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Techniques and Tools for
Mobile Testing Automation
Porfirio Tramontana
Assistant Professor at
Department of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
 A mobile software application or mobile app is a
software application designed to run on a mobile device
such as a smartphone or tablet computer.
 Mobile apps often stand in contrast to desktop
applications that run on desktop computers, and with
web applications which run in mobile web browsers
rather than directly on the mobile device.
 From Wikipedia
Mobile applications
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Apps are often developed with a very rapid lifecycle to reach the
market earlier possible
 Apps are developed for environments having a rapid (e.g. iPhone)
or very rapid evolution (e.g. Android), both in terms of hardware
features (e.g. sensors, …), software (libraries) and infrastructures
(virtual machine, development environment)
 Apps failures discovered by real users may reduce the reputation of
the app causing a dramatic lose of users
Testing is a very critical activity in the
lifecycle of an app!
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 3
Are Mobile Applications different from
Desktop or Web Applications?
 An app has to be tested on thousands of different
devices, with different characteristics
 Testing on emulators can be mixed to testing on real devices
 Apps are object of continuous maintenance intervention
 Corrective, at each discovery of a failure
 Adaptive, for each new hardware / software combination
 Evolutive, for each new feature
There are many repetitive testing activities
Testing automation is able to dramatically reduce testing
costs and to reduce the occurrence of failures
Some issues of mobile app testing
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Main benefits expected from testing automation:
 Automatic generation of test cases
 Automatic execution of test cases
 Automatic evaluation of test results
 Automation can be applied to the evaluation of
each quality aspect of mobile apps
 In this talk I will restrict the focus to functional
testing automation of Android applications
Testing Automation
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Apps can be the client side of client-server architectures
 Users directly operate on them
 Apps run on Android devices in the context of a virtual machine
(e.g. Dalvik or ART)
 Most of the tests can be executed on emulated devices
 The virtual machine may influence the behavior of the app
 Apps have a Graphical User Interface centered on Activity classes
 The widget model is somewhat similar to the one of traditional GUI
applications, with some restrictions
 Apps have specific restrictions to the communications between
 Similar to the limitations of the client side of Web applications running on a
 Apps may communicate with sensors, system resources, web
resources, …
Peculiarities of Android apps
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 The first tools supporting testing
automation have been directly provided by
Google into the first releases of the
Android framework
 InstrumentationTestCase library
 Monkey
Android test architecture
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 A test package including Junit
test cases is able to control the
application under test by means
of Instrumentation classes able
to provide a reflective access to
the application components in
the context of the test case
 Testing tools such as
MonkeyRunner and Monkey are
able to directly inject events to
the execution environment
Android basic test architecture
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 Test cases can be seen as alternative entry points of the
 Test cases can be executed in a completely automated
 Test cases may emulate the behavior of users and the
external stimuli with a good level of fidelity
 Writing a test case is quite “simple”
 The scope of the test case is limited to the world of the
app under test, without the possibility to monitor its
relationships with the rest of the system
 The execution of test cases is not so fast
Junit based test cases
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 Industry has provided:
 Libraries supporting test writing (e.g. Robotium, Espresso)
 Tools supporting automatic testing (e.g. Monkey, Robo, Fuzz)
 Tools supporting test generation (Robotium Recorder, Espresso
Test Recorder)
 Scientific community has provided:
 Testing techniques adapting the ones proposed in other
software domains (random exploration, model learning, model
based testing, …)
 Free tools for automatic test case generation and execution
(Android Ripper, Dynodroid, Sapienz, A3E, Swifthand)
Testing Automation Evolution in
Literature and Industry
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 A strategy for the exploration of contributions in literature
Systematic Mapping of Functional
Testing of Mobile Application
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 What testing activities are automated?
 What testing levels are addressed?
 What inputs are used by the proposed testing techniques to derive test artifacts?
 What kinds of techniques are proposed for test case generation?
 Is test case execution automatic or manual?
 What kinds of test oracles are considered?
 What kinds of test artifacts are generated?
 What are the characteristics of the proposed testing tools?
 Which mobile frameworks are the targets of the proposed techniques and tools?
 Are the proposed techniques and tools usable on emulators or real devices?
 What are the characteristics of the performed evaluation studies?
 What are the characteristics of the sets of applications objects of the evaluation
 What are the characteristics of the performed comparative studies?
Some research questions
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
( ( ( ”mobile applications” OR ”Android applications” OR
apps OR ”Windows Phone applications” OR ”Symbian
applications” OR ”iOS applications”)
AND testing
AND ( technique OR approach OR method OR tool OR
framework )
AND ( automation OR automated OR automatic ) ) )
 Applied on Scopus, IEEE, ACM, Springer, ISI, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar
Query String
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 119 relevant papers about techniques and
tools for mobile testing automation
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Testing Automation Evolution in
Literature and Industry
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Monkey InstrumentationTestCase
Firebase Test Lab
Android Ripper
A3E Swifthand
Contributions map
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Support to automation
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 User Session based
 Capture & Replay
 Model Based
 Active Learning
 Random
 Search Based
 Mutation based
Test case generation techniques
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Capture & Replay solutions allow the
automatic generation of executable test
cases reproducing real usages of the
application under test
 Robotium Recorder
 Espresso Test Recorder
 Lorenzo Gomez, Iulian Neamtiu, Tanzirul Azim, and Todd Millstein. 2013. RERAN: timing- and touch-sensitive record
and replay for Android. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '13)
Capture And Replay
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 Android
Android Espresso Test Recorder
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 Points of strength:
 Test cases can be generated by testers without great
programming skills
 Limitations:
 Need for continuous adaptation of tools
 Need of continuous maintenance of the generated
tests due to the evolution of the application under
test and of the execution environment
 Replicability issues due to time constraints
 Only the interactions between the user with the
application under test can be captured
Points of strength and Limitations
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 Model Based testing consists of the automatic
generation of test cases on the basis of
structural or behavioral models of the
application under test
 What models are able to describe a mobile
 Event Flow Graphs
 GUI Trees
 Finite State Machines
 …
Model Based
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Each node is a
screenshot / activity
 Each edge is an event
executable on the app
 Each path is a sequence
of activities obtained by
the execution of a
sequence of events on
the app
GUI Tree
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Problem: this model is potentially unlimited
 Each node is an event
executed on the app
 Each edge represent the
sequence between two
consecutive events
 Each path of length k is a test
case composed of a sequence
of k consecutive events
Event Flow Graph
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Problems: this model is potentially unlimited
Not all cycles correspond to actually executable test cases
Amalfitano, D., Fasolino, A.R., Tramontana, P., Ta, B.D., Memon, A.M. MobiGUITAR: Automated Model-Based Testing of Mobile Apps
(2015) IEEE Software, 32 (5), art. no. 6786194, pp. 53-59.
