avoid such moments. I don't see the slight confidence boost is
worth the extra stress. Unless the codpiece were to make a return.
'Shave your pubes and it'll look bigger' I'm told. I also tried that when I was
young but it only had the effect on me of making my size all the more
conspicuous. Plus this was in the 80's when nobody talked about such
things, so it seemed a little deviant. I was suddenly intensely embarrassed
not only that my cock was small but that if it were seen people would laugh
horrendously at the idea I HAD shaved it to make it look bigger. Which I
Now that I'm much older I have since shaved again occasionally. Not to
appear bigger, but because it's an interesting look for a change. I kind of
like the silkiness of the feel of my freshly shaved ball bag. And actually
there's an empowerment in overcoming the intense embarrassment I felt in
my youth. A defiance. It's my junk and I'll treat it how I want no matter
what YOU may think. It also meant I could send my wife a dick pic while
she was away that tickled and delighted her. Like it were a game. As if sexy
things should be fun... If you do decide to shave read up on how to do it
safely, you don't want to end up with an abscess on your goolies.
How NOT to enlarge your penis
There are seven basic ways that you can fail to enlarge your penis whilst
diminishing your wallet. As a rule of thumb you can guarantee the
effectiveness of these techniques is inversely proportional to:
How effective they claim to be
How easy they claim it is
How much money they try to sting you for
You also have to balance any claimed improvement against personal risk
and because most of these methods are complete hogwash it can be
impossible to know exactly what that risk is. Personally I'd prefer to hang
on to my small perfectly functioning dick than to end up with a mangled,
possibly atrophied, and still small member.
Pills and lotions
They will claim to be of pharmaceutical grade, but since they're not
pharmaceuticals they don't get audited by the likes of the FDA so really you
have no idea what's in them. Some products on testing have been known to
contain e-coli and faeces. But hang on, can that be true? Poisoning your
customer base can't be good business can it? Actually yes it can. These
companies know their products don't work and it's highly unlikely anyone
will ever make more than one purchase - so why go to the expense of
making them safe? This is also why they typically do good multi-buy deals,
suckering you into buying months' worth before you realise just how crap
they are.
And none of these actually work. If they did you could bet your bottom
dollar they would be licensed medicines raking it in for the big pharma
Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £16-£40 ($20-$50)
Some enlargement methods steer clear of the whole expense of creating
actual product. Instead they offer you a one-off training course; basically an
eBook or a video link. Inside you'll find made up exercises and some basic
nutritional advice. Nutrition is important during pregnancy and childhood,
but no amount of special herbs and spices and greens is going to increase an
adult's dick size. Balanced eating, weight control, good blood flow will all
have a positive effect on your health and well-being - but this is all a matter
of good nutrition and common sense. You don't need to shell out fifty
dollars or so to learn that stuff.
Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £40 ($50)
There's lots of free info on the web describing a variety of largely pointless
exercises. Regular concentrated stimulation MAY improve your perception
of your penis and when you achieve a particularly strenuous erection you
may well feel harder and stronger - which are good things. But you are not
adding any extra length or girth; you're simply achieving your best erection.
The problem with these methods is that they act like gateways. The sites
you visit are designed to manipulate your psyche, to soften you up for the
real sell. They are stuffed full of FREE information, oh and link after link
after link to crappy pills and pumps you can buy.
Obviously there's risk with any form of 'exercise' (please don't accidentally
rip your penis off) but the deepest concern here is the psychology they
reinforce or promote – the very idea that there is a significant problem to be
Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £0 ($0) - unless they
successfully brainwash you.
Pumps work. For like an hour or so. They have no effect whatsoever on
your next (pumpless) erection, except that over time they will be less firm.
You do of course risk suffering a blow-out like an over inflated tyre, leaving
you with ruptured blood vessels and bruising.
Pumps are sometimes used as a temporary support in overcoming erectile
dysfunction. So you may see them sold as 'medically approved' - but
remember they are approved for temporary relief from ED, not as a
medically recognised means to increase size.
Pumps, I think, are pretty dangerous.
There's a new type of 'hydro pump' available that claims precise control that
a vacuum pump can't offer. The dangers of vacuum pumps are well known
and this 'innovation' seems like a cynical attempt to market to the risk
aware. You'll come across articles that attempt to gain your trust by
decrying vacuum pumps - before linking you on to their hydro-pump sales
pitch. Beware!
Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £80($100)
Apparently hanging weights cause micro tears in the penis and the natural
healing process causes cellular growth resulting in a, presumably scarred,
but bigger penis.
There's obvious risk of permanent damage and no certainty in the claim that
they can add half an inch to your cock.
Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £240 ($300
Some people, I guess once all of the above has failed, turn to self-body
modification and inject their own penises with filler material. If I wanted to
increase my girth by half an inch, going to 4.5 inches, then 5 injections of
20ml filler would be needed. 10 if I wanted a high average 5 inch girth. 20
such injections if I was desperate for an impressive 6 inches of girth...
I cannot even begin to imagine sticking 20 hypodermics into my cock,
perforating it like a teabag. Not to mention the risk of hitting a blood vessel.
For that reason I'm not even going to state the kind of filler people use. I
cannot offer information that would help anyone do this! If you’re desperate
for a lumpy bulging malformed dick work it out yourself. Except don't,
please don't.
Typical money wasted before you realise you wish you hadn't: £320 ($400)
You can go online and order a penis enlargement spell casting by email.
There are even free spells available online, but when they don't work you
might feel paying a powerful coven is required.
In the greater scheme of things this seems relatively harmless. But of course
it further propagates the myth that the solution for size anxiety is to increase
the size, which is dangerous in itself. Also I find it deeply distasteful that a
person's sense of faith (belief in magic) would be exploited in this way.
Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £16 ($20)
Private medical surgery
We can opt to spend thousands of pounds on what is currently pretty
ineffective private medical intervention. There are three options to waste
our money on:
Fat in the pubic mound can obscure the penis such that liposuction could
add an effective 2cm. But of course that will return unless there's an
accompanying weight control regime. A private plastic surgeon will happily
do this every six months or so if you have the funds and don't mind routine
surgery with its routine risks.
Length extension
It's possible to add a couple of cm to the flaccid length by surgically cutting
the suspension ligament. Alas this doesn't increase the erect length but it
does mean your erect penis no longer points up - so there's some additional
fiddling on to manoeuvre it into position for sex.
Girth increase
Surgeons will inject fat or dead (cadaverous) cells for increased girth if you
can't bear to perforate your own dick. But the results can be unsightly and
this method is temporary as the body will absorb the cells.
Typical money wasted before you're bankrupt and realise the minimal
difference wasn't worth it: £4,000 ($5,000) +
Sales techniques
If you research the above yourself (and I hope you don't bother) you'll come
to recognise repeated techniques that are used to encourage you to cough up
your money. If you see any of the following techniques when reading about
enlargement - steer well clear. These are the methods of shysters and snake
oil merchants:
Look out for obvious exaggerations and lies. They will tell you that "even
an average penis is small to women". They will quote statistics without
reference, out of date or discredited research - or their own 'research'. They
will make outrageous claims like "add up to four inches" then qualify them
in small print (results may vary)
There will be pages and pages of hyperbole and disinformation with very
little actually said about the product itself.
Selling risk
They will draw down on all the good information we have about how
ineffective products of their type are. They will look like honest reviews
telling you that pills don't work or vacuum pumps are dangerous - just to
gain your trust. Then they will link off to the amazing new innovation that
isn't like that - because they've found that one magic pill that does work (but
of course it still doesn't).
Click trails
The normal online shopping experience tries to streamline the purchase
process, with features like 'one-click add to basket'. This is because they
want you to find it easy to buy so that you come back.
Penis enlargement sales sites though know they are selling bullshit and the
chances of repeat orders are slim. So if you want to buy something (but
please don't) you get taken to page after page where they attempt to up-sell
your decision.
And course they will have testimonials that are either completely bogus, or
paid for, or come from some guy who's spent so much money he just HAS
to believe the product works - but it doesn't.
If you are tempted to shell out a daft $20, please don't. Aside from the
various risks discussed you're helping to make the whole scam worthwhile -
and therefore helping to ensnare others by keeping the whole thing going.
Most of these scammers rely on thousands of 'daft $20' to earn their
millions. Between us we can starve them out.
But with so many methods and so much online content it's hard to believe
there's nothing at all in any of it, isn't it?
The upside is, like all of the best lies, there are one or two grains of truth
along the way. Some enlargement is possible - but to avoid the risks and
disappointment you really do need to work with the system here; even
though their realistic promises are nothing like the gains promised online.
In the UK the NHS does use traction devices. They're a bit like the weights
method but are much less harsh and won't snap your penis off! Over time
they can make a difference of 1 or maybe 2 cm.
You can gain up to 2cm through weight control. Reducing the pubic fat
through dint of hard work instead of using regular liposuction procedures.
So using these two methods you can safely enlarge your penis by up to an
inch and a half (4 cm)!
Up to 2cm of buried length can be freed up through a rigorous weight
control regime. Up to a further 2cm can be added through the use of a
medically supervised traction device. Both of these are long processes,
taking maybe a year. If enlargement is that important to you it is achievable.
There are plenty of people willing to take your money because you want an
impossible increase or because you want it overnight or in a few weeks. But
you need to consider how exploitable and vulnerable you are being when
you look at these options. You can increase your size, but it takes effort,
time and dedication.
A more recent method is to use silicone implants that can apparently
add a couple of inches to length and girth. You do have to be
circumcised and it currently costs $13,000 plus flights to the US. The
procedure is not even fully approved as yet. When I consider attitudes
towards silicon breast augmentation though I wonder if there will be
a culture of 'spot the falsie' for men too. Perhaps we risk trading size
shaming for falsie shaming?
As a special bonus I offer you one other choice at no cost, totally risk free
and takes zero effort. This is my own specially devised method that you will
not find anywhere else...
The Original Almost Ruler
Penis transplants
The world's first wholly successful penis transplant is significant news - not
just the re-attachment of a severed member but the transplantation of a
donor penis.
We have become accustomed to the idea of internal organ transplants and
we're well aware of the risks of physical rejection. We understand the guilt
and depression that a patient can feel following a transplant. We can weigh
the impact of the surgery in the context of the significant physical illness
the patient has been coping with - we can balance the significant trauma of
the procedure versus what the patient has been suffering. We can even
consider the risk of death they have been facing without the transplant.
But a penis transplant is very different in many
The patient has not been staring death in the face and has not (necessarily)
been through a seriously debilitating physical illness. Whilst there may be
the potential for 'emotional rejection' of the received organ when
considering (say) a kidney this possibility is much higher when considering
a part of the body that is much more closely identified as part of "the self".
We identify the outward expression of our bodies with our concept of self,
much more than we do our internals. This is why people can readily submit
to having great chunks of fat sucked out of themselves and discarded in
liposuction procedures without then grieving for the loss. Conversely it is
also why The Hands Of Orlac has inspired so many remakes and re-
visionings. We are simply not comfortable with the idea that somebody
else's hands can really become a part of our self.
This may explain why an earlier attempt at penile transplantation ended
with the patient asking for the procedure to be reversed
after 15 days.
So the news that there has now been a successful transplant certainly needs
to be taken with caution.
The Twitter-sphere's response (small dick guys rejoice!) may be worthy of a
(grim) smile, but the stakes are high here. It is one thing to see
transplantation as a cure for death, but quite another when we look upon it
as a cure for life.
Our society has not yet achieved a suitable degree of maturity regards its
relationship with our bodies to adequately deal with this innovative
We already find people conditioned to despise their penises so much that
they are capable of spontaneously slicing them off and throwing them in to
the trash. Imagine, if you can, the depth of repulsion you must have for a
part of yourself to be able to do that.
And this happened when the possibility of a transplant did not exist. When
we lived in a world where the chances of coming back from such an
extreme action were slim. How much easier will it be to take this drastic
step when the end result could even be inheriting what is perceived to be a
superior tool? I don't suggest for a moment that we will see small dicked
guys joyously chopping their todgers off willy-nilly (ahem) in the hope of
receiving an upgrade - but I do believe that as long as we foster self-
loathing with regards to body image there will be more cases of mentally
vulnerable men taking this step.
There exist today many resources that facilitate a man's journey from
anxiety to nullification. Humiliation fetishes involving chastity and the
enforcement of worthlessness; extreme cock and ball torture (CBT) stories
and computer generated images of dominatrix castrations. We have broken
down the boundaries between reality and fantasy with regards what
constitutes a normal and acceptable body. And now the reality of our
medical capabilities is making our fantasies so much more attainable.
But we all know how important it is to be 'careful what you wish for', as we
recognise fantasies made real can be cruel. Consider King Midas.
Small dick spotting
T'Internet abounds with 'advice' on how to tell if a guy has a small dick.
Nothing more clearly reveals the stupidity of collective thought!
There are just too many myths surrounding this question. No, big feet does
not mean big cock, nor vice-versa. The size of the nose does not correlate
with the size of the dick. Sorry Pinocchio, it doesn’t matter how many lies
you tell.
There's a tenuous possibility that the ratio between your index and ring
finger lengths may predict penis size. One study concluded that a longer
index finger than ring finger indicates a smaller penis. I've no idea how safe
a conclusion that is. I've no idea what possible practical help that might be
to anybody. I wouldn't get hung up about it and I'm certainly not rushing out
to buy mittens.
From too, too many blog posts you'll see three varieties of personality
'signs' that he has a small dick:
1.Guys with small dicks are awful people
He's angry
He's a fighter
He's cruel to animals
He carries a gun
He's a player (because nobody goes back for more)
He's super macho
He's got a massive ego
He's cold and detached
2.Guys with small dicks are good people, but somehow that's bad
He is the “Relationship Guy”
He doesn’t Press You For Sex (he's not a player)
He’s an Oral Overachiever
He tries to look good and probably goes to a gym
He bangs on about how size doesn't matter
He's so emotional, like he has feelings
3.And simply weird shit
He's been cheated on by all of His Ex's
He never talks about his own cock
He never discusses cock size
He acts like a tortured soul
He has a firm handshake
He has expensive shoes
His pants pockets are always full
You can see this list is riddled with contradictions. In fact if you read
enough of these articles you'd eventually conclude that every man on the
planet has a small dick. They are bullshit. All of them. Steer well clear.
I did see a report that said penis size has an inverse correlation to IQ. The
idea that guys with small dicks are brainier was quite the hot topic for a
while. But following the story through (and almost falling off the end of the
Internet) it turns out there's no science behind this claim. Some bright spark
had simply taken the inaccurate and deeply racist 'penis size map of the
world' and overlaid it with national average IQ scores. Trying to support
claims that all Black guys are dumb but hung and all Asians are evil
geniuses with tiny nobs. Any attempt to correlate any aspect of a person to
the size of their dick is simply judgement laden pseudoscience. People like
to pretend their bigotry is rational.
