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                                             Executive Producer

                                           EMMA MORONEY
                                           Supervising Producer

                                             Peter Jenetsky
                               Executive in Charge of Production


                      GARETH CALVERLEY and JOSS KING
                                          Series Writers

                                            JEFFREY WALKER

             © 2010 Boilermaker Burberry Entertainment Pty. Ltd.
4.	         Series Synopsis

5 - 14.	    Key Characters

15. 	       Production Notes

21.	        Key Crew

27. 	       Key Cast

37 - 53.	   Episode SynopsEs
series synopsis
    ONE-LINE SYNOPSIS                                     SYNOPSIS
    Tony Piccolo leads a secretive double life – he’s a   Tony Piccolo is an underworld enforcer, a veteran
    devoted family man and the toughest underworld        standover man, the best in the business. His wife
    enforcer in Melbourne.                                and kids have no idea – they think he’s a carpet

                                                          Tony’s problems begin when he accidentally kills a
    ONE PARAGRAPH SYNOPSIS                                friend from his criminal family. He suffers a major
                                                          crisis. Tony becomes an enforcer with a conscience.
    Tony Piccolo is an average Aussie bloke. Early 40s.   He’s lost his bottle – and if word hits the street, he’s
    Affable. Hard working. He’s a family man. Tony        a dead man.
    keeps his ‘day job’ secret from his wife and kids –
    for one very good reason. Tony is an underworld       Tony decides he wants out. He needs to get out. But
    enforcer. Gripped by a sudden mid-life crisis, Tony   it’s not that easy… in this line of work, when you
    decides he wants out. But in the gangster business,   literally know where the bodies are buried, upper
    an enforcer with a conscience is a dead man – and     management doesn’t take kindly to early retirement.
    a family is a dangerous thing to have.                They favour a more permanent redundancy package.
                                                          And his wife Cathy won’t be too happy either!

                                                          Tony’s going to have to be very careful. He’s gotta
                                                          pick the kids up from school – and get milk – and
                                                          he’s gonna need more bullets.

    There are two Tony Piccolos, and they lead totally
    separate lives. The first is a hard arse. Brass
    knuckles. Motorcycle boots. He’s a standover
    man. The second is a doting dad and husband.
    A suburban father, dressed in overalls and telling
    bad jokes, he’s a husband, neighbour and friend.

    As the pressure mounts and Tony melts down, the
    two personas switch. At home, he becomes hard-
    nosed, projecting strength and control. On the
    street, he opens up and lets his emotions take over.
    He can’t stop talking – and his caring, pussycat
    side emerges. Not a great look for a standover

Cathy’s story is divided into two distinct halves.
In the first, she’s a devoted homemaker, intent on
keeping up with the Joneses and making sure her
kids have a happy life. The turning point for Cathy
is the revelation that her life is based on a lie.
She’s furious at Tony’s betrayal. She knows that
she can survive without him, perhaps even prosper.
But it’s not the same emotionally – because despite
his deception, she still loves him.


    Les is an old school crook; he’s down to earth,
    calls a spade a shovel and wouldn’t know
    political correctness if it was drinking his beer and
    bumming his smokes.

    A veteran standover man, Les is Tony’s adopted
    father and mentor and a big part of Tony’s family.
    He lives in the garage and the kids adore him.
    He’s the perfect grandfather, genial, benign, and
    unerringly generous. They’d never know he used to
    be the hardest working hit man in Sydney.

Cool and detached, Darlene is a successful
businesswoman and entrepreneur who knows
everybody and has seen it all. She’s a player who
understands the correlation between information,
power, and control. For her, it’s never personal,
it’s always business. Operating from her pub in
Newport, which is Ground Zero for the crew,
Darlene is the middleman between the boys on the
street and Barry Donald, their nefarious boss.

     Mel, Tony and Cathy’s teenage daughter,
     is practical – a realist – and sees life as a
     negotiation; it’s about getting what you want. She
     has Tony wrapped around her little finger and
     devoutly believes in girl power.

     Her journey through the series follows a clear
     line – at first, she sees her Mum as something of a
     failure, just a housewife who spends too much time
     looking at the guy next door. When Cathy kicks
     Tony out and runs the family with consummate
     ease, Mel is impressed. And Mel is proud (and
     more than a little surprised) when Cathy shows her
     what real girl power looks like.

Mel’s younger brother, Matt is an unlikely son
for the Piccolos. Deductive and inquisitive, Matt
regularly challenges and confounds Tony; he’s
perceptive and asks questions. He’s eccentric – but
in a good way. Like everyone else in our story,
Matt has a few surprises of his own.

     Like Tony, Barry is a family man. For him, family is
     everything. You absolutely, positively do not want
     to mess with this guy – he’s an old school captain.
     He’s the real deal but slightly unhinged, we never
     quite know which direction Barry’s gonna take
     – and it’s unnerving – there’s a palpable tension
     in the room when he’s around. He could kiss
     you – or kill you. Maybe both. Barry is a master
     manipulator and knows how to play people. He’s
     the top dog and he’s not scared of anyone.

Handsome and capable, Charlie is a smart kid
flirting with the idea of being a gangster. With a
penchant for Resident Evil, a privileged upbringing
and Barry for a father, it’s time for this kid to learn
about life. Assigned to working with Tony to ‘learn
the ropes’, Charlie becomes increasingly impatient
– he wants to graduate to doing jobs on his own.
He’s just not cut out to be an apprentice.

STEVE                                               BRENT
     Steve is Tony’s best mate – a tightly               Brent, Tony and Cathy’s suburban
     coiled, dangerous guy with a chip on his            neighbour, is a great guy who loves a
     shoulder and simmering anger issues. He’s           beer, the footy and knows his way around
     a shapeshifter, morphing between Tony’s             a barbecue plate. He’s fit, healthy and
     friend and foe, according to the dictates           handsome; the perfect neighbour – and eye
     of his unrequited love for Darlene. He’ll           candy for Cathy.
     gladly play both ends against the middle.
     For Steve, life is simple; it’s all about getting   GARY THE GUNSMITH
     paid. Nothing else matters.
                                                         Strictly speaking, Gary doesn’t make guns
     DEAN                                                – he sells them. And, given a few days, he
                                                         can get you anything you need. He knows
     A New Zealander two stubbies short of a             guns inside out and his client list covers
     six pack, Tony’s assistant takes naivety to         every crook in town. Gary is a classic
     a new level. Dean came into Tony’s life via         snitch and a great source of gangster-
     Centrelink and soon became his apprentice           related gossip – he leads a dangerous life
     in the ‘carpet cleaning’ business. Dean is          and he loves it.
     oblivious to Tony’s real job. As long as he’s
     got a titty magazine and a burger with the
     lot, life is good!

     Title	                                             Executive Producer	
     SMALL TIME GANGSTER                                Ewan Burnett

     Format	                                            Supervising Producer (Movie Extra)	
     8 X 30 minute episodes                             Emma Moroney
     Logline                                            Executive in Charge of Production (Movie Extra)
     What happens when ‘the family’ meets the family?   Peter Jenetsky

     Production Company                                 Producers	
     	 oilermaker-Burberry Entertainment Pty. Ltd.      Andrew McInally
     	                                                  Gareth Calverley
     MOVIE EXTRA                                        Series Writers	
                                                        Gareth Calverley
     Principal Cast (in alphabetical order) 	           Joss King
     Jay Bowen
     Gia Carides                                        Director
     Jared Daperis                                      Jeffrey Walker
     Fletcher Humphrys
     Nicole Gulasekharam                                Director of Photography
     Samuel Johnson                                     Craig Barden
     Kevin Hofbauer
     Sacha Horler                                       Production Designer	
     Bill Hunter                                        Otello Stolfo
     Steve Le Marquand
     Geoff Morrell                                      Costume Designer
     Sean Rees-Wemyss                                   Katie Graham
     Gary Sweet                                         							
                                                        Filming Location
                                                        Filmed entirely on location
                                                        in Melbourne, Australia

As a rule, films and TV shows set within the world of      Early series drafts described the series protagonist as
gangsters tend to focus on those at the top of the food    a hit man, but after brainstorming with New Zealand
chain. They breathlessly follow the exploits of men        based writer, Joss King, who together with Calverley
or women ruthlessly climbing over the bruised and          penned the series, they decided that concept was
bloodied bodies of those who stand between them and        too harsh and not entirely original. “We thought we
their ultimate goal of supreme power. Think of iconic      needed a TV show that could reach a broad, Australian
films such as Scarface, Goodfellas, the Godfather          audience,” explains McInally, “so we dispensed with
trilogy, Portrait of a Mobster and small-screen fare       the idea of him being a killer and instead made him a
from The Sopranos to Underbelly, and you will either       standover man with a family in the suburbs who have
see somebody struggling to get to the top or battling to   no real idea as to how he really makes his living.” 
remain there. But what about the little guys?               
                                                           Around this time, renowned TV producer Ewan Burnett
Long-time friends and SMALL TIME GANGSTER                  joined the SMALL TIME GANGSTER team as
Producers Andrew McInally and Gareth Calverley,            Executive Producer. “I’ve known Gareth and Andrew
who produced The Team for FOXTEL’s The Comedy              for some years,” says Burnett, “and have always liked
Channel and Andrew’s Guide and Spy Shop for ABC            the way they operate. So when they came to me for
Comedy, had always harboured a passion for the             support in developing a number of projects of which
crime genre and all things film noir.                      SMALL TIME GANGSTER was one, I was keen to
                                                           learn more. I thought it was pithy, funny, and really
“Films like Jules Dassin’s Night in the City and Samuel    engaging. It’s not gratuitous in its use of violence
Fuller’s Pickup on South Street, that told the story of    and nudity, and has a lovely heart. It’s all about the
blue-collar working class and small-time criminals,        characters and following the emotional journey of this
were the kinds of films that inspired us to think that     big, physical man who has a tough job. It’s also warmly
we could do something like that for television,” recalls   funny because we recognise his humanity, and even
Calverley. “So we thought, what if we do a crime series    though he does things that we might not do ourselves,
but one that isn’t about the bosses, instead focusing      we understand that he’s just trying to make sense of
on the blue-collar guys, the working guys? Instead of      what is happening to him, which is one of the key
making a show about Don Corleone, make a show              things that differentiates SMALL TIME GANGSTER
about the guy who drives Don Corleone to work, that        from other shows of the same genre.”
sort of thing.”                                             

