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Production monolith
migration to Swoole!
● What existing problems need to solve?
● Why choose Swoole?
● How solve it with Swoole?
● What unexpected troubles could happens?
● Show methods to avoid then (or not?)
● Talk about theory
● Examples in a context of a real project
Side Effects of
- PHP no dying (long-lived)
- Concurrency Async
- Shared Memory access
● ZF2 / Laminas / Mezzio / PSR-15 / ..
● PHP 5.6 -> … -> 7.4 --> 8.0 + swoole
● PostgreSQL / ElasticSearch Typesense / Redis / RabbitMQ / PubSub
● Docker / k8s / autoscale / Google Cloud
● Files: 2.5k, LOC: 200k, LLOC: 30k
Intro. About project
Intro. About project
Current AVG metrics:
- GA online users: ~3500
- API RPS: ~200
- DB transactions: ~3000/sec
- Products count: ~25kk
Consuming resources:
- PHP: 60 vCPU
- ElasticSearch: 40 vCPU
- PostgreSQL: 16 vCPU
- Others: 20 vCPU
● Not optimized resources usage.
● Hard tuning horizontal scale.
● Over-complicated infrastructure
● Not well performance (TTFB)
Why? Problems
Elastic Elastic
4x times
● Not optimized resources usage.
● Hard tuning horizontal scale.
● Over-complicated infrastructure
● Not well performance (TTFB)
Why? Problems
4 vCPU
16 vCPU
● Not optimized resources usage.
● Hard tuning horizontal scale.
● Over-complicated infrastructure
● Not well performance (TTFB)
Why? Problems
Docker, k8s, Terraform, Helm, GitHub
Actions, Envs: prod+stage+devs+local, Go,
● Not optimized resources usage.
● Hard tuning horizontal scale.
● Over-complicated infrastructure
● Not well performance (TTFB)
Why? Problems
● ASYNC entire ecosystem
● Performance
● Easy to start
- Coroutine based concurrent asynchronous IO
- Event Loop
- Process management
- In-memory storage and management
- Async TCP/UDP/HTTP/WebSocket/HTTP2/FastCGI client
and servers
- Async Task API
- Channels, Locks, Timer, Scheduler
NO PECL: ext-pcntl, ext-pthreads, ext-event
Why Swoole?
Milestone 1: PHP no die
● Run HTTP Server
○ replace NGINX+FPM
○ simplify infrastructure (less DevOps, easy building & k8s configs)
○ change (unified) operations: CI / CD / local env
● Prepare bootstrap
● Implement best practices in shared memory usage to avoid side-effects
● Dispatch Mode: 1-9 (Round-Robin, Fixed, Preemptive, etc)
● Worker Num: 1-1000 (CPU*2)
● Max Request: 0-XXX (0)
Other Options: Limits, Timeouts, Memory buffers...
php bin/http-server.php
Swoole HTTP Server
$server = new SwooleHTTPServer("", 9501);
$server->on('Request', function(Swoole/Server/Request $request, Swoole/Server/Response $response)
$response->end('<h1>Hello World!</h1>');
● Scan config files, env, run reflection, attributes, build DI, generate proxy, warm caches:
● NO NEED cache layer anymore
● NOW it before real start http server
(if no traffic: readiness probe=negative)
PSR-7 HTTP Messages
PSR-15 Middleware
PSR-11 Container
bootstrap in master
http request in worker process
Bootstrap app once
fork state
What are the problems?
- No PHP Session (it is CLI SAPI)
- Stateful services that should mutate on each request
- DI containers - global state too.
Shared Memory
Any wrong example?
Shared Memory
public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event) : void
if (!$this->isMainRequest ($event)) {
$req = $event->getRequest();
if ($this->trustRequest && ($id = $req->headers->get($this->requestHeader )))
$this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id);
if ($id = $this->idStorage->getRequestId ()) {
$req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id);
$id = $this->idGenerator ->generate();
$req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id);
$this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id);
Empty storage - no return
Generate NEW
Saving to storage
Any wrong example?
