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For Creating
Brands That Lead
Markets That Follow
You’re here because you know that your business can be driven by something deeper, more
meaningful – even spiritual (or however you wish define your deeply internal relationship with
the divine whether it be The Universe, The Great Spirit, Jesus, Buddha, and so on). Yet at this
point, you are still confused about how to include “all of you” – your passions, strengths, be-
liefs, and values. You are a person who wants their work to serve the highest possible good –
to bring a sense of greatness to what you do so that you may be fulfilled in your pursuits.
The Identitype System™ will show you how to align your business and personal branding with
all of you included so you are empowered and not feeling like you have to leave any part of
If you are seeking a way to be your
most empowered self in business, this is
the place to start
yourself out of the process. You’ll start to realize that making an abundant livingwith your busi-
ness, becoming the master of your mission, and beinga leader can all be aligned. And when you
find the right alignment, youwill becomethe leader you were always born to be, inspiring your
specific market to resonate with how your empowered “all in” brand shows up in the world.
What’s exciting is that the Identitypes are available to all of us because they are recognizable
everywhere. They live in popular culture, in the stories you were told since childhood, and they
crop up in the choices you make on a daily basis.
Each Identitype describes a unique facet of your personal and/or professional journey that di-
rectly impacts your brand and your business right now whether you realize it or not. Once you
recognize and embrace the Identitypes that are there to help you fulfill your purpose-driven
destiny, you’ll be able to consciously focus your energy, your being, and your words and actions
(aka your branding) towards realizing your deep-rooted purpose and turning that seemingly
fated destiny into your reality.
What’s even more amazing is that each person has a unique combination of Identitypes, like
snowflakes or fingerprints, which come together to define your very own Identitype Map. Un-
derstanding this unique combination will help you open more completely to your Spirit-given
gifts, highest purpose, positive path to abundant living, and so much more.
At their core, the Identitypesare able to reveal the wealth of lives unlived, pursuits un-charted,
and goals unattained that you simply haven’t known you could have.The Identitypesare now
yours to liberate your destiny in every realm of your business, career, and personal life.
Welcome to the exciting journey of the Identitype™ System, created especially to help you dis-
cover and leadyour most fulfilling path.
Leili McKinley and Julie Woods
(with LJ and the Identitype Tribe)
The Identitypes are a system of brand identities that access our subconscious and the roles
they play from the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical perspectives.
These identities will help you align who you are and what you’re doing in the world, be-
cause at the center of your existence is the embedded belief that you were born with a
purpose. You came here to do something and it’s unique to you. Essentially, what is being
presented to you through the Identitype System is the bridge between the business and
the spiritual worlds.
The world can no longer believe that there is a separation between these two worlds because
they are one and the same. What drives you spiritually and defines your life’s purpose is ulti-
mately what drives your business. Your clients and the world receive that expression through
how your business behaves, your marketing and communications choices, how you treat oth-
ers (your team and your clients), and the results you achieve (profit or loss). When you are
aligned with your Identitypes, your business becomes most empowered in its values, commu-
nication, and behavior.
At this point, I will be honest and direct about my intention. I created the Identitype System
from the idea that most people in the world are leading their lives and business through a
clouded façade. This falsehood says, “Oh, it’s okay for me to do something that feels totally
disconnected from my highest self because I need to pay the bills.” Or they people tell them-
selves, “I’m going to make decisions in business that may be unethical and hurt my clients and
my team, but hey, it’s just business.” It’s that whole, “Business is not emotional or spiritual, so
I’m going to disconnect myself from what I intrinsically feel is right.”
Well, quite literally disconnecting yourself is disconnecting yourself from your highest self,
so you can do things you would not approve of otherwise. And that takes a toll, whether
you’re willing to admit it to yourself or not, because if you have to lie at work, you’re prob-
ably lying in the rest of your life. If you lie enough, you’re going to wind up in a one hell of
a midlife crisis when you figure out you can’t lie anymore and feel the true joy that you
desperately seek.
Embedded deeply in the success of your business (and your life, for that matter) is your willing-
ness to accept and cooperate with all of the pieces of yourself: spiritual, emotional, intellectual,
and physical. If you try to leave any of those out, you will wind up quite literally disconnected
because these facets are disassociated from themselves, and therefore, you’re going to cause
a disconnect in your branding, your messaging, your purpose, and your results.
The Identitype System birthed itself out of a synthesis of 40 years of study of the following:
art, semiotics, Jungian psychology, Joseph Campbell’s “The Power of Myth”, the tradition of
orality versus literacy, trauma and addiction and the brain, neuroscience, learning models, play
models, gamification via Yu-kai Chou, branding and brand strategy, social media, marketing
psychology, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and Freud’s early works versus his later works. The
wealth of knowledge that the Identitypes pull from goes on and on.
The more I studied, the more I began to see there were distinct, powerful, driving patterns in
the world that other people weren’t seeing. I realized there was a way that our subconscious
was trying to communicate with us through symbol. The systemization and concretization of
these symbols and the alternate language they speak is something our society has been trying
to achieve for a long time. These symbols make sense to us and resonate with our psyche on a
multitude of levels.
Based on theories from Freud and Jung, I redefined the concepts of the superconscious, the
conscious, and the subconscious as they relate to the Identitype System. The superconscious,
based on Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious, is what I call our divinity or that feeling we
have of being connected to a greater purpose. The conscious is all expressions of our human-
ity, and the subconscious, which stems from Freud’s concept of the id and preconscious, is the
powerful bridge that connects all three together so your superconscious can talk to your sub-
conscious and your subconscious can talk to your conscious.
As these connections take place, you live your life and produce the results you do or
don’t want.Your superconscious then continues to talk to your subconsciousthrough your
dreams, whose messages bubble up to your conscious, telling you what it liked or didn’t
like. You then react consciously to either create change or continue doing the same. In this
manner, the communication between the three continues on and on like a never-ending
manifestation triangle.
The big question for me is this: Why do people have the ability to communicate and make
choices based on the connection between their superconscious, subconscious, and conscious
minds, and yet, they still do not understand themselves or achieve the results they want?
Answering this question from a psychological standpoint, I began to discover that there were
different perspectives, or voices if you will, that people had when they talked about their busi-
nesses, or in particular, about the business or career they wanted to create.
Here’s a good example:
“I’m a full-time admin secretary, and that’s great because it takes care of the organizational
side of me. Then on the weekend I’m an artist and I do these other things that are totally
creative and out of the box. I want a life where I can incorporate all of the things I love to
do – both organized and creative, instead of feeling like I have to constantly split all of
these things apart and do them separately. It’s exhausting and frustrating. My life feels so
That’s when I realized there has to be a system that pulls together all the voices so they can
learn to speak in unison and not fight against each other. The Identitype System brings these
disconnected pieces of your life back together, allowing you to become more aligned through-
out your business and personal branding, as well as your behavior as a leader.
When you are in alignment, you are able to make choices for yourself in your business and in
your personal life from an empowered place because all of you gets to participate. You get to
lead from a place of the empowered yes and the empowered no.
The empowered yes comes from being in alignment with your Identitypes so your business
attracts real clients, and even expands to your target market as well as your potential target
markets. Your authenticity enables your brand to create trust, which is the key to fully reaching
your market and those you can help most. Those who you truly help fulfill a need or resolve a
problem will become your biggest fans.
