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Executive Summary
Being a millennial comes with periods of rapid life changes. It encompasses everything
from learning how to cook dinner on your own to figuring out how to get one kid to
soccer and another to dance at the same time. With so much change happening, it’s
easy to take critique to heart. Often, the most harsh critique comes from within. Being
too hard on ourselves not only adds stress, but inhibits our wellbeing.
With this in mind, we ask you to simply be good to yourself. Some people are good to
themselves by sleeping in. Others are good to themselves by rockin’ out to their favorite
song on the drive home. Some are good to themselves by getting an extra helping of
dessert when nobody’s looking.
These decisions may seem insignificant, but they have a great impact on our wellbeing.
The Be Good to Yourself campaign has several layers of meaning. It’s message reflects
the self-care Ocean Spray demonstrates in its brand and culture. Be good to yourself
describes what you are doing by buying Ocean Spray: making a decision to invest in
your wellness. Lastly, “good” reflects the taste of the products. Put simply, Ocean Spray
has a rich history of care for people and care for the product that competitors don’t
have. The Be Good to Yourself campaign
incorporates all of these positive qualities
into one memorable, simple message.
By the end of the campaign, Ocean
Spray’s brand equity amongst millennials
will increase by 7%+. Also, the household
penetration amongst millennials will
increase by 0.5% points over the next
two years. Millennials are a complicated
demographic, but by showing concern
for self-care rather than the bottom line,
Ocean Spray will increase brand equity
and household penetration significantly.
STRESS METER: Through the creation of the
campaign Be Good to Yourself, we found out
that millennials are stressed out to the max.
Join our team’s stressful journey in developing
this campaign as we take our own advice to be
good to ourselves!
Executive Summary
Current Brand Snapshot
Ai: Watson Comparison
Millennial Mindset
Combining the Good
What Does It Mean To Be “Good?”
Creative Manifesto & Insight
Creative Execution Strategy
Label Redesign
Point of Sale
Billboard & Radio
Digital & Social Media
Media Strategy
Media Strategy
Campaign Evaluation
Summary & Sources
Ocean Spray is the top supplier of cranberry products in the nation. Even though they are able to uphold this impressive position,
their core audience has aged with them to the point where the brand has become irrelevant to a key demographic: millennials. Even
though Ocean Spray has good values that align with the things that millennials care about, they don’t seem to connect with the brand.
As millennials increase their purchasing power, Ocean Spray must find a way to increase their relevance in a way that appeals to the
millennial consumer. How can Ocean Spray bridge this gap and associate their brand as “good” in the eyes of millennials? The Be Good
to Yourself campaign addresses this disconnect to find the ways that millennials can associate with the inherent good of Ocean Spray.
1. Grow brand relevance amongst millennials ages 24-34
2. Increase brand recognition and affinity
3. Align Ocean Spray values with millennial mindset
4. Grow product awareness
5. Reimagine Ocean Spray brand image as good
1. Generate a 7%+ increase in brand equity among millennial
audience. A 7%+ increase would result in an equity score of
8.8 or higher.
2. Grow household penetration by 0.5% points among
millennials (representing 415,500 households) over the next
two years. U.S. Population Household penetration of 32%.
Current Brand Snapshot
Key Takeaway:
● Lack of promotion on
sustainability and co-op
● Unclear target market for
some products
● Struggle to appeal to
millennial audience
● Seasonal view of
● Tapping into millennial
● Promoting sustainability
● Joining eco-friendly
Water recycling
● Cranberries being
recognized as a health food
● Increasing trends
towards juicing
● Decreasing popularity
towards store-bought juice
● Perception of products as
too sugary
● New, smaller competitors
are stealing market share
● Retailers are giving space
to private label brands to
increase margins
● Old-fashioned appearance
● Cranberries are not the fruit
of choice for millennials
The biggest weakness that this campaign will address is Ocean Spray’s struggle to appeal to a millennial
audience. The campaign aims to utilize Ocean Spray’s strengths such as brand authority and sustainability
practices to highlight the “good” in the brand and product, to ultimately connect with the consumer.
● Leading cranberry
harvester (produce 65% of
the worlds cranberries)
● Farmer owed
● Sustainable practices
● Brand authority
● Strong brand affinity in 45+
age range
Brand and Target Market Personified
WATSON COMPARISON: To gather personality insights we used artificial
intelligence with WATSON to analyze the language from Ocean Spray’s
website and blogs, as well as over 400 tweets from millennials across the
United States. This analysis personifies the generation of millennials and
Ocean Spray in order to better understand what message the brand is
portraying and how the world is perceiving it. These two personas compare
and contrast millennials’ needs with Ocean Spray’s brand.
IBM WATSON: Personality Insights “uses
linguistic analytics to infer individuals’
personality characteristics, including
Big Five, Needs and Values, from digital
communications such as email, blogs,
tweets and forum posts.”
Driven by sophistication.
Independence and helping
others is important. Sets their
own goals and creates paths
to achieve them. Thinks taking
care of those around them is
highly important.
Driven by discovery. Cares
about making their own path
and want activities to have
a greater purpose than just
personal enjoyment.
91% 89%
79% 89%
36% 77%
3% 67%
63% 84%
32% 81%
27% 75%
1% 65%
● Shrewd
● Strict
● Particular
● Mild tempered
● Energetic
● Self-assured
● Skeptical
● Philosophical
● Intrigued
● Adventurous
● Melancholy
● Contrary
Key Takeway:
The scores you see are all percentiles comparing one person to a broader
population. For example, for extraversion, the person is more extroverted
than 90% of the people in the population.
Ocean Spray and millennials are both innovators that care about authenticity and helping others. Millennials
as a whole are experiencing melancholy and skepticism. Ocean Spray’s self-assurance could help reassure
millennial’s skepticism and their mission to help others could help alleviate the millennial’s melancholy.
When I get older I’ll have to make
those bigger choices that I have
been pushing off. Do I want to have
a career for years? Where do I want
to live? Do I ever want to have kids?
I have no idea. It’s those types of
things that scare me.
- Sydney, 26
Millennial Mindset: Stress Level 100
Key Takeaway:
The target audience experiences more stress than any
other generation and it is causing them to have quarter
life crisis’ at an alarming rate.
Similar to the midlife crisis, a
quarter life crisis is a period of
time during a millennial’s life
that causes them to have high
anxiety and stress. This crisis is
brought on by factors such as job
uncertainty, high expectations
from family, and the imminent
societal pressure to succeed.
Despite this state, millennials
remain optimistic. With this in
mind, Ocean Spray can tap into
that millennial optimism in a time
in life where they need it most.
Through our secondary and primary research efforts we reviewed over 810+ sources of
data and what we found was a real eye-opener!
