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The 3rd Annual Corporate Social Media Summit
   The No 1 Social Media focussed corporate event –
   your One-Stop-Shop for everything you need know

Fully integrate social media
throughout your company to engage
consumers, enhance your brand
and boost your bottom line #CSMNY
Two day business conference, June 13–14, 2012
The New Yorker, New York City

A practical and interactive business conference built for a corporate audience:

           Improve engagement, customer                     Measure your social media impact to show
           satisfaction and sales via a turbo-charged       business worth, inform future strategy and
           external social media policy and make your       meet your business priorities
           brand friends for life
                                                            Lay the foundations for future success by
           Create a cohesive internal structure             fully understanding the changing market
           that’s embedded throughout to boost              issues to gain competitive advantage
           communication whilst reducing business risk

                                    …of speakers are corporate      …of sessions are designed to enhance
                                           practitioners           and improve your social media strategy

                                         …of topics have been requested by your peers and deal with the
                                           major issues affecting your company today – and tomorrow
Speakers include:                                                                                Co-Sponsor:

   LOOK INSIDE to check out our top level corporate speakers and business-focused agenda
Dear Colleague

  The Corporate Social Media Summit is back. Fast becoming
  THE meeting place for the corporate social media practitioner,
  this is your One-Stop-Shop for all things social.

  What’s changed for 2012?                             THIrD, it is now acknowledged that social
                                                       media is not merely something for marketing
                                                                                                                  THere’S More.
                                                                                                                  Because this year, we have grown even better.
  FIrST AnD ForeMoST, the furious pace                 teams. Social is permeating through ALL                    With more interactive and productive session
  of advancements have transformed the social          business functions. 2012 represents the Year               formats, bigger brand speakers and a networking
  landscape as we knew it even twelve months           of Change for social media as we know it.                  space no-one in the USA can beat – this is the
  ago. Facebook has surpassed 800 million              58% of companies will use social for customer              One & Only social media event to attend in 2012.
  users. Twitter 100 million. And the number of        service, 65% for reputation management,
                                                       41% for employee engagement and 27% for                    If your company wants to take its social media
  platforms are increasing also, especially with
                                                       commerce. Companies that are not running a                 strategy to the next level this is definitely the
  Google+ and Pinterest joining the party. It all
                                                       fully integrated, grown-up social media program            only conference you need to attend
  means that you, the social media practitioner,
  have an even tougher job ahead of you. And in a      are being left behind in the social arms race.             Don’t miss the opportunity to get to the
  world of uncertainty, you can be sure only that it   Social is no longer experimental.                          forefront of corporate social media. Reserve
  will get harder still.                               It is fundamental.                                         your place at The Corporate Social Media
                                                                                                                  Summit today.
  SeConD, companies understand even more               Your social media strategy needs to be part of
  than before that social media is becoming more       your long-term business plan and integrated
  businesses-critical. 64% of companies report         across the whole company.
  their social media budgets are going to increase
                                                       And there is only one place to learn how to                                       Sincerely,
  throughout 2012. 92% of the Fortune100
                                                       achieve this: The Corporate Social Media Summit.
  companies now have a Twitter account. Even
  70% of local businesses have a Facebook              Just like last year, you will hear only from corporate
  page. It all goes to say that US corporations are    speakers – the Summit Agenda has once again
  not only becoming more aware, they are also          evolved from three months of primary research
  growing more active through social.                  – and networking with your corporate peers is                                     Harry rollason
                                                       given an even higher priority.                                                    Useful Social Media

  There is plenty of choice when it comes to social media summits. But the
  Corporate Social Media Summit is different – and better than all the rest.
  A bold claim. But one we make from a position of strength.
                How so?
                Simple. We only have businesses talking to businesses.
   is:          Designed for you,             Best practice from             A proven track                     Fabulous                   High end
                the corporate:                your corporate                 record: 98% of last                networking:                discussion:
                Three months of               peers: All speakers            year’s delegates con-              With 200+ delegates,       Go back to the office
                solid research to             are from big                   firmed they learned                this is the event          armed with the
                ensure every session          corporations and               useful strategies                  for successful             knowledge to drive
                gets to the heart             have been tasked               and best practice at               practitioners who          your social media
                of this year’s social         with delivering                the Corporate Social               want to get on             strategies forward
                issues and keeps              practical solutions            Media Summit                       with their social          – immediately. Learn
                you those vital steps         and informed                   (and we have taken                 strategy in 2012.          how to stay ahead
                ahead in an ever-             opinions, rather than          the feedback from                                             of the curve.
                changing landscape.           empty classroom                the other 2% firmly
                                              theory.                        on board!)

