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PT Ministries production   1
   Introduction
     This chapter comes just after the sixth seal has been broken.
     Commotion is raging high as a result of the seal.
     God is about to rain havoc on earth, see Rev. 8:6
     SOP says: “I saw that the four angels would hold the four winds
                            . These plagues enraged the wicked against the
      righteous…” EW36.
     Just like with Israel of old, God would like to whisk His children to
      safety first before havoc begins.
     In the case of Israel, the blood on the doorpost was said to mark
      their safety, this time God’s special mark does the trick.
                      PT Ministries production                                2
 Symbology used here is not our ordinary Constant Keys
  (CKs) but Variable Key (VK).
 Please refer to our chapter 1 to refresh your memory on
  these keys.
 Seal = many different interpretations depending on the
  context e.g. Seal in Rev. 6 is different from seal of Rev
  7:2-3 , Dan 12:4 and also different from seal of Rev
  22:10. NB: seal in prophecy should be different from seal
  elsewhere in the bible.
             PT Ministries production                         3
 Verse 1: “After this…” “this” refers to the beginning of a
  havoc as explained in Rev. 6:15-17.
 This chapter then speaks to what will happen
  the second coming of our Lord.
 SOP shares this light: “The Lion of Judah,
                                         , will be the Lamb of
  God to the obedient and faithful. The pillar of cloud which
  speaks wrath and terror to the transgressor of God's law is
  light and mercy and deliverance to those who have kept
  His commandments.” 6T404
                 PT Ministries production                    4
 Next, we need to resolve the on “Angel” in this verse.
 In Rev. 1:20, “angels” referred to the Ministers / Elders /
  Bishops of the church.
 That was a variable key (vk.) and was explained in the
 In this chapter since no explanation is given, then we’ll
  interpret “angel” as a literal messenger of God as is known
  and believed to exist.
 “...Then another angel was commissioned to fly swiftly to
  the four angels...” LS119. EG White confirms our view.
                 PT Ministries production                       5
 The next key we recognise is “winds”. “Winds are a
  symbol of strife.” GC439.
 SOP also calls this a “restraining power of God”
 “The four winds of heaven …represent the terrible
  scenes of conquest and revolution by which
  kingdoms have attained to power.” GC.440.
 We have thus confirmed with the SOP our CK.
              PT Ministries production                 6
   We have since established that we’ll face real
    havoc should these angels let go of the wind.
   There seem to be a multiplicity of danger here
    since the angels are holding back FOUR winds.
   As we conclude this part, SOP says: “…and when
    God shall bid His angels loose the winds, there
    will be such a scene of      as no pen can
    picture.” Ed179.
               PT Ministries production               7
 As stated earlier on, the “seal” is a variable key thus
  depend on the context.
 In this chapter an Angel is presented as having a “seal of
  the Living God” as he’s “sealing” God’s people.
 We’ll spend some time looking at the best possible
  explanations of the seal as EG White gives it to us:
 “... While living under and proclaiming the most solemn
  message ever borne to mortals, presenting
        they are transgressing its holy precepts”2T468
                PT Ministries production                       8
   “… the four winds were about to blow, the merciful
    eye of Jesus gazed
           , and He raised His hands to the Father, and
    pleaded with Him that He had spilled His blood for
   Then another angel was commissioned to fly
            to the four angels, and bid them hold, until
                                           .” LS119.
                PT Ministries production                   9
   “The seal of God will be placed upon the foreheads of those
                                                                  Those who link in
    sympathy with the world are eating and drinking with the drunken and will
    surely be destroyed with the workers of iniquity.” 5T212
   “
                     or be cut down by the destroying weapons” 5T212
   “                                                           Ibid 214
   “
                                                           ” 5T213
   “
                                                               .” 5T214
                       PT Ministries production                                  10
   “We must bear our message without any delay.
    We must give evidence to the universe of
    Heaven, and to men in this degenerate age,
                                        of which
    Christ is the Author and His word the divine
    oracle.” AU.1898-10-15

