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The Anthology Chronicles: Chapter Three A Legacy
Dear Reader,  It has occurred to me that I haven't explained my naming system in this legacy so I shall now. I am going to be naming my heirs after characters from some of my favourite works of fiction. There isn't going to be an order or genre further than fiction as I have a varied collection. Starting with a beloved children's book The Secret Garden, the story of Mary Lennox a sour sickly child who grows strong and kind with the help of a private magic and her garden. I have read this story so many times and yet it still doesn't bore me. That is a sign of a good book. I'm going to be jumping between writing styles until I find one I really like, so please let me know what works and what doesn't. Last time Colin and Mary had just moved to university leaving their parents with the house to themselves. While Fictional and Jan take advantage of finally having some privacy, I shall be invading the privacy of my two students.  Without further ado I give you the Anthology Twins
Colin was a little overwhelmed by campus life at first, but soon found that the colourful lives of his dormmates were really entertaining. University life started with as little fuss as can be expected with two painfully nice sims just calmly getting on with life. Colin elected to study political science and set about to making friends with his entire dorm, with Mary still undecided about where she wants her life to go.
Almost as soon as the twins moved in Colin discovered a quiet study group discussing politics and the welfare system. Political reform being Colin's main topic of debate, he instantly attached himself to the group while Mary aquainted herself with her general studies professor.  Life in the dorm was as mild as life at home for the twins as they struggled with assignments and navigating the great campus.
Within a week the twins had developed a comfortable pattern, Colin could often be found studying or playing kicky bag with his friend Curtis. Doing well in school had never been a problem for Colin and university was no different, his first assignment in class ensured him a 4.0 in his mid terms even before the exam date was set.
Colin very soon discovers the secret to popularity, the ability to make people laugh while telling them harmless stories as though they were the most titillating pieces of information in existence.
What has Mary been doing with herself since starting school? Simple. She spent her days surrounded by men vying for her attention. Where ever she went there was always at least one gentleman caller hoping for the time of day. Her gentle nature seems to be the only reason there hasn't been a testosterone fueled fight in the dorms already.
She is the most steady romance sim I've ever played, she will chat, laugh and spend time with all the men in her dorm but the instant they try to turn things to romance she rejects them with the excuse that she has to go meet with her professor.
'So the reason you have a train of lovesick idiots you are ignoring is what exactly?' “ The boys are really sweet but I'm actually dating someone, he's a little older than me and he's so charming and sophisticated.” 'WHO!?' “ Don't tell Colin he'll only get upset and all brotherish on me, but it's Aiden. The general studies Professor. That's why I switched to Art, so we could date.”
As life in university settled down the twins attract the attention of two dorm mates. Dormie stalking is a common fixture on this campus, with Mary's admirer stepping up the creepy by standing over her all night just watching her sleep.
Over lunch Mary broached the subject of Hayden and Kimberly. 'Have you spoken to the dean yet? He was in my room again and then right outside the girls showers this morning, oh and Kim is waiting by the front door for you. Class again?' 'I did and that is creepy. Kenneth said he would deal with it. You look nice by the way, going somewhere special? ” 'No, not really. I'm going to the pub with, well with a date... but it's nothing serious honest!'
Mary's method of study became very clear as she listened to her professor crooning in her ears, despite her romantic disposition she preferred to only date one man. Professor Aiden Colby caught her eye as she was struggling with her  choice of majors, his attentive treatment toward his students soon made her elect out of his course and ask him to meet her downtown.
The night after her date with Professor Aiden there was a terrible storm setting a bush alight outside the dorm, the flames rose quickly and the scared students ran for cover from the lightning and fire. One dormie came home from a late lecture to find the flames encroaching on the entrance to the dorms. Terrified she cried for help.
Hearing her cries Mary and two of the girls, who were having a girlie night, came rushing out to help her. As Mary took charge with her friends panicking behind her the flames rose higher and more fierce. Tragedy stuck as she took a step too close and was engulfed by the flames. The entire dorm woke to the screams of four terrified young women, Colin lept out of bed running outside to help tragically too late to save his beloved Mary.