Shared Memory
public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event) : void
if (!$this->isMainRequest ($event)) {
$req = $event->getRequest();
if ($this->trustRequest && ($id = $req->headers->get($this->requestHeader )))
$this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id);
if ($id = $this->idStorage->getRequestId ()) {
$req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id);
$id = $this->idGenerator ->generate();
$req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id);
$this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id);
Now has ID in storage
Dead code
Shared Memory
HTTP Server options:
Max Request: 100
What if...
In logs request ID is changed.
Best practices:
- Middlewares, Factories, Proxies, Delegators
Shared Memory
use PsrHttpMessageResponseInterface
use PsrHttpMessageServerRequestInterface
use PsrHttpServerRequestHandlerInterface
use PsrLogLoggerInterface
class SomeHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
public function __construct(
private Closure $appServiceFactory
private LoggerInterface $logger
) {}
// Idempotent method!!!
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
$logger = clone $this->logger;
$appService = ($this->appServiceFactory)(
return new JsonResponse($appService->createBook())
Memory leaks
… in Doctrine ORM :(
Shared Memory
use DoctrineORMDecoratorEntityManagerDecorator as
class ReopeningEntityManager extends EMD
private $createEm;
public function __construct (callable $createEm)
$this->createEm = $createEm;
public function open(): void
if (! $this->wrapped->isOpen()) {
$this->wrapped = ($this->createEm)();
class CloseDbConnectionMiddleware implements
public function __construct(
private ReopeningEntityManager $em)
public function process(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
RequestHandlerInterface $handler
) : ResponseInterface
$this->em->open() ;
try {
return $handler->handle($request);
} finally {
$this->em->getConnection()->close() ;
$this->em->clear() ;
Saved in DI
Shared Memory
Memory leaks
abstract class EntityManagerDecorator extends
/** @var EntityManagerInterface */
protected $wrapped;
public function __construct (EntityManagerInterface $wrapped)
$this->wrapped = $wrapped;
public function getRepository ($className)
return $this->wrapped->getRepository ($className);
public function getRepository ($entityName )
return $this->repositoryFactory ->getRepository ($this,
$entityName );
Somewhere far far away
in EntityManager
PROBLEMS DUE TO: timeouts / lifecycles
Avoid: Stateful convert to stateless
$redis = $di->get(Redis::class); // FactoryRedis: $redis->connect(...);
$redisFactory = $di->get(RedisFactory::
$redisFactory()->get(‘KEY1’); // + close connect in desctructor
Request Wrapper/Delegator:
new/refresh state on each request
Milestone 2: ASYNC
● Async theory
● Using coroutines
● Non-blocked IO solutions
● Concurrency problems review
● Again memory leaks
● GET /some/action1/ SELECT sleep(1);
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = 2 req/sec
● GET /some/action2/ fibonacci(30);
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
Why/What async?
Try benchmark this:
● GET /some/action1/ SELECT sleep(1);
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = 2 req/sec
● GET /some/action2/ fibonacci(30);
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
MIX 50/50 = 1 req/sec
50% CPU
Why/What async?
Try benchmark this:
Now enable coroutines: http server options: .
'enable_coroutine' => true,
Why/What async?
● GET /some/action1/
○ 1 worker = 10000 req/sec
○ 2 worker = 10000 req/sec
● GET /some/action2/
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
Now enable coroutines: http server options: .
'enable_coroutine' => true,
Why/What async?
● GET /some/action1/
○ 1 worker = 10000 req/sec
○ 2 worker = 10000 req/sec
● GET /some/action2/
○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec
○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
MIX 50/50 = 2 req/sec
100% CPU
go(function () { // FIRST CO
echo '1';
go(function () { // SECOND CO
echo '2';
co::sleep(3); // IO (in 2 CO), will return in 3 sec
echo '6';
go(function () { // THIRD CO
echo '7';
co::sleep(2); // IO
echo "9n";
}); // END THIRD
echo '8';
echo '3';
co::sleep(1); // Again IO but in 1 CO
echo '5';
echo '4';
Swoole Hooks
Coroutine Clients:
● Socket
● FastCGI
● Redis
● Postgresql
Runtime HOOKS:
● Coroutine support (any IO libraries based on php_stream):
○ Redis (phpredis) or (predis)
○ MySQL (mysqlnd) PDO and MySQLi
○ file_get_contents, fopen and many more file I/O operations
○ stream_socket_client functions
○ fsockopen
○ CURL with libcurl
● Libraries without coroutine support:
○ MySQL with libmysqlclient
○ MongoDB with mongo-c-client
○ pdo_pgsql, pdo_ori, pdo_odbc, pdo_firebird, php-amqp
Non-blocked IO
$swooleServer->onRequest: go($this->requestHandler);
non-blocked: multiple requests in same time/code
function onRequest() {
$class = $di->get(stdClass:class);
if ($class->some === null) {
$class->some = 123;
// && some logic
$class->some = null;
First request awaiting here
We expected clean in request end
http server options: .