The empowered no works much in the same way. When potential clients realize that you really
cannot help them simply because they have different needs that do not match the solutions
you offer, they will be able to make an empowered and honest decision about whether to do
business with you. When it’s not right, it’s just not right. On the flip side, however, when it’s
right, it will always be right.
When you’re not in alignment and do not lead with your highest purpose, you force your cli-
ents into offering you and your business a substitute yes, also known as a conditional yes. That
means the minute your client finds what they really want, they will choose the other business
in exchange for whatever it is that you’ve been offering because they didn’t really want what
you had to offer in the first place. In that moment of a substitute yes, you are simply a poor
man’s substitute.
The problem is that for most companies, they lead with a substitute yes and think, “Oh, look
at all these clients.” More than likely they’re just one-offs where you provide your service or
product once or twice, then they vanish and you’re left having to cultivate more clients. What
is preventing you from retaining clients? You’re not getting them from a place of empowered
yes. You’re simply getting a conditional yes.
If your clients feel in alignment with what you were doing as a company and you’re making em-
powered yes choices, not just business choices, then that’s what you’re going to get in return
– an empowered client that chooses to trust you and work with you again and again.
When you use an empowered yes, it gives permission for the other person to use the empow-
ered yes. When you make your most empowered choice, you cannot help but be in abundance
because abundance is being fully present to the choices that you’re making and then receiving
the payoff from being present.
What you have in your hands is an invitation to discover the Identitype System and recog-
nize how the Identitypes align with your branding from a spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and
physical standpoint. Based on the questions you answered, you will be able to see a map of the
positive path for the Identitypes as it pertains to your person and business branding.
Find those Identitypes that score the highest and read the description provided. You’ll recog-
nize characteristics, traits, and mannerisms described for each Identitype that appear in your
business branding, your personal branding, and your leadership style. You’ll also find a short
list of traits aligned with the Identitype as well as examples of well-known brands that embody
each of the Identitypes to help you better understand how the Identitypes manifest them-
selves in the real world.
This is simply a glimpse of the first layer of your Identitype branding. Just as the human condi-
tion is multilayered and multifaceted, there are also energy chakras, negative pathways, colors
variations, languaging and more that you’ll discover along the path to fully aligning your brand
through the Identitype System. These tools are specifically designed to take you on an even
deeper, more profound level with your markets… more on that thrilling journey later. 
When you look at the results of your questionnaire, you’ll notice three Identitypes with your
tend to be the three voices or impulses that direct you as you lead your business and your life.
To give you an example, a client who is a chiropractic doctor took this same test. The highest
scores on his Identitype Map include Championing, Innovatistry, and Envisionage.
The Envisionage Identitype inspires him to say, “I want to be transformational. I want to help
people heal. I want to get them to their optimum health.” This is the reason why he wants to
use his hands to heal his clients. He tells his patients through his branding, “Let me fix you and
pull my own empowered self into this conversation so that I can help you transform to your
healthiest self.”
At the same time, The Identitype System allows him to recognize the Innovatistry in him, which
is very creative and loves problem solving through cutting edge techniques and technology. If
he only accessed the Envisionage Identitype, it would not explain why he also has an extreme
interest in every innovative technology or new modality that comes along that has anything to
do with brain-based disorders. He’s dedicated a whole wing of his practice to brain mapping
and Neurofeedback healing, which has proven to be quite effective for patients that are seek-
ing an alternative solution for their ailments.
In addition to Envisionage and Innovatistry, there’s his third Identitype – Championing. With-
out this Identitype, it wouldn’t make sense why he’s so adamant in helping those who have no-
where else to turn for healing. He attracts those patients and families who have literally visited
every doctor and have left disheartened because the doctors can’t figure out how to help them
simply because they don’t fit the mold of traditional medicine. He gathers those patients who
have exhausted all options and have nowhere else to turn.
If he were only an Envisionage Identitype, he wouldn’t care about these castaway pa-
tients. Instead he would say, “I’ll fix you, but only if your illness is something that I can
solve by the book.” Instead, his strong Championing Identitypecompels another voice
inside of him that says, “You are the dispossessed. Nobody is there for you. Well, I’m
your superhero, and I’m going to help you find an answer because no one else will!” He
is deeply moved by those who are disenfranchised and works tirelessly to help them find
the answers they need.
What is important for him to recognize are the different Identitypes that drive him. They all
have to be satiated in order for him to discover the right individualized solution for his specific
market. If he only recognized the Envisionage Identitype, the sides of him that are Innovatistry
and Championing would constantly be pulling his attention in different directions, leaving him,
his company, and his leadership splintered, misaligned, and frustrated.
This is a strong example of why it’s important for you to consider your top three scoring Identi-
types. Otherwise you’re going to focus on one Identitype while the other two keep whispering.
The more you ignore them, the louder they’ll whisper because they feel unheard and unful-
filled. When you have an Identitype that goes unheard, it gets disassociated or disconnected,
and when you’re not able to be present, it doesn’t empower you. You’ll actually be disempow-
ered because it constantly and consistently pulls you away from fulfilling your best, highest
purpose through your actions, communication, and values.
When all three Identitypes are in alignment, your superconscious, subconscious,and con-
scious minds will begin to speak in harmony, allowing your concentrated energy to flow
through to the truth of what you value, how you treat people, how you communicate your
brand, and the actions you take to lead your business and your life. When all three are rec-
ognized, accepted, heard, and, most importantly, aligned, your branding will become a strong
beacon for those clients who have been waiting for someone just like you to give them the
help they have needed all this time. Through the Identitype System, your business will be
unstoppable and fulfill its destiny.
In addition to your Identitype Map, there are a handful of exercises located just after the
Identitype descriptions. These tools are there for you to begin the process of getting to
know your Identitypes on a more conscious, deeper, more engaged level. By going through
each question, you’ll begin to recognize how the Identitypes are already at work in your
business and your life, which will then enable you to tap directly into their strengths and
Furthermore, you’ll see where you may be disconnected from your Identitypes, giving you the
awareness you need to see where your branding may not be working to its greatest potential.
Awareness is the first step to walking a new, more fulfilling path. Realizing where your brand-
ing may be falling short because you are not fully aligned with your Identitypes will empower
you to make different decisions leading to more positive outcomes.
Then, when you’re ready, I can help you further identify how to incorporate all three of your
Identitypes into your business branding, your personal branding, and your development as a
leader. If that wasn’t exciting enough, there are additional tests soon to be released that will
help you map your personal branding from a leadership development standpoint. Knowing
what is misaligned with your branding will enable you to make new decisions that will bring
you back into alignment.
This eBook is just the first step to introducing you to the exciting world of the Identitype Sys-
tem. Consider it a door that you are welcome to enter so you can step into your greatness and
align all aspects of yourself spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically that will help
your brand, your business, and your life thrive.
As a current client of the Brand Assessment, you are on our exclusive mailing list so you can
receive up-to-the-second information regarding the Identitype System as soon as it is made
available to the public. And together, we’ll see just how far the rabbit hole goes.
Identitype™ #1: Wondertrust
“Wisdom begins with wonder. Be as you wish to seem.”
~ Socrates
Wondertrust is motivated by a complete sense of security.
You exist in a world that is protected, safe, and completely trusting of everything around you.
As a result, you express yourself as playful, curious, optimistic, andextremely loyal.
