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Selection Supersedes Access:

When does experience pay in Private Equity?
Gitanjali Swamy, Bhavin Shah, Nitin Nohria, Daniel Bergstresser, Irina Zeltser

                                                                        Private equity is one of the fastest growing yet most opaque industries today.
                                                                        From its inception in the early 50s to today, it’s been at the center of the some of
                                                                        the most powerful entrepreneurial and wealth creation stories. Not only has the
                                                                        industry created hundreds of millionaires in both investors and operators, but it
                                                                        has also launched, nurtured and revived some of today’s most successful
1         Introduction
                                                                        According to PEI, Thompson and other sources, the PE equity market has been
                                                                        growing rapidly and reached $2.5 Trillion in 2008. About 60% of the allocation or
2         Common Beliefs & Myths
                                                                        $1.5 Trillion is allocated to venture and buyout funds and the remainder is
                                                                        allocated to distressed, mezzanine and other funds. It is not just the sheer size of
3         Analysis, Contention & Results
                                                                        this market that is compelling but the growth rate is extraordinary as well. In a little
4         Refuting Myths                                                over a decade from 1980 and 1994, the amount of private equity outstanding
                                                                        rose from less than $5 billion to $100 billion at CAGR of 23%. In the first quarter of
5         Conclusions                                                   2008 alone, U.S. private equity firms raised $58.5 billion up nearly 32% over the
                                                                        $44.3 billion in the first quarter of 2007.

                                                                        Buyout funds alone now control over $900 Billion in capital not including leverage,
                                                                        and venture capital funds control another $350 Billion. Including the impact of
                                                                        leverage, they have an aggregate buying power of $3 Trillion; that’s enough to
                                                                        buy more than 40 McDonalds, 10 GEs, and 500 General Motors. What were 296
                                                                        VC and 40 buyout firms in 1985 has evolved to 741 VC firms and 588 Buyout firms
                                                                        in 2007. Inspite of the industry growth, LPs are investing less and less in new firms.
                                                                        From 2002 to 2006, while the total number of funds have grown by a CAGR of
                                                                        7.85% and the AUM have grown by 43.9%, the number of new funds have only
                                                                        grown by 1.34% and new fund AUM has only grown by 35%. Most of the new
                                                                        growth comes from new buyout funds; in the venture industry the total venture
                                                                        AUM has grown at a CAGR of 30.7% as compared to new venture AUM at half
                                                                        that rate or 16.2%. In the same period, the number of new venture funds has
                                                                        shrunk at -2.6% as compared to the total number of venture funds that has grown
                                                                        at a CAGR of 3.58%.
    Note on FOIA
                                                                        The remaining private equity alternatives such as distressed and lending funds are
    Both the US and UK government                                       emerging categories that show the same pattern of fragmentation. This
    freedom of information acts require                                 fragmentation, coupled with the lack of transparency, makes it difficult for
    disclosure by government agencies                                   investors to assess and compare funds. It has created an environment where
    on performance of PE vehicles. The                                  rumors run rife and facts are rarely consistent. While many1 such as Calpers, have
    US government FOIA, Title 5, 1966,                                  tried and somewhat succeeded at making private equity fund performance
    together with various state                                         more transparent and objective, they have not focused on debunking some of
    legislations from 1980 through 2006,                                the myths surrounding funding behavior and investor selection.
    provided us the means to obtain the
    source data.                                                        Our aim has been to review and challenge the key myths that have historically
                                                                        guided and continue to guide investor selection behavior by analyzing the
                                                                        industry-wide and investor-specific performance data that has only recently
                                                                        become publicly available in the industry.

              1 Footnote1: The past works includes experiments by Lerner et al that tried to establish the superior performance of endowments over pension funds
              (Smart Institutions, Foolish Choices) or the exploration of persistence by Kaplan, Schoar. However, no work ever examined the causality or reality of
              persistence over a long time frame.

              This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This
              document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the
              confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior
              written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose
              unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
Selection Supersedes Access                                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 2

                                                                         One dominant myth that has become a crux of driving LP behavior is that
                                                                         investing in successive funds of same firms or individuals is much safer, more
                                                                         rewarding than investing in an emerging manager. This is the focus of our
                                                                         research. According to Northern Trust Global Investments (NTGA) while 40% of
                                                                         returns come from emerging managers, most LPs such as Calpers, NYCERS
                                                                         allocate 1% or less to emerging manager programs. A vast majority of pension
                                                                         funds, endowments, institutions, etc. make it a policy not even to look at or invest
                                                                         in emerging manager funds. In fact, this situation has been getting progressively
                                                                         worse; the NVCA reports that the percentage of new funds vs. follow-on funds
                                                                         decreased from 33% in 2002 to less than 21% in 2007.We have been acting on
                                                                         one of those urban myths that cannot be proven, but can easily be disproven.

                                                                         The aim of our exercise is to either prove or disprove the myth of persistence and
                                                                         to start an exploration of the real causes of better performance in private equity

                                                                         Common Beliefs and Myths
                                                                         In order to research and analyze this myth, we identified and challenged a
                                                                         number of supporting beliefs that drive investor behavior. Investors have
                                                                         traditionally believed that

                                                                                1.      Historical returns are a predictor of future performance and Persistence
                                                                                        of performance will continue.
                                                                                2.      Experienced fund managers will be more successful (what about
                                                                                        experienced investors or operators?) (i.e., better deal flow, edge in
                                                                                        deals, better financing, staff selection, etc.)
                                                                                3.      It is less risky to invest in tangential/new businesses founded by
                                                                                        experienced fund managers than to invest in emerging managers with
                                                                                        directly relevant skill sets

