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Sustainability Multiple Choice Questions
Chapter 23 Multiple Choice Questions
Name: ____________________________________________________________
The term sustainability refers to ________. A) maintaining resource use at current or higher levels B) keeping the natural environment and human
society in a happy, healthy and functional state C) holding or increasing the current quality of human life D) always focusing on fulfilling short‑term
needs E) opposing change from current policies Objective:
23.2 Sustainable development
The current use of fossil fuels versus the need to develop new renewable energy sources is an example of ________. A) how short‑term needs are
in opposition more content...
A) funding for scientific research and elimination of damaging and inefficient technology B) increase of technology developed through self‑interest
of large companies C) having citizens be cognizant of the need for politicians to work with "big business" D) public pressure to put limits on
environmental protection E) importing inferior technology to developing countries while developed countries invest in green technology Objective:
23.4 Consumption, population, technology, and sustainability
Ecological economists suggest that we can gain better understanding of economics and human interactions with the environment if we view human
economies as ________. A) consumer driven B) preservation driven C) entities that are integrated within natural systems D) entities that are devoid of
ecosystem characteristics E) consumption driven Objective:
23.4 Consumption, population, technology, and sustainability
Which of the following will lead to sustainability? A) increasing energy
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Originality In Today's Society
In today's society, originality is crucial for any musical artist to gain popularity and remain relevant. This particular necessity to prevail as original is
primarily due to the rapidly changing world of demand for uniqueness. Although rock bands dominated the music scene during the late 1980s and early
1990s, this quickly transitioned into our communities worshipping young female pop singers. Furthermore, numerous musicians struggle to obtain
public support because most individuals are interested in listening to artists that bring distinctive aspects to our ever changing culture. Likewise,
several musical performers strive to create a certain style of their work such as a mix of contrasting types of genres and constructing diverse, assorted
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Originality In Large Amounts Analysis
Originality Counts In Large Amounts The term originality can be defined as the "ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual
manner." It is a trait that very few people in this world actually have. Some people whom I consider original in their respective fields are the
following individuals: Beethoven, David Bowie, the Founding Fathers, Stephen King, and Michael Jordan. Originality usually leads to praise and
respect from your peers. Originality means a lot to me because this is the way I want to structure my adult life. One of my main influences to gain
originality was some of my family members. Their lack of originality has really motivated me to not become like them. People with this gift
(originality) lead more content...
However, a lot of people today allow the latest trends to severely manipulate their style of living. These people can be classified as "bandwagons" or
"trend–followers because they try to be someone they are not in order to fit into the current society. I don't believe that these are good characteristics
for an individual to be labeled as because since trends constantly change, so does the person. This means that a person has no personality and this can
possibly affect them later on in life. For example, if you go to a restaurant that serves Korean Barbeque then visit that restaurant because you enjoy
it, not because it happens to be the most popular dining option right now. What I am trying to say is that it is very important to be yourself
because this is the method that you peers define the type of person you are. Being yourself is not very difficult to do and it can also be quite fun.
Being yourself means that you are the sole decision maker in your life and you don't receive any sort of influence from anyone else. Furthermore,
Irish poet Oscar Wilde was once quoted saying, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." This quote is one hundred percent true because if you
are trying to be someone else then you are considered an imposture. The main point of this quote is, in order to maintain originality you have to be
yourself. Being yourself is like being your own President of the United States; you are the one who makes the important decisions. The President of
the United States always makes the critical decisions regarding the country and the world and by being yourself, you are like the Commander In–Chief.
My advice to others is to take action and live life the way you wish and don't allow the sellouts of our current society manipulate your style of
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Essay On Integrity Check
And integrity check is a test that God gives us to evaluate intentions. This check is a springboard to an expanded spear of influence. Because of my
line of work, being in the music industry, I'm tested often as it pertains to the integrity test. Many times, I am around faithless people who do not have
values and morals. I have to decide between blending, or say what is right according to the word of God. The most recent situation is when I was
asked to say that a specific person wasn't involved in one of the writing sessions so that everyone else would make more money. I refused to do it
because a little extra money in my pocket wouldn't be worth my witness and relationship with God.