In our efforts to understand millennials and their needs, we consistently found one
common theme: stress.
Intrigued, our team sought out to see if this phenomena could be further supported and
explained by our own research.
Our results:
In 2017, LinkedIn surveyed over 6,000 millennials between the ages of 25-33.
They reported that 75% have experienced a quarter life crisis.
An earlier study by GumTree found that 86% of millennials experience
the same phenomena.
The American Psychology Association puts out a stress report every year, and
millennials have consistently been more stressed out and less able to cope with it
than any other generation. In fact, a more recent study calculated that millennials
spend the equivalent of 1,512 hours out of the year stressed out and worried.
That’s 20% of the year!
With all this in mind, we knew millennials
were experiencing a fundamental issue,
sparking the beginnings of the Be Good To
Yourself campaign.
of millennials
experienced a
quarter life crisis.
Combining the Good
“60% of millennials are loyal to the
brands they consume”
“Cranberries are a healthful
food, due to their high nutrient
and antioxidant content”
“Millennials Struggle With
BRAND: Ocean Spray is part of the
solution, not the problem. Ocean Spray
is a good brand with good values and
are perceived as authentic due to
sustainability and being farmer owned.
We sought to understand how
the brand, the millennial mindset,
and Ocean Spray’s products
relate in order to find a core
attribute that would connect
them with the target audience.
Through these connections,
we found one common theme:
Cranberries are
recognized as a food
that is wholesome
and good for you.
Millennials are more
stressed out than
any other generation
and the least
equipped to handle
it. By constantly
being plugged into
each other’s lives,
they create this
internal pressure
to do good and be
good all of the time.
“Tastes Good,
Good for You”
“75% of millennials
find company social
responsibility important.”
“Millennials spend
twice as much on
personal wellness
than other
What Does It Mean To Be “Good?”
TO BE GOOD: Through the Be Good to Yourself campaign, we recognize that everyone experiences stress: stress of meeting
deadlines, finding time to go to the gym, stress of fitting in, not being good enough...the list goes on. Being good to ourselves
shouldn’t feel like a chore! It’s the only thing that helps us get through life while creating joy along the way. In order to do this,
it is important to understand what being good is all about. The platform of “good” is what bridges the gap between millennials
and the Ocean Spray brand.
MINDSET: Goodness is inside of all of
us. Sometimes, we just need a dash of
confidence, a smidge of kindness or a pinch
of patience to get us through our terrible
“20 somethings.”
BODY: Stress and anxiety affects the body
as a whole, so stop sweating the small
stuff. Your gut will thank you! Ocean Spray
cranberries have key antioxidants for gut
health and are currently being studied for
their stress-reducing effects.
BRAND: The brand has wholesome
products created by wholesome people.
Built off of heritage, this co-op is not all
about business. Through their sustainability
efforts and community involvement, Ocean
Spray believes in building better,
authentic communities.
Increase brand recognition, relevance and affinity amongst
millennials ages 24-34
Growth in household penetration
Align Ocean Spray values with millennial mindset
By narrowing a strategic focus on “Good” and expanding on it through
creative execution, Ocean Spray achieves the following results:
Creative Manifesto
INSIGHT: “75% of millennials experience a quarter life crisis. To
counteract this universal stress, we offer the simple reminder to
We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be good and do good.
From a young age, we are told to do good in school, be good at
your job, do good for others, buy things that are good for you and
good for the community. With all of these pressures, we often put
our own needs to the side. We believe in balancing the good you
do for others with the good you do for yourself.
We believe in doing things that nurture not only your body but
also your mind. Things like consuming wholesome products and
enjoying things that taste good. We believe in rocking out in the
car, petting every puppy you meet, laughing loudly, walking into a
room like you own the place, and being nice as hell to yourself.
We also believe business should be part of the solution, not the
problem. Our products are wholesome and ethically sourced. We
know it’s important to take care of things now so that they will be
there for future generations. By taking care of ourselves first, we
can then care for others and improve our communities and world.
Be Good to Yourself
Creative Execution Strategy - Recipe for Success
The Be Good to Yourself campaign creates relevancy of the Ocean Spray brand amongst millennials by:
1. Empathizing with the millennial mindset and stressors
2. Creating tangible and symbolic reminders that the solution is inside of them
3. Raising awareness of the goodness and authenticity of Ocean Spray
By personifying confidence through our use of “mini-me’s” and by bottling confidence, kindness, and patience, we allude to the
fact the solution to our stresses comes from within. Our creative execution embodies the fun innocence of our younger selves,
back when our biggest stress was what to “be” for halloween that year. The Be Good to Yourself message is driven across
mediums that are proven to have the most engagement among millennials. Below is our recipe for success!
Part 1: A Little Goodness Goes a Long Way
Each execution issues that simple reminder to be good to yourself by
encouraging individuals to do things that enhance their well being and overall
Part 2: Reinventing Ocean Spray’s Goodness
A temporary label redesign reinforces the Be Good to Yourself campaign
objectives and creates increased customer engagement.
Part 3: Goodness Across the Board
The campaign utilizes a visually cohesive design across all channels, inducing
a positive state of mind and increasing brand affinity. The combination of
bright, happy colors, friendly fonts and contemporary designs attract the
millennial eye and satisfy aesthetic sensibilities.
Verveine - Header
Proxima Nova - Body#f48b20
Label Re-design
Key Takeaway:
Consumers get “label blind.” While it might seem like a tall order to change the packaging, brands
like Coke and Snickers have successfully changed their packaging and enjoyed huge return on
investment through both sales and brand affinity.
You know your coworker who gets on your nerves? Wouldn’t you like some extra patience to deal with them? Or the butterflies you
feel when you see your crush at the gym? Wouldn’t you like some confidence to show how great you truly are? Millennials experience
inner conflict everyday. With a temporary label redesign that offers motivation to boost their morale, Ocean Spray shows that they
empathize with millennials in the moments that they need a pick-me-up. This is the inspiration behind the temporary label redesign to ask
consumers, “What Do You Need Today?”
The execution is carried out on the packaging, where bottles will be labeled as “Bottle
of Patience,” “Bottle of Confidence,” and “Bottle of Kindness.” This creative labeling
differentiates Ocean Spray from its competitors on the shelf where brands, flavors, and
bottles blend together. The creative labeling is a fun way to put into consumers’ minds that
they can gain whatever quality they choose, promoting self-care and reminding consumers
to be good to themselves.
Not only do the redesigned labels promote being good to ourselves, the modern, more
brightly designed bottles appeal to the millennial eye. This motivates millennials to try
Ocean Spray products and ultimately builds brand affinity.
“Coke sold more than
250 million ‘named’
bottles and cans in a
nation of just under
23 million people.”
