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Delvin R. Arnold
© 2012 by Delvin R. Arnold. All rights reserved
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Edited by Candice J. Arnold
Prayer for the Lost....................................................................................................................7
Prayer for Healing Of the Body ............................................................................................... 8
Prayer For Forgiveness............................................................................................................ 9
Prayer For Family...................................................................................................................10
Prayer For Courage................................................................................................................. 11
Prayer For Peace.....................................................................................................................12
Prayer Against Backstabbers..................................................................................................13
Prayer For Wisdom.................................................................................................................14
Prayer Regarding Anger .........................................................................................................15
Prayer For The Afflicted .........................................................................................................16
Prayer For Discernment .........................................................................................................17
Controlling The Tongue..........................................................................................................18
Prayer For The Government...................................................................................................19
Prayer For Pastors................................................................................................................. 20
Prayer For The Bereaved........................................................................................................21
Avoiding The Sin Of Hypocrisy ............................................................................................. 22
Prayer For Help!!................................................................................................................... 23
Prayer Against The Agnostic ................................................................................................. 24
Prayer Against False Prophets............................................................................................... 25
Prayer Regarding Revenge .................................................................................................... 26
Prayer For Single Parents...................................................................................................... 27
Regarding Your Enemies' Demise......................................................................................... 28
Prayer In Regarding The Embittered.................................................................................... 29
Prayer Of Thanksgiving......................................................................................................... 30
Prayer Regarding The Gullible ...............................................................................................31
Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem.......................................................................................... 32
A Prayer For Unity................................................................................................................. 33
Increase My Faith.................................................................................................................. 34
Prayer For Mothers ............................................................................................................... 35
Prayer For A Friend in Need ................................................................................................. 36
Intercession for two strangers............................................................................................... 37
Word To The Wise (An Axiom) ............................................................................................. 38
Your Awesome Power............................................................................................................ 38
Prayer For Wisdom Of The Word.......................................................................................... 39
A Prayer For Our Fallen Youth..............................................................................................40
Prayer For Slain Officer's Family ...........................................................................................41
Prayer For The Weary............................................................................................................ 42
A Prayer For The Rich ........................................................................................................... 43
Prayer For The President Elect.............................................................................................. 44
For Those Suffering Financially ............................................................................................ 45
Prayer For Our Young Ladies................................................................................................ 46
Defending The Faith…………………………………………………………………………………………………..47
Awaiting Your Glorious Return............................................................................................. 48
Prayer For The Unborn ......................................................................................................... 49
Prayer For Marriages............................................................................................................. 50
To the only God/Man, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You’re God because you rose from the dead.
You’re everlasting and snatched me from destruction to give me eternal life. Surely I was one of hell’s
most wanted. You’re man because you were tempted like me. You died on the cross in my place and shed
your blood to blot out my sins forever. Only Jesus, the God/Man could accomplish these impossible tasks.
I’ll worship you forever! I’m falling in love with you; only because you loved me first.
Thank you for teaching me to pray.
To my wife Candice. I found my good thing. Fifteen wonderful years and counting. Love never fails
sweetheart. To my daughters, Lauren and Andrea. You’re roses that are growing more beautiful everyday.
Remember, your sufficiency is in Christ.
To my Mother, Ms. Edna M. Arnold. You’re sweeter as the days go by. I see your growth in the Lord and
it looks beautiful on you. This was an answer to prayer.
To the young man of my youth, my Father Davis Arnold Jr. –R.I.P. I’m convinced we’ll meet again
although it’s been thirty five years (1945-1977).
To my Grandparents: Davis Arnold Sr., Martha Arnold, Katie Gales, Columbus Norwood – R.I.P.
Dr. Billy G. Ingram. The Legacy lives on – R.I.P.
For those who believe in the power of prayer and the faith in God to answer their petitions
These prayers began on my blog back on Sunday, February 17th
, 2008. I kept the original date and time
when the prayers were published. The prayers range from the first date all the way to January 29th
There’s a total of 45 petitions to the Lord on a variety of subjects which deal with everyday life. Some are
autobiographical, and others are a result of either information given to me or eyewitness testimony.
For those of you just beginning a prayer life, these prayers can help you. You can extract elements from
these petitions and add it to your own prayer life. For those of you who haven’t prayed in a very long time
due to discouragement, or unanswered prayer I would admonish you in two things.
First, and most important examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith (II Corinthians 13:5). If you do not
have a relationship to Jesus Christ, your prayers are not being heard! The Father does not hear unredeemed
sinners. You do not belong to him. The first thing you must do is repent of your sins, and believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation (John 3:16).
Second, if you are born again, check to see if there is sin in your life. If so, then confess it to God so you
can be forgiven and cleansed (I John 1:9). Only then will God hear you.
Prayer for the Lost
Heavenly Father,
I pray for my family, friends, and my enemies who do not have a relationship to Jesus Christ. There are so
many people that believe they know the Lord because they go to Church, or have been baptized. Lord we
know that does not constitute salvation. Your word says that If we believe in our heart, and confess with
our mouth that Jesus is Lord then and only then will one be saved (Romans 10:9,10).
Lord draws my loved ones by your Spirit as you said according to John 6:44. Save them now Heavenly
Save them please for they can't save themselves for they are dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1).
Thank You Lord in Jesus Name,
, 2 008
Prayer for Healing Of the Body
Heavenly Father,
I pray for those that are infirmed in their bodies. For those suffering from Cancer, Diabetes, and Aids any
other disease. Lord I know you're still in the miracle working business, and you can heal any disease as
you declared in (Psalm 103:4). Lord I also know that you're sovereign and that you can choose not to heal
for that is also your prerogative. Lord you're not a respecter of persons meaning that you don't prefer one
over the other. For you said in your word that, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and
compassion on whom I will have compassion" (Exodus 33:19; Romans 9:15).
It's not for us to question you in an accusative manner when someone receives healing that in our mind's
eyes doesn't deserve it vs. someone whom we feel that does. Lord help us to understand that we have to let
you be God. It's impossible for us with our finite minds to comprehend an infinite God. We do not always
understand your ways Lord (Isaiah 55:8,9). Help us to trust you completely Lord for healing. I will also
trust you Lord if you choose not to heal. Lord help me for it's a hard thing to trust when I don't receive
what I desire. Lord you know what's best for me.
Thank you for allowing me to pray to you regarding this matter.
In Jesus name,
, 2 008
Prayer For Forgiveness
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me for the sins I've committed against you. I'm truly contrite and broken over my
transgressions. Restore in me a right spirit for these offenses for you know each and every one of them and
I'm ashamed. So ashamed I can't even lift my head to you. I thank you Lord for you said in your word in I
John 1:9, "If my confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive my sins and cleanse me from all
Lord I believe your word not based on how I feel, but on the reality of your unchanging word. That is what
I stand on.
Thank you for once again forgiving my sins and putting me back in right standing with you. Thank you for
restoring to me the joy of my salvation (Psalm 51:12).
In Jesus name,
Prayer For Family
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you Lord for my wife and children. I thank you Lord that they're healthy and in their right minds.
Continue to give me the strength to provide for their tangible needs. Help me to be a minister to my wife,
and to bring my children in the nurture and admonition of you dear Lord.
I pray that they'll never fear what man can do unto them which is ultimately nothing. I pray they remain
strong in the Lord and in the power of his might so they live a life of victory through obedience to their
parents. For children that obey their parents are promised with long and prosperous life (Ephesians 6:1-3).
I pray Lord that wives will submit to their own husbands. Support and speak well of them. Not put them
down and criticize them in public. I pray that husbands will love their wives as Christ loved the church and
gave himself for it (Ephesians 5:25-29). I understand that he that finds a wife finds a good thing and
obtains favor of the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). Your word says he that loves his wife loves himself.
I pray all this in Jesus name,
, 2 008
Prayer For Courage
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you for Godly courage. I need your courage to preach your gospel for you haven't given me the
spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I realize that in order to be effective
ambassadors for you we have to be fearless, and productive in the proclamation of your word. Lord help us
not to be concerned about the way people look when we share your word because whether or not they
receive it or not, we still have to proclaim it in obedience.
Jesus you said in your word that the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. Pray the Lord of the Harvest
to send forth laborers into his harvest. Simply put, there are a lot of people that need to hear the gospel but
a shortage of those sharing. Lord, encourage, compel me to share when the opportunities arise realizing I
was chosen before the foundation of the world for this purpose.
Thank you Lord for courage.
In Jesus Name,
, 2 008
Prayer For Peace
Dear Heavenly Father,
We live in a turbulent, sin sick world. Murder, fornication, theft, gang violence, wars surrounds us round
about. Dear Jesus...I'm sick of it!! I guess you felt that way in Matthew 17:17 when you said, "Faithless
and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you?” Lord grant us
your peace for we need it like never before. Provide us peace in our neighborhoods, our schools, our
homes and most importantly our churches.
Lord you promised us that in this world we would have tribulation but be of good cheer for you have
overcome the world (John 16:33). Lord I thank you that you've placed in our lives law enforcement. I
know you work through these ministers to administer your peace to all. You also declared that you left
your peace with us (John 14:27). Thank you Lord for this eternal, Spiritual blessing. I refuse to be afraid
due to your Peace that passes all understanding.
Because of you Lord I can possess peace of mind in any and all situations...that's an assurance that only
you can offer. Praise God and thank you Jesus for your Peace!!
, 20 08
Prayer Against Backstabbers
Dear Lord,
My supplication to you this morning is against those who will smile in your face and stab you in the back.
One thing I learned from your word is that you commanded me to pray for my enemies, love my enemies,
but never did you say to trust in my enemies or man for that matter.
Your word declares in Proverbs 26 that, "He that hates, dissembleth with his lips and lays up deceit within
himself. When he speaks kindly do not believe him for there are seven abominations in his heart.”
Help me to detect their spirits a mile away and to avoid them when they're bent on doing evil knowing it
will lead to my own destruction. Wicked man will always bring allurements like money, fame, cars houses
only to leave you with empty promises, and false hopes and dreams. Help me to recognize that is a plot of
the enemy to get my focus off of you and on things that simply don't matter.
Lord I pray that backstabbers plans will fail right before their faces, and what they have plotted will turn
on them in shame. Disappoint their plans Lord, and draw them by your Spirit that they might be saved and
brought into your marvelous light.
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 5 : 5 2 A M
F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 2 , 2 0 0 8
Prayer For Wisdom
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you dear Lord asking for your wisdom in the decisions I make today. With a multitude of tasks
and demands, I can't make it without you and that's a good thing for me. When I'm weak, you're strong.
Jesus, help me make intelligent, God driven decisions regarding my wife, daughters, family, friends, jobs,
my finances and even my enemies. I know Lord I if lean on you as I'm commanded to do, I'll be fine. I
realize the decisions I sometimes make will not make everyone happy but I'm to obey you rather than men.
You declared in your word in the book of James 1:5 that, "if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God
who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it will be given unto him.” That's a powerful verse
and virtue to claim and I claim it right now in the name of Jesus Christ! I thank you Father because you
placed the desire in me to have Wisdom, and you have given me the ability to ask for it because of a right
relationship with you. Bless your name for your kindness toward me! My cup runs over with Joy
In Jesus name,
But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ
I Corinthians 15:57
, 2008
Prayer Regarding Anger
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray for those that have an explosive temper and a serious problem with anger. Lord help them to not fly
off the handle all the time, realizing the problem probably isn't as bad as they're making it out to be. Dear
Lord help us all to analyze the situation, which means using our minds, then determine calmly how we're
to respond to a person or situation. Lord I know anger not checked is dangerous and can lead to death. I
know this because we hear tragedies on the news everyday. Nobody kills unless there is extreme hate and
anger in their souls.
Lord also I realize that anger is an emotion that comes from you, and there are instances where we're
commanded to be angry and that's in regards to sin. We should never rejoice in sin but to be grieved and
angry over it as you are Lord.
Lord I also pray that we avoid the angry person who's bent on evil. Knowing that if we associate with that
person, it could lead to our own destruction. Proverbs 28:17 says, "A man burdened with bloodshed will
fall into a pit. Let no one help him.”
Dear Lord help the angry person get a handle on their own spirit and control it.
In Jesus name,
, 2 008
Prayer For The Afflicted
Dear Heavenly Father,
At this time I want to intercede for the afflicted. Those that are homeless with children. Those that are old
and have no one to care for them. Those that are ill or broken hearted. Dear God,
you're the God of all comfort. Extend mercy to them now wherever they are.
