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Wealth Management

       The (5) Dangers that May Cause you to Lose 50%
                 of your Net Worth in One Day

       and (4) of them have nothing to do with the Stock Market!

The (5) Dangers that May Cause you to Lose 50% of your Net Worth in One Day
and (4) of them have nothing to do with the Stock Market!

1. Dying Without a Formal Estate Plan/Will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Index                                  pages

2. Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

3. Untimely Death of a Key Person in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
   a Privately Held Business

4. Divorce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

5. Upheaval in the Stock Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17

Dying Without a Formal
                                                                             Estate Plan/Will            1

Dying Without
a Formal Estate
                  Thedate ofway to optimizedoesn’tfinancesthattoway. Ourthe calendar diminish
                              death- but it
                                                            is get out                    and pick
                                                                           birth certificates don’t
                  have expiration dates. Preparing for the inevitable will significantly
                  the stress and challenges your family will most certainly face.
                      If you die without a formal estate          of other matters. Most importantly,
                  plan, your estate tax exemption                 proper estate planning ensures
                  may not be properly applied and                 that the family and friends of the
                  could result in tax dollars being paid          deceased are protected. In order to
                  to the government unnecessarily.                understand the urgency of proper
                  Each American has an estate tax                 estate planning, let’s take a look
                  exemption of $5 million through 2012.           at the estate of Elvis Presley after
                  If a surviving spouse files a properly          his death. Upon his death in 1977,
                  completed tax return, even when                 Presley’s estate was worth an
                  no estate tax is due, he or she can             estimated $10 million. However, Elvis
                  later use his or her unused estate              did not utilize proper estate planning
                  tax exemption, plus the unused                  methods. After probate, legal
                  exemption of the deceased spouse                fees, and estate taxes, his estate
                                                                  decreased by a devastating 70%.
                     Estate planning involves the                 Consequently, this left his family with
                  process of which an individual or               only $3 million. This was an extremely
                  family arranges for the transfer of             unfortunate financial loss and could
                  property at death, and a variety                have been easily avoided.

1  one
                      Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
                   through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                         Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
Dying Without a Formal
                                                                             Estate Plan/Will            2

Dying Without
a Formal Estate
Plan/Will            The lack of a formal estate plan,            fees can consume between six
                  regardless of the income level or               and ten percent of your estate.
                  net worth of an individual, can                 Furthermore, that percentage is
                  cause extreme financial loss and                calculated prior to any deduction
                  unexpected hardship for surviving               or liens deducted from the estate.
                  heirs. Proper estate planning includes          In addition, proceedings of probate
                  the following:                                  are considered a matter of public
                                                                  record. Therefore, anyone can
                  » Implementation of tax planning/               go to the county courthouse and
                      tax saving strategies                       discover every detail of your estate.
                  » Ensuring transfer of wealth and               Fortunately, there are effective
                      specific personal property                  estate planning strategies that may
                  » Appointing guardians for minor                be put in place to avoid this probate
                      children                                    process altogether.
                  » Establishing trusts for minor
                      children                                    Durable Power of Attorney for
                  » Naming trustees                               Health Care
                  » Naming a personal
                      representative to administer your               Have you thought of who will
                      estate                                      make medical decisions for you
                  » Planning for disability or                    on your behalf if you become
                  incapacity                                      incapacitated? You may want
                                                                  to consider a Durable Power of
                  Proper Estate Planning Avoids                   Attorney for Healthcare. This
                  Probate                                         important legal document authorizes

                                                                  the agent you designate to make
                     Probate is a legal process that              healthcare decisions for you.
                  occurs after someone passes. It
                  usually consists of proving that the                It is critical that you ensure that
                  deceased’s will is valid, identifying           you have a proper estate plan in
                  and appraising the deceased’s                   place to protect your family and
                  property, paying outstanding debt               loved ones from the risk of losing
                  and taxes, and distributing the                 half your net worth in one day.
                  property per the will or state law.             One of the benefits of working with
                                                                  our firm is our network of qualified
                      Probate is expensive and takes              experienced estate planning
                  a considerable amount of time. The              attorneys that can assist in putting

                  average settlement time frame lasts             a new plan in place or updating
                  anywhere from nine months to two                your current plan if necessary. Call
                  years! According to the American                us today and we will assist you in
                  Bar Association, depending on the               determining which professional is
                  state, probate and administrative               appropriate for your unique situation.

                      Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
                   through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                         Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
                                                                         Unprotected Misfortune      3

Misfortune    “The only thing that is constant is
              change” - Heraclitus
              W       e all know life is constantly changing. Expect the unexpected. You can
                      never be 100% prepared for tragedy, but you can significantly reduce
              your risk. Here’s how…
                                                          According to Genworth Financial,
              Long Term Care                              40% of people currently receiving
                   Did you know that recent studies long term care services are under
              indicate that 70% of people age             the age of 65. These people need
              65 or older will need long term             long term care assistance due to
              care services at some point in their        diseases, disabilities, and critical
              lifetime? In addition, 40% of people        mental conditions.
              currently receiving long term care          2. My family will take care of me
              services are between ages 18 to
              64 (Genworth Financial). With the           The majority of people rely on
              steady increase of healthcare costs         friends or family to care for them
              and life expectancy, more and more in the unfortunate event that they
              people are faced with the reality           require long term care assistance.
              of needing long term care at some           Unfortunately, people don’t realize
              point in their lives. It is estimated       that providing long term care for
              that 6 out of 10 people in the United someone is not only exhausting but
              States will need long term care             extremely time consuming. Therefore,

              during their lifetime (longtermcarelink. when planning for long term care,
              net). However, far too many                 you must consider if your friends or
              people still depend on government           family members will have the time
              programs to provide this support            and funds available to take care of
              to them that most likely will not be        you. More importantly, you need to
              there when they need it.                    ask yourself if you want to place that
                                                          burden upon your loved ones?
              Five Common Myths about Long
              Term Care Insurance:
              1. I’m too young to need Long Term
                 Care Insurance

                  Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
               through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                     Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
                                                                          Unprotected Misfortune      4

 Misfortune    3. Medicare and Medicaid will                   Homemaker services $48,620
                  cover the cost of my long term               Home health aide $51,480
                  care bills                                   Private, one bedroom assisted living
                                                               facility $42,000 Private room nursing
               Unfortunately, these programs will
                                                               home care $93,000
               supplement a small percent of the
               cost of long term care, but are not
                                                                   As you can see, the costs of long
               intended to cover care that assists
                                                               term care are extensive. Failure to
               individuals with their activities of
                                                               plan for this in the future can result
               daily living for any long period of
                                                               in great sacrifice from friends and
                                                               family members. Furthermore, it is
               4. Health insurance will kick in to help        puzzling that people will purchase
                  cover my bills for long term care            fire insurance for their home before
                                                               they purchase long term care when
               Unfortunately, health insurance rarely
                                                               research has indicated that long
               covers ongoing persistent needs.
                                                               term care is 600 times more likely
               5. I have enough money saved to                 to be used than the fire insurance.
                  provide for my own long term care            What about auto insurance? Long
                  assistance                                   term care is 120 times more likely
                                                               to be used than auto insurance and
               Before relying on your own personal
                                                               long term care services are 20
               savings as a method of long term
                                                               times more expensive!!! We do not
               care planning, it is important to
                                                               recommend that you go without fire
               consider the average annual costs
                                                               or auto insurance. However, we do
               of long term care in California
                                                               recommend that you consider long

               according to Genworth Financial:
                                                               term care insurance as a significant
                                                               component of your financial plan.