              PT Ministries production             11
   “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth
    sure, having           ,
                                             . He
    reads                 correctly. He weighs
    motives. Nothing escapes His all-seeing eye; the
    thoughts, the intents and purposes of the
    hearts--all are discerned by Him” 4T583 / 2T490
               PT Ministries production            12
   “The class who do not feel grieved over their
    own spiritual declension, nor mourn over the
    sins of others,
         .” 5T211
   “Many hear the invitation of mercy, are tested
    and proved;
                    .” 5T50
               PT Ministries production              13
   “Now is the time to prepare.

                                          ” 5T216
 “…close and unexpected tests will be brought to bear upon them
  to see who are worthy to receive the seal of the living God.”
  5T382          PT Ministries production                       14
   “
                                             , the Creator of
  the heavens and the earth. Those who obey this
  commandment take                                    , and all
  the blessings it involves are theirs.” 6T350
 “                                                         .
  Each Sabbath institution bears the name of its author, an
  ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each.”

                 PT Ministries production                     15
   “
                               , the Lord's memorial of creation.
  "The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak thou also unto the
  children of Israel, saying, Verily My Sabbaths ye shall keep:
  that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you."
  Exodus 31:12, 13.
                                        ” 8T117
 “We are to be distinguished from the world because God has
  placed His seal upon us, because He manifests in us His own
  character of love” 7T144
                  PT Ministries production                        16
 “                                        … While one class, by
  accepting the sign of submission to earthly powers, receive
  the mark of the beast,
                                   , receive the seal of God.”
 “If parents allow their children to receive an education with
  the world,
                                                   .” HS217

                 PT Ministries production                     17
   “"A fair miter" is set upon their heads. They are to be as
    kings and priests unto God.

    These are they that stand upon Mount Zion with the
    Lamb, having the Father's name written in their
    foreheads.” 5T475 /5T501
                  PT Ministries production                       18
   “The precious graces of the Holy Spirit are not developed
    in a moment.
    Courage, fortitude, meekness, faith, unwavering trust in
    God's power to save, are acquired by the experience of
         .” 8T314
 “When Jesus leaves the sanctuary, then they who are
  holy and righteous will be holy and righteous still;
                                            .” EW48
                 PT Ministries production                   19
   “In every case the great decision is to be made
                         . And now, when we are on the borders
  of the eternal world, what can be of so much value to us as to
  be found loyal and true to the God of heaven? What is there
  that we should prize above His truth and His law? What
  education can be given to the students in our schools that is
  so necessary as a knowledge of "What saith the Scriptures?”
 “The message we bear has the seal of the living God.” 6T166

                   PT Ministries production                    20
   “…I saw that those who of late have embraced the truth would have to know
    what it is to suffer for Christ's sake, that they would have trials to pass
    through that would be keen and cutting, in order
                                                                            , pass
    through the time of trouble, see the King in His beauty, and dwell in the
    presence of God and of pure, holy angels.” EW67
   “I also saw that
                                 without a high priest in the sanctuary through the
    time of trouble.
                      PT Ministries production                                   21
wholly in reference to the
coming of the Son of man.
             , and will soon be over. Now is
the time, while the four angels are holding
the four winds, to make our calling and
election sure. EW58
          PT Ministries production             22
   “The human family is in need of a moral
    renovation, a preparation of character, that they
    may stand in God's presence”. 6T21.
   “
               The present truth is to be our burden.
    The third angel's message must do its work of
    separating from the churches …” 6T61
               PT Ministries production             23
 Recapitulation from slide 8 – 23.
 The Angel in this chapter and verse is literal.
 He is not going to go around preaching the Sabbath
  to any person.
 The sealing here is not as defined in 2Cor. 1:21
 Those sealed this time have been loyal to the
  Eternal God throughout.
 Their loyalty included the TRUE SABBATH
              PT Ministries production             24
   Just as in the case of Israel of old, before they left Egypt they had a special
    mark to distinguish them from Egyptians, so will it be in the case of these
    spiritual Israelites.
   Marking {sealing} is done by an unseen angel of God to the true remnant
    of God.
   Sealing indicates the side of Eternity one belongs to and will not change.
   This sealing takes place at the close of mercy when every individual’s case
    has been decided either for eternal life or eternal death
   Ten (10) of our 15 slides spoke of loyalty to the precepts of God, hence the

