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Free ISSUe

                           ENTERTAINMENT   I   FOOD   I   FASHION   I   LIFESTYLE   I   ARTS

  the rhythm of your city                                 J U LY 16 - 31, 2 010

                                                                                          THE cOOLEST MAgAzINE IN THE UAE NOw wITH MObILE TAgS

    NEw YORk’S
                       AMAL & AFRA
                    TEn REAsons
ALL ABOUT           spain Won the
                                                 TELLING THE WORLD ABOUT

SHAF RAISI            World Cup                           THE UAE
              p.8                     p.24                                   p.10
VOLUME14 | JULY 16-31, 2010

Hello Abu dhabi,

summer has come to Abu Dhabi with children and adolescents pining for fun                                  ENTERTAINMENT
and challenging things to do. Having visited some of the choices around town,
my conclusion is that Abu Dhabi needs a heavy weight permanent entertainment                                4 USPAcE
centre that offers fun, education and challenging pursuits. As a long time resident                         6 wHAT’S HOT
of the Pacific Northwest of the United states, I present two amazing examples that
                                                                                                            8 bEAT wITH AIcH
once provided endless entertainment my own family: oMsI—the oregon Museum
of science and Industry, which is located in Portland, oregon, and the Pacific                              10 VIEw POINT
science Centre in downtown seattle. Both are huge, vibrant and highly interactive;
offering endless opportunities for fun and real learning. They have amazing                                 FASHION
science labs, laser shows, dinosaur exhibits, educational games, teen challenges                            12 TRENDSETTER
and an excellent platform of teacher engagement.
                                                                                                            13 MY STYLE bLUEPRINT
Abu Dhabi could do well to think of setting up an oMsI or a PsC here. It would
appeal to young and old, residents and tourists, and yes, it should be here
- all year around.

Get creative Abu Dhabi!                                                                                     14 cITY bITES

                                                                                                            20 RAISINg THE bAR
EDITOR                          MAgAzINE DESIgNER                    EDITORIAL cONTRIbUTORS
SANA bAgERSH                    PRAVEEN PRAbHAkARAN                  AIcHA DIOP
                                                                                                            21 MAkINg A DIFFERENcE

                                                                     FARAH g jDID                           22 YANk IN SANDLAND
                                RIzwAN PERVAIz                       HESSA AL ROMAITHI
                                                                     jALAL LUqMAN
                                                                                                            23 TEcH TALk
                                MARkETINg cOORDINATOR
EDITORIAL cOORDINATOR                                                RANDY PARkER                           24 MY AbU DHAbI
                                MANjUL AbHISHEk
                                PRODUcTION cOORDINATOR                                                      26 PEOPLE METER
                                RIzwANA SHAHID
                                                                                                            27 SOcIAL NET

To reach editorial at Abu Dhabi Tempo email:
If you need to find out where you can pick up your copy call: 02 6673349 or check out the list of
Tempo distribution points on our website.                                                                   28 ART-IcULATE
                                                                                                            29 FEATURE STORY
NoTe To ADverTIsers: Advertisers get free brand tagging with all advertisements. To reach
advertising call 02 6673349 or email:                                         30 cLASSIFIEDS
                                                                                                            31 FUN PAgE
Tempo is a publication of BrandMoxie. Although Tempo Magazine does its best to ensure the
authenticity and accuracy of its contents, the publisher cannot accept any responsibility for
errors, mistakes and inaccuracies. The publisher reserves the rights of this product and no part
of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of
the publisher.
                                                                                                            Published by:

MEDIA LIcENcE NO. 1/105866/24295

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Dear Ed,
                                 SPACE                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE wINNER OF FIFA 2010:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 wHO gOT IT RIgHT? (well, almost...)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TEMPO’S THE wINNER OF OUR wORLD cUP
    My friends and I were getting back home after the devastating loss to Germany                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PREDIcTIONS cONTEST: HUMAID AbDALLA
    when the cops suddenly stopped us and showed us signs to come to their car.                     Free ISSUe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  We ran the World Cup competition through the
    Out of curiosity we walked over to the cop when he suddenly said “Hey, I know
    Argentina lost the game tonight, but one thing’s for sure, Argetina and Brazil
                                                                                                                                                ENT   I   FOOD   I    FASHION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  entire competition. Tempo received a little over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  150 entries. obviously the later entries were closer

    are on the same flight back home”. It is overwhelming that the entire country,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      I    ARTS

    irrespective of the place your from or whether your country is represented in                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to being correct than the earlier predictions.
    the World Cup or not, the sheer beauty of the game, bring people from different                                                                                                                                                                                                               None of the entries were totally correct. However
    parts of the world together.                                                               th e rh yt
                                                                                                          hm        of your
                                                                                                                            city                                                                                                                                                                  we call Humaid Abdalla the winner because he
    Nelson Davis                                                                                                                                                     J U LY 1 - 15
                                                                                                                                                                                   , 2 01 0                                                                                                       had the CLosesT correct answer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Humaid predicted the following:
    Dear Ed,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Winner of FiFA 2010: spain                 Prize: six months free membership

                                                                                                                                                                                                   bILE TAgS
    I really appreciate the section about social net. It exposes young undiscovered                                                                                                                                                                              Final game: spain vs Germany               at World Gym in Abu dhabi
    talent, which gives them an opportunity for people to know them and their                                                                                                                                                                                    The score 2-1

                                                                                                                                                                                               w wITH MO
    work. It also gives the talent a motivation to work harder. So kudos on your
    encouragement to them!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “I think Spain was a strong team and had the confidence to win this
    Amal Mustafa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tournament. They had what it took to win this time.”

                                                                                                                                                                                           E UAE NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 We tip our hats to shamsudheen Narath who also predicted a spain win, but

                                                                                                                                                                                      zINE IN TH
    Dear Ed,                                                                                                                                          TURTLTHE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 he predicted the opponent as Korea republic (score 3-2 ), who exited the
                                                                                                                                                           ES                                                                                                    game earlier than Germany.
    Every time I read Tempo magazine I feel like I know everything about Abu

                                                                                                                                                                                    EST MAgA
    Dhabi! Because I work a lot, I don’t follow a lot of news around here. Your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           OTHER PREDIcTIONS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10 reasons why you think Spain
    magazine is my savoir!                                                            ALL ABO
                                                                                      FATINIZAUT                  FOOTBA

                                                                                                                                                                                THE cOOL
                                                                                                                 FUN QUO LL                 YOUNG ME                                                                                                                                                       rama Krishna predicted Netherlands
    Jack Bader                                                                                     p.8                  TE S                  LEADER DIA
                                                                                                                               p.10          GRADUA S                                                                                                                                                      winning over spain by 2-1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the World Cup

