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Chapter Eight Pt. 2:
The Second Strike
Chapter Eight Pt. 3:
The Third Strike
Dion: Are you okay honey?
Maddie: I'm fine....oohhh this is nothing....
Dion:You don't look fine...
Maddie: I SAID I'm fine!!!
Dion: ...
Like his older brother, Julius had the same emerald green eyes but he had his father's
red hair. Dion thought about his mother Hestia, she was his grandpa's first born, as was
he her first born and he found himself asking the same question as he looked into the
face of his younger son, does he go with the tradition started by his grandfather and
choose Marc Antony as his heir? Or should he wait to see if he has anymore children
before deciding? It was times like this that he really missed having his parents to talk to,
Eddie doesn't even know he is his father and Dion can't tell him either.That had to be
one of the most painful parts of it all and his mother...what happened to her?
Dion put aside the thoughts, after Julius was settled in his crib it was time to cheer for
Marc Antony as he entered the joyful toddler years. He looked forward to teaching his
son all his skills and watching him learn and explore his world. He blew into the party
horn and cheered him on.
Marc Antony grew into a beautiful little boy, though in need of a haircut. Dion looked forward to
teaching him to talk and walk, Maddie wanted to potty train him and teach him a nursery rhyme.
Maddie: I think someone's a little tired from all the excitement.
Dion: No, I'm fine.
Maddie: Not you, Marc Antony. And I'm a little tired too.
Dion: Oh, well off to bed with you two then.
He grinned, Maddie smiled too.
The next morning, Dion was up early in time to get Marc Antony up for his morning bath and
feeding.The thoughts were still on his mind, whether or not he should make Marc Antony heir. Julius
was still a baby and his birthday was coming up soon as well it made him realize how fast time really
did go around here. Marc Antony playfully splashed in the warm water and let out a fit of giggles, he
had no idea about what his father was thinking about, just that the water was splashy. Dion
thought about this all night, he was the oldest of four kids and he remembered a little about growing
up with his cousins Liam and Lila, but not much. He was always surrounded with family and kids his
own age and he never realized how much he took that for granted, until he lost it. Reias promised
him he would explain what happened to his parents, siblings and cousins but he never did. He
decided he would call him today to find out once and for all.
Marc Antony: Splashy daddy!!
Dion: I see son, fun isn't it?
Marc Antony: *splash*
Dion couldn't help but smile, it was cute enough to make him push aside his thoughts. If
only for a moment...
For Roxie and Reias, their new found love was beginning to bloom even more as time went on. He
had finally started coming over again mostly to see Roxie and to check on Liam.
Reias: I missed you.
Roxie: I know, me too. But unfortunately I have to work soon so I wanted to see if you would
come back tonight?
Reias:Yeah, I can do that.
Roxie: I'll look forward to it, the day is going to seem so long at the hospital.
After work, Roxie put on her best dress and called
him over, tonight was going to be something
Reias: Wow, you look amazing honey.
Roxie: How would you know, you've got your
face buried in my arm.
Reias: I know. I always know.
Roxie: Is that a god thing?
Reias:Yeah, but also a lover thing.
Roxie: I see.
Reias: Though I bet it would look better on the floor
of your room....
Roxie:You don't waste any time do you?
Reias: Nope.
He teleported them right to her room in a blink.
Roxie:That always feels weird when you teleport
Reias: Well, it does have a tendency to make
mortals sick to their stomachs.
Roxie: Oh so that's what it is, I thought I was just
Reias: Nervous about what? We've done this
Roxie: Liam....I mean he's only a boy but he might
feel like I'm cheating on his father.
Reias: He never met his father though, how
would he know?
Roxie: I don't know how he would either, but he's
a very perceptive little boy.
Reias: When he's older he will understand, trust
Back at Dion's, the second born of generation four was about to join his brother in
toddlerdom,They were pretty close in age to begin with and now that Dion had finally
become theWorld Famous dancer he wanted to be, it seemed like time was flying by for
him. After a long talk with Maddie about his concerns for his sons they had decided to
try for one more child it would be a good thing for the boys to have one more sibling to
look after.
Dion: Ready son?Time to grow up.
Julius: *gurgle*
Dion: I assume that's a yes.
Maddie: It's so nice to see another one of my boys growing up well.
Dion:Though they seem to like the same hair style as my uncle Adonis did, well time to visit the
mirror for you Julius.
Maddie: Where does the time go? I can't believe our boys are growing up so fast.
Dion: I know, I just hope they don't resent the fact that we didn't take that many pictures of them.
Maddie: I hope not...
Eddie:Tickle Monster!! ARRGH!!
Liam: AHH!! Stop it Uncle Eddie!! I give up.
Eddie: Oh okay, I'll get you later then.
Liam: Uncle Eddie, why don't I have any
brothers and sisters to play with?
Eddie was taken aback by his abrupt
question. "Why do you ask?"
Liam: A boy in my class at school, Gallagher
Newson has five siblings and I don't, why is
Eddie:Well your mommy didn't have
Eddie: She was in college when she was
pregnant with you so she couldn't stay there.
And your daddy died before you were born.
Liam: Is my daddy the red haired man I've
been seeing in my dreams?
Eddie suddenly went cold, how would he know
whatJonah looked like? He couldn't one knew what really
killed him and he never let his tombstone out of
his inventory.
Liam: Uncle Eddie, did I have a sister too?
Liam continued, unaware of his uncle's confused look.
"She has red hair like our daddy, and we're in this strange house.There's two old
grandparent people there cheering us on but I don't have any grandparents. It feels
happy there, like we've always been living there...I hear kids voices in the
background but I don't see them."
"Then my dream changes, we're in a new house somewhere else, my sister is there.
Her name is Lila and we're wearing private school uniforms. I hear mommy but not
the other kids' voices anymore. I don't understand why I don't have my sister now
Uncle Eddie, I'm worried, is she lost somewhere and she can't get home? Maybe
that's why my daddy is yelling at mommy....."
“He looks angry, and he's pointing out something to mommy about children I think. I
can't really hear it all.What does it mean Uncle Eddie?Where is my sister?"
"That day we were supposed to have our birthday, we were going to be teenagers.
But I'm all alone at the table, the other cake's candles aren't lit and Lila's gone.What
does that mean Uncle Eddie?"
Liam: Uncle Eddie?
Eddie was stunned; he had no idea what to say. Roxie
never had another child with Jonah, he had killed him
before that could happen, but Liam is remembering
having a sister. And he's remembering Jonah too, he
never met him and they don't have any pictures of him in
the house either so how would he know what he looked
Eddie: Huh? Oh it was just a dream Liam, that's
all.You never had a sister I would know if you did.
Liam: seemed so come?
Eddie: Just forget about it. Soon Dion's sons will
be old enough to go to school with you so you can
play with them. And it's time for you to go to bed.
Liam: Oh, alright.
Eddie tucked him in, the dream he had was still
bothering him. How could he be seeing things that
never happened? And why would he be seeing
Eddie was right about Dion's boys being close to growing up, two days later it was Marc Antony's childhood
Dion:You couldn't wait for your mother to get home to grow up?