                      PT Ministries production                                   25
 One's character immerged as primary to sealing.
 5 of the 15 slides emphasize on the Sabbath as
  prerequisite to sealing.
 This sealing confirms salvation by faith as opposed
  to salvation by works (my keeping of the Sabbath).
 The Sabbath here is crucial in identifying ones
  loyalty, then the sealing.
              PT Ministries production                  26
   This Angel has been specially sent from God with
    the special message. LS119
   Note that the faithful remnant is there even at this
    time and is observing the True Sabbath already!
   For the reason to call on these 4 Angels, let’s read
    Rev. 9:4-5.
   Note that this happens after the event of Rev. 7:3
    hence now they are told who not what to harm.
                PT Ministries production                   27
   Note that verse 4 talks about what John heard
    as the number to be sealed (protected).
   There usually is a discrepancy between what
    John hears and what he sees.(Rev.1:10 cf. 12; 4:1
    cf. 2 {throne wasn’t about to happen}; 5:5 cf. 6)

               PT Ministries production             28
  Similarly here he heard “the number” and the “12
  tribes of Israel”.
 Remember that so far there’s no prophecy
  restoring the 12 tribes of Israel! Only spiritual Israel
  exists so far.
 Notice that the sealing takes place in verse 3 ONLY
  since the time in verse 4 is in the perfect time.
               PT Ministries production                      29
   Verses 5-8 recount the tribes of Israel (as John
   These numbers form a perfect square! (120002)
   John did not see the sealing but heard about it.
   The events in verse 9 are interrupted since he
    says: “after this…”

               PT Ministries production                30
   It is only now that he looks at what he heard was
   Now there’s clear discrepancy between what he heard and
    what he sees!
   He does not see the 144 000 but a multitude, innumerable!
   This is now as promised to Abraham, Gen 22:17.
   Quickly John is returned to Heaven in his vision, to link
    these sealed with those “souls under the Alter” Rev. 6:9-11

                  PT Ministries production                    31
  “By this time the 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly united.
                                 ,                           and a
                                                 .[ G REV. 3:12.] At our
  happy, holy state the wicked were enraged, and would rush violently
  up to lay hands on us to thrust us in prison, when we would stretch
  forth the hand in the name of the Lord, and the wicked would fall
  helpless to the ground…” WLF14
 “
                , and a glorious                                    … The
  144,000 shouted, Hallelujah! as they recognized their friends who had
  been torn from them by death, and in the same moment
     .” Day Star 1846-01-24; RH.1851-07-21; 2SG32;
                   PT Ministries production                             32
   “     all in solemn silence gazed on the cloud
    as it drew nearer, lighter, and
    brighter, glorious, and still more glorious, till
    it was a great white cloud.[ J REV. 14; 14.]
    The bottom appeared like fire, a rainbow was
    over it, around the cloud were
             singing a most lovely song…” Ibid
               PT Ministries production                 33
   Notice the “we” and the “us” by EG White!
   Notice again that this group is literally sealed by
    an angel and we are told what that inscription
   This way, EG White is perfectly in agreement
    with the Bible, Revelation 7:2-3

                PT Ministries production                  34
   Remember in chapter six, these were crying
    “how long…” but now they cry “Salvation
    belongs to our God…”
   These together with their counter parts who
    had been slain for the Gospel, are wearing white