Nobody can tell if you have a small dick just by looking at you. Not even if
you're naked. Unless you have a raging boner and they have an accurate
ruler on them (like The Original Almost Ruler perhaps)
What about "The Irish Curse"
I came across the term "The Irish Curse" recently, which I'd never heard
before and it piqued my interest as I have the strongest of Irish roots and,
although my own dick is small, I'd never got the sense that it was an
hereditary condition. So I gave a LOT of thought to the question of penis
size versus race…
Penis Size Myths
Black men all have massive dicks
Asian men all have tiny cocks
Some of the vilest commentary around penis size centres on people's
concept of race and despite these so-called 'politically correct' times, this is
thinking that just hasn't gone away. ('Politically Correct' is also a vile term,
as if universal respect is somehow a false construct).
Race is a social construct used to oppress and also used to forgive atrocities
(such as slavery and genocide). It has no basis in science which recognises
that humans vary on a continuous scale. Belief in these myths is
unquestionably a racist viewpoint.
Yet we see endless reports on how the average penis size varies country by
country, so perhaps you don't believe me on this matter?
First of all, consider the quality of the data. Our best analysis of size to date
comes from a review of 15,000 surveys of varying quality conducted
worldwide over decades. Statistics work well over large datasets but when
you zero-in on just one of around 200 countries the amount of data you
have is very much reduced. These penis size-by-country reports are
extrapolating data beyond any reasonable level of accuracy. They are
pseudoscience and as such are fantasy. Clearer cases of ‘seek and thee shall
find’ I have yet to see.
But these interpolations chime so strongly with stereotypical (racist) views
that it's very difficult to totally dismiss them. It IS possible due to common
environmental and hereditary conditions that a specific place at a specific
time throws up relatively larger or smaller dicks. It is possible that (say)
Kenyans have typically larger dicks than the Vietnamese; which might be
useful information if you're a sex pest sex tourist BUT that (unproven)
possibility does not mean
That 'Black' people have bigger dicks than 'Asian' people.
Nor, that Kenyans always have big dicks
Nor, that the Vietnamese always have small dicks
This dubious 'knowledge' actually tells us nothing of value. It does allow us
to oppress all people who look like they might be what we call Asian, if we
were so minded. It also lets us heap up the anxiety stakes for black guys
with small cocks. In short the only thing this so called knowledge does is to
allow us to act like racists.
All reasonable people have dismissed the politically oppressive concept of
race that says stupid and often hurtful things like "all black guys have big
dongs". Instead of 4 or 5 'races' we now recognise a fluid number of around
5,000 ethnicities. It's possible (but by no means proven) that a given
ethnicity is prone to large prongs, but it is utterly misguided to confuse this
with any sense of race.
If you still feel that disquieting uncertainty about these myths remember:
you were born into in a racist world, don't be a victim of its oppression.
Lies damn lies
Hands up who believes the latest research saying the average penis is 5.2
Does this reassure anyone, is it at all helpful? As a guy who's spent a lot of
his life in deep anxiety, it's always been hard to know what to believe.
There are so many different views and arguments over the quality and
interpretation of the data. And what does it matter to me if I'm 'only' 1.2
inches below average not 1.8 inches as I was yesterday? All I really get to
take from this is that yet more years of intensive research have proved that
I'm smaller than average. Thanks.
The researchers hope this new analysis will help men who suffer size
anxiety. Perhaps for some guys who are in 'the normal range' it will. Here
are four social media comments I took particular note of:
GG: who like me has suffered size anxiety growing up says "No matter
how much research you do to find the new average, yours probably
won't get any bigger - we get what we're given chaps, chin up and be
CC: Who so far as I know has never suffered size anxiety, says "Thank
goodness! I've never wanted to be special."
I suspect a lot of guys feel the same. [He goes on to say] "What each of us
has is always going to be special, and normal, at the same time" - this is
what it means to 'embrace diversity'.
CA: brings a very useful and insightful female perspective, "It's still an
obsession with size rather than function. While it may reassure some
men, I think the emphasis should be on celebrating the difference
rather than fixating on what's 'normal'."
SJ: says "Who goes around measuring these things? A doctor? It's a
bit rude...or teenagers?" Again making the point that obsession isn't
This statistical view of humanity tries to say that 'normal' is any range that
includes 95% of us (i.e., is within 2 standard deviations of the average).
This feels dangerous. Guys with anxiety in 'the normal range' often don't get
taken seriously and don't get the help they need. 'Normal' is also quite
offensive. It means guys outside that range are implicitly thought of as
being 'abnormal' - which isn't at all healthy.
But we also have to ask ourselves, with so many people on the planet, how
do we manage to preserve our sense of identity, our individuality, our
humanity? The only way to achieve this is to recognise, and celebrate the
things that make us unique. Whether that's a crooked nose, a rounded belly
or a small penis. This constant comparison and emphasis on 'normal' forces
us to reject the very things that make us special. It prevents us from learning
to love ourselves. And that prevents us from learning to love others.
Personally, I'd rather be anything other than normal, or average, or
mundane. Vive la difference. Infinite variety, diversity, is the very thing that
has made us a successful species.
Little cocks rock!
Here are some things that are unquestionable benefits of a smaller member.
You might not feel as though they make up for what you think you're
missing, but it's all part of a balanced view.
The dodged bullet!
Okay, so at some point somebody turned you down because of your dick
size. Good! If dick size is that important to them it was never going to work
anyway, so thanks for not wasting my time or draining my emotional
Plus, if a partner puts that much emphasis on that one feature they're not
going to be capable of building a great relationship. It's fine for a partner to
be happy with a big dick in a relationship if that's how things turned out.
But if a relationship is built solely on that it won't be as fulfilling as
Apparently, more women cheat on guys who have larger dicks than on guys
with less.
Surely not? Surely women putting up with little willies are more likely to
need, crave something more? Bullshit. Thinking logically, if size is
important to a partner it's likely they'll itch to try a little more. Conversely,
if size isn't a significant motivator then the temptation to seek out bigger
cocks isn't there. Only a belief that all women are primarily driven to desire
big cocks would make you think that small guys are more likely to be
cheated on. But that's not what happens.
Women prefer (slightly) larger penises for one night stands than they do in a
committed relationship. Hey, they're experimenting! And what they learn is,
actually cock size ain't that much of a concern to them.
Some of you will have personal experience to the contrary. But take heart -
your experiences do not reflect the whole world.
Big cocks take a lot of filling up. My four inch dick can rise to the occasion
at remarkable speed. In fact, even at fifty years of age I still achieve very
firm erections. Larger cocks when in active use can seem less like blue steel
and more like a floppy sponge!
Going balls deep
Sex can get somewhat rambunctious at times, with a guy powering in balls
deep to the building crescendo of his partner's moans, gasps and ultimately
possible screams... This is fine if you like your sex like that (and not
everybody does!). This is just one of many coital scenarios.
Many guys with size anxiety bemoan that they will never experience this.
The power you imagine isn't from the penis per se; remember the penis isn't
a muscle. The power comes from the legs, thighs, hips, arms, even
buttocks! And the screaming, do you imagine that comes from the force of
the meat being rammed relentlessly up into your partner? It may be a sweet
kind of a fantasy, or a tense scene in a porno flick but, in general, women
don't welcome a ripping bruising kind of a fuck. They tend to prefer the
screaming to come from the breaking orgasm more than from the breaking
pelvic bone.
Get real. The truth is it’s way easier to balls deep power fuck with a small
cock than a large one. If you like this kind of sex, you and your partner
should crave the small dong much more than the weighty bludgeon.
Public boners
The last thing you want on a crowded commute is old ladies hanging their
handbags and umbrellas from your embarrassing unexpected erection. I also
suspect some larger guys feel quite objectified as they catch folk snatching
glances at their fulsome crotch bulges and visible penis lines. For the
majority of the time nobody wants their cock to be the centre of attention.
I'm quite pleased my action pole packs away so neatly, and that when it
does attempt to embarrass me by waking up at inopportune moments, it's
relatively easy to conceal the matter.
Ego check
None of us are perfect, but that doesn't stop some of us thinking we are. It's
quite possible that if it were not for my small cock I'd have ended up being
a big dick. I know I have a propensity for arrogance and it could just be that
in my case, my dick is small because the rest of it is in my personality ;)
Concentrate on the right things
Dominating powerful deep penetration sure sounds a hoot. It's probably a
top rated fantasy, given how much it's portrayed in porn - oh yeah baby,
deeper, harder, faster. It's such a ubiquitous idea, I can't help but think that
IF I'd been born with such capacity I'd have spent my whole life on the
Wham-Bam Thank You Ma'am merry go round. Happily pumping like an
oil rig and grinning like a loon. Leaving a trail of ruined vaginas in my
With that kind of power would I have ever learned finesse? Well maybe.
But maybe not! It's true, men can learn great love making skills irrespective
of what they pack, but men can also be dumb brutes. Perhaps performance
and size anxiety is just what's needed to give a little more motivation to
learn such skills, a little sooner.
I'm not suggesting you must learn oral to make up for a small cock, but
rather perhaps your small cock benefitted you by encouraging you to learn
such things..?
It's great to be different
There are an awful lot of guys with average cocks, who therefore need to
find other ways to stand out from the crowd. With your own particular little
blessing you stand out naturally. Sure that means some people aren't
interested (but there's not so many of them) yet for everybody else you're
implicitly noticeable. The first barrier in the courtship game is getting
noticed. You might wish you were noticeable for other reasons (and you can
be), but once you've been noticed you for this reason, people will be made
aware of everything else that you are. There is no such thing as bad
publicity. In this world of seven billion people, the greatest curse is to be
I know it's easy to diss all of these benefits. Okay so you agree that power
fucking with a nine inch dick may not be possible, but a six inch power
fuck must be better than a four inch power fuck surely, you think. Or
perhaps you get angry at guys with mighty schlongs whining about being
objectified because in your world you can't even begin to think how that's a
problem. These benefits I've listed may feel like scant recompense for the
hand you've been dealt, and you may dismiss them entirely on that basis. If
so you may never find happiness or acceptance. But if you remain open to
ideas, at least lay claim to some of these benefits that arise from your own
unique self, you may just find the anxiety lifts enough for you to see a light
at the end of the tunnel.
What about humour?
To change attitudes to body image you have to address the full spectrum.
We can condition men not to use disrespectful language about women but
we can't change the underlying value system that way. We have to talk
Universal respect for people
Otherwise we’re just applying sticking plasters. We need powerful tools to
change attitudes and humour is very good at this.
It's fine to laugh at little willies and monster dongs. Things out of the
ordinary are funny. We just need to avoid creating false judgements. Your
dick's so small you wee on your balls - that happens and is funny in a
groaning sort of way. "Terrorists must have small dicks" isn't funny. Isn't
acceptable. Isn't even true.
Acceptance doesn't mean denial. We have to be able to laugh at ourselves.
But that laughter doesn't need to be mean-spirited.
Interlude: Find 69 phalli
*by the way, you won't find "micropenis" in the grid because I don't
actually consider it a valid term for any penis; see earlier for my
…or how to live with a small penis
When do we start to feel small?
I was never very self-aware as a teenager, but I was very shy and reserved.
Age 11 through 16 we had to shower after gym twice a week in a
communal arrangement, maybe a dozen shower heads. There was never
much time as we had to get to our next class, so hanging back wasn't an
effective strategy to avoid being seen naked.
I always felt fine about my penis myself, as long as I was on my own. I felt
comfortable in my own company and vulnerable in the company of others.
I wasn't consciously aware I had a small dick back then and never really
took notice of others. I remember once glancing up at a mate and seeing his
cock dangle down his shorts leg and kind of thought "huh, that's big" - but I
didn't make the link and think "I must be small then". I didn't have much
social connection, so seeing him didn't, in my mind, reflect on me.
That said I would try to avoid being naked. In the winter I'd change into my
shorts while wearing my overcoat so others couldn't see me. One lad asked
me why I did that and I just shrugged, I couldn't vocalise why, I just knew I
didn't want to show my body. It was such a crushing thing; I hid it from
even myself.
When faced with it... I felt extra-human. Not sub or super human, but
something different. Something apart from real people. Like I was a visitor
to a strange planet.
Obviously I had to get naked, many times but no one ever commented on
other peoples' bodies in the locker room or shower. But they clearly did
notice each other. Outside of gym I'd get an occasional comment about my
small dick so eventually it sunk in for me. When I was about 15, I and
another boy were changing following an after school badminton game. The
other lad was chatting to me and I looked over just as he was naked and saw
he had a very, very long dick. I remember noticing that.
All in all I think it was a positive thing that we had to confront our
nakedness and I'm surprised how little ragging or bullying it brought about.
Then there came porn. The anxiety of my youth spread over me like a
creeping shadow. It's very difficult to point at a single moment and say
"THAT's when I felt inadequate". I remember a conversation at school
about John Holmes (I guess a class mate had also discovered porn) where
we laughed at the idea that he'd probably pass out from lack of blood if he
got an erection. There was nevertheless a sense of awe for such a mighty
But I wouldn't necessarily blame porn - I was already anxious before even
knowing what porn was. I guess at the heart of the issue is a basic shame of
ourselves, which then takes a hold in specific ways as we grow up. If it
weren't for my small penis perhaps I'd have grown up hating my 'innie'
belly button!
When I was 18 a good mate explicitly said "you don't have much there do
you?" and from then on I grew more self-conscious about it. I still loved my
dick (it's perfectly proportioned!) but in a plaintive, why can't it be bigger,
sort of way.
Throughout my twenties I was highly insecure.
I met my wife age 30. I'd always be second to go to bed, getting undressed
in the dark. If we went to bed together (as we would of course) I'd get into
bed before taking my boxers off. It's taken her about 15 years to make me
comfortable to be naked in front of her. Now I love my dick without
reservation. Because she does. As a shy introverted guy I find my wife is an
emotional amplifier for me. I'm never as happy as when she is and her tears
will always impel me to cry too. So I think it's her obvious delight in my
tackle that has finally allowed me to delight in it too.
Pride and shame
Firstly, I'm 100% certain I should not be ashamed of my penis; although I
have been. Judging people (even yourself) for how they are born is, to my
mind, a 'prime evil'. It is the very basis of eugenics and we need to stand
against such ideology as strongly as we can!
Pride is the flip side to shame. Other guys who are 'proud' of their big dicks
are implicitly (and often explicitly) attempting to shame others. The idea
that we should be prideful or shameful of what is between our legs is
So if I cannot say I am proud of my dick, can I say I am totally happy,
satisfied, with it? Would I 'trade it up' if I could? The human mind is a
tricksy beast, and sometimes it can feel as though it is your own worst
enemy - so can we ever truly know the answer to such questions?
I have always really loved my little dick. Other people drove me to feel
shame in it, but even then, at home in bed at nights it gave me SUCH
pleasure! Now that I realise it CAN please others too, what anyone else
thinks is utterly irrelevant.
In fact, there's a perverse joy in thinking I can do with my 4 incher what
you need 6, or 7 or even 8 inches to achieve. How potent must this little
thing of mine be? Bloody good job it's only 4 inches!
Do I want a bigger dick? No. I want to live in a world where that question is
irrelevant. I loved my little willy when I was a horny 13 year old, and I love
it now. The intervening years were all about hating myself in the context of
a screwed up society.
But do I REALLY love it? I keep using terms like "little willy". Doesn't that
show self-deprecation and a true shame even if my mind is fooling me into
believing I am happy?