The aftermath of Mary's death shook the entire campus, Colin was to be found the next morning crying over her ashes. Struggling with the pain of suddenly being alone for the first time in his life he somehow managed to get to his finals and passed them.
Mary Anthology, you were a sweet wonderful girl and I loved you dear! Why did you have to go and be a hero when the hedge could have just burned out and some idiot dormie could have got singed instead? Mary died just before half term freshman year ended. Poor Colin had to pull himself to his exams in between the tears, mere hours after the accident. Goodbye Mary my dear, you loved gardening and left a string of admirers in your wake.
As he struggled with his grief, Colin could be found wandering around the campus staring into space contemplating his future and the weight of his phone call home. Hearing his mother weep and his father in the background cursing the skies and mortality. The pain of separation was heightened by the distance between himself and his parents in this troubling time.
Friends would often find Colin sitting on their beds, looking like a lost puppy. No clue as to how he got there but so desperate for comfort and company. As Kenneth the College Dean found out after a week of this Colin poured his heart out about his pain and desperation to know what was out there, if anything.
The realm of the supernatural was consuming Colin's heart as he devoted his free time to scouring every book dedicated to the beyond. The dark nights grew longer as he delved further into the unknown. He began to attract the attention of a group of students who all wore Llama blazers, Colin had heard rumours about a secret society on campus but he passed it off as idle gossip.
As time passes Colin comes to grips with no longer being one of a pair and with the support of close friends slowly begins to heal. Sierra even managed to coax a smile out of him at one point over a game of darts, the game was one which he is forced into, but even so that glimmer of happiness is rediscovered for a fleeting moment.
Due to his sweet demeanor Colin soon becomes the go to guy. As he becomes known as the Big Sim on Campus everybody knows him and admires the tragic hero who lost a beloved sister. Mary herself became a legend on campus with many students talking about her bravery over a year after the terrible event.
Despite his new found popularity Colin can still be found sitting in solitary contemplation. Kimberly, the young dormie who was infatuated with him at the beginning of freshman year had become a good friend to him and could often be found sitting within earshot just in case he needed to bounce yet another theory on the after life on a sympathetic ear.
Very soon sophomore year rolled to an end and Colin's connections pulled him into the world of Secret Societies, where he discovers an intriguing telephone which promises to contact the beyond. The phone has been mentioned in many journals about the supernatural and Colin was well aware of the dangers of improper use. Despite a strong desire to use the phone and hang the risks Colin loves his sister too much to allow for the possibility of her being a zombie. The knowledge that the option for her was there was enough for the doting brother to find peace.
That night as he returned from the society house Colin could hear screams coming from the dormitory. Students were running for the safety of the common room as a strange specter was seen floating outside Mary's old bedroom.  Colin ran upstairs in time to encounter his sisters ghost. Seeing the smiling apparition coming toward him with that look in her eye, the same look she got when she was about to tickle him, filled Colin with overwhelming joy.
Theresa Pederson a close friend of Fictional issues invitations for her new nightclub, to all the prominent young people of Sim City. In attendance was the mayors daughter, heir to the Landgrabb fortune and Mr Anthology among others. Over a truly stupendous meal Colin discussed politics with the great and influential sims of the city, as well as raving about the exquisite delights presented to them by the chef. He returned to his dorm with nothing but the food on his mind, feeling disheartened with the lacking political debate which he had anticipated.
While studying with Ken, a fellow society member, Colin continued to enthuse about the nightclub's chef and yet another great success by Mrs Pederson.  Chuckling to himself Ken responded to his ramblings with “Are you sure you're on the right course mate? You spend more time fighting with the canteen lady for counter space then some of the girls in the fine arts programme.” ' What programme?' 'The new one with that celebrity chef, Culinary Arts or something like that. Sierra is on the course she'll know.”
As a Junior Colin found that his love of politics has been replaced with that of fine cuisine, switching his degree was easily dealt with. As a celebration he invites his overly protective friend Kimberly to join him for dinner downtown.