'enable_coroutine' => true,
$swooleServer->onRequest: go($this->requestHandler);
non-blocked: multiple requests in same time/code
function onRequest() {
$class = $di->get(stdClass:class);
if ($class->some === null) {
$class->some = 123;
// && some logic
$class->some = null;
First request awaiting here
We expected clean in request end
EPIC FAIL! in second request
http server options: .
'enable_coroutine' => true,
Request Wrapper/Delegator: new/refresh state on each request
Uncaught SwooleError: Socket# has already been
bound to another coroutine
Connections. Again?
$http = new SwooleHttpServer( '', '80', SWOOLE_PROCESS) ;
$http->on('request', function (SwooleHttpRequest $request, SwooleHttpResponse $response)
if (empty($redis)) {
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('' , 6379);
$redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER , Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP) ;
try {
$redisJson = $redis->get('key');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$response->end('some response' );
Connections. Again?
Connections. Again?
DoctrineCommonCacheCacheProvider ;
use Redis;
use SwooleDatabaseRedisPool ;
class SwooleRedisCacheProvider extends
public function __construct (
private RedisPool $pool,
) {
protected function doFetch($id, ?Redis $redis = null)
if (! $redis) {
return $this->run(fn (Redis $redis) : mixed =>
. $this->doFetch($id, $redis));
return $redis->get($id);
private function run(callable $procedure)
$redis = $this->pool->get();
$redis->setOption(Redis::SERIALIZER, $this->getSerializer ());
try {
$result = $procedure($redis);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
} finally {
return $result;
Memory Leaks. Again?
final class ReopeningEntityManager implements EntityManagerInterface
private Closure $entityManagerFactory ;
protected array $wrapped = [];
public function clear($object = null) : void
unset ($this->wrapped[Co::getCid()]); // does not help!
private function getWrapped() : EntityManagerInterface
if (! isset($this->wrapped[Co::getCid()])) {
$this->wrapped[Co::getCid()] =
($this->entityManagerFactory )();
return $this->wrapped[Co::getCid()];
public function getConnection ()
return $this->getWrapped()->getConnection ();
Memory Leaks. Again?
Using WeakMap &
defer in coroutines!
Restart workers?
You are coward!
Using PostgreSQL - no PDO hooks in Swoole
● Use Coroutine Postgresql Client:
● Write new Driver for Doctrine ORM
● Be ready to problems
Problem Again
Other miscellaneous:
Manage crons (by timers)
Manage message workers (process manager)
Manage Signals (soft termination)
Milestone 3: others
Cron jobs
- persist Deployment: run “crontab” process + list php CLI command
- CronJob (k8s) periodical run POD with “php bin/app cron:process”
- CronJob as Message (run as “bin/app messenger:consume transport.amqp”)
- + Swoole Timer async callback in PHP master process (instead linux crontab)
Supervisor & Metrics server for Symfony Messenger
use SpiralGoridgeRelay
use SpiralGoridgeRPCRPC
use SpiralGoridgeRPCRPCInterface
* @see SymfonyComponentMessengerWorker
class PraefectusListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
private const IPC_SOCKET_PATH_TPL = '/tmp/praefectus_%d.sock'
// …
public function onMessageReceived (EventWorkerMessageReceivedEvent $event) : void
$this->getRpc()->call('PraefectusRPC.WorkerState' ,['pid'=>getmypid() ,'state'=>self::WORKER_BUSY]);
$this->getRpc()->call('PraefectusRPC.MessageState' , [
'id' => $messageIdStamp ->id(),
'name' => get_class( $event->getEnvelope ()->getMessage()),
'transport' => $event->getReceiverName (),
'bus' => $busName,
*not yet released on GitHub
● no compatibility in code:
○ run same code in FPM & build-in http server
○ work without swoole extension (PoC - write stubs?)
