SlideShare a Scribd company logo
A work in process...
Google Backbone of Cloud
computing and the basically
free Google Apps that can be
customized to have our look
a n d f e e l p l u s G m a i l ,
Documents, etc. put Google
in the forefront for future Net
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
HTML5 will need Copyright, Patent, Intellectual property management,
since developers will move to the Cloud and the HTML5 APPs will become
very large... Detective style software or MCP Bots like IBM’s old ROM
BIOS “Gumshoe” (random pattern code matching) type of code analysis can
be done via Google and Bing, etc. to assist in the protection of Intellectual
Property Rights, and Billing.
The HTML5 APPs will become the CLIENT of the (Windows/NT)
SERVER and will change in design and function over time, since they are
so very modifiable. Add Data access to Local Storage and you have a APP
that can run when the Internet is offline. i.e. standalone APPS running in a
Web Browser that supports the full HTML5.
So you end up with a Run Time code Interpreter like Basic... Native code
execution on the platform of choice is needed to achieve greater speed of
operation but the processors are becoming fast enough that the user would
not know of Native or Interpretive code execution. So HTML5 is going to
be big if SQL and Oracle are accessible, because the data is in their hands.
And it already is.
How long will it take for the Developers to switch over to HTML5? It will
depend on the greatness of the initial large data base APPs. Because once
the world realizes the potential of a cloud based mobile Management
Information System that is seamless in design for any platform the user will
switch to the “latest and greatest” mode of managing a business. Beam me
up Scotty!
If you follow the path of computer history, you will learn that it began with
a IBM Mainframe Centralized Data Center with all data being
keypunched and data entry clerks as far as you could see. And eventually
IBM 3270 Forms Fill CRTs.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Then Minicomputers De-Centralized Data Processing and VARS
became the customization teams. Basic-4 had the APPs market and the
data... The CRTs ran using serial 9600 baud.
The PC was born, DOS and CP/M caused a explosion in who could be a
developer and the De-Centralization continued to make the USER be
responsible for BACKUPs. Now data entry was faster on the PC, no more
9600 baud CRTs, and we could still modem overnight the data to the
Centralized Data Centers, of course it was at 9600 baud...
Finally the Internet appeared, and Ethernet from 3Com, and we were
connected at a much higher T10 speed.
To HTML5 where we return to Centralized Data Centers using
redundant platforms to attempt to BACKUP the data. The real concern will
be the possibility of loss of access to ones business data. But with Apples
Time Machine and similar “Unix Transaction Tape/Logs” the local data
entry and data storage can be given Backup locally...
The Open Source Libraries will grow with HTML5 code snippets, and APPs.
Netbooks and Tablets will become cheaper than Toasters at WallMart.
The Information Age is in the air, WIFI that is.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
AiDigital Library: we start up startups Garage Home
Company Overview Gordon, you have until *September 30th* to complete this
application. *Save Often*: *To avoid accidental loss of data*, we recommend you
push the Save Work In Progress button at the bottom of this page every 5 or 10
minutes. After clicking the button, you can return to this page and continue
working on the application. Note that all buttons on this page save your work. If
you return to this page and the data on the page is not updated, try using the Reload
or Refresh feature of your browser. *Application Instructions* * The red asterisk
denotes a required field. You must submit an answer for every required field. help
The question mark located in the top right corner of each section gives you
context-specific help and instructions for that section. This section is the single
most important part of the application. and potential investors will
read the text in this area before any other part of the company overview. * *Very
Short Description*. Using 2 to 8 words, describe your company. For example, would be "Web-based seed-level capital broker". * *Elevator Pitch*.
Please consult the help section (indicated by the question mark in the blue box
above) before attacking this question. Mastering the Elevator Pitch is critical to
your company's success. (Limit is 1,000 characters or about 100 words.)
Artificial, Inc. (Ai) is a Internet Research and Development company funded
by its founder, to focus on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to a
users internet experience.
AiDigital Library Project: The internet is dynamically evolving in terms of the
users ability to access a sea of incredibly vast information. The result of any
research effort by a internet user, ultimately results in some of these questions: 1.
"what was the name of that site?" 2. "what was that file name?" 3. "where did I put
that stuff?" 4. "where is that video?" 5. "I'm a frequent business traveler, how do I
find that document?" In order to understand the integration of the rapidly evolving
internet, one needs to understand the past, present and future of the computer
AiTechnology Center: Our AiTechnology Center provides us with the necessary
environment for our AiDigital Library Project. One of many Ai Projects currently
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
underway. Ai is comprised of a staff of "visionaries" that have worked with our
founder for over 20 years. We build "Artificial Worlds on the Internet". We will
have a AiTechnology Center in StarPower's Dallas Home Entertainment retail
stores in Nov. 1999.
*Additional keywords*. Enter up to 20 search keywords related to your company,
product, or service that are *not* part of the above 100 word description. (Limit is
300 characters or about 30 words.)
Digital Library, Artificial Intelligence, .PDF, QTVR, Sony VAIO, Home Theater,
HDTV, DVD, MPEG2, .DOC, .HTML, Hobbies
Contact Name Gordon Kraft
Contact Email
Application ID 37574 *
Contact's Title or Relationship with the applying company
* Contact Business Phone # (with area code) Contact Business Fax # (with area
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* * Company Street Address (no P.O. Boxes)
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* * Company State (must be in U.S.) (2 letter abbreviation)
* * Company Zip (5 digits)
* Company Web Site
* * Company Type C Corporation S Corporation Limited Liability Company
(LLC) Partnership Sole Proprietorship If incorporated, date of incorporation
(mm/dd/yy) If incorporated, state of incorporation (2 letter abbreviation) * What
stage of development is your company in? Startup Product Development Beta
Test / Clinical Trials Shipping Product Profitable
* * Enter the Industry Classification that best fits your company: Software: Other
Consultants (Information Technology)
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* * What is your company's mission statement? (Limit is 2,000 characters or about
200 words.)
* * What are your company's key goals and objectives? (Limit is 2,000 characters
or about 200 words.)
* * What problem are you trying to solve or fix with your product or service?
(Limit is 4,000 characters or about 400 words.)
* * Describe your underlying technology, including the development stage of the
product or service. (Limit is 4,000 characters or about 400 words.)
* * Does your success depend on any external intellectual properties? Do you have
in place licenses or agreements to include this technology in your product or
service? (Limit is 4,000 characters or about 400 words.) Discuss your company's
manufacturing and/or development process, if applicable. (Limit is 3,000
characters or about 300 words.)
* * How many full-time employees does your company have?
* * List the 8 most important people affiliated with your company (including
company founders, Board members, advisors and key employees). Click the
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* * How much capital has been invested in your company to date? (in US$)
* * How much capital is your company
* *now* seeking to raise? (in US$)
* * If you are successful in raising this amount, how long will that last you? (in
months) After this time period, how much additional financing would you be
looking for, if any, in your follow-on round? (in US$) How much capital
(including what you are now seeking to raise) will it take for your company to
reach break even (cash flow positive)? (in US$)
* * What is your company offering? (check all that apply) Equity Convertible Debt
Debt I don't know / I'm not sure
* * What is the business exit strategy? How and when will investors get a return on
their investments? (Limit is 1,000 characters or about 100 words.)
* * What drives you and your company? (Limit is 1,000 characters or about 100
words.) Anything else we should know about your company? (Limit is 2,000
characters or about 200 words.) If a person referred you to, who was
that person? What firm do they work for? What city/state are they in? If you were
not referred by a person or firm, how did you hear about us?
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* * Free Listing. Your company is automatically entitled to be a part of our free
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location, very short description, money sought, and the 100 word summary
(Elevator Pitch). Investors may contact me if they are interested.
will not release any additional information to investors.
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Apple is building a $1B Server Farm.
The AiLibrary needs to work with both firms.
We need someone to be our highly respected door opener to these and
other CORE technology companies that if you look at them as components
will become the AiLibrary with our look and feel, and Human Interface
characteristics… TBD
We borrow/buy our tools.
We do not build our tools.
We are Database Experts for Asset Management via the Cloud and
we will have a hugh farm.
We are Librarians.
We are Teachers.
We are the Indexers.
We are the Emergency Backup to disaster events for Library access via
the Net, which needs to be over ipHAM radio signals, or?
Limitless need for our American Internet Library, “elearning for the
rest of us” (the ones left without access to College and Universities, and
Heald, etc.)
We should consider the opportunity to be the “AiLibrary online Heald
University“ via our Facilities Management Services, like Sykes does Tech
Support, so could we via the Net nETSC. Use Online Tech Support,
since there are no restrictions to my involvement in the Diags and ETSC
arena. The new Online Tech Support Center OTSC(tm) could use
access to the AiDigital Library(tm) for non specific searches.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
We need to focus on less of my design and do a future planned roll out of
the other areas as part of the Milestone Chart, contained in our AiLibrary
Project Management System.
I think the size of the Entrepreneur Incubator and all of its evolution
steps, Internet TV channel on of HDTV VOD
S t r e a m s , T h e u s e o f t h e E n t r e p r e n e u r I n c u b a t o r t o
develop Sustainable Energy Projects and Energy Tech,
and AiLibrary eLearning courseware for the Sony Playstation 3, Mac,
and PC/XBOX…
The Entrepreneur Incubator will create/train Entrepreneur
Black Belts. AiLibrary Domus Room Video Wall will train the
Everything via the Net. Bricks and Mortar if and when
appropriate… Virtual Corp until then.
We need a Business Plan writer. No Plan, no money.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Exec Summary
The needs to have a simple to use drag and drop Web page to
add digital content. The user must enter some basic Metatags info. The
User has their own personal AiLibrary and the access to information and
ebooks, elearning, etc. content available via the
Users should be able to drag and drop and edit their own look and feel
environment similar to our old QTVR.
The AiLibrary is contained on an optional Mac Mini.
The AiLibrary is Internet centric and has a vast INDEX and Affiliate
The major issue is the Affiliate Network construction.
We need a 3D virtual photorealistic wideband required environment for the
AiLibrary, similar to Second Life, but with much better graphics...
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
The ability to use iMovie on the MAC made it easy to TalkStory the
combination of text, audio, video, photos to “tell your story.”
Maui, Hawaii Business Incubator Maui Research and Technology
Center MRTC
Maui is a inspirational place to create, that is why there are so many writers
there. Artists, even Master in Computer Science and PHd’s can be found
working in the restaurants of Maui. The vision of the State of Hawaii to
place Business Incubators on the islands of Hawaii began in the early 90’s,
Entrepreneurial creativity abounds in every area of the world. But in
Hawaii at the time, the Investment Capital was skeptical since it was Maui,
and Visitors would come visit and make statements of being involved, but
they did not return. Probably due to the attitude of the State of Hawaii not
taking them serious. So “selling” Visitors on locating or moving to Hawaii
was not visible to those of us struggling in the MRTC. And tourism is the
basis of the Hawaiian economy, ask DBET.
Naples, Fl. Business Incubator (still waiting)
whereas Naples, Fl. in 2000 had nothing, but a struggling group of
Entrepreneurs, The Gulf Coast Venture Group (Bill, Judy, etc.). They did
build a Incubator in NE. Ft. Meyers, but how many Visitors does it get from
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Naples? And Naples is just as creative as Maui. In Naples, the potential
investors are there for one to six months out of the year. The Gulf Coast
Venture Group has become mainstream, the membership is growing, the
large availability of America’s leading Entrepreneurs are in Naples during
the winter months. But they have not made any major investments, or
achieved National recognition. There are some real long ball hitters there
in Naples, Joe’s son, Rick Inatome is a awesome speaker with extensive
high tech experience... I would put the Gulf Coast Venture Group into a
empty beautiful restaurant or bar on the Naples waterfront and make it
members only with access to Visitors by invitation. OK, so put it in the
Naples Yacht Club on designated times. Now you have the right
environment to Fund the Newco’s. And bring in new home owners with
vast wealth. Imagine a Entrepreneur Angels Club(tm). And the good
will and Tourism!
So even though the wealth in both places was large to hugh, the investment
in communities that were in Tropical settings was a detraction, yet the
talent and Entrepreneurial spirit was strong and able.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
DiagSoft, Inc.
Mr. Kraft founded DiagSoft, Inc.
1987, to develop and distribute PC
Diagnostics for the clone PC industry
that was stealing IBM Advanced PC
Diagnostics all over the world. He
knew this because he traveled all over
the world for Award Software selling
the Award ROM BIOS. Mr. Kraft
closed a Royalty deal to purchase the
basic CP/M PC Diagnostics Source Code from Chesapeake Data Systems, he
then modified the Diags to run on DOS and added a Turbo Pascal Main
Control Program that embeded the DiagS Assembly code, and he named it:
QAPlus for Quality Assurance Plus (Diags, SysInfo, and
Benchmarking). He also added PC Benchmarking software that he named
PowerMeter. About three months later Gene Farnham joined DiagSoft,
Inc. and shortly thereafter Allen Marconett showed up, Allen had told
Gordon that he was not interested in working for DiagSoft previously. So
Gordon had a dilemma two programers to pay out of his own pocket, not
the one that he had budgeted for. Mr. Kraft sold his butt off to keep the
doors open for the first several years. Because Mr. Kraft funded (started)
DiagSoft with his total savings of $17K.
Initial OEM bundling deals with Micronics and Hyosung and DiagSoft, Inc.
was in business. Then he closed almost all PC manufacturers except for HP
and Gateway. Mr. Kraft personally closed OEM Bundling deals with NEC,
DG, DEC, Intel, IBM, AT&T, Northgate, Seiko, Epson, Toshiba, etc. And
the entire country of Taiwan. And most of Silicon Valley’s PC board
manufacturers like Sigma Designs.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
At the 1990 COMDEX, Mr. Kraft had QAPlus talking using the Creative
Sound Blaster and StarTrek Sound Bytes, plus Remote Control PC
Anywhere allowing dial up Tech Support. QAPlus had the best System
Info in the Industry. IRQ conflicts could be found and corrected because
of the IRQ SysInfo of QAPlus, it helped make us famous worldwide.
I licensed the QAPlus source code to Larry and Shammi Jenkins of
TouchStone Software to bring a Retail version of QAPlus to market...
Because we were too successful with Intel on our board and needed to focus
on our core business OEM’s, and the retail channel was a different level of
effort requiring substantial more employees.
They named it CheckIT...
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Intel owns 35% of DiagSoft, Inc.
the day QAPlus stopped the Intel Platform production lines the phone
rang almost instantly and the plant was in PR. It seems our QAPlus was rejecting all of
the new Intel production run at that time. So, panicked, we all charged into the day and
evening until about 2AM when most went home. Rick Farrington, DiagSoftʼs most
knowledgable PC internals genius continued to work around the clock. We were back
early that morning and Rick smiles and says it only happens at exactly midnight, but
their new 8042 chip hangs and fails our tests, we are right, Intel is wrong they have a
PC compatibility problem.
US Marshals and the Grand Jury.
one day I got a call from the lobby and am told that there are men here and
they have guns and badges. I met with them and find out that they were US Marshallʼs,
and one of our good customers was ripping us off, along with IBM and other software
companies and loading illegal copies of our QAPlus/FE which sold for $595ea. on IBM
PCʼs being sold to the EPA, around 1300 illegal copies of QAPlus/FE. They wanted to
record my telephone call to the customer, and said OK, in about 4-5 months I was
asked to fly to Greensboro, NC. to appear before the Grand Jury!
I took my mom.
I was treated like Bill Gates, they were so very kind.
Finally we get to court, I fly in from the end of Comdex show in Las Vegas to North
Carolina, and and the US District Attorney tells me that the case has been going on for
about two weeks, and when I get on the stand, donʼt be surprise if the Judge asks whats
a PC?
Jim Aspinwallʼs PC Expert Product Marketing ETSC. stories
Alan Marconnet QAPlus developer for ten years, he was the core of us... but very
stubborn and slow
Barry Sprajc friend of Rick Farrington, when I started DiagSoft, and we began to grow, I
needed a young brilliant additional (cheap) programmer. I hired Rick, and immediately
added his young buddies Barry and Craig and all of a sudden I had three more kids...
because every Monday one of them would come to work on crutches... ;)
Craig Casho Tech Support
Ed Merrifield close friend and confidant and CFO
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Jon Gordon old friend from Phoenix Tech, I asked Jon to take over running DiagSoft so
that I could work on ETSC.
Elliot Lowe Fantastic awesome VP Marketing, Product Marketing, brilliant.
Mel Brodie DiagSoft, International Sales, Mel owned his own Export company and
represented DiagSoft in the Far East.
John Crim Brilliant Software Developer worked at MAST on Artificial Intelligence Net
Caster Neural Network for Excel and Microsoft Telephony API internals for ETSC
Paul Billings Brilliant Ai Software Developer at MAST with substantial Image
Recognition and Pattern Recognition projects. Including Principle Investigator stuff.
Donald Harris close friend and the one guy I can talk to in a short hand Tech
discussion, products, etc. and he always getʼs it. Visionary. I gave Donald $220K to
work on Native American Internet Gaming Project, and to help him go to Law school at
his old age. Donald knows most of my business experiences, including the APBA
Offshore. Donald is a Genius., and has a PhD in Law.
Chris King Partner at BigKahuna Productions in Maui, interesting guy.
Jeanne King DiagSoft, Inc. Hawaii Operations Manager. Always on top of everything.
Krystle Kraft ran DiagSoft Accounting in the early years, knows almost every detail of
DiagSoft and beyond because she has a memory like an elephant! and she is my
beautiful ex wife.
Richard Mann genuine Hollywood Producer/Director partner for BigKahuna
Productions Maui, Richard was doing advanced video production using our BigKahuna
animators to add visual content to our DiagSoft PC training (eLearning) Multimedia
Rudy Oakes worlds greatest Tech Support man.
Alan Pinner BerlinerCohen DiagSoft attorney, awesome and smooth, but smart.
Joe Dworak BerlinerCohen DiagSoft attorney, Litigation attorney.
Earl Russell VP Engineering from DEC, good man.
