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The Leadership
• Leadership has been
described as "a process
of social influence in which a
person can enlist the aid
and support of others in the
accomplishment of a
common task".For example,
some understand
a leader simply as somebody
whom people follow, or as
somebody who guides or
directs others, while others
define leadership as
"organizing a group of people
to achieve a common goal"
Leadership Characteristics
• Proactive vs. Reactive
The exceptional leader is always thinking three steps ahead. Working to master
his/her own environment with the goal of avoiding problems before they arise.
How do you handle yourself in unexpected or uncomfortable situations? An
effective leader will adapt to new surroundings and situations, doing his/her best to
A Good Communicator
As a leader, one must listen...a lot! You must be willing to work to understand the
needs and desires of others. A good leader asks many questions, considers all
options, and leads in the right direction.
Treating others with respect will ultimately earn respect.
• Quiet Confidence
Be sure of yourself with humble intentions.
Excitement is contagious. When a leader is motivated and excited about the
cause people will be more inclined to follow.
Work to consider all options when making decisions. A strong leader will
evaluate the input from all interested parties and work for the betterment
of the whole.
Utilize the resources available to you. If you don't know the answer to
something find out by asking questions. A leader must create access to
An exceptional leader will recognize the efforts of others and reinforce
those actions. We all enjoy being recognized for our actions!
• Well Educated
Knowledge is power. Work to be well educated on community policies,
procedures, organizational norms, etc. Further, your knowledge of issues and
information will only increase your success in leading others.
Open to Change
A leader will take into account all points of view and will be willing to change a
policy, program, cultural tradition that is out-dated, or no longer beneficial to the
group as a whole.
Interested in Feedback
How do people feel about your leadership skill set? How can you improve? These
are important questions that a leader needs to constantly ask the chapter. View
feedback as a gift to improve.
Evaluation of events and programs is essential for an organization/group to
improve and progress. An exceptional leader will constantly evaluate and change
programs and policies that are not working.
Are you prepared for meetings, presentations, events and confident that people
around you are prepared and organized as well?
Confidence and respect cannot be attained without your leadership being
consistent. People must have confidence that their opinions and thoughts will be
heard and taken into consideration.
An exceptional leader realizes that he/she cannot accomplish everything on his
own. A leader will know the talents and interests of people around him/her, thus
delegating tasks accordingly.
A leader should work to be the motivator, an initiator. He/she must be a key
element in the planning and implementing of new ideas, programs, policies,
events, etc.
Some of world National and politic leaders
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the
United States. He preserved the Union during the
U.S. Civil War and brought about the
emancipation of slaves.
Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of America's
greatest heroes due to both his incredible impact
on the nation and his unique appeal. His is a
remarkable story of the rise from humble
beginnings to achieve the highest office in the
land; then, a sudden and tragic death at a time
when his country needed him most to complete
the great task remaining before the nation.
Lincoln's distinctively human and humane
personality and historical role as savior of the
Union and emancipator of the slaves creates a
legacy that endures. His eloquence of democracy
and his insistence that the Union was worth
saving embody the ideals of self-government that
all nations strive to achieve.
Che Guevara
Che Guevara Biography
Military Leader (1928–1967)
- Che Guevara was a Marxist revolutionary
allied with Fidel Castro who went on to
become an iconic cultural hero.
- Born in Rosario, Argentina, on June 14,
- Ernesto R. Guevara de la Serna studied
medicine before traveling around
South America, observing conditions
that spurred his Marxist beliefs.
- He aided Fidel Castro in overturning
the Cuban government and then
worked in a political post.
- Guevara later engaged in guerrilla
action in Bolivia, where he was killed.
He's revered by many as a cultural
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi Biography
Anti-War Activist (1869–1948)
Mahatmas Gandhi was the primary
leader of India's independence
movement and also the architect of a
form of civil disobedience that would
influence the world.
Born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar,
India, Mahatma Gandhi studied law and
came to advocate for the rights of
Indians, both at home and in South
Africa. Gandhi became a leader of India's
independence movement, organizing
boycotts against British institutions in
peaceful forms of civil disobedience. He
was killed by a fanatic in 1948.
Angela Merkel
Age: 59
Chancellor, Germany
Merkel may be the most successful
national leader in the world today.
