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Sam Borrett - Performance Coach: Personal - Business - Corporate

    Life’s like that... always everything at once!

           The world and the way we have approached it has changed
           drastically. Not only are people working longer hours, they
           have so much information to get through that it is a wonder
           many have a life at all. With the individuated approach we
           are called upon to do things differently and to view things
           differently. If we can close the gap between work and play
           and enjoy the chosen work more as fun and as a challenge
           of the times, we will be better able to cope with
           the enormous load many carry. We will learn to accept that
           out of our own choice have we made our life decisions and
           that at any stage we are free to change them.

              Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
           Mobile 0410 473 068,,

                                    INTEGRATED LIVING

                  “Everyone has been made for some particular work
                       and the desire for that work has been put
                                    in every heart.”


The objectives are to encourage and educate each person or business to believe in
and experience the power of enthusiasm for the work done and the life chosen. It is
commonly known by health experts that the division between the work place and
peoples’ private lives is a major cause of disease and contributes largely to stress. It is
important to eliminate this distinction and to learn to live a more total and balanced life
where each day life and work are enjoyed to the maximum.

Assisting new businesses, careers, entrepreneurial ventures and professions, all form
part of the focus of this approach.


This approach is unique in that the assumption from which we begin is that we already
have what it takes to change our lives; perhaps a little refinement here and there-
perhaps the development of a few more life skills, but intrinsically we only need
encouragement and the hint of a new possibility. Our minds will do the rest.

The root meaning of education is “to draw out” and we have been more programmed
to fill ourselves with information, which sabotages our intuition and real intelligence.
So it is essential to realise the difference between information, knowledge intuition and
wisdom. Each has its place and the integration of all these qualities is the path of the
intelligent person.


It is more accurate to think in terms of “response-ability” than responsibility.
With responsibility, we do things out of duty become resentful and are generally
unhappy about our lot in life. With response- ability whatever we have to do has to be
done now, because yesterday is no more and to-morrow has not come yet. All that is
available to us is to day and today is enough. And whatever we do, we do with a joyful
heart and enthusiasm.

This fresh approach called response-ability is not polluted by worry, duty, seriousness
or burden, but is more a playful and imaginative response to life. As we develop
response-ability, our intelligence and intuition increase and we are confident about our
decisions and choices. We can either react or we can respond to each situation.
                     Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
                  Mobile 0410 473 068,,

Response has nothing to do with memory; it has something to do with our awareness.
You see the situation out of clarity and you act accordingly, intelligently and
independently of the psychological memory of the past.


As soon as we acknowledge that we are capable of changing our lives the next step is
to change our energy patterns and beliefs. Over years of habitual thinking as well as
an ingrained mind-set we have grown accustomed to believing that the niche we have
carved out for ourselves is the only avenue available. However there are ways to
change our circumstances if only we could admit that we would like things better. If we
can do this then we will have the strength and determination to change our lives.

“Choose from your freedom to give meaning to your work- meaning rather than
importance. Intrinsic in meaning is the door to totality. Intrinsic in importance is the
door to seriousness.”

With meaning and totality there is an endless supply of energy. With importance and
seriousness, our work will be a struggle and we all know it.


Work should be considered more as a play and the one who succeeds at this game is
simply the better player. The fact is that we can all become players of this game. We
have become very serious about work and very ambitious about its end results. This
often contributes to a state of tension, disease, illness and anxiety, all of them
absolutely unnecessary.

With ordinary work the real thing is just about the future, about the end result. In play
there is no result as such and the process is totally enjoyable. This does not mean
we do not get the work done. In fact we get a lot more done as we are coming from
a different space inside and working long hours sometimes, is a pleasure not
drudgery. We have a new zest for life and a crystal-clear confidence.

                      Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
                   Mobile 0410 473 068,,


One of the central factors affecting our work and our relationships is our fear of totality,
participation and involvement. The usual incredible activity surrounding all our lives is
not total unless it has within it the element of awareness, relaxation and enjoyment.
Unless it has these qualities, the activity is purely” busy-ness.”

With awareness of ourselves, our actions, thoughts and feelings, work is transformed
into a higher possibility. Simply put, this is awareness of what happens within us while
we work. With this new outlook working as a means to knowing ourselves can be the
foundation to living more totally whether in relationships or work.