For those who have fallen on hard times and they're trying their very best to get back on their feet to make
a decent life for themselves, and their families. You see their anguish, pain and toil. Provide them some
relief. Perhaps it may be Lord that you may choose to show them why they're going through these trials.
Strengthen them through these tests. I know the Devil wants only to kill, steal and destroy these your
children, but you said that through you Jesus you would give life and that more abundantly.
I know your word is true. It's your word that will get the afflicted through the Refiner's fire. In your time
they'll be completely delivered with a testimony on their lips because they chose to take you at your word.
Lord teach us all to trust you even if in your sovereignty decide not to deliver. This isn't a comfortable
thought to me but you're kind and loving and your mercy endures forever.
Praise God you hear me when I pray.
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 9 :3 5 P M
WR I T TE N F RI D AY , FE B R UA R Y 2 9 T H , 2 008
Prayer For Discernment
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you Lord that you have given me clarity regarding your Word that I may obey it and please you as
well. Help those in the Body Of Christ to be able to handle the Word of God with skill and precision like a
surgeon. Lord sustain us in the continual warfare we have to undergo in the Spirit with the princes of
darkness and it's only by discernment of your Word that we can wage a successful warfare.
By discernment we can put to silence foolish men who attempt to discredit your word with evil words and
nonsense. It's by discernment that we can rightly divide your Word and instruct others that they may be
blessed when they keep it. It's by discernment Lord that we mature as a Church, and come to be on one
accord. It's by discernment that we're not sitting ducks for Satan to inoculate us with false doctrines and
heresies. Lord compel us to be in an ever learning mode...forever hungering and thirsting for righteousness
and we'll be filled.
I ask these things in faith,
In Jesus name,
PO S TE D B Y IN TH E CU T A T 1 0:00 PM
W R I T T E N S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 1 , 2 0 0 8
Controlling The Tongue
Dear Lord,
Help us to control what we say to our brothers, and sisters. Your word says in James 3:10, "Out of the
same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren these things ought not so to be.”
Although the tongue is a small member of the body, it packs a lot weight because of the praise or harm it
delivers. It's hypocritical to bless and curse with the same tongue. Lord compel us to season our words
with salt that it may minister grace to those that hear it.
Keep us mindful of the fact that you gave us two hears and one mouth. If we take heed to what that clearly
implies, we'll be fine. Your word also declares that we're to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to
wrath (James 1:19). Lord help us to hear what's being said, process it, and deliver a sensible, well thought
out reply.
I realize this is hardly easy when people say unkind things about us and provoke us to anger, however this
is our opportunity for us to trust you and to show how powerful you are to work your righteousness in our
lives in this area of controlling our tongues.
Help us Lord.
In Jesus name,
S U N D A Y , M A R C H 2 , 2 0 0 8
Prayer For The Government
Dear Heavenly Father,
You said in your Holy Word in Proverbs 21:1 that, "The Kings heart is in your hands and as the rivers of
water, you turn in whichever way you chose." Lord I know that nothing happens in the world without your
divine intervention. I take comfort in that reality. Lord at this hour I pray for President George Bush and
Vice President Dick Cheney. I lift up our Congress, our House Of Representatives and the Senate. I pray
that you give them wisdom to administer justice and to make wise decisions regarding our neighborhoods,
counties, cities, states, nation and ultimately the world.
Even though some elected officials may be bent on evil, I pray that you turn that evil around for good for
your glory. Remove those elected officials that have proven themselves to be unfit for a such a privileged
position as this and install someone worthy. Lord I also pray that we the people demand that our rights be
respected, and that we'll be aware of the issues of our nation and write to our elected officials when things
aren't right.
Lord remind the elected officials that they're public servants that they're to minister to us the people of
these United States Of America.
In Jesus Name,
I exhort therefore that all supplications, prayers, intersections giving of thanks be made for all men. For Kings, and for all that are
in authority that we made live a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight
of God our savior. I Timothy 2:1-3
T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 6 , 2 0 0 8
Prayer For Pastors
Gracious Lord And Savior,
Thank you Jesus for our Pastors. Thank you for the young and the old. For the seasoned and the novice.
Thank you that they'll continue to deliver your Word with the utmost care and conviction. I intercede for
them now, that they'll tell us what we need to hear, and not what we want to hear. I pray that they're skilled
in handling your Word of righteousness. That they teach the whole counsel of God and not cunningly
devised fables as many teach today and have the nerve to call themselves Apostles and Prophets!
I pray that they will show us, the sheep of your pasture what the text means by what is says, and not their
opinions only. Help them to understand the importance of instructing us on how to apply the Word to our
very lives so that we can be doers of the Word and not hearers only. This way, we can be blessed and
instruct our children to obey your Word as well. Lord give the Church (the body of believers, Christians
not the edifice) empathy with our spiritual leaders, realizing that they are human with domestic problems
just like the rest of us. We naturally hold them to a higher standard of ethics and morality because of the
office they have in the Church and the community. Lord help us to be forgiving, loving and compassionate
toward our Pastors when they make a mistake. Lord you have made them bishops over our souls and to me
that gives them the highest office on earth because they're a direct extension of you.
Lord I love my Pastor because he's man of integrity, he's transparent and he's a gift from you according to
Ephesians 4:11. Cause him and all Pastors to grow in the grace in knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. Continue to give our Pastors the strength and courage to press on as the days get more and more
evil knowing that everyday we're nearing your glorious return.
In Jesus name,
S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 8 , 2 0 0 8
Prayer For The Bereaved
Dear God,
At this hour Lord I intercede for those who have lost a loved one. I pray for courage, strength and comfort
for them in this time of great sorrow and pain. Lord I understand that death is a part of life but sometimes
that doesn't ease our pain. Help us to particularly at this time to lean on your everlasting arms. Your word
declares that we're to cast our cares on you for you care for us. I take comfort in that reality dear Jesus.
Let us not act like the world does and blame you for the death of our loved one and be embittered toward
you, but to love and trust you more. It's at these times that we need to love and praise and have reverential
fear for you--realizing that you're sovereign, and that you allow the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. I
pray that the memorial arrangements are decent and in order and also that many can be saved during a time
of solemnity such as the passing of a loved one.
May the families of the bereaved come closer together and not further apart. Help them remember the good
times about their Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or whomever it was that has transitioned from this life of
sin to the next.
Give the bereaved the space to shed tears and mourn for the dearly departed.
In Jesus name,
, 200 8
2 1
Avoiding The Sin Of Hypocrisy
Dear Lord,
Help us all Lord to practice what we preach. All of us at different times in our lives have been hypocrites,
saying one thing and doing another. Lord compel us to realize that actions has always spoke louder than
words. As we say in our contemporary everyday society, "Talk is cheap", you have declared this truth in
your Word on numerous occasions.
Lord forgive us for being hypocritical. Because of this, some have refused to come to the house of worship
and seek your face for help when they need it most because of individuals being "two-faced". Our
hypocrisy has hurt people emotionally that look to us as examples of holiness, and righteousness in this
world. Lord we know when we come to you in contrition and sincere humility, that you'll forgive and prop
us back up. I pray that those that we've hurt by our actions or words will forgive us as well, realizing we're
only human.
Lord keep us mindful of the power of the tongue and body, for our tongue and deeds can bring deliverance
or destruction to us and those in our sphere of influence.
In Jesus name,
Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in Heaven, and you on earth.
Therefore let your words be few. Ecclesiastes 5:2.
Better not to vow than to vow and not pay it. Ecclesiastes 5:5
It is a snare for a man to devote rashly something as holy, and afterward to reconsider his vows. Proverbs 20:25
The righteous that falls before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well. Proverbs 25:26.
, 2 008
Prayer For Help!!
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace to find grace to help in a time of need. Hebrews 4:16
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 2 :0 0 A M
WR I T TE N M O N D AY , M A R C H 1 7 T H , 20 08
2 3
Prayer Against The Agnostic
Dear Lord,
Your word declares in Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1 that the fool has said in heart, "There is no God.” I pray
against the Agnostic that declares that you're unknowable. That's untrue because your word clearly makes
you known. Because of the Agnostic, many people will be deceived and go to Hell if they do not seek you for
themselves. They're educated men and women that belong to various organizations and cults that discredit
your knowledge and wisdom that's clearly revealed in scripture. Lord I pray you disappoint their plans and
put them to shame openly since they say that you can't be known openly.
On the other hand Lord I pray that you have mercy on the Agnostic, that you'll bring your servants to
preach your gospel to them that they might be saved. This way your compassion and power are clearly
displayed to them. It's the power of your love that can draw them to you for they're in capable of coming to
you on their own.
Lord I pray that you glorify your name by saving the Agnostic from the destructive path they're on.
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 8 :00 P M
WR I T TE N TU E S D AY , M A R C H 1 8 T H , 20 08
Prayer Against False Prophets
Dear Lord In Heaven,
We need your help against the false Prophets who speak lies and deceptions. Your word said that Satan
can transform himself into an Angel of light so it's no wonder that his demons can transforms themselves
into "ministers of righteousness" These false teachers infiltrate our churches and are ministers in cults such
as Christian Science, Jehovah Witnesses, Islam and even in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord I
pray that we have a spirit of critical discernment and expose the unfruitful works of darkness with no fear.
Lord help us earnestly contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered unto the Saints, your true
children that you purchased with your precious blood. We can't care about what people think about
Christianity and the claims that we're the only ones that have the truth. The truth is never arrogant or
conceited, it's the truth whether people believe or not because it was birthed by the Holy Word of God,
nothing more, nothing less.
Lord I understand that you said that just as there were false prophets in your day, there are false prophets
among us that we must refute with all longsuffering and doctrine. I understand there will be the ultimate
false prophet that will cause those that walk on the earth to worship the Beast described in the Book of
Revelation chapter 13. This is a ploy of the devil to deceive the entire world.
Lord I know that false prophets are smooth talkers, that dress nice and look good and know all the
Christian cliché’s and buzzwords but that doesn't mean we're to follow them. We're to measure what they
say against your Holy Word and that's it!
Lord guard our hearts and minds against these Satanic lies and deceptions!
In Jesus name,
, 20 08
Prayer Regarding Revenge
Dear God,
I really need your help on this one Lord! People have done me wrong for no reason at all and I'm furious
about it and want to retaliate against them. The same pain they've inflicted on me, I want them to suffer ten
fold. Where I come from Lord if someone takes advantage of you, you're considered a punk and a sap. I
realize that's my flesh rising up wanting to get back at the fools that have used me.
Yet gracious Father once again I'm reminded of your word which says that we're not to be overcome with
evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). You also declared that If your enemy is hungry, feed
him and if he's thirsty, give him drink. For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head (Proverbs
25:21,22;Romans 12:20). Basically we're to "kill" our enemies with kindness and by doing so it will bring
about a conviction on their soul seeing that although they treated us horribly, we've reciprocated loving
kindness in return. This isn't the typical human response to harsh treatment, but a biblical response which
brings glory to you.
This approach will never be easy because it goes against the grain of my sinful flesh where no goodness
dwells (Romans 7:19). There is a constant tug of war in me Lord, the struggle between my flesh and my
spirit so I'm torn wanting to do righteousness and evil at the same time!!
Help me Lord for I'm a mess!! Only you can deliver me from this body of death that's slaying me everyday
yet I'm renewed in my spirit daily as well.
Praise God! Vengeance is yours and you will repay!!
W R I T T E N W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 1 9 T H
, 2 0 0 8
Prayer For Single Parents
Dear Heavenly Father,
At this time I intercede for single parents. I pray that if they need government assistance, they'll be able to
receive it and care for their children. I also pray that they won't settle for the assistance alone, but will have
the will to work, to go to school if need be to provide a better life and environment for their children.
A lot of mothers have been abandoned by dead beat fathers who left them high and dry with no visible
means of support. I realize that the mothers, and naturally so are bitter toward the father(s) which
oftentimes make them bitter toward men so they pass on that bitterness toward their daughters saying to
them that they're no good men around which is untrue. Help them to get past the hurt and pain and forgive
the man that has forsaken them. I realize Lord that this is a process that takes time, usually years.
I pray that you also deal with the non custodial fathers. Prosecute them according to the earthly laws that
you've established. I pray that they become convicted for what they did. First of all for the fornication, and
secondly for the abandonment. Cause them to realize that by supporting their children, they're not doing
the child a favor, but doing what should be instinctive in parenting.
I pray that although the parents of the children aren't together, they'll be civil toward one another for the
sake of sanity and their children. They won't put each other down in front of the children and they'll be
brave enough to tell their kids why they couldn't work it out when the time is right. I pray the mother or
father that walked away will ask for forgiveness and the one offended will forgive.
