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MILITIA: What’s in a Word?
By DavidZuniga
According to blogger and former DIA and DEA agent Jeffrey Prather, World War III came and
went, unremarked. I agree with him; the evidence is shot throughout society in Europe and
America. Every American felt the impact, and our lives were forever altered.
But we were never informed of World War III, because one enemy of the American People is
the mainstream media corporations and Big Tech, who determine what you will hear, see, and
know. Or at least that is their goal.
In America, Bush I and Bush II were the conductors of WWIII. I will not here dispute the
preposterous, Orwellian official story of 9/11. Forty years of “who killed Kennedy?” followed by
two decades arguing the alien physics required by the official story was quite enough.
But no one can dispute the fact that Bush II erected a permanent Gestapo State in the name of
‘War on Terror’, and that the Bushes and Clintons maintained very close relations. I believe that
all the evidence suggests that the Deep State, with Bush II in the conductor seat for that part of
the show, pulled a magnificently shrewd, horribly ruthless hoax on us all. Now, an entire
generation has grown up as clueless sheep, devoid of logical thinking or moral foundation. The
perfect population to be herded to and fro by media, to believe whatever the globalists want
them to believe. Slaves.
Terror is astoundingly simple and terribly effective. It opened World War III with a bang (several
bangs, actually), and the globalists’ assault on nationalismwas underway. Now we are fighting
(or sitting out and scratching our heads in) World War IV.
For a chilling introduction to the sociopaths’ worldview, watch anything produced by World
Economic Forum or its creator, Klaus Schwab. Their plan, which they call the Great Reset, is to
dissolve all countries into one world government. The only way they can do it is to destroy a
people’s love of country, devalue individual liberty or make it unattainable, and if necessary,
destroy the people’s sanity.
Learn toSmell the Gas
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which an entity or group covertly sows
seeds of doubt in an individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception,
or judgment. It may evoke deep cognitive dissonance and depression, by using denial,
misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation labeled ‘fact-checking’, gaslighting attempts to
destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s beliefs. If you’ve read George Orwell,
watched any of the television networks (now including FOX) or if you have used Facebook or
Twitter, you recognize gaslighting.
Tactics include denying that incidents occurred, to belittling the victim’s emotions and feelings,
to removing their social media posts or banning them entirely, demonetizing their pages, and
even staging bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim. The goal
of gaslighting is to gradually undermine the victim’s confidence in their own ability to
distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, or reality from delusion, and to render the
victim(s) pathologically dependent on the gaslighter for ‘facts’.
Face it, especially if you are still wearing a mask on your face most days: you’re being
gaslighted, and complying with your tormentor. You are unwilling to listen to whistleblowers in
virology and epidemiology because…well, “it might cost me my job!”. Now you know how Hitler
and Stalin did it.
Donald Trump talked about globalist monsters for years; then ran for and won the presidency;
then tried valiantly to fight the power…except that he was the Grand Poobah of the ChinaFlu
gaslighting operation, including pushing Bill Gates’ vaccine right up through his last week in
office, when he also went along with media, and blamed his own fans for the Antifa false flag
vandalismon January 6 at the Capitol. Perhaps the DC police can keep that operation secret,
but two of its officers have already committed suicide, knowing the truth. Yet Trump acted
So. We don’t know about Trump. We’ve issued our challenge to him and hope for the best. But
in any case, Washington DC is absolutely, positively exposed now as the domestic enemy of
these sovereign States, of our Constitution, and of rule of law.
Evil men and women will never be satisfied with what they have. Their entire existence is about
having more. More money, more power over others, and more control over ‘their world’ as
they see it. Things have ever been thus. Human nature will not change.
TACTICAL CIVICS™: How We The People Win the War
Of course, the framers of our Constitution knew all of this, but we slept and played for six
generations and now reap what we have sown.
We have reiterated from the outset of this mission: repentance is Job One. Until Americans
begin to turn from our old ways and repent before God, we will keep losing ground to our
enemies. God has His ways of exacting judgment on hardheaded mankind.
For instance, in Genesis 16:11-12, God decrees that Ishmael (the progenitor of Islam) will
forever fight against everyone. See what a handy antagonist God has in the world, when He
wants to judge a stiff-necked people! But the same applies to the evil, ruthless globalist; God
uses Satan and his minions to do His bidding. Consider the Book of Job, Chapter 1. Before
recounting the loss and slaughter that comes to the family of Job, note that it is God Himself
who asks Satan, “Have you considered My servant, Job?”
Of course, God also employs repentant people, to rebuild walls. Read Nehemiah and see how
sincere repentance in prayer preceded their repentance in action; then they repaired the walls
of the city.