○ XDebug - goodbye (use PCOV for coverage)
○ Profiling -
● Doctrine + async = EVIL*
* But is possible, if enough extra memory:
Each concurrency EntityManager = +100-150Mb
● Swoole Table for cache - must have!
Doctrine (any) cache shared between workers.
Solved case: Deployment & migration process without
50x errors
● Benchmarks - good results!
- empty handler (bootstrap) - TTFB before: 140 ms, after: 4 ms
● Benchmarks - good results!
- empty handler (bootstrap) - TTFB before: 140 ms, after: 4 ms
- AVG (all traffic) TTFB reduced on 40% - before: 250 ms, after: 150 ms
- 95 percentile - before: 1500 ms, after: 600 ms
P.S. Load by same API RPS: ~200
- Now: 20 (PHP) / 20 (Typesense) / 20 (other) / 16 (DB) vCPUs
- 6k$ --> 3.5k$ (per month)
● Resources usage - (ETA) reduced!
Useful links:
We looking: DevOps / Backend Developer / Frontend Developer / QA
Any Questions?

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"Swoole: double troubles in c", Alexandr Vronskiy

  • 1.
  • 3. ● What existing problems need to solve? ● Why choose Swoole? ● How solve it with Swoole? ● What unexpected troubles could happens? ● Show methods to avoid then (or not?) ● Talk about theory ● Examples in a context of a real project Intro
  • 4. Side Effects of - PHP no dying (long-lived) - Concurrency Async - Shared Memory access Intro
  • 5. ● ZF2 / Laminas / Mezzio / PSR-15 / .. ● PHP 5.6 -> … -> 7.4 --> 8.0 + swoole ● PostgreSQL / ElasticSearch Typesense / Redis / RabbitMQ / PubSub ● Docker / k8s / autoscale / Google Cloud ● Files: 2.5k, LOC: 200k, LLOC: 30k Intro. About project
  • 6. Intro. About project Current AVG metrics: - GA online users: ~3500 - API RPS: ~200 - DB transactions: ~3000/sec - Products count: ~25kk Consuming resources: - PHP: 60 vCPU - ElasticSearch: 40 vCPU - PostgreSQL: 16 vCPU - Others: 20 vCPU
  • 7. ● Not optimized resources usage. ● Hard tuning horizontal scale. ● Over-complicated infrastructure ● Not well performance (TTFB) Why? Problems Database PHP PHP PHP PHP Elastic Elastic Elastic Other 4x times
  • 8. ● Not optimized resources usage. ● Hard tuning horizontal scale. ● Over-complicated infrastructure ● Not well performance (TTFB) Why? Problems PHP 4 vCPU PHP 16 vCPU VS
  • 9. ● Not optimized resources usage. ● Hard tuning horizontal scale. ● Over-complicated infrastructure ● Not well performance (TTFB) Why? Problems Docker, k8s, Terraform, Helm, GitHub Actions, Envs: prod+stage+devs+local, Go, Typescript
  • 10. ● Not optimized resources usage. ● Hard tuning horizontal scale. ● Over-complicated infrastructure ● Not well performance (TTFB) Why? Problems
  • 11. ● ASYNC entire ecosystem ● Performance ● Easy to start - Coroutine based concurrent asynchronous IO - Event Loop - Process management - In-memory storage and management - Async TCP/UDP/HTTP/WebSocket/HTTP2/FastCGI client and servers - Async Task API - Channels, Locks, Timer, Scheduler NO PECL: ext-pcntl, ext-pthreads, ext-event Why Swoole?
