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Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
Finished in 4.41041 seconds
    108 examples, 0 failures

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
   class Todo < ActiveRecord::Base

       validates :body, presence: true

       attr_accessible :body, :completed


Monday, February 25, 13
   require 'spec_helper'

   describe Todo do

       it "requires a body" do
         todo =
         todo.should_not be_valid
         todo.errors[:body].should include("can't be blank")
         todo.body = "Do something"
         todo.should be_valid


Monday, February 25, 13
   class TodosController < ApplicationController
     respond_to :html, :json

      def index
        respond_to do |format|
          format.html {}
          format.json do
            @todos = Todo.order("created_at asc")
            respond_with @todos

      def show
        @todo = Todo.find(params[:id])
        respond_with @todo

      def create
        @todo = Todo.create(params[:todo])
        respond_with @todo

      def update
        @todo = Todo.find(params[:id])
        respond_with @todo

      def destroy
        @todo = Todo.find(params[:id])
        respond_with @todo


Monday, February 25, 13
   require 'spec_helper'
                                                                                      it "responds with errors" do
                                                                                          expect {
   describe TodosController do
                                                                                            post :create, todo: {}, format: 'json'

     let(:todo) { Factory(:todo) }
                                                                                            response.should_not be_successful
                                                                                            json = decode_json(response.body)
     describe 'index' do
                                                                                            json.errors.should have(1).error
                                                                                            json.errors.body.should include("can't be blank")
       context "HTML" do
                                                                                          }.to_not change(Todo, :count)
           it "renders the HTML page" do
             get :index

             response.should render_template(:index)
             assigns(:todos).should be_nil
                                                                                describe 'update' do

                                                                                    context "JSON" do

       context "JSON" do
                                                                                      it "updates a todo" do
                                                                                        put :update, id:, todo: {body: "do something else"}, format: 'json'
           it "returns JSON for the todos" do
             get :index, format: "json"
                                                                                          response.should be_successful
             response.should_not render_template(:index)
                                                                                          todo.body.should eql "do something else"
             assigns(:todos).should_not be_nil

                                                                                      it "responds with errors" do
                                                                                        put :update, id:, todo: {body: ""}, format: 'json'

                                                                                          response.should_not be_successful
                                                                                          json = decode_json(response.body)
     describe 'show' do
                                                                                          json.errors.should have(1).error
                                                                                        json.errors.body.should include("can't be blank")
       context "JSON" do

           it "returns the todo" do
             get :show, id:, format: 'json'

             response.should be_successful
             response.body.should eql todo.to_json
                                                                                describe 'destroy' do

                                                                                    context "JSON" do

                                                                                      it "destroys the todo" do
                                                                                          todo.should_not be_nil
                                                                                          expect {
     describe 'create' do
                                                                                            delete :destroy, id:, format: 'JSON'
                                                                                          }.to change(Todo, :count).by(-1)
       context "JSON" do

           it "creates a new todo" do
             expect {
                 post :create, todo: {body: "do something"}, format: 'json'

               response.should be_successful
             }.to change(Todo, :count).by(1)

Monday, February 25, 13
   <form class='form-horizontal' id='todo_form'></form>

   <ul id='todos' class="unstyled"></ul>

     $(function() {
        new OMG.Views.TodosApp();

Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
        class OMG.Views.TodoView extends OMG.Views.BaseView

           tagName: 'li'
           template: JST['todos/_todo']

             'change [name=completed]': 'completedChecked'
             'click .delete': 'deleteClicked'

           initialize: ->
             @model.on "change", @render

           render: =>
             $(@el).html(@template(todo: @model))
             if @model.get("completed") is true
               @$("[name=completed]").attr("checked", true)
             return @

           completedChecked: (e) =>

           deleteClicked: (e) =>
             if confirm("Are you sure?")

Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
Mocha + Chai =

Monday, February 25, 13
Mocha + Chai =

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
JavaScript example:
   describe('panda', function(){
     it('is happy', function(){"happy")

                          CoffeeScript example:
   describe 'panda', ->
     it 'is happy', ->"happy")

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
           assert.equal(panda, 'happy')




Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
    •   to (should)       •   .ok                     •   .instanceof(constructor)

    •   be                •   .true                   •   .property(name, [value])

    •   been              •   .false                  •   .ownProperty(name)

    •   is                •   .null                   •   .length(value)

    •   that              •   .undefined               •   .match(regexp)

    •   and               •   .exist                  •   .string(string)

    •   have              •   .empty                  •   .keys(key1, [key2], [...])

    •   with              •   .equal (.eql)           •   .throw(constructor)

    •   .deep             •   .above(value)           •   .respondTo(method)

    •   .a(type)          •   .below(value)           •   .satisfy(method)

    •   .include(value)   •   .within(start, finish)   •   .closeTo(expected, delta)

Monday, February 25, 13

    • gem           'konacha'

    • gem           'poltergiest' (brew install phantomjs)

Monday, February 25, 13
   if defined?(Konacha)
     require 'capybara/poltergeist'
     Konacha.configure do |config|
       config.spec_dir = "spec/javascripts"
       config.driver    = :poltergeist

Monday, February 25, 13
rake konacha:serve

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
   # Require the appropriate asset-pipeline files:
   #= require application

   # Any other testing specific code here...
   # Custom matchers, etc....

   # Needed for stubbing out "window" properties
   # like the confirm dialog
   Konacha.mochaOptions.ignoreLeaks = true

   beforeEach ->
     @page = $("#konacha")

Monday, February 25, 13
   class @Greeter

       constructor: (@name) ->
         unless @name?
           throw new Error("You need a name!")

       greet: ->
         "Hi #{@name}"

Monday, February 25, 13
   #= require spec_helper

   describe "Greeter", ->

       describe "initialize", ->

           it "raises an error if no name", ->
             expect(-> new Greeter()).to.throw("You need a name!")

       describe "greet", ->

           it "greets someone", ->
             greeter = new Greeter("Mark")
             greeter.greet().should.eql("Hi Mark")

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
    •   .attr(name[, value])       •   .selected
    •   .data(name[, value])       •   .checked
    •   .class(className)          •   .disabled
    •   .id(id)                    •   .exist
    •   .html(html)                •   .match(selector) / .be(selector)
    •   .text(text)                •   .contain(selector)
    •   .value(value)              •   .have(selector)
    •   .visible
    •   .hidden

Monday, February 25, 13
   # Require the appropriate asset-pipeline files:
   #= require application
   #= require_tree ./support

   # Any other testing specific code here...
   # Custom matchers, etc....

   # Needed for stubbing out "window" properties
   # like the confirm dialog
   Konacha.mochaOptions.ignoreLeaks = true

   beforeEach ->
     @page = $("#konacha")

Monday, February 25, 13
   class OMG.Views.TodoView extends OMG.Views.BaseView

       tagName: 'li'
       template: JST['todos/_todo']

         'change [name=completed]': 'completedChecked'
         'click .delete': 'deleteClicked'

       initialize: ->
         @model.on "change", @render

       render: =>
         $(@el).html(@template(todo: @model))
         if @model.get("completed") is true
           @$("[name=completed]").attr("checked", true)
         return @

       completedChecked: (e) => $("checked")?)

       deleteClicked: (e) =>
         if confirm("Are you sure?")

Monday, February 25, 13
   #= require spec_helper

   describe "OMG.Views.TodoView", ->

       beforeEach ->
         @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos()
         @model = new OMG.Models.Todo(id: 1, body: "Do something!", completed: false)
         @view = new OMG.Views.TodoView(model: @model, collection: @collection)

Monday, February 25, 13
   describe "model bindings", ->

       it "re-renders on change", ->
         $('.todo-body').should.have.text("Do something!")
         @model.set(body: "Do something else!")
         $('.todo-body').should.have.text("Do something else!")