She is, practically speaking, the
leader of the European Union,
which as a whole is the world's
largest economy, and Merkel has
held that position for almost nine
years. She played the lead role in
managing Europe's debt crisis,
keeping the EU intact while setting
even Greece on the road to recovery
Dalai Lama
Age: 78
Spiritual leader of the Tibetan people
For over 50 years he has campaigned
tirelessly for peace, nonviolence,
democracy, and reconciliation,
especially among world religions; he
has met countless times with popes,
rabbis, imams, and others to find
common ground. Winner of the 1989
Nobel Peace Prize, the Dalai Lama
radiates charisma. As for his influence,
just ask those who look for his
guidance on Twitter. All 8.6 million of
Muhammad (H)
One of the greatest leaders of all time,
Muhammad led to the spread of Islam in
and around the world. His contribution to
Islam was such that it has become the
second largest and the fastest growing
religion of the world today. He united a
chaotic society in the name of morality
and humanity and led his people out of
severe persecution and mistreatment. He
led his people to a number of migrations
and successful victories in wars against
armies much larger than theirs. His
greatest leadership qualities were his
courage, leading by example, motivational
approach, persistence and decision-
Adolf Hitler
Military Leader, Dictator (1889–1945)
Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi
Germany from 1934 to 1945. He initiated
World War II and oversaw fascist policies
that resulted in millions of deaths.
Born in Austria in 1889, Adolf Hitler rose
to power in German politics as leader of
the National Socialist German Workers
Party, also known as the Nazi Party. Hitler
was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to
1945, and served as dictator from 1934
to 1945. His policies precipitated World
War II and the Holocaust. Hitler
committed suicide with wife Eva Braun
on April 30, 1945, in his Berlin bunker.
Benazir Bhutto
Benazir Bhutto Biography
Prime Minister (1953–2007)
Benazir Bhutto became the first female prime
minister of Pakistan in 1988. She was killed by
a suicide bomber in 2007.
Benazir Bhutto was born on June 21, 1953, in
Karachi, Pakistan, the child of former premier
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. She inherited leadership of
the PPP after a military coup overthrew her
father's government and won election in 1988,
becoming the first female prime minister of a
Muslim nation. In 2007, she returned to
Pakistan after an extended exile, but, tragically,
was killed in a suicide attack.
Ariel Sharon
Ariel Sharon Biography
Military Leader, Prime Minister (1928–2014)
Ariel Sharon was an Israeli military leader and
politician who was elected prime minister of
the country in 2001, serving until 2006.
Born on February 27, 1928, in Kfar Malal,
Palestine (now Israel), Ariel Sharon was a key
player in Israeli military operations for
decades, inspiring debate over the ethics of
his tactics. Founder of the Likud Party, Sharon
served in Parliament and became minister of
defense in 1981, later taking on other posts.
He was elected prime minister in 2001 and
served until 2006, upon suffering a stroke.
After eight years in a coma, Sharon died on
January 11, 2014 at the age of 85.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
proclaimed his brother Louis
Bonaparte king of Holland in July
1806. By 1809, Napoleon considered
seizing Holland to stop the trade the
Dutch secretly conducted with
England. In 1810, failing to negotiate
with either England or Louis, the
emperor dispatched French troops
against the Dutch capital. Louis
abdicated and fled his kingdom,
which Napoleon annexed to France.
Some of The Kurdish
Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou
Ghassemlou was the leader of
the Kurdistan Democratic Party
of Iran (KDPI) from 1973 until his
assassination in 1989 by
individuals suspected of being
agents of the Islamic Republic of
Iran. As the secretary general of
the Kurdistan Democratic Party
of Iran (KDPI) he led the Kurdish
nationalist struggle for Kurdish
autonomy in Iran.
Celadet Bedir Khan
Celadet Bedir Khan , is also known
as Mîr Celadet, was a
Kurdish diplomat, writer,
linguist, journalist and political activist.
He held a master's degree in law from
Istanbul University, completed his
studies in Munich, and spoke several
including Arabic, Kurdish, Russian,
German, Turkish, Persian and French.
He left Turkey in 1923 when
the Kemalists declared a new republic.
In 1927, at a conference of Kurdish
nationalists held in Beirut, a committee
was formed, the Xoybûn.
Qazi Muhammad
Qazi Muhammad, (1893–
1947) was a Kurdish leader
and the Head of the Republic
of Kurdistan (Republic of
Mahabad), the second
modern self declared Kurdish
state in the Middle East (after
the Republic of Ararat).
