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Apocalypse Please! HippieLayla86 I Got Married to the Widow Next Door Weeks  20 - 21
Hello and welcome back to Apocalypse Please! For Chapter 8 – I Got Married to the Widow Next Door, Weeks 20 – 21, a shorter one, but you'll see why in the first half of this chapter... Last time quite a few restrictions were lifted, 3 restrictions to be exact, Kobe lifted the service pet restrictions allowing me to control the elders again, Dylan lifted the journalism career restrictions which will allow sims to take any of the jobs listed in the newspaper, and Benny lifted the military career restrictions allowing sims to travel freely from lot to lot including going to college (once the Education restriction is lifted too) along with moving out of the main house. So move out is what a lot of generation 2 and 3 did. Buddy moved out and married Brandi, but unfortunately passed away shortly after. Dylan, Eileen's twin, moved out and married his girlfriend Christy, and then Aunt Adia finally moved out on her own with her beloved pet Kobe. Speaking of Adia, we have some unfinished business to attend to, so a new voice will be introduced and heard for the first time.  ---->
Growing up, my brother Raj and I always knew that there was a tension between our parents. A long held secret that the two wouldn't share with us. But one day, as my Dad was reading the obituaries, everything started to come out... “ She's dead?? But she must have been only 42 years old... how could she be dead?...” “ Dad, who are you talking about?” but Dad didn't respond, he was off in his own world... “ A fire... well, I guess that explains it.... Living on her own?... why would she have been living on her own, I know her Uncle loved her just as his own daughter”
As Raj and I sat there in silence, we wondered who Dad could be talking about. When he finally put down the paper, he wore the saddest expression I've ever seen, “Dev, Raj... I have something to tell you... and after I tell you, I will need one of you to do something very important for me.” Dad cleared his throat, struggling to continue his train of thought, “You see, there was a time when I was madly in love with another woman... she was a coworker of mine back when I was still trying to make it as a musician. We spent a lot of time together on tour, and eventually one thing led to another and we ended up together. Before you jump to any conclusions, your mother and I had decided to take a break while I was on tour, we thought it was better that way. When the tour ended...”
“ My love and I were still close, but after her mother passed, she became distant. I was there when her mother died, and I guess I wasn't able to comfort her enough. She shut me out of her life, and so I decided to return to your mother, Priya, and give up on my dream to become a musician. Now my old love, she never gave up her dream, and she actually became a musical sensation.... It wasn't until years later, when I was married and you boys were born until I found out that I had a daughter I had never met.”
“ A daughter I had never met, and wasn't allowed to meet. Not only did her mother not want me to meet her....”
“ But her Aunt and Uncle were furious at me for not being in their niece's life. They never knew that it was Al, her name was Alison, but she went by Al, who kept me from my daughter Adia. So as long as Adia lived with her Aunt Anna and Uncle Clint, I knew I could never meet her... So I kept my distance, waiting for the day that she would move out on her own, and I could finally meet my daughter.”
“ Uncle Clint? Her Uncle isn't Clint Lakshmi, the former mayor is he?” “ Yes, he is one in the same,” Dad responded. “ But, he died a few years ago, why didn't you meet her then?” “ It's not that easy, Adia was living with her cousins Eileen and Dylan up until recently, and they felt the same way about me as their father did.” “ Well, I've met Dylan Lakshmi a couple of times at work, maybe I could talk to him?” “ Son, it's no use, she's dead now... a daughter dying before her father... what a cruel trick to play on an old man.”
My father was wrong, maybe Adia had passed away, but her family had the right to know that our father hadn't abandoned her, that it was quite the opposite. I immediately sat down at the computer and found some more information on Dylan. I had met him a few years ago when I was getting my start as a paper delivery boy. Hopefully he would remember me...
Dad was a wreck over everything, and after I got into contact with Dylan and invited him over, Raj tried to unsuccessfully cheer Dad up. But there was one thing that bothered me even more still... “ Mother, would you be alright if I tried to contact Adia's family?” “ Oh, Dev, it was so long ago, and no matter what the circumstances were, she and her family are part of our family. I am saddened to know that the girl, well I suppose she was no girl, but a woman, passed away so suddenly. Life is hard in this neighborhood, she should have never been left alone. If you're asking for my permission, there's no need, your father needs this closure...” With my mother's encouragement, I was ready to meet Dylan again.
I had already broken the news to Dylan of our unlikely familial relations, but it was still awkward to see him in person afterward. It turns out Dylan and his twin had treated Adia like a sister the whole time they had grown up together. He confirmed what Dad had suspected that his father Clint would not have liked to meet Dad assuming it was my father's fault that he wasn't in Adia's life... which was partly true, he could've made an effort. Dylan was kind enough to tell me more about Adia, her love of all of her pets, and her devotion to her cousin Eileen's children. Dylan also gave me the address of the home Adia had recently purchased on her own.
