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THAT	System	Proposal	
Jessica	Morris	
INFO	361	-	001	
December	6,	2015
Table	of	Contents	
Brief	Description	.....................................................................................................................	3	
Executive	Summary	................................................................................................................	3	
Statement	of	Purpose	.............................................................................................................	4	
Project	Scope	.............................................................................................................................	5	
Business	Case	Analysis	..........................................................................................................	6	
Cost	Benefit	Analysis	Spreadsheet	....................................................................................	8	
Powerpoints	..............................................................................................................................	9	
Description	of	Actors	and	Use	Cases:	.............................................................................	10	
Use	Case	Scenario	Narratives	and	Flow	of	Events	.....................................................	11	
Non-Functional	Requirements	.........................................................................................	14	
Use	Case	Diagram	.................................................................................................................	15	
Class	Diagram	Descriptions	..............................................................................................	16	
Class	Diagram	........................................................................................................................	21	
Sequence	Diagram	Descriptions	.....................................................................................	22	
State	Chart	Descriptions	....................................................................................................	25	
Guard	Conditions	..................................................................................................................	26	
State	Transitions	...................................................................................................................	28	
Sequence	Diagram	................................................................................................................	29	
Screen	Shots	of	Prototype	Screens	.................................................................................	31	
Usability	Report	....................................................................................................................	44	
Windows	Navigation	Diagram	.........................................................................................	45	
Project	Management	Plan	..................................................................................................	46	
Business	Squad	Team	Charter	.........................................................................................	47	
Appendices:	............................................................................................................................	54
Brief	Description	
Thomas’	House	of	Antiques	and	Treasures	needed	to	implement	a	new	information	
system.	For	this	system,	The	Business	Squad	designed	a	holistic	system	that	included	a	
website	and	databases	for	registering	bidders	and	sellers,	tracking	items	to	be	
auctioned,	and	managing	inventory.	The	current	scope	allows	for	staff	members	to	
easily	tag	and	manage	inventory	and	for	users	(both	bidders	and	sellers)	to	more	easily	
accesses	information	online.	The	system	is	designed	for	optimal	scalability,	as	a	mobile	
app,	QR	codes,	and	cloud	computing	features	may	be	added	in	the	maintenance	phase,	
should	the	Business	Squad	and	the	associates	of	THAT	deem	them	necessary	and	fitting	
to	the	business.		
As	a	member	of	The	Business	Squad,	I	was	in	charge	of	most	technical	specifications	and	
decisions	behind	the	design	of	the	system.	I	performed	the	technical	feasibility	study,	as	
well	as	various	UML	diagrams	throughout	the	project.	I	designed	a	prototype	for	THAT’s	
website	that	is	viewable	at	I	worked	with	my	team	members	to	
create	a	feasible	guide	to	the	technical	implementation	of	THAT’s	new	system.		
Executive	Summary	
As	of	now,	The	Business	Squad	has	completed	preliminary	planning	for	the	
implementation	of	THAT’s	information	system.	Use	Cases	have	been	made	outlining	
various	details	of	the	system	and	how	they	work.	The	Business	Squad	has	done	all	
required	financial	documentation,	interface	prototyping,	analyzing	and	theoretical	
testing	on	the	system	and	is	ready	to	begin	implementation.	
After	review	and	approval,	these	plans	prepare	us	to	properly	begin	implementing	the	
system.	We	will	start	by	unveiling	the	new	website	and	training	employees	on	its	use.	
We	will	use	the	website,	as	well	as	numerical	identifiers	(a	short	number	code),	to	keep	
track	of	items	in	the	beginning.	As	the	system	is	tested,	we	will	allow	potential	bidders	
and	sellers	to	register	for	the	website	and	track	items	for	sale	through	an	online	
interface.	After	these	are	tried	and	tested,	as	well	as	proven	stable,	we	will	reassess	
future	needs	for	the	system	and	possible	upgrades	that	can	be	made	to	better	serve	
THAT,	its	customer	base,	and	employees.		
In	the	future,	The	Business	Squad	has	left	the	possibility	open	to	increase	the	scale	of	
the	system	to	also	include	a	mobile	application	and	digital,	automatic	QR	code	scanning	
functions.	This	will	allow	items	to	automatically	be	logged	onto	the	database,	and	staff	
may	easily	update	and	add	details	to	each	item	code	via	an	online	interface	or	the	
mobile	app.	This	will	require	the	rental	of	new	servers,	as	well	as	an	application	
development	fee,	so	these	features	will	only	be	added	if	THAT	experiences	significant	
growth	and	The	Business	Squad	deems	it	fitting	and	necessary	for	the	continued	growth	
of	THAT.
Statement	of	Purpose	
In	the	fast	changing	world	of	technology,	Thomas’s	House	of	Antiques	has	fallen	behind.	
The	purpose	of	The	Business	Squad’s	involvement	with	Thomas’s	House	of	Antiques	and	
Treasures	is	create	an	information	systems	that	will	help	the	business	keep	track	of	
bidder	information	and	that	of	the	items	being	sold,	while	also	creating	an	easy	to	
navigate	and	update	site	that	allows	bidders	to	preview	items	before	auction	and	
generate	more	customer	interest.
Project	Scope	
Thomas’	House	of	Antiques	&	Treasures	
The	Business	Squad	will	create	an	information	system	for	Thomas’	House	of	
Antiques	&	Treasures	(THAT),	which	will	tag	all	auction	items	with	coded	numbers	and	
create	a	user	friendly	website,	which	the	auction	items	will	be	displayed	on.	It	will	also	
allow	new	and	returning	members	to	register	for	the	auction	on	site	or	through	the	
website.	It	will	send	information	about	auctions	and	the	company	to	the	bidders	and	
customers	via	email,	phone,	and	a	mailing	address.	This	system	will	generate	bidding	
numbers	to	give	to	new	and	returning	bidders	and	help	to	maintain	accurate	
information	about	bidders	and	clients.	Creating	this	system	will	help	with	lost	and	
unaccounted	items;	the	replication	of	numbers	on	different	consigned	items;	help	the	
diminish	the	amount	of	unhappy	customers	and	clients;	improvement	of	website	errors	
and	a	less	time	intensive	way	to	update	the	website,	and	to	show	bidders	pictures	of	the	
auction	items;	eliminate	time	consuming	and	expensive	work;	and	help	with	the	
strategic	use	of	customers	and	bidders	data	for	providing	a	competitive	advantage	over	
other	auction	houses	in	the	surrounding	area.	It	will	help	ensure	THAT’s	goal	of	ensuring	
a	positive	experience	so	bidders	and	customer	will	return	for	repeat	business.