Improve your consumer engagement                               Incorporate commerce into your                                Create a more robust and responsive
by way of a more advanced social                               broader social media strategy to                              customer service function: Turn your
media strategy to inspire even better                          directly impact your bottom line                              customers – and your critics – into
brand interaction                                              Gone are the days where social media was just                 brand ambassadors
                                                               ‘experimental’. It must now deliver genuine worth to
As social media evolves, the number of fans engaging           push	those	budgetary	floodgates	open.	As	your	online	         Good customer service leads to positive sentiment, and
with your brand online is rocketing. It’s now common for       fans increase, your ability to move from followers to         the advance of social media has changed customer
brands to have large numbers of Fans and Followers –           dollars	improves	–dramatically.	But	how	do	you	make	          service beyond recognition. Already, 42% of companies
but to what extent do they truly engage with your brand?       social media part of the sales process?                       use social media as a customer service tool, and this is
                                                                                                                             predicted to increase to 59% by the end of the year.
90% of Facebook users don’t return to the brand page           Adding commerce to the social mix remains tough.
after the ‘Like’. The reality is that brands now not only      Talking in the right voice and making the right sounds        Good customer service has the power to create better
face the problem creating new fans – but keeping               has never been more crucial. Get it wrong and you             brand reputation, increase retention rates and boost
existing fans engaged.                                         run	the	risk	of	jeopardizing	all	your	previous	hard	work,	    competitive advantage. Social customer service is
                                                               as followers become alienated through a bullish sales         becoming the norm for any company that wants to
In this session our distinguished panel of corporate
                                                               technique.                                                    communicate proactively with their customers, so time
experts will spell out on how to make true Friends
                                                                                                                             to get with the program.
through REAL relationships:                                    Both	KLIM	and	Whole	Foods	have	been	models	of	
                                                               excellence as social commerce early adopters. In this         In this session Frank Eliason, who is wrote to book on social
•	 	 umanize	your	brand:	Transform	your	corporate	
                                                               session they will demonstrate how to develop real             customer	service	from	him	time	as	@ComcastCares,	will	
   image into something approachable and engaging,
                                                               relationships that work for you.                              be	joined	by	leading	airline	JetBlue.	Both	JetBlue,	one	of	
   and boost consumer interaction
                                                                                                                             the	earliest	adopters	of	social	customer	service,	and	Citi	
•	 	 etention	is	the	new	acquisition:	Build	robust	and	
   R                                                           •	 	 ocial	commerce:	Learn	the	best	ways	to	incorporate	
                                                                  S                                                          will demonstrate how to build a successful social media
   lasting relationships to future-proof your business            loyalty	programs,	customer	benefits,	and	rewards	          customer service function at your company.
   for the new economic situation                                 programs into your existing websites and campaigns
                                                                                                                             •	 	 onversation	overload:	Ensuring	you	respond	
•	 	 apitalize	on	every	conversation:	Move	from	a	
   C                                                           •	 	 oving	from	followers	to	customers:	Avoid	the	pitfalls	
                                                                  M                                                             effectively to the rapidly increasing number of customer
   content strategy to a conversation strategy and                of overselling to your brand loyalists by deploying           requests	–	and	route	queries	to	the	right	people	
   maximize	interactions	for	enhanced	loyalty	and	                softly-softly	sales	techniques	that	will	not	alienate	
                                                                  anyone                                                     •	 	 onstructing	response	models:	How	to	deal	with	trouble-
   brand appreciation
                                                                                                                                makers – and know when it’s time to cut them loose
Part One                                                       •	 	 rofit	from	staying	in	touch:	Discover	how	to	create	
                                                                  an environment where your customers are actually           •	 	 ove	beyond	social	media:	Dealing	with	problems	
American express Laura Fink Vice-President                        eager to help sell your products for you                      that can’t be answered in 140 characters or less
Social	Media                                                                                                                 •	 	 chieve	seamless	integration	by	ensuring	what’s	said	
                                                               Whole Foods Bill Tolany		Head	of	Integrated	Media
Gap Rachel Tipograph Director, Global Digital                                                                                   on	social	platforms	fits	in	with	existing	CRM	systems
and	Social	Media                                               Air France KLM Viktor Van-der-Wijk
                                                               Director	E-Acquisition
                                                                                                                             Citi Frank Eliason		Senior	Vice	President	of	Social	Media	
H&r Block Scott Gulbransen Director                                                                                          JetBlue Morgan Johnston		Head	of	Corporate	
of	Social	Media                                                                                                              Communications
Part Two                                                       Reputation preservation and
AVG Jill Hunley		Vice	President	of	Global	Social	Media	        enhancement: Use social media to                              Creating marketing synergy: Boost
Diageo/Smirnoff Michelle Klein Smirnoff Vice                   maximize the impact of your brand
President,	Global	Marketing                                                                                                  your external impact by developing
                                                               Social media has changed the way brands communicate
Boeing Todd Blecher		Communications/Social	                    once and for all. Traditional barriers between brands and     a fully-integrated marketing mix
Media	Director                                                 stakeholders are now almost non-existent – which brings       Gone are the days when social sat at its own table.
                                                               both opportunities and dangers.                               Companies	have	woken	up	to	the	fact	that	social	needs	
                                                               Use social correctly and you can manage your online           to be part of the broader marketing and communications
Global versus Local: Manage multiple                           reputation far more effectively than before. Look at          strategy.		Just	look	at	this	year’s	Super	Bowl	half	time	
                                                               Southwest Airlines, who told the world about their            adverts, the majority contained a hashtag and were
identities whilst maintaining brand                                                                                          promoted	via	social	channels	before	there	airing.	What	
                                                               emergency	with	Flight	1919	to	Chicago	via	social	rather	
identity on a universal scale                                  than traditional media and emerged from a crisis with         was the unknown 12 months ago is now becoming main
                                                               its reputation enhanced, rather than damaged. This            stream marketing practice.
It’s essential to maintain a clear brand identity for social
media	success.	But	that’s	easier	said	than	done,	              session shows you the do’s and don’ts of reputation           What	else	can	you	do	with	social	to	make	your	traditional	
especially when your brand’s presence makes itself             management via social media from three of the US’s            marketing work harder? Or are you still keeping
felt in different geographical markets through multiple        biggest	brands,	McDonalds,	Citi	and	Southwest	Airlines.	      marketing and social at separate tables –
platforms. Today’s average company has six different           •	 	 isk	management	and	crisis	response:	How	to	
                                                                  R                                                          and limiting your potential impact?
Twitter accounts, so it’s clear segmentation is happening.        identify escalating situations on social networks and      In	this	session	American	Eagle	and	Mercedes-Benz	will	
But	should	it?	How	do	you	send	out	a	united	message	              deal with them appropriately                               spell out precisely how social media impacts on your
when the communication landscape is so disjointed?                                                                           traditional marketing communications – and the necessary
                                                               •	 	 uild	trust	and	passion:	Use	social	media	to	share	
•	 	 ocalization	of	content:	How	to	create	on-message	
   L                                                              good news stories, build brand advocates and               steps to create synergy across your entire marketing mix.
   content that also meets local demands                          spread positive impact                                     •	 	 oosting	impact:	Techniques	to	enhance	and	amplify	
•	 	 eeping	up	appearances:	Ensuring	your	brand	voice	
   K                                                           •	 	nformation	at	the	speed	of	light:	Dealing	with	the	
                                                                  I                                                             your storylines and brand messages through social
   remains consistent – rather than confused - even               sheer speed and spread of social news to keep              •	 	ntegrate	your	offline	channels	with	social:	Persuading	
   when it’s spread across many different social media            several steps ahead                                           consumers to shift their conversations about your
   locations                                                                                                                    brand online
                                                               McDonald’s Heather Oldani Director, U.S.
•	 	 raining,	equipping	and	synergizing	multiple	teams	in	
   T                                                           Communications                                                •	 	 nderstand	the	dangers:	The	risks	of	failing	to	
   different regions to truly create a ‘glocal’ social media                                                                    properly integrate your marketing mix in 2012
   function                                                    Citi, Jonathan Young, Assistant Vice President
                                                               Social	Media	and	Corporate	Communications	                    American eagle Jessica Berlin		Social	Media	Manager
BAe Systems Steve Field		Director	of	Digital	Media	
                                                               Southwest Airlines Brandy King Senior                         Mercedes-Benz USA Melissa Newell Social
General electric Andy Markowitz Director,                      Communications	Manager                                        Media	Specialist
Global Digital Strategy

Join the conversation! You can follow us at:                                                                                              #CSMNY