With this new information, I hugged my Mother goodbye, and told my Father I would find out all I could about Adia for him. This was what he was hoping for to begin with that either Raj or I would be brave enough to face his old demons... looks like I would be the one taking care of things for Dad this time.
When I arrived at what had been Adia's home, I was able to let myself in. The door was unlocked, and it looked like maybe the owner was just out and about. But when I went into the kitchen, the burnt pancakes and Adia's urn were still where they had been when she passed away... Adia's pet cat Kobe was no where to be found, so I decided to call animal protection services and see if I could adopt Kobe.
Adia's cat Kobe was very eager to come home, though I know he was looking for his master. He jumped up into my arms as I held him close. I may have never met Adia, but she would've been my half sister, so I vowed to take care of Kobe. As I was leaving Adia's home, I was greeted by a woman who introduced herself as Brandi. Apparently Brandi had been wed to Adia's Uncle Buddy, so the two had been close.
Brandi was able to tell me a little bit more about Adia's life after she moved out on her own. She and Kobe had led a simple life, she was often content with reading a good book and looking after the two of them.
But, life with just a cat was getting lonely. Adia had been used to a full house. So, she finally decided to get out and meet people. That's when she met her good friend Leo. Adia had told Brandi that she and Leo were becoming more than friends and she was hoping to eventually marry him.
But, life has it's cruel way of snatching things away from people... only a few weeks after living on her own, Adia lost her life in a house fire. With only Kobe as a witness who was helpless to do anything.
Kobe stayed at their home for a little while before being discovered by pet services.
Eileen had desperately wanted to adopt Kobe in memory of her closest friend and family, but animal services didn't think anyone in Hiddenbrook could take care of themselves let alone a pet. Brandi told me that Eileen's eldest son Frank then vowed that he wanted to become the Police chief and give the force the kick in its butt that they needed. Sims of Hiddenbrook were no lesser than those of any other town, and he was going to prove it.
Brandi and I spoke for a long time, and she eventually ended up telling me about her own life. She had only been married to her husband Buddy for 3 days before he passed away of old age. But fortunately she had become pregnant with his child before then.
Her daughter was born a few months later whom she named Barbara Ann. Life was good for a while...
But being a single mother living alone in a post apocalyptic  neighborhood was not easy nor safe. Times had gotten difficult for Brandi in the last few years. As she struggled to keep her daughter Barbara Ann healthy and happy, she had to sacrifice a lot of her own happiness. Brandi then said she had to go and invited me over to her house that same evening.
When I got to Brandi's home, her dog Scout ran out at me barking and then immediately ran back inside.
Things had taken a turn for the worst and Brandi was about to die of starvation. I ran up to her, held her in my arms and quickly fed her some formula... I know, not the best option for an adult, but I had to think quickly.
I was able to save Brandi's life that night. And I told her I would move in with her until Barbara Ann was old enough to help her around the house too. As time passed I started to fall in love with Brandi, but I was skeptical that she could ever love me as much as she had loved Buddy.
Barbara Ann grew into a lovely young girl, and things have gotten a lot easier for Brandi. I wasn't able to save my sister Adia, but I was able to save her kin... now I can't imagine my life without Brandi, Barbara Ann, Scout and of course Kobe. --- As you can see, I really don't recommend that any sims live alone in an apocalypse neighborhood! Fortunately, Dev was able to save Brandi's life, but Adia wasn't so lucky... so now let's get back to the main family with some good news, to change things up a bit, and Eileen will be narrating again....
Education Restrictions Lifted That's right, I am now the Education Minister, and I have the power to make the big changes I've been dreaming about! My first act as Minister was to re-open Hiddenbrook High School. Over the years, I've been able to meet those teachers who are “brave” enough to venture back into our “post-apocalyptic” town. So, with the school open, and teachers to boot, my Frank and Gideon can finally go back to school. And since the youth of Hiddenbrook can go to high school again, they'll also be eligible to apply for college at LFT, Sim State or any other college of their choice! WEEK 20
It was one of my proudest moments the next morning to wish my sons off to a good day at high school! I know this isn't as big of a deal for Gideon, since he hasn't been out of school for that long, but for Frank, he was anxious and nervous to attend his first day of school after so long of a break.
Frank is too funny, after coming home from a long day at school, he told me that he feels like he can challenge himself a lot better than his new school can. I suppose they all assume that since Frank hasn't been to school in years, they need to sugarcoat everything. I personally take offense to that, seeing that he's  my  son! So, Frank put himself to work again tonight, working on his athletic skills. Ever since his Aunt Adia passed away due to a house fire that could have been prevented if she had had a working smoke detector, he's decided he wants to join the police force to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone ever again.
To someone looking in from the outside, it may seem like we have a difficult life. But I beg to differ – I have a wonderful, tight knit family who appreciates one another and spends time together. Because we don't have all of the luxuries of the modern world, we don't have as much distraction as some others may. I was reminded of that tonight as I sat down to play chess with my youngest, Isaac.
