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National Youth Manifesto
“ A Promise to Liberian Youth ahead of 2017 Presidential and
Legislative Elections and Beyond”
Table of Content:
Acknowledgement …………………………………………..……….. i
Message from FLY President.…………….………………………....ii
Preamble ……………………………………..………………………….iii
Youth Priorities ahead of 2017 Elections and beyond…………..iv
A. Education ………………………………………………..1
B. Quality Health for all ……………………………………2
C. Empowerment and Employment ……………………...3
D. Youth and Agriculture ………….……………………….4
E. Peace, Reconciliation and Justice ………...…………..5
F. Meaningful Participation ………………….…………….7
G. Youth with special needs ……………………….…………...8
A Pledge by Political Parties …………………………………………………v
The Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) expresses profound gratitude and earnest
appreciation to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Carter Center and
partners for the continuous support towards the timely development of a National
Youth Manifesto ahead of the ensuing 2017 general and presidential elections. This
support wouldn’t have been more appropriate than now, especially when young people
are enthusiastically opting for meaningful participation and inclusion in national
decision-making processes.
This concrete framework created as a result of your support certainly sets the
foundation of a hopeful future for Liberian youth and inks a new chapter in the history of
Liberia. We also extend our ultimate gratitude to the Ministry of Youth and Sports
(MoYS) for its outstanding collaboration in serving as a conduit through which said
support was transmitted. The willingness and acceptance of this idea by political parties
to partnership and cooperate in the development of this National Youth Manifesto is
highly commending and worthwhile. We want to appreciate all political parties for their
insightful and meaningful participation/contribution during the regional consultation
process across the country.
FLY sees this ‘first of its kind’ and historic collaboration between political parties and
Liberian youth as a genuine step towards breaking the longstanding barriers of youth
exclusion in our country’s developmental agenda. With this wider participation of all
stakeholders and the need to have a concrete youth development roadmap, it is of no
doubt that the National Youth Manifesto will fall on a fertile soil of general acceptance
for the overall growth and development of Liberia’s youthful population.
To our youth, your eloquent and insightful presentation of the issues affecting the young
people and the suggestions made has completed the meaning of this document. Thank
you for being a part of history-making while we remain committed to working towards
improving the future of our generation. Many more thanks and appreciation to all our
county coordinators for the support and leadership demonstrated during the regional
consultation. Though it was not easy traveling through bad roads, but your collective
effort made it possible for the holding of four successful regional consultations. Bravo!
All of this would not have been possible without an astute team that is committed, loyal
and determined for change, and willing to make the needed sacrifices in the best
interest of the institution and Liberian youth. Thanks to the program team of FLY.
Message from FLY President
The population of young people in Liberia is approximately
65% out of a total populace of 4.4 million people in the
country. The need to invest in the human capital of the
country cannot be overly emphasized. Interestingly, reaping
the demographic dividends of this youthful population can
only be achieved by investing in the potential and talents of
Liberian youth. Liberia, like most African countries, suffers
from low human capital especially among the youth who are economically challenged
and vulnerably susceptible to all forms of abuse, some of which include: trafficking,
sexual exploitation, drug abuse, unemployment, etc.
After almost 170 years, the state has not still been able to demonstrate the political will
to support the holistic development of young people as can be seen through the long
delay in the passage of the National Youth Bill. In like manner, most of the national
development documents including the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), the Agenda
for Transformation (AfT) and the Vision 2030 position Liberian youth at the bottom of
key indicators and out of the margin of cross-cutting issues.
The passage of the National Youth Act of 2013 that clearly articulates the hope and
aspiration of Liberian youth is still a challenge. As we move towards 2017 and beyond,
there has been an increasing need to mobilize political parties and young people around
the table of dialogue and reasoning so that a clear youth manifesto can be agreed upon
as a national platform for future stability and sustained development of Liberian youth.
The Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY), having seen the need to close the gap in
youth development by getting the involved participation of both political parties and the
youth themselves, has embarked on the development of a National Youth Manifesto
that serves as a holistic framework for improving the livelihood of young people through
a set of well defined and thematic priorities.
The National Youth Manifesto is a complementary document to the National Youth
Policy Action Plan and the National Youth Act of 2013 in providing sustainable and
impactful development interventions for Liberian Youth to be supported by all political
parties, development partners and would be governments.
This complementary document was developed through an extensive regional and
county-based consultation with youth organizations and political party representatives.
Four regional consultations were held in three regions that brought together over 400
youths and political party representatives in gathering the views and inputs of major
stakeholders in the arena of youth development.
FLY has professionally engaged and remain engage with every political party and
independent presidential candidate to mainstream youth priorities of this manifesto in
their national manifesto/platform. After this proactive engagement, all leaders of political
parties and development partners have agreed to affix their signatures and pledged
their steadfast commitment to upholding the full implementation of this document
before, during and after the 2017 general and presidential elections.
Hence, we therefore re-echoe to all parties and partners to support this National Youth
Manifesto, which inspires the collective hope of Liberian youth and guarantees a better
Augustine S.M Tamba
We, the young people of Liberia, representing our clans, chiefdoms, communities,
districts, regions of Liberia’s fifteen (15) political subdivisions, having deliberated on
emerging issues that affect us during the held regional consultations;
Acknowledging these consultations as part of the processes of engaging political parties
and independent candidates to mainstream youth issues in their party manifestos ahead
of the 2017 presidential and legislative elections;
Expecting with surety that the current youth population of Liberia will be focused on in a
more concrete manner and the need to place young people at the center of every
developmental agenda or policy will become increasingly important;
Being cognizant of the fact that Liberian Youth must be active participants and leading
drivers of the government’s developmental agenda/priorities, and nothing should be
decided about us without us;
Fully aware of the imperative nature for Liberian youth to have access to the right kind
of health (including access to SRHR) and quality education to improve our job prospects
and enhance life skills and social welfare;
Recognizing the significance for Liberian youth to remain active participants in
decision-making processes and be treated as vital assets for societal growth, genuine
national development, sustained peace and reconciliation;
Now therefore, we, the young people of Liberia commit to contribute to our development
and recommend that the following actions be mainstreamed and implemented in the
manifestos/policies of political parties, independent candidates and any seated
Quality Education
Quality Education
There are 1,140,291 youths and adolescents in Liberia. 41% of them are in elementary
school, 14.9% in high school and 0.9 % in tertiary institutions according to 2008
Census. 54.5% of Liberian youth are literate according to UNESCO with 64.7% for
males and only 44% for females. The education of Liberian youth remains very
necessary for sustainable growth and genuine national development. We call on all
political parties and development partners to ensure that young people throughout
Liberia have access to quality, affordable and accessible education and training.