Point of Sale
Got a big presentation
today? Better go pick up
a bottle of confidence
before work! Through this
visually enticing end cap
display, consumers are
able to purchase exactly
what they need for the
day. This display will be
the talk of the aisle as
its positioned at the end
for easy convenience
purchasing. By asking the
simple question, “What Do
You Need Today?” Ocean
Spray provides consumers
with a small moment for
self reflection and acts as a
reminder to take things one
day at a time. This tagline
has a strong call to action
by giving consumers the
chance to answer based off
their own needs. Through
sales purchases, Ocean
Spray increases millennial
household penetration.
“Buy One, Give One” coupons act as a complementary
component to “What Do You Need Today?” The coupons are
distributed at every store as part of the end cap display. Ocean
Spray is encouraging good behavior amongst consumers by
reassuring the consumer that they are being good to themselves
by buying Ocean Spray products and by creating a “pay it
forward” effect. The backside of the coupon includes sassy,
encouraging quotes as well as tips and tricks on how to be good
to yourself. These coupons are incentivizing trial through the
strong call to action.
“DATE-O-PHOBIA” (n) – the fear one experiences in anticipation of a date. The dating scene of millennials has become increasingly
more complicated as technology has become involved. Gone are the days of tradition in dating, which causes stress for many young
millennials. Far too often they become their own worst critics, which only compounds nervousness. This context forms the background of
“Date-o-Phobia,” the latest Ocean Spray commercial.
Planned for a month now, Scott
has been mentally preparing
himself for his first date in 3 years!
His “mini-me” offers
encouragement and reminds him
to take it easy and relax.
Scott is stressfully pacing his
house as he waits for the very
attractive Emma to pick him up
for the date.
As Scott starts to feel better, the
doorbell rings. It’s Emma.
We then see that Emma is there,
smiling, and has her own “mini-
me”; showing that we aren’t as
different as we think. We all need
some positive reassurance.
As his hands get increasingly
clammy with each passing
minute, he grabs some craisins
off the shelf to distract him.
As he snacks on the craisins,
the mini version of himself
unexpectedly pops up.
Ocean Spray’s simple reminder
to Be Good to Yourself.
Data-o-phobia Commercial Clip
Password: NSAC18Team264
Radio & Outdoor
Reminders can be an effective way to influence
action. Whether it’s a simple note asking us to take
the trash cans out to the curb or an important alert
on our phone telling us to buy an anniversary gift,
we use reminders for a lot of things. However, how
often do we remind ourselves to be positive? This
forms the background for Ocean Spray’s newest
The billboards spotlight the newly labelled bottles
and bags and an underscoring reminder of be
good to yourself. A message of self-care such
as this is designed to break through the clutter
of commercialization. People don’t expect a
individualized reminder to be on a billboard during
their commute. By reminding people to be good
to themselves, Ocean Spray further displays its
authentic care for people.
Each 30 second spot features a relatable
“adulting” moment for millennials and
includes their inner “mini-me” providing
positivity to get them through their stressful
moments. These spots will play through
connected radio devices, such as Pandora
and Spotify, and have product placement for
the redesigned products. The spots finish
with a strong call to action for the consumer.
SFX: *reception bell ding*
Girl: Hi, I’m uh, here for an interview, for the sales position? *nervous
Receptionist: “Great! I’ll let them know and they will be with you shortly.”
Girl: *thinks to herself* Ug, I can’t shake these nerves. I really want this
job. What if they…
*interrupted by mini-me*
Mini-me: Hey!
Girl: Who are you?
Mini-me: I’m you, your mini positivity coach, and I’m here to tell you that
we are going to kill this interview! Stay positive and be confident. Here,
drink this, it’s bottled confidence.
Girl: You know what? you’re right. They’d be lucky to have me, er us.
Announcer: Now you too can buy a bottle of confidence. Look for Ocean
Spray’s limited edition bottles at your local store and get what you need
this summer! Be good to yourself - Ocean Spray
Experiential: Good Vibes Van
We are taking “Good” to go with our Good Vibes Van! The Good Vibes Van travels to locations where high stress and the millennial
population intersect. Here, “mini-me’s” are setting up shop to investigate why it is so hard for us to be good to ourselves.
Key Takeaway: Why is it so hard to compliment yourself? Be good to yourself!
GOOD VIBES VAN In this experiential interaction, “mini-me’s” will address
millennials by requesting 2¢ from participants (two compliments about
themselves). In exchange, they will receive a mini bottle of patience, confidence
or kindness (whatever they need to keep the good vibes flowing in their day).
COUPONS Participants will also
receive a helpful reminder to
pass on the good vibes through
“Buy One, Give One” coupons!
This will not only build brand
equity, but boost household
penetration amongst millennials.
Digital & Social Media
● Food truck tour map: Don’t miss the wave! Follow our Good Vibes Van
online and track where we are spreading goodness next.
● GIFs: When words are simply not enough.
● Coupon: Buy One, Give One
● Video: Sometimes we need a little help to get through life’s most
stressful moments.
● Social Feed: Follow us!
● Tips and tricks to be good to ourselves: We are including tips and tricks
on how to be good to ourselves. This will not only encourage repeat visits
amongst those who want the latest content but it also provides a relatable
outlet that Ocean Spray can coin as their own.
With the recent popularity of the Wendy’s
and Moon Pie Twitter accounts, there
has been one key take away: consumers
like personable brands. Speaking
metaphorically, social media consumers
want to see brands with a t-shirt, not a
dress shirt. It was this insight that shaped
Ocean Spray’s social media approach.
Being the “non-corporate” brand that it
is, Ocean Spray could to become more
personable by offering regular cheeky,
lighthearted posts of quotes or reminders
which promote self-care and wellness. By
differentiating through being personable
and caring for consumers in its social
strategy, Ocean Spray will remind viewers
to be good to themselves and increase its
relevance on social media.
Snapchat Ad Video
Password: NSAC18Team264
Media Strategy
Client Budget Impressions Budget %
6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5,000,000$
2,900,000$ 58%
TV 1,450,000$ 31,900,000 50%
Hulu 725,000$ 20,300,000 25%
YouTube 725,000$ 5,800,000 25%
400,000$ 8%
Spotify 220,000$ 15,620,000 55%
Pandora 180,000$ 18,000,000 45%
600,000$ 12%
Facebook 210,000$ 6,090,000 35%
Instagram 210,000$ 6,090,000 35%
Snapchat 180,000$ 29,880,000 30%
400,000$ 25,200,000 8%
250,000$ 15,750,000 5%
Banner Ads
TOTAL 4,550,000$ 226,270,000
March April
JuneJune DecemberNovemberOctoberAugust January
484,404.76$ 156,250.00$ 484,404.76$ 484,404.76$ 141,071.43$625,595.24$ 585,416.67$141,071.43$ 484,404.76$
196,428.57$141,071.43$ 141,071.43$
We are utilizing efficient media channels to run year long. In addition, we are pulsing the traditional mediums during the summer and
holiday seasons when juice consumption is high. Within the Youtube, Spotify, and Pandora mix we are going to pulse our media mix so
creative doesn’t get tired and we can more efficiently spend our media dollars throughout the year.
