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/1 37
A Play in Four Acts
By Group D
Group Members: Jack Tan
Jay Zhou
Phoenix Zhang
Simon Yao
Copyright © 2015 SuOn Academy, 5 Queenslea Ave
by Jack Tan Toronto ON
Jay Zhou M9N 3X9
Phoenix Zhang Fax: (001)(416)248-5988
Simon Yao E-mail:

/2 37
Cast of Characters
Lucian A brave archer in his 20s.
Griffith A brave knight in his 20s.
Lucifer The emperor in Kraken Empire.
Satan An evil wizard in his 40s.
Aaron A recluse in his late 50s.
Various locations around the empire and a mountain.
The present(During the Crusades) in ACT I, ACT III and ACT IV.
The past(6 years ago) in ACT II.
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Act I
Scene 1
SETTING: Now we are on a road leading to
the Kraken Empire.This is a new
adventure for LUCIAN and GRIFFITH.
They see houses were torn down and
trees which stands on the sides of
the road seem to be long desolated.
The clouds are gloomy and clustering
above an empire not far away from here.
AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH met on this
journey. GRIFFITH is equipped with
his sword, looking at the distance.
LUCIAN is carrying his bow and
arrows, with a firm pace. After a while,
the troops stop for a night’s rest.
LUCIAN is looking at the clouds.
What an awful day! It has been a long time since the last time
we saw such terrible weather.
/4 37
(LUCIAN sighs and sits on the ground.)
(sitting on the ground,
next to LUCIAN)
The weather surely is terrible, but you feel it cools down the
hot air a little bit, don’t you?
(LUCIAN smiles with no response.)
(GRIFFITH faces the audience.)
Look at the surroundings, they seems to have experienced a big
Do you think it is worse than the gloomy clouds?
It reminds me of my hometown.
(LUCIAN lowers his head, thinking.)
(Curious about that)
What happened in your hometown?
(Looks upset)
It happened many years ago when I was still a little child in a
small country in the south. An evil wizard seized our country
and killed…killed my father.
/5 37
(LUCIAN stands up, leaning a tree)
(Silence for a short while)
I lived with my mum for a few years. Then I took my bow and ar-
rows to prepare foe my act of revenge. I never forgot the crime
he committed to my father, my hometown, my country! I swear that
I will find the wizard one day and kill him!
(LUCIAN hit the tree with clenched fists)
(The wind is howling. The leaves are rustling
in the wind.)
(Music on: Romeo And Juliet’s background music)
(Listening to LUCIAN abstractedly)
So sorry to hear that. I think everyone’s fate is so similar in
this chaotic world. I am an orphan. I haven’t seen my parents
yet. Thanks to a lord for saving my life, otherwise I wouldn’t
have survived the tough time.
(GRIFFITH picks a leaf from the tree,
looking at it. Then GRIFFITH throws it
into the air, letting it go.)
Just like the leaf, we humans are so vulnerable and weak that we
can’t always control the places that we are going to.
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(The troops are going to have supper.)
(Grasp the leaf.)
(Smiling to GRIFFITH)
Forget it. Forget it. All things will have the endings they de-
serve. Go for supper now.
(Both of them off.)
(Music off)
/7 37
Act I
Scene 2
Setting: It is already late at night.
We are now near the campfire.
The soldiers are sitting near it,
talking about their past, singing
folk songs from their hometown.
The crescent is hanging in the air,
watching all the creatures in this
world. The mountains in the distance
are in the dark. You can only see
the outline of the houses which were
torn down.The rustling sound of
leaves becomes even stronger. They seem
to wait for something that is on its way.
AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are going to
sleep. They saw the crescent in the sky.
The new moon is so bright.
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Sure it is.
(Stretch his body)
I have not seen my hometown for almost 10 years. It is a really
huge period of time.
(looking at the campfire)
(Music on: Позови меня тихо по имени)
I know that one day I will return to the place I belong to even
though I travelled thousands of miles! The north town, I will
come back, with all my happiness and sorrows. I couldn’t stop
being sad while I was listening to distance folk songs.