At the root of your business is total innocence. You are aware that all beings are precious sim-
ply because they exist.
You marvel and feel immense gratitude that you are connected to something bigger and more
profound than you, though you may not know exactly how to define that larger “something.”
You are inspired by a total sense of belonging and connection to everyone and everything
around you.
You showerthose around you with unconditional love, honesty,and pure delight.
The best expression of a Wondertrust brand creates lasting, trustworthy friendships
within the market so uninhibited positivity and optimism are easily felt and returned
by everyone around you.
Aligned Wondertrust Traits
• Delightedness
• Innocence
• Playfulness
• Trust
Wondertrust Brands
• Beatrix Potter
• Betty White
• Coca-Cola
• Curious George
• Neutrogena
• Sesame Street
• Volkswagen
Identitype™ #2: Rebelution
“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving,
we get stronger and more resilient.”
~ Steve Maraboli
Life, The Truth, and Being Free
Rebelution thrives on pushing boundaries to promote independence and radically acceler-
ated growth beyond the status quo.
Because you are actively and explicitly calling into question what people usually take for grant-
ed, you create a strong bond with a market that is looking for a new, perhaps even unpopular
way to view the world and function within it.
You understand and accept your vulnerability and that of others, which inspires the cre-
ation of good, healthy boundaries. Within those boundaries, you embrace the intimacy
that being vulnerable creates, which inspires your clients to trust and value your actions
and words.
Rebelution approaches life in realistic terms. Pain happens. It happens to everyone, good and
bad, and the experience turns into something you can learn from. However, if you shy away
from the lesson, you realize you will forever be trapped by the trauma.
You develop empathy for others beyond your own selfish needs, allowing you and your clients
to energetically join in and claim a distinct place in society. You have learned to face your fears
and now you know how to help your clients through those lessons learned.
Weeding through the B.S., you help your clients find and share the real truth, especially if ex-
ternal forces are purposefully hiding the truth. This resilience creates a sense of belonging
among those who resonate with your actions and perspectives.
The best expression of a Rebelution brand ensures the truth is heard AND is useful to
helping your audience resolve their issues.
Aligned Rebelution Traits
• Commitment to change
• Hyperawareness of boundaries
• Independence
• Resilience
Rebelution Brands
• Converse
• Forever 21
• Free People
• Keds
• Michael J. Fox
• Outward Bound
• Russell Brand
• Uggs
• Urban Decay
• Vans
Identitype™ #3: Championing
“I think self-awareness is probably the most important
thing towards being a champion.”
~ Billie Jean King
Championing compels you to defend what you believe is a just cause.
You empathize and honor the needs of others and advocate for those who have been wronged.
You are self-reliant and use your inner truth as your compass, making decisions that are both
ego-driven and heart-centered.
Your market seeks genuine leadership. They appreciate and admire the confidence you exude.
As you courageously expose yourself to confrontation, you have developed a set of tools to
protect yourself from trauma. These tools include clear boundaries, philosophies, and con-
ditioning or training so that responses to threats are automatic and quick. You extend these
“powers” gracefully to your clients in order to protect yourself and those you love.
You nurture honesty and fairness. You live by a code of ethics and stand up for what you be-
lieve in.
The best expression of Championing includes speaking up for those who have no voice
and giving your very best effort to support and safeguard what you believe in.
Aligned Championing Traits
• Advocacy
• Courage
• Protection
• Vigilance
Championing Brands
• Adidas
• Blendtec
• Bruce Lee
• Earth First!
• Livestrong Foundation
• Martin Luther King, Jr.
• Nike
• Olympics
• Timex
• United States Marine Corps
Identitype™ #4: Careciprocity
“We make a living by what we get, but we make
a life by what we give.”
~ Sir Winston Churchill
Careciprocity is nurturing and compassionate.
You offer your clients emotional and spiritual support, tenderness, and mentorship.
You believe in self-sacrifice and accept the divine “Call to Care,” always figuring out ways to
best provide for the needs of others. You also strategize ways to refine your skills to better
take care of yourself, your market, and the planet.
You express concern over others in a healthy and mature manner and offer care while express-
ing unconditional love to yourself and others.
The best expression of a Caregiving brand nurtures from a heart-centered place that
inspires clients of all ages to care for others.
Aligned Caregiving Traits
• Attentiveness
• Empathy
• Nurturing
• Parenting
Caregiving Brands
• ASPCA (American Society for the
• Cesar Milan
• Ergobaby
• International Red Cross
• Martha Stewart
• Mother Theresa
• Nelson Mandela
• The Giving Tree 
Identitype™ #5: Exploriosity
“To venture causes anxiety, but not to venture is to lose
one’s self.... And to venture in the highest is precisely to be
conscious of one’s self.”
~ Søren Kierkegaard
Exploriosity values the process of growth.
You are compelled to continue on a path of development when the world you originally built no
longer serves your desires and dreams.
You seek to balance the immediate discomfort of self-discovery with the comforts of the world you
must learn to leave behind in order to experience the adventures that will shape and refine you. You
You are on a mission to find adventure. Your clients value your curiosity about the world and
your sense of adventure. They are inspired to venture out for themselves,and at times, feel
completely satisfied living vicariously through you.
You are constantly curious and passionate about growth and development for the sake of im-
The best expression of Exploriosity brands share lessons and experiences that inspire
growth for all.
Aligned Exploriosity Traits
• Adventurousness
• Empowerment
• Mission focus
• Self-discovery
Exploriosity Brands
• Abercrombie & Kent
• Amelia Earhart
• Apple
• Captain Morgan
• Google
• J. Peterman
• Range Rover
• Richard Branson
• Rockport Shoes
• Star Trek
• TravelSmith
Identitype™ #6: Cleansing
“Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise
from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love
yourself to become a new person.”
~ Gerard Way
Cleansing empowers your market to face fears through clarification, accountability, and exor-
cising of personal demons.
Your highest aim is to cleanse yourself and your clients of fear and pain in order to create the
space within that can be filled with love and positivity.
You welcome connection rather than detachment to your market and have no problem let-
ting go of that which does not serve the highest good. You are intentionally and systematically
reorganizing all levels of your personal and professional existence – physical, emotional, intel-
lectual, and spiritual. This opens you to the possibility of miracles happening all around you.
You are driven by a sense of purpose to honor the lessons learned by clearing space and allow-
ing love to flow into your life.
The best expressions of a Cleansing brand are transparency and clarity that invite mu-
tually shared acceptance and respect of yourself and those around you.
Aligned Cleansing Traits
• Clarity
• Fearless accountability
• Intention-based demolition
• Reorganization
Cleansing Brands
• Alcoholics Anonymous
• Brian F. Martin
• California Closets
• Jenny Craig
• Mary Ascension Saulnier
• Mr. Clean
• Patron Tequila
Identitype™ #7: Love
“The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary
thing called love and feel the depth, the delight,
the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you
the world is transformed.”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Love is experienced through passion between you, your business, and your client.
You are devoted unconditionally to love and find balance in the love you feel for yourself as well
as the world as a whole. You are committed to nurturing both yourself and your market, which
creates harmony, bliss, gratitude, and intimacy. You value self-care, compassionate connectiv-
ity, and the unconditional cherishing all beings and things.
