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‘Takabbur’ in Arabic, as 'arrogance' or 'pride' in English
Quran repeatedly and in many ways refers to two categories of people. For simplicity we could refer to them
as the ‘good’ and the ‘evil’ now within those two categories we find the Quran describing many, what we could
even describe as subcategories of people. For example in the category of good people we find other
categories of people being defined or described as Muslim, or Mu’min, or Mukhlis, or Muhsin and so on. And
similarly within the category of evil people we find other categories of people being defined or described as
Kaafir, or Munafiq, or Faasiq, or Mufsidh and so on. Now in the Quran Allah does not just randomly call people
names. What we read in the Quran is about ‘named’ qualities and then we are told that those who possess
these ‘named’ qualities belong to a selection of categories, all of which are named, as well as described and
So we read in the Quran about the qualities of a Mu’min, the qualities of a Kaafir, the qualities of a Munafiq,
the qualities of a Swaaleh and so on. So it becomes very interesting. We do not ‘just randomly or ‘according to
our likes and dislikes’ or ‘our fancies and prejudices’ name people as we wish. But it is through reading the
Quran that we begin to understand these qualities and then gradually we begin to recognise those qualities in
people. This is how we first begin to understand the categories that people belong to. However, it may be
relatively easy to detect qualities of others, especially the evil qualities of others, but then the main task is to
turn the search inwards and to seriously think, ‘Am I also not possessing these evil qualities too’? It would
surprise many of us to find out that we do indeed possess traits of many evil qualities. The problem is that we
just did not look! Then the next question, ‘How do I eliminate these evil qualities from my life?’ Or in better
words, ‘How do I purify myself?’
In today’s essay I would like to give a brief introduction to these categories of persons as well as the qualities
that make up these categories. I am doing this by the Ayahs of the Quran that point out these factors to us. In
the meantime, another interesting point that I would like to point out, is that one task or purpose we have on
this earth is to be able to identify these qualities, identify those people who possess these qualities and realise
as to what category they belong to and then, as I say, most importantly, look at ourselves, identify the qualities
that we possess, strengthen the good ones and eliminate the evil ones – Insha’Allah!
Now how do we do that? From where do we start? I think a good place to start from would be from the events
that surrounds our creation. Allah describes these land mark events in the form of beautiful stories, and they
are even repeated a few times in the Quran. There are many lessons to be learnt in every word that is used in
every one of those Ayahs that make up this narration. Whilst repeatedly reading these Ayahs it becomes
obvious to us that Allah is describing to us an absorbing drama. Allah describes to us the roles played by the
Malaa-ikah, the part played by the Jinn named Iblees and we also have the involvement of a representative
from the Insaan or us Humans and that is our forefather, Aadham (AS). One objective of this drama or the
enactment of these events is to demonstrate or to provide evidence to us about the treachery of Iblees, and to
clearly point out to us the fact that he had become arrogant. An important lesson that all of us should learn
from this event is, as Allah describes or teaches us, the consequences of this arrogance or Takabbur. Let me
read this interesting Ayah from Surah Saad (38:75) He (Allah) said, “O Iblīs, what prevented you from
performing Sujoodh to one whom I created with My hands? Are you arrogant or are you from amongst the
exalted ones?”
Allah is informing us that Iblis had developed this reprehensible quality known as, ‘Takabbur’ in Arabic, and as
arrogance or pride in English. And then Allah condemns Iblis. Let me show a few Ayahs from the Quran where
Iblis is being condemned. Allah is drawing our attention to, or in fact actually warning us about the evil qualities
that Iblis possesses.
Surah A’raaf (7:13) He said, “Then, go down from it, it is not for you to show arrogance in it. So, get out. You
are one of the degraded.
Surah Al Hijr (15:34) He said, “Then, get out of here, for you are an outcast,
Surah Al Hijr (15:35) and upon you is the curse up to the Day of Judgment.”
