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Began: 12:12 PM 6/9/2014
By Joel Brooks
Originally entitled "Fission - My Vision"
By J.E.A. Brooks
2+2 = 3 is made up of twos and threes. However in reality, only two. The right side in our
equation is a sort of a deviant control.
1+2+2= 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. The value placed on the numeric object is not fully represented. It is in
fact underrepresented in most cases . But the potential and value are in fact on a gradiant
scale, typically greater in value whether in positive or negative impact on the solution.
The basis is a complex deviant solution in appearance, and though Pi comes into play, as well
as basic geometric equilateral laws, in the equanometer it is far more complex due to the time
variants described passing as positives and negatives. Athough I must say, triangles are very
key. Whatever time they come from.
The deviant in this equation is IT.
But 2=2
Therefore 1+2 equalling two is in the negative (for instance) due to the deviant factor IT
imposed. Sorry I was so negative, I had to learn some logic.
Last but not least, the deviant or polluting change factors always make the answer in relation
to the original equation's left side, illusory. But only if not put in order of control, solution,
and test. And only if time cannot really slow IT down. Although only the solution, slowing time
down, is the solution. It makes for grafting the graphs a lot more elightening.
In other words, you break. You die. But you never go away. Change equals Vision and it's
fizzing and not fizzling. Coming soon: the power to fuck safely and have unlimited energy.
Now that's love!
To my one love: Life itself.
Table of Contents:
I. Other People's Smoke Will Kill You
II. There is No 13.
III. You had better VV.
V. It's not sean.
VI. It's a budding fallout.
VII. Why I: Ill
VIII: Why II: Chill
IX: Why III: Thrill
I. "Other People's Smoke Will Kill You"
The fall of the hydrogen petal is the rise of a larger, better source of energy than
life itself can withstand within the solar system to have opened as Pandora would on our
song within it's engineered to date primordial consequence. That is only to date,
tragically, not to marry the possibilities as they stand in all totality. But what can stand the
test of time? Only time itself. Goodbye love.
The time represented here, culminative of thirty six years of learning life's
mysteries came apoun a desk nearer to my heart than I could almost handle. Mine own,
that is. Braver are I to withstand the time test leaving lover gone from wicked deceipt
than I could almost bear to two, rather than one mad theory attest. What I present will
almost to some, appear to be the two in question, but fear not, I am loyal and do not
cheat, it is one solely of my own. Only the solution can be for the greater good of the
common source we all will tap in the divine flow that allows it to be so.
Saving our children are perhaps those two too wicked principles bereft of oar,
those of the engineers of our modern technologies. Einsteins relativity in its virtous non
linear defining expansion on the basis of mathematics and virtual realities we all thrive
on, and simply Newtonian, showing that the apple never falls far from the tree. The
source in question, though quite invisible, is an ever present source, flowing with it's
fibrous plasmatic proton induced and neutron conglomerated essence tapped with the
finest of stuff available to the modern day supercolliding genius. Hope he bumps into me
after I am through with this exploratory reference point, which came to me in part as a
study of Nuclear Regulatory Codes, Fault lines in Continental and smaller plates in the
Earth, and Quantum mechanics, which defined a planetary alignment on March 11, 2011
that only happens every one hundred and and eighty seven or so thousand years, to our
great relief. Light the years seem without these moving events.
Triglomerate pattern synchronisms in arrears of mid- wifing the support to both
contain and release the power is at large. Translation: triangles more than ever, within the
scientific community and creating the ever present Holographic Data Systems, are the
key. As well as the lock.
Fission, as some may scoff, is the consistant flow (now get this) the pattern
behavior of the observed, therefore existant particles within the sphere radiating from
centeredness and balance. It is in conciousness, the spectacle of resilient resistors to allow
containment at this, or that, or the very moment in present day technology. To this point,
it has been a "catch me as you can" problem with a very allusive subject matter. Literally,
matter. Matter of the highest potency imaginable.
Others will claim the equation came to them, and the variant principle as its key,
map, and compass. Of this I can only pray. However there is one language life
understands as its most love preserving and leveling, healing and forgiving (and
rewarding) premise: HONESTY. I myself do not claim to be able to grasp the internal
mathematical solution we are capable of reaching based on the equation I bring to light. It
is far more numbers than my petty brain could ever hope to contain all at once and
therefore process to an absolute enlightenment of what I do propose.
If any one of these geniuses can honestly take the stature of resistance to the
persistance of the illusion of time as defined within relativity and, urge overkill, re-
explain this to the extent found here, God speed and two to the head. Big ones. You're
gonna have a hell of a time when you don't tongue tie everyone for miles, believe you
me. And so it begins. Gentlemen! Start your engines! Fission is here at long everlasting
dead beat first.
Chapter II: "There is no 13."
Unlucky the fall of Rome in New Testament, it poses the legally binding
consequentially debated logic systems to work overtime in modern society. Will history
itself ever let it go? There is only one constant in life, and that is change. The only
constant in Fission is the same. And change IT does, ever and always. IT is the only
matter I can say which says "IT", as a matter of fact can go from dead to almost eternal
energy for all who are so bright. There is only one in history who has done as such as
well. He lives in eternity, much as my work lives in hell. Just a little Catholic humor for
you there people. Could be good. Could be very good. Could be the most harmful theory
Are theories harmful? Just as I once said about my medicines, they are not
harmful. The abuse of them is.