Love is limitless. Through love you create a community with your clients that is at peace with
vulnerability and intimacy. Love gives you access to an abundance of new partners and friends
who love and accept all that you are, giving you the ability to also love and accept all that they
are. You want nothing more than to help one another enjoy life to the fullest.
The best expression of a Love brand creates a sense of being at peace and feeling wel-
Aligned Love Traits
• Bliss
• Gratitude
• Intimacy
• Self-love
Love Brands
• Barry White
• Bliss Day Spas
• DeBeers
• eHarmony
• Elizabeth Taylor
• Facebook
• Marilyn Monroe
• Pantene
• The Knot
• Tiffany& Company
Identitype™ #8: Innovatistry
“Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.”
~ Bob Richards
Innovatistry is displayed through a natural creativity and ingenuity that inspires the imagina-
tion, motivating you to constantly invent new solutions.
You produce effective, artistic, out of the box services while co-manifesting inspired designs
with and for your clients. Your creations are not ego-driven. Rather they are motivated by how
you can elevate others.
Being able to utilize the right skills and talents (whether eccentric or mundane) at the right
time to best help your clients is highly satisfying. Innovatistry represents; artistry, imagination,
expresses inspiration, or responds to ingenuity, fantasy and dreams.
Your unique and intriguing innovations support and encourage further creativity within your
The best expression of an Innovatistry brand values inventiveness as practical
and masterful.
Aligned Innovatistry Traits
• Artistry
• Healthy pride
• Innovation
• Inspiration
Innovatistry Brands
• Albert Einstein
• Disney
• DreamWorks
• Dyson
• Etsy
• John Lennon
• Leonardo da Vinci
• Pixar
• Steven Spielberg
Identitype™ #9: Sovereignty
“What motivated me to dedicate myself to public service
for nearly two-thirds of my life was the chance to produce
results for those people who entrusted me to be their
voice and their champion.”
~ Olympia Snowe
Sovereignty serves your market through influential leadership and shared mastery.
You responsibly and fully make use of all available talents, skills, and resources — while com-
bining the inspiration of Innovatistry with the advocacy of Championing — in order to lead a
successful business that is based in “Mastery of Service.”
You enact change based on strategy and accountability, which motivates your clients to realize
and feel empowered by the connection of serving themselves by serving others. You believe
in making decisions independently and fairly that lead to effective choices on behalf of your
clients’ best interests.
to ensure that our inner world matches our outer world to realize optimal results. Therefore,
we must be at peace with ourselves, and feel empowered to enact change in order to create
change that will promote harmony with our neighbors and the world at large.
The best expression ofa Sovereignty brand implements acts of service that create
safety (rather than recklessness), enriches and empowers (rather than depletes),and
compassionately encouragesharmonythat must first start with your clients in order to
spread throughout the world.
Aligned Sovereignty Traits
• Compassion
• Decisiveness
• Self-mastery
• Strategic empowerment
Sovereignty Brands
• Diana, Princess of Wales
• Donald Trump
• Ghandi
• Microsoft
• Queen Elizabeth
• Wal-Mart 
Identitype™ #10: Envisionage
“Reality is shaped by those who master the art of change.
Those who can bend the universe to their will are called
miracle workers.”
~ Leili McKinley
Envisionage fosters transformation and healing by showing your clients how to transform
their dreams into reality as long as they have a clear vision of what they wish to create. You
connect the evolution of positivity to the continuous cycle of creation and destruction, as you
see how one leads to the other.
You realize there is a connection between the factors that lead to a specific outcome. This
understanding enables you to change the current state of your clients through the power of
thought and vision.
Your business is able to forge a new path towards the realm of possibilities in both the short
and long term. Your encouragement and actions inspire your clients to do the same.
You promote positive images and ideas rooted in reality that maximize what is possible for
your clients and your business.
The best expression of an Envisionage brand creates transformation that is strategi-
cally planned, optimized, and made accessible to your entire market.
Aligned Envisionage Traits
• Calibration
• Faith
• Mentoring
• Transformation
Envisionage Brands
• Harry Potter
• Macy’s
• Tony Robbins
• Merlin
• Napoleon Hill
• Nightingale-Conant
• Deepak Chopra
• Victor Frankl
Identitype™ #11: Sagracity
“Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways,
yet each one can be true.”
~ Swami Vivekananda
Sagracity is the clear pursuit of the highest truth.
You understand and accept that the “truth” is driven by perception, so you are detached from
these perceptions, enlightening you to a 360° view of the truth that will ultimately shape itself
to your clients’ needs, and eventually, serve the world.
You and your clients value business solutions that are fact-based rather than emotionally driv-
en. This causes you to lead with a sense of neutrality and non-judgment because you are wise
to what can and cannot be changed.
You have no need to control the outcome as you seek real solutions over comfort. You pursue
“right timing”, as well as seeing — and walking — the path of highest wisdom in all situations.
The best expression of a Sagracity brand demonstrates that finding the absolute truth
is possible and accessible to all.
Aligned Sagracity Traits
• Analysis
• Foresight
• Neutrality
• Truth focus
Sagracity Brands
• Accenture
• Agatha Christy
• Confucius
• Deloitte
• Harvard University
• Sherlock Holmes  
Identitype™ #12: Revelation
“Seeds of greatness are born from blissfully, compassionately,
creatively celebrating greatness in others.”
~ Julie Woods, The Imaginal Engineer™
Revelation celebrates the good that comes from accepting the connection between what is
and what is not, what is good and what is bad. It is the ultimate in yin and yang – where both
opposites of existence (dark and light) live harmoniously together and are honored for the fact
that they exist.
Through all business transactions, you understand your market completely and without judg-
ment. You meet all clients exactly where they are and encourage them to bring out the great-
ness within.
You are aware and joyful of everything around you. Your behavior may even be interpreted as
silly, naïve or foolish, yet you are not. Your awareness and unapologetic confidence give you
access to the knowledge and understanding that make you wise when it comes to fully under-
standing your business and how it relates to your market.
Along your journey, you become intimate with your audience because you fully understand
and accept all facets of who they are, what they want, and even what they may reject. You are
compassionate to the fears your clients may harbor about their own greatness, and you serve
as a model for what it means to embrace the greatness within.
You happily share the lessons and the truths you have gained along your journey
through a perspective that is both personal and global because you see the higher
good that exists in all beings, systems, and structures.
Aligned Revelation Traits
• Celebration of Oneness
• Global focus
• Joviality
• Loving leadership
Revelation Brands
• Dalai Lama
• Dr. Bronners
• Genki Sudo
• Jim Carrey
• Lucille Ball
• Monty Python
• Popchips
• Skittles
Identitype Exercises: Getting to Know YOU
Know Your Market
1.	 In one column, list the top 5 values of your market. In another column, list the top
5 values of your business.
2.	 Recognize how they differ and how they are the same.
Know Your Client
1.	 List your client’s greatest need.
2.	 List 5 ways you fulfill that need.
3.	 List 5 ways you are unable to fulfill those needs.
Know Your Business
1.	 What problem do you solve?
2.	 List 5 ways you solve that problem differently from 3 of your competitors.
Know Your Identitypes
1.	 List 5 attributesand/or strengths you identify yourself with for your three highest scor-
ing Identitypes.
2.	 Which attributes of each Identitype do you identify with the most? The least?
3.	 In what ways do these attributes support the other, making the other Identitypes stron-
ger and more powerful?
