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          3. Series
          4. Series Synopsis
          5. Key Cast + Crew
          10. Production Notes
          11. Circa Media
present   12. Multiplatform Experience
          13. Episode Synopses
          19. What is the Ormond Singularity
          20. Cal’s World
          23. Character Tree
          24. Character Biographies
          31. Contacts

Conspiracy 365 tells the story of a year in the life of teen fugitive, Cal Ormond as he searches for the truth
behind his deadly family’s secret.

dapted from the best-selling book series by award winning Australian author Gabrielle Lord, with over 1 million
copies sold across more than 13 countries, Conspiracy 365 is an action thriller for the whole family.

Filmed entirely on location in Victoria, Australia the series star AFI award winner Harrison Gilbertson as
Cal Ormond, Marny Kennedy (The Saddle Club), Taylor Glockner, Rob Carlton (Chandon Pictures, Underbelly),
Julia Zemiro (Charlotte’s Web, The Wedge), Kate Kendall (Stingers), Ryan O’Kane (City Homicide)
and David Whiteley.

•	 12 x 49 minute episodes
•	 12 x 3-4 minute prequel episodes

Series Synopsis
Short Synopsis                                           Long Synopsis
CONSPIRACY 365 is the story of a year in the life        At his father’s funeral, 15-year-old Cal Ormond is         Cal, desperate, on the run, and dependent on the
of teenager Cal Ormond, who is forced to go on the       warned by a crazy stranger about a cryptic puzzle          kindness of strangers, is following the trail of clues
run and become a fugitive as he searches for the truth   known as the ‘Ormond Singularity.’ Cal has 365 days        leading to the Ormond Singularity. Those he meets
behind a deadly family secret. Adapted from the          to solve the mystery, or he’ll meet the same fate as his   along the way will either help or hinder him. But will
best-selling novels by Australian author Gabrielle       father. Immediately, events move forward at breakneck      he solve the mystery before 31 December? Or will the
Lord, CONSPIRACY 365 is a multi-platform project         pace. Before the week is out, Cal has been accused of      family curse claim another victim?
suited for the whole family.                             attempting to murder his uncle—his father’s identical
                                                         twin brother—and his sister is in a coma. Who can Cal      The story—full of gripping, compelling elements—is
                                                         rely on? His old friend Boges, and now a new friend,       huge! Gabrielle Lord’s book series, CONSPIRACY
                                                         mysterious Winter. But Winter’s guardian, Vulkan           365, comprises 12 individual novels. How do you fit
                                                         Sligo, turns out to be head of one of the two criminal     this much plot, this much character development, and
                                                         gangs after Cal. Then there’s the Ormond Jewel, the        this much action, into a 12-part television series?
                                                         Ormond Riddle, and the puzzle of what Cal’s father,
                                                                                                                    Executive Producers Linda Klejus (Circa Media)
                                                         charismatic Tom Ormond, was up to in Ireland before
                                                                                                                    and Peter Jenetsky (Movie Network Channels) came
                                                         he was mysteriously struck down.
                                                                                                                    up with a groundbreaking approach: let parts of the
                                                                                                                    story be told via different platforms. CONSPIRACY
                                                                                                                    365 harnesses the power of multiplatform to bring
                                                                                                                    the many levels or layers of the story to viewers.
                                                                                                                    Hoodlum Entertainment came on board with the goal
                                                                                                                    of changing the way audiences relate to television as a
                                                                                                                    storytelling medium. Webisodes and additional content
                                                                                                                    with unique storylines were created to tell more of
                                                                                                                    the story. These were shot with the same cinematic
                                                                                                                    production values as the television episodes and will
                                                                                                                    be available across a variety of platforms online and
                                                                                                                    via mobile phone.

Key Cast + Crew
	             Executive Producer	    Linda Klejus
 	    Network Executive Producer 	   Peter Jenetsky
	     Network Executive Producer	    Tony Forrest                       	           Director (Ep 1,2,3,4)	     Paul Goldman
	     Network Executive Producer	    Paul Wylie                         	          Director (Ep 5,6,7,10)	     Pino Amenta
	                       Producer	    Linda Klejus                       	         Director (Ep 8,9,11,12)	     Steve Mann
	                       Producer	    Ann Darrouzet
                                                                        	          Director of Photography	    László Baranyai ACS, HSC
	          Series Story Producer	    Michael Brindley                   	
	                                                                       	                         Composer	    Richard Pleasance
	       Series and Multiplatform
	                 Story Producer	    Mark Shirrefs                      	             Production Designer	     Otello Stolfo

	        Network Script Producer	    Alan Hardy                         	                 Costume Designer	    Jo Briscoe
	    Network Supervising Producer	   Emma Moroney
                                                                        	 ultiplatform Executive Producers	    Tracey Robertson
	     Writer (Ep 1,6) 	              Michelle Offen                     		                                     Nathan Mayfield
	     Writer (Ep 2,9)	               Kristen Dunphy                     		                                     HOODLUM ENTERTAINMENT
	        Writer (Ep 3)	              Michael Miller
	 Writer (Ep 4,10,12)	               Shanti Gudgeon                     	 ultiplatform Performance Director	
                                                                        M                                      Nicholas Verso
	      Writers (Ep 5)	               Kris Wyld, Michael Brindley        	
		                                   & Mark Shirrefs
	        Writer (Ep 7)	              Julie Lacy                             Based   on the novels CONSPIRACY 365 by Gabrielle Lord.
	        Writer (Ep 8)	              Sam Carroll
	      Writer (Ep 11)	               Michael Miller, Michael Brindley
		                                   & Mark Shirrefs                                Filmed entirely on location in Melbourne
                                                                                            and Victoria, Australia.
	                Webisode Writer	    Anthony Mullins

Key Cast + Crew
Linda Klejus                                             Peter Jenetsky                                             Ann Darrouzet                                            Michael Brindley
(EXECUTIVE PRODUCER)                                     (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER)                                       (PRODUCER)                                               (SERIES STORY PRODUCER)
Circa Media is the brainchild of industry leader Linda   Peter Jenetsky has worked with some of Australia’s         Ann Darrouzet has worked in the Australian film          Screenwriting since 1978, Michael Brindley graduated
Klejus. Linda has an extensive background in all         largest media organisations, including senior roles        and television industry for over 30 years. She has       from the Australian Film, Television and Radio
aspects of film and television drama, having worked at   with Austereo and the Seven Network, and is now            worked as a creator, executive producer and producer     School (AFTRS), achieving theatrical release with
the ABC and the Seven Network, Southern Star, Artist     General Manager of Content Strategy and Marketing          across a range of productions including feature films,   his graduation film, Apples. Michael then went on to
Services, Granada and the Film Finance Corporation       for Movie Network Channels. Working at the forefront       documentaries and long form television. Her producing    work on award-winning feature Shame, which was
in senior production and executive roles. Circa Media    of pay-TV and digital media, Peter’s responsibilities      work in television has seen her adapt the work of        invited to show at New York’s MOMA New Directors/
is focused on bold and distinctive prime time drama      include strategic brand and content direction for the      children’s author Morris Gleitzman to produce the        New Films festival, going on to achieve worldwide
and is currently producing the $13 million flagship      Network’s bouquet of channels which, under Peter’s         international hits Blabber Mouth and Stickybeak, as      distribution. Michael has worked as a television
drama series, CONSPIRACY 365, for Movie Network          seven-year strategic leadership, have grown to include     well as co-create and executive produce the long form    series writer and co-producer on popular series A
Channels. Circa Media is also financing a diverse        a wide spectrum of channels including Movie One,           series Holly’s Heroes and Snake Tales, both of which     Country Practice, a writer and script editor on the
range of projects including The Edge, a psychological    Movie Two, Movie Extra, Movie Greats and more              were commissioned by the Nine Network. Ann has           award-winning Grass Roots, and was also involved
thriller set in an acute psychiatric ward, Dirk and      recently, Starpics 1 and 2 and FMC – Family Movie          also produced Horace & Tina and Thunderstone 1 for       in top-rating telemovie One Way Ticket, and mini-
Sammy’s Last Judgment, a post-apocalyptic comedy         Channel. Jenetsky also oversees the marketing and          the Ten Network. Ann has collected a raft of awards      series Half a World Away. Michael’s other credits
created by Kris Mrksa and Jason Gann (Wilfred), and      advertising sales arm of the Network’s channels,           for her many productions, including two AFIs, an         include Associate Producer on MDA, which won an
another Gabrielle Lord adaptation, Gemma Lincoln         services and broadcast programming. In recent              International Emmy® Award, a Banff Rockie, and two       AFI Award for Best Television Drama, and Script
PI. Linda is currently Chapter Head of the Melbourne     years, he has overseen the expansion of the channels’      A.TO.M. Awards, as well as winning the Sydney Film       Consultant for Australian film funding bodies and
Screen Producers Association of Australia.               production ambitions, including the development            Festival Dendy Award and the St. Kilda Film Festival     the New Zealand Film Commission. Winner of the
                                                         and commissioning of The Jesters (seasons 1 and 2),        Best Film Award for her early short film work. Ann is    Australian Writers’ Guild Award for Script Editing in
                                                         Small Time Gangster and the award-winning comedy           currently a board member of Film Victoria.               1996, Michael has conducted screenwriting courses
                                                         Chandon Pictures. Peter has also been responsible                                                                   for the AFTRS, RMIT, La Trobe University, and
                                                         for entertainment formats such as the film-making                                                                   Melbourne University Summer School.
                                                         competition Project Greenlight as well as the live
                                                         broadcast of the short film event, Movie Extra Tropfest.

Mark Shirrefs
(SERIES AND MULTIPLATFORM                              Alan Hardy                                                 Emma Moroney                                               Paul Goldman
STORY PRODUCER)                                        (NETWORK SCRIPT PRODUCER)                                  (SUPERVISING PRODUCER)                                     (DIRECTOR, EPISODES 1,2,3,4)
In his 22-year career as a screenwriter, Mark has      Born in Melbourne and educated in Sydney, Alan             Emma Moroney literally grew up on a film set.              Paul Goldman is one of Australia’s most successful
created, developed, supervised and written over 150    Hardy has been behind the cameras on a vast number         Assisting producers from the age of 14 at one of           feature film directors. His work includes critically-
hours of television for series such as The Girl from   of Australia’s favourite television productions since      Australia’s most respected television and film             lauded cinema classics like Suburban Mayhem, The
Tomorrow, Spellbinder, Let the Blood Run Free, Pig’s   1976. Working in an array of roles including writer,       production houses, Horizon Films, Moroney met and          Night We Called It a Day and Australian Rules. He
Breakfast, The Sleepover Club and Classic Tales.       script editor and producer, Alan’s credits are extensive   started her career in film with an inspiring mentor,       is also an acclaimed television writer and director.
Mark has won three AWGIES and his short animated       and include Crawford Productions’ The Sullivans            Richard Franklin. Since that time, she has spent over      In 2010, he made the high-rating Such Is Life: The
film The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of         still Australia’s most respected television serial, All    16 years working in all manner of productions from         Troubled Times of Ben Cousins for Mushroom
Jasper Morello, was nominated for a BAFTA and an       The Rivers Run, The Henderson Kids 1 and 2, and            large scale ad campaigns to television series, including   Pictures and the Seven Network. Paul is a graduate of
Academy Award®.                                        Something In The Air. He has worked extensively for        the seminal The Secret Life of Us, and feature films       both NIDA and Melbourne’s Swinburne Institute of
                                                       the Seven Network, with credits such as Marshall           such as Phillip Noyce’s The Quiet American, where          Technology Film and Television School. While still
                                                       Law, Headland, Home and Away, and has most                 she learnt much about the 18-hour day. In recent           a student, Paul shot and directed his first of many
                                                       recently worked as Script Department Head and Script       years, Moroney has produced a number of series for         music videos, including Shivers by Nick Cave’s first
                                                       Producer of City Homicide. Alan has won multiple           FOX8 and Movie Network Channels, including large-          band The Boys Next Door. After graduating in 1980,
                                                       AFI awards, received a BAFTA nomination and is one         scale live events such as Movie Extra Tropfest and         Paul established a specialist music video production
                                                       of Australia’s most highly regarded producers.             Henry Rollins: Live from Melbourne. Developing and         company, The Rich Kids. He has directed over 200
                                                                                                                  producing successful comedy series Chandon Pictures,       international music videos, notably the seminal Nick
                                                                                                                  The Jesters (seasons 1 and 2), Small Time Gangster         The Stripper video for Nick Cave’s band The Birthday
                                                                                                                  and now CONSPIRACY 365 for Movie Network                   Party, and for artists including Elvis Costello, INXS,
                                                                                                                  Channels, Moroney is always on the hunt for the next       Silverchair, Kylie Minogue, Nick Cave, Crowded
                                                                                                                  great script, featuring the next big thing.                House, Hunters and Collectors, The Go-Betweens,
                                                                                                                                                                             Missy Higgins, The Drones, Paul Kelly, Jimmy Barnes
                                                                                                                                                                             and Kate Ceberano. Paul has also directed over 200
                                                                                                                                                                             television commercials, winning many local and
                                                                                                                                                                             international awards for his work.