 Nodes are activity states – Edges are events
 All the paths on the graph may be test cases
Finite State Machines
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 Problems: how to distinguish between different states?
 How to recognize the obtained states?
 Not all the paths on the FSM are executable
 Often accurate design models allowing the automatic
generation of test cases are not available
 Or the effort needed to formalize them is considered too high
 Models can be automatically generated by dynamically
exploring the execution of the application under test
 Active Learning strategies allow :
 To perform a first testing of the application able to find crashes
or exceptions during the exploration itself
 To generate a test suite reproducing the performed explorations
 To generate a model that can be the base for the generation of
tests with model based techniques
Active Learning
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Inferred Model
 Which model is generated?
 Abstraction Strategy
 Which subset of information of the application under test is
taken into account?
 Extraction Criterion
 Which events are triggered?
 Scheduling Strategy
 In which order the events are triggered?
 Termination Criterion
 When the exploration is stopped?
Parameters of an Active Learning
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 In order to limit the exploration, we can hypothesize that a node
that have been already explored does not need further explorations
 How can we recognize if a node has been already explored?
 How can we recognize that an equivalent node has been already
 Two nodes are equivalent if they have the same values for all the
relevant properties
 Which properties of the node are considered relevant?
 The set of relevant properties influences the number of equivalent
 If no abstraction strategies are taken into account, then the
exploration continues indefinitely
 E.g. random strategies with no memory of already visited nodes
Abstraction Strategy
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 Possible information providing an abstraction of a GUI
 The name of the instantiated activity class
 The number and type of the included widgets
 The values of the text fields
 The properties of the widgets
 More information generate larger models
 The size of the models may become too large to be completely
Relevant Information
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 If the bill amount is taken into
account, there are 10^15
possible states
 Values with 15 ciphers can be
 If the bill amount is not taken
into account, these two GUIs
are equivalent
 And we may not explore the
overflow condition and the
division by zero condition
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Equivalent or different?
Amalfitano, D., Amatucci, N., Memon, A.M., Tramontana, P., Fasolino, A.R. A general framework for comparing automatic testing techniques of
Android mobile apps (2017) Journal of Systems and Software, 125, pp. 322-343.
 If the counters values are not
taken into account, these
GUIs are equivalent
 And the conditions correponding
to the reaching of the maximum
values and some specific
combinations of the counters are
not explored
 Instead, we have to test for
all the events executable in
about 1000 states differing
only for the values of the
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Equivalent or different?
 The selection of the events to be executed strongly
influences the effectiveness and the efficiency of the
testing technique
 Possible types of events:
 User events
 On each point of the screen (Monkey)
 Corresponding to the events having specific handlers (Android
Ripper, Dynodroid, …)
 Corresponding to a fixed set of events and a fixed set of widget
 System events
 Application close/restart, volume controls, sensor events, …
Extraction Strategy
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 Possible values
 Constant values / values from a limited set
 Each possible value
 The extraction strategy strongly influences the
number of the edges of the model (in FSM, EFG,
GUI Tree)
 Most of the available tools considers only a little
set of user events executable on a little set of
widgets, with constant values
Extraction Strategy
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 Influences the order of execution of the events
 Breadth First
 Minimize the length of
the visited paths
 Depth First
 Find longer test paths
 None of the two is generally able to
provide a larger coverage
 Random First
 The exploration strategy influences the depth of
the model
Scheduling Strategy
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 Randomness can be a valid solution for both the
selection of the event to be triggered and for the
scheduling strategy
 Randomness can lead to an effective discovery
of faults
 Random testing techniques may find complex faults
 It may be very inefficient:
 Redundant tests
 Generate long tests that do not provide useful
information for the debugger
Random Testing
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 Intelligent Random testing techniques may lead to the
generation of more efficient test cases
 But they can bias the explration reducing the obtained coverage
 Search based techniques have been recently applied in the
context of Android applications
 Automatic termination criteria can reduce the execution
of redundant test cases
 But they can prevent the reaching of the
maximum possible coverage
Random Testing
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Zhifang Liu, Xiaopeng Gao and X. Long, "Adaptive random testing of mobile application," 2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and
Technology, Chengdu, 2010
Mao, K., Harman, M., Jia, Y. Sapienz: Multi-objective automated testing for android applications (2016) ISSTA 2016 - Proceedings of the 25th International
Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, pp. 94-105.