Kevin Smith, BateTech CustomerONE ETSC backend Help Desk. Joined Sykes to
manage ETSC at Sykes, failed to launch? I think Sykes was worried that the reduced
call cycle times were going to reduce Sykes revenue, ETSC was to provide accurate
Help Desk data and on the other screen the tech had PC Anywhere Remote control of
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
the users PC over the Internet, we knew what was in the box, if it was configured right, if
it had hardware failures, instantly, when the ETSC Technician connected to the users
Steve Smoot, genius. HELP! acquisition failed to close due to his investors. I wanted
to sell HELP!
James Stewart COO early stage, I met Jim when I worked for Microform Data, he was
with the SEC in the MIS arena, and Jim was focused on Document Storage and
Retrieval Apps.
Stan Trumbull, VP Sales
Rene Vishney, Advisor
Lynn Wubbles, CPA
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Entrepreneur Incubator Plan
copyright gkraft @ 2010
The product names and concepts will change in this Plan, due to copyright or
trademarks contention if necessary, this typically happens from time to time because
more than one person can think of the same idea. Even though we often think we have
the greatest idea in the world, sometimes a simple Google search will tell us differently.
The intention of this Plan is to establish a rapid implementation of Entrepreneur
Incubator connections, and begin the marketing hype to promote the idea. The timing is
critical, if it canʼt be done almost immediately, the results will be too far off for the ROI
curve. First it is important to agree on format and function, then meet and greet the
Entrepreneur Incubators management teams at a conference in Disney World, or
Dallas, or SF, etc. Use the Entrepreneur Incubator Association to assist in the
Entrepreneur Facility
Entrepreneur Incubators are now located in many locations across the US. The
possibilities are unlimited for these independent Incubators to connect across the net.
I recommend that we develop a standardized layout plan similar to a retail store “rollout”
using a Apple Store clean look, but with closed WorkSpaces of all sizes based on the
project, the walls might be moveable within the Incubator. Or at least use Videos to
demo the concepts, and make the audience believe that the Incubators are a connected
family of incubators from a visual standpoint, there is no real need to spend any
substantial funds on Capital improvements and equipment.
Video conferencing is a awesome tool but lacks some close personal interaction as is
enjoyed by Apple iChat users. The Entrepreneur Incubator needs to utilize Video
conferencing as much as possible in order to improve the purpose of Video
conferencing... The usage of Video Conferencing on a constant basis will connect the
Incubators into natural groups of interest. This will create the family linkage that is
necessary for the connection of the Incubators to succeed, otherwise without Kreitsu, or
a common sharing of interest it will be difficult to cause people to want to work together.
Therefore it is important to bond initially the people who want to make the concept
work. If they are currently not performing to the level desired, the people will be
motivated to make it so.
Everything exists today from the Technology standpoint, the effort will be to integrate as
fast as possible using existing development teams from Google, Amazon, Ebay,
Microsoft, Yahoo, etc.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
With these resources we can implement a working prototype in a month. There will be
many prototypes and if possible we should do several in parallel. We might want to
include the Incubators in a parallel to get some work for their tenants. If this approach
blossoms as fast as expected, the product will be usable across the world, and allow
Virtual Incubators. The entire point of this connection is to create and evolve solutions
for mankind, and to make a few bucks in the process.
The Incubator should provide a continuous flow of new technologies, not purchase a PC
and leave it there for several years. Tech development needs current state of the art
Development equipment. The major manufacturers will provide some of this equipment
if they can have a “Room” in the Incubator to use for demos on prearranged schedules.
Promotion of a Entrepreneur Incubator:
The way to bring private investors into the Angels Group is to have them visit the
Incubators, they will need a reason to do so. Press releases are insufficient, but local
TV needs some hip hip horay news once in a while, and what better purpose for Social
Media experts to work with. Everyone needs employment, if a Social Media Expert
works with a Incubator, they will find consulting opportunities from their interaction.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Entrepreneur Incubator Usage possibilities:
1. eLearning Courseware Development
2. Distance Learning SDKs
3. Collaboration Tools such as Skype, AVchat, etc.
4. Video Edit Suite for Marketing Presentations, Prototype Animation.
5. Product Concept and Development Training.
6. Entrepreneur Training.
7. Entrepreneur Incubator Facility Management Services.
8. Fast to Market Prototyping.
9. VC and Angel Group.
10. iTunes University.
11. Demo Rooms similar to Home Theater Demo rooms, using DomusRoom
Virtual Labs
The inclusion of Virtual Labs would create the image of a development workspace that
utilizes a photorealistic familiar environment such as your office, the hot clickable
devices and file cabinets are accessible via the user selected File Manager, Tree, 3D
Mezzotint layers of color, to a Brain topography style.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Entrepreneur Search Technology
The Entrepreneur Search Technology encompasses the variety of search techniques
used by the Entrepreneur as identified by the AiEngine INDEX and DNAid(tm).
AiEngine INDEX:
The AiEngine INDEX(tm) is a system to reduce the number of non related information
responses and includes the overall communication with the access of Internet
Information. As such it may be considered the Automator or Script Control OS. And the
AIEngine INDEX will call and control the output of the various Search Engines, such as
Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, etc.
The AiEngines INDEX is a collection of Metatags and predefined relationships given
weight based on the DNAid(tm) Digital Personality Profile, or from the movie
Forbidden Planet, your “id”.
The AiEngine INDEX is therefore personalized for individual (DNAid), and Corporate
use would be provided via a Corporate-id, or CORPid(tm).
Browser Bayshore Communications(tm).
(One to many Browsers control)
the selection of multiple browsers based on their characteristics is included. Therefore
a Interprocess or Browser to Browser Communication Pathway is required, we will call it
the “Bayshore Freeway”...
Interprocess Communications.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
AiEngine Headset Communicator(tm)
BlueTooth Headset for Cell Phones can be used to Select Screen and Voice Input
Recognition (selections).
The DomusRoom(tm) Display structure will provide a search connection pathway
visible on demand across the three segments of the display. Google Squared Search
can output Interactive Spreadsheets will provide one search format for thought drill
down processes. The current Google Squared is limited to 5 fields of drilldown
interest, with additional fields available, the DNAid should be able to input and filter the
Google Squared output... A visual, perhaps CoverFlow, selection via the AiEngine
Headset Communicator(tm).
The original BookBot(tm) was planned to be a soft display screen remote control device,
today the iPhone is ideal. Or the new Apple Touch Pad...
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
DomusRoom Video Wall
Left Segment Screen - Datum
The Entrepreneur (user) can stack the hits on the left segment along with any notes,
photos, files, etc. a drag and drop entry into their AiDigital Library with auto indexing as
possible ala Office Automation and CARMS(tm).
Center Main Screen - Content
The Entrepreneur (user) can use the Center Segment for normal Internet access via the
browser of choice.
The URL history and keywords, meta tagʼs, time spent, etc. are stored in the AiEngine
INDEX DNAid, and a real time profile is updated including the linkage (keyword
selection) that creates the thought process links. ie. from to branch return if then else
join compare match... then neural nets and other Ai can be used to establish Likes and
Dislikes to reduce the total overload of HITS from normal search engines. The goal is
to establish a summary of page content into a bitmap image similar to Dan Browns
Right Segment Screen - Videos
The Entrepreneur (user) can use the Right Segment to display videos selectable from a
CoverFlow type of Selection Display. or CNN...
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Original GHL AiDigital Library (AiLibrary)
The original gkraft AiLibrary was a 820sqft. cherrywood Home Theater with a 10ʼ screen
located in Marco Island in 1999-2003. The Home Theater was installed by StarPower of
Dallas. It included a T1 line into the home and routed via a Cisco router. The room
included a Mac OSX Server and a Windows NT Server, three Macʼs and a PC, and the
Ampro HDTV Projector included a VGA input port used to connect the Macʼs for a 10ʼ
display. The difference between a PC or Mac with a large screen was the combination
of the THX Audio and the Large HDTV display.
The AiLibrary used iView software for the Mac as the Document, Photo, and Video
Database. A QTVR 3D photorealistic browser interface and a PowerFile DVD changer
with 1TB of DVDs, it was 1999/2000 so the AiLibrary had a Terabyte (Mass Storage
Facility) MSF.
Today the Tech has evolved into a $99/1TB harddrive, so the storage facility capacity is
ample and expandable.
The ability to add several displays to todayʼs Mac or PC allows a wrap around video
immersion workstation design. Like a miniature iMax for your home or office.
The planned software design will need to provide the planned Collaboration Station
Chris King asked me 20 years ago, why canʼt he take his business records and feed
them into a computer and have it tell him what to do with his business? He called it the
DomusRoom. We have a ways to go on this idea.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Entrepreneur Incubator Selection Group:
1." Who will be accepted, why? Contests, Reality shows?
2. Project Analysis by Entrepreneur Selection Group will include initial presentations
to VC and Angel Group via DomusRoom.
3. VCʼs receive thousands of Business Plans a week, Entrepreneur Selection will
reduce our submissions to feasible expectations.
4. Financial Assistance based on ROI projections and time to market basis.
5. MicroCap funding, etc.
6. Possibility of merger of Entrepreneur Projects across State boundaries, is the
reason for integrated and connected Entrepreneur Centers.
7. Possibility of raising funding and sales of Entrepreneur Projects across State
8. Sales of Entrepreneur Incubator Products will be best served by independent sales
reps groups across the US.
9. A Entrepreneur Incubator Project may be a small as a Open Source module made
available via the Google and Amazon, Azure, etc. platforms, and license fees paid
by usage of the module similar to DoubleClick ad accounting.
10. AiEngine or Digital Library can be used for intellectual property control.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Intellectual Property:
Software Patents are failing to control, because the Patent process cannot identify or
quantify the code match or “gumshoe” code recognition type software that was used by
the BIOS industry. Many countries have not implemented Software Patents and do not
recognize them, a better solution is needed. And a Software Process Patent will identify
the concept but not necessarily the unique characteristics.
The use of code names and project concepts having missing sections is necessary to
protect the intellectual property of the Entrepreneur Incubator Plan.
The real value of this Plan is to establish in the mind of those that have control, that
simple fast development of “back in the day” programming included 20 hr work days,
now and then, but once people “get it”, the development time is fairly small, the eduction
and coming up to speed may exceed the 30 day initial development increments. The
trick is to know when and how to make release cuts, and not allow the programmer to
keep making it pretty, since programmers are like great artists, and never want to
release their art until just one more thing... And remember the Brodie Principle,
“Software does not wear out”. Open Source and the newer programming techniques
are reducing the actual “Programmer Code” to a minimum, so the ownership becomes
cloudy without removing the SDK Frameworks, etc. to compare to the original work. Bill
Gates made this prediction at the ETRE CEO Conference in Barcelona in the early-mid
90ʼs. Bill said, “software of the future will be done in modules and incorporated into a
executable program and billing will be based on the individual module usage.”
Simple straight forward increments will make the concept happen. Avoid complex
approaches until the initial concept is operational, otherwise we will never launch the
completed version in time to achieve the goal of education and growth of the American
creativity process in the short term.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Entrepreneur Incubators Work Plan
What does a idea need? Sales.
How do you develop an idea? Entrepreneur Incubators.
Bricks and Mortar? Yes.
Internet Cloud? Yes.
so a person anywhere could gain access to the educational process necessary to
create and idea, and sell an idea? right.
from anyplace? Yes.
How do you sell? Donʼt confuse booking from shipping.
How do you protect the intellectual property rights of the idea? AiDigital Library.
How do individuals use the Incubator? over the internet using their DomusRoom.
What is most needed? unfettered access to all internet content filtered by the
individuals AiEngine INDEX DNAid.
CARMS(tm) gkraft, as a Derivative ROOT?
small business employment = 2/3 workforce and growing
3 yrs Patent action
700K in review or litigation queue.
Cost fixed, too low, higher will reduce activity and if by class or linear parentage
(derivative works chain, i.e. CARMS = Derivative Root), revenue stream is greater, so
cost should be...
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
People are smart, they need doorways to opportunity, the short and long
term is already changing by the change in society (social media) caused by
the ability to interact. IF people can find the assistive path to education as
they need with very little cost involved, and they can find short course
timeframes to learning how to create their next best mousetrap. And
access to Video On Demand from the HDTV Digital Libraries will be of
value, as well as the Apple iTunes University, which has the potential of
becoming the simple cheap solution to eLearning.
What do I want as part of this effort is to help others find the numerous
ways to be a Entrepreneur and add the missing elements from across the
US. I do not want to run it, just make it happen. The Entrepreneur
Incubators are managed by people that want to succeed, often it is the
access to working capital for the small things that makes the difference. Of
course significant funding would allow us to make this Plan grow and grow
at a faster rate.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Recent progress:
Met with BerlinerCohen to discuss having their assistance in helping me with the VC
community, they were positive, Wubbles asked why not talk to Meg Whitman?
I also met with several other possible developers at this time to discuss what we could
accomplish with out any funding. Everyone needs a paycheck, so I have had to reduce
the scale and scope of this Project and work towards a super low cost approach as
shown above.
I have also discussed potential hardware development to create a component for the
DomusRoom that would give us greater intellectual property control, this area needs
more work.
copyright gkraft 2010
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Entrepreneur Incubator
Todayʼs Business Incubators have a primary purpose of renting office space, now I
know that many offer much more, but the difference in offering and making available is
the cost. And Entrepreneurs need advice and counsel more than they need a generic
course on being a Entrepreneur. The effort in Florida has networked many Incubators
and added a Virtual Entrepreneur Incubator, yet the local news could pay more attention
and dramatically improve the success of these incubators. A Entrepreneur Incubator
needs to be promoted. Like the movie “Field of Dreams” build it and they will come... is
true only if people know about it...
How about a Librarian greeter that says come on in kid if you have a idea and we will
discuss it with you and give you instant feedback, this can be done over the Internet.
The issue of Intellectual Property is important. Now add some Marketing and Sales
Review from the Internet and in few days, the idea will have some depth for the
Entrepreneur to decide if further effort is warranted. But before we get to this stage, the
Entrepreneur has to have been selected from a larger constant flowing number of
Setup a room with some PCʼs and Video Editing Booth, connect to the Internet, and
expect our Entrepreneurʼs to seek the Incubator out for a helping hand to build their
dream business.
The Maui Research & Technology Center was thus, we know, we lived and worked
there from 92-96, the folks that worked for the State of Hawaii were just like you and
me, they wanted in the worst way to make the MRTC a success. All were supportive,
but without any working capital even for themselves it was just cheap rent. There was
an advantage however, the MRTC was located next door to one of the most incredible
SuperComputers on the Planet, yep, next door there on Maui.
I donʼt really understand what you do with a SuperComputer other than mathematical
analysis of the stars from the dishes on top of Haleakala the hugh dormant volcano.
The SuperComputer was connected to T3ʼs and that gave the MRTC Broadband from
the start and we had the ability to communicate via the internet to DiagSoft, Inc. so we
were doing business really simple - we were connected. I created ETSC in the most
creative place, Maui.
During this time Chris King my brother in law introduced me to Richard Mann and we
started Big Kahuna Productions. Richard knew Hollywood, and the art of video
production, and I wanted to do Interactive Videos similar to the IBM SNA interactive
LaserDisk Project that I worked on with with Saroj Kar in Sunnyvale at the beginning of
the LaserDisk (1979), a master cost over $50Kea. and was a throw away if wrong.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Document Storage and Retrieval and Advanced Office Automation Workstations were
my skill set.
I created CARMS Computer Assisted Records Management System using a Tandem
NonStop for Natural Language Query Retrieval of Documents stored on the Microform
Data Systems UltraStrip a strip of microfilm with a 300X reduction image size, also
specʼd a Microdata Reality System for the low end. We could retrieve any page in a
million pages in less than ten seconds. This was important for Power Plants that had
millions of pages of D drawings, to standard letter forms, since we microfilmed
documents of almost any size, we then microfilmed the microfilm taking the image from
the 35mm frame and microfilming that frame again another 10X which would result in
300X-600X reduction and full blowback. That is right, we microfilmed the microfilm in a
unit made by Microform Data Systems.
Today we would use a good scanner and the capture time would be small increments
compared to the manual microfilm process. And the Auto Indexing using OCR would
reduce the keying of Indexes like we did with the Microform systems. CARMS was my
attempt to move Microform Data Systems into a more hybrid Digital and Microfilm
database and evolve Microform Data from Micrographics into the Digital Age. Arnold
Silverman replaced my mentor Dean Mack the formed CEO.
CARMS is a frame/page/sector indexed sector of digital content or film content.
The next generation of CARMS is for todayʼs Mass Storage Facility that could fit into
your briefcase, the INDEX is based on Metatags, the more refinement of the Keys and
the Correlation of Stuff (rDBMS), Neural Network, etc. will improve the reduction of the
number of hits.
I often today think about the possibilities of CARMS which is meant to create a
Paperless Office...
SQL is todays DBMS architecture, and is complicated and difficult for non programmers
to use at the capability level that we had with the MSDOS CONDOR rDBMS in 1982.
The DomusRoom needs a simple DBMS, perhaps Bento?
The DomusRoom will store locally.
We need to train out of the box thinking for Entrepreneurs, and provide them the
workspace to grow their ideas, and help them from the Business Management and
Sales standpoint until the idea is ready to launch from their own successful business.
Incubators grow little chickens into big factories.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Technology needed for AiLibrary
1. Voice Indexing - able to add indexes to anything you see on the screen verbally.
2. DNAid - DNAid is the computer personal interests that Google is accumulating.
3. Search Engines - needs to become a OPEN SOURCE LAB.
4. Digital Library - AiLibrary is to interface with virtually all SQL, XML, Web 2.0 datasets.
5. more to come...
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Entrepreneur Incubators Work Plan
What does a idea need? Sales.
How do you develop an idea? Entrepreneur Incubators.
Bricks and Mortar? Yes.
Internet Cloud? Yes.
so a person anywhere could gain access to the educational process necessary to
create and idea, and sell an idea? right.
from anyplace? Yes.
How do you sell? Donʼt confuse booking from shipping.
How do you protect the intellectual property rights of the idea? AiDigital Library.
How do individuals use the Incubator? over the internet using their DomusRoom.
What is most needed? unfettered access to all internet content filtered by the
individuals AiEngine INDEX DNAid.
People are smart, they need doorways to opportunity, the short and long
term is already changed by the change in society caused by the ability to
What do I want? to help.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
SixPackU - eLearning for the rest of us.