Note on Dataset                                                          This is based on several fallacious myths that the industry believes. Firstly, the
                                                                         industry believes that experienced firms will deliver better returns, perhaps due to
Our dataset included all publicly                                        their experience in the industry, history of working together and network of
disclosed pension and endowment data.                                    relationships in the industry. The industry believes that experienced managers in
In particular, our dataset focused on 560                                an irrelevant old category are still better bets in a new category than an
funds sponsored by 280 firms. 300 funds                                  emerging manager with differentiable expertise in the same. E.g. a portfolio
had more than 1 successor and 132                                        manager would rather invest in a new India growth fund offered by an
funds had more than 3 successors. The                                    experienced GP manager specializing in communications early-stage venture
start years ranged from 1978 to 2000.                                    investing in Boston than a new fund composed of a team with individual team
The funds were distributed 36% venture,                                  members have 20 years experience in Indian private equity. The industry believes
14% balanced, 29% buyouts. The funds                                     that emerging manager’s teams will not have the source, operating and exit skill
were predominantly in the US with over                                   set, network, experience to generate superior returns. Finally, LPs believe that
90% centered there but had 4% in                                         investing in emerging managers does not present rewards commensurate with
Europe and 3% in Asia. The funds are                                     the risk being taken.
distributed equally among all industries
with Biotech, Medical, Communications,                                   Thus, the structure of the alternative investment management industry is geared
IT and Retail dominating. The mean (IRR)                                 towards returning fund managers with a lot more obstacles, challenges and
of the data was 11.45%, median 8.45%                                     straight-out refusals for emerging managers. In addition, the structure is inherited
and standard deviation 33%.We made                                       biased towards a specialization model inherited from the public market investing,
almost no subjective assessments to                                      which focuses only on financial specialization (small cap, mid cap, large cap)
segment, classify, manipulate data. The                                  and not optimized for private equity, which is as much about active portfolio
product, industry, geography                                             management with value add from industry, geography and financial expertise.
segmentation was collated from the LP                                    This mentality or approach is true with respect to type of investment fund (i.e.,
sources where disclosed and completed                                    venture, buyout, PE, etc.), industry specialization of fund (i.e., technology,
with data from the company’s own                                         industrials, healthcare, etc.) and size of fund (i.e., early-stage, lower middle-
website.                                                                 market, middle-market, large-cap, etc.)

               This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This
               document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the
               confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior
               written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose
               unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
Selection Supersedes Access                                                                                                                                                                     PAGE 3

                                                                           Analysis & Contention
Note on Analysis                                                           The private equity industry has grown up believing in fallacy of persistence of
                                                                           performance; good funds continue to do well and bad funds continue to badly.
A simple ordinary linear regression showed                                 We have been acting on one of those urban myths that cannot be proven, but
an increasing positive correlation for values                              can easily be disproven. In fact, the traditional belief is actually completely
of N varying from 1 to 3, going from 0.52 to                               wrong. Our results show that contrary to common perception, Net IRR (net of fees
0.9. This clearly implied the persistence of                               and carry) actually shows a pattern of decreasing persistence beyond a small
returns for the first 3 funds. However, after                              window of 1-3 funds. From an LPs perspective Net IRR is a far more meaningful
fund 3, 4, the correlation changed direction                               metric since it reflects eventual returns to the LP and not the GP.
and became progressively smaller with N
going to 7. It started at 0.9 and decreased                                On an anecdotal basis, there are examples of both lack of persistence and
monotonically to 0.22. Eventually it turned                                persistence in performance. For example, A Partners (a top tier Hamilton lane
negative.                                                                  rated firm) showed vintage 1998, 2000 returns of -17% and -26.8% respectively.
                                                                           These were in no way predicted by their 1989, 1993, 1996 funds with IRRs of 14.7%,
A robust regression which down-weighted                                    77.8% and 189% respectively. On an average, Funds in the top 10% (decile) in
the outliers showed an even more startling                                 performance showed a drop of more than 30% from Fund 1 to Fund 2 and Fund 3.
pattern that showed a monotonically                                        The top decile showed a drop of more than 50% from Fund 4 to Fund 5 and
decreasing and almost immediately                                          Fund6. Finally, among firms having 5 or more funds, 80% showed a decline of
negative correlation at N=2 onwards. The                                   more than 50% from the 5th fund to the 7th fund. But while anecdotal evidence
correlation started at 0.009 and decreased                                 may suggest patterns, the real proof comes from a comprehensive statistical
monotonically through N=7 to -0.39.                                        analysis.

The standard quantile regression showed                                    The objective of our exercise was to successfully prove or disprove what makes
exactly the same pattern with a minor                                      better or worse private equity firms. The first step was to examine whether any
flattening of the curve at N=1, 2. The                                     persistence existed; i.e. did good firms continue to do well and bad firms continue
correlation started at 0.2 and decreased                                   to do badly. In order to see if past performance was in any way a determinant of
monotonically to -0.3 at N=7. It turned                                    future, we conducted our experiments on nearly 600 closed funds from the public
negative at N=5. A winsorized regression                                   disclosures of the top pension funds. In particular the classifications we compare
that eliminated the outliers all together                                  and correlate the (net of fees) performance of N successive funds of a GP with
showed a similar pattern with a slower rate                                the net performance of the N+1th fund. N was varied from 1 to 10. If indeed
of increase through 1, 2 from 0.22 to 0.39                                 persistence held, the correlation coefficient would go up or stay constant but
and flattening of the correlation through                                  would never go down. A negative correlation coefficient would indicate the
3,4, followed by a rapid monotonic decrease                                reverse of persistence.
going from 0.39 down to -0.1.                                              To summarize, our experiments show that in fact the performance of N+1th fund
                                                                           does NOT directly track2 the performance of the prior N (N=1,2,3,4,….10) funds. In
                                                                           short, good funds do not continue to do well and bad funds do not continue to
Figure 1. Ordinary Linear Regression                                       do badly. In fact, our comprehensive analysis shows that persistence is limited
Correlation Fund Performance vs. Prior Fund                                and at most restricted to a window of 3 funds. In general, there is decreasing
Performance.                                                               correlation between successive funds performances.