                   Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
                through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                      Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
                                                                         Unprotected Misfortune      5

Misfortune    Replacing the loss of personal                  in a lump sum with the insurance
              income through life insurance                   proceeds such as, funeral and estate
                                                              expenses, tax bills, home mortgage,
                  Have you ever thought about                 kid’s educational fund, etc..
              what would happen to your family                » Ongoing financial needs: These
              if you were to pass away during                 are needs your family may face in
              your prime working years? What                  their immediate future. How much
              challenges would they face if they              money will your family need on an
              did not have your income to rely                ongoing basis to maintain the lifestyle
              upon? How would their lives be                  they are accustom to?
              affected by this tragedy? These are
              all pertinent questions that need to                In addition, it is also important
              be asked to ensure that your family             to plan for the adjustment period
              is properly protected should a crisis           your family will encounter upon
              arise.                                          your passing. Remember, your
                                                              spouse may need to take a leave of
                  Life insurance is a simple                  absence or cut back on his/her job
              solution to protect your family in the          to spend more time with the children
              unfortunate event of your passing.              or deal with the grief of your
              But what type of life insurance                 passing. So how do you determine
              should you purchase and how                     the appropriate amount of life
              much? Life insurance is an integral             insurance to purchase? One method
              component of your financial plan                is the Multiple of Income Approach –
              and it is crucial that you purchase             Generally, you need to have five to
              the appropriate amount of coverage              seven times your annual income as a

              for your family’s unique needs.                 good starting point for life insurance
                  The first step in shopping for life         coverage. However, this may vary,
              insurance is to identify the two major          depending on your life factors (age,
              financial needs of your family:                 income, marital status, children, cost
                                                              of living, etc.), so it is important to
              » Large cash needs: These are                   consult a professional to assist you in
              items that you would want to be paid            this crucial investment.

                  Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
               through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                     Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
                                                                         Unprotected Misfortune      6

Misfortune        If you have not had a life                      So the question remains, can
              insurance replacement analysis in               parents be financially responsible
              the past few years, or if you have,             for the negligence of their child?
              and some of your significant life               Yes, parents are responsible for the
              factors have changed, you need to               negligence of their children even
              consult with a professional to ensure           if they are over the age of 18.
              that you have sufficient coverage               Furthermore, many parents wonder
              in force. While you can’t guarantee             if they have “full coverage” if that
              that you will always be around to               is enough coverage”. It is important
              earn an income, you can guarantee               to understand the difference
              financial security for your family in           between “full coverage” and
              the unfortunate event of your passing           “enough coverage”, especially in the
              during your prime income earning                circumstance of teenage automobile
              years.                                          accidents and negligence.
              Umbrella Policies                                   In order to understand the
                                                              urgency of purchasing “enough
                  Did you know that according
                                                              insurance”, consider the following
              to the National Highway Traffic
                                                              potential injury claim described by
              and Safety Administration (NHTSA),
                                                              William R. Richardson, President of
              “motor vehicle crashes are the
                                                              the Teen Victim Impact Program, Inc.
              leading cause of death for American
                                                              DBA :
              Teenagers, with teens involved in
              three times as many fatal crashes as                Your 17-year-old child is driving
              other drivers. Approximately 3,000              their car and they hit a college-aged
              teenagers die in car accidents in               student head-on. The injured victim

              the United States every year, and               requires life flight from the scene of
              1 in 5 sixteen-year-old drivers in an           the accident to the nearest trauma
              accident in their first year of driving?”       center. Upon arrival, the victim
                                                              requires intensive care stabilization
                  Parents must be aware of the
                                                              for 10 days before surgery can be
              consent they are signing when their
                                                              conducted to repair a compound
              teenagers begin to drive. Texting,
                                                              fracture to her tibia. Doctors also
              drinking, and passenger distractions
                                                              have to wait for the brain swelling
              cause a disturbing amount of
                                                              to diminish so that they can begin
              fatalities, and a legal battle is the
                                                              conducting extensive neurological
              last thing a parent wants to be
                                                              testing to determine the extent of a

              challenged with. Forbes recently
                                                              closed-head injury. The victim also
              reported that “texting while driving
                                                              has multiple face lacerations as well
              causes 1 teen deaths every day.”
                                                              as deep cuts throughout other parts

                  Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
               through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                     Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
                                                                         Unprotected Misfortune      7

Misfortune    of her body as a result of hitting the          swim as a result of her vision issues
              windshield prior to being ejected               and normal activities of daily living
              from the vehicle. The cuts require              are impaired. Although she can
              the use of sutures too numerous to              move her arms and legs, she has
              count and, upon healing, will result            permanent numbness and tingling
              in permanent disfiguring to her                 in her extremities and her doctors
              face and other body parts. She lost             determine that it’s too dangerous to
              two fingers on her left hand (one               operate on her spine as a result of
              of them being her ring finger) and,             concern over severing her already
              upon discharge, will require home               compromised spinal cord. She
              healthcare and, when able, will                 will have to learn to live with the
              require physical therapy at least               changed sensations. It’s too bad, too,
              twice each week for eight months.               because the victim was a sophomore
              Although the victim may walk again,             at Georgia Tech with a 3.9 GPA in
              she will walk with a permanent limp             Chemical Engineering and plans to
              and will require a cane. In addition,           enter the military to satisfy her ROTC
              this may require a hip replacement              scholarship obligation. Unfortunately,
              surgery in 20 years as a result of              claims like this are made every day.
              compensation techniques. Before
                                                                   So what does this mean to
              her discharge from the hospital,
                                                              the parents of this 17-year-old
              the attending physicians ultimately
                                                              child at fault for this accident?
              diagnose the extent of her closed-
                                                              Insurance companies are in most
              head injury. Testing confirms that the
                                                              cases, obligated to pay the amount
              victim has lost all short-term memory.
                                                              equivalent to the liability limits of the
              She has also lost her ability to taste

