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“9 Reasons Why
You’ll Want To
All Your Computer
Support To
Applied Integration”
4516 South 700 East, Suite 150
Murray, Utah 84107
(801) 266-4888
From the Desk of:
Don Cockayne
Applied Integration
Dear Colleague,
It just amazes me how many businesses just like yours are struggling with IT
Most companies we talk to are doing one of two things, either relying on their
software vendor as their only real source of professional support (and hoping
that those guys are taking care of everything) or trying to get by with “do it your-
self” IT Support by using an employee who is “computer savvy” or even some
local guy who comes on site to try to fix things after they break. This is not a
recipe for success!
Enough Is Enough!
I think it’s about time someone finally offered up a “right fit” solution
tailored specifically to your business. That’s why I decided to start a
“one company revolution” and commit ourselves to delivering fast, af-
fordable computer network support from technicians who really know
what they are doing and who understand the Software you’re using,
both the Point of Sale system and the other specialty applications that
surround it.
Although I don’t think this is an amazing concept, it still surprises
me how many companies don’t get it right. After all, you and I know
that there are plenty of computer consulting firms out there offering some type
of network support; but an awful lot of them are new or just getting started in
the business or they are “generalists” who have no experience with the types
of systems you’re using on a day to day basis. Some will even outsource their
clients’ projects or support to part-time technicians that are between jobs or to
companies overseas.
We’ve been servicing businesses in the Lumber and Building Material Re-
tailer market for over 10 years and ALL of our technicians are full-time employ-
ees that hold the most up-to-date certifications and expertise in every area of
networking. We also have close working relationships with all the major Soft-
ware Vendors in this market and we know what it takes to keep the Point of Sale
systems running smoothly. In fact, for many of the major Software Vendors,
we’re one of a very few that qualify as their Recommended Integrators.
Enclosed are comments from clients that will validate these are not just
hyped-up claims, but very real reasons why you should outsource to us all your
IT support and services.
Happy Networking,
1 | Applied Integration
“ A Solid Reputation with Our Company For Over 10 Years”
Applied Integration has been providing Managed IT
Services for Bloedorn Lumber Company for over 10
years, taking care of all aspects of our extensive inter-
nal Server and Communication infrastructure and our
20+ remote locations. Don and his staff have coordi-
nated and assisted us through several evolutions of
technology, a major Point-of-Sale system conversion,
database Server Migration and many other equally
challenging projects.
The care and expertise exhibited during these major changes com-
bined with daily monitoring, maintenance and oversight of our sys-
tems, has earned Applied Integration a solid reputation with our
Mark Marlatt
Bloedorn Lumber
“Top Notch Customer Service Forms the Basis of Our Long Term
As a retailer that always strives to put good old fash-
ioned Customer Service in front of pure Capitalism,
we prefer to work with vendors, suppliers and other
companies who have a similar approach and vision.
For well over 20 years, Don and his Team at Applied In-
tegration has been the technical back bone that allows
us to remain focused on what we do as we take care
of our Customers.
When we have an IT related issue the Applied Integration Team has
consistently been there for us from start to finish, ensuring that we
have little to no downtime exposure. While we truly value the knowl-
edge that the Team brings to the table, we equally value the rela-
tionship that has been maintained over the years. Don and his entire
Team treat us the way a Company should treat its Customers. Never
in all those years have I felt like a number or just another account.
From Reception to the top of Management, we always receive Top
Notch Customer Service.
Dan Voelz
Pacific Pride
2 | Applied Integration
What Our
Client’s Say
“ Hosted Servers and Remote Management Alleviates Our Head-
aches and Lets Me Concentrate On Running My Business”
For years we followed the standard model for most
businesses like us, we owned our own hardware
and relied on the Software Vendor for most of the
System Support. Since our business is located in a
fairly remote area, it was difficult to get timely parts
and service. In fact, there were times when I had to replace hardware
parts myself with the help of Technicians on the phone with me. In
many of those instances we were down for long periods of time, often
up to a week or more.