  • 12. Milestone 1: PHP no die ● Run HTTP Server ○ replace NGINX+FPM ○ simplify infrastructure (less DevOps, easy building & k8s configs) ○ change (unified) operations: CI / CD / local env ● Prepare bootstrap ● Implement best practices in shared memory usage to avoid side-effects Plan
  • 13. ● Server Mode: SWOOLE_PROCESS / SWOOLE_BASE ● Dispatch Mode: 1-9 (Round-Robin, Fixed, Preemptive, etc) ● Worker Num: 1-1000 (CPU*2) ● Max Request: 0-XXX (0) Other Options: Limits, Timeouts, Memory buffers... php bin/http-server.php Swoole HTTP Server MUST SEE: <?php $server = new SwooleHTTPServer("", 9501); $server->on('Request', function(Swoole/Server/Request $request, Swoole/Server/Response $response) { $response->end('<h1>Hello World!</h1>'); }); $server->start();
  • 14. ● Scan config files, env, run reflection, attributes, build DI, generate proxy, warm caches: ● NO NEED cache layer anymore ● NOW it before real start http server (if no traffic: readiness probe=negative) PSR-7 HTTP Messages PSR-15 Middleware PSR-11 Container bootstrap in master http request in worker process Bootstrap app once fork state
  • 15. What are the problems? - NO SUPER GLOBALS ($_SERVER, ...) - No PHP Session (it is CLI SAPI) - Stateful services that should mutate on each request - DI containers - global state too. Shared Memory
  • 16. Any wrong example? Shared Memory public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event) : void { if (!$this->isMainRequest ($event)) { return; } $req = $event->getRequest(); if ($this->trustRequest && ($id = $req->headers->get($this->requestHeader ))) { $this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id); return; } if ($id = $this->idStorage->getRequestId ()) { $req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id); return; } $id = $this->idGenerator ->generate(); $req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id); $this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id); } Empty storage - no return Generate NEW Saving to storage 1 HTTP REQUEST:
  • 17. Any wrong example? Shared Memory public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event) : void { if (!$this->isMainRequest ($event)) { return; } $req = $event->getRequest(); if ($this->trustRequest && ($id = $req->headers->get($this->requestHeader ))) { $this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id); return; } if ($id = $this->idStorage->getRequestId ()) { $req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id); return; } $id = $this->idGenerator ->generate(); $req->headers->set($this->requestHeader , $id); $this->idStorage->setRequestId ($id); } 2 HTTP REQUEST: Now has ID in storage THE END Dead code
  • 18. Shared Memory HTTP Server options: Max Request: 100 What if... Then… In logs request ID is changed.
  • 19. Best practices: - Middlewares, Factories, Proxies, Delegators Shared Memory use PsrHttpMessageResponseInterface ; use PsrHttpMessageServerRequestInterface ; use PsrHttpServerRequestHandlerInterface ; use PsrLogLoggerInterface ; class SomeHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface { public function __construct( private Closure $appServiceFactory , private LoggerInterface $logger ) {} // Idempotent method!!! public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface { $logger = clone $this->logger; $logger->getProcessor( 'RequestID')->setRequestId( $request->getAttribute( 'RequestID')); $appService = ($this->appServiceFactory)( $logger); return new JsonResponse($appService->createBook()) ; } }
  • 20. Memory leaks … in Doctrine ORM :( Shared Memory cation-served-with-swoole/ use DoctrineORMDecoratorEntityManagerDecorator as EMD; class ReopeningEntityManager extends EMD { private $createEm; public function __construct (callable $createEm) { parent::__construct($createEm()); $this->createEm = $createEm; } public function open(): void { if (! $this->wrapped->isOpen()) { $this->wrapped = ($this->createEm)(); } } class CloseDbConnectionMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface { public function __construct( private ReopeningEntityManager $em) {} public function process( ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler ) : ResponseInterface { $this->em->open() ; try { return $handler->handle($request); } finally { $this->em->getConnection()->close() ; $this->em->clear() ; } } } Saved in DI
  • 21. Shared Memory Memory leaks BUT WHERE??? abstract class EntityManagerDecorator extends ObjectManagerDecorator { /** @var EntityManagerInterface */ protected $wrapped; public function __construct (EntityManagerInterface $wrapped) { $this->wrapped = $wrapped; } public function getRepository ($className) { return $this->wrapped->getRepository ($className); } public function getRepository ($entityName ) { return $this->repositoryFactory ->getRepository ($this, $entityName ); } Somewhere far far away in EntityManager
  • 22. PROBLEMS DUE TO: timeouts / lifecycles Avoid: Stateful convert to stateless Connections $redis = $di->get(Redis::class); // FactoryRedis: $redis->connect(...); $redis->get('KEY1'); $redisFactory = $di->get(RedisFactory:: class); $redisFactory()->get(‘KEY1’); // + close connect in desctructor Request Wrapper/Delegator: new/refresh state on each request OR