Marc Antony: I'm sorry daddy, I was just too excited to be a big kid, I couldn't wait!!
Dion took a bite of his salmon, maybe there was something behind why it seemed time was going by so fast lately.
He had heard that there are special children in HiddenCity who grow faster than normal, but as far as he knew that
only applied to half god children. He certainly wasn't a god, neither was Maddie maybe it had to do with his mission
here, to restore the God of Peace.Could his blood possibly contain that of a god's?There's so much of his family
history that was missing, his grandfather arrived in HiddenCity with no memory at all of his life before here. And the
only one who could tell him anything about it, was unwilling to share, Reias knew more than he was telling him and
soon he would have to make him tell him everything...
Though Reias's thoughts were otherwise preoccupied.The night he spent with Roxie had
a surprising side effect, she had gotten pregnant that night. Roxie was thrilled to have
another baby, she had been missing the sounds of one in the house for a while now; but
for Reias this brought back painful memories. His second lover was about to have his
second child....and he half expected both her and his child to be ripped from his life again
by his former best friend Dalen.
Eddie: Wow, I had no idea you and Reias were that close.
Roxie: Where have you been little brother?
Eddie: I know, I know. I'm sorry about not being here I was working a lot.
Roxie: Don't stress over it; Liam will love having a sibling.
Eddie's mood faltered; Roxie didn't know that Liam had already been thinking about having a
sibling. He didn't know how to tell Roxie about his conversation with Liam about the dream. He
looked at his newest nephew, he could see Reias's golden green eyes and his hair in the baby, it made
him wonder just what else he might have gotten from his godly parent...
Eddie: Hey did you hear that big sis? He spoke.
Roxie:You're hilarious little bro, he's only a few minutes old.
Reias immediately teleported over as soon as Roxie told him he had a son. In her room he reached
through the crib bars and stroked his baby boy.This felt familiar, slightly painful too for him. He
spent so little time with Callie and Daphne when she was a baby, he was too focused on other
things. If Reias had known then that his time with his daughter and Daphne was so short he would
have never left their side.
"You'll never have to grow up without me by your side my son. I won't make that mistake again."
Solan smiled at his father, an accomplishment in itself since newborns can't smile. But Solan was
not an ordinary newborn, he was a half god.
Reias stayed all night with him, always holding him and cuddling his son. He didn't want
to let him out of his sight for a single moment, call it paranoia or what not but he was still
scared of losing his son.
"You have no idea how important you are to me son, and I will never let you feel alone.
I will take you and your mommy to live with me inTartarus this time around. I won't let
you stay on the surface any longer than you have to. I just have to tell your mommy
that first..."
Reias stayed that night for Liam's teenage birthday. He was going to be old enough now
to understand why he was always here.
Liam stared into the flickering flame of the candles of his cake, even though his uncle
had told him to forget about his dream, he didn't. Because it would come every night no
matter what he did. Liam decided not to tell his uncle that he was still having the dream
because he saw how it made him react the first time he told him about it.
He put on a cheerful face and made it look like nothing was wrong. His mom and Reias
were cheering for him to grow up it felt good to finally be able to have some more
freedom as a teenager and he could finally take care of his baby brother now too.
Roxie: Come on baby!!
Reias: Go Liam!!!
Liam smiled, this was it...
He chose to follow the path of Family so he could find the sister he kept seeing in his dreams, though he began to get
slightly annoyed that Reias was hanging around too much, what would his father say about him being here so much?
Reias: So Liam, Family huh? Great choice, family's very important in times like this.
Liam:Yeah, I know.Why else would I choose it?
Reias shifted uncomfortably. "I wanted to talk to you about why I've been around so much..."
Liam interrupted him: " I know Solan's your son, and I'll try not to think about you with my's icky. But
when I find my dad things will get better for us here."
Reias: Liam, your father's dead. He's not missing.
Liam: So says you. I know he's around somewhere I'm gonna find him.
Reias: I do say, I am the Prince of the Underworld so I know about everyone who has died.
Liam: Uh huh, whatever you say.
Reias felt that familiar twinge of panic climb back up his spine. How could Liam possibly know thatJonah's soul is
not in theUnderworld anywhere?That soul eluded him when it came time to collect it, and he had told no one about
it, not even Hades. He was looking forJonah's soul ever since it went missing from Academie LeTour, it was one of
the reasons why he hadn't been around a lot when Liam was younger.The other was because he was preparing a
counter attack with his Adriels if Dalen chose to strike against Dion's family.
Liam: Excuse me I'm going to go change.
Liam went upstairs and changed into clothing that his uncle had bought for him.Then he went into his mom's room,
Solan turned to him when he lowered the crib bars, the baby boy smiled as his older brother picked him up, maybe it
was feeding time...
Liam: Look munchkin, I know you can't help who your parents are but don't think that I'll let your father take my
mom from me just because of you either. Once I find my father things will be back to normal again and I can
finally get my sister back.We'll be a family again, you'll see until then, let's play nice and let our mom think we're
getting along okay?
Solan may just be a baby, but even he could tell when something didn't sound right, and what Liam said felt like
that; he began to cry. Liam put him back in the crib and gave him his binkie, last thing he needed was his mom or
Reias hearing what he said.
I didn’t realize how short this chapter part was when I originally wrote it, so I’ll include
PartThree with this one and save some link space.
And for those of you who like stats:
Marc Antony
Liam (FA)(K)
10/7/7/5/5 in case you forgot.
Now onto PartThree.
Cleo and Eddie had finally taken the next step and moved in together. Over the last few
months it had been pure bliss, Cleo was at the top of the Hidden City military and she
had made great strides in cleaning up the corruption of her officers and higher level
officers below her. She managed to somehow straighten out the mess Dalen made with
them, however for all her accomplishments there were set backs. She had neglected her
duty to find Dion and kill him andTalia made sure to remind her of that...
"Cleo, Cleo, Cleo where have you been? I am sensing that you've become lax in your
duty that my brother has charged you with...Dion is still alive and STILL
Cleo: Goddess....I'm sorry...I got so wrapped up in work that I--
"SILENCE MORTAL!!! I've been far too patient with you and your failures, this is the
last strike. And you know what they say…three strikes and you're out!!!"
She barely had time to object before she felt the familiar pull of a summoning tear at
her mid section....
Batalia: How many chances must you ruin before you actually do what you were sent for??!!
Cleo: Goddess, I have been looking for Dion, I only recently found out where he was. Eddie's
nephew's birthday is coming up and he will most certainly invite him over.
Dalen: Ah, so that's what you've been up to. See sister?You don't have to kill her just
yet...however my sister is not a patient woman mortal you're lucky I saved your ass this time.
Screw up again and next time I will personally toss you intoTartarus with my own two hands.
Batalia: She still hasn't completed the mission brother, Dion still lives.
Batalia:Why shouldn't I just smite her right here and now? I so want to....
Dalen:Talia, she still has value to me. If she's telling the truth and she does know where Dion is then you have
to let her go.
Dalen: Because I said so.