                                                                           In conclusion, the industry belief in the persistence of returns is a fallacy. The
                                                                           analytical selection of new good managers overwhelmingly trumps the
                                                                           advantages of relationship access to existing managers in good private equity
                                                                           fund management.

                Footnote2: The correlation between the performance of N (N=1, 2, 3, 4….10) past funds and the next N+1th fund shows decreasing correlation as N is increased. In short, there
            is limited persistence of performance. Contrarily, there is decreasing correlation and in some cases even an inverse (negative) correlation with increasing funds. A robust
            regression which down-weighted the outliers showed an even more startling pattern that showed a monotonically decreasing and almost immediately negative correlation at
            N=2 onwards. The correlation started at 0.009 and decreased monotonically through N=7 to -0.39. We used the Stata environment to perform multivariate regression analysis.
            Our analysis adjusted for vintage variation in performance by creating an independent variable for each vintage year and using it as part of the regression analysis.

            This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This
            document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the
            confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior
            written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose
            unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
Selection Supersedes Access                                                                                                                                                                 PAGE 4

Refuting the Myths
                                                                                                                                                       Figure 2. Robust Regression Correlation
                                                                                                                                                       Fund Performance vs. Prior Fund
In fact, our experiments and analysis of underlying data show that none of the                                                                         Performance.
common myths in private equity investing hold in reality.

Historical returns alone are NOT a predictor of future performance in private
equity firms and Persistence of performance will NOT continue. In fact, our
comprehensive analysis shows that persistence is limited and at most restricted
to a window of 3 funds. In general, there is decreasing correlation between
successive funds performances. A simple ordinary linear regression showed an
increasing positive correlation for values of N varying from 1 to 3, going from
0.52 to 0.9. This clearly implied the persistence of returns for the first 3 funds.
However, after fund 3, 4, the correlation changed direction and became
progressively smaller with N going to 7. It started at 0.9 and decreased
monotonically to 0.22. Eventually it turned negative. A robust regression which
down-weighted the outliers showed an even more startling pattern that
showed a monotonically decreasing and almost immediately negative
correlation at N=2 onwards. The correlation started at 0.009 and decreased
monotonically through N=7 to -0.39. This result clearly implied that in general
persistence does not apply except for a small window and if the outliers were
less pivotal, persistence did not hold at all.

Experienced fund managers will NOT always be more successful l. It is not just
the years of experience but the nature of experience. Moreover, experienced
fund managers tend to raise their fee/carry compensation. Thus, the net IRR or
returns to the investor actually does not show a superior return even when the
performance goes up. To illustrate this point, we looked at the top 10% (decile)
                                                                                                                                                            Note on Experiment
in our data set. We aggregated and averaged the performance data by fund
numbers. On an average, net IRR performance dropped 30% from Fund 2 to
                                                                                                                                                            We adjusted for the impact of vintage in
Fund 3 and over 50% from Fund 5 to Fund 6 or Fund 7.
                                                                                                                                                            all experiments by creating an extra set
                                                                                                                                                            of independent variables that reflected
It is NOT less risky to invest in tangential/new businesses founded by
                                                                                                                                                            the vintage. The correlation was run
experienced fund managers than to invest in emerging managers with directly
                                                                                                                                                            using these independent variables and in
relevant skill set. Once again our correlation results disprove this myth. As
                                                                                                                                                            effect adjusting for the impact of
explained earlier, our comprehensive analysis shows that persistence is limited
                                                                                                                                                            vintage. Some variables that we wish we
and at most restricted to a window of 3 funds. In general, there is decreasing
                                                                                                                                                            had access to but did not for this set of
correlation between successive funds performances. We compared the
                                                                                                                                                            experiment were, the Write-down,
correlation of ex
                                                                                                                                                            Organizational Turnover and Fee/Carry
                                                                                                                                                            terms. These variables would allow us to
                                                                                                                                                            see the impact of and adjust for changes
                                                                                                                                                            in the fund team, the pinpoint the cause
                                                                                                                                                            of return as an overall portfolio vs. single
                                                                                                                                                            company impact. For instance Google
                                                                                                                                                            was singlehandedly responsible for the
Figure 2. Data Extraction, Clean-up and Analysis Process                                                                                                    returns of Kleiner vintage 1996 fund.
                                                                                                                                                            Fee/Carry terms would allow us to
                                                                                                                                                            determine whether the degradation in
                                                                                                                                                            persistence were due to a decrease in
                                                                                                                                                            the quality of the investment choices or
                                                                                                                                                            due to increase in compensation
                                                                                                                                                            demanded by a successful firm. We did
                                                                                                                                                            not adjust for management changes in
                                                                                                                                                            fund or subsequent significant fund size
                                                                                                                                                            changes by firm managements

           This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This
           document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the
           confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior
           written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose
           unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
Selection Supersedes Access                                                                                                                                                               PAGE 5