(looking at the campfire)
One day we will finish our wishes that are long-cherished even
though I might sacrifice my life! My south town, I will come
back, with all my pride and wounds. I couldn’t stop missing you,
my father, while I was listening to the folk songs.
It is time for sleep.
(looking at the sky)
/9 37
Wish our country will go through all of the hardship and misfor-
tune. Go to sleep, buddy.
Yes. It is the same wish for all of us.
(Music off)

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Scene 1
SETTING: Here it is! It is the grand Kraken
Empire. The wall of the city is
so tall that we cannot predict
its height. It seems impossible
for invaders to break into. The
market is so prosperous. The sky is
so blue. The citizens are
living in peace.Nevertheless,
we can see some grey clouds
approaching the empire.
AT RISE: SATAN, wearing a cloak, slips into
the empire. He is walking on a road
in the dark side of the street.
I long for power
I want all the fortune
I desire the people submit to me,
pray to me,
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kneel to me!
I am busy pursuing the land
all over the world
I am the god of the world!
(SATAN sets fire to a haystack.)
(people screaming)
(SATAN slips into the palace.)
(Face the audience)
Let the fire dance!
Let the fire sing to its utmost!
Let the fire overwhelm the poor empire!
I will be the king of this miserable land!
(LUCIFER runs towards SATAN,
pointing at SATAN)
How did you get here? Attackers! Attackers!
It is too late! Hahahaha……
(SATAN runs to the garden.
LUCIFER runs after him.)
Stop! Or I will kill you!
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(SATAN turns around suddenly and
uses his magic on LUCIFER.)
(Falling down to the ground)
Your empire is mine!
Your fortune is mine!
Your power is mine!
I will take the throne!
(laughing at SATAN)
You cannot kill me. I have my magic powers as well.
I will not let your plot become the reality!
(struggling to stand up)
(SATAN pushes him down and
squats, facing LUCIFER.)
You are predestined to die. Though I cannot kill you now, I will
kill you sooner or later.
(SATAN stands up)
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Damn it! If I use the magic stone to kill him, I will hurt my-
self, too. I have to put him in a place, imprison him till I
find the right person to carry the stone to kill him!
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Scene 2
SETTING: The fire in the empire has been put
off, only leaving the smoke above
the ruins. People were crying,
seeking for their lost family
members. Not far away from here, there
was a mountain where stood tall trees
which were dancing wildly. The rocks on
the mountain looked as if they were dead.
AT RISE: SATAN tied Lucifer up. He was
on the way to the mountain.
(People off the stage: Where are you! Our kings!)
(Lucifer lay on the ground, being tied up)
(Music: Opening Titles
(Face the audience)
I can see the trees are dancing
I can feel the earth is shaking
I can smell the blood that is gathering
I can touch the gold that is shining
Your land now, is mine!
Your throne now, is mine!
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When the dark overwhelms the sky
When the disaster falls to the world
You, poor Lucifer
will see your people suffer!
And you have no choice
but to wait to die
on this mountain!
(SATAN used his magic)
(Pointing at SATAN)
No! You will be punished!
You bad evil!
You hateful soul!
(Laughing evilly)
Stay within the bound!
Stay in the limit!
You will never get out off this mountain
You will never escape my hand
You are bound to die!
Your throne is mine!
(People off the stage: Where are you! Our kings!)
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Your throne is mine!
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Scene 1
SETTING: GRIFFITH and LUCIAN are now arriving
at the empire. Now, the empire is more
like the ruins, rather than a powerful
empire. The trees are almost dead, reaching
their bodies to the sky. They are in deep
despair and horror. Although the sunshine is
thrown onto the empire, it seems to
be frozen with darkness.
AT RISE: GRIFFITH and LUCIAN are now walking on
the road. They saw a “wanted” post.
Look! What’s this?
(LUCIAN reads the post)
A evil wizard is now being caught. We now need two brave and
strong soldiers to come to ICE Mountain.—— kill the wizard.
He might be the wizard I want to kill.
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It is a good chance to prove myself.
It is a good chance for revenge.
(Face the audience)
Do you know how I can get to the ICE Mountain?
Hey, do you know the ICE Mountain? Hey! Hey!
The way to the ICE Mountain?