Pino Amenta                                               Steve Mann                                               László Baranyai ACS, HSC                                Richard Pleasance
(DIRECTOR, EPISODES 5,6,7,10)                             (DIRECTOR, EPISODES 8,9,11,12)                           (DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY)                               (COMPOSER)
Pino Amenta is one of Australia’s most experienced        Steve’s career in television spans more than 30          László Baranyai was born in Budapest, Hungary and       Richard Pleasance began his music career as a member
and distinguished television directors. His credits       years and his directorial credits include some of        started work as a camera assistant for the Hungarian    of Boom Crash Opera. The band enjoyed national
include the high-rating and Logie Award-winning           Australia’s most popular programs, including Blue        film production company Mafilm in 1970. In 1978,        success: their first album achieved gold sales and their
Packed to the Rafters, Winners & Losers, City             Heelers, McLeod’s Daughters, Sea Patrol and              László was accepted into the internationally renowned   second double platinum.
Homicide, Always Greener and All Saints. In the           Stingers. Cutting his teeth back in the late 1970s as    Academy of Dramatic and Cinematic Art, Film
1990s, Pino directed many of that decade’s television     a cameraman on ground-breaking Australian drama          and Television in Budapest. After graduating in         Since then, Richard has released two solo albums and
hits, including Blue Heelers; Good Guys, Bad              Prisoner, Steve went on to direct more than 60           1982, he returned to Mafilm where, as Director of       has produced, recorded, written for and played with a
Guys and Acropolis Now. Pino was instrumental in          episodes of the series through the early 1980s, before   Photography, he shot feature films, documentaries       diverse range of artists including Archie Roach, Paul
creating, producing and directing the hit sitcom All      moving on to top-rating Australian dramas Blue           and many short films, which garnered him numerous       Kelly, Augie March, Jimmy Little, Deborah Conway,
Together Now. From concept stage right through to its     Heelers and Neighbours, where he directed more           awards and established his reputation worldwide for     Kate Ceberano and Suzanne Vega.
successful four-year run on the Nine Network, Pino        than 150 episodes.  Steve’s experience in directing      excellence in cinematography.  In 1988, he relocated
                                                                                                                                                                           Richard has also composed for the television series.’
directed 96 of the 100 episodes. He also directed the     programs for a younger audience is evident in his work   to Australia. Now based in Melbourne, László has
                                                                                                                                                                           Kenny’s World, SeaChange and the telemovie Emerald
award-winning children’s television series Mortified,     on The Saddle Club, Heartbreak High and Home and         forged a body of work including television series,
                                                                                                                                                                           Falls, for which he won a 2008 APRA-AGSC Screen
which won two AFI Awards. Marny Kennedy, who              Away. His body of work also includes such diverse        mini-series, documentaries, short dramas and multi-
                                                                                                                                                                           Music Award. He has recently completed work on the
Pino discovered and cast as Taylor, won the Young         programs as Something in the Air, MDA, Paradise          award-winning feature films. László worked as
                                                                                                                                                                           fourth series of City Homicide for the Seven Network.
Actor’s Award for her breakout performance. Pino was      Beach, Water Rats and City Homicide.                     Director of Photography on Matt Saville’s Noise, and
nominated for the AFI Best Direction in Television                                                                 was recognised with the Film Critics Circle Award for
Award for Mortified. Over his career, Pino has directed                                                            Best Cinematography and an AFI Award nomination.
some of Australia’s all-time classic television series                                                             László’s work has also been lauded by the Australian
like The Flying Doctors, Sons and Daughters and The                                                                Cinematographers Society Awards, winning awards
Sullivans. During the 1980s, Pino directed several                                                                 for Red Water Red and Roy Hollsdotter Live. In 1996,
hugely popular mini-series: Nancy Wake, All the Rivers                                                             the Hungarian government awarded László the Tribute
Run, Anzacs, My Brother Tom and Sword of Honour.                                                                   to Excellence, a prize established for Hungarian
                                                                                                                   filmmakers living abroad in recognition of their
                                                                                                                   outstanding contribution to world cinema.  

                                                                                                                 Tracey Robertson and
                                                                                                                 Nathan Mayfield –
                                                                                                                 HOODLUM ENTERTAINMENT
Otello Stolfo                                            Jo Briscoe                                              (MULTIPLATFORM EXECUTIVE                                  Gabrielle Lord
(PRODUCTION DESIGNER)                                    (COSTUME DESIGNER)                                      PRODUCERS)                                                (AUTHOR – CONSPIRACY 365 NOVELS)
In 1972, when Otello Stolfo graduated from the Royal     Jo Briscoe is a production and costume designer         Hoodlum Entertainment was formed by entrepreneurs         Gabrielle Lord survived being ‘razed’ by the nuns,
Melbourne Institute of Technology with a Fellowship      who has recently worked as Production Designer on       and filmmakers Tracey Robertson and Nathan                acquiring an education in the process, and after
Diploma in Interior Design, he had no idea that 30       series one of Woodley for the ABC, and The Late         Mayfield in 1999 and has become a groundbreaking          working in many different areas—sales, teaching,
years into the future, he would be one of Australia’s    Session for SBS; Art Director for series three of The   Emmy® Award-winning multiplatform production              brick-cleaning, peach-picking and packing, and in
most sought-after production designers, working in       Librarians; and Costume Designer on the short film      company.  Hoodlum specialises in creating high-           the Public Service as an employment officer—started
both film and television. Tel has headed production      Polly and Me, as well as on numerous short films,       quality entertainment content designed to engage fans     writing seriously aged 30.
design for some of Australia’s best-known television     music videos and commercials.  Jo holds a Master        across television, film, online, mobile and emerging
drama series over the past four decades, from Bell       of Fine Arts in Costume Design from Pennsylvania        media platforms for worldwide distribution.               Her first two manuscripts ended up composting the
Bird, The Sullivans, Cop Shop, All the Rivers Run,       State University.  She has also designed extensively                                                              tomatoes at her market garden—another attempt to
The Flying Doctors, Neighbours, Halifax F.P and          for live performance companies, including Sydney        Hoodlum has built an impressive portfolio of work for     make a living—but the third one, Fortress, was picked
Good Guys, Bad Guys, to the more recent City             Theatre Company, Company B Belvoir, Griffin,            today’s leading broadcast networks in North America,      up internationally and made into a feature film starring
Homicide, The Librarians, Small Time Gangster and        Oz Opera, Legs on the Wall and ATYP (Australian         the U.K. and Australia, creating award-winning work       Rachel Ward. A later novel, Whipping Boy, was made
Stephen King’s Nightmares & Dreamscapes, to name         Theatre for Young People), with shows that have         for Lost, Spooks, Salt and many more. They have over      into a telemovie starring Sigrid Thornton. The film-
a few. Tel’s work can be seen in both Australian and     toured both nationally and internationally.             25 major projects under their belt including innovative   rights money, along with her daughter leaving school,
international feature films, including Spike Jonze’s                                                             work with brands and advertisers.                         allowed Gabrielle to resign. Instead of getting up at
Where the Wild Things Are, Jackie Chan’s The Nice                                                                                                                          4.30 a.m. and writing for several hours before heading
                                                                                                                 Hoodlum has garnered a number of the industry’s top       off for work, she could write full-time and lead a more
Guy and the soon to be released 6 Plots, directed
                                                                                                                 awards including a Primetime Emmy® for Lost and           ‘normal’ writer’s life—hanging around with scientists
by Leigh Sheehan. Outside film and television,
                                                                                                                 an International Emmy® for Primeval, as well as two       and detectives, badgering forensic anthropologists and
Tel’s career has featured projects as diverse as
                                                                                                                 BAFTA Awards, a Global Media Award, and the               doing work experience with a busy private security
designing the Mascots Pavilion for the Sydney 2000
                                                                                                                 Broadcast Digital Channel Award. They have been           business—and, of course, writing.
Olympics to redesigning interior spaces for a range of
                                                                                                                 nominated for three International Digital Emmy®
                                                                                                                 Awards and two more BAFTA Awards.                         Gabrielle has now written 15 adult novels, with Death
                                                                                                                                                                           by Beauty coming out in 2012, and 14 novels for
                                                                                                                 Hoodlum’s current success story is SLiDE—a ground-        young adults. Following this mammoth endeavour, she
                                                                                                                 breaking multiplatform series created for FOX8.           already has plans for another two adult novels and two
                                                                                                                 Hoodlum has capitalised on its skills in television       more for young adults.
                                                                                                                 storytelling, expertise in multiplatform, and its
                                                                                                                 evolution into technology to create a business that is
                                                                                                                 primed to produce compelling experiences, regardless
                                                                                                                 of how audiences choose to watch, play and share.

Production Notes
In 2010, Scholastic Australia published the first in a    When she heard that the CONSPIRACY 365 series            The stroke of genius, story-wise, is the centering of     As writer Mark Shirrefs explains, the online content
series of young adult novels written by award-winning     was to be made for television, Gabrielle was ecstatic.   this modern-day narrative around an ancient puzzle:       is much more than rehashing information that viewers
author Gabrielle Lord—‘Australia’s first lady of          A feature film, she says, “would not have done justice   the Ormond Singularity. The concept is based,             are perfectly capable of working out themselves.
crime’—based around a year in the life of 15-year-old     to it. Whereas this way it is faithfully reproducing     incredibly, on an old secret from within Gabrielle’s      “One of the really nice things about it is that you
Callum Ormond. In the series, CONSPIRACY 365,             the episodic structure of what I’ve written, so I’m      own family. Gabrielle tells the tale: “I was looking      get a chance to deal with characters in unexpected
Cal’s father has just died in strange circumstances and   absolutely delighted. From what I’ve seen, it’s just     for a big secret, because I knew Cal would have to be     ways, like with Winter. She’s the main young female
Cal is warned that he will meet a similar fate unless     terrific.”                                               chasing something amazing to sustain 12 books over        character and she has a very interesting story of her
he is able to solve a puzzling mystery dating back to                                                              a whole year. I lucked onto a rumour about Elizabeth      own, and we don’t really get a chance to develop that
Elizabethan times.                                                                                                 I and a relative of mine: Black Tom Butler, the Tenth     on screen, but we actually get a chance to do much
                                                                                                                   Earl of Ormond. So I went to Ireland and enquired         more with her via her vlogs.” And unlike traditional
The books, released in monthly instalments, went on to                                                             further about this rumour, and found that it was quite    television ‘add-on’ material, CONSPIRACY 365
sell in excess of 500,000 copies in Australia and New                                                              widely believed in certain parts of Ireland. I went       features broadcast-quality online content, with unique
Zealand. The fast-paced action, the relatable young                                                                to see the Keeper of Rare Books at Trinity College,       storylines.
protagonist, the thrilling puzzle to be solved and the                                                             Dublin… and I can’t really say more because it will
cliff-hanger at the end of each book kept young readers                                                            give the story away to those who haven’t read it, but     Awesome story, compelling characters, dedicated
coming back for more.                                                                                              it’s about Good Queen Bess, and she was obviously         producers, $13 million budget, multiplatform
                                                                                                                   very, very fond of Black Tom.”                            technology—all the ingredients were in place to
Linda Klejus, Executive Producer of CONSPIRACY                                                                                                                               brew up a heady television experience. The adaptation
365, recognised the potential of Gabrielle’s concept                                                               The next phase of bringing CONSPIRACY 365 to              process was ready to begin. Producer Ann Darrouzet
for television. “When Gabrielle started describing                                                                 the small screen was to find a network that would be      says, “Television is a fast and furious medium, and
the books to me, I immediately knew that it would                                                                  supportive of the level of innovation that Linda Klejus   one element you’ve got to have is a great script. The
make a fantastic TV series. So I’d already commenced                                                               knew would be necessary to do the story justice. As       process of scripting on CONSPIRACY 365 has been
optioning the books before they were published.                                                                    it turned out, Movie Network Channels was looking         huge!”
Gabrielle sent me the synopses of the stories and I                                                                for a television event, targeted at a family audience.
could see they were exciting—lots of life-threatening                                                              It was after a big-budget, action-oriented show with
jeopardy and action.”                                                                                              high production values and innovative storytelling that
                                                                                                                   could comfortably sit alongside its predominate movie
Gabrielle Lord has published more than 20 books, to
great critical acclaim and commercial success. Over a
long career, Gabrielle has honed her talent for telling
                                                                                                                   Next on board were Emmy® Award-winning
compelling mysteries, and has seen several of her
                                                                                                                   multiplatform production company Hoodlum
books adapted for film or television—most memorably,
                                                                                                                   Entertainment, whose brief was to bring a level of
the terrifying 1982 big-screen release of Fortress.
                                                                                                                   ‘active storytelling’ to the audience across multiple
                                                                                                                   platforms. Viewers can experience the story on
                                                                                                                   television, and they can enrich that experience
                                                                                                                   by engaging with the story online, in the form of
                                                                                                                   webisodes, vlogs, behind-the-scenes material and
                                                                                                                   additional character information.

Circa Media
Circa Media is the brainchild of industry leader Linda Klejus.

Linda Klejus has an extensive background in all aspects of film and television drama having worked at the ABC
and the Seven Network, Southern Star, Artist Services, Granada and the Film Finance Corporation in senior
production and executive roles.

Circa Media is focused on bold and distinctive prime time drama. Our $13 million dollar flagship drama series
Conspiracy 365 has screened throughout 2012 on the Movie Network Channels. Alongside the series, Circa Media
has undertaken a $1 million multi-platform strategy to reward the dedicated fans for their commitment with a deep
and immersive viewing experience.

Circa Media is currently financing a diverse range of projects including another Gabrielle Lord adaptation Phoenix
about a female private investigator, Winter (the sequel to Conspiracy 365); The Edge, a 12 x 1 hour medical thriller
set in an acute psychiatric ward about a psychiatrist, his patients, and their demons;
The Murder Book, a 13 x 1 hour prime time cold crime drama series, The Facemaker, a 4 x 1 hour mini series
set during WW1 about iconic Australian artist Tim Roberts, and Dirk and Sammy’s Last Judgement – a post-
apocalyptic narrative comedy created by Kris Mrksa (Wilfred, The Slap, Devil’s Dust, Underbelly).

The Conspiracy 365 website along with the official           Casefile 365
series Facebook page and YouTube channel comprise the
key components of the series substantial multiplatform       A 12 part webseries supporting the on air storyline,
initiative.                                                  CaseFile 365 speaks to audiences directly to provide
                                                             necessary background information. Hosted by a big
Designed to complement and deepen the on air                 Conspiracy 365 fan – Bardy McKinnon dissects each
experience, exclusive video content, images, gameplay        episode, delving into the characters, clues and scenarios
and social activities are available to complement each       of the show. Bardy is a passionate eccentric devoted to
episode premiere. Fans are encouraged to engage              helping Cal and communicating with other C365 fans.
in activities to unlock the rewards, which consist of
exclusive preview content and prizes.                        Multiplatform Experience includes:

All video content has been written by the series writers     •	 Conspiracy 365 iPhone and iPad App
and shot by main unit, representing a significant
                                                             •	 Conspiracy 365 central destination website
investment in content made exclusively for online.
Content includes; video logs from the series central
character Cal Ormond; Case File 365, preview content;        •	 Conspiracy 365 Social Pages
user generated content and character dossiers.                  (posts GEO locked to individual destinations)
The multiplatform initiative also includes an iPhone,        •	 Conspiracy 365 Social Copy
iPad and iTouch application, which replicates a fans            (pre-written posts – no community management)
experience on the website and allows them to interact
with other fans through chat and the ability to ‘check in’   •	 Conspiracy 365 multi-platform video content:
whilst watching the series.
                                                             	    o Winter’s Dossier - 12 x 1-2 minutes                               	    o Cal’s VLOG - 12 x 1-2 minutes
                                                             	    o Behind The Scenes - 2 x 4 - 5 minutes

                                                             	    o News Reports - 12 x 1 - 2 minutes

                                                             	    o Prequel webseries - 12 x 3 - 4 minutes

Episode    JANUARY                                                    FEBRUARY
           SHORT SYNOPSIS:                                            SHORT SYNOPSIS:
Synopses   At his father’s funeral, 15-year-old Cal Ormond is         Cal is living on the streets, wanted for a crime he         Boges warns Cal to stay away from Winter. Her
           warned about the Ormond Singularity, a deadly family       didn’t commit. As he continues to work on the clues         guardian is Vulkan Sligo, after all. But when Winter
           mystery that kills those who seek it. Can Cal survive      to the Ormond Singularity, a mysterious girl, Winter,       recognises the Angel from one of Tom’s cryptic
           the next 365 days and solve the mystery?                   saves him from certain death. But can Cal trust her?        drawings, Cal is forced to take a chance and follow her

           LONG SYNOPSIS:                                             LONG SYNOPSIS:                                              After catching sight of a boy who looks exactly like
                                                                                                                                  him, Cal starts to wonder if being on the run is making
           At his father’s funeral, 15-year-old Cal Ormond is         Cal Ormond is living on the streets, wanted for a crime     him lose the plot. But what if it’s not? Could Cal have
           warned about the Ormond Singularity, a deadly family       he didn’t commit. As he continues to work on the clues to   a double out there?
           mystery that kills those who seek it. Can Cal survive      the Ormond Singularity, a mysterious girl, Winter, saves
           the next 365 days and solve the mystery?                   him from certain death. But can Cal really trust her?       306 days to go…

           After returning from Tom’s funeral, the Ormond
           family discovers their home has been burgled. Is it
           simply bad luck or something more? Cal soon realises
           nothing is coincidental after his uncle Rafe is shot and
           his younger sister Gabbi is knocked unconscious in a
           home attack. What is the Ormond Singularity? Why is
           it worth killing for?