The obedience check is when the leader must learn to recognize, understand, listen and obey God's voice. Just yesterday I experienced a situation
where I had to be obedient to God's word. A friend of mine called me speaking very negatively and at that moment God told me to stand in the gap
and say what she couldn't say. I did, and she got very upset with me. However, she called me back today and told me thank you for being obedient to
God. Sometimes it' more content...
I believe based on the definition that I experience the word check in many ways and often. God place on my heart several years ago, to return back to
school. I gave every excuse of why I couldn't go back to school, and made a list of everything that I didn't have. But I am grateful that God begin to
work his word in me. I had received a word from God and I stared to stand on the word of God. The more I stood on his word, the more a higher
education became my desire and I made up my mind that I would trust what God has said for my life and what I know is true. Suddenly God begin to
open doors for me and I haven't looked
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Originality Of Work Essay
Undertaking of Originality of Work We hereby attest that we are the sole authors of this UDP project report and that neither any part of this UDP
project report nor the whole of the UDP Project report has been submitted for a degree by other student(s) to any other University or Institution. We
certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the current UDP Project report does not infringe upon anyone's copyright nor violate any proprietary rights
and that any ideas, techniques, quotations or any other material from the work of other people included in our UDP Project report, published or
otherwise, are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard referencing practices. Furthermore, to the extent that we have included copyrighted
material that surpasses the boundary of fair dealing within the meaning of the Indian Copyright (Amendment) Act 2012, we certify that we have
obtained a written permission from the copyright owner(s) to include such material(s) in the current UDP Project report and have included copies of
such copyright clearances to our appendix. We hereby declare that this is a true copy of our report, including any final revisions, as approved by our
supervisors. Date: Place: Team Enrolment NoNameSignature 130110116007Desai Aman Keyurbhai130110116040Patel Prince JitendraAbstract In
various environments where the input is a bunch of unstructured data having different file formats, there arises a necessity to convert them into one
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Personal Narrative: Originality
Originality "What do you think you want to be when you grow up?" "How many times have I been asked this question" I think to myself as I'm about
to answer. "I–" I'm suddenly cut off, my mother answering for me "he wants to be a veterinarian! Right?" I nod while taking a bite of steak that
tasted bitter just as my mood that evening. "That's wrong..." I thought to myself, hating how she answered for me. I've lived a life where my
parents have dictated my life. Since my parents always made decisions for me I tried to find a hobby of my own that I would enjoy, and that's
when I discovered anime. I was introduced to anime at the age of 14 and have been passionate about it ever since. Around the same time I picked
up on a random anime I had chosen because I thought the name Code Geass sounded cool. The plot of Code Geass revolves around a boy named
Lelouch who "destroyed the world and creates it anew." I was dumbfounded because I found Lelouch and me very similar, it was like watching me
in an anime. Before I knew it my desire had finally begun to take shape. I knew that I wanted to do the same thing as Lelouch, create a better
tomorrow. Even if it's childish, simple, and humorous to others, it's still my desire. My desire is to be a hero who creates a world where even
strangers can more content...
As I watched Lelouch throughout the story I realized I was becoming like him. I was horrible at chess until I watched Lelouch play. He organized
all of his plans on the chess board, treating his battles like games. Lelouch strived to make a better tomorrow, all for his. When I saw the world that
Lelouch created I knew that if we all lived in that world there would be no more conflicts in the world, everyone would be focused on solving world
problems. That's the type of world that I want to create and anime has given me the desire to create that
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9239: Statement of originality
Electronic signatures are acceptable
Student declaration:
I confirm that the enclosed material is all my own work. I have not copied or based my work on any samples or exemplars to which I have had
access. Any work taken from another source has been appropriately referenced and acknowledged.
Name: Rachel Tavolieri
Date: 4/17/2017
Teacher Declaration:
I verify that I have supervised sufficient work to enable me to say with confidence that this is the candidate's own work. The work has been fully
checked and these checks included looking for:
copying from any sample/exemplar materials; copying from other students; the possibility of a third person writing the work.
I also confirm that more content...
The topic of ex–felon voting is a delicate one that is handled on several different levels depending on the country and the crime.