No! This is just acceptance. There is no doubt that a 4x4 inch willy IS
small. I will not pretend otherwise. I revel in it. I have a small cock AND it
brings me, and my wife, real pleasure. Packing so much joy into such a
small cock is, to my mind, something rather special. Any fool can love a big
dick - it takes real connection to love a little willy!
Confidence (Why do we worry?)
I've never had a wide circle of friends, I've always preferred to cultivate a
small number of very close friends - which means inevitably and despite
my shyness, most friends have seen my cock at some point; after gym,
taking an alley wee, changing on the beach etc... But certainly not often,
once or twice each at most. I've been far too anxious to go showing it off!
I have pretty good friends, decent people and I've never suffered overt or
relentless teasing. But, thinking back over these friendships now I realise
that every one of my friends who have seen my (soft) cock have at some
(later) point made a comment about my size. Just slight, one-off references.
"You don't have much there do you?", "he's obviously way bigger than
you". Not much from any of them, in no way could you characterise them
as mean or bullying people.
But, it doesn't take much to destroy a man's confidence in that department.
These comments are so rare and minor that my friends would never have
thought they could have such an effect. However I realise now that growing
up, just about every friend that has seen me has made such a comment,
albeit just once. The accumulation weighed heavily.
It's interesting how even a single comment adds to the pool of negativity
that we cultivate. I can't help but have those comments stick in my mind.
My own memory taunted me for years. There's no way to undo that BUT
now I've come to appreciate that "small" isn't an insult, it's just a fact.
Instead of trying to forget the unforgettable I've changed my attitude to it.
When I remember those moments now I do so with a smile. Yes, I have a
small dick – but, you know, I've ended up happy.
Neither my little dick nor my friends were the cause of my anguish. I was!
My belief that not being 'normal' or 'average' was somehow a bad thing. I
think in the long run, if my friends hadn't been gently truthful, I'd never
have come to terms with being small.
But still, society is obsessed with big penises. As a species we have lost all
When we lived more in real local communities, when we couldn't get away
from other people, who would find out everything they could about you (!)
there was little choice but to come to terms with who you are. The same
was true for everybody. So we may have admired big penises, but we all we
knew they were pretty thin on the ground really.
Now, we know less about each other and we see WAY more 'enhanced
packages'. Every guy on the Internet is at least 7 inches it seems. The
borders between fantasy and reality are breaking down.
There's no issue with admiring or desiring a big cock. The issue lies in the
illusion that they abound and that if you don't have one you're abnormal,
I'm highly successful at a lot of things and most people wouldn't have
recognised me as suffering from a lack of self-confidence - but I think I
created a shell. My lack of confidence in that area drove me harder to be
successful in other ways. That's at least a positive thing.
So it's a very mixed and complex story. My small penis has caused me to be
distant from people, limited my sexual encounters, and left me emotionally
very vulnerable. But on the other hand I'm highly driven and successful and
when I do get close to a person I'm hugely loyal, supportive and caring.
It's not a thing you can change, so look for and
build on the positives.
Talking about it
A selection of interview questions
Why is it important to talk about small penises?
Penis size anxiety is very, very common to greater and lesser degrees. For
some it's little more than an occasional uncomfortable embarrassment when
questions of size arise, or when faced with a locker room. However, for
others it affects what they choose to do - some men avoid going to the gym
at all because of it. For others it's worse still and they find themselves
breaking off relationships rather than 'going to the next level'. And at its
worst the anxiety creates mental health problems and has led to suicide.
Is it very hard for men to admit to being small?
It's an incredibly difficult thing for most men to accept. We're flooded with
mass media imagery (advertising and porn) that says a bigger penis makes
you a better man. The world abounds with negative judgements like
"terrorists must have small penises". So most men end up lying, rounding
up their measurements or adding a good inch. This further inflates what
people think is normal and more men fall into the trap of believing they
have a small penis, when in fact they are average or more.
How does it feel to admit to having a small penis?
Initially it felt deeply shaming. But now there's almost a rebellious kick to
it. "My dick is small, and so? Why should you care, I'm not going to f@ck
you with it!!” I'm still pretty much in that mode, rebellious. So I don't think
I've conquered the issue by any means. But happily declaring my
individuality sure feels better than suffering in silence.
Who did you first talk about it with, and how did it help (if so)?
I first spoke to my wife. It helped in the way that sharing any burden helps.
When you carry a secret you find moments where you continue a
conversation inside your own head and you put yourself down. Once you've
shared a secret with a person that doesn't happen, so much.
At first talking with others you don't get much real comprehension - they
haven't lived with the worry all their lives so they can't totally understand it,
or believe it can be such a concern. This also helps, the more you talk the
more you come to realise it's less of an issue to others than you thought.
And, they start to better understand the delicacy of the issue. Most people
aren't cruel. Most people make small penis jokes because they think they're
being funny, not because they want to humiliate and hurt the people around
them. By being open about your concern you give your friends and family
the opportunity to be the best they can be. To support you by thinking about
what they say and do.
And people do react like this because actually, many men have secret
worries like this to a greater or lesser extent themselves; and most people
know what it's like to lack body confidence.
Do you feel better or happier after talking openly about it?
I do feel better and happier. Although it seems the whole world laughs at
small penis jokes and uses "small penis" as an insult - it turns out that,
unless you're in the school playground, people generally mean it only in an
abstract sense. When you tell a person "I have a small penis", 99% of them
are very supportive and all of a sudden that judgement you feel, of yourself,
evaporates. The fear of discovery can dog your days forever - but the light
of truth brings nothing but relief.
A very small number of haters will hate, but this says more about them than
it does about me.
Aren´t you afraid of being stigmatised?
For a thing I was born with, had no choice in or control over? No. Not at
It is only fear that has the power to stigmatise you
in this matter.
Friends and family are amazing - they tell me that they are honoured to
know a man that dared to voluntarily say this. They are good people. Most
people are.
Colleagues have not commented - which is how it should be as this has
nothing to do with my function at work. That is respectful. It doesn't matter
what they may think privately.
How to find acceptance
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? None; the bulb
will change itself when it is ready.
The first hurdle is working out if you want to change, if ending the misery
you feel is a true goal. 'Of course it is!' you may think, and if you've read
this entire manual perhaps that's true. Unless reading this is just a form of
procrastination. The human mind will harbour the fear that finding a 'cure'
to your anxiety will suddenly make you responsible for who you are and
how you feel. What if this reason for your misery is just a prop? What if,
this one thing is fixed but yet you still don't find the happiness or the peace
you crave? What then? Perhaps it's easier, safer, to cling on to this issue
which you can at least identify.
To know yourself in this way you simply have to inspect your actions. I said
earlier that rigorous weight control or medically supervised traction devices
can, over many many months, affect a limited length increase of some
centimetres. Do you write that off as not worth the effort and instead buy
pills you know are not going to work? Do you read everything here looking
for reasons to refute what's said? Do you really want to resolve this issue?
This is the number one thing you need to be honest with yourself about -
you never need tell anyone else. If the answer is 'no', then the truth is you
are looking in the wrong place. It could well be that exactly because penis
size is impossible to significantly change, to ‘fix’; your tricksy mind has
chosen it as a convenient hook for deeper concerns you don't want to look
For myself, I have never been able to pin point an exact moment or event
that triggered my anxiety. I was shy and body conscious before ever seeing
another cock, before I had any awareness of cock size. As a very young
child I would be, at times, mistaken for a girl. I grew up with two brothers
that much older than me with whom it was always hard to be compared. I
idolised my strong as an ox, take no shit, sometimes absent, father. This is
where my anxiety sprang from, a deeper lack of self-confidence knowing
that I was an accident, an afterthought, with impossible role models to live
up to.
I very often read in the online forums people describe themselves as "short,
ugly, overweight, tiny-dicked"; clearly there is much more awry in their
thinking than just penis size anxiety.
If there are deeper issues, resolving your penis size anxiety may create the
path to resolve those too. But if it seems impossible to find acceptance of
your penis, you may need to address those deeper issues first. But
hopefully, ultimately, you will be in a position to tackle this specific
But how?
By fixing not the body, but the mind.
If you try to 'fix' the body, if you continue to believe size is important to
you, there's a very real danger that you will never have enough. I've seen
stories of guys with 9 inch penises paying for enlargement surgery. When
you take this route, there is no such thing as 'enough'. Even if you do take
the (minimal) enlargement route it's vital that you also conquer your mental
There are three pillars to conquering anxiety
Refuting judgement imposed on you
Refuting your own judgments
Embracing your own strengths
You will probably have stored up a number of moments when you felt
shamed by your penis and the echoes of those will rattle around your mind
when you think of your penis today. But the past doesn't define who we are,
it defines who we were. It is the here and now, the decisions we make, the
actions we take today that define us. We can let history force our hand or
we can recognise that the world constantly changes and some of that history
is no longer relevant.
So maybe in your teens or twenties somebody laughed at your dick. Those
are naive times. That person may never have seen a real life dick before! It
is completely invalid to think that reaction definitely will recur. Dismissing
that recollection won't of course cure anxiety - but hanging onto it will
prevent the cure. You should go through these recollections and dismiss
those that are no longer relevant; you don't work there anymore; you don't
hang with such immature people anymore... Clear out the noise,
the old news. Prepare for a different thinking.
Some of this history will still seem to be relevant. For years I hung onto the
miserable memory of the moment my best mate laughed and said "you don't
have much there do you?” But hang on; he's still my best mate. It was a
one-off comment thirty years ago. He knows I have a small dick but here
we are decades later. That knowledge has not poisoned our friendship. It's
had no actual impact on me ever. So why should I hang on to that pain?
Allow pain to disperse once you see it isn't still hurting you. Don't let
old pains linger.
But no matter how much you can dismiss because the world has changed or
because you realise the pain is in the past there will be some moments that
still linger, or new ones that hit you and leave you feeling wretched. Try to
believe some of what has been laid out in this manual: "what if that person
tells everyone?” what if they do? The majority won't care. But what if that
one person I fancy hears and does care? Face the fact that there's no end of
reasons why people are not compatible - but remember there are billions of
Try to diminish the pain by dealing with facts not
This still leaves some, albeit diminished, pain. But we all suffer such, living
creatures do. It's a mistake to try and eradicate all pain from life, because
that's impossible. If we love we hurt. If we laugh we cry. Embrace your
pains and hold them up against your joys and witness the beating rhythm of
life. Seek balance. For years I never dared let my wife get a good look at
my willy. Now that I'm over that, I get extra joy from stripping naked for
her at every possible moment.
So in dealing with shame inducing judgements imposed on you, try to
Filter out the noise, some of these things have no impact anymore
For those that still do, diminish the impact by dealing with facts not
Embrace the rhythm of life, let yesterday's pain inform tomorrow's
It will be difficult though to effectively refute imposed judgements while
you continue to judge yourself. Penis size anxiety is riddled with
comparisons with others. "What if her ex was bigger?"; "What if I'm the
smallest in the locker room?" Whenever we compare ourselves with others
we invite misery into our hearts because we inevitably compare what we
see as the worst of our self with the best of the other person. If I feel I have
a small willy, when I see a hung guy I may immediately feel inferior - as
though that one thing itself is enough to define me as lesser. Sometimes we
then go further. Feeling inadequate already we start to notice "huh, he's
more toned as well" or "goddam he drives a Jaguar". We specifically notice
all the ways that person 'outclasses' us - ignoring his twisted nose or
attempted suicide scars or whatever else... Or we see a person who seems to
outclass us in every conceivable way; they don't even have the grace to be
arrogant! But these are all always highly superficial judgements because we
don't know that person like we know ourselves.
And most crucially we don't know what they have achieved for themselves
versus what they were born with or have been gifted.
Who's better: Usain Bolt 200m world record holder in 19.19s or Jason
Smyth who won gold at the 2012 games in 21.05s? Smyth is blind yet Bolt
couldn't even beat him by a full 2s...
I'd suggest they are of equal stature. What matters is not how we compare
with others but how we compare with our own best potential. It is not a
question of who is the better person in any absolute sense, but who has
made the most of themselves.
Judge yourself against the best you can be, not the
worst of whom you are.
Judging yourself against your potential always reveals practical steps you
can take to improve. Judging yourself against others though tends to reveal
practical things you cannot overcome. The former is motivational, the latter
highly depressive.
As you start to consider "what IS the best I can be?" you necessarily
uncover your strengths and you focus on them. This helps to shift your
thinking from the negative obsession anxiety promotes.
So is it possible to overcome penis size anxiety? Have I?
As things stand today I believe so, yes. But there was no single moment of
enlightenment. It has been around two and a half years since I took the bull
by the horns (so to speak) and it is only as I complete this manual that I feel
the peace may have truly descended. I have been through denial, anger,
shame, humiliation and defiance to arrive here. I hope that this manual
lends wings to your journey so that you may take a more direct approach.
It's important to appreciate that the tactics for combatting anxiety come
from a rational attitude which isn't always available at the hardest moments.
You can only apply them when you can; until over time, over iterations,
they take a hold.
Some surviving phalluses (see Fig leaves)
…the small penis in the bedroom, or wherever your kink plays with it
I was rejected, just once in my life, due to size. As we have established, size
is not the most important thing for most women. Many have a preference
for average or a little more, but women mostly value other things more.
Some do need a large penis, and that is fine, none of us can expect to be
compatible with everyone. The rejection was disappointing at the time but
now I feel fine about it.
I prefer rejection to a lie though. Saying it is big when it is not, or going
through the motions. Pretend it doesn't matter IF it does. The truth may hurt
a little bit at the time, but a lie will always end up hurting more.
Does a small penis mean worse sex?
No. As I say SOME ladies require bigger, but not so many. Sex is not all
about deep penetration. And in fact a small penis will touch the clitoris
where a larger one will glide past it - with good technique a small penis
CAN bring amazing pleasure.
The beauty of humanity is our infinite variety. There is so much more to sex
than simply banging it in!
More important than a big penis, is a big imagination.
"What if my penis is too small to take a girl's virginity?"
First of all virginity isn't a thing to be taken, obviously it is more properly
Secondly, at what point is virginity given away? Clearly a simple kiss
doesn't lead to a loss of virginity, but at the same time it feels a little rum to
claim you're a virgin because you've only ever taken it up the arse!
Many cultures use the concept of female virginity as an oppressive force.
Certainly some people believe any form of vaginal penetration breaking the
hymen 'ruins' a woman. Seriously? Women are castigated for sticking their
fingers up their fannies? Girls’ hymens can break for any number of non-
sexual reasons (such as riding bikes) but because of these attitudes broken-
hymen-bicycle-riding-women are supposed to live in shame???
I've even seen folk claim that virginity only applies to women, that guys
can't be virgins - presumably because they don't have a hymen to break...
Virginity passes with the first sharing of an orgasm. This is possible
between two (or more) people of any gender, with any size dick involved
(or not) utilising any probes, cavities, crevices or creases that come in to
So this question is really asking "is my dick big enough to tear a woman's
hymen apart"? Put like that and, when considering the above, I hope you
can see it isn't a question that deserves an answer. If your male ego has a
lingering doubt about this, if you're sat thinking "yes, but a real man still
COULD even though the question itself is wrong" then you may as well be
asking "is my cock big enough to rape a girl". Your thinking is THAT
wrongful. Your cock should be a toy, not a weapon.