Lay the foundations for long-term                              Design an internal governance model                                     The social mobile customer: Boost
business success: Structuring,                                 to train and create employee brand                                      your impact by combining the power
embedding, operationalizing and                                ambassadors - not liabilities                                           of mobile with the strength of social
communicating social media inside                              Social media carries many associated risks. None more                   – the way
                                                               so than the fear of someone doing something ‘wrong’ -
your organization                                              and with 73% of companies having at least three people                  •	 	 	case	study	on	how	have	utilised	mobile	
                                                               active	on	‘official’	social	media,	you	need	to	be	certain	                 successfully for their company
As your social media develops, so too must your
strategy	and	your	model	of	adoption.	Coming	up	with	an	        responsibilities are clear.                                    Sharon Knitter		Senior	Director	of	Mobile
effective internal social media structure is hard enough       Unfortunately, the nature of the beast means one small
– but coming up with one which is effective and meets          mistake	can	escalate	quickly,	and	before	you	know	it,	
key business priorities is even harder. Adding additional      you’re	obliged	to	fight	fire	with	fire.	From	Mattel’s	deleting	of	
pressure to you, the social media manager in what is                                                                                   Using the social media data you
                                                               Facebook	posts,	to	Habitat’s	loose	hashtag,	examples	of	
already	pressure	filled	role.	                                 social	media	going	wrong	are	all	too	easy	to	find.                      gather to inform future strategic
In	this	session	you	will	hear	from	Dell,	Wells	Fargo	and	      But	you	can’t	afford	not	to	be	on	social	media.	So	you	                 brand strategies
Adobe who will give you a 360 view of what a successful        need to make sure that your employees know the rules
internal structure looks like.                                                                                                         Turning social media data into actionable insights that
                                                               of engagement. In this session hear from two very big                   inform strategy is imperative to future business success.
•	 	 here	to	embed	social	at	your	company?	Create	
   W                                                           brands	in	two	very	different	industries.	Bank	of	America	               But	with	the	wealth	of	social	media	data	out	there,	how	
   nimble infrastructures and secure the coordination          and	Dunkin’	Brands	will	share	their	experience	on	how	                  do you sort the wheat from the chaff?
   required	for	internal	cohesion	                             to use social media effectively in tandem with broader
                                                               company goals.                                                          Social media should hold sway over brand decisions. For
•	 	 etting	to	Yes:	The	secrets	of	achieving	genuine	
   G                                                                                                                                   instance, Gap, through social media, felt the backlash
   support	from	the	C-suite	                                   •	 	 ocialization	for	success:	Train	your	biggest	assets	
                                                                  S                                                                    to their change of brand logo in 2010 and reverted to
                                                                  to know the rules of engagement                                      the traditional version. Just one case of where listening
•	 	 chieving	maximum	productivity	from	your	internal	
   resources:	How	to	pick	the	best	person	for	the	job          •	 	 reate	an	appropriate	governance	policy:	
                                                                  C                                                                    to and reading social media discussions correctly is
                                                                  Develop internal rules to guide your employees                       imperative to inform business decisions. In this session:
•	 	 romote	internal	cohesion:	Improve	your	internal	
                                                                  in representing your company                                         •	 	 urn	data	into	action:	How	to	analyze	data	to	
   communication channels to ensure your company’s
   social	media	deployment	is	efficient	and	productive         •	 	 inding	the	right	balance:	Empowerment	or	constant	
                                                                  F                                                                       understand what your consumers want from you
                                                                  supervision?	What	works	best	for	your	business?
Dell Richard Binhammer		Director,	Social	Media	                                                                                        •	 	 rowd	sourcing	and	internal	innovation:	Using	
and	Community                                                  •	 	 ow	to	prosper	in	a	regulated	industry:	Learn	
                                                                  H                                                                       what	you	hear	to	directly	influence	your	product	
                                                                  how the thrive in even the toughest social media                        development teams
Wells Fargo Nathan Bricklin Senior Vice
                                                                  environment                                                          •	 	 ctionable	insights:	Create	free-flowing	and	easily	
President	-	Head	of	Social	Business	Strategy
Adobe Maria Poveromo		Director	of	Social	Media                 Bank of America Chris Smith Senior Vice                                    understood information across business departments
                                                               President	of	Social	Media
                                                               Bank of America Emily Berg Senior Vice
The impact of social media: Should you                         President	of	Enterprise	Social	Media	Marketing                          How gamification can boost customer
look further than ROI to assess success?                       Dunkin’ Brands Jessica Gioglio Public Relations                         interactions, train staff and improve
                                                               and	Social	Media	Manager
Even	in	2012,	putting	a	firm	price	on	what	social	media	                                                                               stakeholder engagement
delivers remains contentious, and 74% of companies                                                                                     Gamification	is	fast	moving	from	a	perceived	flash	in	the	
admit	they	are	not	confident	in	attributing	the	right	ROI	                                                                             pan	into	marketing	mainstream	thinking.	Consultancy	
to their social efforts.                                       Techniques to stop, look and listen to                                  firm	Gartner	predicts	that	by	2015,	more	than	50%	of	
However	the	days	of	social	media	being	allowed	to	run	         what is being said about your brand                                     organizations	that	manage	innovation	processes	will	
its own course are over. At the very least, it must now                                                                                gamify those processes, and predict that by 2014, a
                                                               on social media channels                                                gamified	service	for	consumer	goods	marketing	and	
deliver	real	impact.	But	should	this	impact	be	measured	
purely	in	financial	terms?	Or	are	their	other	metrics	your	    Social media monitoring delivers a deluge of data – some                customer retention will become as important
business should measure – and take into account?               relevant and some not. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.                   as	Facebook,	eBay	and	Amazon.
                                                               The real challenge is not to track and measure                          But	why?	If	you	bring	gamification	into	your	own	
In	this	session	New	York	Life	Insurance	will	walk	you	         everything, but to single out the business-critical
through	a	variety	of	popular	ROI	models	–	financial	                                                                                   marketing strategy, what are the potential positive
                                                               information to your brand.                                              - and negative - effects?
and	non-financial	–	that	they	are	applying.	Protiviti	will	
share a continuum of metrics corporate directors are           But	with	65%	of	companies	confessing	their	current	                     In this session two leading corporations, Siemens and
seeing when management presents social media in the            measurement of social media impact is ineffective,                      Recycle	Bank	will	introduce	you	to	gamification	and	
boardroom. And Lego will go through four very new and          how	do	you	find	the	stuff	that	really	matters?	                         explain how it can impact on your bottom line:
distinct ways they are looking to create value through         PepsiCo	is	a	real	leader	in	this	very	area.	Having	just	
social media that show returns.                                                                                                        •	 	 amifying	for	the	right	reasons:	Identify	the	
                                                               opened	a	Mission	Control	Hub,	they	will	demonstrate	                       circumstances when adding a ‘game layer’ to your
•	 	 he	Holy	Grail:	Firmly	establish	what	you	want	to	
   T                                                           how to monitor the right things and track your social                      business adds value
   achieve from your social efforts – is it more than just     media success:
   the value of a shared voice?                                                                                                        •	 	 actics	for	engagement:	How	to	harness	the	
                                                               •	 	 etermine	your	priorities:	Identify	what	your	company	
                                                                  D                                                                       ‘stickyness’ of game dynamics
•	 	 he	social	ROI	formula:	Find	a	clear	route	to	your	
   T                                                              should be looking to achieve through the wealth of
   social	impact	–	and	attribute	it	back	to	specific	social	      social media data                                                    •	 	 he	best	ways	to	incorporate	loyalty	programs	and	
   media campaigns and efforts                                                                                                            customer	benefits…	without	giving	too	much	away
                                                               •	 	 inding	critical	data:	How	to	fish	in	the	right	pools	
•	 	 he	next	generation:	Is	ROI	redundant,	or	not?	
   T                                                              to deliver the information you need                                  recyclebank Samantha Skey		Chief	Revenue	
   Is it time to focus on new and different monetary                                                                                   Officer
                                                               •	 	 ignal	versus	Noise:	Adding	a	relevant	corporate	lens	
   metrics that show bang for your buck?                                                                                               Siemens Oliver Fleischhut Director, Online
                                                                  to	cut	through	the	chatter	and	find	the	most	pertinent	
new York Life Insurance Gregory Weiss                             information                                                          Communications
Assistant	Vice	President,	Social	Media
                                                               PepsiCo David Weiner		Digital	Media	Manager
Lego Lars Silberbauer		Social	Media	Director
Protiviti Gregory Hedges		Managing	Director	
Social	Business