(People off the stage: All the way to the north)
Why do they look so frightened? It is so weird!
(LUCIAN speaks to himself)
I do not want to miss this chance. He must be my foe!
(The army they belong to are leaving)
Why our army didn’t stay here for a while?
Anyway, to the north!
To the north!
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Scene 2
SETTING: Now, they are carrying the magic stone
on the road to ICE Mountain.The chilly wind
is blowing with anger.The mountains are
all covered with heavy snow. The ice is
like blades, with the white, scary
mist and smoke.
AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH seem to be lost
in the ICE Mountain. A recluse comes over to
Where are you going to, young men?
The road will be tougher than you expected.
We are going to going to find a wizard.
I am not afraid of the difficulties!
We are going to kill him.
I am not afraid of death!
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That way. Good luck, young men!
(AARON follows them in secret.)
(Finally, GRIFFITH and LUCIAN reach the top of the mountain and
find the house where Lucifer is sealed)
They finally come
bringing their sword and arrows
I have lost all the hope
When the dark overwhelms the sky
when the disaster falls to the world
It’s time that I should leave
with regret and tears
Ten years is enough
is enough for me
to free myself into heavy snow
to free myself into the darkness
(GRIFFITH and LUCIAN broke into the magic boundary)
(saying to himself)
Maybe I can kill the old, poor wizard all by myself.
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(GRIFFITH takes the magic stone and
rushes to LUCIFER)
Go to hell!
(LUCIFER knocked GRIFFITH down
with his magic)
(LUCIAN aims his arrows at LUCIFER)
You want to kill me, too?
(LUCIAN is knocked down)
I sense that the strength they have is declining.
They might be in danger!
See, young men, you are not my rivals.
(attempting to kill LUCIAN and GRIFFITH)
(AARON breaks into the boundary and
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runs towards to LUCIFER)
Go to hell!
You poor recluse! No way!
(AARON is knocked down.
But he stands up again and
fails again.LUCIAN and GRIFFITH
stands up with difficulty.)
You, young men, should be united, work together.
Only in this way can you beat him in the end.
(They pick up the magic stone)
Through unity!
(LUCIFR is fighting with them.
Finally, LUCIFER is killed.)
(Out of breath)
We…We won, didn’t we?
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(Out of breath)
Yes. We… We won.
(The cold wind is still whistling,
even more wildly and angrily.)
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Scene 1
the Kraken Empire, with LUCIFER’s
head. Though the light is cast upon
the empire, most parts of it are still
in the darkness, which makes the
empire look more uneasy and gloomy.
AT RISE LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are feeling excited
and triumphant. They also sense the strange
atmosphere in the empire.
The people here are not happier than before. It is so strange.
(Looking around)
Yes. I also see the people become fewer. But we have finished
this tough task. We need to see the emperor in this empire.
All right. Let’s go.
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(GRIFFITH and LUCIAN enter the palace to meet SATAN)
Here you come! Brave soldiers!
You will be the pride of my empire!
Tell me what you want
I will give you anything
status,power, fortune!
Whatever you desire!
(saying to himself, face the audience)
Whatever I desire?
That poor wizard is worth that much?
There might be something bad behind this empire.
I have never seen such a stranger emperor!
We don’t want anything but peace in the country.
(smiling evilly)
Interesting. My country is ALWAYS peaceful.
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Have a good rest,my warriors!
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Scene 2
SETTING: It is in the night. The moonlight is
so cold that it may kill anything it
touches. Outside the place they are
sleeping lies a dark hall, which is used
for coronations, waiting for someone.
AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are sleeping
while LUCIAN hearts the voice of
someone. The voice seems to lead
LUCIAN and GRIFFITH somewhere.
SATAN is monitoring them in secret.
Did you hear that voice?
It sounded like a soul.
That has something to do with this weird empire.
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Listen! It seems to be leading us somewhere!
Follow it!
(LUCAN and GRIFFITH come to the hall.
SATAN followed them and hid in the hall.
There is a statue in the middle of the hall.)
You have finally come
with your doubts and pride
I have lost all hope
When the dark overwhelms the sky
when the disaster falls to the world
It’s time that I should tell you the truth
with anger and sorrows
What happened to you?