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith
The small penis bible by ant smith

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The small penis bible by ant smith

  • 1.
  • 2. The Small Penis Bible The Small Penis Bible by Ant Smith Illustrated by Christine Adams a cockahoop publication 2016 Copyright © 2016 by Ant Smith All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal. First Printing: 2017 ISBN 978-1-326-89299-9 cockahoop LONDON Acknowledgements
  • 3. I would like to acknowledge those who have helped me start and navigate this journey of understanding, of self-awareness and perhaps ultimately of acceptance: Christine Carl Sarah-Jane Dan thank you for helping me quell the voices and approach peacefulness It is also right that I thank once more those others who helped make the Big Small Penis Party possible: Ms Sliderule,Volker Renato, Thomas Smith Gillies, Gerry Newnham, Peter Jacobs, Ernesto Sarezale, Becky Fury, Lizanne Davies, Cy Wol, Seddondoleo, MeatRaffle, Adrian Ellis, Rob George, Vis the Spoon The Small Penis Bible I really do have, the most beautiful little cock. It ain't twistedbentcrookedangry... It's a cock that could make a princess's jaw drop. And I'm not joking - you just have to imagine it isn't small, but rather just far away
  • 4. FEATURING Does Size Matter? THE ANSWER How NOT to Enlarge Your Penis HOW TO ENLARGE Your Penis Small Penis Sex KINKS! Shorty – The Poem Jokes and Puzzles Contents Talking About Stature So you think you have a small penis. What is small? Why is my penis small? Shrinkage Retraction Micropenis Measuring Sitting versus standing Girth Volume On puberty and development
  • 5. Attitudes Does size matter? Does size matter to women? Does penis size really matter? So, does penis size matter? So what if it's small? Bulge enhancement Shaving How NOT to enlarge your penis HOW TO ENLARGE YOUR PENIS Penis transplants Small dick spotting What about "The Irish Curse" Lies damn lies Little cocks rock! What about humour? Interlude: Find 69 phalli Self When do we start to feel small? Pride and shame Confidence (Why do we worry?) Talking about it How to find acceptance Sex Rejection Does a small penis mean worse sex? Virginity Casual sex Fertility Condoms Ex's Performance anxiety Positions Toys! Toys! Toys!
  • 6. Kinks Society and Culture The obsession with size Fig leaves (classical art) Hitler Suicides #KYS Good joke bad joke New York's small penis pageant Ilma Gore's painting of Trump History of Shorty Shorty After Shorty The Big Small Penis Party Closing To my fellow men Resources Final words
  • 7. Talking About Stature …everything to be said about size
  • 8. So you think you have a small penis. Or you’re worried you might have a small penis. Or someone you know thinks you have a small penis. Or you know someone with a small penis. Or you’re just interested in small penises. Or you think small penises are a joke and you ended up with this book for a laugh… Well, the good news is, penises are funny. All of them. The big bent twisted ugly angry ones. The cute little petite ones. All of them. This eBook is a manual of, for, and by, the small penis guy. Everything you could possibly want to know about coping with a small penis. As you can tell by the way I’ve already mentioned ‘penis’ ten times (well, that’s eleven now) and already included a picture of a penis, this book will pull no punches. It will be informative, sometimes sad, but generally upbeat and funny – the anxiety men feel about penis size simply causes far too much misery in this world; so whether you are reading this just for a laugh or if you want a genuine first-hand account of how to cope with penis size anxiety I hope this manual helps. The author has lived for fifty years with his own anxiety, but went through a transformative journey of acceptance. You’ll read about that through the course of these pages, but for context the penis in question is: Four inches (10cm) long in action mode Four inches (10cm) around (girth) in action mode Which is 5.1 cubic inches (83 cubic cm) And is around 1-2 inches (3-5cm) at rest (unless sitting, when it can retract fully)
  • 9. These are the facts of the matter. Incontrovertible. Precise, yet abstract numbers. This is the only reality. Everything else that follows on from these simple measurements is opinion. Or rather judgement. Do these numbers say that this is a small penis? Absolutely not! Compared to a Silver Back Gorilla it is quite large. Penis size anxiety comes only from real or imagined comparison with others, and we shall see how most of what we believe is simply wrong. At the same time I judge this as a small penis, but I don’t judge it as a bad penis. Through the course of this manual we shall see that bigger isn’t necessarily better and small isn’t necessarily bad. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide if your penis is small or not and whether you think that’s a good or bad thing. Penis size anxiety comes from having those judgements thrust upon you by social norms. Penis size acceptance comes from embracing your own identity and not accepting the judgements of others.
  • 10. What is small? If you’ve downloaded this manual because of size anxiety you will already have searched the internet and come across a bewildering array of statistics hoping to find out what is ‘average’. The precision of numbers is a potent lure. But ultimately all the statistics in the world are nothing more than a means to compare yourself with others – and whenever we do that we always end up more miserable than we were. Happiness and acceptance never comes from comparison with others. But we do it anyway. Almost a half of men are dissatisfied with their penis size and not all of those are guys with what you might consider to be a small penis (that's right, some small guys are totally happy with it). Some guys with a bigger than average penis worry about their size. It gets worse. Penis enlargement websites will tell you “women want more; even an average penis is small”. This lack of appreciation of numbers irks me greatly – to proclaim average as small is ludicrous! The world is filled with disinformation, wrongful conclusions, bad judgements, and real misery. So let’s clear something up: The average erect penis size is 5-6 inches and probably closer to 5 inch. It’s impossible to know for certain, and a leap of faith is needed to accept this. Growing up I always believed the average was 6-7 inches and accepting this new assessment was really quite difficult because nobody I knew had ever said they have a dick less than 6 inches. To be fair I’d never told anybody my own size. Whenever the question of size came up I just kinda kept quiet. I realise now that guys who were less, just like me, didn’t
  • 11. tend to mention it. It was invariably the bigger guys that were happy to openly discuss such stuff. So I developed a pretty skewed view. Early research (Kinsey et al) also reported the average at around 6 inches so it all seemed to stack up. But we well know the early research was flawed. We know most smaller guys don’t brag. We know larger guys may well brag, or go on display in the locker room or in porn. We know guys will ambitiously round up when measuring. We know everything we see or hear on the subject of penis size inflates reality. So accepting that the average is a little over 5 inches may well take a leap of faith, but it is a leap worth taking. Let me be absolutely clear: The average cock size is 5.2 inches. Believe it 68% of men, according to statistics, will be in the range ~4.5 - 6.0 inches (assuming a standard deviation of 0.8 inches) and therefore 16% of men will be under 4.5 inches. Does this mean anything under 4.5 inches is small? Well, that’s a judgement (not a fact) you might well make. Perhaps you’re comfortable with classifying 1 in 6 men as having a small dick. Perhaps that seems reasonable. 1 in 6 is quite a lot of men though. If you have a 4.5 inch dick and you think it is small, the chances are in a group of 12 men you’re not the only one. You don’t need to look very far from home to find 11 other men you know and love very well (your father, brothers, sons, brothers-in-laws, nephews…) in order to know you’re not alone! If we believe a small penis is under 4.5 inches then we need to be sensitive about what we think of small penises – because we are talking about our loved ones. 95% of men, according to statistics, will be in the range ~3.7 - 6.8 inches (assuming a standard deviation of 0.8 inches) and therefore 2.5% of men will be under 3.7 inches. 2.5% is 1 in 40 men, which isn’t exactly rare. In fact on a busy morning commute on London’s latest underground trains
  • 12. there’s likely to be 11 guys packed-in who are packing under 4 inches! (Given a capacity of 876 people). The point is, whatever judgement you make, whatever size you decide ‘is small’ there will be a lot of guys in that boat.
  • 13. Why is my penis small? First and foremost, because you think it is. Which is fine, since small dicks aren’t bad! Being brought up in England in the 70's there was very little discussion of anything of a sexual nature, aside from a single very clinical SexEd lesson in junior school and later an awkward conversation on the importance of foreplay from my elder brother. Therefore I have no idea whatsoever if my brothers, or my father, had small, average, or big dicks. Apparently there is a genetic determination to penis size, but that's only one of several factors and it doesn't in fact seem as though small dicks necessarily run in the family. There are
  • 14. certainly many forum posts on the topic "smaller than my younger brother". If it were purely a genetic issue there'd probably be more familial support available, but it seems more like a lottery. Foetal development has an impact - allegedly if your mother ate chicken wings while pregnant the chemical phthalate could have stunted growth - although this feels like a typical urban myth. It's pretty certain though that, as with all growth concerns, poor nutrition is a significant factor. Perhaps my family could afford to eat better before I was born so that my older brothers avoided the issue! Some think circumcision has an effect, and if the cut is particularly tight that
  • 15. seems to make sense. In fact the average length of circumcised penises has been reported to be half an inch shorter than their uncut brethren - I'd be wary of that statistic though as we don't have the same breadth of data that is now available for general size analysis. Of course the medical profession wants us to believe smoking shrinks the penis. Some blame oestrogen in the water supply. Others blame riding bicycles during puberty... It seems as though all of life's ills can either be blamed for causing guys to have small penises or else blamed on guys who have small penises! It all seems like pretty futile supposition, especially as you have what you have -
  • 16. why worry over what made you a unique individual when you could just be enjoying the fact that you are? The one factor though that you can influence is weight. The penis actually extends inside the body, like a tree that needs good roots! Fat is stored in the pubic mound and 50lbs of excess weight can bury an inch of penis.
  • 17. Shrinkage I was in the pool! You can't tell how big a guy's cock can get just by looking at it on the slack. Yet, a small soft penis will bring peals of laughter. Resorting to the "but I'm a grower!" line hardly helps since as soon as you try to defend yourself others know you're vulnerable... (Much better to just laugh it all off). It's true of course, some guys are growers and others are show'ers. That's a little complex for the human mind though (especially the kind that body shames people) and people assume you can't really grow that much. Equally a large floppy penis may elicit delighted gasps even though it may be a show'er with perhaps no increase in length whatsoever as matters arise. We know most penises are about the same size when hard and that they grow by a greater or lesser extent. But at the same time we believe small ones can't possibly grow enough, and that big ones must grow significantly. Most dicks grow by around 50% (the average flaccid length being 3.5 inches and the average erection being between 5.1 and 5.6 inches). Watching a dick grow is a true wonder of nature, especially if it starts out very small but seemingly expands almost uncontrollably. Seeing a truly large dick might be impressive - but nothing beats the joy, the delight, the sheer surprise of seeing a 'one inch wonder' expand maybe 4 or 5 times in front of your eyes! Looking at a soft dick, you simply never can tell... It's cold in here!
  • 18. Retraction Sometimes life throws up a perfect storm. The universe conspires to firstly bestow you with a small (soft) cock and then presents you with a cold day, after exercise. So that as you sit on the locker room bench to change you find your little chap 'turtling'. That is shrunken all the way down such that it is totally rolled up inside of you. If you're uncircumcised perhaps the foreskin still protrudes. This can happen at other times too; a long seated commute, a pair of tight jeans. You nip to the loo and find you have to tease your chap out, pressing down on the pubic pad with index finger and thumb to encourage him to pop out. Fiddling on while the guy next you smirks, thinking "what's wrong, can't you find it?" - Perhaps even letting a snigger escape. I paint a specific and graphic picture so that you know, you are not alone. It happens. But thinking about what I've already said, it is extra awesome to see a cock in this state rise to the occasion. To go from barely peeping out to a full on four inches of blue steel just causes delight. The very definition of a 'sweet surprise'. My wife loves that. And I love to see her hands clapping together in excited joy when it happens. A hefty six inch soft cock might bring a gasp on the reveal, but then when it just thickens up and stiffens a bit it can be somewhat anticlimactic! A penis is a delightful thing, and no matter the stature they can all bring pleasure in an infinite variety of ways. Sometimes when I hear that snigger from the guy next to me at the urinal I smile to myself because I know the surprise and joy my little chap can bring. And remember, nobody's going to love you unless and until you love yourself.
  • 19. Micropenis Or diagnosis by statistic If you read about the issue of Micropenis you'll see we're told that about 1 in 200 men suffer from it. Hang about; I work for a company that employs 20,000 people. That means probably 50 of my colleagues have so called 'micropenis'. How come we're calling that rare? Usually with medical conditions you're diagnosed through symptoms - then we can look at how many people have those symptoms and say something like "1 in 10 Americans suffer diabetes". But micropenis is diagnosed by statistics. It's said that anyone whose penis is more than 2.5 standard deviations less than the mean 'suffers' from micropenis. In other words we can take a perfectly normal functioning human being and bestow upon them, uninvited, a 'medical condition'. Which we then can't do anything about, except to pity or ridicule them. I just read this in the comments on an article about living with a micropenis: His affliction has a greater psychological effect than perhaps some other abnormality or disability because of the emphasis we as a society put on sexuality and his penis I suppose they meant well, but really? Affliction, abnormality, disability - what possible help are terms like these? How is it useful to draw an arbitrary line and say that a 7cm penis is abnormal but a 7.5cm penis isn't? Such a 'diagnosis' doesn't even come with the benefit of a 'cure'. Micropenis is not a medical condition. It's a category, a judgement, a headline. Diagnosis by statistic feels to me to be very wrong; to be heading towards eugenics. We cannot allow ourselves to say "because only 0.6% of people
  • 20. are born like you, you are not quite human, you deserve a special tag". We can't allow ourselves to recognise this term, this idea.
  • 21. Measuring If you suffer size anxiety you will almost certainly have measured yourself at least a dozen times. Hoping the result will change. After all, you weren't fully hard last time; you'd been drinking (a common frame of mind for such an exercise). Or perhaps a lad down the pub has given you a Viagra, or maybe it'll be bigger with a cock ring in place - or if you don't have one of those perhaps you've tried gently tying it up with an old boot lace. But, no matter, you still don't get anywhere near those self-reported 8, 9 or even 10 inch monster cocks you see claimed all over the Internet. The trouble is, you're measuring correctly and seeing the truth in front of you while everyone else is measuring up from the floor and/or simply lying! There's endless debate about how to measure 'correctly'.* Do you jam the ruler as deep into the pubic pad as possible (so called bone-pressed method) yelping in pain while reading the scale through teary eyes? Or do you measure from the underside drawing the tape out and generously around your balls? And what about accuracy - guys will claim they are 9.7 inches as though measured with laser precision, yet a dick will vary continuously so did they set it in concrete or something first? The normal medical method these days is to measure the flaccid stretched length as that has a high correlation with the erect length and is presumably a little less 'messy' in the surgery. But I daren't advocate that method for fear folk desperate for the extra inch will stretch themselves beyond snapping point! All this ambiguity and measurement shenanigans, the desperation to claim that extra tenth of an inch just demonstrates how important the question of claimed size can be to men. It is a search not for fact but for judgement. All that said though, if you have size anxiety I recommend that you do measure - not for comparison purposes but so that you at least know the facts of the matter.