Only you Lord can heal our families. Help us please!!
In Jesus name,
W R I T T E N F R I D A Y , M A R C H 2 1 S T
, 2 0 0 8
Regarding Your Enemies' Demise
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your word says in Proverbs 24:17, "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not set your heart on
their destruction; lest the Lord see it and it displease him and turn away his wrath from him.”
Lord I do admittedly take comfort that you will punish my enemies for the pain they've inflicted on me but
I know that I'm not to rub their nose in it knowing it displeases you. Forgive me for those feelings of
revenge and wanting to get back because of the frailty of my flesh. I realize you will judge my enemies in
your time, not mine. There's no point in my messing up what you've already decided will happen.
I pray that through judging them, it will drive them to Godly sorrow and repentance; that they might be
saved and come to the saving arms of Jesus Christ.
As strange as it may sound, you judging them and sparing their lives, you're giving the wicked yet another
chance to get it right. Draw them by your precious Holy Spirit Lord that they might be saved (John 6:44).
In Jesus Name,
, 2 008
Prayer In Regarding The Embittered
Dear Lord,
Lord at this time I pray for those who are harboring bitterness in their heart toward someone.
I'm interceding for those that may have thoughts of revenge and hatred toward their brother or sister in the
family of Christ. I do not pray for the unsaved at this time, only for the members of the Body of Christ.
Lord cause them to see the sin they're committing and repent so that they can get back in right standing
with you.
Naturally speaking, I believe there are times we have the right to be angry with someone that has hurt in
some way. However, eventually we have to forgive them and move on. Jesus your word tells us to be
angry and sin not (Ephesians 4:26). Neither are we to give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27). Lord help
us all for this is never easy because of our sinful nature, we are going to want to pay the person back for
what they did to us.
It's also imperative that we kill bitterness Lord because if we don't, we'll begin to hate the person(s) that
hurt us and our prayer life will be hindered. You said in your word Lord that,” if a man says he loves God
and hates his brother, then he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he
love God whom he has not seen” (1 John 4:20). What your word clearly tells me is our love for you is in
direct connection on how we love one another. It's imperative we love one another if we claim we love
you. Jesus you COMMANDED that we love one another. For by doing this, the world will know that we're
your disciples (John 13:34-35).
Lord I pray that your people, the Elect of God will pray earnestly, fervently and faithfully to pray for
healing of the scars inflicted upon them by the Saints of God; those that were unintentional and intentional.
Help us to realize Lord that if we're never associated with pain, we will never know that you can heal.
In Jesus name, Amen - A merry heart does good like medicine. But a broken spirit dries up the bones Proverbs 17:22.
Written Wednesday, March 26th, 2008
Prayer Of Thanksgiving
Dear God,
I just wanted to take this time to thank you because you're worthy. I'm overjoyed that it pleased you to save
my wretched soul. I want to thank you for my wonderful, beautiful wife, the Queen of my house and heart.
I thank you dear Jesus that you've given us 11 glorious years of marriage and I look forward to many more.
I thank you for my two princesses. I thank you for their growth and development. I realize that they're your
children Lord and you have loaned them to my wife and I to see how we'll love, and nurture them for
you'll require an account from us.
Thank you Lord for my job and the ability to make money, pay my bills, give offerings for the furtherance
of your Gospel and advancement of the Body Of Christ. I thank you Lord that my family and I are healthy,
and in our right minds. I thank you Lord for your protection, and for every provision in our lives for you
make it all possible. Without you Lord I can't do nothing, and I am nothing.
Continue to bless my family despite ourselves. I know I don't deserve it, but because of your loving
kindness, I know that you'll continually provide our needs.
I thank you Lord that you always do exceedingly, abundantly above what I ask or think.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!
In Jesus matchless name,
, 2008
3 0
Prayer Regarding The Gullible
Dear Jesus,
At this hour I intercede for those in the Church who are gullible and foolish, who will follow popular
trends or fads in contemporary Churches because it looks and sounds good but is unbiblical. Help them
Lord to develop critical discernment when it comes to things of the Church, to make sure that the
teachings, and practices are biblically based.
So often Lord we don’t listen to what the minister says because he’s dancing a “jig” and we get caught up
in his performance rather than the message. As a result, we’re not listening and therefore not growing.
Help us to be bold in refuting and correcting error lovingly regarding our ministers and the sheep so that
we all grow and mature as you commanded that we do as a Church.
It’s also important that we don’t leave a Church because of every little thing we disagree with. Help us
Lord to develop a healthy balance so that we do not become “ticky tack” on someone’s method of doing
something because we’re unaccustomed to it.
Help your children to grow up and not to be tossed to and fro and carried about by every new fascination
that comes along.
In Jesus name,
That we’re no longer Children, tossed to and fro and carried away by every wind of doctrine whereby men lie and wait to deceive.
Ephesians 4:14
, 2008
Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem
Dear Lord,
At this hour I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Israel which the psalmist did in Psalm 122:6. I pray for
peace within and without it's gates Lord. I pray there is peace amongst the people we call Jews and those
that are regarded as Palestinians. There is so much bloodshed in that small but historical and significant
land, the Holy Land and we need to realize it's worth. It's the promised land that Joshua led the Hebrews to
over 3,000 years ago. It's the land you gave to Abraham over 4,000 years ago when it was still called
Dear Jesus this very land is where we await your glorious return and where you will establish your eternal
kingdom in the city of David so at this hour I bless Jerusalem and pray that it prospers abundantly, above
all I could ever ask or think.
In Jesus name,
, 200 8
3 2
A Prayer For Unity
Dear Father,
Lord you declared in your word that "How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in
unity” (Psalm 133:1). Lord help us to put aside our petty differences and love each other realizing the
unsaved world is looking at us to see how we relate to one another. Lord if we display genuine affection
for our brothers and sisters, it will draw them in hopefully because everyone whether they admit or not, is
looking for someone to love and accept them. It's just part of being human.
More importantly Lord you implored us in Romans 12:18 that, "If it is possible and as much that lies
within us, live peaceably with all men.” Bless your name Lord because here you are giving allowances for
our humanity. You realize Lord that we can only dwell with those in unity that are willing to do so.
Thank you Lord for encouraging us in this essential virtue of Unity. For if we operate in it, there's peace in
our homes, Churches, jobs, schools, streets and mostly our souls. We can minimize the senseless murders
of people young and old. We can rid our streets of gangs, drugs and violence. Lord help us to do what we
can in the natural and just trust you to do what you will in the supernatural.
Praise be to the name of the Lord!
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 2 :0 0 P M
, 20 08
3 3
Increase My Faith
Dear Lord,
Help us who belong to you to trust you more and not rely on what we see. Help us to realize that what we
see is temporary but, we can't see is eternal. Help us not to worry and take no thought for the things we
can't change. It doesn't mean that we don't care about it, it simply means we don't allow the situation
overwhelm us to the point of anxiety.
You said Lord, "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)
In Jesus name,
And the Apostles said unto the Lord,"Increase Our Faith" Luke 17:5
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 9 : 57 P M
WR I T TE N T HU R S D AY , A P RI L 24 T H , 20 08
Prayer For Mothers
Dear Lord,
I thank you for Mothers at this time Lord. I thank you for my Mother. For the love and discipline she
provided for me for 21 years. All the years of nourishing and provision she lovingly gave me and my two
brothers. I believe you provide Mothers with a special intuition to begin to pray for us whether things are
good or bad. I believe you give single Mothers something more because they're alone in rearing their
children yet they're not alone because you supernaturally intervene and make all sufficiency toward them.
Thank you Jesus for my Mother. Continue to cause her to be strong in you and in the power of your might.
May she continue to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you Lord that
your Goodness and Mercy is following her all the days of her life and she will one day dwell in your house
forever, Amen.
I thank you Lord for my wife who's the Mother of my beautiful daughters. I pray that she continually seeks
your face regarding their education and their overall well being. I thank you Lord that as she prays to you,
you hear her and she receives the petitions she has desired of you that's according to your will. Lord help
her to be patient with our children and to guide them in the issues of life she's experienced that will help
them develop into fearless Godly Women who know their rightful place in the kingdom of God and in the
world they have to live in.
Dear Lord thank you for these special, exceptional women. May you present them spotless and without
fault before your presence when they give an account for their motherhood.
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 8 :36 P M
WR I T TE N S U ND A Y , M AY 11 T H , 2 008
Prayer For A Friend in Need
Lord at this hour I intercede for a dear precious sister in need. She's being harassed at home and at work.
This is indeed her hour of test and trials. She cries all the time. Lord gather her tears in your bottle and pay
retribution to those who have wronged her. Am I wrong for petitioning this?
If so Lord please forgive me!
You told us Lord to weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that rejoice. This small petition
represents the lamentation of my heart for her whom I love. Just give her strength to endure these trials and
tests so that through the midst of it all she can and will give you glory because you're indeed worthy.
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 9 : 22 P M
, 2008
Intercession for two strangers
Dear Holy Father in Heaven,
Lord at this time I want to pray for a man and his wife that are suffering in their physical bodies. I was
informed by my wife that the husband is suffering from Cancer that's not in remission, and he heard tragic
news that his wife was hit by a car. The accident shattered both her knees and two of her neck vertebrae. I
don't know their names, but you know who I'm talking about.
Lord extend your mercy to them and heal them. I know that you're sovereign and you show mercy to
whom you will, however just because I'm asking I pray that you'll hear and grant my petition for their
sakes. I pray they receive all the proper medical care they need in order to recover from the accident.
Provide them with an abundance of resources that they don't have grief on top of grief with outrageous
medical bills in conjunction with dealing with the anguish of the evil that is Cancer and the fact the man's
wife is currently on her bed of affliction.
Smile on them and display your mighty power toward them Lord.
In Jesus name,
, 20 08
Word To The Wise (An Axiom)
Dear God,
Our problem as a human race is that we've grown accustomed to "LOVING TO HATE & HATING TO
Help us Jesus to turn this around because surely we can't do it by ourselves because we love our sin too
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 5 : 04 A M 0 C O M M E NT S
Your Awesome Power
Dear Lord,
I'm in awe of your power and your ways. We as humans often see things happening to some people and
not to others and we say that you're not fair. Lord I realize that you're not governed by human fairness.
Thank You Jesus! Because if you were, we'd all go to Hell for that's what we deserve. You said in Isaiah
55:8-9 that “your ways are not our ways and your thoughts. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are your ways higher than our ways and your thoughts than our thoughts.” We can not with our puny
finite minds comprehend an infinite God!
You also declared that you will have mercy on whom you will have mercy and compassion on whom you
will have compassion. That's your sovereignty being put on display and it's something that makes me more
in awe of you. I trust you Lord even though I don't understand everything you're doing nor am I required
Your power is what saved me and I love and praise you for that forever!
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 2 :0 0 A M
W R I T T E N T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 3 R D
, 2 0 0 8
Prayer For Wisdom Of The Word
You said in your word that if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of you. Lord right now I ask for wisdom in
regards to your word that I may apply it properly. I realize that wisdom comes as a result of diligent study
also. With discernment of your word, I will be blessed because of understanding. By me understanding, I
can teach others also. Too often prayers aren't answered because of a misapplication of your precious
Teach us that in order to gain insight into your word, it requires paying the price and becoming a student of
it. Obviously not a popular place to be even for the Christian, but it will separate the scholar from the
casual reader of your word and that's where I desire to be. I thank you for the desire to even want to gain
insight from your word for I know that yearning came from you and not from me.
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 1 :0 7 P M
, 2008
3 9
A Prayer For Our Fallen Youth
Dear Lord,
Some of our youth are foolish and just plain stupid! They can't even distinguish between their right hand or
their left and some can't even identify their gender. LORD PLEASE HELP THEM!!
Some of them believe that going to jail is an honor and not disgraceful. Some feel it's okay to be
homosexual and others think they're hard core because they belong to a gang. They're lost without a
purpose Jesus.
Help us as parents and older folks to listen to our young people and let them know that they're loved so the
girls will not end up pregnant at fifteen years old or younger. Lord compel us to encourage our young men
to be goal oriented and purpose driven so that they're not sagging or caught up in gangs and drugs.
Lord if they're giving these core values at home, they'll make intelligent decisions and stay away from the
trouble makers and losers that don't care about their lives.
I don't want our children to die and go to Hell.
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 0 : 53 A M
, 2008
Prayer For Slain Officer's Family
Dear Lord,
I intercede for the Police Escort's family who was slain weeks ago (I witnessed the accident he suffered).
Strengthen them to deal with this grave loss while he was working a funeral procession. I also pray for the
woman who made the horrific decision to turn left in front of him that caused him to lose control of his
motorcycle and collide with her.