Having our own hardware was also problematic due to the fact that
we live in a very dry and dusty area so it was difficult to keep our
equipment in a properly controlled area with adequate cooling. By
switching to the Hosted Server environment that Applied Integration
supplies for us now, we have taken these headaches away and I can
now concentrate on running my business, not managing computer
equipment that I really know nothing about.
At first, we were worried about remote management as our experi-
ence with that had not been satisfactory before we switched to Ap-
plied Integration. We have now been with Applied for almost three
years and have had excellent service from them. They have an ex-
perienced staff and have responded to all of our needs very quickly.
All of the issues we have experienced thus far have been resolved
in hours or less, instead of in days as was our experience before we
began using Applied Integration.
Paula Ervin
Randall Lumber
3| Applied Integration
What Our
Client’s Say
“ Trust and Security Are Two Big Reasons We Chose Applied Inte-
Like many of our peers, we had been running an older
Point-of-Sale software system that operated entirely
off of a Server that we had to maintain in our business.
When we made the switch to the Spruceware.NET Soft-
ware, we opted to use the Hosted Server environment
that Applied Integration recommended. The newer soft-
ware requires a more complex environment than before
and is also updated much more often and by being on the Hosted
Servers we have been able to rely on the Applied Team to keep those
changes made which has helped us tremendously.
We are not large enough to carry a full time IT person on our staff but
having Applied for a Partner makes us realize we don’t need one. We
have been with Don and the Applied Integration Team for a very long
time now, and we’ve always found them to be trustworthy and de-
With Security being such a major concern these days, having our
Servers in an environment where we know they are secure and prop-
erly managed has given us some much needed peace of mind. We
know our system is properly maintained and backed up, and we don’t
have to worry about carrying backup tapes around like we used to just
a few short years ago.
We used to wait around 30 minutes, 6 days a week running a backup
tape and doing day end and longer at month end. Not only has this
improved with Spruce but also with Applied Integration. Trust and
Security are key but all of our key employees are much happier not
wasting time waiting and wondering and what happens if we have
a problem and have to call support. In a nutshell, it’s the Trust and
Security that are two of the primary reasons we remain with Applied
Dick Judd
Judd Lumber
4 | Applied Integration
What Our
Client’s Say
“ We’ve Found the Team to Be Knowledgeable, Dependable and
Since switching IT Service providers to Applied Integration, we’ve ben-
efited from their help in planning and implementing solutions that can
grow with us for our Business IT and Internet needs. By moving from
primarily using individual PC’s to a common Terminal Server platform,
we have been in a better position to meet the needs of our internal us-
ers as well as to more easily grow to multiple locations in other states.
We also appreciate the “no surprises” billing that we get from Applied.
We know what to budget for and we don’t get surprised by hidden
charges. We also find that the support for our Software Packages
is better and more extensive than we’ve had in the past, the Applied
Team is willing to get in and work directly with our Software Vendors
which is something we had to do on our own in the past.
If I had to say one thing to a business that was considering using Ap-
plied Integration for their IT Service, it would be “Give them a try! They
are knowledgeable, dependable and easy to work with and they can
tailor their services to meet your unique needs.”
Stormy Scharp
Mountain Regional Equipment Solutions
“Peace of Mind, Quality Staff and Great Customer Service”
I’ll admit, it took some convincing to get us to make
the move to an off-site, Hosted Server that Applied
Integration was proposing when we decided to up-
grade our Point-of-Sale System nearly 6 years ago.
But over the years, we’ve certainly come to believe
that this was one of the smartest moves our Compa-
ny has made. We get huge peace of mind from the
way the quality staff at Applied provides us great service while keep-
ing our systems running great.
The thought of returning to an environment where I would have to
have an on-site server and local support literally gives me chills. I
hate for Don to read this, but I don’t mind paying the monthly Applied
Integration bill one bit.
Kyle Ransom
Richland Feed & Seed
5 | Applied Integration
What Our
Client’s Say
“ While There Are Pros and Cons to Hosted Servers, For Hylton Lum-
ber the Pros Far Outweighed the Cons”
When we looked at a major Point-of-Sale System
Upgrade, we had to decide whether we wanted to buy
and maintain our own Server Hardware (as we had
always done in the past) or move to the Hosted Server
solution offered by Applied Integration.