What’s your name?
What you are saying sounds so familiar!
(dragging GRIFFITH)
You are talking to a soul?
Keep away from this!
/30 37
Ten years is enough
is enough for me
to free myself into heavy snow
to free myself into the darkness
(in surprise)
Are you the…the wizard?
Why are you here?
Once, the empire was peaceful
Once, the people were joyful
Once, the darkness was not here any more
Once, I was the emperor of the empire!
(in astonishment)
You?! You are the emperor?
But… But what about the emperor at present?
He took my throne
He seized my land
He is the evil of the world
He is SATAN!
My land is now his!
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My people are now his!
My empire is now his!
(Silence for a few seconds)
(SATAN off)
A new task seems to falls on us.
(nodding his head)
Now all come out in the wash.
We need to help the empire turn back to normal.
Yes. We have to work together to end this.
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Scene 3
evening feast. The plates are
all made of gold. The dishes
are classy and delicious.
Nevertheless, the light is too
dim. The moon in the sky
is amazingly round. There’re
some clouds around it.
AT RISE: SATAN is standing in the middle,
raising his glass of wine to LUCIAN
For the peace!
Drink it! My warrior!
(LUCIAN takes the wine
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and throws it onto the floor)
You evil wizard!
(Yelling at SATAN)
Go to the hell!
(SATAN runs away. But a scene appears on the window.)
You demand a fight?
I give you the chance!
Come here!
(GRIFFITH and LUCIAN come to a dark house)
(LUCIAN took out his arrows and bows.)
He must be here!
(Looking around)
Be careful! He may hide in someplace.
(LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are cautiously finding SATAN
when SATAN comes out suddenly)
Who said that I went to the hell?
(Using his magic)
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(LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are all knocked down.)
(walking towards them)
It will be the end of your lives.
(Smile, struggling
to stand up)
You will never win!
(LUCIAN take out of
the magic stone)
You are bound to die!
(in astonishment)
What’s that?
Go to hell!
Ah! I hate you!
(SATAN falls down to the ground, dead.
LUCIAN and GRIFFITH feel exhausted
and fall down to the ground,too.)
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Scene 4
SETTING: Now, the remaining fire of
battle is still in the empire.
But we can see the sunshine is
thrown onto this once miserable
land. We still find it rather
scary since the gloomy cloud
hasn’t gone away completely.
AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH is standing
outside the empire, watching the
crack of dawn.
I didn’t see any people in the empire.
I don’t understand why the empire is on fire.
Maybe that’s the falling of the empire.
(GRIFFITH sighs)
(pointing to the
coming sun)
Look! The sun is rising.
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It maybe a new start on the empire.
Probably. But I don’t think we can stay here any more.
It is we who killed the real king.
It is we who set out the battle.
It is we who should bear the guilt and regret.
I don’t know. The road in front of us is still very long.
Our army may be at the next empire. Don’t tell them anything
about the empire.


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The Falling of an Empire

  • 1. /1 37 The FALLING OF AN EMPIRE A Play in Four Acts By Group D Group Members: Jack Tan Jay Zhou Phoenix Zhang Simon Yao Copyright © 2015 SuOn Academy, 5 Queenslea Ave by Jack Tan Toronto ON Jay Zhou M9N 3X9 Phoenix Zhang Fax: (001)(416)248-5988 Simon Yao E-mail:

  • 2. /2 37 Cast of Characters Lucian A brave archer in his 20s. Griffith A brave knight in his 20s. Lucifer The emperor in Kraken Empire. Satan An evil wizard in his 40s. Aaron A recluse in his late 50s. Scene Various locations around the empire and a mountain. Time The present(During the Crusades) in ACT I, ACT III and ACT IV. The past(6 years ago) in ACT II.
  • 3. /3 37 Act I Scene 1 SETTING: Now we are on a road leading to the Kraken Empire.This is a new adventure for LUCIAN and GRIFFITH. They see houses were torn down and trees which stands on the sides of the road seem to be long desolated. The clouds are gloomy and clustering above an empire not far away from here. AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH met on this journey. GRIFFITH is equipped with his sword, looking at the distance. LUCIAN is carrying his bow and arrows, with a firm pace. After a while, the troops stop for a night’s rest. LUCIAN is looking at the clouds. LUCIAN What an awful day! It has been a long time since the last time we saw such terrible weather.