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kumaran predicted Brazil beating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Argentina by 5-4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1. Zeeshan Khan: They play to win        6. sujith Jayagopal: They had                   Angelo sator predicted Brazil beating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     that’s why.                              a good strategy and amazing                  spain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2. infant rosario: Paul the octopus                                                      Karin200 predicted Germany beating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           7. shaun Joesph: The main reason                spain, by 2-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     said so! haha ;)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              why I supported spain all the
       How about them vuvuzelas?! They certainly took over the 2010 world cup! I’m pretty sure it caught more media attention                                                                                                                                                                              Karen Franzen predicted Germany
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3. danica Antao: They played well           way long was because of great
       than the players and teams themselves! Before the world cup no one outside of south Africa even knew what a vuvuzela                                                                                                                                                                                beating spain by 2-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     from the start of the world cup, it      precision in their passes.
       was. Now people either hate them or they are crazy about them! Apparently the UAe now sells vuvuzelas in some gas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     seemed like they would make it.                                                       Kunal Bhatia predicted Germany beating
       station shops and i’ve recently noticed that they’re being sold in early Learning Centre??!! remember ‘the wave’? They                                                                                                                              8. Priyanka dubey: I think they
       have them in stadiums when the audience does synchronised standing and sitting? That was invented in seattle (I know                                                                                                                                   just got really lucky!
       because I lived there). The south Africa world cup crowd has changed that to vuvuzela blowing. Now that were all here in                                                                                   4. Farida daruwalla: They have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pariv K predicted the final two as
       the UAe we should start our own tradition, some sort of crowd applause thing, that we develop, refine, and get ready for                                                                                      great players!                        9. runil Athauda: Pure passion for              Argentina Brazil
       the next world cup. Just an idea.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the game.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5. mnetarwala: They had ball                                                             Nadeer Narath predicted Portugal
       Karam Bukair                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10. Fallon lobo: They have                      beating Germany by 3-2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     possession at most times.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               amazing team spirit!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Vote                                                                                Vote D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In last issue Tempo asked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Do you think teenagers should                                                            do you think the new cameras
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in the streets are a good
               Twitter follower                                  raka Galih                                             sarath sreekumar                                                                              be monitored while using the                                                            solution for drivers to stay safe?
                                                                                                                        My first mag thing                                                                                                                             Visit Abu Dhabi
          I love Abu Dhabi Tempo’s                        hello all nice to meet u...
                                                                                                                      (July1 – 15) thank you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Internet?                                        Tempo’s website
         DP with MJ and Jabulani in                   i luv tempo magazine” – raka
                  it ☺respect!                               Galih on Facebook                                          Abu Dhabi Tempo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       on your mobile phone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Yes: 66%
                                                                                                                           on Facebook                                                                                      Yes                No
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to scan this tag on your mobile.                   No: 34%

4                                                                                                                                                  Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010                                                                                                                                                                              5
What’sHOT                                                                                                                THE ART OF THE AFgHAN RUbAb
                                                                                                                                           july 22, 7pm, Manarat Al Saadiyat, Saadiyat Island

                                                      Happenings in Abu Dhabi                                                               July23
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Afghan rubab sensation Homayun sakhi, stars in a musical
                   by Venita Subramanian
                                                                                                                                                                                                             performance with percussionists salar Nader on tabla and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Abbos Kosimoy on doyra – a Central Asian frame drum.

    LIwA DATE FESTIVAL                                            After a huge success last year with more than 60,000 people
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The performance is devoted to the traditional Kabuli style
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of Indian raga in a musical question and answer (sawaal-
     July17 - 26                                                  attending, the sixth Date Festival takes place from July
                                                                                                                                                                                                             jawaab) between drums and other instruments. Nader
                                                                  12-26 in the town of Liwa. This event celebrates the rich
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and Kosimoy will answer sakhi’s questions throughout the
                                                                  heritage of Liwa and aims in particular to promote date
                                                                                                                                                                                                             performance, by transferring the rhythmic patterns of his
                                                                  palm trees which have a prominent place in UAe’s heritage.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             rubab to their drums. This performance is a showcase of
                                                                  The Festival includes cultural events and the competition                                                                                  North Indian and Afghan musical traditions. entrance is free.
                                                                  of Mazayin Al ratab (half ripe dates), which helps improve
                                                                  the quality of the dates and educate farmers on ways of
                                                                  modern farming. several competitions such as “the best
                                                                  heritage dish” draw the participation of chefs from top                  DO YOU wANT TO bE A FILM cRITIc AT THE
                                                                  hotels. educational programs help children become familiar
                                                                  with the dates industry.                                                 AbU DHAbI FILM FESTIVAL?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THE DEADLINE
                                                                                                                                               If so, here’s your chance, but you don’t have much tim to apply.               FOR APPLIcATION
                                                                                                                                               For the first time, Abu Dhabi Film Festival is running a film                  IS jULY 31.
    YAS TRAck DAY                                                                                                                              journalism workshop called Nisimazine Abu Dhabi as part of the
                                                                                                                                               Festival from october 14-23. They are looking for 8 people - 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tempo readers, you have two weeks to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              apply if you are reading Tempo the first
      July23                                                                                                                                   film critics and 1 photographer.                                               day it’s available. If you pick it up later,
                                                                                                                                                 If you are 18-35, Arab or european, you should apply. Four                   don’t wait. Download the application form
                                                                                                                                                  of the eight people selected will be from Arab countries                    at
                                                                                                                                                  including the UAe, four will be european.                                   The first Nisimazine was created in 2006
                                                                                                                                                  This international editorial team, along with two professional              at the Cannes Film Festival by a european
                                                                                                                                                tutors, will create daily issues of Nisimazine Abu Dhabi, a                   network of young cinema professionals
                                                                                                                                               newsletter covering the Abu Dhabi Film Festival and distributed                and fans called NIsI MAsA. since then, their
                                                                                                                                            to audiences during the Festival.                                                 workshops have taken place at festivals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in Italy, Iran, Finland, Turkey, Netherlands,
                                                                                                                                           eight issues of Nisimazine Abu Dhabi, printed in english and Arabic,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Peru, and Brazil. Check out nisimazine-
                                                                                                                                           will contain film reviews, interviews, articles, news, and photos from
                                                                                                                                           the festival. The electronic version will be available on the Nisimazine
                                                                                                                                           website                                                         The Abu Dhabi Film Festival began three
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              years ago as the Middle east International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Film Festival. The aim was to help create a
    Yas Track Day offers you a chance to drive your car on             performance. Instructors however, reserve the right                                                                                                    vibrant film culture throughout the region.
    the Grand Prix circuit. If you are an inexperienced driver,        to refuse entry to a participant. If you’re an adrenaline                                                                                              Under its new name, a strong focus on the
    the Yas racing school’s instructors will be available for          junkie - and a licensed driver - take a shot and enjoy                                                                                                 bold new voices of Arab cinema connects
    driving tips and instruction. You can start by following           being a racer for one day !
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with Abu Dhabi’s role as a cultural capital
    the pace cars for a few laps to get accustomed to the                                                                                                                                Visit Abu dhabi Film Festival
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in the region and marks the festival as
                                                                       Prices start from 120 Aed. call 800 YAs (927) or +971
    track and the corners. sessions include half and full                                                                                                                                website for more info on             a place for the world to explore Arab
                                                                       02 446 0384 for more information.                                                                                 your mobile phone now
    day on the track to test your racing skills and your car’s                                                                                                                            Download            filmmaking.
                                                                                                                                                                                          to scan this tag on your mobile.

6                                                                                                               Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010                                                                                                                                      7
Beat withaich
            by Aicha Diop

                                               DJ sHAF-rAIsI also known as shaf raisi, was
    Meet the new summer sensational DJ. Yes,   infatuated with music long before he fell in love
    he’s here to entertain you and show you    with the art of Djing. In his early stages DJ shaf
    the new face of music. Please welcome      raisi focused on mixing colorful House tunes,
    DJ Shaf Raisi!                             but later evolved to incorporating the stylistic
                                               effects of dance anthems, commercial house
                                               and r&B.

                                               His magic is immortalized in his first album
                                               entitled, “sHAF rAIsI reMIXeZ” pumped up with
                                               top-notch r&B and House tracks.

                                               Asked how he differentiates himself from other
                                               DJ’s, he replies, “I have a very deep strength in
                                               reading people’s body language, and I use this
                                               skill to enhance my performance, sound, and
                                               learning, more so than other artists.”

                                               DJ shaf rasi’s experience has planted him
                                               alongside international and local DJ’s such as:
                                               Adnan Balushi (Auckland), Humaid Al Amri
                                               (radio 1), Haneef raisani (raisani records,
                                               Dubai),victor simonelli (West side records, New
                                               York), DJ Antoine (House Works, switzerland),
                                               Lenny Fontana (New York) and simon B
                                               (Legendary radio1 DJ) to mention a few.

                                               He says, “The passion I feel, I want to share with
                                               my audience, the beats I play, I want to pound in
                                               people’s memory, and I want my music to speak
                                               for itself.”