Business	Case	Analysis	
Thomas’	House	of	Antiques	&	Treasures	
Technical	Feasibility	(low-to-medium	risk)	
		Familiarity	with	application	(low)	
• This	is	an	entirely	new	system	that	THAT	is	unfamiliar	with.	They	will	need	to	be	
trained	on	proper	use	of	the	labeling	system,	use	of	Wordpress	for	item	updates,	
the	new	registrar	system	and	website;	as	well	as	QR	codes	and	use	of	the	
application	in	the	maintenance	phase.	
• THAT	can	have	their	old	registering	system	as	a	backup	if	problems	occur	on	the	
website	or	the	application.	
• The	website	will	use	Wordpress	to	allow	for	easy	GUI-based	management	and	
updates	for	THAT’s	staff.	
• The	Business	Squad	consultants	will	familiarize	themselves	with	use	of	the	new	
system	and	technology	to	properly	train	the	employees	at	THAT.	
• The	Business	Squad	will	have	to	learn	new	programming	and	design	techniques	
to	properly	implement	the	system.	
		Familiarity	with	Technology	(moderate)	
• THAT	has	moderate	experience	with	technology.	Thomas	has	some	computer	
experience,	and	his	employees	are	familiar	with	using	PCs	to	manually	register	
users	and	store	financial	data.	
• The	staff	does	not	have	the	expertise	to	design	a	new	system	or	perform	
advanced	troubleshooting	on	the	system	implemented.	THAT	will	rely	on	the	
ongoing	and	continuing	support	of	The	Business	Squad	to	patch	and	make	
modifications	to	the	system.	
• Consultants	at	The	Business	Squad	have	moderate-to-advanced	experience	with	
website	integration	and	fair	experience	with	application	development	and	
database	management.						
Project	size	(moderate)	
• Business	Squad	estimates	that	the	project	will	be	initially	moderate	in	size	but	
will	expand	as	the	application	is	adapted	and	perfected.	
• Eventually,	Business	Squad	hopes	to	expand	the	project	to	open	consumer	use	
so	that	THAT’s	customers	and	employees	may	access	item	information	and	data	
through	the	combination	of	QR	codes	and	an	application,		browse	items	and	
track	their	own	consignments.	
• However,	to	begin	with;	the	website	will	be	used	by	employees	to	track	items,	
customers	and	purchases,	and	by	customers	to	register	for	auction	and	browse	
items	before	night	of	sale.	
• Long	term	maintenance,	upgrades,	expansions	and	upkeep	of	the	new	system	
will	be	provided	by	The	Business	Squad	to	THAT.
Economical	Feasibility	(Medium	Risk)	
Please	see	attached	spreadsheet	for	details.	
The	THAT	project	was	designed	to	help	Thomas	track	items	before,	during,	and	after	
auctions,	as	well	as	keeping	information	about	bidders.	
Tangible	costs	and	benefits	
• 104%	ROI	over	a	five	year	period	
• Total	benefits	after	five	years	amounts	to	$749,991.92	
• Decrease	the	number	of	miscounted	and	lost	items	
• Reduce	printing	expenses	
• Reduce	postage	expenses	
• Increase	customer	base	
Intangible	costs	and	benefits	
• Improve	customer	service	
• Improve	THAT	staff’s	efficiency	
• Improved	how	information	is	received	by	bidders	
• Increased	interaction	with	bidders	
Organizational	Feasibility	(Excellent)	
		Project	champion:	
• Falon	LaRose,	Project	Manager	
• There	is	strong	support		from	the	THAT	and	project	sponsor,	Thomas.	
		Project	Consultant:	
• Jessica	Morris,	Information	Systems	Major	at	VCU	
• The	users	will	be	the	different	types	of	bidders	that	the	auction	house	interacts	
with:	new,	preferred,	absentee,	telephone,	and	clients.			
• The	THAT	staff	that	includes:	four	office	staff	members,	one	auctioneer,	and	the	
list	of	temporary	employees,			
• It	is	expected	that	all	bidders	and	THAT	staff	will	enthusiastically	use	the	
proposed	system	and	benefit	from	it.	
		Other	Stakeholders:	
• The	original	owners	of	the	items	that	are	for	sale	
Additional	Comments	
• Rent	a	server	when	needed	to	reduce	costs	instead	of	investing	in	owning	a	new	
one,	begin	using	a	small	shared	hosting	plan	
• The	website	will	be	hosted	by	an	external	host	(WordPress)
• IT	maintenance	and	support	will	cost	more	over	time	as	we	improve	our	
information	system	to	complete	other	tasks	
• Looking	into	developing	a	mobile	application	in	the	future	to	allow	bidders	to	
have	ease	of	access	to	the	information	of	the	items	
Cost	Benefit	Analysis	Spreadsheet
Description	of	Actors	and	Use	Cases:	
New	Bidder	
Old	Bidder	
New	Seller		
Old	Seller	
Office	Staff	
Temporary	Staff	
Web	Server		
QR	Code	System		
Use	Cases:	
Register	to	Bid	
Generate	Bid	Number	
Send	Information	
Change/Add	User	
Register	Items	to	Sell	
Track	Items	
Tag	Auction	Items	
Authenticate	User	
Store	User	Data	
Store	Item	Data	
Display	Action	Information	
Place	on	Bidders	List
Use	Case	Scenario	Narratives	and	Flow	of	Events		
Use	Case:		 	 Register	to	Bid	
Actors:		 	 New	and	Old	Bidders	
Purpose:	 Collects	the	information	needed	from	the	Bidder	and	
registers	them	for	the	auctions.	
Flow	of	Events:	 1.	Bidders	go	online	to	THAT’s	website.	
2.	Bidders	will	then	either	create	a	new	account	or	log	into	
their	existing	one.	
3.	Once	the	Bidders	have	logged	on	their	accounts,	they	
will	click	the	link	to	register	to	bid.		
4.	Bidders	will	then	input	their	information	and	click	
Use	Case:		 	 Generate	Bid	Number	
Actors:		 New	and	Old	Bidders	
Purpose:	 Generate	bid	numbers	for	the	Bidders	in	an	efficient	
Flow	of	Events:	 1.	The	website	will	receive	the	Bidders	information.	