While he still values friendships as being sacred, his heart is turning toward that of a lover. Kimberly's loyalty to Colin throughout his darkest hours quickly rewarded her as her desires for intimacy were actualised. Kim had long since cared about the lost young man and only fear of pushing him held her back from telling him. While he appreciated her interest Colin was in no way wanting to settle down, rather to enjoy dating and all the city had to offer.
While out on his date Colin is distracted by the most enchanting woman he has ever seen. He is infatuated at first glance, but doesn't recognise the power of his feelings for Sandy Bruty. They talked well into the small hours before being told that the nightclub was closing. With a promise to call, Colin headed back to college with his mind full of Sandy, Kimberly and what he would say when he got home.
Following on from his fathers example Colin was acutely aware of the benefits of relationships with key players in the city. From waitresses to bouncers Colin could always rely upon his connections to keep him in the loop of events and city gossip.
Coming home from another fascinating workshop on the science of the perfect souffle, Colin is cornered by a fortune teller. 'As the wind comes in from the west, turbulent seas will shake the heart of your love. Go against the wind and a storm will follow, ride it out and the skies will shake. In your heart you must be true, beware the dangers of the skies child. Beware the wind beware the skies.'
Ignoring the cryptic message from the old woman Colin showered and rushed to brunch with Sandy. The pair had been together everyday for a week since they first met. Soon and fast Colin found that every good feeling, every happy memory was flooding together into one moment.  Deep within, deeper than he could feel, he was fast falling in love. Even with those feelings there a fear of commitment, a fear of finality that was holding him back.
Even with his feelings for Sandy Colin was still playing the dating game, a game which proves troublesome for him. While on a date with a girl he met in his class Colin discovers that juggling women was a lot more difficult than it looks in movies. Where in the films the man can plan ahead and avoid his other dates. In reality the one person you most don't want to see you is the one most likely to find you. Startled by the sound of crying Colin looked away from the girl next to him to see Sandy running back inside, tears streaming down her face.
As soon as he saw that look of pain in her eyes he knew what he had done. He was in love with and broke the heart of the kindest woman he had ever met.  Running after her Colin cornered her in the bar grovelling, begging for forgiveness. As with all good intentions, the apology was a little too late for Sandy to readily forgive and forget. At the words  'I can't just go, please just go.'  Colin felt the ache of a broken heart, an ache that was made all the more painful as it was self inflicted.
In true sisterly affection Mary decided to show just how much of an idiot she thought her brother was, by following him where ever he went and jumping out to shout at him. Plus it was a very fun thing to do, to float out of someone  else's  bed right when they were about to get into it.
Sandy refused to answer his calls for days, when she finally did her voice was so cold that Colin felt the pain in her voice piercing his heart. Determined to win her back he focused on only two things for the next year. School and Sandy. Ignoring all other women all other distractions, all to prove to Sandy that she is the only one he wants.
Focusing on his work proved easy enough for Colin as he reverted back to the months following Mary's death. As his friends looked on Colin could be found surrounded by books, staring at a computer screen all night. His determination to avoid all other women proved to be a good thing for his grades, not so much for his social life. As he ignored his dorm mates and parties they grew more and more worried about him.
Sandy eventually agreed to talk to Colin face to face. When she arrived at his dorm Colin was filled with a sense of guilt that over powered him. Pleading for her to give him another chance proved to be exactly what she needed to hear.
Very quickly they fell back into laughing and talking for hours. Before either one of them knew it, it was early evening and both were hungry. As the couple still had a lot to discuss before Sandy could consider trying again they decided to go to a restaurant and discuss everything there. In a social setting they could both see if they could get past all that had happened.
That glimmer of hope in Colin's heart caught fire as he looked into the eyes of the woman he loved and saw that love looking back at him. Being kept waiting for a table was possibly the best thing that could have happened to the couple, as the world melted away until only they were left. They danced.
Soon the couple had fallen back into their bubble, the bubble that blocks out the world and anything bad that lies within it. Unable to contain his feelings any longer Colin brought out the box he had been carrying around with him for the past month. Nervously looking into her clear blue eyes he asked...