4.	 How do your Identitype’s attributes enable you to solve your market’s problem?
5.	 In what ways do the attributes of your three highest scoring Identitypes conflict with
each another?
6.	 In what ways do these conflicts cause you to disconnect from your market?
Personal Wheel

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The Identitype System ™

  • 1. TheIdentitypeSystem™ For Creating Brands That Lead and Markets That Follow
  • 2. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 2 You’re here because you know that your business can be driven by something deeper, more meaningful – even spiritual (or however you wish define your deeply internal relationship with the divine whether it be The Universe, The Great Spirit, Jesus, Buddha, and so on). Yet at this point, you are still confused about how to include “all of you” – your passions, strengths, be- liefs, and values. You are a person who wants their work to serve the highest possible good – to bring a sense of greatness to what you do so that you may be fulfilled in your pursuits. The Identitype System™ will show you how to align your business and personal branding with all of you included so you are empowered and not feeling like you have to leave any part of AN INVITATION TO A NEW BRANDING JOURNEY… If you are seeking a way to be your most empowered self in business, this is the place to start
  • 3. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 3 yourself out of the process. You’ll start to realize that making an abundant livingwith your busi- ness, becoming the master of your mission, and beinga leader can all be aligned. And when you find the right alignment, youwill becomethe leader you were always born to be, inspiring your specific market to resonate with how your empowered “all in” brand shows up in the world. What’s exciting is that the Identitypes are available to all of us because they are recognizable everywhere. They live in popular culture, in the stories you were told since childhood, and they crop up in the choices you make on a daily basis. Each Identitype describes a unique facet of your personal and/or professional journey that di- rectly impacts your brand and your business right now whether you realize it or not. Once you recognize and embrace the Identitypes that are there to help you fulfill your purpose-driven destiny, you’ll be able to consciously focus your energy, your being, and your words and actions (aka your branding) towards realizing your deep-rooted purpose and turning that seemingly fated destiny into your reality. What’s even more amazing is that each person has a unique combination of Identitypes, like snowflakes or fingerprints, which come together to define your very own Identitype Map. Un- derstanding this unique combination will help you open more completely to your Spirit-given gifts, highest purpose, positive path to abundant living, and so much more. At their core, the Identitypesare able to reveal the wealth of lives unlived, pursuits un-charted, and goals unattained that you simply haven’t known you could have.The Identitypesare now yours to liberate your destiny in every realm of your business, career, and personal life. Welcome to the exciting journey of the Identitype™ System, created especially to help you dis- cover and leadyour most fulfilling path. Leili McKinley and Julie Woods (with LJ and the Identitype Tribe)  
  • 4. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 4 WHAT IS THE IDENTITYPE SYSTEM? The Identitypes are a system of brand identities that access our subconscious and the roles they play from the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical perspectives. These identities will help you align who you are and what you’re doing in the world, be- cause at the center of your existence is the embedded belief that you were born with a purpose. You came here to do something and it’s unique to you. Essentially, what is being presented to you through the Identitype System is the bridge between the business and the spiritual worlds. The world can no longer believe that there is a separation between these two worlds because they are one and the same. What drives you spiritually and defines your life’s purpose is ulti- mately what drives your business. Your clients and the world receive that expression through how your business behaves, your marketing and communications choices, how you treat oth- ers (your team and your clients), and the results you achieve (profit or loss). When you are aligned with your Identitypes, your business becomes most empowered in its values, commu- nication, and behavior. At this point, I will be honest and direct about my intention. I created the Identitype System from the idea that most people in the world are leading their lives and business through a clouded façade. This falsehood says, “Oh, it’s okay for me to do something that feels totally disconnected from my highest self because I need to pay the bills.” Or they people tell them- selves, “I’m going to make decisions in business that may be unethical and hurt my clients and my team, but hey, it’s just business.” It’s that whole, “Business is not emotional or spiritual, so I’m going to disconnect myself from what I intrinsically feel is right.” Well, quite literally disconnecting yourself is disconnecting yourself from your highest self, so you can do things you would not approve of otherwise. And that takes a toll, whether you’re willing to admit it to yourself or not, because if you have to lie at work, you’re prob- ably lying in the rest of your life. If you lie enough, you’re going to wind up in a one hell of a midlife crisis when you figure out you can’t lie anymore and feel the true joy that you desperately seek. Embedded deeply in the success of your business (and your life, for that matter) is your willing- ness to accept and cooperate with all of the pieces of yourself: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical. If you try to leave any of those out, you will wind up quite literally disconnected because these facets are disassociated from themselves, and therefore, you’re going to cause a disconnect in your branding, your messaging, your purpose, and your results.
  • 5. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 5 WHERE DID THE IDENTITYPE SYSTEM COME FROM? The Identitype System birthed itself out of a synthesis of 40 years of study of the following: art, semiotics, Jungian psychology, Joseph Campbell’s “The Power of Myth”, the tradition of orality versus literacy, trauma and addiction and the brain, neuroscience, learning models, play models, gamification via Yu-kai Chou, branding and brand strategy, social media, marketing psychology, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and Freud’s early works versus his later works. The wealth of knowledge that the Identitypes pull from goes on and on. The more I studied, the more I began to see there were distinct, powerful, driving patterns in the world that other people weren’t seeing. I realized there was a way that our subconscious was trying to communicate with us through symbol. The systemization and concretization of these symbols and the alternate language they speak is something our society has been trying to achieve for a long time. These symbols make sense to us and resonate with our psyche on a multitude of levels. Based on theories from Freud and Jung, I redefined the concepts of the superconscious, the conscious, and the subconscious as they relate to the Identitype System. The superconscious, based on Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious, is what I call our divinity or that feeling we have of being connected to a greater purpose. The conscious is all expressions of our human- ity, and the subconscious, which stems from Freud’s concept of the id and preconscious, is the powerful bridge that connects all three together so your superconscious can talk to your sub- conscious and your subconscious can talk to your conscious. As these connections take place, you live your life and produce the results you do or don’t want.Your superconscious then continues to talk to your subconsciousthrough your dreams, whose messages bubble up to your conscious, telling you what it liked or didn’t like. You then react consciously to either create change or continue doing the same. In this manner, the communication between the three continues on and on like a never-ending manifestation triangle. The big question for me is this: Why do people have the ability to communicate and make choices based on the connection between their superconscious, subconscious, and conscious minds, and yet, they still do not understand themselves or achieve the results they want? Answering this question from a psychological standpoint, I began to discover that there were different perspectives, or voices if you will, that people had when they talked about their busi- nesses, or in particular, about the business or career they wanted to create.