To date more than one in theory is to seize the opportunity to construct and
idealize founders glory in it's retreating glance at their cheating lover's quarrel over a
misprinted conjecture. Or perhaps that is just my failing belief in my own idealogical
basis stemming from a highly overrated non- enrolled but attendee degree of mine own.
Translation: I am an independent study fanatic who attended up to and including brown
league universities trading notes with various professors of high degree, but with what
degree of objectivism do I claim to have the status to submit this as a fact of my own
findings to the scientific community? It is to my understanding that Thomas Payne wrote
a book which is the basis of our, being America, countries policy and course of action. It
is however, more truthful in number to point out that "The Wealth of The Nation", both
preceeding and post dating the American Revolution most completely explains the
formation of our "successful" democratic society. And the numbers, they always change
based on a table which is indeed, great physics. Bought into and preserved, made
common practice and historical and theoretical, must I say, proof, by the hard earned
dollars of the working class man. It is by these same precepts of common sense, with
which I hope to earn your very valuable ears. Please do read on.
In order to reach the basis of my conclusive equation, which summarizes the
entire point of Fission in symbol and number, theory and antithetical argumentative
points, therefore tying up and summarizing the deviants purpose in the long hand
calculations as well as closing any doubts that may linger, I took on this. This was to say
that I was judging the calculations needed as to the possibility of such an energy and it's,
though ever changing quality being present in a most extreme fashion; this is to the
possibility of this very source being captured and trained for our purpose and I am here to
say, we can, will, and do. My next study will be The Loch Ness Monster, and how to get
him to serve me my biscuits and earl grey. Not.
Basically, what I am saying in this chapter is that there is no unlucky number.
There is no line on the left of the symbol for change that makes it absolute. There is no
way that Friday the Thirteenth will ever be known as anything but a day of slaughter and
mayhem. But I recently read about a serial killer who maimed and dismembered corpses,
was a practiced cannibal, and yes, took lives from this Earth. I also read that he is a
present day released and rehabilitated human who is an active celebrity artist. So suspend
your disbelief, the entire left side of the equation is change. Change is what it is in
essence. This is what makes it so very elusive.
I am not talking about a fluctuation in power. I am talking about the very core
structure of it's very particular (joke there) structural makeup in various phases of the
process that is symbolic of the rapid cycling of the birth and death of matter. It is not
quite the same thing as a simple power fluctuation. And it is never quite the same thing
again. Just kidding. That would make this defunct. Let's move on to the right side. The
fun stuff happens there.
The lesson here is to imperfectly retire and reorganize (or vice versa) the current
co - existing climactic cleansing chaos theory sattelites beating the tortoise to hair's
breadth amazingly always being ahead of the race all day, every day manipulatuion of our
virtual knowledge of nature's due course. And we never have a bad hair day. I need to get
mine cut. Thanks for telling me ahead of time, Einstein.
You see, Holographic Data Storage when prolongated into spectrum systemic
reactive and collective bargaining of the data can, will, (does) safeguard in full enough
spectrum the alignment to its interior, in theory. Combined with the predictive
movements within chaos theory, it forms a very complete barrier for this wildebeast to be
contained within.
I have done alot of reading into the nature of this spectacle of dark violators,
itching to grab the nearest flow streaming like a magnetic lover into the depths of its very
largess prosthetilized and energized sarcophogal remains. This is not a killer for sure, but
sure acts it.
Don't get me wrong, there have been some really ingenius mass killers. Take for
instance, Hitler. He fixed the German economy in no time. He just said, "That's not yours,
it's mine." Economy fixed, and recess at kindergarden permanently. All of the German
students advanced, and the rest is well, a war, you know.
This brings me to a very powerful point. What else can Fission do? Lets just put it
this way. In the future, don't be surprised if the President calls a press conference and says
to them "Hey John, I'll take your question in a minute. Thank you Mr. Crapper, I know
you have a lot of stuff on your mind. But I also know you have it in your bank account.
So anyway, I have called this meeting to announce to all of you exactly what happened in
the night sky overnight. Well, you see we just took out Mars and Venus. The whole men
are from Mars thing, women are from Venus was getting to be too much of a heated
problem. So we took them both out on a rather permanent date. Historical date. That is no
longer an issue. Equality of the sexes is important people. Alright, yes we will, indeed
start with John Crapper, "the Fifth". What's your question? Mars and Venus, yes. Don't
forget to wipe."
No kidding. What a vision, Fission.
Chapter III. "You had better VV."
"Stupid id add stoop id does..."
Something I often remind myself before and after completing a chapter. My
identification was entirely out of left field, running for the end zone at the speed of light
while ignoring the fact that all I had to do to get a hit, was slow the hell down. So let me
try that now.