           With the police believing Cal assaulted his uncle and
           sister, he has no choice but to run. He needs to clear
           his name and find out what the Singularity is.

           334 days to go…

MARCH                                                    APRIL
SHORT SYNOPSIS:                                          SHORT SYNOPSIS:
Cal enlists the help of safe-cracking recluse, Repro,    Cal battles to outrun Jake and Kelvin as they pursue    Cal needs to get back to the city and fast. An unusual
to break into Oriana’s house and steal the Ormond        him over rough terrain. His mission to get to Uncle     opportunity presents itself when retiree Melba Snipe
Riddle. But his moment of triumph is short-lived when    Bart’s is sidelined after he discovers Gabbi’s life     spies Cal and offers him a lift in her boot. Will Cal
he realises a key piece of the Riddle is missing.        support is about to be switched off.                    take the risk and trust her?

                                                                                                                 Desperate not to lose his sister, Cal sneaks into the
LONG SYNOPSIS:                                           LONG SYNOPSIS:                                          hospital and pleads with Gabbi to wake up. But
                                                                                                                 McGrath is on the move and Cal doesn’t have much
Cal enlists the help of safe-cracking recluse, Repro,    Cal battles to outrun Jake and Kelvin as they pursue    time before he catches up with him.
to break into Oriana’s house and steal the Ormond        him over rough terrain. Cal’s mission to get to Uncle
Riddle. But his moment of glory is short-lived when he   Bart’s is sidelined after he discovers Gabbi’s life     245 days to go…
realises a key piece of the Riddle is missing.           support is about to be switched off.

Sligo and Oriana aren’t the only people on Cal’s
trail. Detective McGrath is using all his resources to
catch the ‘psycho kid’. When one of McGrath’s men
stumbles upon Cal’s hideout, Cal resorts to desperate
measures to escape.

Boges’s suspicion of Winter increases, and Cal is
forced to try and ease the tension between them. But
Cal knows Boges has a point: how do Oriana and Sligo
seem to find Cal at every turn? Could Winter be a
double agent?

275 days to go…

MAY                                                                                                                  JUNE
SHORT SYNOPSIS:                                                                                                      SHORT SYNOPSIS:
Cal wakes up imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital.       In the mental institution, Cal is told his name is Ben      The stakes are raised when small-town cops hunt down      Every cop within a 50 km radius is looking for Cal.
Boges and Winter put their differences aside in a bid    Galloway. Cal is disorientated and confused–maybe           Cal after his narrow escape in Uncle Bart’s plane.        Can he get back to the city undetected? A look at a
to bust Cal out and get him to his great-uncle Bart’s.   he isn’t who he thinks he is. If Winter and Boges are       Cracks start to appear in Cal and Boges’s friendship as   picture of the Ormond Jewel delivers a surprising
Does Bart hold the key to the Singularity?               going to get Cal out, they’ll have to snap him out of his   Cal pushes on with a plan to steal the Ormond Jewel.      revelation for Winter—she’s seen it before and she
                                                         medicated haze.                                                                                                       knows who has it.

LONG SYNOPSIS:                                           Cal finds his great-uncle Bart, an old timer who is         LONG SYNOPSIS:                                            Boges continues to struggle with Cal’s risk-taking,
                                                         sceptical about the Singularity and Cal. However,                                                                     especially after Cal contacts a fellow street kid, Griff,
Cal wakes up imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital.       when Cal and Bart discover a shared passion for             The stakes are raised when small-town cops hunt down      in a bid to get fast cash. Meanwhile, Winter reveals the
Boges and Winter put their differences aside in a bid    planes, Cal warms to a man he barely knows and Bart         Cal after his narrow escape in Uncle Bart’s plane.        tragic truth behind why her birthday will never be a
to bust Cal out and get him to his great-uncle Bart’s.   reveals key information to solving the Singularity.         Cracks start to appear in Cal and Boges’s friendship as   celebration.
Does Bart hold the key to the Singularity?               But with Oriana’s and Sligo’s men in pursuit, these         Cal pushes on with a plan to steal the Ormond Jewel.
                                                         Ormonds may not have as much time as they think.                                                                      184 days to go…

                                                         214 days to go…

JULY                                                        AUGUST
SHORT SYNOPSIS:                                             SHORT SYNOPSIS:
The double key code still stumps Cal. He travels to a       Cal, in police custody, is confronted by an unforgiving   Cal, no longer a naïve teen, gets past the police and
secluded convent to ask his aunt Millicent what she         Detective McGrath. Gabbi wakes from her coma and          breaks out of hospital. He’s helped by a stranger,
knows about the mystery. Can Cal get a woman who            Oriana uses her as leverage to get Cal. But even the      Nelson Sharkey, a private investigator in the right place
hasn’t spoken in 14 years to reveal her secrets?            best laid plans can go wrong.                             at the right time.

                                                                                                                      Cal is given a dream 16th birthday present: he learns
LONG SYNOPSIS:                                              LONG SYNOPSIS:                                            that Gabbi has woken up from her coma. But just as he
                                                                                                                      gets his sister back, she is taken away again, this time
The double key code still stumps Cal. He travels to a       Cal, in police custody, is confronted by an unforgiving   by Oriana. Cal loves Gabbi and will do anything to get
secluded convent to ask his great-aunt Millicent what       McGrath. Gabbi wakes from her coma and Oriana             her back, even sacrifice himself.
she knows about the mystery. Can Cal get a woman            uses her as leverage to get Cal and his resources. But
who hasn’t spoken in 14 years to reveal her secrets?        even the best laid plans can go wrong.                    122 days to go…

Cal looks through Millicent’s belongings and discovers
letters from Piers Ormond, his great-great-grandfather.
The letters reveal what Cal suspected: the two missing
lines of the Riddle are the key to the Singularity.

Cal chases down the Ormond family solicitor,
Sheldrake Rathbone, in a bid to get Piers Ormond’s
will. But not all legal eagles are honest and upstanding.
Cal’s desperation for answers may be his undoing. Is
this the end for the ‘psycho kid’?

153 days to go…

SEPTEMBER                                                                                                          OCTOBER
SHORT SYNOPSIS:                                                                                                    SHORT SYNOPSIS:
Boges, struggling with Gabbi’s near death at the river,   After Gabbi’s kidnapping and near drowning, Boges        Cal wakes in the forest very much alive. Why did      Cal makes his way back to Winter’s place. With
pulls out of the game. Gabbi notices Emily acting         decides he’s had enough. Cal is dismayed, but is side-   Kelvin spare his life? And what are the numbers       Boges back on board, they now have a chance to get
strangely. Cal pushes to steal back what Oriana took      tracked by seeing the boy who looks exactly like him.    written on Cal’s arm? Cal, Boges and Winter hatch a   back everything Oriana took. Meanwhile, Sligo gets
from him. Is his lucky streak about to end?               Cal follows him home with startling results.             plan to get rid of one of their foes for good.        in touch with Oriana and asks her join him in going
                                                                                                                                                                         after Cal. But they have no idea that a little birdy is
                                                          Cal and Winter unlock the mystery behind the                                                                   listening to their conversation. Will Oriana’s ego be
LONG SYNOPSIS:                                            Singularity. This is bigger than Cal could have ever     LONG SYNOPSIS:                                        her undoing?
                                                          imagined. They need Boges’s help to bug Oriana’s
Boges, struggling with Gabbi’s near death at the river,   house and find where she’s keeping the clues. But Cal    Cal wakes in the forest very much alive. Why did      Cal, Winter and Boges are on a mission to expose
pulls out of the game. Gabbi notices Emily is acting      gets caught and Oriana orders her boys to dispose of     Kelvin spare his life? And what are the numbers       their enemies. But sometimes the truth can be as
strangely. Cal pushes to steal back what Oriana took      Cal permanently.                                         written on Cal’s arm? Cal, Boges and Winter hatch a   unfavourable as a lie. When Winter finds her father’s
from him. Is his lucky streak about to end?                                                                        plan to get rid of one of their foes for good.        will, she gets closer to uncovering what happened
                                                          92 days to go…                                                                                                 between Sligo and her parents. And it isn’t what she

                                                                                                                                                                         61 days to go…

NOVEMBER                                                 DECEMBER
SHORT SYNOPSIS:                                          SHORT SYNOPSIS:
A dying man confesses that he kidnapped Cal and his      With only days left before the Singularity runs out,
twin Ryan 15 years ago and Cal finally gets Ryan to      Cal, Boges, Winter and Nelson fly to Ireland. Can
accept the difficult truth. Winter confronts Sligo and   they crack the code and find the treasure? Will Cal
discovers the truth about her parents’ death.            complete his father’s legacy before the clock strikes

                                                         LONG SYNOPSIS:
A dying man confesses he kidnapped Cal and his
twin Ryan 15 years ago and Cal finally gets Ryan to      With only days left before the Singularity runs out,
accept the difficult truth. Winter confronts Sligo and   Cal, Boges, Winter and Nelson fly to Ireland. Can
discovers what really happened to her parents.           they crack the code and find the treasure? Will Cal
                                                         complete his father’s legacy before the clock strikes
After narrowly evading the police yet again, Cal asks    12?
Nelson for help. He wants a meeting with Murray ‘Toe
Cutter’ Durham, a hardened criminal who he suspects      Professor Brinsley helps Cal and the team uncover the
knows something about the Ormond Singularity. But        last two lines of the Riddle. This is it. They know what
Toe Cutter’s connection to Cal is more personal than     the next step is—and hopefully it will lead them to the
he can possibly imagine.                                 Singularity! Sligo, Bruno and Rafe have also hit Irish
                                                         soil. The clock is ticking. Will they catch up with Cal?
Ryan finally accepts that he and Cal are brothers. And   Will Cal claim the Singularity in time?
while Rafe confesses the reason behind his rift with
Tom, Winter shows Sligo her true colours. What will a    As true intentions and buried secrets rise to the
hard man like Vulkan Sligo do after his heart has been   surface, Cal, Boges and Winter will soon discover
broken?                                                  what they’re made of. Who will be the last one
31 days to go…

What is
the Ormond
Queen Elizabeth I’s last will and testament contained a
codicil known as the ‘Ormond Singularity’ granting the heirs
of the Tenth Earl of Ormond a royal inheritance.

The inheritance is made up of two parts.

The first is a right to lands and a title—the Earl of Ormond.

The second part is a fortune in gold and jewels.

Only the first-born male of each generation has the
opportunity to inherit the lands and title but anyone can steal
the fortune… if they can find it! The gold and jewels have
been hidden for centuries; the Ormond Jewel and Riddle
hold the clues to their location. Together they form a double
key code; however, the curse of the Singularity has defeated
everyone who has ever tried to solve the mystery.


                                    Callum / Ryan Ormond                                        Tom Ormond
                                                                Uncle Rafe
                                    Harrison Gilbertson                                       David Whiteley
                                                              David Whiteley

 Bogdan “Boges” Michalko
     Taylor Glockner                                          Gabbi Ormond                     Emily Ormond
                                               Winter Frey    Mietta White                     Kate Kendall
                                              Marny Kennedy

                           CAL & FRIENDS                                       CAL’S FAMILY

 Cal...                                                           ORIANA’S
SLIGO’S GANG                                                        GANG

                   Vulkan Sligo
                    Rob Carlton             Oriana de la Force
                                               Julia Zemiro

                      Aaron Jakubenko      Kelvin
        Bruno                                                         Jake
     Sachin Joab                        Andrew Curry             James Sorensen

               Cal...                                          Cal Meets...
                                                     	                      Repro	   Syd Brisbane
                                                     	                 Eric Blair	   Dion Mills
                                                     	             Jennifer Smith	   Tanya Burne
                                                     	                Melba Snipe	   Julia Blake
                                                     	                    Lachlan	   Bryce Hardy
                                                     	              Belinda Scott	   Pia Miller
                                                     	                      Griff	   Justin Holborow
                                                     	                 Uncle Bart	   Gerard Kennedy
                                                     	      Great Aunt Millicent	    Beverly Dunn
                                                     	              Sister Jerome	   Penne Hackforth-Jones
                                                     	                      Spike	   Josh Futcher
                                                     	                 Dr Glasser	   Shane Nagle
                                                     	                      Gilda	   Laura Pike
Detective McGrath                Detective Ferrara
   Ryan O’Kane
                                                     	    Dr Theophilus Brinsley	    Lawrence Mooney
                                  Debbie Zukerman
                                                     	                   Rathbone	   Nicholas Bell
                                                     	                     Vernon	   Fletcher Humphrys
                                                     	                      Barry	   Rick Tonna
                    THE POLICE                       	            Mrs Fitzgerald	    Joan Sydney
                                                     	                      Nurse	   Lisa Hemsworth
                                                     	 Murray ‘Toe Cutter’ Durham	   Vince Gill

Cal Ormond                                                                    Boges Michalko
Cal had always been a happy-go-lucky kid—likeable and attractive,             Boges (Bogdan Michalko) is Cal’s best friend. He’s tall and
with lots of friends, male and female alike. Until recently he was just an    good-looking, but unlike Cal, is shy and self-effacing. He
ordinary teenager juggling school and friends, but when we meet Cal his       lacks Cal’s easy confidence. At school, Boges isn’t popular
father has just died in mysterious circumstances. When his uncle and          and is even a bit of a joke, something that isn’t helped by
little sister are attacked, Cal becomes the prime suspect. Cal’s quest is     being a ‘brain’.
not just to complete the task his father began and solve the mystery of the
Ormond Singularity, but also to redeem himself in his father’s eyes and       But Boges is much stronger and braver than he realises, and
bring the family back together again.                                         for Cal, Boges’s help is invaluable to his survival.

Harrison Gilbertson is CAL ORMOND                                             Taylor Glockner is BOGES
One of Australia’s most sought-after young actors, Harrison Gilbertson        Even though Taylor is a relative newcomer, he is being
made his stage debut at age six, playing Sorrow in the opera Madama           touted as one of Australia’s most promising young actors.
Butterfly with the State Opera of South Australia.  In 2000 he appeared       After graduating from Brisbane’s Film & Television
in the Adelaide Festival Opera production of Writing to Vermeer, under        Studio International, Taylor scored the role to play Boges
the direction of Peter Greenaway.                                             in the television series CONSPIRACY 365. Thanks to
                                                                              his performances in short films Invade and Loco, Taylor
Harrison, whose mature screen presence belies his years, has played           has been dubbed one of Australia’s hottest new talents,
pivotal roles in several Australian films. He played Greggy in Paul           particularly in the eyes of teenage girls.
Goldman’s highly acclaimed Australian Rules, which premiered at the
Sundance Film Festival in 2002. In Ana Kokkinos’s Blessed he played
troubled teenager Daniel alongside Miranda Otto, Deborra-Lee Furness
and Frances O’Connor. His moving performance as young sapper Frank
Tiffin in Jeremy Sims’s World War I drama Beneath Hill 60 won him the
2010 AFI Young Actor Award. In 2008, he played the lead role, alongside
Academy Award® winner Geena Davis, in the critically acclaimed
coming-of-age comedy/drama Accidents Happen.