                                               He has kicked off in many events such as
                                               the Pearls and Caviar, sho sho, GT1 World
                                               Championship, red Bull kickoff party and many
                                               others. He will be performing in November at
                                               the etihad Airways Grand Prix Formula 1 with
                                               more than 10 million viewers around the world.
                                               You can catch him in the coming months in
                                               Croatia, New Zealand, and Miami.

                                                                       Watch dJ shaf raisi’s video
                                                                       on your mobile phone now

                                                                       to scan this tag on your mobile.

                       Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010   9
ViewPoint                                                                                               After graduation a new salutation is added to your name
                                                                                                                         and will be mentioned every time you are introduced to
                                                                                                                         someone: Ambassador. How honored you feel after that!

                                                                                                                         After graduating from Zayed University with a bachelor
                                                                                                                                                                                            Malaysian ladies came forward and asked for permission
                                                                                                                                                                                            to touch me. “Are you real?” they asked. At first it sounded
                                                                                                                                                                                            very weird to me, but then I realized that they always see
                                                                                                                                                                                            us in photos or Tv but never had the chance to meet us in
                 by Hessa Al Romaithi                                                                                    degree, I joined ADTA as International Promotion

                                                                      OUT THE UAE
                                                                                                                         executive. This new position is my second step to be an            My second mission was to Germany where again our work

                      LD                                    Ab
                                                                                                                         ambassador. even though the core duty is to participate            involved cultural exchange with professionals during the

           Ng THE wOR
                                                                                                                         in organizing the Abu Dhabi stand at international trade           exhibition and people on Frankfurt’s streets. The next

                                                                                                                         fairs and tourism exhibitions, I meet many people from             mission is to russia, and I’m sure it is going to be full of
                                                                                                                         various backgrounds, religions, races, nationalities, ages,        adventures as well.
                                                                                                                         and educational levels.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Travelling teaches many things about cultures and
                                                                                                                         It is a challenging career to represent your country each          traditions of the host nation, but my job requires me to
                                                                                                                         time you pack your bag and travel to these exhibitions             teach people when I’m travelling about my country and
                                                                                                                         because once you are there, wearing your traditional dress         answer all their curious questions. Not only that, but after
                                                                                                                         and working at the Abu Dhabi stand, many people will               all the information I gained through the Ambassador
                                                                                                                         come over to ask about your culture and traditions or even         program and what I’m learning in my new job, I have
                                                                                                                         to take a photo with you.                                          become a tour guide and ambassador for my country
                                                                                                                                                                                            even when I’m not abroad.
                                                                                                                         People are always keen to know more about other
                                                                                                                         cultures and meet natives who can speak their language             I believe every person is an ambassador for their country
                                                                                                                         and provide them the right information. I remember on              and should work for free as a tour guide all the time.
                                                                                                                         my first mission to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a group of

                                                                                                                                                    pe ople from va
                                                                                                                                     I meet many                ces, national
                                                                                                                                                      igions, ra
                                                                    . Photos from
                                    arning about the U
                                                      AE from Hessa
                                                                                                                                     bac kgrounds, rel           els.
                                                                                                                                                  ucational lev
                       Malaysians le

                                                                                                                                      ages, and ed
                                                        I took the first step toward my dream by joining the
                                                        Abu Dhabi Ambassador Program which is an initiative
                                                        of Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA). This program
                                                        is only three years old, and I was lucky enough to be a
     It has been always my dream to represent my        graduate the second year.
     country worldwide by sharing, with passion,
     the UAE’s essence and values. It gives me a        The Abu Dhabi Ambassador Program is a lifetime
     great feeling to talk about our inspirational      chance for any emirati to gain lots of valuable
     soul Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan and the wise          information about the capital and its main tourist
     leaders of my country.                             attractions. Not only that, but it gives knowledge in
                                                        etiquette and many workshops which help you to
     A few years back, when I was studying
                                                        discover your strengths and weaknesses.
     Tourism and Special Events Management
     at Zayed University, I discovered my dream         Many field trips were organised by ADTA through
     job which allows me to use all my strengths
                                                        the program to different places in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain,
     and interests. Ambassador, yes, being an                                                                                                                                                                                             mpur
                                                        and the Western region. one of the most important                                                                                                     ysians         in Kuala Lu
     ambassador for my country is the only job                                                                                                                                                       oung Mala
                                                        lessons of the program was how to be an effective and                                                                          Talking with Y
     which can satisfy my desires.
                                                                                                                                                            r General
                                                        informative tour guide for our country, taught by a                                     DTA Directo
                                                                                                                                  H essa with A      l Muhairi
                                                                                                                                          Mubarak A
                                                        number of specialists and professionals.

10                                                                                            Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010                                                                                                                                     11
TrendSetter                                                                                                 My Style                            BLUEPRINT
     In this issue, Tempo brings the best of trendsetter with two smart yet casual looks from Laura Ashley

                                                                                                                     Tempo spots fashionable
                                                                                                                     and smart dressers around
                                                                                                                     the ecity. h
                                                                                                                           : aide
                                                                                                                      Namn Ham      21
          e       ne?                                                                                                 ema     lity:
       lim s anyo                                                                                                     Nation

                                                                                                                                                                       Shirt Zara
                                                                                                                                                                       Dh 70

                                                                                                                                                     Vest Zara
                                                                    big                                                                                  Dh 99

                                                              s are
                                                          ral        r!
                gREEN LEAVES                           flo umme                                          s
                SkIRT DH 312                            this
                                                             s                                        ant
                                                                                                 withp                What do you do?
                                                                                                                      senior student
                                                                                         grea                         studying civil

                                                                                                                      Your most valued
                                                                                                                      fashion possessions?                               OUr FAsHiON
                                                                                                                      my lV bag                                          eXPerT sAYs:
                                                                                                                      The one Thing I regret
                                                                                                                      Buying:                                           A nice well put
                                               RED AND                                                                                         Jeans Forever 21         together look. cut off
                                               wHITE FLORAL                                                           short dresses since                Dh 128         sweaters and jeans
                                                                                     FORMAL DRESS                     i cant wear them in                               look great together.
                                               SkIRT DH 288                          DH 572                           public                                            The colour of the
                                                                                                                                                                        hijab coordinates
                                                                                                                                                                        nicely with the other
                                                                                                  for                 The one Thing I Dream                             colours. And the
                                                                                            ready                     of Buying:                 Shoes Vennici          shoes... well we need
                                       gREEN AND                                         get e-mania                  A Valentino                        Dh 85          a full page just to
                                                                                                                      evening dress                                     talk about the shoes!
                                       ORANgE FLORAL
                                                                                                                      style inspiration:
                                       PRINTED DRESS                  PURPLE bEADED                                   eliissa, Queen rania
                                       DH 436                         NEckLAcE DH 104
                                                                                                                      My style Philosophy:
                                      at                                                                              dress to impress and
                                   gre    ps                                                                          always look elegant
                                        um                                                                            no matter where u’re
                                  with p                                                                              going.

12                                                                                        Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010                                                                               13
City Bites
                    Text and photos by Venita Subramanian                                                    Visit chillax website on
                                                                                                             your mobile phone now
                                                                                                             to scan this tag on your mobile.