2.	It	will	then	generate	a	bid	number	for	the	auction	the	
Bidder	registered	for	based	on	the	other	bidders	who	have	
already	registered.		
3.	Once	the	bid	number	has	been	generated,	it	will	notify	
the	Bidder	of	their	bid	number.	
Use	Case:		 	 Send	Information	
Actors:		 New	and	Old	Bidders,	New	and	Old	Sellers	
Purpose:	 To	update	Bidders	on	current	and	upcoming	auctions,	and	
give	them	more	information	about	THAT.	
Flow	of	Events:	 1.	Bidders	create/log	on	to	their	account.	
2.	Bidders	will	input	an	email/update	their	current	email.	
3.	Once	the	website	has	their	email	on	file,	the	bidders	will	
receive	emails	about	current	auctions	they	are	registered	
for,	upcoming	auctions,	and	important	information	about	
Use	Case:		 	 Change/Add	User	
Actors:		 	 New	and	Older	Bidders,	New	and	Old	Sellers	
Flow	of	Events:
Use	Case:		 	 Register	Items	to	Sell	
Actors:		 New	and	Old	Sellers	
Purpose:	 Collects	inventory	item	information	and	groups	them	
together	for	auctions.	
Flow	of	Events:	 1.	Sellers	go	online	to	THAT’s	website	
2.	Sellers	either	creates	a	new	account	or	logs	on	to	their	
existing	account.	
3.	Sellers	input	and	submit	the	information	about	their	
auction	item.		
4.	Once	the	Sellers		
Use	Case:		 	 Track	Items	
Actors:	 QR	Code	System,	New	and	Old	Sellers,	and	Temporary	
Flow	of	Events:	 1.	Auctions	items	arrive	to	THAT.	
2.	The	Temporary	will	use	the	QR	Code	System	to	log	the	
item	in.	
3.	Once	the	item	has	been	scanned	into	the	system,	the	
item	will	be	stored	away	until	the	auction.		
Use	Case:		 	 Tag	Auction	Items	
Actors:		 Temporary	Workers	and	QR	Codes	System	
Flow	of	Events:	
Use	Case:		 	 Authenticate	User	
Actors:		 Web	Server	
Flow	of	Events:	
Use	Case:		 	 Store	User	Data	
Actors:		 Web	Server		
Flow	of	Events:	
Use	Case:		 	 Store	Item	Data	
Actors:		 QR	Code	System	and	Web	Server	
Flow	of	Events:	
Use	Case:		 	 Display	Action	Information	
Actors:		 Web	Server	
Flow	of	Events:	
Use	Case:		 	 Place	on	Bidders	List	
Actors:		 Office	Staff		
Purpose:	 To	keep	an	updated	list	of	Bidders	who	will	be	attending	
the	auctions.		
Flow	of	Events:	 1.	Once	the	Bidder	has	registered	for	an	auction,	the	Office	
staff	will	be	notified.
Non-Functional	Requirements		
The	technical	and	physical	environments	in	which	the	system	will	operate	
	 Behavioral	Properties:	
● The	system	will	begin	as	browser-based	allowing	it	to	be	flexible	and	
● Website	will	be	hosted	by	a	mid-tier	webhost	off	site	
	 	 The	reliability,	speed,	and	capacity	of	the	system	
	 Behavioral	Properties:	
● The	system	tags	will	be	uploaded	in	10	seconds	or	less	
● Update	weekly	
● Weekly	backups	
● Those	who	have	access	to	the	system	under	these	circumstances		
	 Behavioral	Properties:	
● Only	employees	can	set	tags	
● Only	the	users	of	the	website	can	create	a	login	user	ID	and	password	
for	the	new	website,	which	will	allow	them	to	access	their	
purchases/selling	history	
● Only	individual	users	and	THAT	staff	can	access	individual	user	data	
● No	category	1	data	will	be	stored	
Political/Cultural	Needs	
● Cultural,	legal	requirements,	and	political	factors	that	affect	the	
Behavioral	Properties:	
● No	special	cultural	and	political	requirements	are	anticipated	at	this	
Use	Case	Diagram
Class	Diagram	Descriptions	
Class:	Auction	
The	class	of	the	Auction	House	itself	is	meant	to	hold	all	information	regarding	the	
operations	and	functions	of	the	business.	This	information	includes	the	times,	dates,	
and	locations	of	all	auctions,	along	with	a	unique	identification	number	for	each	auction	
used	to	differentiate	the	individual	auctions.	
Class:	Web	Server		
The	class	where	all	the	information	is	stored	regarding	both	items	and	users	that	are	
associated	with	the	Auction	House.	
Superclass:	User	
The	Bidders,	Sellers,	and	Employees	receive	information	through	
generalization/specialization	from	the	User	superclass,	which	includes	all	the	necessary	
information	for	the	business’	personnel.	This	information	includes	First	and	Last	name,
Address,	Email,	Payment	Information,	Bidder	Number,	and	the	user	information	
necessary	for	website	login.		
-Bidder	Number	
-Date	of	Birth	
-Payment	Information	
Subclass	of	User:	Bidder		
The	subclass	of	an	individual	who	places	a	bid	on	an	auction	item	and	eventually	
purchases	an	item	during	the	auction.	
Subclass	of	Bidder:	New	Bidder	
Subclass	of	Bidder:	Old	Bidder
-Date	of	Birth	
-Payment	Information	
Subclass	of	User:	Seller	
The	Seller	is	an	individual	who	sells	an	auction	item	to	the	Auction	House	in	an	attempt	
to	have	that	item	sold	during	an	auction.	
Subclass	of	Seller:	NewSeller	
Subclass	of	Seller:	OldSeller
-Employee	ID	
-Payment	Information	
Subclass	of	User:	Employee	
The	subclass	Employee	involved	full-time	staff,	part-time	staff,	and	the	Auctioneer	of	
the	Auction	House.	They	help	with	the	logistics	and	operations	within	the	business.	Can	
be	a	part	of	the	hands-on	operations	(actual	auctions)	and	also	the	virtual	interface	
(website)	and	inventory	maintenance.		
-Employee	ID	
-License	Number	
-Payment	Information	
Subclass	of	Employee:	Auctioneer	
The	subclass	Auctioneer	works	as	a	mediator	between	the	bidder	and	seller	during	the	
Auction	process	
Subclass	of	Employee:	FullTime	
The	subclass	FullTime	works	to	manage	the	schedule	of	the	Auction	to	make	sure	that	it	
runs	smoothly.