Allah is now describing to us the qualities of Iblis. These are all despicable qualities. Allah tells us that Iblis has
Takabbur, which means that Iblis thinks that he is ‘great’ Now Allah tells us something very enlightening,
something very interesting. I would like to once again, read to you Ayah No 13 from Surah A’raaf. This time
too let me show it to you in 3 phrases It becomes clearer when we read this Ayah in this manner. In the first
phrase Allah informs us about what He tells Iblis:(7:13a) He said, “Then, get down from it, This is an indication
that Iblis is being sent from an exalted place which could even include some status, to a lowly place and
position. Now, where would that lowly place be? In the next phrase we are informed (7:13b) it is not for you to
show arrogance in it. This means that in that exalted place and in that position, there is no place for arrogance
and that arrogance is just not tolerated, and Iblis is now being expelled to a place where apparently, arrogance
is tolerated. Now, where would that place be? (7:13c) so, get out. You are one of the degraded.
Iblis is expelled and is demoted to a ‘SwaaGHireen’ SwaGHeer is the opposite of Kabeer, which means that
this Iblis who enjoyed some status (the Quran indicates the company of the Malaa’ika) has now been
degraded to a despised position – a SwaaGHireen.
Coincidently, we find that Allah does not refer to Iblis by his name thereafter, until when Allah is explaining to
us the events that would unfold on Judgment Day, and in that explanation the name Iblis re-appears. So the
explanation points out to the fact that this Jinn who was formerly named Iblis, has now been relegated to the
category of Shaithaans, which consists of evil Jinns and evil men. There is that possibility that this Jinn Iblis
who has been demoted to a Shaithaan is in fact leading the pack of Shaithaans in their evil exploits. Anyway,
one important point that I wish to draw attention to is the fact that Iblis or the Shaithaans now all exist in a
Universe or in the only part of the Universe where Takabbur is tolerated. Now we as Human Beings live in this
environment. It is an environment where we cannot directly see or observe God. However, we are all gifted
with this innate quality of curiosity. We want to or have to know how things work. If we seek with humility then
we would recognise the Signs of God and then Allah will guide us. On the other hand if we allow arrogance or
pride to tempt us, then we begin to develop the mindsets that it is ‘we’ who are ‘great’ It is we who are looking
after this world It is we who are caretakers of this world and everything that it contains, and gradually this evil
quality of Takabbur grows and grows within us. We must also realise that we are in the presence of all the
Shaithaans, and their objective would be to corrupt us. How? The Shaithaans would try to infect us with their
quality of Takabbur. We just do not realise. We just grow and glow with pride and arrogance. If we observe
carefully we can detect it all around us, and also within us. Let us try to get more knowledge about this quality
Allah informs us that Iblis has Takabbur or arrogance. He also informs us that as a result of this Takabbur Iblis
has been degraded or is now of the SWaaGHireen. He also informs us that as a result of this Takabbur Iblis
has been expelled from an exalted place, We can thus assume that he is now in a ‘lowly’ place He also
informs us that as a result of this Takabbur Iblis is now an outcast (a Rajeem) (15:34) He said, “Then, get out
of here, for you are an outcast, He also tells us that Iblis is cursed and the curse would stand till the day of
Judgment. That means that due to this curse the degraded Iblis, is unable or incapable of doing any good,
everything he does would be evil. He is cursed. [Is this not a pointer to us that any deed, however wonderful it
may appear to us, if it is done with Takabbur, it would in fact be evil?] (15:35) and upon you is the curse up to
the Day of Judgment.”
Now Allah also informs us about the response of Iblis. Just listen! (15:36) He said, “My Rabb, then give me
respite up to the day they (the dead) shall be raised.”
Surah A’raaf (7:15) He (Allah) said, “You are granted respite’’.
Surah Bani Israel or Surah Isra (17:62) He said, “Tell me, this one whom You have honoured more than me, if
You give me respite till the day of Qiyaamah I will destroy (subdue) his progeny, (La ah thanikanna
zurriyyathaHu) except a few of them.”
Surah Bani Israel or Surah Isra (17:63) He (Allah) said, “Go then, for whoever of them follows you,
(QaalazHab Faman thabighaka minHum) the Hell shall be the recompense of you all, a full recompense.