                                                                As the name suggests, this downtown café	
   in Khalidiya
                                                                has a huge teen following. With plenty of comfy sofas
                                                                and armchairs, Chillax has a lot to offer its young and
                                                                enthusiastic customers. You will be quick to notice the eager
                                                                staff and the friendly atmosphere that the café has to offer.
                                                                Most people come here to enjoy sheesha and snacks that
                                                                include Lebanese food, sandwiches, and salads. The café is
                                                                surrounded by television screens that play football games
                                                                and music channels at all times. Chillax also offers private
                                                                spaces for a cover charge of Dh 50 to enjoy some quality time
                                                                with your friends.
     Friends hanging out at Chillax
                                                                suraj, one of the regulars at Chillax, said “This is definitely a
                                                                cool place to hang out and is different compared to other
                                                                sheesha places around Abu Dhabi. I usually come here to
       rating                                                   have the spicy chicken sandwich along with my regular mint

     Food                             Ambience                  Bill for Two: dh 105
     Value for money                  Overall                   Mint Sheesha Dh 25 • Watermelon juice Dh 22 • Arabic
                                                                salad Dh 18 • Spicy chicken sandwich with drinks Dh 40

     cHI cHI’S
     A popular restaurant at Le Meridien , Chi Chi’s looks like an
     old fashioned Mexican eat out. The first thing that awaits you
     after getting seated is a large bowl of nachos and a watery
     salsa dip. For starters, chili fries come in good-sized portions
     reasonably priced. For those of you looking for spicier options
     on the menu, try the spicy burrito. Most portions are fairly        Chi Chi’s has atmosphere and lots of food to share
     large and can challenge your appetite. If you’re in for a light
     dinner, share the portions.
     Bill for Two: dh119
     Bottomless ice tea Dh 15 • Chilli fries Dh 26
     Texas Nachos small dh 25 (large is dh 32)                           Food                            Ambience
     Grilled chicken burritos dh 53                                      Value for money                 Overall

14                                                                                                             Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010
Raising the
                   by Venita Subramanian
                                                                     Bar                                                                             Making a
                                                                                                                                                      by Venita Subramanian
                                                                                                                                    Each of us can in his or her own way make a difference in our world.
                                                                                                                                    Sometimes this can be a simple gesture, and sometimes it is a kind
     Dr. rachel shaw is a veterinary surgeon for the                                                                                word. This page is dedicated to the hero that resides in each of us, and
                                                                                                                                    to the sharing of great news that will make our planet a better place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TEMPO VOTES FOR
     American veterinary Clinic (AvC), Abu Dhabi, and                                                                               for everyone.                                                                               Glide the Trikke
     runs strays of Abu Dhabi, also known as sAD. I asked
     her about her typical day at sAD.
                                                                                                                                    TEMPO LOVES
     My working day consists of juggling my full time                                                                               Water savers
     job as assistant veterinarian at the AvC with my
                                                                                                                                    It’s amazing what a tiny gadget can do to help save water. The UAe
     many sAD duties. At breakfast I check through my                                                                               government has recently launched a campaign to fit water savers
     sAD e-mails and deal with any pressing matters and                                                                             on taps of every home and work place in the UAe.
     enquiries before starting work at the clinic at 8am.
                                                                                                                                    According to the eWs-WWF, this campaign is one of the most
     Mornings are spent either doing consultations until                                                                            ambitious and effective water saving campaigns in the world. The
     12 midday or the mornings surgical operations.                                                                                 water saver technician takes just few minutes to install the gadget
                                                                                                                                    at your home at no cost to you. This simple gadget can prevent
     I break for lunch between 12 and 2pm and more                                                                                  millions of liters of water from going to waste.
     often than not I have sAD appointments scheduled.                                                                              How it works
     These are either to health check and vaccinate a                                                                               even though we may not notice the difference in water
     new dog we are taking in, finalise the adoption of a                                                                           fluctuations, water comes out of the tap at a constantly changing
     sAD dog and do the last set of vaccines and meet                                                                               rate. This usually happens when more than one tap is used to draw
                                                                                                                                    water from the same source. An example of this would be when
     the new owners, or attend to one of our current sAD                                                                            you have your shower and the washbasin tap on at the same time;
     dogs that has a medical problem.                                                                                               you will soon notice that the tap starts running more slowly.
                                                             Dr. Rachel’s photo of her and Miracle Max
     I return to work to do an afternoon of appointments                                                                            A water saver helps regulate the flow of water, ensuring that the
                                                                                                                                    water flows at a constant rate. For you it means that whether the
     between 2pm and 6pm ranging from everything and                                                                                pressure is high or low, you will still have the same flow of water.
     anything from routine check-ups and vaccinations to     Q How long does it take for a stray dog to find a                      How can this help save water? Well, believe it or not, an incredible                        Trikke, a three wheel transporter, can be
     vomiting dogs, itching cats and limping hamsters!       new home?                                                              amount of water and energy is saved in the process.                                         manually powered by the rider or by a long-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                lasting lithium battery. These new generation
                                                                                                                                    Want to be a Water saver? Call 800 WATer to find out if the
     At 6pm I rush home and enjoy a good hour walk with      This varies immensely between each dog and is                                                                                                                      cycles are foldable and with their three wheel
                                                                                                                                    Water saver can be fixed in your neighborhood. send an email to
     the dogs to reflect and distress!                                                                                     to find out more about Water savers.                                  design are said to be stable and safe for riders.
                                                             dependent on a whole variety of factors. Puppies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Manually powered, Trikke works by the shift
                                                             are relatively quick to get homed as they have the                     Volunteers needed                                                                           of body weight from side to side. After a little
     I have 3 of my own dogs. rJ - a 12 year old rescue
                                                             cute factor on their side and people like to adopt                                                                                                                 practice, this action becomes intuitive and
     Yorkie terrier and PeG, a 10 year old rescue border                                                                            Part of the ongoing Water savers campaign, Heroes of the UAe has
                                                                                                                                    a project this summer. volunteers are required to conduct a market                          delivers a speed up to 28 km/h. The design of
     terrier mix both whom I shipped over with me            young dogs they can train themselves from a pup.
                                                                                                                                    survey in your emirate. send your contact information and details                           Trikke allows you to get maximum momentum
     when I first came to Abu Dhabi. My latest addition is   We average 1-2 months to home puppies. small                           to Anjana Kumar at                                                         as you move in different directions.
     MIrACLe MAX, a rescue saluki mix from sAD who I         breed dogs and pedigree dogs of any age are homed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For those of you who are keen on an effortless
     adopted when he was just 4 weeks old. He was found      instantly in most cases. We have people on our lists
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ride home, the lithium battery operated Trikke
     abandoned in a garbage bin!                             waiting to adopt small dogs. These dogs are suited to                                                                           Visit Heroes of the UAe
                                                                                                                                                                                             website on your mobile             comes with an accelerator and brake on the
                                                             the apartment living lifestyle of the UAe residents.                                                                            phone now                          handlebars to give you better control. Battery
                                                                                                                                                                                             Download           operated Trikkes can last around 30 km and
                                                                                                                                                                                             to scan this tag on your mobile.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                require two hours to charge the battery.