Subclass	of	Employee:	PartTime	
-Item	Number	
-Item	Status	
-Bid	Floor	
Class:	QRCodeSystem	
The	Class	QR	Code	System	is	the	system	that	provides	personalized	tags	that	help	with	
the	storing	and	categorizing	of	all	purchased	and	sold	items	in	the	inventory.	
-Item	Number	
-Bid	Floor	
-Item	Owner		
-Auction	Date	
-QR	Tag	
Class:	Auction	Items	
The	Auction	Items	class	provides	the	necessary	information	for	the	business	to	know	the	
amount	of	space	available	in	their	inventory.	When	the	auction	inventory	items	increase	
and	decrease	due	to	purchases	from	sellers	and	sales	to	bidders,	the	inventory	
fluctuates.	When	this	information	changes,	it	is	then	associated	to	the	User	superclass	
to	keep	users	aware	of	the	available	items.	The	users	are	made	aware	of	these	changes	
through	the	use	of	a	QR	system	that	develops	a	personalized	tag	for	all	items	and	keeps	
that	information	stored	in	the	Web	Server.
Class	Diagram
Sequence	Diagram	Descriptions		
A	staff	member	at	THAT	who	is	responsible	for	entering	and	updating	auction	
and	item	data.	
The	homepage	of	THAT.	It	is	open	to	the	public,	has	many	options	to	choose	
from,	and	pages	to	navigate	to.	
The	login	page	where	a	valid	username	and	password	must	be	entered	to	gain	
restricted	access	(RA)	to	THAT’s	back	end	functions.		
A	menu	where	Staff	members	can	access	several	administrative	options	
including	the	Add	Inventory	Items	page.	
A	page	on	which	Staff	members	enter	detail	on	items	to	be	added	to	the	
upcoming	auction.		
The	system	will	retrieve	and	verify	auction	information	and	update	the	database	
for	that	auction	with	the	items	added	by	THAT	Staff.	
The	upcoming	auction	that	will	be	held	at	THAT	to	which	the	item	is	added.	
This	represents	the	contact	information	of	the	item’s	seller	in	the	system	
database.	Contact	information	is	verified	and	updated	when	a	new	item	is	added	
to	the	system.	
A	page	on	the	website	that	displays	a	summary	of	details	about	the	item	added	
to	the	Auction	by	THAT	staff.	
A	printer	that	will	be	used	by	THAT	staff	to	print	a	physical	copy	of	the	Auction	
Summary	Report.	
THAT	Staff	member	selects	the	Restricted	Access(RA)	section	off	of	the	home	
login(userID,	password)	
THAT	Staff	member	logs	in	using	a	userID	and	password	to	gain	access	to	the	
Main	Menu	of	the	Restricted	Access	area.
The	system	verifies	the	Staff	member’s	credentials.	If	they	are	correct	the	user	
logs	in	and	accesses	the	main	menu.	
The	Main	Menu	is	displayed	for	the	Staff	member.	
The	user	selects	the	“Add/Update	Inventory	Items”	from	the	Main	Menu.	
The	Add/Update	Inventory	Items	page	is	displayed	for	the	Staff	member.	
The	Staff	member	enters	the	AuctionID	in	the	appropriate	field	in	the	
Add/Update	Inventory	Items	page.	
The	system	retrieves	information	on	the	auction.	
The	system	checks	the	action	information	against	the	database	to	ensure	that	it	
is	accurate	and	correct.	It	creates	a	new	auction	if	an	auction	has	not	been	
created	yet.	
The	system	sends	appropriate	auction	information	to	the	matching	table	in	the	
The	system	checks	to	find	contact	information.	
The	system	sends	contact	information	to	the	appropriate	database	table.	
display(contactInfo,	entryFields)		
The	system	displays	auction	information,	contact	information,	and	item	data	
entry	fields.	
The	Staff	member	fills	in	the	item	entry	fields	with	item	data,	details	and	
Inventory	items	are	updated	by	the	system	and	added	to	the	database	and	to	
the	upcoming	auction.	
The	transaction	is	confirmed	to	be	in	the	auction	by	the	system.	
The	confirmation	message	is	displayed	on	the	Add/Update	Item	Inventory	page.	
The	Staff	member	selects	the	“Show	Summary”	option	from	the	Add/Update	
Item	Inventory	page.	
The	system	retrieves	inventory	items	from	the	database.	
The	system	ensures	that	the	current	list	of	inventory	items	matches	what	is	
stored	in	the	auction	database.	
A	list	of	inventory	items	is	displayed	for	the	Staff	member.	
The	Staff	member	selects	the	“Print	Summary	Report”	option.	
The	Summary	Report	is	sent	to	a	printer	in	the	system.	
The	printer	prints	a	physical	copy	of	the	report	for	THAT’s	records.	
The	System	exits	to	the	Add/Update	Inventory	Items	page.	
The	Staff	member	selects	to	exit	the	Add/Update	Inventory	page.	
The	System	displays	the	login	page.	
The	Staff	member	selects	to	exit	the	login	page.	
The	home	page	is	displayed.
State	Chart	Descriptions		
Initial	State	
Item	Created	and	Added	to	Inventory.	
End	State		
Item	Archived	and	Leaves	System.	
After	the	item	is	created	it	will	then	be	checked.	If	something	is	wrong	with	the	
item	it	will	then	it	will	be	considered	damaged.		
Item	may	become	damaged	while	being	transported	from	any	given	time	
(to/from	auction	house	and	storage)	
Things	considered	“wrong”	is	anything	that	would	deter	customers	from	buying	
If	the	Item	is	damaged	and	not	repairable,	it	will	be	returned	to	the	consignor.		
If	the	item	is	damaged,	not	repairable,	and	not	returned	to	the	consignor,	it	will	
be	donated	to	charity.		
After	the	item	is	created,	it	will	be	checked.	If	the	item	is	not	damaged	it	will	be	
placed	InStock	and	remain	there	until	the	auction.	
Items	will	be	placed	InAuction	once	the	auction	is	scheduled.	
The	item	is	considered	Sold	when	the	winning	bid	is	greater	than	or	equal	to	any	
reserve	placed	on	the	item.		
The	item	is	considered	Paid	when	the	successful	Bidder	settles	their	account	
after	the	auction.	
The	item	is	considered	PaidStored	if	their	account	is	setted	and	the	Bidder	will	
pick	up	the	item	at	a	later	date.	
However,	if	the	item	remains	in	PaidStored	for	more	than	7	days,	a	fee	of	$2.00	
per	item/day	is	charged	and	stays	there	until	the	Bidder	pays	storage	fees.	