  • 22. Some men with size anxiety have penises in the typical, or even larger, range and they should appreciate that. It is easier to inspect and mentally process our feelings about size if we can objectify the concern. It is easier for an average guy to cope with feelings of not being big enough than to struggle with the idea he is small - if only because conversations with others will make more sense! But what about guys who are actually smaller than the typical range, can measuring then also be helpful? I've read many stories of 'rude awakenings', the sudden realisation that can crush a guy's ego. I'd say if you're 100% happy with your dick don't ever bother measuring it. But if you suffer anxiety in anything more than a trivial way, the objective fact of the matter is an important step in the road to acceptance. Nothing worries and taunts us more than uncertainty. If you suffer anxiety and you suspect you don't 'measure up' to the average then take a measurement - but do it at the right time. Be open to ideas, contrary views to those that drive the anxiety. Get used to the idea that lots of guys have small dicks (1 in 6 in my view). Be at least prepared to accept that many of these guys are completely happy and that actually you can be too. Read the rest of this manual. Let go of the subjective judgement so many of us have that 'small is bad'. Because it isn't. Believe it *The right way is to measure along the top while standing, with a cloth tape following the curve if necessary. When measuring girth (around the shaft not across it) take several measurements and average them if needs be.
  • 23. Sitting versus standing I've noticed that when I'm sitting my cock appears much smaller. Sat, the pelvic bone angles backwards so that the suspensionary ligaments pull more of the shaft into my body, the pubic fat pad bunches up so more of the shaft is buried and, with knees closed, my balls ride high. All of which just about halves the apparent length when hard or causes my soft dick to totally disappear. I assumed these things were pretty common for us all but in researching my assumptions to write this manual I find some men report that they measure larger when sitting than standing. Which goes to show how individual we all are, often in surprising ways! It also shows how impossible it is to take an accurate single measure you can seriously compare with others.
  • 24. Girth From the statistics, average girth is 4.6 inches Much of what is written about size anxiety discusses length. This is a little lazy but somewhat convenient and it's generally okay since most dicks are proportional - larger ones often being thicker too. But because we're human we can, and do, vary in every conceivable way. So yes, there are guys swinging 7 inch dicks who are desperately embarrassed by how thin, or straw or pencil like, they perceive them. At the same time some guys worry they are 'only' 5 inches despite being as thick as a beer can. There are always more ways to hate ourselves than there are things to love. It's odd that 'chode' is considered an insult. It describes a penis that has greater girth than length, e.g. 4 inches long by 5 inches around. Yet the mechanics of penetrative sex are such that greater girth typically provides greater pleasurable sensation. Obviously you can always have too much of a good thing, but the feeling of being 'stretched' generally beats the pain of 'bottoming-out' (or so I understand). Also if you worry about length but are quite happy with your girth consider this: Length Girth Volume Penis 1 5.5in (14cm) 5.1in (13cm) 10in3 (169cm3 ) Penis 2 6.3in (16cm) 4.7in (12cm) 8.7in3 (142 cm3 ) Penis one here is a very typical 5.5 inches, and Penis 2 is an above average 6.3 inches. The shorter of the two is just a little fatter (1cm more on the girth). Calculating the volume of each though, we see that the shorter penis is actually about 20% bigger over all. There are many possible perspectives and the most immediate isn't necessarily the best thing to focus on. With the emphasis on length, it's easy for guys with a good chubby dick to forget this. The important thing when it comes to concerns you cannot
  • 25. change, is to concentrate on the best of what you are in yourself - not the worst of what you are in comparison with others.
  • 26. Volume Long dicks can seem to be small dicks if they are perceived to be thin. Fat dicks can seem to be small dicks if they are perceived to be short. Short thin dicks can seem to be small if they are dangled into a bucket. Long fat dicks can seem to be small if they're owner thinks they are. Is it any wonder guys worry? In terms of understanding how you measure up against others, it probably makes most sense to look at volume rather than just length. But, aside from a deep love of maths I can't think of a single good reason why you'd want to do that! Comparison with others only leads to misery, so don't do it. Just remember there's more to penis size than a mark on a ruler.
  • 27. On puberty and development Trawl any forum on the subject of dicks and you'll find endless posts from anxious young teens asking "what's normal for a 14 year old?" etc. So many in fact it's clear that even the most rudimentary sex education is woeful, even in this day and age. There's various data available online, but such facts and figures are extra ludicrous because of how the development happens in fits and starts. It's more relevant to ask "am I developing normally in comparison with others at the same stage of puberty as me, whatever their ages?" (puberty occurs in Tanner Stages, which is a developmental rather than simple age based scale). Clearly puberty is an important time with respect to physical sexual development. If parents (or their children) have any concern in this regard through this time of change, medical support should be drawn on. Don't let embarrassment over this sensitive issue put you off. As ever, ensure you're dealing with facts. This is by no means a parenting manual and it would be irresponsible of me to make it appear otherwise so I will say no more in this regard. See the resources section for further useful links.
  • 28.
  • 29. Attitudes …answering the perennial questions: does it matter; and how to enlarge your penis!!!
  • 30. Does size matter? I expect you'd expect I'd answer with a resounding NO. But I think that it does matter, although perhaps not in the way you might think and certainly not in a way that means being small is any kind of a problem. First, vaginas, just like penises, come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes (as do the other potential openings that may take a penis). There are online forums discussing 'big dick problems' where it is evident a large member can be a real deal breaking concern. In no way is bigger better. In fact it's true that small things can always at least enter a larger aperture - whereas big things can't squeeze into too small a space! What really matters is compatibility. A lot of smaller guys will bemoan that certain sexual positions don't work, but I think that's even truer for very large dicks. Bigger members not only present a challenge in vaginal penetration but also in oral and anal. In pure practical terms, if I could choose between having a massive or tiny penis the latter would be by far the more sensible option! But it isn't really a binary concern. So taking basic compatibility into account, and without considering extremes, does size matter? Is a seven inch penis better than a four incher? Would an extra inch even, make me a better lover? A better man? More desirable to more partners? My attitude to my small dick robbed me of confidence for years. If I'd been packing more, things would have been different. But would different have meant better? We can't know, but I doubt it. My dick (believe it or not) isn't sentient. It didn't make me shy, it's just one of the things I learnt to be shy about. If that were different would my whole personality have changed? Is any man really only defined by his cock? No. The capacity for anxiety,
  • 31. shyness, and lack of confidence comes first and you attach it to one or more aspects of yourself. No matter how much you blame your penis, it is not the cause of anxiety. But when we have the capacity for anxiety we fuel it and since penises are made for sharing, the question becomes, does your size matter to other people? There are two groups to consider: those you'd share your penis with and those you wouldn't. If you have zero intention of engaging sexually with a person then the size of your penis is of no relevance whatsoever and in this case we can categorically say size does not matter. Yet we behave, feel, and respond as though it does. We let other people's insults tear us up. We might imagine that's because they're then blabbing about our supposed inadequacies to everyone and that everyone they tell will be of like mind; leaving you universally ridiculed and derided. The reality of course is that people are pretty self-centred and once the moment is over they're unlikely to talk about you as they'll be too busy talking about themselves. If there is no potential for sexual relations between you, any and everything they say of sexual consequence is about them, not you. If a guy says "man you have a little dick" it's quite likely he's also thinking "thank god" due to his own anxiety. Or perhaps he just wants to assert himself because he's been brow beaten by his boss all day. When a woman insults a guy's dick size it's usually more because he's pissed her off in some way than because he has a small dick (which he may or may not!) Other people don't care about the size of your dick; any comments relate to them not you.
  • 32. Believe it This is true. Once I told the world I have a small penis I discovered that nobody gave a damn. It didn't suddenly make me the talk of the town. It didn't become the one thing people discussed with me. It didn't mean I was all of a sudden defined by that one fact. And I didn't just tell a few people, I told the whole world. However, when there's a sexual interest, a flirtation or a union, then the motivations change. That person's attitudes to your dick do have a true impact on you. The question becomes, does size matter to the people you want to fuck? Now I must make an apology. So that I can keep this manual honest I am writing from my own experiences, with a lot of reading and thinking added in, but primarily from my personal sense of truth. I'm afraid that this means I'm just not qualified to discuss attitudes towards penis size in a homosexual context. So my last exploration on the question of size is...
  • 33. Does size matter to women? There are almost endless forums covering this online; it's a subject about which some people get very vocal, angry even. We're definitely left with the impression that the right thing for a women to say is "it doesn't matter" but what they REALLY believe is it matters a hell of a lot. For guys already vulnerable, it's easy to see why no amount of reassurance seems to work. We have a skewed perception on size because most people don't talk about it and those that do are more likely to be larger. The same is true here. We have a skewed perception of the importance of size because frankly, women who love big dicks also love to shout about it. Size matters to SOME women a hell of a lot. It's good that they let us know it, as then most of us don't need to waste emotional energy and time trying to attract and satisfy them. I'm pretty disappointed though that a lot of women in this category seem to feel it's necessary to create the belief that their way is the right way. That they insist on spreading disinformation and making it look as though all other women are lying, insisting that they are just being kind and that in reality every woman wants mega-cock sex... But this is typical human behaviour. I guess these ladies fear being sex-shamed and so have a need to make it seem as though it's actually an inherent desire. The truth is its perfectly reasonable and natural to have a preference and we should not be shaming women who like big cocks, or who like hundreds of cocks. Sex is a fun thing and people should be free to enjoy it how they like. Equally, they shouldn't be shaming us for not being the men they want. The stats tell an interesting story. A small number (about 10%) of women report that size is very important. That's good to know. That's not so many! It's also true that most women do not achieve orgasm through penetration, but a small number do. The reported preference for larger cock from some women possibly tallies with their penetrative orgasm nature. What this means, obviously, is that such women shouldn't be shamed, but also there's a clear reason for that preference; but there is no logic that states if some women prefer big penises all women surely must.
  • 34. Of the 90% of women who do not say size is extremely important a third of them say it really isn't important at all. That's 1 in 3 women claiming it is of no concern. This may not stack up against personal experience, but in all likelihood it will be the lack of confidence by the man that having a small penis often brings that ruins relationships with these women than the small penis itself. The remainder of the women surveyed said that size was of some importance - which is not an attitude that rules out smaller guys by any means, although I can understand an uneasiness that, 'sigh, she really wants a little more'... The point to linger on here though is that: There are plenty of women (1 in 3) who unreservedly DO NOT feel as though they are compromising, making-do or missing-out because of your small penis. So size matters a lot to a small number of women. It kinda matters a bit to others but actually doesn't matter one iota to a significant number of women. Not one iota.
  • 35. Does penis size really matter? There's even better news. Because if size matters somewhat to a fair few women, it doesn't actually matter that much... certainly not as much as characteristics such as fidelity, attentiveness, kindness, dependability, passion, intelligence, humour, confidence, generosity, etc... So when you ask the isolated question "does size matter?" you find a reasonable number of women say they kind of like the idea of something just a bit above average. BUT when you ask what they really want in a man, penis size just barely scraped into the top ten things. So even if you're not with (or pursuing) the 1 in 3 who couldn't give a damn, and you're worried that she has to make-do, in her mind it isn't really that much of a compromise to ask for. And if that STILL feels like a major problem to you, that she has to compromise a little bit on a thing that isn't that important to her, you really have to accept this as much more your problem than hers. If you just can't get round it, then there's still that woman of the 1 in 3 with whom you could find happiness.
  • 36. So, does penis size matter? This is THE fundamental question for a guy with penis size anxiety so I felt that it deserved FOUR entries in this manual asking the question in a variety of ways: Does penis size matter to you Does penis size matter to others in general Does penis matter to your partner(s) Does penis size REALLY matter to your partner(s) Obviously it matters to you or you wouldn't be reading this and equally it obviously matters to me or I wouldn't be banging on about it as much as I am doing! And it is perfectly fair and reasonable that it should matter. We live in a world that is stuffed full of pressure on this issue. Whatever you do, do not be anxious about your anxiety. But do recognise your penis is not to blame. You've had years, decades probably, of subtle continuous negative input on the question, don't give in to that. Try to be open to the possibilities I'm laying out in this work. Remember above all, you cannot be loved if you tell people not to love you. As long as you hate this part of yourself happiness will escape you. Secondly, remember that the vast majority of people have no business judging you on this basis. They will never feel the pleasure and delight that your penis can bring to a loving relationship. Anything and everything they say to put you down is about them, not you. Finally, don't be so egotistical as to want everybody on the planet to love you. So what if 1 in 10 women want a big cock that you don't have? How many partners do you want? There are PLENTY of potential partners IF you are open and honest about who you are, what you have, and what you want.
  • 37. I would also say, we are all individuals. None of us match 100% ideally, perfectly. Every relationship takes strength from what we are prepared to do for the other. Love without compromise is empty. If you are really torn up about this concern, then you owe it to your (potential) love partner to let them be the strength in this matter. IF you truly feel wretched because you are asking your partner to put up with what YOU think is a compromise - let them do it. Give them this opportunity to demonstrate their love for you. And so ultimately, finally, unequivocally and without question YOUR penis size does not matter. The secret to happiness is to recognise those qualities that make us unique individuals and to celebrate those. Embrace diversity - do not deny it, do not suppress or ignore our differences. But do not use them to judge either. Vive la difference. It's too simple to say size doesn't matter. Inclusivity, diversity, isn't about denying who we are - it's about embracing it. You don't fight racism by saying colour doesn't matter. You fight it by saying "your history, your culture, is different to mine so what can I learn from you?” The trick is to embrace difference, to make the most of the positives that difference brings and to offer support for the negatives. We need to embrace difference, not judge or condemn it.
  • 38. So what if it's small? There are very few real sexual implications. Sex is about much more than the guy's penis and certainly great sex without a penis at all is quite possible. Psychologically though a small penis can rob a man of all confidence - and that can cause real issues with regards to sexual fulfilment. And this all comes from the social dimension, which actually even causes men with average sized penises to worry about being small. Socially there are several pressures. These days we rarely see other normal, everyday guys around us naked but we see more and more porn and idealised media images of men. Our experience of these penises gives us a distorted view of what is 'normal'. Once that view is entrenched you then find that smaller guys keep quiet, or lie about their size when asked. And larger guys can be quite boastful (although some find a large penis very embarrassing) - so we end up in a cycle that reinforces the idea that you're the only really small guy you know. Add to this the fact that penis size isn't a central or overriding concern for most women - most women most of the time don't talk about it. But for some women a large penis does matter, and they do let that be known; which is fair enough but means we again get a distorted perspective. Because size matters to some women we assume it matters to all women! And finally, when we talk about penis size itself and find out some partners prefer larger penises we fixate on that. We forget there's way more to any relationship and that a 'preference' in penis size doesn't mean it's a deal breaker. Very few women think that size is the most important thing.