                                        Trikke looks cool and fun but most
                                                             Q How can someone get a dog from sAd?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                importantly reduces carbon emissions and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                non-renewable resources released every day
                                                             All the sAD dogs we have available for adoption can                                                                                                                by cars. Trikke gives out no emissions and can
                                                             be viewed on our website www.straysofabudhabi.                                                                                                                     easily take you to work without being stuck in
                       Visit sAd website on your             com, or drop into the sAD shop at the American vet                                                                                                                 traffic or having to worry about parking.
                       mobile phone now
                       Download              Clinic and fill out a form in person (Friday 9-10am and
                       to scan this tag on your mobile.
                                                             Wednesday 6-7pm).
                                                                                                                                    Making a Difference is a celebration of good people and good deeds. Please share with us your ideas, activities, and community
                                                                                                                                    public-good stories. Send them to
20                                                                                                       Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010                                                                                                                                                   21
Yank insandland                                                                                                                  TechTalk
                                                                                                                                                     by Noori Passela
                    Text and Photos by Randy Parker
                                                                                                                                     PS3 Move
     The Second city                                                                                                                 Like the Wii remote, the Ps3 Move appears to be nothing more than what it
                                                                 First stop was the oasis in town. This was hard to find
                                                                                                                                     looks like: a device resembling a microphone which can be strapped to the
     Much as Chicago is known as the second city to New
     York in the U.s., Al Ain has the same relationship to       and when we did we were vexed as the entrance was                   user’s wrist. But like its popular predecessor, the Ps3’s answer to interactive
     Abu Dhabi city. As Abu Dhabi city gets the lion’s share     unmarked and the pathways seemed too narrow for                     gaming aims to achieve more. The spherical end of the microphone-shaped
     of attention, Al Ain remains relatively unknown as the      a car. Undaunted, we drove the alleyways and found a                controller contains an LeD reader that senses its wielder’s movements
     cultural and historical center of the emirate. The late,    place to park. We spend a relaxing two hours wandering              and provides feedback as vibrations or changing LeD colors. The wireless
     great sheikh Zayed bin sultan Al Nayed, father of the       the oasis. Hint: the place is a maze, so don’t lose your
                                                                                                                                     Bluetooth technology ensures no tripping over any pesky wires during
     U.A.e., hailed from Al Ain. The town was his ancestral      way. There are also some surprises to be found among
                                                                 the date palm groves!                                               playtime. one Ps3 system can support up to 4 of these controllers.
     home and headquarters for the founding of this
     country. It was the discovery of the once lucrative pearl
                                                                 Next was Jebel Hafeet, an improbable rocky mountain                 The Move also comes with the Playstation eye, a camera that tracks the
     collecting business that shifted attention to the coast.
                                                                 south of Al Ain jutting 1300 meters above the flat desert           movements of each player and enables voice interaction while gaming
                                                                 floor. The steep multilane road to the top had more                 with the help of some built-in microphones. It allows up to 6 players to play
                                                                 twists and turns than a rattlesnake and offered several
                                                                                                                                     at a time over a wireless network. even better, the camera works just as well
                                                                 turnouts to park and admire the view. Make sure you
                                                                 car is in fine tune as it will be tested. I saw many radiator
                                                                                                                                     with minimal lighting.
                                                                 geysers on the way to the summit.
                                                                                                                                     To get the fans going, sony is currently developing some new games
                                                                 We rewarded ourselves with eggrolls in the Mercure                  designed especially for the Move. slider sounds quite appealing: “Be an
                                                                 Grand hotel at the top of the mountain. This 4 star venue           armchair warrior, punching away to glory as you wile away those boring
                                                                 serves as a good weekend getaway from the city.                     moments on your office chair or work desk.”
                                                                 I recommend Al Ain as a diversion from the Abu Dhabi
                                                                 summer doldrums. You may not escape the heat, but the
                                                                 change of scenery is mentally refreshing!
                                                                                                                                     xbox 360 kinect
                                                                                                                                                                                                Now here’s something truly original and mindboggling
                                                                                                                                                                                                at the same time. True, the Kinect does borrow heavily
                                                                                                                                                                                                from the Wii’s motion-detecting sensors but here’s an
                                                                                                                                                                                                additional twist to the mix: it will apparently navigate
     recently, I took a day trip to Al Ain with a friend from                                                                                                                                   panels and access functions using hand movements and
     France. It is a short, pleasant 150KM trip from Abu                                                                                                                                        voice control.
     Dhabi on the butter-smooth motorway. stark desert
                                                                                                                                                                                                “Xbox, play music.”
     turned into green trees on the side of the road as we
     approached Al Ain, reminding me of my home in Florida.                                                                                                                                     voila! You get the point.

                                                                                                                                                                                                originally unveiled as Project Natal, the device had its
                                                                                                                                                                                                official premiere at this year’s electronic entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                                                expo with 15 titles already announced alongside 4 original
                                                                                                                                                                                                titles created exclusively for Kinect: Kinect Adventures,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Kinect Joy ride, Kinect sports, and Kinectimals. And since
                                                                                                                                                                                                all gamers, casual and hardcore alike, love a good dose
                                                                                                                                                                                                of celebrity in their games, the new Michael Jackson The
                                                                                                                                                                                                Game is scheduled for release for the Kinect later this year,
                                                                                                                                                                                                featuring many of the singer’s cult classic hits like “Beat It”
                                                                                                                                                                                                and “Billie Jean.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                Like the Ps3 Move, the Kinect is already built to work with
                                                                                                                                                                                                its home console, the Xbox 360 so the costs of obtaining
                                                                                                                                                                                                one for your console should be almost equivalent to an
                                                                                                                                                                                                upgrade as opposed to purchasing a brand new one

22                                                                                                        Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010                                                                                                                                23
Tempo - July 16-31, 2010
Tempo - July 16-31, 2010
Tempo - July 16-31, 2010
Tempo - July 16-31, 2010
Tempo - July 16-31, 2010

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A TO Z INDIA Monthly Magazine - JUNE 2024