  • 4. /4 37 (LUCIAN sighs and sits on the ground.) GRIFFITH (sitting on the ground, next to LUCIAN) The weather surely is terrible, but you feel it cools down the hot air a little bit, don’t you? (LUCIAN smiles with no response.) (GRIFFITH faces the audience.) Look at the surroundings, they seems to have experienced a big disaster! GRIFFITH(Cont.) Do you think it is worse than the gloomy clouds? LUCIAN It reminds me of my hometown. (LUCIAN lowers his head, thinking.) GRIFFITH (Curious about that) What happened in your hometown? LUCIAN (Looks upset) It happened many years ago when I was still a little child in a small country in the south. An evil wizard seized our country and killed…killed my father.
  • 5. /5 37 (LUCIAN stands up, leaning a tree) (Silence for a short while) LUCIAN(Cont.) I lived with my mum for a few years. Then I took my bow and ar- rows to prepare foe my act of revenge. I never forgot the crime he committed to my father, my hometown, my country! I swear that I will find the wizard one day and kill him! (LUCIAN hit the tree with clenched fists) (The wind is howling. The leaves are rustling in the wind.) (Music on: Romeo And Juliet’s background music) Griffith (Listening to LUCIAN abstractedly) So sorry to hear that. I think everyone’s fate is so similar in this chaotic world. I am an orphan. I haven’t seen my parents yet. Thanks to a lord for saving my life, otherwise I wouldn’t have survived the tough time. (GRIFFITH picks a leaf from the tree, looking at it. Then GRIFFITH throws it into the air, letting it go.) GRIFFITH(Cont.) Just like the leaf, we humans are so vulnerable and weak that we can’t always control the places that we are going to.
  • 6. /6 37 (The troops are going to have supper.) LUCIAN (Grasp the leaf.) (Smiling to GRIFFITH) Forget it. Forget it. All things will have the endings they de- serve. Go for supper now. (Both of them off.) (Music off) (BLACKOUT) (END OF SCENE)
  • 7. /7 37 Act I Scene 2 Setting: It is already late at night. We are now near the campfire. The soldiers are sitting near it, talking about their past, singing folk songs from their hometown. The crescent is hanging in the air, watching all the creatures in this world. The mountains in the distance are in the dark. You can only see the outline of the houses which were torn down.The rustling sound of leaves becomes even stronger. They seem to wait for something that is on its way. AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are going to sleep. They saw the crescent in the sky. GRIFFITH The new moon is so bright. LUCAIN
  • 8. /8 37 Sure it is. (Stretch his body) I have not seen my hometown for almost 10 years. It is a really huge period of time. GRIFFITH (looking at the campfire) (Music on: Позови меня тихо по имени) (Murmuring) I know that one day I will return to the place I belong to even though I travelled thousands of miles! The north town, I will come back, with all my happiness and sorrows. I couldn’t stop being sad while I was listening to distance folk songs. LUCIAN (looking at the campfire) One day we will finish our wishes that are long-cherished even though I might sacrifice my life! My south town, I will come back, with all my pride and wounds. I couldn’t stop missing you, my father, while I was listening to the folk songs. GRIFFITH It is time for sleep. LUCIAN (looking at the sky)
  • 9. /9 37 Wish our country will go through all of the hardship and misfor- tune. Go to sleep, buddy. (off) GRIFFITH Yes. It is the same wish for all of us. (off) (Music off) (BLACKOUT) (END OF SCENE) (END OF ACT I)

  • 10. /10 37 ACT II Scene 1 (FLASHBACK) SETTING: Here it is! It is the grand Kraken Empire. The wall of the city is so tall that we cannot predict its height. It seems impossible for invaders to break into. The market is so prosperous. The sky is so blue. The citizens are living in peace.Nevertheless, we can see some grey clouds approaching the empire. AT RISE: SATAN, wearing a cloak, slips into the empire. He is walking on a road in the dark side of the street. SATAN I long for power I want all the fortune I desire the people submit to me, pray to me,
  • 11. /11 37 kneel to me! I am busy pursuing the land all over the world I am the god of the world! (SATAN sets fire to a haystack.) (people screaming) (SATAN slips into the palace.) SATAN(Cont.) (Face the audience) Let the fire dance! Let the fire sing to its utmost! Let the fire overwhelm the poor empire! I will be the king of this miserable land! LUCIFER (LUCIFER runs towards SATAN, pointing at SATAN) How did you get here? Attackers! Attackers! SATAN It is too late! Hahahaha…… (SATAN runs to the garden. LUCIFER runs after him.) LUCIFER Stop! Or I will kill you!