  • 23. Milestone 2: ASYNC ● Async theory ● Using coroutines ● Non-blocked IO solutions ● Concurrency problems review ● Again memory leaks
  • 24. ● GET /some/action1/ SELECT sleep(1); ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = 2 req/sec ● GET /some/action2/ fibonacci(30); ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores Why/What async? Try benchmark this:
  • 25. ● GET /some/action1/ SELECT sleep(1); ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = 2 req/sec ● GET /some/action2/ fibonacci(30); ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores MIX 50/50 = 1 req/sec 50% CPU Why/What async? Try benchmark this:
  • 26. Now enable coroutines: http server options: . 'enable_coroutine' => true, Why/What async? ● GET /some/action1/ ○ 1 worker = 10000 req/sec ○ 2 worker = 10000 req/sec ● GET /some/action2/ ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores
  • 27. Now enable coroutines: http server options: . 'enable_coroutine' => true, Why/What async? ● GET /some/action1/ ○ 1 worker = 10000 req/sec ○ 2 worker = 10000 req/sec ● GET /some/action2/ ○ 1 worker = 1 req/sec ○ 2 worker = depends on CPU cores MIX 50/50 = 2 req/sec 100% CPU
  • 28. go(function () { // FIRST CO echo '1'; go(function () { // SECOND CO echo '2'; co::sleep(3); // IO (in 2 CO), will return in 3 sec echo '6'; go(function () { // THIRD CO echo '7'; co::sleep(2); // IO echo "9n"; }); // END THIRD echo '8'; }); // END SECOND echo '3'; co::sleep(1); // Again IO but in 1 CO echo '5'; }); // END FIRST CO echo '4'; Coroutines 1 2 3 4 5
  • 30. Swoole Hooks Coroutine Clients: ● TCP/UDP ● HTTP ● HTTP2 ● Socket ● FastCGI ● Redis ● MySQL ● Postgresql Runtime HOOKS: ● Coroutine support (any IO libraries based on php_stream): ○ Redis (phpredis) or (predis) ○ MySQL (mysqlnd) PDO and MySQLi ○ PHP SOAP ○ file_get_contents, fopen and many more file I/O operations ○ stream_socket_client functions ○ fsockopen ○ CURL with libcurl ● Libraries without coroutine support: ○ MySQL with libmysqlclient ○ MongoDB with mongo-c-client ○ pdo_pgsql, pdo_ori, pdo_odbc, pdo_firebird, php-amqp VS Non-blocked IO
  • 31. $swooleServer->onRequest: go($this->requestHandler); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- non-blocked: multiple requests in same time/code Concurrency function onRequest() { $class = $di->get(stdClass:class); if ($class->some === null) { $class->some = 123; } sleep(2); // && some logic $class->some = null; } First request awaiting here We expected clean in request end http server options: . 'enable_coroutine' => true,
  • 32. $swooleServer->onRequest: go($this->requestHandler); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- non-blocked: multiple requests in same time/code Concurrency function onRequest() { $class = $di->get(stdClass:class); if ($class->some === null) { $class->some = 123; } sleep(2); // && some logic $class->some = null; } First request awaiting here We expected clean in request end EPIC FAIL! in second request http server options: . 'enable_coroutine' => true,
  • 33. Request Wrapper/Delegator: new/refresh state on each request Uncaught SwooleError: Socket# has already been bound to another coroutine Connections. Again? $http = new SwooleHttpServer( '', '80', SWOOLE_PROCESS) ; $http->on('request', function (SwooleHttpRequest $request, SwooleHttpResponse $response) { if (empty($redis)) { $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('' , 6379); $redis->select(1); $redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER , Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP) ; } try { $redisJson = $redis->get('key'); } catch (Exception $e) { // SWOOLE ERROR HERE ! } $response->end('some response' ); });
  • 35. Connections. Again? use DoctrineCommonCacheCacheProvider ; use Redis; use SwooleDatabaseRedisPool ; class SwooleRedisCacheProvider extends CacheProvider { public function __construct ( private RedisPool $pool, ) { } protected function doFetch($id, ?Redis $redis = null) { if (! $redis) { return $this->run(fn (Redis $redis) : mixed => . $this->doFetch($id, $redis)); } return $redis->get($id); } private function run(callable $procedure) { $redis = $this->pool->get(); $redis->setOption(Redis::SERIALIZER, $this->getSerializer ()); try { $result = $procedure($redis); } catch (Throwable $e) { throw $e; } finally { $this->pool->put($redis); } return $result; }
  • 36. Memory Leaks. Again? final class ReopeningEntityManager implements EntityManagerInterface { private Closure $entityManagerFactory ; protected array $wrapped = []; public function clear($object = null) : void { $this->getWrapped()->clear($object); unset ($this->wrapped[Co::getCid()]); // does not help! } private function getWrapped() : EntityManagerInterface { if (! isset($this->wrapped[Co::getCid()])) { $this->wrapped[Co::getCid()] = ($this->entityManagerFactory )(); } return $this->wrapped[Co::getCid()]; } public function getConnection () { return $this->getWrapped()->getConnection (); }
  • 37. Memory Leaks. Again? Using WeakMap & defer in coroutines! Restart workers? You are coward!