Young people, particularly those in hard-to-reach regions and those with disabilities and
other challenges deserve better access to quality public primary, secondary and tertiary
education that leads to better learning outcomes. This means ensuring that teachers are
well trained and well paid. Schools must have the right facilities, including libraries and
laboratories, and the curriculum should be reviewed regularly. In order for our system to
reflect international standard and ensure high quality in our education sector:
I. The government must allocate or invest sufficient funding (at least 20% of our
national budget) to support the provision of quality education in various counties.
This funding should contribute towards increased subsidies to institutions of
higher learning (Universities, technical and vocational institutions), financial aid to
disadvantaged students and a national student loan program. Any new funding
to education especially from donors must be monitored effectively and the
Ministry of Education held accountable for expected deliverables.
II. The government must erect public libraries, career development centers and
science/computer laboratories in all fifteen counties to proactively enhance the
capacity of Liberian youth.
III. The government must decentralize teacher training institutions across our
country and ensure each county has a well-equipped center to produce quality
teachers and school administrators through free education.
IV. The government must construct state-of-the-art vocational institutions and/or
polytechnics in all the fifteen (15) counties and equip them with needed
manpower and logistics.
V. The government and partners must provide scholarship (local and foreign) and
financial aid to Liberian youth with specific focus in areas of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as Agriculture.
VI. The government through Ministry of Education and educational partners must
reinforce effective monitoring, supervision and evaluation of private and public
schools and ensure lesson plans and curricula are up-to-date.
VII. The government must increase teachers and school administrators’ salaries and
incentives to promote academic excellence and prevent malfeasance in public
and private institutions.
VIII. The government must construct youth centers with consideration for youth with
special need (visually impaired and physically challenged).
IX. School Boards in various counties must be given autonomous status and
government must ensure more emphasis or attention, in terms of appropriating
resources to mitigate collusion, is given to public exams (WAEC, etc.).
X. The government must reintroduce the National Student Exchange Program and
National Internship Program for Liberian youth and students.
XI. At least 15% of county development fund and social corporate responsibility fund
goes toward youth development and government ensure full participation of
Liberian youth during processes of concession agreements.
XII. The government, FLY and youth groups must develop a concrete strategy to
achieve these priorities.
Quality Health for All
The need of Liberian youth for good health and sexual reproductive health (SRH) and
rights must be taken seriously in any future development framework. The youth of
Liberia expect that political parties will be supportive of this cause by mainstreaming
general health and SRH issues in their individual political manifesto.
Below are points of health concern Liberian youth shared and they believe when
adequately tackled, will go a long way in solving the enormous challenges of Liberia’s
poor health system, which was exacerbated recently by the EBOLA outbreak:
General or Public Health
I. Every youth in every district must be able to access affordable and quality health
care services. The government must significantly increase the health budget to
25% and engender/implement a doable policy to increase the number of trained,
qualified and youth-friendly health workers and facilities.
II. The government and partners must focus on hard-to-reach areas that have
limited health services either through mobile health services or full health service.
III. There must be better training opportunities for medical doctors and nurses and
increased incentives for students desirous of pursuing medical degrees. This
must be accompanied by improvement in the amount and the reliability of health
workers’ wages.
IV. The government must ensure sustained public health education and awareness
through continuous financing especially on issues (drug abuse, rape, etc.)
affecting Liberian youth and ensure they are fully involved.
V. The government must invest more resources to deal with issues of mental illness
and put in place sustainable social welfare programs to protect vulnerable youth
or youth at risk (street youth).
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
I. Every Liberian youth must be guaranteed access to quality sexual and
reproductive health services and information.
II. Comprehensive sexual health and right to education must be included in schools’
curricula and in programs of cultural and religious institutions. It must cover
topics like contraceptive, HIV/AIDS, maternal/infant mortality and sexual
orientation as well as tackling harmful cultural practices, including child marriage
and FGM.
III. Liberian youth must play a pivotal role in this and provide support through
volunteerism as a means of raising awareness in communities through peer
Policies to support a healthy country
Good health is everyone’s business. Key policies in the health must be fully
implemented to ensure a health Liberia for all youth. The following policies could impact
our health sector with the involvement of Liberian youth:
I. Policy to prevent the sale of drugs on the streets and effectively
punish would be violators;
II. Policy to ensure waste management and pollution control in order
to promote environmental safety.
III. Policy to combat global warming and seasonal illnesses
IV. The government through the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) and city corporations across the country must work along
with Liberian youth and organizations to enforce environment
standards and city ordinances.
Empowerment and Employment
Right now, young people in Africa especially Liberia struggle to find productive and
decent work. Far too many young people are not benefiting from growth amidst 81.86%
poverty rate and about 85% youth unemployment. A growing and changing economy
that is youth-based could secure our future and sustain our peace. Majority of Liberian
youth are unemployed or found in the informal sector.
Therefore, political parties and the government in waiting must ensure that the below
are mainstreamed in their manifestos and fully implemented:
I. Building skills to create employment
The young people of Liberia have realized that technical and vocational education is
the answer to the unemployment crisis facing them. They need skills that will satisfy
the demand of the job market now and in the future. They deserve investment that
focuses on both the formal and informal educational sector in a way that will boost
growth and the entrepreneurial spirit of young people.