 If there are sufficient resources and the
model is finite, then the exploration can
be executed until all the possible nodes
and edges have been visited
 Elsewhere, heuristic termination criteria
have to be considered
Termination Criteria
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Termination Criteria
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Time criteria: tests stop after a fixed time
 Cost/Effort criteria: tests stop when a fixed cost or effort is reached
 Objective criteria: tests stop when a fixed testing objective is
 E.g. a fixed number of bugs is found, when a fixed percentage of code coverage
is reached, when all the model states have been explored
 Statistical criteria: when the temporal frequency of fault discovery
goes under a fixed value
 For example, when no new faults have been found in the last set of n test cases
 Saturation criteria: when a set of different testing executions give
exactly the same results
 Applicable, for example, in problems involving randomness
The coincidence
of the coverage
of several testing
sessions may be
an indicator of a
good point to
terminate testing
Example of Saturation Termination
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Amalfitano, D., Amatucci, N., Fasolino, A.R., Tramontana, P., Kowalczyk, E., Memon, A.M. Exploiting the Saturation Effect in Automatic Random Testing of
Android Applications (2015) Proceedings - 2nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, MOBILESoft 2015
 Test cases generated / developed in scripting languages
should be automatically executable and repeatable
 Unfortunately, many factors may impact the fidelity of
the re-execution:
 Test Execution Platform
 Emulator / Device version and configuration
 Timing
 Machine state
 Application preconditions
 Other concurrent processes / services
“Making System User Interactive Tests Repeatable: When and What Should we Control?” by Zebao Gao, Yalan Liang, Myra
B. Cohen, Atif M. Memon, and Zhen Wang, in The Proceedings of The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE
2015), 2015.
Test case automatic execution
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Test cases at unit testing level can be
executed in the context of the virtual
 Sometimes an equivalent Java Virtual Machine
can been used to execute test cases fastly
 Nariman Mirzaei, Sam Malek, Corina S. Păsăreanu, Naeem Esfahani, and Riyadh Mahmood. 2012. Testing android
apps through symbolic execution. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 37, 6 (November 2012)
 Test cases at system level have to be
executed in the context of a real device or
of an emulator
Test case automatic execution
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 The cost and the time of the execution of System Level tests are not
 Tests have to be executed on many different devices / emulators with
different versions of Android and associated libraries
 Test cases have to be executed with realistic time constraints
 The state of the device/emulator should be restored at each execution
 The adoption of cloud architectures can provide
valid solutions (but at a remarkable cost)
 Not less than 1$ for hour for emulated device with
Firebase (5$ for real devices)
Issues and costs
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Manually written assertions
 Crashes / unhandled
 Invariants
 Comparison of screenshot
bitmaps (e.g. sikuli)
 The effectiveness of testing techniques can be evaluated
in terms of the number of failures found
 As an alternative, code coverage or other coverage measures
are often used in literature
 A porting of the Emma coverage framework is natively provided by Android
Automatic evaluation of test results
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Inferred Model
 GUITree, FSM
 Abstraction Strategy
 Widgets and some properties (length, id) (SAV)
 Also text values (MAV)
 Extraction Criterion
 Only a subset of events having specific defined event handlers
 Scheduling Strategy
 Breadth First / Depth First / Random First
 Termination Criterion
 Exploration completed / Saturation
 Ref:
Tools : Android Ripper
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Task List Initialization;
while (Task List Is Not Empty) {
Extract a Task From The Task List;
Execute the Task;
Abstract the Current GUI Abstract
Update the GUI Tree Model;
if (GUI Exploration Criterion) then {
Define New Tasks ;
Add New Tasks To The Task
Press MenuClick Refresh
New Post
Click Pages
Click About
Click Add
Click Save
1. Task List Initialization;
while (Task List Is Not
Empty) {
3. Extract a Task From The
Task List;
4. Execute the Task;
5. Abstract the Current GUI
Abstract State;
6. Update the GUI Tree
if (GUI Exploration
Criterion) then {
Define New Tasks ;
Add New Tasks To
The Task List;
 Abstraction Strategy
 Widgets and some properties (length, id) (SAV)
 Also text values (MAV)
 Extraction Criterion
 Only a subset of events having specific defined event handlers
 Scheduling Strategy
 Random (Uniform / Frequency based / Biased)
 Termination Criterion
 Fixed number of events
 Ref:
Tools : Dynodroid
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Machiry, A., Tahiliani, R., Naik, M. Dynodroid: An input generation system for android apps (2013) 2013 9th Joint Meeting of the European Software
Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE 2013
 Inferred Model
 Activity Transition Graphs
 Abstraction Strategy
 Activity names
 Extraction Criterion
 Only a subset of events having specific defined event handlers
 Scheduling Strategy
 Depth First / Targeted
 Termination Criterion
 Exploration completed
 Ref:
Tools : A3E
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Azim, T., Neamtiu, I. Targeted and depth-first exploration for systematic testing of android apps (2013) Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA
 Inferred Model
 Extended Deterministic Labeled Transition System
 Abstraction Strategy
 Widgets, properties and text values (MAV)
 Extraction Criterion
 Only a subset of events having specific defined event handlers
 Scheduling Strategy
 L* (optimizes the number of restart operations) / Random
 Termination Criterion
 Exploration completed / Maximum Number of Events
 Ref:
Tools : SwiftHand
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Choi, W., Necula, G., Sen, K. Guided GUI testing of android apps with minimal restart and approximate learning (2013) Proceedings of the Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA
 Inferred Model
 Activity Map
 Abstraction Strategy
 Unknown
 Extraction Criterion
 Unknown: probably a subset of events having specific defined event
handlers, with predefined text values
 Scheduling Strategy
 Unknown: probably a mixed breadth first / depth first strategy
 Termination Criterion
 Maximum Depth / Maximum Time
 The tests are executed on cloud distributed devices or emulators
 Ref:
Tools : Firebase Robo
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Extraction Criterion
 A subset of user and system events, with randomized
parameters (e.g. the position of a click event)
 Scheduling Strategy
 Random, influenced by the fixed frequency of event types
 Termination Criterion
 Maximum Number of Events
 The events are injected at system level
 Ref:
Tools : Monkey
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 A search based testing technique
 Starts from a set of test cases generated by a hybrid
systematic/random test generation technique
 Automatically generates test cases by applying mutation and
crossover operators
 Evolves the test suites by considering a multiobjective fitness
function taking into account failure detection, code overage and
test length
 The termination technique is related to the reaching of an
arbitrary fixed number of iterations
 Ref:
Tools : Sapienz
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Mao, K., Harman, M., Jia, Y. Sapienz: Multi-objective automated testing for android applications (2016) ISSTA 2016 - Proceedings of the 25th International
Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, pp. 94-105.