Let's start with the English alphabet. Each character represents a different value,
or sound, vibration if you want to get really different and talk like a physicist. Each
vibration creates an entirely different effect. It also must begin with an entirely different
process in the formation of the sound. In the beginning there was the word, a big one (I
assume) and you were off and communicating. Much in the same way, the numeric
values of these charted states of matter in their exponentially varying processes both
determing and by IT's energy, have a sort of calling card of their own. They speak to us,
as they should, I'd be kind of worried if all I was made up of decided not to talk to me
In a different way, Llhama Govinda in his brilliant work: "Transcendental
Meditation and Multi Dimensional Conciousness" described to us the characteristics of
the basic sanskrit seed syllables and the way in which they alter the physics of
conciousness. (Something else I can't do the math on) Each individual value however, is
completely ignorant of the next phase of development it's very own makeup will induce.
Does that sound familiar? Let's talk turkey.
H is the breath of the Universe. It is also way up there as an element on the
periodic table of elements. O is always round. Universally so, and therefore the precursor
to adjoining the expansion of all things at all times. Periodically as well, blowing our
minds. M and M alone is the mortal vibration. Perhaps someone should tell Marshall
Mathers. A is for aspiration, and ascension through the dimensions which one can step
into (theoretically) and peek on your favorite stars nightly activities. U is the sound of the
immortal in the mortal. It doesn't take a Trekkie to recognize that all of their badges were
a symbol to "live long and prosper", though perhaps a bit wired and ascue. That, by the
way was complimentary, referring to the initial fact of the expanding longevity of U.
We've made it this far, let's go one step further.
In fact what all this means to us is that we have a system that is all very relative to
the very things IT, in IT's various values when strung together and broadcast over
different powers of wavelength can portray and in fact create in our lives. The language
of love is in fact, love itself. That is a point which I don't expect to be argued. But the
word love does not, unless properly formed, pronounced, identified with, used, and put
into action have it's full and very exquisitely life fullfilling and changing, energetic effect
unless I say so. Trust me, that's what I tell them all, why is this real? Because I say so.
And I do so. And I am saving up all that I can to make sure when we are at end, the ends
get us around the bends. That is what Fission is all about. An ever changing, huge source
of energy to light up the world, that is most characteristic so far, only of Romeo and Juliet
if they in fact were modern day physicists. This does not concern me anymore. As any
good Catholic can tell you, science is a demon to be dealt with in an even handed, logical
fashion. Only to be believed over religious statutes by those lacking in faith. I hope I can
convince all you devils to continue reading.
You see, I saw Satan on the beach, trying to catch a ray. He wasn't quite the speed
of light, and the Squirming Coil, it got away. Much as has the mutating property mass of
matter which, if we could capture and manipulate internally and externally, IT would lead
us to a far more unimaginable amount of transistor coils humming with raw electricity far
and wide, but either IT, or us is squirming a bit too much. And when you try too hard to
capture love, you find that the only way to indeed maintain is to let IT go.
I can't let IT go, then it would truly be free, and who the hell gives away almost
unlimited power for free? (besides Tesla) Besides my fiancee, of course, no one that I
know. At least in their right minds, or even perhaps in their wrong ones.
You see the value placed on the matter in question, by one such writer, who wrote
a book that sold more copies than the Bible in it's year of release and made him a
billionaire, is not an anti- thing. It was by that particular party amongst others, who all
referred to IT as anti- matter. I have spoken of Demons. Now let us speak of Angels.
Indeed an Angel who is living from within the light of GOD, or even Good
Orderly Direction, can make sure all of his deliveries are on time and recieved well, and
come in nice tight little ordered bits of divine energy spent well on the subject at hand.
"The delivery went well. Congratulations."
Satan, being an Angel who has fallen, very much so compares to the modern day
assumption on anti-matter. It can be contained, barely, and is mortally deadly with hellfire
involved when it comes into contact with the matter alive and regulated around IT.
I am here to tell you that IT is neither Angel nor demon, and that with the future
vision of the popular scientific community, what should not be in question is the use of
anti matter, but the matter which is left when it is reintroduced to living particles. That
my dear friends, coming from something which kills particles, is matter of an entirely
different nature. The ironic nature of my thesis here, is that (besides the proof of my
drinking joy) the anti- matter is not in it's in fact final state of flux when it will be
contained. IT is in fact still undergoing a process very easily seen in the way in which IT
was given birth, in theory, of course. If we reintroduce ourselves having brought IT in to
the world with the proper language of love, Fission (I keep calling IT) is not such an anti-
matter to the world around IT's seeded, grown, and now birthed identity as would have
other very popular, and might I say as a matter of fact, fictional, self existant preserving
Fission is like the sound released in creation in the Hopi religion, very comparable
to the Big Bang, or well people, in the beginning the "word" is bond. In the beginning
there is a vibration, it explodes with such incredible force and velocity that what it leaves
around it is altered completely. The state of the particles when they are observed after
they are touched much believeably so by the antithesis of Fission is that they are very
much so, shattered in their very light reflecting and therefore observable energies or
presence, and by all means usefullness to us for a near eternity, or dead. But much as
Atomic energy is brought about after isolating and containing a single source of very
unique properties and causing it to go about a splitting much akin to the splitting and
reproduction of cells in a growing fetus, or our replenishing bodies, this is only the
isolation factor. I know I am not alone in seeing this as a very common sense thing. Time
will tell, let me tell you.