There is an urgent need to inculcate vocational and technical education in secondary
school so that Liberian youth and students have an appreciation of the value it
brings to their life instead of considering it as areas for those who are left behind in
society. Important steps must to be taken to change promote technical and
vocational education.
II. Decent job for all
It is important to initiate programs through increased investment that promote a
system of merit in the work place especially amongst young people. Young people
that continue to work hard deserve far better than to live in poverty. We need safe
and properly paid jobs across a range of careers. This will be a key testimony of
whether economic transformation includes us.
Industrialization must create decent jobs. Concession companies must leave a
legacy of building infrastructure and enhancing skills/national capacity as a means of
producing finished products from our natural resources. Since our natural resources
may not last forever, growth in every sector of our economy must be accompanied
by a plan to stimulate economic activities that harness youth skills.
The Liberianization Policy must be fully enforced without fear or favor in order to
ensure local dominance of our economy. With this, enterprising Liberian youth will
have a favorable space to compete with foreign nationals.
Any economic boost must leave no one behind and rights at work must be prioritized
through the enforcement of labor laws. For example, the needs of the disabled must
be considered in the workplace. No one should be involved in hazardous work that is
unprotected. And all children must finish school. When children miss school and go
to work, it harms their employment opportunities and our collective future as a nation
and people.
Youth in Agriculture
Food insecurity and low agricultural productivity have been major challenges
confronting Liberian youth. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) 2010 report on Liberia, 47 percent of Liberia’s land is arable and close to 90
percent of crop areas receive adequate rain. Unfortunately, 60 percent of the
population is classified as “food insecure” according to the Liberia Food Security
Outlook report of 2012.
With a growing population, it is becoming increasing frightening for our nation and if
nothing is done to mitigate the future disaster associated with food insecurity; Liberia
could degenerate into a serious crisis due to massive hunger.
During the regional consultations among political parties and young people across
Liberia, agriculture was identified as the key driver of the Liberian economy and the
major answer to youth unemployment in Liberia.
It is important to actualize this assumption by investing in this sector. This will
motivate young people to take up careers in the sector and work with diligence and
commitment. The focus should be to enable young people to see the commercial
benefits that the sector presents. Liberian youth need production, packaging,
labeling and marketing facilities to improve and actively participate in farming.
This concept must be centered on the interest of youth farmers, and that:
I. Young farmers have access to agro-financing in order to increase agricultural
productivity and create more jobs.
II. Young farmers have access to ‘farm to market’ road, storage and market in order
to advertise and sell their commodities.
III. The government reactivates/establishes cooperative farms in all the fifteen
counties and ensures that Liberian youth are involved with agriculture initiatives.
IV. The government establishes a National Youth Farm in every county and
purchase produce from each farm as a means of promoting increased
agricultural productivity. The establishment of a National Youth Agriculture Board
(NYAB) is an imperative.
V. The government along with partners distributes agricultural
materials/supplements to subsistence farmers and reduces import duties on
VI. Increased financial aid and scholarship be provided to students reading
agriculture, forestry and agriculture-related courses.
Peace and Reconciliation
There can be no development without peace. Furthermore, peace rests upon economic
development which embodies young people as the driving force. Our security also
depends on the rule of law everywhere and a functional, trained, and properly equipped
security sector that is accountable to the people. We want more women working in our
security sector. Peace should be fostered through education in schools and
I. End every form of violence against Liberian youth
Despite improvement in gender equality in Liberia and Africa, the high incidence
of rape and the sexual abuse and exploitation of young people, particularly young
women and girls is alarming. This must end and stop now.
All post-conflict countries especially Liberia must deal swiftly and effectively with
rape cases and domestic violence. This means better support for victims and
survivors of rape and all forms of abuse, along with more financial support to
national institutions responsible for the protection of women and girls.
To prevent these unfortunate situations, we need to change attitudes and
upgrade our justice system. Liberian youth need a better understanding of
gender related issues and the simple fact that gender equity/equality is
fundamental to mutual respect, tranquility and peace.
Africa is a home to many conflict-affected countries. A focus on gender, security
justice and reconciliation is key to securing and maintaining regional peace,
which is vital to development. As young people who have suffered severe
conflict, we call on political parties and future government to protect us from
further violence.
II. Strong and Effective Justice System
We need a strong and accountable judicial system that inspires citizen’s
confidence and dispenses justice on the basis of impartiality. This means that
judges, jurors, magistrates, public defenders, county attorneys and judicial
workers must be well trained, satisfactorily paid and have sufficient resources to
deliver quality legal services. Tackling all forms of corruption in our judiciary must
be a priority for government and its partners.
The role of the justice system is to rehabilitate offenders, deter crime as well as
punish offenders of the law. Future Governments must make citizens especially
Liberian youth aware of their rights and civil responsibilities in order to build trust
in the judicial system. Rehabilitation is particularly important in post-conflict
countries, where former child soldiers need psychosocial and material support in
order to reintegrate into society.
In sustaining peace, ensuring reconciliation and pursuing justice:
i. The government must empower youth organizations and peace-building
institutions to carry out peace and reconciliation campaigns nationwide.
ii. The government must focus more on the Independent National
Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) and empower other human rights
institutions to enhance justice, peace and reconciliation.
iii. The government must construct a conflict resolution and palava
management center in each county.
iv. The government must enforce those recommendations in the TRC report
that guarantee peace, reconciliation, justice and national security.
v. The government must establish partnership with Kofi Annan Institute of
Conflict Transformation to train more Liberian youth in areas of conflict
resolution, peace, reconciliation and rule to law.
vi. The government must get Liberian youth involved in settling land disputes
and crisis.
vii. The government must take concrete steps and initiate sustainable
programs to fight corruption, youth unemployment, economic sabotage,
inequality, injustice, tribalism, religious intolerance, illiteracy, human
trafficking, gambling, prostitution, labor abuse, vulnerability of youth (youth
at risk) and those creeping factors that breed violence.
viii. The government must ensure speedy trial for pre trial detainees and
ensure they participate in electoral processes.
ix. The government, partners and political parties must institute strong
measures to discourage Liberian youth from being used as vehicles of
violence and pay-agents to accomplish political aims.