What we refer to as the Deep Axis is the alliance of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) with
American Communism and with the D.C. Deep State, all of mainstream media, multinational
corporations, Big Tech, Hollywood, liberal universities (which is most of them), and corrupt
political operatives in both parties (most party functionaries).
The Deep Axis will lose this war, if Americans are repentant. Think about it: DC organized crime,
even backed by the CCP, cannot defeat even the responsible remnant within the 80-120 million
most productive, best-armed, most normal souls in America. When our mission attracts half of
1% of the total population, about 1.6 million Americans, the average County Militia will have
500 members; large counties will have ten times that number. The constitutional Militia -- not
some bogus 'national guard' invented in 1903 by Congress in direct violation of the Constitution
-- is America's organic 'antibody' system.
Remember: constitutional Militia is the only law enforcement stipulated in our highest law.
Thus, Americans have to take up our duties; this is a matter of life and death for our Republic.
Numbers are the most important early consideration. The second most important factor in this
early-stage mission is our members' attitudes and our overall optics. Our leadership team is
strict about our brand and the appearance and attitudes in our online Training Center, which is
technically not a forum but a classroom. This war is not kinetic; it is mental and emotional.
Gaslighting and widespread lawlessness can easily be beaten...but we need tactical, strategic,
and PR intelligence, the most vital aspect of which is our members' emotional intelligence.
Perception isReality
I know plenty of fellows who look like Hell’s Angels, but whose hearts are committed to Jesus,
and who do excellent work in the fields of the LORD. But human beings are affected by
appearances; or as the marketing gurus like to say, perception is reality.
The Internet has been a Wild West show, raising hackles and flame wars; too often
transforming Christians into cursing, angry buffoons. In my own online interaction I've had to
tame my keyboard over the years, and still am not where I want to be.
The regnant attitude in private armed groups today has too long been displayed with a biker
gang look ('badassery'); with Punisher Skull imagery, foul language, and an air of rebellion.
Beijing Biden will use this to try to disarm America in 2021, and the criminals in Congress will
help him.
Sure, these 'threepers' know how lawless and corrupt government is; but they come off as
thugs or malcontents. (And please notice that far too many in paid law enforcement do so, as
The Average timid, frightened, confused American certainly won't join or honor that way of life.
It won't grow. It will never allow us to execute on our mission. So American Militia 2.0™ is our
attempt to change the image of Militia. Not only by helping citizens to establish constitutional
Militia units as the Founding Fathers demanded. But also by minding our words, attitudes,
personal grooming and the like...making the word Militia not only acceptable, but honored
once again.
Using the 'M' Word
First, we must reclaim our language. The enemy wants to take the word Militia...a 1,000-year-
old institution, and stipulated in our highest Law. So our response is: rather than give it up or
shy away from it, we will help Americans to proudly bear the name Militia by cleaning it up, to
demonstrate to quail-hearted Americans what the word really means.
It's like the word 'choice' being twisted to mean killing babies. It's like the word 'gay' (happy)
meaning sexual pervert. Now they want to destroy America by making the only constitutional
law enforcement into a pariah? That's not going to happen.
We will enforce the Constitution by putting forth a professional law enforcement message, not
a message of rebellion. American Militia 2.0™ will be a shining new public relations and briefing
project for new Militia units, doing what We The People demand of ourselves in the
Constitution (the Founding Fathers were bright fellows, with an extensive command of
To see how well the Constitution will serve us, consider this. By refusing to push through a
county Militia ordinance, existing armed groups have no defense when they are put on
Beijing/Biden's FBI short list. And that agency, by standing against We The People doing what
we stipulate in the Constitution, also have no defense. The FBI has nowhere to hide. Certainly
not the Constitution; the agency itself is unconstitutional.
Thus, We The People in America's 31,000+ small towns can turn this tide of evil, nurtured in the
festering big cities. Washington DC does not control us; We The People by law
control them! But only as we enforce the Constitution, not law of the jungle.
Rule of Law Means The Law Rules
Can any FBI operative show where We The People authorize his agency in the Constitution? Of
course not. In fact, neither can any sheriff or policeman.
The gaslighting project that began in Lincoln’s war and the new D.C. master's reconstruction of
America, Congress and courts slowly ratcheted forward a very un-American police state to
dishonor, mislabel, and subvert We The People’s only law enforcement force in the
I am not overstating the case. That steady war against our organic systemof self-defense will
now become the point of the spear for Team Beijing/Biden, throughout 2021 and beyond,
unless America successfully reverses the overthrow, to win the war.