                                                              insurance policy selected. Therefore,
              as a result of trauma to her head.
                                                              if the driver responsible only had
              She also has a permanent double
                                                              a policy with $50,000 in liability
              vision that requires special corrective
                                                              limits, the parents of that driver are
              lenses. Of course, she can no longer
                                                              responsible for the remainder of

                  Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
               through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                     Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
                                                                         Unprotected Misfortune      8

Misfortune    what the insurance company does
              not cover. Therefore, the parents may
                                                              is full of surprises which is why it is
                                                              critical that you ensure your family
              be required to sell property, garnish           and your assets are protected
              wages, or sell off assets to cover the          should an unfortunate event arise.
              remaining expenses to ensure that               One of the benefits of working
              the victim is made whole. Therefore,            with our firm is our network of
              if you don’t ensure that you have               qualified experienced insurance
              “enough insurance” you may be                   professionals that may evaluate
              putting your life saving’s and all of           your current insurance policies and
              your hard work at risk.                         future needs in order to determine
                                                              the appropriate protection for you
                 Having “enough” insurance in
                                                              and your family. Call us today and
              place will protect you from the
                                                              we will assist you in deciding which
              possibility of losing half of your net
                                                              professional is appropriate for your
              worth in one day. We all know life
                                                              unique situation.

2  two
                  Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
               through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                     Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
Untimely Death of a Key
                                                                     Person in a Privately Held Business   9

Death of a
Key Person
in a Privately
                 B  usinesses are really made-up of a network of individuals who provide
                    value to raw resources. In small businesses the web of resources is quite
                 small so when a key person suddenly exits the day-to-day operations, the
Held Business    business, the families, the employees and the clients all suffer!
                     Did you know that the value of                 Death of the Co-Owner
                 a family’s business may be reduced
                                                                     This will affect business operations
                 dramatically by the death of a key
                                                                 as the search for a qualified
                 person? In some cases, it may be
                                                                 replacement begins. In addition,
                 necessary to sell the business to
                                                                 there may be conflicts that arise
                 create the liquidity necessary to pay
                                                                 between the surviving owner and
                 the estate taxes, which generally are
                                                                 the deceased co-owner’s spouse.
                 due in nine months after the owner’s
                                                                 The deceased’s spouse may want/
                 death. Key man insurance can help
                                                                 need money and if the owner
                 this, consider the scenarios below:
                                                                 does not have the funds to provide
                 Death of the Owner                              they will have to be taken directly
                                                                 from the business. Furthermore, the
                     Imagine… as the business begins
                                                                 deceased’s spouse may become the
                 to experience the aftermath of this
                                                                 new co-owner.
                 tragic loss, the following will begin
                 to unfold: Loss of income flow to               Death of a Key-Person
                 surviving spouse, business assets
                                                                    Many businesses have a key
                 must be liquidated for pennies on
                                                                 employee or person that they
                 the dollar, employees lose their jobs
                                                                 heavily rely on. What if this person

                 and their families begin to endure
                                                                 suddenly passes away? Imagine
                 financial challenges.
                                                                 the costs associated with finding a
                                                                 replacement for this loss? Solutions?

                     Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
                  through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                        Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
Untimely Death of a Key
                                                                     Person in a Privately Held Business   10

Death of a
Key Person       Buy-Sell Agreement                              Key-Employee Insurance

in a Privately       This agreement involves the sole
                 owner and key-employee and is
                                                                      The cost the key-employees
                                                                 death will inflict on the business
Held Business    funded with life insurance. In the              is estimated and life insurance is
                 unfortunate death of the owner, it              purchased, in that amount to insure
                 is agreed that the business will then           the life of that key-employee. This
                 be sold to the key-employee at a                policy is owned by the company
                 stated or formula-based value. This             itself and all proceeds upon the
                 purchase price is funded through                death of the insured are tax-free.
                 a life insurance policy owned by                If you have established a business,
                 the key-employee, insured on the                it is highly advised that you take
                 owner’s life. In order to ensure                a look at these critical steps in
                 that the employee can afford the                protecting yourself, your family, and
                 premiums for this life insurance                your business from the danger of
                 policy, they are compensated with a             losing 50% of your net worth in a
                 bonus equal to the premium amount.              single day.
                 Therefore, in the event of the owner’s
                                                                     If you own a business, it is
                 death, the employee purchases
                                                                 imperative that you review your
                 the business and it continues as is,
                                                                 existing plan should an unfortunate
                 and remains in-tact. The deceased
                                                                 event arise to ensure that you will
                 owner’s spouse then receives a lump
                                                                 not lose 50% of your net worth
                 sum payment for the business and
                                                                 in a single day should yourself,
                 everything is settled.
                                                                 business partner, or key employee

                 Cross-Purchase Buy-Sell Agreement               unexpectedly pass away. One of
                    This agreement between two                   the benefits of working with our
                 partners is also funded through                 firm is our access to a network of
                 proceeds from life insurance. The               qualified experienced insurance
                 partners buy life insurance policies            professionals that may evaluate your
                 on one another with face amounts                current plan in place and provide
                 equal to the value of the other’s               recommendations if necessary. Call
                 share of the business. Upon the                 us today and we will assist you
                 death of one of the partners, the               in deciding which professional is
                 business is purchased and a lump                appropriate for your unique situation.
                 sum paid to the deceased partner’s

                 spouse by the surviving partner from
                 the life insurance proceeds. Again,
                 the business remains in-tact and
                 continues on.

                     Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
                  through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                        Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771


          W       hen you are married, your net worth is the total household assets.
                  Guess what happens to your net worth in a divorce? You only get
          half - in actuality, one of you ends up with less than half. Then add to the
          equation the 3rd person in every divorce- your lawyer. Did you know that
          today in the United States 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce and 60%
          of second marriages will end in divorce?
             In an article on marriage and                marriage each year. “The average
          divorce, author Marty Friedman                  cost of a divorce can cost anywhere
          reviews some interesting statistics             from several hundred to several
          on married people who reach                     million dollars.
                                                          #1 Cause of Divorce
          »   5th wedding anniversary – 82%
                                                              Ironically, the number one cause
          »   10th wedding anniversary – 65%              of divorce according to an article
          »   25th wedding anniversary – 33%              by Alex Veiga from the Huffington
          »   35th wedding anniversary – 20%              Post, is money. It is well known that
          »   50th wedding anniversary – 5%               couples need to maintain a close
              With divorce becoming                       watch on their own financial habits
          increasingly more common in the                 in order to prevent financial troubles
          United States, it is important to               in a relationship. Failure to do so may
          examine the average costs of                    result in relationship troubles and
          divorce and what that means to                  ultimately divorce. It is imperative
          couples. According to staff writer              that couples uphold consistent open
          Leah Hoffman for, nearly             communication about their finances.

          one million Americans end their

              Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
           through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                 Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771