Harrison’s performance as Billy Conway in Accidents Happen brought
him to the attention of agents in Los Angeles. In 2009, he filmed the lead
role of Emmett alongside Academy Award® winner Jennifer Connelly
and Academy Award® nominee Ed Harris in What’s Wrong with
Virginia, produced by Gus Van Sant and directed by Academy Award®
winner Dustin Lance Black. The film is slated for release in late 2011.

Winter Frey                                                                   Vulkan Sligo
Winter was orphaned on her 10th birthday, when her wealthy parents            Sligo, aged around 40 is a colourful criminal identity who is now trying to
were killed in a car ‘accident’. After their death, she became the ward       add a veneer of respectability, culture and philanthropy to his public persona.
of criminal hard-man Vulkan Sligo. Winter’s tough but enigmatic               He grew up poor on a Housing Commission estate with Oriana and Kelvin,
manner hides the fact that she’s desperately lonely and intensely self-       and started out with nothing but fists and muscle. After a stretch in jail, he
protective, striving to maintain her sense of identity. Winter is highly      realised he was more than just a bully and standover man—he had cunning
intelligent, curious and well-read—she’s far more sophisticated than Cal      and street smarts. His sights are set high and his murky past paradoxically
and Boges. She lives in relative luxury with Sligo, but she despises him,     adds a frisson of glamour to his image. Sligo is Winter’s guardian. After
suspecting him of having murdered her parents and cheated her out of          stealing her parents’ money by arranging for their deaths, he decided to
her inheritance.                                                              adopt 10-year-old Winter, for whom he always had a genuinely caring
                                                                              attachment. Winter’s humanising influence has made Sligo want to be a
                                                                              better man.
   Marny Kennedy is WINTER
     Marny Kennedy won her first AFI Award at the age of 13, for              Rob Carlton is SLIGO
     her standout lead performance as Taylor Fry in internationally
      acclaimed 2006 television series Mortified. She went on to star as      Rob Carlton, one of Australia’s most respected film and television actors, has
       Veronica DiAngelo in the top-rating children’s series The Saddle       appeared in many of Australia’s best-known television shows, portraying
       Club, which aired in the U.S., Canada, and across Europe, as           real life figures Kerry Packer in the Southern Star/ABC production
       well as in Australia. Marny, a trained singer and dancer, also         Paper Giants: The Birth of Cleo, and crooked cop Neville ‘Scully’
        featured on the soundtrack for the series.                            Scullion in Underbelly III – The Golden Mile. He starred in the
                                                                              Working Dog comedy series The Hollowmen, with Rob Sitch and
         In 2010, Marny played one of three lead roles in the teen            Santo Cilauro, made a guest appearance on Thank God You’re
         series A gURL’s wURLd, an Australia-Germany-Singapore                Here and has just completed shooting a role in Working Dog’s
         co-production for Southern Star, shot on location in Sydney,         latest feature film, Any Questions for Ben?
         Singapore and Germany.
                                                                              Since he began his career at the age of 14, Rob has
         Other credits include a guest role in the season two finale of the   appeared in over 15 feature films, most recently in
         Ten Network drama Rush, and the lead in the recent short film        PJ Hogan’s Mental and in Strange Bedfellows with
         Golden Girl, directed by Grant Scicluna for Film Victoria.           Australian comedy icon Paul Hogan. Rob wrote, co-
                                                                              directed and starred in the short film Carmichael &
                                                                              Shane, which won Tropfest 2006. Rob also won the
                                                                              award for Best Male Actor.

                                                                              Rob’s successful television production company,
                                                                              Shadowfax TV, produced two series of the award-
                                                                              winning comedy Chandon Pictures, seen on
                                                                              Movie Extra and the ABC in Australia. He co-
                                                                              directed the project and also takes creator, writer
                                                                              and acting credits in the series. Chandon Pictures now
                                                                              plays in over 15 territories around the world, including the
                                                                              U.S. and U.K. As a writer, Rob won an AWGIE Award for
                                                                              Chandon Pictures.

Oriana de la Force                                                                Tom Ormond
   Oriana is a colourful, high-profile criminal lawyer, famous for defending      As Tom Ormond, Cal’s father, died in a hospice a week before the action begins, he
   notorious criminals against very serious charges for very high fees. She       is only seen in flashbacks. He was a successful journalist—a charismatic, dynamic
   grew up in poverty with her brother Kelvin, and Vulkan Sligo. Like             and impulsive man—which made his slow death all the more painful for his wife and
   Sligo, she was determined to claw her way up the ladder. Sex, lies and         children. Tom and Emily had a good marriage, but both carried the wound of their lost
   blackmail were her currency. She’s brilliant, aggressive and flamboyant        baby son Samuel (who reappears as Ryan), Cal’s identical twin. Before Tom’s death,
   in a high fashion way and loves all the attention this gets her. In private,   he was researching a story in Ireland on Australian families with Irish heritage. At this
   she’s given to terrifying icy rages that can reduce grown men, like her        time he discovered the centuries-old family puzzle known as the Ormond Singularity,
   lover Jake or younger brother Kelvin, to blubbering wrecks. At some            and became obsessed with solving it. Before his death, he used all the family’s money,
   point on her journey, she changed her name to Oriana—a term the                unbeknownst to Emily, to buy the Ormond Jewel.
   Elizabethans used to refer to their queen—because she is obsessed with
   Elizabeth I, and believes she is descended from royalty. This obsession is
   what has led her to the Ormond Singularity and Cal.
                                                                                  Uncle Rafe
   Julia Zemiro is ORIANA                                                         Rafe, 45, is the identical twin of his minutes-older brother Tom. Where Tom is a good-
                                                                                  looking and popular man, Rafe is curiously off-putting and there’s something quite
   The popular host of SBS’s Rockwiz moved to Australia at two and a              cold about him. He’s quiet, withdrawn, humourless and self-absorbed, though he puts
   half, later attending school and university in Sydney before moving            on a public front, seeming honest, decent and caring. Rafe is an architect, the solitary
    to Melbourne to attend the Victorian College of the Arts. Upon                nature of the job suiting his personality, and he has a secret hobby pursuing botany, with
      graduation, she found work touring with Bell Shakespeare Company            a particular interest in toxic plants. He’s a pessimist, where Tom was an
        and featured in short films, winning the Tropfest Best Actress            optimist. Rafe has always been in love with Tom’s wife Emily. Now that
          Award in both 1997 and 2000.                                            Tom is dead, and Cal has gone on the run, Rafe relishes the chance to
                                                                                  step in and help Emily get back on her feet.
          Julia trained extensively in Theatresports, which comes as no
           surprise to fans of her improvisational wit on Thank God You’re        David Whiteley is
            Here. She has played lead roles on stage at MTC and the               UNCLE RAFE and TOM ORMOND
             Malthouse and has gone on to win a further legion of fans as
              a commentator for the SBS broadcast of the Eurovision Song          David Whiteley most recently appeared in the feature films Killer
              Contest.                                                            Elite, alongside Jason Statham, Clive Owen and Robert DeNiro;
                                                                                  the soon to be released Australian sci-fi feature Crawlspace; and
               Julia’s extensive television credits include Talking ‘Bout My      the arthouse feature Exit. His other screen appearances include the
                Generation, Good News Week, Totally Full Frontal and as           U.S. fantasy/adventure series Beastmaster, as well as Ponderosa,
                winner of Australia’s Brainiest TV Star. She has toured           The Man from Snowy River and a number of Australian television
                 Australia and Edinburgh with Spontaneous Broadway, the           programs such as City Homicide, Stingers and The Hollowmen.
                 improvised musical. She is delighted to be playing Oriana
                  de la Force.                                                    David has also appeared in numerous stage productions at Red
                                                                                  Stitch Actors Theatre—of which he is artistic director and a
                                                                                  founding member—including Rabbit Hole, Bug, and the award-
                                                                                  winning productions Howie the Rookie, Red Sky Morning and

Emily Ormond                                                                Gabbi Ormond
Emily, an architect, is in her late 30s. In flashbacks we see the strong,   Cal’s little sister, Gabbi, is eight years old. She’s a bubbly, smart,
warm, vivacious woman Emily used to be before Tom’s illness and death.      imaginative tomboy who adores her big brother and always forgives
She and Tom were seen as the perfect couple, made for each other. Emily     his moods and rejections. Gabbi is still numb from her father’s death.
is still haunted by the kidnapping (and presumed death) of one of her       Tom was her hero and she really can’t believe she’ll never see him
twin sons 15 years earlier. When Rafe and Gabbi are attacked, Emily has     again, but his absence makes her need Cal all the more.
little choice but to believe the damning DNA and fingerprint evidence,
and descends into a fog of grief and confusion.
                                                                            Mietta White is GABBI
Kate Kendall is EMILY                                                       Mietta was just five years old when she blew the judges away with
                                                                            her solo song and dance routines on the first season of Australia’s
Multi-award-winning Kate Kendall has had an extensive career in             Got Talent, landing her a place in the grand final. Mietta’s other
theatre, television and film, though she is probably best known in          television credits include a guest appearance in City Homicide for
Australia for her ongoing role as Detective Angie Piper in the Nine         the Seven Network and her short film credits include the lead in
Network hit television series Stingers. Her most recent television work     I’m The Lion, directed by Bill Irving, and Jelly, directed by Althea
includes the U.S. television series The Starter Wife, the ABC black         Jones. Commercial experience includes Target, Axa, WorkSafe and
comedy The Librarians and the U.S. drama series The Pacific. More           the infamous ‘gay dad’ Freedom Furniture television commercial.
recently, Kate has had guest roles in popular Australian series such as     Mietta has been dancing and singing from a very young age and is
Ten Network drama Rush and the Seven Network’s City Homicide.               exceptional in jazz, tap and ballet, gaining a high distinction grade
                                                                            for her RAD Grade 2 ballet exam. She has also been studying drama
Kate’s formidable slate of theatrical work includes productions such as     and musical theatre at Centrestage Performing Arts School. Now
The Red and the Black, Next to Normal, Dust, Chicago, Miss Julie, Into      almost nine, Mietta is thrilled to be playing the role of Gabbi in
the Woods, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Secret of Salvador Dali,          CONSPIRACY 365.
 The Vagina Monologues and Art & Soul. In 2010, Kate played the
  leading role of Ulrike Meinhof in the Melbourne International Arts
   Festival production of the controversial performance artwork Richter/

   In 2004, Kate was nominated for Most Outstanding Actress
    in a Television Series at the Logie Awards for her work in the
     television series Stingers. In 2007, she was nominated for Best Solo
      Performance in the Green Room Awards’ for her work on The

      Kate’s film work includes King of the Mountain, On the Beach
    and more recently, the leading role of Katherine in the film
  Belladonna. In 2009, she filmed the feature film Matching Jack with
Richard Roxburgh. In 2011, she shot Dee McLachlan’s (The Jammed)
controversial spoof Eliminated.

 McGrath                                                                     Bruno
A dogged, dedicated senior detective in charge of the manhunt for ‘teen      Sligo’s chief enforcer/attack dog. Ex-con. Smarter than your average thug. A
fugitive’, Cal Ormond. Rigid and authoritarian, McGrath’s blind spot is      rev-head, Bruno drives a black Subaru WRX. Bruno met Sligo in jail 10 years
his obsession with wayward, violent teenagers, due to his having been        ago when he was put away for a long stretch after a string of violent armed
a victim of teen violence in his past. Nevertheless, he is unfailingly       robberies. Bruno commands respect from the people around him—including
courteous to Emily and kind to Gabbi, and genuinely feels for them           Sligo. And as long as that continues, Bruno’s loyalty will never waver. But like
both.                                                                        a dog, the inner mongrel is always there and if Bruno isn’t happy with the way
                                                                             he’s being treated, he has no qualms about biting the hand that’s feeding him.
                                                                             Bruno is suspicious of Winter and can’t understand why Sligo can’t see through
Ryan O’Kane is DETECTIVE McGRATH                                             her. He treats her with ironic ‘respect’.

After completing a B.A. in Psychology at Otago University, Ryan’s
intention to study medicine was interrupted by his passion for acting.       Sachin Joab is BRUNO
He enrolled in drama school, but found his studies yet again put on hold
when he won one of the lead roles in the TVNZ drama The Insiders             Sachin Joab was born in Melbourne and graduated from the National
Guide to Love. His success in this role led to further film and television   Theatre Drama School in 2008. As an actor, he has been involved in
work, including roles in New Zealand cop-show-with-a-twist The               film, television and stage productions, and is also a contemporary
Hothouse and award-winning feature Out of the Blue.                          dancer and an R&B singer.

                                                                             Over recent years Sachin has spent a significant amount of time in
                                                                             the U.S., winning roles in independent films. He also undertook
                                                                             further acting study in New York. His vocal diversity has enabled
                                                                             him to perform in a wide variety of roles using various foreign
                                                                             accents including American, Indian, English and South African.

                                                                             Coming from an intensely athletic upbringing, Sachin has also
                                                                             studied human movement, which assisted him in the physicality
                                                                             of stage roles such as the rough-and-tumble Stanley Kowalski in
                                                                             A Streetcar Named Desire and the twisted body of Shakespeare’s
                                                                             Richard III.

                                                                             Sachin has appeared in Australian feature films including My
                                                                             Year Without Sex, Big Mamma’s Boy and the soon to be
                                                                             released Who Wants to be a Terrorist, and in television
                                                                             shows City Homicide, Rush and Neighbours.