I knew the day would come when Frank and Gideon became interested in the opposite sex. What I wasn't expecting is that Frank would skip over any interest in women his age and approach female adults that walked past the house. But I suppose this left an opening for his younger brother Gideon to talk to Meadow, one of the more popular girls at their school.
After tonight, I'll have three teenage boys in the house... I think I may have to invest in some more air fresheners, especially if Henry proves to be as interested in fitness as his older brother Frank.
Benny and I have been blessed with a wonderful family, all of our boys are handsome, intelligent and healthy. I couldn't ask for more! --- Henry is a knowledge sim who loves buff sims that wear hats, but dislikes facial hair.
Immediately after blowing out his candles and scarfing down a piece of birthday cake, Henry ran upstairs to use our new telescope. --- It turns out the Lakshmis could have been using the telescope ever since Al lifted the music restrictions, but I just now took a closer look at the rules and figured it out... I wish I would've realized that sooner!
Henry may have been fascinated with the night sky, but his older and younger brothers felt perfectly content reading and  listening  to Good Night Moon instead of  looking  for the moon. Gideon is such a sweet young man, the older he gets the more he reminds me of his Father.
Now that Frank has gone to High School for about a week, he realizes that it's not just the teachers that need to challenge him, that he still needs to challenge himself. Now that he's accepted that, he's happy to go to school for the social aspects of it as well, to meet new friends.
It seems everyone in our family loves to draw and paint, even Henry who seemed to only have eyes for the sky took to the easel really well.
Since Frank has decided that he wants to become a police officer, he realized he didn't need a degree to get that job. So he is not going to attend college. So tonight, we celebrated his birthday. Even his new friend Camryn stuck around for his party.
My eldest is now officially an adult, and all of this gray hair feels a little bit more justified. Even though Frank had decided himself not to go to college, he couldn't help but wonder what he had just given up. --- Frank was only a day away from becoming an adult, and it wasn't a Tuesday, so he didn't have the opportunity to call and go to college.
Apparently his new friend Camryn decided she could cheer Frank up. And Frank was so thankful that he asked his new friend to move in with us. I'm not sure about all of this, it all seems so sudden.
--- Camryn is a popularity sim that moved in with 19k which is not even needed since the family has almost 700,000 simoleons that they can't do anything with. She has the LTW of having 20 simultaneous best friends, she is a Leo and has 4 Neat, 10 Outgoing, 4 Active, 4 Playful and 3 Nice Points. She is currently employed as a Hostess with a small smattering of skill points.
Frank was able to find a job right away in the Law Enforcement field, he'll be starting out as a security guard. And Camryn decided to switch careers as well, and is now working as a Button Masher in the game developing world. Such a strange thing to aspire to be in my opinion!
Regardless, Camryn headed off to her first day of work today while Frank and Gideon decided to go for a hike.
Even though Camryn's career is unconventional, she did get a promotion at her first day, so I have some respect for her for that. And later on that same night, my son went off to his first day of work.
Since Scout and Kobe have moved out of our home, our house has seemed a little empty. So when a cute stray walked by, I showed him some love and attention, and even got him to respond to the name Rover after a while. I am proud to say that my son has also received a promotion at his first day of work! He is now a Cadet. He tells me the job isn't very exciting, since he's still in training, but he's happy to be heading in the right direction.
Frank wasn't a Cadet for long, he's gotten another promotion and is now a Patrol Officer.
Though I don't appreciate Camryn walking around in her underwear.... I do appreciate that she seems to be taking the time to get to know the rest of the family, and not just fawn all over Frank.
And speaking of fawning all over Frank, tonight they actually took a step from being friends to romantic interests. If Camryn makes Frank happy, I guess I'll have to learn to like her... --- The picture on the right cracks me up, oh Henry with your perfectly timed, autonomous primping. I don't think Frank would be too happy with you if you hit on Camryn, and let's not even mention what your mother would say!
Henry has been really into his cook books lately. He's been learning some new recipes, and Gideon keeps teasing him to say he's trying to impress the ladies.
Our youngest Isaac is now a teenager too. He reminds me a lot of my brother Dylan. --- For some reason I didn't write down Isaac's turn ons like with the other sons, but he is a Popularity sim who wants to be a celebrity chef.
I have tried to be fair and give Camryn a chance... but she makes it extremely difficult for me to do so. Just today I saw her checking out my husband! And then when I looked over, she pretended she didn't see me catch her. I really think Frank could do better than her. But until I see her act on anything, I wouldn't feel right telling Frank about it. --- Since I don't feel Eileen would like to mention it after what she caught Camryn doing, she has received another promotion to a Trash Talker
Frank just keeps moving up and up the work ladder, he is now a Desk Sargent. WEEK 21
Since we can only make phone calls on Tuesdays, that means the only day my sons can apply for scholarships and move to college are Tuesdays. So even though this means Henry will be going to college earlier than most, he and Gideon applied for and got accepted to go to LFT.