At this new level we can work more from a state of overflow and discover that our
work has become a game that we play and one at which we can do extremely well.
Through this change we cannot help but succeed and succeed we will. One of the
sure signs of knowing whether we have been total is that when total energy is involved
we never feel exhausted and at the end of the day we will still be operating at high


One of the fundamentals is that energy needs work otherwise the energy will become
restless. Energy needs expressing, energy needs to be creative. However, if the busy
and active person cannot relax, the work becomes obsessive and the person
becomes driven, over ambitious and neurotic. So the paradox remains- unless we can
work and enjoy we cannot really relax; and unless we can relax silently when needed,
we cannot really work totally.


There is an analogy, which can be very helpful in finding out from which space we are
functioning in work and in our relationships. It is referred to as the Camel, the Lion and
the Child. As a camel one feels as if he ought to contribute or work and usually does
as he is told, follows authority and has a feeling of being owed something. As a lion
one contributes when and where she/he wants and this can accompany a strong or
subtle concern for outer freedom. However as a child he is eager, willing and
adventurous, able to be spontaneous and is more concerned with inner freedom.

While we work it can be beneficial to observe in what space we are and from which of
the above energies we are operating. As we become more aware of the habit patterns
that drive us, we gradually learn to be more empowered in our dealings with others
and we are able to tap into the strength and decisiveness appropriate for intelligent

                     Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
                  Mobile 0410 473 068,,


There is a hierarchy of needs known as Maslow’s system and briefly put the principles
are that for personal fulfilment specific needs must be met. Some of them are
physiological such as food, water and exercise. Yet others are concerned with safety
such as security, order and protection. There are also social needs like belonging,
love and esteem, needs of prestige, status and acknowledgement. Unless there is
some deep satisfaction in regard to these needs, at some level it will be difficult to
relax and the recognition of our essential nature not easy to attain.


In defining success it is important to establish the meaning for each of us as this word
means different things to everyone. One of the ways to fine-tune our radar is to find
out what it is we want.

Mostly people do not know what they want and this of course adds to the confusion.
Often they tend to believe that they are better off than others and therefore should not
complain. However this belief is of no use to them and in fact does not assist them in
finding out what they want.

How will you know when you get what you want and what would you be doing?
What would you feel and where would you be? Once you find what it is that fulfils you,
the rest is easy and the energy to do what is required follows automatically.


It is a very Western idea to have a separation of work and enjoyment in our society.
There needs to be a totally new vision which does not split life into work and rest and
this can only be done on an individual level. Relaxation and work are not opposite; it is
a wrong notion to think you are working too hard and need a rest. If we enjoy totally
whatever we are doing this split will disappear and we will be far more productive,
happier and relaxed.

This new vision is radical and will contribute to a healthier person in body, mind and
spirit. Furthermore the many things which overwhelmed us and we were simply
incapable of doing will now be possible.

                     Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
                  Mobile 0410 473 068,,


Another approach that can dissolve the split between work and rest is to make all
work respectable and change the attitude that surrounds it. Awareness and creativity
should be part of the work and in this way everybody can experience work in a totally
unique way.

Not only would our communication be clearer but also those constant
misunderstandings that often sabotage our business and personal life would
disappear. We all want to get along better with each other, and respect the work our
fellow human being has decided to follow.
Working with these new principles will radically change the way you do business,
conduct your relationships, increase your energy, and move you towards the goals
you wish to achieve.


     Start up Businesses or Professions                          Business and Company

     Lifestyle Coaching                                          Seminars

     Career Development                                          Anti-Stress Strategies

     Professional Direction                                      The Enneagram in

     Property Coaching                                           The Enneagram in Business

     Business and Corporate Coaching                             The Enneagram and Human

     Creative Solutions                                          Clarifying goals and targets

                    Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
                 Mobile 0410 473 068,,


    Individual Program
      a) The starting point
      b) Goals and targets
      c) Finding the resources, information, and connections.
      d) Plan of action

    Anti-Stress program
     a) Personality profile and analysis
     b) Stress
     c) Causes not symptoms
     d) Assessment of mind/body condition
     e) Commitment

    Business program
     a) Emotional integrity
     b) Communication
     c) Clarifying common goals
     d) Synergy

    Professional program
     a) Is this the most creative you can be?
     b) Improving the situation
     c) Refining skills
     d) Changing course.

                 Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
              Mobile 0410 473 068,,


Over about 3 months, Sam Borrett has supplied cutting edge information to my
company and to me and in that period I have observed that he has a very innovative
approach on how to get the most out of employees, the general work situation and
how to see what is in the way of accelerated and rapid progress.