  • 6. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 6 Here’s a good example: “I’m a full-time admin secretary, and that’s great because it takes care of the organizational side of me. Then on the weekend I’m an artist and I do these other things that are totally creative and out of the box. I want a life where I can incorporate all of the things I love to do – both organized and creative, instead of feeling like I have to constantly split all of these things apart and do them separately. It’s exhausting and frustrating. My life feels so unfulfilled.” That’s when I realized there has to be a system that pulls together all the voices so they can learn to speak in unison and not fight against each other. The Identitype System brings these disconnected pieces of your life back together, allowing you to become more aligned through- out your business and personal branding, as well as your behavior as a leader. When you are in alignment, you are able to make choices for yourself in your business and in your personal life from an empowered place because all of you gets to participate. You get to lead from a place of the empowered yes and the empowered no. The empowered yes comes from being in alignment with your Identitypes so your business attracts real clients, and even expands to your target market as well as your potential target markets. Your authenticity enables your brand to create trust, which is the key to fully reaching your market and those you can help most. Those who you truly help fulfill a need or resolve a problem will become your biggest fans. The empowered no works much in the same way. When potential clients realize that you really cannot help them simply because they have different needs that do not match the solutions you offer, they will be able to make an empowered and honest decision about whether to do business with you. When it’s not right, it’s just not right. On the flip side, however, when it’s right, it will always be right. When you’re not in alignment and do not lead with your highest purpose, you force your cli- ents into offering you and your business a substitute yes, also known as a conditional yes. That means the minute your client finds what they really want, they will choose the other business in exchange for whatever it is that you’ve been offering because they didn’t really want what you had to offer in the first place. In that moment of a substitute yes, you are simply a poor man’s substitute. The problem is that for most companies, they lead with a substitute yes and think, “Oh, look at all these clients.” More than likely they’re just one-offs where you provide your service or product once or twice, then they vanish and you’re left having to cultivate more clients. What
  • 7. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 7 is preventing you from retaining clients? You’re not getting them from a place of empowered yes. You’re simply getting a conditional yes. If your clients feel in alignment with what you were doing as a company and you’re making em- powered yes choices, not just business choices, then that’s what you’re going to get in return – an empowered client that chooses to trust you and work with you again and again. When you use an empowered yes, it gives permission for the other person to use the empow- ered yes. When you make your most empowered choice, you cannot help but be in abundance because abundance is being fully present to the choices that you’re making and then receiving the payoff from being present. WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS EBOOK? What you have in your hands is an invitation to discover the Identitype System and recog- nize how the Identitypes align with your branding from a spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical standpoint. Based on the questions you answered, you will be able to see a map of the positive path for the Identitypes as it pertains to your person and business branding. Find those Identitypes that score the highest and read the description provided. You’ll recog- nize characteristics, traits, and mannerisms described for each Identitype that appear in your business branding, your personal branding, and your leadership style. You’ll also find a short list of traits aligned with the Identitype as well as examples of well-known brands that embody each of the Identitypes to help you better understand how the Identitypes manifest them- selves in the real world. This is simply a glimpse of the first layer of your Identitype branding. Just as the human condi- tion is multilayered and multifaceted, there are also energy chakras, negative pathways, colors variations, languaging and more that you’ll discover along the path to fully aligning your brand through the Identitype System. These tools are specifically designed to take you on an even deeper, more profound level with your markets… more on that thrilling journey later.  When you look at the results of your questionnaire, you’ll notice three Identitypes with your highestscoreswhiletheresthaveaveragescoresorevenlowscores.ThetopthreeIdentitypes tend to be the three voices or impulses that direct you as you lead your business and your life. To give you an example, a client who is a chiropractic doctor took this same test. The highest scores on his Identitype Map include Championing, Innovatistry, and Envisionage.
  • 8. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 8 The Envisionage Identitype inspires him to say, “I want to be transformational. I want to help people heal. I want to get them to their optimum health.” This is the reason why he wants to use his hands to heal his clients. He tells his patients through his branding, “Let me fix you and pull my own empowered self into this conversation so that I can help you transform to your healthiest self.” At the same time, The Identitype System allows him to recognize the Innovatistry in him, which is very creative and loves problem solving through cutting edge techniques and technology. If he only accessed the Envisionage Identitype, it would not explain why he also has an extreme interest in every innovative technology or new modality that comes along that has anything to do with brain-based disorders. He’s dedicated a whole wing of his practice to brain mapping and Neurofeedback healing, which has proven to be quite effective for patients that are seek- ing an alternative solution for their ailments. In addition to Envisionage and Innovatistry, there’s his third Identitype – Championing. With- out this Identitype, it wouldn’t make sense why he’s so adamant in helping those who have no- where else to turn for healing. He attracts those patients and families who have literally visited every doctor and have left disheartened because the doctors can’t figure out how to help them simply because they don’t fit the mold of traditional medicine. He gathers those patients who have exhausted all options and have nowhere else to turn. If he were only an Envisionage Identitype, he wouldn’t care about these castaway pa- tients. Instead he would say, “I’ll fix you, but only if your illness is something that I can solve by the book.” Instead, his strong Championing Identitypecompels another voice inside of him that says, “You are the dispossessed. Nobody is there for you. Well, I’m your superhero, and I’m going to help you find an answer because no one else will!” He is deeply moved by those who are disenfranchised and works tirelessly to help them find the answers they need. What is important for him to recognize are the different Identitypes that drive him. They all have to be satiated in order for him to discover the right individualized solution for his specific market. If he only recognized the Envisionage Identitype, the sides of him that are Innovatistry and Championing would constantly be pulling his attention in different directions, leaving him, his company, and his leadership splintered, misaligned, and frustrated. This is a strong example of why it’s important for you to consider your top three scoring Identi- types. Otherwise you’re going to focus on one Identitype while the other two keep whispering. The more you ignore them, the louder they’ll whisper because they feel unheard and unful- filled. When you have an Identitype that goes unheard, it gets disassociated or disconnected, and when you’re not able to be present, it doesn’t empower you. You’ll actually be disempow-
  • 9. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 9 ered because it constantly and consistently pulls you away from fulfilling your best, highest purpose through your actions, communication, and values. When all three Identitypes are in alignment, your superconscious, subconscious,and con- scious minds will begin to speak in harmony, allowing your concentrated energy to flow through to the truth of what you value, how you treat people, how you communicate your brand, and the actions you take to lead your business and your life. When all three are rec- ognized, accepted, heard, and, most importantly, aligned, your branding will become a strong beacon for those clients who have been waiting for someone just like you to give them the help they have needed all this time. Through the Identitype System, your business will be unstoppable and fulfill its destiny. In addition to your Identitype Map, there are a handful of exercises located just after the Identitype descriptions. These tools are there for you to begin the process of getting to know your Identitypes on a more conscious, deeper, more engaged level. By going through each question, you’ll begin to recognize how the Identitypes are already at work in your business and your life, which will then enable you to tap directly into their strengths and power. Furthermore, you’ll see where you may be disconnected from your Identitypes, giving you the awareness you need to see where your branding may not be working to its greatest potential. Awareness is the first step to walking a new, more fulfilling path. Realizing where your brand- ing may be falling short because you are not fully aligned with your Identitypes will empower you to make different decisions leading to more positive outcomes. Then, when you’re ready, I can help you further identify how to incorporate all three of your Identitypes into your business branding, your personal branding, and your development as a leader. If that wasn’t exciting enough, there are additional tests soon to be released that will help you map your personal branding from a leadership development standpoint. Knowing what is misaligned with your branding will enable you to make new decisions that will bring you back into alignment. This eBook is just the first step to introducing you to the exciting world of the Identitype Sys- tem. Consider it a door that you are welcome to enter so you can step into your greatness and align all aspects of yourself spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically that will help your brand, your business, and your life thrive. As a current client of the Brand Assessment, you are on our exclusive mailing list so you can receive up-to-the-second information regarding the Identitype System as soon as it is made available to the public. And together, we’ll see just how far the rabbit hole goes.