Is social media is important to your company?
If so, the Corporate Social Media Summit is important, too            What your peers have said:
  With our high caliber corporate speakers, you hear only from
  those that are walking the walk instead of just talking the talk.    Great content,                         Perfectly
  You’re assured of unbiased information – well-balanced and
                                                                       great speakers.                        targeted at the
  innovative – so you can make better-informed decisions the           I will be able                         social marketer
  moment you get back to the office.
                                                                       to use what I                          with corporations
                                                                       have learnt here                       - Great examples
  This is the meeting place for corporate practitioners – and a
  great way to meet your peers.                                        immediately back                       of thought
                                                                       in the office                          leadership
  You’ll acquire premium market intelligence. As the sessions
  knit together you’ll be able to benchmark from social media              Lori DeFurio                          Jennifer Wendt
  leaders learning how to recognize- and avoid – the mistakes              Social	Media	Strategist,	Adobe        Social	Media	Director,	
  they have already made.                                                                                        Schneider Electric

  An even more interactive format carves out extra time for you        This event
  to ask important questions that will shape your future strategy
                                                                       had the three                          The summit was
                                                                       elements of a                          filled with won-
  Get the tools you need to define and measure the
  effectiveness of your social media policy – and make the             great conference                       derfully useful
  C-suite smile.
                                                                       – Great content,                       information and
                                                                       interesting peo-                       has given me
                                                                       ple and great food                     so much to bring
The response to last year’s Corporate
                                                                                                              back to my
Social Media Summit was excellent                                          Michael Brenner
                                                                           Marketing	Senior	Director,	SAP

                              90% 98%
                                                                                                                 Sheerah Singer
                                                                       The blockbuster                           Director	-	Marketing	&	
                                                                                                                 Communications,	Penn	Mutual

         79%                       Would
                                                                       line up was
                                                                       impressive –
                                                                                                              Smart, engaging
                                                        new that       well done!
             of last         to someone               they could                                              and thought
              years               in their             take back           Tom Hoehn
         attendees               position                                  Interactive	Marketing	Director,	   provoking
                                                    to the office
              were                                     with them
                                                                                                              speakers from
        corporates                                       straight                                             a cross section
        working in                                          away       Really great
        big brands
                                                                                                              of industries
                                                                       content. Quality                       delivering useful
                                                                       of presentations                       best practice
                                                                       very high
                                                                                                                 Lauren Alba
                                                                           Amber Banks                           Manager,	Social	Marketing	and	
                                                                           Account	Manager,	BO.LT
                                                                                                                 Communications,	American	
                                                                                                                 Express Publishing

  Last year’s Corporate Social                            The demographics
  Media Summit had the below                              of 2011’s audience
  companies in attendance:
                                                                                                               18% Service
3M               Dassault            Ogilvy                                                                    Providers
Air France       Systemes            PepsiCo
AT&T             DTE Energy          Samsung
Best Buy         eBay                SAP
Citi             Exact Target        Social Media
Coca-Cola        Intuit              Today
Comcast          Kellogg’s           T-Mobile
Conversocial     Mediacom            Verizon
                 Mercedes Benz       Weber Shandwick
and many more…

  In 2011 we had the below
                                                                                                              3% Journalists
  companies in attendance:                                                                                    and news
Cisco            Intel               Southwest Airlines
                                                           79% Corporate
Santander        Expedia             American Express
Sunny Delight    American Licorice   BP
Dunkin’ Brands   Nokia               Canon
Siemens          U.S Bank            Avon
Make-A-Wish      Radian 6            Bitly
Foundation       Dollar General      Siemens
Adobe            World Wrestling     Whole Foods          The seniority of
Qualcomm         Entertainment       Nutricia
Sony             Dell                Paddy Power
                                                          2011’s audience                                         14% VP /
HP               J&J                 GlaxoSmithKline                                                              Senior VP
PayPal           Prudential          20th Century Fox                                                             / Senior
Boingo           New York Life       Capital One
Hitachi          Insurance                                                                                        Director
                                     Save the Children
Brandwatch       Marriott
to name but a few...                                         32% Director

       A few facts about
     our previous summits:
        63% of out          from over                                                                              10% Senior
   attendees were           250 different                                                                          Managers
  Senior Manager/           companies
      Director level        throughout the
     executives or          US and europe
       more senior
                            79% of past
  We’ve had senior          attendees
   directors speak          are from big                       37% Manager
   from Coca-Cola,          corporate’s                                                                             7% Ceo’s
  Pfizer, Best Buy,
    UPS, Cisco and          98% of previous
       many more            attendees said
                            they learnt
  We have had over          something new
    600 delegates           at the summit                   @usefulsocial
We promise                      REGISTER NOW
 you will                       Two day business conference, June 13–14, 2012

                                The New Yorker, New York City

                                 Choose Your Pass

      Insight from the
      very best in the social               Standard                                                                          Book by April 5th

                                      •	 	 ccess	to	all	super-panels,	workshops	
                                         A                                                                                    $1400                       SAVe $400
      media arena                        and case studies                                                                     Book by May 4th
                                      •	 	 etworking	lunch	and	coffee	breaks

                                                                                                                              $1650                       SAVe $150
                                      • Evening drinks reception                                                              Full price
      A corporate event with
                                      + Access to presentation slides post-conference                                         $1800
      a corporate audience,
      no sales pitch or
      ‘blue sky’ thinking                                                                                                     Book by April 5th
                                       •	   A
                                            	 ccess	to	all	super-panels,	workshops	and	case	studies

                                                                                                                              $1600                       SAVe $400
                                       •	   N
                                            	 etworking	lunch	and	coffee	breaks
                                                                                                                              Book by May 4th
      experience and                   •    Evening drinks reception
                                                                                                                              $1850                       SAVe $150
                                       +    Access to presentation slides post-conference
      learning that you can                                                                                                   Full price
                                       +    MP3s of every session at the conference
      take back to the office                                                                                                 $2000

      and apply instantly
                                                                                                                              Book by April 5th

                                       •	   A
                                            	 ccess	to	all	super-panels,	workshops	and	case	studies
      The key learnings                •	   N
                                            	 etworking	lunch	and	coffee	breaks
                                                                                                                              $2495                       SAVe $400
                                                                                                                              Book by May 4th
      your social media                •    Evening drinks reception
                                                                                                                              $2745                       SAVe $150
                                       +    Access to presentation slides post-conference
      strategy needs to take           +    MP3s of every session at the conference
                                                                                                                              Full price
      it to the next level
                                            InCLUDeS neW 66-PAGe BUSIneSS rePorT

                                            Register for a Diamond Pass and receive a copy of our brand new report.                      Measuring your
                                            The report will enable you to truly understand how to measure the ROI
      To meet the very
                                                                                                                                        Social Media

                                            of your social media initiatives and make better business decisions.
                                                                                                                                        Impact and ROI
                                                                                                                                        An invaluable guide
                                                                                                                                                            to finding and
                                                                                                                                        optimising your
                                                                                                                                                        elusive social media

      best in the business

                                            •	 	 eep	rooted	insights	from	brands	from	FMCG,	retail,	entertainment,	
                                                                                                                                       PLUS sophisticated
                                                                                                                                                           analysis of cross-industry
                                                                                                                                       measurement strategies,
                                                                                                                                                                must-have scorecard
                                                                                                                                       metrics and mistakes
                                                                                                                                                            to avoid

                                               finance	and	automotive
      world, saving you                     •	 	 etailed	b2b	and	b2c	case	studies
                                               D                                                                                     OPEN NOW for your
                                                                                                                                                         selected findings