MISCELLANEOUS: The miscellaneous portion of our budget has $450,000 which will cover the experiential, point of sale, and
landing page creative executions. It is anticipated that we’ll spend $300,000 on experiential executions, $100,000 on point of
sale, and $50,000 on the landing page. With a 10 million dollar budget, we would expand our media reach with more TV and
take our experiential to more locations.
Media Strategy
By using Snapchat ads and
filters for Ocean Spray, we
can reach over 33 million
users between the ages
of 24-34. Snapchat will
also allow us to create GO
stories for users to watch.
57% of all actions occur
within two days of the last
exposure to an outdoor
ad. By using outdoor
advertising like billboards,
we can attract consumers
to engage with the Ocean
Spray campign.
Instagram will be a strong
channel for Ocean Spray’s
campaign with millennials
forming 25% of users.
Along with strong usage,
Instagram users follow
brands and influencers to
show their support.
T.V. still captures 53% of
millennials and Gen X’ers.
Using this channel, we
can use 30 second ads to
capture the users and keep
them engaged.
Millennials represent
the largest user base in
Facebook. Along with
their strong usage, 84% of
millennial Facebook users
follow brands to show
their support.
Banner ads influence
58% of millennials. Ocean
Spray can reach more
internet users on all
different outlets by using
this channel.
YouTube reaches more 24-
34 year olds than all cable
companies combined. By
using this channel for the
campaign we can better
reach the target market.
Pandora reaches 54% of
the entire millennial digital
audience. This will provide
a strong channel for
Ocean Spray’s campaign.
Hulu is a good channel
for connected devices as
millennials are the largest
segment of subscribers at
37%. With the campaign
for Ocean Spray, we can
reach millennials who
don’t watch T.V.
Since 72% of Spotify
listeners are millennials,
this will prove to be an
effective channel for audio.
Concentration of stress
0–37.9% 38–38.9% 39–40.9% 41–42.9% 43% +
Target Cities: Houston, TX; Washington DC; San Francisco, CA; Miami, FL; Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY.
We determined the optimal target cities by cross referencing locations with a high density of millennials and areas
that have highly stressed populations. The Be Good to Yourself campaign creative executions will find the most
success in targeting these cities by bringing a little goodness to the areas that need it most.
SOURCE: Gallup, Forbes
Houston, TX
Miami, FL
New York, NY
Washington, DC
San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles, CA
= Millennial population decrease
= Millennial population increase
= Millennial population size
Campaign Evaluation
Key performance indicators are based off of the goals, measuring impressions, coupon redemption numbers, and survey results.
Generate a 7%+ increase in
brand equity among millennial
Grow household penetration by
0.5% points among millennials
over the next two years
● Conduct pre-campaign surveys to
determine brand perception amongst
● Includes TV, YouTube, social media,
experiential marketing, and other
elements to reach millennials
● Track impressions across all platforms
● Conduct post-campaign surveys to
evaluate success
● Use IRI data to track sales and
household penetration
● Track increased trial through coupon
● 7%+ increase in brand equity among
millennial audience
● Increase of millennials who perceive
Ocean Spray as a relevant brand
● Increase in household penetration by
0.5% points among millennials over the
next two years
Summary & Sources
The Be Good to Yourself campaign gives Ocean Spray the opportunity to bottle
confidence, patience, and kindness. The campaign further develops the brand’s “Tastes
Good, Good For You” tagline creating relevance with millennials by simply stating Be
Good to Yourself. This reminder covers all components of “good” by empathizing with the
consumer mindset of stress, acknowledging current social movements for self-care, and
better connecting millennial’s love for authenticity to the existing Ocean Spray brand. Not
to mention, cranberries are just plain good for you! By emphasizing what it means to be
good to yourself, Ocean Spray uniquely positions the brand by encouraging millennials
to find the good inside and embrace self-wellness behaviors. This multifaceted approach
redefines Ocean Spray’s current brand image and strengthens its competitive advantage
as millennials’ affinity for the brand grows.
The omni-channel execution interjects goodness into life’s stressful moments through
multiple consumer touch points. The Ocean Spray brand personifies millennials’ inner
positivity through the use of “mini-me’s” conveyed by kids in our traditional media
executions (video and radio). This was a strategic choice that was meant to emulate
the innocent perspective of a child’s mind and remind us to stop overthinking. Our eye
catching label redesign gives an uplifting aesthetic to Ocean Spray products and acts as
the center point for the rest of our creative executions (point of sale, outdoor, experiential,
and digital media). Targeted specifically in high stressed out areas with a high density of
millennials, this cohesive strategy not only breaks through the visual noise of the juice aisle
but has an authentic purpose behind the label. This will build brand affinity, incentivize trial,
and boost household penetration.
We are all human. We each experience stress in different ways. This campaign
acknowledges life is tough, but reminds consumers that they are too. We all deserve to live
our lives with confidence, patience, and kindness. So we please ask you…..
IBM Watson
In-store interviews
In-store observations
One-on-one interviews
NSAC Team Primary Survey
AAF NSAC Ocean Spray Study
American Psychology Association
Coca-Cola Case Study
Harvard Business
Kantar AdSpender
Marketing Charts
Marketing Week
Mazars Ledger
Medical News Today
Moon Pie Twitter
New York Post
Psychology Today
Pew Research Center
Snickers Case Study
Think With Google
Verto Analytics
Wendy’s Twitter
Be Good to Yourself

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  • 1.