Kelvin                                                                              Jake
Kelvin is Oriana’s younger brother and a flash dresser, donning heeled snakeskin    Formerly Oriana’s younger personal trainer, now her lover and
cowboy boots. Kelvin is just a little soft and not bright enough for what Oriana    thug. He’s a strong, well-defined specimen who rarely speaks, but
requires of him. He has often been in trouble with the police, although he has no   constantly needles and puts down Kelvin. Close-cropped hair, tatts
serious convictions (Oriana grudgingly gets him off). Kelvin has a gambling         and is ripped under his clothes, but more is a gym rat on steroids
problem, which has put him in debt to Bruno. Treated like an idiot and a burden     than a genuine body builder.
by Oriana, he is nevertheless eager to please her or to prove he’s as clever as
she is. The tracking device implanted in Cal’s shoulder is his idea, but he has
intermittent problems in making it work. Kelvin is the most interesting of the      James Sorensen is JAKE
muscle boys: he has a conscience.
                                                                                    James is best known for his work on Neighbours, joining the cast
                                                                                    in 2007 in the role of Declan Napier. His character became hugely
Andrew Curry is KELVIN                                                              popular with fans, and as Declan fell in love, married, became a
                                                                                    father and then a widower, viewers experienced the highs and lows
       Andrew Curry has been involved in the Australian film and television         alongside him.
        industry for over 20 years as an actor, writer, director and producer.
         Andrew grew up in a family of accomplished entertainers, and has           After four years on Australia’s longest running drama, James left
         appeared in many top-rating television shows, including The Secret         to pursue a career in the army. This stint was unfortunately short-
          Life of Us, Blue Heelers, The Games, and Neighbours. In the early         lived due to injury. James’s work on CONSPIRACY 365 marks
          2000s, he co-hosted the Ten Network entertainment news program            his return to Australian television.
           Premiere, and has written and performed in sketch comedy shows
                                                                                    James made his professional acting debut as a teenager in the
            like Flipside and Let Loose Live. Andrew then moved on to feature
                                                                                    feature film Hating Alison Ashley, opposite Delta Goodrem.
             roles in well-loved Australian television dramas such as City
                                                                                    Soon after, he scored a main role in the teen hit Blue Water
              Homicide, Satisfaction, Rush and the highly anticipated TV1 crime
                                                                                    High, for Southern Star and the ABC, which amassed him a
              drama, Killing Time.
                                                                                    strong fan base. Other television credits include Showtime’s
               Andrew has appeared in several feature films, including The          Satisfaction and Wicked Science for Jonathan M. Shiff
               Merchant of Fairness, Mick Molloy’s BoyTown and Simon                productions. James is a strong sportsman and a talented
                Wincer’s soon to be released The Cup. In 2002, Andrew played        photographer whose work is regularly exhibited. Currently, he is
                the lead role opposite Charles ‘Bud’ Tingwell in the acclaimed      studying nursing and running his own personal training business
                 sci-fi feature The Inside Story.                                   in between filming commitments.

                   He has moved into production in the past few years, and has
                   written, directed and produced many short films, television
                    commercials, music video clips, corporate videos and
                     documentaries through his production company, iCandy

                     Most of 2010 was dedicated to a Film Victoria-funded
                    short film, Spider Walk, and also saw him producing a
                   documentary on animal cruelty in India, a number of short
                   films, and finding time for his wonderful wife and kids.

Eric Blair
Eric is in his 40s, a photojournalist who accompanied Tom
Ormond to Ireland and almost died from a ‘mysterious virus’.
Previously a neat, cheerful and organised man, and a trusted
colleague of Tom’s, he is now diminished and fearful, and his
memory is bad as a result of the virus. Initially, in his crazed
state, he warns Cal of the curse of the Ormond Singularity; later
in the series, he recovers and helps Cal as much as he can out of
loyalty to Tom.

Dion Mills is ERIC BLAIR
Dion Mills’s physically electrifying performances on stage have
made him one of Australia’s most sought-after stage actors.
After training at NIDA, Dion took on the recurring role of
deadly hitman, Conrad, in season 6 of Stingers, before returning
to his first love of theatre. In 2003, he joined Red Stitch
Actors Theatre, one of Australia’s leading independent theatre
   companies. He has appeared in many and varied roles, to
      great critical acclaim. In 2010, he played the part of Sir
        Ranulph Fiennes opposite Jason Statham, Clive Owen
          and Robert De Niro in Killer Elite.

   Contact...                          and


              Peter Jenetsky

             +612 9433 1002

              Linda Klejus

             +613 9696 8777             a

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Television series Conspiracy 365 Press Kit