The usual question he asks initially is “If I could show you how you were stopping
yourself achieving the outcome you wanted, would you be interested?” How many
people would say ”No?”If other companies understood the psychology of “working on
your business,” instead of “working in your business,” there would be a lot of happier
business owners. I would not hesitate recommending him to any individual, business
or company that wants to get more leverage out of their natural resources and more
enjoyment while they rework their work.

                   Garry Burling, CEO, LJ Hooker North Sydney

 “I was working for a small legal firm and was continually being told what to do. As I
was never receiving any encouragement I never gave my best. After coaching with
Sam for some time I left the job and started my own practice. There is now more
responsibility, excitement and personal reward in my life. I am very grateful to him for
his inspiration and practical know-how which gave me the start I was looking for.”

                                                                           JF, Solicitor, San Souci

“I was working as a secretary for many years and always talking about being a
therapist. With the principles adopted and Sam’s persistent approach and
encouragement that I could be what I wanted to be, I dropped my job and started my
own business within 6 months. I had been trying for years to get out of the job and
also using what I thought to be some very powerful methods. Having now done it I
realise that it was always within my grasp but that I had only lacked the proper
tools and the right inspiration.”
                                                     LCR, Remedial Therapist, Pymble

 “The work I have done with Sam has given me the courage to allow myself to create a
space within, to live my life with full creativity and a loving heart. This same space has
also made it possible for me to connect with my personal power to create what I desire
for myself in my life, on all levels. Which until that day, I had only ever dreamt of.
For this Sam I am eternally grateful.”
                                          RSC, Counsellor, Trauma Therapist, Kogarah

“As a Graphic Designer, I am very good but lacked the confidence to manage a team
and gain the support of my managers. With the Mentoring program I embarked upon
with Sam, I realised that some of my old self-defeating patterns had too strong a grip
on my life. Through gentle yet powerful processes, Sam guided me through a series of

                     Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
                  Mobile 0410 473 068,,

opportunities that have now given me the confidence and creativity I needed in my
professional and personal life.
                                        P. Atol, Graphics Designer, Rice Daubney,
                                        Architects, North Sydney

“I have been a Real Estate Developer for over 30 years and have made fortunes and
lost them again. I seemed to be going around and around in circles exhibiting a
predictable yet destructive cycle of gain and loss.

Through an extensive re-assessment of my personal values I have turned my life
around completely and now look to a very bright future of wealth, security and self-
esteem, which up until now had escaped me. I will be recommending Sam’s Mentoring
Program to anyone in business or a profession, who feels like they have lost their way
and need some light thrown on their situation and would like a new start.”

                                                                 K.B.H, Director Killara

“When I met Sam, I had got through most of my inheritance on unsound investments,
through poor judgment and lack of clarity and low self-worth. Over a period of three
months on the Professional program, I slowly began to find my way back to my
original clarity and energy.

Now, that the program is over I feel strong and resolute and have now begun to write
the books and market myself the way I have always wanted. Without the
encouragement and clarity provided by the program I would have been unable to see
the way ahead.”
                           J.S.C. Conscious Awareness thru Health, Coogee

My profession is that of a lawyer and I came to know about Sam from one of the
senior partners from another firm. He had been encouraged by Sam to first find what
he liked about the law before he threw it in. Sam helped me through a very difficult
stage of wanting to throw the practice away, as well as my partnership and everything
I had worked for.

Sam had run his own legal practices and was well versed in the subtle dangers that go
with success, prestige, respectability and money; what is more important he
understood the price you can pay for these in real terms.

For obvious reasons I cannot state my real name here as my partners were unaware
of my dilemma when I hit the wall of meaningless; other lawyers know what I mean. It
will be sufficient to say that Sam helped me though a most difficult time and inspired
me to find a new meaning in my life and what is more, a meaning about which I had
been unaware prior to the coaching.

                           John Descartes, Senior Partner, John Doe and Company

                    Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
                 Mobile 0410 473 068,,

About Sam Borrett
Sam graduated as a lawyer and conducted his own successful legal practices for
many years. Subsequently he became familiar with the property market and traded
extensively in properties, shares, and gained experience in a variety of commercial,
residential and rural ventures.

Later, he trained in the field of emotional intelligence, human potential and energy
studying psychotherapy, bioenergetics, mindfulness, the human condition, and the
various “success and health models.”

Sam gives seminars, courses and presentations, working with individuals, businesses
and companies alike. He also assists start-up businesses, entrepreneurs and early
innovators to get going with the encouragement and down to earth principles they

When he works as a Performance Coach and Trainer he also supports the culture of
success, health and co-operation within each business or organisation. Anyone who
has already achieved a high level of success and may have reached a turning point in
their lives either professionally or personally can benefit from his pioneering and
ground breaking methods.