  • 2. 1 Executive Summary Being a millennial comes with periods of rapid life changes. It encompasses everything from learning how to cook dinner on your own to figuring out how to get one kid to soccer and another to dance at the same time. With so much change happening, it’s easy to take critique to heart. Often, the most harsh critique comes from within. Being too hard on ourselves not only adds stress, but inhibits our wellbeing. With this in mind, we ask you to simply be good to yourself. Some people are good to themselves by sleeping in. Others are good to themselves by rockin’ out to their favorite song on the drive home. Some are good to themselves by getting an extra helping of dessert when nobody’s looking. These decisions may seem insignificant, but they have a great impact on our wellbeing. The Be Good to Yourself campaign has several layers of meaning. It’s message reflects the self-care Ocean Spray demonstrates in its brand and culture. Be good to yourself describes what you are doing by buying Ocean Spray: making a decision to invest in your wellness. Lastly, “good” reflects the taste of the products. Put simply, Ocean Spray has a rich history of care for people and care for the product that competitors don’t have. The Be Good to Yourself campaign incorporates all of these positive qualities into one memorable, simple message. By the end of the campaign, Ocean Spray’s brand equity amongst millennials will increase by 7%+. Also, the household penetration amongst millennials will increase by 0.5% points over the next two years. Millennials are a complicated demographic, but by showing concern for self-care rather than the bottom line, Ocean Spray will increase brand equity and household penetration significantly. STRESS METER: Through the creation of the campaign Be Good to Yourself, we found out that millennials are stressed out to the max. Join our team’s stressful journey in developing this campaign as we take our own advice to be good to ourselves! Executive Summary Challenge Current Brand Snapshot Ai: Watson Comparison Millennial Mindset Combining the Good What Does It Mean To Be “Good?” Creative Manifesto & Insight Creative Execution Strategy Label Redesign Point of Sale Video Billboard & Radio Experiential Digital & Social Media Media Strategy Media Strategy Targeting Campaign Evaluation Summary & Sources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. TABLE OF CONTENTS: TEAM 264 STRESS METER: 100%
  • 3. 2 Challenge Ocean Spray is the top supplier of cranberry products in the nation. Even though they are able to uphold this impressive position, their core audience has aged with them to the point where the brand has become irrelevant to a key demographic: millennials. Even though Ocean Spray has good values that align with the things that millennials care about, they don’t seem to connect with the brand. As millennials increase their purchasing power, Ocean Spray must find a way to increase their relevance in a way that appeals to the millennial consumer. How can Ocean Spray bridge this gap and associate their brand as “good” in the eyes of millennials? The Be Good to Yourself campaign addresses this disconnect to find the ways that millennials can associate with the inherent good of Ocean Spray. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES: 1. Grow brand relevance amongst millennials ages 24-34 2. Increase brand recognition and affinity 3. Align Ocean Spray values with millennial mindset 4. Grow product awareness 5. Reimagine Ocean Spray brand image as good ASSIGNMENT: 1. Generate a 7%+ increase in brand equity among millennial audience. A 7%+ increase would result in an equity score of 8.8 or higher. 2. Grow household penetration by 0.5% points among millennials (representing 415,500 households) over the next two years. U.S. Population Household penetration of 32%. 280+ DATAPOINTS 550+PIECES OF PRIMARY DATA 150+IN-STORE OBSERVATIONS 30+INTERVIEWS SURVEY RESULTS 260+PIECES OF SECONDARY RESEARCH
  • 4. 3 Current Brand Snapshot STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Key Takeaway: OPPORTUNITIES THREATS ● Lack of promotion on sustainability and co-op business ● Unclear target market for some products ● Struggle to appeal to millennial audience ● Seasonal view of cranberries ● Tapping into millennial market ● Promoting sustainability ● Joining eco-friendly movement Water recycling Packaging Agriculture Waste Climate ● Cranberries being recognized as a health food ● Increasing trends towards juicing ● Decreasing popularity towards store-bought juice ● Perception of products as too sugary ● New, smaller competitors are stealing market share ● Retailers are giving space to private label brands to increase margins ● Old-fashioned appearance ● Cranberries are not the fruit of choice for millennials The biggest weakness that this campaign will address is Ocean Spray’s struggle to appeal to a millennial audience. The campaign aims to utilize Ocean Spray’s strengths such as brand authority and sustainability practices to highlight the “good” in the brand and product, to ultimately connect with the consumer. ● Leading cranberry harvester (produce 65% of the worlds cranberries) ● Farmer owed ● Sustainable practices ● Brand authority ● Strong brand affinity in 45+ age range
  • 5. 4 Brand and Target Market Personified WATSON COMPARISON: To gather personality insights we used artificial intelligence with WATSON to analyze the language from Ocean Spray’s website and blogs, as well as over 400 tweets from millennials across the United States. This analysis personifies the generation of millennials and Ocean Spray in order to better understand what message the brand is portraying and how the world is perceiving it. These two personas compare and contrast millennials’ needs with Ocean Spray’s brand. IBM WATSON: Personality Insights “uses linguistic analytics to infer individuals’ personality characteristics, including Big Five, Needs and Values, from digital communications such as email, blogs, tweets and forum posts.” Driven by sophistication. Independence and helping others is important. Sets their own goals and creates paths to achieve them. Thinks taking care of those around them is highly important. Driven by discovery. Cares about making their own path and want activities to have a greater purpose than just personal enjoyment. PERSONALITY PERSONALITY CONSUMER NEEDS CONSUMER NEEDS VALUES VALUES OPENNESS OPENNESS99% 53% 91% 89% 79% 89% CURIOUSITY CURIOUSITY STIMULATION STIMULATION EMOTIONAL RANGE EMOTIONAL RANGE85% 45% 36% 77% 3% 67% STABILITY STABILITY ACHIEVEMENT ACHIEVEMENT CONSCIENTIOUSNESS CONSCIENTIOUSNESS87% 47% 63% 84% 32% 81% STRUCTURE STRUCTURE HELPING OTHER HELPING OTHER EXTRAVERSION EXTRAVERSION75% 43% 27% 75% 1% 65% SELF-EXPRESSION SELF-EXPRESSION TRADITION TRADITION Traits: ● Shrewd ● Strict ● Particular ● Mild tempered ● Energetic ● Self-assured Traits: ● Skeptical ● Philosophical ● Intrigued ● Adventurous ● Melancholy ● Contrary OCEAN SPRAY MILLENNIAL Key Takeway: The scores you see are all percentiles comparing one person to a broader population. For example, for extraversion, the person is more extroverted than 90% of the people in the population. Ocean Spray and millennials are both innovators that care about authenticity and helping others. Millennials as a whole are experiencing melancholy and skepticism. Ocean Spray’s self-assurance could help reassure millennial’s skepticism and their mission to help others could help alleviate the millennial’s melancholy.
  • 6. 5 “ When I get older I’ll have to make those bigger choices that I have been pushing off. Do I want to have a career for years? Where do I want to live? Do I ever want to have kids? I have no idea. It’s those types of things that scare me. - Sydney, 26 “ Millennial Mindset: Stress Level 100 Key Takeaway: The target audience experiences more stress than any other generation and it is causing them to have quarter life crisis’ at an alarming rate. WHAT IS A QUARTER LIFE CRISIS? Similar to the midlife crisis, a quarter life crisis is a period of time during a millennial’s life that causes them to have high anxiety and stress. This crisis is brought on by factors such as job uncertainty, high expectations from family, and the imminent societal pressure to succeed. Despite this state, millennials remain optimistic. With this in mind, Ocean Spray can tap into that millennial optimism in a time in life where they need it most. Through our secondary and primary research efforts we reviewed over 810+ sources of data and what we found was a real eye-opener! In our efforts to understand millennials and their needs, we consistently found one common theme: stress. STRESS TESTS: Intrigued, our team sought out to see if this phenomena could be further supported and explained by our own research. Our results: In 2017, LinkedIn surveyed over 6,000 millennials between the ages of 25-33. They reported that 75% have experienced a quarter life crisis. An earlier study by GumTree found that 86% of millennials experience the same phenomena. The American Psychology Association puts out a stress report every year, and millennials have consistently been more stressed out and less able to cope with it than any other generation. In fact, a more recent study calculated that millennials spend the equivalent of 1,512 hours out of the year stressed out and worried. That’s 20% of the year! With all this in mind, we knew millennials were experiencing a fundamental issue, sparking the beginnings of the Be Good To Yourself campaign. of millennials surveyed experienced a quarter life crisis. 80% 1 2 3 TEAM 264 STRESS METER: 75%
  • 7. 6 Combining the Good GOOD! BRAND AUTHENTICITY “60% of millennials are loyal to the brands they consume” HEALTH & WELLNESS “Cranberries are a healthful food, due to their high nutrient and antioxidant content” MILLENNIAL MINDSET “Millennials Struggle With ‘Adulting’” BRAND: Ocean Spray is part of the solution, not the problem. Ocean Spray is a good brand with good values and are perceived as authentic due to sustainability and being farmer owned. We sought to understand how the brand, the millennial mindset, and Ocean Spray’s products relate in order to find a core attribute that would connect them with the target audience. Through these connections, we found one common theme: GOOD! PRODUCT PERCEPTION: Cranberries are recognized as a food that is wholesome and good for you. STRESS LEVEL 100: Millennials are more stressed out than any other generation and the least equipped to handle it. By constantly being plugged into each other’s lives, they create this internal pressure to do good and be good all of the time. Aha! Moment:GOOD IS THE SOLUTION! “Tastes Good, Good for You” “75% of millennials find company social responsibility important.” “Millennials spend twice as much on personal wellness than other generations”
  • 8. 7 What Does It Mean To Be “Good?” TO BE GOOD: Through the Be Good to Yourself campaign, we recognize that everyone experiences stress: stress of meeting deadlines, finding time to go to the gym, stress of fitting in, not being good enough...the list goes on. Being good to ourselves shouldn’t feel like a chore! It’s the only thing that helps us get through life while creating joy along the way. In order to do this, it is important to understand what being good is all about. The platform of “good” is what bridges the gap between millennials and the Ocean Spray brand. Good MINDSET: Goodness is inside of all of us. Sometimes, we just need a dash of confidence, a smidge of kindness or a pinch of patience to get us through our terrible “20 somethings.” BODY: Stress and anxiety affects the body as a whole, so stop sweating the small stuff. Your gut will thank you! Ocean Spray cranberries have key antioxidants for gut health and are currently being studied for their stress-reducing effects. BRAND: The brand has wholesome products created by wholesome people. Built off of heritage, this co-op is not all about business. Through their sustainability efforts and community involvement, Ocean Spray believes in building better, authentic communities. Increase brand recognition, relevance and affinity amongst millennials ages 24-34 Growth in household penetration Align Ocean Spray values with millennial mindset RESULTS: By narrowing a strategic focus on “Good” and expanding on it through creative execution, Ocean Spray achieves the following results: 1 2 3
  • 9. 8 Creative Manifesto INSIGHT: “75% of millennials experience a quarter life crisis. To counteract this universal stress, we offer the simple reminder to We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be good and do good. From a young age, we are told to do good in school, be good at your job, do good for others, buy things that are good for you and good for the community. With all of these pressures, we often put our own needs to the side. We believe in balancing the good you do for others with the good you do for yourself. We believe in doing things that nurture not only your body but also your mind. Things like consuming wholesome products and enjoying things that taste good. We believe in rocking out in the car, petting every puppy you meet, laughing loudly, walking into a room like you own the place, and being nice as hell to yourself. We also believe business should be part of the solution, not the problem. Our products are wholesome and ethically sourced. We know it’s important to take care of things now so that they will be there for future generations. By taking care of ourselves first, we can then care for others and improve our communities and world. TEAM 264 STRESS METER: 50% Be Good to Yourself
  • 10. 9 Creative Execution Strategy - Recipe for Success The Be Good to Yourself campaign creates relevancy of the Ocean Spray brand amongst millennials by: 1. Empathizing with the millennial mindset and stressors 2. Creating tangible and symbolic reminders that the solution is inside of them 3. Raising awareness of the goodness and authenticity of Ocean Spray By personifying confidence through our use of “mini-me’s” and by bottling confidence, kindness, and patience, we allude to the fact the solution to our stresses comes from within. Our creative execution embodies the fun innocence of our younger selves, back when our biggest stress was what to “be” for halloween that year. The Be Good to Yourself message is driven across mediums that are proven to have the most engagement among millennials. Below is our recipe for success! RECIPE FOR SUCCESS Part 1: A Little Goodness Goes a Long Way Each execution issues that simple reminder to be good to yourself by encouraging individuals to do things that enhance their well being and overall attitude. Part 2: Reinventing Ocean Spray’s Goodness A temporary label redesign reinforces the Be Good to Yourself campaign objectives and creates increased customer engagement. Part 3: Goodness Across the Board The campaign utilizes a visually cohesive design across all channels, inducing a positive state of mind and increasing brand affinity. The combination of bright, happy colors, friendly fonts and contemporary designs attract the millennial eye and satisfy aesthetic sensibilities. CREATIVE ELEMENTS Verveine - Header OSWALD - TITLE Proxima Nova - Body#f48b20 #dd282f TEAM 264 STRESS METER: 25%
  • 11. 10 Label Re-design Key Takeaway: Consumers get “label blind.” While it might seem like a tall order to change the packaging, brands like Coke and Snickers have successfully changed their packaging and enjoyed huge return on investment through both sales and brand affinity. You know your coworker who gets on your nerves? Wouldn’t you like some extra patience to deal with them? Or the butterflies you feel when you see your crush at the gym? Wouldn’t you like some confidence to show how great you truly are? Millennials experience inner conflict everyday. With a temporary label redesign that offers motivation to boost their morale, Ocean Spray shows that they empathize with millennials in the moments that they need a pick-me-up. This is the inspiration behind the temporary label redesign to ask consumers, “What Do You Need Today?” The execution is carried out on the packaging, where bottles will be labeled as “Bottle of Patience,” “Bottle of Confidence,” and “Bottle of Kindness.” This creative labeling differentiates Ocean Spray from its competitors on the shelf where brands, flavors, and bottles blend together. The creative labeling is a fun way to put into consumers’ minds that they can gain whatever quality they choose, promoting self-care and reminding consumers to be good to themselves. Not only do the redesigned labels promote being good to ourselves, the modern, more brightly designed bottles appeal to the millennial eye. This motivates millennials to try Ocean Spray products and ultimately builds brand affinity. “Coke sold more than 250 million ‘named’ bottles and cans in a nation of just under 23 million people.”
  • 12. 11 Point of Sale “WHAT DO YOU NEED?” POINT OF SALE Got a big presentation today? Better go pick up a bottle of confidence before work! Through this visually enticing end cap display, consumers are able to purchase exactly what they need for the day. This display will be the talk of the aisle as its positioned at the end for easy convenience purchasing. By asking the simple question, “What Do You Need Today?” Ocean Spray provides consumers with a small moment for self reflection and acts as a reminder to take things one day at a time. This tagline has a strong call to action by giving consumers the chance to answer based off their own needs. Through sales purchases, Ocean Spray increases millennial household penetration. COUPONS “Buy One, Give One” coupons act as a complementary component to “What Do You Need Today?” The coupons are distributed at every store as part of the end cap display. Ocean Spray is encouraging good behavior amongst consumers by reassuring the consumer that they are being good to themselves by buying Ocean Spray products and by creating a “pay it forward” effect. The backside of the coupon includes sassy, encouraging quotes as well as tips and tricks on how to be good to yourself. These coupons are incentivizing trial through the strong call to action. TEAM 264 SUCCESS METER: 25%
  • 13. 12 Video “DATE-O-PHOBIA” (n) – the fear one experiences in anticipation of a date. The dating scene of millennials has become increasingly more complicated as technology has become involved. Gone are the days of tradition in dating, which causes stress for many young millennials. Far too often they become their own worst critics, which only compounds nervousness. This context forms the background of “Date-o-Phobia,” the latest Ocean Spray commercial. Planned for a month now, Scott has been mentally preparing himself for his first date in 3 years! His “mini-me” offers encouragement and reminds him to take it easy and relax. Scott is stressfully pacing his house as he waits for the very attractive Emma to pick him up for the date. As Scott starts to feel better, the doorbell rings. It’s Emma. We then see that Emma is there, smiling, and has her own “mini- me”; showing that we aren’t as different as we think. We all need some positive reassurance. As his hands get increasingly clammy with each passing minute, he grabs some craisins off the shelf to distract him. As he snacks on the craisins, the mini version of himself unexpectedly pops up. Ocean Spray’s simple reminder to Be Good to Yourself. Data-o-phobia Commercial Clip Link: Password: NSAC18Team264
  • 14. 13 Radio & Outdoor BILLBOARDS Reminders can be an effective way to influence action. Whether it’s a simple note asking us to take the trash cans out to the curb or an important alert on our phone telling us to buy an anniversary gift, we use reminders for a lot of things. However, how often do we remind ourselves to be positive? This forms the background for Ocean Spray’s newest billboards. The billboards spotlight the newly labelled bottles and bags and an underscoring reminder of be good to yourself. A message of self-care such as this is designed to break through the clutter of commercialization. People don’t expect a individualized reminder to be on a billboard during their commute. By reminding people to be good to themselves, Ocean Spray further displays its authentic care for people. RADIO Each 30 second spot features a relatable “adulting” moment for millennials and includes their inner “mini-me” providing positivity to get them through their stressful moments. These spots will play through connected radio devices, such as Pandora and Spotify, and have product placement for the redesigned products. The spots finish with a strong call to action for the consumer. SFX: *reception bell ding* Girl: Hi, I’m uh, here for an interview, for the sales position? *nervous tone* Receptionist: “Great! I’ll let them know and they will be with you shortly.” Girl: *thinks to herself* Ug, I can’t shake these nerves. I really want this job. What if they… *interrupted by mini-me* Mini-me: Hey! Girl: Who are you? Mini-me: I’m you, your mini positivity coach, and I’m here to tell you that we are going to kill this interview! Stay positive and be confident. Here, drink this, it’s bottled confidence. Girl: You know what? you’re right. They’d be lucky to have me, er us. Announcer: Now you too can buy a bottle of confidence. Look for Ocean Spray’s limited edition bottles at your local store and get what you need this summer! Be good to yourself - Ocean Spray
  • 15. 14 Experiential: Good Vibes Van We are taking “Good” to go with our Good Vibes Van! The Good Vibes Van travels to locations where high stress and the millennial population intersect. Here, “mini-me’s” are setting up shop to investigate why it is so hard for us to be good to ourselves. Key Takeaway: Why is it so hard to compliment yourself? Be good to yourself! GOOD VIBES VAN In this experiential interaction, “mini-me’s” will address millennials by requesting 2¢ from participants (two compliments about themselves). In exchange, they will receive a mini bottle of patience, confidence or kindness (whatever they need to keep the good vibes flowing in their day). COUPONS Participants will also receive a helpful reminder to pass on the good vibes through “Buy One, Give One” coupons! This will not only build brand equity, but boost household penetration amongst millennials. TEAM 264 SUCCESS METER: 50%
  • 16. 15 Digital & Social Media LANDING PAGE SITE MAP ● Food truck tour map: Don’t miss the wave! Follow our Good Vibes Van online and track where we are spreading goodness next. ● GIFs: When words are simply not enough. ● Coupon: Buy One, Give One ● Video: Sometimes we need a little help to get through life’s most stressful moments. ● Social Feed: Follow us! ● Tips and tricks to be good to ourselves: We are including tips and tricks on how to be good to ourselves. This will not only encourage repeat visits amongst those who want the latest content but it also provides a relatable outlet that Ocean Spray can coin as their own. With the recent popularity of the Wendy’s and Moon Pie Twitter accounts, there has been one key take away: consumers like personable brands. Speaking metaphorically, social media consumers want to see brands with a t-shirt, not a dress shirt. It was this insight that shaped Ocean Spray’s social media approach. Being the “non-corporate” brand that it is, Ocean Spray could to become more personable by offering regular cheeky, lighthearted posts of quotes or reminders which promote self-care and wellness. By differentiating through being personable and caring for consumers in its social strategy, Ocean Spray will remind viewers to be good to themselves and increase its relevance on social media. SWIPE UP Snapchat Ad Video Link: Password: NSAC18Team264
  • 17. 16 Media Strategy Client Budget Impressions Budget % 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5,000,000$ 2,900,000$ 58% TV 1,450,000$ 31,900,000 50% Hulu 725,000$ 20,300,000 25% YouTube 725,000$ 5,800,000 25% 400,000$ 8% Spotify 220,000$ 15,620,000 55% Pandora 180,000$ 18,000,000 45% 600,000$ 12% Facebook 210,000$ 6,090,000 35% Instagram 210,000$ 6,090,000 35% Snapchat 180,000$ 29,880,000 30% 400,000$ 25,200,000 8% Billboard 250,000$ 15,750,000 5% Banner Ads TOTAL 4,550,000$ 226,270,000 March April VIDEO JuneJune DecemberNovemberOctoberAugust January 484,404.76$ 156,250.00$ 484,404.76$ 484,404.76$ 141,071.43$625,595.24$ 585,416.67$141,071.43$ 484,404.76$ July 484,404.76$ MaySeptember 196,428.57$141,071.43$ 141,071.43$ AUDIO SOCIAL OUTDOOR DISPLAY February We are utilizing efficient media channels to run year long. In addition, we are pulsing the traditional mediums during the summer and holiday seasons when juice consumption is high. Within the Youtube, Spotify, and Pandora mix we are going to pulse our media mix so creative doesn’t get tired and we can more efficiently spend our media dollars throughout the year. MISCELLANEOUS: The miscellaneous portion of our budget has $450,000 which will cover the experiential, point of sale, and landing page creative executions. It is anticipated that we’ll spend $300,000 on experiential executions, $100,000 on point of sale, and $50,000 on the landing page. With a 10 million dollar budget, we would expand our media reach with more TV and take our experiential to more locations. TEAM 264 SUCCESS METER: 75%
  • 18. 17 Media Strategy SNAPCHAT By using Snapchat ads and filters for Ocean Spray, we can reach over 33 million users between the ages of 24-34. Snapchat will also allow us to create GO stories for users to watch. OUTDOOR 57% of all actions occur within two days of the last exposure to an outdoor ad. By using outdoor advertising like billboards, we can attract consumers to engage with the Ocean Spray campign. INSTAGRAM Instagram will be a strong channel for Ocean Spray’s campaign with millennials forming 25% of users. Along with strong usage, Instagram users follow brands and influencers to show their support. TELEVISION T.V. still captures 53% of millennials and Gen X’ers. Using this channel, we can use 30 second ads to capture the users and keep them engaged. FACEBOOK Millennials represent the largest user base in Facebook. Along with their strong usage, 84% of millennial Facebook users follow brands to show their support. DISPLAY Banner ads influence 58% of millennials. Ocean Spray can reach more internet users on all different outlets by using this channel. YOUTUBE YouTube reaches more 24- 34 year olds than all cable companies combined. By using this channel for the campaign we can better reach the target market. PANDORA Pandora reaches 54% of the entire millennial digital audience. This will provide a strong channel for Ocean Spray’s campaign. HULU Hulu is a good channel for connected devices as millennials are the largest segment of subscribers at 37%. With the campaign for Ocean Spray, we can reach millennials who don’t watch T.V. SPOTIFY Since 72% of Spotify listeners are millennials, this will prove to be an effective channel for audio.
  • 19. 18 Targeting Concentration of stress 0–37.9% 38–38.9% 39–40.9% 41–42.9% 43% + Target Cities: Houston, TX; Washington DC; San Francisco, CA; Miami, FL; Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY. We determined the optimal target cities by cross referencing locations with a high density of millennials and areas that have highly stressed populations. The Be Good to Yourself campaign creative executions will find the most success in targeting these cities by bringing a little goodness to the areas that need it most. SOURCE: Gallup, Forbes Houston, TX Miami, FL New York, NY Washington, DC San Francisco, CA Los Angeles, CA = Millennial population decrease = Millennial population increase = Millennial population size
  • 20. 19 Campaign Evaluation Key performance indicators are based off of the goals, measuring impressions, coupon redemption numbers, and survey results. METRICS $ 5MCAMPAIGN SPEND 226.3MIMPRESSIONS GENERATED OBJECTIVE EVALUATION RESULTS Generate a 7%+ increase in brand equity among millennial audience Grow household penetration by 0.5% points among millennials over the next two years 1 2 ● Conduct pre-campaign surveys to determine brand perception amongst millennials ● Includes TV, YouTube, social media, experiential marketing, and other elements to reach millennials ● Track impressions across all platforms ● Conduct post-campaign surveys to evaluate success ● Use IRI data to track sales and household penetration ● Track increased trial through coupon redemption ● 7%+ increase in brand equity among millennial audience ● Increase of millennials who perceive Ocean Spray as a relevant brand ● Increase in household penetration by 0.5% points among millennials over the next two years
  • 21. Summary & Sources The Be Good to Yourself campaign gives Ocean Spray the opportunity to bottle confidence, patience, and kindness. The campaign further develops the brand’s “Tastes Good, Good For You” tagline creating relevance with millennials by simply stating Be Good to Yourself. This reminder covers all components of “good” by empathizing with the consumer mindset of stress, acknowledging current social movements for self-care, and better connecting millennial’s love for authenticity to the existing Ocean Spray brand. Not to mention, cranberries are just plain good for you! By emphasizing what it means to be good to yourself, Ocean Spray uniquely positions the brand by encouraging millennials to find the good inside and embrace self-wellness behaviors. This multifaceted approach redefines Ocean Spray’s current brand image and strengthens its competitive advantage as millennials’ affinity for the brand grows. The omni-channel execution interjects goodness into life’s stressful moments through multiple consumer touch points. The Ocean Spray brand personifies millennials’ inner positivity through the use of “mini-me’s” conveyed by kids in our traditional media executions (video and radio). This was a strategic choice that was meant to emulate the innocent perspective of a child’s mind and remind us to stop overthinking. Our eye catching label redesign gives an uplifting aesthetic to Ocean Spray products and acts as the center point for the rest of our creative executions (point of sale, outdoor, experiential, and digital media). Targeted specifically in high stressed out areas with a high density of millennials, this cohesive strategy not only breaks through the visual noise of the juice aisle but has an authentic purpose behind the label. This will build brand affinity, incentivize trial, and boost household penetration. We are all human. We each experience stress in different ways. This campaign acknowledges life is tough, but reminds consumers that they are too. We all deserve to live our lives with confidence, patience, and kindness. So we please ask you….. Primary: IBM Watson In-store interviews In-store observations One-on-one interviews NSAC Team Primary Survey Twitter Secondary: AAF NSAC Ocean Spray Study ADWeek AdMall American Psychology Association Atlantic Coca-Cola Case Study Forbes Fortune Gallup Harvard Business Kantar AdSpender LinkedIn Marketing Charts Marketing Week Mazars Ledger Medical News Today Moon Pie Twitter Neilson New York Post NPR Psychology Today Pew Research Center RCL CO Snickers Case Study Statista Think With Google Time Verto Analytics Wendy’s Twitter WalletHub 20TEAM 264 SUCCESS METER: 100% Be Good to Yourself Moresecondarysources