Meaning Participation in Decision-making
This priority is of vital importance to the youth of Liberia. We have an interest in
ensuring that it is reflected in Political Parties’ Manifestos and that future governments
will appropriately act upon them. It is only by continuing to be actively involved and
consulted in the processes of governance and national decisions, we as Liberian youth
can effectively shape our own destiny and hold our government accountable for
delivering on these priorities:
I. We want an active role in planning our future and to achieve this we need
support on three levels. First, we need to be able to take part in international
discussions that relate to our development.
II. Second, we must to be given roles as youth consultants and/or leaders when
government is determining national plans and economic policies.
III. Finally, we need assistance to strengthen our youth networks and organizations
so that we can expand awareness of how the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and Agenda 2063 will impact our lives and use that awareness or
engagement to hold government, partners and political parties accountable for
the commitments they have made.
IV. Liberian youth must not be deprived from serving their country in any capacity of
trust on the basis of age especially when they are qualified and competent.
Orders and statutes that discriminate against or marginalize them from
contributing to national development must be amended.
Youth with Special Needs
Analytical report on Youths and adolescents based on the 2008 Census report states
that there are 21,766 youths and adolescents aged 10-24 years who are disabled in
Liberia. Out of this, 10,504 or 48.3 percent are in urban areas while 11,262 or 51.7
percent are in rural area.
Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) face several challenges including lack of accessibility,
discrimination, marginalization and negative public attitudes towards them. Political
parties’ representatives at the legislature and the government must work together to:
I. Conduct a comprehensive review of all national legislations, including the
National Commission on Disabilities Act, and mainstream them with the UN
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and all other protocols,
treaties and conventions on persons with disabilities to which Liberia is a
signatory, and develop appropriate programs for implementation.
II. Ensure that future legislations take into consideration the condition and situation
of persons with disabilities.
III. Develop and introduce legislations for all public facilities to include access for
people with disabilities and equip public educational institutions to address their
specific educational needs at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
IV. Develop information, education and communication materials to discourage
violence and abuse of PWDs, particularly young women with disabilities.
V. Develop specialized programs for Liberian youth with disabilities to have access
to enterprise and skills training through community-based rehabilitation (CBR)
strategies for youth in urban and rural areas.
VI. Provide more support to Group of 77 and organizations focusing on protecting
the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities.
VII. Construct a National Center of Rehabilitation, Reintegration and Welfare for
persons with disabilities.
A Pledge by Political Parties and Independent Presidential Candidates
ACKNOWLEDGING that youth constitute approximately 65% of eligible voters and they
are the nucleus of the Liberian society, the beacon of hope, the catalyst and promise of
social, economic and political change;
We, the politicians and political parties do hereby support the 2017 National Youth
Manifesto. We are resolved to ensure that the above priorities herein mentioned be
captured in our parties’ platforms and/or manifestos and ultimately the Country strategic
vision for future governments that will include specific goals, targets and indicators
intended to tackle mounting issues confronting Liberian youth.
We recognize the coordination role of the Federation of Liberian Youth to continuously
engage our respective parties and future governments for smooth implementation of the
National Youth Manifesto from time to time.
Now therefore, pursuant to the aforesaid, we affix our names and signatures to this
National Youth manifesto signifying our unflinching commitment to its full
implementation before, during and after the 2017 presidential and legislative elections.
Done on this 28th
Day of April 2017 in the city of Monrovia, Republic of Liberia.
Political Parties, Partners and Signatures
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
All Liberia Coaliation Party (ALCOP) All Liberia Coaliation Party (ALCOP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
All Liberian Party (ALP) All Liberian Party (ALP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Alternative National Congress (ANC) Alternative National Congress (ANC)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Grassroot Democratic Party of Liberia (GDPL) Grassroot Democratic Party of Liberia
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Liberian National Union (LINU) Liberian National Union (LINU)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Liberia Transformation Party (LTP) Liberia Transformation Party (LTP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Liberty Party (LP) Liberty Party (LP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Movement for Economic Empowerment Movement for Economic Empowerment
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Movement for Democracy and Movement for Democracy and
Reconstruction (MDR) Reconstruction (MDR)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) Movement for Progressive Change (MPC)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
New Liberia Party (NL P) New Liberia Party (NL P)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
People Unification Party (PUP) People Unification Party (PUP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
True Whig Party (TWP) True Whig Party (TWP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Unity Party (UP) Unity Party (UP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Union of Liberian Democrats (ULD) Union of Liberian Democrats (ULD)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
United People’s Party (UPP) United People’s Party (UPP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________
National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer
Victory for Change Party (VCP) Victory for Change Party (VCP)
Donors, Partners and the Diplomatic Community
Signed: _______________________
UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative
Signed: __________________________
Signed: __________________________
Chief of Party
Cater Center-Liberia
Signed: _______________________ Signed:_____________
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
All Liberia Coaliation Party (ALCOP) All Liberian Party (ALP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: ______________
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
Alternative National Congress (ANC) Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: ____________
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
Grassroot Democratic Party of Liberia (GDPL) Liberian National Union (LINU)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: _____________
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
Liberia Transformation Party (LTP) Liberty Party (LP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: _____________
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
Movement for Economic Empowerment Movement for Democracy and
Reconstruction (MDR)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: ______________
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) New Liberia Party (NL P)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: ______________
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
People Unification Party (PUP) True Whig Party (TWP)
Signed: _______________________ Signed:__________________________
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
Unity Party (UP) Union of Liberian Democrats (ULD)
Signed: _______________________ Signed: ____ _______
National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair
United People’s Party (UPP) Victory for Change Party (VCP)