  • 12. /12 37 SATAN (SATAN turns around suddenly and uses his magic on LUCIFER.) LUCIFE (Falling down to the ground) SATAN Your empire is mine! Your fortune is mine! Your power is mine! I will take the throne! LUCIFER (laughing at SATAN) You cannot kill me. I have my magic powers as well. I will not let your plot become the reality! (struggling to stand up) SATAN (SATAN pushes him down and squats, facing LUCIFER.) You are predestined to die. Though I cannot kill you now, I will kill you sooner or later. (SATAN stands up) SATAN(Cont.)
  • 13. /13 37 Damn it! If I use the magic stone to kill him, I will hurt my- self, too. I have to put him in a place, imprison him till I find the right person to carry the stone to kill him! (Off) (BLACKOUT) (END OF SCENE)
  • 14. /14 37 ACT II Scene 2 SETTING: The fire in the empire has been put off, only leaving the smoke above the ruins. People were crying, seeking for their lost family members. Not far away from here, there was a mountain where stood tall trees which were dancing wildly. The rocks on the mountain looked as if they were dead. AT RISE: SATAN tied Lucifer up. He was on the way to the mountain. (People off the stage: Where are you! Our kings!) (Lucifer lay on the ground, being tied up) (Music: Opening Titles SATAN (Face the audience) I can see the trees are dancing I can feel the earth is shaking I can smell the blood that is gathering I can touch the gold that is shining Your land now, is mine! Your throne now, is mine!
  • 15. /15 37 When the dark overwhelms the sky When the disaster falls to the world You, poor Lucifer will see your people suffer! And you have no choice but to wait to die on this mountain! (SATAN used his magic) LUCIFER (Pointing at SATAN) No! You will be punished! You bad evil! You hateful soul! SATAN (Laughing evilly) Stay within the bound! Stay in the limit! You will never get out off this mountain You will never escape my hand You are bound to die! Your throne is mine! (People off the stage: Where are you! Our kings!) SATAN(Cont.)
  • 16. /16 37 Your throne is mine! (Off) (BLACKOUT) (END OF SCENE) (END OF ACT II)
  • 17. /17 37 ACT III Scene 1 SETTING: GRIFFITH and LUCIAN are now arriving at the empire. Now, the empire is more like the ruins, rather than a powerful empire. The trees are almost dead, reaching their bodies to the sky. They are in deep despair and horror. Although the sunshine is thrown onto the empire, it seems to be frozen with darkness. AT RISE: GRIFFITH and LUCIAN are now walking on the road. They saw a “wanted” post. GRIFFITH Look! What’s this? LUCIAN (LUCIAN reads the post) A evil wizard is now being caught. We now need two brave and strong soldiers to come to ICE Mountain.—— kill the wizard. (Face GRIFFITH) He might be the wizard I want to kill.
  • 18. /18 37 GRIFFITH It is a good chance to prove myself. LUCIAN It is a good chance for revenge. GRIFFITH (Face the audience) Do you know how I can get to the ICE Mountain? Hey, do you know the ICE Mountain? Hey! Hey! The way to the ICE Mountain? (People off the stage: All the way to the north) LUCIAN (Suspicious) Why do they look so frightened? It is so weird! (LUCIAN speaks to himself) I do not want to miss this chance. He must be my foe! (The army they belong to are leaving) GRIFFITH Why our army didn’t stay here for a while? Anyway, to the north! LUCIAN (Determined) To the north! (Off)
  • 20. /20 37 ACT III Scene 2 SETTING: Now, they are carrying the magic stone on the road to ICE Mountain.The chilly wind is blowing with anger.The mountains are all covered with heavy snow. The ice is like blades, with the white, scary mist and smoke. AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH seem to be lost in the ICE Mountain. A recluse comes over to LUCIAN and GRIFFITH. AARON Where are you going to, young men? The road will be tougher than you expected. LUCIAN We are going to going to find a wizard. I am not afraid of the difficulties! GRIFFITH We are going to kill him. I am not afraid of death!