I may not think much of her, but Frank is very taken with Camryn. The two of them seem very close, and she does show him a lot of affection. But...
My suspicions were confirmed tonight. As I was sitting down with a snack, Camryn and her “friend” Meadow were acting as more than just friends... I tried to hold it together, but when Meadow pulled Camryn close and the two started giggling that's when I lost it!
“ What makes you think that this is okay?? Do you think I'm stupid, or senile or have hearing loss?! I am right here, and you and your 'friend' decide to cuddle! You are supposed to be in a relationship with my son, how dare you disrespect him and all of my family!”
“ You can either tell me that this is over and you will never see Meadow again, or you have a day to tell Frank that you cheated on him. If  you  don't then  I  will! I am not about to let my eldest son make a big mistake in wasting his time on you!” Camryn just stood there starring at me. She must have thought I would've just ignored the whole thing! The nerve of that.... that... hussy!!
I wasn't shocked when Camryn didn't say a word to Frank, but I was thrown for a loop when he proposed to her the next day. I hadn't realized the two were this serious. I had to move fast to save my son!
A day went by, and still Camryn said nothing. Frank was blissfully happy about the engagement and he continued to be a high achiever at work. He is now a member of the Vice Squad.
The day I had given Camryn to explain everything to Frank was at a close. She continued to act as if nothing happened. Fortunately her “friend” Meadow liked to make herself at home, and was over that night. I needed to break Frank's heart now, in order to save it from a larger break later in life... I couldn't believe that this woman would put me in this situation!
So, I went into the other room where Frank was working on his novel, but Camryn beat me to him. “Frank dear,” Camryn said, “Your Mom is going to lie to you about me, and I wanted to warn you about it” I was outraged, and spun the little devious liar around – “Why would I lie to my eldest son? Why would he ever believe you? Frank, I hate to do it this way, but Camryn here is no good. She and her 'friend' Meadow are in love! Just the other night they were embracing and I caught them. I gave Camryn the chance to prove me wrong, but she is nothing better than a no good, lying hussy!” Almost on cue, Meadow pulled Camryn in to comfort her – “Cammie, don't listen to her, she doesn't know what's really going on with us...”
I could see my son's heart breaking, and also, saw him wringing his hands. He went up to Camryn, split her and Meadow apart and slapped Camryn right in the face. “ How could you do this to me Cam? I thought you loved me?”
“ Did you ever love me, Cam?” “ How can you even ask me that Frank, of course I do!” “ I don't know Cam, I can't believe anything you say now. You've been lying to me all along haven't you?! I want you out Camryn!!” “ But Frank... I love you... please don't do this... it was Meadow, she hit on me, I didn't do anything... Frank, please!”
“ Camryn, OUT! Get out, leave! You have come into our home, taken our hospitality along with my heart and stomped all over it! I'm sorry I didn't see you for who you really are long ago. Leave now! I never want to speak to you again!”
I watched Camryn as she looked up an address for the nearest realtor, and the whole time that young temptress Meadow stood by smiling. Those two miserable ladies can have each other. I just wish they hadn't broken my son's heart in the meantime! It didn't seem to be soon enough, but Camryn and Meadow left that night together.
I went to go console Frank, but Benny had already beaten me to it. “ Frank, son, you'll get past this. You're smart, you're funny, you're kind, you have a great job, and you're writing a great novel, there are many women who would be proud to be with you.” “ But Dad, I really don't know if I can trust anyone ever again... I thought Camryn was the one, how could I have been so blind to her true nature?” “ Infatuation can do that to us sometimes. You met Camryn at such a young age, don't feel bad about not seeing her for who she was, I just wish your mother and I could've protected you a little bit better. Just be happy this happened now, rather than after you two had a family together.”
After his pep talk from Benny, our Frank decided to get out and get some fresh air. Benny had told Frank to go out and just meet some new people, enjoy the night and try not to get too down on himself. You never know who you'll meet when you're not looking for anyone.
So Benny went to the only venue we have in Hiddenbrook, a bar called the Aftershock, and headed up for a few drinks after a long, painful day.