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  • 1. REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA National Youth Manifesto “ A Promise to Liberian Youth ahead of 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections and Beyond” Table of Content:
  • 2. Acknowledgement …………………………………………..……….. i Message from FLY President.…………….………………………....ii Preamble ……………………………………..………………………….iii Youth Priorities ahead of 2017 Elections and beyond…………..iv A. Education ………………………………………………..1 B. Quality Health for all ……………………………………2 C. Empowerment and Employment ……………………...3 D. Youth and Agriculture ………….……………………….4 E. Peace, Reconciliation and Justice ………...…………..5 F. Meaningful Participation ………………….…………….7 G. Youth with special needs ……………………….…………...8 A Pledge by Political Parties …………………………………………………v Acknowledgement
  • 3. The Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) expresses profound gratitude and earnest appreciation to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Carter Center and partners for the continuous support towards the timely development of a National Youth Manifesto ahead of the ensuing 2017 general and presidential elections. This support wouldn’t have been more appropriate than now, especially when young people are enthusiastically opting for meaningful participation and inclusion in national decision-making processes. This concrete framework created as a result of your support certainly sets the foundation of a hopeful future for Liberian youth and inks a new chapter in the history of Liberia. We also extend our ultimate gratitude to the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS) for its outstanding collaboration in serving as a conduit through which said support was transmitted. The willingness and acceptance of this idea by political parties to partnership and cooperate in the development of this National Youth Manifesto is highly commending and worthwhile. We want to appreciate all political parties for their insightful and meaningful participation/contribution during the regional consultation process across the country. FLY sees this ‘first of its kind’ and historic collaboration between political parties and Liberian youth as a genuine step towards breaking the longstanding barriers of youth exclusion in our country’s developmental agenda. With this wider participation of all stakeholders and the need to have a concrete youth development roadmap, it is of no doubt that the National Youth Manifesto will fall on a fertile soil of general acceptance for the overall growth and development of Liberia’s youthful population. To our youth, your eloquent and insightful presentation of the issues affecting the young people and the suggestions made has completed the meaning of this document. Thank you for being a part of history-making while we remain committed to working towards improving the future of our generation. Many more thanks and appreciation to all our county coordinators for the support and leadership demonstrated during the regional consultation. Though it was not easy traveling through bad roads, but your collective effort made it possible for the holding of four successful regional consultations. Bravo! All of this would not have been possible without an astute team that is committed, loyal and determined for change, and willing to make the needed sacrifices in the best interest of the institution and Liberian youth. Thanks to the program team of FLY. Message from FLY President
  • 4. The population of young people in Liberia is approximately 65% out of a total populace of 4.4 million people in the country. The need to invest in the human capital of the country cannot be overly emphasized. Interestingly, reaping the demographic dividends of this youthful population can only be achieved by investing in the potential and talents of Liberian youth. Liberia, like most African countries, suffers from low human capital especially among the youth who are economically challenged and vulnerably susceptible to all forms of abuse, some of which include: trafficking, sexual exploitation, drug abuse, unemployment, etc. After almost 170 years, the state has not still been able to demonstrate the political will to support the holistic development of young people as can be seen through the long delay in the passage of the National Youth Bill. In like manner, most of the national development documents including the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), the Agenda for Transformation (AfT) and the Vision 2030 position Liberian youth at the bottom of key indicators and out of the margin of cross-cutting issues. The passage of the National Youth Act of 2013 that clearly articulates the hope and aspiration of Liberian youth is still a challenge. As we move towards 2017 and beyond, there has been an increasing need to mobilize political parties and young people around the table of dialogue and reasoning so that a clear youth manifesto can be agreed upon as a national platform for future stability and sustained development of Liberian youth. The Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY), having seen the need to close the gap in youth development by getting the involved participation of both political parties and the youth themselves, has embarked on the development of a National Youth Manifesto that serves as a holistic framework for improving the livelihood of young people through a set of well defined and thematic priorities. The National Youth Manifesto is a complementary document to the National Youth Policy Action Plan and the National Youth Act of 2013 in providing sustainable and impactful development interventions for Liberian Youth to be supported by all political parties, development partners and would be governments.
  • 5. This complementary document was developed through an extensive regional and county-based consultation with youth organizations and political party representatives. Four regional consultations were held in three regions that brought together over 400 youths and political party representatives in gathering the views and inputs of major stakeholders in the arena of youth development. FLY has professionally engaged and remain engage with every political party and independent presidential candidate to mainstream youth priorities of this manifesto in their national manifesto/platform. After this proactive engagement, all leaders of political parties and development partners have agreed to affix their signatures and pledged their steadfast commitment to upholding the full implementation of this document before, during and after the 2017 general and presidential elections. Hence, we therefore re-echoe to all parties and partners to support this National Youth Manifesto, which inspires the collective hope of Liberian youth and guarantees a better future. Augustine S.M Tamba PRESIDENT – FLY
  • 6. Preamble We, the young people of Liberia, representing our clans, chiefdoms, communities, districts, regions of Liberia’s fifteen (15) political subdivisions, having deliberated on emerging issues that affect us during the held regional consultations; Acknowledging these consultations as part of the processes of engaging political parties and independent candidates to mainstream youth issues in their party manifestos ahead of the 2017 presidential and legislative elections; Expecting with surety that the current youth population of Liberia will be focused on in a more concrete manner and the need to place young people at the center of every developmental agenda or policy will become increasingly important; Being cognizant of the fact that Liberian Youth must be active participants and leading drivers of the government’s developmental agenda/priorities, and nothing should be decided about us without us; Fully aware of the imperative nature for Liberian youth to have access to the right kind of health (including access to SRHR) and quality education to improve our job prospects and enhance life skills and social welfare; Recognizing the significance for Liberian youth to remain active participants in decision-making processes and be treated as vital assets for societal growth, genuine national development, sustained peace and reconciliation; Now therefore, we, the young people of Liberia commit to contribute to our development and recommend that the following actions be mainstreamed and implemented in the manifestos/policies of political parties, independent candidates and any seated government.