The	item	is	considered	UnpaidStored	when	the	account	is	not	setted	by	the	
Bidder	and	is	stored	until	the	account	is	settled.	
However,	if	the	item	remains	in	UnpaidStored	for	more	than	7	days,	a	fee	of	
$2.00	per	item	is	charged.	
If	the	item	remains	in	UnpaidStored	for	more	than	30	days,	it	is	returned	to	In-
Stock	and	is	a	notice	is	sent	to	the	Bidder	outlining	legal	options.		
The	item	is	considered	picked	up	when	the	winning	bidder	settles	their	account	
and	picks	up	their	item.	
Guard	Conditions	
[Added	to	Inventory]	
When	the	item	has	arrived	to	THAT	property	and	ready	to	be	auctioned,	it	is	
considered	created.		
When	the	bid	does	not	meet	the	minimum	reserve,	the	item	returns	to	In_Stock.	
If	the	item	is	damaged	but	repairable,	it	will	be	repaired	and	then	placed	back	
Repaired	items	will	encourage	customers	to	buy	that	item.	
[Not	repairable,	Not	returned]	
If	the	item	is	damaged,	not	repairable,	and	not	returned	to	the	consignor,	it	is	
donated	to	charity	such	as	Goodwill.	
[Not	repairable]	
If	an	item	is	damaged	and	not	repairable,	it	is	returned	to	the	consignor.	
The	item	is	considered	archived	after	the	item	has	been	picked	up.		
The	item	has	left	THAT	property	
The	item	is	also	considered	archived	when	it	is	returned	to	the	consignor	after	
the	damage	couldn’t	be	Repaired	or	the	item	could	not	be	sold.	
Also,	the	item	will	be	archived	after	it	is	DonatedToCharity	because	it	could	not	
be	Repaired	or	ReturnedToConsignor.	
[Account	settled,	will	pick	up	later]	
	 The	account	in	question	has	been	settled	and	the	item	is	ready	for	pick-up.	
[Bid	>=	reserve]	
	 A	bidder	meets	or	exceeds	the	reserve,	purchasing	the	item.	
[Bidder	settles	account]	
	 Bidder	pays	outstanding	balance	on	the	account.	
[Unpaid	account]	
There	is	an	outstanding	balance	on	a	bidder’s	account.	Item	cannot	be	picked	up	
until	the	balance	is	paid.	
[Total	time	stored	>	23	days	after	the	initial	7	=	30]	
When	the	total	time	stored	reaches	or	exceeds	30	days	(23	after	the	initial	7	days	
of	storage)	the	item	returns	to	In_Stock.	
[Time	stored	>	7	days,	fee	added]	
Recursive	Transition	,	item	leaves	Unpaid_Stored	state	and	returns	to	same	
Unpaid_Stored	state	with	$2.00	fee	added	
[Settled	account,	receipt	presented]
Bidder	presents	the	receipt	after	account	is	settled,	proving	the	purchase	and	
payment	of	the	item.	
[Storage	fees	paid]	
If	an	item	has	remained	in	storage	for	over	7	days,	storage	fees	are	charged.	The	
bidder	pays	the	additional	storage	fees	to	pick	up	the	item.		
[Auctions	passed	>	3]	
If	over	3	Auctions	Pass	for	an	item	In_Stock,	the	item	is	returned	to	Consignor.		
[Account	and	Fees	Settled,	Receipt	Presented]	
Bidder	pays	for	item	and	any	additional	fees,	presents	the	receipt	to	pick	up	
State	Transitions	
Auction	scheduled	
An	auction	is	scheduled	at	a	predetermined	point	in	the	future.	
Item	Not	Sold	
If	the	item	is	not	sold	during	the	auction	it	placed	in	Unsold	and	then	moved	
back	to	InStock.	
Once	that	item	has	been	unsold	for	3	auctions,	the	item	will	be	returned	to	the	
Sequence	Diagram
State	Diagram
Screen	Shots	of	Prototype	Screens	
Home	Page
Home>	Admin	Login
Home>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory>Find	Client
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory>Find	
Client>	Client	Information	Report	(zoomed	out	to	show	full	page)
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory>Find	
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory>Add	Item	
(Zoomed	out	for	convenience,	not	actual	view)
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory>Add	Item>	
Confirmation	(Item	Information	Report)
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory>Add	Item>	
Confirmation>	Item	Added	Successfully
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory>		View	
Active	Inventory
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Admin	Main	Menu>	Add/Update	Auction	Inventory>	Update	
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Reset	Administrative	Password	
Home	>	Admin	Login>	Reset	Administrative	Password	>	Submit
Usability	Report	
To	test	the	quality	of	the	screen,	a	test	of	two	users	outside	of	the	team	was	
conducted.		The	user	was	placed	at	the	home	page,	and	given	
a	fictional	situation.	In	this	experiment,	the	user	was	told	they	were	an	employee	tasked	
with	adding	an	item.	No	further	information	was	provided.	Each	user	was	able	to	quickly	
and	successfully	navigate	to	the	add	item	page.	
	 The	first	user	reviewed	the	website	in	terms	of	layout,	content	awareness,	
aesthetics,	user	experience,	consistency,	and	minimal	user	effort	positively.	The	user	
found	the	layout	of	the	website	easy	to	navigate	between	pages	and	easily	understood	
the	inputs	and	outputs	the	pages	required	and	provided.	For	the	content	awareness	
principle,	the	user	noted	the	clear	titles	and	understood	clearly	his	“user	location”.	In	
the	area	of	aesthetics,	the	user	found	the	design	to	be	“consistent	with	an	antique	
house	feel”.	The	user	was	not	overwhelmed	by	too	much	clutter	nor	too	much	white	
space.	the	interface	text	density	was	acceptable.	The	user	noted	in	his	experience,	that	
the	site	followed	the	3	click	rule,	making	it	very	efficient	and	consistent.	He	noted	it	was	
easy	to	learn	and	easy	to	consistently	use.	In	terms	of	consistency,the	user	noted	all	the	
pages	contained	a	consistent	design	which	made	it	easy	to	navigate	between	different	
pages.	The	user	found	the	effort	required	to	navigate	the	site	minimal	because	no	task	
took	more	than	3	click	to	accomplish	on	any	given	page.	