Extend mercy to her as well, but make sure she understands that she is the cause for this man's death and
that she pays full restitution for her crime. Lord I know it wasn't done intentionally, but it can't erase the
tragedy that occurred.
I pray that the family of the deceased will forgive the woman although it may seem impossible to do so.
Lord you're always just and you'll judge between the family and the woman.
In Jesus name,
, 200 8
Prayer For The Weary
Dear Heavenly Father,
At this moment I pray for those that are simply out of gas, and feel they simply can't go on. Lord your
word says in Psalms 23 that The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green
pastures. He lead me besides the still waters. He restores my soul (vs. 1-3).
Lord provide rest for the weary soul even now so that they can regroup and focus on their family, lives and
goals. Let them know that's okay to rest and rejuvenate their energies and to admit when they're tired.
Sometimes people feel guilty when they take a break because they've always worked.
Overflow their cup right now Lord with your wondrous blessings that they may say that it was you that
brought about a healing to their weary war torn soul.
We can't make it without you.
In Jesus name,
, 200 8
4 2
A Prayer For The Rich
Dear Heavenly Father,
I intercede for those that are deceived by their riches; thinking their riches will gain them entrance into
Heaven. Jesus your word declares that, "What profit a man if he gain the whole world and loses his soul, or
what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" Obviously nothing.
Sinful man is a fool thinking that he can take his wealth with him into the next life, however in reality he
will perish, separated from his wealth and ultimately from you lest he repents today.
I pray that you'll draw the rich to yourself like you did with the tax collector Zacchaeus who was a rich
crook and a extortionist (Luke 19:10). Lord he longed to see you and repented when he entered into your
presence and you had words with him. Since you saved a despicable sinner like Zaccheaus, surely you'll
save anyone else that's willing to repent...particularly the evil rich to whom I directing this petition because
of the evil pride that's often manifested in their hearts. Humble them Lord and let them clearly know that
riches and honor come from you ultimately. I pray that they'll read the scriptures in regards to what your
word says about them.
Help them understand the love you've given them everyday of their lives because they neither are willing
or able to acknowledge this on their own. Compel them to search their minds and hearts.
Jesus I'm overjoyed that you're continually seeking to save the lost,
WR I T TE N M O N D AY , AUG U S T 1 8 T H , 200 8
4 3
Prayer For The President Elect
Dear Heavenly Father,
At this hour I pray for our new President Barack Obama. I pray that he exercises wisdom as he begins his
administration. Grant him the courage, endurance and strength to clean up the mess that has been made by
George Bush. Put in his way counselors that will assist him faithfully. I realize that he'll make mistakes,
but hopefully they won't be too grave beyond repair. Help President Obama realize the severity of the trials
and tribulations he will undergo. It will be a tremendous sacrifice. None of the like he's ever faced before.
Lord you said in your word that, "The King's heart is in your hand, and as the rivers of water you turn it
any way you please” (Proverbs 21:1).
Soften President Obama's heart to do the right thing even when he wants to do the wrong thing. Lastly
Lord, I pray you protect his wife and daughters.
In Jesus' name,
, 2008
For Those Suffering Financially
Dear Heavenly Father,
Our nation is in a major recession currently and so many, millions have lost their jobs and homes. Please
Lord provide relief for all of us and help leaders come with plan(s) to get people back to work and back
into their homes.
In conjunction I pray that we're more responsible with our decision when it comes to our finances. That we
won't be so irresponsible with our spending habits.
Some Lord believe the Stimulus Bill is a mistake because it increases our debt. However please help the
country get back on it's feet by creating jobs and help people to prepare for retirement.
In Jesus name,
, 2009
4 5
Prayer For Our Young Ladies
Dear Heavenly Father,
I lift up our ladies this evening. I pray that they'll understand that their allurement isn't just what they can
provide for a man physically only, but they'll understand that their value is their virtue, character and
modesty. Help them to realize how wonderful they are and fearfully you've created them for your glory.
Apparently some of our ladies have no sense of value for themselves and their priorities are out of whack.
They're not being taught by older women how to behave when they're in the presence of adults or how to
properly respond to boys when they're girls and how to respond to men when they're grown.
Help our ladies to understand that a man does not complete them and not to settle for any man just for the
sake of saying they have one. However, a good godly man can compliment them and ad spice to a healthy
relationship that can blossom into a lifelong love affair that can bring fulfillment to their lives.
I understand the need for our young ladies for intimacy and tenderness with a man. It's important that
parents teach our young ladies that what they desire is good and healthy, but only within the confines of
Let's not teach our girls that "safe sex" is permissible, but abstinence is the only way to go until marriage.
Fornication is the easy and ungodly way out which produces unhealthy, risky relationships along with guilt
and shame because of disobedience. We don't want to encourage our girls to engage in having multiple
partners, and living a life of promiscuity.
Lord help us to teach our young ladies the right and wrong about sexual relationships, the good, the bad
and everything in between. This way, they'll make informed, intelligent decisions regarding men, and spot
the genuine from the sinister through prayer and supplication with wise counsel.
In Jesus name,
Amen!! P O S T E D B Y I N TH E C U T A T 11 : 50 P M - W R I T T E N S U N D A Y , M A Y 2 4 T H
, 2 0 0 9
Defending The Faith
Precious Lord,
Help us to earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered unto the saints. Let your children know that
it is not unloving to confront error in regards to doctrine. Lord your word commands us to test the spirits to
see if they're of God because many false prophets have gone into the world.
Not to confront error is disobedience. Although it's uncomfortable, we need to overcome our fear, and do
what you have commanded. We must speak the truth in love, and not be concerned with the reaction of the
person we're confronting as long as our motives are pure when we approach them.
It's critical that we say the same thing the word of God says so that we're not leading people astray or being
misled ourselves. Help the Church not to be lazy in studying to show themselves approved unto God, a
worker that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.
In Jesus name,
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 3 : 26 P M
Awaiting Your Glorious Return
Heavenly Father,
Jesus you said in my house there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. Lord you
went on to say that you're preparing a place for us (the elect only). By doing this, you made it clear that
you will come back and receive us to yourself. What a beautiful reality!
Help us Lord to live in anticipation of your imminent return. We're to be faithful until you come back to
destroy your enemies and set up your eternal kingdom (Revelation 19 & 20). I thank you Jesus that your
holy word gives us this blessed hope. I thank you Lord when you rapture your Church that our bodies will
be changed; our mortal bodies will put on immortality, and we'll be fashioned like unto our lord.
I'm excited because I know that your return will be the end of the world as we know it. The pain we now
experience because of our sins will be null and void. May those that read this prayer that do not believe, be
exposed to this truth through your word. May the unbelievers become convicted, repent of sin, receive
salvation, and be converted to this truth.
Even so come Lord Jesus!
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 3 :4 5 P M
WR I T TE N S U ND A Y J A NU A R Y 2 9 T H , 2 01 2
Prayer For The Unborn
You declared to the prophet Jeremiah, "before you were formed in the womb I knew you; before you were
born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5).
At this moment, I lift up those who are unborn. There is already an attack by some mothers and doctors to
abort them in the womb. This is murder although the world says this is a woman's right to choose. What a
shame! The parents of the unborn commit fornication which is sin! The sin is compounded by killing their
babies! Lord I pray for those women that have been victims of rape and afterwards became pregnant. I
pray they will not kill their child, but will give it up for adoption. I understand them not wanting to keep
the child because of the traumatic circumstances of their conception.
Lord you're the only author of life. We do not have the right to take life without cause; especially an
innocent life. Convict those that kill unborn children with shame and guilt. I also pray you also show your
compassion to them so that although they have committed a heinous crime, that you desire they repent and
come to the saving arms of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let them know Lord that you have forgiven those who have come to you in humility and contrition.
Yes Lord! You even have the power and grace to save the murderers of the unborn.
***For more on abortion, please go to to watch a shocking documentary!***
P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 4 :1 7 P M
, 2 012
Prayer For Marriages
Dear Heavenly Father,
Lord I intercede on behalf of marriages. Remind some and instruct others that marriage is a holy institution
designed by you for the purpose of companionship, sexual fulfillment, and eventually for pro-creation and
raising of children. Instruct men and women what their roles are in marriage. Man is the head of the home,
and the woman is there to assist him. Lord I pray that men understand that they're the protectors of the
home. Also I pray the all would compliment their spouse, not tear them down in public.
For those marital relationships having major problems, I pray that they'll pray, and get sound biblical
counseling; a neutral party that can provide insight so that they can get through their issues, and resolve
their problems in love. Lord our marriages are covenants between each other and with you as the center
piece. Let us not look at Hollywood for models for marriage. For often times they're toxic, full of adultery
and sin. Cause us to look to the scripture, and to those godly couples around us who've been successful in
their relationship and are still in love.
Help us to do the simple things; those things that captured our spouse's heart in the beginning of the
relationship. Lord help us to fight with all vigor to press through the hard times, for there will be many if
we're together for any significant amount of time.
Finally Jesus you said, "For what God has joined together, let no man separate" (Matthew 19:6).
I ask this in faith,
, 2012
Family: Warren Arnold and Yolanda Arnold. Jeffrey Collier. Joshua Arnold, Joseph Arnold. Andre Allen.
Karen Byrd-Price (Cookie). Dana Allen, Kim Allen. Willie & Barbara Allen. Mae Byrd, Katrina Byrd.
Tommy (June) Norwood, R.I.P. John & Charlene Carlos. Travion Benton, R.I.P. Winsetta Branch. Daryl
Norwood. Ken Arnold, Cheryl Arnold, Chesney Arnold. Doris Howard, Keisha Arnold. Robert (Sonny)
Arnold & Joyce Arnold. Sandra Epps, Robert Jr. (Charles), Koytoya Yaisrael, Raymond Yaisrael, Keith
Arnold. Sharon Arnold. Eddie Arnold Sr. (Butch). Eddie Arnold Jr. (T.J.) & Raha Arnold. Aaron Arnold,
Micah Arnold, Danielle Arnold. Mark Arnold and Sandra Arnold. Betty Mcclatchey, Clyde Mcclatchey.
Sean Arnold and Angela Arnold. Linda (Lois) Ross and Nathaniel Ross. Desmond Ross, Reginald Ross,
Serenthia Ross-Gartrell. Solomon Ross and Myrtis (Doll) Ross. Tamara Ross, Eric Ross. Stanley (Stan)
Friends: Angelina Looney. Elgedine (G-Thang) Rudolph. Ricardo Wiggins, Linda Wiggins. Richard
(Slick Rick) Gadbury. Solombra Ingram. Larry Horn, Vernessie Horn. Russell Ellis, Lisa Ellis. Bryan
Benson, Tonika Benson. Elgin Mosby, April Mosby, Christian Mosby. John Board, Odette Board,
Christine Board. Everett Spencer, Patricia Spencer. Sharon Hall. Rogena Burrus. LaRoi Larkin, Ashley
Larkin. Alexis Barner. Alishia Brown. Kelvin Nelms, Tracy Nelms. Rondal Rollin, Teresa Rollin. Tauhid
Franklin, Dovema Franklin. Steve Dyson, Reatha Dyson, Ahmed Ali, Virginia Ali. Charles Morgan, Attila
Morgan. Cynthia Thomas. Catherine Thompson. Komeco West. James Markham III, Dawn Markham.
George (Big Dobb) Hicks III. DeAndre Pryor. Don Mabry. Regina Matthews-Bell. Terrance (Teebo)
Session. Phillip Leary.