Tempo - July 16-31, 2010

  • 2. cONTENTS VOLUME14 | JULY 16-31, 2010 FROM THE EDITOR Hello Abu dhabi, summer has come to Abu Dhabi with children and adolescents pining for fun ENTERTAINMENT and challenging things to do. Having visited some of the choices around town, my conclusion is that Abu Dhabi needs a heavy weight permanent entertainment 4 USPAcE centre that offers fun, education and challenging pursuits. As a long time resident 6 wHAT’S HOT of the Pacific Northwest of the United states, I present two amazing examples that 8 bEAT wITH AIcH once provided endless entertainment my own family: oMsI—the oregon Museum of science and Industry, which is located in Portland, oregon, and the Pacific 10 VIEw POINT science Centre in downtown seattle. Both are huge, vibrant and highly interactive; offering endless opportunities for fun and real learning. They have amazing FASHION science labs, laser shows, dinosaur exhibits, educational games, teen challenges 12 TRENDSETTER and an excellent platform of teacher engagement. 13 MY STYLE bLUEPRINT Abu Dhabi could do well to think of setting up an oMsI or a PsC here. It would appeal to young and old, residents and tourists, and yes, it should be here FOOD - all year around. Get creative Abu Dhabi! 14 cITY bITES LIFESTYLE 20 RAISINg THE bAR EDITOR MAgAzINE DESIgNER EDITORIAL cONTRIbUTORS SANA bAgERSH PRAVEEN PRAbHAkARAN AIcHA DIOP 21 MAkINg A DIFFERENcE FEATURES EDITOR wEbSITE DESIgNER FARAH g jDID 22 YANk IN SANDLAND RIzwAN PERVAIz HESSA AL ROMAITHI ALMA kADRAgIc jALAL LUqMAN 23 TEcH TALk MARkETINg cOORDINATOR EDITORIAL cOORDINATOR RANDY PARkER 24 MY AbU DHAbI MANjUL AbHISHEk VENITA SUbRAMANIAN PRODUcTION cOORDINATOR 26 PEOPLE METER RIzwANA SHAHID 27 SOcIAL NET Address To reach editorial at Abu Dhabi Tempo email: ARTS If you need to find out where you can pick up your copy call: 02 6673349 or check out the list of Tempo distribution points on our website. 28 ART-IcULATE 29 FEATURE STORY NoTe To ADverTIsers: Advertisers get free brand tagging with all advertisements. To reach advertising call 02 6673349 or email: 30 cLASSIFIEDS 31 FUN PAgE disclAimer: Tempo is a publication of BrandMoxie. Although Tempo Magazine does its best to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of its contents, the publisher cannot accept any responsibility for errors, mistakes and inaccuracies. The publisher reserves the rights of this product and no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publisher. Published by: MEDIA LIcENcE NO. 1/105866/24295 3 easy steps to use mobile tags Click on tag beside Download run each article to have Application fun with online to your smart phone content, videos and Visit cool tags! on your mobile phone. Download to scan this tag on your mobile. 3
  • 3. Dear Ed, SPACE THE wINNER OF FIFA 2010: wHO gOT IT RIgHT? (well, almost...) TEMPO’S THE wINNER OF OUR wORLD cUP My friends and I were getting back home after the devastating loss to Germany PREDIcTIONS cONTEST: HUMAID AbDALLA when the cops suddenly stopped us and showed us signs to come to their car. Free ISSUe We ran the World Cup competition through the Out of curiosity we walked over to the cop when he suddenly said “Hey, I know Argentina lost the game tonight, but one thing’s for sure, Argetina and Brazil ENTERTAINM ENT I FOOD I FASHION entire competition. Tempo received a little over I 150 entries. obviously the later entries were closer LIFESTYLE are on the same flight back home”. It is overwhelming that the entire country, I ARTS irrespective of the place your from or whether your country is represented in to being correct than the earlier predictions. the World Cup or not, the sheer beauty of the game, bring people from different None of the entries were totally correct. However parts of the world together. th e rh yt hm of your city we call Humaid Abdalla the winner because he Nelson Davis J U LY 1 - 15 , 2 01 0 had the CLosesT correct answer. Humaid predicted the following: Dear Ed, Winner of FiFA 2010: spain Prize: six months free membership bILE TAgS I really appreciate the section about social net. It exposes young undiscovered Final game: spain vs Germany at World Gym in Abu dhabi talent, which gives them an opportunity for people to know them and their The score 2-1 w wITH MO work. It also gives the talent a motivation to work harder. So kudos on your encouragement to them! “I think Spain was a strong team and had the confidence to win this Amal Mustafa tournament. They had what it took to win this time.” E UAE NO We tip our hats to shamsudheen Narath who also predicted a spain win, but SAVE zINE IN TH Dear Ed, TURTLTHE he predicted the opponent as Korea republic (score 3-2 ), who exited the ES game earlier than Germany. Every time I read Tempo magazine I feel like I know everything about Abu EST MAgA Dhabi! Because I work a lot, I don’t follow a lot of news around here. Your OTHER PREDIcTIONS: won 10 reasons why you think Spain magazine is my savoir! ALL ABO FATINIZAUT FOOTBA THE cOOL FUN QUO LL YOUNG ME rama Krishna predicted Netherlands Jack Bader p.8 TE S LEADER DIA p.10 GRADUA S winning over spain by 2-1 TE the World Cup p.24 Kumaran predicted Brazil beating Argentina by 5-4 saYVuVu....WHAT?!! 1. Zeeshan Khan: They play to win 6. sujith Jayagopal: They had Angelo sator predicted Brazil beating that’s why. a good strategy and amazing spain players. 2. infant rosario: Paul the octopus Karin200 predicted Germany beating 7. shaun Joesph: The main reason spain, by 2-1 said so! haha ;) why I supported spain all the How about them vuvuzelas?! They certainly took over the 2010 world cup! I’m pretty sure it caught more media attention Karen Franzen predicted Germany 3. danica Antao: They played well way long was because of great than the players and teams themselves! Before the world cup no one outside of south Africa even knew what a vuvuzela beating spain by 2-1 from the start of the world cup, it precision in their passes. was. Now people either hate them or they are crazy about them! Apparently the UAe now sells vuvuzelas in some gas seemed like they would make it. Kunal Bhatia predicted Germany beating station shops and i’ve recently noticed that they’re being sold in early Learning Centre??!! remember ‘the wave’? They 8. Priyanka dubey: I think they spain have them in stadiums when the audience does synchronised standing and sitting? That was invented in seattle (I know just got really lucky! because I lived there). The south Africa world cup crowd has changed that to vuvuzela blowing. Now that were all here in 4. Farida daruwalla: They have Pariv K predicted the final two as the UAe we should start our own tradition, some sort of crowd applause thing, that we develop, refine, and get ready for great players! 9. runil Athauda: Pure passion for Argentina Brazil the next world cup. Just an idea. the game. 5. mnetarwala: They had ball Nadeer Narath predicted Portugal Karam Bukair 10. Fallon lobo: They have beating Germany by 3-2 possession at most times. amazing team spirit! FAcEbOOk & TwITTER qUOTES Vote Vote D In last issue Tempo asked Do you think teenagers should do you think the new cameras in the streets are a good Twitter follower raka Galih sarath sreekumar be monitored while using the solution for drivers to stay safe? My first mag thing Visit Abu Dhabi I love Abu Dhabi Tempo’s hello all nice to meet u... (July1 – 15) thank you Internet? Tempo’s website DP with MJ and Jabulani in i luv tempo magazine” – raka it ☺respect! Galih on Facebook Abu Dhabi Tempo on your mobile phone. Yes: 66% on Facebook Yes No Download to scan this tag on your mobile. No: 34% 4 Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010 5
  • 4. What’sHOT THE ART OF THE AFgHAN RUbAb july 22, 7pm, Manarat Al Saadiyat, Saadiyat Island Happenings in Abu Dhabi July23 Afghan rubab sensation Homayun sakhi, stars in a musical by Venita Subramanian performance with percussionists salar Nader on tabla and Abbos Kosimoy on doyra – a Central Asian frame drum. LIwA DATE FESTIVAL After a huge success last year with more than 60,000 people The performance is devoted to the traditional Kabuli style of Indian raga in a musical question and answer (sawaal- July17 - 26 attending, the sixth Date Festival takes place from July jawaab) between drums and other instruments. Nader 12-26 in the town of Liwa. This event celebrates the rich and Kosimoy will answer sakhi’s questions throughout the heritage of Liwa and aims in particular to promote date performance, by transferring the rhythmic patterns of his palm trees which have a prominent place in UAe’s heritage. rubab to their drums. This performance is a showcase of The Festival includes cultural events and the competition North Indian and Afghan musical traditions. entrance is free. of Mazayin Al ratab (half ripe dates), which helps improve the quality of the dates and educate farmers on ways of modern farming. several competitions such as “the best heritage dish” draw the participation of chefs from top DO YOU wANT TO bE A FILM cRITIc AT THE hotels. educational programs help children become familiar with the dates industry. AbU DHAbI FILM FESTIVAL? THE DEADLINE If so, here’s your chance, but you don’t have much tim to apply. FOR APPLIcATION For the first time, Abu Dhabi Film Festival is running a film IS jULY 31. YAS TRAck DAY journalism workshop called Nisimazine Abu Dhabi as part of the Festival from october 14-23. They are looking for 8 people - 7 Tempo readers, you have two weeks to apply if you are reading Tempo the first July23 film critics and 1 photographer. day it’s available. If you pick it up later, If you are 18-35, Arab or european, you should apply. Four don’t wait. Download the application form of the eight people selected will be from Arab countries at including the UAe, four will be european. The first Nisimazine was created in 2006 This international editorial team, along with two professional at the Cannes Film Festival by a european tutors, will create daily issues of Nisimazine Abu Dhabi, a network of young cinema professionals newsletter covering the Abu Dhabi Film Festival and distributed and fans called NIsI MAsA. since then, their to audiences during the Festival. workshops have taken place at festivals in Italy, Iran, Finland, Turkey, Netherlands, eight issues of Nisimazine Abu Dhabi, printed in english and Arabic, Peru, and Brazil. Check out nisimazine- will contain film reviews, interviews, articles, news, and photos from the festival. The electronic version will be available on the Nisimazine website The Abu Dhabi Film Festival began three years ago as the Middle east International Film Festival. The aim was to help create a Yas Track Day offers you a chance to drive your car on performance. Instructors however, reserve the right vibrant film culture throughout the region. the Grand Prix circuit. If you are an inexperienced driver, to refuse entry to a participant. If you’re an adrenaline Under its new name, a strong focus on the the Yas racing school’s instructors will be available for junkie - and a licensed driver - take a shot and enjoy bold new voices of Arab cinema connects driving tips and instruction. You can start by following being a racer for one day !   with Abu Dhabi’s role as a cultural capital the pace cars for a few laps to get accustomed to the Visit Abu dhabi Film Festival in the region and marks the festival as Prices start from 120 Aed. call 800 YAs (927) or +971 track and the corners. sessions include half and full website for more info on a place for the world to explore Arab 02 446 0384 for more information. your mobile phone now day on the track to test your racing skills and your car’s Download filmmaking. to scan this tag on your mobile. 6 Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010 7