We must sing to our babies in the womb, help them along. Of course all of the
most crucial stuff in the long run happens in the delivery room, but we cannot say we just
have a dead baby on conception, assume it is a demon which will kill everything on birth,
and leave it alone, can we? Know we don't. Viva Vegas, we play the numbers and win a
big life long lesson.
Chapter IV. "3=VV"
Time is of the very essence. What we are talking about, as I am sure any of the
number of you who have followed me to this point, is anti - matter. It doesn't matter, and
neither does anything around IT if let run free with no bridges to doing independent good,
which society has proven can only be done, by contributing to others and not usually by
killing them. This is why I turn drug dealers who are doctors as well as doctors who are
drug dealers away, all in the dark, I am sure, but less in the "read" than they can claim to
make a cure. All in a nights work.
Let me make a scary thought for you. Your engine is much like what we need. It is
a spark, an ignition, it is then heat and combustion, it drives a mechanism which in turn
produces the (fusion shows us) electrical and mechanical and chemical energy to drive IT
home every day. In between routine government inspection, of course. Was that hard? I
don't know, license took me one try, IT's the car that forever eludes me with the solution
in that order. I am hoping after this to "take two", because I smoke too much if I "take
five" and so does my vision. Mechanics rule the world if you let them. Yes, electrical,
mechanical, and chemical in reverse order is all about the fives. If you notice in the
theorem that solves the puzzle, there are no fives. In "test" there are two. In control, there
is "one". But in the solution, as one officer pointed out to me, not taking five is the key.
Take one, then take two, take three, then take four, then at the very last...take five. While
you got it going on, don't just get it on people's. But I am jumping way ahead to Chapter
VII., where I will explain why 1+2+2= 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. I will leave the subtraction, our
division, and it's multiplicands simply as the exponent. We will cover just one. One is all
that is needed. As I am sure you have figured out by now. But my control lends itself to
the solution. So, without further Mountain Dew, let me roll away to this in the morning
hue before the riddle is dead to you. And I love "ewes", he said sheepishly.
It relates to the computer that is IT's closest relation, and they, in a way, regulate
each other. Unless you know a lot about circuitry and axles and internal diametrics in
power distribution, in which case, go NASCAR. Or you could be like that Italian bookie
limo service owner I once lived with, and drive your Ferrari around with a suitcase full of
cash for the tickets. Either way, time is the money factor. And don't let anybody tell you
IT is all relative. IT is a lot more dangerous than your average engine on the road. Either
way, you gotta pay if you want IT to drive that way.
Which brings me to another point. We could be talking about Fusion, and bridges,
and engineering, and Nuclear Physics, and power structures regulated by the same
government who classifies people such as myself under one umbrella and puts us on the
shelf. But if I called IT "Fusion", I don't believe it would do justice to the absolute
potential and integrity of this big wheel turning petal on the pedals of energy. IT is the
difference between I and U, the forever debated spelling and grammatical structure which
places IT, or fusion, in an "I" sort of way in a class by itself. Beauty is in the "i" of the
beholder. I hope this is how you feel, as well the S.S. , in a class by yourself. Remember
to share. Any questions can be related to I answer every, yes,
EVERY letter that comes in relation to this particular work. I say "I" is right for one, but
"U" is also right for you. Nothing to lose sleep over counting sheep. That's just love.
I ain't mad at ya. I got nothing but for love for you. Do your thing. But before you
read on, I have a suggestion. Make sure you have initially familiarized yourself with this
books INDEX. Otherwise I will be the mad hole puncher who made the mess on the floor
to bind up the book, and then said "Huh. Musta snowed." What you will be missing, is
that I checked the weather previous to the punch, and drunk on it all, dreamed of a white
Christmas down the hall. Simple, but you might not appreciate if you don't give it atleast
a precursory glance. IT is going to get a bit more technical around the edges from here,
peeps. Word play with number play, with driving me, madder than the maddest of hatters.
Take a look and you will see into your imagination. No mushroom cloud, I assure you.
Not until the prologue.
Just as the Atomic Bomb was not Nuclear Power Plant ENERGY, this is not anti -
matter. This is Fission, my vision. Not only is my eye sight 20/13, but my hind sight as
you will see if you read on, is as well. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind, that this,
good people, is the bomb. As fine tuned past e-mail corresponding acquaintences of mine,
"Bear" and "Babbs" I am sure would agree with me in a disgusted, common sense sort of
twisted - twister "you said it mister" sort of way, IT is far from over for all of us at once.
The clocks gone wild, time is running out, it is time to talk some basics with all of you
before I fly over the cuckoos nest one last time. Time is of the essence, and one rotten
apple weighing as much as a good one, could fall just as quickly in to my Cracker Barrel
if I don't make haste. So let me give all of you, one enormous glance into the history
which indeed proves to all of you who absorb, knowledge is power, and IT's time to play
"A- men? B- men. C- men? D- men! E! Men. F, Men. G, Men, Hi J. Its K. LMNTREE isn't just for girls. I write fiction, and comedy, and other things too. U I
O. OZENOZ WHO? Don't worry we're all over before halftime. Go Ducks! Go
Engineers! Go EWES! Just go. And do me a flavor, hurry up and buy!"