Entirely funded by Movie Network Channels, the series      guys, it’s a lot as they’re working-class criminals for
     comes to us from Boilermaker-Burberry Entertainment,       whom every dollar counts.
     a new company formed by the show’s Executive                
     Producer, Ewan Burnett of Burberry Entertainment, and      So we have two families ignorant of each others
     Producers Andrew McInally and Gareth Calverley of          existence – naturally opposing forces that create conflict
     Boilermaker Pty. Ltd.                                      for Tony in every moment of every day, whether he’s
                                                                making a cup of tea in the house that’s been paid
     “What’s been so great about working on SMALL               for by his secret profession, or socialising with the
     TIME GANGSTER,” notes Burnett, “is that we are             criminals who are ignorant to the wife and two kids
     working with Movie Network Channels. These people          he has tucked away in the suburbs. And because he’s
     understand movies. They understand character; they         been living a lie for so many years, it’s now impossible
     understand script and how to develop something             for him to tell his wife and children the truth, and too
     that engages an audience. They’ve given us a strong        risky to let his criminal cohorts know that he has an
     degree of creative freedom and have been very, very        Achilles’ heel – a family. 
     supportive in the development and production of the         
     show, which is really refreshing. It’s also been a joy     “It’s hard enough to juggle one family, let alone two,”
     to work with just the one partner, who ‘got it’ from       observes Calverley, “so what you have with Tony is a
     the outset. They liked the genre, the humour, loved the    normal, everyday guy who’s fighting to keep his home
     script and have been just fantastic throughout.”           life afloat and his workload going, and when those two
                                                                worlds collide, that’s SMALL TIME GANGSTER.” 
     The series revolves around the story of Tony Piccolo,       
     a small time gangster, yet a normal man with regular       And collide they do, one fateful Christmas when Tony
     aspirations. He adores his wife, Cathy, and their two      is sent to collect money from his old friend Artie,
     children, Mel and Matt, and likes nothing better than      and inadvertently causes the terrified man’s death. 
     to come home at the end of a hard day and relax            Consumed with guilt – a state not improved when
     with a beer and his family. But he’s living a twenty       circumstances force him to dismember Artie’s body –
     year-old lie, for Tony is a standover man – one of the     he develops ‘the yips’ and finds himself unable to inflict
     best. While his loved ones think he earns his rather       violence on his targets. An undesirable predicament
     generous income by steam cleaning carpets, he’s            for a standover man.” 
     really using a variety of well-honed, strong-arm tactics
     to extract funds from those who foolishly owe money
     to his ‘other family’ – a crime syndicate helmed by
     brutal boss Barry Donald.  And we’re not talking huge
     sums here. It might only be $10,000 or so, but to these

EWAN BURNETT                                               EMMA MORONEY
     (Executive Producer)                                       (Supervising Producer)

     Burnett has worked in the Australian film and television   Moroney literally grew up on a film set. Assisting
     industry for over 30 years. With an Arts Degree in         producers from the age of 14 at one of Australia’s
     Cinema Studies and Philosophy, he embarked on a            most respected TV/Film production houses, Horizon
     career in drama television for adults and children.        Films, Moroney met and started her career in film
                                                                with an inspiring mentor, Richard Franklin. Since that
     His productions have won many Australian and               time, she has spent 16 years working in all manner
     international awards and his extensive credits             of productions from large scale ad campaigns to TV
     include the series Last Man Standing, mini-series          series’ including the seminal The Secret Life of Us, and
     Kangaroo Palace, Bootleg and The Farm, along with          feature films such as Phillip Noyce’s Quiet American
     the children’s series Dead Gorgeous, Animalia, The         where she learnt much about the 18-hour day!
     Wayne Manifesto, Eugénie Sandler PI, Short Cuts,
     Fergus McPhail and Sleepover Club. He has also             In recent years, Moroney has produced a number
     successfully produced stage productions and has            of series for FOX8 and Movie Network Channels,
     served on a number of boards and committees.               including large-scale live events such as MOVIE
                                                                EXTRA Tropfest and Henry Rollins Live from
                                                                Developing and producing successful comedy series
                                                                Chandon Pictures, The Jesters and now SMALL
                                                                TIME GANGSTER for Movie Network Channels,
                                                                Moroney is always on the hunt for the next great
                                                                script, featuring the next big thing.

PETER JENETSKY                                        ANDREW McINALLY
     (Executive in Charge of Production)                   (Producer)

     Peter has worked with some of Australia’s largest     As co-founder of Boilermaker Pty Ltd, McInally has
     media organisations, including senior roles with      produced a diverse slate of projects, including Top
     Austereo and The Seven Network, and is now            Blokes, The Team, Andrew’s Guide to Being a Man
     GM of Content Strategy and Marketing for Movie        and Spy Shop.
     Network Channels. In this role he is responsible
     for the development of the channels’ content          In addition to SMALL TIME GANGSTER, McInally
     strategies as well as the marketing of the programs   is currently producing The Mark Delaney Stories,
     and brands. In recent years he has overseen the       The Campbell Show and The Adventures of Tom
     expansion of the channels’ Production ambitions       Finn, along with a number of other projects in early
     including the development and commissioning of        development.
     The Jesters, the award-winning comedy, Chandon
     Pictures and entertainment formats such as the
     film-making competition, Project Greenlight as
     well as the live broadcast of the short-film event,
     Movie Extra Tropfest.

GARETH CALVERLEY                                           JOSS KING
(Writer/Producer)                                          (Writer)

After graduating from Griffith University (BA Film         King has been working as a professional writer
& Television 1990), Calverley began his career as          around the world for over 16 years. He had his first
an assistant director at Warner Roadshow Studios.          short story published at age fifteen, then branched
In 1997 he became the Associate Producer at
        ,                                                  into theatre plays. In 1993, he began five years work
Jonathan M. Shiff Productions in Melbourne, a role         on South Pacific Pictures’ long running serial drama
that culminated in 1999 with the BAFTA award-              Shortland Street as a story-liner and scriptwriter.
winning series Thunderstone.
                                                           In 1998, he was invited to work in London, Hungary
After a four-year stint producing international            and Greece for Freemantle Media as Story Editor
television commercials, Calverley began writing and        on various comedies and serial dramas. Three years
producing his own material, creating Top Blokes and        later, he returned to New Zealand to be Story Editor
The Team for The Comedy Channel, Andrew’s Guide            and scriptwriter on Shortland Street again, this time
and Spy Shop for ABC Comedy, and comedy series             for five years.
The Mark Delaney Stories, The Campbell Show, and
The Adventures of Tom Finn.                                Since then, he has broadened his experience of other
                                                           genres, writing the critically acclaimed docudrama
In 2006, Calverley founded film and television             The Million Dollar Con, story-lining the high rating
production company Boilermaker Pty Ltd with                and equally acclaimed primetime adult drama This
business partner Andrew McInally.                          is Not My Life plus Ride with the Devil and the
                                                           comedy Diplomatic Immunity. He has also worked
His first two feature films, Rocket and Pretty Good        in children’s drama, both for Endemol/BBC Paradise
Fighter, are in development with Screen Australia,         Café and for Jonathan M. Shiff/Disney/Channel 10
while his latest film script Bite is in development with   as scriptwriter for H20: Just Add Water (series two
Film Victoria.                                             and three), story-liner/scriptwriter for Pirate Islands
                                                           (series two), and Elephant Princess (series two). He
In July 2008, he was appointed Head of Development         recently received film financing from the NZ Film
for Jonathan M. Shiff Productions, leaving to write        Commission for his first film Hearts on Fire, which is
and produce SMALL TIME GANGSTER in June                    currently in development.
2010. Calverley is fond of Irish whisky, movies and
Manchester United.

JEFFREY WALKER                                          CRAIG BARDEN
     (Director)                                              (Director of Photography)

     Walker was one of Australia’s most talented child       Barden has been at the forefront of his profession for
     actors appearing in such shows as Ocean Girl,           the last three decades. His extensive television credits
     Round the Twist, Sky Trackers, Pugwall’s Summer,        include Snowy, Halifax F.P., Ocean Girl (series one
     Thunderstone, Blue Heelers and most memorably as        and four), Lift-Off (series two), State Coroner, Good
     Wayne in The Wayne Manifesto.                           Guys Bad Guys, Farscape, CrashBurn, Noah &
                                                             Saskia, Scooter Secret Agent, Last Man Standing,
     As he neared the end of his teens, Walker’s focus       Mortified and City Homicide.
     shifted behind the camera and he spent several
     years learning his craft on numerous film sets. Now     In recognition of his distinctive visual flair, Barden
     in his late twenties, he has proven himself to be an    has also won no less than nine awards, courtesy of
     exciting directorial talent and has directed episodes   the Australian Cinematographers’ Society (ACS).
     for Neighbours, Blue Heelers, Holly’s Heroes, Home
     & Away, Last Man Standing and Wicked Science
     (series two).

     More recently, Walker directed multiple episodes
     of H20: Just Add Water (series one, two and
     three), City Homicide (series one and two), Dance
     Academy, Rake, and the new Chris Lilley series for
     HBO, Angry Boys.

	Steve Le Marquand	Tony Piccolo
	Sacha Horler	             Cathy Piccolo
           Geoff Morrell	  Les Walker
             Gia Carides	  Darlene
             Gary Sweet	   Barry Donald
          Jared Daperis	   Charlie Donald
  Nicole Gulasekharam	     Melanie Piccolo
	Sean Rees-Wemyss	         Matt Piccolo
     Fletcher Humphrys	    Steve
	Kevin Hofbauer	           Dean
             Jay Bowen	    Brent
	Samuel Johnson	           Gary the Gunsmith
              Bill Hunter	 Jack Stanley
           Jacek Koman	Artie
            Colin Moody	   Darren
  Tony Nikolakopoulos	     Glen
              Nicki Paull	 Janet
    Damien Richardson	     Sandy
       Gianluca Toscano	Nicky
           Daniel Whyte	   Jeremy

STEVE LE MARQUAND                                      SACHA HORLER
(Tony Piccolo)                                         (Cathy Piccolo)

“Tony is an extremely complex man because              “I think Cathy’s at a really common place
he lives a double life. He’s got a family on           for a lot of women, where they start to
one side that he loves very much, and then             question whether their marriage and
for work he goes off and beats the shit                their kids represent the sum total of their
out of people for money. He’s tried to keep            life and wonder whether that’s all there
those two worlds separate, which requires              is. So when we meet her, she would like
a lot of energy and a lot of ingenuity, so             a little more time with her husband and
he’s a very, very complicated, character.”             would probably be better off if she drank
                                                       a little less Sauvignon Blanc. She’s at that
Le Marquand is an electrifying actor whose talents     point where the kids are getting older
are regularly sought. Whether he’s performing with     and she should really start to work out
a leading theatre group (STC, MTC, Company             what’s going to happen next. But then her
B Belvoir) or on film or television, his magnetic      husband admits that he’s a gangster and
presence is hard to ignore.                            it all goes pear-shaped.”

He has starred in notable features such as Mullet,     Horler is one of Australia’s most talented and well-
Kokoda, Last Train to Freo, Razzle Dazzle, Men’s       respected actresses.
Group and, most recently, Beneath Hill 60. Over
the last 15 years, he has also accrued an impressive   A multi award winning film actress, Horler made her
television resume with roles in Water Rats, Big Sky,   feature debut in the critically acclaimed feature film,
Murder Call, Wildside, A Difficult Woman, Blue         Praise. She went on to star in Soft Fruit, My Mother
Heelers, Backberner, South Pacific, Young Lions,       Frank, Walk the Talk, Travelling Light, The Illustrated
Farscape, All Saints, Sea Patrol, Rake and Laid for    Family Doctor, Russian Doll, Savages Crossing, Look
ABC TV.                                                Both Ways and most recently played the lead role
                                                       in Sarah Watt’s feature, My Year Without Sex.
His many stage outings include lead roles in Waiting
for Godot, Holy Day, The Spook, Don’s Party, Paul,     Her numerous television credits include Love My
Tales from the Vienna Woods, The Serpent’s Teeth,      Way, Blackjack, CrashBurn, Secret Bridesmaids
Gallipoli and War of the Roses.                        Business, Grass Roots and, most recently, Hawke,
                                                       Rake, My Place and Offspring.