And this is where Apocalypse Please! Chapter 8 – I Got Married to the Widow Next Door, Weeks 20-21 comes to an end. Next time, how will Frank heal his broken heart? Until then, make sure you stop by SiMania   ( ) For updates on the Lakshmis in between chatpers. Thanks for reading, and... Happy Simming! HippieLayla86

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Apocalypse Please! 8 - I Got Married to the Widow Next Door

  • 1. Apocalypse Please! HippieLayla86 I Got Married to the Widow Next Door Weeks 20 - 21
  • 2. Hello and welcome back to Apocalypse Please! For Chapter 8 – I Got Married to the Widow Next Door, Weeks 20 – 21, a shorter one, but you'll see why in the first half of this chapter... Last time quite a few restrictions were lifted, 3 restrictions to be exact, Kobe lifted the service pet restrictions allowing me to control the elders again, Dylan lifted the journalism career restrictions which will allow sims to take any of the jobs listed in the newspaper, and Benny lifted the military career restrictions allowing sims to travel freely from lot to lot including going to college (once the Education restriction is lifted too) along with moving out of the main house. So move out is what a lot of generation 2 and 3 did. Buddy moved out and married Brandi, but unfortunately passed away shortly after. Dylan, Eileen's twin, moved out and married his girlfriend Christy, and then Aunt Adia finally moved out on her own with her beloved pet Kobe. Speaking of Adia, we have some unfinished business to attend to, so a new voice will be introduced and heard for the first time. ---->
  • 3. Growing up, my brother Raj and I always knew that there was a tension between our parents. A long held secret that the two wouldn't share with us. But one day, as my Dad was reading the obituaries, everything started to come out... “ She's dead?? But she must have been only 42 years old... how could she be dead?...” “ Dad, who are you talking about?” but Dad didn't respond, he was off in his own world... “ A fire... well, I guess that explains it.... Living on her own?... why would she have been living on her own, I know her Uncle loved her just as his own daughter”
  • 4. As Raj and I sat there in silence, we wondered who Dad could be talking about. When he finally put down the paper, he wore the saddest expression I've ever seen, “Dev, Raj... I have something to tell you... and after I tell you, I will need one of you to do something very important for me.” Dad cleared his throat, struggling to continue his train of thought, “You see, there was a time when I was madly in love with another woman... she was a coworker of mine back when I was still trying to make it as a musician. We spent a lot of time together on tour, and eventually one thing led to another and we ended up together. Before you jump to any conclusions, your mother and I had decided to take a break while I was on tour, we thought it was better that way. When the tour ended...”
  • 5. “ My love and I were still close, but after her mother passed, she became distant. I was there when her mother died, and I guess I wasn't able to comfort her enough. She shut me out of her life, and so I decided to return to your mother, Priya, and give up on my dream to become a musician. Now my old love, she never gave up her dream, and she actually became a musical sensation.... It wasn't until years later, when I was married and you boys were born until I found out that I had a daughter I had never met.”
  • 6. “ A daughter I had never met, and wasn't allowed to meet. Not only did her mother not want me to meet her....”
  • 7. “ But her Aunt and Uncle were furious at me for not being in their niece's life. They never knew that it was Al, her name was Alison, but she went by Al, who kept me from my daughter Adia. So as long as Adia lived with her Aunt Anna and Uncle Clint, I knew I could never meet her... So I kept my distance, waiting for the day that she would move out on her own, and I could finally meet my daughter.”
  • 8. “ Uncle Clint? Her Uncle isn't Clint Lakshmi, the former mayor is he?” “ Yes, he is one in the same,” Dad responded. “ But, he died a few years ago, why didn't you meet her then?” “ It's not that easy, Adia was living with her cousins Eileen and Dylan up until recently, and they felt the same way about me as their father did.” “ Well, I've met Dylan Lakshmi a couple of times at work, maybe I could talk to him?” “ Son, it's no use, she's dead now... a daughter dying before her father... what a cruel trick to play on an old man.”
  • 9. My father was wrong, maybe Adia had passed away, but her family had the right to know that our father hadn't abandoned her, that it was quite the opposite. I immediately sat down at the computer and found some more information on Dylan. I had met him a few years ago when I was getting my start as a paper delivery boy. Hopefully he would remember me...
  • 10. Dad was a wreck over everything, and after I got into contact with Dylan and invited him over, Raj tried to unsuccessfully cheer Dad up. But there was one thing that bothered me even more still... “ Mother, would you be alright if I tried to contact Adia's family?” “ Oh, Dev, it was so long ago, and no matter what the circumstances were, she and her family are part of our family. I am saddened to know that the girl, well I suppose she was no girl, but a woman, passed away so suddenly. Life is hard in this neighborhood, she should have never been left alone. If you're asking for my permission, there's no need, your father needs this closure...” With my mother's encouragement, I was ready to meet Dylan again.
  • 11. I had already broken the news to Dylan of our unlikely familial relations, but it was still awkward to see him in person afterward. It turns out Dylan and his twin had treated Adia like a sister the whole time they had grown up together. He confirmed what Dad had suspected that his father Clint would not have liked to meet Dad assuming it was my father's fault that he wasn't in Adia's life... which was partly true, he could've made an effort. Dylan was kind enough to tell me more about Adia, her love of all of her pets, and her devotion to her cousin Eileen's children. Dylan also gave me the address of the home Adia had recently purchased on her own.
  • 12. With this new information, I hugged my Mother goodbye, and told my Father I would find out all I could about Adia for him. This was what he was hoping for to begin with that either Raj or I would be brave enough to face his old demons... looks like I would be the one taking care of things for Dad this time.