               PT Ministries production            35
 These were not a great multitude in chapter six, but
  they together with the 144000 now form this great
 They are all referred to as the 144000, Rev. 14:1
 They all sing the new song that no man or angel could
  learn, as it is the song of their experiences. Rev. 14:3-5.
 The verses after verse 9 in chapter 7 are a continuation
  of chapter 6:9-11, only that they include the 144000.
                PT Ministries production                        36

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The 144000 sealed

  • 2. Introduction  This chapter comes just after the sixth seal has been broken.  Commotion is raging high as a result of the seal.  God is about to rain havoc on earth, see Rev. 8:6  SOP says: “I saw that the four angels would hold the four winds and . These plagues enraged the wicked against the righteous…” EW36.  Just like with Israel of old, God would like to whisk His children to safety first before havoc begins.  In the case of Israel, the blood on the doorpost was said to mark their safety, this time God’s special mark does the trick. PT Ministries production 2
  • 3.  Symbology used here is not our ordinary Constant Keys (CKs) but Variable Key (VK).  Please refer to our chapter 1 to refresh your memory on these keys.  Seal = many different interpretations depending on the context e.g. Seal in Rev. 6 is different from seal of Rev 7:2-3 , Dan 12:4 and also different from seal of Rev 22:10. NB: seal in prophecy should be different from seal elsewhere in the bible. PT Ministries production 3
  • 4.  Verse 1: “After this…” “this” refers to the beginning of a havoc as explained in Rev. 6:15-17.  This chapter then speaks to what will happen the second coming of our Lord.  SOP shares this light: “The Lion of Judah, , will be the Lamb of God to the obedient and faithful. The pillar of cloud which speaks wrath and terror to the transgressor of God's law is light and mercy and deliverance to those who have kept His commandments.” 6T404 PT Ministries production 4
  • 5.  Next, we need to resolve the on “Angel” in this verse.  In Rev. 1:20, “angels” referred to the Ministers / Elders / Bishops of the church.  That was a variable key (vk.) and was explained in the chapter!  In this chapter since no explanation is given, then we’ll interpret “angel” as a literal messenger of God as is known and believed to exist.  “...Then another angel was commissioned to fly swiftly to the four angels...” LS119. EG White confirms our view. PT Ministries production 5
  • 6.  The next key we recognise is “winds”. “Winds are a symbol of strife.” GC439.  SOP also calls this a “restraining power of God” 6T408.  “The four winds of heaven …represent the terrible scenes of conquest and revolution by which kingdoms have attained to power.” GC.440.  We have thus confirmed with the SOP our CK. PT Ministries production 6
  • 7. We have since established that we’ll face real havoc should these angels let go of the wind.  There seem to be a multiplicity of danger here since the angels are holding back FOUR winds.  As we conclude this part, SOP says: “…and when God shall bid His angels loose the winds, there will be such a scene of as no pen can picture.” Ed179. PT Ministries production 7
  • 8.  As stated earlier on, the “seal” is a variable key thus depend on the context.  In this chapter an Angel is presented as having a “seal of the Living God” as he’s “sealing” God’s people.  We’ll spend some time looking at the best possible explanations of the seal as EG White gives it to us:  “... While living under and proclaiming the most solemn message ever borne to mortals, presenting they are transgressing its holy precepts”2T468 PT Ministries production 8
  • 9. “… the four winds were about to blow, the merciful eye of Jesus gazed , and He raised His hands to the Father, and pleaded with Him that He had spilled His blood for them.  Then another angel was commissioned to fly to the four angels, and bid them hold, until .” LS119. PT Ministries production 9
  • 10. “The seal of God will be placed upon the foreheads of those Those who link in sympathy with the world are eating and drinking with the drunken and will surely be destroyed with the workers of iniquity.” 5T212  “ or be cut down by the destroying weapons” 5T212  “ Ibid 214  “ ” 5T213  “ .” 5T214 PT Ministries production 10