We certainly understood that there is some comfort in knowing that
your IT System is nearby and that you’re not dependent on an Internet
Connection to get access to remote systems. We also understood that
owning a Server meant we should probably have someone in the Busi-
ness who would be responsible for keeping it Secure, Updated, Backed
Up and Operating Properly. We are not in the business of managing IT
and didn’t have room on the payroll to dedicate someone to the task.
By using the Hosted Server environment that Applied provides, we
get to work with a partner that is 100% committed to not only keeping
the servers running well, but also to always watching to make sure our
Business is getting the full benefit of all the system can do.
We also sometimes wondered if it wouldn’t make more sense to
search out a “local” IT person who could come on site whenever we
needed him, but as we looked we realized we weren’t getting the same
sense of confidence that a local person would have the expertise we
needed and we worried about what we would do if he took a vacation
or got sick. The Team we got when we moved to Applied Integra-
tion gave us confidence that someone from the Team would always
be available and that any problems we might have would be handled
by try IT Professionals. We have found that once in a while a problem
or issue has cropped up with the System and by the time we find out
about it, the Applied Technicians have already solved the problem. In
my opinion, the computer guy down the street is probably great for
your personal computer issues, but for a business that needs things
running all day every day, he’s probably not the best option.
Mike Gross
Hylton Lumber
6 | Applied Integration
What Our
Client’s Say
“ Hosted Servers Works So Well We Would Not Go Back to Owning
When the time came to replace our Internal Servers,
after carefully considering the options, we decided that
the time was right to move to a Hosted Servers envi-
ronment for our Point-of-Sale system. We had bought
Servers several different times throughout the years,
and were glad to get out of the cycle of buying and
maintaining our own hardware. We no longer have to
worry about keeping a Server Room climate controlled
and the remote access for our multiple locations is better now that
each is independently connected to the Hosted environment.
Being located where we are, the Team at Applied Integration is lo-
cated two time zones West of us, but since the major components of
the system are now located where they are, in a data center that is the
optimal climate for Servers, we find that things are much more stable.
Everything we need related to our system is done remotely now and
we have not experienced issues that would make us think we’d be bet-
ter off with someone local.
Steve Giannetto
Cramers Building Supply
“ They Make My Computer and Network an Aspect of the Business
That I Do Not Have to Worry About”
While I have the knowledge to do simple networking
tasks, anything that goes beyond that knowledge is
something that I’m glad I can have a Team of Techni-
cians to turn to for assistance. I look at Applied as more
of a Partner (like Do it Best, our buyers group) than just a
vendor. Any advice that I need when it comes to com-
puters, networks, firewalls and anything else connected to the comput-
ers is just a phone call away and they never make any question feel like
a dumb question.
In the past the only support we had was from our Software Vendor’s
Team and they really only supported the main Server and their Soft-
ware. Their response time was slow and when we did get them the
scope of their assistance was limited. Since Applied is a full line net-
work solution company, there has not been a thing in regards to my
network that they have not been able to help me find an economical
(most of the time free) solution to. The staff is always very helpful and
callback time is very prompt.
In a nutshell, they make my Computer and Network solutions an aspect
of the business that I do not have to worry about.
Scott Case
West Plains Building Supply
7 | Applied Integration
What Our
Client’s Say
8 | Applied Integration
Our Core Values
Our Core Values
Integrity - We define Integrity as the underlying personal commit-
ment to hold ourselves to the highest standard of honesty, truthful-
ness and to doing those things that are mutually beneficial to every-
one involved. We will do the most honest, correct thing at all times,
whether anyone is watching or not. We will seek to achieve the trust
of those around us and will value and protect that trust.
Accountability - We define Accountability as the commitment to
take full personal responsibility for our actions and - when they hap-
pen - for our mistakes. We believe that our Co-workers and Custom-
ers should expect us to commit to a course of action and then to take
responsibility for following through on that course. We hold ourselves
responsible for our conduct and for knowing and doing what is ex-
pected from us. We will understand the work duties that are assigned
to us, and then complete those duties to the best of our ability. We
will graciously accept recognition for a job well done and honestly ac-
cept constructive criticism when we fall short of expectations or make
a mistake.