Cleo: Please Goddess, let me finish my mission. I swear I won't fail again.
Batalia:This is your last chance mortal, you fail us again and it will be the end of you.
She teleported off in a storm of electrically charged smoke.
Dalen: I do hope you're telling the truth, I can't holdTalia back again.
Cleo: I am oh merciful God ofWar, I am. I know where Dion is.
Dalen: So you mentioned something about Eddie's other nephew, tell me about him.
Is he as promising as young Liam?
Cleo: Promising as young Liam?What do you mean?
Dalen: Now why would I tell you something like
that?You don't need to know anything other
than what we decide to tell you, got it?
Cleo: I understand great War God, I just thought
that if there was something about Liam that you
wanted me to check on....
Dalen:You don't think, that's why you're here.
You failed twice, this is your last chance.
Cleo:Yes, great God ofWar. Eddie's other
nephew he's only a baby right now but he grows
so fast, faster than normal. I know it's because
his father is a god.
Dalen: I see, and this god would be Reias right?
Cleo:Yes, he is.
Dalen: Good girl, now get lost and finish what
we sent you to do.
He waved his hand and sent her off.
Dalen stood beside his throne after he sent her back.Young Liam had a lot of pent up anger and frustration inside
him, it radiated off his soul like a foul stench. He knew at whom that anger was directed and it pleased him greatly,
anything he could do to make Reias's life harder he would do it because it would serve his purposes. If the damned
hero was distracted by familial obligations, rather than focused on him andTalia all the more better for them. Since
the Furies had failed him before in trying to drive Adonis and Daphne insane he went to someone he knew could get
the job done, Morpheus had more power over the mortals' dreams than the Furies do and all it took was a small
threat on Dalen's part to convince Morpheus to do what he asked. Morpheus sent Liam visions of his past life in
order to push him farther into his grasp. Liam would come to him willingly if he promised him a way to get rid of
Reias and reunite Liam with his dead father again, unlike Reias who was unwilling to use his godly powers to invade
the mortals' privacy, Dalen was not above it. He knew for a long time that it was Eddie who killed Liam's father and
hid his urn in his inventory out of guilt, all it was going to take was a little hint sent to Liam from Morpheus to get
him to figure that out...and when he did, it would be a show to see.
Like Dalen,Talia had her own schemes to plan, one of
which wasn't in her original design.TheGuardian of
Dalen's Adriel, Drinn had a thing for her ever since he laid
his crystalline eyes on her and she had a thing for him
too. Drinn represented power and control, two things of
whichTalia found irresistible and it didn't hurt that he
was hot either.
Drinn:Well, I must say this is a surprise.
Batalia: Mhmm, why is that?
Drinn: I thought you and Master had something going
Batalia: Oh we do, we definitely do but with his
wandering eyes that seem to gravitate towards his
Halfling crush, I say what the hell?
Drinn: Master is right over there fishing, won't he be
Batalia: Probably, but he started it with the damn
Halfling first.
Drinn:Ah so this is a revenge fling. I can live with that.
Batalia: I knew I liked you baby.
The birthday Cleo was talking about was the one that saw Solan entering the toddler
years. It was in this stage where the powers of half god children first emerge it would be
now when Roxie and Eddie would find out what Solan had inherited from Reias.
However, an emergency at Dion's house, in the form of the birth of his third son, kept
him from attending this birthday so it would just be the family this time. Liam had the
honour of bringing his little brother into the next phase of life, so far he had done well at
making his mom and uncle think he was getting along with Solan they had no idea
about the deep inner turmoil he was hiding just below the surface. His dreams were
coming more and more now sometimes when he was awake at school.
Liam glanced over at his uncle, his face bearing the expression of happiness and joy, while hiding a
dark secret inside. He had his father's urn stashed away, preventing his soul from crossing over.
While it pissed Liam off that he would hide such a thing from him and his mother, it also worked to
his advantage. If his father's soul was trapped in limbo then it could be resurrected, he had been
doing some research at school on Academie LeTour, and all the big colleges were said to have
Secret Societies somewhere hidden on campus with amazing treasures inside.There was only one
that he was most interested in, the fabled Bone Phone which is said to be able to resurrect the
dead. Once he got enrolled in college the first thing he would do was make sure he got into the
Secret Society to gain possession of those treasures for his own and he would be getting his father
Liam plastered on a faked smile and began to rock Solan back and forth.
Liam: Here goes nothing...
First things first, toss the rug rat then get back to figuring out how to get his father's urn
out of his uncle's inventory.
In a flurry of confetti, the newly todderized Solan appeared. He looked like a mini Reias with the
same hair, eyes, and skin. Liam passed him to his father and went back to figuring things out.
Roxie: Liam, don't you want any cake?
Liam: No, I umm…have a lot of homework I'd better get started on mom, sorry. Save me a piece
for later okay?
Roxie: Oh alright. I will.
Reias: So my son, we can finally talk to one another.
Solan giggled and smiled.
Reias: I won't miss a minute of your precious toddler years, I swear.
Solan: Daa..bottle?
Reias couldn't help but hold his precious little boy close, for the first time he could be here for his
child's first birthday and that thought brought out something he had thought he was incapable of
doing, he cried. He never cried, not even when he lost Daphne and Callie it was strange to him. After
he lost them all he could think about was killing Dalen for taking them away from him, he filled his
heart with revenge and hatred for his former best friend and it got him through the hardest times.
Only he didn't get a chance to exact his revenge on Dalen, he had to protect Dion and preserve
Oliver's mission it gave him a new focus. Perhaps it was a little bit of Diamos's influence still working
through Dion, but as much as he still hated Dalen he knew that he couldn't kill him. It would leave a
bigger imbalance in power without a God ofWar than it did without a God of Peace.
Dion: Oh honey...this is the last time I swear.
Dion: Demetrius, boil some water or something!!
Demetrius: I would sir, but I find I am unable to move. I am mesmerized....ooh, that looks
Maddie: USELESS MEN!!!
Dion: Oh dear. Who left this unmade?
Dion held his third son as he did the other two boys, finally his family felt complete. Little Octavius
had the same red hair as his brother and the same green eyes as his. He felt the mission was secured
now that he had three sons capable of carrying on after him, though the question of who would do it
was still on his mind.
Dion: Like I told your brothers, Octavius my son you have a great destiny laid out before you and I
hope that whichever one of you I choose to continue on, that the other two will be there to support
my heir.
Octavius burbled and yawned, it wouldn't be long beforeJulius joined Marc Antony at school and then
on to high school and college after that. Marc Antony was going to be a teenager soon and he would
be choosing his life path he and Liam would be at the same private school too.
Their birthdays were close, so after Dion had called the Headmaster forJulius he
watched as his middle son grew into a child in his nursery. Dion would have liked to give
him a cake but like his older brother, Julius was anxious to grow up.
Julius: Hey daddy, are you watching me?
Dion:Yes son, I saw.
Headmaster: Well that worked out nicely, you can join your brother at my school on Monday
young man.You made it.
Maddie:You planned this pretty well didn't you honey?
Dion: I try.