'Sandy, I have never met anyone as beautiful as you. Your pure kind soul, your compassion. All these things make you the most wonderful woman I have the honour of knowing. I know how much I hurt you and for that I can never forgive myself, but if you will let me I am going to spend the rest of my life showing you that I can be worthy of your forgiveness and love. Sandy Bruty, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?'
“ YES yes yes! No red heads in my house, but yes a thousand times yes!”
And with that two romance sims attracted the attention of the entire restaurant with the girlish screams of a woman in love, toasting to their happiness the couple enjoyed a bottle of champagne courtesy of the owner.
That night Colin slept soundly for the first time since before Mary's death. Dreams of graduation being just around the corner and his future with the love of the best woman alive.  With final exams in the morning and applications to some of the best chefs in the city, Colin was fully prepared for life after university.
As he prepared to leave university Colin thought back on his last few days as a student. His many friendships, and the pride he felt in finally being able to convince the girls to clean their shower room. Mostly he remembered Mary and the life she wanted for both of them. Calling the airport, Colin was ready to return home.
Colin graduated with an easy 4.0 in Fine Arts. He became big sim on campus and joined the secret society, lost his sister and fell hopelessly in love. All in all an eventful four years.
Dear Reader,  I can safely say I now really hate dormie sims! Colin I am so sorry I couldn't stop her death, and that you weren't fast enough to save Mary. She was supposed to live out her life in spare-bliss not die due to maxis made stupidity! Despite her untimely death I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm really in love with Colin he is so sweet and even with all the drama never gets angry with me. I'll leave you with some outtakes and this picture of the refurbished family home. Until next time dear reader.
Such a cute old couple having a date while Colin was downtown.  Kenneth the shower room lurker, I could always find him in there no matter what else was happening. And poor Colin having to clean up after one of the llamas pranked the sprinklers.

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The Anthology Chronicles: Chapter Three

  • 1. The Anthology Chronicles: Chapter Three A Legacy
  • 2. Dear Reader, It has occurred to me that I haven't explained my naming system in this legacy so I shall now. I am going to be naming my heirs after characters from some of my favourite works of fiction. There isn't going to be an order or genre further than fiction as I have a varied collection. Starting with a beloved children's book The Secret Garden, the story of Mary Lennox a sour sickly child who grows strong and kind with the help of a private magic and her garden. I have read this story so many times and yet it still doesn't bore me. That is a sign of a good book. I'm going to be jumping between writing styles until I find one I really like, so please let me know what works and what doesn't. Last time Colin and Mary had just moved to university leaving their parents with the house to themselves. While Fictional and Jan take advantage of finally having some privacy, I shall be invading the privacy of my two students. Without further ado I give you the Anthology Twins
  • 3. Colin was a little overwhelmed by campus life at first, but soon found that the colourful lives of his dormmates were really entertaining. University life started with as little fuss as can be expected with two painfully nice sims just calmly getting on with life. Colin elected to study political science and set about to making friends with his entire dorm, with Mary still undecided about where she wants her life to go.
  • 4. Almost as soon as the twins moved in Colin discovered a quiet study group discussing politics and the welfare system. Political reform being Colin's main topic of debate, he instantly attached himself to the group while Mary aquainted herself with her general studies professor. Life in the dorm was as mild as life at home for the twins as they struggled with assignments and navigating the great campus.
  • 5. Within a week the twins had developed a comfortable pattern, Colin could often be found studying or playing kicky bag with his friend Curtis. Doing well in school had never been a problem for Colin and university was no different, his first assignment in class ensured him a 4.0 in his mid terms even before the exam date was set.
  • 6. Colin very soon discovers the secret to popularity, the ability to make people laugh while telling them harmless stories as though they were the most titillating pieces of information in existence.
  • 7. What has Mary been doing with herself since starting school? Simple. She spent her days surrounded by men vying for her attention. Where ever she went there was always at least one gentleman caller hoping for the time of day. Her gentle nature seems to be the only reason there hasn't been a testosterone fueled fight in the dorms already.
  • 8. She is the most steady romance sim I've ever played, she will chat, laugh and spend time with all the men in her dorm but the instant they try to turn things to romance she rejects them with the excuse that she has to go meet with her professor.