Horler’s stellar theatre career includes performances   GEOFF MORRELL
     in God of Carnage, The Removalists, The Crucible,       (Les Walker)
     Pygmalion, Three Sisters, Far Away and Life After
     George for the Sydney Theatre Company (STC)             “Les’ role within the Piccolo family is kind
     and for Company B, Peribanez, Blue Murder, The          of like that strange, smelly, old uncle who
     Birthday Party, Hamlet and Svetlana in Slingbacks.      some people would prefer to stay out of
                                                             sight and others are quite fond of. He’s a bit
     An accomplished voice artist, Horler narrated the       like an old, comfortable piece of furniture –
     SBS series The Nest and Angels in New York,             somewhat doggy and moth-eaten, but with
     and recently performed the voice of Lillian Roxon       lots of coins hidden in the cracks.”
     in the feted documentary, Mother of Rock: Lillian
     Roxon, which screened at the Toronto International      Morrell has acted in over 100 different roles for stage,
     Film Festival and the 2010 Melbourne International      film and television.
     Film Festival. Horler also voiced Strix Struma in
     Zack Snyder’s Warner Bros feature, Legend of the        He has worked with all major theatre companies in
     Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole.                        Australia with lead roles in productions ranging from
                                                             Macbeth, King Lear, The Tempest, Rabbit, Away,
     In 1999, Horler won an unprecedented two AFI            Oleanna, Tom and Viv, The Seagull and Man of La
     Awards in the same year – Best Actress for her          Mancha to Speaking in Tongues, Blithe Spirit, Things
     performance in the controversial film Praise and        We Do for Love and Ruben Guthrie.
     Best Supporting Actress for Soft Fruit. Her role in
     Praise also saw her awarded the Film Critics’ Circle    He has also starred in numerous films, telemovies and
     of Australia Award for Best Actress. Praise was also    mini-series’ including the features Ten Empty , Rogue,
     in official selection at the Berlin Film Festival and   Ned Kelly, Lucky Miles, The View from Greenhaven
     Sundance Film Festival and was awarded the Film         Drive and Coffin Rock, while his multitude of television
     Critics’ Prize at the Toronto Film Festival. She was    credits includes Blue Murder, Fallen Angels, Murder
     again awarded an AFI Award for Best Supporting          Call, Good Guys Bad Guys, Grass Roots, Changi,
     Actress for her performance in Travelling Light and     The Secret Life of Us, Marking Time, Blue Heelers, All
     has received a further four AFI Award nominations       Saints, Bastard Boys, Sea Patrol and Packed to the
     for her work in My Year Without Sex, Secret             Rafters.
     Bridesmaids Business, Grass Roots and Russian Doll,
     as well as an Inside Film Award nomination for Best     Morrell recently finished shooting the lead role of Lester
     Actress for My Year Without Sex.                        Lamb in the highly anticipated Showtime/Screentime
                                                             mini-series Cloudstreet, directed by Matthew Saville
                                                             and a key support role the ABC mini-series, Rake.

GIA CARIDES                                             GARY SWEET
     (Darlene)                                               (Barry Donald)

     “I see Darlene as having worked extremely               “Barry is a man with no redeeming
     hard to make it all the way to the middle               qualities, apart from the fact that he is
     of this world. She answers to Barry, she                very romantically involved with his wife,
     instructs Tony and she makes demands on                 whom he adores, and he loves his kids. But
     Steve, so she’s very much in the middle –               as the patriarch of the Melbourne crime
     caught between people she has to answer                 family, he’s ruthless, aggressive, at times
     to, and people she has to get to do things              brutal and very money-oriented. He has
     for her. If her instruction is not taken up             no social awareness, sensitivity and very
     and she doesn’t get the job done, it’s her              little compassion. He’s a funny guy.”
     neck on the line, and that would be a
     terrifying prospect.”                                   Sweet has been a major presence in Australian film
                                                             and television for the last three decades.
     Carides most recently starred alongside Richard
     Roxburgh and Susie Porter in the ABC mini-series,       His first major TV role was as series regular Leslie
     East of Everything.                                     ‘Magpie’ Maddern in The Sullivans. Highlights of his
                                                             extensive small-screen credits include Bodyline, The
     Over the last few years, Carides has appeared in        Great Bookie Robbery, Come in Spinner, Children
     numerous US films including Stick It, My Big Fat        of the Dragon, The Battlers, Blue Murder, Police
     Greek Wedding and Austin Powers: The Spy Who            Rescue, Cody, Wildside, Stingers, Blue Heelers,
     Shagged Me. Her television work includes guest          The Circuit, Rescue Special Ops, Cops LAC and the
     roles on Without a Trace and ER, as well as an          blockbuster mini-series, The Pacific.
     ongoing role in the spin-off series, My Big Fat Greek
     Life. Carides will next be seen opposite Matthew        In 2001, Sweet played Josh in Tony McNamara’s
     Goode in Jonathan Teplitzky’s feature film Burning      play, The Recruit for MTC. He later starred as Paul
     Man due for release in 2011.                            Burns in the musical Oh! What a Night.

                                                             In 2002, he landed the lead role of Steve in
                                                             Alexandra’s Project, Sweet’s second film with
                                                             acclaimed director, Rolf de Heer. His first, The Tracker,
                                                             in which he played The Fanatic, was in competition
                                                             at the 2002 Venice Film Festival. In 2003, Sweet

appeared in the feature film Getting’ Square opposite   Aside from his on-screen roles, Daperis has appeared
Sam Worthington. Additional film credits include        on stage as the Artful Dodger in Oliver! and as
The Lighthorsemen, Fever, The Dreaming, Indecent        Nathan in The Full Monty, both for International
Obsession, Love in Ambush, The Big House, Body          Management Group (IMG).
Jackers, Macbeth, The Tumbler, Subdivision and
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn        NICOLE GULASEKHARAM
Treader.                                                (Melanie Piccolo)

JARED DAPERIS                                           “Mel is your typical teenage girl who is crazy
(Charlie Donald)                                        about boys, phones, friends and shopping.
                                                        She has the usual clashes with her parents
“We meet Charlie at a time when his father              because she loves to go out and have a
wants him to start a career, and for them,              good time, and basically thinks that the
a career means getting into the ‘gangster’              family thing is a bit embarrassing – she’s
business. He’s a confident, somewhat                    much more interested in her friends.”
psychotic youngster who thinks he’s
invincible. He’s got a pretty dim perspective           This exciting young actor has been performing from
of what being a gangster actually involves,             an early age and is well known for her four seasons
as he just relates it to movies.”                       as Haley in the Disney original program As the
                                                        Bell Rings, which won an ASTRA Award for Most
Despite his youth, Daperis is something of an acting    Outstanding Short Form Program. Her film work
veteran, having been performing since the age of        includes Matching Jack, directed by Nadia Tass,
five. He first appeared in the whimsical children’s     and the short films How Unfortunate and The Kiss,
TV series, Lift-Off, which was quickly followed by      which was nominated for an AFI Award. Additional
guest roles in The Man from Snowy River, Janus,         television credits include appearances on Blue
Mercury, Violent Earth and The Order. He has also       Heelers, Rush, Bed of Roses and Neighbours.
appeared in Stingers, Halifax F.P., Blue Heelers,
Round the Twist, The Ponderosa, Ocean Star and          She is also an accomplished singer and dancer and
Carla Cametti P.D. Recently, he completed a role in     her theatrical credits include lead roles in Fiddler on
director Simon Wincer’s feature film, The Cup and       the Roof and Annie.
took the lead role in the poignant feature-drama
Playing for Charlie.

SEAN REES-WEMYSS                                          A television veteran, Humphrys has had both regular
     (Matt Piccolo)                                            and guest-starring roles in many of Australia’s notable
                                                               TV shows of the last fifteen years.
     “Matt is an intelligent, sensitive, quite
     aware child. I think he’s a really good                   Combining television work with regular stints in film
     person. But he can be a ‘smartarse’ boy                   and theatre, Humphrys’ TV credits include A Country
     too, and I think he feels he’s always the                 Practice, Blue Heelers, State Coroner, Neighbours,
     smartest person in the room – particularly                The Crash Zone, Eugénie Sandler PI, Something
     when he’s with his sister, Mel!”                          in the Air, Stingers, McLeod’s Daughters, Marshall
                                                               Law, All Saints, Last Man Standing, Nightmares and
     Although only 12 years of age, Rees-Wemyss has            Dreamscapes, Satisfaction, East of Everything, Canal
     already amassed an impressive slate of film and           Road and Rush.
     television credits, in addition to being a sought-after
     voice-artist who has also appeared in several major       Feature film credits include The Heartbreak Kid,
     commercials.                                              Chopper and Guru Wayne.

     This young actor’s television credits include the hit
     comedy series Kath & Kim (series four), Surprise          KEVIN HOFBAUER
     Surprise, Gotcha, Rush and most recently the pilot        (Dean)
     for Oosh .
                                                               “Although he’s not very bright – he really
     Big-screen credits include key roles in Jindabyne,        does think that Tony steam cleans carpets
     Torn, and My Year Without Sex.                            for a living – he’s full of good intentions and
                                                               loves his job.”

     FLETCHER HUMPHRYS                                         A 2009 graduate from the Victorian College of the
     (Steve)                                                   Arts, Hofbauer stars as Tony Piccolo’s dopey sidekick
                                                               Dean, in SMALL TIME GANGSTER.
     “Steve wants to be Tony. He wants to run
     his own show and be the cool, calm and                    SMALL TIME GANGSTER marks Hofbauer’s second
     collected standover man that Darlene                      role in a major TV series. He was also a series regular
     could fall in love with. He wants to be                   in series three of the popular police drama, Rush and
     smart, tough and good looking, but                        prior to that time, honed his craft in a number of VCA
     unfortunately he falls short in just about                productions including The Bourgeois Gentleman, Peer
     every department.”                                        Gynt, Uncle Vanya and Macbeth. This engaging young
                                                               man is also an accomplished dancer, specialising in
                                                               jazz, hip-hop and tap.
JAY BOWEN                                             SAMUEL JOHNSON
(Brent)                                               (Gary the Gunsmith)

“Brent offers Cathy a hint of excitement              “I’ve just loved playing Gary. He’s a
and danger and something slightly outside             weapons expert, a speed freak and he’s
of her everyday life. She can tell that               ultra paranoid. He thinks EVERYONE is out
somehow he’s different, but can’t quite               to get him.”
put her finger on it. I think the truth about
Brent will surprise her quite a bit.”                 Versatile Johnson is equally adept at drama or
                                                      comedy and is well known to audiences through his
Since graduating from Victoria College of the Arts,   many film, stage and television roles.
Bowen has amassed a varied range of credits. He
has performed in musical theatre productions of       Early in his career, he was a series regular in the
Hair (directed by David Atkins) and Anything Goes     long-running TV series, Home & Away. Roles in
(directed by Simon Williams), and also starred        Blue Heelers, Ocean Girl, Raw FM, The Last of the
in several Melbourne Theatre Company (MTC)            Ryans, and One Way Ticket followed. Johnson was
productions including Cyrano De Bergerac, The         also a series regular in the hit late nineties shows
Glass Soldier and A Streetcar Named Desire.           Good Guys Bad Guys and Something in the Air,
                                                      and during this period also guest-starred in Halifax
He recently completed a lead role in the big-screen   F.P., Stingers and Wildside.
sci-fi drama Ektopus and also appeared in the
Melbourne-based romantic drama, Centre Place.         But to many viewers, Johnson is best known for his
                                                      long-running role as Evan in the hit television series,
                                                      The Secret Life of Us, which followed the lives and
                                                      loves of a group of St Kilda apartment dwellers.
                                                      Additional TV roles include the lead in the celebrated
                                                      mini-series, After the Deluge, Rush (series one, two
                                                      and three), The Pacific, Underbelly: A Tale of Two
                                                      Cities and the SBS comedy, Wilfred (series two).