 A great limitation of the current techniques for
Android testing is the set of considered inputs
 Most of the existing approaches are limited to user
events and simple system events
 Testing against sensor events presents many
 Simulation / emulation / execution of sensor events
 Generation of input values
 Timing of sensor events
Sensor Based Testing
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 The state of the art of context-aware testing for mobile applications
has been recently reported in :
 I. de Sousa Santos, R. M. de Castro Andrade, L. S. Rocha, S. Matalonga, K. M. de Oliveira, G. H. Travassos, Test case
design for context-aware applications: Are we there yet?, Information and Software Technology (2017)
 A basic solution consists is the application of mutant operators ito
existing test cases reproducing:
 Resume/restart of the application
 Caused, for example, by a double screen rotation
 Loss / Resume of GPS signal
 Loss / Resume of Internet connection
 …
 Christoffer Quist Adamsen, Gianluca Mezzetti, and Anders Møller. 2015. Systematic execution of Android test suites in adverse
conditions. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2015). ACM
 D. Amalfitano, A. Fasolino, P. Tramontana, N. Amatucci, Considering context events in event-based testing of mobile applications,
in: Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on, 2013,
Context-aware testing
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 D. Amalfitano, A. Fasolino, P. Tramontana, N. Amatucci, Considering context events in event-based testing of
mobile applications, in: Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2013 IEEE Sixth
International Conference on, 2013,
 C.-J.M. Liang, N. D. Lane, N. Brouwers, L. Zhang, B. F. Karlsson, H. Liu, Y. Liu, J. Tang, X. Shan, R. Chandra, F.
Zhao, Caiipa: Automated large-scale mobile app testing through contextual fuzzing, in: Proceedings of the 20th
Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MobiCom ’14, ACM,
 T. Griebe, V. Gruhn, A model-based approach to test automation for context-aware mobile applications, in:
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC ’14, ACM,
 T. Griebe, M. Hesenius, V. Gruhn, Towards automated ui-tests for sensor-based mobile applications,
Communications in Computer and Information Science 532 (2015)
 C. Q. Adamsen, G. Mezzetti, A. Møller, Systematic execution of android test suites in adverse conditions, in:
Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA 2015, ACM,
 S. Yu, S. Takada, Mobile application test case generation focusing on external events, in: Proceedings of the 1st
International Workshop on Mobile Development, Mobile! 2016, ACM,
 I. de Sousa Santos, R. M. de Castro Andrade, L. S. Rocha, S. Matalonga, K. M. de Oliveira, G. H. Travassos, Test
case design for context-aware applications: Are we there yet?, Information and Software Technology (2017)
Other resources on context-aware
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Comparisons of techniques
 More general and useful for the developers of
new tools
 Domenico Amalfitano, Nicola Amatucci, Atif M. Memon, Porfirio Tramontana, Anna Rita Fasolino: A general
framework for comparing automatic testing techniques of Android mobile apps. Journal of Systems and
 Comparisons of tools
 More useful for the final user, with respect to
the current state of the art
 Shauvik Roy Choudhary, Alessandra Gorla, and Alessandro Orso. 2015. Automated Test Input Generation
for Android: Are We There Yet? (E). In Proceedings of the 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference
on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
Comparative studies
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
With the same tool and the same configuration of the device / emulator
Comparisons between techniques
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
• The scheduling
strategy (BF or DF) has
not a great influence
on the performance
• Abstraction strategies
with a coarse grained
level of details bring to
less effective but more
efficient tests
• Abstraction strategies
with a fine grained
level of details may
bring to more effective
but they may also
bring to infinite tests
• Random testing
techniques are
generally more
effective but less
efficient than active
learning techniques
Domenico Amalfitano, Nicola Amatucci, Atif M. Memon, Porfirio Tramontana, Anna Rita Fasolino: A general
framework for comparing automatic testing techniques of Android mobile apps. Journal of Systems and Software
 With different tools and
configurations arbitrary provided by
the experimenters
 Active Learning appears to be less
effective but more efficient
 Their effectiveness could be improved by
setting them properly
Comparisons between tools
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Shauvik Roy Choudhary, Alessandra Gorla, and Alessandro
Orso. 2015. Automated Test Input Generation for
Android: Are We There Yet? (E). In Proceedings of the
2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
 An initial comparison between the performance of test cases
generated by:
 2 Tools proposed in literature (Android Ripper / Sapienz)
 1 Free industrial tools (Monkey from Android)
 2 Cloud available tools (Robo from Google Firebase / Fuzz from
 20 Software Engineering students using a Capture & Replay tool
(Robotium Recorder) for black box testing purposes (for about three
 The same 20 students trying to improve the coverage of the previously
coded black box test cases by means of white box structural testing
strategies (as an homework of the course)
 4 different small Android applications
 Coverage measures related to specific testing targets
Another comparison
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
Obtained coverages
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 Most of the techniques and tools in literature are focused on GUI testing of Android
 Few contributions about testing of system and sensor events
 Few contributions about testing of interactions between different apps
 Few contributions about automatic fault finding
 Distance between academy and industry
 Few contributions from industry
 Few contributions about the evaluation of industrial tools
 Few contributions about concurrency testing
 Lacks of contributions related testing of C++ based components of mobile
 Lacks of venues or journals focused on Mobile Testing Automation
 An active tentative:
Some research trends and gaps
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
66Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
 In collaboration with the Reverse Group at
the University of Naples Federico II
 Anna Rita Fasolino, Domenico Amalfitano, Nicola Amatucci, Vincenzo De Simone, Vincenzo Riccio
Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017

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Techniques and Tools for Mobile Testing Automation

  • 1. Techniques and Tools for Mobile Testing Automation Porfirio Tramontana Assistant Professor at Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • 2.  A mobile software application or mobile app is a software application designed to run on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet computer.  Mobile apps often stand in contrast to desktop applications that run on desktop computers, and with web applications which run in mobile web browsers rather than directly on the mobile device.  From Wikipedia 2 Mobile applications Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 3.  Apps are often developed with a very rapid lifecycle to reach the market earlier possible  Apps are developed for environments having a rapid (e.g. iPhone) or very rapid evolution (e.g. Android), both in terms of hardware features (e.g. sensors, …), software (libraries) and infrastructures (virtual machine, development environment)  Apps failures discovered by real users may reduce the reputation of the app causing a dramatic lose of users Testing is a very critical activity in the lifecycle of an app! Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 3 Are Mobile Applications different from Desktop or Web Applications?