	 The	second	user	also	provided	clear	opinions	on	each	aspect	of	the	site.	The	user	
found	that	the	layout	of	the	site	was	very	easy	to	navigate,	as	well	as	the	site	fit	the	
theme	of	the	antique	store.	In	terms	of	content	awareness,	the	titles	for	each	page	were	
each	different	and	made	sense	to	the	user.	Every	page	contained	a	header	and	a	footer	
which	the	user	noted	as	extremely	helpful.	The	user	found	the	website	to	be	
aesthetically	pleasing	as	well.	She	noted	the	colors	of	the	text	as	easy	to	read,	as	well	as	
the	size	of	the	text.	She	particularly	appreciated	the	fact	that	parts	of	the	text	were	bold	
where	needed.	The	user’s	opinion	on	the	experience	of	the	site	was	that	the	site	was	
very	“intuitive,	simple,	anyone	can	figure	it	out”.	She	found	the	consistency	of	the	site	
favorable	as	well,	stating	the	navigation	as	consistent	and	all	of	the	terminology	easy	to	
understand.	The	user’s	opinion	of	the	site	was	it	required	minimal	user	effort,	she	only	
needed	to	click	a	page	once	to	get	where	she	needed	to	go	next.	
	 Both	users	provided	an	informative	review	of	the	usability	of	the	site,	allowing	us	
to	confidently	state	we	have	created	a	site	that	contains	an	effective	and	easy	to	use	
Windows	Navigation	Diagram
Project	Management	Plan
Business	Squad	Team	Charter	
Purpose	Statement	and	Team	Objectives	
This	team	has	been	formed	to	complete	assignments	and	build	team	skills	as	part	of	
INFO	361.	Our	overall	objectives	is	to	successfully	master	the	learning	in	each	
assignment	shown	by	top-notch	completion	and	mastery	of	each	project	we	submit.	We	
are	also	committed	to	each	other	by	succeeding	in	this	course	together.	
Analysis	of	Strengths	and	Developmental	Needs	
To	perform	to	the	best	of	our	ability,	we	have	analyzed	each	team	members	ability	to	be	
able	to	fully	identify	our	strengths	and	weaknesses	as	a	group.		
Knowledge	and	Skills	
60%	of	our	team	have	a	strong	programming	background	with	direct	experience	in	
HTML5.	Another	60%	has	a	strong	emphasis	on	project	implementation.	Another	
member	comes	from	a	Database	management	background	to	help	fully	ground	us	in	our	
designs.	40%	of	our	members	are	strong	in	mathematics,	lending	clarity	to	financial	
Background	Experience	
Each	member	has	had	a	minimum	of	3	years	college	experience	and	aware	of	the	
demands	each	course	requires.	While	the	concepts	may	be	new,	the	situation	is	not.	
Development	Needs	
Lack	of	skills	in	Marketing,	Human	Resources,	Role	
This	group	lacks	direct	experience	in	marketing	and	human	resources	development.		
Functional	Roles	and	Brief	Personal	Description	
CEO:		Falon	LaRose	
Personal	Description:My	name	is	Falon	LaRose,	I	just	turned	20	on	August	21st,	and	I	
am	a	junior	who	is	studying	Information	Systems.	I	am	very	school	spirited	and	very	
involved	at	VCU.	I’m	a	Resident	Assistant,	Orientation	Leader,	Student	Admissions	
Ambassador,	a	student	worker	for	undergraduate	admissions,	and	involved	in	some	
other	organizations	here	at	VCU.	I	am	from	a	small	town	outside	of	Charlottesville,	Va	
called	Greene	County.	I	love	camping,	playing	softball,going	to	any	sporting	event	
(especially	VCU	basketball	games),	and	watching	movies.	I	love	learning	and	
experiencing	new	things,	I	am	looking	forward	to	this	semester	and	working	with	
Strengths	:	Public	speaking,	organization,	collaboration	with	others,	team	
leader	qualities,	willingness	to	learn,	and	mathematics.	
Weaknesses:	Knowledge	of	IS.	
CDO:Rachel	Benton	
Personal	Description:Rachel	Benton	is	a	college	student	who	is	working	towards	
graduating	from	VCU	with	an	Information	Systems	major	in	Fall	2016.	She	is	a	
Chesterfield,VA	native	who	is	interested	in	programming,	traveling,	and	information.	
When	she	is	not	in	class	or	on	campus,	she	can	be	found	volunteering	for	the	SPCA,	
reading,	and	exploring	Richmond.		
Strengths	:	HTML5,	organization,	coordination,	and	scheduling.
Weaknesses:	Public	speaking.	
CTO(R&D):	Jessica	Morris	
Personal	Description:	A	lover	of	all	things	computers	and	technology	related,	Jessica	
Morris	is	a	VCU	Network	Technician	with	experience	in	programming,	linux,	network	
management	and	web	design.	She	is	23	years	old	and	from	the	rural	end	of	Powhatan,	
VA.	Enjoys	video	games,	anime,	animals,	exercise,	cooking	and	art.	Has	a	lifetime	love	of	
learning	and	zest	for	the	better	things	in	life.	
Strengths:	IS	skills,	enjoyment	of	programming,	Linux,	server	
management	and	all	things	computers,	and	willingness	to	learn	more	and	
do	research.	
Weaknesses	:	Organization,	time	management,	and	public	speaking.	
Marketing&	Organizational	Design:Suraj	Telhan	
Personal	Description:My	name	is	Suraj	“Sunshine”	Telhan.	I	am	a	junior	studying	
Information	Systems	and	pursuing	a	certificate	in	Leadership	Studies.	I	am	the	Monroe	
Park	Campus	Student	Body	President	so	I	spend	most	of	time	running	student	
government	and	advocating	for	the	student	body.When	I’m	not	advocating,	I’m	taking	a	
part	in	Students	Today	Alumni	Tomorrow	or	my	business	fraternity,	Alpha	Kappa	Psi.	I’m	
an	Orientation	Leader,	former	Resident	Assistant,	and	looking	into	working	in	the	field	
of	Student	Affairs.	Leadership	has	always	been	my	life	passion	ever	since	I	lost	my	
school’s	5th	grade	elections	for	president	(curse	you	Drew	Wiltse).	
Strengths	:	Leadership	skills,	and	providing	a	comic	relief	
Weaknesses	:	Knowledge	of	IS	
Finance:	Andrew	Quinlin	
Personal	Description:My	name	is	Andrew	Quinlan,	I	am	21year	old	Senior	studying	
Information	Systems	here	at	VCU.	My	expected	graduation	will	be	after	next	Fall	in	
2016.	I	enjoy	almost	every	sport,	most	football,	basketball,	lacrosse,	and	baseball,	and	
love	both	playing	and	watching	them.	Here	at	VCU	I	am	a	part	of	the	Theta	Chi	
Fraternity	and	have	been	a	member	since	Fall	2012.	I	plan	on	refining	my	skills	in	the	
Information	Systems	subject	through	the	work	that	we	do	in	this	class	and	the	other	
classes	I	am	taking	this	semester	and	beyond.	
Andrew	Quinlan	
Strengths:	HTML5,	Public	speaking,	communication	skills,	and	
Weaknesses:	Organization,	time	management	
Team	Process	Management	
Team	Meetings:		
Because	our	schedules	are	so	incompatible,	we	have	decided	the	mandatory	form	of	
meetings	will	occur	through	gdocs	and	internet	presence	will	be	the	attendance	guide.	
Meetings	are	still	set	to	occur	once	a	week	based	on	our	flexible	schedules.	All	members	
attend	required	meetings(in	person	or	active	online	presence	is	acceptable)	;	if	unable	
to	attend,	meeting	organizer	to	be	notified.	If	key	contributor	is	unable	to	attend,	
another	meeting	time	may	be	considered.	All	meeting	minutes,	key	decisions,	
assumptions	and	business	rules	must	be	documented	inside	Google	Drive	folder	and	all	
action	items	must	be	followed	up	and	assigned	to	a	resource	with	expected	completion
date.	During	in-person	meetings,	a	group	member	should	always	create	an	online	copy	
that	is	a	summary	and	outline	of	the	meeting.	Google	documents	are	the	official	and	
important	records	of	our	projects	throughout	the	semester.	Google	Drive	participation	
is	mandatory	and	acts	as	a	direct	form	of	attendance.	
Code	of	Conduct	
1. Keep	a	positive	attitude	toward	the	team,	individual	members,	projects	and	
2. Make	criticisms	constructive	with	suggestions	for	improvement	and	
nonjudgmental	language	
3. 	Do	the	work	that	has	been	assigned	to	you.	Don’t	push	your	work	off	to	another	
team	member	because	you	decided	not	to	do	your	part.	If	you	need	help,	please	
4. All	project	team	members	confront	issues	directly	and	promptly.	
5. Project	team	members	have	the	responsibility	to	notify	any	potential	difficulties	
in	meeting	the	schedule	for	any	assigned	tasks	as	soon	as	it	is	known	by	the	team	
6. Each	project	team	member	is	responsible	for	ensuring	anticipated	workload	
conflicts	with	other	assignments	are	brought	to	the	attention	of	the	project	
team.	Team	members	should	ask	for	help	if	feeling	“stuck”	or	falling	behind	the	
schedule	instead	of	waiting	for	a	miracle.	
7. 	All	team	members	are	responsible	to	own,	followup	and	provide	updates	on	the	
assigned	task	(including	but	not	limited	to	any	identified	risks,	issues,	changes,	
approvals,		clarification	from	professor).	If	any	delay	is	observed,	see	vote	policy.	
If	a	noticeable	or	impacting	amount	of	delay	is	observed,	the	team	willnotify	the	
professor	requesting	an	F	for	group	member.	The	group	member	agrees	to	this	F	
as	part	of	this	team	charter.	
Decision	Making	Procedure:	
	Consensus	is	required	on	all	major	team	decisions.	Responsibilities	are	to	be	assigned	in	
the	beginning	of	the	project.	Because	most	of	the	meetings	occur	virtually,	an	
acceptable	way	of	assigning	duties	is	through	Groupme	or	email.	Once	the	team	
member	has	been	notified	through	Groupme	or	email,	they	have	48	hours	to	either	
accept	or	reject	provided	they	have	a	better	alternative	and	it	equates	to	an	equal	
Team	Communication	
	All	team	members	maintain	their	contact	info	on	the	team	contact	list	with	contact	
preference.	The	main	forms	of	communication	for	this	team	are	GroupMe,	email,	
Google	Drive.	Each	project	team	member	is	responsible	for	ensuring	anticipated	
workload	conflicts	with	other	assignments	are	brought	to	the	attention	of	the	project
team.	Team	members	should	ask	for	help	if	feeling	“stuck”	or	falling	behind	the	
schedule	instead	of	waiting	for	a	miracle.Any	planned	day	off	or	vacation	must	be	
communicated	in	advance	to	project	team	so	that	project	plan	can	be	updated	and	
impact	to	work,	if	any,	can	be	analyzed.		All	project	team	members	have	access	to	
project	plan	and	project	logs	(in	a	standard	document	format	on	google	documents)	and	
are	aware	of	the	assigned	tasks	and	due	dates.		All	project	team	members	have	the	
responsibility	to	proactively	notify	the	project	team	about	tasks,	duration	or	
dependencies	they	believe	are	missing	(or	any	other	needed	changes	to	the	plan)	and	
confront	issues	directly	and	promptly.	Project	team	members	have	the	responsibility	to	
notify	any	potential	difficulties	in	meeting	the	schedule	for	any	assigned	tasks	as	soon	as	
it	is	known	by	the	team	member.	
Contact	Information:	
Rachel	Benton	
Phone	Number:	8048402132	
Jessica	Morris	
Phone	Number:	8046587968	
Falon	LaRose	
Phone	Number:	4349960712	
Andrew	Quinlan	
Phone	Number:	7034759031	
Suraj	Telhan	
Phone	Number:	7033426317	
Process	Roles	
Project	Manager-	Falon	LaRose	
Expectations	of	Role:to	ensure	the	project	is	effectively	resourced	and	manages	
relationship	with	a	wide	range	of	groups	(including	all	project	contributors);	to	be	
responsible	for	managing	the	work	of	consultants,	allocating	and	utilising	resources	in	
an	efficient	manner	and	maintaining	a	cooperative,	motivated,	and	successful	team;	To	
mediate	communication,	address	team	issues,	makes	sure	assignments	come	out	on	
time,	and	making	sure	a	clear	schedule	exists	with	clear	rules	and	expectations;	to	be	
responsibly	for	zipping	up	folder	and	submitting	on-time	
Team	Leader-Rachel	Benton	
Expectations	of	Role:	
to	makes	key	organization/commercial	decisions	for	the	project;	to	assure	availability	of		
essential	project	resources;	and	to	approve	the	budget	and	decides	tolerances.To	be	
responsible	for	developing,	in	conjunction	with	the	co-leader,	a	definition	of	the	project;	
to	ensure	that	the	project	is	delivered	on	time,	to	budget,	and	to	the	required	quality	
standard	(within	agreed	specifications);
Executive	Technical	Director-	Jessica	Morris	
Expectations	of	Role:To	contribute	to	technical	strategy,	policy,	and	procedure;	to	lead	
development	and	operation	of	technical	testing	programmes;	to	help	with	the	
production	of	technical	documentation	to	agreed	quality	standards	and	to	report	on	
progress/issues	to	management	and	users.	