Build a room in Second Life. Portal to eLearning for those that did not complete high
Permit User Learning Modules that use the AiEngine eLearning SDK. “Consistent
Format for eLearning (CFe)”
Global University using consistent content, story, history, via Wikipedia.
K.I.S.S. Learning using Common Sense learning path.
2D and 3D Animation scripts useable by embedded Links.
Pass/Fail/Retry = Award
Award redeemable in Credits.
Credits to Debit Card.
“Motivation when needed”
“They have to want too”
“because they are smart, just need some improvements in ability to motivate the late
student” Cash Award for Graduation with some getting around money now and then,
will keep them eLearning, especially if it is FUN to learn and earn...” and it is cheaper
than the cost of supporting the undereducated student than helping them want to learn
to better themselves.
And China has more Honor Students than America has People... according to a video
on YouTube on Education in America.
So, how do we motivate the undereducated American Student? Cash is cheap.
And “WHY?” does China have students that want to learn?
“WHY do kids go to school in dirt floor classrooms? they want to better themselves.
How to Motivate? and How to Graduate? The Prom!
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
The Prom!
A party for the rest of us...
Now get a job!
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Microform Data - Artelonics - GKE - Handle Tech -- addendum to GK Story.
I noticed an ad in the WSJ for a National Sales Manager for a Office Automation
Company in Silicon Valley, the ad was “blind” and I didnʼt expect to get a response, but it
turned out the company was Artel, Inc. in Palo Alto and was funded by Shell Canada. I
got the job over a large number of candidates and Artel was developing the first Intel
8086 Office Automation Workstation with a 8ʼ floppy disk. Bob Stillman was developing
the Pascal OS and Word Processing, Graphics, software. The project was behind
schedule and as an alternative, I sought out CPM86 from Digital Research, and Basic86
from Microsoft. With one of the very first CPM86 installations, we suddenly found many
software companies wanting to port to our platform. The Artel OA Workstation was
hugh, had a full page screen with a secondary bitmap graphics video system that
allowed the graphics to overlay over the text screen underneath.
I did the demo to about 25 IBMʼers at the first Comdex Show, IBM wanted to know what
was Shell doing in the computer business. The booth was stunning, all white, a
awesome large island with a few demo stations, we got the 8” harddrive running at the
first night of the show, and that was the night I first heard the yell across Comdex, “The
Proto Works!”
I made a Artelonics (Artel name had to be changed due to a similar other company and
became Artelonics) workstation available to Don Harris and a few days later he called
and asked what is C:> ? The prompt, the rest of the screen was blank with CPM86.
I met Condor Computer the rDBMS MSDOS company from Ann Arbor, near the end of
Artelonics (I knew from someone in Shell that they were getting out of OA), and Condor
filled my trunk with boxes of Condor Software and told me to call when I had sold them,
and GKE Software was born out the the trunk of my car. During the next two years,
even though I as a single parent, I closed BusinessLand, MicroAge, and Don and I did
Don worked for himself much of the time, and often he would bring in a new employee
with out the authority and would set them down at GKE, I would walk by and say hi who
are you? Then Donald decided that he would go to LA if I would rent a Apt and find
more LA customers, on my first visit to LA, I go to the Apt, and Don has a Floppy Disk
store running out of the Apt and two other guys living there? There was a sign on the
wall that said “The Sandusky Group”. I asked what is this? He said that it was “our
company”... I closed the Apt. Over the years of working with Don, he has either quit or
been fired at least 5 times. While at DiagSoft he started a Quality Company ICQ and
guy I introduced him to, and with Andy Marken and Mel Brodie at the same time that I
was paying him...
GKE was selling more Condor than Condor, and we added Knowledgeman and Pearl,
plus SuperCalc, and I talked Skip Barkis into developing Transparent Data Systems
version of his Business Graphics package that could take sources from SuperCalc,
Condor, DBase II, and produce a Gantt Chart. In the end, I talked Condor into acquiring
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
TDS along with GKE along with their deal already in process for StarSoft Accounting,
but GKE lost out in the end.
I got a call from Lake Tahoe from an old friend asking me if I would like to go boating on
Lake Tahoe? I said of course, he said, how would you like to live and work here for
Handle Technologies in Tahoe City? I as there in a blink. A UNIX Office Automation
Suite from Handle had a OEM agreement with AT&T. Imagine several UNIX System V
AT&T 3B2ʼs, 3B5ʼs, Convergent Tech, and a Dec VAX in Tahoe City... Programmers
had flex hours. I became good friends with the CEO and did some consulting
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
The recent years have been difficult with my financial implosion, and my health, the
heart quad bypass has made a great difference in my ability to work. The medications
seem to be too much, yet my blood pressure is still very high, and spiked to over 209
now and then. The desire to build a business still is high and the time to do it is
reducing due to my age. So I thought what would be the most suitable situation?
A Entrepreneur Incubator of my own. Knowing that to build one would take time and
money that would not be forthcoming, the only avenue would be to work with an existing
one. Perhaps the plan could grow to the Bʼs not the Mʼs, if it was Nationalized like a
ReMax independent Realty. The Sacramento and Silicon Valley resources are plentiful
and with many Entrepreneurs in the area that grows opportunity, the potential is good.
The creation of a newco or new company is simple, you can incorporate a newco over
the Internet. But a startup needs Legal support to protect the intellectual property of the
newco. So, what is needed to make a newco successfully launch? The following
1. Work Space for testing and demos.
2. Marketing Research
3. Sales
4. Accounting
5. Legal
6. AARP Mentor Program
7. Angel and VC Panel
How would one get the resources? Simple establish a Pool of revenue sharing and
minimum billing.
How do you determine the probability of success?
Model the business in a DomusRoom AiEngine Analysis.
The number 7 above will assist, since they see thousands of Business Plans a week.
So the issue is how to pick the winners.
Some of us have a talent of doing so over the years.
And everything from number 2 - 7 can be done over the Internet.
What opportunities await this plan, probably most of the VC investments, Angel
Investments are already looking for a solution.
That is why number 3 is critical to not only selling the finished goods products, but to
assist in the selling of the newco.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
What gives me the confidence to make this work, my previous creative work
experience, from the days of IBM Mainframe Data Centers, I was a member of COMA,
Computer Operations Management Association. We had Stanford, Nasa Ames, etc. as
members. To Microform Data Systems working with the first 8080 Intel all the way to
DiagSoft working with the Intel Pentium. All Operating systems, from MSDOS to our
MCP and beyond to Unix System V. Languages, Turbo Pascal, Adpac, Cobol, S/370
Assembly. Award LaserPress Typesetting, Award ROM BIOS written initially in “C”,
purchased Chesapeake Data 8080 Diags and created QAPlus, Quality Assurance Plus
Advanced PC Diags, PowerMeter Benchmarks Suite, purchased PowerMeter II which
was a derivative work, Intrudder Alert Virus Detection, RED Remote Electronic Diags,
ETSC Electronic Technical Support Centers Help Desk.
During years at Microform, I was the Chief Architect of Microforms products, including:
CARMS Computer Assisted Records Management System for Office Automation and
PBOS Paperless Office for the Telcos.
Das/CM Directory Assistance Computer Microfilm
Das/CM-AM Directory Assistance Computer Microfilm with Advanced Mechanization.
System/C Directory Assistance Computer
The CARMS and System/C projects failed to use my recommendations for a polled
multi-drop CRT controller that operated in a Parallel mode of operation, 9600baud
would not work.
Because of my work on creating CARMS, I was approached by a large law firm to do
some Expert Witness research. It was like old home week, they were talking about
being involved with Microforms legal action with Hawaiian Tel for the failure to build
System/C. My research effort took about a month, of very long days, using the Internet
as my research tool. I created a Microform Data Group on LinkedIn, and former
employees started joining that I had not heard from for many years. I made my early
recommendations and suddenly was let go. Here I thought what a great use of my
knowledge of the Computer Industry and being part of the core growth of the PC
industry, I had the opportunity to review my past.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
I sent this to Jim Aspinwall our new CTO…
morning obewon,
Google Backbone of Cloud computing and the basically free Google Apps
that can be customized to have our look and feel plus Gmail, Documents,
etc. put Google in the forefront for future Net Apps.
Apple is building a $1B Server Farm.
The AiLibrary needs to work with both firms.
We need someone to be our highly respected door opener to these and
other CORE technology companies that if you look at them as components
will become the AiLibrary with our look and feel, and Human Interface
characteristics… TBD
We borrow/buy our tools.
We do not build our tools.
We are Database Experts for Asset Management via the Cloud and
we will have a hugh farm.
We are Librarians.
We are Teachers.
We are the Indexers.
We are the Emergency Backup to disaster events for Library access via
the Net, which needs to be over ipHAM radio signals, or?
Limitless need for our American Internet Library, “elearning for the
rest of us” (the ones left without access to College and Universities, and
Heald, etc.)
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
We should consider the opportunity to be the “AiLibrary online Heald “
via our Facilities Management Services, like Sykes does Tech Support, so
could we via the Net nETSC.
We need to focus on less of my design and do a future planned roll out of
the other areas as part of the Milestone Chart, contained in our AiLibrary
Project Management System.
I think the size of the Entrepreneur Incubator and all of its evolution
steps, Internet TV channel on of HDTV VOD
S t r e a m s , T h e u s e o f t h e E n t r e p r e n e u r I n c u b a t o r t o
develop Sustainable Energy Projects and Energy Tech,
and AiLibrary eLearning courseware for the Sony Playstation 3, Mac,
and PC/XBOX…
The Entrepreneur Incubator will create/train Entrepreneur
Black Belts. AiLibrary Domus Room Video Wall will train the
Everything via the Net. Bricks and Mortar if and when
appropriate… Virtual Corp until then.
We need a Business Plan writer. No Plan, no money.
Onward and upward amigo obewon,
your fearless leader,
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Exec Summary
The needs to have a simple to use drag and drop Web page to
add digital content. The user must enter some basic Metatags info. The
User has their own personal AiLibrary and the access to information and
ebooks, elearning, etc. content available via the
Users should be able to drag and drop and edit their own look and feel
environment similar to our old QTVR.
The AiLibrary is contained on an optional Mac Mini.
The AiLibrary is Internet centric and has a vast INDEX and Affiliate
The major issue is the Affiliate Network construction.
We need a 3D virtual photorealistic wideband required environment for the
AiLibrary, similar to Second Life, but with much better graphics...
copyright gkraft 2010
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
What is a Entrepreneur eLearning Incubator?
by gkraft on Sat Mar 14,
2009 10:51 am
How to build a Entrepreneur eLearning Incubator.
I have been focused on Entrepreneur Incubators for the past
several weeks due to the economy and issues we all face. You can
read my comments here and at my web site
A Entrepreneur Incubators purpose is to provide the necessary
resources for our bright promising Entrepreneurs to create, market/
research, and sell their ideas. The following items/resources are
1. Office space with fast Broadband connections.
2. Market Research facility with personnel that are expert in using
the Internet for Market and Product Research (repaid via Incubator
share of revenue).
3. Multimedia Center with the latest PC and Mac equipment and
Video Editing Software, Office Software, Laser Printer. (Multiple
"Donated" systems no charge for access).
4. Legal Assistance Group of Intellectual Property and Contract and
Agreement capability (repaid via Incubator share of revenue).
5. AARP retired pool of Industry Executives available to mentor
(repaid via Incubator share of revenue).
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
6. Governor support for Trade Missions, etc.
7. Office equipment facility and Video equipment facility.
8. Hollywood Digital Production company.
How to pay for this? Simple, have Entrepreneur sign a Development
Assistance Agreement for Revenue sharing 60% Entrepreneur 40%
Incubator Center (ie. 40% Incubator share of revenue).
Most important Resource? Mentor and Sales Channel Assistance
(repaid via Incubator share of revenue).
Let the Entrepreneur learn as they grow their idea, help where you
can in marketing and sales, and sell baby sell.
Do not crush the Entrepreneur's "Fire in the Belly", rather encourage
and support it... Remember Mistakes are part of Learning... simply
correct the mistakes...
And when you are young, the rush of getting your dream company
started will be the insurance, full speed ahead and straight on til
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Interactive eLearning Computer Based Training
by gkraft on Sat Mar 14,
2009 11:54 am
Interactive Computer Based Training (iCBT).
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iCBT has been around for over 30 years. The need to increase the
learning speed of a student is important to reduce the backlog of
untrained workers that now need to find new occupations. The
Obama Education Fund contained in the 2009 Stimulus Fund
needs to provide small funding amounts to the American software
developers in a manner similar to the iPhone Fund. App Stores like
for the Apple iPhone on iTunes will be a great solution to generate
income to further this effort.
Courseware in all areas of education will be the profit item. Give
away the Player. Use Multimedia, Flash, Quicktime, Flex, etc.
Develop the Courseware similar to a game for the XBOX or
Playstation 3.
Capture the minds of the student similar to a video game.
Use extensive 3D Animation, Cartoons, etc.
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Internet eLearning Courseware (CBT) Training
by gkraft on Mon Mar 16,
2009 9:24 am
If you know of or own CBT Courseware, I would like to talk to you. I
plan to setup a CBT Courseware Store.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History ... 935&sr=8-5 ... /overview/ ... sdid=ELTNL ... sfield.cfm ... seware.htm ... horing.htm ... =firefox-a
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Previous AiLibrary and Artificial, Inc. Web Sites:
by gkraft on Mon Mar 16,
2009 9:31 am
When I sold DiagSoft, Inc. to Sykes (Aug. 96), I quickly realized that
my brain did not get the email. So I created a "basket of web sites"
to use to evolve my concepts, designs, and ambition. Because one
never really "retires", they only move forward or die. So I founded
Artificial, Inc. a Florida corporation, it is now gone due to my
divorce. After my Divorce, I founded AiLibrary, Inc. another Florida
corporation. AiLibrary is now a "dba" of Gordon Kraft.
I created four initial Web Sites: (Store of Open Source and Commercial Ai
(Artificial Intelligence) Components/Modules and Software Products)
(Ai now means "Advanced Internet" since no "Ai" sellable products
were found during the initial 97-98 period.) (TalkStory was planned to be a Local/
Visitor Chat Room filled with individual stories, and evolved into my
These two sites are FOR SALE: ($10MM each) (Quicktime Video Streaming site, started
as a Real Networks Streaming site) (Big Kahuna Network was planned to be a
Hawaiian Culture and Hawaiian Mall on the Internet)
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Here are some of our original works: (some of these are "buggy or
no longer supported" because of Browser Technology Advancement,
or the Evolution of Tech...)
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Idea 001 - Teach High School Dropouts eLearning
by gkraft on Wed Mar 18,
2009 9:20 am
There are many people that dropped out of high school, due to
having a baby, or selling drugs, or just wanting to take a shortcut
and be something that they were not.
The Apple iPhone with the new Version 3.0 would be a great system
to get multiple dropouts to play a game with Rock Music playing in
the background, and the Peer to Peer multiplayer connectivity. Now I
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realize that this ability could be used for negative uses, but if you
do not get them to play, you will not get them to learn...
Please watch the Apple iPhone 3.0 Announcement video at: http://
and watch the SIMS 3 demo...
Basic lessons for:
Reading Skills (Reading)
Writing Skills (Writing)
Arithmetic Skills (Rithmetic)
Speech Skills (it's a phone! it's a recorder, it's a computer)
Communication Skills (more than TXTing)
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Idea 002 - Teach Unemployed Auto Workers eLearning
by gkraft on Wed Mar 18,
2009 9:36 am
Today's economic conditions are causing people that have worked
for many years in a redundant physical standing job such as
involved in building a car to need new job skills.
From physical work to sitting mental type work is a major change
for someone that has been active everyday. Exercise is important,
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perhaps the workstation needs to reflect this. There are some
companies using stand up workstations, rather than sitting
Computer Skills
Computer skills are going to be required for most of these people.
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Idea 003 - Entrepreneur eLearning Workstations
by gkraft on Wed Mar 18,
2009 9:42 am
Internet Content Views:
Using the Internet as the bookshelf is a different way to viewing the
content on the Internet. A 3D photorealistic environment would be
one way to create a learning room on a computer screen. Converting
the Internet Content into a more familiar view would assist the
Entrepreneur seeking to find ways to succeed. We have converted
the PC DOS screen and UNIX screen content from "Textual" into a
GUI form led by Apple and followed by Microsoft, and Ubuntu
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Idea 004 - Find possible eLearning Courseware
by gkraft on Wed Mar 18,
2009 10:15 am
The number of eLearning or Computer Based Training courses is
very high, most are for corporate training purposes because the
corporations and the military have spent the most money on their
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production. Most large corporations have a Training Director or VP
of Training and even have a full television studio to make the CBT
courseware. The TV series StarTrek has led the way in affecting my
thinking since StarTrek created even the smallest details including
the "Nomemclature" and "Screen Formats", I believe that their work
in this area should be considered as the "CBT Interface".
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Very soon Apple will release larger screen versions of the iPhone. A
Macbook Pro Tablet has been forecasted for some time now.
In StarTrek and the evolution of that original work, we see them
using a "Tablet" similar to the size of the Kindle 2 from Amazon.
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Idea 005 - What we need to create this eLearning idea.
by gkraft on Wed Mar 18,
2009 6:38 pm
In order to build the Incubator, we will need:
1. The very best Entrepreneurs. (I am one, there are many
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2. The very best Teachers that get it... (i.e. Be proactive or be left
behind, develop next gen courseware)
3. The very best Computer Programmers. (Mac OS/X,
4. The very best FLASH Developers.
5. The assistance of EA, and other leading Game Development
companies. (Code in Multiple platform Dev Environment (Mac,
Playstation3, etc.)
6. The creation and support of a Courseware App Store similar
to Apple's iTunes Store. ( original
plan to be a Ai App Store...)
7. The top Universities around the world participation and
8. The Government.
9. The Congress creates a National Education Endowment.
10. The President selling the idea.
11. The National Geographic Library of content.
12. A Education Network channel.
13. Amazon.
14. Bill Gates Foundation
15. Hollywood Studios including Animation Studios.
16. The Libraries of the world and the Vatican.
17. A top management team that will follow my input as
Chairman for life...