                                            •	 	 est	practice	benchmarking	on	measurement
                                                                                                                                     new ground breaking                  from this

      weeks of meetings

                                            •	 	 istakes	made	by	major	brands	–	and	what	they	learnt	from	them
      and countless days
                                 Register your place
      The Corporate Social
                                      CALL US:                                       EMAIL US:
      Media Summit represents
      a worthwhile and                +1 800 814 34 59                     
      necessary investment
                                      TWEET US:                                      VISIT OUR WEBSITE:
      in the future of your
      social media strategy.          @usefulsocial                        

      Social is no longer       TERMS & CONDITIONS 	Places	are	transferable	without	any	charge.	Cancellations	after	13th	April	2012	incur	an	
      experimental.             administrative	charge	of	25%.	If	you	cancel	your	registration	after	11th	May	2012	we	will	be	obliged	to	charge	the	full	fee.	
                                Please	note	–	you	must	notify	Useful	Social	Media	in	writing	of	a	cancellation,	or	we	will	be	obliged	to	charge	the	full	fee.	
      It is fundamental         The	organizers	reserve	the	right	to	make	changes	to	the	programme	without	notice.	All	prices	displayed	are	exclusive	
                                of VAT unless otherwise stated, but VAT will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice date
                                and	the	relevant	details	will	appear	on	the	invoice.	NB:	FULL	PAYMENT	MUST	BE	RECEIVED	BEFORE	THE	EVENT
The 3rd Annual Corporate Social Media Summit
   The No 1 Social Media focussed corporate event –
   your One-Stop-Shop for everything you need know

Fully integrate social media
throughout your company to engage
consumers, enhance your brand
and boost your bottom line #CSMNY                                                                                                        Why you should attend:

Two day business conference, June 13–14, 2012                                                                                             Hear from the very best
The New Yorker, New York City                                                                                                              leading social media
                                                                                                                                             corporate experts
   Hear from 20+ corporate social media leaders:                                                                                          From American Express through
                                                                                                                                           to Dell, our speakersv have got
Whole Foods              BAe Systems                   Dunkin’ Brands, Inc.        Mercedes-Benz              Citi
Bill Tolany              Steve Field                   Jessica E. Gioglio          Melissa Newell             Jonathan Young               the knowledge to help you and
Head	of	Integrated	Media Director	of	Digital	Media     Public Relations and        Social	Media	Specialist    Assistant Vice                        your company.
                                                       Social	Media	Manager                                   President Social
American express oPen      Wells Fargo                                             Adobe                      Media	and	Corporate	
Laura Fink                 Nathan Bricklin             new York Life               Maria Poveromo             Communications                 Big brands talking
Vice-President Social      Senior Vice President -     Insurance                   Director	of	Social	Media
Media                      Head	of	Social	Business	    Gregory Weiss                                          recyclebank
                                                                                                                                            about the big issues
                           Strategy                    Assistant Vice President,   H&r Block                  Samantha Skey                   that affect you
Dell                                                   Social	Media                Scott Gulbransen           Chief	Revenue	Officer
Richard Binhammer                                                                                                                           Theory is never as good as
                           Air France KLM                                          Director	of	Social	Media
Director,	Social	Media	    Viktor Van-der-Wijk         American eagle
and	Community                                          Jessica Berlin
                                                                                                              Hilton Worldwide              practice. The biggest global
                           Director	E-Acquisition                                  JetBlue Airways            Vanessa Sain-Dieguez
                                                       Social	Media	Manager
                                                                                   Morgan Johnston            Director,	Social	Media	      brands in the world attend our
Frank Eliason
                                                       Siemens                     Corporate	                 Planning	&	Integration      conferences to share and learn.
                           Rachel Tipograph                                        Communications
Senior Vice President                                  Oliver Fleischhut                                                                          You	should	too.
                           Director, Global Digital                                                           Lego
of	Social	Media                                        Director, Online
                           and	Social	Media
                                                       Communications              Southwest Airlines         Lars Silberbauer
Diageo/Smirnoff                                                                    Brandy King                Social	Media	Director
                                                                                                                                              Social media is no
Michelle Klein             McDonald’s                  Bank of America             Senior	Manager	of	
Smirnoff Vice President,   Heather Oldani              Chris Smith                 Communications             Ge, Corporate                 longer experimental,
                           Director, U.S.
Global	Marketing
                                                       Senior Vice President,
                                                                                                              Commercial and
                                                                                                                                               it fundamental
                                                       Social	Media
AVG Technologies                                                                   David Weiner               Andy Markowitz              You	can	no	longer	afford	to	play	
Jill Hunley                          Bank of America             Digital	Media	Manager      Director, Global Digital
Vice President of Global   Sharon Knitter              Emily Berg                                             Strategy                    catch up. 2012 is the year to get
Social	Media	and	Online	   Senior	Director	of	Mobile   Senior Vice President of                                                            your social media strategy right
Engagement                                             Enterprise	Social	Media
                                                                                                                                            the	first	time.	Don’t	miss	out.

Join the conversation! You can follow us at:                                                                                                               Co-Sponsor:


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The Corporate Social Media Summit