  • 7. Quality Education Quality Education There are 1,140,291 youths and adolescents in Liberia. 41% of them are in elementary school, 14.9% in high school and 0.9 % in tertiary institutions according to 2008 Census. 54.5% of Liberian youth are literate according to UNESCO with 64.7% for males and only 44% for females. The education of Liberian youth remains very necessary for sustainable growth and genuine national development. We call on all political parties and development partners to ensure that young people throughout Liberia have access to quality, affordable and accessible education and training. Young people, particularly those in hard-to-reach regions and those with disabilities and other challenges deserve better access to quality public primary, secondary and tertiary education that leads to better learning outcomes. This means ensuring that teachers are well trained and well paid. Schools must have the right facilities, including libraries and laboratories, and the curriculum should be reviewed regularly. In order for our system to reflect international standard and ensure high quality in our education sector:
  • 8. I. The government must allocate or invest sufficient funding (at least 20% of our national budget) to support the provision of quality education in various counties. This funding should contribute towards increased subsidies to institutions of higher learning (Universities, technical and vocational institutions), financial aid to disadvantaged students and a national student loan program. Any new funding to education especially from donors must be monitored effectively and the Ministry of Education held accountable for expected deliverables. II. The government must erect public libraries, career development centers and science/computer laboratories in all fifteen counties to proactively enhance the capacity of Liberian youth. III. The government must decentralize teacher training institutions across our country and ensure each county has a well-equipped center to produce quality teachers and school administrators through free education. IV. The government must construct state-of-the-art vocational institutions and/or polytechnics in all the fifteen (15) counties and equip them with needed manpower and logistics. V. The government and partners must provide scholarship (local and foreign) and financial aid to Liberian youth with specific focus in areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as Agriculture. VI. The government through Ministry of Education and educational partners must reinforce effective monitoring, supervision and evaluation of private and public schools and ensure lesson plans and curricula are up-to-date. VII. The government must increase teachers and school administrators’ salaries and incentives to promote academic excellence and prevent malfeasance in public and private institutions. VIII. The government must construct youth centers with consideration for youth with special need (visually impaired and physically challenged). IX. School Boards in various counties must be given autonomous status and government must ensure more emphasis or attention, in terms of appropriating resources to mitigate collusion, is given to public exams (WAEC, etc.). X. The government must reintroduce the National Student Exchange Program and National Internship Program for Liberian youth and students.
  • 9. XI. At least 15% of county development fund and social corporate responsibility fund goes toward youth development and government ensure full participation of Liberian youth during processes of concession agreements. XII. The government, FLY and youth groups must develop a concrete strategy to achieve these priorities. Quality Health for All The need of Liberian youth for good health and sexual reproductive health (SRH) and rights must be taken seriously in any future development framework. The youth of Liberia expect that political parties will be supportive of this cause by mainstreaming general health and SRH issues in their individual political manifesto.
  • 10. Below are points of health concern Liberian youth shared and they believe when adequately tackled, will go a long way in solving the enormous challenges of Liberia’s poor health system, which was exacerbated recently by the EBOLA outbreak: General or Public Health I. Every youth in every district must be able to access affordable and quality health care services. The government must significantly increase the health budget to 25% and engender/implement a doable policy to increase the number of trained, qualified and youth-friendly health workers and facilities. II. The government and partners must focus on hard-to-reach areas that have limited health services either through mobile health services or full health service. III. There must be better training opportunities for medical doctors and nurses and increased incentives for students desirous of pursuing medical degrees. This must be accompanied by improvement in the amount and the reliability of health workers’ wages. IV. The government must ensure sustained public health education and awareness through continuous financing especially on issues (drug abuse, rape, etc.) affecting Liberian youth and ensure they are fully involved. V. The government must invest more resources to deal with issues of mental illness and put in place sustainable social welfare programs to protect vulnerable youth or youth at risk (street youth). Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights I. Every Liberian youth must be guaranteed access to quality sexual and reproductive health services and information. II. Comprehensive sexual health and right to education must be included in schools’ curricula and in programs of cultural and religious institutions. It must cover topics like contraceptive, HIV/AIDS, maternal/infant mortality and sexual orientation as well as tackling harmful cultural practices, including child marriage and FGM. III. Liberian youth must play a pivotal role in this and provide support through volunteerism as a means of raising awareness in communities through peer education.
  • 11. Policies to support a healthy country Good health is everyone’s business. Key policies in the health must be fully implemented to ensure a health Liberia for all youth. The following policies could impact our health sector with the involvement of Liberian youth: I. Policy to prevent the sale of drugs on the streets and effectively punish would be violators; II. Policy to ensure waste management and pollution control in order to promote environmental safety. III. Policy to combat global warming and seasonal illnesses IV. The government through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and city corporations across the country must work along with Liberian youth and organizations to enforce environment standards and city ordinances.