  • 9. 'So the reason you have a train of lovesick idiots you are ignoring is what exactly?' “ The boys are really sweet but I'm actually dating someone, he's a little older than me and he's so charming and sophisticated.” 'WHO!?' “ Don't tell Colin he'll only get upset and all brotherish on me, but it's Aiden. The general studies Professor. That's why I switched to Art, so we could date.”
  • 10. As life in university settled down the twins attract the attention of two dorm mates. Dormie stalking is a common fixture on this campus, with Mary's admirer stepping up the creepy by standing over her all night just watching her sleep.
  • 11. Over lunch Mary broached the subject of Hayden and Kimberly. 'Have you spoken to the dean yet? He was in my room again and then right outside the girls showers this morning, oh and Kim is waiting by the front door for you. Class again?' 'I did and that is creepy. Kenneth said he would deal with it. You look nice by the way, going somewhere special? ” 'No, not really. I'm going to the pub with, well with a date... but it's nothing serious honest!'
  • 12. Mary's method of study became very clear as she listened to her professor crooning in her ears, despite her romantic disposition she preferred to only date one man. Professor Aiden Colby caught her eye as she was struggling with her choice of majors, his attentive treatment toward his students soon made her elect out of his course and ask him to meet her downtown.
  • 13. The night after her date with Professor Aiden there was a terrible storm setting a bush alight outside the dorm, the flames rose quickly and the scared students ran for cover from the lightning and fire. One dormie came home from a late lecture to find the flames encroaching on the entrance to the dorms. Terrified she cried for help.
  • 14. Hearing her cries Mary and two of the girls, who were having a girlie night, came rushing out to help her. As Mary took charge with her friends panicking behind her the flames rose higher and more fierce. Tragedy stuck as she took a step too close and was engulfed by the flames. The entire dorm woke to the screams of four terrified young women, Colin lept out of bed running outside to help tragically too late to save his beloved Mary.
  • 15. The aftermath of Mary's death shook the entire campus, Colin was to be found the next morning crying over her ashes. Struggling with the pain of suddenly being alone for the first time in his life he somehow managed to get to his finals and passed them.
  • 16. Mary Anthology, you were a sweet wonderful girl and I loved you dear! Why did you have to go and be a hero when the hedge could have just burned out and some idiot dormie could have got singed instead? Mary died just before half term freshman year ended. Poor Colin had to pull himself to his exams in between the tears, mere hours after the accident. Goodbye Mary my dear, you loved gardening and left a string of admirers in your wake.
  • 17. As he struggled with his grief, Colin could be found wandering around the campus staring into space contemplating his future and the weight of his phone call home. Hearing his mother weep and his father in the background cursing the skies and mortality. The pain of separation was heightened by the distance between himself and his parents in this troubling time.
  • 18. Friends would often find Colin sitting on their beds, looking like a lost puppy. No clue as to how he got there but so desperate for comfort and company. As Kenneth the College Dean found out after a week of this Colin poured his heart out about his pain and desperation to know what was out there, if anything.
  • 19. The realm of the supernatural was consuming Colin's heart as he devoted his free time to scouring every book dedicated to the beyond. The dark nights grew longer as he delved further into the unknown. He began to attract the attention of a group of students who all wore Llama blazers, Colin had heard rumours about a secret society on campus but he passed it off as idle gossip.
  • 20. As time passes Colin comes to grips with no longer being one of a pair and with the support of close friends slowly begins to heal. Sierra even managed to coax a smile out of him at one point over a game of darts, the game was one which he is forced into, but even so that glimmer of happiness is rediscovered for a fleeting moment.
  • 21. Due to his sweet demeanor Colin soon becomes the go to guy. As he becomes known as the Big Sim on Campus everybody knows him and admires the tragic hero who lost a beloved sister. Mary herself became a legend on campus with many students talking about her bravery over a year after the terrible event.
  • 22. Despite his new found popularity Colin can still be found sitting in solitary contemplation. Kimberly, the young dormie who was infatuated with him at the beginning of freshman year had become a good friend to him and could often be found sitting within earshot just in case he needed to bounce yet another theory on the after life on a sympathetic ear.