Professionalism - We will conduct ourselves in a Professional man-
ner in all of our dealings with Co-Workers and Customers. We will
present ourselves as professionals in our attire, our attitude and in our
written and verbal communication. We will strive to maintain a calm
demeanor, especially at those times where the stress of the situa-
tion is the highest. We will always remember that our Customers are
professional businesses who are inviting us into their place of business
and will respect that invitation and always ensure that we will deserve
a return invitation.
9 | Applied Integration
Our Core Values
Our Core Values
Urgency - Beginning with an understanding that each hour of each
day is precious and fleeting, we will always strive to make the most
effective use of our time every day. We will do the most important
thing first, and complete that task to the best of our abilities. We will
always strive to eliminate procrastination and will work fast. We will
be punctual at all times and plan ahead so that we arrive on time for
work, meetings, appointments and other tasks. We will focus our ef-
forts on work related duties while at work and leave the majority of our
personal items to be completed and managed outside of our business
Competence - We will constantly strive to be both skillful and proper-
ly educated so that we can competently conduct the work duties as-
signed to us. We will understand that the profession we have chosen
is one that requires an ongoing commitment to the growth of personal
skills, and we will aggressively seek out and take advantage of op-
portunities to facilitate that growth. We will always strive to perform
our work to the highest standards, with complete follow through and
rejection of short-cuts or half measures.
Respect - We will always treat those we interact with in a respectful
manner, and we will expect to be treated respectfully in return. We
will understand and recognize the skills and talents of those around
us, and listen openly and objectively to the input of others. When we
find ourselves in a situation where we disagree, we will commit to
conducting ourselves in a respectful manner while we work through
the disagreement. At no point will we allow ourselves to personally
attack, verbally or otherwise, those around us.
10 | Applied Integration
Our Team
Don Cockayne | President
Gail Hurley | Support Dispatcher
Technician Team
Dragan Dujakovic | Network Technician
Daniel Mallon | Network Technician
Taylor Roth | Network Technician
Ian Rogers | Technical Accountant Manager
Angela Allen | Marketing Director
Phone & Email
Main Phone: (801) 266-4888
Office Fax: (801) 266-0373
Email Ticketing System:
Website & Social
Twitter Feed:
YouTube Channel:
4516 South 700 East, Suite 150
Murray, Utah 84107
(801) 266-4888

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  • 1. “9 Reasons Why You’ll Want To Outsource All Your Computer Support To Applied Integration” 4516 South 700 East, Suite 150 Murray, Utah 84107 (801) 266-4888
  • 2. From the Desk of: Don Cockayne President, Applied Integration Dear Colleague, It just amazes me how many businesses just like yours are struggling with IT issues. Most companies we talk to are doing one of two things, either relying on their software vendor as their only real source of professional support (and hoping that those guys are taking care of everything) or trying to get by with “do it your- self” IT Support by using an employee who is “computer savvy” or even some local guy who comes on site to try to fix things after they break. This is not a recipe for success! Enough Is Enough! I think it’s about time someone finally offered up a “right fit” solution tailored specifically to your business. That’s why I decided to start a “one company revolution” and commit ourselves to delivering fast, af- fordable computer network support from technicians who really know what they are doing and who understand the Software you’re using, both the Point of Sale system and the other specialty applications that surround it. Although I don’t think this is an amazing concept, it still surprises me how many companies don’t get it right. After all, you and I know that there are plenty of computer consulting firms out there offering some type of network support; but an awful lot of them are new or just getting started in the business or they are “generalists” who have no experience with the types of systems you’re using on a day to day basis. Some will even outsource their clients’ projects or support to part-time technicians that are between jobs or to companies overseas. We’ve been servicing businesses in the Lumber and Building Material Re- tailer market for over 10 years and ALL of our technicians are full-time employ- ees that hold the most up-to-date certifications and expertise in every area of networking. We also have close working relationships with all the major Soft- ware Vendors in this market and we know what it takes to keep the Point of Sale systems running smoothly. In fact, for many of the major Software Vendors, we’re one of a very few that qualify as their Recommended Integrators. Enclosed are comments from clients that will validate these are not just hyped-up claims, but very real reasons why you should outsource to us all your IT support and services. Happy Networking, 1 | Applied Integration