                     Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate,
                  Mobile 0410 473 068,,

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The integrated approach

  • 1. 1 Sam Borrett - Performance Coach: Personal - Business - Corporate INTEGRATED LIVING Life’s like that... always everything at once! The world and the way we have approached it has changed drastically. Not only are people working longer hours, they have so much information to get through that it is a wonder many have a life at all. With the individuated approach we are called upon to do things differently and to view things differently. If we can close the gap between work and play and enjoy the chosen work more as fun and as a challenge of the times, we will be better able to cope with the enormous load many carry. We will learn to accept that out of our own choice have we made our life decisions and that at any stage we are free to change them. Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 2. 2 INTEGRATED LIVING “Everyone has been made for some particular work and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.” Rumi OBJECTIVES The objectives are to encourage and educate each person or business to believe in and experience the power of enthusiasm for the work done and the life chosen. It is commonly known by health experts that the division between the work place and peoples’ private lives is a major cause of disease and contributes largely to stress. It is important to eliminate this distinction and to learn to live a more total and balanced life where each day life and work are enjoyed to the maximum. Assisting new businesses, careers, entrepreneurial ventures and professions, all form part of the focus of this approach. THE INTEGRATED APPROACH This approach is unique in that the assumption from which we begin is that we already have what it takes to change our lives; perhaps a little refinement here and there- perhaps the development of a few more life skills, but intrinsically we only need encouragement and the hint of a new possibility. Our minds will do the rest. The root meaning of education is “to draw out” and we have been more programmed to fill ourselves with information, which sabotages our intuition and real intelligence. So it is essential to realise the difference between information, knowledge intuition and wisdom. Each has its place and the integration of all these qualities is the path of the intelligent person. WHAT IS RESPONSE-ABILITY? It is more accurate to think in terms of “response-ability” than responsibility. With responsibility, we do things out of duty become resentful and are generally unhappy about our lot in life. With response- ability whatever we have to do has to be done now, because yesterday is no more and to-morrow has not come yet. All that is available to us is to day and today is enough. And whatever we do, we do with a joyful heart and enthusiasm. This fresh approach called response-ability is not polluted by worry, duty, seriousness or burden, but is more a playful and imaginative response to life. As we develop response-ability, our intelligence and intuition increase and we are confident about our decisions and choices. We can either react or we can respond to each situation. Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 3. 3 Response has nothing to do with memory; it has something to do with our awareness. You see the situation out of clarity and you act accordingly, intelligently and independently of the psychological memory of the past. ENERGY, FREEDOM AND CHOICE As soon as we acknowledge that we are capable of changing our lives the next step is to change our energy patterns and beliefs. Over years of habitual thinking as well as an ingrained mind-set we have grown accustomed to believing that the niche we have carved out for ourselves is the only avenue available. However there are ways to change our circumstances if only we could admit that we would like things better. If we can do this then we will have the strength and determination to change our lives. “Choose from your freedom to give meaning to your work- meaning rather than importance. Intrinsic in meaning is the door to totality. Intrinsic in importance is the door to seriousness.” With meaning and totality there is an endless supply of energy. With importance and seriousness, our work will be a struggle and we all know it. A BETTER WORK SOLUTION Work should be considered more as a play and the one who succeeds at this game is simply the better player. The fact is that we can all become players of this game. We have become very serious about work and very ambitious about its end results. This often contributes to a state of tension, disease, illness and anxiety, all of them absolutely unnecessary. With ordinary work the real thing is just about the future, about the end result. In play there is no result as such and the process is totally enjoyable. This does not mean we do not get the work done. In fact we get a lot more done as we are coming from a different space inside and working long hours sometimes, is a pleasure not drudgery. We have a new zest for life and a crystal-clear confidence. Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 4. 