  • 23.  
  • 24. Very soon sophomore year rolled to an end and Colin's connections pulled him into the world of Secret Societies, where he discovers an intriguing telephone which promises to contact the beyond. The phone has been mentioned in many journals about the supernatural and Colin was well aware of the dangers of improper use. Despite a strong desire to use the phone and hang the risks Colin loves his sister too much to allow for the possibility of her being a zombie. The knowledge that the option for her was there was enough for the doting brother to find peace.
  • 25. That night as he returned from the society house Colin could hear screams coming from the dormitory. Students were running for the safety of the common room as a strange specter was seen floating outside Mary's old bedroom. Colin ran upstairs in time to encounter his sisters ghost. Seeing the smiling apparition coming toward him with that look in her eye, the same look she got when she was about to tickle him, filled Colin with overwhelming joy.
  • 26. Theresa Pederson a close friend of Fictional issues invitations for her new nightclub, to all the prominent young people of Sim City. In attendance was the mayors daughter, heir to the Landgrabb fortune and Mr Anthology among others. Over a truly stupendous meal Colin discussed politics with the great and influential sims of the city, as well as raving about the exquisite delights presented to them by the chef. He returned to his dorm with nothing but the food on his mind, feeling disheartened with the lacking political debate which he had anticipated.
  • 27. While studying with Ken, a fellow society member, Colin continued to enthuse about the nightclub's chef and yet another great success by Mrs Pederson. Chuckling to himself Ken responded to his ramblings with “Are you sure you're on the right course mate? You spend more time fighting with the canteen lady for counter space then some of the girls in the fine arts programme.” ' What programme?' 'The new one with that celebrity chef, Culinary Arts or something like that. Sierra is on the course she'll know.”
  • 28. As a Junior Colin found that his love of politics has been replaced with that of fine cuisine, switching his degree was easily dealt with. As a celebration he invites his overly protective friend Kimberly to join him for dinner downtown.
  • 29. While he still values friendships as being sacred, his heart is turning toward that of a lover. Kimberly's loyalty to Colin throughout his darkest hours quickly rewarded her as her desires for intimacy were actualised. Kim had long since cared about the lost young man and only fear of pushing him held her back from telling him. While he appreciated her interest Colin was in no way wanting to settle down, rather to enjoy dating and all the city had to offer.
  • 30. While out on his date Colin is distracted by the most enchanting woman he has ever seen. He is infatuated at first glance, but doesn't recognise the power of his feelings for Sandy Bruty. They talked well into the small hours before being told that the nightclub was closing. With a promise to call, Colin headed back to college with his mind full of Sandy, Kimberly and what he would say when he got home.
  • 31. Following on from his fathers example Colin was acutely aware of the benefits of relationships with key players in the city. From waitresses to bouncers Colin could always rely upon his connections to keep him in the loop of events and city gossip.
  • 32. Coming home from another fascinating workshop on the science of the perfect souffle, Colin is cornered by a fortune teller. 'As the wind comes in from the west, turbulent seas will shake the heart of your love. Go against the wind and a storm will follow, ride it out and the skies will shake. In your heart you must be true, beware the dangers of the skies child. Beware the wind beware the skies.'
  • 33. Ignoring the cryptic message from the old woman Colin showered and rushed to brunch with Sandy. The pair had been together everyday for a week since they first met. Soon and fast Colin found that every good feeling, every happy memory was flooding together into one moment. Deep within, deeper than he could feel, he was fast falling in love. Even with those feelings there a fear of commitment, a fear of finality that was holding him back.
  • 34. Even with his feelings for Sandy Colin was still playing the dating game, a game which proves troublesome for him. While on a date with a girl he met in his class Colin discovers that juggling women was a lot more difficult than it looks in movies. Where in the films the man can plan ahead and avoid his other dates. In reality the one person you most don't want to see you is the one most likely to find you. Startled by the sound of crying Colin looked away from the girl next to him to see Sandy running back inside, tears streaming down her face.