Here it is, love!

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Here it is, love!

  • 1. Began: 12:12 PM 6/9/2014 "IT'S LOVE!" By Joel Brooks
  • 2. Originally entitled "Fission - My Vision" By J.E.A. Brooks Test Solution!!!
  • 3. Control... 2+2 = 3 is made up of twos and threes. However in reality, only two. The right side in our equation is a sort of a deviant control. 1+2+2= 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. The value placed on the numeric object is not fully represented. It is in fact underrepresented in most cases . But the potential and value are in fact on a gradiant scale, typically greater in value whether in positive or negative impact on the solution. The basis is a complex deviant solution in appearance, and though Pi comes into play, as well as basic geometric equilateral laws, in the equanometer it is far more complex due to the time variants described passing as positives and negatives. Athough I must say, triangles are very key. Whatever time they come from. The deviant in this equation is IT. IT=2 But 2=2
  • 4. Therefore 1+2 equalling two is in the negative (for instance) due to the deviant factor IT imposed. Sorry I was so negative, I had to learn some logic. Last but not least, the deviant or polluting change factors always make the answer in relation to the original equation's left side, illusory. But only if not put in order of control, solution, and test. And only if time cannot really slow IT down. Although only the solution, slowing time down, is the solution. It makes for grafting the graphs a lot more elightening. In other words, you break. You die. But you never go away. Change equals Vision and it's fizzing and not fizzling. Coming soon: the power to fuck safely and have unlimited energy. Now that's love! To my one love: Life itself.
  • 5. Table of Contents: I. Other People's Smoke Will Kill You II. There is No 13. III. You had better VV. iV.3=VV V. It's not sean. VI. It's a budding fallout. VII. Why I: Ill VIII: Why II: Chill IX: Why III: Thrill Index Citations Prologue I. "Other People's Smoke Will Kill You" The fall of the hydrogen petal is the rise of a larger, better source of energy than life itself can withstand within the solar system to have opened as Pandora would on our song within it's engineered to date primordial consequence. That is only to date,
  • 6. tragically, not to marry the possibilities as they stand in all totality. But what can stand the test of time? Only time itself. Goodbye love. The time represented here, culminative of thirty six years of learning life's mysteries came apoun a desk nearer to my heart than I could almost handle. Mine own, that is. Braver are I to withstand the time test leaving lover gone from wicked deceipt than I could almost bear to two, rather than one mad theory attest. What I present will almost to some, appear to be the two in question, but fear not, I am loyal and do not cheat, it is one solely of my own. Only the solution can be for the greater good of the common source we all will tap in the divine flow that allows it to be so. Saving our children are perhaps those two too wicked principles bereft of oar, those of the engineers of our modern technologies. Einsteins relativity in its virtous non linear defining expansion on the basis of mathematics and virtual realities we all thrive on, and simply Newtonian, showing that the apple never falls far from the tree. The source in question, though quite invisible, is an ever present source, flowing with it's fibrous plasmatic proton induced and neutron conglomerated essence tapped with the finest of stuff available to the modern day supercolliding genius. Hope he bumps into me after I am through with this exploratory reference point, which came to me in part as a study of Nuclear Regulatory Codes, Fault lines in Continental and smaller plates in the Earth, and Quantum mechanics, which defined a planetary alignment on March 11, 2011 that only happens every one hundred and and eighty seven or so thousand years, to our great relief. Light the years seem without these moving events. Triglomerate pattern synchronisms in arrears of mid- wifing the support to both contain and release the power is at large. Translation: triangles more than ever, within the scientific community and creating the ever present Holographic Data Systems, are the key. As well as the lock. Fission, as some may scoff, is the consistant flow (now get this) the pattern behavior of the observed, therefore existant particles within the sphere radiating from centeredness and balance. It is in conciousness, the spectacle of resilient resistors to allow containment at this, or that, or the very moment in present day technology. To this point, it has been a "catch me as you can" problem with a very allusive subject matter. Literally, matter. Matter of the highest potency imaginable. Others will claim the equation came to them, and the variant principle as its key, map, and compass. Of this I can only pray. However there is one language life understands as its most love preserving and leveling, healing and forgiving (and rewarding) premise: HONESTY. I myself do not claim to be able to grasp the internal mathematical solution we are capable of reaching based on the equation I bring to light. It is far more numbers than my petty brain could ever hope to contain all at once and