                                                                                                                                                 Note on Results
                                                                                                                                                 Most of the results are statistically
In conclusion, we found that persistence of returns is a fallacious argument to
                                                                                                                                                 significant. But some data points should
justify LP investment choices in particular GPs. In reality, selection significantly
                                                                                                                                                 be ignored. In the OLP, The significance
supersedes access and therefore investors must spend more time in finding new
                                                                                                                                                 (P<|t|) varied from 4.3 exp-13 down to
GPs with the right strategic, operational and financial attributes, rather than
                                                                                                                                                 0.1 at N=5. Thus, N=6, 7 could be ignored
assume that proprietary access to past top-performers will guarantee future
                                                                                                                                                 in the OLP regression.
                                                                                                                                                 However, the robust and quantile
We believe that this result may be attributable to several factors.
                                                                                                                                                 regressions were more statistically
                                                                                                                                                 significant in the larger N’s. The
    •    Impact of successful firms increasing fees/carry. The increases in
                                                                                                                                                 significance (P<|t|) varied from 0.08 at
         performance don’t translate to increases in the returns to the LP
                                                                                                                                                 N=3 and decreased down to 0.003 at
         investors because successful funds increase their share (fees/carry) of
                                                                                                                                                 N=7. N=1, 2 were not statistically
         the returns. This phenomenon has been observed in many industries
                                                                                                                                                 significant. The quantile regression
         including the mutual fund industry. This mis-alignment of manager
                                                                                                                                                 showed a variegated pattern once again
         incentives and investor incentives results in poor returns to the investor.
                                                                                                                                                 N=5 thru 7 were usually statistically
         A good illustration of this came from the 2005 Mayfield XII, which
                                                                                                                                                 significant for most quantiles. At quantile
         raised its fee to 2.5% and carry to 30% as compared to the industry
                                                                                                                                                 30, the significance was 0.01, implying at
         standard of 2%/20, on the grounds that the1995 Mayfield IX, their most
                                                                                                                                                 1% error.
         recent closed fund, returned a 49% IRR. The prior fund $1Bil, 2000
         Mayfield XI, wasn’t closed and was only X% invested. LPs such as the
         Kirsch foundation exited the fund with an IRR of -1.3%. Both Harvard
         and MIT declined to participate because of extortionate fees but
         Mayfield closed $325Mil irrespective through investors such as the
         State of Alaska.

    •    Impact of industry and macro economic cycles/changes. Thus
         expertise, relationships in any particular industry or product are not                                                                 Figure 3. Percentage Num of First Funds vs.
         perpetually valuable. A good firm must be willing to continually re-                                                                   Follow on Funds.
         invent itself and experienced fund managers with one specialization
         do not guarantee future success either in the same industry or a
         tangential one. Matrix Partners, one of the best east coast firms
         returned a 213% and 516% IRR for 1995 Matrix IV and 1998 Matrix V
         funds based on its investments and expertise in the communications
         sector. In particular, the returns were very sensitive to the Cascade
         and Sycamore investments both of which were communications
         companies founded by a particular entrepreneur. By 2000, the
         entrepreneur started funding his own companies and no longer
         worked with Matrix the communications sector collapsed and 2000
         Matrix VI returned a dismal -8%.

    •    Impact of GP staff turnover. The private equity organizations
         themselves change and with a new set of partners/investing
         professionals; the firm is not the same. It cannot be reasonably
         expected that LPs will get the same returns. With the departure of
         Luminaries such as Vinod Khosla, Kevin Compton, John Doerr was the
         sole remaining star at Kleiner Perkins. None of the almost brand new
         stable of partners/principles all of whom were luminaries but not
         venture capitalists were able to provide returns. Since Doer’s 1999
         Google IPO, the firm has yet to demonstrate a killer IPO. The partner
         and investment staff turnover didn’t impact Kleiners ability to raise
         funds, just its ability to deliver returns.

         3 The same pattern was show by other statistical metrics such as mean+standard deviation, max etc. This data suggests that in fact, experienced
         fund managers were NOT more successful.

         This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This
         document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the
         confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior
         written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose
         unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
Selection Supersedes Access                                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 6

                                                                                                                                                          Figure 4. First Time vs. Follow-on Venture
        •      Impact of capital oversupply. The increasing amount of capital, increasing fund                                                            Funds
               size, and increasing number of funds are not balanced by a corresponding
               increase in investment talent. Thus, firms can neither find high quality talent to
               support increased fund deployment nor do they have the time to develop talent
               in-house. In 2007, Blackstone raised $21.7 billion for the world's biggest private-
               equity fund, just as a global credit crunch slowed leveraged buyouts. The fund was
               triple the $6.45 billion pool that Blackstone raised five years ago. These funds were
               raised over the year inspite of the catastrophic earnings, revenue and share price
               collapse. Over the same year, Blackstone’s revenue fell 94 per cent from $1.23
               billion to $68.5 million, earnings collapsed from more than $1Bil to a net loss of
               $255Mil and the stock fell from its post IPO price of $35/share to $12/share.

        •      Impact of getting rich fat and happy when rewards independent of performance.
               Principals in a successful firm lose their incentive to perform after reaping inordinate
               rewards that are not tied to performance. There is significant incentive
               misalignment between fund managers that reap heavy rewards from
               management fees alone and investors whose returns are determined by
               performance. Stephen Schwarzman, chairman and cofounder of the
               aforementioned Blackstone Group, owns 39% of Blackstone, which operates
               leveraged buyout and real estate funds, and funds of funds. Last year Blackstone
               earned $2.3 billion on an average of $62 billion in assets. Schwarzman took home:
               $940 million. The real kicker is that he only paid 15% federal income tax on that
               income. That's the same tax bracket that a single worker is in if she earns between
               $16,575 and $40,600 (assuming she claims the personal exemption and standard
               deduction). A single worker earning between $40,600 and $85,850 is in a 25%
               bracket. Net net, there is a limited motivation for an investment professional
               rewarded in the aforementioned manner to perform.

  The excessive focus on returning funds and lack of focus on emerging funds is neither
  justified nor a “safe” strategy. It is not geared to generate the best returns for the corpus,
  investors, clients, etc. The best investment strategy is to re-invest in the same firms at most
  within a small window of opportunity of about 3 funds/terms or about 7 years. Instead an LP
  must continually seed new funds in order to continue to reap returns over the long run.

  We recommend a 30-50% allocation for emerging managers as opposed to the miniscule
  percentage that LPs traditionally allocate. Coincidentally, that is strategy that “Smart Lps ”
  like Yale Endowment etc. also apply in practice.