Surah Al Hijr (15:39) He said, “My Rabb, since You made me go astray, I swear that I shall (La Uzaiyyinanna
laHum) beautify for them (evils) on the earth, and shall lead all of them astray, (15:40) except those of Your
servants from among them who are chosen (by You).”
So we are all in a position where we could choose to remain humble. Make conscious efforts to recognise the
presence of Allah through the creation and functioning of the Universe, especially when we observe the
majestic as well as the intricate components, systems and balances involved. Or, we could ignore the
message ‘within what we observe’, and get tempted and drawn towards the delusional message being
directed towards us by the Shaithaans.
Shaithaan has a great strategy. He attacks the strong point of man. He assaults those faculties of Man which
in fact is the blessings that Allah has endowed man with. Those blessings are what Allah repeatedly describes
as the Qalb, the Swudhoor, the Baswr, the Samgha, the Af’idha and the Aql. Man is designed to use these
faculties for realising and reasoning out truths. With the use of these faculties man develops a variety of skills.
Let me describe to you, in my words one such skill. Man has this great skill of forming a thought and then
transferring this complete thought along with all the emotions associated with this thought in to someone else’s
mind. Amazing isn’t it? If I have an idea, even an emotion, a need, an urge, a fear, a message or whatever, I
can think about it and then through a few words I could transfer this thought and the associated emotion from
‘my mind’ into ‘your mind’ The inflections and intonations I use in my words, and my facial and other bodily
expressions, or what is now commonly referred to as ‘my body language’ enhances this message. Now when I
am attempting to put some thoughts ‘in’ to ‘your head’, through the use of words, you are also in a position to
judge what I am saying and either to accept what I am saying or to reject what I am saying. Of course it is not
always as simple as that. Right through you would be judging what I am saying and then accepting or rejecting
selected parts of what I am saying. You form your own opinions; you build on your own opinions. Similarly, the
Shaithaans too continuously try to influence our thought processes through their own form of messaging. How
do the Shaithaans do that? The Shaithaans from amongst the humans would communicate with us just as all
humans do. But then the Jinn Shaithaans have their own methods, very subtle methods!. These Shaithaans
do not communicate with us in the manner humans do. These Shaithaans have direct access to our thought
processes. It is this facility that they use to ‘hack into’ our thought processes and to corrupt us. Let me read
two Ayahs from the Quran that point this out to us. First about a faculty we are blessed with and then about
the strategy of Shaithaan to involve us or to make us willing collaborators in corrupting or misusing that
blessing (29:49) But it (the Quran in itself) is (a package of) evident signs in the SWudhoor of those who are
given knowledge. And no one rejects our Ayah except the DHzaalimoon.
So we see that it is in our Swudhoor that the Ayahs of Allah are made clear; and then we are also told that the
Shaithaans whisper doubts in to our Swudhoor. The Quran also instructs us to seek refuge with our Rabb
against these evil whisperings of these evil Jinn and evil men. (114:1) Say, “I seek refuge with the Lord of
(114:2) the King of mankind,
(114:3) the Allah of mankind,
(114:4) from the evil of the whisperer who withdraws (when Allah’s name is pronounced),
(114:5) the one who whispers in the hearts of people,
(114:6) whether from among the Jinn or Mankind.
Once we willingly allow the Shaithaans access to our SWudhoor, then they convert in it to their own
playground. Because they have access to our Swudhoors, they are now in a position to become familiar with
our most private and inner most feelings and emotions. Allah informs us: (4:120) He (the Satan) makes
promises to them, and he tempts them with hopes. The Satan does not make a promise to them but to
deceive. Allah also informs us of the different ploys of Shaithaan (2:268) Satan frightens you with poverty, and
bids you to commit indecency and Allah promises you forgiveness from Him, and grace as well. And Allah is
All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
This is how Allah advises us. (7:201) Surely when the God-fearing are touched by an evil thought from Satan,
they become conscious (of Allah), and at once they discern (the reality).