  • 21. /21 37 AARON That way. Good luck, young men! (AARON follows them in secret.) (Finally, GRIFFITH and LUCIAN reach the top of the mountain and find the house where Lucifer is sealed) LUCIFER They finally come bringing their sword and arrows I have lost all the hope When the dark overwhelms the sky when the disaster falls to the world It’s time that I should leave with regret and tears Ten years is enough is enough for me to free myself into heavy snow to free myself into the darkness (GRIFFITH and LUCIAN broke into the magic boundary) GRIFFITH (saying to himself) Maybe I can kill the old, poor wizard all by myself.
  • 22. /22 37 (GRIFFITH takes the magic stone and rushes to LUCIFER) GRIFFITH(Cont.) Go to hell! LUCIFER Impossible! (LUCIFER knocked GRIFFITH down with his magic) (LUCIAN aims his arrows at LUCIFER) LUCIFER You want to kill me, too? LUCIAN Ah! (LUCIAN is knocked down) AARON I sense that the strength they have is declining. They might be in danger! LUCIFER See, young men, you are not my rivals. (attempting to kill LUCIAN and GRIFFITH) (AARON breaks into the boundary and
  • 23. /23 37 runs towards to LUCIFER) AARON Go to hell! LUCIFER You poor recluse! No way! (AARON is knocked down. But he stands up again and fails again.LUCIAN and GRIFFITH stands up with difficulty.) AARON (To LUCIAN and GRIFFITH) You, young men, should be united, work together. Only in this way can you beat him in the end. (Dead) LUCIFER and GRIFFITH (They pick up the magic stone) Through unity! (LUCIFR is fighting with them. Finally, LUCIFER is killed.) GRIFFITH (Out of breath) We…We won, didn’t we? LUCIFER
  • 24. /24 37 (Out of breath) Yes. We… We won. (Off) (The cold wind is still whistling, even more wildly and angrily.) (BLACKOUT) (END OF SCENE) (END OF ACT III)
  • 25. /25 37 ACT IV Scene 1 SETTING: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH return to the Kraken Empire, with LUCIFER’s head. Though the light is cast upon the empire, most parts of it are still in the darkness, which makes the empire look more uneasy and gloomy. AT RISE LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are feeling excited and triumphant. They also sense the strange atmosphere in the empire. GRIFFITH (to LUCIAN) The people here are not happier than before. It is so strange. LUCIAN (Looking around) Yes. I also see the people become fewer. But we have finished this tough task. We need to see the emperor in this empire. GRIFFITH All right. Let’s go.
  • 26. /26 37 (GRIFFITH and LUCIAN enter the palace to meet SATAN) SATAN Here you come! Brave soldiers! You will be the pride of my empire! Tell me what you want I will give you anything status,power, fortune! Whatever you desire! LUCIAN (saying to himself, face the audience) Whatever I desire? That poor wizard is worth that much? There might be something bad behind this empire. GRIFFITH (to LUCIAN) I have never seen such a stranger emperor! LUCIAN We don’t want anything but peace in the country. GRIFFITH Yes. SATAN (smiling evilly) Interesting. My country is ALWAYS peaceful.