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  • 2. © 2012 by Delvin R. Arnold. All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission from the author Follow Delvin on twitter@Davidspeaks44 Email: Visit his blog: Friend Delvin on Facebook: Edited by Candice J. Arnold
  • 3. CONTENTS Dedications…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………V Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………VI Prayer for the Lost....................................................................................................................7 Prayer for Healing Of the Body ............................................................................................... 8 Prayer For Forgiveness............................................................................................................ 9 Prayer For Family...................................................................................................................10 Prayer For Courage................................................................................................................. 11 Prayer For Peace.....................................................................................................................12 Prayer Against Backstabbers..................................................................................................13 Prayer For Wisdom.................................................................................................................14 Prayer Regarding Anger .........................................................................................................15 Prayer For The Afflicted .........................................................................................................16 Prayer For Discernment .........................................................................................................17 Controlling The Tongue..........................................................................................................18 Prayer For The Government...................................................................................................19 Prayer For Pastors................................................................................................................. 20 Prayer For The Bereaved........................................................................................................21 Avoiding The Sin Of Hypocrisy ............................................................................................. 22 Prayer For Help!!................................................................................................................... 23 Prayer Against The Agnostic ................................................................................................. 24 Prayer Against False Prophets............................................................................................... 25 Prayer Regarding Revenge .................................................................................................... 26 Prayer For Single Parents...................................................................................................... 27 Regarding Your Enemies' Demise......................................................................................... 28
  • 4. Prayer In Regarding The Embittered.................................................................................... 29 Prayer Of Thanksgiving......................................................................................................... 30 Prayer Regarding The Gullible ...............................................................................................31 Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem.......................................................................................... 32 A Prayer For Unity................................................................................................................. 33 Increase My Faith.................................................................................................................. 34 Prayer For Mothers ............................................................................................................... 35 Prayer For A Friend in Need ................................................................................................. 36 Intercession for two strangers............................................................................................... 37 Word To The Wise (An Axiom) ............................................................................................. 38 Your Awesome Power............................................................................................................ 38 Prayer For Wisdom Of The Word.......................................................................................... 39 A Prayer For Our Fallen Youth..............................................................................................40 Prayer For Slain Officer's Family ...........................................................................................41 Prayer For The Weary............................................................................................................ 42 A Prayer For The Rich ........................................................................................................... 43 Prayer For The President Elect.............................................................................................. 44 For Those Suffering Financially ............................................................................................ 45 Prayer For Our Young Ladies................................................................................................ 46 Defending The Faith…………………………………………………………………………………………………..47 Awaiting Your Glorious Return............................................................................................. 48 Prayer For The Unborn ......................................................................................................... 49 Prayer For Marriages............................................................................................................. 50
  • 5. DEDICATIONS To the only God/Man, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You’re God because you rose from the dead. You’re everlasting and snatched me from destruction to give me eternal life. Surely I was one of hell’s most wanted. You’re man because you were tempted like me. You died on the cross in my place and shed your blood to blot out my sins forever. Only Jesus, the God/Man could accomplish these impossible tasks. I’ll worship you forever! I’m falling in love with you; only because you loved me first. Thank you for teaching me to pray. To my wife Candice. I found my good thing. Fifteen wonderful years and counting. Love never fails sweetheart. To my daughters, Lauren and Andrea. You’re roses that are growing more beautiful everyday. Remember, your sufficiency is in Christ. To my Mother, Ms. Edna M. Arnold. You’re sweeter as the days go by. I see your growth in the Lord and it looks beautiful on you. This was an answer to prayer. To the young man of my youth, my Father Davis Arnold Jr. –R.I.P. I’m convinced we’ll meet again although it’s been thirty five years (1945-1977). To my Grandparents: Davis Arnold Sr., Martha Arnold, Katie Gales, Columbus Norwood – R.I.P. Dr. Billy G. Ingram. The Legacy lives on – R.I.P. V
  • 6. For those who believe in the power of prayer and the faith in God to answer their petitions Introduction These prayers began on my blog back on Sunday, February 17th , 2008. I kept the original date and time when the prayers were published. The prayers range from the first date all the way to January 29th 2012. There’s a total of 45 petitions to the Lord on a variety of subjects which deal with everyday life. Some are autobiographical, and others are a result of either information given to me or eyewitness testimony. For those of you just beginning a prayer life, these prayers can help you. You can extract elements from these petitions and add it to your own prayer life. For those of you who haven’t prayed in a very long time due to discouragement, or unanswered prayer I would admonish you in two things. First, and most important examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith (II Corinthians 13:5). If you do not have a relationship to Jesus Christ, your prayers are not being heard! The Father does not hear unredeemed sinners. You do not belong to him. The first thing you must do is repent of your sins, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation (John 3:16). Second, if you are born again, check to see if there is sin in your life. If so, then confess it to God so you can be forgiven and cleansed (I John 1:9). Only then will God hear you. VI
  • 7. Prayer for the Lost Heavenly Father, I pray for my family, friends, and my enemies who do not have a relationship to Jesus Christ. There are so many people that believe they know the Lord because they go to Church, or have been baptized. Lord we know that does not constitute salvation. Your word says that If we believe in our heart, and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord then and only then will one be saved (Romans 10:9,10). Lord draws my loved ones by your Spirit as you said according to John 6:44. Save them now Heavenly Father!! Save them please for they can't save themselves for they are dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1). Thank You Lord in Jesus Name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 7 :4 2 PM WR ITTEN SUND AY, FEB R UAR Y 1 7 T H , 2 008 7
  • 8. Prayer for Healing Of the Body Heavenly Father, I pray for those that are infirmed in their bodies. For those suffering from Cancer, Diabetes, and Aids any other disease. Lord I know you're still in the miracle working business, and you can heal any disease as you declared in (Psalm 103:4). Lord I also know that you're sovereign and that you can choose not to heal for that is also your prerogative. Lord you're not a respecter of persons meaning that you don't prefer one over the other. For you said in your word that, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and compassion on whom I will have compassion" (Exodus 33:19; Romans 9:15). It's not for us to question you in an accusative manner when someone receives healing that in our mind's eyes doesn't deserve it vs. someone whom we feel that does. Lord help us to understand that we have to let you be God. It's impossible for us with our finite minds to comprehend an infinite God. We do not always understand your ways Lord (Isaiah 55:8,9). Help us to trust you completely Lord for healing. I will also trust you Lord if you choose not to heal. Lord help me for it's a hard thing to trust when I don't receive what I desire. Lord you know what's best for me. Thank you for allowing me to pray to you regarding this matter. In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 8 :5 5 PM WR ITTEN SUND AY FEB R UAR Y 1 7 T H , 2 008 8
  • 9. Prayer For Forgiveness Dear Heavenly Father, Please forgive me for the sins I've committed against you. I'm truly contrite and broken over my transgressions. Restore in me a right spirit for these offenses for you know each and every one of them and I'm ashamed. So ashamed I can't even lift my head to you. I thank you Lord for you said in your word in I John 1:9, "If my confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.” Lord I believe your word not based on how I feel, but on the reality of your unchanging word. That is what I stand on. Thank you for once again forgiving my sins and putting me back in right standing with you. Thank you for restoring to me the joy of my salvation (Psalm 51:12). In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 9 :3 5 PM 9
  • 10. Prayer For Family Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you Lord for my wife and children. I thank you Lord that they're healthy and in their right minds. Continue to give me the strength to provide for their tangible needs. Help me to be a minister to my wife, and to bring my children in the nurture and admonition of you dear Lord. I pray that they'll never fear what man can do unto them which is ultimately nothing. I pray they remain strong in the Lord and in the power of his might so they live a life of victory through obedience to their parents. For children that obey their parents are promised with long and prosperous life (Ephesians 6:1-3). I pray Lord that wives will submit to their own husbands. Support and speak well of them. Not put them down and criticize them in public. I pray that husbands will love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it (Ephesians 5:25-29). I understand that he that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). Your word says he that loves his wife loves himself. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 9 :3 5 PM WR ITTEN SUND AY, FEB R UAR Y 1 7 T H , 2 008 10
  • 11. Prayer For Courage Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for Godly courage. I need your courage to preach your gospel for you haven't given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I realize that in order to be effective ambassadors for you we have to be fearless, and productive in the proclamation of your word. Lord help us not to be concerned about the way people look when we share your word because whether or not they receive it or not, we still have to proclaim it in obedience. Jesus you said in your word that the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers into his harvest. Simply put, there are a lot of people that need to hear the gospel but a shortage of those sharing. Lord, encourage, compel me to share when the opportunities arise realizing I was chosen before the foundation of the world for this purpose. Thank you Lord for courage. In Jesus Name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 8 :3 4 PM WR ITTEN SUND AY, FEB R UAR Y 1 7 T H , 2 008 11
  • 12. Prayer For Peace Dear Heavenly Father, We live in a turbulent, sin sick world. Murder, fornication, theft, gang violence, wars surrounds us round about. Dear Jesus...I'm sick of it!! I guess you felt that way in Matthew 17:17 when you said, "Faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you?” Lord grant us your peace for we need it like never before. Provide us peace in our neighborhoods, our schools, our homes and most importantly our churches. Lord you promised us that in this world we would have tribulation but be of good cheer for you have overcome the world (John 16:33). Lord I thank you that you've placed in our lives law enforcement. I know you work through these ministers to administer your peace to all. You also declared that you left your peace with us (John 14:27). Thank you Lord for this eternal, Spiritual blessing. I refuse to be afraid due to your Peace that passes all understanding. Because of you Lord I can possess peace of mind in any and all situations...that's an assurance that only you can offer. Praise God and thank you Jesus for your Peace!! Amen. POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 9 :2 1 PM WR ITTEN TUESD AY, FEB R UAR Y 1 9 T H , 20 08 12
  • 13. Prayer Against Backstabbers Dear Lord, My supplication to you this morning is against those who will smile in your face and stab you in the back. One thing I learned from your word is that you commanded me to pray for my enemies, love my enemies, but never did you say to trust in my enemies or man for that matter. Your word declares in Proverbs 26 that, "He that hates, dissembleth with his lips and lays up deceit within himself. When he speaks kindly do not believe him for there are seven abominations in his heart.” Help me to detect their spirits a mile away and to avoid them when they're bent on doing evil knowing it will lead to my own destruction. Wicked man will always bring allurements like money, fame, cars houses only to leave you with empty promises, and false hopes and dreams. Help me to recognize that is a plot of the enemy to get my focus off of you and on things that simply don't matter. Lord I pray that backstabbers plans will fail right before their faces, and what they have plotted will turn on them in shame. Disappoint their plans Lord, and draw them by your Spirit that they might be saved and brought into your marvelous light. In Jesus name, Amen P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 5 : 5 2 A M F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 2 , 2 0 0 8 13