Let me read a few of the Ayahs that describe what the Shaithaans do. (7:27) – Part - Indeed, he sees you – he
and his company – from where you do not see them. Surely, We have made the Shithaan friends to those who
do not believe.
Surah Nisaa (4:120) He (the Satan) makes promises to them, and he tempts them with hopes. The Satan
does not make a promise to them but to deceive.
Surah Mujaadhilah (58:19) The ShaiTān (Satan) has prevailed upon them; so he has made them neglect to
remember Allah.
They are the party of ShaiTān. Be assured that it is (the members of the) party of ShaiTān that are the losers.
The Shaithaans possess Takabbur. It is this very ‘Takabbur’ that they wish to infect us with. True humility is to
be aware or to always be conscious about the greatness of Allah. Takabbur is the quality that erodes that
humility and deceives us in to thinking that we are ‘great’ So Allah explains to us that Shaithaan deceives us
with desires and false hopes ‘YaghidhuHum wayu ManeeHim’ And when we begin to feel ‘great’ then we
begin to neglect to remember Allah ‘Fa AnsaaHum ZikraLLaaH’ Allah first tells us what happened to Iblis when
he displayed arrogance. Now Allah is describing what happens to us when we begin to traverse the path of
arrogance. (7:146) I shall keep away from My Ayahs (Sa ASWrifu ghan Aayaathiyallazeena) those who show
Takabbur (arrogance) on the earth with no right to do so.
Even if they were to see every Ayah, they would not believe in it; and if they see the Path of guidance, they do
not take it as their way; and if they see the path of misguidance, they would take it as their way. That is
because they have rejected Our signs, and have been neglectful of them.
Surah Aal E Imraan (3:188) Do not think of those who are delighted with what they did, and love to be praised
for what they never did - do not think they are secure from the punishment. For them there is a painful

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  • 1. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH – THE SOURCE OF MERCY – THE MOST MERCIFUL THERE IS NO GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP EXCEPT ALLAH AND MUHAMMED (PBUH) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH ‘Takabbur’ in Arabic, as 'arrogance' or 'pride' in English Quran repeatedly and in many ways refers to two categories of people. For simplicity we could refer to them as the ‘good’ and the ‘evil’ now within those two categories we find the Quran describing many, what we could even describe as subcategories of people. For example in the category of good people we find other categories of people being defined or described as Muslim, or Mu’min, or Mukhlis, or Muhsin and so on. And similarly within the category of evil people we find other categories of people being defined or described as Kaafir, or Munafiq, or Faasiq, or Mufsidh and so on. Now in the Quran Allah does not just randomly call people names. What we read in the Quran is about ‘named’ qualities and then we are told that those who possess these ‘named’ qualities belong to a selection of categories, all of which are named, as well as described and defined. So we read in the Quran about the qualities of a Mu’min, the qualities of a Kaafir, the qualities of a Munafiq, the qualities of a Swaaleh and so on. So it becomes very interesting. We do not ‘just randomly or ‘according to our likes and dislikes’ or ‘our fancies and prejudices’ name people as we wish. But it is through reading the Quran that we begin to understand these qualities and then gradually we begin to recognise those qualities in people. This is how we first begin to understand the categories that people belong to. However, it may be relatively easy to detect qualities of others, especially the evil qualities of others, but then the main task is to turn the search inwards and to seriously think, ‘Am I also not possessing these evil qualities too’? It would surprise many of us to find out that we do indeed possess traits of many evil qualities. The problem is that we just did not look! Then the next question, ‘How do I eliminate these evil qualities from my life?’ Or in better words, ‘How do I purify myself?’ In today’s essay I would like to give a brief introduction to these categories of persons as well as the qualities that make up these categories. I am doing this by the Ayahs of the Quran that point out these factors to us. In the meantime, another interesting point that I would like to point out, is that one task or purpose we have on this earth is to be able to identify these qualities, identify those people who possess these qualities and realise as to what category they belong to and then, as I say, most importantly, look at ourselves, identify the qualities that we possess, strengthen the good ones and eliminate the evil ones – Insha’Allah! Now how do we do that? From where do we start? I think a good place to start from would be from the events that surrounds our creation. Allah describes these land mark events in the form of beautiful stories, and they are even repeated a few times in the Quran. There are many lessons to be learnt in every word that is used in every one of those Ayahs that make up this narration. Whilst repeatedly reading these Ayahs it becomes obvious to us that Allah is describing to us an absorbing drama. Allah describes to us the roles played by the Malaa-ikah, the part played by the Jinn named Iblees and we also have the involvement of a representative from the Insaan or us Humans and that is our forefather, Aadham (AS). One objective of this drama or the enactment of these events is to demonstrate or to provide evidence to us about the treachery of Iblees, and to clearly point out to us the fact that he had become arrogant. An important lesson that all of us should learn from this event is, as Allah describes or teaches us, the consequences of this arrogance or Takabbur. Let me read this interesting Ayah from Surah Saad (38:75) He (Allah) said, “O Iblīs, what prevented you from
  • 2. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH – THE SOURCE OF MERCY – THE MOST MERCIFUL THERE IS NO GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP EXCEPT ALLAH AND MUHAMMED (PBUH) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH performing Sujoodh to one whom I created with My hands? Are you arrogant or are you from amongst the exalted ones?” Allah is informing us that Iblis had developed this reprehensible quality known as, ‘Takabbur’ in Arabic, and as arrogance or pride in English. And then Allah condemns Iblis. Let me show a few Ayahs from the Quran where Iblis is being condemned. Allah is drawing our attention to, or in fact actually warning us about the evil qualities that Iblis possesses. Surah A’raaf (7:13) He said, “Then, go down from it, it is not for you to show arrogance in it. So, get out. You are one of the degraded. Surah Al Hijr (15:34) He said, “Then, get out of here, for you are an outcast, Surah Al Hijr (15:35) and upon you is the curse up to the Day of Judgment.” Allah is now describing to us the qualities of Iblis. These are all despicable qualities. Allah tells us that Iblis has Takabbur, which means that Iblis thinks that he is ‘great’ Now Allah tells us something very enlightening, something very interesting. I would like to once again, read to you Ayah No 13 from Surah A’raaf. This time too let me show it to you in 3 phrases It becomes clearer when we read this Ayah in this manner. In the first phrase Allah informs us about what He tells Iblis:(7:13a) He said, “Then, get down from it, This is an indication that Iblis is being sent from an exalted place which could even include some status, to a lowly place and position. Now, where would that lowly place be? In the next phrase we are informed (7:13b) it is not for you to show arrogance in it. This means that in that exalted place and in that position, there is no place for arrogance and that arrogance is just not tolerated, and Iblis is now being expelled to a place where apparently, arrogance is tolerated. Now, where would that place be? (7:13c) so, get out. You are one of the degraded. Iblis is expelled and is demoted to a ‘SwaaGHireen’ SwaGHeer is the opposite of Kabeer, which means that this Iblis who enjoyed some status (the Quran indicates the company of the Malaa’ika) has now been degraded to a despised position – a SwaaGHireen. Coincidently, we find that Allah does not refer to Iblis by his name thereafter, until when Allah is explaining to us the events that would unfold on Judgment Day, and in that explanation the name Iblis re-appears. So the explanation points out to the fact that this Jinn who was formerly named Iblis, has now been relegated to the category of Shaithaans, which consists of evil Jinns and evil men. There is that possibility that this Jinn Iblis who has been demoted to a Shaithaan is in fact leading the pack of Shaithaans in their evil exploits. Anyway, one important point that I wish to draw attention to is the fact that Iblis or the Shaithaans now all exist in a Universe or in the only part of the Universe where Takabbur is tolerated. Now we as Human Beings live in this environment. It is an environment where we cannot directly see or observe God. However, we are all gifted with this innate quality of curiosity. We want to or have to know how things work. If we seek with humility then we would recognise the Signs of God and then Allah will guide us. On the other hand if we allow arrogance or pride to tempt us, then we begin to develop the mindsets that it is ‘we’ who are ‘great’ It is we who are looking