  • 1. The 3rd Annual Corporate Social Media Summit The No 1 Social Media focussed corporate event – your One-Stop-Shop for everything you need know Fully integrate social media throughout your company to engage consumers, enhance your brand and boost your bottom line #CSMNY Two day business conference, June 13–14, 2012 The New Yorker, New York City A practical and interactive business conference built for a corporate audience: Improve engagement, customer Measure your social media impact to show satisfaction and sales via a turbo-charged business worth, inform future strategy and external social media policy and make your meet your business priorities brand friends for life Lay the foundations for future success by Create a cohesive internal structure fully understanding the changing market that’s embedded throughout to boost issues to gain competitive advantage communication whilst reducing business risk …of speakers are corporate …of sessions are designed to enhance practitioners and improve your social media strategy …of topics have been requested by your peers and deal with the major issues affecting your company today – and tomorrow Speakers include: Co-Sponsor: LOOK INSIDE to check out our top level corporate speakers and business-focused agenda
  • 2. Dear Colleague The Corporate Social Media Summit is back. Fast becoming THE meeting place for the corporate social media practitioner, this is your One-Stop-Shop for all things social. What’s changed for 2012? THIrD, it is now acknowledged that social media is not merely something for marketing THere’S More. Because this year, we have grown even better. FIrST AnD ForeMoST, the furious pace teams. Social is permeating through ALL With more interactive and productive session of advancements have transformed the social business functions. 2012 represents the Year formats, bigger brand speakers and a networking landscape as we knew it even twelve months of Change for social media as we know it. space no-one in the USA can beat – this is the ago. Facebook has surpassed 800 million 58% of companies will use social for customer One & Only social media event to attend in 2012. users. Twitter 100 million. And the number of service, 65% for reputation management, 41% for employee engagement and 27% for If your company wants to take its social media platforms are increasing also, especially with commerce. Companies that are not running a strategy to the next level this is definitely the Google+ and Pinterest joining the party. It all fully integrated, grown-up social media program only conference you need to attend means that you, the social media practitioner, have an even tougher job ahead of you. And in a are being left behind in the social arms race. Don’t miss the opportunity to get to the world of uncertainty, you can be sure only that it Social is no longer experimental. forefront of corporate social media. Reserve will get harder still. It is fundamental. your place at The Corporate Social Media Summit today. SeConD, companies understand even more Your social media strategy needs to be part of than before that social media is becoming more your long-term business plan and integrated businesses-critical. 64% of companies report across the whole company. their social media budgets are going to increase And there is only one place to learn how to Sincerely, throughout 2012. 92% of the Fortune100 achieve this: The Corporate Social Media Summit. companies now have a Twitter account. Even 70% of local businesses have a Facebook Just like last year, you will hear only from corporate page. It all goes to say that US corporations are speakers – the Summit Agenda has once again not only becoming more aware, they are also evolved from three months of primary research growing more active through social. – and networking with your corporate peers is Harry rollason given an even higher priority. Useful Social Media There is plenty of choice when it comes to social media summits. But the Corporate Social Media Summit is different – and better than all the rest. A bold claim. But one we make from a position of strength. How so? Simple. We only have businesses talking to businesses. The Summit is: Designed for you, Best practice from A proven track Fabulous High end the corporate: your corporate record: 98% of last networking: discussion: Three months of peers: All speakers year’s delegates con- With 200+ delegates, Go back to the office solid research to are from big firmed they learned this is the event armed with the ensure every session corporations and useful strategies for successful knowledge to drive gets to the heart have been tasked and best practice at practitioners who your social media of this year’s social with delivering the Corporate Social want to get on strategies forward issues and keeps practical solutions Media Summit with their social – immediately. Learn you those vital steps and informed (and we have taken strategy in 2012. how to stay ahead ahead in an ever- opinions, rather than the feedback from of the curve. changing landscape. empty classroom the other 2% firmly theory. on board!)
  • 3. SUMMIT AGenDA DAY 1 Improve your consumer engagement Incorporate commerce into your Create a more robust and responsive by way of a more advanced social broader social media strategy to customer service function: Turn your media strategy to inspire even better directly impact your bottom line customers – and your critics – into brand interaction Gone are the days where social media was just brand ambassadors ‘experimental’. It must now deliver genuine worth to As social media evolves, the number of fans engaging push those budgetary floodgates open. As your online Good customer service leads to positive sentiment, and with your brand online is rocketing. It’s now common for fans increase, your ability to move from followers to the advance of social media has changed customer brands to have large numbers of Fans and Followers – dollars improves –dramatically. But how do you make service beyond recognition. Already, 42% of companies but to what extent do they truly engage with your brand? social media part of the sales process? use social media as a customer service tool, and this is predicted to increase to 59% by the end of the year. 90% of Facebook users don’t return to the brand page Adding commerce to the social mix remains tough. after the ‘Like’. The reality is that brands now not only Talking in the right voice and making the right sounds Good customer service has the power to create better face the problem creating new fans – but keeping has never been more crucial. Get it wrong and you brand reputation, increase retention rates and boost existing fans engaged. run the risk of jeopardizing all your previous hard work, competitive advantage. Social customer service is as followers become alienated through a bullish sales becoming the norm for any company that wants to In this session our distinguished panel of corporate technique. communicate proactively with their customers, so time experts will spell out on how to make true Friends to get with the program. through REAL relationships: Both KLIM and Whole Foods have been models of excellence as social commerce early adopters. In this In this session Frank Eliason, who is wrote to book on social • umanize your brand: Transform your corporate H session they will demonstrate how to develop real customer service from him time as @ComcastCares, will image into something approachable and engaging, relationships that work for you. be joined by leading airline JetBlue. Both JetBlue, one of and boost consumer interaction the earliest adopters of social customer service, and Citi • etention is the new acquisition: Build robust and R • ocial commerce: Learn the best ways to incorporate S will demonstrate how to build a successful social media lasting relationships to future-proof your business loyalty programs, customer benefits, and rewards customer service function at your company. for the new economic situation programs into your existing websites and campaigns • onversation overload: Ensuring you respond C • apitalize on every conversation: Move from a C • oving from followers to customers: Avoid the pitfalls M effectively to the rapidly increasing number of customer content strategy to a conversation strategy and of overselling to your brand loyalists by deploying requests – and route queries to the right people maximize interactions for enhanced loyalty and softly-softly sales techniques that will not alienate anyone • onstructing response models: How to deal with trouble- C brand appreciation makers – and know when it’s time to cut them loose Part One • rofit from staying in touch: Discover how to create P an environment where your customers are actually • ove beyond social media: Dealing with problems M American express Laura Fink Vice-President eager to help sell your products for you that can’t be answered in 140 characters or less Social Media • chieve seamless integration by ensuring what’s said A Whole Foods Bill Tolany Head of Integrated Media Gap Rachel Tipograph Director, Global Digital on social platforms fits in with existing CRM systems and Social Media Air France KLM Viktor Van-der-Wijk Director E-Acquisition Citi Frank Eliason Senior Vice President of Social Media H&r Block Scott Gulbransen Director JetBlue Morgan Johnston Head of Corporate of Social Media Communications Part Two Reputation preservation and AVG Jill Hunley Vice President of Global Social Media enhancement: Use social media to Creating marketing synergy: Boost Diageo/Smirnoff Michelle Klein Smirnoff Vice maximize the impact of your brand President, Global Marketing your external impact by developing Social media has changed the way brands communicate Boeing Todd Blecher Communications/Social once and for all. Traditional barriers between brands and a fully-integrated marketing mix Media Director stakeholders are now almost non-existent – which brings Gone are the days when social sat at its own table. both opportunities and dangers. Companies have woken up to the fact that social needs Use social correctly and you can manage your online to be part of the broader marketing and communications Global versus Local: Manage multiple reputation far more effectively than before. Look at strategy. Just look at this year’s Super Bowl