  • 14. Prayer For Wisdom Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you dear Lord asking for your wisdom in the decisions I make today. With a multitude of tasks and demands, I can't make it without you and that's a good thing for me. When I'm weak, you're strong. Jesus, help me make intelligent, God driven decisions regarding my wife, daughters, family, friends, jobs, my finances and even my enemies. I know Lord I if lean on you as I'm commanded to do, I'll be fine. I realize the decisions I sometimes make will not make everyone happy but I'm to obey you rather than men. You declared in your word in the book of James 1:5 that, "if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it will be given unto him.” That's a powerful verse and virtue to claim and I claim it right now in the name of Jesus Christ! I thank you Father because you placed the desire in me to have Wisdom, and you have given me the ability to ask for it because of a right relationship with you. Bless your name for your kindness toward me! My cup runs over with Joy unspeakable!! In Jesus name, Amen _____________________________________________________________________ But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ I Corinthians 15:57 POSTED BY IN THE CUT AT 9:35 PM WRITTEN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25T H , 2008 14
  • 15. Prayer Regarding Anger Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for those that have an explosive temper and a serious problem with anger. Lord help them to not fly off the handle all the time, realizing the problem probably isn't as bad as they're making it out to be. Dear Lord help us all to analyze the situation, which means using our minds, then determine calmly how we're to respond to a person or situation. Lord I know anger not checked is dangerous and can lead to death. I know this because we hear tragedies on the news everyday. Nobody kills unless there is extreme hate and anger in their souls. Lord also I realize that anger is an emotion that comes from you, and there are instances where we're commanded to be angry and that's in regards to sin. We should never rejoice in sin but to be grieved and angry over it as you are Lord. Lord I also pray that we avoid the angry person who's bent on evil. Knowing that if we associate with that person, it could lead to our own destruction. Proverbs 28:17 says, "A man burdened with bloodshed will fall into a pit. Let no one help him.” Dear Lord help the angry person get a handle on their own spirit and control it. In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 1 1 :32 PM WR ITTEN TH UR SDAY, FE B R UAR Y 28 T H , 2 008 15
  • 16. Prayer For The Afflicted Dear Heavenly Father, At this time I want to intercede for the afflicted. Those that are homeless with children. Those that are old and have no one to care for them. Those that are ill or broken hearted. Dear God, you're the God of all comfort. Extend mercy to them now wherever they are. For those who have fallen on hard times and they're trying their very best to get back on their feet to make a decent life for themselves, and their families. You see their anguish, pain and toil. Provide them some relief. Perhaps it may be Lord that you may choose to show them why they're going through these trials. Strengthen them through these tests. I know the Devil wants only to kill, steal and destroy these your children, but you said that through you Jesus you would give life and that more abundantly. I know your word is true. It's your word that will get the afflicted through the Refiner's fire. In your time they'll be completely delivered with a testimony on their lips because they chose to take you at your word. Lord teach us all to trust you even if in your sovereignty decide not to deliver. This isn't a comfortable thought to me but you're kind and loving and your mercy endures forever. Praise God you hear me when I pray. In Jesus name, Amen P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 9 :3 5 P M WR I T TE N F RI D AY , FE B R UA R Y 2 9 T H , 2 008 16
  • 17. Prayer For Discernment Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you Lord that you have given me clarity regarding your Word that I may obey it and please you as well. Help those in the Body Of Christ to be able to handle the Word of God with skill and precision like a surgeon. Lord sustain us in the continual warfare we have to undergo in the Spirit with the princes of darkness and it's only by discernment of your Word that we can wage a successful warfare. By discernment we can put to silence foolish men who attempt to discredit your word with evil words and nonsense. It's by discernment that we can rightly divide your Word and instruct others that they may be blessed when they keep it. It's by discernment Lord that we mature as a Church, and come to be on one accord. It's by discernment that we're not sitting ducks for Satan to inoculate us with false doctrines and heresies. Lord compel us to be in an ever learning mode...forever hungering and thirsting for righteousness and we'll be filled. I ask these things in faith, In Jesus name, Amen PO S TE D B Y IN TH E CU T A T 1 0:00 PM W R I T T E N S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 1 , 2 0 0 8 17
  • 18. Controlling The Tongue Dear Lord, Help us to control what we say to our brothers, and sisters. Your word says in James 3:10, "Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren these things ought not so to be.” Although the tongue is a small member of the body, it packs a lot weight because of the praise or harm it delivers. It's hypocritical to bless and curse with the same tongue. Lord compel us to season our words with salt that it may minister grace to those that hear it. Keep us mindful of the fact that you gave us two hears and one mouth. If we take heed to what that clearly implies, we'll be fine. Your word also declares that we're to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath (James 1:19). Lord help us to hear what's being said, process it, and deliver a sensible, well thought out reply. I realize this is hardly easy when people say unkind things about us and provoke us to anger, however this is our opportunity for us to trust you and to show how powerful you are to work your righteousness in our lives in this area of controlling our tongues. Help us Lord. In Jesus name, Amen POSTED BY IN THE CUT AT 4:48 PM S U N D A Y , M A R C H 2 , 2 0 0 8 18
  • 19. Prayer For The Government Dear Heavenly Father, You said in your Holy Word in Proverbs 21:1 that, "The Kings heart is in your hands and as the rivers of water, you turn in whichever way you chose." Lord I know that nothing happens in the world without your divine intervention. I take comfort in that reality. Lord at this hour I pray for President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. I lift up our Congress, our House Of Representatives and the Senate. I pray that you give them wisdom to administer justice and to make wise decisions regarding our neighborhoods, counties, cities, states, nation and ultimately the world. Even though some elected officials may be bent on evil, I pray that you turn that evil around for good for your glory. Remove those elected officials that have proven themselves to be unfit for a such a privileged position as this and install someone worthy. Lord I also pray that we the people demand that our rights be respected, and that we'll be aware of the issues of our nation and write to our elected officials when things aren't right. Lord remind the elected officials that they're public servants that they're to minister to us the people of these United States Of America. In Jesus Name, Amen _____________________________________________________________________ I exhort therefore that all supplications, prayers, intersections giving of thanks be made for all men. For Kings, and for all that are in authority that we made live a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our savior. I Timothy 2:1-3 POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 9 :2 9 PM T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 6 , 2 0 0 8 19
  • 20. Prayer For Pastors Gracious Lord And Savior, Thank you Jesus for our Pastors. Thank you for the young and the old. For the seasoned and the novice. Thank you that they'll continue to deliver your Word with the utmost care and conviction. I intercede for them now, that they'll tell us what we need to hear, and not what we want to hear. I pray that they're skilled in handling your Word of righteousness. That they teach the whole counsel of God and not cunningly devised fables as many teach today and have the nerve to call themselves Apostles and Prophets! I pray that they will show us, the sheep of your pasture what the text means by what is says, and not their opinions only. Help them to understand the importance of instructing us on how to apply the Word to our very lives so that we can be doers of the Word and not hearers only. This way, we can be blessed and instruct our children to obey your Word as well. Lord give the Church (the body of believers, Christians not the edifice) empathy with our spiritual leaders, realizing that they are human with domestic problems just like the rest of us. We naturally hold them to a higher standard of ethics and morality because of the office they have in the Church and the community. Lord help us to be forgiving, loving and compassionate toward our Pastors when they make a mistake. Lord you have made them bishops over our souls and to me that gives them the highest office on earth because they're a direct extension of you. Lord I love my Pastor because he's man of integrity, he's transparent and he's a gift from you according to Ephesians 4:11. Cause him and all Pastors to grow in the grace in knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Continue to give our Pastors the strength and courage to press on as the days get more and more evil knowing that everyday we're nearing your glorious return. In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 5 :4 6 PM S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 8 , 2 0 0 8 20
  • 21. Prayer For The Bereaved Dear God, At this hour Lord I intercede for those who have lost a loved one. I pray for courage, strength and comfort for them in this time of great sorrow and pain. Lord I understand that death is a part of life but sometimes that doesn't ease our pain. Help us to particularly at this time to lean on your everlasting arms. Your word declares that we're to cast our cares on you for you care for us. I take comfort in that reality dear Jesus. Let us not act like the world does and blame you for the death of our loved one and be embittered toward you, but to love and trust you more. It's at these times that we need to love and praise and have reverential fear for you--realizing that you're sovereign, and that you allow the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. I pray that the memorial arrangements are decent and in order and also that many can be saved during a time of solemnity such as the passing of a loved one. May the families of the bereaved come closer together and not further apart. Help them remember the good times about their Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or whomever it was that has transitioned from this life of sin to the next. Give the bereaved the space to shed tears and mourn for the dearly departed. In Jesus name, Amen. POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 1 :2 9 AM WR ITTEN S ATUR DAY, M AR C H 15 T H , 200 8 2 1
  • 22. Avoiding The Sin Of Hypocrisy Dear Lord, Help us all Lord to practice what we preach. All of us at different times in our lives have been hypocrites, saying one thing and doing another. Lord compel us to realize that actions has always spoke louder than words. As we say in our contemporary everyday society, "Talk is cheap", you have declared this truth in your Word on numerous occasions. Lord forgive us for being hypocritical. Because of this, some have refused to come to the house of worship and seek your face for help when they need it most because of individuals being "two-faced". Our hypocrisy has hurt people emotionally that look to us as examples of holiness, and righteousness in this world. Lord we know when we come to you in contrition and sincere humility, that you'll forgive and prop us back up. I pray that those that we've hurt by our actions or words will forgive us as well, realizing we're only human. Lord keep us mindful of the power of the tongue and body, for our tongue and deeds can bring deliverance or destruction to us and those in our sphere of influence. In Jesus name, Amen Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in Heaven, and you on earth. Therefore let your words be few. Ecclesiastes 5:2. Better not to vow than to vow and not pay it. Ecclesiastes 5:5 It is a snare for a man to devote rashly something as holy, and afterward to reconsider his vows. Proverbs 20:25 The righteous that falls before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well. Proverbs 25:26. POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 1 2 :00 WR ITTEN SUND AY, M AR C H 16T H , 2 008 22
  • 23. Prayer For Help!! JESUS!! KINGS OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!! HELP ME PLEASE. I'M DESPARATE, TIRED AND ANGRY!! I'M AT THE END OF MY ROPE AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE RESCUE ME AT THIS HOUR FOR I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN TAKE OF THIS MESS!! I'M LEAVING IT IN YOUR HAND DEAR JESUS. SAVIOR OF MY SOUL!! ______________________________________________________________________ Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace to find grace to help in a time of need. Hebrews 4:16 P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 2 :0 0 A M WR I T TE N M O N D AY , M A R C H 1 7 T H , 20 08 2 3
  • 24. Prayer Against The Agnostic Dear Lord, Your word declares in Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1 that the fool has said in heart, "There is no God.” I pray against the Agnostic that declares that you're unknowable. That's untrue because your word clearly makes you known. Because of the Agnostic, many people will be deceived and go to Hell if they do not seek you for themselves. They're educated men and women that belong to various organizations and cults that discredit your knowledge and wisdom that's clearly revealed in scripture. Lord I pray you disappoint their plans and put them to shame openly since they say that you can't be known openly. On the other hand Lord I pray that you have mercy on the Agnostic, that you'll bring your servants to preach your gospel to them that they might be saved. This way your compassion and power are clearly displayed to them. It's the power of your love that can draw them to you for they're in capable of coming to you on their own. Lord I pray that you glorify your name by saving the Agnostic from the destructive path they're on. In Jesus name, Amen P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 8 :00 P M WR I T TE N TU E S D AY , M A R C H 1 8 T H , 20 08 24
  • 25. Prayer Against False Prophets Dear Lord In Heaven, We need your help against the false Prophets who speak lies and deceptions. Your word said that Satan can transform himself into an Angel of light so it's no wonder that his demons can transforms themselves into "ministers of righteousness" These false teachers infiltrate our churches and are ministers in cults such as Christian Science, Jehovah Witnesses, Islam and even in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord I pray that we have a spirit of critical discernment and expose the unfruitful works of darkness with no fear. Lord help us earnestly contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered unto the Saints, your true children that you purchased with your precious blood. We can't care about what people think about Christianity and the claims that we're the only ones that have the truth. The truth is never arrogant or conceited, it's the truth whether people believe or not because it was birthed by the Holy Word of God, nothing more, nothing less. Lord I understand that you said that just as there were false prophets in your day, there are false prophets among us that we must refute with all longsuffering and doctrine. I understand there will be the ultimate false prophet that will cause those that walk on the earth to worship the Beast described in the Book of Revelation chapter 13. This is a ploy of the devil to deceive the entire world. Lord I know that false prophets are smooth talkers, that dress nice and look good and know all the Christian cliché’s and buzzwords but that doesn't mean we're to follow them. We're to measure what they say against your Holy Word and that's it! Lord guard our hearts and minds against these Satanic lies and deceptions! In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 1 2 :00 PM WR ITTEN WEDNESD AY, M AR C H 19 T H , 20 08 25