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Contents... and 3. Series 4. Series Synopsis 5. Key Cast + Crew 10. Production Notes 11. Circa Media present 12. Multiplatform Experience 13. Episode Synopses 19. What is the Ormond Singularity a 20. Cal’s World 23. Character Tree 24. Character Biographies 31. Contacts
  • 3. 3 Series Conspiracy 365 tells the story of a year in the life of teen fugitive, Cal Ormond as he searches for the truth behind his deadly family’s secret. dapted from the best-selling book series by award winning Australian author Gabrielle Lord, with over 1 million copies sold across more than 13 countries, Conspiracy 365 is an action thriller for the whole family. Filmed entirely on location in Victoria, Australia the series star AFI award winner Harrison Gilbertson as Cal Ormond, Marny Kennedy (The Saddle Club), Taylor Glockner, Rob Carlton (Chandon Pictures, Underbelly), Julia Zemiro (Charlotte’s Web, The Wedge), Kate Kendall (Stingers), Ryan O’Kane (City Homicide) and David Whiteley. • 12 x 49 minute episodes • 12 x 3-4 minute prequel episodes
  • 4. 4 Series Synopsis Short Synopsis Long Synopsis CONSPIRACY 365 is the story of a year in the life At his father’s funeral, 15-year-old Cal Ormond is Cal, desperate, on the run, and dependent on the of teenager Cal Ormond, who is forced to go on the warned by a crazy stranger about a cryptic puzzle kindness of strangers, is following the trail of clues run and become a fugitive as he searches for the truth known as the ‘Ormond Singularity.’ Cal has 365 days leading to the Ormond Singularity. Those he meets behind a deadly family secret. Adapted from the to solve the mystery, or he’ll meet the same fate as his along the way will either help or hinder him. But will best-selling novels by Australian author Gabrielle father. Immediately, events move forward at breakneck he solve the mystery before 31 December? Or will the Lord, CONSPIRACY 365 is a multi-platform project pace. Before the week is out, Cal has been accused of family curse claim another victim? suited for the whole family. attempting to murder his uncle—his father’s identical twin brother—and his sister is in a coma. Who can Cal The story—full of gripping, compelling elements—is rely on? His old friend Boges, and now a new friend, huge! Gabrielle Lord’s book series, CONSPIRACY mysterious Winter. But Winter’s guardian, Vulkan 365, comprises 12 individual novels. How do you fit Sligo, turns out to be head of one of the two criminal this much plot, this much character development, and gangs after Cal. Then there’s the Ormond Jewel, the this much action, into a 12-part television series? Ormond Riddle, and the puzzle of what Cal’s father, Executive Producers Linda Klejus (Circa Media) charismatic Tom Ormond, was up to in Ireland before and Peter Jenetsky (Movie Network Channels) came he was mysteriously struck down. up with a groundbreaking approach: let parts of the story be told via different platforms. CONSPIRACY 365 harnesses the power of multiplatform to bring the many levels or layers of the story to viewers. Hoodlum Entertainment came on board with the goal of changing the way audiences relate to television as a storytelling medium. Webisodes and additional content with unique storylines were created to tell more of the story. These were shot with the same cinematic production values as the television episodes and will be available across a variety of platforms online and via mobile phone.
  • 5. 5 Key Cast + Crew Executive Producer Linda Klejus Network Executive Producer Peter Jenetsky Network Executive Producer Tony Forrest Director (Ep 1,2,3,4) Paul Goldman Network Executive Producer Paul Wylie Director (Ep 5,6,7,10) Pino Amenta Producer Linda Klejus Director (Ep 8,9,11,12) Steve Mann Producer Ann Darrouzet Director of Photography László Baranyai ACS, HSC Series Story Producer Michael Brindley Composer Richard Pleasance Series and Multiplatform Story Producer Mark Shirrefs Production Designer Otello Stolfo Network Script Producer Alan Hardy Costume Designer Jo Briscoe Network Supervising Producer Emma Moroney M ultiplatform Executive Producers Tracey Robertson Writer (Ep 1,6) Michelle Offen Nathan Mayfield Writer (Ep 2,9) Kristen Dunphy HOODLUM ENTERTAINMENT Writer (Ep 3) Michael Miller Writer (Ep 4,10,12) Shanti Gudgeon ultiplatform Performance Director M Nicholas Verso Writers (Ep 5) Kris Wyld, Michael Brindley & Mark Shirrefs Writer (Ep 7) Julie Lacy Based on the novels CONSPIRACY 365 by Gabrielle Lord. Writer (Ep 8) Sam Carroll Writer (Ep 11) Michael Miller, Michael Brindley & Mark Shirrefs Filmed entirely on location in Melbourne and Victoria, Australia. Webisode Writer Anthony Mullins
  • 6. 6 Key Cast + Crew Linda Klejus Peter Jenetsky Ann Darrouzet Michael Brindley (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) (EXECUTIVE PRODUCER) (PRODUCER) (SERIES STORY PRODUCER) Circa Media is the brainchild of industry leader Linda Peter Jenetsky has worked with some of Australia’s Ann Darrouzet has worked in the Australian film Screenwriting since 1978, Michael Brindley graduated Klejus. Linda has an extensive background in all largest media organisations, including senior roles and television industry for over 30 years. She has from the Australian Film, Television and Radio aspects of film and television drama, having worked at with Austereo and the Seven Network, and is now worked as a creator, executive producer and producer School (AFTRS), achieving theatrical release with the ABC and the Seven Network, Southern Star, Artist General Manager of Content Strategy and Marketing across a range of productions including feature films, his graduation film, Apples. Michael then went on to Services, Granada and the Film Finance Corporation for Movie Network Channels. Working at the forefront documentaries and long form television. Her producing work on award-winning feature Shame, which was in senior production and executive roles. Circa Media of pay-TV and digital media, Peter’s responsibilities work in television has seen her adapt the work of invited to show at New York’s MOMA New Directors/ is focused on bold and distinctive prime time drama include strategic brand and content direction for the children’s author Morris Gleitzman to produce the New Films festival, going on to achieve worldwide and is currently producing the $13 million flagship Network’s bouquet of channels which, under Peter’s international hits Blabber Mouth and Stickybeak, as distribution. Michael has worked as a television drama series, CONSPIRACY 365, for Movie Network seven-year strategic leadership, have grown to include well as co-create and executive produce the long form series writer and co-producer on popular series A Channels. Circa Media is also financing a diverse a wide spectrum of channels including Movie One, series Holly’s Heroes and Snake Tales, both of which Country Practice, a writer and script editor on the range of projects including The Edge, a psychological Movie Two, Movie Extra, Movie Greats and more were commissioned by the Nine Network. Ann has award-winning Grass Roots, and was also involved thriller set in an acute psychiatric ward, Dirk and recently, Starpics 1 and 2 and FMC – Family Movie also produced Horace & Tina and Thunderstone 1 for in top-rating telemovie One Way Ticket, and mini- Sammy’s Last Judgment, a post-apocalyptic comedy Channel. Jenetsky also oversees the marketing and the Ten Network. Ann has collected a raft of awards series Half a World Away. Michael’s other credits created by Kris Mrksa and Jason Gann (Wilfred), and advertising sales arm of the Network’s channels, for her many productions, including two AFIs, an include Associate Producer on MDA, which won an another Gabrielle Lord adaptation, Gemma Lincoln services and broadcast programming. In recent International Emmy® Award, a Banff Rockie, and two AFI Award for Best Television Drama, and Script PI. Linda is currently Chapter Head of the Melbourne years, he has overseen the expansion of the channels’ A.TO.M. Awards, as well as winning the Sydney Film Consultant for Australian film funding bodies and Screen Producers Association of Australia. production ambitions, including the development Festival Dendy Award and the St. Kilda Film Festival the New Zealand Film Commission. Winner of the and commissioning of The Jesters (seasons 1 and 2), Best Film Award for her early short film work. Ann is Australian Writers’ Guild Award for Script Editing in Small Time Gangster and the award-winning comedy currently a board member of Film Victoria. 1996, Michael has conducted screenwriting courses Chandon Pictures. Peter has also been responsible for the AFTRS, RMIT, La Trobe University, and for entertainment formats such as the film-making Melbourne University Summer School. competition Project Greenlight as well as the live broadcast of the short film event, Movie Extra Tropfest.
  • 7. 7 Mark Shirrefs (SERIES AND MULTIPLATFORM Alan Hardy Emma Moroney Paul Goldman STORY PRODUCER) (NETWORK SCRIPT PRODUCER) (SUPERVISING PRODUCER) (DIRECTOR, EPISODES 1,2,3,4) In his 22-year career as a screenwriter, Mark has Born in Melbourne and educated in Sydney, Alan Emma Moroney literally grew up on a film set. Paul Goldman is one of Australia’s most successful created, developed, supervised and written over 150 Hardy has been behind the cameras on a vast number Assisting producers from the age of 14 at one of feature film directors. His work includes critically- hours of television for series such as The Girl from of Australia’s favourite television productions since Australia’s most respected television and film lauded cinema classics like Suburban Mayhem, The Tomorrow, Spellbinder, Let the Blood Run Free, Pig’s 1976. Working in an array of roles including writer, production houses, Horizon Films, Moroney met and Night We Called It a Day and Australian Rules. He Breakfast, The Sleepover Club and Classic Tales. script editor and producer, Alan’s credits are extensive started her career in film with an inspiring mentor, is also an acclaimed television writer and director. Mark has won three AWGIES and his short animated and include Crawford Productions’ The Sullivans Richard Franklin. Since that time, she has spent over In 2010, he made the high-rating Such Is Life: The film The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of still Australia’s most respected television serial, All 16 years working in all manner of productions from Troubled Times of Ben Cousins for Mushroom Jasper Morello, was nominated for a BAFTA and an The Rivers Run, The Henderson Kids 1 and 2, and large scale ad campaigns to television series, including Pictures and the Seven Network. Paul is a graduate of Academy Award®. Something In The Air. He has worked extensively for the seminal The Secret Life of Us, and feature films both NIDA and Melbourne’s Swinburne Institute of the Seven Network, with credits such as Marshall such as Phillip Noyce’s The Quiet American, where Technology Film and Television School. While still Law, Headland, Home and Away, and has most she learnt much about the 18-hour day. In recent a student, Paul shot and directed his first of many recently worked as Script Department Head and Script years, Moroney has produced a number of series for music videos, including Shivers by Nick Cave’s first Producer of City Homicide. Alan has won multiple FOX8 and Movie Network Channels, including large- band The Boys Next Door. After graduating in 1980, AFI awards, received a BAFTA nomination and is one scale live events such as Movie Extra Tropfest and Paul established a specialist music video production of Australia’s most highly regarded producers. Henry Rollins: Live from Melbourne. Developing and company, The Rich Kids. He has directed over 200 producing successful comedy series Chandon Pictures, international music videos, notably the seminal Nick The Jesters (seasons 1 and 2), Small Time Gangster The Stripper video for Nick Cave’s band The Birthday and now CONSPIRACY 365 for Movie Network Party, and for artists including Elvis Costello, INXS, Channels, Moroney is always on the hunt for the next Silverchair, Kylie Minogue, Nick Cave, Crowded great script, featuring the next big thing. House, Hunters and Collectors, The Go-Betweens, Missy Higgins, The Drones, Paul Kelly, Jimmy Barnes and Kate Ceberano. Paul has also directed over 200 television commercials, winning many local and international awards for his work.
  • 8. 8 Pino Amenta Steve Mann László Baranyai ACS, HSC Richard Pleasance (DIRECTOR, EPISODES 5,6,7,10) (DIRECTOR, EPISODES 8,9,11,12) (DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY) (COMPOSER) Pino Amenta is one of Australia’s most experienced Steve’s career in television spans more than 30 László Baranyai was born in Budapest, Hungary and Richard Pleasance began his music career as a member and distinguished television directors. His credits years and his directorial credits include some of started work as a camera assistant for the Hungarian of Boom Crash Opera. The band enjoyed national include the high-rating and Logie Award-winning Australia’s most popular programs, including Blue film production company Mafilm in 1970. In 1978, success: their first album achieved gold sales and their Packed to the Rafters, Winners & Losers, City Heelers, McLeod’s Daughters, Sea Patrol and László was accepted into the internationally renowned second double platinum. Homicide, Always Greener and All Saints. In the Stingers. Cutting his teeth back in the late 1970s as Academy of Dramatic and Cinematic Art, Film 1990s, Pino directed many of that decade’s television a cameraman on ground-breaking Australian drama and Television in Budapest. After graduating in Since then, Richard has released two solo albums and hits, including Blue Heelers; Good Guys, Bad Prisoner, Steve went on to direct more than 60 1982, he returned to Mafilm where, as Director of has produced, recorded, written for and played with a Guys and Acropolis Now. Pino was instrumental in episodes of the series through the early 1980s, before Photography, he shot feature films, documentaries diverse range of artists including Archie Roach, Paul creating, producing and directing the hit sitcom All moving on to top-rating Australian dramas Blue and many short films, which garnered him numerous Kelly, Augie March, Jimmy Little, Deborah Conway, Together Now. From concept stage right through to its Heelers and Neighbours, where he directed more awards and established his reputation worldwide for Kate Ceberano and Suzanne Vega. successful four-year run on the Nine Network, Pino than 150 episodes.  Steve’s experience in directing excellence in cinematography.  In 1988, he relocated Richard has also composed for the television series.’ directed 96 of the 100 episodes. He also directed the programs for a younger audience is evident in his work to Australia. Now based in Melbourne, László has Kenny’s World, SeaChange and the telemovie Emerald award-winning children’s television series Mortified, on The Saddle Club, Heartbreak High and Home and forged a body of work including television series, Falls, for which he won a 2008 APRA-AGSC Screen which won two AFI Awards. Marny Kennedy, who Away. His body of work also includes such diverse mini-series, documentaries, short dramas and multi- Music Award. He has recently completed work on the Pino discovered and cast as Taylor, won the Young programs as Something in the Air, MDA, Paradise award-winning feature films. László worked as fourth series of City Homicide for the Seven Network. Actor’s Award for her breakout performance. Pino was Beach, Water Rats and City Homicide.  Director of Photography on Matt Saville’s Noise, and nominated for the AFI Best Direction in Television was recognised with the Film Critics Circle Award for Award for Mortified. Over his career, Pino has directed Best Cinematography and an AFI Award nomination. some of Australia’s all-time classic television series László’s work has also been lauded by the Australian like The Flying Doctors, Sons and Daughters and The Cinematographers Society Awards, winning awards Sullivans. During the 1980s, Pino directed several for Red Water Red and Roy Hollsdotter Live. In 1996, hugely popular mini-series: Nancy Wake, All the Rivers the Hungarian government awarded László the Tribute Run, Anzacs, My Brother Tom and Sword of Honour. to Excellence, a prize established for Hungarian filmmakers living abroad in recognition of their outstanding contribution to world cinema.  
  • 9. 9 Tracey Robertson and Nathan Mayfield – HOODLUM ENTERTAINMENT Otello Stolfo Jo Briscoe (MULTIPLATFORM EXECUTIVE Gabrielle Lord (PRODUCTION DESIGNER) (COSTUME DESIGNER) PRODUCERS) (AUTHOR – CONSPIRACY 365 NOVELS) In 1972, when Otello Stolfo graduated from the Royal Jo Briscoe is a production and costume designer Hoodlum Entertainment was formed by entrepreneurs Gabrielle Lord survived being ‘razed’ by the nuns, Melbourne Institute of Technology with a Fellowship who has recently worked as Production Designer on and filmmakers Tracey Robertson and Nathan acquiring an education in the process, and after Diploma in Interior Design, he had no idea that 30 series one of Woodley for the ABC, and The Late Mayfield in 1999 and has become a groundbreaking working in many different areas—sales, teaching, years into the future, he would be one of Australia’s Session for SBS; Art Director for series three of The Emmy® Award-winning multiplatform production brick-cleaning, peach-picking and packing, and in most sought-after production designers, working in Librarians; and Costume Designer on the short film company.  Hoodlum specialises in creating high- the Public Service as an employment officer—started both film and television. Tel has headed production Polly and Me, as well as on numerous short films, quality entertainment content designed to engage fans writing seriously aged 30. design for some of Australia’s best-known television music videos and commercials.  Jo holds a Master across television, film, online, mobile and emerging drama series over the past four decades, from Bell of Fine Arts in Costume Design from Pennsylvania media platforms for worldwide distribution. Her first two manuscripts ended up composting the Bird, The Sullivans, Cop Shop, All the Rivers Run, State University.  She has also designed extensively tomatoes at her market garden—another attempt to The Flying Doctors, Neighbours, Halifax F.P and for live performance companies, including Sydney Hoodlum has built an impressive portfolio of work for make a living—but the third one, Fortress, was picked Good Guys, Bad Guys, to the more recent City Theatre Company, Company B Belvoir, Griffin, today’s leading broadcast networks in North America, up internationally and made into a feature film starring Homicide, The Librarians, Small Time Gangster and Oz Opera, Legs on the Wall and ATYP (Australian the U.K. and Australia, creating award-winning work Rachel Ward. A later novel, Whipping Boy, was made Stephen King’s Nightmares & Dreamscapes, to name Theatre for Young People), with shows that have for Lost, Spooks, Salt and many more. They have over into a telemovie starring Sigrid Thornton. The film- a few. Tel’s work can be seen in both Australian and toured both nationally and internationally. 25 major projects under their belt including innovative rights money, along with her daughter leaving school, international feature films, including Spike Jonze’s work with brands and advertisers. allowed Gabrielle to resign. Instead of getting up at Where the Wild Things Are, Jackie Chan’s The Nice 4.30 a.m. and writing for several hours before heading Hoodlum has garnered a number of the industry’s top off for work, she could write full-time and lead a more Guy and the soon to be released 6 Plots, directed awards including a Primetime Emmy® for Lost and ‘normal’ writer’s life—hanging around with scientists by Leigh Sheehan. Outside film and television, an International Emmy® for Primeval, as well as two and detectives, badgering forensic anthropologists and Tel’s career has featured projects as diverse as BAFTA Awards, a Global Media Award, and the doing work experience with a busy private security designing the Mascots Pavilion for the Sydney 2000 Broadcast Digital Channel Award. They have been business—and, of course, writing. Olympics to redesigning interior spaces for a range of nominated for three International Digital Emmy® organisations. Awards and two more BAFTA Awards. Gabrielle has now written 15 adult novels, with Death by Beauty coming out in 2012, and 14 novels for Hoodlum’s current success story is SLiDE—a ground- young adults. Following this mammoth endeavour, she breaking multiplatform series created for FOX8. already has plans for another two adult novels and two Hoodlum has capitalised on its skills in television more for young adults. storytelling, expertise in multiplatform, and its evolution into technology to create a business that is primed to produce compelling experiences, regardless of how audiences choose to watch, play and share.
  • 10. 10 Production Notes In 2010, Scholastic Australia published the first in a When she heard that the CONSPIRACY 365 series The stroke of genius, story-wise, is the centering of As writer Mark Shirrefs explains, the online content series of young adult novels written by award-winning was to be made for television, Gabrielle was ecstatic. this modern-day narrative around an ancient puzzle: is much more than rehashing information that viewers author Gabrielle Lord—‘Australia’s first lady of A feature film, she says, “would not have done justice the Ormond Singularity. The concept is based, are perfectly capable of working out themselves. crime’—based around a year in the life of 15-year-old to it. Whereas this way it is faithfully reproducing incredibly, on an old secret from within Gabrielle’s “One of the really nice things about it is that you Callum Ormond. In the series, CONSPIRACY 365, the episodic structure of what I’ve written, so I’m own family. Gabrielle tells the tale: “I was looking get a chance to deal with characters in unexpected Cal’s father has just died in strange circumstances and absolutely delighted. From what I’ve seen, it’s just for a big secret, because I knew Cal would have to be ways, like with Winter. She’s the main young female Cal is warned that he will meet a similar fate unless terrific.” chasing something amazing to sustain 12 books over character and she has a very interesting story of her he is able to solve a puzzling mystery dating back to a whole year. I lucked onto a rumour about Elizabeth own, and we don’t really get a chance to develop that Elizabethan times. I and a relative of mine: Black Tom Butler, the Tenth on screen, but we actually get a chance to do much Earl of Ormond. So I went to Ireland and enquired more with her via her vlogs.” And unlike traditional The books, released in monthly instalments, went on to further about this rumour, and found that it was quite television ‘add-on’ material, CONSPIRACY 365 sell in excess of 500,000 copies in Australia and New widely believed in certain parts of Ireland. I went features broadcast-quality online content, with unique Zealand. The fast-paced action, the relatable young to see the Keeper of Rare Books at Trinity College, storylines. protagonist, the thrilling puzzle to be solved and the Dublin… and I can’t really say more because it will cliff-hanger at the end of each book kept young readers give the story away to those who haven’t read it, but Awesome story, compelling characters, dedicated coming back for more. it’s about Good Queen Bess, and she was obviously producers, $13 million budget, multiplatform very, very fond of Black Tom.” technology—all the ingredients were in place to Linda Klejus, Executive Producer of CONSPIRACY brew up a heady television experience. The adaptation 365, recognised the potential of Gabrielle’s concept The next phase of bringing CONSPIRACY 365 to process was ready to begin. Producer Ann Darrouzet for television. “When Gabrielle started describing the small screen was to find a network that would be says, “Television is a fast and furious medium, and the books to me, I immediately knew that it would supportive of the level of innovation that Linda Klejus one element you’ve got to have is a great script. The make a fantastic TV series. So I’d already commenced knew would be necessary to do the story justice. As process of scripting on CONSPIRACY 365 has been optioning the books before they were published. it turned out, Movie Network Channels was looking huge!” Gabrielle sent me the synopses of the stories and I for a television event, targeted at a family audience. could see they were exciting—lots of life-threatening It was after a big-budget, action-oriented show with jeopardy and action.” high production values and innovative storytelling that could comfortably sit alongside its predominate movie Gabrielle Lord has published more than 20 books, to schedule. great critical acclaim and commercial success. Over a long career, Gabrielle has honed her talent for telling Next on board were Emmy® Award-winning compelling mysteries, and has seen several of her multiplatform production company Hoodlum books adapted for film or television—most memorably, Entertainment, whose brief was to bring a level of the terrifying 1982 big-screen release of Fortress. ‘active storytelling’ to the audience across multiple platforms. Viewers can experience the story on television, and they can enrich that experience by engaging with the story online, in the form of webisodes, vlogs, behind-the-scenes material and additional character information.
  • 11. 11 Circa Media Circa Media is the brainchild of industry leader Linda Klejus. Linda Klejus has an extensive background in all aspects of film and television drama having worked at the ABC and the Seven Network, Southern Star, Artist Services, Granada and the Film Finance Corporation in senior production and executive roles. Circa Media is focused on bold and distinctive prime time drama. Our $13 million dollar flagship drama series Conspiracy 365 has screened throughout 2012 on the Movie Network Channels. Alongside the series, Circa Media has undertaken a $1 million multi-platform strategy to reward the dedicated fans for their commitment with a deep and immersive viewing experience. Circa Media is currently financing a diverse range of projects including another Gabrielle Lord adaptation Phoenix about a female private investigator, Winter (the sequel to Conspiracy 365); The Edge, a 12 x 1 hour medical thriller set in an acute psychiatric ward about a psychiatrist, his patients, and their demons; The Murder Book, a 13 x 1 hour prime time cold crime drama series, The Facemaker, a 4 x 1 hour mini series set during WW1 about iconic Australian artist Tim Roberts, and Dirk and Sammy’s Last Judgement – a post- apocalyptic narrative comedy created by Kris Mrksa (Wilfred, The Slap, Devil’s Dust, Underbelly).
  • 12. 12 Multiplatform Experience The Conspiracy 365 website along with the official Casefile 365 series Facebook page and YouTube channel comprise the key components of the series substantial multiplatform A 12 part webseries supporting the on air storyline, initiative. CaseFile 365 speaks to audiences directly to provide necessary background information. Hosted by a big Designed to complement and deepen the on air Conspiracy 365 fan – Bardy McKinnon dissects each experience, exclusive video content, images, gameplay episode, delving into the characters, clues and scenarios and social activities are available to complement each of the show. Bardy is a passionate eccentric devoted to episode premiere. Fans are encouraged to engage helping Cal and communicating with other C365 fans. in activities to unlock the rewards, which consist of exclusive preview content and prizes. Multiplatform Experience includes: All video content has been written by the series writers • Conspiracy 365 iPhone and iPad App and shot by main unit, representing a significant • Conspiracy 365 central destination website investment in content made exclusively for online. Content includes; video logs from the series central character Cal Ormond; Case File 365, preview content; • Conspiracy 365 Social Pages user generated content and character dossiers. (posts GEO locked to individual destinations) The multiplatform initiative also includes an iPhone, • Conspiracy 365 Social Copy iPad and iTouch application, which replicates a fans (pre-written posts – no community management) experience on the website and allows them to interact with other fans through chat and the ability to ‘check in’ • Conspiracy 365 multi-platform video content: whilst watching the series. o Winter’s Dossier - 12 x 1-2 minutes o Cal’s VLOG - 12 x 1-2 minutes o Behind The Scenes - 2 x 4 - 5 minutes o News Reports - 12 x 1 - 2 minutes o Prequel webseries - 12 x 3 - 4 minutes
  • 13. 13 Episode JANUARY FEBRUARY SHORT SYNOPSIS: SHORT SYNOPSIS: Synopses At his father’s funeral, 15-year-old Cal Ormond is Cal is living on the streets, wanted for a crime he Boges warns Cal to stay away from Winter. Her warned about the Ormond Singularity, a deadly family didn’t commit. As he continues to work on the clues guardian is Vulkan Sligo, after all. But when Winter mystery that kills those who seek it. Can Cal survive to the Ormond Singularity, a mysterious girl, Winter, recognises the Angel from one of Tom’s cryptic the next 365 days and solve the mystery? saves him from certain death. But can Cal trust her? drawings, Cal is forced to take a chance and follow her lead. LONG SYNOPSIS: LONG SYNOPSIS: After catching sight of a boy who looks exactly like him, Cal starts to wonder if being on the run is making At his father’s funeral, 15-year-old Cal Ormond is Cal Ormond is living on the streets, wanted for a crime him lose the plot. But what if it’s not? Could Cal have warned about the Ormond Singularity, a deadly family he didn’t commit. As he continues to work on the clues to a double out there? mystery that kills those who seek it. Can Cal survive the Ormond Singularity, a mysterious girl, Winter, saves the next 365 days and solve the mystery? him from certain death. But can Cal really trust her? 306 days to go… After returning from Tom’s funeral, the Ormond family discovers their home has been burgled. Is it simply bad luck or something more? Cal soon realises nothing is coincidental after his uncle Rafe is shot and his younger sister Gabbi is knocked unconscious in a home attack. What is the Ormond Singularity? Why is it worth killing for? With the police believing Cal assaulted his uncle and sister, he has no choice but to run. He needs to clear his name and find out what the Singularity is. 334 days to go…
  • 14. 14 MARCH APRIL SHORT SYNOPSIS: SHORT SYNOPSIS: Cal enlists the help of safe-cracking recluse, Repro, Cal battles to outrun Jake and Kelvin as they pursue Cal needs to get back to the city and fast. An unusual to break into Oriana’s house and steal the Ormond him over rough terrain. His mission to get to Uncle opportunity presents itself when retiree Melba Snipe Riddle. But his moment of triumph is short-lived when Bart’s is sidelined after he discovers Gabbi’s life spies Cal and offers him a lift in her boot. Will Cal he realises a key piece of the Riddle is missing. support is about to be switched off. take the risk and trust her? Desperate not to lose his sister, Cal sneaks into the LONG SYNOPSIS: LONG SYNOPSIS: hospital and pleads with Gabbi to wake up. But McGrath is on the move and Cal doesn’t have much Cal enlists the help of safe-cracking recluse, Repro, Cal battles to outrun Jake and Kelvin as they pursue time before he catches up with him. to break into Oriana’s house and steal the Ormond him over rough terrain. Cal’s mission to get to Uncle Riddle. But his moment of glory is short-lived when he Bart’s is sidelined after he discovers Gabbi’s life 245 days to go… realises a key piece of the Riddle is missing. support is about to be switched off. Sligo and Oriana aren’t the only people on Cal’s trail. Detective McGrath is using all his resources to catch the ‘psycho kid’. When one of McGrath’s men stumbles upon Cal’s hideout, Cal resorts to desperate measures to escape. Boges’s suspicion of Winter increases, and Cal is forced to try and ease the tension between them. But Cal knows Boges has a point: how do Oriana and Sligo seem to find Cal at every turn? Could Winter be a double agent? 275 days to go…
  • 15. 15 MAY JUNE SHORT SYNOPSIS: SHORT SYNOPSIS: Cal wakes up imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital. In the mental institution, Cal is told his name is Ben The stakes are raised when small-town cops hunt down Every cop within a 50 km radius is looking for Cal. Boges and Winter put their differences aside in a bid Galloway. Cal is disorientated and confused–maybe Cal after his narrow escape in Uncle Bart’s plane. Can he get back to the city undetected? A look at a to bust Cal out and get him to his great-uncle Bart’s. he isn’t who he thinks he is. If Winter and Boges are Cracks start to appear in Cal and Boges’s friendship as picture of the Ormond Jewel delivers a surprising Does Bart hold the key to the Singularity? going to get Cal out, they’ll have to snap him out of his Cal pushes on with a plan to steal the Ormond Jewel. revelation for Winter—she’s seen it before and she medicated haze. knows who has it. LONG SYNOPSIS: Cal finds his great-uncle Bart, an old timer who is LONG SYNOPSIS: Boges continues to struggle with Cal’s risk-taking, sceptical about the Singularity and Cal. However, especially after Cal contacts a fellow street kid, Griff, Cal wakes up imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital. when Cal and Bart discover a shared passion for The stakes are raised when small-town cops hunt down in a bid to get fast cash. Meanwhile, Winter reveals the Boges and Winter put their differences aside in a bid planes, Cal warms to a man he barely knows and Bart Cal after his narrow escape in Uncle Bart’s plane. tragic truth behind why her birthday will never be a to bust Cal out and get him to his great-uncle Bart’s. reveals key information to solving the Singularity. Cracks start to appear in Cal and Boges’s friendship as celebration. Does Bart hold the key to the Singularity? But with Oriana’s and Sligo’s men in pursuit, these Cal pushes on with a plan to steal the Ormond Jewel. Ormonds may not have as much time as they think. 184 days to go… 214 days to go…
  • 16. 16 JULY AUGUST SHORT SYNOPSIS: SHORT SYNOPSIS: The double key code still stumps Cal. He travels to a Cal, in police custody, is confronted by an unforgiving Cal, no longer a naïve teen, gets past the police and secluded convent to ask his aunt Millicent what she Detective McGrath. Gabbi wakes from her coma and breaks out of hospital. He’s helped by a stranger, knows about the mystery. Can Cal get a woman who Oriana uses her as leverage to get Cal. But even the Nelson Sharkey, a private investigator in the right place hasn’t spoken in 14 years to reveal her secrets? best laid plans can go wrong. at the right time. Cal is given a dream 16th birthday present: he learns LONG SYNOPSIS: LONG SYNOPSIS: that Gabbi has woken up from her coma. But just as he gets his sister back, she is taken away again, this time The double key code still stumps Cal. He travels to a Cal, in police custody, is confronted by an unforgiving by Oriana. Cal loves Gabbi and will do anything to get secluded convent to ask his great-aunt Millicent what McGrath. Gabbi wakes from her coma and Oriana her back, even sacrifice himself. she knows about the mystery. Can Cal get a woman uses her as leverage to get Cal and his resources. But who hasn’t spoken in 14 years to reveal her secrets? even the best laid plans can go wrong. 122 days to go… Cal looks through Millicent’s belongings and discovers letters from Piers Ormond, his great-great-grandfather. The letters reveal what Cal suspected: the two missing lines of the Riddle are the key to the Singularity. Cal chases down the Ormond family solicitor, Sheldrake Rathbone, in a bid to get Piers Ormond’s will. But not all legal eagles are honest and upstanding. Cal’s desperation for answers may be his undoing. Is this the end for the ‘psycho kid’? 153 days to go…
  • 17. 17 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER SHORT SYNOPSIS: SHORT SYNOPSIS: Boges, struggling with Gabbi’s near death at the river, After Gabbi’s kidnapping and near drowning, Boges Cal wakes in the forest very much alive. Why did Cal makes his way back to Winter’s place. With pulls out of the game. Gabbi notices Emily acting decides he’s had enough. Cal is dismayed, but is side- Kelvin spare his life? And what are the numbers Boges back on board, they now have a chance to get strangely. Cal pushes to steal back what Oriana took tracked by seeing the boy who looks exactly like him. written on Cal’s arm? Cal, Boges and Winter hatch a back everything Oriana took. Meanwhile, Sligo gets from him. Is his lucky streak about to end? Cal follows him home with startling results.  plan to get rid of one of their foes for good. in touch with Oriana and asks her join him in going after Cal. But they have no idea that a little birdy is Cal and Winter unlock the mystery behind the listening to their conversation. Will Oriana’s ego be LONG SYNOPSIS: Singularity. This is bigger than Cal could have ever LONG SYNOPSIS: her undoing? imagined. They need Boges’s help to bug Oriana’s Boges, struggling with Gabbi’s near death at the river, house and find where she’s keeping the clues. But Cal Cal wakes in the forest very much alive. Why did Cal, Winter and Boges are on a mission to expose pulls out of the game. Gabbi notices Emily is acting gets caught and Oriana orders her boys to dispose of Kelvin spare his life? And what are the numbers their enemies. But sometimes the truth can be as strangely. Cal pushes to steal back what Oriana took Cal permanently. written on Cal’s arm? Cal, Boges and Winter hatch a unfavourable as a lie. When Winter finds her father’s from him. Is his lucky streak about to end? plan to get rid of one of their foes for good. will, she gets closer to uncovering what happened 92 days to go… between Sligo and her parents. And it isn’t what she expects. 61 days to go…
  • 18. 18 NOVEMBER DECEMBER SHORT SYNOPSIS: SHORT SYNOPSIS: A dying man confesses that he kidnapped Cal and his With only days left before the Singularity runs out, twin Ryan 15 years ago and Cal finally gets Ryan to Cal, Boges, Winter and Nelson fly to Ireland. Can accept the difficult truth. Winter confronts Sligo and they crack the code and find the treasure? Will Cal discovers the truth about her parents’ death. complete his father’s legacy before the clock strikes 12? LONG SYNOPSIS: LONG SYNOPSIS: A dying man confesses he kidnapped Cal and his twin Ryan 15 years ago and Cal finally gets Ryan to With only days left before the Singularity runs out, accept the difficult truth. Winter confronts Sligo and Cal, Boges, Winter and Nelson fly to Ireland. Can discovers what really happened to her parents. they crack the code and find the treasure? Will Cal complete his father’s legacy before the clock strikes After narrowly evading the police yet again, Cal asks 12? Nelson for help. He wants a meeting with Murray ‘Toe Cutter’ Durham, a hardened criminal who he suspects Professor Brinsley helps Cal and the team uncover the knows something about the Ormond Singularity. But last two lines of the Riddle. This is it. They know what Toe Cutter’s connection to Cal is more personal than the next step is—and hopefully it will lead them to the he can possibly imagine.  Singularity! Sligo, Bruno and Rafe have also hit Irish soil. The clock is ticking. Will they catch up with Cal? Ryan finally accepts that he and Cal are brothers. And Will Cal claim the Singularity in time? while Rafe confesses the reason behind his rift with Tom, Winter shows Sligo her true colours. What will a As true intentions and buried secrets rise to the hard man like Vulkan Sligo do after his heart has been surface, Cal, Boges and Winter will soon discover broken? what they’re made of. Who will be the last one standing? 31 days to go…
  • 19. 19 What is the Ormond Singularity? Queen Elizabeth I’s last will and testament contained a codicil known as the ‘Ormond Singularity’ granting the heirs of the Tenth Earl of Ormond a royal inheritance. The inheritance is made up of two parts. The first is a right to lands and a title—the Earl of Ormond. The second part is a fortune in gold and jewels. Only the first-born male of each generation has the opportunity to inherit the lands and title but anyone can steal the fortune… if they can find it! The gold and jewels have been hidden for centuries; the Ormond Jewel and Riddle hold the clues to their location. Together they form a double key code; however, the curse of the Singularity has defeated everyone who has ever tried to solve the mystery.
  • 20. 20 Cal’s World... Callum / Ryan Ormond Tom Ormond Uncle Rafe Harrison Gilbertson David Whiteley David Whiteley Bogdan “Boges” Michalko Taylor Glockner Gabbi Ormond Emily Ormond Winter Frey Mietta White Kate Kendall Marny Kennedy CAL & FRIENDS CAL’S FAMILY
  • 21. 21 Chasing Cal... ORIANA’S SLIGO’S GANG GANG Vulkan Sligo Rob Carlton Oriana de la Force Julia Zemiro Yuri Aaron Jakubenko Kelvin Bruno Jake Sachin Joab Andrew Curry James Sorensen
  • 22. 22 Chasing Cal... Cal Meets... Repro Syd Brisbane Eric Blair Dion Mills Jennifer Smith Tanya Burne Melba Snipe Julia Blake Lachlan Bryce Hardy Belinda Scott Pia Miller Griff Justin Holborow Uncle Bart Gerard Kennedy Great Aunt Millicent Beverly Dunn Sister Jerome Penne Hackforth-Jones Spike Josh Futcher Dr Glasser Shane Nagle Gilda Laura Pike Detective McGrath Detective Ferrara Ryan O’Kane Dr Theophilus Brinsley Lawrence Mooney Debbie Zukerman Rathbone Nicholas Bell Vernon Fletcher Humphrys Barry Rick Tonna THE POLICE Mrs Fitzgerald Joan Sydney Nurse Lisa Hemsworth Murray ‘Toe Cutter’ Durham Vince Gill
  • 23. 23
  • 24. 24 Cal Ormond Boges Michalko Cal had always been a happy-go-lucky kid—likeable and attractive, Boges (Bogdan Michalko) is Cal’s best friend. He’s tall and with lots of friends, male and female alike. Until recently he was just an good-looking, but unlike Cal, is shy and self-effacing. He ordinary teenager juggling school and friends, but when we meet Cal his lacks Cal’s easy confidence. At school, Boges isn’t popular father has just died in mysterious circumstances. When his uncle and and is even a bit of a joke, something that isn’t helped by little sister are attacked, Cal becomes the prime suspect. Cal’s quest is being a ‘brain’. not just to complete the task his father began and solve the mystery of the Ormond Singularity, but also to redeem himself in his father’s eyes and But Boges is much stronger and braver than he realises, and bring the family back together again. for Cal, Boges’s help is invaluable to his survival. Harrison Gilbertson is CAL ORMOND Taylor Glockner is BOGES One of Australia’s most sought-after young actors, Harrison Gilbertson Even though Taylor is a relative newcomer, he is being made his stage debut at age six, playing Sorrow in the opera Madama touted as one of Australia’s most promising young actors. Butterfly with the State Opera of South Australia.  In 2000 he appeared After graduating from Brisbane’s Film & Television in the Adelaide Festival Opera production of Writing to Vermeer, under Studio International, Taylor scored the role to play Boges the direction of Peter Greenaway. in the television series CONSPIRACY 365. Thanks to his performances in short films Invade and Loco, Taylor Harrison, whose mature screen presence belies his years, has played has been dubbed one of Australia’s hottest new talents, pivotal roles in several Australian films. He played Greggy in Paul particularly in the eyes of teenage girls. Goldman’s highly acclaimed Australian Rules, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2002. In Ana Kokkinos’s Blessed he played troubled teenager Daniel alongside Miranda Otto, Deborra-Lee Furness and Frances O’Connor. His moving performance as young sapper Frank Tiffin in Jeremy Sims’s World War I drama Beneath Hill 60 won him the 2010 AFI Young Actor Award. In 2008, he played the lead role, alongside Academy Award® winner Geena Davis, in the critically acclaimed coming-of-age comedy/drama Accidents Happen. Harrison’s performance as Billy Conway in Accidents Happen brought him to the attention of agents in Los Angeles. In 2009, he filmed the lead role of Emmett alongside Academy Award® winner Jennifer Connelly and Academy Award® nominee Ed Harris in What’s Wrong with Virginia, produced by Gus Van Sant and directed by Academy Award® winner Dustin Lance Black. The film is slated for release in late 2011.
  • 25. 25 Winter Frey Vulkan Sligo Winter was orphaned on her 10th birthday, when her wealthy parents Sligo, aged around 40 is a colourful criminal identity who is now trying to were killed in a car ‘accident’. After their death, she became the ward add a veneer of respectability, culture and philanthropy to his public persona. of criminal hard-man Vulkan Sligo. Winter’s tough but enigmatic He grew up poor on a Housing Commission estate with Oriana and Kelvin, manner hides the fact that she’s desperately lonely and intensely self- and started out with nothing but fists and muscle. After a stretch in jail, he protective, striving to maintain her sense of identity. Winter is highly realised he was more than just a bully and standover man—he had cunning intelligent, curious and well-read—she’s far more sophisticated than Cal and street smarts. His sights are set high and his murky past paradoxically and Boges. She lives in relative luxury with Sligo, but she despises him, adds a frisson of glamour to his image. Sligo is Winter’s guardian. After suspecting him of having murdered her parents and cheated her out of stealing her parents’ money by arranging for their deaths, he decided to her inheritance. adopt 10-year-old Winter, for whom he always had a genuinely caring attachment. Winter’s humanising influence has made Sligo want to be a better man. Marny Kennedy is WINTER Marny Kennedy won her first AFI Award at the age of 13, for Rob Carlton is SLIGO her standout lead performance as Taylor Fry in internationally acclaimed 2006 television series Mortified. She went on to star as Rob Carlton, one of Australia’s most respected film and television actors, has Veronica DiAngelo in the top-rating children’s series The Saddle appeared in many of Australia’s best-known television shows, portraying Club, which aired in the U.S., Canada, and across Europe, as real life figures Kerry Packer in the Southern Star/ABC production well as in Australia. Marny, a trained singer and dancer, also Paper Giants: The Birth of Cleo, and crooked cop Neville ‘Scully’ featured on the soundtrack for the series. Scullion in Underbelly III – The Golden Mile. He starred in the Working Dog comedy series The Hollowmen, with Rob Sitch and In 2010, Marny played one of three lead roles in the teen Santo Cilauro, made a guest appearance on Thank God You’re series A gURL’s wURLd, an Australia-Germany-Singapore Here and has just completed shooting a role in Working Dog’s co-production for Southern Star, shot on location in Sydney, latest feature film, Any Questions for Ben? Singapore and Germany. Since he began his career at the age of 14, Rob has Other credits include a guest role in the season two finale of the appeared in over 15 feature films, most recently in Ten Network drama Rush, and the lead in the recent short film PJ Hogan’s Mental and in Strange Bedfellows with Golden Girl, directed by Grant Scicluna for Film Victoria. Australian comedy icon Paul Hogan. Rob wrote, co- directed and starred in the short film Carmichael & Shane, which won Tropfest 2006. Rob also won the award for Best Male Actor. Rob’s successful television production company, Shadowfax TV, produced two series of the award- winning comedy Chandon Pictures, seen on Movie Extra and the ABC in Australia. He co- directed the project and also takes creator, writer and acting credits in the series. Chandon Pictures now plays in over 15 territories around the world, including the U.S. and U.K. As a writer, Rob won an AWGIE Award for Chandon Pictures.
  • 26. 26 Oriana de la Force Tom Ormond Oriana is a colourful, high-profile criminal lawyer, famous for defending As Tom Ormond, Cal’s father, died in a hospice a week before the action begins, he notorious criminals against very serious charges for very high fees. She is only seen in flashbacks. He was a successful journalist—a charismatic, dynamic grew up in poverty with her brother Kelvin, and Vulkan Sligo. Like and impulsive man—which made his slow death all the more painful for his wife and Sligo, she was determined to claw her way up the ladder. Sex, lies and children. Tom and Emily had a good marriage, but both carried the wound of their lost blackmail were her currency. She’s brilliant, aggressive and flamboyant baby son Samuel (who reappears as Ryan), Cal’s identical twin. Before Tom’s death, in a high fashion way and loves all the attention this gets her. In private, he was researching a story in Ireland on Australian families with Irish heritage. At this she’s given to terrifying icy rages that can reduce grown men, like her time he discovered the centuries-old family puzzle known as the Ormond Singularity, lover Jake or younger brother Kelvin, to blubbering wrecks. At some and became obsessed with solving it. Before his death, he used all the family’s money, point on her journey, she changed her name to Oriana—a term the unbeknownst to Emily, to buy the Ormond Jewel. Elizabethans used to refer to their queen—because she is obsessed with Elizabeth I, and believes she is descended from royalty. This obsession is what has led her to the Ormond Singularity and Cal. Uncle Rafe Julia Zemiro is ORIANA Rafe, 45, is the identical twin of his minutes-older brother Tom. Where Tom is a good- looking and popular man, Rafe is curiously off-putting and there’s something quite The popular host of SBS’s Rockwiz moved to Australia at two and a cold about him. He’s quiet, withdrawn, humourless and self-absorbed, though he puts half, later attending school and university in Sydney before moving on a public front, seeming honest, decent and caring. Rafe is an architect, the solitary to Melbourne to attend the Victorian College of the Arts. Upon nature of the job suiting his personality, and he has a secret hobby pursuing botany, with graduation, she found work touring with Bell Shakespeare Company a particular interest in toxic plants. He’s a pessimist, where Tom was an and featured in short films, winning the Tropfest Best Actress optimist. Rafe has always been in love with Tom’s wife Emily. Now that Award in both 1997 and 2000. Tom is dead, and Cal has gone on the run, Rafe relishes the chance to step in and help Emily get back on her feet. Julia trained extensively in Theatresports, which comes as no surprise to fans of her improvisational wit on Thank God You’re David Whiteley is Here. She has played lead roles on stage at MTC and the UNCLE RAFE and TOM ORMOND Malthouse and has gone on to win a further legion of fans as a commentator for the SBS broadcast of the Eurovision Song David Whiteley most recently appeared in the feature films Killer Contest. Elite, alongside Jason Statham, Clive Owen and Robert DeNiro; the soon to be released Australian sci-fi feature Crawlspace; and Julia’s extensive television credits include Talking ‘Bout My the arthouse feature Exit. His other screen appearances include the Generation, Good News Week, Totally Full Frontal and as U.S. fantasy/adventure series Beastmaster, as well as Ponderosa, winner of Australia’s Brainiest TV Star. She has toured The Man from Snowy River and a number of Australian television Australia and Edinburgh with Spontaneous Broadway, the programs such as City Homicide, Stingers and The Hollowmen. improvised musical. She is delighted to be playing Oriana de la Force.  David has also appeared in numerous stage productions at Red Stitch Actors Theatre—of which he is artistic director and a founding member—including Rabbit Hole, Bug, and the award- winning productions Howie the Rookie, Red Sky Morning and Harvest.
  • 27. 27 Emily Ormond Gabbi Ormond Emily, an architect, is in her late 30s. In flashbacks we see the strong, Cal’s little sister, Gabbi, is eight years old. She’s a bubbly, smart, warm, vivacious woman Emily used to be before Tom’s illness and death. imaginative tomboy who adores her big brother and always forgives She and Tom were seen as the perfect couple, made for each other. Emily his moods and rejections. Gabbi is still numb from her father’s death. is still haunted by the kidnapping (and presumed death) of one of her Tom was her hero and she really can’t believe she’ll never see him twin sons 15 years earlier. When Rafe and Gabbi are attacked, Emily has again, but his absence makes her need Cal all the more. little choice but to believe the damning DNA and fingerprint evidence, and descends into a fog of grief and confusion. Mietta White is GABBI Kate Kendall is EMILY Mietta was just five years old when she blew the judges away with her solo song and dance routines on the first season of Australia’s Multi-award-winning Kate Kendall has had an extensive career in Got Talent, landing her a place in the grand final. Mietta’s other theatre, television and film, though she is probably best known in television credits include a guest appearance in City Homicide for Australia for her ongoing role as Detective Angie Piper in the Nine the Seven Network and her short film credits include the lead in Network hit television series Stingers. Her most recent television work I’m The Lion, directed by Bill Irving, and Jelly, directed by Althea includes the U.S. television series The Starter Wife, the ABC black Jones. Commercial experience includes Target, Axa, WorkSafe and comedy The Librarians and the U.S. drama series The Pacific. More the infamous ‘gay dad’ Freedom Furniture television commercial. recently, Kate has had guest roles in popular Australian series such as Mietta has been dancing and singing from a very young age and is Ten Network drama Rush and the Seven Network’s City Homicide. exceptional in jazz, tap and ballet, gaining a high distinction grade for her RAD Grade 2 ballet exam. She has also been studying drama Kate’s formidable slate of theatrical work includes productions such as and musical theatre at Centrestage Performing Arts School. Now The Red and the Black, Next to Normal, Dust, Chicago, Miss Julie, Into almost nine, Mietta is thrilled to be playing the role of Gabbi in the Woods, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Secret of Salvador Dali, CONSPIRACY 365. The Vagina Monologues and Art & Soul. In 2010, Kate played the leading role of Ulrike Meinhof in the Melbourne International Arts Festival production of the controversial performance artwork Richter/ Meinhof-Opera. In 2004, Kate was nominated for Most Outstanding Actress in a Television Series at the Logie Awards for her work in the television series Stingers. In 2007, she was nominated for Best Solo Performance in the Green Room Awards’ for her work on The Lover. Kate’s film work includes King of the Mountain, On the Beach and more recently, the leading role of Katherine in the film Belladonna. In 2009, she filmed the feature film Matching Jack with Richard Roxburgh. In 2011, she shot Dee McLachlan’s (The Jammed) controversial spoof Eliminated.
  • 28. 28 Detective McGrath Bruno A dogged, dedicated senior detective in charge of the manhunt for ‘teen Sligo’s chief enforcer/attack dog. Ex-con. Smarter than your average thug. A fugitive’, Cal Ormond. Rigid and authoritarian, McGrath’s blind spot is rev-head, Bruno drives a black Subaru WRX. Bruno met Sligo in jail 10 years his obsession with wayward, violent teenagers, due to his having been ago when he was put away for a long stretch after a string of violent armed a victim of teen violence in his past. Nevertheless, he is unfailingly robberies. Bruno commands respect from the people around him—including courteous to Emily and kind to Gabbi, and genuinely feels for them Sligo. And as long as that continues, Bruno’s loyalty will never waver. But like both. a dog, the inner mongrel is always there and if Bruno isn’t happy with the way he’s being treated, he has no qualms about biting the hand that’s feeding him. Bruno is suspicious of Winter and can’t understand why Sligo can’t see through Ryan O’Kane is DETECTIVE McGRATH her. He treats her with ironic ‘respect’. After completing a B.A. in Psychology at Otago University, Ryan’s intention to study medicine was interrupted by his passion for acting. Sachin Joab is BRUNO He enrolled in drama school, but found his studies yet again put on hold when he won one of the lead roles in the TVNZ drama The Insiders Sachin Joab was born in Melbourne and graduated from the National Guide to Love. His success in this role led to further film and television Theatre Drama School in 2008. As an actor, he has been involved in work, including roles in New Zealand cop-show-with-a-twist The film, television and stage productions, and is also a contemporary Hothouse and award-winning feature Out of the Blue. dancer and an R&B singer. Over recent years Sachin has spent a significant amount of time in the U.S., winning roles in independent films. He also undertook further acting study in New York. His vocal diversity has enabled him to perform in a wide variety of roles using various foreign accents including American, Indian, English and South African. Coming from an intensely athletic upbringing, Sachin has also studied human movement, which assisted him in the physicality of stage roles such as the rough-and-tumble Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire and the twisted body of Shakespeare’s Richard III. Sachin has appeared in Australian feature films including My Year Without Sex, Big Mamma’s Boy and the soon to be released Who Wants to be a Terrorist, and in television shows City Homicide, Rush and Neighbours.
  • 29. 29 Kelvin Jake Kelvin is Oriana’s younger brother and a flash dresser, donning heeled snakeskin Formerly Oriana’s younger personal trainer, now her lover and cowboy boots. Kelvin is just a little soft and not bright enough for what Oriana thug. He’s a strong, well-defined specimen who rarely speaks, but requires of him. He has often been in trouble with the police, although he has no constantly needles and puts down Kelvin. Close-cropped hair, tatts serious convictions (Oriana grudgingly gets him off). Kelvin has a gambling and is ripped under his clothes, but more is a gym rat on steroids problem, which has put him in debt to Bruno. Treated like an idiot and a burden than a genuine body builder. by Oriana, he is nevertheless eager to please her or to prove he’s as clever as she is. The tracking device implanted in Cal’s shoulder is his idea, but he has intermittent problems in making it work. Kelvin is the most interesting of the James Sorensen is JAKE muscle boys: he has a conscience. James is best known for his work on Neighbours, joining the cast in 2007 in the role of Declan Napier. His character became hugely Andrew Curry is KELVIN popular with fans, and as Declan fell in love, married, became a father and then a widower, viewers experienced the highs and lows Andrew Curry has been involved in the Australian film and television alongside him. industry for over 20 years as an actor, writer, director and producer. Andrew grew up in a family of accomplished entertainers, and has After four years on Australia’s longest running drama, James left appeared in many top-rating television shows, including The Secret to pursue a career in the army. This stint was unfortunately short- Life of Us, Blue Heelers, The Games, and Neighbours. In the early lived due to injury. James’s work on CONSPIRACY 365 marks 2000s, he co-hosted the Ten Network entertainment news program his return to Australian television. Premiere, and has written and performed in sketch comedy shows James made his professional acting debut as a teenager in the like Flipside and Let Loose Live. Andrew then moved on to feature feature film Hating Alison Ashley, opposite Delta Goodrem. roles in well-loved Australian television dramas such as City Soon after, he scored a main role in the teen hit Blue Water Homicide, Satisfaction, Rush and the highly anticipated TV1 crime High, for Southern Star and the ABC, which amassed him a drama, Killing Time. strong fan base. Other television credits include Showtime’s Andrew has appeared in several feature films, including The Satisfaction and Wicked Science for Jonathan M. Shiff Merchant of Fairness, Mick Molloy’s BoyTown and Simon productions. James is a strong sportsman and a talented Wincer’s soon to be released The Cup. In 2002, Andrew played photographer whose work is regularly exhibited. Currently, he is the lead role opposite Charles ‘Bud’ Tingwell in the acclaimed studying nursing and running his own personal training business sci-fi feature The Inside Story. in between filming commitments. He has moved into production in the past few years, and has written, directed and produced many short films, television commercials, music video clips, corporate videos and documentaries through his production company, iCandy Productions. Most of 2010 was dedicated to a Film Victoria-funded short film, Spider Walk, and also saw him producing a documentary on animal cruelty in India, a number of short films, and finding time for his wonderful wife and kids.
  • 30. 30 Eric Blair Eric is in his 40s, a photojournalist who accompanied Tom Ormond to Ireland and almost died from a ‘mysterious virus’. Previously a neat, cheerful and organised man, and a trusted colleague of Tom’s, he is now diminished and fearful, and his memory is bad as a result of the virus. Initially, in his crazed state, he warns Cal of the curse of the Ormond Singularity; later in the series, he recovers and helps Cal as much as he can out of loyalty to Tom. Dion Mills is ERIC BLAIR Dion Mills’s physically electrifying performances on stage have made him one of Australia’s most sought-after stage actors. After training at NIDA, Dion took on the recurring role of deadly hitman, Conrad, in season 6 of Stingers, before returning to his first love of theatre. In 2003, he joined Red Stitch Actors Theatre, one of Australia’s leading independent theatre companies. He has appeared in many and varied roles, to great critical acclaim. In 2010, he played the part of Sir Ranulph Fiennes opposite Jason Statham, Clive Owen and Robert De Niro in Killer Elite.
  • 31. 31 Contact... and MOVIE NETWORK CHANNELS CONTACT Peter Jenetsky +612 9433 1002 present CIRCA MEDIA CONTACT Linda Klejus +613 9696 8777 a