  • 13. When I arrived at what had been Adia's home, I was able to let myself in. The door was unlocked, and it looked like maybe the owner was just out and about. But when I went into the kitchen, the burnt pancakes and Adia's urn were still where they had been when she passed away... Adia's pet cat Kobe was no where to be found, so I decided to call animal protection services and see if I could adopt Kobe.
  • 14. Adia's cat Kobe was very eager to come home, though I know he was looking for his master. He jumped up into my arms as I held him close. I may have never met Adia, but she would've been my half sister, so I vowed to take care of Kobe. As I was leaving Adia's home, I was greeted by a woman who introduced herself as Brandi. Apparently Brandi had been wed to Adia's Uncle Buddy, so the two had been close.
  • 15. Brandi was able to tell me a little bit more about Adia's life after she moved out on her own. She and Kobe had led a simple life, she was often content with reading a good book and looking after the two of them.
  • 16. But, life with just a cat was getting lonely. Adia had been used to a full house. So, she finally decided to get out and meet people. That's when she met her good friend Leo. Adia had told Brandi that she and Leo were becoming more than friends and she was hoping to eventually marry him.
  • 17. But, life has it's cruel way of snatching things away from people... only a few weeks after living on her own, Adia lost her life in a house fire. With only Kobe as a witness who was helpless to do anything.
  • 18. Kobe stayed at their home for a little while before being discovered by pet services.
  • 19. Eileen had desperately wanted to adopt Kobe in memory of her closest friend and family, but animal services didn't think anyone in Hiddenbrook could take care of themselves let alone a pet. Brandi told me that Eileen's eldest son Frank then vowed that he wanted to become the Police chief and give the force the kick in its butt that they needed. Sims of Hiddenbrook were no lesser than those of any other town, and he was going to prove it.
  • 20. Brandi and I spoke for a long time, and she eventually ended up telling me about her own life. She had only been married to her husband Buddy for 3 days before he passed away of old age. But fortunately she had become pregnant with his child before then.
  • 21. Her daughter was born a few months later whom she named Barbara Ann. Life was good for a while...
  • 22. But being a single mother living alone in a post apocalyptic neighborhood was not easy nor safe. Times had gotten difficult for Brandi in the last few years. As she struggled to keep her daughter Barbara Ann healthy and happy, she had to sacrifice a lot of her own happiness. Brandi then said she had to go and invited me over to her house that same evening.
  • 23. When I got to Brandi's home, her dog Scout ran out at me barking and then immediately ran back inside.
  • 24. Things had taken a turn for the worst and Brandi was about to die of starvation. I ran up to her, held her in my arms and quickly fed her some formula... I know, not the best option for an adult, but I had to think quickly.
  • 25. I was able to save Brandi's life that night. And I told her I would move in with her until Barbara Ann was old enough to help her around the house too. As time passed I started to fall in love with Brandi, but I was skeptical that she could ever love me as much as she had loved Buddy.
  • 26. Barbara Ann grew into a lovely young girl, and things have gotten a lot easier for Brandi. I wasn't able to save my sister Adia, but I was able to save her kin... now I can't imagine my life without Brandi, Barbara Ann, Scout and of course Kobe. --- As you can see, I really don't recommend that any sims live alone in an apocalypse neighborhood! Fortunately, Dev was able to save Brandi's life, but Adia wasn't so lucky... so now let's get back to the main family with some good news, to change things up a bit, and Eileen will be narrating again....
  • 27. Education Restrictions Lifted That's right, I am now the Education Minister, and I have the power to make the big changes I've been dreaming about! My first act as Minister was to re-open Hiddenbrook High School. Over the years, I've been able to meet those teachers who are “brave” enough to venture back into our “post-apocalyptic” town. So, with the school open, and teachers to boot, my Frank and Gideon can finally go back to school. And since the youth of Hiddenbrook can go to high school again, they'll also be eligible to apply for college at LFT, Sim State or any other college of their choice! WEEK 20
  • 28. It was one of my proudest moments the next morning to wish my sons off to a good day at high school! I know this isn't as big of a deal for Gideon, since he hasn't been out of school for that long, but for Frank, he was anxious and nervous to attend his first day of school after so long of a break.
  • 29. Frank is too funny, after coming home from a long day at school, he told me that he feels like he can challenge himself a lot better than his new school can. I suppose they all assume that since Frank hasn't been to school in years, they need to sugarcoat everything. I personally take offense to that, seeing that he's my son! So, Frank put himself to work again tonight, working on his athletic skills. Ever since his Aunt Adia passed away due to a house fire that could have been prevented if she had had a working smoke detector, he's decided he wants to join the police force to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone ever again.
  • 30. To someone looking in from the outside, it may seem like we have a difficult life. But I beg to differ – I have a wonderful, tight knit family who appreciates one another and spends time together. Because we don't have all of the luxuries of the modern world, we don't have as much distraction as some others may. I was reminded of that tonight as I sat down to play chess with my youngest, Isaac.