          The following are seven steps experts           Don’t split costs 50/50
          recommend to prevent potential                  Everyone knows that money is
          marital financial issues:                       power. However, splitting costs right
                                                          down the middle in a marriage
          Disclose financial records – share
                                                          can foster feelings of resentment
          statements for bank accounts, credit
                                                          when one spouse receives a higher
          cards, student loans, retirement
                                                          income than the other. It is important
          accounts, credit reports, FICO scores
                                                          that each spouse hold equal say in
          etc. This affords couples with the
                                                          money making decisions.
          opportunity to determine what you
          own and what your debts are so
                                                          Talk about spending
          everything is out in the open.
                                                          It is important to understand your
                                                          spending differences. One may
                                                          count every penny when their
          Discuss Financial Goals                         spouse parts easily with money due
          Ensure that your life goals and                 to shopping habits. This can prevent
          necessary financial commitments are             future financial related issues.
          aligned with one another. Discuss
          short and long-term goals, including            Treat your money as “our money”
          paying off credit card debt, and                Anthony Chambers, clinical
          draft budgets that set you on a clear           psychologist at the Family Institute
          path toward your goals.                         at Northwestern University,
                                                          recommends that couples arrange
          Keep your credit cards separate                 for their paychecks to be directly
          In order to avoid potential impact to           deposited into a joint account that
          your credit rating, keep your credit

                                                          is used to pay shared expenses. If a
          cards in your own name with your                spouse feels they need some of their
          spouse as an authorized user. This              own “play” money in a separate
          also establishes some accountability,           account, ensure that the funds come
          as authorized users are able to                 from the joint account so that both
          check account balances and track                spouses know where the money is
          spending on the card.                           going.

              Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
           through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                 Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771


             Divorces are expensive!                      Pre-Nuptial Agreements
          According to, a
          two-day trial can cost as much as                    Have you ever thought about the
          $25,000! Furthermore, lawyers                   idea of a prenuptial agreement?
          typically cost between $150 and                 This has often been considered
          $1,000 an hour. However, there are              limited to only the rich and famous,
          some alternative options:                       but today this agreement can go
                                                          beyond the preservation of assets
          1. Don’t Get Divorced                           before the marriage. Furthermore,
          2. Plan before you get married                  according to an article from the
                                                          Harvard News Office, Beth Potier
          3. If you must get divorced, do these
                                                          explains that this agreement may
                                                          represent an exit agreement far
             Use a mediator instead of an                 closer to the couples’ wishes than
          attorney – using a mediator can                 the court-ordered divorce. An
          significantly reduce the cost of a              excellent prenuptial agreement can
          divorce. In comparison to the cost of           even exert a positive force on a
          divorces with an attorney involved,             healthy marriage. However, only 5
          (around $25,000), a mediation                   to 10 percent of marrying Americans
          divorce only costs around $5,000.               enter into prenuptial agreements.
          Request to pay your lawyer a flat               Heather Mahar, a fellow at the
          fee – A flat fee when handling                  John M. Olin Center for Law,
          a divorce affords you with the                  Economics, and Business at Harvard
          opportunity to control costs. Expect            Law School, and 2002 graduate
          to pay a fee of around $1,000 for               of Harvard Law, conducted a
          each contested issue faced (child               study on marriages and prenuptial

          custody, child support, division of             agreements. Prior to the study,
          property, etc.).                                Heather, in similarity to the majority
                                                          of Americans, had

              Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
           through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                 Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771


          very negative feelings in regards                   Prenuptial agreements also
          to prenuptial agreements and                    may help identify irreconcilable
          was actually against them. Upon                 differences prior to the couple
          completion of her study, Heather                being married. If a couple can’t
          had an entirely different outlook on            agree on important things prior to
          prenuptial agreements:                          their marriage, maybe they should
                                                          reconsider. Furthermore, This may be
          “prenuptial agreements are a
                                                          a possible solution to decrease the
          state-enforceable way of ensuring
                                                          increasing divorce rate in America.
          that couples talk about things, talk
          through what kind of marriage                      These are just a few of the
          they want and – it may be harsh                 possibilities of preventing a 50%
          to say, but make there be legal                 decline in your net worth from
          ramifications if you veer off that              divorce. We leave the rest up to you!
          course, to me, it’s premarital                  Call us today so we can assist you
          counseling.”                                    before you need the services of an
                                                          attorney or divorce mediator.

              Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
           through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                 Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
Upheaval in the
                                                                          stock market                15

in the Stock
               T  he game of investing has changed. In recent years, we have witnessed
                  the roller coaster experience of investing. Dramatic highs and lows have
               called for a new playbook.
                   Did you know that the greatest single decline in the value of the stock
               market, as measured by the Dow Jones 30 Industrials Average (DJIA), was
               October 19th, 1987? On that day, the market lost 22.6 percent, according
               to the Wall Street Journal. Keeping your eye on long-term goals may help
               overcome the feeling of panic that market volatility can inspire.

                   We’ve just witnessed the lost decade for investors:

                   Imagine if you were planning on             the market nearly seven years to
               retiring at the beginning of 2000.              recover those losses! By late 2007,
               Could you have retired? Where                   we were feeling pretty great as the
               would you be today? Many wonder                 stock market soared to new heights
               if the roller coaster will ever calm            (O’Neil, 2007). But alas, we crash
               down…                                           again in 2008! The 18 month period
                                                               from October 2007 to March

                  The decade began with the dot
                                                               2009, saw the DJIA plummet over
               com meltdown in the spring of 2000,
                                                               50%. Over $16.3 Trillion in household
               where 80 million Americans lost 50%
                                                               wealth was
               to 80% of their life savings. It took

                   Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
                through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                      Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
Upheaval in the
                                                                          stock market                16

in the Stock
Market         lost in the 2008 recession, and we           Do you know anyone still driving
               are still $8.3 trillion down from the    a 1952 Packard? Probably not.
               peak (Bloomberg, 2012).                  When it debuted in 1952, the
                                                        Packard was a fantastic car. But
                     Many investment advisors
                                                        it pales in comparison to today’s
               still utilize the Modern Portfolio
                                                        auto amenities and safety features.
               Theory (MPT) of Investing when
                                                        Similarly, MPT relies on assumptions
               managing their portfolio. This theory
                                                        that were created in a very different
               was developed in 1952 by Harry
                                                        world than exists today and over
               Markowitz and won him a Nobel
                                                        time, have proven inconsistent
               Prize in economics. This theory is
                                                        with real-life investor and market
               essentially an asset allocation theory
                                                        behavior. To put it simply, the old
               on constructing optimal portfolios
                                                        rules of investing just don’t seem to
               offering the maximum possible return
                                                        work anymore. Yet, many financial
               for a given level of risk (investopedia,
                                                        advisors still adhere to the classic
               2012). In practice, this theory leads
                                                        “buy-and-hold” strategy espoused
               to buy and hold, where investors buy
                                                        by MPT. This theory claims that large
               assets with the intent to hold them
                                                        swings in the DJIA should be few
               for a long period of time (several
                                                        and far between. However, this is
               years) in order to ride out the ups
                                                        far from the devastating realities in
               and downs of the market. This leads
                                                        recent years.
               to the biggest question, has the
               financial world changed since the
               1950s (The Brandes Institute)?