  • 7. therefore process to an absolute enlightenment of what I do propose. If any one of these geniuses can honestly take the stature of resistance to the persistance of the illusion of time as defined within relativity and, urge overkill, re- explain this to the extent found here, God speed and two to the head. Big ones. You're gonna have a hell of a time when you don't tongue tie everyone for miles, believe you me. And so it begins. Gentlemen! Start your engines! Fission is here at long everlasting dead beat first. Chapter II: "There is no 13." Unlucky the fall of Rome in New Testament, it poses the legally binding consequentially debated logic systems to work overtime in modern society. Will history itself ever let it go? There is only one constant in life, and that is change. The only constant in Fission is the same. And change IT does, ever and always. IT is the only matter I can say which says "IT", as a matter of fact can go from dead to almost eternal energy for all who are so bright. There is only one in history who has done as such as well. He lives in eternity, much as my work lives in hell. Just a little Catholic humor for you there people. Could be good. Could be very good. Could be the most harmful theory ever. Are theories harmful? Just as I once said about my medicines, they are not harmful. The abuse of them is. To date more than one in theory is to seize the opportunity to construct and idealize founders glory in it's retreating glance at their cheating lover's quarrel over a misprinted conjecture. Or perhaps that is just my failing belief in my own idealogical basis stemming from a highly overrated non- enrolled but attendee degree of mine own. Translation: I am an independent study fanatic who attended up to and including brown league universities trading notes with various professors of high degree, but with what degree of objectivism do I claim to have the status to submit this as a fact of my own
  • 8. findings to the scientific community? It is to my understanding that Thomas Payne wrote a book which is the basis of our, being America, countries policy and course of action. It is however, more truthful in number to point out that "The Wealth of The Nation", both preceeding and post dating the American Revolution most completely explains the formation of our "successful" democratic society. And the numbers, they always change based on a table which is indeed, great physics. Bought into and preserved, made common practice and historical and theoretical, must I say, proof, by the hard earned dollars of the working class man. It is by these same precepts of common sense, with which I hope to earn your very valuable ears. Please do read on. In order to reach the basis of my conclusive equation, which summarizes the entire point of Fission in symbol and number, theory and antithetical argumentative points, therefore tying up and summarizing the deviants purpose in the long hand calculations as well as closing any doubts that may linger, I took on this. This was to say that I was judging the calculations needed as to the possibility of such an energy and it's, though ever changing quality being present in a most extreme fashion; this is to the possibility of this very source being captured and trained for our purpose and I am here to say, we can, will, and do. My next study will be The Loch Ness Monster, and how to get him to serve me my biscuits and earl grey. Not. Basically, what I am saying in this chapter is that there is no unlucky number. There is no line on the left of the symbol for change that makes it absolute. There is no way that Friday the Thirteenth will ever be known as anything but a day of slaughter and mayhem. But I recently read about a serial killer who maimed and dismembered corpses, was a practiced cannibal, and yes, took lives from this Earth. I also read that he is a present day released and rehabilitated human who is an active celebrity artist. So suspend your disbelief, the entire left side of the equation is change. Change is what it is in essence. This is what makes it so very elusive. I am not talking about a fluctuation in power. I am talking about the very core structure of it's very particular (joke there) structural makeup in various phases of the process that is symbolic of the rapid cycling of the birth and death of matter. It is not quite the same thing as a simple power fluctuation. And it is never quite the same thing again. Just kidding. That would make this defunct. Let's move on to the right side. The fun stuff happens there. The lesson here is to imperfectly retire and reorganize (or vice versa) the current co - existing climactic cleansing chaos theory sattelites beating the tortoise to hair's breadth amazingly always being ahead of the race all day, every day manipulatuion of our virtual knowledge of nature's due course. And we never have a bad hair day. I need to get mine cut. Thanks for telling me ahead of time, Einstein.
  • 9. You see, Holographic Data Storage when prolongated into spectrum systemic reactive and collective bargaining of the data can, will, (does) safeguard in full enough spectrum the alignment to its interior, in theory. Combined with the predictive movements within chaos theory, it forms a very complete barrier for this wildebeast to be contained within. I have done alot of reading into the nature of this spectacle of dark violators, itching to grab the nearest flow streaming like a magnetic lover into the depths of its very largess prosthetilized and energized sarcophogal remains. This is not a killer for sure, but sure acts it. Don't get me wrong, there have been some really ingenius mass killers. Take for instance, Hitler. He fixed the German economy in no time. He just said, "That's not yours, it's mine." Economy fixed, and recess at kindergarden permanently. All of the German students advanced, and the rest is well, a war, you know. This brings me to a very powerful point. What else can Fission do? Lets just put it this way. In the future, don't be surprised if the President calls a press conference and says to them "Hey John, I'll take your question in a minute. Thank you Mr. Crapper, I know you have a lot of stuff on your mind. But I also know you have it in your bank account. So anyway, I have called this meeting to announce to all of you exactly what happened in the night sky overnight. Well, you see we just took out Mars and Venus. The whole men are from Mars thing, women are from Venus was getting to be too much of a heated problem. So we took them both out on a rather permanent date. Historical date. That is no longer an issue. Equality of the sexes is important people. Alright, yes we will, indeed start with John Crapper, "the Fifth". What's your question? Mars and Venus, yes. Don't forget to wipe." No kidding. What a vision, Fission. Chapter III. "You had better VV." "Stupid id add stoop id does..."