  • 4.  An app has to be tested on thousands of different devices, with different characteristics  Testing on emulators can be mixed to testing on real devices  Apps are object of continuous maintenance intervention  Corrective, at each discovery of a failure  Adaptive, for each new hardware / software combination  Evolutive, for each new feature There are many repetitive testing activities Testing automation is able to dramatically reduce testing costs and to reduce the occurrence of failures 4 Some issues of mobile app testing Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 5.  Main benefits expected from testing automation:  Automatic generation of test cases  Automatic execution of test cases  Automatic evaluation of test results  Automation can be applied to the evaluation of each quality aspect of mobile apps  In this talk I will restrict the focus to functional testing automation of Android applications 5 Testing Automation Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 6.  Apps can be the client side of client-server architectures  Users directly operate on them  Apps run on Android devices in the context of a virtual machine (e.g. Dalvik or ART)  Most of the tests can be executed on emulated devices  The virtual machine may influence the behavior of the app  Apps have a Graphical User Interface centered on Activity classes  The widget model is somewhat similar to the one of traditional GUI applications, with some restrictions  Apps have specific restrictions to the communications between components  Similar to the limitations of the client side of Web applications running on a browser  Apps may communicate with sensors, system resources, web resources, … 6 Peculiarities of Android apps Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 7.  The first tools supporting testing automation have been directly provided by Google into the first releases of the Android framework  InstrumentationTestCase library  Monkey 7 Android test architecture Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 8.  A test package including Junit test cases is able to control the application under test by means of Instrumentation classes able to provide a reflective access to the application components in the context of the test case  Testing tools such as MonkeyRunner and Monkey are able to directly inject events to the execution environment 8 Android basic test architecture Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 9.  Test cases can be seen as alternative entry points of the application  Test cases can be executed in a completely automated environment  Test cases may emulate the behavior of users and the external stimuli with a good level of fidelity  Writing a test case is quite “simple”  The scope of the test case is limited to the world of the app under test, without the possibility to monitor its relationships with the rest of the system  The execution of test cases is not so fast 9 Junit based test cases Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 10.  Industry has provided:  Libraries supporting test writing (e.g. Robotium, Espresso)  Tools supporting automatic testing (e.g. Monkey, Robo, Fuzz)  Tools supporting test generation (Robotium Recorder, Espresso Test Recorder)  Scientific community has provided:  Testing techniques adapting the ones proposed in other software domains (random exploration, model learning, model based testing, …)  Free tools for automatic test case generation and execution (Android Ripper, Dynodroid, Sapienz, A3E, Swifthand) 10 Testing Automation Evolution in Literature and Industry Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 11.  A strategy for the exploration of contributions in literature 11 Systematic Mapping of Functional Testing of Mobile Application Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 12.  What testing activities are automated?  What testing levels are addressed?  What inputs are used by the proposed testing techniques to derive test artifacts?  What kinds of techniques are proposed for test case generation?  Is test case execution automatic or manual?  What kinds of test oracles are considered?  What kinds of test artifacts are generated?  What are the characteristics of the proposed testing tools?  Which mobile frameworks are the targets of the proposed techniques and tools?  Are the proposed techniques and tools usable on emulators or real devices?  What are the characteristics of the performed evaluation studies?  What are the characteristics of the sets of applications objects of the evaluation experiments?  What are the characteristics of the performed comparative studies? 12 Some research questions Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 13. ( ( ( ”mobile applications” OR ”Android applications” OR apps OR ”Windows Phone applications” OR ”Symbian applications” OR ”iOS applications”) AND testing AND ( technique OR approach OR method OR tool OR framework ) AND ( automation OR automated OR automatic ) ) )  Applied on Scopus, IEEE, ACM, Springer, ISI, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar 13 Query String Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 14.  119 relevant papers about techniques and tools for mobile testing automation 14 Results Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 15. 15 Testing Automation Evolution in Literature and Industry Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Monkey InstrumentationTestCase Robotium TestDroid Firebase Test Lab Android Ripper Sapienz Dynodroid Espresso A3E Swifthand
  • 16. 16 Contributions map Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 17. 17 Support to automation Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 18.  User Session based  Capture & Replay  Model Based  Active Learning  Random  Search Based  Mutation based 18 Test case generation techniques Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 19.  Capture & Replay solutions allow the automatic generation of executable test cases reproducing real usages of the application under test  Robotium Recorder  Espresso Test Recorder  RERAN  Lorenzo Gomez, Iulian Neamtiu, Tanzirul Azim, and Todd Millstein. 2013. RERAN: timing- and touch-sensitive record and replay for Android. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '13) 19 Capture And Replay Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 20.  Android Espresso Test Recorder 20 Android Espresso Test Recorder Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 21.  Points of strength:  Test cases can be generated by testers without great programming skills  Limitations:  Need for continuous adaptation of tools  Need of continuous maintenance of the generated tests due to the evolution of the application under test and of the execution environment  Replicability issues due to time constraints  Only the interactions between the user with the application under test can be captured 21 Points of strength and Limitations Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 22.  Model Based testing consists of the automatic generation of test cases on the basis of structural or behavioral models of the application under test  What models are able to describe a mobile application?  Event Flow Graphs  GUI Trees  Finite State Machines  … 22 Model Based Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 23.  Each node is a screenshot / activity  Each edge is an event executable on the app  Each path is a sequence of activities obtained by the execution of a sequence of events on the app 23 GUI Tree Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Problem: this model is potentially unlimited
  • 24.  Each node is an event executed on the app  Each edge represent the sequence between two consecutive events  Each path of length k is a test case composed of a sequence of k consecutive events 24 Event Flow Graph Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Problems: this model is potentially unlimited Not all cycles correspond to actually executable test cases Amalfitano, D., Fasolino, A.R., Tramontana, P., Ta, B.D., Memon, A.M. MobiGUITAR: Automated Model-Based Testing of Mobile Apps (2015) IEEE Software, 32 (5), art. no. 6786194, pp. 53-59.