  Sadly, the industry is doing just the opposite. From 2002 to 2006, the percentage of new firms
  vs. old firm funds raised has dropped from almost 30% down to less than 22%. During that
  time, while the total number of funds has grown by a CAGR of 7.85% and the AUM have
  grown by 43.9%, the number of new firm funds have only grown by 1.34% and new fund
  AUM has only grown by 35%. Most of the new growth comes from new buyout funds; in the
  venture industry the total venture AUM has grown at a CAGR of 30.7% as compared to new
  firm venture AUM at half that rate or 16.2%. In the same period, the number of new venture
  firm funds has shrunk at -2.6% as compared to the total number of venture funds that has
  grown at a CAGR of 3.58%.

   In effect, the industry is creating an unstable situation that is progressively biasing the
  investment selection towards poorer returns. It is a myth that investing in experienced
  managers guarantees predictable or above average returns. However, having disproven
  this myth does not mean we have completely identified what makes a better manager.

  We are still conducting our experiment and future publications will include.
      -    Market trends/shifts
      -    Manager/partner departures
      -    Spinoffs vs. truly new starts
      -    Geography
      -    Larger fund sizes vs. same fund sizes
      -    Fee vs. carry trade-offs

  Our next step is to expand the analysis to account for variations in industry, geography and
  product focus. Following that, we would be able to do a detailed causal analysis that
  deduces which factor – strategy, management, culture, diversity, vintage years, incentives
  and needs (net worth), fund size, fee vs. carry trade-offs, motivations etc. actually determine
  the performance. the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension
          This version of                                                                                                                                               School spring 2009. This
             document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the
             confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior
             written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose
             unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.