  • 10. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 10 Identitype™ #1: Wondertrust “Wisdom begins with wonder. Be as you wish to seem.” ~ Socrates Wondertrust is motivated by a complete sense of security. You exist in a world that is protected, safe, and completely trusting of everything around you. As a result, you express yourself as playful, curious, optimistic, andextremely loyal. At the root of your business is total innocence. You are aware that all beings are precious sim- ply because they exist. You marvel and feel immense gratitude that you are connected to something bigger and more profound than you, though you may not know exactly how to define that larger “something.” You are inspired by a total sense of belonging and connection to everyone and everything around you. You showerthose around you with unconditional love, honesty,and pure delight. The best expression of a Wondertrust brand creates lasting, trustworthy friendships within the market so uninhibited positivity and optimism are easily felt and returned by everyone around you. Aligned Wondertrust Traits • Delightedness • Innocence • Playfulness • Trust Wondertrust Brands • Beatrix Potter • Betty White • Coca-Cola • Curious George • Neutrogena • Sesame Street • Volkswagen
  • 11. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 11 Identitype™ #2: Rebelution “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” ~ Steve Maraboli Life, The Truth, and Being Free Rebelution thrives on pushing boundaries to promote independence and radically acceler- ated growth beyond the status quo. Because you are actively and explicitly calling into question what people usually take for grant- ed, you create a strong bond with a market that is looking for a new, perhaps even unpopular way to view the world and function within it. You understand and accept your vulnerability and that of others, which inspires the cre- ation of good, healthy boundaries. Within those boundaries, you embrace the intimacy that being vulnerable creates, which inspires your clients to trust and value your actions and words. Rebelution approaches life in realistic terms. Pain happens. It happens to everyone, good and bad, and the experience turns into something you can learn from. However, if you shy away from the lesson, you realize you will forever be trapped by the trauma. You develop empathy for others beyond your own selfish needs, allowing you and your clients to energetically join in and claim a distinct place in society. You have learned to face your fears and now you know how to help your clients through those lessons learned. Weeding through the B.S., you help your clients find and share the real truth, especially if ex- ternal forces are purposefully hiding the truth. This resilience creates a sense of belonging among those who resonate with your actions and perspectives.
  • 12. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 12 The best expression of a Rebelution brand ensures the truth is heard AND is useful to helping your audience resolve their issues. Aligned Rebelution Traits • Commitment to change • Hyperawareness of boundaries • Independence • Resilience Rebelution Brands • Converse • Forever 21 • Free People • Keds • Michael J. Fox • Outward Bound • Russell Brand • Uggs • Urban Decay • Vans
  • 13. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 13 Identitype™ #3: Championing “I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.” ~ Billie Jean King Championing compels you to defend what you believe is a just cause. You empathize and honor the needs of others and advocate for those who have been wronged. You are self-reliant and use your inner truth as your compass, making decisions that are both ego-driven and heart-centered. Your market seeks genuine leadership. They appreciate and admire the confidence you exude. As you courageously expose yourself to confrontation, you have developed a set of tools to protect yourself from trauma. These tools include clear boundaries, philosophies, and con- ditioning or training so that responses to threats are automatic and quick. You extend these “powers” gracefully to your clients in order to protect yourself and those you love. You nurture honesty and fairness. You live by a code of ethics and stand up for what you be- lieve in. The best expression of Championing includes speaking up for those who have no voice and giving your very best effort to support and safeguard what you believe in. Aligned Championing Traits • Advocacy • Courage • Protection • Vigilance Championing Brands • Adidas • Blendtec • Bruce Lee • Earth First! • Livestrong Foundation • Martin Luther King, Jr. • Nike • Olympics • Timex • United States Marine Corps
  • 14. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 14 Identitype™ #4: Careciprocity “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~ Sir Winston Churchill Careciprocity is nurturing and compassionate. You offer your clients emotional and spiritual support, tenderness, and mentorship. You believe in self-sacrifice and accept the divine “Call to Care,” always figuring out ways to best provide for the needs of others. You also strategize ways to refine your skills to better take care of yourself, your market, and the planet. You express concern over others in a healthy and mature manner and offer care while express- ing unconditional love to yourself and others. The best expression of a Caregiving brand nurtures from a heart-centered place that inspires clients of all ages to care for others. Aligned Caregiving Traits • Attentiveness • Empathy • Nurturing • Parenting Caregiving Brands • ASPCA (American Society for the PreventionofCrueltytoAnimals) • Cesar Milan • Ergobaby • International Red Cross • Martha Stewart • Mother Theresa • Nelson Mandela • The Giving Tree 
  • 15. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 15 Identitype™ #5: Exploriosity “To venture causes anxiety, but not to venture is to lose one’s self.... And to venture in the highest is precisely to be conscious of one’s self.” ~ Søren Kierkegaard Exploriosity values the process of growth. You are compelled to continue on a path of development when the world you originally built no longer serves your desires and dreams. You seek to balance the immediate discomfort of self-discovery with the comforts of the world you must learn to leave behind in order to experience the adventures that will shape and refine you. You areconstantlyanalyzingwhatworksandwhatdoesn’tworksoyoucandiscoverabettersolution. You are on a mission to find adventure. Your clients value your curiosity about the world and your sense of adventure. They are inspired to venture out for themselves,and at times, feel completely satisfied living vicariously through you. You are constantly curious and passionate about growth and development for the sake of im- provement. The best expression of Exploriosity brands share lessons and experiences that inspire growth for all. Aligned Exploriosity Traits • Adventurousness • Empowerment • Mission focus • Self-discovery Exploriosity Brands • Abercrombie & Kent • Amelia Earhart • Apple • Captain Morgan • Google • J. Peterman • Range Rover • Richard Branson • Rockport Shoes • Star Trek • TravelSmith
  • 16. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 16 Identitype™ #6: Cleansing “Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person.” ~ Gerard Way Cleansing empowers your market to face fears through clarification, accountability, and exor- cising of personal demons. Your highest aim is to cleanse yourself and your clients of fear and pain in order to create the space within that can be filled with love and positivity. You welcome connection rather than detachment to your market and have no problem let- ting go of that which does not serve the highest good. You are intentionally and systematically reorganizing all levels of your personal and professional existence – physical, emotional, intel- lectual, and spiritual. This opens you to the possibility of miracles happening all around you. You are driven by a sense of purpose to honor the lessons learned by clearing space and allow- ing love to flow into your life. The best expressions of a Cleansing brand are transparency and clarity that invite mu- tually shared acceptance and respect of yourself and those around you. Aligned Cleansing Traits • Clarity • Fearless accountability • Intention-based demolition • Reorganization Cleansing Brands • Alcoholics Anonymous • Brian F. Martin • California Closets • Jenny Craig • Mary Ascension Saulnier • Mr. Clean • Patron Tequila  
  • 17. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 17 Identitype™ #7: Love “The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti Love is experienced through passion between you, your business, and your client. You are devoted unconditionally to love and find balance in the love you feel for yourself as well as the world as a whole. You are committed to nurturing both yourself and your market, which creates harmony, bliss, gratitude, and intimacy. You value self-care, compassionate connectiv- ity, and the unconditional cherishing all beings and things. Love is limitless. Through love you create a community with your clients that is at peace with vulnerability and intimacy. Love gives you access to an abundance of new partners and friends who love and accept all that you are, giving you the ability to also love and accept all that they are. You want nothing more than to help one another enjoy life to the fullest. The best expression of a Love brand creates a sense of being at peace and feeling wel- come. Aligned Love Traits • Bliss • Gratitude • Intimacy • Self-love Love Brands • Barry White • Bliss Day Spas • DeBeers • eHarmony • Elizabeth Taylor • Facebook • Marilyn Monroe • • Pantene • The Knot • Tiffany& Company