Julius: I'm going to change my clothes and hair okay?
As a present for the boys, Dion called the Adoption Agency and got them a new puppy. He had
noticed that Marc Antony was a little down in the greens for a while now and he figured this would
perk him right up again for his birthday in three days.
Marc Antony: Wow, a puppy!! I get to train you to do all sorts of things Scout, like roll over, play
dead, shake and speak it'll be great!!
Scout: Arf?
Getting Scout did work to perk Marc Antony up, he was smiling and laughing more and
he had taken to spending too much time on the computer as well.Though Dion could
tell he did miss being in the same classes as Liam, the two of them were as close as
brothers slightly more than he was close to his own brothers at home.
While not to far away, another pair of brothers were doing some bonding of their own.
Liam: Once more, Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb
whose fleece was white as snow. It's not a hard thing.
Solan: Lambp?
Liam: No, lamb...why did I agree to do this again?
Solan cocked his head to one side, he could sense something wrong with his big brother
but he couldn't figure out exactly what it was.
Liam:Try it again. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little
lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
Solan: Bruther sad?
Liam: Just sing the rhyme kid, I got work to do.
Solan felt that and it made him want to cry, what was wrong with his brother?
Liam: Great, now he's gonna cry. Mom should be doing this not me.
Solan sniffled, he didn't know what was wrong with his brother and he couldn't concentrate on the
rhyme he was trying to teach him. Solan didn't know the name of the feeling but it appeared he had
shown the first powers he had as a half god, he was empathic. Sensing other's feelings was going to
be hard while he was young, he was still immature and not ready to handle the burden of his power.
Most half god children didn't have the control over their powers until they reached teenhood so
living with them while still a child and toddler would be a constant uphill battle for them.
Marc Antony stood in front of his cake, the yellow buttercream icing looked delicious. He
looked up at the thirteen candles on top glowing brightly.Tonight he could get to go out
and stay up later, he could play big kid games with Liam at school. He knew his brother
wasn't going to be in his classes anymore for a while and it made him a little sad to be
away from him but it also made him happy too. He could hang out with Liam again.
Marc Antony: Here we go, good bye childhood and hello teenage freedom...
He looked down at the sparklies that were crawling up his legs, this was going to be fun!!
Marc Antony: Sweet!! Let's see Liam try to take me on with these guns.
He decided that a life path of Fortune with the goal of being the Head of the SCIA after
his mom retired, was the right way for him to go. But first he had to get some money for
some clothes, these wouldn't do.
Liam: So you finally grew up huh?Took you long enough.
Marc Antony: Can I help it if you were born first?Come gimme your best shot.
Liam: Still not enough to buy new clothes?That is so not you.
Marc Antony: Dude, shut up. I'm getting there.
Liam: So you know who's gonna be your dad's heir yet?
Marc Antony: Huh? Oh I dunno. Julius is just a kid and Octavius is gonna be a toddler
soon so I suppose dad hasn't picked yet.
Liam:They usually go with the first born, which is you. I'd say you've got it made.
Marc Antony:Yeah, maybe.We'll see.
Marc Antony: Hey, where's dad?
Maddie: He's working this time so I get to do it. He's had all the fun before so now it's my turn.
Marc Antony: Do I have to do diapers?
Maddie: No, I won't make you do that.You should be enjoying being a teen baby.
Marc Antony: Good.
Maddie:You seem to like your brother's hair style. I'll have to change that so I don't
mix you two up.
Octavius: Gaa?
Maddie changed his hair and set him down to play.The first thing he did after getting his
Smart Milk was strangle poor Scout. It's a good thing that Scout is a patient dog, willing
to put up with the little boy's over zealous affections.
Octavius: Puppy!!!
Scout: Arooff....
Little Octavius orTavi as Marc Antony had begun calling him, was never missing
attention. Marc Antony wanted to teach him to talk first and his parents decided it
would be a good bonding experience for the boys.
Tavi: Brother!!
Marc Antony: Close enough I suppose. My name is too long for you right now.
Tavi: *giggles*
Julius: Like that, it's easy. Marc Antony taught me and I get to teach you. Nursery rhymes are
Tavi: Other brother!! Heehee!!
Julius: Julius Joo-Lee Us, Julius.
Tavi: Jooius.
Julius: It'll do.
Although sometimes he would take over Scout's bed, which did not sit well with him but
it gave him the chance to sleep on the kids' beds instead, which were far more
comfortable than the dog bed.
While littleTavi was getting comfortable in the dog bed, another was getting
comfortable elsewhere...
Dalen: Mmm, Mo baby. How I've missed you...
Mokosh: Dalen, wait...this isn't you.
Dalen: Oh it's me alright Mo baby, I'm the same A-Bomb you met that day, the same
one who lights your fire like no other...
Mokosh: Dalen, please...don't do this.
Dalen:You sure make it hard to get laid around
here don't you?
Mokosh:You've changed, you're evil now. I
don't want Evil Dalen, I want the good, kind,
gentle Dalen I fell in love with all those years
Dalen: Mokosh, this is me, all of me. Evil or not I
still love you and I still want you...what we had.
Mokosh knew what he meant, he wanted to put
things back the way they were before he changed
time.Though she knew what he wanted more
than anything, he wanted Hope back...
Mokosh: Dalen...I know what you want and I'm
not sure I would be comfortable with giving you
that.You've already got too much power now as
is with Drinn and Batalia. I don't want you to
use our daughter like that again. And I have to
go to work soon too.
Dalen knew there was only one way to get her to
submit to his will and give him back his daughter,
he had to use his powers of persuasion on her, all
of it. Hope had a very valuable power, she could
steal the godhoods of other gods and make them
mortal again. If he happened to fail with Drinn, he
wanted a backup plan to take care of Reias once
and for all. It worked so well when they overthrew
Ares and took over, he wanted it to work again.
When Mo came home, Dalen had called up his power and made it concentrate in his lips,
this was the only way to get what he wanted, his daughter back and also his son and
younger daughter too. He knew that all three of their children had strong powers due to
being born full gods and he wanted to nurture and encourage them. Any help he could
get in his campaign would be beneficial, since Mokosh was still only a half god his full
power was enough to subdue her long enough to get what he wanted.
Dalen: Now, where were we?
Mokosh: Dalen....
Dalen: Shh, don't talk. Just let me do my thing baby, you'll love it trust me.
As soon as they touched hands, it was all over her eyes glossed over and she stopped resisting him. She was under
his spell, completely. Somewhere deep down Dalen's good side hated the fact that he had to resort to dirty tricks to
get his daughter back from an unwilling Mokosh, he would never hurt her or take advantage of her like this if he was
End of EntryTen
One more thing stats time:
The Sub-Interlude called Dion,This isYour Life was meant to be read after this
chapter because it follows the dialogue from Dion about wanting to confront
Reias about his missing past.

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The Quest For Reace Redux Chapter Eight Pt. 2 and 3

  • 1. Chapter Eight Pt. 2: The Second Strike Chapter Eight Pt. 3: The Third Strike
  • 2.