  • 11. “We must bear our message without any delay. We must give evidence to the universe of Heaven, and to men in this degenerate age, of which Christ is the Author and His word the divine oracle.” AU.1898-10-15 PT Ministries production 11
  • 12. “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having , . He reads correctly. He weighs motives. Nothing escapes His all-seeing eye; the thoughts, the intents and purposes of the hearts--all are discerned by Him” 4T583 / 2T490 PT Ministries production 12
  • 13. “The class who do not feel grieved over their own spiritual declension, nor mourn over the sins of others, .” 5T211  “Many hear the invitation of mercy, are tested and proved; .” 5T50 PT Ministries production 13
  • 14. “Now is the time to prepare. ” 5T216  “…close and unexpected tests will be brought to bear upon them to see who are worthy to receive the seal of the living God.” 5T382 PT Ministries production 14
  • 15. “ , the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Those who obey this commandment take , and all the blessings it involves are theirs.” 6T350  “ . Each Sabbath institution bears the name of its author, an ineffaceable mark that shows the authority of each.” 6T352 PT Ministries production 15
  • 16. “ , the Lord's memorial of creation. "The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily My Sabbaths ye shall keep: ; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you." Exodus 31:12, 13. ” 8T117  “We are to be distinguished from the world because God has placed His seal upon us, because He manifests in us His own character of love” 7T144 PT Ministries production 16
  • 17.  “ … While one class, by accepting the sign of submission to earthly powers, receive the mark of the beast, , receive the seal of God.”  “If parents allow their children to receive an education with the world, .” HS217 PT Ministries production 17
  • 18. “"A fair miter" is set upon their heads. They are to be as kings and priests unto God. . These are they that stand upon Mount Zion with the Lamb, having the Father's name written in their foreheads.” 5T475 /5T501 PT Ministries production 18
  • 19. “The precious graces of the Holy Spirit are not developed in a moment. Courage, fortitude, meekness, faith, unwavering trust in God's power to save, are acquired by the experience of years. .” 8T314  “When Jesus leaves the sanctuary, then they who are holy and righteous will be holy and righteous still; .” EW48 PT Ministries production 19
  • 20. “In every case the great decision is to be made . And now, when we are on the borders of the eternal world, what can be of so much value to us as to be found loyal and true to the God of heaven? What is there that we should prize above His truth and His law? What education can be given to the students in our schools that is so necessary as a knowledge of "What saith the Scriptures?” 6T130  “The message we bear has the seal of the living God.” 6T166 PT Ministries production 20
  • 21. “…I saw that those who of late have embraced the truth would have to know what it is to suffer for Christ's sake, that they would have trials to pass through that would be keen and cutting, in order , pass through the time of trouble, see the King in His beauty, and dwell in the presence of God and of pure, holy angels.” EW67  “I also saw that without a high priest in the sanctuary through the time of trouble. .” EW71 PT Ministries production 21
  • 22. wholly in reference to the coming of the Son of man. , and will soon be over. Now is the time, while the four angels are holding the four winds, to make our calling and election sure. EW58 PT Ministries production 22
  • 23. “The human family is in need of a moral renovation, a preparation of character, that they may stand in God's presence”. 6T21.  “ The present truth is to be our burden. The third angel's message must do its work of separating from the churches …” 6T61 PT Ministries production 23
  • 24.  Recapitulation from slide 8 – 23.  The Angel in this chapter and verse is literal.  He is not going to go around preaching the Sabbath to any person.  The sealing here is not as defined in 2Cor. 1:21  Those sealed this time have been loyal to the Eternal God throughout.  Their loyalty included the TRUE SABBATH keeping. PT Ministries production 24