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  • 1. Selection Supersedes Access PAGE 1 Selection Supersedes Access: 1 When does experience pay in Private Equity? Gitanjali Swamy, Bhavin Shah, Nitin Nohria, Daniel Bergstresser, Irina Zeltser Introduction Private equity is one of the fastest growing yet most opaque industries today. From its inception in the early 50s to today, it’s been at the center of the some of the most powerful entrepreneurial and wealth creation stories. Not only has the industry created hundreds of millionaires in both investors and operators, but it has also launched, nurtured and revived some of today’s most successful Sections businesses. 1 Introduction According to PEI, Thompson and other sources, the PE equity market has been growing rapidly and reached $2.5 Trillion in 2008. About 60% of the allocation or 2 Common Beliefs & Myths $1.5 Trillion is allocated to venture and buyout funds and the remainder is allocated to distressed, mezzanine and other funds. It is not just the sheer size of 3 Analysis, Contention & Results this market that is compelling but the growth rate is extraordinary as well. In a little 4 Refuting Myths over a decade from 1980 and 1994, the amount of private equity outstanding rose from less than $5 billion to $100 billion at CAGR of 23%. In the first quarter of 5 Conclusions 2008 alone, U.S. private equity firms raised $58.5 billion up nearly 32% over the $44.3 billion in the first quarter of 2007. Buyout funds alone now control over $900 Billion in capital not including leverage, and venture capital funds control another $350 Billion. Including the impact of leverage, they have an aggregate buying power of $3 Trillion; that’s enough to buy more than 40 McDonalds, 10 GEs, and 500 General Motors. What were 296 VC and 40 buyout firms in 1985 has evolved to 741 VC firms and 588 Buyout firms in 2007. Inspite of the industry growth, LPs are investing less and less in new firms. From 2002 to 2006, while the total number of funds have grown by a CAGR of 7.85% and the AUM have grown by 43.9%, the number of new funds have only grown by 1.34% and new fund AUM has only grown by 35%. Most of the new growth comes from new buyout funds; in the venture industry the total venture AUM has grown at a CAGR of 30.7% as compared to new venture AUM at half that rate or 16.2%. In the same period, the number of new venture funds has shrunk at -2.6% as compared to the total number of venture funds that has grown at a CAGR of 3.58%. Note on FOIA The remaining private equity alternatives such as distressed and lending funds are Both the US and UK government emerging categories that show the same pattern of fragmentation. This freedom of information acts require fragmentation, coupled with the lack of transparency, makes it difficult for disclosure by government agencies investors to assess and compare funds. It has created an environment where on performance of PE vehicles. The rumors run rife and facts are rarely consistent. While many1 such as Calpers, have US government FOIA, Title 5, 1966, tried and somewhat succeeded at making private equity fund performance together with various state more transparent and objective, they have not focused on debunking some of legislations from 1980 through 2006, the myths surrounding funding behavior and investor selection. provided us the means to obtain the source data. Our aim has been to review and challenge the key myths that have historically guided and continue to guide investor selection behavior by analyzing the industry-wide and investor-specific performance data that has only recently become publicly available in the industry. 1 Footnote1: The past works includes experiments by Lerner et al that tried to establish the superior performance of endowments over pension funds (Smart Institutions, Foolish Choices) or the exploration of persistence by Kaplan, Schoar. However, no work ever examined the causality or reality of persistence over a long time frame. This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
  • 2. Selection Supersedes Access PAGE 2 One dominant myth that has become a crux of driving LP behavior is that investing in successive funds of same firms or individuals is much safer, more rewarding than investing in an emerging manager. This is the focus of our research. According to Northern Trust Global Investments (NTGA) while 40% of returns come from emerging managers, most LPs such as Calpers, NYCERS allocate 1% or less to emerging manager programs. A vast majority of pension funds, endowments, institutions, etc. make it a policy not even to look at or invest in emerging manager funds. In fact, this situation has been getting progressively worse; the NVCA reports that the percentage of new funds vs. follow-on funds decreased from 33% in 2002 to less than 21% in 2007.We have been acting on one of those urban myths that cannot be proven, but can easily be disproven. The aim of our exercise is to either prove or disprove the myth of persistence and to start an exploration of the real causes of better performance in private equity firms. Common Beliefs and Myths In order to research and analyze this myth, we identified and challenged a number of supporting beliefs that drive investor behavior. Investors have traditionally believed that 1. Historical returns are a predictor of future performance and Persistence of performance will continue. 2. Experienced fund managers will be more successful (what about experienced investors or operators?) (i.e., better deal flow, edge in deals, better financing, staff selection, etc.) 3. It is less risky to invest in tangential/new businesses founded by experienced fund managers than to invest in emerging managers with directly relevant skill sets Note on Dataset This is based on several fallacious myths that the industry believes. Firstly, the industry believes that experienced firms will deliver better returns, perhaps due to Our dataset included all publicly their experience in the industry, history of working together and network of disclosed pension and endowment data. relationships in the industry. The industry believes that experienced managers in In particular, our dataset focused on 560 an irrelevant old category are still better bets in a new category than an funds sponsored by 280 firms. 300 funds emerging manager with differentiable expertise in the same. E.g. a portfolio had more than 1 successor and 132 manager would rather invest in a new India growth fund offered by an funds had more than 3 successors. The experienced GP manager specializing in communications early-stage venture start years ranged from 1978 to 2000. investing in Boston than a new fund composed of a team with individual team The funds were distributed 36% venture, members have 20 years experience in Indian private equity. The industry believes 14% balanced, 29% buyouts. The funds that emerging manager’s teams will not have the source, operating and exit skill were predominantly in the US with over set, network, experience to generate superior returns. Finally, LPs believe that 90% centered there but had 4% in investing in emerging managers does not present rewards commensurate with Europe and 3% in Asia. The funds are the risk being taken. distributed equally among all industries with Biotech, Medical, Communications, Thus, the structure of the alternative investment management industry is geared IT and Retail dominating. The mean (IRR) towards returning fund managers with a lot more obstacles, challenges and of the data was 11.45%, median 8.45% straight-out refusals for emerging managers. In addition, the structure is inherited and standard deviation 33%.We made biased towards a specialization model inherited from the public market investing, almost no subjective assessments to which focuses only on financial specialization (small cap, mid cap, large cap) segment, classify, manipulate data. The and not optimized for private equity, which is as much about active portfolio product, industry, geography management with value add from industry, geography and financial expertise. segmentation was collated from the LP This mentality or approach is true with respect to type of investment fund (i.e., sources where disclosed and completed venture, buyout, PE, etc.), industry specialization of fund (i.e., technology, with data from the company’s own industrials, healthcare, etc.) and size of fund (i.e., early-stage, lower middle- website. market, middle-market, large-cap, etc.) This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