  • 3. “ A Solid Reputation with Our Company For Over 10 Years” Applied Integration has been providing Managed IT Services for Bloedorn Lumber Company for over 10 years, taking care of all aspects of our extensive inter- nal Server and Communication infrastructure and our 20+ remote locations. Don and his staff have coordi- nated and assisted us through several evolutions of technology, a major Point-of-Sale system conversion, database Server Migration and many other equally challenging projects. The care and expertise exhibited during these major changes com- bined with daily monitoring, maintenance and oversight of our sys- tems, has earned Applied Integration a solid reputation with our company. Mark Marlatt Bloedorn Lumber “Top Notch Customer Service Forms the Basis of Our Long Term Relationship” As a retailer that always strives to put good old fash- ioned Customer Service in front of pure Capitalism, we prefer to work with vendors, suppliers and other companies who have a similar approach and vision. For well over 20 years, Don and his Team at Applied In- tegration has been the technical back bone that allows us to remain focused on what we do as we take care of our Customers. When we have an IT related issue the Applied Integration Team has consistently been there for us from start to finish, ensuring that we have little to no downtime exposure. While we truly value the knowl- edge that the Team brings to the table, we equally value the rela- tionship that has been maintained over the years. Don and his entire Team treat us the way a Company should treat its Customers. Never in all those years have I felt like a number or just another account. From Reception to the top of Management, we always receive Top Notch Customer Service. Dan Voelz Pacific Pride 2 | Applied Integration What Our Client’s Say
  • 4. “ Hosted Servers and Remote Management Alleviates Our Head- aches and Lets Me Concentrate On Running My Business” For years we followed the standard model for most businesses like us, we owned our own hardware and relied on the Software Vendor for most of the System Support. Since our business is located in a fairly remote area, it was difficult to get timely parts and service. In fact, there were times when I had to replace hardware parts myself with the help of Technicians on the phone with me. In many of those instances we were down for long periods of time, often up to a week or more. Having our own hardware was also problematic due to the fact that we live in a very dry and dusty area so it was difficult to keep our equipment in a properly controlled area with adequate cooling. By switching to the Hosted Server environment that Applied Integration supplies for us now, we have taken these headaches away and I can now concentrate on running my business, not managing computer equipment that I really know nothing about. At first, we were worried about remote management as our experi- ence with that had not been satisfactory before we switched to Ap- plied Integration. We have now been with Applied for almost three years and have had excellent service from them. They have an ex- perienced staff and have responded to all of our needs very quickly. All of the issues we have experienced thus far have been resolved in hours or less, instead of in days as was our experience before we began using Applied Integration. Paula Ervin Randall Lumber 3| Applied Integration What Our Client’s Say
  • 5. “ Trust and Security Are Two Big Reasons We Chose Applied Inte- gration” Like many of our peers, we had been running an older Point-of-Sale software system that operated entirely off of a Server that we had to maintain in our business. When we made the switch to the Spruceware.NET Soft- ware, we opted to use the Hosted Server environment that Applied Integration recommended. The newer soft- ware requires a more complex environment than before and is also updated much more often and by being on the Hosted Servers we have been able to rely on the Applied Team to keep those changes made which has helped us tremendously. We are not large enough to carry a full time IT person on our staff but having Applied for a Partner makes us realize we don’t need one. We have been with Don and the Applied Integration Team for a very long time now, and we’ve always found them to be trustworthy and de- pendable. With Security being such a major concern these days, having our Servers in an environment where we know they are secure and prop- erly managed has given us some much needed peace of mind. We know our system is properly maintained and backed up, and we don’t have to worry about carrying backup tapes around like we used to just a few short years ago. We used to wait around 30 minutes, 6 days a week running a backup tape and doing day end and longer at month end. Not only has this improved with Spruce but also with Applied Integration. Trust and Security are key but all of our key employees are much happier not wasting time waiting and wondering and what happens if we have a problem and have to call support. In a nutshell, it’s the Trust and Security that are two of the primary reasons we remain with Applied Integration. Dick Judd Judd Lumber 4 | Applied Integration What Our Client’s Say