Murder, theft, and assault are three of the more extreme examples of reasons a person may become labeled as a felon. When a person gets a
sentencing of felony crime they automatically go to a jail for a minimum of one year, which is a considerable amount of time.
In order for a person to be classified as a ex–felon it means they have been released from prison, yet they still may have parole time to be served. This
time could be as short as a year, or up to 10 years. This shows that in a way the law enforcement for a period of time still has control over the ex–felons
lives. This brings up the argument of why ex–felons should not be allowed to vote.
According to a statistic from 2006, in the United States more than three–fourths of felony defendants had a prior arrest history, with 69% having
multiple prior arrests (Criminal). This statistic shows the ineffectiveness of jails and prisons to change a person 's attitude and overall behavior. This
backs up the argument of once a person commits a crime, that will forever be their mentality, therefore, their immediate right to vote should
permanently be revoked. This also shows the immaturity of ex–felons as they have a difficult time grasping the concept of law and order.
Another statistic that brings the mental stability of ex–felons into
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BY FIRUZÉ FRENCH The Importance of Originality in Fashion
By originality in fashion, I'm not talking about the originality of everyday people and their fashion style, what they wear and how they wear it. I'm
talking about the difficulty top fashion designers face every 6 months when they make a great effort to create a contemporary and original collection
for the fashion catwalk to please brutally honest fashion critics, of magazines and of the public. The struggle of designers to create collections that
must be appeal to a wide range of evaluators, and what are considered to be the toughest judges in any industry, can sometimes be enough to put
principal designers such as Viktor & Rolf more content...
Balenciaga has recently produced their spring summer 2007 collection where they have used the theme of robotics, metal and solid shape to inspire
their collection, giving a futuristic look. However, it seems much more like other collections than one of it's own, mainly because futurism is a
reoccurring theme on the fashion front because of designers attempting to be innovative. For example, the solid shape is highly similar to Hussein
Chalayan's fibreglass dresses in aerodynamic forms created in 2000(see catwalk photographs below) where he was inspired by aeroplanes and the
ability to fly. It is also similar to Paco Rabanne's Autumn Winter 2003
–4 show in Paris, which used metal as fabric. This shows how even though you
can have creative elements such as the robotic, mechanical leggings that haven't been done before, including something similar to another designer's
work can be the cause of the fall of the entire collection because to a critic, it screams unoriginality.
One of my favourite collections is by Dolce & Gabbana in Spring Summer 2006 in Milan. After twenty years of fashion collections they proved they
still have what it takes to be top designers with garments that are ready–to–wear for the current trend but are all timeless pieces. The collection was
inspired by senorita sundresses in bright red lace and broderie anglaise dresses, but reinvented by being styled with black opaque tights and high
wedge heels. As one would expect, the size of the
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Since I arrived in the United States one of the first concepts that was introduced to me was the concept of plagiarism and the severity of its
consequences. Since that moment I see myself focusing much more on paraphrasing and not committing plagiarism than the quality of the ideas that I
am writing. However, I have noted that most of my ideas and opinions are probably based on somebody else's work I might have read before.
Therefore, is it not plagiarism? In the article "Intertextuality and the Discourse Community," James E. Porter challenges the idea of what plagiarism
truly is. He states that it is almost impossible to write without committing some sort of plagiarism. Instead, Porter introduces the concept of
intertextuality, which more content...
What he describes as originality is to take somebody else's ideas and create new perspectives and opinions based on those points of view. In other
words, Porter suggests that creativity is a matter of interpretation and that anything we write is the result of what we interpret when we read. That is
why taking other's ideas to draw knew opinions should not be called plagiarism because inevitable all writing contains some sort of intertextuality. One
can say that intertextuality is necessary for a writer to have a better understanding of what they read. As an international student myself,
paraphrasing is one of the aspects that turns writing into a nightmare for me. Since my vocabulary is somewhat reduced, I have to focus more on
making my sentences look as different as possible to the original texts. I was so scared of committing plagiarism that I did not even consider the
aspect of using the author's ideas and creating my own opinions. Instead I preferred to follow the norm and paraphrase as much as possible.