But let no arrogant, lawless 'official' obscure or evade the central fact of law in this Republic: by
LAW, We The People are the only authority above the Constitution, and we stipulate in that
LAW that we have authority and duty to be armed, trained, and ready to defend ourselves
against any domestic enemy -- such as the one now attempting to gaslight us all into
submission, and to overthrow our rule of law.
Politicians in D.C. and state palaces seeking to disarm and sideline the American People are a
clear and present danger to these united States.
In Switzerland, the law requires every family member over a certain age to be well-trained in
firearms use and maintenance because they are all members of the Swiss Militia. When
Congress, with absolutely no authority granted by us in the Constitution, began in 1903 to
dismantle, re-label, and nationalize an armed force, those 'laws' were and are no laws at all. We
the People never granted such powers to Congress.
The constitutional Militia is the most important institution by which We The People can defend
ourselves against domestic enemies who attempt to do what the U.S. Congress and the bogus
Beijing Biden crew are doing, right now in 2021, after stealing the election.
They did not simply steal an election; they are attempting to overthrow America. The only
way to certify that this is not the case, is to perform a full forensic audit on every actual paper
ballot cast in the 2020 election. Any precinct not able to 'find' ballots is admitting to a felony.
Any future election using the existing foreign-programmed, foreign-controlled voting
machines is a further attempt to overthrow America. Every future election must eliminate
mail-in ballots. We must demand in-person voting, with ID verified, and vote canvassing
forensically audited, with County Militia observing the count, and with each paper ballot
clearly visible in a permanent record for a minimum of five years.
Many Republicans are in on this crime, and rolled over in record time once the fix was in.
Politicians care only about their powerful life continuing in DC, and to Hell with us
World War IV is America against the Deep Axis, including our bent politicians. We The People,
their collective sovereign, have a duty to protect and defend our families, homes, and hard-won
liberty via educated, briefed Grand Jury panels and duly legitimized Militia units in every
American county.
At TACTICAL CIVICS™ we will recruit, train, support, and organize as many of those 80-120
million Americans as we can, so help us God, as we repent before Him, for having never done
our duty over the Constitution. May He hear our prayer, and save our land.
TACTICAL CIVICS™ is a membership based action advocacy organization with a solid LAWFUL and PEACEFUL plan
to restore Constitutional enforcement locally, statewide, and nationally.
Here is an 11 Minute Video about TACTICAL CIVICS™.
Here is the TACTICAL CIVICS™. website:
Copyright 2021 AmericaAgain! Trust

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Militia whats in a word by david zuniga

  • 1. MILITIA: What’s in a Word? By DavidZuniga According to blogger and former DIA and DEA agent Jeffrey Prather, World War III came and went, unremarked. I agree with him; the evidence is shot throughout society in Europe and America. Every American felt the impact, and our lives were forever altered. But we were never informed of World War III, because one enemy of the American People is the mainstream media corporations and Big Tech, who determine what you will hear, see, and know. Or at least that is their goal. In America, Bush I and Bush II were the conductors of WWIII. I will not here dispute the preposterous, Orwellian official story of 9/11. Forty years of “who killed Kennedy?” followed by two decades arguing the alien physics required by the official story was quite enough. But no one can dispute the fact that Bush II erected a permanent Gestapo State in the name of ‘War on Terror’, and that the Bushes and Clintons maintained very close relations. I believe that all the evidence suggests that the Deep State, with Bush II in the conductor seat for that part of the show, pulled a magnificently shrewd, horribly ruthless hoax on us all. Now, an entire generation has grown up as clueless sheep, devoid of logical thinking or moral foundation. The perfect population to be herded to and fro by media, to believe whatever the globalists want them to believe. Slaves. Terror is astoundingly simple and terribly effective. It opened World War III with a bang (several bangs, actually), and the globalists’ assault on nationalismwas underway. Now we are fighting (or sitting out and scratching our heads in) World War IV. For a chilling introduction to the sociopaths’ worldview, watch anything produced by World Economic Forum or its creator, Klaus Schwab. Their plan, which they call the Great Reset, is to dissolve all countries into one world government. The only way they can do it is to destroy a people’s love of country, devalue individual liberty or make it unattainable, and if necessary, destroy the people’s sanity. Learn toSmell the Gas Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which an entity or group covertly sows seeds of doubt in an individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment. It may evoke deep cognitive dissonance and depression, by using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation labeled ‘fact-checking’, gaslighting attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s beliefs. If you’ve read George Orwell,
  • 2. watched any of the television networks (now including FOX) or if you have used Facebook or Twitter, you recognize gaslighting. Tactics include denying that incidents occurred, to belittling the victim’s emotions and feelings, to removing their social media posts or banning them entirely, demonetizing their pages, and even staging bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim. The goal of gaslighting is to gradually undermine the victim’s confidence in their own ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, or reality from delusion, and to render the victim(s) pathologically dependent on the gaslighter for ‘facts’. Face it, especially if you are still wearing a mask on your face most days: you’re being gaslighted, and complying with your tormentor. You are unwilling to listen to whistleblowers in virology and epidemiology because…well, “it might cost me my job!”. Now you know how Hitler and Stalin did it. Donald Trump talked about globalist monsters for years; then ran for and won the presidency; then tried valiantly to fight the power…except that he was the Grand Poobah of the ChinaFlu gaslighting operation, including pushing Bill Gates’ vaccine right up through his last week in office, when he also went along with media, and blamed his own fans for the Antifa false flag vandalismon January 6 at the Capitol. Perhaps the DC police can keep that operation secret, but two of its officers have already committed suicide, knowing the truth. Yet Trump acted clueless. So. We don’t know about Trump. We’ve issued our challenge to him and hope for the best. But in any case, Washington DC is absolutely, positively exposed now as the domestic enemy of these sovereign States, of our Constitution, and of rule of law. Evil men and women will never be satisfied with what they have. Their entire existence is about having more. More money, more power over others, and more control over ‘their world’ as they see it. Things have ever been thus. Human nature will not change. TACTICAL CIVICS™: How We The People Win the War Of course, the framers of our Constitution knew all of this, but we slept and played for six generations and now reap what we have sown. We have reiterated from the outset of this mission: repentance is Job One. Until Americans begin to turn from our old ways and repent before God, we will keep losing ground to our enemies. God has His ways of exacting judgment on hardheaded mankind. For instance, in Genesis 16:11-12, God decrees that Ishmael (the progenitor of Islam) will forever fight against everyone. See what a handy antagonist God has in the world, when He
  • 3. wants to judge a stiff-necked people! But the same applies to the evil, ruthless globalist; God uses Satan and his minions to do His bidding. Consider the Book of Job, Chapter 1. Before recounting the loss and slaughter that comes to the family of Job, note that it is God Himself who asks Satan, “Have you considered My servant, Job?” Of course, God also employs repentant people, to rebuild walls. Read Nehemiah and see how sincere repentance in prayer preceded their repentance in action; then they repaired the walls of the city. What we refer to as the Deep Axis is the alliance of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) with American Communism and with the D.C. Deep State, all of mainstream media, multinational corporations, Big Tech, Hollywood, liberal universities (which is most of them), and corrupt political operatives in both parties (most party functionaries). The Deep Axis will lose this war, if Americans are repentant. Think about it: DC organized crime, even backed by the CCP, cannot defeat even the responsible remnant within the 80-120 million most productive, best-armed, most normal souls in America. When our mission attracts half of 1% of the total population, about 1.6 million Americans, the average County Militia will have 500 members; large counties will have ten times that number. The constitutional Militia -- not some bogus 'national guard' invented in 1903 by Congress in direct violation of the Constitution -- is America's organic 'antibody' system. Remember: constitutional Militia is the only law enforcement stipulated in our highest law. Thus, Americans have to take up our duties; this is a matter of life and death for our Republic. Numbers are the most important early consideration. The second most important factor in this early-stage mission is our members' attitudes and our overall optics. Our leadership team is strict about our brand and the appearance and attitudes in our online Training Center, which is technically not a forum but a classroom. This war is not kinetic; it is mental and emotional. Gaslighting and widespread lawlessness can easily be beaten...but we need tactical, strategic, and PR intelligence, the most vital aspect of which is our members' emotional intelligence. Perception isReality I know plenty of fellows who look like Hell’s Angels, but whose hearts are committed to Jesus, and who do excellent work in the fields of the LORD. But human beings are affected by appearances; or as the marketing gurus like to say, perception is reality. The Internet has been a Wild West show, raising hackles and flame wars; too often transforming Christians into cursing, angry buffoons. In my own online interaction I've had to tame my keyboard over the years, and still am not where I want to be.