  • 6. “ We’ve Found the Team to Be Knowledgeable, Dependable and Workable” Since switching IT Service providers to Applied Integration, we’ve ben- efited from their help in planning and implementing solutions that can grow with us for our Business IT and Internet needs. By moving from primarily using individual PC’s to a common Terminal Server platform, we have been in a better position to meet the needs of our internal us- ers as well as to more easily grow to multiple locations in other states. We also appreciate the “no surprises” billing that we get from Applied. We know what to budget for and we don’t get surprised by hidden charges. We also find that the support for our Software Packages is better and more extensive than we’ve had in the past, the Applied Team is willing to get in and work directly with our Software Vendors which is something we had to do on our own in the past. If I had to say one thing to a business that was considering using Ap- plied Integration for their IT Service, it would be “Give them a try! They are knowledgeable, dependable and easy to work with and they can tailor their services to meet your unique needs.” Stormy Scharp Mountain Regional Equipment Solutions “Peace of Mind, Quality Staff and Great Customer Service” I’ll admit, it took some convincing to get us to make the move to an off-site, Hosted Server that Applied Integration was proposing when we decided to up- grade our Point-of-Sale System nearly 6 years ago. But over the years, we’ve certainly come to believe that this was one of the smartest moves our Compa- ny has made. We get huge peace of mind from the way the quality staff at Applied provides us great service while keep- ing our systems running great. The thought of returning to an environment where I would have to have an on-site server and local support literally gives me chills. I hate for Don to read this, but I don’t mind paying the monthly Applied Integration bill one bit. Kyle Ransom Richland Feed & Seed 5 | Applied Integration What Our Client’s Say
  • 7. “ While There Are Pros and Cons to Hosted Servers, For Hylton Lum- ber the Pros Far Outweighed the Cons” When we looked at a major Point-of-Sale System Upgrade, we had to decide whether we wanted to buy and maintain our own Server Hardware (as we had always done in the past) or move to the Hosted Server solution offered by Applied Integration. We certainly understood that there is some comfort in knowing that your IT System is nearby and that you’re not dependent on an Internet Connection to get access to remote systems. We also understood that owning a Server meant we should probably have someone in the Busi- ness who would be responsible for keeping it Secure, Updated, Backed Up and Operating Properly. We are not in the business of managing IT and didn’t have room on the payroll to dedicate someone to the task. By using the Hosted Server environment that Applied provides, we get to work with a partner that is 100% committed to not only keeping the servers running well, but also to always watching to make sure our Business is getting the full benefit of all the system can do. We also sometimes wondered if it wouldn’t make more sense to search out a “local” IT person who could come on site whenever we needed him, but as we looked we realized we weren’t getting the same sense of confidence that a local person would have the expertise we needed and we worried about what we would do if he took a vacation or got sick. The Team we got when we moved to Applied Integra- tion gave us confidence that someone from the Team would always be available and that any problems we might have would be handled by try IT Professionals. We have found that once in a while a problem or issue has cropped up with the System and by the time we find out about it, the Applied Technicians have already solved the problem. In my opinion, the computer guy down the street is probably great for your personal computer issues, but for a business that needs things running all day every day, he’s probably not the best option. Mike Gross Hylton Lumber 6 | Applied Integration What Our Client’s Say
  • 8. “ Hosted Servers Works So Well We Would Not Go Back to Owning Servers” When the time came to replace our Internal Servers, after carefully considering the options, we decided that the time was right to move to a Hosted Servers envi- ronment for our Point-of-Sale system. We had bought Servers several different times throughout the years, and were glad to get out of the cycle of buying and maintaining our own hardware. We no longer have to worry about keeping a Server Room climate controlled and the remote access for our multiple locations is better now that each is independently connected to the Hosted environment. Being located where we are, the Team at Applied Integration is lo- cated two time zones West of us, but since the major components of the system are now located where they are, in a data center that is the optimal climate for Servers, we find that things are much more stable. Everything we need related to our system is done remotely now and we have not experienced issues that would make us think we’d be bet- ter off with someone local. Steve Giannetto Cramers Building Supply “ They Make My Computer and Network an