Sometimes I felt my professors paid much more attention to what I might have plagiarized rather than the quality of my own ideas. That is why
writing turned into a systematic process in which I would only have to know how to rephrase sentences and I would be fine. In the moment I read
Porter's essay I thought it was contradictory to all
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Originality in Movies
Hollywood Originality
I've always thought that originality was something to strive for. It seemed that doing something nobody had done before would yield the best results,
but it now seems that may not be the case. After looking through AFI's list of the top 100 films of all time, it is clear that the death of originality in
Hollywood isn't something that is keeping a film from being considered great and is in fact helping make more profit for the movie industry. Sticking
to familiar ideas can ensure Hollywood they will get the one thing they want: money. So why run the risk of losing money when they can remake a
movie knowing they will profit from it? Whether it be a sequel, an adaptation of a book or television show, or the more content...
Unoriginal films are also easily noticed when they are sequels to another film. Often these sequels are necessary to finish the story, but sometimes
unnecessary sequels are made. One major example of this is Scream 4. Scream 4 was released 11 years after Scream 3. It was an unnecessary
sequel because Scream 3 supposedly ended the trilogy, however Hollywood made another one for more money. Although films that were not original
ideas have been made since the beginning of film, they were not noticed like they are in this day and age. It seems that the main thing Hollywood
cares about is money, and they will make any type of movie that gives them what they want. They don't strive for originality because unoriginal
movies are what makes the profit. Whether it be through a sequel, a remake, or a book adaptation, Hollywood will continue to make movies based off
other peoples' and films'
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The Difference Between Originality And Plagiarism
The Difference Between Originality and Plagiarism Intertextuality and the Discourse Community, a text written by James E. Porter, discusses two
general and possibly the most concentrated concepts of writing today. "(1) That writing must be original and (2) that if a writer "borrows" ideas from
other writing without acknowledging that borrowing, the writer is plagiarizing"(Wardle & Downs 395). Throughout Porter's text, he explores
intertextuality, the principle that all writing and speech–indeed, all signs–arise from a single network: what Vygotsky called "the web of
meaning"(Porter 396). He states that it is not possible to create a text that does not contain previous sources. Therefore he does not believe that you can
be original. A text written by Nancy Sommers, I Stand Here Writing, describes her intention of teaching her students that "sources thicken, complicate,
enlarge writing"(Sommers 570), but it is "always the writer's voice, vision, and argument that create the new source"(Sommers 570). Sommers is
saying originality is a combination of previously collected information along with new meanings that are created by the writer. The combination of
intertextuality and personal meaning creates originality rather than plagiarism. Intertextuality is an opportunity for one writer to complicate and
challenge a text that was written by someone else. Without the use of intertextuality, previous knowledge would not be expanded into the new
meanings and originality that is
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Judicial Originality And The Legal System
Topic 2
By: Raylen White
Judicial originality is the most fundamental principle in the legal system. Judicial originality to me means being able to make a decision based off
the effects. If a judge has had a case in the past similar to a current one, the judge can base his current decision using the same discretion or rule he
used before. Dworkin wrote a paper about this, he argues that judges should not be able to create laws through the effect of their decisions. He has two
arguments about why judicial originality is not a good thing for society. In this paper I will talk about these arguments and if Dworkin has the right to
claim that this argument has no force against it. The first argument he had against judicial originality was that a community should be govern by men
and women who are elected by and responsible to the majority. This means that most judges are not elected by a wide spread of the community, and
if they could make their own laws they would not benefit the community. It is important that the community has a say on what should be a law and
what should not be a law. If judges were to make laws that would be a contradiction to the theory of separation of powers. It would seem to be that
judges are analogous to the legislature, which in fact, they are not because the legislature is elected. "Policy decisions must therefore be made through
the operation of some political process designed to produce an accurate expression of the different interest that
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Try to imagine a world today without any originality in it whatsoever. Attempting to do this is nearly an impossible task because originality has such
an enormous influence on our daily lives. John Stuart Mill discusses the impact originality has on society in his essay, "Originality and Genius". Mill