4 FEAR OF TOTALITY One of the central factors affecting our work and our relationships is our fear of totality, participation and involvement. The usual incredible activity surrounding all our lives is not total unless it has within it the element of awareness, relaxation and enjoyment. Unless it has these qualities, the activity is purely” busy-ness.” With awareness of ourselves, our actions, thoughts and feelings, work is transformed into a higher possibility. Simply put, this is awareness of what happens within us while we work. With this new outlook working as a means to knowing ourselves can be the foundation to living more totally whether in relationships or work. At this new level we can work more from a state of overflow and discover that our work has become a game that we play and one at which we can do extremely well. Through this change we cannot help but succeed and succeed we will. One of the sure signs of knowing whether we have been total is that when total energy is involved we never feel exhausted and at the end of the day we will still be operating at high octane. WORK AS A KEY TO RELAXATION One of the fundamentals is that energy needs work otherwise the energy will become restless. Energy needs expressing, energy needs to be creative. However, if the busy and active person cannot relax, the work becomes obsessive and the person becomes driven, over ambitious and neurotic. So the paradox remains- unless we can work and enjoy we cannot really relax; and unless we can relax silently when needed, we cannot really work totally. THE CAMEL, THE LION AND THE CHILD There is an analogy, which can be very helpful in finding out from which space we are functioning in work and in our relationships. It is referred to as the Camel, the Lion and the Child. As a camel one feels as if he ought to contribute or work and usually does as he is told, follows authority and has a feeling of being owed something. As a lion one contributes when and where she/he wants and this can accompany a strong or subtle concern for outer freedom. However as a child he is eager, willing and adventurous, able to be spontaneous and is more concerned with inner freedom. While we work it can be beneficial to observe in what space we are and from which of the above energies we are operating. As we become more aware of the habit patterns that drive us, we gradually learn to be more empowered in our dealings with others and we are able to tap into the strength and decisiveness appropriate for intelligent action. Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 5. 5 THE HEIRARCHY OF NEEDS There is a hierarchy of needs known as Maslow’s system and briefly put the principles are that for personal fulfilment specific needs must be met. Some of them are physiological such as food, water and exercise. Yet others are concerned with safety such as security, order and protection. There are also social needs like belonging, love and esteem, needs of prestige, status and acknowledgement. Unless there is some deep satisfaction in regard to these needs, at some level it will be difficult to relax and the recognition of our essential nature not easy to attain. WHAT DOES SUCCESS MEAN TO YOU? In defining success it is important to establish the meaning for each of us as this word means different things to everyone. One of the ways to fine-tune our radar is to find out what it is we want. Mostly people do not know what they want and this of course adds to the confusion. Often they tend to believe that they are better off than others and therefore should not complain. However this belief is of no use to them and in fact does not assist them in finding out what they want. How will you know when you get what you want and what would you be doing? What would you feel and where would you be? Once you find what it is that fulfils you, the rest is easy and the energy to do what is required follows automatically. WHAT IS THE WESTERN ENIGMA? It is a very Western idea to have a separation of work and enjoyment in our society. There needs to be a totally new vision which does not split life into work and rest and this can only be done on an individual level. Relaxation and work are not opposite; it is a wrong notion to think you are working too hard and need a rest. If we enjoy totally whatever we are doing this split will disappear and we will be far more productive, happier and relaxed. This new vision is radical and will contribute to a healthier person in body, mind and spirit. Furthermore the many things which overwhelmed us and we were simply incapable of doing will now be possible. Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 6. 6 WHY NOT MAKE WORK RESPECTABLE? Another approach that can dissolve the split between work and rest is to make all work respectable and change the attitude that surrounds it. Awareness and creativity should be part of the work and in this way everybody can experience work in a totally unique way. Not only would our communication be clearer but also those constant misunderstandings that often sabotage our business and personal life would disappear. We all want to get along better with each other, and respect the work our fellow human being has decided to follow. Working with these new principles will radically change the way you do business, conduct your relationships, increase your energy, and move you towards the goals you wish to achieve. SUBJECTS Start up Businesses or Professions Business and Company Structuring Lifestyle Coaching Seminars Career Development Anti-Stress Strategies Professional Direction The Enneagram in Relationships Property Coaching The Enneagram in Business Business and Corporate Coaching The Enneagram and Human Potential Creative Solutions Clarifying goals and targets Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 7. 7 THE PROGRAMS Individual Program a) The starting point b) Goals and targets c) Finding the resources, information, and connections. d) Plan of action Anti-Stress program a) Personality profile and analysis b) Stress c) Causes not symptoms d) Assessment of mind/body condition e) Commitment Business program a) Emotional integrity b) Communication c) Clarifying common goals d) Synergy Professional program a) Is this the most creative you can be? b) Improving the situation c) Refining skills d) Changing course. Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 8. 