  • 38. Using PostgreSQL - no PDO hooks in Swoole ● Use Coroutine Postgresql Client: ● Write new Driver for Doctrine ORM ● Be ready to problems Problem Again
  • 39. Other miscellaneous: Manage crons (by timers) Manage message workers (process manager) Manage Signals (soft termination) Milestone 3: others
  • 40. Cron jobs - persist Deployment: run “crontab” process + list php CLI command - CronJob (k8s) periodical run POD with “php bin/app cron:process” - CronJob as Message (run as “bin/app messenger:consume transport.amqp”) - + Swoole Timer async callback in PHP master process (instead linux crontab)
  • 42. Prӕfectus PraefectusListener use SpiralGoridgeRelay ; use SpiralGoridgeRPCRPC ; use SpiralGoridgeRPCRPCInterface ; /** * @see SymfonyComponentMessengerWorker */ class PraefectusListener implements EventSubscriberInterface { private const IPC_SOCKET_PATH_TPL = '/tmp/praefectus_%d.sock' ; // … public function onMessageReceived (EventWorkerMessageReceivedEvent $event) : void { $this->getRpc()->call('PraefectusRPC.WorkerState' ,['pid'=>getmypid() ,'state'=>self::WORKER_BUSY]); $this->getRpc()->call('PraefectusRPC.MessageState' , [ 'id' => $messageIdStamp ->id(), 'name' => get_class( $event->getEnvelope ()->getMessage()), 'transport' => $event->getReceiverName (), 'bus' => $busName, 'state' => self::MESSAGE_STATE_PROCESSING, ]); } } *not yet released on GitHub
  • 43. ● no compatibility in code: ○ run same code in FPM & build-in http server ○ work without swoole extension (PoC - write stubs?) ○ XDebug - goodbye (use PCOV for coverage) ○ Profiling - Results
  • 44. ● Doctrine + async = EVIL* Results * But is possible, if enough extra memory: Each concurrency EntityManager = +100-150Mb
  • 45. ● Swoole Table for cache - must have! Results Doctrine (any) cache shared between workers. Solved case: Deployment & migration process without 50x errors
  • 46. ● Benchmarks - good results! Results - empty handler (bootstrap) - TTFB before: 140 ms, after: 4 ms SWOOLE FPM
  • 47. ● Benchmarks - good results! Results - empty handler (bootstrap) - TTFB before: 140 ms, after: 4 ms - AVG (all traffic) TTFB reduced on 40% - before: 250 ms, after: 150 ms - 95 percentile - before: 1500 ms, after: 600 ms P.S. Load by same API RPS: ~200
  • 48. - Now: 20 (PHP) / 20 (Typesense) / 20 (other) / 16 (DB) vCPUs - 6k$ --> 3.5k$ (per month) Results ● Resources usage - (ETA) reduced!
  • 49. Useful links: - - - - - - We looking: DevOps / Backend Developer / Frontend Developer / QA manual+automation. Any Questions? BTW: