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Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
Columns Count : 3
1 - Mahmoud - 123456
2 - Ahmed - 123456
3 - Ibrahim - 123456
The program will create the ļ¬le : mydb.db
Note : when I print the odbc drivers I see the long list that includes
SQLite3 ODBC Driver - UsageCount=1
SQLite ODBC Driver - UsageCount=1
SQLite ODBC (UTF-8) Driver - UsageCount=1
And Iā€™m using ā€œSQLite3 ODBC Driverā€.
95.46 Can I connect to dbase/harbour database?
You can connect to any database using ODBC
To connect to xbase ļ¬les (*.DBF)
See "Using DBF Files using ODBC" + nl
pODBC = odbc_init()
See "Connect to database" + nl
odbc_connect(pODBC,"Driver={Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)};"+
"datasource=dBase Files;DriverID=277")
See "Select data" + nl
odbc_execute(pODBC,"select * from tel.dbf")
nMax = odbc_colcount(pODBC)
See "Columns Count : " + nMax + nl
while odbc_fetch(pODBC)
See "Row data:" + nl
for x = 1 to nMax
see odbc_getdata(pODBC,x) + " - "
See "Close database..." + nl
Using DBF Files using ODBC
Connect to database
Select data
Columns Count : 3
Row data:
Ahmad - Egypt - 234567 - Row data:
Fady - Egypt - 345678 - Row data:
Shady - Egypt - 456789 - Row data:
Mahmoud - Egypt - 123456 - Close database...
Also you can connect to a Visual FoxPro database (requires installing Visual FoxPro driver)
See "ODBC test 6" + nl
pODBC = odbc_init()
See "Connect to database" + nl
95.46. Can I connect to dbase/harbour database? 1725
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
odbc_connect(pODBC,"Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};"+
See "Select data" + nl
see odbc_execute(pODBC,"select * from t38") + nl
nMax = odbc_colcount(pODBC)
See "Columns Count : " + nMax + nl
while odbc_fetch(pODBC)
See "Row data:" + nl
for x = 1 to nMax
see odbc_getdata(pODBC,x) + " - "
See "Close database..." + nl
95.47 Why setClickEvent() doesnā€™t see the object methods directly?
setClickEvent(cCode) take a string contains code. The code will be executed when the event happens.
Ring support Many Programming Paradigms like Procedural, OOP, Functional and others.
But when you support many paradigms at the language level you canā€™t know which paradigm will be used so you have
two options
1. Provide General Solutions that works with many programming paradigms.
2. Provide Many Speciļ¬c solutions where each one match a speciļ¬c paradigm.
setClickEvent() and others belong to (General Solutions that works with many programming paradigms).
You just pass a string of code that will be executed without any care about classes and objects.
This code could be anything like calling a function, calling a method and setting variable value.
Some other languages force you to use OOP and call methods for events. Also some other languages uses anonymous
functions that may get parameters like the current object.
Now we have the general solution (not restricted with any paradigm), In the future we may add speciļ¬c solutions that
match speciļ¬c paradigms (OOP, Functional, Declarative and Natural).
95.48 Why I get Calling Function without deļ¬nition Error?
Each program follow the next order
1 - Loading Files 2 - Global Variables and Statements 3 - Functions 4 - Packages, Classes and Methods
So what does that mean ?
1. **** No Functions comes After Classes ****
2. **** No command is required to end functions/methods/classes/packages ****
Look at this example
See "Hello"
func test
95.47. Why setClickEvent() doesnā€™t see the object methods directly? 1726
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
see "message from the test function!" + nl
class test
In the previous example we have a function called test() so we can call it directly using test()
In the next example, test() will become a method
test() # runtime error message
class test
func test # Test() now is a method (not a function)
see "message from the test method!" + nl
The errors comes when you deļ¬ne a method then try calling it directly as a function.
The previous program must be
new test { test() } # now will call the method
class test
func test # Test() now is a method (not a function)
see "message from the test method!" + nl
95.49 Can Ring work on Windows XP?
Ring can work on Windows XP and load extensions without problems.