  • 10. Something I often remind myself before and after completing a chapter. My identification was entirely out of left field, running for the end zone at the speed of light while ignoring the fact that all I had to do to get a hit, was slow the hell down. So let me try that now. Let's start with the English alphabet. Each character represents a different value, or sound, vibration if you want to get really different and talk like a physicist. Each vibration creates an entirely different effect. It also must begin with an entirely different process in the formation of the sound. In the beginning there was the word, a big one (I assume) and you were off and communicating. Much in the same way, the numeric values of these charted states of matter in their exponentially varying processes both determing and by IT's energy, have a sort of calling card of their own. They speak to us, as they should, I'd be kind of worried if all I was made up of decided not to talk to me anymore. In a different way, Llhama Govinda in his brilliant work: "Transcendental Meditation and Multi Dimensional Conciousness" described to us the characteristics of the basic sanskrit seed syllables and the way in which they alter the physics of conciousness. (Something else I can't do the math on) Each individual value however, is completely ignorant of the next phase of development it's very own makeup will induce. Does that sound familiar? Let's talk turkey. H is the breath of the Universe. It is also way up there as an element on the periodic table of elements. O is always round. Universally so, and therefore the precursor to adjoining the expansion of all things at all times. Periodically as well, blowing our minds. M and M alone is the mortal vibration. Perhaps someone should tell Marshall Mathers. A is for aspiration, and ascension through the dimensions which one can step into (theoretically) and peek on your favorite stars nightly activities. U is the sound of the immortal in the mortal. It doesn't take a Trekkie to recognize that all of their badges were a symbol to "live long and prosper", though perhaps a bit wired and ascue. That, by the way was complimentary, referring to the initial fact of the expanding longevity of U. We've made it this far, let's go one step further. In fact what all this means to us is that we have a system that is all very relative to the very things IT, in IT's various values when strung together and broadcast over different powers of wavelength can portray and in fact create in our lives. The language of love is in fact, love itself. That is a point which I don't expect to be argued. But the word love does not, unless properly formed, pronounced, identified with, used, and put into action have it's full and very exquisitely life fullfilling and changing, energetic effect unless I say so. Trust me, that's what I tell them all, why is this real? Because I say so. And I do so. And I am saving up all that I can to make sure when we are at end, the ends get us around the bends. That is what Fission is all about. An ever changing, huge source
  • 11. of energy to light up the world, that is most characteristic so far, only of Romeo and Juliet if they in fact were modern day physicists. This does not concern me anymore. As any good Catholic can tell you, science is a demon to be dealt with in an even handed, logical fashion. Only to be believed over religious statutes by those lacking in faith. I hope I can convince all you devils to continue reading. You see, I saw Satan on the beach, trying to catch a ray. He wasn't quite the speed of light, and the Squirming Coil, it got away. Much as has the mutating property mass of matter which, if we could capture and manipulate internally and externally, IT would lead us to a far more unimaginable amount of transistor coils humming with raw electricity far and wide, but either IT, or us is squirming a bit too much. And when you try too hard to capture love, you find that the only way to indeed maintain is to let IT go. I can't let IT go, then it would truly be free, and who the hell gives away almost unlimited power for free? (besides Tesla) Besides my fiancee, of course, no one that I know. At least in their right minds, or even perhaps in their wrong ones. You see the value placed on the matter in question, by one such writer, who wrote a book that sold more copies than the Bible in it's year of release and made him a billionaire, is not an anti- thing. It was by that particular party amongst others, who all referred to IT as anti- matter. I have spoken of Demons. Now let us speak of Angels. Indeed an Angel who is living from within the light of GOD, or even Good Orderly Direction, can make sure all of his deliveries are on time and recieved well, and come in nice tight little ordered bits of divine energy spent well on the subject at hand. "The delivery went well. Congratulations." Satan, being an Angel who has fallen, very much so compares to the modern day assumption on anti-matter. It can be contained, barely, and is mortally deadly with hellfire involved when it comes into contact with the matter alive and regulated around IT. I am here to tell you that IT is neither Angel nor demon, and that with the future vision of the popular scientific community, what should not be in question is the use of anti matter, but the matter which is left when it is reintroduced to living particles. That my dear friends, coming from something which kills particles, is matter of an entirely different nature. The ironic nature of my thesis here, is that (besides the proof of my drinking joy) the anti- matter is not in it's in fact final state of flux when it will be contained. IT is in fact still undergoing a process very easily seen in the way in which IT was given birth, in theory, of course. If we reintroduce ourselves having brought IT in to the world with the proper language of love, Fission (I keep calling IT) is not such an anti- matter to the world around IT's seeded, grown, and now birthed identity as would have other very popular, and might I say as a matter of fact, fictional, self existant preserving