  • 35. As soon as he saw that look of pain in her eyes he knew what he had done. He was in love with and broke the heart of the kindest woman he had ever met. Running after her Colin cornered her in the bar grovelling, begging for forgiveness. As with all good intentions, the apology was a little too late for Sandy to readily forgive and forget. At the words 'I can't just go, please just go.' Colin felt the ache of a broken heart, an ache that was made all the more painful as it was self inflicted.
  • 36. In true sisterly affection Mary decided to show just how much of an idiot she thought her brother was, by following him where ever he went and jumping out to shout at him. Plus it was a very fun thing to do, to float out of someone else's bed right when they were about to get into it.
  • 37. Sandy refused to answer his calls for days, when she finally did her voice was so cold that Colin felt the pain in her voice piercing his heart. Determined to win her back he focused on only two things for the next year. School and Sandy. Ignoring all other women all other distractions, all to prove to Sandy that she is the only one he wants.
  • 38. Focusing on his work proved easy enough for Colin as he reverted back to the months following Mary's death. As his friends looked on Colin could be found surrounded by books, staring at a computer screen all night. His determination to avoid all other women proved to be a good thing for his grades, not so much for his social life. As he ignored his dorm mates and parties they grew more and more worried about him.
  • 39. Sandy eventually agreed to talk to Colin face to face. When she arrived at his dorm Colin was filled with a sense of guilt that over powered him. Pleading for her to give him another chance proved to be exactly what she needed to hear.
  • 40. Very quickly they fell back into laughing and talking for hours. Before either one of them knew it, it was early evening and both were hungry. As the couple still had a lot to discuss before Sandy could consider trying again they decided to go to a restaurant and discuss everything there. In a social setting they could both see if they could get past all that had happened.
  • 41. That glimmer of hope in Colin's heart caught fire as he looked into the eyes of the woman he loved and saw that love looking back at him. Being kept waiting for a table was possibly the best thing that could have happened to the couple, as the world melted away until only they were left. They danced.
  • 42. Soon the couple had fallen back into their bubble, the bubble that blocks out the world and anything bad that lies within it. Unable to contain his feelings any longer Colin brought out the box he had been carrying around with him for the past month. Nervously looking into her clear blue eyes he asked...
  • 43. 'Sandy, I have never met anyone as beautiful as you. Your pure kind soul, your compassion. All these things make you the most wonderful woman I have the honour of knowing. I know how much I hurt you and for that I can never forgive myself, but if you will let me I am going to spend the rest of my life showing you that I can be worthy of your forgiveness and love. Sandy Bruty, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?'
  • 44. “ YES yes yes! No red heads in my house, but yes a thousand times yes!”
  • 45. And with that two romance sims attracted the attention of the entire restaurant with the girlish screams of a woman in love, toasting to their happiness the couple enjoyed a bottle of champagne courtesy of the owner.
  • 46. That night Colin slept soundly for the first time since before Mary's death. Dreams of graduation being just around the corner and his future with the love of the best woman alive. With final exams in the morning and applications to some of the best chefs in the city, Colin was fully prepared for life after university.
  • 47. As he prepared to leave university Colin thought back on his last few days as a student. His many friendships, and the pride he felt in finally being able to convince the girls to clean their shower room. Mostly he remembered Mary and the life she wanted for both of them. Calling the airport, Colin was ready to return home.
  • 48.  
  • 49. Colin graduated with an easy 4.0 in Fine Arts. He became big sim on campus and joined the secret society, lost his sister and fell hopelessly in love. All in all an eventful four years.
  • 50. Dear Reader, I can safely say I now really hate dormie sims! Colin I am so sorry I couldn't stop her death, and that you weren't fast enough to save Mary. She was supposed to live out her life in spare-bliss not die due to maxis made stupidity! Despite her untimely death I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm really in love with Colin he is so sweet and even with all the drama never gets angry with me. I'll leave you with some outtakes and this picture of the refurbished family home. Until next time dear reader.
  • 51. Such a cute old couple having a date while Colin was downtown. Kenneth the shower room lurker, I could always find him in there no matter what else was happening. And poor Colin having to clean up after one of the llamas pranked the sprinklers.