8 Testimonials Over about 3 months, Sam Borrett has supplied cutting edge information to my company and to me and in that period I have observed that he has a very innovative approach on how to get the most out of employees, the general work situation and how to see what is in the way of accelerated and rapid progress. The usual question he asks initially is “If I could show you how you were stopping yourself achieving the outcome you wanted, would you be interested?” How many people would say ”No?”If other companies understood the psychology of “working on your business,” instead of “working in your business,” there would be a lot of happier business owners. I would not hesitate recommending him to any individual, business or company that wants to get more leverage out of their natural resources and more enjoyment while they rework their work. Garry Burling, CEO, LJ Hooker North Sydney “I was working for a small legal firm and was continually being told what to do. As I was never receiving any encouragement I never gave my best. After coaching with Sam for some time I left the job and started my own practice. There is now more responsibility, excitement and personal reward in my life. I am very grateful to him for his inspiration and practical know-how which gave me the start I was looking for.” JF, Solicitor, San Souci “I was working as a secretary for many years and always talking about being a therapist. With the principles adopted and Sam’s persistent approach and encouragement that I could be what I wanted to be, I dropped my job and started my own business within 6 months. I had been trying for years to get out of the job and also using what I thought to be some very powerful methods. Having now done it I realise that it was always within my grasp but that I had only lacked the proper tools and the right inspiration.” LCR, Remedial Therapist, Pymble “The work I have done with Sam has given me the courage to allow myself to create a space within, to live my life with full creativity and a loving heart. This same space has also made it possible for me to connect with my personal power to create what I desire for myself in my life, on all levels. Which until that day, I had only ever dreamt of. For this Sam I am eternally grateful.” RSC, Counsellor, Trauma Therapist, Kogarah “As a Graphic Designer, I am very good but lacked the confidence to manage a team and gain the support of my managers. With the Mentoring program I embarked upon with Sam, I realised that some of my old self-defeating patterns had too strong a grip on my life. Through gentle yet powerful processes, Sam guided me through a series of Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 9. 9 opportunities that have now given me the confidence and creativity I needed in my professional and personal life. P. Atol, Graphics Designer, Rice Daubney, Architects, North Sydney “I have been a Real Estate Developer for over 30 years and have made fortunes and lost them again. I seemed to be going around and around in circles exhibiting a predictable yet destructive cycle of gain and loss. Through an extensive re-assessment of my personal values I have turned my life around completely and now look to a very bright future of wealth, security and self- esteem, which up until now had escaped me. I will be recommending Sam’s Mentoring Program to anyone in business or a profession, who feels like they have lost their way and need some light thrown on their situation and would like a new start.” K.B.H, Director Killara “When I met Sam, I had got through most of my inheritance on unsound investments, through poor judgment and lack of clarity and low self-worth. Over a period of three months on the Professional program, I slowly began to find my way back to my original clarity and energy. Now, that the program is over I feel strong and resolute and have now begun to write the books and market myself the way I have always wanted. Without the encouragement and clarity provided by the program I would have been unable to see the way ahead.” J.S.C. Conscious Awareness thru Health, Coogee My profession is that of a lawyer and I came to know about Sam from one of the senior partners from another firm. He had been encouraged by Sam to first find what he liked about the law before he threw it in. Sam helped me through a very difficult stage of wanting to throw the practice away, as well as my partnership and everything I had worked for. Sam had run his own legal practices and was well versed in the subtle dangers that go with success, prestige, respectability and money; what is more important he understood the price you can pay for these in real terms. For obvious reasons I cannot state my real name here as my partners were unaware of my dilemma when I hit the wall of meaningless; other lawyers know what I mean. It will be sufficient to say that Sam helped me though a most difficult time and inspired me to find a new meaning in my life and what is more, a meaning about which I had been unaware prior to the coaching. John Descartes, Senior Partner, John Doe and Company Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,
  • 10. 10 About Sam Borrett Sam graduated as a lawyer and conducted his own successful legal practices for many years. Subsequently he became familiar with the property market and traded extensively in properties, shares, and gained experience in a variety of commercial, residential and rural ventures. Later, he trained in the field of emotional intelligence, human potential and energy studying psychotherapy, bioenergetics, mindfulness, the human condition, and the various “success and health models.” Sam gives seminars, courses and presentations, working with individuals, businesses and companies alike. He also assists start-up businesses, entrepreneurs and early innovators to get going with the encouragement and down to earth principles they need. When he works as a Performance Coach and Trainer he also supports the culture of success, health and co-operation within each business or organisation. Anyone who has already achieved a high level of success and may have reached a turning point in their lives either professionally or personally can benefit from his pioneering and ground breaking methods. Sam Borrett, Performance Coach, Personal - Business - Corporate, Mobile 0410 473 068,,