Monday, February 25, 13
   describe "displaying of todos", ->

       it "contains the body of the todo", ->
         $('.todo-body').should.have.text("Do something!")

       it "is not marked as completed", ->

       describe "completed todos", ->

           beforeEach ->
             @model.set(completed: true)

           it "is marked as completed", ->

Monday, February 25, 13
   describe "checking the completed checkbox", ->

       beforeEach ->

       it "marks it as completed", ->

   describe "unchecking the completed checkbox", ->

       beforeEach ->
         @model.set(completed: true)

       it "marks it as not completed", ->

Monday, February 25, 13
   class OMG.Views.TodoView extends OMG.Views.BaseView

       # ...

       deleteClicked: (e) =>
         if confirm("Are you sure?")

Monday, February 25, 13
   describe "clicking the delete button", ->

       describe "if confirmed", ->

            it "will remove the todo from the @page", ->

       describe "if not confirmed", ->

            it "will not remove the todo from the @page", ->

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
    • spies
    • stubs
    • mocks
    • fake                timers
    • fake                XHR
    • fake                servers
    • more

Monday, February 25, 13
   # Require the appropriate asset-pipeline files:
   #= require application
   #= require support/sinon
   #= require_tree ./support

   # Any other testing specific code here...
   # Custom matchers, etc....

   # Needed for stubbing out "window" properties
   # like the confirm dialog
   Konacha.mochaOptions.ignoreLeaks = true

   beforeEach ->
     @page = $("#konacha")
     @sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()

   afterEach ->

Monday, February 25, 13
   describe "clicking the delete button", ->

       describe "if confirmed", ->

           beforeEach ->
             @sandbox.stub(window, "confirm").returns(true)

           it "will remove the todo from the @page", ->

       describe "if not confirmed", ->

           beforeEach ->
             @sandbox.stub(window, "confirm").returns(false)

           it "will not remove the todo from the @page", ->

Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
   class OMG.Views.TodosListView extends OMG.Views.BaseView

       el: "#todos"

       initialize: ->
         @collection.on "reset", @render
         @collection.on "add", @renderTodo

       render: =>
         @collection.forEach (todo) =>

       renderTodo: (todo) =>
         view = new OMG.Views.TodoView(model: todo, collection: @collection)

Monday, February 25, 13
   #= require spec_helper

   describe "OMG.Views.TodosListView", ->

       beforeEach ->
         @page.html("<ul id='todos'></ul>")
         @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos()
         @view = new OMG.Views.TodosListView(collection: @collection)

       it "fetches the collection", ->

       it "renders the todos from the collection", ->
         el = $(@view.el).html()
         el.should.match(/Do something!/)
         el.should.match(/Do something else!/)

       it "renders new todos added to the collection", ->
         @collection.add(new OMG.Models.Todo(body: "Do another thing!"))
         el = $(@view.el).html()
         el.should.match(/Do another thing!/)

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
                          MOCK RESPONSES

Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
   window.MockServer ?= sinon.fakeServer.create()
       { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
         {"body":"Do something!","completed":false,"id":1},
         {"body":"Do something else!","completed":false,"id":2}

Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
   #= require spec_helper

   describe "OMG.Views.TodosListView", ->

       beforeEach ->
         @page.html("<ul id='todos'></ul>")
         @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos()
         @view = new OMG.Views.TodosListView(collection: @collection)

       it "fetches the collection", ->

       it "renders the todos from the collection", ->
         el = $(@view.el).html()
         el.should.match(/Do something!/)
         el.should.match(/Do something else!/)

       it "renders new todos added to the collection", ->
         @collection.add(new OMG.Models.Todo(body: "Do another thing!"))
         el = $(@view.el).html()
         el.should.match(/Do another thing!/)

Monday, February 25, 13
   #= require spec_helper

   describe "OMG.Views.TodosListView", ->

       beforeEach ->
         @page.html("<ul id='todos'></ul>")
         @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos()
         @view = new OMG.Views.TodosListView(collection: @collection)

       it "fetches the collection", ->

       it "renders the todos from the collection", ->
         el = $(@view.el).html()
         el.should.match(/Do something!/)
         el.should.match(/Do something else!/)

       it "renders new todos added to the collection", ->
         @collection.add(new OMG.Models.Todo(body: "Do another thing!"))
         el = $(@view.el).html()
         el.should.match(/Do another thing!/)