  • 12. Empowerment and Employment Right now, young people in Africa especially Liberia struggle to find productive and decent work. Far too many young people are not benefiting from growth amidst 81.86% poverty rate and about 85% youth unemployment. A growing and changing economy that is youth-based could secure our future and sustain our peace. Majority of Liberian youth are unemployed or found in the informal sector. Therefore, political parties and the government in waiting must ensure that the below are mainstreamed in their manifestos and fully implemented: I. Building skills to create employment The young people of Liberia have realized that technical and vocational education is the answer to the unemployment crisis facing them. They need skills that will satisfy the demand of the job market now and in the future. They deserve investment that focuses on both the formal and informal educational sector in a way that will boost growth and the entrepreneurial spirit of young people. There is an urgent need to inculcate vocational and technical education in secondary school so that Liberian youth and students have an appreciation of the value it brings to their life instead of considering it as areas for those who are left behind in society. Important steps must to be taken to change promote technical and vocational education. II. Decent job for all It is important to initiate programs through increased investment that promote a system of merit in the work place especially amongst young people. Young people that continue to work hard deserve far better than to live in poverty. We need safe and properly paid jobs across a range of careers. This will be a key testimony of whether economic transformation includes us. Industrialization must create decent jobs. Concession companies must leave a legacy of building infrastructure and enhancing skills/national capacity as a means of producing finished products from our natural resources. Since our natural resources may not last forever, growth in every sector of our economy must be accompanied by a plan to stimulate economic activities that harness youth skills.
  • 13. The Liberianization Policy must be fully enforced without fear or favor in order to ensure local dominance of our economy. With this, enterprising Liberian youth will have a favorable space to compete with foreign nationals. Any economic boost must leave no one behind and rights at work must be prioritized through the enforcement of labor laws. For example, the needs of the disabled must be considered in the workplace. No one should be involved in hazardous work that is unprotected. And all children must finish school. When children miss school and go to work, it harms their employment opportunities and our collective future as a nation and people. Youth in Agriculture Food insecurity and low agricultural productivity have been major challenges confronting Liberian youth. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2010 report on Liberia, 47 percent of Liberia’s land is arable and close to 90 percent of crop areas receive adequate rain. Unfortunately, 60 percent of the population is classified as “food insecure” according to the Liberia Food Security Outlook report of 2012. With a growing population, it is becoming increasing frightening for our nation and if nothing is done to mitigate the future disaster associated with food insecurity; Liberia could degenerate into a serious crisis due to massive hunger.
  • 14. During the regional consultations among political parties and young people across Liberia, agriculture was identified as the key driver of the Liberian economy and the major answer to youth unemployment in Liberia. It is important to actualize this assumption by investing in this sector. This will motivate young people to take up careers in the sector and work with diligence and commitment. The focus should be to enable young people to see the commercial benefits that the sector presents. Liberian youth need production, packaging, labeling and marketing facilities to improve and actively participate in farming. This concept must be centered on the interest of youth farmers, and that: I. Young farmers have access to agro-financing in order to increase agricultural productivity and create more jobs. II. Young farmers have access to ‘farm to market’ road, storage and market in order to advertise and sell their commodities. III. The government reactivates/establishes cooperative farms in all the fifteen counties and ensures that Liberian youth are involved with agriculture initiatives. IV. The government establishes a National Youth Farm in every county and purchase produce from each farm as a means of promoting increased agricultural productivity. The establishment of a National Youth Agriculture Board (NYAB) is an imperative. V. The government along with partners distributes agricultural materials/supplements to subsistence farmers and reduces import duties on VI. Increased financial aid and scholarship be provided to students reading agriculture, forestry and agriculture-related courses.
  • 15. Peace and Reconciliation There can be no development without peace. Furthermore, peace rests upon economic development which embodies young people as the driving force. Our security also depends on the rule of law everywhere and a functional, trained, and properly equipped security sector that is accountable to the people. We want more women working in our security sector. Peace should be fostered through education in schools and communities. I. End every form of violence against Liberian youth Despite improvement in gender equality in Liberia and Africa, the high incidence of rape and the sexual abuse and exploitation of young people, particularly young women and girls is alarming. This must end and stop now. All post-conflict countries especially Liberia must deal swiftly and effectively with rape cases and domestic violence. This means better support for victims and survivors of rape and all forms of abuse, along with more financial support to national institutions responsible for the protection of women and girls.
  • 16. To prevent these unfortunate situations, we need to change attitudes and upgrade our justice system. Liberian youth need a better understanding of gender related issues and the simple fact that gender equity/equality is fundamental to mutual respect, tranquility and peace. Africa is a home to many conflict-affected countries. A focus on gender, security justice and reconciliation is key to securing and maintaining regional peace, which is vital to development. As young people who have suffered severe conflict, we call on political parties and future government to protect us from further violence. II. Strong and Effective Justice System We need a strong and accountable judicial system that inspires citizen’s confidence and dispenses justice on the basis of impartiality. This means that judges, jurors, magistrates, public defenders, county attorneys and judicial workers must be well trained, satisfactorily paid and have sufficient resources to deliver quality legal services. Tackling all forms of corruption in our judiciary must be a priority for government and its partners. The role of the justice system is to rehabilitate offenders, deter crime as well as punish offenders of the law. Future Governments must make citizens especially Liberian youth aware of their rights and civil responsibilities in order to build trust in the judicial system. Rehabilitation is particularly important in post-conflict countries, where former child soldiers need psychosocial and material support in order to reintegrate into society. In sustaining peace, ensuring reconciliation and pursuing justice: i. The government must empower youth organizations and peace-building institutions to carry out peace and reconciliation campaigns nationwide. ii. The government must focus more on the Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) and empower other human rights institutions to enhance justice, peace and reconciliation. iii. The government must construct a conflict resolution and palava management center in each county.
  • 17. iv. The government must enforce those recommendations in the TRC report that guarantee peace, reconciliation, justice and national security. v. The government must establish partnership with Kofi Annan Institute of Conflict Transformation to train more Liberian youth in areas of conflict resolution, peace, reconciliation and rule to law. vi. The government must get Liberian youth involved in settling land disputes and crisis. vii. The government must take concrete steps and initiate sustainable programs to fight corruption, youth unemployment, economic sabotage, inequality, injustice, tribalism, religious intolerance, illiteracy, human trafficking, gambling, prostitution, labor abuse, vulnerability of youth (youth at risk) and those creeping factors that breed violence. viii. The government must ensure speedy trial for pre trial detainees and ensure they participate in electoral processes. ix. The government, partners and political parties must institute strong measures to discourage Liberian youth from being used as vehicles of violence and pay-agents to accomplish political aims.