half time Southwest Airlines, who told the world about their adverts, the majority contained a hashtag and were identities whilst maintaining brand promoted via social channels before there airing. What emergency with Flight 1919 to Chicago via social rather identity on a universal scale than traditional media and emerged from a crisis with was the unknown 12 months ago is now becoming main its reputation enhanced, rather than damaged. This stream marketing practice. It’s essential to maintain a clear brand identity for social media success. But that’s easier said than done, session shows you the do’s and don’ts of reputation What else can you do with social to make your traditional especially when your brand’s presence makes itself management via social media from three of the US’s marketing work harder? Or are you still keeping felt in different geographical markets through multiple biggest brands, McDonalds, Citi and Southwest Airlines. marketing and social at separate tables – platforms. Today’s average company has six different • isk management and crisis response: How to R and limiting your potential impact? Twitter accounts, so it’s clear segmentation is happening. identify escalating situations on social networks and In this session American Eagle and Mercedes-Benz will But should it? How do you send out a united message deal with them appropriately spell out precisely how social media impacts on your when the communication landscape is so disjointed? traditional marketing communications – and the necessary • uild trust and passion: Use social media to share B • ocalization of content: How to create on-message L good news stories, build brand advocates and steps to create synergy across your entire marketing mix. content that also meets local demands spread positive impact • oosting impact: Techniques to enhance and amplify B • eeping up appearances: Ensuring your brand voice K • nformation at the speed of light: Dealing with the I your storylines and brand messages through social remains consistent – rather than confused - even sheer speed and spread of social news to keep • ntegrate your offline channels with social: Persuading I when it’s spread across many different social media several steps ahead consumers to shift their conversations about your locations brand online McDonald’s Heather Oldani Director, U.S. • raining, equipping and synergizing multiple teams in T Communications • nderstand the dangers: The risks of failing to U different regions to truly create a ‘glocal’ social media properly integrate your marketing mix in 2012 function Citi, Jonathan Young, Assistant Vice President Social Media and Corporate Communications American eagle Jessica Berlin Social Media Manager BAe Systems Steve Field Director of Digital Media Southwest Airlines Brandy King Senior Mercedes-Benz USA Melissa Newell Social General electric Andy Markowitz Director, Communications Manager Media Specialist Global Digital Strategy Join the conversation! You can follow us at: #CSMNY
  • 4. SUMMIT AGenDA DAY 2 Lay the foundations for long-term Design an internal governance model The social mobile customer: Boost business success: Structuring, to train and create employee brand your impact by combining the power embedding, operationalizing and ambassadors - not liabilities of mobile with the strength of social communicating social media inside Social media carries many associated risks. None more – the way so than the fear of someone doing something ‘wrong’ - your organization and with 73% of companies having at least three people • case study on how have utilised mobile A active on ‘official’ social media, you need to be certain successfully for their company As your social media develops, so too must your strategy and your model of adoption. Coming up with an responsibilities are clear. Sharon Knitter Senior Director of Mobile effective internal social media structure is hard enough Unfortunately, the nature of the beast means one small – but coming up with one which is effective and meets mistake can escalate quickly, and before you know it, key business priorities is even harder. Adding additional you’re obliged to fight fire with fire. From Mattel’s deleting of pressure to you, the social media manager in what is Using the social media data you Facebook posts, to Habitat’s loose hashtag, examples of already pressure filled role. social media going wrong are all too easy to find. gather to inform future strategic In this session you will hear from Dell, Wells Fargo and But you can’t afford not to be on social media. So you brand strategies Adobe who will give you a 360 view of what a successful need to make sure that your employees know the rules internal structure looks like. Turning social media data into actionable insights that of engagement. In this session hear from two very big inform strategy is imperative to future business success. • here to embed social at your company? Create W brands in two very different industries. Bank of America But with the wealth of social media data out there, how nimble infrastructures and secure the coordination and Dunkin’ Brands will share their experience on how do you sort the wheat from the chaff? required for internal cohesion to use social media effectively in tandem with broader company goals. Social media should hold sway over brand decisions. For • etting to Yes: The secrets of achieving genuine G instance, Gap, through social media, felt the backlash support from the C-suite • ocialization for success: Train your biggest assets S to their change of brand logo in 2010 and reverted to to know the rules of engagement the traditional version. Just one case of where listening • chieving maximum productivity from your internal A resources: How to pick the best person for the job • reate an appropriate governance policy: C to and reading social media discussions correctly is Develop internal rules to guide your employees imperative to inform business decisions. In this session: • romote internal cohesion: Improve your internal P in representing your company • urn data into action: How to analyze data to T communication channels to ensure your company’s social media deployment is efficient and productive • inding the right balance: Empowerment or constant F understand what your consumers want from you supervision? What works best for your business? Dell Richard Binhammer Director, Social Media • rowd sourcing and internal innovation: Using C and Community • ow to prosper in a regulated industry: Learn H what you hear to directly influence your product how the thrive in even the toughest social media development teams Wells Fargo Nathan Bricklin Senior Vice environment • ctionable insights: Create free-flowing and easily A President - Head of Social Business Strategy Adobe Maria Poveromo Director of Social Media Bank of America Chris Smith Senior Vice understood information across business departments President of Social Media Bank of America Emily Berg Senior Vice The impact of social media: Should you President of Enterprise Social Media Marketing How gamification can boost customer look further than ROI to assess success? Dunkin’ Brands Jessica Gioglio Public Relations interactions, train staff and improve and Social Media Manager Even in 2012, putting a firm price on what social media stakeholder engagement delivers remains contentious, and 74% of companies Gamification is fast moving from a perceived flash in the admit they are not confident in attributing the right ROI pan into marketing mainstream thinking. Consultancy to their social efforts. Techniques to stop, look and listen to firm Gartner predicts that by 2015, more than 50% of However the days of social media being allowed to run what is being said about your brand organizations that manage innovation processes will its own course are over. At the very least, it must now gamify those processes, and predict that by 2014, a on social media channels gamified service for consumer goods marketing and deliver real impact. But should this impact be measured purely in financial terms? Or are their other metrics your Social media monitoring delivers a deluge of data – some customer retention will become as important business should measure – and take into account? relevant and some not. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. as Facebook, eBay and Amazon. The real challenge is not to track and measure But why? If you bring gamification into your own In this session New York Life Insurance will walk you everything, but to single out the business-critical through a variety of popular ROI models – financial marketing strategy, what are the potential positive information to your brand. - and negative - effects? and non-financial – that they are applying. Protiviti will share a continuum of metrics corporate directors are But with 65% of companies confessing their current In this session two leading corporations, Siemens and seeing when management presents social media in the measurement of social media impact is ineffective, Recycle Bank will introduce you to gamification and boardroom. And Lego will go through four very new and how do you find the stuff that really matters? explain how it can impact on your bottom line: distinct ways they are looking to create value through PepsiCo is a real leader in this very area. Having just social media that show returns. • amifying for the right reasons: Identify the G opened a Mission Control Hub, they will demonstrate circumstances when adding a ‘game layer’ to your • he Holy Grail: Firmly establish what you want to T how to monitor the right things and track your social business adds value achieve from your social efforts – is it more than just media success: the value of a shared voice? • actics for engagement: How to harness the T • etermine your priorities: Identify what your company D ‘stickyness’ of game dynamics • he social ROI formula: Find a clear route to your T should be looking to achieve through the wealth of social impact – and attribute it back to specific social social media data • he best ways to incorporate loyalty programs and T media campaigns and efforts customer benefits… without giving too much away • inding critical data: How to fish in the right pools F • he next generation: Is ROI redundant, or not? T to deliver the information you need recyclebank Samantha Skey Chief Revenue Is it time to focus on new and different monetary Officer • ignal versus Noise: Adding a relevant corporate lens S metrics that show bang for your buck? Siemens Oliver Fleischhut Director, Online to cut through the chatter and find the most pertinent new York Life Insurance Gregory Weiss information Communications Assistant Vice President, Social Media PepsiCo David Weiner Digital Media Manager Lego Lars Silberbauer Social Media Director Protiviti Gregory Hedges Managing Director Social Business @usefulsocial