  • 3. Selection Supersedes Access PAGE 3 Analysis & Contention Note on Analysis The private equity industry has grown up believing in fallacy of persistence of 2 performance; good funds continue to do well and bad funds continue to badly. A simple ordinary linear regression showed We have been acting on one of those urban myths that cannot be proven, but an increasing positive correlation for values can easily be disproven. In fact, the traditional belief is actually completely of N varying from 1 to 3, going from 0.52 to wrong. Our results show that contrary to common perception, Net IRR (net of fees 0.9. This clearly implied the persistence of and carry) actually shows a pattern of decreasing persistence beyond a small returns for the first 3 funds. However, after window of 1-3 funds. From an LPs perspective Net IRR is a far more meaningful fund 3, 4, the correlation changed direction metric since it reflects eventual returns to the LP and not the GP. and became progressively smaller with N going to 7. It started at 0.9 and decreased On an anecdotal basis, there are examples of both lack of persistence and monotonically to 0.22. Eventually it turned persistence in performance. For example, A Partners (a top tier Hamilton lane negative. rated firm) showed vintage 1998, 2000 returns of -17% and -26.8% respectively. These were in no way predicted by their 1989, 1993, 1996 funds with IRRs of 14.7%, A robust regression which down-weighted 77.8% and 189% respectively. On an average, Funds in the top 10% (decile) in the outliers showed an even more startling performance showed a drop of more than 30% from Fund 1 to Fund 2 and Fund 3. pattern that showed a monotonically The top decile showed a drop of more than 50% from Fund 4 to Fund 5 and decreasing and almost immediately Fund6. Finally, among firms having 5 or more funds, 80% showed a decline of negative correlation at N=2 onwards. The more than 50% from the 5th fund to the 7th fund. But while anecdotal evidence correlation started at 0.009 and decreased may suggest patterns, the real proof comes from a comprehensive statistical monotonically through N=7 to -0.39. analysis. The standard quantile regression showed The objective of our exercise was to successfully prove or disprove what makes exactly the same pattern with a minor better or worse private equity firms. The first step was to examine whether any flattening of the curve at N=1, 2. The persistence existed; i.e. did good firms continue to do well and bad firms continue correlation started at 0.2 and decreased to do badly. In order to see if past performance was in any way a determinant of monotonically to -0.3 at N=7. It turned future, we conducted our experiments on nearly 600 closed funds from the public negative at N=5. A winsorized regression disclosures of the top pension funds. In particular the classifications we compare that eliminated the outliers all together and correlate the (net of fees) performance of N successive funds of a GP with showed a similar pattern with a slower rate the net performance of the N+1th fund. N was varied from 1 to 10. If indeed of increase through 1, 2 from 0.22 to 0.39 persistence held, the correlation coefficient would go up or stay constant but and flattening of the correlation through would never go down. A negative correlation coefficient would indicate the 3,4, followed by a rapid monotonic decrease reverse of persistence. going from 0.39 down to -0.1. To summarize, our experiments show that in fact the performance of N+1th fund does NOT directly track2 the performance of the prior N (N=1,2,3,4,….10) funds. In short, good funds do not continue to do well and bad funds do not continue to Figure 1. Ordinary Linear Regression do badly. In fact, our comprehensive analysis shows that persistence is limited Correlation Fund Performance vs. Prior Fund and at most restricted to a window of 3 funds. In general, there is decreasing Performance. correlation between successive funds performances. In conclusion, the industry belief in the persistence of returns is a fallacy. The analytical selection of new good managers overwhelmingly trumps the advantages of relationship access to existing managers in good private equity fund management. 2 Footnote2: The correlation between the performance of N (N=1, 2, 3, 4….10) past funds and the next N+1th fund shows decreasing correlation as N is increased. In short, there is limited persistence of performance. Contrarily, there is decreasing correlation and in some cases even an inverse (negative) correlation with increasing funds. A robust regression which down-weighted the outliers showed an even more startling pattern that showed a monotonically decreasing and almost immediately negative correlation at N=2 onwards. The correlation started at 0.009 and decreased monotonically through N=7 to -0.39. We used the Stata environment to perform multivariate regression analysis. Our analysis adjusted for vintage variation in performance by creating an independent variable for each vintage year and using it as part of the regression analysis. This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
  • 4. Selection Supersedes Access PAGE 4 Refuting the Myths Figure 2. Robust Regression Correlation Fund Performance vs. Prior Fund In fact, our experiments and analysis of underlying data show that none of the Performance. common myths in private equity investing hold in reality. Historical returns alone are NOT a predictor of future performance in private equity firms and Persistence of performance will NOT continue. In fact, our comprehensive analysis shows that persistence is limited and at most restricted to a window of 3 funds. In general, there is decreasing correlation between successive funds performances. A simple ordinary linear regression showed an increasing positive correlation for values of N varying from 1 to 3, going from 0.52 to 0.9. This clearly implied the persistence of returns for the first 3 funds. However, after fund 3, 4, the correlation changed direction and became progressively smaller with N going to 7. It started at 0.9 and decreased monotonically to 0.22. Eventually it turned negative. A robust regression which down-weighted the outliers showed an even more startling pattern that showed a monotonically decreasing and almost immediately negative correlation at N=2 onwards. The correlation started at 0.009 and decreased monotonically through N=7 to -0.39. This result clearly implied that in general persistence does not apply except for a small window and if the outliers were less pivotal, persistence did not hold at all. Experienced fund managers will NOT always be more successful l. It is not just the years of experience but the nature of experience. Moreover, experienced fund managers tend to raise their fee/carry compensation. Thus, the net IRR or returns to the investor actually does not show a superior return even when the performance goes up. To illustrate this point, we looked at the top 10% (decile) Note on Experiment in our data set. We aggregated and averaged the performance data by fund numbers. On an average, net IRR performance dropped 30% from Fund 2 to We adjusted for the impact of vintage in Fund 3 and over 50% from Fund 5 to Fund 6 or Fund 7. all experiments by creating an extra set of independent variables that reflected It is NOT less risky to invest in tangential/new businesses founded by the vintage. The correlation was run experienced fund managers than to invest in emerging managers with directly using these independent variables and in relevant skill set. Once again our correlation results disprove this myth. As effect adjusting for the impact of explained earlier, our comprehensive analysis shows that persistence is limited vintage. Some variables that we wish we and at most restricted to a window of 3 funds. In general, there is decreasing had access to but did not for this set of correlation between successive funds performances. We compared the experiment were, the Write-down, correlation of ex Organizational Turnover and Fee/Carry terms. These variables would allow us to see the impact of and adjust for changes in the fund team, the pinpoint the cause of return as an overall portfolio vs. single company impact. For instance Google was singlehandedly responsible for the Figure 2. Data Extraction, Clean-up and Analysis Process returns of Kleiner vintage 1996 fund. Fee/Carry terms would allow us to determine whether the degradation in persistence were due to a decrease in the quality of the investment choices or due to increase in compensation demanded by a successful firm. We did not adjust for management changes in fund or subsequent significant fund size changes by firm managements This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