  • 25.  Nodes are activity states – Edges are events  All the paths on the graph may be test cases 26 Finite State Machines Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017  Problems: how to distinguish between different states?  How to recognize the obtained states?  Not all the paths on the FSM are executable
  • 26.  Often accurate design models allowing the automatic generation of test cases are not available  Or the effort needed to formalize them is considered too high  Models can be automatically generated by dynamically exploring the execution of the application under test  Active Learning strategies allow :  To perform a first testing of the application able to find crashes or exceptions during the exploration itself  To generate a test suite reproducing the performed explorations  To generate a model that can be the base for the generation of tests with model based techniques 27 Active Learning Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 27.  Inferred Model  Which model is generated?  Abstraction Strategy  Which subset of information of the application under test is taken into account?  Extraction Criterion  Which events are triggered?  Scheduling Strategy  In which order the events are triggered?  Termination Criterion  When the exploration is stopped? 28 Parameters of an Active Learning technique Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 28.  In order to limit the exploration, we can hypothesize that a node that have been already explored does not need further explorations  How can we recognize if a node has been already explored?  How can we recognize that an equivalent node has been already explored?  Two nodes are equivalent if they have the same values for all the relevant properties  Which properties of the node are considered relevant?  The set of relevant properties influences the number of equivalent nodes  If no abstraction strategies are taken into account, then the exploration continues indefinitely  E.g. random strategies with no memory of already visited nodes 29 Abstraction Strategy Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 29.  Possible information providing an abstraction of a GUI interface:  The name of the instantiated activity class  The number and type of the included widgets  The values of the text fields  The properties of the widgets  More information generate larger models  The size of the models may become too large to be completely explored 30 Relevant Information Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 30.  If the bill amount is taken into account, there are 10^15 possible states  Values with 15 ciphers can be entered  If the bill amount is not taken into account, these two GUIs are equivalent  And we may not explore the overflow condition and the division by zero condition 31 Examples Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Equivalent or different? Amalfitano, D., Amatucci, N., Memon, A.M., Tramontana, P., Fasolino, A.R. A general framework for comparing automatic testing techniques of Android mobile apps (2017) Journal of Systems and Software, 125, pp. 322-343.
  • 31.  If the counters values are not taken into account, these GUIs are equivalent  And the conditions correponding to the reaching of the maximum values and some specific combinations of the counters are not explored  Instead, we have to test for all the events executable in about 1000 states differing only for the values of the counters 32 Examples Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Equivalent or different?
  • 32.  The selection of the events to be executed strongly influences the effectiveness and the efficiency of the testing technique  Possible types of events:  User events  On each point of the screen (Monkey)  Corresponding to the events having specific handlers (Android Ripper, Dynodroid, …)  Corresponding to a fixed set of events and a fixed set of widget types  System events  Application close/restart, volume controls, sensor events, … 33 Extraction Strategy Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 33.  Possible values  Constant values / values from a limited set  Each possible value  The extraction strategy strongly influences the number of the edges of the model (in FSM, EFG, GUI Tree)  Most of the available tools considers only a little set of user events executable on a little set of widgets, with constant values 34 Extraction Strategy Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 34.  Influences the order of execution of the events  Breadth First  Minimize the length of the visited paths  Depth First  Find longer test paths  None of the two is generally able to provide a larger coverage  Random First  The exploration strategy influences the depth of the model 35 Scheduling Strategy Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 35.  Randomness can be a valid solution for both the selection of the event to be triggered and for the scheduling strategy  Randomness can lead to an effective discovery of faults  Random testing techniques may find complex faults  It may be very inefficient:  Redundant tests  Generate long tests that do not provide useful information for the debugger 36 Random Testing Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 36.  Intelligent Random testing techniques may lead to the generation of more efficient test cases  But they can bias the explration reducing the obtained coverage  Search based techniques have been recently applied in the context of Android applications  Automatic termination criteria can reduce the execution of redundant test cases  But they can prevent the reaching of the maximum possible coverage 37 Random Testing Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Zhifang Liu, Xiaopeng Gao and X. Long, "Adaptive random testing of mobile application," 2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, Chengdu, 2010 Mao, K., Harman, M., Jia, Y. Sapienz: Multi-objective automated testing for android applications (2016) ISSTA 2016 - Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, pp. 94-105.