  • 5. neTWorKInG Is social media is important to your company? If so, the Corporate Social Media Summit is important, too What your peers have said: With our high caliber corporate speakers, you hear only from those that are walking the walk instead of just talking the talk. Great content, Perfectly You’re assured of unbiased information – well-balanced and great speakers. targeted at the innovative – so you can make better-informed decisions the I will be able social marketer moment you get back to the office. to use what I with corporations have learnt here - Great examples This is the meeting place for corporate practitioners – and a great way to meet your peers. immediately back of thought in the office leadership You’ll acquire premium market intelligence. As the sessions knit together you’ll be able to benchmark from social media Lori DeFurio Jennifer Wendt leaders learning how to recognize- and avoid – the mistakes Social Media Strategist, Adobe Social Media Director, they have already made. Schneider Electric An even more interactive format carves out extra time for you This event to ask important questions that will shape your future strategy had the three The summit was elements of a filled with won- Get the tools you need to define and measure the effectiveness of your social media policy – and make the great conference derfully useful C-suite smile. – Great content, information and interesting peo- has given me ple and great food so much to bring The response to last year’s Corporate back to my Social Media Summit was excellent Michael Brenner Marketing Senior Director, SAP company 90% 98% Sheerah Singer The blockbuster Director - Marketing & Communications, Penn Mutual 79% Would recommend learnt something line up was impressive – Smart, engaging new that well done! of last to someone they could and thought years in their take back Tom Hoehn attendees position Interactive Marketing Director, provoking to the office were with them Kodak speakers from corporates straight a cross section working in away Really great big brands of industries content. Quality delivering useful of presentations best practice very high Lauren Alba Amber Banks Manager, Social Marketing and Account Manager, BO.LT Communications, American Express Publishing
  • 6. neTWorKInG Last year’s Corporate Social The demographics Media Summit had the below of 2011’s audience companies in attendance: 18% Service 3M Dassault Ogilvy Providers Air France Systemes PepsiCo AT&T DTE Energy Samsung Best Buy eBay SAP Citi Exact Target Social Media Coca-Cola Intuit Today Comcast Kellogg’s T-Mobile Conversocial Mediacom Verizon Mercedes Benz Weber Shandwick and many more… In 2011 we had the below 3% Journalists companies in attendance: and news Cisco Intel Southwest Airlines 79% Corporate Santander Expedia American Express Sunny Delight American Licorice BP Dunkin’ Brands Nokia Canon Siemens U.S Bank Avon Make-A-Wish Radian 6 Bitly Foundation Dollar General Siemens Adobe World Wrestling Whole Foods The seniority of Qualcomm Entertainment Nutricia Sony Dell Paddy Power 2011’s audience 14% VP / HP J&J GlaxoSmithKline Senior VP PayPal Prudential 20th Century Fox / Senior Boingo New York Life Capital One Hitachi Insurance Director Save the Children Brandwatch Marriott to name but a few... 32% Director A few facts about our previous summits: 63% of out from over 10% Senior attendees were 250 different Managers Senior Manager/ companies Director level throughout the executives or US and europe more senior 79% of past We’ve had senior attendees directors speak are from big 37% Manager from Coca-Cola, corporate’s 7% Ceo’s Pfizer, Best Buy, UPS, Cisco and 98% of previous many more attendees said they learnt We have had over something new 600 delegates at the summit @usefulsocial
  • 7. We promise REGISTER NOW you will Two day business conference, June 13–14, 2012 get The New Yorker, New York City Choose Your Pass 1 Insight from the very best in the social Standard Book by April 5th • ccess to all super-panels, workshops A $1400 SAVe $400 media arena and case studies Book by May 4th • etworking lunch and coffee breaks N 2 $1650 SAVe $150 • Evening drinks reception Full price A corporate event with + Access to presentation slides post-conference $1800 a corporate audience, no sales pitch or Premium ‘blue sky’ thinking Book by April 5th • A ccess to all super-panels, workshops and case studies 3 $1600 SAVe $400 • N etworking lunch and coffee breaks Book by May 4th experience and • Evening drinks reception $1850 SAVe $150 + Access to presentation slides post-conference learning that you can Full price + MP3s of every session at the conference take back to the office $2000 and apply instantly Platinum Book by April 5th 4 • A ccess to all super-panels, workshops and case studies The key learnings • N etworking lunch and coffee breaks $2495 SAVe $400 Book by May 4th your social media • Evening drinks reception $2745 SAVe $150 + Access to presentation slides post-conference strategy needs to take + MP3s of every session at the conference Full price $2895 it to the next level InCLUDeS neW 66-PAGe BUSIneSS rePorT 5 Register for a Diamond Pass and receive a copy of our brand new report. Measuring your The report will enable you to truly understand how to measure the ROI To meet the very Social Media of your social media initiatives and make better business decisions. Impact and ROI An invaluable guide to finding and optimising your elusive social media best in the business ROI • eep rooted insights from brands from FMCG, retail, entertainment, D PLUS sophisticated analysis of cross-industry measurement strategies, must-have scorecard metrics and mistakes to avoid finance and automotive world, saving you • etailed b2b and b2c case studies D OPEN NOW for your selected findings • est practice benchmarking on measurement B new ground breaking from this weeks of meetings report www.usefulsocia ct • istakes made by major brands – and what they learnt from them M and countless days Register your place The Corporate Social CALL US: EMAIL US: Media Summit represents a worthwhile and +1 800 814 34 59 necessary investment TWEET US: VISIT OUR WEBSITE: in the future of your social media strategy. @usefulsocial Social is no longer TERMS & CONDITIONS Places are transferable without any charge. Cancellations after 13th April 2012 incur an experimental. administrative charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after 11th May 2012 we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note – you must notify Useful Social Media in writing of a cancellation, or we will be obliged to charge the full fee. It is fundamental The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the programme without notice. All prices displayed are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated, but VAT will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. NB: FULL PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE EVENT
  • 8. The 3rd Annual Corporate Social Media Summit The No 1 Social Media focussed corporate event – your One-Stop-Shop for everything you need know Fully integrate social media throughout your company to engage consumers, enhance your brand and boost your bottom line #CSMNY Why you should attend: Two day business conference, June 13–14, 2012 Hear from the very best The New Yorker, New York City leading social media corporate experts Hear from 20+ corporate social media leaders: From American Express through to Dell, our speakersv have got Whole Foods BAe Systems Dunkin’ Brands, Inc. Mercedes-Benz Citi Bill Tolany Steve Field Jessica E. Gioglio Melissa Newell Jonathan Young the knowledge to help you and Head of Integrated Media Director of Digital Media Public Relations and Social Media Specialist Assistant Vice your company. Social Media Manager President Social American express oPen Wells Fargo Adobe Media and Corporate Laura Fink Nathan Bricklin new York Life Maria Poveromo Communications Big brands talking Vice-President Social Senior Vice President - Insurance Director of Social Media Media Head of Social Business Gregory Weiss recyclebank about the big issues Strategy Assistant Vice President, H&r Block Samantha Skey that affect you Dell Social Media Scott Gulbransen Chief Revenue Officer Richard Binhammer Theory is never as good as Air France KLM Director of Social Media Director, Social Media Viktor Van-der-Wijk American eagle and Community Jessica Berlin Hilton Worldwide practice. The biggest global Director E-Acquisition JetBlue Airways Vanessa Sain-Dieguez Social Media Manager Morgan Johnston Director, Social Media brands in the world attend our Citi Frank Eliason Gap Siemens Corporate Planning & Integration conferences to share and learn. Rachel Tipograph Communications Senior Vice President Oliver Fleischhut You should too. Director, Global Digital Lego of Social Media Director, Online and Social Media Communications Southwest Airlines Lars Silberbauer Diageo/Smirnoff Brandy King Social Media Director Social media is no Michelle Klein McDonald’s Bank of America Senior Manager of Smirnoff Vice President, Heather Oldani Chris Smith Communications Ge, Corporate longer experimental, Director, U.S. Global Marketing Communications Senior Vice President, PepsiCo Commercial and Communications it fundamental Social Media AVG Technologies David Weiner Andy Markowitz You can no longer afford to play Jill Hunley Bank of America Digital Media Manager Director, Global Digital Vice President of Global Sharon Knitter Emily Berg Strategy catch up. 2012 is the year to get Social Media and Online Senior Director of Mobile Senior Vice President of your social media strategy right Engagement Enterprise Social Media the first time. Don’t miss out. Join the conversation! You can follow us at: Co-Sponsor: @usefulsocial