5 five
                   Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
                through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                      Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
Upheaval in the
                                                                          stock market                17

in the Stock
Market         MPT states that the odds of the Dow        Call us today to schedule a
               falling 7.7% in one day are 1 in 50     complimentary Portfolio Stress Test.
               billion. Let’s put that in perspective: We have identified seven economic
                 » That equates to once every 13.7 scenarios that we believe have
                     million years                     some chance of occurring over the
                 » Dinosaurs became extinct            next few years. Based on these
                     roughly 65 million years ago      scenarios, we “stress test” your
                 » Man arrived on the scene in         portfolio to indentify where it may
                     his earliest form approximately 5 be vulnerable. Based on this analysis
                     million                           and our investment process, we
                     years ago                         then offer suggestions on how to
                                                       restructure your portfolio so it has
                    So, essentially, MPT predicts that an opportunity to profit regardless
               the devastating Dow plunge of 7.7% of whether the market goes up or
               in one day would happen once in a       down. The world is changing fast
               world’s existence – yes, only once in   and this test can help highlight where
               all of mankind!                         your portfolio may need to change.

                  It actually happened 4 times in                 Now that you’ve taken the time
               2008 alone, for a grand total of                to assess the 5 biggest dangers that
               12 times in the last century (Short III,        can cut your net worth in half, call us
               2009)!                                          today to schedule a comprehensive
                                                               review of your current strategies.
                    Unfortunately, there is no crystal         We will evaluate your needs for
               ball for investing. Of course, the short        updating or creating the following:

               answer is nobody knows what the
                                                                 • Estate plan/will
               market has in store for us. We see
                                                                 • Proper insurance
               it in every single financial product
                                                                 • Buy-Sell agreement, Cross-Purchase
               disclaimer: “Past performance is no
                                                                   Buy-Sell Agreement, Key-Employee
               guarantee of future results”. In these
                                                                   insurance as applicable
               challenging markets, fear has now
                                                                 • Wealth Building Blueprint – 4 Step
               paralyzed many investors. Yet making
                                                                   Investment Process
               the wrong decision (or not making
                                                                 • Preservation strategies to protect
               one at all) can cost more than just
                                                                   your assets from disaster
               investment losses, it can cost your

                   Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered
                through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment
                      Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771