  • 27. /27 37 Have a good rest,my warriors! (Off) (BLACKOUT) (END OF SCENE)
  • 28. /28 37 ACT IV Scene 2 SETTING: It is in the night. The moonlight is so cold that it may kill anything it touches. Outside the place they are sleeping lies a dark hall, which is used for coronations, waiting for someone. AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are sleeping while LUCIAN hearts the voice of someone. The voice seems to lead LUCIAN and GRIFFITH somewhere. SATAN is monitoring them in secret. LUCIAN (to GRIFFITH) Did you hear that voice? GRIFFITH It sounded like a soul. LUCIAN That has something to do with this weird empire. GRIFFITH
  • 29. /29 37 Listen! It seems to be leading us somewhere! LUCIAN Follow it! (LUCAN and GRIFFITH come to the hall. SATAN followed them and hid in the hall. There is a statue in the middle of the hall.) SOUL(Of LUCIFER) You have finally come with your doubts and pride I have lost all hope When the dark overwhelms the sky when the disaster falls to the world It’s time that I should tell you the truth with anger and sorrows GRIFFITH What happened to you? What’s your name? What you are saying sounds so familiar! LUCIAN (dragging GRIFFITH) You are talking to a soul? Keep away from this! SOUL
  • 30. /30 37 Ten years is enough is enough for me to free myself into heavy snow to free myself into the darkness LUCIAN and GRIFFITH (in surprise) Are you the…the wizard? Why are you here? SOUL Once, the empire was peaceful Once, the people were joyful Once, the darkness was not here any more Once, I was the emperor of the empire! LUCIAN and GRIFFITH (in astonishment) You?! You are the emperor? But… But what about the emperor at present? SOUL He took my throne He seized my land He is the evil of the world He is SATAN! My land is now his!
  • 31. /31 37 My people are now his! My empire is now his! (Silence for a few seconds) (SATAN off) LUCIAN (to GRIFFITH) A new task seems to falls on us. GRIFFITH (nodding his head) Now all come out in the wash. We need to help the empire turn back to normal. LUCIAN Yes. We have to work together to end this. (Off) (BLACKOUT) (END OF SCENE)
  • 32. /32 37 ACT IV Scene 3 SETTING: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH now at the evening feast. The plates are all made of gold. The dishes are classy and delicious. Nevertheless, the light is too dim. The moon in the sky is amazingly round. There’re some clouds around it. AT RISE: SATAN is standing in the middle, raising his glass of wine to LUCIAN and GRIFFITH. SATAN (to GRIFFITH) For the peace! Drink it! My warrior! LUCIAN (LUCIAN takes the wine
  • 33. /33 37 and throws it onto the floor) You evil wizard! GRIFFITH (Yelling at SATAN) Go to the hell! (SATAN runs away. But a scene appears on the window.) SATAN You demand a fight? I give you the chance! Come here! (GRIFFITH and LUCIAN come to a dark house) LUCIAN (LUCIAN took out his arrows and bows.) He must be here! GRIFFITH (Looking around) Be careful! He may hide in someplace. (LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are cautiously finding SATAN when SATAN comes out suddenly) SATAN Who said that I went to the hell? (Using his magic)
  • 34. /34 37 (LUCIAN and GRIFFITH are all knocked down.) SATAN (walking towards them) It will be the end of your lives. GRIFFITH (Smile, struggling to stand up) You will never win! LUCIAN (LUCIAN take out of the magic stone) You are bound to die! SATAN (in astonishment) What’s that? LUCIAN and GRIFFITH Go to hell! SATAN (painful) Ah! I hate you! (SATAN falls down to the ground, dead. LUCIAN and GRIFFITH feel exhausted and fall down to the ground,too.)
  • 36. /36 37 ACT IV Scene 4 SETTING: Now, the remaining fire of battle is still in the empire. But we can see the sunshine is thrown onto this once miserable land. We still find it rather scary since the gloomy cloud hasn’t gone away completely. AT RISE: LUCIAN and GRIFFITH is standing outside the empire, watching the crack of dawn. GRIFFITH I didn’t see any people in the empire. I don’t understand why the empire is on fire. Maybe that’s the falling of the empire. (GRIFFITH sighs) LUCIAN (pointing to the coming sun) Look! The sun is rising.
  • 37. /37 37 It maybe a new start on the empire. GRIFFITH Probably. But I don’t think we can stay here any more. LUCIAN Why? GRIFFTH It is we who killed the real king. It is we who set out the battle. It is we who should bear the guilt and regret. LUCIAN I don’t know. The road in front of us is still very long. GRIFFITH Our army may be at the next empire. Don’t tell them anything about the empire. (Off) (BLACKOUT)