                                                      Notable feature film credits include Crackerjack, The
                                                      Illustrated Family Doctor, the stop-animation drama
                                                      $9.99 and Blind Company.

Episode 1

     SHORT Synopsis                                             Artie dies and Tony is devastated… and left with a
                                                                body to dispose of. Later, everyone at a gangland
     Leaving his unsuspecting family for an emergency           Christmas party thinks Tony intentionally killed Artie
     ‘job’, standover man, Tony Piccolo, is forced to collect   – and he’s given kudos by gangland supremo,
     from an old friend in what becomes the Christmas           Barry.
     from hell.
                                                                Barry asks Tony to play mentor to his wild-eyed son,
                                                                Charlie. Desperately trying to keep all the pieces
                                                                of his life separate and the ‘balls in the air’, Tony
     LONG Synopsis                                              reluctantly says ‘yes’. As the first thread starts to fray,
                                                                he returns to his ‘real’ family and jumps fully clothed
     Tony is looking forward to a quiet Christmas at
                                                                into his swimming pool, sinking to the bottom, quiet
     home, until he gets a text from work advising him
                                                                as the grave, in the throes of a full-blown melt down.
     that he’s got a job.
                                                                Merry Christmas!
     At the pub, which is ‘Ground Zero’ for Tony and the
     rest of the crew, Darlene – Tony’s connection to the
     criminal world – needs him to collect from a low-
     life bum behind in his payments. Tony is shocked to
     discover the ‘bum’ is his good friend Artie. Tony tries
     to calm Artie – he wants to help – but Artie panics
     and bolts… only to be run over by an ice cream
     truck playing ‘Jingle Bells’.

Episode 2

SHORT Synopsis                                            Tony decides to work solo – and tells Charlie. Tony is
                                                          summoned to see Barry and is on a knife edge until
Tony loses his nerve on a job, only to be saved           Barry reveals Charlie’s told him a fictitious version of
by his new apprentice – the boss’ son, while back         the story that makes it seem like Tony encouraged
home, Cathy bonds with their hunky neighbour and          Charlie to make his first kill – and Barry is thrilled.
daughter Mel embarks on a dangerous romance.              Charlie will be Tony’s apprentice! Tony comes home
                                                          and is stunned to find Charlie at his house – with
                                                          his family, flirting with his daughter. The pendulum
                                                          of power has swung from him to his dangerous
LONG Synopsis                                             apprentice.
Still distracted by visions of Artie’s bloody demise,
Tony struggles to make love to Cathy. He meets
Charlie, his new apprentice, to show him the ropes.
Tony needs to tool up at Gary the Gunsmith’s shop
and Charlie is thrilled by the hardware.

Ordering Charlie to stay back, Tony moves onto his
next target, a sleazy porn dealer named Darren,
only to again find he can’t do the job. He’s officially
got the yips! To make things worse, Darren grabs
Tony’s taser and is about to use it when Charlie
shoots him dead with a gun stolen from Gary.

Meanwhile, Cathy meets Brent the new guy next
door and they bond. He encourages her to follow
her dreams. Mel is scathing and starts to wonder
if her Mum is a sexually starved, alcoholic, pill
popping, repressed housewife.

Episode 3

     SHORT Synopsis                                           Cathy emerges to find Brent at the BBQ laughing
                                                              and chatting with Tony, striking up a genuine
     Collecting from a low-life client, Tony’s nerves         friendship. Tony drags Cathy inside and makes love
     desert him again, leading to an unwise confession.       to her. Everything’s seemingly back to normal. But
     Meanwhile, Cathy’s friendship with Brent takes a         as the episode ends, we see a bottle of Viagra in
     new turn when he turns up at a family BBQ.               Tony’s workbag – he’s managed to paper over the
                                                              ever-increasing cracks in his life… for now.

     LONG Synopsis
     Tony decides to get back in the game: by dangling
     a degenerate gambler named Weasel off the roof
     of a car park. Weasel starts blubbing excuses about
     why he can’t repay Barry – and Tony again finds
     himself cracking under the pressure, letting him go.

     Charlie uses his day off to catch up with Mel. She
     likes the fact that he’s a bad boy. During yoga, Brent
     reassures Cathy about her situation – seeing her as
     a woman of real ability, brains and beauty, and
     Cathy finds herself drawn to him.

     Later, Tony and Cathy argue about Brent and Tony
     confronts their neighbour – only to find Brent has a
     partner, Jeremy.

Episode 4

SHORT Synopsis                                             Putting on brave faces, Cathy and Tony attend the
                                                           wedding. Tony gets a call –
Suspicious, Cathy follows Tony and finds him with          Darlene needs him back on the trail of the rocket
Darlene. Trying to calm her, Tony confesses all, but       launcher. Tony brings a disbelieving Cathy with him.
she thinks he’s lying until he’s forced to take her on     They end up in the middle of a Mexican stand-off
a job with explosive consequences.                         with Steve, Charlie and Gary the Gunsmith. Cathy
                                                           sees a totally different side to the impotent husband
                                                           she’s become used to lately – especially when Tony
                                                           saves the day. The RPG goes off, blowing up a
LONG Synopsis                                              nearby factory.
A rocket launcher has been stolen. Depressed and
                                                           After the wedding, at home, Mel is freaking.
unmotivated, Tony has to attend a wedding with
                                                           Realising her life with Tony is a lie, Cathy kicks him
Cathy. He’s acting strangely, being short with the
                                                           out. A Hummer pulls up. Charlie opens the door.
kids, and she’s getting suspicious. Tony tells Charlie
                                                           He’s made his choice. That’s why Mel’s upset. Tony
he’s got to make a choice – it’s either Mel or working
                                                           gets into the Hummer and they drive away.
with him.

Cathy finds a bottle of distinctive little blue pills in
Tony’s pockets. She follows him to the pub and sees
him with Darlene. Cathy confronts them. What the
hell’s going on? Darlene leaves. Pushed to the limit,
Tony confesses – he has been keeping a secret. He’s
an enforcer for a criminal gang. Cathy’s stunned.
Then she scoffs, you expect me to believe that?

Episode 5

     SHORT Synopsis                                            Feeling the pressure from Barry, Darlene confronts
                                                               Tony – why can’t you do your job? I thought we had
     Trying to cope on her own, Cathy and the kids get         something? Tony returns to the job site and gets the
     an unwelcome visitor. Meanwhile, Tony employs an          punter to pay up – dangling him and his car from a
     unusual tactic to extract payment from a client and       thirty-foot crane! He gets the money. Darlene offers
     enjoys a racy night out with Darlene and Steve.           herself to Tony – they can have it all.

                                                               Cathy realises she can cope without Tony, no
                                                               problem. But she misses him. Tony turns up at her
     LONG Synopsis                                             door. He will abandon the gangster life – for her
                                                               and the kids – she takes him back.
     Since Cathy kicked him out, the sexual tension
     between Tony and Darlene has been simmering.
                                                               At the pub, Darlene’s in bed, spurned by Tony,
     Tony is assigned a collection job – but can’t do it –
                                                               Steve beside her. Tony has just created two new
     his yips are in full bloom.
     Les blames Cathy for Tony’s departure. He accuses
                                                               Meanwhile, Barry is starting to get jumpy about the
     Cathy of being a hypocrite. A strange man turns
                                                               money he’s owed. His paranoia kicks in, only to be
     up at the house – he wants money from Cathy. It’s
                                                               exacerbated when Charlie comes to Tony’s defence.
     Weasel, the gambler that Tony let go. Cathy grapples
                                                               Watch out Tony!
     with Weasel herself and fights him off – with the
     help of Les and the kids. Tony’s furious, realising his
     own problems have put his family in danger.

Episode 6

SHORT Synopsis                                             Les changes his mind and decides to help Tony
                                                           and the family escape. He rips off half a million of
When Tony wants ‘out’, Les decides to take matters         Barry’s money from Darlene and Steve and leaves
into his own hands, despite the consequences.              the money for Matt in his locker at the soccer club.
Meanwhile, Mel and Charlie rekindle their romance,         Meanwhile, Mel and Charlie rekindle their romance.
while Tony’s temper erupts at Matt’s soccer match.         Darlene enlists Tony to find Les and the money before
                                                           Barry finds out. Les savours what could be his last
                                                           meal at a local RSL – he’s given Tony and the family
                                                           a chance to escape!
LONG Synopsis
Tony has decided to go straight. He starts going
to real carpet cleaning jobs with Dean, much to
Charlie’s disgust. Les confronts Tony, arguing that it’s
impossible to go straight and escape the criminal
life – Tony knows where too many bodies are buried
and Barry won’t let him go. Tony wants out. He just
needs enough money to get away and he and Les
part company without resolve.

Tony tries unsuccessfully to connect with Matt like a
‘normal Dad’ but he ends up in a fight with one of
the parents from Matt’s soccer team. It’s not easy
being normal. Cathy sees Tony acting tough – and
finds it turns her on!

Episode 7

     SHORT Synopsis                                           Barry sends Charlie to get the money – and when
                                                              Tony fobs him off, Charlie reports back to Barry that
     Under pressure from Barry to deliver monies owed,        there’s a problem. Barry decides it’s time to take
     Tony, Darlene and Steve accept a dangerous job.          control. Tony and Steve, with tension between them
     But with tension mounting, can Darlene and Steve         at an all time high, arrive to make the exchange.
     be trusted or is Tony walking into a trap?               Barry and Charlie, wearing balaclavas and fully
                                                              tooled up with automatic weapons, crash the party,
                                                              killing two of the rival crew. Barry is furious with
                                                              Tony, accusing him of treachery and ready to put
     LONG Synopsis                                            him down. The remaining member of the rival crew
                                                              grabs an automatic weapon and drops Steve. Police
     With the pressure from Barry mounting, Tony and
                                                              sirens are heard in the distance. Tony grabs Steve
     Darlene accept a dangerous job from Sydney,
                                                              and they make their escape, momentarily avoiding
     acting as security for an exchange of cash for drugs.
                                                              Barry’s wrath. Steve is dropped off at a hospital.
     The only problem is the crew buying the drugs is
                                                              Under pressure, Darlene leaves town.
     renowned for being cowboys – but Tony has no
     choice. If he can get the money to Barry, he might
                                                              At the pub, Barry, still amped with the buzz of the
     be able to save Les.
                                                              hijacking and despite a heartfelt plea from Tony,
                                                              puts a price on Les’s head. He’s a dead man. And
     Thanks to the beating he took, Steve is furious with
                                                              Mel and Charlie have a secret that will bring the
     Les. He also wonders if he and Darlene could get
                                                              two families together.
     away clean, stealing the money from the exchange.
     Steve intimates that he’s prepared to kill Tony to get
     the money – underneath is a simmering jealousy
     that’s pricked whenever he sees Tony and Darlene