  • 26. Prayer Regarding Revenge Dear God, I really need your help on this one Lord! People have done me wrong for no reason at all and I'm furious about it and want to retaliate against them. The same pain they've inflicted on me, I want them to suffer ten fold. Where I come from Lord if someone takes advantage of you, you're considered a punk and a sap. I realize that's my flesh rising up wanting to get back at the fools that have used me. Yet gracious Father once again I'm reminded of your word which says that we're not to be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). You also declared that If your enemy is hungry, feed him and if he's thirsty, give him drink. For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head (Proverbs 25:21,22;Romans 12:20). Basically we're to "kill" our enemies with kindness and by doing so it will bring about a conviction on their soul seeing that although they treated us horribly, we've reciprocated loving kindness in return. This isn't the typical human response to harsh treatment, but a biblical response which brings glory to you. This approach will never be easy because it goes against the grain of my sinful flesh where no goodness dwells (Romans 7:19). There is a constant tug of war in me Lord, the struggle between my flesh and my spirit so I'm torn wanting to do righteousness and evil at the same time!! Help me Lord for I'm a mess!! Only you can deliver me from this body of death that's slaying me everyday yet I'm renewed in my spirit daily as well. Praise God! Vengeance is yours and you will repay!! POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 1 2 :00 W R I T T E N W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 1 9 T H , 2 0 0 8 26
  • 27. Prayer For Single Parents Dear Heavenly Father, At this time I intercede for single parents. I pray that if they need government assistance, they'll be able to receive it and care for their children. I also pray that they won't settle for the assistance alone, but will have the will to work, to go to school if need be to provide a better life and environment for their children. A lot of mothers have been abandoned by dead beat fathers who left them high and dry with no visible means of support. I realize that the mothers, and naturally so are bitter toward the father(s) which oftentimes make them bitter toward men so they pass on that bitterness toward their daughters saying to them that they're no good men around which is untrue. Help them to get past the hurt and pain and forgive the man that has forsaken them. I realize Lord that this is a process that takes time, usually years. I pray that you also deal with the non custodial fathers. Prosecute them according to the earthly laws that you've established. I pray that they become convicted for what they did. First of all for the fornication, and secondly for the abandonment. Cause them to realize that by supporting their children, they're not doing the child a favor, but doing what should be instinctive in parenting. I pray that although the parents of the children aren't together, they'll be civil toward one another for the sake of sanity and their children. They won't put each other down in front of the children and they'll be brave enough to tell their kids why they couldn't work it out when the time is right. I pray the mother or father that walked away will ask for forgiveness and the one offended will forgive. Only you Lord can heal our families. Help us please!! In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 1 2 :00 AM W R I T T E N F R I D A Y , M A R C H 2 1 S T , 2 0 0 8 27
  • 28. Regarding Your Enemies' Demise Dear Heavenly Father, Your word says in Proverbs 24:17, "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not set your heart on their destruction; lest the Lord see it and it displease him and turn away his wrath from him.” Lord I do admittedly take comfort that you will punish my enemies for the pain they've inflicted on me but I know that I'm not to rub their nose in it knowing it displeases you. Forgive me for those feelings of revenge and wanting to get back because of the frailty of my flesh. I realize you will judge my enemies in your time, not mine. There's no point in my messing up what you've already decided will happen. I pray that through judging them, it will drive them to Godly sorrow and repentance; that they might be saved and come to the saving arms of Jesus Christ. As strange as it may sound, you judging them and sparing their lives, you're giving the wicked yet another chance to get it right. Draw them by your precious Holy Spirit Lord that they might be saved (John 6:44). In Jesus Name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 8 :2 7 PM WR ITTEN M ONDAY, M AR C H 24T H , 2 008 28
  • 29. Prayer In Regarding The Embittered Dear Lord, Lord at this time I pray for those who are harboring bitterness in their heart toward someone. I'm interceding for those that may have thoughts of revenge and hatred toward their brother or sister in the family of Christ. I do not pray for the unsaved at this time, only for the members of the Body of Christ. Lord cause them to see the sin they're committing and repent so that they can get back in right standing with you. Naturally speaking, I believe there are times we have the right to be angry with someone that has hurt in some way. However, eventually we have to forgive them and move on. Jesus your word tells us to be angry and sin not (Ephesians 4:26). Neither are we to give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27). Lord help us all for this is never easy because of our sinful nature, we are going to want to pay the person back for what they did to us. It's also imperative that we kill bitterness Lord because if we don't, we'll begin to hate the person(s) that hurt us and our prayer life will be hindered. You said in your word Lord that,” if a man says he loves God and hates his brother, then he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen” (1 John 4:20). What your word clearly tells me is our love for you is in direct connection on how we love one another. It's imperative we love one another if we claim we love you. Jesus you COMMANDED that we love one another. For by doing this, the world will know that we're your disciples (John 13:34-35). Lord I pray that your people, the Elect of God will pray earnestly, fervently and faithfully to pray for healing of the scars inflicted upon them by the Saints of God; those that were unintentional and intentional. Help us to realize Lord that if we're never associated with pain, we will never know that you can heal. In Jesus name, Amen - A merry heart does good like medicine. But a broken spirit dries up the bones Proverbs 17:22. Written Wednesday, March 26th, 2008 29
  • 30. Prayer Of Thanksgiving Dear God, I just wanted to take this time to thank you because you're worthy. I'm overjoyed that it pleased you to save my wretched soul. I want to thank you for my wonderful, beautiful wife, the Queen of my house and heart. I thank you dear Jesus that you've given us 11 glorious years of marriage and I look forward to many more. I thank you for my two princesses. I thank you for their growth and development. I realize that they're your children Lord and you have loaned them to my wife and I to see how we'll love, and nurture them for you'll require an account from us. Thank you Lord for my job and the ability to make money, pay my bills, give offerings for the furtherance of your Gospel and advancement of the Body Of Christ. I thank you Lord that my family and I are healthy, and in our right minds. I thank you Lord for your protection, and for every provision in our lives for you make it all possible. Without you Lord I can't do nothing, and I am nothing. Continue to bless my family despite ourselves. I know I don't deserve it, but because of your loving kindness, I know that you'll continually provide our needs. I thank you Lord that you always do exceedingly, abundantly above what I ask or think. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! In Jesus matchless name, Amen! POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 5 :3 6 PM WRITTEN SUNDAY, MARCH 30TH , 2008 3 0
  • 31. Prayer Regarding The Gullible Dear Jesus, At this hour I intercede for those in the Church who are gullible and foolish, who will follow popular trends or fads in contemporary Churches because it looks and sounds good but is unbiblical. Help them Lord to develop critical discernment when it comes to things of the Church, to make sure that the teachings, and practices are biblically based. So often Lord we don’t listen to what the minister says because he’s dancing a “jig” and we get caught up in his performance rather than the message. As a result, we’re not listening and therefore not growing. Help us to be bold in refuting and correcting error lovingly regarding our ministers and the sheep so that we all grow and mature as you commanded that we do as a Church. It’s also important that we don’t leave a Church because of every little thing we disagree with. Help us Lord to develop a healthy balance so that we do not become “ticky tack” on someone’s method of doing something because we’re unaccustomed to it. Help your children to grow up and not to be tossed to and fro and carried about by every new fascination that comes along. In Jesus name, Amen That we’re no longer Children, tossed to and fro and carried away by every wind of doctrine whereby men lie and wait to deceive. Ephesians 4:14 POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 7 :2 6 PM WRITTEN SUNDAY, APRIL 6TH , 2008 31
  • 32. Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem Dear Lord, At this hour I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Israel which the psalmist did in Psalm 122:6. I pray for peace within and without it's gates Lord. I pray there is peace amongst the people we call Jews and those that are regarded as Palestinians. There is so much bloodshed in that small but historical and significant land, the Holy Land and we need to realize it's worth. It's the promised land that Joshua led the Hebrews to over 3,000 years ago. It's the land you gave to Abraham over 4,000 years ago when it was still called Canaan. Dear Jesus this very land is where we await your glorious return and where you will establish your eternal kingdom in the city of David so at this hour I bless Jerusalem and pray that it prospers abundantly, above all I could ever ask or think. In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 8 :4 1 PM WR ITTEN FR ID AY, APR I L 11 T H , 200 8 3 2
  • 33. A Prayer For Unity Dear Father, Lord you declared in your word that "How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). Lord help us to put aside our petty differences and love each other realizing the unsaved world is looking at us to see how we relate to one another. Lord if we display genuine affection for our brothers and sisters, it will draw them in hopefully because everyone whether they admit or not, is looking for someone to love and accept them. It's just part of being human. More importantly Lord you implored us in Romans 12:18 that, "If it is possible and as much that lies within us, live peaceably with all men.” Bless your name Lord because here you are giving allowances for our humanity. You realize Lord that we can only dwell with those in unity that are willing to do so. Thank you Lord for encouraging us in this essential virtue of Unity. For if we operate in it, there's peace in our homes, Churches, jobs, schools, streets and mostly our souls. We can minimize the senseless murders of people young and old. We can rid our streets of gangs, drugs and violence. Lord help us to do what we can in the natural and just trust you to do what you will in the supernatural. Praise be to the name of the Lord! P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 2 :0 0 P M WR ITTEN S ATUR DAY, AP R IL 1 2 T H , 20 08 3 3
  • 34. Increase My Faith Dear Lord, Help us who belong to you to trust you more and not rely on what we see. Help us to realize that what we see is temporary but, we can't see is eternal. Help us not to worry and take no thought for the things we can't change. It doesn't mean that we don't care about it, it simply means we don't allow the situation overwhelm us to the point of anxiety. You said Lord, "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10) In Jesus name, Amen __________________________________________________________________ And the Apostles said unto the Lord,"Increase Our Faith" Luke 17:5 P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 9 : 57 P M WR I T TE N T HU R S D AY , A P RI L 24 T H , 20 08 34
  • 35. Prayer For Mothers Dear Lord, I thank you for Mothers at this time Lord. I thank you for my Mother. For the love and discipline she provided for me for 21 years. All the years of nourishing and provision she lovingly gave me and my two brothers. I believe you provide Mothers with a special intuition to begin to pray for us whether things are good or bad. I believe you give single Mothers something more because they're alone in rearing their children yet they're not alone because you supernaturally intervene and make all sufficiency toward them. Thank you Jesus for my Mother. Continue to cause her to be strong in you and in the power of your might. May she continue to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you Lord that your Goodness and Mercy is following her all the days of her life and she will one day dwell in your house forever, Amen. I thank you Lord for my wife who's the Mother of my beautiful daughters. I pray that she continually seeks your face regarding their education and their overall well being. I thank you Lord that as she prays to you, you hear her and she receives the petitions she has desired of you that's according to your will. Lord help her to be patient with our children and to guide them in the issues of life she's experienced that will help them develop into fearless Godly Women who know their rightful place in the kingdom of God and in the world they have to live in. Dear Lord thank you for these special, exceptional women. May you present them spotless and without fault before your presence when they give an account for their motherhood. In Jesus name, Amen P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 8 :36 P M WR I T TE N S U ND A Y , M AY 11 T H , 2 008 35
  • 36. Prayer For A Friend in Need Lord at this hour I intercede for a dear precious sister in need. She's being harassed at home and at work. This is indeed her hour of test and trials. She cries all the time. Lord gather her tears in your bottle and pay retribution to those who have wronged her. Am I wrong for petitioning this? If so Lord please forgive me! You told us Lord to weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that rejoice. This small petition represents the lamentation of my heart for her whom I love. Just give her strength to endure these trials and tests so that through the midst of it all she can and will give you glory because you're indeed worthy. In Jesus name, Amen P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 9 : 22 P M WRITTEN THURSDAY, JUNE 5TH , 2008 36
  • 37. Intercession for two strangers Dear Holy Father in Heaven, Lord at this time I want to pray for a man and his wife that are suffering in their physical bodies. I was informed by my wife that the husband is suffering from Cancer that's not in remission, and he heard tragic news that his wife was hit by a car. The accident shattered both her knees and two of her neck vertebrae. I don't know their names, but you know who I'm talking about. Lord extend your mercy to them and heal them. I know that you're sovereign and you show mercy to whom you will, however just because I'm asking I pray that you'll hear and grant my petition for their sakes. I pray they receive all the proper medical care they need in order to recover from the accident. Provide them with an abundance of resources that they don't have grief on top of grief with outrageous medical bills in conjunction with dealing with the anguish of the evil that is Cancer and the fact the man's wife is currently on her bed of affliction. Smile on them and display your mighty power toward them Lord. In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 9 :5 0 AM WR ITTEN TH UR SDAY, JU NE 5T H , 20 08 37
  • 38. Word To The Wise (An Axiom) Dear God, Our problem as a human race is that we've grown accustomed to "LOVING TO HATE & HATING TO LOVE!" Help us Jesus to turn this around because surely we can't do it by ourselves because we love our sin too much! P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 5 : 04 A M 0 C O M M E NT S Your Awesome Power Dear Lord, I'm in awe of your power and your ways. We as humans often see things happening to some people and not to others and we say that you're not fair. Lord I realize that you're not governed by human fairness. Thank You Jesus! Because if you were, we'd all go to Hell for that's what we deserve. You said in Isaiah 55:8-9 that “your ways are not our ways and your thoughts. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are your ways higher than our ways and your thoughts than our thoughts.” We can not with our puny finite minds comprehend an infinite God! You also declared that you will have mercy on whom you will have mercy and compassion on whom you will have compassion. That's your sovereignty being put on display and it's something that makes me more in awe of you. I trust you Lord even though I don't understand everything you're doing nor am I required to. Your power is what saved me and I love and praise you for that forever! In Jesus name, Amen P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 2 :0 0 A M W R I T T E N T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 3 R D , 2 0 0 8 38