  • 39. Bulge enhancement I remember when I was young reading that Jim Morrison packed his tight jeans with a length of rope to enhance his 'stage presence'. I have no idea if that was true but certainly I did experiment very briefly with 'sock stuffing'. It wasn't very successful as a rolled up pair of socks had the habit of shifting around and eventually falling down my trouser leg, I should perhaps have pinned them in place! But by far the greater problem was that the only thing this achieved was to make me constantly aware of the state of my package all day - effectively increasing my anxiety a hundred fold. A writer for Cosmopolitan tried a similar experiment and came to the same conclusion. Nobody but himself really noticed anything. It seems consciously enhancing your bulge only increases your awareness of the anxiety. You can now buy 'form enhancing' male underwear which is less fiddly but I expect the fundamental issue remains; i.e. that whilst they may give a degree of confidence they reinforce the anxiety that says you need such 'enhancement'. I couldn't recommend such as day-to-day wear for that reason. It's also hard to see how they'd be helpful for 'special occasions' - as they'd clearly make it even harder to face the moment of denouement; which frankly has been tough enough for me in the past, actually leading me to readily avoid such moments. I don't see the slight confidence boost is worth the extra stress. Unless the codpiece were to make a return.
  • 40. Shaving 'Shave your pubes and it'll look bigger' I'm told. I also tried that when I was young but it only had the effect on me of making my size all the more conspicuous. Plus this was in the 80's when nobody talked about such things, so it seemed a little deviant. I was suddenly intensely embarrassed not only that my cock was small but that if it were seen people would laugh horrendously at the idea I HAD shaved it to make it look bigger. Which I had! Now that I'm much older I have since shaved again occasionally. Not to appear bigger, but because it's an interesting look for a change. I kind of like the silkiness of the feel of my freshly shaved ball bag. And actually there's an empowerment in overcoming the intense embarrassment I felt in my youth. A defiance. It's my junk and I'll treat it how I want no matter what YOU may think. It also meant I could send my wife a dick pic while she was away that tickled and delighted her. Like it were a game. As if sexy things should be fun... If you do decide to shave read up on how to do it safely, you don't want to end up with an abscess on your goolies.
  • 41. How NOT to enlarge your penis There are seven basic ways that you can fail to enlarge your penis whilst diminishing your wallet. As a rule of thumb you can guarantee the effectiveness of these techniques is inversely proportional to: How effective they claim to be How easy they claim it is How much money they try to sting you for You also have to balance any claimed improvement against personal risk and because most of these methods are complete hogwash it can be impossible to know exactly what that risk is. Personally I'd prefer to hang on to my small perfectly functioning dick than to end up with a mangled, possibly atrophied, and still small member. Pills and lotions They will claim to be of pharmaceutical grade, but since they're not pharmaceuticals they don't get audited by the likes of the FDA so really you have no idea what's in them. Some products on testing have been known to contain e-coli and faeces. But hang on, can that be true? Poisoning your customer base can't be good business can it? Actually yes it can. These companies know their products don't work and it's highly unlikely anyone will ever make more than one purchase - so why go to the expense of making them safe? This is also why they typically do good multi-buy deals, suckering you into buying months' worth before you realise just how crap they are. And none of these actually work. If they did you could bet your bottom dollar they would be licensed medicines raking it in for the big pharma companies.
  • 42. Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £16-£40 ($20-$50) Nutrition Some enlargement methods steer clear of the whole expense of creating actual product. Instead they offer you a one-off training course; basically an eBook or a video link. Inside you'll find made up exercises and some basic nutritional advice. Nutrition is important during pregnancy and childhood, but no amount of special herbs and spices and greens is going to increase an adult's dick size. Balanced eating, weight control, good blood flow will all have a positive effect on your health and well-being - but this is all a matter of good nutrition and common sense. You don't need to shell out fifty dollars or so to learn that stuff. Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £40 ($50) Exercises There's lots of free info on the web describing a variety of largely pointless exercises. Regular concentrated stimulation MAY improve your perception of your penis and when you achieve a particularly strenuous erection you may well feel harder and stronger - which are good things. But you are not adding any extra length or girth; you're simply achieving your best erection. The problem with these methods is that they act like gateways. The sites you visit are designed to manipulate your psyche, to soften you up for the real sell. They are stuffed full of FREE information, oh and link after link after link to crappy pills and pumps you can buy. Obviously there's risk with any form of 'exercise' (please don't accidentally rip your penis off) but the deepest concern here is the psychology they reinforce or promote – the very idea that there is a significant problem to be addressed.
  • 43. Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £0 ($0) - unless they successfully brainwash you. Pumps Pumps work. For like an hour or so. They have no effect whatsoever on your next (pumpless) erection, except that over time they will be less firm. You do of course risk suffering a blow-out like an over inflated tyre, leaving you with ruptured blood vessels and bruising. Pumps are sometimes used as a temporary support in overcoming erectile dysfunction. So you may see them sold as 'medically approved' - but remember they are approved for temporary relief from ED, not as a medically recognised means to increase size. Pumps, I think, are pretty dangerous. There's a new type of 'hydro pump' available that claims precise control that a vacuum pump can't offer. The dangers of vacuum pumps are well known and this 'innovation' seems like a cynical attempt to market to the risk aware. You'll come across articles that attempt to gain your trust by decrying vacuum pumps - before linking you on to their hydro-pump sales pitch. Beware! Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £80($100) Weights Apparently hanging weights cause micro tears in the penis and the natural healing process causes cellular growth resulting in a, presumably scarred, but bigger penis. There's obvious risk of permanent damage and no certainty in the claim that they can add half an inch to your cock.
  • 44. Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £240 ($300 Self-injections Some people, I guess once all of the above has failed, turn to self-body modification and inject their own penises with filler material. If I wanted to increase my girth by half an inch, going to 4.5 inches, then 5 injections of 20ml filler would be needed. 10 if I wanted a high average 5 inch girth. 20 such injections if I was desperate for an impressive 6 inches of girth... I cannot even begin to imagine sticking 20 hypodermics into my cock, perforating it like a teabag. Not to mention the risk of hitting a blood vessel. For that reason I'm not even going to state the kind of filler people use. I cannot offer information that would help anyone do this! If you’re desperate for a lumpy bulging malformed dick work it out yourself. Except don't, please don't. Typical money wasted before you realise you wish you hadn't: £320 ($400) Magic You can go online and order a penis enlargement spell casting by email. There are even free spells available online, but when they don't work you might feel paying a powerful coven is required. In the greater scheme of things this seems relatively harmless. But of course it further propagates the myth that the solution for size anxiety is to increase the size, which is dangerous in itself. Also I find it deeply distasteful that a person's sense of faith (belief in magic) would be exploited in this way. Typical money wasted before you realise it's a scam: £16 ($20) Private medical surgery We can opt to spend thousands of pounds on what is currently pretty ineffective private medical intervention. There are three options to waste
  • 45. our money on: Liposuction Fat in the pubic mound can obscure the penis such that liposuction could add an effective 2cm. But of course that will return unless there's an accompanying weight control regime. A private plastic surgeon will happily do this every six months or so if you have the funds and don't mind routine surgery with its routine risks. Length extension It's possible to add a couple of cm to the flaccid length by surgically cutting the suspension ligament. Alas this doesn't increase the erect length but it does mean your erect penis no longer points up - so there's some additional fiddling on to manoeuvre it into position for sex. Girth increase Surgeons will inject fat or dead (cadaverous) cells for increased girth if you can't bear to perforate your own dick. But the results can be unsightly and this method is temporary as the body will absorb the cells. Typical money wasted before you're bankrupt and realise the minimal difference wasn't worth it: £4,000 ($5,000) + Sales techniques If you research the above yourself (and I hope you don't bother) you'll come to recognise repeated techniques that are used to encourage you to cough up your money. If you see any of the following techniques when reading about enlargement - steer well clear. These are the methods of shysters and snake oil merchants: Hyperbole Look out for obvious exaggerations and lies. They will tell you that "even an average penis is small to women". They will quote statistics without
  • 46. reference, out of date or discredited research - or their own 'research'. They will make outrageous claims like "add up to four inches" then qualify them in small print (results may vary) Ambiguity There will be pages and pages of hyperbole and disinformation with very little actually said about the product itself. Selling risk They will draw down on all the good information we have about how ineffective products of their type are. They will look like honest reviews telling you that pills don't work or vacuum pumps are dangerous - just to gain your trust. Then they will link off to the amazing new innovation that isn't like that - because they've found that one magic pill that does work (but of course it still doesn't). Click trails The normal online shopping experience tries to streamline the purchase process, with features like 'one-click add to basket'. This is because they want you to find it easy to buy so that you come back. Penis enlargement sales sites though know they are selling bullshit and the chances of repeat orders are slim. So if you want to buy something (but please don't) you get taken to page after page where they attempt to up-sell your decision. Testimonials And course they will have testimonials that are either completely bogus, or paid for, or come from some guy who's spent so much money he just HAS to believe the product works - but it doesn't. If you are tempted to shell out a daft $20, please don't. Aside from the various risks discussed you're helping to make the whole scam worthwhile - and therefore helping to ensnare others by keeping the whole thing going. Most of these scammers rely on thousands of 'daft $20' to earn their millions. Between us we can starve them out. But with so many methods and so much online content it's hard to believe there's nothing at all in any of it, isn't it?
  • 47.
  • 48. HOW TO ENLARGE YOUR PENIS The upside is, like all of the best lies, there are one or two grains of truth along the way. Some enlargement is possible - but to avoid the risks and disappointment you really do need to work with the system here; even though their realistic promises are nothing like the gains promised online. In the UK the NHS does use traction devices. They're a bit like the weights method but are much less harsh and won't snap your penis off! Over time they can make a difference of 1 or maybe 2 cm. You can gain up to 2cm through weight control. Reducing the pubic fat through dint of hard work instead of using regular liposuction procedures. So using these two methods you can safely enlarge your penis by up to an inch and a half (4 cm)! Up to 2cm of buried length can be freed up through a rigorous weight control regime. Up to a further 2cm can be added through the use of a medically supervised traction device. Both of these are long processes, taking maybe a year. If enlargement is that important to you it is achievable. There are plenty of people willing to take your money because you want an impossible increase or because you want it overnight or in a few weeks. But you need to consider how exploitable and vulnerable you are being when you look at these options. You can increase your size, but it takes effort, time and dedication. A more recent method is to use silicone implants that can apparently add a couple of inches to length and girth. You do have to be circumcised and it currently costs $13,000 plus flights to the US. The procedure is not even fully approved as yet. When I consider attitudes towards silicon breast augmentation though I wonder if there will be
  • 49. a culture of 'spot the falsie' for men too. Perhaps we risk trading size shaming for falsie shaming? As a special bonus I offer you one other choice at no cost, totally risk free and takes zero effort. This is my own specially devised method that you will not find anywhere else... The Original Almost Ruler
  • 50.
  • 51. Penis transplants The world's first wholly successful penis transplant is significant news - not just the re-attachment of a severed member but the transplantation of a donor penis. We have become accustomed to the idea of internal organ transplants and we're well aware of the risks of physical rejection. We understand the guilt and depression that a patient can feel following a transplant. We can weigh the impact of the surgery in the context of the significant physical illness the patient has been coping with - we can balance the significant trauma of the procedure versus what the patient has been suffering. We can even consider the risk of death they have been facing without the transplant. But a penis transplant is very different in many ways. The patient has not been staring death in the face and has not (necessarily) been through a seriously debilitating physical illness. Whilst there may be the potential for 'emotional rejection' of the received organ when considering (say) a kidney this possibility is much higher when considering a part of the body that is much more closely identified as part of "the self". We identify the outward expression of our bodies with our concept of self, much more than we do our internals. This is why people can readily submit to having great chunks of fat sucked out of themselves and discarded in liposuction procedures without then grieving for the loss. Conversely it is also why The Hands Of Orlac has inspired so many remakes and re- visionings. We are simply not comfortable with the idea that somebody else's hands can really become a part of our self.
  • 52. This may explain why an earlier attempt at penile transplantation ended with the patient asking for the procedure to be reversed after 15 days. So the news that there has now been a successful transplant certainly needs to be taken with caution. The Twitter-sphere's response (small dick guys rejoice!) may be worthy of a (grim) smile, but the stakes are high here. It is one thing to see transplantation as a cure for death, but quite another when we look upon it as a cure for life. Our society has not yet achieved a suitable degree of maturity regards its relationship with our bodies to adequately deal with this innovative procedure. We already find people conditioned to despise their penises so much that they are capable of spontaneously slicing them off and throwing them in to the trash. Imagine, if you can, the depth of repulsion you must have for a part of yourself to be able to do that. And this happened when the possibility of a transplant did not exist. When we lived in a world where the chances of coming back from such an extreme action were slim. How much easier will it be to take this drastic step when the end result could even be inheriting what is perceived to be a superior tool? I don't suggest for a moment that we will see small dicked guys joyously chopping their todgers off willy-nilly (ahem) in the hope of receiving an upgrade - but I do believe that as long as we foster self- loathing with regards to body image there will be more cases of mentally vulnerable men taking this step. There exist today many resources that facilitate a man's journey from anxiety to nullification. Humiliation fetishes involving chastity and the enforcement of worthlessness; extreme cock and ball torture (CBT) stories and computer generated images of dominatrix castrations. We have broken down the boundaries between reality and fantasy with regards what
  • 53. constitutes a normal and acceptable body. And now the reality of our medical capabilities is making our fantasies so much more attainable. But we all know how important it is to be 'careful what you wish for', as we recognise fantasies made real can be cruel. Consider King Midas.
  • 54. Small dick spotting T'Internet abounds with 'advice' on how to tell if a guy has a small dick. Nothing more clearly reveals the stupidity of collective thought! There are just too many myths surrounding this question. No, big feet does not mean big cock, nor vice-versa. The size of the nose does not correlate with the size of the dick. Sorry Pinocchio, it doesn’t matter how many lies you tell. There's a tenuous possibility that the ratio between your index and ring finger lengths may predict penis size. One study concluded that a longer index finger than ring finger indicates a smaller penis. I've no idea how safe a conclusion that is. I've no idea what possible practical help that might be to anybody. I wouldn't get hung up about it and I'm certainly not rushing out to buy mittens. From too, too many blog posts you'll see three varieties of personality 'signs' that he has a small dick: 1.Guys with small dicks are awful people He's angry He's a fighter He's cruel to animals He carries a gun He's a player (because nobody goes back for more) He's super macho He's got a massive ego He's cold and detached 2.Guys with small dicks are good people, but somehow that's bad He is the “Relationship Guy” He doesn’t Press You For Sex (he's not a player) He’s an Oral Overachiever He tries to look good and probably goes to a gym He bangs on about how size doesn't matter He's so emotional, like he has feelings
  • 55. 3.And simply weird shit He's been cheated on by all of His Ex's He never talks about his own cock He never discusses cock size He acts like a tortured soul He has a firm handshake He has expensive shoes His pants pockets are always full You can see this list is riddled with contradictions. In fact if you read enough of these articles you'd eventually conclude that every man on the planet has a small dick. They are bullshit. All of them. Steer well clear. I did see a report that said penis size has an inverse correlation to IQ. The idea that guys with small dicks are brainier was quite the hot topic for a while. But following the story through (and almost falling off the end of the Internet) it turns out there's no science behind this claim. Some bright spark had simply taken the inaccurate and deeply racist 'penis size map of the world' and overlaid it with national average IQ scores. Trying to support claims that all Black guys are dumb but hung and all Asians are evil geniuses with tiny nobs. Any attempt to correlate any aspect of a person to the size of their dick is simply judgement laden pseudoscience. People like to pretend their bigotry is rational. Nobody can tell if you have a small dick just by looking at you. Not even if you're naked. Unless you have a raging boner and they have an accurate ruler on them (like The Original Almost Ruler perhaps)
  • 56. What about "The Irish Curse" I came across the term "The Irish Curse" recently, which I'd never heard before and it piqued my interest as I have the strongest of Irish roots and, although my own dick is small, I'd never got the sense that it was an hereditary condition. So I gave a LOT of thought to the question of penis size versus race… Penis Size Myths Black men all have massive dicks Asian men all have tiny cocks Some of the vilest commentary around penis size centres on people's concept of race and despite these so-called 'politically correct' times, this is thinking that just hasn't gone away. ('Politically Correct' is also a vile term, as if universal respect is somehow a false construct). Race is a social construct used to oppress and also used to forgive atrocities (such as slavery and genocide). It has no basis in science which recognises that humans vary on a continuous scale. Belief in these myths is unquestionably a racist viewpoint. Yet we see endless reports on how the average penis size varies country by country, so perhaps you don't believe me on this matter? First of all, consider the quality of the data. Our best analysis of size to date comes from a review of 15,000 surveys of varying quality conducted worldwide over decades. Statistics work well over large datasets but when you zero-in on just one of around 200 countries the amount of data you have is very much reduced. These penis size-by-country reports are extrapolating data beyond any reasonable level of accuracy. They are pseudoscience and as such are fantasy. Clearer cases of ‘seek and thee shall find’ I have yet to see.