OK OK, one step at a time...
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Idea 006 - This is how I plan to proceed. "Build
by gkraft on Sat Mar 21,
2009 4:20 pm
The value of a Entrepreneur eLearning Incubator must be a
balance of learning and entertainment, only in that way will the
product capture attention and the desire to learn more.
The content will adapt to the interests of the student. This will
require a SAT type of testing to identify the personal areas of
interest. (my school days taught me that "if I liked or was interested
in the subject, I got better grades.")
Music must be part of the learning system for it is the glue to the
mind and symmetry of the idea in motion. like poetry in motion...
Some of the things I wish to learn more about:
Finance, Accounting, Teaching Technology, CBT, Web design, Web
development using advanced tech, How the brain works, How to
teach a computer to find what you want, not what you ask for.
Fund raising, Venture Capital, Angel Investors, Entrepreneur
Education Centers.
Travel the world via the Internet, license National Geographic and
NPR content for distribution as part of my Incubator.
Digital Libraries and their evolution and design goals.
Boating and Fishing.
Build a cave home.
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Idea 007 - Public Television content for eLearning
by gkraft on Sun Mar 22,
2009 8:01 pm
From Yanni to Boccelli and Nastradomus to the Mayan culture there
is so much content that would be of tremendous value to a student
wanting to learn and listen and see more of what life, culture, and
travel has to offer. Today's Public television channels like WEDU in
the Tampa/Sarasota area offers so much. Why not put all of this
content online in my idea of a Digital Library? I would gladly pay a
monthly service fee for video on demand of this kind of content,
and so would you...
A work station like the cute one shown here is ideal for Internet
learning, yet a comfortable Home Theater environment would be
even better...
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Idea 008 - New Ventures
by gkraft on Mon Mar 23,
2009 11:15 am
Recently I was approached by an old friend to help create and fund a
new company (newco). This happens to me several times a year.
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The problem is that the economy is in the dumpster, investors are
hoarding their cash due to fear, and another Web company is not
impressing virtually anyone.
Web sites don't make large profit margins currently, BUT
Products sold via the web site, DO!
So the issue is should the company exist? Is there a unique market
for this new company product? Can the newco make money, how
fast, etc.
And most important to investors is how do I get my money
A Entrepreneur Incubator that can model the newco including the
ability to enter the newco Proforma data is needed to generate a
typical "Expectation Result". is a great starting point, as is the idea of
the iFund for iPhone apps.
This is a category that I would welcome some input and
assistance on.
Idea 009 - Education needs a eLearning Control System
by gkraft on Tue Mar 24,
2009 6:49 am
I read your ideas about the educational system as it is now and am
always amazed that we do not connect the educational side with the
clerical side. If teacher's were to assign the written material through
a server it could grade it log it and select the components which the
student needed help with and they could be broken into groups to
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tutored in what they need to learn with out guessing. Testing could
done through the system and graded and logged in the same
manner. By
using a server teachers could collaborate with one and other and
working independently. There are many other ways to use a hub to
support these activities. Hope to hear from you soon.
Ps imagine a class room where the teacher knows ahead
of time who did their homework the grades and that it is already
(email from user: hsma)
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Idea 011 - How to pay for eLearning Education
by gkraft on Wed Mar 25,
2009 2:53 pm
Back in the days that I was one of the owners of the APBA Offshore
Racing, LLC based in St. Petersburg, Florida.
We had two distinct groups of Offshore Powerboat Racers:
Deep Pockets and Joe Sixpack.
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The Deep Pockets Race Team guys had too much money and
demonstrated that fact with several Peterbuilt 18 wheeler support
trucks full of engines and parts, and a Freightliner tow truck,
Provost Motor Coach, and a $1M+ SuperCat, and large well dressed
Race Teams. And some even had or rented a Helicopter and their
own medics. And several very expensive cars and motorcycles.
There were only a few of these teams, and they had large dollar
The Joe Sixpack Race Teams had a pickup truck, family members
for their crew, and a $100K-$350K Offshore Factory Class I/II race
This comparison is similar to those of you that will be the Deep
Pockets CBT Investors and those of you that will be the Joe
Sixpack CBT Authors.
The Deep Pocket CBT Investors will be involved in the
development and distribution and will receive the larger amount of
revenues to get their ROI.
The Joe Sixpack CBT Authors will be paid a six pack a month per
student. And man that is a lot of beer...
In order for CBT Education to succeed, this business model needs
to be "Real Time Equity" ROI.
And the CBT Students should not pay more than they can afford,
one six pack per week per class week. Or about $2.50/week.
Structure eLearning
by hsma on Wed Mar 25,
2009 10:03 pm
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Hi Gordon, I was reading the different topics and it occured to me
that what you have is a scatter graff. The level it operates on is
administration. It seems that along with this it would be
advantagious to Chart it and also glean what conponents Troy
already has or applications of code that can easily be adapted. Once
that is done, it will create holes or lead to paths that need to be
followed up on. Also I think it may be good to see how the current
applications work, this will stimulate further Ideas and paths.
Does this make sence???
Thanks Harry
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Re: Structure
by gkraft on Thu Mar 26,
2009 10:01 am
My initial goal is to get people to THINK and Respond, which will
stimulate INPUT, so that is starting to happen. Each Idea is based on
my thoughts about WHAT typical areas (limitless ideas are the core
of a Entrepreneur) a Entrepreneur Incubator with multiple Internet
CBT Courseware would help folks to think about what, why, how,
where, etc.
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I completely agree on your point of making some clear focus of the
scatter graph of my mind... "A.D.D. scattered thinking"
Harry, Please continue with your thoughts and ideas.
Idea 009 - Education needs a Control System (from Harry)
I read your ideas about the educational system as it is now and am
always amazed that we do not connect the educational side with the
clerical side. If teacher's were to assign the written material through
a server it could grade it log it and select the components which the
student needed help with and they could be broken into groups to
tutored in what they need to learn with out guessing. Testing could
done through the system and graded and logged in the same
manner. By
using a server teachers could collaborate with one and other and
working independently. There are many other ways to use a hub to
support these activities. Hope to hear from you soon.
Ps imagine a class room where the teacher knows ahead
of time who did their homework the grades and that it is already
Chart the eLearning Path
by hsma on Wed Apr 01,
2009 2:07 am
Once again, their looking at the problem from a limited stand point.
Yes I believe this is important but it is only part of the big picture....
Where is the library (Hub) that allows the School districts to go on
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line and choose the lessons, home work, or tests to be taken? Where
is the grading system, or the logging system, or the queries on what
the students missed? How does this help the School districts to save
Jobs? I know it saves money through upgrades. And storage. But
what if the teachers could go on line and work with an interactive
and not just a computer generated book. Chart it out and see how
far the proposal goes. Does it stop before it should.... I don't have
the answers, but we can get to them if we "Do the Chart".
Look at the current process and plug in a program at every
opportunity and then link them so that queries can be taken at
given points to adjust to the student needs. I know how difficult this
must be but look at the internet today. Who could have conceived
this 30 years ago, when we had no VCR's.
We're not only looking at the budget, we're looking at process, the
student's education, and "The Future". "Boy am I on a Soap Box"
wish I didn't feel so strongly about this...
I think Gordon said we are on a "path" and I couldn't agree more. If
this takes off I plan to work Troy's "But Off".
-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Grizzle []
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 2:48 PM
To: Gordon Kraft
Cc: Medlen, Harry
Subject: Interesting article
I was looking for something else (Snow Leopard's projected release)
and stumbled across this. ... _textbooks
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I don't know that we want to go into the online textbook
business. . .
but . . .
1 The Path (School Districts)
by hsma on Wed Apr 01,
2009 2:34 am
Let's begin with the first day of school.
Student's get their books and schedules.
What if the books were an ID badge, a back pack, an adhesive label,
Internet tablets and Lap Top. (Computer and Tablet have GPS Chips)
Each Teacher logs on both pieces of equipment and the server auto
loads the individual files for that student. The log maybe a simple:
Student Name, ID number for the Equipment, loged at the same
time the ID Badge is prepaired.
At each Class the Student swipes his card and that class is logged in
and a file is prepaired
The weekly assignments are in the schedule and a formal log is auto
setup for all students in real time.
The formal log may consist of Home work data, testing data and
personal info. (meetings with staff and parents)Etc.
I haven't gotten to lunch yet...
Let's think in Perfect World!!!!
eLearning Scheduling Services
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by hsma on Tue Apr 14,
2009 10:47 pm
I know this is "off the wall" however the thought of having a data
base for companies that will auto schedule their staff would be
important. In every hospital and nursing home and in each
department they have an individual doing the scheduling. I talked to
Troy and we are Kicking this around also. Just did not want to loss
the Idea...
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Big Picture "eLearning"
by hsma on Wed Apr 08,
2009 11:48 pm
It occured to me that what Gordon is looking for is on a higher plain
than where I was at. Look at the following Headers as an outline
begins to form.
1/ Start up, information is loaded in the system for individuals.
2/ Books, a data base consisting of text, review tests, grading
system, logging system, wrong answers highlited, study groups
auto organized, emails to group members, teachers list of student
needs (per group), group report for teacher (outline of instructional
needs), etc...
3/Real time Parent Emails, District Reports, State Reports, National,
International. Let's look at why we're not at the top of the
Educational Pile, and what we need to get there....
4/Trade Shows.
5/ Current Data Bases. (What Troy all ready has working)
(Speed Reader, JePARTY Game, etc.)
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6/ Time Lines, Where we want to be in 3,6,9..... Months from now...
I have been looking at what is needed on a lower plain also and
need to talk to Troy about how and if these are possible. Please
remember that once the original Info. is in the rest is Automatic.
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Re: Big Picture
by gkraft on Fri Apr 10,
2009 9:21 am
Two paths end in the same place.
If we focus on the unemployed, we will have a multitude of people
that need education assistance. This direction will be less difficult
due to the number of those needing help. The traditional Public
School direction (path) will be problematic due to the fact that they
are set in their ways and have resisted for far too long any change.
The education of the unemployed will dramatically improve the
nations economy rapidly by helping them get jobs... The traditional
Public School will only pay attention if we achieve success in the
unemployed path first.
Yes the traditional Public School System needs to improve, high
school drop outs are at a record level, early pregnancies, drugs, etc.
are a major problem and the Public School System has become more
of a prison than a learning place. When you watch kids
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disadvantaged in other countries, they are sitting in their chairs and
paying attention, not text messaging during class, etc. Because they
want a better life...
THIS does not mean that we should stop working on the
traditional Public School System CBT!
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Re: Big Picture
by hsma on Tue Apr 14,
2009 12:54 am
One of the problems is the situation is so large that it is hard to
focus on what can bring results. If we apply the 80/20 rule, then the
most impact will be working with the 20% of the unemployed that
are employable. A lot of organizations are working independantly
and it is hard to find them. There I go again, it is hard to focus on
the Education without getting into "Job Hunting Services." There are
numerious companies to teach you how to do a resume but how can
we be different. Maybe the service needs to pole the companies to
get the data that will drive the service. John Malloy wrote "Dress for
Success" and "Live for Success" by testing the reactions of people in
companies to unrelated elements, clothing, collors, etc. When
Paterson bought NCR it only had something like $.98in the bank
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and with a sales force developed by him, his marketing made it an
international company. (I just hit a wall. More will come later)
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Re: Big Picture
by gkraft on Tue Apr 14,
2009 8:43 am
The Head Hunters across America would also like to advertise in
this... Please continue your excellent work, I agree this topic of
Education and Training should include How to Find a Job.
The Big Picture needs some graphics to organize and connect the
first time reader in a manner that will make sense to all. I will
contact my Flash Artist/Animation expert in Santa Cruz and see if he
has a little time to help us...
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Re: Big Picture
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by troy on Tue Apr 14, 2009
11:44 am
Two or three or four or five, paths end in the same place.
Having worked for a number of years building interactive pieces for
Pharma, one thing is very clear to me. No matter how flashy the
front end, if there is no infrastructure it goes the way of the
dinosaurs. This happens because it has no real value to the client.
If done correctly the infrastructure can accommodate a variety of
what you are calling paths. Courseware is everywhere, from the guy
who sells the computer training on TV, to the learn Spanish in 2
weeks . . . .
We need the flashy fast paced front end to help hold interest, but in
order for that to have lasting value it needs an robust underlying
infrastructure that is capturing and processing the data. The
majority of the data would be simply stored to be processed after
the fact, when the Educator queries it. A smart application would
however use some of the data on the fly to help determine the
For example a student misses a trigonometry problem applying the
pythagorean theorem. Was it because they don't understand the
theorem or because they made a mistake in the math. A smart
application could include a follow up question to help make that
I apologize for digressing. The point I am trying to make is the
infrastructure is the road. If built correctly it doesn't matter what
vehicle is driving on it.
The courseware itself, the content is for the Educators to provide. If
we provide the road, if we provide engines for the vehicles in the
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form of applications (speed reader, quiz games, etc) the content can
be anything the Educator chooses for the course in question.
Somebody once said, "the shortest distance between any two points
is online". We can educate adults, children, housewives, employed or
unemployed all using the same infrastructure. To tighten our focus
too much could limit the potential for success.
I wouldn't discount the Public Schools just yet. In this little
backwards town called Pittsburgh, they opened a Charter School,
City High. City-High was set up to help students adapt to the real
world work force. Each student was provided with a laptop,
assignments were downloaded from the website and turned in via
email. No room for the dog ate my homework (unless you have a
rottie with a penchant for silicon).
I think the biggest obstacle the Public Schools face is the cost
involved with building the infrastructure and engines. We can
provide those pieces of the puzzle, at a low per user cost. Add to
that the fact that since it is being build independently it would have
the ability to unite the content provided across Districts, across
States. At the same time providing access to the same road for
those looking for jobs, those studying for their ged, etc.
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Re: Big Picture
by gkraft on Sat Apr 18,
2009 11:47 am
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Right as usual Troy, yet I envision a future that changes the
traditional educational methods (Talking Heads) with more visual
involvement for the student since the future students are operating
and learning at the "Speed of Sight" with their Playstation 3's,
XBOX, and Wii...
Like I told Troy, many of us have ideas that we think are brilliant and
"an original work", yet several others seem to be listening like this
pic from
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Re: Big Picture
by hsma on Wed Apr 22,
2009 10:48 pm
Here I go with my reverse thinking again. Correct me if I'm wrong
but it seems that the current way to find a job it for the Applicant to
do the searching. What if we connect the "Job Centers" with a hub
that scans for particular words or comments that would aline them
with job opportunities. Troy I need a sounding board for this.
"eLearning at the Speed of Sight"
by gkraft on Sat Apr 18,
2009 11:59 am
"Learning at the Speed of Sight"
Our children are learning at the "speed of sight". They are learning
by the multidirectional motion of the Video Game Controllers that
began several years ago. This means that the children who are now
grown up can learn in a multidirectional manner visually teaching
them which way to go to win the prize! And as the student learns in
CBT by the collection of prizes they learn which way to go and how
to back up and tack a different path to the goal. Which in Life is the
way we learn, by making mistakes and correcting our actions and
continually moving forward.
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I mentioned this in my BLOG at: http://
So I continue to look forward to a new method of learning and
AND I realize that this major change in the teaching methodology
will be a difficult path due to those that resist change in the
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traditional school system... Therefore I recommend we start with the
unemployed that need to learn new careers.
And if you feel that this post is redundant that is because you are
not open minded... thoughts?
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Re: "Learning at the Speed of Sight"
by hsma on Tue Apr 21,
2009 12:57 am
Troy, you're already on the same page with the speed reader and the
joy stick. At the trade shows the draw is the games and how they
reveal the interest in different people. The eye that reads in color
that you designed. I can see how this will expand and grow. The
ideas are limitless...
Ok. The problem solving skills we have will lead us into the
operations Gordon is looking for. The crisp codes that Troy writes
allows for dependable operations and continual consistancy.
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Re: "Learning at the Speed of Sight"
by gkraft on Tue May 12,
2009 1:56 pm
Imagine what you could learn with the richness and beauty of a
HDTV or Motion Picture video used as the setting for the topic you
are learning about today? "Visual Education" with a photo or video of
the item you are studying... And a review at the end with questions
clearly shown in the video you just watched... The Interactive
Learning Courseware would be using the Internet as the method to
get to each persons home. Everyone has a Internet Laptop, Desktop,
or iPhone, and why not a Amazon Kindle2...
Learning at the "Speed of Sight" is the Future of Education... gkraft
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Re: "Learning at the Speed of Sight"
by gkraft on Fri May 15,
2009 10:08 am
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The concept of learning at the Speed of Sight is not new, (of course I
thought I had come up with a new phrase or category) it was
according to my recent Google search used by http:// Found via Google at: http://
I have long been focused on Digital Libraries and evolved my work
into a Digital Home Theater Project in my former home in Marco
Island, Fl. in 1998-2003. My GHK AiLibrary Project included
research on the subject via the Internet, and the construction of a
820sqft Home Theater/Digital Library addition to our home. I
founded Artificial, Inc. (recreated as AiLibrary, Inc. after my
divorce) and hired several 3D animators from my past company in
Maui, BigKahuna Productions to do a QTVR version on the Internet,
the example of this work done in 1998-2000 is located by clicking
the Draft Plans on the Home Page of at
the bottom of the page.
You can go here to see a video of the GHK AiLibrary:
eLearning, Video Games, Autism
by gkraft on Mon May 25,
2009 8:40 am
There is interest in using the fast paced interactive video game
architecture to create elearning courseware for Family's with Autism.
I will update this category for eLearning shortly...
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The focus has been sharpened. "eLearning is the path"
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by gkraft on Mon May 25,
2009 9:13 am
The wandering of these "ideas" has at long last, become more
focused. "eLearning" is the path to continue our creative energy
Amazing how simply adding the "eLearning" the items become more
"This is the way man thinks," action / reaction, learn, do again.
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AiEngines Entrepreneur Incubator 1
by gkraft on Wed Jun 17,
2009 10:37 am
The intention of the Entrepreneur Incubator is to
Research, Define, Develop, Deploy a eLearning Project using state
of the art 3D Animation, and Interactive Computer Based Education
(eLearning) as the initial product concept.