  • 3. Dion: Are you okay honey? Maddie: I'm fine....oohhh this is nothing.... Dion:You don't look fine... Maddie: I SAID I'm fine!!! Dion: ...
  • 4. Like his older brother, Julius had the same emerald green eyes but he had his father's red hair. Dion thought about his mother Hestia, she was his grandpa's first born, as was he her first born and he found himself asking the same question as he looked into the face of his younger son, does he go with the tradition started by his grandfather and choose Marc Antony as his heir? Or should he wait to see if he has anymore children before deciding? It was times like this that he really missed having his parents to talk to, Eddie doesn't even know he is his father and Dion can't tell him either.That had to be one of the most painful parts of it all and his mother...what happened to her?
  • 5. Dion put aside the thoughts, after Julius was settled in his crib it was time to cheer for Marc Antony as he entered the joyful toddler years. He looked forward to teaching his son all his skills and watching him learn and explore his world. He blew into the party horn and cheered him on.
  • 6. Marc Antony grew into a beautiful little boy, though in need of a haircut. Dion looked forward to teaching him to talk and walk, Maddie wanted to potty train him and teach him a nursery rhyme. Maddie: I think someone's a little tired from all the excitement. Dion: No, I'm fine. Maddie: Not you, Marc Antony. And I'm a little tired too. Dion: Oh, well off to bed with you two then. He grinned, Maddie smiled too.
  • 7. The next morning, Dion was up early in time to get Marc Antony up for his morning bath and feeding.The thoughts were still on his mind, whether or not he should make Marc Antony heir. Julius was still a baby and his birthday was coming up soon as well it made him realize how fast time really did go around here. Marc Antony playfully splashed in the warm water and let out a fit of giggles, he had no idea about what his father was thinking about, just that the water was splashy. Dion thought about this all night, he was the oldest of four kids and he remembered a little about growing up with his cousins Liam and Lila, but not much. He was always surrounded with family and kids his own age and he never realized how much he took that for granted, until he lost it. Reias promised him he would explain what happened to his parents, siblings and cousins but he never did. He decided he would call him today to find out once and for all.
  • 8. Marc Antony: Splashy daddy!! Dion: I see son, fun isn't it? Marc Antony: *splash* Dion couldn't help but smile, it was cute enough to make him push aside his thoughts. If only for a moment...
  • 9. For Roxie and Reias, their new found love was beginning to bloom even more as time went on. He had finally started coming over again mostly to see Roxie and to check on Liam. Reias: I missed you. Roxie: I know, me too. But unfortunately I have to work soon so I wanted to see if you would come back tonight? Reias:Yeah, I can do that. Roxie: I'll look forward to it, the day is going to seem so long at the hospital.
  • 10. After work, Roxie put on her best dress and called him over, tonight was going to be something special. Reias: Wow, you look amazing honey. Roxie: How would you know, you've got your face buried in my arm. Reias: I know. I always know. Roxie: Is that a god thing? Reias:Yeah, but also a lover thing. Roxie: I see. Reias: Though I bet it would look better on the floor of your room.... Roxie:You don't waste any time do you? Reias: Nope. He teleported them right to her room in a blink.
  • 11. Roxie:That always feels weird when you teleport us. Reias: Well, it does have a tendency to make mortals sick to their stomachs. Roxie: Oh so that's what it is, I thought I was just nervous. Reias: Nervous about what? We've done this before. Roxie: Liam....I mean he's only a boy but he might feel like I'm cheating on his father. Reias: He never met his father though, how would he know? Roxie: I don't know how he would either, but he's a very perceptive little boy. Reias: When he's older he will understand, trust me.
  • 12. Back at Dion's, the second born of generation four was about to join his brother in toddlerdom,They were pretty close in age to begin with and now that Dion had finally become theWorld Famous dancer he wanted to be, it seemed like time was flying by for him. After a long talk with Maddie about his concerns for his sons they had decided to try for one more child it would be a good thing for the boys to have one more sibling to look after.
  • 13. Dion: Ready son?Time to grow up. Julius: *gurgle* Dion: I assume that's a yes.
  • 14. Maddie: It's so nice to see another one of my boys growing up well. Dion:Though they seem to like the same hair style as my uncle Adonis did, well time to visit the mirror for you Julius. Maddie: Where does the time go? I can't believe our boys are growing up so fast. Dion: I know, I just hope they don't resent the fact that we didn't take that many pictures of them. Maddie: I hope not...
  • 15. Eddie:Tickle Monster!! ARRGH!! Liam: AHH!! Stop it Uncle Eddie!! I give up. Eddie: Oh okay, I'll get you later then. Liam: Uncle Eddie, why don't I have any brothers and sisters to play with? Eddie was taken aback by his abrupt question. "Why do you ask?" Liam: A boy in my class at school, Gallagher Newson has five siblings and I don't, why is that? Eddie:Well your mommy didn't have anymore. Liam:Why? Eddie: She was in college when she was pregnant with you so she couldn't stay there. And your daddy died before you were born. Liam: Is my daddy the red haired man I've been seeing in my dreams? Eddie suddenly went cold, how would he know whatJonah looked like? He couldn't one knew what really killed him and he never let his tombstone out of his inventory. Liam: Uncle Eddie, did I have a sister too? Eddie:What?
  • 16. Liam continued, unaware of his uncle's confused look. "She has red hair like our daddy, and we're in this strange house.There's two old grandparent people there cheering us on but I don't have any grandparents. It feels happy there, like we've always been living there...I hear kids voices in the background but I don't see them."
  • 17. "Then my dream changes, we're in a new house somewhere else, my sister is there. Her name is Lila and we're wearing private school uniforms. I hear mommy but not the other kids' voices anymore. I don't understand why I don't have my sister now Uncle Eddie, I'm worried, is she lost somewhere and she can't get home? Maybe that's why my daddy is yelling at mommy....."
  • 18. “He looks angry, and he's pointing out something to mommy about children I think. I can't really hear it all.What does it mean Uncle Eddie?Where is my sister?"
  • 19. "That day we were supposed to have our birthday, we were going to be teenagers. But I'm all alone at the table, the other cake's candles aren't lit and Lila's gone.What does that mean Uncle Eddie?"
  • 20. Liam: Uncle Eddie? Eddie was stunned; he had no idea what to say. Roxie never had another child with Jonah, he had killed him before that could happen, but Liam is remembering having a sister. And he's remembering Jonah too, he never met him and they don't have any pictures of him in the house either so how would he know what he looked like? Liam: UNCLE EDDIE!!!! Eddie: Huh? Oh it was just a dream Liam, that's all.You never had a sister I would know if you did. Liam: seemed so come? Eddie: Just forget about it. Soon Dion's sons will be old enough to go to school with you so you can play with them. And it's time for you to go to bed. Liam: Oh, alright. Eddie tucked him in, the dream he had was still bothering him. How could he be seeing things that never happened? And why would he be seeing them?