  • 57. But these interpolations chime so strongly with stereotypical (racist) views that it's very difficult to totally dismiss them. It IS possible due to common environmental and hereditary conditions that a specific place at a specific time throws up relatively larger or smaller dicks. It is possible that (say) Kenyans have typically larger dicks than the Vietnamese; which might be useful information if you're a sex pest sex tourist BUT that (unproven) possibility does not mean That 'Black' people have bigger dicks than 'Asian' people. Nor, that Kenyans always have big dicks Nor, that the Vietnamese always have small dicks This dubious 'knowledge' actually tells us nothing of value. It does allow us to oppress all people who look like they might be what we call Asian, if we were so minded. It also lets us heap up the anxiety stakes for black guys with small cocks. In short the only thing this so called knowledge does is to allow us to act like racists. All reasonable people have dismissed the politically oppressive concept of race that says stupid and often hurtful things like "all black guys have big dongs". Instead of 4 or 5 'races' we now recognise a fluid number of around 5,000 ethnicities. It's possible (but by no means proven) that a given ethnicity is prone to large prongs, but it is utterly misguided to confuse this with any sense of race. If you still feel that disquieting uncertainty about these myths remember: you were born into in a racist world, don't be a victim of its oppression.
  • 58. Lies damn lies Hands up who believes the latest research saying the average penis is 5.2 inches. Does this reassure anyone, is it at all helpful? As a guy who's spent a lot of his life in deep anxiety, it's always been hard to know what to believe. There are so many different views and arguments over the quality and interpretation of the data. And what does it matter to me if I'm 'only' 1.2 inches below average not 1.8 inches as I was yesterday? All I really get to take from this is that yet more years of intensive research have proved that I'm smaller than average. Thanks. The researchers hope this new analysis will help men who suffer size anxiety. Perhaps for some guys who are in 'the normal range' it will. Here are four social media comments I took particular note of: GG: who like me has suffered size anxiety growing up says "No matter how much research you do to find the new average, yours probably won't get any bigger - we get what we're given chaps, chin up and be happy." CC: Who so far as I know has never suffered size anxiety, says "Thank goodness! I've never wanted to be special." I suspect a lot of guys feel the same. [He goes on to say] "What each of us has is always going to be special, and normal, at the same time" - this is what it means to 'embrace diversity'. CA: brings a very useful and insightful female perspective, "It's still an obsession with size rather than function. While it may reassure some men, I think the emphasis should be on celebrating the difference rather than fixating on what's 'normal'." SJ: says "Who goes around measuring these things? A doctor? It's a bit rude...or teenagers?" Again making the point that obsession isn't healthy.
  • 59. This statistical view of humanity tries to say that 'normal' is any range that includes 95% of us (i.e., is within 2 standard deviations of the average). This feels dangerous. Guys with anxiety in 'the normal range' often don't get taken seriously and don't get the help they need. 'Normal' is also quite offensive. It means guys outside that range are implicitly thought of as being 'abnormal' - which isn't at all healthy. But we also have to ask ourselves, with so many people on the planet, how do we manage to preserve our sense of identity, our individuality, our humanity? The only way to achieve this is to recognise, and celebrate the things that make us unique. Whether that's a crooked nose, a rounded belly or a small penis. This constant comparison and emphasis on 'normal' forces us to reject the very things that make us special. It prevents us from learning to love ourselves. And that prevents us from learning to love others. Personally, I'd rather be anything other than normal, or average, or mundane. Vive la difference. Infinite variety, diversity, is the very thing that has made us a successful species.
  • 60. Little cocks rock! Here are some things that are unquestionable benefits of a smaller member. You might not feel as though they make up for what you think you're missing, but it's all part of a balanced view. The dodged bullet! Okay, so at some point somebody turned you down because of your dick size. Good! If dick size is that important to them it was never going to work anyway, so thanks for not wasting my time or draining my emotional energy. Plus, if a partner puts that much emphasis on that one feature they're not going to be capable of building a great relationship. It's fine for a partner to be happy with a big dick in a relationship if that's how things turned out. But if a relationship is built solely on that it won't be as fulfilling as expected. Fidelity Apparently, more women cheat on guys who have larger dicks than on guys with less. Surely not? Surely women putting up with little willies are more likely to need, crave something more? Bullshit. Thinking logically, if size is important to a partner it's likely they'll itch to try a little more. Conversely, if size isn't a significant motivator then the temptation to seek out bigger cocks isn't there. Only a belief that all women are primarily driven to desire big cocks would make you think that small guys are more likely to be cheated on. But that's not what happens. Women prefer (slightly) larger penises for one night stands than they do in a committed relationship. Hey, they're experimenting! And what they learn is, actually cock size ain't that much of a concern to them.
  • 61. Some of you will have personal experience to the contrary. But take heart - your experiences do not reflect the whole world. Erections Big cocks take a lot of filling up. My four inch dick can rise to the occasion at remarkable speed. In fact, even at fifty years of age I still achieve very firm erections. Larger cocks when in active use can seem less like blue steel and more like a floppy sponge! Going balls deep Sex can get somewhat rambunctious at times, with a guy powering in balls deep to the building crescendo of his partner's moans, gasps and ultimately possible screams... This is fine if you like your sex like that (and not everybody does!). This is just one of many coital scenarios. Many guys with size anxiety bemoan that they will never experience this. Bullshit. The power you imagine isn't from the penis per se; remember the penis isn't a muscle. The power comes from the legs, thighs, hips, arms, even buttocks! And the screaming, do you imagine that comes from the force of the meat being rammed relentlessly up into your partner? It may be a sweet kind of a fantasy, or a tense scene in a porno flick but, in general, women don't welcome a ripping bruising kind of a fuck. They tend to prefer the screaming to come from the breaking orgasm more than from the breaking pelvic bone. Get real. The truth is it’s way easier to balls deep power fuck with a small cock than a large one. If you like this kind of sex, you and your partner should crave the small dong much more than the weighty bludgeon. Public boners
  • 62. The last thing you want on a crowded commute is old ladies hanging their handbags and umbrellas from your embarrassing unexpected erection. I also suspect some larger guys feel quite objectified as they catch folk snatching glances at their fulsome crotch bulges and visible penis lines. For the majority of the time nobody wants their cock to be the centre of attention. I'm quite pleased my action pole packs away so neatly, and that when it does attempt to embarrass me by waking up at inopportune moments, it's relatively easy to conceal the matter. Ego check None of us are perfect, but that doesn't stop some of us thinking we are. It's quite possible that if it were not for my small cock I'd have ended up being a big dick. I know I have a propensity for arrogance and it could just be that in my case, my dick is small because the rest of it is in my personality ;) Concentrate on the right things Dominating powerful deep penetration sure sounds a hoot. It's probably a top rated fantasy, given how much it's portrayed in porn - oh yeah baby, deeper, harder, faster. It's such a ubiquitous idea, I can't help but think that IF I'd been born with such capacity I'd have spent my whole life on the Wham-Bam Thank You Ma'am merry go round. Happily pumping like an oil rig and grinning like a loon. Leaving a trail of ruined vaginas in my wake... With that kind of power would I have ever learned finesse? Well maybe. But maybe not! It's true, men can learn great love making skills irrespective of what they pack, but men can also be dumb brutes. Perhaps performance and size anxiety is just what's needed to give a little more motivation to learn such skills, a little sooner. I'm not suggesting you must learn oral to make up for a small cock, but rather perhaps your small cock benefitted you by encouraging you to learn such things..?
  • 63. It's great to be different There are an awful lot of guys with average cocks, who therefore need to find other ways to stand out from the crowd. With your own particular little blessing you stand out naturally. Sure that means some people aren't interested (but there's not so many of them) yet for everybody else you're implicitly noticeable. The first barrier in the courtship game is getting noticed. You might wish you were noticeable for other reasons (and you can be), but once you've been noticed you for this reason, people will be made aware of everything else that you are. There is no such thing as bad publicity. In this world of seven billion people, the greatest curse is to be average. Summary I know it's easy to diss all of these benefits. Okay so you agree that power fucking with a nine inch dick may not be possible, but a six inch power fuck must be better than a four inch power fuck surely, you think. Or perhaps you get angry at guys with mighty schlongs whining about being objectified because in your world you can't even begin to think how that's a problem. These benefits I've listed may feel like scant recompense for the hand you've been dealt, and you may dismiss them entirely on that basis. If so you may never find happiness or acceptance. But if you remain open to ideas, at least lay claim to some of these benefits that arise from your own unique self, you may just find the anxiety lifts enough for you to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • 64. What about humour? To change attitudes to body image you have to address the full spectrum. We can condition men not to use disrespectful language about women but we can't change the underlying value system that way. We have to talk about Universal respect for people Otherwise we’re just applying sticking plasters. We need powerful tools to change attitudes and humour is very good at this. It's fine to laugh at little willies and monster dongs. Things out of the ordinary are funny. We just need to avoid creating false judgements. Your dick's so small you wee on your balls - that happens and is funny in a groaning sort of way. "Terrorists must have small dicks" isn't funny. Isn't acceptable. Isn't even true. Acceptance doesn't mean denial. We have to be able to laugh at ourselves. But that laughter doesn't need to be mean-spirited.
  • 66. *by the way, you won't find "micropenis" in the grid because I don't actually consider it a valid term for any penis; see earlier for my reasoning…
  • 67. Self …or how to live with a small penis
  • 68. When do we start to feel small? I was never very self-aware as a teenager, but I was very shy and reserved. Age 11 through 16 we had to shower after gym twice a week in a communal arrangement, maybe a dozen shower heads. There was never much time as we had to get to our next class, so hanging back wasn't an effective strategy to avoid being seen naked. I always felt fine about my penis myself, as long as I was on my own. I felt comfortable in my own company and vulnerable in the company of others. I wasn't consciously aware I had a small dick back then and never really took notice of others. I remember once glancing up at a mate and seeing his cock dangle down his shorts leg and kind of thought "huh, that's big" - but I didn't make the link and think "I must be small then". I didn't have much social connection, so seeing him didn't, in my mind, reflect on me. That said I would try to avoid being naked. In the winter I'd change into my shorts while wearing my overcoat so others couldn't see me. One lad asked me why I did that and I just shrugged, I couldn't vocalise why, I just knew I didn't want to show my body. It was such a crushing thing; I hid it from even myself. When faced with it... I felt extra-human. Not sub or super human, but something different. Something apart from real people. Like I was a visitor to a strange planet. Obviously I had to get naked, many times but no one ever commented on other peoples' bodies in the locker room or shower. But they clearly did notice each other. Outside of gym I'd get an occasional comment about my small dick so eventually it sunk in for me. When I was about 15, I and another boy were changing following an after school badminton game. The other lad was chatting to me and I looked over just as he was naked and saw he had a very, very long dick. I remember noticing that. All in all I think it was a positive thing that we had to confront our nakedness and I'm surprised how little ragging or bullying it brought about.
  • 69. Then there came porn. The anxiety of my youth spread over me like a creeping shadow. It's very difficult to point at a single moment and say "THAT's when I felt inadequate". I remember a conversation at school about John Holmes (I guess a class mate had also discovered porn) where we laughed at the idea that he'd probably pass out from lack of blood if he got an erection. There was nevertheless a sense of awe for such a mighty tool. But I wouldn't necessarily blame porn - I was already anxious before even knowing what porn was. I guess at the heart of the issue is a basic shame of ourselves, which then takes a hold in specific ways as we grow up. If it weren't for my small penis perhaps I'd have grown up hating my 'innie' belly button! When I was 18 a good mate explicitly said "you don't have much there do you?" and from then on I grew more self-conscious about it. I still loved my dick (it's perfectly proportioned!) but in a plaintive, why can't it be bigger, sort of way. Throughout my twenties I was highly insecure. I met my wife age 30. I'd always be second to go to bed, getting undressed in the dark. If we went to bed together (as we would of course) I'd get into bed before taking my boxers off. It's taken her about 15 years to make me comfortable to be naked in front of her. Now I love my dick without reservation. Because she does. As a shy introverted guy I find my wife is an emotional amplifier for me. I'm never as happy as when she is and her tears will always impel me to cry too. So I think it's her obvious delight in my tackle that has finally allowed me to delight in it too.
  • 70. Pride and shame Firstly, I'm 100% certain I should not be ashamed of my penis; although I have been. Judging people (even yourself) for how they are born is, to my mind, a 'prime evil'. It is the very basis of eugenics and we need to stand against such ideology as strongly as we can! Pride is the flip side to shame. Other guys who are 'proud' of their big dicks are implicitly (and often explicitly) attempting to shame others. The idea that we should be prideful or shameful of what is between our legs is misguided. So if I cannot say I am proud of my dick, can I say I am totally happy, satisfied, with it? Would I 'trade it up' if I could? The human mind is a tricksy beast, and sometimes it can feel as though it is your own worst enemy - so can we ever truly know the answer to such questions? I have always really loved my little dick. Other people drove me to feel shame in it, but even then, at home in bed at nights it gave me SUCH pleasure! Now that I realise it CAN please others too, what anyone else thinks is utterly irrelevant. In fact, there's a perverse joy in thinking I can do with my 4 incher what you need 6, or 7 or even 8 inches to achieve. How potent must this little thing of mine be? Bloody good job it's only 4 inches! Do I want a bigger dick? No. I want to live in a world where that question is irrelevant. I loved my little willy when I was a horny 13 year old, and I love it now. The intervening years were all about hating myself in the context of a screwed up society. But do I REALLY love it? I keep using terms like "little willy". Doesn't that show self-deprecation and a true shame even if my mind is fooling me into believing I am happy? No! This is just acceptance. There is no doubt that a 4x4 inch willy IS small. I will not pretend otherwise. I revel in it. I have a small cock AND it brings me, and my wife, real pleasure. Packing so much joy into such a
  • 71. small cock is, to my mind, something rather special. Any fool can love a big dick - it takes real connection to love a little willy!