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13
   #= require spec_helper

   describe "OMG.Views.TodosListView (Alt.)", ->

       beforeEach ->
         @page.html("<ul id='todos'></ul>")
         @todo1 = new OMG.Models.Todo(id: 1, body: "Do something!")
         @todo2 = new OMG.Models.Todo(id: 2, body: "Do something else!")
         @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos()
         @sandbox.stub @collection, "fetch", =>
           @collection.add(@todo1, silent: true)
           @collection.add(@todo2, silent: true)
         @view = new OMG.Views.TodosListView(collection: @collection)

       it "fetches the collection", ->

       it "renders the todos from the collection", ->
         el = $(@view.el).html()
         el.should.match(new RegExp(@todo1.get("body")))
         el.should.match(new RegExp(@todo2.get("body")))

Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
Monday, February 25, 13
rake konacha:run

   Finished in 6.77 seconds
   25 examples, 0 failures

    rake konacha:run SPEC=views/todos/todo_list_view_spec

   Finished in 5.89 seconds
   3 examples, 0 failures

Monday, February 25, 13

Monday, February 25, 13

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Testing Your JavaScript & CoffeeScript

  • 1. TESTING RICH *SCRIPT APPLICATIONS WITH RAILS @markbates Monday, February 25, 13
  • 3. CONFOO2013 Monday, February 25, 13
  • 7. Finished in 4.41041 seconds 108 examples, 0 failures Monday, February 25, 13
  • 10. A QUICK POLL Monday, February 25, 13
  • 12. app/models/todo.rb class Todo < ActiveRecord::Base validates :body, presence: true attr_accessible :body, :completed end Monday, February 25, 13
  • 13. spec/models/todo_spec.rb require 'spec_helper' describe Todo do it "requires a body" do todo = todo.should_not be_valid todo.errors[:body].should include("can't be blank") todo.body = "Do something" todo.should be_valid end end Monday, February 25, 13
  • 14. app/controllers/todos_controller.rb class TodosController < ApplicationController respond_to :html, :json def index respond_to do |format| format.html {} format.json do @todos = Todo.order("created_at asc") respond_with @todos end end end def show @todo = Todo.find(params[:id]) respond_with @todo end def create @todo = Todo.create(params[:todo]) respond_with @todo end def update @todo = Todo.find(params[:id]) @todo.update_attributes(params[:todo]) respond_with @todo end def destroy @todo = Todo.find(params[:id]) @todo.destroy respond_with @todo end end Monday, February 25, 13
  • 15. spec/controllers/todos_controller_spec.rb require 'spec_helper' it "responds with errors" do expect { describe TodosController do post :create, todo: {}, format: 'json' let(:todo) { Factory(:todo) } response.should_not be_successful json = decode_json(response.body) describe 'index' do json.errors.should have(1).error json.errors.body.should include("can't be blank") context "HTML" do }.to_not change(Todo, :count) end it "renders the HTML page" do get :index end response.should render_template(:index) end assigns(:todos).should be_nil end describe 'update' do end context "JSON" do context "JSON" do it "updates a todo" do put :update, id:, todo: {body: "do something else"}, format: 'json' it "returns JSON for the todos" do get :index, format: "json" response.should be_successful todo.reload response.should_not render_template(:index) todo.body.should eql "do something else" assigns(:todos).should_not be_nil end end it "responds with errors" do end put :update, id:, todo: {body: ""}, format: 'json' end response.should_not be_successful json = decode_json(response.body) describe 'show' do json.errors.should have(1).error json.errors.body.should include("can't be blank") context "JSON" do end it "returns the todo" do end get :show, id:, format: 'json' end response.should be_successful response.body.should eql todo.to_json describe 'destroy' do end context "JSON" do end it "destroys the todo" do end todo.should_not be_nil expect { describe 'create' do delete :destroy, id:, format: 'JSON' }.to change(Todo, :count).by(-1) context "JSON" do end it "creates a new todo" do end expect { post :create, todo: {body: "do something"}, format: 'json' end response.should be_successful end }.to change(Todo, :count).by(1) end Monday, February 25, 13