  • 18. Meaning Participation in Decision-making This priority is of vital importance to the youth of Liberia. We have an interest in ensuring that it is reflected in Political Parties’ Manifestos and that future governments will appropriately act upon them. It is only by continuing to be actively involved and consulted in the processes of governance and national decisions, we as Liberian youth can effectively shape our own destiny and hold our government accountable for delivering on these priorities: I. We want an active role in planning our future and to achieve this we need support on three levels. First, we need to be able to take part in international discussions that relate to our development. II. Second, we must to be given roles as youth consultants and/or leaders when government is determining national plans and economic policies.
  • 19. III. Finally, we need assistance to strengthen our youth networks and organizations so that we can expand awareness of how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2063 will impact our lives and use that awareness or engagement to hold government, partners and political parties accountable for the commitments they have made. IV. Liberian youth must not be deprived from serving their country in any capacity of trust on the basis of age especially when they are qualified and competent. Orders and statutes that discriminate against or marginalize them from contributing to national development must be amended. Youth with Special Needs Analytical report on Youths and adolescents based on the 2008 Census report states that there are 21,766 youths and adolescents aged 10-24 years who are disabled in Liberia. Out of this, 10,504 or 48.3 percent are in urban areas while 11,262 or 51.7 percent are in rural area.
  • 20. Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) face several challenges including lack of accessibility, discrimination, marginalization and negative public attitudes towards them. Political parties’ representatives at the legislature and the government must work together to: I. Conduct a comprehensive review of all national legislations, including the National Commission on Disabilities Act, and mainstream them with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and all other protocols, treaties and conventions on persons with disabilities to which Liberia is a signatory, and develop appropriate programs for implementation. II. Ensure that future legislations take into consideration the condition and situation of persons with disabilities. III. Develop and introduce legislations for all public facilities to include access for people with disabilities and equip public educational institutions to address their specific educational needs at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. IV. Develop information, education and communication materials to discourage violence and abuse of PWDs, particularly young women with disabilities. V. Develop specialized programs for Liberian youth with disabilities to have access to enterprise and skills training through community-based rehabilitation (CBR) strategies for youth in urban and rural areas. VI. Provide more support to Group of 77 and organizations focusing on protecting the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities. VII. Construct a National Center of Rehabilitation, Reintegration and Welfare for persons with disabilities.
  • 21. A Pledge by Political Parties and Independent Presidential Candidates ACKNOWLEDGING that youth constitute approximately 65% of eligible voters and they are the nucleus of the Liberian society, the beacon of hope, the catalyst and promise of social, economic and political change; We, the politicians and political parties do hereby support the 2017 National Youth Manifesto. We are resolved to ensure that the above priorities herein mentioned be captured in our parties’ platforms and/or manifestos and ultimately the Country strategic vision for future governments that will include specific goals, targets and indicators intended to tackle mounting issues confronting Liberian youth. We recognize the coordination role of the Federation of Liberian Youth to continuously engage our respective parties and future governments for smooth implementation of the National Youth Manifesto from time to time. Now therefore, pursuant to the aforesaid, we affix our names and signatures to this National Youth manifesto signifying our unflinching commitment to its full implementation before, during and after the 2017 presidential and legislative elections. Done on this 28th Day of April 2017 in the city of Monrovia, Republic of Liberia.
  • 22. Political Parties, Partners and Signatures Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer All Liberia Coaliation Party (ALCOP) All Liberia Coaliation Party (ALCOP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer All Liberian Party (ALP) All Liberian Party (ALP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Alternative National Congress (ANC) Alternative National Congress (ANC) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Grassroot Democratic Party of Liberia (GDPL) Grassroot Democratic Party of Liberia (GDPL) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Liberian National Union (LINU) Liberian National Union (LINU) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Liberia Transformation Party (LTP) Liberia Transformation Party (LTP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Liberty Party (LP) Liberty Party (LP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Movement for Economic Empowerment Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) (MOVEE)
  • 23. Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Movement for Democracy and Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) Reconstruction (MDR) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer New Liberia Party (NL P) New Liberia Party (NL P) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer People Unification Party (PUP) People Unification Party (PUP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer True Whig Party (TWP) True Whig Party (TWP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Unity Party (UP) Unity Party (UP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Union of Liberian Democrats (ULD) Union of Liberian Democrats (ULD) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer United People’s Party (UPP) United People’s Party (UPP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: __________________________ National Chairman Political Leader / Standard Bearer Victory for Change Party (VCP) Victory for Change Party (VCP)
  • 24. Donors, Partners and the Diplomatic Community Signed: _______________________ UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Signed: __________________________ Ambassador DOYEN OF DIPLOMATIC MISSION Signed: __________________________ Chief of Party Cater Center-Liberia Signed: _______________________ Signed:_____________ National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair All Liberia Coaliation Party (ALCOP) All Liberian Party (ALP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: ______________ National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair Alternative National Congress (ANC) Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Signed: _______________________ Signed: ____________ National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair Grassroot Democratic Party of Liberia (GDPL) Liberian National Union (LINU) Signed: _______________________ Signed: _____________
  • 25. National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair Liberia Transformation Party (LTP) Liberty Party (LP) Signed: _______________________ Signed: _____________ National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair Movement for Economic Empowerment Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR) Signed: _______________________ Signed: ______________ National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) New Liberia Party (NL P) Signed: _______________________ Signed: ______________ National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair People Unification Party (PUP) True Whig Party (TWP) Signed: _______________________ Signed:__________________________ National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair Unity Party (UP) Union of Liberian Democrats (ULD) Signed: _______________________ Signed: ____ _______ National Youth league Chair National Youth league Chair United People’s Party (UPP) Victory for Change Party (VCP)