  • 3. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH – THE SOURCE OF MERCY – THE MOST MERCIFUL THERE IS NO GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP EXCEPT ALLAH AND MUHAMMED (PBUH) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH after this world It is we who are caretakers of this world and everything that it contains, and gradually this evil quality of Takabbur grows and grows within us. We must also realise that we are in the presence of all the Shaithaans, and their objective would be to corrupt us. How? The Shaithaans would try to infect us with their quality of Takabbur. We just do not realise. We just grow and glow with pride and arrogance. If we observe carefully we can detect it all around us, and also within us. Let us try to get more knowledge about this quality ‘Takabbur’ Allah informs us that Iblis has Takabbur or arrogance. He also informs us that as a result of this Takabbur Iblis has been degraded or is now of the SWaaGHireen. He also informs us that as a result of this Takabbur Iblis has been expelled from an exalted place, We can thus assume that he is now in a ‘lowly’ place He also informs us that as a result of this Takabbur Iblis is now an outcast (a Rajeem) (15:34) He said, “Then, get out of here, for you are an outcast, He also tells us that Iblis is cursed and the curse would stand till the day of Judgment. That means that due to this curse the degraded Iblis, is unable or incapable of doing any good, everything he does would be evil. He is cursed. [Is this not a pointer to us that any deed, however wonderful it may appear to us, if it is done with Takabbur, it would in fact be evil?] (15:35) and upon you is the curse up to the Day of Judgment.” Now Allah also informs us about the response of Iblis. Just listen! (15:36) He said, “My Rabb, then give me respite up to the day they (the dead) shall be raised.” Surah A’raaf (7:15) He (Allah) said, “You are granted respite’’. Surah Bani Israel or Surah Isra (17:62) He said, “Tell me, this one whom You have honoured more than me, if You give me respite till the day of Qiyaamah I will destroy (subdue) his progeny, (La ah thanikanna zurriyyathaHu) except a few of them.” Surah Bani Israel or Surah Isra (17:63) He (Allah) said, “Go then, for whoever of them follows you, (QaalazHab Faman thabighaka minHum) the Hell shall be the recompense of you all, a full recompense. Surah Al Hijr (15:39) He said, “My Rabb, since You made me go astray, I swear that I shall (La Uzaiyyinanna laHum) beautify for them (evils) on the earth, and shall lead all of them astray, (15:40) except those of Your servants from among them who are chosen (by You).” So we are all in a position where we could choose to remain humble. Make conscious efforts to recognise the presence of Allah through the creation and functioning of the Universe, especially when we observe the majestic as well as the intricate components, systems and balances involved. Or, we could ignore the message ‘within what we observe’, and get tempted and drawn towards the delusional message being directed towards us by the Shaithaans. Shaithaan has a great strategy. He attacks the strong point of man. He assaults those faculties of Man which in fact is the blessings that Allah has endowed man with. Those blessings are what Allah repeatedly describes
  • 4. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH – THE SOURCE OF MERCY – THE MOST MERCIFUL THERE IS NO GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP EXCEPT ALLAH AND MUHAMMED (PBUH) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH as the Qalb, the Swudhoor, the Baswr, the Samgha, the Af’idha and the Aql. Man is designed to use these faculties for realising and reasoning out truths. With the use of these faculties man develops a variety of skills. Let me describe to you, in my words one such skill. Man has this great skill of forming a thought and then transferring this complete thought along with all the emotions associated with this thought in to someone else’s mind. Amazing isn’t it? If I have an idea, even an emotion, a need, an urge, a fear, a message or whatever, I can think about it and then through a few words I could transfer this thought and the associated emotion from ‘my mind’ into ‘your mind’ The inflections and intonations I use in my words, and my facial and other bodily expressions, or what is now commonly referred to as ‘my body language’ enhances this message. Now when I am attempting to put some thoughts ‘in’ to ‘your head’, through the use of words, you are also in a position to judge what I am saying and either to accept what I am saying or to reject what I am saying. Of course it is not always as