Just be sure that the extension can work on Windows XP and your compiler version support that (modern compilers
requires some ļ¬‚ags to support XP)
Check this topic
For example, We added
To the batch ļ¬le to support Windows XP
See :
95.50 How to extend RingQt and add more classes?
You have many options
In general you can extend Ring using C or C++ code
Ring from Ring code you can call C Functions or use C++ Classes & Methods
This chapter in the documentation explains this part in the language http://ring-
For example the next code in .c ļ¬le can be compiled to a DLL ļ¬le using the Ring library (.lib)
#include "ring.h"
95.49. Can Ring work on Windows XP? 1727
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
printf("Message from dlfunc");
RING_API void ringlib_init(RingState *pRingState)
Then from Ring you can load the DLL ļ¬le using LoadLib() function then call the C function that called dlfunc() as
any Ring function.
See "Dynamic DLL" + NL
Dynamic DLL
Message from dlfunc
When you read the documentation you will know about how to get parameters like (strings, numbers, lists and objects)
And how to return a value (any type) from you function.
From experience, when we support a C library or C++ Library
We discovered that a lot of functions share a lot of code
To save our time, and to quickly generate wrappers for C/C++ Libraries to be used in Ring
We have this code generator
The code generator is just a Ring program < 1200 lines of Ring code
The generator take as input a conļ¬guration ļ¬le contains the C/C++ library information
like Functions Prototype, Classes and Methods, Constants, Enum, Structures and members , etc.
Then the generator will generate
*.C File for C libraries (to be able to use the library functions)
*.CPP File for C++ libraries (to be able to use C++ classes and methods)
*.Ring File (to be able to use C++ classes as Ring classes)
*.RH ļ¬le (Constants)
To understand how the generator work check this extension for the Allegro game programming library
At ļ¬rst we have the conļ¬guration ļ¬le
To write this ļ¬le, i just used the Allegro documentation + the Ring code generator rules
Then after executing the generator using this batch ļ¬le
or using this script
95.50. How to extend RingQt and add more classes? 1728
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
I get the generated source code ļ¬le
The generated source code ļ¬le (ring_allegro.c) is around 12,000 Lines of code (12 KLOC)
While the conļ¬guration ļ¬le is less than 1 KLOC
To build the library (create the DLL ļ¬les)
Also you can check this extension for the LibSDL Library
After this know you should know about
1 - Writing the conļ¬guration ļ¬le
2 - Using the Code Generator
3 - Building your library/extension
4 - Using your library/extension from Ring code
Let us move now to you question about Qt
We have RingQt which is just an extension to ring (ringqt.dll)
You donā€™t need to modify Ring.
1. You just need to modify RingQt
2. Or extend Ring with another extension based on Qt (but the same Qt version)
For the ļ¬rst option see the RingQt extension
Conļ¬guration ļ¬le
To generate the source code
To build the DLL/so/Dylib ļ¬les
Study RingQt
Learn about the options that you have
1. wrapping a Qt class directly
2. Creating a new class then wrapping your new class
95.50. How to extend RingQt and add more classes? 1729
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
For the second option (in the previous two points or in the two points before that)
You will create new classes in C++ code
Then you merge these classes to RingQt or provide special DLL for them (your decision)
If your work is general (will help others) just put it to RingQt.
if your work is special (to speciļ¬c application) just put it in another extension.
95.51 How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a
Check the next code
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("Using QTableWidget")
Table1 = new qTableWidget(win1) {
setrowcount(10) setcolumncount(10)
for x = 1 to 10
for y = 1 to 10
item1 = new qtablewidgetitem("R"+X+"C"+Y)
setitem(x-1,y-1, item1)
cmb = new QComboBox(Table1) {
alist = ["one","two","three","four","five"]
for x in aList additem(x,0) next
setCellWidget(5, 5, cmb)
95.52 How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in
Check the next sample
Load "guilib.ring"
New qApp {
95.51. How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a QTableWidget? 1730