  • 72. Confidence (Why do we worry?) I've never had a wide circle of friends, I've always preferred to cultivate a small number of very close friends - which means inevitably and despite my shyness, most friends have seen my cock at some point; after gym, taking an alley wee, changing on the beach etc... But certainly not often, once or twice each at most. I've been far too anxious to go showing it off! I have pretty good friends, decent people and I've never suffered overt or relentless teasing. But, thinking back over these friendships now I realise that every one of my friends who have seen my (soft) cock have at some (later) point made a comment about my size. Just slight, one-off references. "You don't have much there do you?", "he's obviously way bigger than you". Not much from any of them, in no way could you characterise them as mean or bullying people. But, it doesn't take much to destroy a man's confidence in that department. These comments are so rare and minor that my friends would never have thought they could have such an effect. However I realise now that growing up, just about every friend that has seen me has made such a comment, albeit just once. The accumulation weighed heavily. It's interesting how even a single comment adds to the pool of negativity that we cultivate. I can't help but have those comments stick in my mind. My own memory taunted me for years. There's no way to undo that BUT now I've come to appreciate that "small" isn't an insult, it's just a fact. Instead of trying to forget the unforgettable I've changed my attitude to it. When I remember those moments now I do so with a smile. Yes, I have a small dick – but, you know, I've ended up happy. Neither my little dick nor my friends were the cause of my anguish. I was! My belief that not being 'normal' or 'average' was somehow a bad thing. I think in the long run, if my friends hadn't been gently truthful, I'd never have come to terms with being small. But still, society is obsessed with big penises. As a species we have lost all perspective.
  • 73. When we lived more in real local communities, when we couldn't get away from other people, who would find out everything they could about you (!) there was little choice but to come to terms with who you are. The same was true for everybody. So we may have admired big penises, but we all we knew they were pretty thin on the ground really. Now, we know less about each other and we see WAY more 'enhanced packages'. Every guy on the Internet is at least 7 inches it seems. The borders between fantasy and reality are breaking down. There's no issue with admiring or desiring a big cock. The issue lies in the illusion that they abound and that if you don't have one you're abnormal, alone. I'm highly successful at a lot of things and most people wouldn't have recognised me as suffering from a lack of self-confidence - but I think I created a shell. My lack of confidence in that area drove me harder to be successful in other ways. That's at least a positive thing. So it's a very mixed and complex story. My small penis has caused me to be distant from people, limited my sexual encounters, and left me emotionally very vulnerable. But on the other hand I'm highly driven and successful and when I do get close to a person I'm hugely loyal, supportive and caring. It's not a thing you can change, so look for and build on the positives.
  • 74. Talking about it A selection of interview questions Why is it important to talk about small penises? Penis size anxiety is very, very common to greater and lesser degrees. For some it's little more than an occasional uncomfortable embarrassment when questions of size arise, or when faced with a locker room. However, for others it affects what they choose to do - some men avoid going to the gym at all because of it. For others it's worse still and they find themselves breaking off relationships rather than 'going to the next level'. And at its worst the anxiety creates mental health problems and has led to suicide. Is it very hard for men to admit to being small? It's an incredibly difficult thing for most men to accept. We're flooded with mass media imagery (advertising and porn) that says a bigger penis makes you a better man. The world abounds with negative judgements like "terrorists must have small penises". So most men end up lying, rounding up their measurements or adding a good inch. This further inflates what people think is normal and more men fall into the trap of believing they have a small penis, when in fact they are average or more. How does it feel to admit to having a small penis? Initially it felt deeply shaming. But now there's almost a rebellious kick to it. "My dick is small, and so? Why should you care, I'm not going to f@ck you with it!!” I'm still pretty much in that mode, rebellious. So I don't think I've conquered the issue by any means. But happily declaring my individuality sure feels better than suffering in silence. Who did you first talk about it with, and how did it help (if so)?
  • 75. I first spoke to my wife. It helped in the way that sharing any burden helps. When you carry a secret you find moments where you continue a conversation inside your own head and you put yourself down. Once you've shared a secret with a person that doesn't happen, so much. At first talking with others you don't get much real comprehension - they haven't lived with the worry all their lives so they can't totally understand it, or believe it can be such a concern. This also helps, the more you talk the more you come to realise it's less of an issue to others than you thought. And, they start to better understand the delicacy of the issue. Most people aren't cruel. Most people make small penis jokes because they think they're being funny, not because they want to humiliate and hurt the people around them. By being open about your concern you give your friends and family the opportunity to be the best they can be. To support you by thinking about what they say and do. And people do react like this because actually, many men have secret worries like this to a greater or lesser extent themselves; and most people know what it's like to lack body confidence. Do you feel better or happier after talking openly about it? I do feel better and happier. Although it seems the whole world laughs at small penis jokes and uses "small penis" as an insult - it turns out that, unless you're in the school playground, people generally mean it only in an abstract sense. When you tell a person "I have a small penis", 99% of them are very supportive and all of a sudden that judgement you feel, of yourself, evaporates. The fear of discovery can dog your days forever - but the light of truth brings nothing but relief. A very small number of haters will hate, but this says more about them than it does about me. Aren´t you afraid of being stigmatised?
  • 76. For a thing I was born with, had no choice in or control over? No. Not at all. It is only fear that has the power to stigmatise you in this matter. Friends and family are amazing - they tell me that they are honoured to know a man that dared to voluntarily say this. They are good people. Most people are. Colleagues have not commented - which is how it should be as this has nothing to do with my function at work. That is respectful. It doesn't matter what they may think privately.
  • 77. How to find acceptance How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? None; the bulb will change itself when it is ready. The first hurdle is working out if you want to change, if ending the misery you feel is a true goal. 'Of course it is!' you may think, and if you've read this entire manual perhaps that's true. Unless reading this is just a form of procrastination. The human mind will harbour the fear that finding a 'cure' to your anxiety will suddenly make you responsible for who you are and how you feel. What if this reason for your misery is just a prop? What if, this one thing is fixed but yet you still don't find the happiness or the peace you crave? What then? Perhaps it's easier, safer, to cling on to this issue which you can at least identify. To know yourself in this way you simply have to inspect your actions. I said earlier that rigorous weight control or medically supervised traction devices can, over many many months, affect a limited length increase of some centimetres. Do you write that off as not worth the effort and instead buy pills you know are not going to work? Do you read everything here looking for reasons to refute what's said? Do you really want to resolve this issue? This is the number one thing you need to be honest with yourself about - you never need tell anyone else. If the answer is 'no', then the truth is you are looking in the wrong place. It could well be that exactly because penis size is impossible to significantly change, to ‘fix’; your tricksy mind has chosen it as a convenient hook for deeper concerns you don't want to look into. For myself, I have never been able to pin point an exact moment or event that triggered my anxiety. I was shy and body conscious before ever seeing another cock, before I had any awareness of cock size. As a very young child I would be, at times, mistaken for a girl. I grew up with two brothers that much older than me with whom it was always hard to be compared. I idolised my strong as an ox, take no shit, sometimes absent, father. This is where my anxiety sprang from, a deeper lack of self-confidence knowing
  • 78. that I was an accident, an afterthought, with impossible role models to live up to. I very often read in the online forums people describe themselves as "short, ugly, overweight, tiny-dicked"; clearly there is much more awry in their thinking than just penis size anxiety. If there are deeper issues, resolving your penis size anxiety may create the path to resolve those too. But if it seems impossible to find acceptance of your penis, you may need to address those deeper issues first. But hopefully, ultimately, you will be in a position to tackle this specific anxiety. But how? By fixing not the body, but the mind. If you try to 'fix' the body, if you continue to believe size is important to you, there's a very real danger that you will never have enough. I've seen stories of guys with 9 inch penises paying for enlargement surgery. When you take this route, there is no such thing as 'enough'. Even if you do take the (minimal) enlargement route it's vital that you also conquer your mental anxiety. There are three pillars to conquering anxiety Refuting judgement imposed on you Refuting your own judgments Embracing your own strengths You will probably have stored up a number of moments when you felt shamed by your penis and the echoes of those will rattle around your mind when you think of your penis today. But the past doesn't define who we are, it defines who we were. It is the here and now, the decisions we make, the
  • 79. actions we take today that define us. We can let history force our hand or we can recognise that the world constantly changes and some of that history is no longer relevant. So maybe in your teens or twenties somebody laughed at your dick. Those are naive times. That person may never have seen a real life dick before! It is completely invalid to think that reaction definitely will recur. Dismissing that recollection won't of course cure anxiety - but hanging onto it will prevent the cure. You should go through these recollections and dismiss those that are no longer relevant; you don't work there anymore; you don't hang with such immature people anymore... Clear out the noise, the old news. Prepare for a different thinking. Some of this history will still seem to be relevant. For years I hung onto the miserable memory of the moment my best mate laughed and said "you don't have much there do you?” But hang on; he's still my best mate. It was a one-off comment thirty years ago. He knows I have a small dick but here we are decades later. That knowledge has not poisoned our friendship. It's had no actual impact on me ever. So why should I hang on to that pain? Allow pain to disperse once you see it isn't still hurting you. Don't let old pains linger. But no matter how much you can dismiss because the world has changed or because you realise the pain is in the past there will be some moments that still linger, or new ones that hit you and leave you feeling wretched. Try to believe some of what has been laid out in this manual: "what if that person tells everyone?” what if they do? The majority won't care. But what if that one person I fancy hears and does care? Face the fact that there's no end of reasons why people are not compatible - but remember there are billions of people! Try to diminish the pain by dealing with facts not fears.
  • 80. This still leaves some, albeit diminished, pain. But we all suffer such, living creatures do. It's a mistake to try and eradicate all pain from life, because that's impossible. If we love we hurt. If we laugh we cry. Embrace your pains and hold them up against your joys and witness the beating rhythm of life. Seek balance. For years I never dared let my wife get a good look at my willy. Now that I'm over that, I get extra joy from stripping naked for her at every possible moment. So in dealing with shame inducing judgements imposed on you, try to Filter out the noise, some of these things have no impact anymore For those that still do, diminish the impact by dealing with facts not fears Embrace the rhythm of life, let yesterday's pain inform tomorrow's joy It will be difficult though to effectively refute imposed judgements while you continue to judge yourself. Penis size anxiety is riddled with comparisons with others. "What if her ex was bigger?"; "What if I'm the smallest in the locker room?" Whenever we compare ourselves with others we invite misery into our hearts because we inevitably compare what we see as the worst of our self with the best of the other person. If I feel I have a small willy, when I see a hung guy I may immediately feel inferior - as though that one thing itself is enough to define me as lesser. Sometimes we then go further. Feeling inadequate already we start to notice "huh, he's more toned as well" or "goddam he drives a Jaguar". We specifically notice all the ways that person 'outclasses' us - ignoring his twisted nose or attempted suicide scars or whatever else... Or we see a person who seems to
  • 81. outclass us in every conceivable way; they don't even have the grace to be arrogant! But these are all always highly superficial judgements because we don't know that person like we know ourselves. And most crucially we don't know what they have achieved for themselves versus what they were born with or have been gifted. Who's better: Usain Bolt 200m world record holder in 19.19s or Jason Smyth who won gold at the 2012 games in 21.05s? Smyth is blind yet Bolt couldn't even beat him by a full 2s... I'd suggest they are of equal stature. What matters is not how we compare with others but how we compare with our own best potential. It is not a question of who is the better person in any absolute sense, but who has made the most of themselves. Judge yourself against the best you can be, not the worst of whom you are. Judging yourself against your potential always reveals practical steps you can take to improve. Judging yourself against others though tends to reveal practical things you cannot overcome. The former is motivational, the latter highly depressive. As you start to consider "what IS the best I can be?" you necessarily uncover your strengths and you focus on them. This helps to shift your thinking from the negative obsession anxiety promotes. So is it possible to overcome penis size anxiety? Have I? As things stand today I believe so, yes. But there was no single moment of enlightenment. It has been around two and a half years since I took the bull
  • 82. by the horns (so to speak) and it is only as I complete this manual that I feel the peace may have truly descended. I have been through denial, anger, shame, humiliation and defiance to arrive here. I hope that this manual lends wings to your journey so that you may take a more direct approach. It's important to appreciate that the tactics for combatting anxiety come from a rational attitude which isn't always available at the hardest moments. You can only apply them when you can; until over time, over iterations, they take a hold.
  • 83. Some surviving phalluses (see Fig leaves)
  • 84. Sex …the small penis in the bedroom, or wherever your kink plays with it
  • 85. Rejection I was rejected, just once in my life, due to size. As we have established, size is not the most important thing for most women. Many have a preference for average or a little more, but women mostly value other things more. Some do need a large penis, and that is fine, none of us can expect to be compatible with everyone. The rejection was disappointing at the time but now I feel fine about it. I prefer rejection to a lie though. Saying it is big when it is not, or going through the motions. Pretend it doesn't matter IF it does. The truth may hurt a little bit at the time, but a lie will always end up hurting more.
  • 86. Does a small penis mean worse sex? No. As I say SOME ladies require bigger, but not so many. Sex is not all about deep penetration. And in fact a small penis will touch the clitoris where a larger one will glide past it - with good technique a small penis CAN bring amazing pleasure. The beauty of humanity is our infinite variety. There is so much more to sex than simply banging it in! More important than a big penis, is a big imagination.
  • 87. Virginity "What if my penis is too small to take a girl's virginity?" First of all virginity isn't a thing to be taken, obviously it is more properly given. Secondly, at what point is virginity given away? Clearly a simple kiss doesn't lead to a loss of virginity, but at the same time it feels a little rum to claim you're a virgin because you've only ever taken it up the arse! Many cultures use the concept of female virginity as an oppressive force. Certainly some people believe any form of vaginal penetration breaking the hymen 'ruins' a woman. Seriously? Women are castigated for sticking their fingers up their fannies? Girls’ hymens can break for any number of non- sexual reasons (such as riding bikes) but because of these attitudes broken- hymen-bicycle-riding-women are supposed to live in shame??? I've even seen folk claim that virginity only applies to women, that guys can't be virgins - presumably because they don't have a hymen to break... Madness. Virginity passes with the first sharing of an orgasm. This is possible between two (or more) people of any gender, with any size dick involved (or not) utilising any probes, cavities, crevices or creases that come in to play. So this question is really asking "is my dick big enough to tear a woman's hymen apart"? Put like that and, when considering the above, I hope you can see it isn't a question that deserves an answer. If your male ego has a lingering doubt about this, if you're sat thinking "yes, but a real man still COULD even though the question itself is wrong" then you may as well be asking "is my cock big enough to rape a girl". Your thinking is THAT wrongful. Your cock should be a toy, not a weapon.