Episode 8

SHORT Synopsis                                            off, without paying for what they did to Les? Isn’t
                                                          he supposed to be a tough guy? Tony realises she’s
Tony receives bad news about Les from an unlikely         right. Time to get a little payback and Barry’s in the
source and decides to confront his demons once            firing line.
and for all. But nothing goes as planned and he
finds himself facing the biggest decision of his life.    Tony goes to get a weapon from Gary. Meanwhile,
                                                          Charlie lets it slip that Mel’s pregnant – and that Tony
                                                          has a family. Barry arrives at Tony’s house. Tony
                                                          returns home to face a vision from his nightmares
LONG Synopsis                                             – his family is gone! Tony confronts Barry – where
                                                          are they? Barry smiles, cold and callous. He wants
Tony searches for Les without success. He returns
                                                          his money – but more importantly, he wants to tell
home, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door.
                                                          Tony about Mel and the baby! They’re going to be
It’s Brent. He reveals to Tony that Les is dead – and
                                                          family! Tony is stunned.
that he knows about Tony’s secret double life. Brent
is a cop! He tells them he can get them out, give
                                                          Big Jack, the boss, arrives from Sydney with Brent
them new lives and give Tony everything he wants
                                                          as his bodyguard. In rapid fire, we learn that Brent
– as long as Tony testifies against Barry. Tony and
                                                          is a crooked cop in the employ of Big Jack and that
Cathy are furious at Brent’s betrayal.
                                                          Les is alive and well, thanks to a last minute reprieve
                                                          from Jack who wants Tony to take over the crew.
Matt shows Tony the money he found. Tony is
                                                          Barry is appalled – but Jack won’t take no for an
shocked. Les stole the money so they could get
                                                          answer. Cathy tells Tony, we’ll bide our time and
away clean – and he paid for it with his life. Tony is
                                                          deal with Barry when things have quietened down.
devastated. Matt wonders, what will Tony do? Tony
                                                          Barry isn’t finished with this yet either – and we end
tells Brent to stick his offer – he’s never heard of
                                                          with him eyeing Tony, the tension palpable.
Barry Donald. Brent watches Tony go, an odd sense
of equanimity on his face, almost respect.
                                                          At the poolside BBQ, Tony stares in disbelief as his
                                                          two families become one. Tony is trapped – he’s still
Tony tells Cathy – we’re leaving, getting out– this
                                                          got the yips – but Jack just made him a rich man.
is our chance. Cathy turns on him – how could he
                                                          They drink a toast to family – this isn’t over yet!
live with himself if he lets the scum that did this get

premiere double episode
         April 19 at 8.30pm
         Saturday NIGHTS
       Sunday AFTERNOONS

           PR CONTACT
      Annaliese Zuzarte (NIXCO)
          (02) 9211 6650

            (02) 9433 1041

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Television series Conspiracy 365 Press Kit