  • 37.  If there are sufficient resources and the model is finite, then the exploration can be executed until all the possible nodes and edges have been visited  Elsewhere, heuristic termination criteria have to be considered 38 Termination Criteria Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 38. 39 Termination Criteria Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017  Time criteria: tests stop after a fixed time  Cost/Effort criteria: tests stop when a fixed cost or effort is reached  Objective criteria: tests stop when a fixed testing objective is reached  E.g. a fixed number of bugs is found, when a fixed percentage of code coverage is reached, when all the model states have been explored  Statistical criteria: when the temporal frequency of fault discovery goes under a fixed value  For example, when no new faults have been found in the last set of n test cases  Saturation criteria: when a set of different testing executions give exactly the same results  Applicable, for example, in problems involving randomness
  • 39. The coincidence of the coverage of several testing sessions may be an indicator of a good point to terminate testing 40 Example of Saturation Termination Criteria Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Amalfitano, D., Amatucci, N., Fasolino, A.R., Tramontana, P., Kowalczyk, E., Memon, A.M. Exploiting the Saturation Effect in Automatic Random Testing of Android Applications (2015) Proceedings - 2nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, MOBILESoft 2015
  • 40.  Test cases generated / developed in scripting languages should be automatically executable and repeatable  Unfortunately, many factors may impact the fidelity of the re-execution:  Test Execution Platform  Emulator / Device version and configuration  Timing  Machine state  Application preconditions  Other concurrent processes / services “Making System User Interactive Tests Repeatable: When and What Should we Control?” by Zebao Gao, Yalan Liang, Myra B. Cohen, Atif M. Memon, and Zhen Wang, in The Proceedings of The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015), 2015. 42 Test case automatic execution Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 41.  Test cases at unit testing level can be executed in the context of the virtual machine  Sometimes an equivalent Java Virtual Machine can been used to execute test cases fastly  Nariman Mirzaei, Sam Malek, Corina S. Păsăreanu, Naeem Esfahani, and Riyadh Mahmood. 2012. Testing android apps through symbolic execution. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 37, 6 (November 2012)  Test cases at system level have to be executed in the context of a real device or of an emulator 43 Test case automatic execution Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 42.  The cost and the time of the execution of System Level tests are not negligible  Tests have to be executed on many different devices / emulators with different versions of Android and associated libraries  Test cases have to be executed with realistic time constraints  The state of the device/emulator should be restored at each execution  The adoption of cloud architectures can provide valid solutions (but at a remarkable cost)  Not less than 1$ for hour for emulated device with Firebase (5$ for real devices) 44 Issues and costs Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 43.  Manually written assertions  Crashes / unhandled exceptions  Invariants  Comparison of screenshot bitmaps (e.g. sikuli)  The effectiveness of testing techniques can be evaluated in terms of the number of failures found  As an alternative, code coverage or other coverage measures are often used in literature  A porting of the Emma coverage framework is natively provided by Android 45 Automatic evaluation of test results Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 44.  Inferred Model  GUITree, FSM  Abstraction Strategy  Widgets and some properties (length, id) (SAV)  Also text values (MAV)  Extraction Criterion  Only a subset of events having specific defined event handlers  Scheduling Strategy  Breadth First / Depth First / Random First  Termination Criterion  Exploration completed / Saturation  Ref:  46 Tools : Android Ripper Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 45. 1. Task List Initialization; 2. while (Task List Is Not Empty) { 3. Extract a Task From The Task List; 4. Execute the Task; 5. Abstract the Current GUI Abstract State; 6. Update the GUI Tree Model; 7. if (GUI Exploration Criterion) then { 8. Define New Tasks ; 9. Add New Tasks To The Task List; 10. } 11. } 47 Rotate Press MenuClick Refresh Click New Post Click Pages Click About Click Add Account ≡ ≡ Click Edit Crash … … Click Save …… Ripping Algorithm 1. Task List Initialization; 2. while (Task List Is Not Empty) { 3. Extract a Task From The Task List; 4. Execute the Task; 5. Abstract the Current GUI Abstract State; 6. Update the GUI Tree Model; 7. if (GUI Exploration Criterion) then { 8. Define New Tasks ; 9. Add New Tasks To The Task List; 10. } 11. }
  • 46.  Abstraction Strategy  Widgets and some properties (length, id) (SAV)  Also text values (MAV)  Extraction Criterion  Only a subset of events having specific defined event handlers  Scheduling Strategy  Random (Uniform / Frequency based / Biased)  Termination Criterion  Fixed number of events  Ref: 48 Tools : Dynodroid Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Machiry, A., Tahiliani, R., Naik, M. Dynodroid: An input generation system for android apps (2013) 2013 9th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE 2013
  • 47.  Inferred Model  Activity Transition Graphs  Abstraction Strategy  Activity names  Extraction Criterion  Only a subset of events having specific defined event handlers  Scheduling Strategy  Depth First / Targeted  Termination Criterion  Exploration completed  Ref:  49 Tools : A3E Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Azim, T., Neamtiu, I. Targeted and depth-first exploration for systematic testing of android apps (2013) Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA
  • 48.  Inferred Model  Extended Deterministic Labeled Transition System  Abstraction Strategy  Widgets, properties and text values (MAV)  Extraction Criterion  Only a subset of events having specific defined event handlers  Scheduling Strategy  L* (optimizes the number of restart operations) / Random  Termination Criterion  Exploration completed / Maximum Number of Events  Ref:  50 Tools : SwiftHand Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Choi, W., Necula, G., Sen, K. Guided GUI testing of android apps with minimal restart and approximate learning (2013) Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA
  • 49.  Inferred Model  Activity Map  Abstraction Strategy  Unknown  Extraction Criterion  Unknown: probably a subset of events having specific defined event handlers, with predefined text values  Scheduling Strategy  Unknown: probably a mixed breadth first / depth first strategy  Termination Criterion  Maximum Depth / Maximum Time  The tests are executed on cloud distributed devices or emulators  Ref:  51 Tools : Firebase Robo Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 50.  Extraction Criterion  A subset of user and system events, with randomized parameters (e.g. the position of a click event)  Scheduling Strategy  Random, influenced by the fixed frequency of event types  Termination Criterion  Maximum Number of Events  The events are injected at system level  Ref:  52 Tools : Monkey Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 51.  A search based testing technique  Starts from a set of test cases generated by a hybrid systematic/random test generation technique  Automatically generates test cases by applying mutation and crossover operators  Evolves the test suites by considering a multiobjective fitness function taking into account failure detection, code overage and test length  The termination technique is related to the reaching of an arbitrary fixed number of iterations  Ref: 53 Tools : Sapienz Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Mao, K., Harman, M., Jia, Y. Sapienz: Multi-objective automated testing for android applications (2016) ISSTA 2016 - Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, pp. 94-105.