  • 31. I knew the day would come when Frank and Gideon became interested in the opposite sex. What I wasn't expecting is that Frank would skip over any interest in women his age and approach female adults that walked past the house. But I suppose this left an opening for his younger brother Gideon to talk to Meadow, one of the more popular girls at their school.
  • 32. After tonight, I'll have three teenage boys in the house... I think I may have to invest in some more air fresheners, especially if Henry proves to be as interested in fitness as his older brother Frank.
  • 33. Benny and I have been blessed with a wonderful family, all of our boys are handsome, intelligent and healthy. I couldn't ask for more! --- Henry is a knowledge sim who loves buff sims that wear hats, but dislikes facial hair.
  • 34. Immediately after blowing out his candles and scarfing down a piece of birthday cake, Henry ran upstairs to use our new telescope. --- It turns out the Lakshmis could have been using the telescope ever since Al lifted the music restrictions, but I just now took a closer look at the rules and figured it out... I wish I would've realized that sooner!
  • 35. Henry may have been fascinated with the night sky, but his older and younger brothers felt perfectly content reading and listening to Good Night Moon instead of looking for the moon. Gideon is such a sweet young man, the older he gets the more he reminds me of his Father.
  • 36. Now that Frank has gone to High School for about a week, he realizes that it's not just the teachers that need to challenge him, that he still needs to challenge himself. Now that he's accepted that, he's happy to go to school for the social aspects of it as well, to meet new friends.
  • 37. It seems everyone in our family loves to draw and paint, even Henry who seemed to only have eyes for the sky took to the easel really well.
  • 38. Since Frank has decided that he wants to become a police officer, he realized he didn't need a degree to get that job. So he is not going to attend college. So tonight, we celebrated his birthday. Even his new friend Camryn stuck around for his party.
  • 39. My eldest is now officially an adult, and all of this gray hair feels a little bit more justified. Even though Frank had decided himself not to go to college, he couldn't help but wonder what he had just given up. --- Frank was only a day away from becoming an adult, and it wasn't a Tuesday, so he didn't have the opportunity to call and go to college.
  • 40. Apparently his new friend Camryn decided she could cheer Frank up. And Frank was so thankful that he asked his new friend to move in with us. I'm not sure about all of this, it all seems so sudden.
  • 41. --- Camryn is a popularity sim that moved in with 19k which is not even needed since the family has almost 700,000 simoleons that they can't do anything with. She has the LTW of having 20 simultaneous best friends, she is a Leo and has 4 Neat, 10 Outgoing, 4 Active, 4 Playful and 3 Nice Points. She is currently employed as a Hostess with a small smattering of skill points.
  • 42. Frank was able to find a job right away in the Law Enforcement field, he'll be starting out as a security guard. And Camryn decided to switch careers as well, and is now working as a Button Masher in the game developing world. Such a strange thing to aspire to be in my opinion!
  • 43. Regardless, Camryn headed off to her first day of work today while Frank and Gideon decided to go for a hike.
  • 44. Even though Camryn's career is unconventional, she did get a promotion at her first day, so I have some respect for her for that. And later on that same night, my son went off to his first day of work.
  • 45. Since Scout and Kobe have moved out of our home, our house has seemed a little empty. So when a cute stray walked by, I showed him some love and attention, and even got him to respond to the name Rover after a while. I am proud to say that my son has also received a promotion at his first day of work! He is now a Cadet. He tells me the job isn't very exciting, since he's still in training, but he's happy to be heading in the right direction.
  • 46. Frank wasn't a Cadet for long, he's gotten another promotion and is now a Patrol Officer.
  • 47. Though I don't appreciate Camryn walking around in her underwear.... I do appreciate that she seems to be taking the time to get to know the rest of the family, and not just fawn all over Frank.
  • 48. And speaking of fawning all over Frank, tonight they actually took a step from being friends to romantic interests. If Camryn makes Frank happy, I guess I'll have to learn to like her... --- The picture on the right cracks me up, oh Henry with your perfectly timed, autonomous primping. I don't think Frank would be too happy with you if you hit on Camryn, and let's not even mention what your mother would say!
  • 49. Henry has been really into his cook books lately. He's been learning some new recipes, and Gideon keeps teasing him to say he's trying to impress the ladies.
  • 50. Our youngest Isaac is now a teenager too. He reminds me a lot of my brother Dylan. --- For some reason I didn't write down Isaac's turn ons like with the other sons, but he is a Popularity sim who wants to be a celebrity chef.
  • 51. I have tried to be fair and give Camryn a chance... but she makes it extremely difficult for me to do so. Just today I saw her checking out my husband! And then when I looked over, she pretended she didn't see me catch her. I really think Frank could do better than her. But until I see her act on anything, I wouldn't feel right telling Frank about it. --- Since I don't feel Eileen would like to mention it after what she caught Camryn doing, she has received another promotion to a Trash Talker
  • 52. Frank just keeps moving up and up the work ladder, he is now a Desk Sargent. WEEK 21
  • 53. Since we can only make phone calls on Tuesdays, that means the only day my sons can apply for scholarships and move to college are Tuesdays. So even though this means Henry will be going to college earlier than most, he and Gideon applied for and got accepted to go to LFT.