  • 16. app/views/todos/index.html.erb <form class='form-horizontal' id='todo_form'></form> <ul id='todos' class="unstyled"></ul> <script> $(function() { new OMG.Views.TodosApp(); }) </script> Monday, February 25, 13
  • 17. SO WHERE’S THE CODE? Monday, February 25, 13
  • 18. app/assets/javascripts/views/ class OMG.Views.TodoView extends OMG.Views.BaseView tagName: 'li' template: JST['todos/_todo'] events: 'change [name=completed]': 'completedChecked' 'click .delete': 'deleteClicked' initialize: -> @model.on "change", @render @render() render: => $(@el).html(@template(todo: @model)) if @model.get("completed") is true @$(".todo-body").addClass("completed") @$("[name=completed]").attr("checked", true) return @ completedChecked: (e) => $("checked")?) deleteClicked: (e) => e?.preventDefault() if confirm("Are you sure?") @model.destroy() $(@el).remove() Monday, February 25, 13
  • 19. HOW DO WE TEST THIS? Monday, February 25, 13
  • 21. X CAPYBARA? Monday, February 25, 13
  • 22. Mocha + Chai = Monday, February 25, 13
  • 23. Mocha + Chai = Monday, February 25, 13
  • 26. JavaScript example: describe('panda', function(){ it('is happy', function(){"happy") }); }); CoffeeScript example: describe 'panda', -> it 'is happy', ->"happy") Monday, February 25, 13
  • 28. EXPECT/SHOULD/ASSERT expect(panda)'happy')"happy") assert.equal(panda, 'happy') expect(foo) assert.isTrue(foo) expect(foo) assert.isNull(foo) expect([]) [] assert.isEmpty([]) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 30. ASSERTIONS/MATCHERS • to (should) • .ok • .instanceof(constructor) • be • .true • .property(name, [value]) • been • .false • .ownProperty(name) • is • .null • .length(value) • that • .undefined • .match(regexp) • and • .exist • .string(string) • have • .empty • .keys(key1, [key2], [...]) • with • .equal (.eql) • .throw(constructor) • .deep • .above(value) • .respondTo(method) • .a(type) • .below(value) • .satisfy(method) • .include(value) • .within(start, finish) • .closeTo(expected, delta) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 31. MOCHA/CHAI WITH RAILS • gem 'konacha' • gem 'poltergiest' (brew install phantomjs) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 32. config/initializers/konacha.rb if defined?(Konacha) require 'capybara/poltergeist' Konacha.configure do |config| config.spec_dir = "spec/javascripts" config.driver = :poltergeist end end Monday, February 25, 13
  • 36. LET’S WRITE A TEST! Monday, February 25, 13
  • 37. spec/javascripts/ # Require the appropriate asset-pipeline files: #= require application # Any other testing specific code here... # Custom matchers, etc.... # Needed for stubbing out "window" properties # like the confirm dialog Konacha.mochaOptions.ignoreLeaks = true beforeEach -> @page = $("#konacha") Monday, February 25, 13
  • 38. app/assets/javascript/ class @Greeter constructor: (@name) -> unless @name? throw new Error("You need a name!") greet: -> "Hi #{@name}" Monday, February 25, 13
  • 39. spec/javascripts/ #= require spec_helper describe "Greeter", -> describe "initialize", -> it "raises an error if no name", -> expect(-> new Greeter()).to.throw("You need a name!") describe "greet", -> it "greets someone", -> greeter = new Greeter("Mark") greeter.greet().should.eql("Hi Mark") Monday, February 25, 13
  • 41. NOW THE HARD STUFF Monday, February 25, 13
  • 43. chai-jquery Monday, February 25, 13
  • 44. MATCHERS • .attr(name[, value]) • .selected • .data(name[, value]) • .checked • .class(className) • .disabled • .id(id) • .exist • .html(html) • .match(selector) / .be(selector) • .text(text) • .contain(selector) • .value(value) • .have(selector) • .visible • .hidden Monday, February 25, 13
  • 45. spec/javascripts/ # Require the appropriate asset-pipeline files: #= require application #= require_tree ./support # Any other testing specific code here... # Custom matchers, etc.... # Needed for stubbing out "window" properties # like the confirm dialog Konacha.mochaOptions.ignoreLeaks = true beforeEach -> @page = $("#konacha") Monday, February 25, 13