  • 5. Selection Supersedes Access PAGE 5 3 Note on Results Conclusions Most of the results are statistically In conclusion, we found that persistence of returns is a fallacious argument to significant. But some data points should justify LP investment choices in particular GPs. In reality, selection significantly be ignored. In the OLP, The significance supersedes access and therefore investors must spend more time in finding new (P<|t|) varied from 4.3 exp-13 down to GPs with the right strategic, operational and financial attributes, rather than 0.1 at N=5. Thus, N=6, 7 could be ignored assume that proprietary access to past top-performers will guarantee future in the OLP regression. returns. However, the robust and quantile We believe that this result may be attributable to several factors. regressions were more statistically significant in the larger N’s. The • Impact of successful firms increasing fees/carry. The increases in significance (P<|t|) varied from 0.08 at performance don’t translate to increases in the returns to the LP N=3 and decreased down to 0.003 at investors because successful funds increase their share (fees/carry) of N=7. N=1, 2 were not statistically the returns. This phenomenon has been observed in many industries significant. The quantile regression including the mutual fund industry. This mis-alignment of manager showed a variegated pattern once again incentives and investor incentives results in poor returns to the investor. N=5 thru 7 were usually statistically A good illustration of this came from the 2005 Mayfield XII, which significant for most quantiles. At quantile raised its fee to 2.5% and carry to 30% as compared to the industry 30, the significance was 0.01, implying at standard of 2%/20, on the grounds that the1995 Mayfield IX, their most 1% error. recent closed fund, returned a 49% IRR. The prior fund $1Bil, 2000 Mayfield XI, wasn’t closed and was only X% invested. LPs such as the Kirsch foundation exited the fund with an IRR of -1.3%. Both Harvard and MIT declined to participate because of extortionate fees but Mayfield closed $325Mil irrespective through investors such as the State of Alaska. • Impact of industry and macro economic cycles/changes. Thus expertise, relationships in any particular industry or product are not Figure 3. Percentage Num of First Funds vs. perpetually valuable. A good firm must be willing to continually re- Follow on Funds. invent itself and experienced fund managers with one specialization do not guarantee future success either in the same industry or a tangential one. Matrix Partners, one of the best east coast firms returned a 213% and 516% IRR for 1995 Matrix IV and 1998 Matrix V funds based on its investments and expertise in the communications sector. In particular, the returns were very sensitive to the Cascade and Sycamore investments both of which were communications companies founded by a particular entrepreneur. By 2000, the entrepreneur started funding his own companies and no longer worked with Matrix the communications sector collapsed and 2000 Matrix VI returned a dismal -8%. • Impact of GP staff turnover. The private equity organizations themselves change and with a new set of partners/investing professionals; the firm is not the same. It cannot be reasonably expected that LPs will get the same returns. With the departure of Luminaries such as Vinod Khosla, Kevin Compton, John Doerr was the sole remaining star at Kleiner Perkins. None of the almost brand new stable of partners/principles all of whom were luminaries but not venture capitalists were able to provide returns. Since Doer’s 1999 Google IPO, the firm has yet to demonstrate a killer IPO. The partner and investment staff turnover didn’t impact Kleiners ability to raise funds, just its ability to deliver returns. 3 The same pattern was show by other statistical metrics such as mean+standard deviation, max etc. This data suggests that in fact, experienced fund managers were NOT more successful. This version of the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension School spring 2009. This document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.
  • 6. Selection Supersedes Access PAGE 6 Figure 4. First Time vs. Follow-on Venture • Impact of capital oversupply. The increasing amount of capital, increasing fund Funds size, and increasing number of funds are not balanced by a corresponding increase in investment talent. Thus, firms can neither find high quality talent to support increased fund deployment nor do they have the time to develop talent in-house. In 2007, Blackstone raised $21.7 billion for the world's biggest private- equity fund, just as a global credit crunch slowed leveraged buyouts. The fund was triple the $6.45 billion pool that Blackstone raised five years ago. These funds were raised over the year inspite of the catastrophic earnings, revenue and share price collapse. Over the same year, Blackstone’s revenue fell 94 per cent from $1.23 billion to $68.5 million, earnings collapsed from more than $1Bil to a net loss of $255Mil and the stock fell from its post IPO price of $35/share to $12/share. • Impact of getting rich fat and happy when rewards independent of performance. Principals in a successful firm lose their incentive to perform after reaping inordinate rewards that are not tied to performance. There is significant incentive misalignment between fund managers that reap heavy rewards from management fees alone and investors whose returns are determined by performance. Stephen Schwarzman, chairman and cofounder of the aforementioned Blackstone Group, owns 39% of Blackstone, which operates leveraged buyout and real estate funds, and funds of funds. Last year Blackstone earned $2.3 billion on an average of $62 billion in assets. Schwarzman took home: $940 million. The real kicker is that he only paid 15% federal income tax on that income. That's the same tax bracket that a single worker is in if she earns between $16,575 and $40,600 (assuming she claims the personal exemption and standard deduction). A single worker earning between $40,600 and $85,850 is in a 25% bracket. Net net, there is a limited motivation for an investment professional rewarded in the aforementioned manner to perform. The excessive focus on returning funds and lack of focus on emerging funds is neither justified nor a “safe” strategy. It is not geared to generate the best returns for the corpus, investors, clients, etc. The best investment strategy is to re-invest in the same firms at most within a small window of opportunity of about 3 funds/terms or about 7 years. Instead an LP must continually seed new funds in order to continue to reap returns over the long run. We recommend a 30-50% allocation for emerging managers as opposed to the miniscule percentage that LPs traditionally allocate. Coincidentally, that is strategy that “Smart Lps ” like Yale Endowment etc. also apply in practice. Sadly, the industry is doing just the opposite. From 2002 to 2006, the percentage of new firms vs. old firm funds raised has dropped from almost 30% down to less than 22%. During that time, while the total number of funds has grown by a CAGR of 7.85% and the AUM have grown by 43.9%, the number of new firm funds have only grown by 1.34% and new fund AUM has only grown by 35%. Most of the new growth comes from new buyout funds; in the venture industry the total venture AUM has grown at a CAGR of 30.7% as compared to new firm venture AUM at half that rate or 16.2%. In the same period, the number of new venture firm funds has shrunk at -2.6% as compared to the total number of venture funds that has grown at a CAGR of 3.58%. In effect, the industry is creating an unstable situation that is progressively biasing the investment selection towards poorer returns. It is a myth that investing in experienced managers guarantees predictable or above average returns. However, having disproven this myth does not mean we have completely identified what makes a better manager. We are still conducting our experiment and future publications will include. - Market trends/shifts - Manager/partner departures - Spinoffs vs. truly new starts - Geography - Larger fund sizes vs. same fund sizes - Fee vs. carry trade-offs Our next step is to expand the analysis to account for variations in industry, geography and product focus. Following that, we would be able to do a detailed causal analysis that deduces which factor – strategy, management, culture, diversity, vintage years, incentives and needs (net worth), fund size, fee vs. carry trade-offs, motivations etc. actually determine the performance. the “Selection Supersedes Access” paper was created for the students of Finc-190, Private Equity at Harvard University Extension This version of School spring 2009. This document contains unpublished research and information which is confidential and proprietary. By accepting a copy of this document, the recipient acknowledges the confidential and proprietary nature of this information, agrees to hold this information in strict confidence, agrees not to use this information for any purpose without the prior written consent of theAuthors, and agrees to return this document upon the written request of the Authors. This document may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose unless authorized in writing by the Authors.. Contact or with questions.