  • 5. Beat withaich by Aicha Diop DJ sHAF-rAIsI also known as shaf raisi, was Meet the new summer sensational DJ. Yes, infatuated with music long before he fell in love he’s here to entertain you and show you with the art of Djing. In his early stages DJ shaf the new face of music. Please welcome raisi focused on mixing colorful House tunes, DJ Shaf Raisi! but later evolved to incorporating the stylistic effects of dance anthems, commercial house and r&B. His magic is immortalized in his first album entitled, “sHAF rAIsI reMIXeZ” pumped up with top-notch r&B and House tracks. Asked how he differentiates himself from other DJ’s, he replies, “I have a very deep strength in reading people’s body language, and I use this skill to enhance my performance, sound, and learning, more so than other artists.” DJ shaf rasi’s experience has planted him alongside international and local DJ’s such as: Adnan Balushi (Auckland), Humaid Al Amri (radio 1), Haneef raisani (raisani records, Dubai),victor simonelli (West side records, New York), DJ Antoine (House Works, switzerland), Lenny Fontana (New York) and simon B (Legendary radio1 DJ) to mention a few. He says, “The passion I feel, I want to share with my audience, the beats I play, I want to pound in people’s memory, and I want my music to speak for itself.” He has kicked off in many events such as the Pearls and Caviar, sho sho, GT1 World Championship, red Bull kickoff party and many others. He will be performing in November at the etihad Airways Grand Prix Formula 1 with more than 10 million viewers around the world. You can catch him in the coming months in Croatia, New Zealand, and Miami. Watch dJ shaf raisi’s video on your mobile phone now Download to scan this tag on your mobile. 8   Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010 9
  • 6. ViewPoint After graduation a new salutation is added to your name and will be mentioned every time you are introduced to someone: Ambassador. How honored you feel after that! After graduating from Zayed University with a bachelor Malaysian ladies came forward and asked for permission to touch me. “Are you real?” they asked. At first it sounded very weird to me, but then I realized that they always see us in photos or Tv but never had the chance to meet us in by Hessa Al Romaithi degree, I joined ADTA as International Promotion person. OUT THE UAE executive. This new position is my second step to be an My second mission was to Germany where again our work LD Ab ambassador. even though the core duty is to participate involved cultural exchange with professionals during the Ng THE wOR in organizing the Abu Dhabi stand at international trade exhibition and people on Frankfurt’s streets. The next TELLI fairs and tourism exhibitions, I meet many people from mission is to russia, and I’m sure it is going to be full of various backgrounds, religions, races, nationalities, ages, adventures as well. and educational levels. Travelling teaches many things about cultures and It is a challenging career to represent your country each traditions of the host nation, but my job requires me to time you pack your bag and travel to these exhibitions teach people when I’m travelling about my country and because once you are there, wearing your traditional dress answer all their curious questions. Not only that, but after and working at the Abu Dhabi stand, many people will all the information I gained through the Ambassador come over to ask about your culture and traditions or even program and what I’m learning in my new job, I have to take a photo with you. become a tour guide and ambassador for my country even when I’m not abroad. People are always keen to know more about other cultures and meet natives who can speak their language I believe every person is an ambassador for their country and provide them the right information. I remember on and should work for free as a tour guide all the time. my first mission to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a group of rious pe ople from va I meet many ces, national ities, igions, ra ADTA . Photos from arning about the U AE from Hessa bac kgrounds, rel els. ucational lev Malaysians le ages, and ed I took the first step toward my dream by joining the Abu Dhabi Ambassador Program which is an initiative of Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA). This program is only three years old, and I was lucky enough to be a It has been always my dream to represent my graduate the second year. country worldwide by sharing, with passion, the UAE’s essence and values. It gives me a The Abu Dhabi Ambassador Program is a lifetime great feeling to talk about our inspirational chance for any emirati to gain lots of valuable soul Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan and the wise information about the capital and its main tourist leaders of my country. attractions. Not only that, but it gives knowledge in etiquette and many workshops which help you to A few years back, when I was studying discover your strengths and weaknesses. Tourism and Special Events Management at Zayed University, I discovered my dream Many field trips were organised by ADTA through job which allows me to use all my strengths the program to different places in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and interests. Ambassador, yes, being an mpur and the Western region. one of the most important ysians in Kuala Lu ambassador for my country is the only job oung Mala lessons of the program was how to be an effective and Talking with Y which can satisfy my desires. r General informative tour guide for our country, taught by a DTA Directo H essa with A l Muhairi Mubarak A number of specialists and professionals. 10 Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010 11
  • 7. TrendSetter My Style BLUEPRINT In this issue, Tempo brings the best of trendsetter with two smart yet casual looks from Laura Ashley Tempo spots fashionable and smart dressers around Age: en the ecity. h : aide gre Namn Ham 21 e ne? ema lity: lim s anyo Nation na net a syri fish Shirt Zara Dh 70 Vest Zara big Dh 99 s are ral r! gREEN LEAVES flo umme s SkIRT DH 312 this s ant withp What do you do? senior student t grea studying civil engineering Your most valued fashion possessions? OUr FAsHiON my lV bag eXPerT sAYs: The one Thing I regret Buying: A nice well put RED AND Jeans Forever 21 together look. cut off wHITE FLORAL short dresses since Dh 128 sweaters and jeans FORMAL DRESS i cant wear them in look great together. SkIRT DH 288 DH 572 public The colour of the hijab coordinates nicely with the other for The one Thing I Dream colours. And the ready of Buying: Shoes Vennici shoes... well we need gREEN AND get e-mania A Valentino Dh 85 a full page just to l baub evening dress talk about the shoes! ORANgE FLORAL style inspiration: PRINTED DRESS PURPLE bEADED eliissa, Queen rania DH 436 NEckLAcE DH 104 My style Philosophy: at dress to impress and gre ps always look elegant um no matter where u’re with p going. 12 Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010 13
  • 8. City Bites Text and photos by Venita Subramanian Visit chillax website on your mobile phone now Download to scan this tag on your mobile. cHILLAx As the name suggests, this downtown café   in Khalidiya has a huge teen following. With plenty of comfy sofas and armchairs, Chillax has a lot to offer its young and enthusiastic customers. You will be quick to notice the eager staff and the friendly atmosphere that the café has to offer. Most people come here to enjoy sheesha and snacks that include Lebanese food, sandwiches, and salads. The café is surrounded by television screens that play football games and music channels at all times. Chillax also offers private spaces for a cover charge of Dh 50 to enjoy some quality time with your friends. Friends hanging out at Chillax suraj, one of the regulars at Chillax, said “This is definitely a cool place to hang out and is different compared to other sheesha places around Abu Dhabi. I usually come here to rating have the spicy chicken sandwich along with my regular mint sheesha.” Food Ambience Bill for Two: dh 105 Value for money Overall Mint Sheesha Dh 25 • Watermelon juice Dh 22 • Arabic salad Dh 18 • Spicy chicken sandwich with drinks Dh 40 cHI cHI’S A popular restaurant at Le Meridien , Chi Chi’s looks like an old fashioned Mexican eat out. The first thing that awaits you after getting seated is a large bowl of nachos and a watery salsa dip. For starters, chili fries come in good-sized portions reasonably priced. For those of you looking for spicier options on the menu, try the spicy burrito. Most portions are fairly Chi Chi’s has atmosphere and lots of food to share large and can challenge your appetite. If you’re in for a light dinner, share the portions. rating Bill for Two: dh119 Bottomless ice tea Dh 15 • Chilli fries Dh 26 Texas Nachos small dh 25 (large is dh 32) Food Ambience Grilled chicken burritos dh 53 Value for money Overall 14 Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010