  • 46. app/assets/javascripts/views/ class OMG.Views.TodoView extends OMG.Views.BaseView tagName: 'li' template: JST['todos/_todo'] events: 'change [name=completed]': 'completedChecked' 'click .delete': 'deleteClicked' initialize: -> @model.on "change", @render @render() render: => $(@el).html(@template(todo: @model)) if @model.get("completed") is true @$(".todo-body").addClass("completed") @$("[name=completed]").attr("checked", true) return @ completedChecked: (e) => $("checked")?) deleteClicked: (e) => e?.preventDefault() if confirm("Are you sure?") @model.destroy() $(@el).remove() Monday, February 25, 13
  • 47. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ #= require spec_helper describe "OMG.Views.TodoView", -> beforeEach -> @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos() @model = new OMG.Models.Todo(id: 1, body: "Do something!", completed: false) @view = new OMG.Views.TodoView(model: @model, collection: @collection) @page.html(@view.el) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 48. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ describe "model bindings", -> it "re-renders on change", -> $('.todo-body').should.have.text("Do something!") @model.set(body: "Do something else!") $('.todo-body').should.have.text("Do something else!") Monday, February 25, 13
  • 49. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ describe "displaying of todos", -> it "contains the body of the todo", -> $('.todo-body').should.have.text("Do something!") it "is not marked as completed", -> $('[name=completed]') $('.todo-body').should.not.have.class("completed") describe "completed todos", -> beforeEach -> @model.set(completed: true) it "is marked as completed", -> $('[name=completed]') $('.todo-body').should.have.class("completed") Monday, February 25, 13
  • 50. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ describe "checking the completed checkbox", -> beforeEach -> $('[name=completed]') $('[name=completed]').click() it "marks it as completed", -> $('[name=completed]') $('.todo-body').should.have.class("completed") describe "unchecking the completed checkbox", -> beforeEach -> @model.set(completed: true) $('[name=completed]') $('[name=completed]').click() it "marks it as not completed", -> $('[name=completed]') $('.todo-body').should.not.have.class("completed") Monday, February 25, 13
  • 51. app/assets/javascripts/todos/ class OMG.Views.TodoView extends OMG.Views.BaseView # ... deleteClicked: (e) => e?.preventDefault() if confirm("Are you sure?") @model.destroy() $(@el).remove() Monday, February 25, 13
  • 52. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ describe "clicking the delete button", -> describe "if confirmed", -> it "will remove the todo from the @page", -> @page.html().should.contain($(@view.el).html()) $(".delete").click() @page.html().should.not.contain($(@view.el).html()) describe "if not confirmed", -> it "will not remove the todo from the @page", -> @page.html().should.contain($(@view.el).html()) $(".delete").click() @page.html().should.contain($(@view.el).html()) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 55. sinon.js Monday, February 25, 13
  • 56. SINON.JS • spies • stubs • mocks • fake timers • fake XHR • fake servers • more Monday, February 25, 13
  • 57. spec/javascripts/ # Require the appropriate asset-pipeline files: #= require application #= require support/sinon #= require_tree ./support # Any other testing specific code here... # Custom matchers, etc.... # Needed for stubbing out "window" properties # like the confirm dialog Konacha.mochaOptions.ignoreLeaks = true beforeEach -> @page = $("#konacha") @sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create() afterEach -> @sandbox.restore() Monday, February 25, 13
  • 58. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ describe "clicking the delete button", -> describe "if confirmed", -> beforeEach -> @sandbox.stub(window, "confirm").returns(true) it "will remove the todo from the @page", -> @page.html().should.contain($(@view.el).html()) $(".delete").click() @page.html().should.not.contain($(@view.el).html()) describe "if not confirmed", -> beforeEach -> @sandbox.stub(window, "confirm").returns(false) it "will not remove the todo from the @page", -> @page.html().should.contain($(@view.el).html()) $(".delete").click() @page.html().should.contain($(@view.el).html()) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 59. WHAT ABOUT AJAX REQUESTS? Monday, February 25, 13