  • 12. entities. Fission is like the sound released in creation in the Hopi religion, very comparable to the Big Bang, or well people, in the beginning the "word" is bond. In the beginning there is a vibration, it explodes with such incredible force and velocity that what it leaves around it is altered completely. The state of the particles when they are observed after they are touched much believeably so by the antithesis of Fission is that they are very much so, shattered in their very light reflecting and therefore observable energies or presence, and by all means usefullness to us for a near eternity, or dead. But much as Atomic energy is brought about after isolating and containing a single source of very unique properties and causing it to go about a splitting much akin to the splitting and reproduction of cells in a growing fetus, or our replenishing bodies, this is only the isolation factor. I know I am not alone in seeing this as a very common sense thing. Time will tell, let me tell you. We must sing to our babies in the womb, help them along. Of course all of the most crucial stuff in the long run happens in the delivery room, but we cannot say we just have a dead baby on conception, assume it is a demon which will kill everything on birth, and leave it alone, can we? Know we don't. Viva Vegas, we play the numbers and win a big life long lesson. Chapter IV. "3=VV" Time is of the very essence. What we are talking about, as I am sure any of the number of you who have followed me to this point, is anti - matter. It doesn't matter, and neither does anything around IT if let run free with no bridges to doing independent good, which society has proven can only be done, by contributing to others and not usually by
  • 13. killing them. This is why I turn drug dealers who are doctors as well as doctors who are drug dealers away, all in the dark, I am sure, but less in the "read" than they can claim to make a cure. All in a nights work. Let me make a scary thought for you. Your engine is much like what we need. It is a spark, an ignition, it is then heat and combustion, it drives a mechanism which in turn produces the (fusion shows us) electrical and mechanical and chemical energy to drive IT home every day. In between routine government inspection, of course. Was that hard? I don't know, license took me one try, IT's the car that forever eludes me with the solution in that order. I am hoping after this to "take two", because I smoke too much if I "take five" and so does my vision. Mechanics rule the world if you let them. Yes, electrical, mechanical, and chemical in reverse order is all about the fives. If you notice in the theorem that solves the puzzle, there are no fives. In "test" there are two. In control, there is "one". But in the solution, as one officer pointed out to me, not taking five is the key. Take one, then take two, take three, then take four, then at the very last...take five. While you got it going on, don't just get it on people's. But I am jumping way ahead to Chapter VII., where I will explain why 1+2+2= 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. I will leave the subtraction, our division, and it's multiplicands simply as the exponent. We will cover just one. One is all that is needed. As I am sure you have figured out by now. But my control lends itself to the solution. So, without further Mountain Dew, let me roll away to this in the morning hue before the riddle is dead to you. And I love "ewes", he said sheepishly. It relates to the computer that is IT's closest relation, and they, in a way, regulate each other. Unless you know a lot about circuitry and axles and internal diametrics in power distribution, in which case, go NASCAR. Or you could be like that Italian bookie limo service owner I once lived with, and drive your Ferrari around with a suitcase full of cash for the tickets. Either way, time is the money factor. And don't let anybody tell you IT is all relative. IT is a lot more dangerous than your average engine on the road. Either way, you gotta pay if you want IT to drive that way. Which brings me to another point. We could be talking about Fusion, and bridges, and engineering, and Nuclear Physics, and power structures regulated by the same government who classifies people such as myself under one umbrella and puts us on the shelf. But if I called IT "Fusion", I don't believe it would do justice to the absolute potential and integrity of this big wheel turning petal on the pedals of energy. IT is the difference between I and U, the forever debated spelling and grammatical structure which places IT, or fusion, in an "I" sort of way in a class by itself. Beauty is in the "i" of the beholder. I hope this is how you feel, as well the S.S. , in a class by yourself. Remember to share. Any questions can be related to I answer every, yes, EVERY letter that comes in relation to this particular work. I say "I" is right for one, but "U" is also right for you. Nothing to lose sleep over counting sheep. That's just love.
  • 14. I ain't mad at ya. I got nothing but for love for you. Do your thing. But before you read on, I have a suggestion. Make sure you have initially familiarized yourself with this books INDEX. Otherwise I will be the mad hole puncher who made the mess on the floor to bind up the book, and then said "Huh. Musta snowed." What you will be missing, is that I checked the weather previous to the punch, and drunk on it all, dreamed of a white Christmas down the hall. Simple, but you might not appreciate if you don't give it atleast a precursory glance. IT is going to get a bit more technical around the edges from here, peeps. Word play with number play, with driving me, madder than the maddest of hatters. Take a look and you will see into your imagination. No mushroom cloud, I assure you. Not until the prologue. Just as the Atomic Bomb was not Nuclear Power Plant ENERGY, this is not anti - matter. This is Fission, my vision. Not only is my eye sight 20/13, but my hind sight as you will see if you read on, is as well. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind, that this, good people, is the bomb. As fine tuned past e-mail corresponding acquaintences of mine, "Bear" and "Babbs" I am sure would agree with me in a disgusted, common sense sort of twisted - twister "you said it mister" sort of way, IT is far from over for all of us at once. The clocks gone wild, time is running out, it is time to talk some basics with all of you before I fly over the cuckoos nest one last time. Time is of the essence, and one rotten apple weighing as much as a good one, could fall just as quickly in to my Cracker Barrel if I don't make haste. So let me give all of you, one enormous glance into the history which indeed proves to all of you who absorb, knowledge is power, and IT's time to play ball." "A- men? B- men. C- men? D- men! E! Men. F, Men. G, Men, Hi J. Its K. LMNTREE isn't just for girls. I write fiction, and comedy, and other things too. U I O. OZENOZ WHO? Don't worry we're all over before halftime. Go Ducks! Go Engineers! Go EWES! Just go. And do me a flavor, hurry up and buy!"