Contemporary theorists
believe that Qazi Muhammad
was one of the most
advanced Kurdish leaders in
Mustafa Barzani
Mustafa Barzani, (March 14, 1903 –
March 1, 1979) also known
as Mullah Mustafa was a Kurdish
nationalist leader, and the most
prominent political figure in modern
Kurdish politics. In 1946, he was
chosen as the leader of
the Kurdistan Democratic Party
(KDP) to lead the Kurdish revolution
against Iraqi regimes. Barzani was
the primary political and military
leader of the Kurdish revolution
until his death in March 1979. He
led campaigns of armed struggle
against both the Iraqi and Iranian
Sheikh Muhammad
Just 47 when he died,
Khaznawi, born in 25-1-1957 was
from the small Kurdish village of
Khazna, an outpost in the
deprived eastern desert where
Syria fades into Iraq.
Khaznawi had clashed with the
Syrian regime for decades. His
book on Islamism was banned. He
was forbidden to travel for most
of the 1990s
In 2005 the Syrian Regime
kidnapped him and martyred him.
Some ofThe KurdishPoets and writers
Malaye Jaziri
Malaye Jaziri, (1570-1640) was one of the most
famous Kurdish writer, poet and mystic. His pen name was
He was born in Jazira (Cizre), the capital of Bohtan
principality. Here the first school of classical Kurdish poetry
in the Kurmanji dialect was established. Malaye Jaziri was
the leading representative of this school. His ties to this
tradition are expressed through the strong sufi elements
and through the concept of love in his poetry. In his
universe there are no clear borderlines between human
and divine love. Jaziri's poetry is also deeply rooted in
romantic patriotism, and the poems he wrote in tribute to
the Kurdish princes differ from the poetry written at the
courts of the mighty kings in the region. Kurdistan's name
appears frequently and is always connected with great
pride. Jaziri's main literary work is the collection of his
poems called, "Dîwana Melayê Cizîrî"
Cigerxwîn or Cegerxwîn, 1903 – October
22, 1984) was a
renowned Kurdish polymath and
He is known to be one of the most
influential Kurdish writers and poets in
the Kurdistan region of the Middle East,
and his work has been renewed for the
creation of hundreds of songs and played a
crucial role in the preservation of Kurdish
cultural heritage.
Abdulla Pashew
Abdulla Pashew,, is a well-known Kurdish poet. He was
born in 1946 in Hewlêr. He studied at the Teachers'
Training Institute in Hewlêr, and participated in the
Foundation Congress of the Kurdish Writers' Union
in Baghdad in 1970. In 1973 he went to the
former Soviet Union, and in 1979 he received an M.A. in
pedagogy with a specialization in foreign languages. In
1984 he was granted a PhD in Philology from
the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of
Sciences. For the next five years he was a professor
at al-Fatih University in Tripoli, Libya. He has lived
in Finland since 1995.
He published his first poem in 1963 and his first
collection in 1967. Since then he has published eight
collections. The latest, Berew Zerdeper (Towards the
Twilight), was published in Sweden in 2001. He has also
translated a number of writers and poets into Kurdish,
including Walt Whitman and Alexandr Pushkin.
Ahmad Khani
(1650–1707) was a Kurdish writer, poet
and philosopher. He was born amongst the
Khani's tribe in Hakkari province. He moved
to Bayezid and settled there. Later he started
with teaching Kurdish (Kurmanji) at basic
level. Khani was fluent in
Kurdish, Arabic and Persian. He wrote his
Arabic-Kurdish dictionary "Nûbihara Biçûkan"
(The Spring of Children) in 1683 to help
children with their learning process.
His most important work is the Kurdish classic
love story "Mem and Zin"(Mem û Zîn) (1692).
His other work include a book called Eqîdeya
Îmanê (The Path of Faith), which is
part poem and part prose. The book explains
the five pillars of Islamic faith. It was
published in 2000 in Sweden.
Faqi Tayran
Faqi Tayran, (1590–1660) is
considered one of the great
classic Kurdish poets and
writers. His real name was Mir
Mihemed. He was born in a
village called Miks in
the Hakkari region. In his
youth, he went
to Cizire (Botan) to study
under the well-known Kurdish
poet, Malaye Jaziri
Said Nursî
Said Nursî ;1877– March 1960),
and commonly known with the
honorific ,Bediüzzaman, was
a Kurdish Sunni
Muslim theologian. He wrote
the Risale-i Nur Collection, a body
of Qur'anic commentary
exceeding six thousand
pages. Believing that modern
science and logic was the way of
the future, he advocated teaching
religious sciences in secular
schools and modern sciences in
religious schools.