  • 9. Raising the by Venita Subramanian Bar Making a by Venita Subramanian Difference Each of us can in his or her own way make a difference in our world. Sometimes this can be a simple gesture, and sometimes it is a kind Dr. rachel shaw is a veterinary surgeon for the word. This page is dedicated to the hero that resides in each of us, and to the sharing of great news that will make our planet a better place TEMPO VOTES FOR American veterinary Clinic (AvC), Abu Dhabi, and for everyone. Glide the Trikke runs strays of Abu Dhabi, also known as sAD. I asked her about her typical day at sAD. TEMPO LOVES My working day consists of juggling my full time Water savers job as assistant veterinarian at the AvC with my It’s amazing what a tiny gadget can do to help save water. The UAe many sAD duties. At breakfast I check through my government has recently launched a campaign to fit water savers sAD e-mails and deal with any pressing matters and on taps of every home and work place in the UAe. enquiries before starting work at the clinic at 8am. According to the eWs-WWF, this campaign is one of the most Mornings are spent either doing consultations until ambitious and effective water saving campaigns in the world. The 12 midday or the mornings surgical operations. water saver technician takes just few minutes to install the gadget at your home at no cost to you. This simple gadget can prevent I break for lunch between 12 and 2pm and more millions of liters of water from going to waste. often than not I have sAD appointments scheduled. How it works These are either to health check and vaccinate a even though we may not notice the difference in water new dog we are taking in, finalise the adoption of a fluctuations, water comes out of the tap at a constantly changing sAD dog and do the last set of vaccines and meet rate. This usually happens when more than one tap is used to draw water from the same source. An example of this would be when the new owners, or attend to one of our current sAD you have your shower and the washbasin tap on at the same time; dogs that has a medical problem. you will soon notice that the tap starts running more slowly. Dr. Rachel’s photo of her and Miracle Max I return to work to do an afternoon of appointments A water saver helps regulate the flow of water, ensuring that the water flows at a constant rate. For you it means that whether the between 2pm and 6pm ranging from everything and pressure is high or low, you will still have the same flow of water. anything from routine check-ups and vaccinations to Q How long does it take for a stray dog to find a How can this help save water? Well, believe it or not, an incredible Trikke, a three wheel transporter, can be vomiting dogs, itching cats and limping hamsters! new home? amount of water and energy is saved in the process. manually powered by the rider or by a long- lasting lithium battery. These new generation Want to be a Water saver? Call 800 WATer to find out if the At 6pm I rush home and enjoy a good hour walk with This varies immensely between each dog and is cycles are foldable and with their three wheel Water saver can be fixed in your neighborhood. send an email to the dogs to reflect and distress! to find out more about Water savers. design are said to be stable and safe for riders. dependent on a whole variety of factors. Puppies Manually powered, Trikke works by the shift are relatively quick to get homed as they have the Volunteers needed of body weight from side to side. After a little I have 3 of my own dogs. rJ - a 12 year old rescue cute factor on their side and people like to adopt practice, this action becomes intuitive and Yorkie terrier and PeG, a 10 year old rescue border Part of the ongoing Water savers campaign, Heroes of the UAe has a project this summer. volunteers are required to conduct a market delivers a speed up to 28 km/h. The design of terrier mix both whom I shipped over with me young dogs they can train themselves from a pup. survey in your emirate. send your contact information and details Trikke allows you to get maximum momentum when I first came to Abu Dhabi. My latest addition is We average 1-2 months to home puppies. small to Anjana Kumar at as you move in different directions. MIrACLe MAX, a rescue saluki mix from sAD who I breed dogs and pedigree dogs of any age are homed For those of you who are keen on an effortless adopted when he was just 4 weeks old. He was found instantly in most cases. We have people on our lists ride home, the lithium battery operated Trikke abandoned in a garbage bin! waiting to adopt small dogs. These dogs are suited to Visit Heroes of the UAe website on your mobile comes with an accelerator and brake on the the apartment living lifestyle of the UAe residents. phone now handlebars to give you better control. Battery Download operated Trikkes can last around 30 km and to scan this tag on your mobile. require two hours to charge the battery.   Trikke looks cool and fun but most Q How can someone get a dog from sAd? importantly reduces carbon emissions and non-renewable resources released every day All the sAD dogs we have available for adoption can by cars. Trikke gives out no emissions and can be viewed on our website www.straysofabudhabi. easily take you to work without being stuck in Visit sAd website on your com, or drop into the sAD shop at the American vet traffic or having to worry about parking. mobile phone now Download Clinic and fill out a form in person (Friday 9-10am and to scan this tag on your mobile. Wednesday 6-7pm). Making a Difference is a celebration of good people and good deeds. Please share with us your ideas, activities, and community public-good stories. Send them to 20 Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010 21
  • 10. Yank insandland TechTalk by Noori Passela Text and Photos by Randy Parker PS3 Move The Second city Like the Wii remote, the Ps3 Move appears to be nothing more than what it First stop was the oasis in town. This was hard to find looks like: a device resembling a microphone which can be strapped to the Much as Chicago is known as the second city to New York in the U.s., Al Ain has the same relationship to and when we did we were vexed as the entrance was user’s wrist. But like its popular predecessor, the Ps3’s answer to interactive Abu Dhabi city. As Abu Dhabi city gets the lion’s share unmarked and the pathways seemed too narrow for gaming aims to achieve more. The spherical end of the microphone-shaped of attention, Al Ain remains relatively unknown as the a car. Undaunted, we drove the alleyways and found a controller contains an LeD reader that senses its wielder’s movements cultural and historical center of the emirate. The late, place to park. We spend a relaxing two hours wandering and provides feedback as vibrations or changing LeD colors. The wireless great sheikh Zayed bin sultan Al Nayed, father of the the oasis. Hint: the place is a maze, so don’t lose your Bluetooth technology ensures no tripping over any pesky wires during U.A.e., hailed from Al Ain. The town was his ancestral way. There are also some surprises to be found among the date palm groves! playtime. one Ps3 system can support up to 4 of these controllers. home and headquarters for the founding of this country. It was the discovery of the once lucrative pearl Next was Jebel Hafeet, an improbable rocky mountain The Move also comes with the Playstation eye, a camera that tracks the collecting business that shifted attention to the coast. south of Al Ain jutting 1300 meters above the flat desert movements of each player and enables voice interaction while gaming floor. The steep multilane road to the top had more with the help of some built-in microphones. It allows up to 6 players to play twists and turns than a rattlesnake and offered several at a time over a wireless network. even better, the camera works just as well turnouts to park and admire the view. Make sure you car is in fine tune as it will be tested. I saw many radiator with minimal lighting. geysers on the way to the summit. To get the fans going, sony is currently developing some new games We rewarded ourselves with eggrolls in the Mercure designed especially for the Move. slider sounds quite appealing: “Be an Grand hotel at the top of the mountain. This 4 star venue armchair warrior, punching away to glory as you wile away those boring serves as a good weekend getaway from the city. moments on your office chair or work desk.” I recommend Al Ain as a diversion from the Abu Dhabi summer doldrums. You may not escape the heat, but the change of scenery is mentally refreshing! xbox 360 kinect Now here’s something truly original and mindboggling at the same time. True, the Kinect does borrow heavily from the Wii’s motion-detecting sensors but here’s an additional twist to the mix: it will apparently navigate recently, I took a day trip to Al Ain with a friend from panels and access functions using hand movements and France. It is a short, pleasant 150KM trip from Abu voice control. Dhabi on the butter-smooth motorway. stark desert “Xbox, play music.” turned into green trees on the side of the road as we approached Al Ain, reminding me of my home in Florida. voila! You get the point. originally unveiled as Project Natal, the device had its official premiere at this year’s electronic entertainment expo with 15 titles already announced alongside 4 original titles created exclusively for Kinect: Kinect Adventures, Kinect Joy ride, Kinect sports, and Kinectimals. And since all gamers, casual and hardcore alike, love a good dose of celebrity in their games, the new Michael Jackson The Game is scheduled for release for the Kinect later this year, featuring many of the singer’s cult classic hits like “Beat It” and “Billie Jean.” Like the Ps3 Move, the Kinect is already built to work with its home console, the Xbox 360 so the costs of obtaining one for your console should be almost equivalent to an upgrade as opposed to purchasing a brand new one 22 Tempo July 16 - 31, 2010 23