  • 60. app/assets/javascripts/views/todos/ class OMG.Views.TodosListView extends OMG.Views.BaseView el: "#todos" initialize: -> @collection.on "reset", @render @collection.on "add", @renderTodo @collection.fetch() render: => $(@el).html("") @collection.forEach (todo) => @renderTodo(todo) renderTodo: (todo) => view = new OMG.Views.TodoView(model: todo, collection: @collection) $(@el).prepend(view.el) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 61. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ #= require spec_helper describe "OMG.Views.TodosListView", -> beforeEach -> @page.html("<ul id='todos'></ul>") @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos() @view = new OMG.Views.TodosListView(collection: @collection) it "fetches the collection", -> @collection.should.have.length(2) it "renders the todos from the collection", -> el = $(@view.el).html() el.should.match(/Do something!/) el.should.match(/Do something else!/) it "renders new todos added to the collection", -> @collection.add(new OMG.Models.Todo(body: "Do another thing!")) el = $(@view.el).html() el.should.match(/Do another thing!/) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 63. APPROACH #1 MOCK RESPONSES Monday, February 25, 13
  • 64. 1. DEFINE TEST RESPONSE(S) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 65. spec/javascripts/support/ window.MockServer ?= sinon.fakeServer.create() MockServer.respondWith( "GET", "/todos", [ 200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, ''' [ {"body":"Do something!","completed":false,"id":1}, {"body":"Do something else!","completed":false,"id":2} ]''' ] ) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 67. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ #= require spec_helper describe "OMG.Views.TodosListView", -> beforeEach -> @page.html("<ul id='todos'></ul>") @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos() @view = new OMG.Views.TodosListView(collection: @collection) it "fetches the collection", -> @collection.should.have.length(2) it "renders the todos from the collection", -> el = $(@view.el).html() el.should.match(/Do something!/) el.should.match(/Do something else!/) it "renders new todos added to the collection", -> @collection.add(new OMG.Models.Todo(body: "Do another thing!")) el = $(@view.el).html() el.should.match(/Do another thing!/) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 68. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ #= require spec_helper describe "OMG.Views.TodosListView", -> beforeEach -> @page.html("<ul id='todos'></ul>") @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos() @view = new OMG.Views.TodosListView(collection: @collection) MockServer.respond() it "fetches the collection", -> @collection.should.have.length(2) it "renders the todos from the collection", -> el = $(@view.el).html() el.should.match(/Do something!/) el.should.match(/Do something else!/) it "renders new todos added to the collection", -> @collection.add(new OMG.Models.Todo(body: "Do another thing!")) el = $(@view.el).html() el.should.match(/Do another thing!/) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 70. APPROACH #2 STUBBING Monday, February 25, 13
  • 71. spec/javascripts/views/todos/ #= require spec_helper describe "OMG.Views.TodosListView (Alt.)", -> beforeEach -> @page.html("<ul id='todos'></ul>") @todo1 = new OMG.Models.Todo(id: 1, body: "Do something!") @todo2 = new OMG.Models.Todo(id: 2, body: "Do something else!") @collection = new OMG.Collections.Todos() @sandbox.stub @collection, "fetch", => @collection.add(@todo1, silent: true) @collection.add(@todo2, silent: true) @collection.trigger("reset") @view = new OMG.Views.TodosListView(collection: @collection) it "fetches the collection", -> @collection.should.have.length(2) it "renders the todos from the collection", -> el = $(@view.el).html() el.should.match(new RegExp(@todo1.get("body"))) el.should.match(new RegExp(@todo2.get("body"))) Monday, February 25, 13
  • 74. rake konacha:run ......................... Finished in 6.77 seconds 25 examples, 0 failures rake konacha:run SPEC=views/todos/todo_list_view_spec ... Finished in 5.89 seconds 3 examples, 0 failures Monday, February 25, 13
  • 75. THANK YOU @markbates CONFOO2013 Monday, February 25, 13