  • 21. Eddie was right about Dion's boys being close to growing up, two days later it was Marc Antony's childhood birthday. Dion:You couldn't wait for your mother to get home to grow up? Marc Antony: I'm sorry daddy, I was just too excited to be a big kid, I couldn't wait!! Dion took a bite of his salmon, maybe there was something behind why it seemed time was going by so fast lately. He had heard that there are special children in HiddenCity who grow faster than normal, but as far as he knew that only applied to half god children. He certainly wasn't a god, neither was Maddie maybe it had to do with his mission here, to restore the God of Peace.Could his blood possibly contain that of a god's?There's so much of his family history that was missing, his grandfather arrived in HiddenCity with no memory at all of his life before here. And the only one who could tell him anything about it, was unwilling to share, Reias knew more than he was telling him and soon he would have to make him tell him everything...
  • 22. Though Reias's thoughts were otherwise preoccupied.The night he spent with Roxie had a surprising side effect, she had gotten pregnant that night. Roxie was thrilled to have another baby, she had been missing the sounds of one in the house for a while now; but for Reias this brought back painful memories. His second lover was about to have his second child....and he half expected both her and his child to be ripped from his life again by his former best friend Dalen.
  • 23. Eddie: Wow, I had no idea you and Reias were that close. Roxie: Where have you been little brother? Eddie: I know, I know. I'm sorry about not being here I was working a lot. Roxie: Don't stress over it; Liam will love having a sibling. Eddie's mood faltered; Roxie didn't know that Liam had already been thinking about having a sibling. He didn't know how to tell Roxie about his conversation with Liam about the dream. He looked at his newest nephew, he could see Reias's golden green eyes and his hair in the baby, it made him wonder just what else he might have gotten from his godly parent...
  • 24. Eddie: Hey did you hear that big sis? He spoke. Roxie:You're hilarious little bro, he's only a few minutes old.
  • 25. Reias immediately teleported over as soon as Roxie told him he had a son. In her room he reached through the crib bars and stroked his baby boy.This felt familiar, slightly painful too for him. He spent so little time with Callie and Daphne when she was a baby, he was too focused on other things. If Reias had known then that his time with his daughter and Daphne was so short he would have never left their side. "You'll never have to grow up without me by your side my son. I won't make that mistake again." Solan smiled at his father, an accomplishment in itself since newborns can't smile. But Solan was not an ordinary newborn, he was a half god.
  • 26. Reias stayed all night with him, always holding him and cuddling his son. He didn't want to let him out of his sight for a single moment, call it paranoia or what not but he was still scared of losing his son. "You have no idea how important you are to me son, and I will never let you feel alone. I will take you and your mommy to live with me inTartarus this time around. I won't let you stay on the surface any longer than you have to. I just have to tell your mommy that first..."
  • 27. Reias stayed that night for Liam's teenage birthday. He was going to be old enough now to understand why he was always here. Liam stared into the flickering flame of the candles of his cake, even though his uncle had told him to forget about his dream, he didn't. Because it would come every night no matter what he did. Liam decided not to tell his uncle that he was still having the dream because he saw how it made him react the first time he told him about it.
  • 28. He put on a cheerful face and made it look like nothing was wrong. His mom and Reias were cheering for him to grow up it felt good to finally be able to have some more freedom as a teenager and he could finally take care of his baby brother now too.
  • 29. Roxie: Come on baby!! Reias: Go Liam!!! Liam smiled, this was it...
  • 30. He chose to follow the path of Family so he could find the sister he kept seeing in his dreams, though he began to get slightly annoyed that Reias was hanging around too much, what would his father say about him being here so much? Reias: So Liam, Family huh? Great choice, family's very important in times like this. Liam:Yeah, I know.Why else would I choose it? Reias shifted uncomfortably. "I wanted to talk to you about why I've been around so much..." Liam interrupted him: " I know Solan's your son, and I'll try not to think about you with my's icky. But when I find my dad things will get better for us here." Reias: Liam, your father's dead. He's not missing.
  • 31. Liam: So says you. I know he's around somewhere I'm gonna find him. Reias: I do say, I am the Prince of the Underworld so I know about everyone who has died. Liam: Uh huh, whatever you say. Reias felt that familiar twinge of panic climb back up his spine. How could Liam possibly know thatJonah's soul is not in theUnderworld anywhere?That soul eluded him when it came time to collect it, and he had told no one about it, not even Hades. He was looking forJonah's soul ever since it went missing from Academie LeTour, it was one of the reasons why he hadn't been around a lot when Liam was younger.The other was because he was preparing a counter attack with his Adriels if Dalen chose to strike against Dion's family. Liam: Excuse me I'm going to go change.
  • 32. Liam went upstairs and changed into clothing that his uncle had bought for him.Then he went into his mom's room, Solan turned to him when he lowered the crib bars, the baby boy smiled as his older brother picked him up, maybe it was feeding time... Liam: Look munchkin, I know you can't help who your parents are but don't think that I'll let your father take my mom from me just because of you either. Once I find my father things will be back to normal again and I can finally get my sister back.We'll be a family again, you'll see until then, let's play nice and let our mom think we're getting along okay? Solan may just be a baby, but even he could tell when something didn't sound right, and what Liam said felt like that; he began to cry. Liam put him back in the crib and gave him his binkie, last thing he needed was his mom or Reias hearing what he said.
  • 33. I didn’t realize how short this chapter part was when I originally wrote it, so I’ll include PartThree with this one and save some link space. And for those of you who like stats: Marc Antony Aries 9/8/6/4/4 Julius Capricorn 10/1/5/10/5 Liam (FA)(K) Virgo 10/7/7/5/5 in case you forgot. Now onto PartThree.
  • 34.
  • 35. Cleo and Eddie had finally taken the next step and moved in together. Over the last few months it had been pure bliss, Cleo was at the top of the Hidden City military and she had made great strides in cleaning up the corruption of her officers and higher level officers below her. She managed to somehow straighten out the mess Dalen made with them, however for all her accomplishments there were set backs. She had neglected her duty to find Dion and kill him andTalia made sure to remind her of that...
  • 36. "Cleo, Cleo, Cleo where have you been? I am sensing that you've become lax in your duty that my brother has charged you with...Dion is still alive and STILL BREEDING!!!!" Cleo: Goddess....I'm sorry...I got so wrapped up in work that I-- "SILENCE MORTAL!!! I've been far too patient with you and your failures, this is the last strike. And you know what they say…three strikes and you're out!!!" She barely had time to object before she felt the familiar pull of a summoning tear at her mid section....
  • 37. Batalia: How many chances must you ruin before you actually do what you were sent for??!! Cleo: Goddess, I have been looking for Dion, I only recently found out where he was. Eddie's nephew's birthday is coming up and he will most certainly invite him over. Dalen: Ah, so that's what you've been up to. See sister?You don't have to kill her just yet...however my sister is not a patient woman mortal you're lucky I saved your ass this time. Screw up again and next time I will personally toss you intoTartarus with my own two hands. Batalia: She still hasn't completed the mission brother, Dion still lives.