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  • 2. EWAN BURNETT Executive Producer EMMA MORONEY Supervising Producer Peter Jenetsky Executive in Charge of Production ANDREW McINALLY and GARETH CALVERLEY Producers GARETH CALVERLEY and JOSS KING Series Writers JEFFREY WALKER Director © 2010 Boilermaker Burberry Entertainment Pty. Ltd.
  • 3. CONTENTS. 4. Series Synopsis 5 - 14. Key Characters 15. Production Notes 21. Key Crew 27. Key Cast 37 - 53. Episode SynopsEs
  • 4. series synopsis ONE-LINE SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS Tony Piccolo leads a secretive double life – he’s a Tony Piccolo is an underworld enforcer, a veteran devoted family man and the toughest underworld standover man, the best in the business. His wife enforcer in Melbourne. and kids have no idea – they think he’s a carpet cleaner! Tony’s problems begin when he accidentally kills a ONE PARAGRAPH SYNOPSIS friend from his criminal family. He suffers a major crisis. Tony becomes an enforcer with a conscience. Tony Piccolo is an average Aussie bloke. Early 40s. He’s lost his bottle – and if word hits the street, he’s Affable. Hard working. He’s a family man. Tony a dead man. keeps his ‘day job’ secret from his wife and kids – for one very good reason. Tony is an underworld Tony decides he wants out. He needs to get out. But enforcer. Gripped by a sudden mid-life crisis, Tony it’s not that easy… in this line of work, when you decides he wants out. But in the gangster business, literally know where the bodies are buried, upper an enforcer with a conscience is a dead man – and management doesn’t take kindly to early retirement. a family is a dangerous thing to have. They favour a more permanent redundancy package. And his wife Cathy won’t be too happy either! Tony’s going to have to be very careful. He’s gotta pick the kids up from school – and get milk – and he’s gonna need more bullets. 4
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  • 6. TONY PICCOLO There are two Tony Piccolos, and they lead totally separate lives. The first is a hard arse. Brass knuckles. Motorcycle boots. He’s a standover man. The second is a doting dad and husband. A suburban father, dressed in overalls and telling bad jokes, he’s a husband, neighbour and friend. As the pressure mounts and Tony melts down, the two personas switch. At home, he becomes hard- nosed, projecting strength and control. On the street, he opens up and lets his emotions take over. He can’t stop talking – and his caring, pussycat side emerges. Not a great look for a standover man. 6
  • 7. CATHY PICCOLO Cathy’s story is divided into two distinct halves. In the first, she’s a devoted homemaker, intent on keeping up with the Joneses and making sure her kids have a happy life. The turning point for Cathy is the revelation that her life is based on a lie. She’s furious at Tony’s betrayal. She knows that she can survive without him, perhaps even prosper. But it’s not the same emotionally – because despite his deception, she still loves him. 7
  • 8. LES WALKER TONY’S MENTOR Les is an old school crook; he’s down to earth, calls a spade a shovel and wouldn’t know political correctness if it was drinking his beer and bumming his smokes. A veteran standover man, Les is Tony’s adopted father and mentor and a big part of Tony’s family. He lives in the garage and the kids adore him. He’s the perfect grandfather, genial, benign, and unerringly generous. They’d never know he used to be the hardest working hit man in Sydney. 8
  • 9. DARLENE THE UNDERWORLD GO-BETWEEN Cool and detached, Darlene is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur who knows everybody and has seen it all. She’s a player who understands the correlation between information, power, and control. For her, it’s never personal, it’s always business. Operating from her pub in Newport, which is Ground Zero for the crew, Darlene is the middleman between the boys on the street and Barry Donald, their nefarious boss. 9
  • 10. MELANIE PICCOLO Mel, Tony and Cathy’s teenage daughter, is practical – a realist – and sees life as a negotiation; it’s about getting what you want. She has Tony wrapped around her little finger and devoutly believes in girl power. Her journey through the series follows a clear line – at first, she sees her Mum as something of a failure, just a housewife who spends too much time looking at the guy next door. When Cathy kicks Tony out and runs the family with consummate ease, Mel is impressed. And Mel is proud (and more than a little surprised) when Cathy shows her what real girl power looks like. 10
  • 11. MATTHEW PICCOLO Mel’s younger brother, Matt is an unlikely son for the Piccolos. Deductive and inquisitive, Matt regularly challenges and confounds Tony; he’s perceptive and asks questions. He’s eccentric – but in a good way. Like everyone else in our story, Matt has a few surprises of his own. 11
  • 12. BARRY DONALD THE UNDERWORLD BOSS Like Tony, Barry is a family man. For him, family is everything. You absolutely, positively do not want to mess with this guy – he’s an old school captain. He’s the real deal but slightly unhinged, we never quite know which direction Barry’s gonna take – and it’s unnerving – there’s a palpable tension in the room when he’s around. He could kiss you – or kill you. Maybe both. Barry is a master manipulator and knows how to play people. He’s the top dog and he’s not scared of anyone. 12
  • 13. CHARLIE DONALD TONY’S APPRENTICE Handsome and capable, Charlie is a smart kid flirting with the idea of being a gangster. With a penchant for Resident Evil, a privileged upbringing and Barry for a father, it’s time for this kid to learn about life. Assigned to working with Tony to ‘learn the ropes’, Charlie becomes increasingly impatient – he wants to graduate to doing jobs on his own. He’s just not cut out to be an apprentice. 13
  • 14. STEVE BRENT Steve is Tony’s best mate – a tightly Brent, Tony and Cathy’s suburban coiled, dangerous guy with a chip on his neighbour, is a great guy who loves a shoulder and simmering anger issues. He’s beer, the footy and knows his way around a shapeshifter, morphing between Tony’s a barbecue plate. He’s fit, healthy and friend and foe, according to the dictates handsome; the perfect neighbour – and eye of his unrequited love for Darlene. He’ll candy for Cathy. gladly play both ends against the middle. For Steve, life is simple; it’s all about getting GARY THE GUNSMITH paid. Nothing else matters. Strictly speaking, Gary doesn’t make guns DEAN – he sells them. And, given a few days, he can get you anything you need. He knows A New Zealander two stubbies short of a guns inside out and his client list covers six pack, Tony’s assistant takes naivety to every crook in town. Gary is a classic a new level. Dean came into Tony’s life via snitch and a great source of gangster- Centrelink and soon became his apprentice related gossip – he leads a dangerous life in the ‘carpet cleaning’ business. Dean is and he loves it. oblivious to Tony’s real job. As long as he’s got a titty magazine and a burger with the lot, life is good! 14
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  • 16. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Title Executive Producer SMALL TIME GANGSTER Ewan Burnett Format Supervising Producer (Movie Extra) 8 X 30 minute episodes Emma Moroney Logline Executive in Charge of Production (Movie Extra) What happens when ‘the family’ meets the family? Peter Jenetsky Production Company Producers B oilermaker-Burberry Entertainment Pty. Ltd. Andrew McInally Gareth Calverley Broadcaster MOVIE EXTRA Series Writers Gareth Calverley Principal Cast (in alphabetical order) Joss King Jay Bowen Gia Carides Director Jared Daperis Jeffrey Walker Fletcher Humphrys Nicole Gulasekharam Director of Photography Samuel Johnson Craig Barden Kevin Hofbauer Sacha Horler Production Designer Bill Hunter Otello Stolfo Steve Le Marquand Geoff Morrell Costume Designer Sean Rees-Wemyss Katie Graham Gary Sweet Filming Location Filmed entirely on location in Melbourne, Australia 16
  • 17. JUST AN ORDINARY GUY... As a rule, films and TV shows set within the world of Early series drafts described the series protagonist as gangsters tend to focus on those at the top of the food a hit man, but after brainstorming with New Zealand chain. They breathlessly follow the exploits of men based writer, Joss King, who together with Calverley or women ruthlessly climbing over the bruised and penned the series, they decided that concept was bloodied bodies of those who stand between them and too harsh and not entirely original. “We thought we their ultimate goal of supreme power. Think of iconic needed a TV show that could reach a broad, Australian films such as Scarface, Goodfellas, the Godfather audience,” explains McInally, “so we dispensed with trilogy, Portrait of a Mobster and small-screen fare the idea of him being a killer and instead made him a from The Sopranos to Underbelly, and you will either standover man with a family in the suburbs who have see somebody struggling to get to the top or battling to no real idea as to how he really makes his living.”  remain there. But what about the little guys?      Around this time, renowned TV producer Ewan Burnett Long-time friends and SMALL TIME GANGSTER joined the SMALL TIME GANGSTER team as Producers Andrew McInally and Gareth Calverley, Executive Producer. “I’ve known Gareth and Andrew who produced The Team for FOXTEL’s The Comedy for some years,” says Burnett, “and have always liked Channel and Andrew’s Guide and Spy Shop for ABC the way they operate. So when they came to me for Comedy, had always harboured a passion for the support in developing a number of projects of which crime genre and all things film noir. SMALL TIME GANGSTER was one, I was keen to   learn more. I thought it was pithy, funny, and really “Films like Jules Dassin’s Night in the City and Samuel engaging. It’s not gratuitous in its use of violence Fuller’s Pickup on South Street, that told the story of and nudity, and has a lovely heart. It’s all about the blue-collar working class and small-time criminals, characters and following the emotional journey of this were the kinds of films that inspired us to think that big, physical man who has a tough job. It’s also warmly we could do something like that for television,” recalls funny because we recognise his humanity, and even Calverley. “So we thought, what if we do a crime series though he does things that we might not do ourselves, but one that isn’t about the bosses, instead focusing we understand that he’s just trying to make sense of on the blue-collar guys, the working guys? Instead of what is happening to him, which is one of the key making a show about Don Corleone, make a show things that differentiates SMALL TIME GANGSTER about the guy who drives Don Corleone to work, that from other shows of the same genre.” sort of thing.”     17
  • 18. Entirely funded by Movie Network Channels, the series guys, it’s a lot as they’re working-class criminals for comes to us from Boilermaker-Burberry Entertainment, whom every dollar counts. a new company formed by the show’s Executive   Producer, Ewan Burnett of Burberry Entertainment, and So we have two families ignorant of each others Producers Andrew McInally and Gareth Calverley of existence – naturally opposing forces that create conflict Boilermaker Pty. Ltd. for Tony in every moment of every day, whether he’s   making a cup of tea in the house that’s been paid “What’s been so great about working on SMALL for by his secret profession, or socialising with the TIME GANGSTER,” notes Burnett, “is that we are criminals who are ignorant to the wife and two kids working with Movie Network Channels. These people he has tucked away in the suburbs. And because he’s understand movies. They understand character; they been living a lie for so many years, it’s now impossible understand script and how to develop something for him to tell his wife and children the truth, and too that engages an audience. They’ve given us a strong risky to let his criminal cohorts know that he has an degree of creative freedom and have been very, very Achilles’ heel – a family.  supportive in the development and production of the   show, which is really refreshing. It’s also been a joy “It’s hard enough to juggle one family, let alone two,” to work with just the one partner, who ‘got it’ from observes Calverley, “so what you have with Tony is a the outset. They liked the genre, the humour, loved the normal, everyday guy who’s fighting to keep his home script and have been just fantastic throughout.” life afloat and his workload going, and when those two   worlds collide, that’s SMALL TIME GANGSTER.”  The series revolves around the story of Tony Piccolo,   a small time gangster, yet a normal man with regular And collide they do, one fateful Christmas when Tony aspirations. He adores his wife, Cathy, and their two is sent to collect money from his old friend Artie, children, Mel and Matt, and likes nothing better than and inadvertently causes the terrified man’s death.  to come home at the end of a hard day and relax Consumed with guilt – a state not improved when with a beer and his family. But he’s living a twenty circumstances force him to dismember Artie’s body – year-old lie, for Tony is a standover man – one of the he develops ‘the yips’ and finds himself unable to inflict best. While his loved ones think he earns his rather violence on his targets. An undesirable predicament generous income by steam cleaning carpets, he’s for a standover man.”  really using a variety of well-honed, strong-arm tactics to extract funds from those who foolishly owe money to his ‘other family’ – a crime syndicate helmed by brutal boss Barry Donald.  And we’re not talking huge sums here. It might only be $10,000 or so, but to these 18
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  • 22. EWAN BURNETT EMMA MORONEY (Executive Producer) (Supervising Producer) Burnett has worked in the Australian film and television Moroney literally grew up on a film set. Assisting industry for over 30 years. With an Arts Degree in producers from the age of 14 at one of Australia’s Cinema Studies and Philosophy, he embarked on a most respected TV/Film production houses, Horizon career in drama television for adults and children. Films, Moroney met and started her career in film with an inspiring mentor, Richard Franklin. Since that His productions have won many Australian and time, she has spent 16 years working in all manner international awards and his extensive credits of productions from large scale ad campaigns to TV include the series Last Man Standing, mini-series series’ including the seminal The Secret Life of Us, and Kangaroo Palace, Bootleg and The Farm, along with feature films such as Phillip Noyce’s Quiet American the children’s series Dead Gorgeous, Animalia, The where she learnt much about the 18-hour day! Wayne Manifesto, Eugénie Sandler PI, Short Cuts, Fergus McPhail and Sleepover Club. He has also In recent years, Moroney has produced a number successfully produced stage productions and has of series for FOX8 and Movie Network Channels, served on a number of boards and committees. including large-scale live events such as MOVIE EXTRA Tropfest and Henry Rollins Live from Melbourne.   Developing and producing successful comedy series Chandon Pictures, The Jesters and now SMALL TIME GANGSTER for Movie Network Channels, Moroney is always on the hunt for the next great script, featuring the next big thing. 22
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  • 24. PETER JENETSKY ANDREW McINALLY (Executive in Charge of Production) (Producer) Peter has worked with some of Australia’s largest As co-founder of Boilermaker Pty Ltd, McInally has media organisations, including senior roles with produced a diverse slate of projects, including Top Austereo and The Seven Network, and is now Blokes, The Team, Andrew’s Guide to Being a Man GM of Content Strategy and Marketing for Movie and Spy Shop. Network Channels. In this role he is responsible for the development of the channels’ content In addition to SMALL TIME GANGSTER, McInally strategies as well as the marketing of the programs is currently producing The Mark Delaney Stories, and brands. In recent years he has overseen the The Campbell Show and The Adventures of Tom expansion of the channels’ Production ambitions Finn, along with a number of other projects in early including the development and commissioning of development. The Jesters, the award-winning comedy, Chandon Pictures and entertainment formats such as the film-making competition, Project Greenlight as well as the live broadcast of the short-film event, Movie Extra Tropfest. 24