  • 25. Just as in the case of Israel of old, before they left Egypt they had a special mark to distinguish them from Egyptians, so will it be in the case of these spiritual Israelites.  Marking {sealing} is done by an unseen angel of God to the true remnant of God.  Sealing indicates the side of Eternity one belongs to and will not change.  This sealing takes place at the close of mercy when every individual’s case has been decided either for eternal life or eternal death  Ten (10) of our 15 slides spoke of loyalty to the precepts of God, hence the sealing. PT Ministries production 25
  • 26.  One's character immerged as primary to sealing.  5 of the 15 slides emphasize on the Sabbath as prerequisite to sealing.  This sealing confirms salvation by faith as opposed to salvation by works (my keeping of the Sabbath).  The Sabbath here is crucial in identifying ones loyalty, then the sealing. PT Ministries production 26
  • 27. This Angel has been specially sent from God with the special message. LS119  Note that the faithful remnant is there even at this time and is observing the True Sabbath already!  For the reason to call on these 4 Angels, let’s read Rev. 9:4-5.  Note that this happens after the event of Rev. 7:3 hence now they are told who not what to harm. PT Ministries production 27
  • 28. Note that verse 4 talks about what John heard as the number to be sealed (protected).  There usually is a discrepancy between what John hears and what he sees.(Rev.1:10 cf. 12; 4:1 cf. 2 {throne wasn’t about to happen}; 5:5 cf. 6) PT Ministries production 28
  • 29.  Similarly here he heard “the number” and the “12 tribes of Israel”.  Remember that so far there’s no prophecy restoring the 12 tribes of Israel! Only spiritual Israel exists so far.  Notice that the sealing takes place in verse 3 ONLY since the time in verse 4 is in the perfect time. PT Ministries production 29
  • 30. Verses 5-8 recount the tribes of Israel (as John heard).  These numbers form a perfect square! (120002)  John did not see the sealing but heard about it.  The events in verse 9 are interrupted since he says: “after this…” PT Ministries production 30
  • 31. It is only now that he looks at what he heard was happening.  Now there’s clear discrepancy between what he heard and what he sees!  He does not see the 144 000 but a multitude, innumerable!  This is now as promised to Abraham, Gen 22:17.  Quickly John is returned to Heaven in his vision, to link these sealed with those “souls under the Alter” Rev. 6:9-11 PT Ministries production 31
  • 32.  “By this time the 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly united. , and a .[ G REV. 3:12.] At our happy, holy state the wicked were enraged, and would rush violently up to lay hands on us to thrust us in prison, when we would stretch forth the hand in the name of the Lord, and the wicked would fall helpless to the ground…” WLF14  “ , and a glorious … The 144,000 shouted, Hallelujah! as they recognized their friends who had been torn from them by death, and in the same moment .” Day Star 1846-01-24; RH.1851-07-21; 2SG32; PT Ministries production 32
  • 33. “ all in solemn silence gazed on the cloud as it drew nearer, lighter, and brighter, glorious, and still more glorious, till it was a great white cloud.[ J REV. 14; 14.] The bottom appeared like fire, a rainbow was over it, around the cloud were singing a most lovely song…” Ibid PT Ministries production 33
  • 34. Notice the “we” and the “us” by EG White!  Notice again that this group is literally sealed by an angel and we are told what that inscription contains!  This way, EG White is perfectly in agreement with the Bible, Revelation 7:2-3 PT Ministries production 34
  • 35. Remember in chapter six, these were crying “how long…” but now they cry “Salvation belongs to our God…”  These together with their counter parts who had been slain for the Gospel, are wearing white robes! PT Ministries production 35
  • 36.  These were not a great multitude in chapter six, but they together with the 144000 now form this great multitude.  They are all referred to as the 144000, Rev. 14:1  They all sing the new song that no man or angel could learn, as it is the song of their experiences. Rev. 14:3-5.  The verses after verse 9 in chapter 7 are a continuation of chapter 6:9-11, only that they include the 144000. PT Ministries production 36

Editor's Notes

  1. As explained in Chapter 1, CKs remain the same anywhere in Biblical prophecy interpretation except where instruction is given of what that key means.In that case, that special meaning applies ONLY to that chapter and context. This we call a Variable Key since it changes meaning from context to context.