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
win1 = new qMainWindow() {
setwindowtitle("Using QTableWidget")
Table1 = new qTableWidget(win1) {
setrowcount(10) setcolumncount(10)
for x = 1 to 10
for y = 1 to 10
item1 = new qtablewidgetitem("10")
btn1 = new qPushButton(win1) {
func pClick
for nRow = 0 to Table1.rowcount() - 1
for nCol = 0 to Table1.columncount() - 1
Table1.item(nRow,nCol) {
if isSelected()
setText( "" + ( 10 + text()) )
95.52. How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in QTableWidget? 1731
In this chapter we will learn about
ā€¢ Language keywords
ā€¢ Language Functions
ā€¢ Compiler Errors
ā€¢ Runtime Errors
ā€¢ Environment Errors
ā€¢ Language Grammar
ā€¢ Virtual Machine (VM) Instructions
96.1 Language Keywords
Keywords Count : 49
ā€¢ again
ā€¢ and
ā€¢ but
ā€¢ bye
ā€¢ call
ā€¢ case
ā€¢ catch
ā€¢ changeringkeyword
ā€¢ changeringoperator
ā€¢ class
ā€¢ def
ā€¢ do
ā€¢ done
ā€¢ else
ā€¢ elseif
ā€¢ end
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
ā€¢ exit
ā€¢ for
ā€¢ from
ā€¢ func
ā€¢ get
ā€¢ give
ā€¢ if
ā€¢ import
ā€¢ in
ā€¢ load
ā€¢ loadsyntax
ā€¢ loop
ā€¢ new
ā€¢ next
ā€¢ not
ā€¢ off
ā€¢ ok
ā€¢ on
ā€¢ or
ā€¢ other
ā€¢ package
ā€¢ private
ā€¢ put
ā€¢ return
ā€¢ see
ā€¢ step
ā€¢ switch
ā€¢ to
ā€¢ try
ā€¢ while
ā€¢ endfunc
ā€¢ endclass
ā€¢ endpackage
96.1. Language Keywords 1733
Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2
96.2 Language Functions
Functions Count : 197
len() add() del() sysget() clock() lower()
upper() input() ascii() char() date() time()
filename() getchar() system() random() timelist() adddays()
diffdays() version() clockspersecond() prevfilename() swap() shutdown()
isstring() isnumber() islist() type() isnull() isobject()
hex() dec() number() string() str2hex() hex2str()
str2list() list2str() left() right() trim() copy()
substr() lines() strcmp() eval() raise() assert()
isalnum() isalpha() iscntrl() isdigit() isgraph() islower()
isprint() ispunct() isspace() isupper() isxdigit() locals()
globals() functions() cfunctions() islocal() isglobal() isfunction()
iscfunction() packages() ispackage() classes() isclass() packageclasses()
ispackageclass() classname() objectid() attributes() methods() isattribute()
ismethod() isprivateattribute() isprivatemethod()
addattribute() addmethod() getattribute()
setattribute() mergemethods() packagename() ringvm_fileslist()
ringvm_calllist() ringvm_memorylist()
ringvm_functionslist() ringvm_classeslist() ringvm_packageslist()
ringvm_cfunctionslist() ringvm_settrace() ringvm_tracedata()
ringvm_traceevent() ringvm_tracefunc() ringvm_scopescount()
ringvm_evalinscope() ringvm_passerror() ringvm_hideerrormsg()
ringvm_callfunc() list() find() min() max() insert()
sort() reverse() binarysearch() sin() cos() tan()
asin() acos() atan() atan2() sinh() cosh()
tanh() exp() log() log10() ceil() floor()
fabs() pow() sqrt() unsigned() decimals() murmur3hash()
fopen() fclose() fflush() freopen() tempfile() tempname()
fseek() ftell() rewind() fgetpos() fsetpos() clearerr()
feof() ferror() perror() rename() remove() fgetc()
fgets() fputc() fputs() ungetc() fread() fwrite()
dir() read() write() fexists() int2bytes() float2bytes()
double2bytes() bytes2int() bytes2float()
bytes2double() ismsdos() iswindows()
iswindows64() isunix() ismacosx() islinux() isfreebsd() isandroid()
windowsnl() currentdir() exefilename() chdir() exefolder() loadlib()
closelib() callgc() varptr() intvalue() object2pointer() pointer2object()
nullpointer() space() ptrcmp() ring_state_init()
ring_state_runcode() ring_state_delete()
ring_state_runfile() ring_state_findvar() ring_state_newvar()
96.3 Compiler Errors
ā€¢ Error (C1) : Error in parameters list, expected identiļ¬er
ā€¢ Error (C2) : Error in class name
ā€¢ Error (C3) : Unclosed control strucutre, ā€˜okā€™ is missing
ā€¢ Error (C4) : Unclosed control strucutre, ā€˜endā€™ is missing
ā€¢ Error (C5) : Unclosed control strucutre, next is missing
ā€¢ Error (C6) : Error in function name
96.2. Language Functions 1734

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The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 176 of 181

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 Columns Count : 3 1 - Mahmoud - 123456 2 - Ahmed - 123456 3 - Ibrahim - 123456 The program will create the ļ¬le : mydb.db Note : when I print the odbc drivers I see the long list that includes SQLite3 ODBC Driver - UsageCount=1 SQLite ODBC Driver - UsageCount=1 SQLite ODBC (UTF-8) Driver - UsageCount=1 And Iā€™m using ā€œSQLite3 ODBC Driverā€. 95.46 Can I connect to dbase/harbour database? You can connect to any database using ODBC To connect to xbase ļ¬les (*.DBF) See "Using DBF Files using ODBC" + nl pODBC = odbc_init() See "Connect to database" + nl odbc_connect(pODBC,"Driver={Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)};"+ "datasource=dBase Files;DriverID=277") See "Select data" + nl odbc_execute(pODBC,"select * from tel.dbf") nMax = odbc_colcount(pODBC) See "Columns Count : " + nMax + nl while odbc_fetch(pODBC) See "Row data:" + nl for x = 1 to nMax see odbc_getdata(pODBC,x) + " - " next end See "Close database..." + nl odbc_disconnect(pODBC) odbc_close(pODBC) Output Using DBF Files using ODBC Connect to database Select data Columns Count : 3 Row data: Ahmad - Egypt - 234567 - Row data: Fady - Egypt - 345678 - Row data: Shady - Egypt - 456789 - Row data: Mahmoud - Egypt - 123456 - Close database... Also you can connect to a Visual FoxPro database (requires installing Visual FoxPro driver) See "ODBC test 6" + nl pODBC = odbc_init() See "Connect to database" + nl 95.46. Can I connect to dbase/harbour database? 1725
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 odbc_connect(pODBC,"Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};"+ "SourceType=DBC;SourceDB=C:PWCT19ssbuildPWCTDATACH1Datamydata.dbc;") See "Select data" + nl see odbc_execute(pODBC,"select * from t38") + nl nMax = odbc_colcount(pODBC) See "Columns Count : " + nMax + nl while odbc_fetch(pODBC) See "Row data:" + nl for x = 1 to nMax see odbc_getdata(pODBC,x) + " - " next end See "Close database..." + nl odbc_disconnect(pODBC) odbc_close(pODBC) 95.47 Why setClickEvent() doesnā€™t see the object methods directly? setClickEvent(cCode) take a string contains code. The code will be executed when the event happens. Ring support Many Programming Paradigms like Procedural, OOP, Functional and others. But when you support many paradigms at the language level you canā€™t know which paradigm will be used so you have two options 1. Provide General Solutions that works with many programming paradigms. 2. Provide Many Speciļ¬c solutions where each one match a speciļ¬c paradigm. setClickEvent() and others belong to (General Solutions that works with many programming paradigms). You just pass a string of code that will be executed without any care about classes and objects. This code could be anything like calling a function, calling a method and setting variable value. Some other languages force you to use OOP and call methods for events. Also some other languages uses anonymous functions that may get parameters like the current object. Now we have the general solution (not restricted with any paradigm), In the future we may add speciļ¬c solutions that match speciļ¬c paradigms (OOP, Functional, Declarative and Natural). 95.48 Why I get Calling Function without deļ¬nition Error? Each program follow the next order 1 - Loading Files 2 - Global Variables and Statements 3 - Functions 4 - Packages, Classes and Methods So what does that mean ? 1. **** No Functions comes After Classes **** 2. **** No command is required to end functions/methods/classes/packages **** Look at this example See "Hello" test() func test 95.47. Why setClickEvent() doesnā€™t see the object methods directly? 1726
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 see "message from the test function!" + nl class test In the previous example we have a function called test() so we can call it directly using test() In the next example, test() will become a method See"Hello" test() # runtime error message class test func test # Test() now is a method (not a function) see "message from the test method!" + nl The errors comes when you deļ¬ne a method then try calling it directly as a function. The previous program must be See"Hello" new test { test() } # now will call the method class test func test # Test() now is a method (not a function) see "message from the test method!" + nl 95.49 Can Ring work on Windows XP? Ring can work on Windows XP and load extensions without problems. Just be sure that the extension can work on Windows XP and your compiler version support that (modern compilers requires some ļ¬‚ags to support XP) Check this topic 2012/ For example, We added /link /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE,"5.01" To the batch ļ¬le to support Windows XP See : 95.50 How to extend RingQt and add more classes? You have many options In general you can extend Ring using C or C++ code Ring from Ring code you can call C Functions or use C++ Classes & Methods This chapter in the documentation explains this part in the language http://ring- For example the next code in .c ļ¬le can be compiled to a DLL ļ¬le using the Ring library (.lib) #include "ring.h" RING_FUNC(ring_ringlib_dlfunc) { 95.49. Can Ring work on Windows XP? 1727
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 printf("Message from dlfunc"); } RING_API void ringlib_init(RingState *pRingState) { ring_vm_funcregister("dlfunc",ring_ringlib_dlfunc); } Then from Ring you can load the DLL ļ¬le using LoadLib() function then call the C function that called dlfunc() as any Ring function. See "Dynamic DLL" + NL LoadLib("ringlib.dll") dlfunc() Output Dynamic DLL Message from dlfunc When you read the documentation you will know about how to get parameters like (strings, numbers, lists and objects) And how to return a value (any type) from you function. From experience, when we support a C library or C++ Library We discovered that a lot of functions share a lot of code To save our time, and to quickly generate wrappers for C/C++ Libraries to be used in Ring We have this code generator The code generator is just a Ring program < 1200 lines of Ring code The generator take as input a conļ¬guration ļ¬le contains the C/C++ library information like Functions Prototype, Classes and Methods, Constants, Enum, Structures and members , etc. Then the generator will generate *.C File for C libraries (to be able to use the library functions) *.CPP File for C++ libraries (to be able to use C++ classes and methods) *.Ring File (to be able to use C++ classes as Ring classes) *.RH ļ¬le (Constants) To understand how the generator work check this extension for the Allegro game programming library At ļ¬rst we have the conļ¬guration ļ¬le To write this ļ¬le, i just used the Allegro documentation + the Ring code generator rules Then after executing the generator using this batch ļ¬le or using this script 95.50. How to extend RingQt and add more classes? 1728
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 I get the generated source code ļ¬le The generated source code ļ¬le (ring_allegro.c) is around 12,000 Lines of code (12 KLOC) While the conļ¬guration ļ¬le is less than 1 KLOC To build the library (create the DLL ļ¬les) Also you can check this extension for the LibSDL Library After this know you should know about 1 - Writing the conļ¬guration ļ¬le 2 - Using the Code Generator 3 - Building your library/extension 4 - Using your library/extension from Ring code Let us move now to you question about Qt We have RingQt which is just an extension to ring (ringqt.dll) You donā€™t need to modify Ring. 1. You just need to modify RingQt 2. Or extend Ring with another extension based on Qt (but the same Qt version) For the ļ¬rst option see the RingQt extension Conļ¬guration ļ¬le To generate the source code To build the DLL/so/Dylib ļ¬les Study RingQt Learn about the options that you have 1. wrapping a Qt class directly 2. Creating a new class then wrapping your new class 95.50. How to extend RingQt and add more classes? 1729
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 For the second option (in the previous two points or in the two points before that) You will create new classes in C++ code Then you merge these classes to RingQt or provide special DLL for them (your decision) If your work is general (will help others) just put it to RingQt. if your work is special (to speciļ¬c application) just put it in another extension. 95.51 How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a QTableWidget? Check the next code Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,1100,370) setwindowtitle("Using QTableWidget") Table1 = new qTableWidget(win1) { setrowcount(10) setcolumncount(10) setGeometry(0,0,800,400) setselectionbehavior(QAbstractItemView_SelectRows) for x = 1 to 10 for y = 1 to 10 item1 = new qtablewidgetitem("R"+X+"C"+Y) setitem(x-1,y-1, item1) next next cmb = new QComboBox(Table1) { alist = ["one","two","three","four","five"] for x in aList additem(x,0) next } setCellWidget(5, 5, cmb) } setcentralwidget(table1) show() } exec() } 95.52 How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in QTableWidget? Check the next sample Load "guilib.ring" New qApp { 95.51. How to add Combobox and other elements to the cells of a QTableWidget? 1730
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 win1 = new qMainWindow() { setGeometry(100,100,800,600) setwindowtitle("Using QTableWidget") Table1 = new qTableWidget(win1) { setrowcount(10) setcolumncount(10) setGeometry(10,10,400,400) for x = 1 to 10 for y = 1 to 10 item1 = new qtablewidgetitem("10") setitem(x-1,y-1,item1) next next } btn1 = new qPushButton(win1) { setText("Increase") setGeometry(510,10,100,30) setClickEvent("pClick()") } show() } exec() } func pClick for nRow = 0 to Table1.rowcount() - 1 for nCol = 0 to Table1.columncount() - 1 Table1.item(nRow,nCol) { if isSelected() setText( "" + ( 10 + text()) ) ok } next next 95.52. How to perform some manipulations on selected cells in QTableWidget? 1731
  • 8. CHAPTER NINETYSIX LANGUAGE REFERENCE In this chapter we will learn about ā€¢ Language keywords ā€¢ Language Functions ā€¢ Compiler Errors ā€¢ Runtime Errors ā€¢ Environment Errors ā€¢ Language Grammar ā€¢ Virtual Machine (VM) Instructions 96.1 Language Keywords Keywords Count : 49 ā€¢ again ā€¢ and ā€¢ but ā€¢ bye ā€¢ call ā€¢ case ā€¢ catch ā€¢ changeringkeyword ā€¢ changeringoperator ā€¢ class ā€¢ def ā€¢ do ā€¢ done ā€¢ else ā€¢ elseif ā€¢ end 1732
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 ā€¢ exit ā€¢ for ā€¢ from ā€¢ func ā€¢ get ā€¢ give ā€¢ if ā€¢ import ā€¢ in ā€¢ load ā€¢ loadsyntax ā€¢ loop ā€¢ new ā€¢ next ā€¢ not ā€¢ off ā€¢ ok ā€¢ on ā€¢ or ā€¢ other ā€¢ package ā€¢ private ā€¢ put ā€¢ return ā€¢ see ā€¢ step ā€¢ switch ā€¢ to ā€¢ try ā€¢ while ā€¢ endfunc ā€¢ endclass ā€¢ endpackage 96.1. Language Keywords 1733
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.5.2 96.2 Language Functions Functions Count : 197 len() add() del() sysget() clock() lower() upper() input() ascii() char() date() time() filename() getchar() system() random() timelist() adddays() diffdays() version() clockspersecond() prevfilename() swap() shutdown() isstring() isnumber() islist() type() isnull() isobject() hex() dec() number() string() str2hex() hex2str() str2list() list2str() left() right() trim() copy() substr() lines() strcmp() eval() raise() assert() isalnum() isalpha() iscntrl() isdigit() isgraph() islower() isprint() ispunct() isspace() isupper() isxdigit() locals() globals() functions() cfunctions() islocal() isglobal() isfunction() iscfunction() packages() ispackage() classes() isclass() packageclasses() ispackageclass() classname() objectid() attributes() methods() isattribute() ismethod() isprivateattribute() isprivatemethod() addattribute() addmethod() getattribute() setattribute() mergemethods() packagename() ringvm_fileslist() ringvm_calllist() ringvm_memorylist() ringvm_functionslist() ringvm_classeslist() ringvm_packageslist() ringvm_cfunctionslist() ringvm_settrace() ringvm_tracedata() ringvm_traceevent() ringvm_tracefunc() ringvm_scopescount() ringvm_evalinscope() ringvm_passerror() ringvm_hideerrormsg() ringvm_callfunc() list() find() min() max() insert() sort() reverse() binarysearch() sin() cos() tan() asin() acos() atan() atan2() sinh() cosh() tanh() exp() log() log10() ceil() floor() fabs() pow() sqrt() unsigned() decimals() murmur3hash() fopen() fclose() fflush() freopen() tempfile() tempname() fseek() ftell() rewind() fgetpos() fsetpos() clearerr() feof() ferror() perror() rename() remove() fgetc() fgets() fputc() fputs() ungetc() fread() fwrite() dir() read() write() fexists() int2bytes() float2bytes() double2bytes() bytes2int() bytes2float() bytes2double() ismsdos() iswindows() iswindows64() isunix() ismacosx() islinux() isfreebsd() isandroid() windowsnl() currentdir() exefilename() chdir() exefolder() loadlib() closelib() callgc() varptr() intvalue() object2pointer() pointer2object() nullpointer() space() ptrcmp() ring_state_init() ring_state_runcode() ring_state_delete() ring_state_runfile() ring_state_findvar() ring_state_newvar() ring_state_runobjectfile() 96.3 Compiler Errors ā€¢ Error (C1) : Error in parameters list, expected identiļ¬er ā€¢ Error (C2) : Error in class name ā€¢ Error (C3) : Unclosed control strucutre, ā€˜okā€™ is missing ā€¢ Error (C4) : Unclosed control strucutre, ā€˜endā€™ is missing ā€¢ Error (C5) : Unclosed control strucutre, next is missing ā€¢ Error (C6) : Error in function name 96.2. Language Functions 1734