  • 54. I may not think much of her, but Frank is very taken with Camryn. The two of them seem very close, and she does show him a lot of affection. But...
  • 55. My suspicions were confirmed tonight. As I was sitting down with a snack, Camryn and her “friend” Meadow were acting as more than just friends... I tried to hold it together, but when Meadow pulled Camryn close and the two started giggling that's when I lost it!
  • 56. “ What makes you think that this is okay?? Do you think I'm stupid, or senile or have hearing loss?! I am right here, and you and your 'friend' decide to cuddle! You are supposed to be in a relationship with my son, how dare you disrespect him and all of my family!”
  • 57. “ You can either tell me that this is over and you will never see Meadow again, or you have a day to tell Frank that you cheated on him. If you don't then I will! I am not about to let my eldest son make a big mistake in wasting his time on you!” Camryn just stood there starring at me. She must have thought I would've just ignored the whole thing! The nerve of that.... that... hussy!!
  • 58. I wasn't shocked when Camryn didn't say a word to Frank, but I was thrown for a loop when he proposed to her the next day. I hadn't realized the two were this serious. I had to move fast to save my son!
  • 59. A day went by, and still Camryn said nothing. Frank was blissfully happy about the engagement and he continued to be a high achiever at work. He is now a member of the Vice Squad.
  • 60. The day I had given Camryn to explain everything to Frank was at a close. She continued to act as if nothing happened. Fortunately her “friend” Meadow liked to make herself at home, and was over that night. I needed to break Frank's heart now, in order to save it from a larger break later in life... I couldn't believe that this woman would put me in this situation!
  • 61. So, I went into the other room where Frank was working on his novel, but Camryn beat me to him. “Frank dear,” Camryn said, “Your Mom is going to lie to you about me, and I wanted to warn you about it” I was outraged, and spun the little devious liar around – “Why would I lie to my eldest son? Why would he ever believe you? Frank, I hate to do it this way, but Camryn here is no good. She and her 'friend' Meadow are in love! Just the other night they were embracing and I caught them. I gave Camryn the chance to prove me wrong, but she is nothing better than a no good, lying hussy!” Almost on cue, Meadow pulled Camryn in to comfort her – “Cammie, don't listen to her, she doesn't know what's really going on with us...”
  • 62. I could see my son's heart breaking, and also, saw him wringing his hands. He went up to Camryn, split her and Meadow apart and slapped Camryn right in the face. “ How could you do this to me Cam? I thought you loved me?”
  • 63. “ Did you ever love me, Cam?” “ How can you even ask me that Frank, of course I do!” “ I don't know Cam, I can't believe anything you say now. You've been lying to me all along haven't you?! I want you out Camryn!!” “ But Frank... I love you... please don't do this... it was Meadow, she hit on me, I didn't do anything... Frank, please!”
  • 64. “ Camryn, OUT! Get out, leave! You have come into our home, taken our hospitality along with my heart and stomped all over it! I'm sorry I didn't see you for who you really are long ago. Leave now! I never want to speak to you again!”
  • 65. I watched Camryn as she looked up an address for the nearest realtor, and the whole time that young temptress Meadow stood by smiling. Those two miserable ladies can have each other. I just wish they hadn't broken my son's heart in the meantime! It didn't seem to be soon enough, but Camryn and Meadow left that night together.
  • 66. I went to go console Frank, but Benny had already beaten me to it. “ Frank, son, you'll get past this. You're smart, you're funny, you're kind, you have a great job, and you're writing a great novel, there are many women who would be proud to be with you.” “ But Dad, I really don't know if I can trust anyone ever again... I thought Camryn was the one, how could I have been so blind to her true nature?” “ Infatuation can do that to us sometimes. You met Camryn at such a young age, don't feel bad about not seeing her for who she was, I just wish your mother and I could've protected you a little bit better. Just be happy this happened now, rather than after you two had a family together.”
  • 67. After his pep talk from Benny, our Frank decided to get out and get some fresh air. Benny had told Frank to go out and just meet some new people, enjoy the night and try not to get too down on himself. You never know who you'll meet when you're not looking for anyone.
  • 68. So Benny went to the only venue we have in Hiddenbrook, a bar called the Aftershock, and headed up for a few drinks after a long, painful day.
  • 69. And this is where Apocalypse Please! Chapter 8 – I Got Married to the Widow Next Door, Weeks 20-21 comes to an end. Next time, how will Frank heal his broken heart? Until then, make sure you stop by SiMania ( ) For updates on the Lakshmis in between chatpers. Thanks for reading, and... Happy Simming! HippieLayla86