  • 18. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 18 Identitype™ #8: Innovatistry “Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.” ~ Bob Richards Innovatistry is displayed through a natural creativity and ingenuity that inspires the imagina- tion, motivating you to constantly invent new solutions. You produce effective, artistic, out of the box services while co-manifesting inspired designs with and for your clients. Your creations are not ego-driven. Rather they are motivated by how you can elevate others. Being able to utilize the right skills and talents (whether eccentric or mundane) at the right time to best help your clients is highly satisfying. Innovatistry represents; artistry, imagination, expresses inspiration, or responds to ingenuity, fantasy and dreams. Your unique and intriguing innovations support and encourage further creativity within your market. The best expression of an Innovatistry brand values inventiveness as practical and masterful. Aligned Innovatistry Traits • Artistry • Healthy pride • Innovation • Inspiration Innovatistry Brands • Albert Einstein • Disney • DreamWorks • Dyson • Etsy • John Lennon • Leonardo da Vinci • Pixar • Steven Spielberg  
  • 19. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 19 Identitype™ #9: Sovereignty “What motivated me to dedicate myself to public service for nearly two-thirds of my life was the chance to produce results for those people who entrusted me to be their voice and their champion.” ~ Olympia Snowe Sovereignty serves your market through influential leadership and shared mastery. You responsibly and fully make use of all available talents, skills, and resources — while com- bining the inspiration of Innovatistry with the advocacy of Championing — in order to lead a successful business that is based in “Mastery of Service.” You enact change based on strategy and accountability, which motivates your clients to realize and feel empowered by the connection of serving themselves by serving others. You believe in making decisions independently and fairly that lead to effective choices on behalf of your clients’ best interests. Inaddition,youractionsandcommunicationdemonstratethatweareaccountabletoourselves to ensure that our inner world matches our outer world to realize optimal results. Therefore, we must be at peace with ourselves, and feel empowered to enact change in order to create change that will promote harmony with our neighbors and the world at large. The best expression ofa Sovereignty brand implements acts of service that create safety (rather than recklessness), enriches and empowers (rather than depletes),and compassionately encouragesharmonythat must first start with your clients in order to spread throughout the world. Aligned Sovereignty Traits • Compassion • Decisiveness • Self-mastery • Strategic empowerment Sovereignty Brands • Diana, Princess of Wales • Donald Trump • Ghandi • Microsoft • Queen Elizabeth • Wal-Mart 
  • 20. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 20 Identitype™ #10: Envisionage “Reality is shaped by those who master the art of change. Those who can bend the universe to their will are called miracle workers.” ~ Leili McKinley Envisionage fosters transformation and healing by showing your clients how to transform their dreams into reality as long as they have a clear vision of what they wish to create. You connect the evolution of positivity to the continuous cycle of creation and destruction, as you see how one leads to the other. You realize there is a connection between the factors that lead to a specific outcome. This understanding enables you to change the current state of your clients through the power of thought and vision. Your business is able to forge a new path towards the realm of possibilities in both the short and long term. Your encouragement and actions inspire your clients to do the same. You promote positive images and ideas rooted in reality that maximize what is possible for your clients and your business. The best expression of an Envisionage brand creates transformation that is strategi- cally planned, optimized, and made accessible to your entire market. Aligned Envisionage Traits • Calibration • Faith • Mentoring • Transformation Envisionage Brands • Harry Potter • Macy’s • Tony Robbins • Merlin • Napoleon Hill • Nightingale-Conant • Deepak Chopra • Victor Frankl  
  • 21. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 21 Identitype™ #11: Sagracity “Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.” ~ Swami Vivekananda Sagracity is the clear pursuit of the highest truth. You understand and accept that the “truth” is driven by perception, so you are detached from these perceptions, enlightening you to a 360° view of the truth that will ultimately shape itself to your clients’ needs, and eventually, serve the world. You and your clients value business solutions that are fact-based rather than emotionally driv- en. This causes you to lead with a sense of neutrality and non-judgment because you are wise to what can and cannot be changed. You have no need to control the outcome as you seek real solutions over comfort. You pursue “right timing”, as well as seeing — and walking — the path of highest wisdom in all situations. The best expression of a Sagracity brand demonstrates that finding the absolute truth is possible and accessible to all. Aligned Sagracity Traits • Analysis • Foresight • Neutrality • Truth focus Sagracity Brands • Accenture • Agatha Christy • Confucius • Deloitte • Harvard University • Sherlock Holmes  
  • 22. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 22 Identitype™ #12: Revelation “Seeds of greatness are born from blissfully, compassionately, creatively celebrating greatness in others.” ~ Julie Woods, The Imaginal Engineer™ Revelation celebrates the good that comes from accepting the connection between what is and what is not, what is good and what is bad. It is the ultimate in yin and yang – where both opposites of existence (dark and light) live harmoniously together and are honored for the fact that they exist. Through all business transactions, you understand your market completely and without judg- ment. You meet all clients exactly where they are and encourage them to bring out the great- ness within. You are aware and joyful of everything around you. Your behavior may even be interpreted as silly, naïve or foolish, yet you are not. Your awareness and unapologetic confidence give you access to the knowledge and understanding that make you wise when it comes to fully under- standing your business and how it relates to your market. Along your journey, you become intimate with your audience because you fully understand and accept all facets of who they are, what they want, and even what they may reject. You are compassionate to the fears your clients may harbor about their own greatness, and you serve as a model for what it means to embrace the greatness within. You happily share the lessons and the truths you have gained along your journey through a perspective that is both personal and global because you see the higher good that exists in all beings, systems, and structures. Aligned Revelation Traits • Celebration of Oneness • Global focus • Joviality • Loving leadership Revelation Brands • Dalai Lama • Dr. Bronners • Genki Sudo • Jim Carrey • Lucille Ball • Monty Python • Popchips • Skittles
  • 23. IDENTITYPES™: FOR CREATING A BRAND THAT LEADS AND A MARKET THAT FOLLOWS… LEILI MCKINLEY 23 Identitype Exercises: Getting to Know YOU Know Your Market 1. In one column, list the top 5 values of your market. In another column, list the top 5 values of your business. 2. Recognize how they differ and how they are the same. Know Your Client 1. List your client’s greatest need. 2. List 5 ways you fulfill that need. 3. List 5 ways you are unable to fulfill those needs. Know Your Business 1. What problem do you solve? 2. List 5 ways you solve that problem differently from 3 of your competitors. Know Your Identitypes 1. List 5 attributesand/or strengths you identify yourself with for your three highest scor- ing Identitypes. 2. Which attributes of each Identitype do you identify with the most? The least? 3. In what ways do these attributes support the other, making the other Identitypes stron- ger and more powerful? 4. How do your Identitype’s attributes enable you to solve your market’s problem? 5. In what ways do the attributes of your three highest scoring Identitypes conflict with each another? 6. In what ways do these conflicts cause you to disconnect from your market?