  • 52.  A great limitation of the current techniques for Android testing is the set of considered inputs  Most of the existing approaches are limited to user events and simple system events  Testing against sensor events presents many issues:  Simulation / emulation / execution of sensor events  Generation of input values  Timing of sensor events 54 Sensor Based Testing Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 53.  The state of the art of context-aware testing for mobile applications has been recently reported in :  I. de Sousa Santos, R. M. de Castro Andrade, L. S. Rocha, S. Matalonga, K. M. de Oliveira, G. H. Travassos, Test case design for context-aware applications: Are we there yet?, Information and Software Technology (2017)  A basic solution consists is the application of mutant operators ito existing test cases reproducing:  Resume/restart of the application  Caused, for example, by a double screen rotation  Loss / Resume of GPS signal  Loss / Resume of Internet connection  …  Christoffer Quist Adamsen, Gianluca Mezzetti, and Anders Møller. 2015. Systematic execution of Android test suites in adverse conditions. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2015). ACM  D. Amalfitano, A. Fasolino, P. Tramontana, N. Amatucci, Considering context events in event-based testing of mobile applications, in: Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on, 2013, 55 Context-aware testing Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 54.  D. Amalfitano, A. Fasolino, P. Tramontana, N. Amatucci, Considering context events in event-based testing of mobile applications, in: Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on, 2013,  C.-J.M. Liang, N. D. Lane, N. Brouwers, L. Zhang, B. F. Karlsson, H. Liu, Y. Liu, J. Tang, X. Shan, R. Chandra, F. Zhao, Caiipa: Automated large-scale mobile app testing through contextual fuzzing, in: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MobiCom ’14, ACM,  T. Griebe, V. Gruhn, A model-based approach to test automation for context-aware mobile applications, in: Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC ’14, ACM,  T. Griebe, M. Hesenius, V. Gruhn, Towards automated ui-tests for sensor-based mobile applications, Communications in Computer and Information Science 532 (2015)  C. Q. Adamsen, G. Mezzetti, A. Møller, Systematic execution of android test suites in adverse conditions, in: Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA 2015, ACM,  S. Yu, S. Takada, Mobile application test case generation focusing on external events, in: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Mobile Development, Mobile! 2016, ACM,  I. de Sousa Santos, R. M. de Castro Andrade, L. S. Rocha, S. Matalonga, K. M. de Oliveira, G. H. Travassos, Test case design for context-aware applications: Are we there yet?, Information and Software Technology (2017) 56 Other resources on context-aware testing Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 55.  Comparisons of techniques  More general and useful for the developers of new tools  Domenico Amalfitano, Nicola Amatucci, Atif M. Memon, Porfirio Tramontana, Anna Rita Fasolino: A general framework for comparing automatic testing techniques of Android mobile apps. Journal of Systems and Software  Comparisons of tools  More useful for the final user, with respect to the current state of the art  Shauvik Roy Choudhary, Alessandra Gorla, and Alessandro Orso. 2015. Automated Test Input Generation for Android: Are We There Yet? (E). In Proceedings of the 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 58 Comparative studies Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 56. With the same tool and the same configuration of the device / emulator 59 Comparisons between techniques Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 • The scheduling strategy (BF or DF) has not a great influence on the performance • Abstraction strategies with a coarse grained level of details bring to less effective but more efficient tests • Abstraction strategies with a fine grained level of details may bring to more effective but they may also bring to infinite tests • Random testing techniques are generally more effective but less efficient than active learning techniques Domenico Amalfitano, Nicola Amatucci, Atif M. Memon, Porfirio Tramontana, Anna Rita Fasolino: A general framework for comparing automatic testing techniques of Android mobile apps. Journal of Systems and Software
  • 57.  With different tools and configurations arbitrary provided by the experimenters  Active Learning appears to be less effective but more efficient  Their effectiveness could be improved by setting them properly 61 Comparisons between tools Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 Shauvik Roy Choudhary, Alessandra Gorla, and Alessandro Orso. 2015. Automated Test Input Generation for Android: Are We There Yet? (E). In Proceedings of the 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
  • 58.  An initial comparison between the performance of test cases generated by:  2 Tools proposed in literature (Android Ripper / Sapienz)  1 Free industrial tools (Monkey from Android)  2 Cloud available tools (Robo from Google Firebase / Fuzz from Amazon)  20 Software Engineering students using a Capture & Replay tool (Robotium Recorder) for black box testing purposes (for about three hours)  The same 20 students trying to improve the coverage of the previously coded black box test cases by means of white box structural testing strategies (as an homework of the course)  4 different small Android applications  Coverage measures related to specific testing targets 63 Another comparison Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 59. 64 Obtained coverages Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00% 70,00% 80,00% 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00% 70,00% 80,00% 90,00% 100,00% 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00% 70,00% 80,00% 90,00% 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00% 70,00%
  • 60.  Most of the techniques and tools in literature are focused on GUI testing of Android applications  Few contributions about testing of system and sensor events  Few contributions about testing of interactions between different apps  Few contributions about automatic fault finding  Distance between academy and industry  Few contributions from industry  Few contributions about the evaluation of industrial tools  Few contributions about concurrency testing  Lacks of contributions related testing of C++ based components of mobile applications.  Lacks of venues or journals focused on Mobile Testing Automation  An active tentative:  65 Some research trends and gaps Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017
  • 62.  In collaboration with the Reverse Group at the University of Naples Federico II  Anna Rita Fasolino, Domenico Amalfitano, Nicola Amatucci, Vincenzo De Simone, Vincenzo Riccio 67 Acknowledgements Porfirio Tramontana – Tarot 2017 - Napoli- 30/06/2017