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Swm free report

  • 1. SW M Sorensen Wealth Management The (5) Dangers that May Cause you to Lose 50% of your Net Worth in One Day and (4) of them have nothing to do with the Stock Market!
  • 2. Index The (5) Dangers that May Cause you to Lose 50% of your Net Worth in One Day and (4) of them have nothing to do with the Stock Market! 1. Dying Without a Formal Estate Plan/Will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Index pages 2. Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 3. Untimely Death of a Key Person in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10 a Privately Held Business 4. Divorce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1-14 5. Upheaval in the Stock Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 ii
  • 3. Dying Without a Formal Estate Plan/Will 1 Dying Without a Formal Estate Plan/Will Thedate ofway to optimizedoesn’tfinancesthattoway. Ourthe calendar diminish a best death- but it your work is get out and pick birth certificates don’t have expiration dates. Preparing for the inevitable will significantly the stress and challenges your family will most certainly face. If you die without a formal estate of other matters. Most importantly, plan, your estate tax exemption proper estate planning ensures may not be properly applied and that the family and friends of the could result in tax dollars being paid deceased are protected. In order to to the government unnecessarily. understand the urgency of proper Each American has an estate tax estate planning, let’s take a look exemption of $5 million through 2012. at the estate of Elvis Presley after If a surviving spouse files a properly his death. Upon his death in 1977, completed tax return, even when Presley’s estate was worth an no estate tax is due, he or she can estimated $10 million. However, Elvis later use his or her unused estate did not utilize proper estate planning tax exemption, plus the unused methods. After probate, legal exemption of the deceased spouse fees, and estate taxes, his estate decreased by a devastating 70%. Estate planning involves the Consequently, this left his family with process of which an individual or only $3 million. This was an extremely family arranges for the transfer of unfortunate financial loss and could property at death, and a variety have been easily avoided. 1 one Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 4. Dying Without a Formal Estate Plan/Will 2 Dying Without a Formal Estate Plan/Will The lack of a formal estate plan, fees can consume between six regardless of the income level or and ten percent of your estate. net worth of an individual, can Furthermore, that percentage is cause extreme financial loss and calculated prior to any deduction unexpected hardship for surviving or liens deducted from the estate. heirs. Proper estate planning includes In addition, proceedings of probate the following: are considered a matter of public record. Therefore, anyone can » Implementation of tax planning/ go to the county courthouse and tax saving strategies discover every detail of your estate. » Ensuring transfer of wealth and Fortunately, there are effective specific personal property estate planning strategies that may » Appointing guardians for minor be put in place to avoid this probate children process altogether. » Establishing trusts for minor children Durable Power of Attorney for » Naming trustees Health Care » Naming a personal representative to administer your Have you thought of who will estate make medical decisions for you » Planning for disability or on your behalf if you become incapacity incapacitated? You may want to consider a Durable Power of Proper Estate Planning Avoids Attorney for Healthcare. This Probate important legal document authorizes 1 the agent you designate to make Probate is a legal process that healthcare decisions for you. occurs after someone passes. It usually consists of proving that the It is critical that you ensure that deceased’s will is valid, identifying you have a proper estate plan in and appraising the deceased’s place to protect your family and property, paying outstanding debt loved ones from the risk of losing and taxes, and distributing the half your net worth in one day. property per the will or state law. One of the benefits of working with our firm is our network of qualified Probate is expensive and takes experienced estate planning a considerable amount of time. The attorneys that can assist in putting one average settlement time frame lasts a new plan in place or updating anywhere from nine months to two your current plan if necessary. Call years! According to the American us today and we will assist you in Bar Association, depending on the determining which professional is state, probate and administrative appropriate for your unique situation. Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 5. Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune 3 Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune “The only thing that is constant is change” - Heraclitus W e all know life is constantly changing. Expect the unexpected. You can never be 100% prepared for tragedy, but you can significantly reduce your risk. Here’s how… According to Genworth Financial, Long Term Care 40% of people currently receiving Did you know that recent studies long term care services are under indicate that 70% of people age the age of 65. These people need 65 or older will need long term long term care assistance due to care services at some point in their diseases, disabilities, and critical lifetime? In addition, 40% of people mental conditions. currently receiving long term care 2. My family will take care of me services are between ages 18 to 64 (Genworth Financial). With the The majority of people rely on steady increase of healthcare costs friends or family to care for them and life expectancy, more and more in the unfortunate event that they people are faced with the reality require long term care assistance. of needing long term care at some Unfortunately, people don’t realize point in their lives. It is estimated that providing long term care for that 6 out of 10 people in the United someone is not only exhausting but States will need long term care extremely time consuming. Therefore, 2 during their lifetime (longtermcarelink. when planning for long term care, net). However, far too many you must consider if your friends or people still depend on government family members will have the time programs to provide this support and funds available to take care of to them that most likely will not be you. More importantly, you need to there when they need it. ask yourself if you want to place that burden upon your loved ones? Five Common Myths about Long Term Care Insurance: 1. I’m too young to need Long Term Care Insurance two Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 6. Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune 4 Unexpected, Unexpected, Unprotected Unprotected Misfortune Misfortune 3. Medicare and Medicaid will Homemaker services $48,620 cover the cost of my long term Home health aide $51,480 care bills Private, one bedroom assisted living facility $42,000 Private room nursing Unfortunately, these programs will home care $93,000 supplement a small percent of the cost of long term care, but are not As you can see, the costs of long intended to cover care that assists term care are extensive. Failure to individuals with their activities of plan for this in the future can result daily living for any long period of in great sacrifice from friends and time. family members. Furthermore, it is 4. Health insurance will kick in to help puzzling that people will purchase cover my bills for long term care fire insurance for their home before they purchase long term care when Unfortunately, health insurance rarely research has indicated that long covers ongoing persistent needs. term care is 600 times more likely 5. I have enough money saved to to be used than the fire insurance. provide for my own long term care What about auto insurance? Long assistance term care is 120 times more likely to be used than auto insurance and Before relying on your own personal long term care services are 20 savings as a method of long term times more expensive!!! We do not care planning, it is important to recommend that you go without fire consider the average annual costs or auto insurance. However, we do of long term care in California recommend that you consider long 2 according to Genworth Financial: term care insurance as a significant component of your financial plan. two Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 7. Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune 5 Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune Replacing the loss of personal in a lump sum with the insurance income through life insurance proceeds such as, funeral and estate expenses, tax bills, home mortgage, Have you ever thought about kid’s educational fund, etc.. what would happen to your family » Ongoing financial needs: These if you were to pass away during are needs your family may face in your prime working years? What their immediate future. How much challenges would they face if they money will your family need on an did not have your income to rely ongoing basis to maintain the lifestyle upon? How would their lives be they are accustom to? affected by this tragedy? These are all pertinent questions that need to In addition, it is also important be asked to ensure that your family to plan for the adjustment period is properly protected should a crisis your family will encounter upon arise. your passing. Remember, your spouse may need to take a leave of Life insurance is a simple absence or cut back on his/her job solution to protect your family in the to spend more time with the children unfortunate event of your passing. or deal with the grief of your But what type of life insurance passing. So how do you determine should you purchase and how the appropriate amount of life much? Life insurance is an integral insurance to purchase? One method component of your financial plan is the Multiple of Income Approach – and it is crucial that you purchase Generally, you need to have five to the appropriate amount of coverage seven times your annual income as a 2 for your family’s unique needs. good starting point for life insurance The first step in shopping for life coverage. However, this may vary, insurance is to identify the two major depending on your life factors (age, financial needs of your family: income, marital status, children, cost of living, etc.), so it is important to » Large cash needs: These are consult a professional to assist you in items that you would want to be paid this crucial investment. two Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 8. Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune 6 Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune If you have not had a life So the question remains, can insurance replacement analysis in parents be financially responsible the past few years, or if you have, for the negligence of their child? and some of your significant life Yes, parents are responsible for the factors have changed, you need to negligence of their children even consult with a professional to ensure if they are over the age of 18. that you have sufficient coverage Furthermore, many parents wonder in force. While you can’t guarantee if they have “full coverage” if that that you will always be around to is enough coverage”. It is important earn an income, you can guarantee to understand the difference financial security for your family in between “full coverage” and the unfortunate event of your passing “enough coverage”, especially in the during your prime income earning circumstance of teenage automobile years. accidents and negligence. Umbrella Policies In order to understand the urgency of purchasing “enough Did you know that according insurance”, consider the following to the National Highway Traffic potential injury claim described by and Safety Administration (NHTSA), William R. Richardson, President of “motor vehicle crashes are the the Teen Victim Impact Program, Inc. leading cause of death for American DBA : Teenagers, with teens involved in three times as many fatal crashes as Your 17-year-old child is driving other drivers. Approximately 3,000 their car and they hit a college-aged teenagers die in car accidents in student head-on. The injured victim 2 the United States every year, and requires life flight from the scene of 1 in 5 sixteen-year-old drivers in an the accident to the nearest trauma accident in their first year of driving?” center. Upon arrival, the victim requires intensive care stabilization Parents must be aware of the for 10 days before surgery can be consent they are signing when their conducted to repair a compound teenagers begin to drive. Texting, fracture to her tibia. Doctors also drinking, and passenger distractions have to wait for the brain swelling cause a disturbing amount of to diminish so that they can begin fatalities, and a legal battle is the conducting extensive neurological last thing a parent wants to be testing to determine the extent of a two challenged with. Forbes recently closed-head injury. The victim also reported that “texting while driving has multiple face lacerations as well causes 1 teen deaths every day.” 1 as deep cuts throughout other parts Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 9. Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune 7 Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune of her body as a result of hitting the swim as a result of her vision issues windshield prior to being ejected and normal activities of daily living from the vehicle. The cuts require are impaired. Although she can the use of sutures too numerous to move her arms and legs, she has count and, upon healing, will result permanent numbness and tingling in permanent disfiguring to her in her extremities and her doctors face and other body parts. She lost determine that it’s too dangerous to two fingers on her left hand (one operate on her spine as a result of of them being her ring finger) and, concern over severing her already upon discharge, will require home compromised spinal cord. She healthcare and, when able, will will have to learn to live with the require physical therapy at least changed sensations. It’s too bad, too, twice each week for eight months. because the victim was a sophomore Although the victim may walk again, at Georgia Tech with a 3.9 GPA in she will walk with a permanent limp Chemical Engineering and plans to and will require a cane. In addition, enter the military to satisfy her ROTC this may require a hip replacement scholarship obligation. Unfortunately, surgery in 20 years as a result of claims like this are made every day. compensation techniques. Before So what does this mean to her discharge from the hospital, the parents of this 17-year-old the attending physicians ultimately child at fault for this accident? diagnose the extent of her closed- Insurance companies are in most head injury. Testing confirms that the cases, obligated to pay the amount victim has lost all short-term memory. equivalent to the liability limits of the She has also lost her ability to taste 2 insurance policy selected. Therefore, as a result of trauma to her head. if the driver responsible only had She also has a permanent double a policy with $50,000 in liability vision that requires special corrective limits, the parents of that driver are lenses. Of course, she can no longer responsible for the remainder of two Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 10. Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune 8 Unexpected, Unprotected Misfortune what the insurance company does not cover. Therefore, the parents may is full of surprises which is why it is critical that you ensure your family be required to sell property, garnish and your assets are protected wages, or sell off assets to cover the should an unfortunate event arise. remaining expenses to ensure that One of the benefits of working the victim is made whole. Therefore, with our firm is our network of if you don’t ensure that you have qualified experienced insurance “enough insurance” you may be professionals that may evaluate putting your life saving’s and all of your current insurance policies and your hard work at risk. future needs in order to determine the appropriate protection for you Having “enough” insurance in and your family. Call us today and place will protect you from the we will assist you in deciding which possibility of losing half of your net professional is appropriate for your worth in one day. We all know life unique situation. 2 two Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 11. Untimely Death of a Key Person in a Privately Held Business 9 Untimely Death of a Key Person in a Privately B usinesses are really made-up of a network of individuals who provide value to raw resources. In small businesses the web of resources is quite small so when a key person suddenly exits the day-to-day operations, the Held Business business, the families, the employees and the clients all suffer! Did you know that the value of Death of the Co-Owner a family’s business may be reduced This will affect business operations dramatically by the death of a key as the search for a qualified person? In some cases, it may be replacement begins. In addition, necessary to sell the business to there may be conflicts that arise create the liquidity necessary to pay between the surviving owner and the estate taxes, which generally are the deceased co-owner’s spouse. due in nine months after the owner’s The deceased’s spouse may want/ death. Key man insurance can help need money and if the owner this, consider the scenarios below: does not have the funds to provide Death of the Owner they will have to be taken directly from the business. Furthermore, the Imagine… as the business begins deceased’s spouse may become the to experience the aftermath of this new co-owner. tragic loss, the following will begin to unfold: Loss of income flow to Death of a Key-Person surviving spouse, business assets Many businesses have a key must be liquidated for pennies on employee or person that they the dollar, employees lose their jobs heavily rely on. What if this person 3 and their families begin to endure suddenly passes away? Imagine financial challenges. the costs associated with finding a replacement for this loss? Solutions? three Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 12. Untimely Death of a Key Person in a Privately Held Business 10 Untimely Death of a Key Person Buy-Sell Agreement Key-Employee Insurance in a Privately This agreement involves the sole owner and key-employee and is The cost the key-employees death will inflict on the business Held Business funded with life insurance. In the is estimated and life insurance is unfortunate death of the owner, it purchased, in that amount to insure is agreed that the business will then the life of that key-employee. This be sold to the key-employee at a policy is owned by the company stated or formula-based value. This itself and all proceeds upon the purchase price is funded through death of the insured are tax-free. a life insurance policy owned by If you have established a business, the key-employee, insured on the it is highly advised that you take owner’s life. In order to ensure a look at these critical steps in that the employee can afford the protecting yourself, your family, and premiums for this life insurance your business from the danger of policy, they are compensated with a losing 50% of your net worth in a bonus equal to the premium amount. single day. Therefore, in the event of the owner’s If you own a business, it is death, the employee purchases imperative that you review your the business and it continues as is, existing plan should an unfortunate and remains in-tact. The deceased event arise to ensure that you will owner’s spouse then receives a lump not lose 50% of your net worth sum payment for the business and in a single day should yourself, everything is settled. business partner, or key employee 3 Cross-Purchase Buy-Sell Agreement unexpectedly pass away. One of This agreement between two the benefits of working with our partners is also funded through firm is our access to a network of proceeds from life insurance. The qualified experienced insurance partners buy life insurance policies professionals that may evaluate your on one another with face amounts current plan in place and provide equal to the value of the other’s recommendations if necessary. Call share of the business. Upon the us today and we will assist you death of one of the partners, the in deciding which professional is business is purchased and a lump appropriate for your unique situation. sum paid to the deceased partner’s three spouse by the surviving partner from the life insurance proceeds. Again, the business remains in-tact and continues on. Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 13. Divorce 11 Divorce W hen you are married, your net worth is the total household assets. Guess what happens to your net worth in a divorce? You only get half - in actuality, one of you ends up with less than half. Then add to the equation the 3rd person in every divorce- your lawyer. Did you know that today in the United States 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce and 60% of second marriages will end in divorce? In an article on marriage and marriage each year. “The average divorce, author Marty Friedman cost of a divorce can cost anywhere reviews some interesting statistics from several hundred to several on married people who reach million dollars. anniversaries: #1 Cause of Divorce » 5th wedding anniversary – 82% Ironically, the number one cause » 10th wedding anniversary – 65% of divorce according to an article » 25th wedding anniversary – 33% by Alex Veiga from the Huffington » 35th wedding anniversary – 20% Post, is money. It is well known that » 50th wedding anniversary – 5% couples need to maintain a close With divorce becoming watch on their own financial habits increasingly more common in the in order to prevent financial troubles United States, it is important to in a relationship. Failure to do so may examine the average costs of result in relationship troubles and divorce and what that means to ultimately divorce. It is imperative couples. According to staff writer that couples uphold consistent open Leah Hoffman for, nearly communication about their finances. 