  • 38. Batalia:Why shouldn't I just smite her right here and now? I so want to.... Dalen:Talia, she still has value to me. If she's telling the truth and she does know where Dion is then you have to let her go. Batalia:Why? Dalen: Because I said so. Cleo: Please Goddess, let me finish my mission. I swear I won't fail again. Batalia:This is your last chance mortal, you fail us again and it will be the end of you. She teleported off in a storm of electrically charged smoke.
  • 39. Dalen: I do hope you're telling the truth, I can't holdTalia back again. Cleo: I am oh merciful God ofWar, I am. I know where Dion is. Dalen: So you mentioned something about Eddie's other nephew, tell me about him. Is he as promising as young Liam? Cleo: Promising as young Liam?What do you mean?
  • 40. Dalen: Now why would I tell you something like that?You don't need to know anything other than what we decide to tell you, got it? Cleo: I understand great War God, I just thought that if there was something about Liam that you wanted me to check on.... Dalen:You don't think, that's why you're here. You failed twice, this is your last chance. Cleo:Yes, great God ofWar. Eddie's other nephew he's only a baby right now but he grows so fast, faster than normal. I know it's because his father is a god. Dalen: I see, and this god would be Reias right? Cleo:Yes, he is. Dalen: Good girl, now get lost and finish what we sent you to do. He waved his hand and sent her off.
  • 41. Dalen stood beside his throne after he sent her back.Young Liam had a lot of pent up anger and frustration inside him, it radiated off his soul like a foul stench. He knew at whom that anger was directed and it pleased him greatly, anything he could do to make Reias's life harder he would do it because it would serve his purposes. If the damned hero was distracted by familial obligations, rather than focused on him andTalia all the more better for them. Since the Furies had failed him before in trying to drive Adonis and Daphne insane he went to someone he knew could get the job done, Morpheus had more power over the mortals' dreams than the Furies do and all it took was a small threat on Dalen's part to convince Morpheus to do what he asked. Morpheus sent Liam visions of his past life in order to push him farther into his grasp. Liam would come to him willingly if he promised him a way to get rid of Reias and reunite Liam with his dead father again, unlike Reias who was unwilling to use his godly powers to invade the mortals' privacy, Dalen was not above it. He knew for a long time that it was Eddie who killed Liam's father and hid his urn in his inventory out of guilt, all it was going to take was a little hint sent to Liam from Morpheus to get him to figure that out...and when he did, it would be a show to see.
  • 42. Like Dalen,Talia had her own schemes to plan, one of which wasn't in her original design.TheGuardian of Dalen's Adriel, Drinn had a thing for her ever since he laid his crystalline eyes on her and she had a thing for him too. Drinn represented power and control, two things of whichTalia found irresistible and it didn't hurt that he was hot either. Drinn:Well, I must say this is a surprise. Batalia: Mhmm, why is that? Drinn: I thought you and Master had something going on. Batalia: Oh we do, we definitely do but with his wandering eyes that seem to gravitate towards his Halfling crush, I say what the hell? Drinn: Master is right over there fishing, won't he be angry? Batalia: Probably, but he started it with the damn Halfling first. Drinn:Ah so this is a revenge fling. I can live with that. Batalia: I knew I liked you baby.
  • 43. The birthday Cleo was talking about was the one that saw Solan entering the toddler years. It was in this stage where the powers of half god children first emerge it would be now when Roxie and Eddie would find out what Solan had inherited from Reias. However, an emergency at Dion's house, in the form of the birth of his third son, kept him from attending this birthday so it would just be the family this time. Liam had the honour of bringing his little brother into the next phase of life, so far he had done well at making his mom and uncle think he was getting along with Solan they had no idea about the deep inner turmoil he was hiding just below the surface. His dreams were coming more and more now sometimes when he was awake at school.
  • 44. Liam glanced over at his uncle, his face bearing the expression of happiness and joy, while hiding a dark secret inside. He had his father's urn stashed away, preventing his soul from crossing over. While it pissed Liam off that he would hide such a thing from him and his mother, it also worked to his advantage. If his father's soul was trapped in limbo then it could be resurrected, he had been doing some research at school on Academie LeTour, and all the big colleges were said to have Secret Societies somewhere hidden on campus with amazing treasures inside.There was only one that he was most interested in, the fabled Bone Phone which is said to be able to resurrect the dead. Once he got enrolled in college the first thing he would do was make sure he got into the Secret Society to gain possession of those treasures for his own and he would be getting his father back. Liam plastered on a faked smile and began to rock Solan back and forth.
  • 45. Liam: Here goes nothing... First things first, toss the rug rat then get back to figuring out how to get his father's urn out of his uncle's inventory.
  • 46. In a flurry of confetti, the newly todderized Solan appeared. He looked like a mini Reias with the same hair, eyes, and skin. Liam passed him to his father and went back to figuring things out. Roxie: Liam, don't you want any cake? Liam: No, I umm…have a lot of homework I'd better get started on mom, sorry. Save me a piece for later okay? Roxie: Oh alright. I will.
  • 47. Reias: So my son, we can finally talk to one another. Solan giggled and smiled. Reias: I won't miss a minute of your precious toddler years, I swear. Solan: Daa..bottle?
  • 48. Reias couldn't help but hold his precious little boy close, for the first time he could be here for his child's first birthday and that thought brought out something he had thought he was incapable of doing, he cried. He never cried, not even when he lost Daphne and Callie it was strange to him. After he lost them all he could think about was killing Dalen for taking them away from him, he filled his heart with revenge and hatred for his former best friend and it got him through the hardest times. Only he didn't get a chance to exact his revenge on Dalen, he had to protect Dion and preserve Oliver's mission it gave him a new focus. Perhaps it was a little bit of Diamos's influence still working through Dion, but as much as he still hated Dalen he knew that he couldn't kill him. It would leave a bigger imbalance in power without a God ofWar than it did without a God of Peace. ******
  • 49. Dion: Oh honey...this is the last time I swear. Maddie: IT HAD BETTER BE!!! Dion: Demetrius, boil some water or something!! Demetrius: I would sir, but I find I am unable to move. I am mesmerized....ooh, that looks painful... Maddie: USELESS MEN!!!
  • 50. Dion: Oh dear. Who left this unmade? Maddie:YOU USELESS SON OF A BITCH!!
  • 51. Dion held his third son as he did the other two boys, finally his family felt complete. Little Octavius had the same red hair as his brother and the same green eyes as his. He felt the mission was secured now that he had three sons capable of carrying on after him, though the question of who would do it was still on his mind. Dion: Like I told your brothers, Octavius my son you have a great destiny laid out before you and I hope that whichever one of you I choose to continue on, that the other two will be there to support my heir. Octavius burbled and yawned, it wouldn't be long beforeJulius joined Marc Antony at school and then on to high school and college after that. Marc Antony was going to be a teenager soon and he would be choosing his life path he and Liam would be at the same private school too.
  • 52. Their birthdays were close, so after Dion had called the Headmaster forJulius he watched as his middle son grew into a child in his nursery. Dion would have liked to give him a cake but like his older brother, Julius was anxious to grow up.
  • 53. Julius: Hey daddy, are you watching me? Dion:Yes son, I saw. Headmaster: Well that worked out nicely, you can join your brother at my school on Monday young man.You made it. Maddie:You planned this pretty well didn't you honey? Dion: I try. Julius: I'm going to change my clothes and hair okay?
  • 54. As a present for the boys, Dion called the Adoption Agency and got them a new puppy. He had noticed that Marc Antony was a little down in the greens for a while now and he figured this would perk him right up again for his birthday in three days. Marc Antony: Wow, a puppy!! I get to train you to do all sorts of things Scout, like roll over, play dead, shake and speak it'll be great!! Scout: Arf?
  • 55. Getting Scout did work to perk Marc Antony up, he was smiling and laughing more and he had taken to spending too much time on the computer as well.Though Dion could tell he did miss being in the same classes as Liam, the two of them were as close as brothers slightly more than he was close to his own brothers at home. While not to far away, another pair of brothers were doing some bonding of their own.
  • 56. Liam: Once more, Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. It's not a hard thing. Solan: Lambp? Liam: No, lamb...why did I agree to do this again? Solan cocked his head to one side, he could sense something wrong with his big brother but he couldn't figure out exactly what it was.
  • 57. Liam:Try it again. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. Solan: Bruther sad? Liam: Just sing the rhyme kid, I got work to do. Solan felt that and it made him want to cry, what was wrong with his brother?
  • 58. Liam: Great, now he's gonna cry. Mom should be doing this not me. Solan sniffled, he didn't know what was wrong with his brother and he couldn't concentrate on the rhyme he was trying to teach him. Solan didn't know the name of the feeling but it appeared he had shown the first powers he had as a half god, he was empathic. Sensing other's feelings was going to be hard while he was young, he was still immature and not ready to handle the burden of his power. Most half god children didn't have the control over their powers until they reached teenhood so living with them while still a child and toddler would be a constant uphill battle for them. ******
  • 59. Marc Antony stood in front of his cake, the yellow buttercream icing looked delicious. He looked up at the thirteen candles on top glowing brightly.Tonight he could get to go out and stay up later, he could play big kid games with Liam at school. He knew his brother wasn't going to be in his classes anymore for a while and it made him a little sad to be away from him but it also made him happy too. He could hang out with Liam again.
  • 60. Marc Antony: Here we go, good bye childhood and hello teenage freedom... He looked down at the sparklies that were crawling up his legs, this was going to be fun!!
  • 61. Marc Antony: Sweet!! Let's see Liam try to take me on with these guns. He decided that a life path of Fortune with the goal of being the Head of the SCIA after his mom retired, was the right way for him to go. But first he had to get some money for some clothes, these wouldn't do.
  • 62. Liam: So you finally grew up huh?Took you long enough. Marc Antony: Can I help it if you were born first?Come gimme your best shot. Liam: Still not enough to buy new clothes?That is so not you. Marc Antony: Dude, shut up. I'm getting there.
  • 63. Liam: So you know who's gonna be your dad's heir yet? Marc Antony: Huh? Oh I dunno. Julius is just a kid and Octavius is gonna be a toddler soon so I suppose dad hasn't picked yet. Liam:They usually go with the first born, which is you. I'd say you've got it made. Marc Antony:Yeah, maybe.We'll see.
  • 64. Marc Antony: Hey, where's dad? Maddie: He's working this time so I get to do it. He's had all the fun before so now it's my turn. Marc Antony: Do I have to do diapers? Maddie: No, I won't make you do that.You should be enjoying being a teen baby. Marc Antony: Good.
  • 65. Maddie:You seem to like your brother's hair style. I'll have to change that so I don't mix you two up. Octavius: Gaa?
  • 66. Maddie changed his hair and set him down to play.The first thing he did after getting his Smart Milk was strangle poor Scout. It's a good thing that Scout is a patient dog, willing to put up with the little boy's over zealous affections. Octavius: Puppy!!! Scout: Arooff....
  • 67. Little Octavius orTavi as Marc Antony had begun calling him, was never missing attention. Marc Antony wanted to teach him to talk first and his parents decided it would be a good bonding experience for the boys. Tavi: Brother!! Marc Antony: Close enough I suppose. My name is too long for you right now. Tavi: *giggles*
  • 68. Julius: Like that, it's easy. Marc Antony taught me and I get to teach you. Nursery rhymes are fun. Tavi: Other brother!! Heehee!! Julius: Julius Joo-Lee Us, Julius. Tavi: Jooius. Julius: It'll do.
  • 69. Although sometimes he would take over Scout's bed, which did not sit well with him but it gave him the chance to sleep on the kids' beds instead, which were far more comfortable than the dog bed. ****** While littleTavi was getting comfortable in the dog bed, another was getting comfortable elsewhere...
  • 70. Dalen: Mmm, Mo baby. How I've missed you... Mokosh: Dalen, wait...this isn't you. Dalen: Oh it's me alright Mo baby, I'm the same A-Bomb you met that day, the same one who lights your fire like no other...
  • 71. Mokosh: Dalen, please...don't do this. Dalen:You sure make it hard to get laid around here don't you? Mokosh:You've changed, you're evil now. I don't want Evil Dalen, I want the good, kind, gentle Dalen I fell in love with all those years ago. Dalen: Mokosh, this is me, all of me. Evil or not I still love you and I still want you...what we had. Mokosh knew what he meant, he wanted to put things back the way they were before he changed time.Though she knew what he wanted more than anything, he wanted Hope back... Mokosh: Dalen...I know what you want and I'm not sure I would be comfortable with giving you that.You've already got too much power now as is with Drinn and Batalia. I don't want you to use our daughter like that again. And I have to go to work soon too. Dalen knew there was only one way to get her to submit to his will and give him back his daughter, he had to use his powers of persuasion on her, all of it. Hope had a very valuable power, she could steal the godhoods of other gods and make them mortal again. If he happened to fail with Drinn, he wanted a backup plan to take care of Reias once and for all. It worked so well when they overthrew Ares and took over, he wanted it to work again.
  • 72. When Mo came home, Dalen had called up his power and made it concentrate in his lips, this was the only way to get what he wanted, his daughter back and also his son and younger daughter too. He knew that all three of their children had strong powers due to being born full gods and he wanted to nurture and encourage them. Any help he could get in his campaign would be beneficial, since Mokosh was still only a half god his full power was enough to subdue her long enough to get what he wanted.
  • 73. Dalen: Now, where were we? Mokosh: Dalen.... Dalen: Shh, don't talk. Just let me do my thing baby, you'll love it trust me. As soon as they touched hands, it was all over her eyes glossed over and she stopped resisting him. She was under his spell, completely. Somewhere deep down Dalen's good side hated the fact that he had to resort to dirty tricks to get his daughter back from an unwilling Mokosh, he would never hurt her or take advantage of her like this if he was good... ****** End of EntryTen
  • 74. One more thing stats time: Solan Cancer 5/7/6/5/7 Octavius Cancer 9/1/7/8/10 The Sub-Interlude called Dion,This isYour Life was meant to be read after this chapter because it follows the dialogue from Dion about wanting to confront Reias about his missing past.