  • 4. The regnant attitude in private armed groups today has too long been displayed with a biker gang look ('badassery'); with Punisher Skull imagery, foul language, and an air of rebellion. Beijing Biden will use this to try to disarm America in 2021, and the criminals in Congress will help him. Sure, these 'threepers' know how lawless and corrupt government is; but they come off as thugs or malcontents. (And please notice that far too many in paid law enforcement do so, as well.) The Average timid, frightened, confused American certainly won't join or honor that way of life. It won't grow. It will never allow us to execute on our mission. So American Militia 2.0™ is our attempt to change the image of Militia. Not only by helping citizens to establish constitutional Militia units as the Founding Fathers demanded. But also by minding our words, attitudes, personal grooming and the like...making the word Militia not only acceptable, but honored once again. Using the 'M' Word First, we must reclaim our language. The enemy wants to take the word Militia...a 1,000-year- old institution, and stipulated in our highest Law. So our response is: rather than give it up or shy away from it, we will help Americans to proudly bear the name Militia by cleaning it up, to demonstrate to quail-hearted Americans what the word really means. It's like the word 'choice' being twisted to mean killing babies. It's like the word 'gay' (happy) meaning sexual pervert. Now they want to destroy America by making the only constitutional law enforcement into a pariah? That's not going to happen. We will enforce the Constitution by putting forth a professional law enforcement message, not a message of rebellion. American Militia 2.0™ will be a shining new public relations and briefing project for new Militia units, doing what We The People demand of ourselves in the Constitution (the Founding Fathers were bright fellows, with an extensive command of history). To see how well the Constitution will serve us, consider this. By refusing to push through a county Militia ordinance, existing armed groups have no defense when they are put on Beijing/Biden's FBI short list. And that agency, by standing against We The People doing what we stipulate in the Constitution, also have no defense. The FBI has nowhere to hide. Certainly not the Constitution; the agency itself is unconstitutional. Thus, We The People in America's 31,000+ small towns can turn this tide of evil, nurtured in the festering big cities. Washington DC does not control us; We The People by law control them! But only as we enforce the Constitution, not law of the jungle.
  • 5. Rule of Law Means The Law Rules Can any FBI operative show where We The People authorize his agency in the Constitution? Of course not. In fact, neither can any sheriff or policeman. The gaslighting project that began in Lincoln’s war and the new D.C. master's reconstruction of America, Congress and courts slowly ratcheted forward a very un-American police state to dishonor, mislabel, and subvert We The People’s only law enforcement force in the Constitution. I am not overstating the case. That steady war against our organic systemof self-defense will now become the point of the spear for Team Beijing/Biden, throughout 2021 and beyond, unless America successfully reverses the overthrow, to win the war. But let no arrogant, lawless 'official' obscure or evade the central fact of law in this Republic: by LAW, We The People are the only authority above the Constitution, and we stipulate in that LAW that we have authority and duty to be armed, trained, and ready to defend ourselves against any domestic enemy -- such as the one now attempting to gaslight us all into submission, and to overthrow our rule of law. Politicians in D.C. and state palaces seeking to disarm and sideline the American People are a clear and present danger to these united States. In Switzerland, the law requires every family member over a certain age to be well-trained in firearms use and maintenance because they are all members of the Swiss Militia. When Congress, with absolutely no authority granted by us in the Constitution, began in 1903 to dismantle, re-label, and nationalize an armed force, those 'laws' were and are no laws at all. We the People never granted such powers to Congress. The constitutional Militia is the most important institution by which We The People can defend ourselves against domestic enemies who attempt to do what the U.S. Congress and the bogus Beijing Biden crew are doing, right now in 2021, after stealing the election. They did not simply steal an election; they are attempting to overthrow America. The only way to certify that this is not the case, is to perform a full forensic audit on every actual paper ballot cast in the 2020 election. Any precinct not able to 'find' ballots is admitting to a felony. Any future election using the existing foreign-programmed, foreign-controlled voting machines is a further attempt to overthrow America. Every future election must eliminate mail-in ballots. We must demand in-person voting, with ID verified, and vote canvassing
  • 6. forensically audited, with County Militia observing the count, and with each paper ballot clearly visible in a permanent record for a minimum of five years. Many Republicans are in on this crime, and rolled over in record time once the fix was in. Politicians care only about their powerful life continuing in DC, and to Hell with us 'commoners'. World War IV is America against the Deep Axis, including our bent politicians. We The People, their collective sovereign, have a duty to protect and defend our families, homes, and hard-won liberty via educated, briefed Grand Jury panels and duly legitimized Militia units in every American county. At TACTICAL CIVICS™ we will recruit, train, support, and organize as many of those 80-120 million Americans as we can, so help us God, as we repent before Him, for having never done our duty over the Constitution. May He hear our prayer, and save our land. TACTICAL CIVICS™ is a membership based action advocacy organization with a solid LAWFUL and PEACEFUL plan to restore Constitutional enforcement locally, statewide, and nationally. Here is an 11 Minute Video about TACTICAL CIVICS™. spectrum-solution.html Here is the TACTICAL CIVICS™. website: Here is the TACTICAL CIVICS™ TRAINING CENTER: Copyright 2021 AmericaAgain! Trust