AiEngines definition of eLearning.
eLearning is the method to deploy revenue generating Education
across the Internet for a very small price per course hour.
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eLearning courseware should parallel the Sony Playstation 3
robust usage of 3D animation and progress much the same as any
game, once mastered you may learn more, go forward...
The future now Internet is available for vast improvements when we
move up to HTML 5...
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
Opera is a Internet Browser that does not use servers or middlemen.
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Re: AiEngines Entrepreneur Incubator 1
by gkraft on Mon Jul 13,
2009 11:01 am
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My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
The Artificial Technology Center
AiDigital Library ™
Author: Daniel Delgado
Aug. 31, 1999
Revised: Gordon H Kraft
July 5, 2000
(c) COPYRIGHT 1999 - 2000 Artificial, Inc.
My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
The later years
The later years
The later years
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The later years

  • 1. A work in process... Google Backbone of Cloud computing and the basically free Google Apps that can be customized to have our look a n d f e e l p l u s G m a i l , Documents, etc. put Google in the forefront for future Net Apps. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 2. HTML5 will need Copyright, Patent, Intellectual property management, since developers will move to the Cloud and the HTML5 APPs will become very large... Detective style software or MCP Bots like IBM’s old ROM BIOS “Gumshoe” (random pattern code matching) type of code analysis can be done via Google and Bing, etc. to assist in the protection of Intellectual Property Rights, and Billing. The HTML5 APPs will become the CLIENT of the (Windows/NT) SERVER and will change in design and function over time, since they are so very modifiable. Add Data access to Local Storage and you have a APP that can run when the Internet is offline. i.e. standalone APPS running in a Web Browser that supports the full HTML5. So you end up with a Run Time code Interpreter like Basic... Native code execution on the platform of choice is needed to achieve greater speed of operation but the processors are becoming fast enough that the user would not know of Native or Interpretive code execution. So HTML5 is going to be big if SQL and Oracle are accessible, because the data is in their hands. And it already is. How long will it take for the Developers to switch over to HTML5? It will depend on the greatness of the initial large data base APPs. Because once the world realizes the potential of a cloud based mobile Management Information System that is seamless in design for any platform the user will switch to the “latest and greatest” mode of managing a business. Beam me up Scotty! If you follow the path of computer history, you will learn that it began with a IBM Mainframe Centralized Data Center with all data being keypunched and data entry clerks as far as you could see. And eventually IBM 3270 Forms Fill CRTs. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 3. Then Minicomputers De-Centralized Data Processing and VARS became the customization teams. Basic-4 had the APPs market and the data... The CRTs ran using serial 9600 baud. The PC was born, DOS and CP/M caused a explosion in who could be a developer and the De-Centralization continued to make the USER be responsible for BACKUPs. Now data entry was faster on the PC, no more 9600 baud CRTs, and we could still modem overnight the data to the Centralized Data Centers, of course it was at 9600 baud... Finally the Internet appeared, and Ethernet from 3Com, and we were connected at a much higher T10 speed. To HTML5 where we return to Centralized Data Centers using redundant platforms to attempt to BACKUP the data. The real concern will be the possibility of loss of access to ones business data. But with Apples Time Machine and similar “Unix Transaction Tape/Logs” the local data entry and data storage can be given Backup locally... The Open Source Libraries will grow with HTML5 code snippets, and APPs. Netbooks and Tablets will become cheaper than Toasters at WallMart. The Information Age is in the air, WIFI that is. gkraft My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 4. AiDigital Library: we start up startups Garage Home Company Overview Gordon, you have until *September 30th* to complete this application. *Save Often*: *To avoid accidental loss of data*, we recommend you push the Save Work In Progress button at the bottom of this page every 5 or 10 minutes. After clicking the button, you can return to this page and continue working on the application. Note that all buttons on this page save your work. If you return to this page and the data on the page is not updated, try using the Reload or Refresh feature of your browser. *Application Instructions* * The red asterisk denotes a required field. You must submit an answer for every required field. help The question mark located in the top right corner of each section gives you context-specific help and instructions for that section. This section is the single most important part of the application. and potential investors will read the text in this area before any other part of the company overview. * *Very Short Description*. Using 2 to 8 words, describe your company. For example, would be "Web-based seed-level capital broker". * *Elevator Pitch*. Please consult the help section (indicated by the question mark in the blue box above) before attacking this question. Mastering the Elevator Pitch is critical to your company's success. (Limit is 1,000 characters or about 100 words.) Artificial, Inc. (Ai) is a Internet Research and Development company funded by its founder, to focus on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to a users internet experience. AiDigital Library Project: The internet is dynamically evolving in terms of the users ability to access a sea of incredibly vast information. The result of any research effort by a internet user, ultimately results in some of these questions: 1. "what was the name of that site?" 2. "what was that file name?" 3. "where did I put that stuff?" 4. "where is that video?" 5. "I'm a frequent business traveler, how do I find that document?" In order to understand the integration of the rapidly evolving internet, one needs to understand the past, present and future of the computer industry. AiTechnology Center: Our AiTechnology Center provides us with the necessary environment for our AiDigital Library Project. One of many Ai Projects currently My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 5. underway. Ai is comprised of a staff of "visionaries" that have worked with our founder for over 20 years. We build "Artificial Worlds on the Internet". We will have a AiTechnology Center in StarPower's Dallas Home Entertainment retail stores in Nov. 1999. *Additional keywords*. Enter up to 20 search keywords related to your company, product, or service that are *not* part of the above 100 word description. (Limit is 300 characters or about 30 words.) Digital Library, Artificial Intelligence, .PDF, QTVR, Sony VAIO, Home Theater, HDTV, DVD, MPEG2, .DOC, .HTML, Hobbies Contact Name Gordon Kraft Contact Email Application ID 37574 * Contact's Title or Relationship with the applying company * Contact Business Phone # (with area code) Contact Business Fax # (with area code) * * Company Name * * Company Street Address (no P.O. Boxes) * * Company City * * Company State (must be in U.S.) (2 letter abbreviation) * * Company Zip (5 digits) * * Company Web Site * * Company Type C Corporation S Corporation Limited Liability Company (LLC) Partnership Sole Proprietorship If incorporated, date of incorporation (mm/dd/yy) If incorporated, state of incorporation (2 letter abbreviation) * What stage of development is your company in? Startup Product Development Beta Test / Clinical Trials Shipping Product Profitable * * * Enter the Industry Classification that best fits your company: Software: Other Consultants (Information Technology) * My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 6. * * What is your company's mission statement? (Limit is 2,000 characters or about 200 words.) * * What are your company's key goals and objectives? (Limit is 2,000 characters or about 200 words.) * * What problem are you trying to solve or fix with your product or service? (Limit is 4,000 characters or about 400 words.) * * Describe your underlying technology, including the development stage of the product or service. (Limit is 4,000 characters or about 400 words.) * * Does your success depend on any external intellectual properties? Do you have in place licenses or agreements to include this technology in your product or service? (Limit is 4,000 characters or about 400 words.) Discuss your company's manufacturing and/or development process, if applicable. (Limit is 3,000 characters or about 300 words.) * * How many full-time employees does your company have? * * List the 8 most important people affiliated with your company (including company founders, Board members, advisors and key employees). Click the button for each person to fill in additional information about that person. People Completed 1) 50% 2) 0% 3) 0% 4) 0% 5) 0% 6) 0% 7) 0% 8) 0% * * How much capital has been invested in your company to date? (in US$) * * How much capital is your company * *now* seeking to raise? (in US$) * * If you are successful in raising this amount, how long will that last you? (in months) After this time period, how much additional financing would you be looking for, if any, in your follow-on round? (in US$) How much capital (including what you are now seeking to raise) will it take for your company to reach break even (cash flow positive)? (in US$) * * What is your company offering? (check all that apply) Equity Convertible Debt Debt I don't know / I'm not sure * * What is the business exit strategy? How and when will investors get a return on their investments? (Limit is 1,000 characters or about 100 words.) * * What drives you and your company? (Limit is 1,000 characters or about 100 words.) Anything else we should know about your company? (Limit is 2,000 characters or about 200 words.) If a person referred you to, who was that person? What firm do they work for? What city/state are they in? If you were not referred by a person or firm, how did you hear about us? My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 7. * * Free Listing. Your company is automatically entitled to be a part of our free listing service for startups. If you wish, we will make a limited profile of your company available to our qualified Member Investors in the private, password protected area of our site called Heaven. * * reserves the right to not list a company. * * List my company will make available only my company name, location, very short description, money sought, and the 100 word summary (Elevator Pitch). Investors may contact me if they are interested. will not release any additional information to investors. * Do not list my company If an investor is interested in my product, market, or technology sector, please forward that information to me without revealing any information to the investor. * To save your work and come back to finish it later, click the *Save Work In Progress* button (remember, you must complete it by *September 30th*) To see a preview of your free listing, click the *Preview Free Listing* button. To see a preview of your application, click the *Preview Application* button. If you are completely finished with your application, click the *Submit Application* button. * Contact us <../howToContactUs.shtml> | Privacy Policy <../ privacyPolicy.shtml> * Copyright © 1998-1999 All rights reserved. Legal Notices <../ legalNotices.shtml>. Site maintained by My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 8. Apple is building a $1B Server Farm. The AiLibrary needs to work with both firms. We need someone to be our highly respected door opener to these and other CORE technology companies that if you look at them as components will become the AiLibrary with our look and feel, and Human Interface characteristics… TBD We borrow/buy our tools. We do not build our tools. We are Database Experts for Asset Management via the Cloud and we will have a hugh farm. We are Librarians. We are Teachers. We are the Indexers. We are the Emergency Backup to disaster events for Library access via the Net, which needs to be over ipHAM radio signals, or? Limitless need for our American Internet Library, “elearning for the rest of us” (the ones left without access to College and Universities, and Heald, etc.) We should consider the opportunity to be the “AiLibrary online Heald University“ via our Facilities Management Services, like Sykes does Tech Support, so could we via the Net nETSC. Use Online Tech Support, since there are no restrictions to my involvement in the Diags and ETSC arena. The new Online Tech Support Center OTSC(tm) could use access to the AiDigital Library(tm) for non specific searches. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 9. We need to focus on less of my design and do a future planned roll out of the other areas as part of the Milestone Chart, contained in our AiLibrary Project Management System. I think the size of the Entrepreneur Incubator and all of its evolution steps, Internet TV channel on of HDTV VOD S t r e a m s , T h e u s e o f t h e E n t r e p r e n e u r I n c u b a t o r t o develop Sustainable Energy Projects and Energy Tech, and AiLibrary eLearning courseware for the Sony Playstation 3, Mac, and PC/XBOX… The Entrepreneur Incubator will create/train Entrepreneur Black Belts. AiLibrary Domus Room Video Wall will train the trainers… Everything via the Net. Bricks and Mortar if and when appropriate… Virtual Corp until then. We need a Business Plan writer. No Plan, no money. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 10. Exec Summary The needs to have a simple to use drag and drop Web page to add digital content. The user must enter some basic Metatags info. The User has their own personal AiLibrary and the access to information and ebooks, elearning, etc. content available via the Users should be able to drag and drop and edit their own look and feel environment similar to our old QTVR. The AiLibrary is contained on an optional Mac Mini. The AiLibrary is Internet centric and has a vast INDEX and Affiliate websites. The major issue is the Affiliate Network construction. We need a 3D virtual photorealistic wideband required environment for the AiLibrary, similar to Second Life, but with much better graphics... My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 11. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 12. The ability to use iMovie on the MAC made it easy to TalkStory the combination of text, audio, video, photos to “tell your story.” Maui, Hawaii Business Incubator Maui Research and Technology Center MRTC Maui is a inspirational place to create, that is why there are so many writers there. Artists, even Master in Computer Science and PHd’s can be found working in the restaurants of Maui. The vision of the State of Hawaii to place Business Incubators on the islands of Hawaii began in the early 90’s, Entrepreneurial creativity abounds in every area of the world. But in Hawaii at the time, the Investment Capital was skeptical since it was Maui, and Visitors would come visit and make statements of being involved, but they did not return. Probably due to the attitude of the State of Hawaii not taking them serious. So “selling” Visitors on locating or moving to Hawaii was not visible to those of us struggling in the MRTC. And tourism is the basis of the Hawaiian economy, ask DBET. Naples, Fl. Business Incubator (still waiting) whereas Naples, Fl. in 2000 had nothing, but a struggling group of Entrepreneurs, The Gulf Coast Venture Group (Bill, Judy, etc.). They did build a Incubator in NE. Ft. Meyers, but how many Visitors does it get from My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 13. Naples? And Naples is just as creative as Maui. In Naples, the potential investors are there for one to six months out of the year. The Gulf Coast Venture Group has become mainstream, the membership is growing, the large availability of America’s leading Entrepreneurs are in Naples during the winter months. But they have not made any major investments, or achieved National recognition. There are some real long ball hitters there in Naples, Joe’s son, Rick Inatome is a awesome speaker with extensive high tech experience... I would put the Gulf Coast Venture Group into a empty beautiful restaurant or bar on the Naples waterfront and make it members only with access to Visitors by invitation. OK, so put it in the Naples Yacht Club on designated times. Now you have the right environment to Fund the Newco’s. And bring in new home owners with vast wealth. Imagine a Entrepreneur Angels Club(tm). And the good will and Tourism! So even though the wealth in both places was large to hugh, the investment in communities that were in Tropical settings was a detraction, yet the talent and Entrepreneurial spirit was strong and able. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 14. DiagSoft, Inc. Mr. Kraft founded DiagSoft, Inc. 1987, to develop and distribute PC Diagnostics for the clone PC industry that was stealing IBM Advanced PC Diagnostics all over the world. He knew this because he traveled all over the world for Award Software selling the Award ROM BIOS. Mr. Kraft closed a Royalty deal to purchase the basic CP/M PC Diagnostics Source Code from Chesapeake Data Systems, he then modified the Diags to run on DOS and added a Turbo Pascal Main Control Program that embeded the DiagS Assembly code, and he named it: QAPlus for Quality Assurance Plus (Diags, SysInfo, and Benchmarking). He also added PC Benchmarking software that he named PowerMeter. About three months later Gene Farnham joined DiagSoft, Inc. and shortly thereafter Allen Marconett showed up, Allen had told Gordon that he was not interested in working for DiagSoft previously. So Gordon had a dilemma two programers to pay out of his own pocket, not the one that he had budgeted for. Mr. Kraft sold his butt off to keep the doors open for the first several years. Because Mr. Kraft funded (started) DiagSoft with his total savings of $17K. Initial OEM bundling deals with Micronics and Hyosung and DiagSoft, Inc. was in business. Then he closed almost all PC manufacturers except for HP and Gateway. Mr. Kraft personally closed OEM Bundling deals with NEC, DG, DEC, Intel, IBM, AT&T, Northgate, Seiko, Epson, Toshiba, etc. And the entire country of Taiwan. And most of Silicon Valley’s PC board manufacturers like Sigma Designs. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 15. At the 1990 COMDEX, Mr. Kraft had QAPlus talking using the Creative Sound Blaster and StarTrek Sound Bytes, plus Remote Control PC Anywhere allowing dial up Tech Support. QAPlus had the best System Info in the Industry. IRQ conflicts could be found and corrected because of the IRQ SysInfo of QAPlus, it helped make us famous worldwide. I licensed the QAPlus source code to Larry and Shammi Jenkins of TouchStone Software to bring a Retail version of QAPlus to market... Because we were too successful with Intel on our board and needed to focus on our core business OEM’s, and the retail channel was a different level of effort requiring substantial more employees. They named it CheckIT... My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 16. Intel owns 35% of DiagSoft, Inc. the day QAPlus stopped the Intel Platform production lines the phone rang almost instantly and the plant was in PR. It seems our QAPlus was rejecting all of the new Intel production run at that time. So, panicked, we all charged into the day and evening until about 2AM when most went home. Rick Farrington, DiagSoftʼs most knowledgable PC internals genius continued to work around the clock. We were back early that morning and Rick smiles and says it only happens at exactly midnight, but their new 8042 chip hangs and fails our tests, we are right, Intel is wrong they have a PC compatibility problem. US Marshals and the Grand Jury. one day I got a call from the lobby and am told that there are men here and they have guns and badges. I met with them and find out that they were US Marshallʼs, and one of our good customers was ripping us off, along with IBM and other software companies and loading illegal copies of our QAPlus/FE which sold for $595ea. on IBM PCʼs being sold to the EPA, around 1300 illegal copies of QAPlus/FE. They wanted to record my telephone call to the customer, and said OK, in about 4-5 months I was asked to fly to Greensboro, NC. to appear before the Grand Jury! I took my mom. I was treated like Bill Gates, they were so very kind. Finally we get to court, I fly in from the end of Comdex show in Las Vegas to North Carolina, and and the US District Attorney tells me that the case has been going on for about two weeks, and when I get on the stand, donʼt be surprise if the Judge asks whats a PC? Jim Aspinwallʼs PC Expert Product Marketing ETSC. stories Alan Marconnet QAPlus developer for ten years, he was the core of us... but very stubborn and slow Barry Sprajc friend of Rick Farrington, when I started DiagSoft, and we began to grow, I needed a young brilliant additional (cheap) programmer. I hired Rick, and immediately added his young buddies Barry and Craig and all of a sudden I had three more kids... because every Monday one of them would come to work on crutches... ;) Craig Casho Tech Support Ed Merrifield close friend and confidant and CFO My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 17. Jon Gordon old friend from Phoenix Tech, I asked Jon to take over running DiagSoft so that I could work on ETSC. Elliot Lowe Fantastic awesome VP Marketing, Product Marketing, brilliant. Mel Brodie DiagSoft, International Sales, Mel owned his own Export company and represented DiagSoft in the Far East. John Crim Brilliant Software Developer worked at MAST on Artificial Intelligence Net Caster Neural Network for Excel and Microsoft Telephony API internals for ETSC Paul Billings Brilliant Ai Software Developer at MAST with substantial Image Recognition and Pattern Recognition projects. Including Principle Investigator stuff. Donald Harris close friend and the one guy I can talk to in a short hand Tech discussion, products, etc. and he always getʼs it. Visionary. I gave Donald $220K to work on Native American Internet Gaming Project, and to help him go to Law school at his old age. Donald knows most of my business experiences, including the APBA Offshore. Donald is a Genius., and has a PhD in Law. Chris King Partner at BigKahuna Productions in Maui, interesting guy. Jeanne King DiagSoft, Inc. Hawaii Operations Manager. Always on top of everything. Krystle Kraft ran DiagSoft Accounting in the early years, knows almost every detail of DiagSoft and beyond because she has a memory like an elephant! and she is my beautiful ex wife. Richard Mann genuine Hollywood Producer/Director partner for BigKahuna Productions Maui, Richard was doing advanced video production using our BigKahuna animators to add visual content to our DiagSoft PC training (eLearning) Multimedia CDROMʼs Rudy Oakes worlds greatest Tech Support man. Alan Pinner BerlinerCohen DiagSoft attorney, awesome and smooth, but smart. Joe Dworak BerlinerCohen DiagSoft attorney, Litigation attorney. Earl Russell VP Engineering from DEC, good man. Kevin Smith, BateTech CustomerONE ETSC backend Help Desk. Joined Sykes to