  • 39. Prayer For Wisdom Of The Word Lord, You said in your word that if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of you. Lord right now I ask for wisdom in regards to your word that I may apply it properly. I realize that wisdom comes as a result of diligent study also. With discernment of your word, I will be blessed because of understanding. By me understanding, I can teach others also. Too often prayers aren't answered because of a misapplication of your precious word. Teach us that in order to gain insight into your word, it requires paying the price and becoming a student of it. Obviously not a popular place to be even for the Christian, but it will separate the scholar from the casual reader of your word and that's where I desire to be. I thank you for the desire to even want to gain insight from your word for I know that yearning came from you and not from me. In Jesus name, Amen P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 1 :0 7 P M WRITTEN THURSDAY, JULY 2ND , 2008 3 9
  • 40. A Prayer For Our Fallen Youth Dear Lord, Some of our youth are foolish and just plain stupid! They can't even distinguish between their right hand or their left and some can't even identify their gender. LORD PLEASE HELP THEM!! Some of them believe that going to jail is an honor and not disgraceful. Some feel it's okay to be homosexual and others think they're hard core because they belong to a gang. They're lost without a purpose Jesus. Help us as parents and older folks to listen to our young people and let them know that they're loved so the girls will not end up pregnant at fifteen years old or younger. Lord compel us to encourage our young men to be goal oriented and purpose driven so that they're not sagging or caught up in gangs and drugs. Lord if they're giving these core values at home, they'll make intelligent decisions and stay away from the trouble makers and losers that don't care about their lives. I don't want our children to die and go to Hell. In Jesus name, Amen P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 1 0 : 53 A M WRITTEN SATURDAY, AUGUST 16TH , 2008 40
  • 41. Prayer For Slain Officer's Family Dear Lord, I intercede for the Police Escort's family who was slain weeks ago (I witnessed the accident he suffered). Strengthen them to deal with this grave loss while he was working a funeral procession. I also pray for the woman who made the horrific decision to turn left in front of him that caused him to lose control of his motorcycle and collide with her. Extend mercy to her as well, but make sure she understands that she is the cause for this man's death and that she pays full restitution for her crime. Lord I know it wasn't done intentionally, but it can't erase the tragedy that occurred. I pray that the family of the deceased will forgive the woman although it may seem impossible to do so. Lord you're always just and you'll judge between the family and the woman. In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 1 0 :41 AM WR ITTEN S ATUR D AY, AU GUS T 1 6 T H , 200 8 41
  • 42. Prayer For The Weary Dear Heavenly Father, At this moment I pray for those that are simply out of gas, and feel they simply can't go on. Lord your word says in Psalms 23 that The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He lead me besides the still waters. He restores my soul (vs. 1-3). Lord provide rest for the weary soul even now so that they can regroup and focus on their family, lives and goals. Let them know that's okay to rest and rejuvenate their energies and to admit when they're tired. Sometimes people feel guilty when they take a break because they've always worked. Overflow their cup right now Lord with your wondrous blessings that they may say that it was you that brought about a healing to their weary war torn soul. We can't make it without you. In Jesus name, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 7 :1 0 PM WR ITTEN M ONDAY, AUS GUS T 1 8 T H , 200 8 4 2
  • 43. A Prayer For The Rich Dear Heavenly Father, I intercede for those that are deceived by their riches; thinking their riches will gain them entrance into Heaven. Jesus your word declares that, "What profit a man if he gain the whole world and loses his soul, or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" Obviously nothing. Sinful man is a fool thinking that he can take his wealth with him into the next life, however in reality he will perish, separated from his wealth and ultimately from you lest he repents today. I pray that you'll draw the rich to yourself like you did with the tax collector Zacchaeus who was a rich crook and a extortionist (Luke 19:10). Lord he longed to see you and repented when he entered into your presence and you had words with him. Since you saved a despicable sinner like Zaccheaus, surely you'll save anyone else that's willing to repent...particularly the evil rich to whom I directing this petition because of the evil pride that's often manifested in their hearts. Humble them Lord and let them clearly know that riches and honor come from you ultimately. I pray that they'll read the scriptures in regards to what your word says about them. Help them understand the love you've given them everyday of their lives because they neither are willing or able to acknowledge this on their own. Compel them to search their minds and hearts. Jesus I'm overjoyed that you're continually seeking to save the lost, Amen POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 9 :3 5 PM WR I T TE N M O N D AY , AUG U S T 1 8 T H , 200 8 4 3
  • 44. Prayer For The President Elect Dear Heavenly Father, At this hour I pray for our new President Barack Obama. I pray that he exercises wisdom as he begins his administration. Grant him the courage, endurance and strength to clean up the mess that has been made by George Bush. Put in his way counselors that will assist him faithfully. I realize that he'll make mistakes, but hopefully they won't be too grave beyond repair. Help President Obama realize the severity of the trials and tribulations he will undergo. It will be a tremendous sacrifice. None of the like he's ever faced before. Lord you said in your word that, "The King's heart is in your hand, and as the rivers of water you turn it any way you please” (Proverbs 21:1). Soften President Obama's heart to do the right thing even when he wants to do the wrong thing. Lastly Lord, I pray you protect his wife and daughters. In Jesus' name, Amen POSTED BY IN THE CUT AT 11:32 PM WRITTEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH , 2008 44
  • 45. For Those Suffering Financially Dear Heavenly Father, Our nation is in a major recession currently and so many, millions have lost their jobs and homes. Please Lord provide relief for all of us and help leaders come with plan(s) to get people back to work and back into their homes. In conjunction I pray that we're more responsible with our decision when it comes to our finances. That we won't be so irresponsible with our spending habits. Some Lord believe the Stimulus Bill is a mistake because it increases our debt. However please help the country get back on it's feet by creating jobs and help people to prepare for retirement. In Jesus name, POSTED BY IN THE CUT AT 4:19 PM WRITTEN SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19T H , 2009 4 5
  • 46. Prayer For Our Young Ladies Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up our ladies this evening. I pray that they'll understand that their allurement isn't just what they can provide for a man physically only, but they'll understand that their value is their virtue, character and modesty. Help them to realize how wonderful they are and fearfully you've created them for your glory. Apparently some of our ladies have no sense of value for themselves and their priorities are out of whack. They're not being taught by older women how to behave when they're in the presence of adults or how to properly respond to boys when they're girls and how to respond to men when they're grown. Help our ladies to understand that a man does not complete them and not to settle for any man just for the sake of saying they have one. However, a good godly man can compliment them and ad spice to a healthy relationship that can blossom into a lifelong love affair that can bring fulfillment to their lives. I understand the need for our young ladies for intimacy and tenderness with a man. It's important that parents teach our young ladies that what they desire is good and healthy, but only within the confines of marriage. Let's not teach our girls that "safe sex" is permissible, but abstinence is the only way to go until marriage. Fornication is the easy and ungodly way out which produces unhealthy, risky relationships along with guilt and shame because of disobedience. We don't want to encourage our girls to engage in having multiple partners, and living a life of promiscuity. Lord help us to teach our young ladies the right and wrong about sexual relationships, the good, the bad and everything in between. This way, they'll make informed, intelligent decisions regarding men, and spot the genuine from the sinister through prayer and supplication with wise counsel. In Jesus name, Amen!! P O S T E D B Y I N TH E C U T A T 11 : 50 P M - W R I T T E N S U N D A Y , M A Y 2 4 T H , 2 0 0 9 46
  • 47. Defending The Faith Precious Lord, Help us to earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered unto the saints. Let your children know that it is not unloving to confront error in regards to doctrine. Lord your word commands us to test the spirits to see if they're of God because many false prophets have gone into the world. Not to confront error is disobedience. Although it's uncomfortable, we need to overcome our fear, and do what you have commanded. We must speak the truth in love, and not be concerned with the reaction of the person we're confronting as long as our motives are pure when we approach them. It's critical that we say the same thing the word of God says so that we're not leading people astray or being misled ourselves. Help the Church not to be lazy in studying to show themselves approved unto God, a worker that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. In Jesus name, Amen! P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 3 : 26 P M WRITTEN SUNDAY JANUARY 29TH, 2012 47
  • 48. Awaiting Your Glorious Return Heavenly Father, Jesus you said in my house there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. Lord you went on to say that you're preparing a place for us (the elect only). By doing this, you made it clear that you will come back and receive us to yourself. What a beautiful reality! Help us Lord to live in anticipation of your imminent return. We're to be faithful until you come back to destroy your enemies and set up your eternal kingdom (Revelation 19 & 20). I thank you Jesus that your holy word gives us this blessed hope. I thank you Lord when you rapture your Church that our bodies will be changed; our mortal bodies will put on immortality, and we'll be fashioned like unto our lord. I'm excited because I know that your return will be the end of the world as we know it. The pain we now experience because of our sins will be null and void. May those that read this prayer that do not believe, be exposed to this truth through your word. May the unbelievers become convicted, repent of sin, receive salvation, and be converted to this truth. Even so come Lord Jesus! P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 3 :4 5 P M WR I T TE N S U ND A Y J A NU A R Y 2 9 T H , 2 01 2 48
  • 49. Prayer For The Unborn Lord, You declared to the prophet Jeremiah, "before you were formed in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5). At this moment, I lift up those who are unborn. There is already an attack by some mothers and doctors to abort them in the womb. This is murder although the world says this is a woman's right to choose. What a shame! The parents of the unborn commit fornication which is sin! The sin is compounded by killing their babies! Lord I pray for those women that have been victims of rape and afterwards became pregnant. I pray they will not kill their child, but will give it up for adoption. I understand them not wanting to keep the child because of the traumatic circumstances of their conception. Lord you're the only author of life. We do not have the right to take life without cause; especially an innocent life. Convict those that kill unborn children with shame and guilt. I also pray you also show your compassion to them so that although they have committed a heinous crime, that you desire they repent and come to the saving arms of the Lord Jesus Christ! Let them know Lord that you have forgiven those who have come to you in humility and contrition. Yes Lord! You even have the power and grace to save the murderers of the unborn. Amen. ***For more on abortion, please go to to watch a shocking documentary!*** P O S T E D BY I N TH E C UT AT 4 :1 7 P M WR ITTEN SUND AY J ANU AR Y 2 9 T H , 2 012 49
  • 50. Prayer For Marriages Dear Heavenly Father, Lord I intercede on behalf of marriages. Remind some and instruct others that marriage is a holy institution designed by you for the purpose of companionship, sexual fulfillment, and eventually for pro-creation and raising of children. Instruct men and women what their roles are in marriage. Man is the head of the home, and the woman is there to assist him. Lord I pray that men understand that they're the protectors of the home. Also I pray the all would compliment their spouse, not tear them down in public. For those marital relationships having major problems, I pray that they'll pray, and get sound biblical counseling; a neutral party that can provide insight so that they can get through their issues, and resolve their problems in love. Lord our marriages are covenants between each other and with you as the center piece. Let us not look at Hollywood for models for marriage. For often times they're toxic, full of adultery and sin. Cause us to look to the scripture, and to those godly couples around us who've been successful in their relationship and are still in love. Help us to do the simple things; those things that captured our spouse's heart in the beginning of the relationship. Lord help us to fight with all vigor to press through the hard times, for there will be many if we're together for any significant amount of time. Finally Jesus you said, "For what God has joined together, let no man separate" (Matthew 19:6). I ask this in faith, Amen. POSTED B Y IN THE C UT AT 6 :1 3 PM WRITTEN SUNDAY, JANUARY 29TH , 2012 50
  • 51. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Family: Warren Arnold and Yolanda Arnold. Jeffrey Collier. Joshua Arnold, Joseph Arnold. Andre Allen. Karen Byrd-Price (Cookie). Dana Allen, Kim Allen. Willie & Barbara Allen. Mae Byrd, Katrina Byrd. Tommy (June) Norwood, R.I.P. John & Charlene Carlos. Travion Benton, R.I.P. Winsetta Branch. Daryl Norwood. Ken Arnold, Cheryl Arnold, Chesney Arnold. Doris Howard, Keisha Arnold. Robert (Sonny) Arnold & Joyce Arnold. Sandra Epps, Robert Jr. (Charles), Koytoya Yaisrael, Raymond Yaisrael, Keith Arnold. Sharon Arnold. Eddie Arnold Sr. (Butch). Eddie Arnold Jr. (T.J.) & Raha Arnold. Aaron Arnold, Micah Arnold, Danielle Arnold. Mark Arnold and Sandra Arnold. Betty Mcclatchey, Clyde Mcclatchey. Sean Arnold and Angela Arnold. Linda (Lois) Ross and Nathaniel Ross. Desmond Ross, Reginald Ross, Serenthia Ross-Gartrell. Solomon Ross and Myrtis (Doll) Ross. Tamara Ross, Eric Ross. Stanley (Stan) Arnold. Friends: Angelina Looney. Elgedine (G-Thang) Rudolph. Ricardo Wiggins, Linda Wiggins. Richard (Slick Rick) Gadbury. Solombra Ingram. Larry Horn, Vernessie Horn. Russell Ellis, Lisa Ellis. Bryan Benson, Tonika Benson. Elgin Mosby, April Mosby, Christian Mosby. John Board, Odette Board, Christine Board. Everett Spencer, Patricia Spencer. Sharon Hall. Rogena Burrus. LaRoi Larkin, Ashley Larkin. Alexis Barner. Alishia Brown. Kelvin Nelms, Tracy Nelms. Rondal Rollin, Teresa Rollin. Tauhid Franklin, Dovema Franklin. Steve Dyson, Reatha Dyson, Ahmed Ali, Virginia Ali. Charles Morgan, Attila Morgan. Cynthia Thomas. Catherine Thompson. Komeco West. James Markham III, Dawn Markham. George (Big Dobb) Hicks III. DeAndre Pryor. Don Mabry. Regina Matthews-Bell. Terrance (Teebo) Session. Phillip Leary.