Nursi inspired a faith
movement that has played a vital
role in the revival of Islam in
Turkey and now numbers several
millions of followers world wide.

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The Leadership

  • 3. • Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task".For example, some understand a leader simply as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others, while others define leadership as "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal"
  • 4. Leadership Characteristics • Proactive vs. Reactive The exceptional leader is always thinking three steps ahead. Working to master his/her own environment with the goal of avoiding problems before they arise. Flexible/Adaptable How do you handle yourself in unexpected or uncomfortable situations? An effective leader will adapt to new surroundings and situations, doing his/her best to adjust. A Good Communicator As a leader, one must listen...a lot! You must be willing to work to understand the needs and desires of others. A good leader asks many questions, considers all options, and leads in the right direction. Respectful Treating others with respect will ultimately earn respect.
  • 5. • Quiet Confidence Be sure of yourself with humble intentions. Enthusiastic Excitement is contagious. When a leader is motivated and excited about the cause people will be more inclined to follow. Open-Minded Work to consider all options when making decisions. A strong leader will evaluate the input from all interested parties and work for the betterment of the whole. Resourceful Utilize the resources available to you. If you don't know the answer to something find out by asking questions. A leader must create access to information. Rewarding An exceptional leader will recognize the efforts of others and reinforce those actions. We all enjoy being recognized for our actions!
  • 6. • Well Educated Knowledge is power. Work to be well educated on community policies, procedures, organizational norms, etc. Further, your knowledge of issues and information will only increase your success in leading others. Open to Change A leader will take into account all points of view and will be willing to change a policy, program, cultural tradition that is out-dated, or no longer beneficial to the group as a whole. Interested in Feedback How do people feel about your leadership skill set? How can you improve? These are important questions that a leader needs to constantly ask the chapter. View feedback as a gift to improve. Evaluative Evaluation of events and programs is essential for an organization/group to improve and progress. An exceptional leader will constantly evaluate and change programs and policies that are not working.
  • 7. • Organized Are you prepared for meetings, presentations, events and confident that people around you are prepared and organized as well? Consistent Confidence and respect cannot be attained without your leadership being consistent. People must have confidence that their opinions and thoughts will be heard and taken into consideration. Delegator An exceptional leader realizes that he/she cannot accomplish everything on his own. A leader will know the talents and interests of people around him/her, thus delegating tasks accordingly. Initiative A leader should work to be the motivator, an initiator. He/she must be a key element in the planning and implementing of new ideas, programs, policies, events, etc.
  • 8. Some of world National and politic leaders
  • 9. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. He preserved the Union during the U.S. Civil War and brought about the emancipation of slaves. Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of America's greatest heroes due to both his incredible impact on the nation and his unique appeal. His is a remarkable story of the rise from humble beginnings to achieve the highest office in the land; then, a sudden and tragic death at a time when his country needed him most to complete the great task remaining before the nation. Lincoln's distinctively human and humane personality and historical role as savior of the Union and emancipator of the slaves creates a legacy that endures. His eloquence of democracy and his insistence that the Union was worth saving embody the ideals of self-government that all nations strive to achieve.
  • 10. Che Guevara Che Guevara Biography Military Leader (1928–1967) - Che Guevara was a Marxist revolutionary allied with Fidel Castro who went on to become an iconic cultural hero. - Born in Rosario, Argentina, on June 14, 1928 - Ernesto R. Guevara de la Serna studied medicine before traveling around South America, observing conditions that spurred his Marxist beliefs. - He aided Fidel Castro in overturning the Cuban government and then worked in a political post. - Guevara later engaged in guerrilla action in Bolivia, where he was killed. He's revered by many as a cultural hero.
  • 11. Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Biography Anti-War Activist (1869–1948) Mahatmas Gandhi was the primary leader of India's independence movement and also the architect of a form of civil disobedience that would influence the world. Born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India, Mahatma Gandhi studied law and came to advocate for the rights of Indians, both at home and in South Africa. Gandhi became a leader of India's independence movement, organizing boycotts against British institutions in peaceful forms of civil disobedience. He was killed by a fanatic in 1948.