manage ETSC at Sykes, failed to launch? I think Sykes was worried that the reduced call cycle times were going to reduce Sykes revenue, ETSC was to provide accurate Help Desk data and on the other screen the tech had PC Anywhere Remote control of My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 18. the users PC over the Internet, we knew what was in the box, if it was configured right, if it had hardware failures, instantly, when the ETSC Technician connected to the users machine. Steve Smoot, genius. HELP! acquisition failed to close due to his investors. I wanted to sell HELP! James Stewart COO early stage, I met Jim when I worked for Microform Data, he was with the SEC in the MIS arena, and Jim was focused on Document Storage and Retrieval Apps. Stan Trumbull, VP Sales Rene Vishney, Advisor Lynn Wubbles, CPA My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 19. Entrepreneur Incubator Plan copyright gkraft @ 2010 The product names and concepts will change in this Plan, due to copyright or trademarks contention if necessary, this typically happens from time to time because more than one person can think of the same idea. Even though we often think we have the greatest idea in the world, sometimes a simple Google search will tell us differently. The intention of this Plan is to establish a rapid implementation of Entrepreneur Incubator connections, and begin the marketing hype to promote the idea. The timing is critical, if it canʼt be done almost immediately, the results will be too far off for the ROI curve. First it is important to agree on format and function, then meet and greet the Entrepreneur Incubators management teams at a conference in Disney World, or Dallas, or SF, etc. Use the Entrepreneur Incubator Association to assist in the conference. Entrepreneur Facility Entrepreneur Incubators are now located in many locations across the US. The possibilities are unlimited for these independent Incubators to connect across the net. I recommend that we develop a standardized layout plan similar to a retail store “rollout” using a Apple Store clean look, but with closed WorkSpaces of all sizes based on the project, the walls might be moveable within the Incubator. Or at least use Videos to demo the concepts, and make the audience believe that the Incubators are a connected family of incubators from a visual standpoint, there is no real need to spend any substantial funds on Capital improvements and equipment. Video conferencing is a awesome tool but lacks some close personal interaction as is enjoyed by Apple iChat users. The Entrepreneur Incubator needs to utilize Video conferencing as much as possible in order to improve the purpose of Video conferencing... The usage of Video Conferencing on a constant basis will connect the Incubators into natural groups of interest. This will create the family linkage that is necessary for the connection of the Incubators to succeed, otherwise without Kreitsu, or a common sharing of interest it will be difficult to cause people to want to work together. Therefore it is important to bond initially the people who want to make the concept work. If they are currently not performing to the level desired, the people will be motivated to make it so. Everything exists today from the Technology standpoint, the effort will be to integrate as fast as possible using existing development teams from Google, Amazon, Ebay, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 20. With these resources we can implement a working prototype in a month. There will be many prototypes and if possible we should do several in parallel. We might want to include the Incubators in a parallel to get some work for their tenants. If this approach blossoms as fast as expected, the product will be usable across the world, and allow Virtual Incubators. The entire point of this connection is to create and evolve solutions for mankind, and to make a few bucks in the process. The Incubator should provide a continuous flow of new technologies, not purchase a PC and leave it there for several years. Tech development needs current state of the art Development equipment. The major manufacturers will provide some of this equipment if they can have a “Room” in the Incubator to use for demos on prearranged schedules. Promotion of a Entrepreneur Incubator: The way to bring private investors into the Angels Group is to have them visit the Incubators, they will need a reason to do so. Press releases are insufficient, but local TV needs some hip hip horay news once in a while, and what better purpose for Social Media experts to work with. Everyone needs employment, if a Social Media Expert works with a Incubator, they will find consulting opportunities from their interaction. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 21. Entrepreneur Incubator Usage possibilities: 1. eLearning Courseware Development 2. Distance Learning SDKs 3. Collaboration Tools such as Skype, AVchat, etc. 4. Video Edit Suite for Marketing Presentations, Prototype Animation. 5. Product Concept and Development Training. 6. Entrepreneur Training. 7. Entrepreneur Incubator Facility Management Services. 8. Fast to Market Prototyping. 9. VC and Angel Group. 10. iTunes University. 11. Demo Rooms similar to Home Theater Demo rooms, using DomusRoom Interface. DomusRoom: Virtual Labs The inclusion of Virtual Labs would create the image of a development workspace that utilizes a photorealistic familiar environment such as your office, the hot clickable devices and file cabinets are accessible via the user selected File Manager, Tree, 3D Mezzotint layers of color, to a Brain topography style. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 22. Entrepreneur Search Technology The Entrepreneur Search Technology encompasses the variety of search techniques used by the Entrepreneur as identified by the AiEngine INDEX and DNAid(tm). AiEngine INDEX: The AiEngine INDEX(tm) is a system to reduce the number of non related information responses and includes the overall communication with the access of Internet Information. As such it may be considered the Automator or Script Control OS. And the AIEngine INDEX will call and control the output of the various Search Engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, etc. The AiEngines INDEX is a collection of Metatags and predefined relationships given weight based on the DNAid(tm) Digital Personality Profile, or from the movie Forbidden Planet, your “id”. The AiEngine INDEX is therefore personalized for individual (DNAid), and Corporate use would be provided via a Corporate-id, or CORPid(tm). Browser Bayshore Communications(tm). (One to many Browsers control) the selection of multiple browsers based on their characteristics is included. Therefore a Interprocess or Browser to Browser Communication Pathway is required, we will call it the “Bayshore Freeway”... Interprocess Communications. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 23. AiEngine Headset Communicator(tm) BlueTooth Headset for Cell Phones can be used to Select Screen and Voice Input Recognition (selections). The DomusRoom(tm) Display structure will provide a search connection pathway visible on demand across the three segments of the display. Google Squared Search can output Interactive Spreadsheets will provide one search format for thought drill down processes. The current Google Squared is limited to 5 fields of drilldown interest, with additional fields available, the DNAid should be able to input and filter the Google Squared output... A visual, perhaps CoverFlow, selection via the AiEngine Headset Communicator(tm). The original BookBot(tm) was planned to be a soft display screen remote control device, today the iPhone is ideal. Or the new Apple Touch Pad... My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 24. DomusRoom Video Wall Left Segment Screen - Datum The Entrepreneur (user) can stack the hits on the left segment along with any notes, photos, files, etc. a drag and drop entry into their AiDigital Library with auto indexing as possible ala Office Automation and CARMS(tm). Center Main Screen - Content The Entrepreneur (user) can use the Center Segment for normal Internet access via the browser of choice. The URL history and keywords, meta tagʼs, time spent, etc. are stored in the AiEngine INDEX DNAid, and a real time profile is updated including the linkage (keyword selection) that creates the thought process links. ie. from to branch return if then else join compare match... then neural nets and other Ai can be used to establish Likes and Dislikes to reduce the total overload of HITS from normal search engines. The goal is to establish a summary of page content into a bitmap image similar to Dan Browns work. Right Segment Screen - Videos The Entrepreneur (user) can use the Right Segment to display videos selectable from a CoverFlow type of Selection Display. or CNN... My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 25. Original GHL AiDigital Library (AiLibrary) The original gkraft AiLibrary was a 820sqft. cherrywood Home Theater with a 10ʼ screen located in Marco Island in 1999-2003. The Home Theater was installed by StarPower of Dallas. It included a T1 line into the home and routed via a Cisco router. The room included a Mac OSX Server and a Windows NT Server, three Macʼs and a PC, and the Ampro HDTV Projector included a VGA input port used to connect the Macʼs for a 10ʼ display. The difference between a PC or Mac with a large screen was the combination of the THX Audio and the Large HDTV display. The AiLibrary used iView software for the Mac as the Document, Photo, and Video Database. A QTVR 3D photorealistic browser interface and a PowerFile DVD changer with 1TB of DVDs, it was 1999/2000 so the AiLibrary had a Terabyte (Mass Storage Facility) MSF. Today the Tech has evolved into a $99/1TB harddrive, so the storage facility capacity is ample and expandable. The ability to add several displays to todayʼs Mac or PC allows a wrap around video immersion workstation design. Like a miniature iMax for your home or office. The planned software design will need to provide the planned Collaboration Station capability. Chris King asked me 20 years ago, why canʼt he take his business records and feed them into a computer and have it tell him what to do with his business? He called it the DomusRoom. We have a ways to go on this idea. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 26. Entrepreneur Incubator Selection Group: 1." Who will be accepted, why? Contests, Reality shows? 2. Project Analysis by Entrepreneur Selection Group will include initial presentations to VC and Angel Group via DomusRoom. 3. VCʼs receive thousands of Business Plans a week, Entrepreneur Selection will reduce our submissions to feasible expectations. 4. Financial Assistance based on ROI projections and time to market basis. 5. MicroCap funding, etc. 6. Possibility of merger of Entrepreneur Projects across State boundaries, is the reason for integrated and connected Entrepreneur Centers. 7. Possibility of raising funding and sales of Entrepreneur Projects across State boundaries. 8. Sales of Entrepreneur Incubator Products will be best served by independent sales reps groups across the US. 9. A Entrepreneur Incubator Project may be a small as a Open Source module made available via the Google and Amazon, Azure, etc. platforms, and license fees paid by usage of the module similar to DoubleClick ad accounting. 10. AiEngine or Digital Library can be used for intellectual property control. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 27. Intellectual Property: Software Patents are failing to control, because the Patent process cannot identify or quantify the code match or “gumshoe” code recognition type software that was used by the BIOS industry. Many countries have not implemented Software Patents and do not recognize them, a better solution is needed. And a Software Process Patent will identify the concept but not necessarily the unique characteristics. The use of code names and project concepts having missing sections is necessary to protect the intellectual property of the Entrepreneur Incubator Plan. The real value of this Plan is to establish in the mind of those that have control, that simple fast development of “back in the day” programming included 20 hr work days, now and then, but once people “get it”, the development time is fairly small, the eduction and coming up to speed may exceed the 30 day initial development increments. The trick is to know when and how to make release cuts, and not allow the programmer to keep making it pretty, since programmers are like great artists, and never want to release their art until just one more thing... And remember the Brodie Principle, “Software does not wear out”. Open Source and the newer programming techniques are reducing the actual “Programmer Code” to a minimum, so the ownership becomes cloudy without removing the SDK Frameworks, etc. to compare to the original work. Bill Gates made this prediction at the ETRE CEO Conference in Barcelona in the early-mid 90ʼs. Bill said, “software of the future will be done in modules and incorporated into a executable program and billing will be based on the individual module usage.” Simple straight forward increments will make the concept happen. Avoid complex approaches until the initial concept is operational, otherwise we will never launch the completed version in time to achieve the goal of education and growth of the American creativity process in the short term. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 28. Entrepreneur Incubators Work Plan What does a idea need? Sales. How do you develop an idea? Entrepreneur Incubators. Bricks and Mortar? Yes. Internet Cloud? Yes. so a person anywhere could gain access to the educational process necessary to create and idea, and sell an idea? right. from anyplace? Yes. How do you sell? Donʼt confuse booking from shipping. How do you protect the intellectual property rights of the idea? AiDigital Library. How do individuals use the Incubator? over the internet using their DomusRoom. What is most needed? unfettered access to all internet content filtered by the individuals AiEngine INDEX DNAid. CARMS(tm) gkraft, as a Derivative ROOT? small business employment = 2/3 workforce and growing 3 yrs Patent action 700K in review or litigation queue. Cost fixed, too low, higher will reduce activity and if by class or linear parentage (derivative works chain, i.e. CARMS = Derivative Root), revenue stream is greater, so cost should be... My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 29. People are smart, they need doorways to opportunity, the short and long term is already changing by the change in society (social media) caused by the ability to interact. IF people can find the assistive path to education as they need with very little cost involved, and they can find short course timeframes to learning how to create their next best mousetrap. And access to Video On Demand from the HDTV Digital Libraries will be of value, as well as the Apple iTunes University, which has the potential of becoming the simple cheap solution to eLearning. What do I want as part of this effort is to help others find the numerous ways to be a Entrepreneur and add the missing elements from across the US. I do not want to run it, just make it happen. The Entrepreneur Incubators are managed by people that want to succeed, often it is the access to working capital for the small things that makes the difference. Of course significant funding would allow us to make this Plan grow and grow at a faster rate. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 30. Recent progress: Apr. Met with BerlinerCohen to discuss having their assistance in helping me with the VC community, they were positive, Wubbles asked why not talk to Meg Whitman? I also met with several other possible developers at this time to discuss what we could accomplish with out any funding. Everyone needs a paycheck, so I have had to reduce the scale and scope of this Project and work towards a super low cost approach as shown above. I have also discussed potential hardware development to create a component for the DomusRoom that would give us greater intellectual property control, this area needs more work. gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 31. Entrepreneur Incubator Todayʼs Business Incubators have a primary purpose of renting office space, now I know that many offer much more, but the difference in offering and making available is the cost. And Entrepreneurs need advice and counsel more than they need a generic course on being a Entrepreneur. The effort in Florida has networked many Incubators and added a Virtual Entrepreneur Incubator, yet the local news could pay more attention and dramatically improve the success of these incubators. A Entrepreneur Incubator needs to be promoted. Like the movie “Field of Dreams” build it and they will come... is true only if people know about it... How about a Librarian greeter that says come on in kid if you have a idea and we will discuss it with you and give you instant feedback, this can be done over the Internet. The issue of Intellectual Property is important. Now add some Marketing and Sales Review from the Internet and in few days, the idea will have some depth for the Entrepreneur to decide if further effort is warranted. But before we get to this stage, the Entrepreneur has to have been selected from a larger constant flowing number of entries. Setup a room with some PCʼs and Video Editing Booth, connect to the Internet, and expect our Entrepreneurʼs to seek the Incubator out for a helping hand to build their dream business. The Maui Research & Technology Center was thus, we know, we lived and worked there from 92-96, the folks that worked for the State of Hawaii were just like you and me, they wanted in the worst way to make the MRTC a success. All were supportive, but without any working capital even for themselves it was just cheap rent. There was an advantage however, the MRTC was located next door to one of the most incredible SuperComputers on the Planet, yep, next door there on Maui. I donʼt really understand what you do with a SuperComputer other than mathematical analysis of the stars from the dishes on top of Haleakala the hugh dormant volcano. The SuperComputer was connected to T3ʼs and that gave the MRTC Broadband from the start and we had the ability to communicate via the internet to DiagSoft, Inc. so we were doing business really simple - we were connected. I created ETSC in the most creative place, Maui. During this time Chris King my brother in law introduced me to Richard Mann and we started Big Kahuna Productions. Richard knew Hollywood, and the art of video production, and I wanted to do Interactive Videos similar to the IBM SNA interactive LaserDisk Project that I worked on with with Saroj Kar in Sunnyvale at the beginning of the LaserDisk (1979), a master cost over $50Kea. and was a throw away if wrong. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 32. Document Storage and Retrieval and Advanced Office Automation Workstations were my skill set. I created CARMS Computer Assisted Records Management System using a Tandem NonStop for Natural Language Query Retrieval of Documents stored on the Microform Data Systems UltraStrip a strip of microfilm with a 300X reduction image size, also specʼd a Microdata Reality System for the low end. We could retrieve any page in a million pages in less than ten seconds. This was important for Power Plants that had millions of pages of D drawings, to standard letter forms, since we microfilmed documents of almost any size, we then microfilmed the microfilm taking the image from the 35mm frame and microfilming that frame again another 10X which would result in 300X-600X reduction and full blowback. That is right, we microfilmed the microfilm in a unit made by Microform Data Systems. Today we would use a good scanner and the capture time would be small increments compared to the manual microfilm process. And the Auto Indexing using OCR would reduce the keying of Indexes like we did with the Microform systems. CARMS was my attempt to move Microform Data Systems into a more hybrid Digital and Microfilm database and evolve Microform Data from Micrographics into the Digital Age. Arnold Silverman replaced my mentor Dean Mack the formed CEO. CARMS is a frame/page/sector indexed sector of digital content or film content. The next generation of CARMS is for todayʼs Mass Storage Facility that could fit into your briefcase, the INDEX is based on Metatags, the more refinement of the Keys and the Correlation of Stuff (rDBMS), Neural Network, etc. will improve the reduction of the number of hits. I often today think about the possibilities of CARMS which is meant to create a Paperless Office... SQL is todays DBMS architecture, and is complicated and difficult for non programmers to use at the capability level that we had with the MSDOS CONDOR rDBMS in 1982. The DomusRoom needs a simple DBMS, perhaps Bento? The DomusRoom will store locally. We need to train out of the box thinking for Entrepreneurs, and provide them the workspace to grow their ideas, and help them from the Business Management and Sales standpoint until the idea is ready to launch from their own successful business. Incubators grow little chickens into big factories. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 33. Technology needed for AiLibrary 1. Voice Indexing - able to add indexes to anything you see on the screen verbally. 2. DNAid - DNAid is the computer personal interests that Google is accumulating. 3. Search Engines - needs to become a OPEN SOURCE LAB. 4. Digital Library - AiLibrary is to interface with virtually all SQL, XML, Web 2.0 datasets. 5. more to come... gkraft My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 34. Entrepreneur Incubators Work Plan What does a idea need? Sales. How do you develop an idea? Entrepreneur Incubators. Bricks and Mortar? Yes. Internet Cloud? Yes. so a person anywhere could gain access to the educational process necessary to create and idea, and sell an idea? right. from anyplace? Yes. How do you sell? Donʼt confuse booking from shipping. How do you protect the intellectual property rights of the idea? AiDigital Library. How do individuals use the Incubator? over the internet using their DomusRoom. What is most needed? unfettered access to all internet content filtered by the individuals AiEngine INDEX DNAid. People are smart, they need doorways to opportunity, the short and long term is already changed by the change in society caused by the ability to interact. What do I want? to help. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 35. SixPackU - eLearning for the rest of us. Build a room in Second Life. Portal to eLearning for those that did not complete high school. Permit User Learning Modules that use the AiEngine eLearning SDK. “Consistent Format for eLearning (CFe)” Global University using consistent content, story, history, via Wikipedia. K.I.S.S. Learning using Common Sense learning path. 2D and 3D Animation scripts useable by embedded Links. Possibilities: Pass/Fail/Retry = Award Award redeemable in Credits. Credits to Debit Card. “Motivation when needed” “They have to want too” “why?” “because they are smart, just need some improvements in ability to motivate the late student” Cash Award for Graduation with some getting around money now and then, will keep them eLearning, especially if it is FUN to learn and earn...” and it is cheaper than the cost of supporting the undereducated student than helping them want to learn to better themselves. And China has more Honor Students than America has People... according to a video on YouTube on Education in America. So, how do we motivate the undereducated American Student? Cash is cheap. And “WHY?” does China have students that want to learn? “WHY do kids go to school in dirt floor classrooms? they want to better themselves. How to Motivate? and How to Graduate? The Prom! My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 36. The Prom! A party for the rest of us... Now get a job! My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 37. Microform Data - Artelonics - GKE - Handle Tech -- addendum to GK Story. I noticed an ad in the WSJ for a National Sales Manager for a Office Automation Company in Silicon Valley, the ad was “blind” and I didnʼt expect to get a response, but it turned out the company was Artel, Inc. in Palo Alto and was funded by Shell Canada. I got the job over a large number of candidates and Artel was developing the first Intel 8086 Office Automation Workstation with a 8ʼ floppy disk. Bob Stillman was developing the Pascal OS and Word Processing, Graphics, software. The project was behind schedule and as an alternative, I sought out CPM86 from Digital Research, and Basic86 from Microsoft. With one of the very first CPM86 installations, we suddenly found many software companies wanting to port to our platform. The Artel OA Workstation was hugh, had a full page screen with a secondary bitmap graphics video system that allowed the graphics to overlay over the text screen underneath. I did the demo to about 25 IBMʼers at the first Comdex Show, IBM wanted to know what was Shell doing in the computer business. The booth was stunning, all white, a awesome large island with a few demo stations, we got the 8” harddrive running at the first night of the show, and that was the night I first heard the yell across Comdex, “The Proto Works!” I made a Artelonics (Artel name had to be changed due to a similar other company and became Artelonics) workstation available to Don Harris and a few days later he called and asked what is C:> ? The prompt, the rest of the screen was blank with CPM86. I met Condor Computer the rDBMS MSDOS company from Ann Arbor, near the end of Artelonics (I knew from someone in Shell that they were getting out of OA), and Condor filled my trunk with boxes of Condor Software and told me to call when I had sold them, and GKE Software was born out the the trunk of my car. During the next two years, even though I as a single parent, I closed BusinessLand, MicroAge, and Don and I did MicroD. Don worked for himself much of the time, and often he would bring in a new employee with out the authority and would set them down at GKE, I would walk by and say hi who are you? Then Donald decided that he would go to LA if I would rent a Apt and find more LA customers, on my first visit to LA, I go to the Apt, and Don has a Floppy Disk store running out of the Apt and two other guys living there? There was a sign on the wall that said “The Sandusky Group”. I asked what is this? He said that it was “our company”... I closed the Apt. Over the years of working with Don, he has either quit or been fired at least 5 times. While at DiagSoft he started a Quality Company ICQ and guy I introduced him to, and with Andy Marken and Mel Brodie at the same time that I was paying him... GKE was selling more Condor than Condor, and we added Knowledgeman and Pearl, plus SuperCalc, and I talked Skip Barkis into developing Transparent Data Systems version of his Business Graphics package that could take sources from SuperCalc, Condor, DBase II, and produce a Gantt Chart. In the end, I talked Condor into acquiring My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 38. TDS along with GKE along with their deal already in process for StarSoft Accounting, but GKE lost out in the end. I got a call from Lake Tahoe from an old friend asking me if I would like to go boating on Lake Tahoe? I said of course, he said, how would you like to live and work here for Handle Technologies in Tahoe City? I as there in a blink. A UNIX Office Automation Suite from Handle had a OEM agreement with AT&T. Imagine several UNIX System V AT&T 3B2ʼs, 3B5ʼs, Convergent Tech, and a Dec VAX in Tahoe City... Programmers had flex hours. I became good friends with the CEO and did some consulting afterwards. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 39. The recent years have been difficult with my financial implosion, and my health, the heart quad bypass has made a great difference in my ability to work. The medications seem to be too much, yet my blood pressure is still very high, and spiked to over 209 now and then. The desire to build a business still is high and the time to do it is reducing due to my age. So I thought what would be the most suitable situation? A Entrepreneur Incubator of my own. Knowing that to build one would take time and money that would not be forthcoming, the only avenue would be to work with an existing one. Perhaps the plan could grow to the Bʼs not the Mʼs, if it was Nationalized like a ReMax independent Realty. The Sacramento and Silicon Valley resources are plentiful and with many Entrepreneurs in the area that grows opportunity, the potential is good. The creation of a newco or new company is simple, you can incorporate a newco over the Internet. But a startup needs Legal support to protect the intellectual property of the newco. So, what is needed to make a newco successfully launch? The following resources: 1. Work Space for testing and demos. 2. Marketing Research 3. Sales 4. Accounting 5. Legal 6. AARP Mentor Program 7. Angel and VC Panel How would one get the resources? Simple establish a Pool of revenue sharing and minimum billing. How do you determine the probability of success? Model the business in a DomusRoom AiEngine Analysis. The number 7 above will assist, since they see thousands of Business Plans a week. So the issue is how to pick the winners. Some of us have a talent of doing so over the years. And everything from number 2 - 7 can be done over the Internet. What opportunities await this plan, probably most of the VC investments, Angel Investments are already looking for a solution. That is why number 3 is critical to not only selling the finished goods products, but to assist in the selling of the newco. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 40. What gives me the confidence to make this work, my previous creative work experience, from the days of IBM Mainframe Data Centers, I was a member of COMA, Computer Operations Management Association. We had Stanford, Nasa Ames, etc. as members. To Microform Data Systems working with the first 8080 Intel all the way to DiagSoft working with the Intel Pentium. All Operating systems, from MSDOS to our MCP and beyond to Unix System V. Languages, Turbo Pascal, Adpac, Cobol, S/370 Assembly. Award LaserPress Typesetting, Award ROM BIOS written initially in “C”, purchased Chesapeake Data 8080 Diags and created QAPlus, Quality Assurance Plus Advanced PC Diags, PowerMeter Benchmarks Suite, purchased PowerMeter II which was a derivative work, Intrudder Alert Virus Detection, RED Remote Electronic Diags, ETSC Electronic Technical Support Centers Help Desk. During years at Microform, I was the Chief Architect of Microforms products, including: CARMS Computer Assisted Records Management System for Office Automation and PBOS Paperless Office for the Telcos. Das/CM Directory Assistance Computer Microfilm Das/CM-AM Directory Assistance Computer Microfilm with Advanced Mechanization. System/C Directory Assistance Computer The CARMS and System/C projects failed to use my recommendations for a polled multi-drop CRT controller that operated in a Parallel mode of operation, 9600baud would not work. Because of my work on creating CARMS, I was approached by a large law firm to do some Expert Witness research. It was like old home week, they were talking about being involved with Microforms legal action with Hawaiian Tel for the failure to build System/C. My research effort took about a month, of very long days, using the Internet as my research tool. I created a Microform Data Group on LinkedIn, and former employees started joining that I had not heard from for many years. I made my early recommendations and suddenly was let go. Here I thought what a great use of my knowledge of the Computer Industry and being part of the core growth of the PC industry, I had the opportunity to review my past. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 41. I sent this to Jim Aspinwall our new CTO… morning obewon, Google Backbone of Cloud computing and the basically free Google Apps that can be customized to have our look and feel plus Gmail, Documents, etc. put Google in the forefront for future Net Apps. Apple is building a $1B Server Farm. The AiLibrary needs to work with both firms. We need someone to be our highly respected door opener to these and other CORE technology companies that if you look at them as components will become the AiLibrary with our look and feel, and Human Interface characteristics… TBD We borrow/buy our tools. We do not build our tools. We are Database Experts for Asset Management via the Cloud and we will have a hugh farm. We are Librarians. We are Teachers. We are the Indexers. We are the Emergency Backup to disaster events for Library access via the Net, which needs to be over ipHAM radio signals, or? Limitless need for our American Internet Library, “elearning for the rest of us” (the ones left without access to College and Universities, and Heald, etc.) My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 42. We should consider the opportunity to be the “AiLibrary online Heald “ via our Facilities Management Services, like Sykes does Tech Support, so could we via the Net nETSC. We need to focus on less of my design and do a future planned roll out of the other areas as part of the Milestone Chart, contained in our AiLibrary Project Management System. I think the size of the Entrepreneur Incubator and all of its evolution steps, Internet TV channel on of HDTV VOD S t r e a m s , T h e u s e o f t h e E n t r e p r e n e u r I n c u b a t o r t o develop Sustainable Energy Projects and Energy Tech, and AiLibrary eLearning courseware for the Sony Playstation 3, Mac, and PC/XBOX… The Entrepreneur Incubator will create/train Entrepreneur Black Belts. AiLibrary Domus Room Video Wall will train the trainers… Everything via the Net. Bricks and Mortar if and when appropriate… Virtual Corp until then. We need a Business Plan writer. No Plan, no money. Onward and upward amigo obewon, your fearless leader, Gordon My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 43. Exec Summary The needs to have a simple to use drag and drop Web page to add digital content. The user must enter some basic Metatags info. The User has their own personal AiLibrary and the access to information and ebooks, elearning, etc. content available via the Users should be able to drag and drop and edit their own look and feel environment similar to our old QTVR. The AiLibrary is contained on an optional Mac Mini. The AiLibrary is Internet centric and has a vast INDEX and Affiliate websites. The major issue is the Affiliate Network construction. We need a 3D virtual photorealistic wideband required environment for the AiLibrary, similar to Second Life, but with much better graphics... copyright gkraft 2010 My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 44. Entrepreneur Incubator What is a Entrepreneur eLearning Incubator? by gkraft on Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:51 am How to build a Entrepreneur eLearning Incubator. I have been focused on Entrepreneur Incubators for the past several weeks due to the economy and issues we all face. You can read my comments here and at my web site p=544 A Entrepreneur Incubators purpose is to provide the necessary resources for our bright promising Entrepreneurs to create, market/ research, and sell their ideas. The following items/resources are needed: 1. Office space with fast Broadband connections. 2. Market Research facility with personnel that are expert in using the Internet for Market and Product Research (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 3. Multimedia Center with the latest PC and Mac equipment and Video Editing Software, Office Software, Laser Printer. (Multiple "Donated" systems no charge for access). 4. Legal Assistance Group of Intellectual Property and Contract and Agreement capability (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). 5. AARP retired pool of Industry Executives available to mentor (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 45. 6. Governor support for Trade Missions, etc. 7. Office equipment facility and Video equipment facility. 8. Hollywood Digital Production company. How to pay for this? Simple, have Entrepreneur sign a Development Assistance Agreement for Revenue sharing 60% Entrepreneur 40% Incubator Center (ie. 40% Incubator share of revenue). Most important Resource? Mentor and Sales Channel Assistance (repaid via Incubator share of revenue). Let the Entrepreneur learn as they grow their idea, help where you can in marketing and sales, and sell baby sell. Do not crush the Entrepreneur's "Fire in the Belly", rather encourage and support it... Remember Mistakes are part of Learning... simply correct the mistakes... And when you are young, the rush of getting your dream company started will be the insurance, full speed ahead and straight on til morning... gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 Interactive eLearning Computer Based Training by gkraft on Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:54 am Interactive Computer Based Training (iCBT). My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 46. iCBT has been around for over 30 years. The need to increase the learning speed of a student is important to reduce the backlog of untrained workers that now need to find new occupations. The Obama Education Fund contained in the 2009 Stimulus Fund needs to provide small funding amounts to the American software developers in a manner similar to the iPhone Fund. App Stores like for the Apple iPhone on iTunes will be a great solution to generate income to further this effort. Courseware in all areas of education will be the profit item. Give away the Player. Use Multimedia, Flash, Quicktime, Flex, etc. Develop the Courseware similar to a game for the XBOX or Playstation 3. Capture the minds of the student similar to a video game. Use extensive 3D Animation, Cartoons, etc. gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 Internet eLearning Courseware (CBT) Training by gkraft on Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:24 am If you know of or own CBT Courseware, I would like to talk to you. I plan to setup a CBT Courseware Store. Examples: My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 47. ... 935&sr=8-5 ... /overview/ ... sdid=ELTNL ... sfield.cfm ... seware.htm ... horing.htm ... =firefox-a gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 48. Previous AiLibrary and Artificial, Inc. Web Sites: by gkraft on Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:31 am When I sold DiagSoft, Inc. to Sykes (Aug. 96), I quickly realized that my brain did not get the email. So I created a "basket of web sites" to use to evolve my concepts, designs, and ambition. Because one never really "retires", they only move forward or die. So I founded Artificial, Inc. a Florida corporation, it is now gone due to my divorce. After my Divorce, I founded AiLibrary, Inc. another Florida corporation. AiLibrary is now a "dba" of Gordon Kraft. I created four initial Web Sites: (Store of Open Source and Commercial Ai (Artificial Intelligence) Components/Modules and Software Products) (Ai now means "Advanced Internet" since no "Ai" sellable products were found during the initial 97-98 period.) (TalkStory was planned to be a Local/ Visitor Chat Room filled with individual stories, and evolved into my BLOG)[/color] These two sites are FOR SALE: ($10MM each) (Quicktime Video Streaming site, started as a Real Networks Streaming site) (Big Kahuna Network was planned to be a Hawaiian Culture and Hawaiian Mall on the Internet) My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 49. Here are some of our original works: (some of these are "buggy or no longer supported" because of Browser Technology Advancement, or the Evolution of Tech...) gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 Idea 001 - Teach High School Dropouts eLearning by gkraft on Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:20 am There are many people that dropped out of high school, due to having a baby, or selling drugs, or just wanting to take a shortcut and be something that they were not. The Apple iPhone with the new Version 3.0 would be a great system to get multiple dropouts to play a game with Rock Music playing in the background, and the Peer to Peer multiplayer connectivity. Now I My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 50. realize that this ability could be used for negative uses, but if you do not get them to play, you will not get them to learn... Please watch the Apple iPhone 3.0 Announcement video at: http:// and watch the SIMS 3 demo... Basic lessons for: Reading Skills (Reading) Writing Skills (Writing) Arithmetic Skills (Rithmetic) Speech Skills (it's a phone! it's a recorder, it's a computer) Communication Skills (more than TXTing) gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 Idea 002 - Teach Unemployed Auto Workers eLearning by gkraft on Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:36 am Today's economic conditions are causing people that have worked for many years in a redundant physical standing job such as involved in building a car to need new job skills. From physical work to sitting mental type work is a major change for someone that has been active everyday. Exercise is important, My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 51. perhaps the workstation needs to reflect this. There are some companies using stand up workstations, rather than sitting workstations. Computer Skills Computer skills are going to be required for most of these people. gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 Idea 003 - Entrepreneur eLearning Workstations by gkraft on Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:42 am Internet Content Views: Using the Internet as the bookshelf is a different way to viewing the content on the Internet. A 3D photorealistic environment would be one way to create a learning room on a computer screen. Converting the Internet Content into a more familiar view would assist the Entrepreneur seeking to find ways to succeed. We have converted the PC DOS screen and UNIX screen content from "Textual" into a GUI form led by Apple and followed by Microsoft, and Ubuntu interfaces. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 52. gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 Idea 004 - Find possible eLearning Courseware by gkraft on Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:15 am The number of eLearning or Computer Based Training courses is very high, most are for corporate training purposes because the corporations and the military have spent the most money on their My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 53. production. Most large corporations have a Training Director or VP of Training and even have a full television studio to make the CBT courseware. The TV series StarTrek has led the way in affecting my thinking since StarTrek created even the smallest details including the "Nomemclature" and "Screen Formats", I believe that their work in this area should be considered as the "CBT Interface". My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 54. Very soon Apple will release larger screen versions of the iPhone. A Macbook Pro Tablet has been forecasted for some time now. In StarTrek and the evolution of that original work, we see them using a "Tablet" similar to the size of the Kindle 2 from Amazon. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 55. Idea 005 - What we need to create this eLearning idea. by gkraft on Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:38 pm In order to build the Incubator, we will need: 1. The very best Entrepreneurs. (I am one, there are many others) My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 56. 2. The very best Teachers that get it... (i.e. Be proactive or be left behind, develop next gen courseware) 3. The very best Computer Programmers. (Mac OS/X, Playstation3) 4. The very best FLASH Developers. 5. The assistance of EA, and other leading Game Development companies. (Code in Multiple platform Dev Environment (Mac, Playstation3, etc.) 6. The creation and support of a Courseware App Store similar to Apple's iTunes Store. ( original plan to be a Ai App Store...) 7. The top Universities around the world participation and contribution. 8. The Government. 9. The Congress creates a National Education Endowment. 10. The President selling the idea. 11. The National Geographic Library of content. 12. A Education Network channel. 13. Amazon. 14. Bill Gates Foundation 15. Hollywood Studios including Animation Studios. 16. The Libraries of the world and the Vatican. 17. A top management team that will follow my input as Chairman for life... etc. OK OK, one step at a time... gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 57. Idea 006 - This is how I plan to proceed. "Build eLearning." by gkraft on Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:20 pm The value of a Entrepreneur eLearning Incubator must be a balance of learning and entertainment, only in that way will the product capture attention and the desire to learn more. The content will adapt to the interests of the student. This will require a SAT type of testing to identify the personal areas of interest. (my school days taught me that "if I liked or was interested in the subject, I got better grades.") Music must be part of the learning system for it is the glue to the mind and symmetry of the idea in motion. like poetry in motion... Some of the things I wish to learn more about: Finance, Accounting, Teaching Technology, CBT, Web design, Web development using advanced tech, How the brain works, How to teach a computer to find what you want, not what you ask for. Fund raising, Venture Capital, Angel Investors, Entrepreneur Education Centers. Travel the world via the Internet, license National Geographic and NPR content for distribution as part of my Incubator. Digital Libraries and their evolution and design goals. Boating and Fishing. Build a cave home. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 58. Idea 007 - Public Television content for eLearning by gkraft on Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:01 pm From Yanni to Boccelli and Nastradomus to the Mayan culture there is so much content that would be of tremendous value to a student wanting to learn and listen and see more of what life, culture, and travel has to offer. Today's Public television channels like WEDU in the Tampa/Sarasota area offers so much. Why not put all of this content online in my idea of a Digital Library? I would gladly pay a monthly service fee for video on demand of this kind of content, and so would you... A work station like the cute one shown here is ideal for Internet learning, yet a comfortable Home Theater environment would be even better... My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 59. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 60. gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 Idea 008 - New Ventures by gkraft on Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:15 am Recently I was approached by an old friend to help create and fund a new company (newco). This happens to me several times a year. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 61. The problem is that the economy is in the dumpster, investors are hoarding their cash due to fear, and another Web company is not impressing virtually anyone. Web sites don't make large profit margins currently, BUT Products sold via the web site, DO! So the issue is should the company exist? Is there a unique market for this new company product? Can the newco make money, how fast, etc. And most important to investors is how do I get my money back? A Entrepreneur Incubator that can model the newco including the ability to enter the newco Proforma data is needed to generate a typical "Expectation Result". is a great starting point, as is the idea of the iFund for iPhone apps. This is a category that I would welcome some input and assistance on. Idea 009 - Education needs a eLearning Control System by gkraft on Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:49 am I read your ideas about the educational system as it is now and am always amazed that we do not connect the educational side with the clerical side. If teacher's were to assign the written material through a server it could grade it log it and select the components which the student needed help with and they could be broken into groups to be My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 62. tutored in what they need to learn with out guessing. Testing could be done through the system and graded and logged in the same manner. By using a server teachers could collaborate with one and other and quit working independently. There are many other ways to use a hub to support these activities. Hope to hear from you soon. Ps imagine a class room where the teacher knows ahead of time who did their homework the grades and that it is already logged. (email from user: hsma) gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 Idea 011 - How to pay for eLearning Education Improvement by gkraft on Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:53 pm Back in the days that I was one of the owners of the APBA Offshore Racing, LLC based in St. Petersburg, Florida. We had two distinct groups of Offshore Powerboat Racers: Deep Pockets and Joe Sixpack. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 63. The Deep Pockets Race Team guys had too much money and demonstrated that fact with several Peterbuilt 18 wheeler support trucks full of engines and parts, and a Freightliner tow truck, Provost Motor Coach, and a $1M+ SuperCat, and large well dressed Race Teams. And some even had or rented a Helicopter and their own medics. And several very expensive cars and motorcycles. There were only a few of these teams, and they had large dollar sponsors. The Joe Sixpack Race Teams had a pickup truck, family members for their crew, and a $100K-$350K Offshore Factory Class I/II race boat. This comparison is similar to those of you that will be the Deep Pockets CBT Investors and those of you that will be the Joe Sixpack CBT Authors. The Deep Pocket CBT Investors will be involved in the development and distribution and will receive the larger amount of revenues to get their ROI. The Joe Sixpack CBT Authors will be paid a six pack a month per student. And man that is a lot of beer... In order for CBT Education to succeed, this business model needs to be "Real Time Equity" ROI. And the CBT Students should not pay more than they can afford, one six pack per week per class week. Or about $2.50/week. Structure eLearning by hsma on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:03 pm My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 64. Hi Gordon, I was reading the different topics and it occured to me that what you have is a scatter graff. The level it operates on is administration. It seems that along with this it would be advantagious to Chart it and also glean what conponents Troy already has or applications of code that can easily be adapted. Once that is done, it will create holes or lead to paths that need to be followed up on. Also I think it may be good to see how the current applications work, this will stimulate further Ideas and paths. Does this make sence??? Thanks Harry hsma Posts: 8 Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:25 am T o p Re: Structure by gkraft on Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:01 am Harry, My initial goal is to get people to THINK and Respond, which will stimulate INPUT, so that is starting to happen. Each Idea is based on my thoughts about WHAT typical areas (limitless ideas are the core of a Entrepreneur) a Entrepreneur Incubator with multiple Internet CBT Courseware would help folks to think about what, why, how, where, etc. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 65. I completely agree on your point of making some clear focus of the scatter graph of my mind... "A.D.D. scattered thinking" Harry, Please continue with your thoughts and ideas. Idea 009 - Education needs a Control System (from Harry) I read your ideas about the educational system as it is now and am always amazed that we do not connect the educational side with the clerical side. If teacher's were to assign the written material through a server it could grade it log it and select the components which the student needed help with and they could be broken into groups to be tutored in what they need to learn with out guessing. Testing could be done through the system and graded and logged in the same manner. By using a server teachers could collaborate with one and other and quit working independently. There are many other ways to use a hub to support these activities. Hope to hear from you soon. Ps imagine a class room where the teacher knows ahead of time who did their homework the grades and that it is already logged. Chart the eLearning Path by hsma on Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:07 am Once again, their looking at the problem from a limited stand point. Yes I believe this is important but it is only part of the big picture.... Where is the library (Hub) that allows the School districts to go on My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 66. line and choose the lessons, home work, or tests to be taken? Where is the grading system, or the logging system, or the queries on what the students missed? How does this help the School districts to save Jobs? I know it saves money through upgrades. And storage. But what if the teachers could go on line and work with an interactive and not just a computer generated book. Chart it out and see how far the proposal goes. Does it stop before it should.... I don't have the answers, but we can get to them if we "Do the Chart". Look at the current process and plug in a program at every opportunity and then link them so that queries can be taken at given points to adjust to the student needs. I know how difficult this must be but look at the internet today. Who could have conceived this 30 years ago, when we had no VCR's. We're not only looking at the budget, we're looking at process, the student's education, and "The Future". "Boy am I on a Soap Box" wish I didn't feel so strongly about this... I think Gordon said we are on a "path" and I couldn't agree more. If this takes off I plan to work Troy's "But Off". -----Original Message----- From: Troy Grizzle [] Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 2:48 PM To: Gordon Kraft Cc: Medlen, Harry Subject: Interesting article Hey, I was looking for something else (Snow Leopard's projected release) and stumbled across this. ... _textbooks My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 67. I don't know that we want to go into the online textbook business. . . but . . . Later, Troy 1 The Path (School Districts) by hsma on Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:34 am Let's begin with the first day of school. Student's get their books and schedules. What if the books were an ID badge, a back pack, an adhesive label, Internet tablets and Lap Top. (Computer and Tablet have GPS Chips) Each Teacher logs on both pieces of equipment and the server auto loads the individual files for that student. The log maybe a simple: Student Name, ID number for the Equipment, loged at the same time the ID Badge is prepaired. At each Class the Student swipes his card and that class is logged in and a file is prepaired The weekly assignments are in the schedule and a formal log is auto setup for all students in real time. The formal log may consist of Home work data, testing data and personal info. (meetings with staff and parents)Etc. I haven't gotten to lunch yet... Let's think in Perfect World!!!! eLearning Scheduling Services My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 68. by hsma on Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:47 pm I know this is "off the wall" however the thought of having a data base for companies that will auto schedule their staff would be important. In every hospital and nursing home and in each department they have an individual doing the scheduling. I talked to Troy and we are Kicking this around also. Just did not want to loss the Idea... hsma Posts: 8 Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:25 am Big Picture "eLearning" by hsma on Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:48 pm It occured to me that what Gordon is looking for is on a higher plain than where I was at. Look at the following Headers as an outline begins to form. 1/ Start up, information is loaded in the system for individuals. 2/ Books, a data base consisting of text, review tests, grading system, logging system, wrong answers highlited, study groups auto organized, emails to group members, teachers list of student needs (per group), group report for teacher (outline of instructional needs), etc... 3/Real time Parent Emails, District Reports, State Reports, National, International. Let's look at why we're not at the top of the Educational Pile, and what we need to get there.... 4/Trade Shows. 5/ Current Data Bases. (What Troy all ready has working) (Speed Reader, JePARTY Game, etc.) My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 69. 6/ Time Lines, Where we want to be in 3,6,9..... Months from now... I have been looking at what is needed on a lower plain also and need to talk to Troy about how and if these are possible. Please remember that once the original Info. is in the rest is Automatic. hsma Posts: 8 Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:25 am T o p Re: Big Picture by gkraft on Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:21 am Two paths end in the same place. If we focus on the unemployed, we will have a multitude of people that need education assistance. This direction will be less difficult due to the number of those needing help. The traditional Public School direction (path) will be problematic due to the fact that they are set in their ways and have resisted for far too long any change. The education of the unemployed will dramatically improve the nations economy rapidly by helping them get jobs... The traditional Public School will only pay attention if we achieve success in the unemployed path first. Yes the traditional Public School System needs to improve, high school drop outs are at a record level, early pregnancies, drugs, etc. are a major problem and the Public School System has become more of a prison than a learning place. When you watch kids My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 70. disadvantaged in other countries, they are sitting in their chairs and paying attention, not text messaging during class, etc. Because they want a better life... THIS does not mean that we should stop working on the traditional Public School System CBT! gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 T o p Re: Big Picture by hsma on Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:54 am One of the problems is the situation is so large that it is hard to focus on what can bring results. If we apply the 80/20 rule, then the most impact will be working with the 20% of the unemployed that are employable. A lot of organizations are working independantly and it is hard to find them. There I go again, it is hard to focus on the Education without getting into "Job Hunting Services." There are numerious companies to teach you how to do a resume but how can we be different. Maybe the service needs to pole the companies to get the data that will drive the service. John Malloy wrote "Dress for Success" and "Live for Success" by testing the reactions of people in companies to unrelated elements, clothing, collors, etc. When Paterson bought NCR it only had something like $.98in the bank My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 71. and with a sales force developed by him, his marketing made it an international company. (I just hit a wall. More will come later) hsma Posts: 8 Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:25 am T o p Re: Big Picture by gkraft on Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:43 am The Head Hunters across America would also like to advertise in this... Please continue your excellent work, I agree this topic of Education and Training should include How to Find a Job. The Big Picture needs some graphics to organize and connect the first time reader in a manner that will make sense to all. I will contact my Flash Artist/Animation expert in Santa Cruz and see if he has a little time to help us... gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 T o p Re: Big Picture My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 72. by troy on Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:44 am Two or three or four or five, paths end in the same place. Having worked for a number of years building interactive pieces for Pharma, one thing is very clear to me. No matter how flashy the front end, if there is no infrastructure it goes the way of the dinosaurs. This happens because it has no real value to the client. If done correctly the infrastructure can accommodate a variety of what you are calling paths. Courseware is everywhere, from the guy who sells the computer training on TV, to the learn Spanish in 2 weeks . . . . We need the flashy fast paced front end to help hold interest, but in order for that to have lasting value it needs an robust underlying infrastructure that is capturing and processing the data. The majority of the data would be simply stored to be processed after the fact, when the Educator queries it. A smart application would however use some of the data on the fly to help determine the weakness. For example a student misses a trigonometry problem applying the pythagorean theorem. Was it because they don't understand the theorem or because they made a mistake in the math. A smart application could include a follow up question to help make that determination. I apologize for digressing. The point I am trying to make is the infrastructure is the road. If built correctly it doesn't matter what vehicle is driving on it. The courseware itself, the content is for the Educators to provide. If we provide the road, if we provide engines for the vehicles in the My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 73. form of applications (speed reader, quiz games, etc) the content can be anything the Educator chooses for the course in question. Somebody once said, "the shortest distance between any two points is online". We can educate adults, children, housewives, employed or unemployed all using the same infrastructure. To tighten our focus too much could limit the potential for success. I wouldn't discount the Public Schools just yet. In this little backwards town called Pittsburgh, they opened a Charter School, City High. City-High was set up to help students adapt to the real world work force. Each student was provided with a laptop, assignments were downloaded from the website and turned in via email. No room for the dog ate my homework (unless you have a rottie with a penchant for silicon). I think the biggest obstacle the Public Schools face is the cost involved with building the infrastructure and engines. We can provide those pieces of the puzzle, at a low per user cost. Add to that the fact that since it is being build independently it would have the ability to unite the content provided across Districts, across States. At the same time providing access to the same road for those looking for jobs, those studying for their ged, etc. troy Posts: 1 Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:13 am T o p Re: Big Picture by gkraft on Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:47 am My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 74. Right as usual Troy, yet I envision a future that changes the traditional educational methods (Talking Heads) with more visual involvement for the student since the future students are operating and learning at the "Speed of Sight" with their Playstation 3's, XBOX, and Wii... Like I told Troy, many of us have ideas that we think are brilliant and "an original work", yet several others seem to be listening like this pic from gkraft My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 75. Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 T o p Re: Big Picture by hsma on Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:48 pm Here I go with my reverse thinking again. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that the current way to find a job it for the Applicant to do the searching. What if we connect the "Job Centers" with a hub that scans for particular words or comments that would aline them with job opportunities. Troy I need a sounding board for this. "eLearning at the Speed of Sight" by gkraft on Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:59 am "Learning at the Speed of Sight" Our children are learning at the "speed of sight". They are learning by the multidirectional motion of the Video Game Controllers that began several years ago. This means that the children who are now grown up can learn in a multidirectional manner visually teaching them which way to go to win the prize! And as the student learns in CBT by the collection of prizes they learn which way to go and how to back up and tack a different path to the goal. Which in Life is the way we learn, by making mistakes and correcting our actions and continually moving forward. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 76. I mentioned this in my BLOG at: http:// So I continue to look forward to a new method of learning and teaching... AND I realize that this major change in the teaching methodology will be a difficult path due to those that resist change in the My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 77. traditional school system... Therefore I recommend we start with the unemployed that need to learn new careers. And if you feel that this post is redundant that is because you are not open minded... thoughts? gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 T o p Re: "Learning at the Speed of Sight" by hsma on Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:57 am Troy, you're already on the same page with the speed reader and the joy stick. At the trade shows the draw is the games and how they reveal the interest in different people. The eye that reads in color that you designed. I can see how this will expand and grow. The ideas are limitless... Ok. The problem solving skills we have will lead us into the operations Gordon is looking for. The crisp codes that Troy writes allows for dependable operations and continual consistancy. hsma Posts: 8 Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:25 am My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 78. T o p Re: "Learning at the Speed of Sight" by gkraft on Tue May 12, 2009 1:56 pm Imagine what you could learn with the richness and beauty of a HDTV or Motion Picture video used as the setting for the topic you are learning about today? "Visual Education" with a photo or video of the item you are studying... And a review at the end with questions clearly shown in the video you just watched... The Interactive Learning Courseware would be using the Internet as the method to get to each persons home. Everyone has a Internet Laptop, Desktop, or iPhone, and why not a Amazon Kindle2... Learning at the "Speed of Sight" is the Future of Education... gkraft 2009 gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 T o p Re: "Learning at the Speed of Sight" by gkraft on Fri May 15, 2009 10:08 am My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 79. The concept of learning at the Speed of Sight is not new, (of course I thought I had come up with a new phrase or category) it was according to my recent Google search used by http:// Found via Google at: http:// at-the-speed-of-light/ I have long been focused on Digital Libraries and evolved my work into a Digital Home Theater Project in my former home in Marco Island, Fl. in 1998-2003. My GHK AiLibrary Project included research on the subject via the Internet, and the construction of a 820sqft Home Theater/Digital Library addition to our home. I founded Artificial, Inc. (recreated as AiLibrary, Inc. after my divorce) and hired several 3D animators from my past company in Maui, BigKahuna Productions to do a QTVR version on the Internet, the example of this work done in 1998-2000 is located by clicking the Draft Plans on the Home Page of at the bottom of the page. You can go here to see a video of the GHK AiLibrary: eLearning, Video Games, Autism by gkraft on Mon May 25, 2009 8:40 am There is interest in using the fast paced interactive video game architecture to create elearning courseware for Family's with Autism. I will update this category for eLearning shortly... My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 80. gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 The focus has been sharpened. "eLearning is the path" My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 81. by gkraft on Mon May 25, 2009 9:13 am The wandering of these "ideas" has at long last, become more focused. "eLearning" is the path to continue our creative energy towards. Amazing how simply adding the "eLearning" the items become more clear. "This is the way man thinks," action / reaction, learn, do again. gkraft gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 AiEngines Entrepreneur Incubator 1 by gkraft on Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:37 am The intention of the Entrepreneur Incubator is to Research, Define, Develop, Deploy a eLearning Project using state of the art 3D Animation, and Interactive Computer Based Education (eLearning) as the initial product concept. AiEngines definition of eLearning. eLearning is the method to deploy revenue generating Education across the Internet for a very small price per course hour. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 82. eLearning courseware should parallel the Sony Playstation 3 robust usage of 3D animation and progress much the same as any game, once mastered you may learn more, go forward... The future now Internet is available for vast improvements when we move up to HTML 5... My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 83. Opera is a Internet Browser that does not use servers or middlemen. also see: gkraft Site Admin Posts: 25 Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:49 am Location: Naples 1 T o p Re: AiEngines Entrepreneur Incubator 1 by gkraft on Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:01 am Found on My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History
  • 84. The Artificial Technology Center AiDigital Library ™ Author: Daniel Delgado Aug. 31, 1999 Revised: Gordon H Kraft July 5, 2000 (c) COPYRIGHT 1999 - 2000 Artificial, Inc. My Later Years Gkraft copyright gkraft 2010 Non Contiguous Linear History