Aspect of the Business That I Do Not Have to Worry About” While I have the knowledge to do simple networking tasks, anything that goes beyond that knowledge is something that I’m glad I can have a Team of Techni- cians to turn to for assistance. I look at Applied as more of a Partner (like Do it Best, our buyers group) than just a vendor. Any advice that I need when it comes to com- puters, networks, firewalls and anything else connected to the comput- ers is just a phone call away and they never make any question feel like a dumb question. In the past the only support we had was from our Software Vendor’s Team and they really only supported the main Server and their Soft- ware. Their response time was slow and when we did get them the scope of their assistance was limited. Since Applied is a full line net- work solution company, there has not been a thing in regards to my network that they have not been able to help me find an economical (most of the time free) solution to. The staff is always very helpful and callback time is very prompt. In a nutshell, they make my Computer and Network solutions an aspect of the business that I do not have to worry about. Scott Case West Plains Building Supply 7 | Applied Integration What Our Client’s Say
  • 9. 8 | Applied Integration Our Core Values Our Core Values Integrity - We define Integrity as the underlying personal commit- ment to hold ourselves to the highest standard of honesty, truthful- ness and to doing those things that are mutually beneficial to every- one involved. We will do the most honest, correct thing at all times, whether anyone is watching or not. We will seek to achieve the trust of those around us and will value and protect that trust. Accountability - We define Accountability as the commitment to take full personal responsibility for our actions and - when they hap- pen - for our mistakes. We believe that our Co-workers and Custom- ers should expect us to commit to a course of action and then to take responsibility for following through on that course. We hold ourselves responsible for our conduct and for knowing and doing what is ex- pected from us. We will understand the work duties that are assigned to us, and then complete those duties to the best of our ability. We will graciously accept recognition for a job well done and honestly ac- cept constructive criticism when we fall short of expectations or make a mistake. Professionalism - We will conduct ourselves in a Professional man- ner in all of our dealings with Co-Workers and Customers. We will present ourselves as professionals in our attire, our attitude and in our written and verbal communication. We will strive to maintain a calm demeanor, especially at those times where the stress of the situa- tion is the highest. We will always remember that our Customers are professional businesses who are inviting us into their place of business and will respect that invitation and always ensure that we will deserve a return invitation.
  • 10. 9 | Applied Integration Our Core Values Our Core Values Urgency - Beginning with an understanding that each hour of each day is precious and fleeting, we will always strive to make the most effective use of our time every day. We will do the most important thing first, and complete that task to the best of our abilities. We will always strive to eliminate procrastination and will work fast. We will be punctual at all times and plan ahead so that we arrive on time for work, meetings, appointments and other tasks. We will focus our ef- forts on work related duties while at work and leave the majority of our personal items to be completed and managed outside of our business hours. Competence - We will constantly strive to be both skillful and proper- ly educated so that we can competently conduct the work duties as- signed to us. We will understand that the profession we have chosen is one that requires an ongoing commitment to the growth of personal skills, and we will aggressively seek out and take advantage of op- portunities to facilitate that growth. We will always strive to perform our work to the highest standards, with complete follow through and rejection of short-cuts or half measures. Respect - We will always treat those we interact with in a respectful manner, and we will expect to be treated respectfully in return. We will understand and recognize the skills and talents of those around us, and listen openly and objectively to the input of others. When we find ourselves in a situation where we disagree, we will commit to conducting ourselves in a respectful manner while we work through the disagreement. At no point will we allow ourselves to personally attack, verbally or otherwise, those around us.
  • 11. 10 | Applied Integration Our Team Management Don Cockayne | President Dispatch Gail Hurley | Support Dispatcher Technician Team Dragan Dujakovic | Network Technician Daniel Mallon | Network Technician Taylor Roth | Network Technician Ian Rogers | Technical Accountant Manager Marketing Angela Allen | Marketing Director Phone & Email Main Phone: (801) 266-4888 Office Fax: (801) 266-0373 Email Ticketing System: Website & Social Website: Twitter Feed: YouTube Channel: Facebook:
  • 12. 4516 South 700 East, Suite 150 Murray, Utah 84107 (801) 266-4888