  • 12. Angela Merkel Age: 59 Chancellor, Germany Merkel may be the most successful national leader in the world today. She is, practically speaking, the leader of the European Union, which as a whole is the world's largest economy, and Merkel has held that position for almost nine years. She played the lead role in managing Europe's debt crisis, keeping the EU intact while setting even Greece on the road to recovery
  • 13. Dalai Lama Age: 78 Spiritual leader of the Tibetan people For over 50 years he has campaigned tirelessly for peace, nonviolence, democracy, and reconciliation, especially among world religions; he has met countless times with popes, rabbis, imams, and others to find common ground. Winner of the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize, the Dalai Lama radiates charisma. As for his influence, just ask those who look for his guidance on Twitter. All 8.6 million of them.
  • 14. Muhammad (H) One of the greatest leaders of all time, Muhammad led to the spread of Islam in and around the world. His contribution to Islam was such that it has become the second largest and the fastest growing religion of the world today. He united a chaotic society in the name of morality and humanity and led his people out of severe persecution and mistreatment. He led his people to a number of migrations and successful victories in wars against armies much larger than theirs. His greatest leadership qualities were his courage, leading by example, motivational approach, persistence and decision- making.
  • 15. Adolf Hitler Military Leader, Dictator (1889–1945) Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. He initiated World War II and oversaw fascist policies that resulted in millions of deaths. Born in Austria in 1889, Adolf Hitler rose to power in German politics as leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazi Party. Hitler was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as dictator from 1934 to 1945. His policies precipitated World War II and the Holocaust. Hitler committed suicide with wife Eva Braun on April 30, 1945, in his Berlin bunker.
  • 16. Benazir Bhutto Benazir Bhutto Biography Prime Minister (1953–2007) Benazir Bhutto became the first female prime minister of Pakistan in 1988. She was killed by a suicide bomber in 2007. Benazir Bhutto was born on June 21, 1953, in Karachi, Pakistan, the child of former premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. She inherited leadership of the PPP after a military coup overthrew her father's government and won election in 1988, becoming the first female prime minister of a Muslim nation. In 2007, she returned to Pakistan after an extended exile, but, tragically, was killed in a suicide attack.
  • 17. Ariel Sharon Ariel Sharon Biography Military Leader, Prime Minister (1928–2014) Ariel Sharon was an Israeli military leader and politician who was elected prime minister of the country in 2001, serving until 2006. Born on February 27, 1928, in Kfar Malal, Palestine (now Israel), Ariel Sharon was a key player in Israeli military operations for decades, inspiring debate over the ethics of his tactics. Founder of the Likud Party, Sharon served in Parliament and became minister of defense in 1981, later taking on other posts. He was elected prime minister in 2001 and served until 2006, upon suffering a stroke. After eight years in a coma, Sharon died on January 11, 2014 at the age of 85.
  • 18. Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed his brother Louis Bonaparte king of Holland in July 1806. By 1809, Napoleon considered seizing Holland to stop the trade the Dutch secretly conducted with England. In 1810, failing to negotiate with either England or Louis, the emperor dispatched French troops against the Dutch capital. Louis abdicated and fled his kingdom, which Napoleon annexed to France.
  • 19. Some of The Kurdish Politiciansandleaders
  • 20. Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou Ghassemlou was the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) from 1973 until his assassination in 1989 by individuals suspected of being agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran. As the secretary general of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) he led the Kurdish nationalist struggle for Kurdish autonomy in Iran.
  • 21. Celadet Bedir Khan Celadet Bedir Khan , is also known as Mîr Celadet, was a Kurdish diplomat, writer, linguist, journalist and political activist. He held a master's degree in law from Istanbul University, completed his studies in Munich, and spoke several languages including Arabic, Kurdish, Russian, German, Turkish, Persian and French. He left Turkey in 1923 when the Kemalists declared a new republic. In 1927, at a conference of Kurdish nationalists held in Beirut, a committee was formed, the Xoybûn.
  • 22. Qazi Muhammad Qazi Muhammad, (1893– 1947) was a Kurdish leader and the Head of the Republic of Kurdistan (Republic of Mahabad), the second modern self declared Kurdish state in the Middle East (after the Republic of Ararat). Contemporary theorists believe that Qazi Muhammad was one of the most advanced Kurdish leaders in history.