Systems	Analyst-	Suraj	Telhan	
Expectations	of	Role:	To	be	a	spokesman	and	developer	of	power	points	and	
presentations;	provide	functional	expertise	in	an	administrative	process;	work	with	
users	to	ensure	the	project	meets	business	needs;	to	help	with	the	documentation	and	
analysis	of	current	and	future	processes/systems;	to	identify	and	map	the	information	
needed;	to	define	the	requirements	for	reporting	and	interfacing;	to	help	with	user	
training;	to	complete	assignments	in	a	timely	manner	
Developer-	Andrew	Quinlan	
Expectations	of	Role:	To	do	assigned	tasks	in	a	timely	fashion	with	clear	results	
Expectations	of	Team	Members	
Ideally,	when	working	on	a	project,	it	is	expected	the	Google	Drive	folder	is	accessed	
and	edited	a	minimum	of	3	hours	a	week.	Each	group	member	understands	that	the	
document	shows	the	direct	amount	of	participation	and	acts	as	a	clear	record	of	how	
much	work	is	contributed.	Be	professional,	openminded,	and	understanding	when	
working	with	the	other		team	members,	classmates,	customers,	or	professor.	
	Team	members	will	complete	assignments	on	time.	If	at	any	time	a	group	member	is	
unable	to	access	the	Google	Drive	folder,	this	should	be	addressed	immediately.All	team	
assignments	are,	unless	otherwise	clarified,	due	by	11pm	the	day	before	the	official	
class	due	date	on	the	Google	Drive	folder.This	is	so	all	work	can	be	reviewed	before	
submission	by	the	team.All	team	members	are	responsible	to	own,	followup		and	
provide	updates	on	the	assigned	task	(including	but	not	limited	to	any	identified	risks,	
issues,	changes,	approvals,	clarification	from	professor).	If	any	delay	is	observed,	
escalate	to	team	vote.	If	a	noticeable	or	impacting	amount	of	delay	is	observed,	the	
team	will	notify	the	professor	requesting	an	F	for	group	member.	The	group	member	
agrees	to	this	F	as	part	of	this	team	charter.	
All	assignments	must	be	written	in	a	professional	manner	for	submission.	Pay	attention	
to	your	due	diligence.	Read	up	on	what	you	are	supposed	to	know.	It	is	not	required	of	
the	group	to	fill	the	team	member	in	on	assigned	readings	that	are	easily	accessible	
through	Blackboard,	the	Textbook,	or	Google	Drive.	Avoid	apathetic/passive	decision	
making	(e.g.,	“whatever	you	all	think”).	Instead	a	clear	yes	or	no	answer	is	required.	
Everyone’s	opinions	are	welcome,	team	members	should	not	feel	required	to	go	along	
with	the	group.	All	group	members	should	feel	safe	expressing	their	opinions	provided	
with	reasonable	explanations.All	project	team	members	understand	the	scope	of	work.	
Any	work	performed	must	be	in	the	project	plan	and	is	in	the	project	scope.	Anything
that	is	absolutely	needed	but	not	part	of	the	project	plan,	must	be	brought	into	team’s	
Disciplinary	Policy	
In	cases	concerning	the	group	participation	or	responsibilities,	the	group	member	
immediately	terminates	any	and	all	rights	to	receive	the	current	project	group	grade,	as	
well	as	rights	to	stay	in	the	group	if	they	fail	to	submit	their	assignments	to	the	Google	
drive	before	11pm	the	night	before	the	case	is	due,	which	causes	significant	impact	and	
delays	on	other	group	members	work	and	work	loads.	The	group	member	will	also	
forfeit	their	right	to	project	grade	and	group	membership		
If	team	member	consistently	ignores	these	stated	requirements,	they	agree	to	a	zero	if	
requested	by	the	group	from	the	professor.	The	professor,	by	grading	this	document,	
agrees	to	give	the	group	member	the	zero	if	requested.		Team	members	understand	and	
agree	to	abide	by	the	“Three	Strikes”	Policy	outlined	below:	
1. Members	who	exhibit	inappropriate	behavior(as	outlined	in	this	documents	
expectations	and	code	of	conduct)	shall	be	given	official	warning	by	team	
2. Team	member	shall	receive	3	warnings	in	total;	the	first	warning	may	be	verbal,	
the	second	and	third	warning	shall	be	communicated	in	either	Groupme	or	
email.	Upon	receiving	the	third	warning,	the	team	member	is	eligible	to	be	
removed	from	the	group.	
3. When	there	is	not	a	clear	consensus	for	the	expulsion	or	retention	of	the	skater	
from	the	league,	a	vote	of	all	attending	members	at	the	meeting	shall	be	taken.	
If	the	vote	is	over	50%,	the	group	member	is	expelled.	
4. If	the	motion	to	expel	is	passed	and	the	team	member	is	removed	from	the	
team,	they	shall	be	asked	to	relinquish	any	title,	position,	or	disputed	grade	held	
and	shall	not	be	allowed	to	attend	any	further	meeting	or	participate	or	receive	
any	group	grades	from	that	point	on.	The	team	member	shall	also	forfeit	any	and	
all	grades	submitted	thus	far,	and	shall	not	have	recourse	to	seek	refund.	
Ejection	from	the	team	would	take	effect	at	the	time	written	notice	is	sent	to	the	
Signatures	of	Agreement:	
By	signing	this,	we	recognize	that	by	submitting	this	Team	Charter,	we	have	read	
and	agreed	to	the	rules	and	decisions	we	have	made	as	a	group.	We	also	agree	that	
we	fully	understand	the	guidelines	and	expectations	presented	and	if	someone	
does	not	follow	what	is	stated	in	the	Team	Charter,	they	will	have	to	face	the	
Electronically	Signed	By:	
Rachel	Benton
Jessica	Morris		
Falon	LaRose	
Suraj	Telhan	
Andrew Quinlan
Live	project	found	at

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