  • 25. GARETH CALVERLEY JOSS KING (Writer/Producer) (Writer) After graduating from Griffith University (BA Film King has been working as a professional writer & Television 1990), Calverley began his career as around the world for over 16 years. He had his first an assistant director at Warner Roadshow Studios. short story published at age fifteen, then branched In 1997 he became the Associate Producer at , into theatre plays. In 1993, he began five years work Jonathan M. Shiff Productions in Melbourne, a role on South Pacific Pictures’ long running serial drama that culminated in 1999 with the BAFTA award- Shortland Street as a story-liner and scriptwriter. winning series Thunderstone. In 1998, he was invited to work in London, Hungary After a four-year stint producing international and Greece for Freemantle Media as Story Editor television commercials, Calverley began writing and on various comedies and serial dramas. Three years producing his own material, creating Top Blokes and later, he returned to New Zealand to be Story Editor The Team for The Comedy Channel, Andrew’s Guide and scriptwriter on Shortland Street again, this time and Spy Shop for ABC Comedy, and comedy series for five years. The Mark Delaney Stories, The Campbell Show, and The Adventures of Tom Finn. Since then, he has broadened his experience of other genres, writing the critically acclaimed docudrama In 2006, Calverley founded film and television The Million Dollar Con, story-lining the high rating production company Boilermaker Pty Ltd with and equally acclaimed primetime adult drama This business partner Andrew McInally. is Not My Life plus Ride with the Devil and the comedy Diplomatic Immunity. He has also worked His first two feature films, Rocket and Pretty Good in children’s drama, both for Endemol/BBC Paradise Fighter, are in development with Screen Australia, Café and for Jonathan M. Shiff/Disney/Channel 10 while his latest film script Bite is in development with as scriptwriter for H20: Just Add Water (series two Film Victoria. and three), story-liner/scriptwriter for Pirate Islands (series two), and Elephant Princess (series two). He In July 2008, he was appointed Head of Development recently received film financing from the NZ Film for Jonathan M. Shiff Productions, leaving to write Commission for his first film Hearts on Fire, which is and produce SMALL TIME GANGSTER in June currently in development. 2010. Calverley is fond of Irish whisky, movies and Manchester United. 25
  • 26. JEFFREY WALKER CRAIG BARDEN (Director) (Director of Photography) Walker was one of Australia’s most talented child Barden has been at the forefront of his profession for actors appearing in such shows as Ocean Girl, the last three decades. His extensive television credits Round the Twist, Sky Trackers, Pugwall’s Summer, include Snowy, Halifax F.P., Ocean Girl (series one Thunderstone, Blue Heelers and most memorably as and four), Lift-Off (series two), State Coroner, Good Wayne in The Wayne Manifesto. Guys Bad Guys, Farscape, CrashBurn, Noah & Saskia, Scooter Secret Agent, Last Man Standing, As he neared the end of his teens, Walker’s focus Mortified and City Homicide. shifted behind the camera and he spent several years learning his craft on numerous film sets. Now In recognition of his distinctive visual flair, Barden in his late twenties, he has proven himself to be an has also won no less than nine awards, courtesy of exciting directorial talent and has directed episodes the Australian Cinematographers’ Society (ACS). for Neighbours, Blue Heelers, Holly’s Heroes, Home & Away, Last Man Standing and Wicked Science (series two). More recently, Walker directed multiple episodes of H20: Just Add Water (series one, two and three), City Homicide (series one and two), Dance Academy, Rake, and the new Chris Lilley series for HBO, Angry Boys. 26
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  • 28. KEY CAST Steve Le Marquand Tony Piccolo Sacha Horler Cathy Piccolo Geoff Morrell Les Walker Gia Carides Darlene Gary Sweet Barry Donald Jared Daperis Charlie Donald Nicole Gulasekharam Melanie Piccolo Sean Rees-Wemyss Matt Piccolo Fletcher Humphrys Steve Kevin Hofbauer Dean Jay Bowen Brent Samuel Johnson Gary the Gunsmith Bill Hunter Jack Stanley Jacek Koman Artie Colin Moody Darren Tony Nikolakopoulos Glen Nicki Paull Janet Damien Richardson Sandy Gianluca Toscano Nicky Daniel Whyte Jeremy 28
  • 29. PRINCIPAL CAST BIOGRAPHIES STEVE LE MARQUAND SACHA HORLER (Tony Piccolo) (Cathy Piccolo) “Tony is an extremely complex man because “I think Cathy’s at a really common place he lives a double life. He’s got a family on for a lot of women, where they start to one side that he loves very much, and then question whether their marriage and for work he goes off and beats the shit their kids represent the sum total of their out of people for money. He’s tried to keep life and wonder whether that’s all there those two worlds separate, which requires is. So when we meet her, she would like a lot of energy and a lot of ingenuity, so a little more time with her husband and he’s a very, very complicated, character.” would probably be better off if she drank a little less Sauvignon Blanc. She’s at that Le Marquand is an electrifying actor whose talents point where the kids are getting older are regularly sought. Whether he’s performing with and she should really start to work out a leading theatre group (STC, MTC, Company what’s going to happen next. But then her B Belvoir) or on film or television, his magnetic husband admits that he’s a gangster and presence is hard to ignore. it all goes pear-shaped.” He has starred in notable features such as Mullet, Horler is one of Australia’s most talented and well- Kokoda, Last Train to Freo, Razzle Dazzle, Men’s respected actresses. Group and, most recently, Beneath Hill 60. Over the last 15 years, he has also accrued an impressive A multi award winning film actress, Horler made her television resume with roles in Water Rats, Big Sky, feature debut in the critically acclaimed feature film, Murder Call, Wildside, A Difficult Woman, Blue Praise. She went on to star in Soft Fruit, My Mother Heelers, Backberner, South Pacific, Young Lions, Frank, Walk the Talk, Travelling Light, The Illustrated Farscape, All Saints, Sea Patrol, Rake and Laid for Family Doctor, Russian Doll, Savages Crossing, Look ABC TV. Both Ways and most recently played the lead role in Sarah Watt’s feature, My Year Without Sex. His many stage outings include lead roles in Waiting for Godot, Holy Day, The Spook, Don’s Party, Paul, Her numerous television credits include Love My Tales from the Vienna Woods, The Serpent’s Teeth, Way, Blackjack, CrashBurn, Secret Bridesmaids Gallipoli and War of the Roses. Business, Grass Roots and, most recently, Hawke, Rake, My Place and Offspring. 29
  • 30. Horler’s stellar theatre career includes performances GEOFF MORRELL in God of Carnage, The Removalists, The Crucible, (Les Walker) Pygmalion, Three Sisters, Far Away and Life After George for the Sydney Theatre Company (STC) “Les’ role within the Piccolo family is kind and for Company B, Peribanez, Blue Murder, The of like that strange, smelly, old uncle who Birthday Party, Hamlet and Svetlana in Slingbacks. some people would prefer to stay out of sight and others are quite fond of. He’s a bit An accomplished voice artist, Horler narrated the like an old, comfortable piece of furniture – SBS series The Nest and Angels in New York, somewhat doggy and moth-eaten, but with and recently performed the voice of Lillian Roxon lots of coins hidden in the cracks.” in the feted documentary, Mother of Rock: Lillian Roxon, which screened at the Toronto International Morrell has acted in over 100 different roles for stage, Film Festival and the 2010 Melbourne International film and television. Film Festival. Horler also voiced Strix Struma in Zack Snyder’s Warner Bros feature, Legend of the He has worked with all major theatre companies in Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole. Australia with lead roles in productions ranging from Macbeth, King Lear, The Tempest, Rabbit, Away, In 1999, Horler won an unprecedented two AFI Oleanna, Tom and Viv, The Seagull and Man of La Awards in the same year – Best Actress for her Mancha to Speaking in Tongues, Blithe Spirit, Things performance in the controversial film Praise and We Do for Love and Ruben Guthrie. Best Supporting Actress for Soft Fruit. Her role in Praise also saw her awarded the Film Critics’ Circle He has also starred in numerous films, telemovies and of Australia Award for Best Actress. Praise was also mini-series’ including the features Ten Empty , Rogue, in official selection at the Berlin Film Festival and Ned Kelly, Lucky Miles, The View from Greenhaven Sundance Film Festival and was awarded the Film Drive and Coffin Rock, while his multitude of television Critics’ Prize at the Toronto Film Festival. She was credits includes Blue Murder, Fallen Angels, Murder again awarded an AFI Award for Best Supporting Call, Good Guys Bad Guys, Grass Roots, Changi, Actress for her performance in Travelling Light and The Secret Life of Us, Marking Time, Blue Heelers, All has received a further four AFI Award nominations Saints, Bastard Boys, Sea Patrol and Packed to the for her work in My Year Without Sex, Secret Rafters. Bridesmaids Business, Grass Roots and Russian Doll, as well as an Inside Film Award nomination for Best Morrell recently finished shooting the lead role of Lester Actress for My Year Without Sex. Lamb in the highly anticipated Showtime/Screentime mini-series Cloudstreet, directed by Matthew Saville and a key support role the ABC mini-series, Rake. 30
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  • 32. GIA CARIDES GARY SWEET (Darlene) (Barry Donald) “I see Darlene as having worked extremely “Barry is a man with no redeeming hard to make it all the way to the middle qualities, apart from the fact that he is of this world. She answers to Barry, she very romantically involved with his wife, instructs Tony and she makes demands on whom he adores, and he loves his kids. But Steve, so she’s very much in the middle – as the patriarch of the Melbourne crime caught between people she has to answer family, he’s ruthless, aggressive, at times to, and people she has to get to do things brutal and very money-oriented. He has for her. If her instruction is not taken up no social awareness, sensitivity and very and she doesn’t get the job done, it’s her little compassion. He’s a funny guy.” neck on the line, and that would be a terrifying prospect.” Sweet has been a major presence in Australian film and television for the last three decades. Carides most recently starred alongside Richard Roxburgh and Susie Porter in the ABC mini-series, His first major TV role was as series regular Leslie East of Everything. ‘Magpie’ Maddern in The Sullivans. Highlights of his extensive small-screen credits include Bodyline, The Over the last few years, Carides has appeared in Great Bookie Robbery, Come in Spinner, Children numerous US films including Stick It, My Big Fat of the Dragon, The Battlers, Blue Murder, Police Greek Wedding and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Rescue, Cody, Wildside, Stingers, Blue Heelers, Shagged Me. Her television work includes guest The Circuit, Rescue Special Ops, Cops LAC and the roles on Without a Trace and ER, as well as an blockbuster mini-series, The Pacific. ongoing role in the spin-off series, My Big Fat Greek Life. Carides will next be seen opposite Matthew In 2001, Sweet played Josh in Tony McNamara’s Goode in Jonathan Teplitzky’s feature film Burning play, The Recruit for MTC. He later starred as Paul Man due for release in 2011. Burns in the musical Oh! What a Night. In 2002, he landed the lead role of Steve in Alexandra’s Project, Sweet’s second film with acclaimed director, Rolf de Heer. His first, The Tracker, in which he played The Fanatic, was in competition at the 2002 Venice Film Festival. In 2003, Sweet 32
  • 33. appeared in the feature film Getting’ Square opposite Aside from his on-screen roles, Daperis has appeared Sam Worthington. Additional film credits include on stage as the Artful Dodger in Oliver! and as The Lighthorsemen, Fever, The Dreaming, Indecent Nathan in The Full Monty, both for International Obsession, Love in Ambush, The Big House, Body Management Group (IMG). Jackers, Macbeth, The Tumbler, Subdivision and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn NICOLE GULASEKHARAM Treader. (Melanie Piccolo) JARED DAPERIS “Mel is your typical teenage girl who is crazy (Charlie Donald) about boys, phones, friends and shopping. She has the usual clashes with her parents “We meet Charlie at a time when his father because she loves to go out and have a wants him to start a career, and for them, good time, and basically thinks that the a career means getting into the ‘gangster’ family thing is a bit embarrassing – she’s business. He’s a confident, somewhat much more interested in her friends.” psychotic youngster who thinks he’s invincible. He’s got a pretty dim perspective This exciting young actor has been performing from of what being a gangster actually involves, an early age and is well known for her four seasons as he just relates it to movies.” as Haley in the Disney original program As the Bell Rings, which won an ASTRA Award for Most Despite his youth, Daperis is something of an acting Outstanding Short Form Program. Her film work veteran, having been performing since the age of includes Matching Jack, directed by Nadia Tass, five. He first appeared in the whimsical children’s and the short films How Unfortunate and The Kiss, TV series, Lift-Off, which was quickly followed by which was nominated for an AFI Award. Additional guest roles in The Man from Snowy River, Janus, television credits include appearances on Blue Mercury, Violent Earth and The Order. He has also Heelers, Rush, Bed of Roses and Neighbours. appeared in Stingers, Halifax F.P., Blue Heelers, Round the Twist, The Ponderosa, Ocean Star and She is also an accomplished singer and dancer and Carla Cametti P.D. Recently, he completed a role in her theatrical credits include lead roles in Fiddler on director Simon Wincer’s feature film, The Cup and the Roof and Annie. took the lead role in the poignant feature-drama Playing for Charlie. 33
  • 34. SEAN REES-WEMYSS A television veteran, Humphrys has had both regular (Matt Piccolo) and guest-starring roles in many of Australia’s notable TV shows of the last fifteen years. “Matt is an intelligent, sensitive, quite aware child. I think he’s a really good Combining television work with regular stints in film person. But he can be a ‘smartarse’ boy and theatre, Humphrys’ TV credits include A Country too, and I think he feels he’s always the Practice, Blue Heelers, State Coroner, Neighbours, smartest person in the room – particularly The Crash Zone, Eugénie Sandler PI, Something when he’s with his sister, Mel!” in the Air, Stingers, McLeod’s Daughters, Marshall Law, All Saints, Last Man Standing, Nightmares and Although only 12 years of age, Rees-Wemyss has Dreamscapes, Satisfaction, East of Everything, Canal already amassed an impressive slate of film and Road and Rush. television credits, in addition to being a sought-after voice-artist who has also appeared in several major Feature film credits include The Heartbreak Kid, commercials. Chopper and Guru Wayne. This young actor’s television credits include the hit comedy series Kath & Kim (series four), Surprise KEVIN HOFBAUER Surprise, Gotcha, Rush and most recently the pilot (Dean) for Oosh . “Although he’s not very bright – he really Big-screen credits include key roles in Jindabyne, does think that Tony steam cleans carpets Torn, and My Year Without Sex. for a living – he’s full of good intentions and loves his job.” FLETCHER HUMPHRYS A 2009 graduate from the Victorian College of the (Steve) Arts, Hofbauer stars as Tony Piccolo’s dopey sidekick Dean, in SMALL TIME GANGSTER. “Steve wants to be Tony. He wants to run his own show and be the cool, calm and SMALL TIME GANGSTER marks Hofbauer’s second collected standover man that Darlene role in a major TV series. He was also a series regular could fall in love with. He wants to be in series three of the popular police drama, Rush and smart, tough and good looking, but prior to that time, honed his craft in a number of VCA unfortunately he falls short in just about productions including The Bourgeois Gentleman, Peer every department.” Gynt, Uncle Vanya and Macbeth. This engaging young man is also an accomplished dancer, specialising in jazz, hip-hop and tap. 34