  • 23. Mustafa Barzani Mustafa Barzani, (March 14, 1903 – March 1, 1979) also known as Mullah Mustafa was a Kurdish nationalist leader, and the most prominent political figure in modern Kurdish politics. In 1946, he was chosen as the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) to lead the Kurdish revolution against Iraqi regimes. Barzani was the primary political and military leader of the Kurdish revolution until his death in March 1979. He led campaigns of armed struggle against both the Iraqi and Iranian governments.
  • 24. Sheikh Muhammad Ma`shuq Al-Khaznawi Just 47 when he died, Khaznawi, born in 25-1-1957 was from the small Kurdish village of Khazna, an outpost in the deprived eastern desert where Syria fades into Iraq. Khaznawi had clashed with the Syrian regime for decades. His book on Islamism was banned. He was forbidden to travel for most of the 1990s In 2005 the Syrian Regime kidnapped him and martyred him.
  • 25. Some ofThe KurdishPoets and writers
  • 26. Malaye Jaziri Malaye Jaziri, (1570-1640) was one of the most famous Kurdish writer, poet and mystic. His pen name was Nîşanî. He was born in Jazira (Cizre), the capital of Bohtan principality. Here the first school of classical Kurdish poetry in the Kurmanji dialect was established. Malaye Jaziri was the leading representative of this school. His ties to this tradition are expressed through the strong sufi elements and through the concept of love in his poetry. In his universe there are no clear borderlines between human and divine love. Jaziri's poetry is also deeply rooted in romantic patriotism, and the poems he wrote in tribute to the Kurdish princes differ from the poetry written at the courts of the mighty kings in the region. Kurdistan's name appears frequently and is always connected with great pride. Jaziri's main literary work is the collection of his poems called, "Dîwana Melayê Cizîrî"
  • 27. Cigerxwîn Cigerxwîn or Cegerxwîn, 1903 – October 22, 1984) was a renowned Kurdish polymath and nationalist. He is known to be one of the most influential Kurdish writers and poets in the Kurdistan region of the Middle East, and his work has been renewed for the creation of hundreds of songs and played a crucial role in the preservation of Kurdish cultural heritage.
  • 28. Abdulla Pashew Abdulla Pashew,, is a well-known Kurdish poet. He was born in 1946 in Hewlêr. He studied at the Teachers' Training Institute in Hewlêr, and participated in the Foundation Congress of the Kurdish Writers' Union in Baghdad in 1970. In 1973 he went to the former Soviet Union, and in 1979 he received an M.A. in pedagogy with a specialization in foreign languages. In 1984 he was granted a PhD in Philology from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. For the next five years he was a professor at al-Fatih University in Tripoli, Libya. He has lived in Finland since 1995. He published his first poem in 1963 and his first collection in 1967. Since then he has published eight collections. The latest, Berew Zerdeper (Towards the Twilight), was published in Sweden in 2001. He has also translated a number of writers and poets into Kurdish, including Walt Whitman and Alexandr Pushkin.
  • 29. Ahmad Khani (1650–1707) was a Kurdish writer, poet and philosopher. He was born amongst the Khani's tribe in Hakkari province. He moved to Bayezid and settled there. Later he started with teaching Kurdish (Kurmanji) at basic level. Khani was fluent in Kurdish, Arabic and Persian. He wrote his Arabic-Kurdish dictionary "Nûbihara Biçûkan" (The Spring of Children) in 1683 to help children with their learning process. His most important work is the Kurdish classic love story "Mem and Zin"(Mem û Zîn) (1692). His other work include a book called Eqîdeya Îmanê (The Path of Faith), which is part poem and part prose. The book explains the five pillars of Islamic faith. It was published in 2000 in Sweden.
  • 30. Faqi Tayran Faqi Tayran, (1590–1660) is considered one of the great classic Kurdish poets and writers. His real name was Mir Mihemed. He was born in a village called Miks in the Hakkari region. In his youth, he went to Cizire (Botan) to study under the well-known Kurdish poet, Malaye Jaziri
  • 31. Said Nursî Said Nursî ;1877– March 1960), and commonly known with the honorific ,Bediüzzaman, was a Kurdish Sunni Muslim theologian. He wrote the Risale-i Nur Collection, a body of Qur'anic commentary exceeding six thousand pages. Believing that modern science and logic was the way of the future, he advocated teaching religious sciences in secular schools and modern sciences in religious schools. Nursi inspired a faith movement that has played a vital role in the revival of Islam in Turkey and now numbers several millions of followers world wide.