simple as that. Right through you would be judging what I am saying and then accepting or rejecting selected parts of what I am saying. You form your own opinions; you build on your own opinions. Similarly, the Shaithaans too continuously try to influence our thought processes through their own form of messaging. How do the Shaithaans do that? The Shaithaans from amongst the humans would communicate with us just as all humans do. But then the Jinn Shaithaans have their own methods, very subtle methods!. These Shaithaans do not communicate with us in the manner humans do. These Shaithaans have direct access to our thought processes. It is this facility that they use to ‘hack into’ our thought processes and to corrupt us. Let me read two Ayahs from the Quran that point this out to us. First about a faculty we are blessed with and then about the strategy of Shaithaan to involve us or to make us willing collaborators in corrupting or misusing that blessing (29:49) But it (the Quran in itself) is (a package of) evident signs in the SWudhoor of those who are given knowledge. And no one rejects our Ayah except the DHzaalimoon. So we see that it is in our Swudhoor that the Ayahs of Allah are made clear; and then we are also told that the Shaithaans whisper doubts in to our Swudhoor. The Quran also instructs us to seek refuge with our Rabb against these evil whisperings of these evil Jinn and evil men. (114:1) Say, “I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, (114:2) the King of mankind, (114:3) the Allah of mankind, (114:4) from the evil of the whisperer who withdraws (when Allah’s name is pronounced), (114:5) the one who whispers in the hearts of people, (114:6) whether from among the Jinn or Mankind. Once we willingly allow the Shaithaans access to our SWudhoor, then they convert in it to their own playground. Because they have access to our Swudhoors, they are now in a position to become familiar with our most private and inner most feelings and emotions. Allah informs us: (4:120) He (the Satan) makes promises to them, and he tempts them with hopes. The Satan does not make a promise to them but to
  • 5. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH – THE SOURCE OF MERCY – THE MOST MERCIFUL THERE IS NO GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP EXCEPT ALLAH AND MUHAMMED (PBUH) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH deceive. Allah also informs us of the different ploys of Shaithaan (2:268) Satan frightens you with poverty, and bids you to commit indecency and Allah promises you forgiveness from Him, and grace as well. And Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing. This is how Allah advises us. (7:201) Surely when the God-fearing are touched by an evil thought from Satan, they become conscious (of Allah), and at once they discern (the reality). Let me read a few of the Ayahs that describe what the Shaithaans do. (7:27) – Part - Indeed, he sees you – he and his company – from where you do not see them. Surely, We have made the Shithaan friends to those who do not believe. Surah Nisaa (4:120) He (the Satan) makes promises to them, and he tempts them with hopes. The Satan does not make a promise to them but to deceive. Surah Mujaadhilah (58:19) The ShaiTān (Satan) has prevailed upon them; so he has made them neglect to remember Allah. They are the party of ShaiTān. Be assured that it is (the members of the) party of ShaiTān that are the losers. The Shaithaans possess Takabbur. It is this very ‘Takabbur’ that they wish to infect us with. True humility is to be aware or to always be conscious about the greatness of Allah. Takabbur is the quality that erodes that humility and deceives us in to thinking that we are ‘great’ So Allah explains to us that Shaithaan deceives us with desires and false hopes ‘YaghidhuHum wayu ManeeHim’ And when we begin to feel ‘great’ then we begin to neglect to remember Allah ‘Fa AnsaaHum ZikraLLaaH’ Allah first tells us what happened to Iblis when he displayed arrogance. Now Allah is describing what happens to us when we begin to traverse the path of arrogance. (7:146) I shall keep away from My Ayahs (Sa ASWrifu ghan Aayaathiyallazeena) those who show Takabbur (arrogance) on the earth with no right to do so. Even if they were to see every Ayah, they would not believe in it; and if they see the Path of guidance, they do not take it as their way; and if they see the path of misguidance, they would take it as their way. That is because they have rejected Our signs, and have been neglectful of them. Surah Aal E Imraan (3:188) Do not think of those who are delighted with what they did, and love to be praised for what they never did - do not think they are secure from the punishment. For them there is a painful punishment.