4 one million Americans end their four Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 14. Divorce 12 Divorce The following are seven steps experts Don’t split costs 50/50 recommend to prevent potential Everyone knows that money is marital financial issues: power. However, splitting costs right down the middle in a marriage Disclose financial records – share can foster feelings of resentment statements for bank accounts, credit when one spouse receives a higher cards, student loans, retirement income than the other. It is important accounts, credit reports, FICO scores that each spouse hold equal say in etc. This affords couples with the money making decisions. opportunity to determine what you own and what your debts are so Talk about spending everything is out in the open. It is important to understand your spending differences. One may count every penny when their Discuss Financial Goals spouse parts easily with money due Ensure that your life goals and to shopping habits. This can prevent necessary financial commitments are future financial related issues. aligned with one another. Discuss short and long-term goals, including Treat your money as “our money” paying off credit card debt, and Anthony Chambers, clinical draft budgets that set you on a clear psychologist at the Family Institute path toward your goals. at Northwestern University, recommends that couples arrange Keep your credit cards separate for their paychecks to be directly In order to avoid potential impact to deposited into a joint account that your credit rating, keep your credit 4 is used to pay shared expenses. If a cards in your own name with your spouse feels they need some of their spouse as an authorized user. This own “play” money in a separate also establishes some accountability, account, ensure that the funds come as authorized users are able to from the joint account so that both check account balances and track spouses know where the money is spending on the card. going. four Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 15. Divorce 13 Divorce Divorces are expensive! Pre-Nuptial Agreements According to, a two-day trial can cost as much as Have you ever thought about the $25,000! Furthermore, lawyers idea of a prenuptial agreement? typically cost between $150 and This has often been considered $1,000 an hour. However, there are limited to only the rich and famous, some alternative options: but today this agreement can go beyond the preservation of assets 1. Don’t Get Divorced before the marriage. Furthermore, 2. Plan before you get married according to an article from the Harvard News Office, Beth Potier 3. If you must get divorced, do these explains that this agreement may things: represent an exit agreement far Use a mediator instead of an closer to the couples’ wishes than attorney – using a mediator can the court-ordered divorce. An significantly reduce the cost of a excellent prenuptial agreement can divorce. In comparison to the cost of even exert a positive force on a divorces with an attorney involved, healthy marriage. However, only 5 (around $25,000), a mediation to 10 percent of marrying Americans divorce only costs around $5,000. enter into prenuptial agreements. Request to pay your lawyer a flat Heather Mahar, a fellow at the fee – A flat fee when handling John M. Olin Center for Law, a divorce affords you with the Economics, and Business at Harvard opportunity to control costs. Expect Law School, and 2002 graduate to pay a fee of around $1,000 for of Harvard Law, conducted a each contested issue faced (child study on marriages and prenuptial 4 custody, child support, division of agreements. Prior to the study, property, etc.). Heather, in similarity to the majority of Americans, had four Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 16. Divorce 14 Divorce very negative feelings in regards Prenuptial agreements also to prenuptial agreements and may help identify irreconcilable was actually against them. Upon differences prior to the couple completion of her study, Heather being married. If a couple can’t had an entirely different outlook on agree on important things prior to prenuptial agreements: their marriage, maybe they should reconsider. Furthermore, This may be “prenuptial agreements are a a possible solution to decrease the state-enforceable way of ensuring increasing divorce rate in America. that couples talk about things, talk through what kind of marriage These are just a few of the they want and – it may be harsh possibilities of preventing a 50% to say, but make there be legal decline in your net worth from ramifications if you veer off that divorce. We leave the rest up to you! course, to me, it’s premarital Call us today so we can assist you counseling.” before you need the services of an attorney or divorce mediator. 4four Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 17. Upheaval in the stock market 15 Upheaval in the Stock Market T he game of investing has changed. In recent years, we have witnessed the roller coaster experience of investing. Dramatic highs and lows have called for a new playbook. Did you know that the greatest single decline in the value of the stock market, as measured by the Dow Jones 30 Industrials Average (DJIA), was October 19th, 1987? On that day, the market lost 22.6 percent, according 1 to the Wall Street Journal. Keeping your eye on long-term goals may help overcome the feeling of panic that market volatility can inspire. We’ve just witnessed the lost decade for investors: Imagine if you were planning on the market nearly seven years to retiring at the beginning of 2000. recover those losses! By late 2007, Could you have retired? Where we were feeling pretty great as the would you be today? Many wonder stock market soared to new heights if the roller coaster will ever calm (O’Neil, 2007). But alas, we crash down… again in 2008! The 18 month period from October 2007 to March 5 The decade began with the dot 2009, saw the DJIA plummet over com meltdown in the spring of 2000, 50%. Over $16.3 Trillion in household where 80 million Americans lost 50% wealth was to 80% of their life savings. It took five Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 18. Upheaval in the stock market 16 Upheaval in the Stock Market lost in the 2008 recession, and we Do you know anyone still driving are still $8.3 trillion down from the a 1952 Packard? Probably not. peak (Bloomberg, 2012). When it debuted in 1952, the Packard was a fantastic car. But Many investment advisors it pales in comparison to today’s still utilize the Modern Portfolio auto amenities and safety features. Theory (MPT) of Investing when Similarly, MPT relies on assumptions managing their portfolio. This theory that were created in a very different was developed in 1952 by Harry world than exists today and over Markowitz and won him a Nobel time, have proven inconsistent Prize in economics. This theory is with real-life investor and market essentially an asset allocation theory behavior. To put it simply, the old on constructing optimal portfolios rules of investing just don’t seem to offering the maximum possible return work anymore. Yet, many financial for a given level of risk (investopedia, advisors still adhere to the classic 2012). In practice, this theory leads “buy-and-hold” strategy espoused to buy and hold, where investors buy by MPT. This theory claims that large assets with the intent to hold them swings in the DJIA should be few for a long period of time (several and far between. However, this is years) in order to ride out the ups far from the devastating realities in and downs of the market. This leads recent years. to the biggest question, has the financial world changed since the 1950s (The Brandes Institute)? 5 five Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771
  • 19. Upheaval in the stock market 17 Upheaval in the Stock Market MPT states that the odds of the Dow Call us today to schedule a falling 7.7% in one day are 1 in 50 complimentary Portfolio Stress Test. billion. Let’s put that in perspective: We have identified seven economic » That equates to once every 13.7 scenarios that we believe have million years some chance of occurring over the » Dinosaurs became extinct next few years. Based on these roughly 65 million years ago scenarios, we “stress test” your » Man arrived on the scene in portfolio to indentify where it may his earliest form approximately 5 be vulnerable. Based on this analysis million and our investment process, we years ago then offer suggestions on how to restructure your portfolio so it has So, essentially, MPT predicts that an opportunity to profit regardless the devastating Dow plunge of 7.7% of whether the market goes up or in one day would happen once in a down. The world is changing fast world’s existence – yes, only once in and this test can help highlight where all of mankind! your portfolio may need to change. It actually happened 4 times in Now that you’ve taken the time 2008 alone, for a grand total of to assess the 5 biggest dangers that 12 times in the last century (Short III, can cut your net worth in half, call us 2009)! today to schedule a comprehensive review of your current strategies. Unfortunately, there is no crystal We will evaluate your needs for ball for investing. Of course, the short updating or creating the following: 5 answer is nobody knows what the • Estate plan/will market has in store for us. We see • Proper insurance it in every single financial product • Buy-Sell agreement, Cross-Purchase disclaimer: “Past performance is no Buy-Sell Agreement, Key-Employee guarantee of future results”. In these insurance as applicable challenging markets, fear has now • Wealth Building Blueprint – 4 Step paralyzed many investors. Yet making Investment Process the wrong decision (or not making • Preservation strategies to protect one at all) can cost more than just your assets from disaster investment losses, it can cost your retirement. five Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sorensen Wealth Management (SWM). SWM is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor and is not affiliated with Triad Advisors. CA Insurance License No. 0778771