  • 35. JAY BOWEN SAMUEL JOHNSON (Brent) (Gary the Gunsmith) “Brent offers Cathy a hint of excitement “I’ve just loved playing Gary. He’s a and danger and something slightly outside weapons expert, a speed freak and he’s of her everyday life. She can tell that ultra paranoid. He thinks EVERYONE is out somehow he’s different, but can’t quite to get him.” put her finger on it. I think the truth about Brent will surprise her quite a bit.” Versatile Johnson is equally adept at drama or comedy and is well known to audiences through his Since graduating from Victoria College of the Arts, many film, stage and television roles. Bowen has amassed a varied range of credits. He has performed in musical theatre productions of Early in his career, he was a series regular in the Hair (directed by David Atkins) and Anything Goes long-running TV series, Home & Away. Roles in (directed by Simon Williams), and also starred Blue Heelers, Ocean Girl, Raw FM, The Last of the in several Melbourne Theatre Company (MTC) Ryans, and One Way Ticket followed. Johnson was productions including Cyrano De Bergerac, The also a series regular in the hit late nineties shows Glass Soldier and A Streetcar Named Desire. Good Guys Bad Guys and Something in the Air, and during this period also guest-starred in Halifax He recently completed a lead role in the big-screen F.P., Stingers and Wildside. sci-fi drama Ektopus and also appeared in the Melbourne-based romantic drama, Centre Place. But to many viewers, Johnson is best known for his long-running role as Evan in the hit television series, The Secret Life of Us, which followed the lives and loves of a group of St Kilda apartment dwellers. Additional TV roles include the lead in the celebrated mini-series, After the Deluge, Rush (series one, two and three), The Pacific, Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities and the SBS comedy, Wilfred (series two). Notable feature film credits include Crackerjack, The Illustrated Family Doctor, the stop-animation drama $9.99 and Blind Company. 35
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  • 38. Episode 1 JINGLE BELLS SHORT Synopsis Artie dies and Tony is devastated… and left with a body to dispose of. Later, everyone at a gangland Leaving his unsuspecting family for an emergency Christmas party thinks Tony intentionally killed Artie ‘job’, standover man, Tony Piccolo, is forced to collect – and he’s given kudos by gangland supremo, from an old friend in what becomes the Christmas Barry. from hell. Barry asks Tony to play mentor to his wild-eyed son, Charlie. Desperately trying to keep all the pieces of his life separate and the ‘balls in the air’, Tony LONG Synopsis reluctantly says ‘yes’. As the first thread starts to fray, he returns to his ‘real’ family and jumps fully clothed Tony is looking forward to a quiet Christmas at into his swimming pool, sinking to the bottom, quiet home, until he gets a text from work advising him as the grave, in the throes of a full-blown melt down. that he’s got a job. Merry Christmas! At the pub, which is ‘Ground Zero’ for Tony and the rest of the crew, Darlene – Tony’s connection to the criminal world – needs him to collect from a low- life bum behind in his payments. Tony is shocked to discover the ‘bum’ is his good friend Artie. Tony tries to calm Artie – he wants to help – but Artie panics and bolts… only to be run over by an ice cream truck playing ‘Jingle Bells’. 38
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  • 41. Episode 2 THE YIPS SHORT Synopsis Tony decides to work solo – and tells Charlie. Tony is summoned to see Barry and is on a knife edge until Tony loses his nerve on a job, only to be saved Barry reveals Charlie’s told him a fictitious version of by his new apprentice – the boss’ son, while back the story that makes it seem like Tony encouraged home, Cathy bonds with their hunky neighbour and Charlie to make his first kill – and Barry is thrilled. daughter Mel embarks on a dangerous romance. Charlie will be Tony’s apprentice! Tony comes home and is stunned to find Charlie at his house – with his family, flirting with his daughter. The pendulum of power has swung from him to his dangerous LONG Synopsis apprentice. Still distracted by visions of Artie’s bloody demise, Tony struggles to make love to Cathy. He meets Charlie, his new apprentice, to show him the ropes. Tony needs to tool up at Gary the Gunsmith’s shop and Charlie is thrilled by the hardware. Ordering Charlie to stay back, Tony moves onto his next target, a sleazy porn dealer named Darren, only to again find he can’t do the job. He’s officially got the yips! To make things worse, Darren grabs Tony’s taser and is about to use it when Charlie shoots him dead with a gun stolen from Gary. Meanwhile, Cathy meets Brent the new guy next door and they bond. He encourages her to follow her dreams. Mel is scathing and starts to wonder if her Mum is a sexually starved, alcoholic, pill popping, repressed housewife. 41
  • 42. Episode 3 DANGEROUS TALK SHORT Synopsis Cathy emerges to find Brent at the BBQ laughing and chatting with Tony, striking up a genuine Collecting from a low-life client, Tony’s nerves friendship. Tony drags Cathy inside and makes love desert him again, leading to an unwise confession. to her. Everything’s seemingly back to normal. But Meanwhile, Cathy’s friendship with Brent takes a as the episode ends, we see a bottle of Viagra in new turn when he turns up at a family BBQ. Tony’s workbag – he’s managed to paper over the ever-increasing cracks in his life… for now. LONG Synopsis Tony decides to get back in the game: by dangling a degenerate gambler named Weasel off the roof of a car park. Weasel starts blubbing excuses about why he can’t repay Barry – and Tony again finds himself cracking under the pressure, letting him go. Jesus! Charlie uses his day off to catch up with Mel. She likes the fact that he’s a bad boy. During yoga, Brent reassures Cathy about her situation – seeing her as a woman of real ability, brains and beauty, and Cathy finds herself drawn to him. Later, Tony and Cathy argue about Brent and Tony confronts their neighbour – only to find Brent has a partner, Jeremy. 42
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  • 45. Episode 4 WHO’S GOT THE RPG? SHORT Synopsis Putting on brave faces, Cathy and Tony attend the wedding. Tony gets a call – Suspicious, Cathy follows Tony and finds him with Darlene needs him back on the trail of the rocket Darlene. Trying to calm her, Tony confesses all, but launcher. Tony brings a disbelieving Cathy with him. she thinks he’s lying until he’s forced to take her on They end up in the middle of a Mexican stand-off a job with explosive consequences. with Steve, Charlie and Gary the Gunsmith. Cathy sees a totally different side to the impotent husband she’s become used to lately – especially when Tony saves the day. The RPG goes off, blowing up a LONG Synopsis nearby factory. A rocket launcher has been stolen. Depressed and After the wedding, at home, Mel is freaking. unmotivated, Tony has to attend a wedding with Realising her life with Tony is a lie, Cathy kicks him Cathy. He’s acting strangely, being short with the out. A Hummer pulls up. Charlie opens the door. kids, and she’s getting suspicious. Tony tells Charlie He’s made his choice. That’s why Mel’s upset. Tony he’s got to make a choice – it’s either Mel or working gets into the Hummer and they drive away. with him. Cathy finds a bottle of distinctive little blue pills in Tony’s pockets. She follows him to the pub and sees him with Darlene. Cathy confronts them. What the hell’s going on? Darlene leaves. Pushed to the limit, Tony confesses – he has been keeping a secret. He’s an enforcer for a criminal gang. Cathy’s stunned. Then she scoffs, you expect me to believe that? 45
  • 46. Episode 5 SUBURBAN BEATDOWN SHORT Synopsis Feeling the pressure from Barry, Darlene confronts Tony – why can’t you do your job? I thought we had Trying to cope on her own, Cathy and the kids get something? Tony returns to the job site and gets the an unwelcome visitor. Meanwhile, Tony employs an punter to pay up – dangling him and his car from a unusual tactic to extract payment from a client and thirty-foot crane! He gets the money. Darlene offers enjoys a racy night out with Darlene and Steve. herself to Tony – they can have it all. Cathy realises she can cope without Tony, no problem. But she misses him. Tony turns up at her LONG Synopsis door. He will abandon the gangster life – for her and the kids – she takes him back. Since Cathy kicked him out, the sexual tension between Tony and Darlene has been simmering. At the pub, Darlene’s in bed, spurned by Tony, Tony is assigned a collection job – but can’t do it – Steve beside her. Tony has just created two new his yips are in full bloom. adversaries. Les blames Cathy for Tony’s departure. He accuses Meanwhile, Barry is starting to get jumpy about the Cathy of being a hypocrite. A strange man turns money he’s owed. His paranoia kicks in, only to be up at the house – he wants money from Cathy. It’s exacerbated when Charlie comes to Tony’s defence. Weasel, the gambler that Tony let go. Cathy grapples Watch out Tony! with Weasel herself and fights him off – with the help of Les and the kids. Tony’s furious, realising his own problems have put his family in danger. 46
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  • 49. Episode 6 THE LAST POST SHORT Synopsis Les changes his mind and decides to help Tony and the family escape. He rips off half a million of When Tony wants ‘out’, Les decides to take matters Barry’s money from Darlene and Steve and leaves into his own hands, despite the consequences. the money for Matt in his locker at the soccer club. Meanwhile, Mel and Charlie rekindle their romance, Meanwhile, Mel and Charlie rekindle their romance. while Tony’s temper erupts at Matt’s soccer match. Darlene enlists Tony to find Les and the money before Barry finds out. Les savours what could be his last meal at a local RSL – he’s given Tony and the family a chance to escape! LONG Synopsis Tony has decided to go straight. He starts going to real carpet cleaning jobs with Dean, much to Charlie’s disgust. Les confronts Tony, arguing that it’s impossible to go straight and escape the criminal life – Tony knows where too many bodies are buried and Barry won’t let him go. Tony wants out. He just needs enough money to get away and he and Les part company without resolve. Tony tries unsuccessfully to connect with Matt like a ‘normal Dad’ but he ends up in a fight with one of the parents from Matt’s soccer team. It’s not easy being normal. Cathy sees Tony acting tough – and finds it turns her on! 49
  • 50. Episode 7 STAND AND DELIVER SHORT Synopsis Barry sends Charlie to get the money – and when Tony fobs him off, Charlie reports back to Barry that Under pressure from Barry to deliver monies owed, there’s a problem. Barry decides it’s time to take Tony, Darlene and Steve accept a dangerous job. control. Tony and Steve, with tension between them But with tension mounting, can Darlene and Steve at an all time high, arrive to make the exchange. be trusted or is Tony walking into a trap? Barry and Charlie, wearing balaclavas and fully tooled up with automatic weapons, crash the party, killing two of the rival crew. Barry is furious with Tony, accusing him of treachery and ready to put LONG Synopsis him down. The remaining member of the rival crew grabs an automatic weapon and drops Steve. Police With the pressure from Barry mounting, Tony and sirens are heard in the distance. Tony grabs Steve Darlene accept a dangerous job from Sydney, and they make their escape, momentarily avoiding acting as security for an exchange of cash for drugs. Barry’s wrath. Steve is dropped off at a hospital. The only problem is the crew buying the drugs is Under pressure, Darlene leaves town. renowned for being cowboys – but Tony has no choice. If he can get the money to Barry, he might At the pub, Barry, still amped with the buzz of the be able to save Les. hijacking and despite a heartfelt plea from Tony, puts a price on Les’s head. He’s a dead man. And Thanks to the beating he took, Steve is furious with Mel and Charlie have a secret that will bring the Les. He also wonders if he and Darlene could get two families together. away clean, stealing the money from the exchange. Steve intimates that he’s prepared to kill Tony to get the money – underneath is a simmering jealousy that’s pricked whenever he sees Tony and Darlene together. 50
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  • 53. Episode 8 VENGEANCE SHORT Synopsis off, without paying for what they did to Les? Isn’t he supposed to be a tough guy? Tony realises she’s Tony receives bad news about Les from an unlikely right. Time to get a little payback and Barry’s in the source and decides to confront his demons once firing line. and for all. But nothing goes as planned and he finds himself facing the biggest decision of his life. Tony goes to get a weapon from Gary. Meanwhile, Charlie lets it slip that Mel’s pregnant – and that Tony has a family. Barry arrives at Tony’s house. Tony returns home to face a vision from his nightmares LONG Synopsis – his family is gone! Tony confronts Barry – where are they? Barry smiles, cold and callous. He wants Tony searches for Les without success. He returns his money – but more importantly, he wants to tell home, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door. Tony about Mel and the baby! They’re going to be It’s Brent. He reveals to Tony that Les is dead – and family! Tony is stunned. that he knows about Tony’s secret double life. Brent is a cop! He tells them he can get them out, give Big Jack, the boss, arrives from Sydney with Brent them new lives and give Tony everything he wants as his bodyguard. In rapid fire, we learn that Brent – as long as Tony testifies against Barry. Tony and is a crooked cop in the employ of Big Jack and that Cathy are furious at Brent’s betrayal. Les is alive and well, thanks to a last minute reprieve from Jack who wants Tony to take over the crew. Matt shows Tony the money he found. Tony is Barry is appalled – but Jack won’t take no for an shocked. Les stole the money so they could get answer. Cathy tells Tony, we’ll bide our time and away clean – and he paid for it with his life. Tony is deal with Barry when things have quietened down. devastated. Matt wonders, what will Tony do? Tony Barry isn’t finished with this yet either – and we end tells Brent to stick his offer – he’s never heard of with him eyeing Tony, the tension palpable. Barry Donald. Brent watches Tony go, an odd sense of equanimity on his face, almost respect. At the poolside BBQ, Tony stares in disbelief as his two families become one. Tony is trapped – he’s still Tony tells Cathy – we’re leaving, getting out– this got the yips – but Jack just made him a rich man. is our chance. Cathy turns on him – how could he They drink a toast to family – this isn’t over yet! live with himself if he lets the scum that did this get 53
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  • 55. premiere double episode April 19 at 8.30pm   ENCORE SCREENINGS Saturday NIGHTS Sunday AFTERNOONS PR CONTACT Annaliese Zuzarte (NIXCO) (02) 9211 6650 MOVIE NETWORK CHANNELS CONTACT JACKIE DEIGNAN (02) 9433 1041