talks about the positive effects that having an atmosphere of freedom has on a society, while also addressing the severe effects that would happen if
that same atmosphere were to be nonexistent. I concur with Mill's central argument, that as a society, we must acknowledge that an atmosphere of
freedom is needed, in order to allow originality to flourish, thus preventing societal deterioration and eliminating mediocre tendencies. I I I I I
When the atmosphere of freedom is present, originality is able to prosper, allowing the discovery of new ideas, and for new genius to thrive. For
instance the United States was founded on the principle of freedom for all of its citizens. This foundation is stated in the first amendment of the
constitution, where the Founding Fathers list the freedoms that Americans have the right to. In doing so, this has allowed all people in the United
States to have the ability and right to think and act, in whatever manner they please and provides our society with an atmosphere of freedom, enabling
originality and genius to prosper. By supplying our society with this atmosphere, it allows its own people to make extraordinary discoveries and original
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What ever happened to originality anyway? Remember when every movie was unlike the last, when every book you read was a completely
different experience, when every song didn't song didn't sound like an electronic mess? Nowadays, originality is nothing short of a rarity, people
tend not to be as original simply because it's a risk, specifically in the media. Media being television, movies, music, video games and books. The
reason originality is a risk is because of sales and popularity, things that people are familiar with tend to be more popular, like internet memes. Of
course memes are generally unoriginal garbage, but since so many memes are similar to one another, and have cringe worthy jokes that everyone's
heard before, people more content...
With that being said, people are afraid of being original, simply because they're scared of the consequences, and others, just can't afford to be
original in the first place. Even in the advertising business, the lack of originality seems to be an issue, but the lack of originality needs to start
somewhere. How the cycle works is, somebody has an original idea, in this case an advertisement, it booms with popularity, and then all of the other
advertisers copy it! "In 1993, when Jeff Goodby of San Francisco–based ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners came up with the phrase "Got
Milk?" as part of a California Milk Processor Board–sponsored campaign to boost sagging milk sales. The idea behind the campaign, which was such
a success that it went national in 1995, was the most people take milk for granted–till they run out of it." (Philpot, Robert. "Got a New Idea?" Fort
Worth Star–Telegram [Fort Worth, TX] 08 May 2002: n. pag. Print.) Here is the original idea, it's the "Got Milk" advertisement, that surely everyone
has seen at this point, because it's so overused by other people. It states in the quote that "Got Milk" became very popular very quickly, this is most
likely why the ad has been used by so many others, countless times. "I think one thing that will show a little difference between 'Got milk?' and the
copycats is that 'Got milk?' knows the way this works is continuity and reputation for a long, long time," Raskopf says.
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Originality is a word that makes perplexity among the general public whether it exist or is it a myth. Particularly in the design field, more new
plans are made and new items designed. As designers, we research for inspiration, and we chip away at new design projects each day. The inquiry
is, are those new things characterized as original work? (Ho, 2015) We may say we have seen comparative yet diverse work some time recently, and it
is only a development from the past work. Along these lines, some may trust it is original and some may say it is not original. This research will argue
on the misconception of originality in human speculation and how the social impacts lead to same experience and considerations bringing about
comparative thoughts
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Originality And The Discourse Community
The definition of originality is the ability to think independently and creatively. Many authors have had different perspectives about the concept of
originality or subjects pertaining to originality. In James Porter's article Intertextuality and the discourse community, he introduces the idea that
originality in writing does not exist and he backs this up by proposing the concept of intertextuality. The most significant question is whether anything is
truly original. How important is originality when every writer's ideas are stemming from already created ideas?
Intertextuality is the interrelationship between texts. "The idea that all texts contain traces of other texts and there can be no text that does not draw on
some ideas from some more content...
Every discourse is composed of "traces" of other text that assist in portraying its meaning. "A 'discourse community' is a group of individuals bound by
a common interest who communicate through approved channels and whose discourse is regulated" (400). Originality is an even more far fetch
concept in the confines of a discourse community. "Genuine originality is difficult within the confines of a well–regulated system" (402). This is
because in a well–functioning system such as a discourse community, rules and regulations are set out to ensure consistency and success within the
group. It is human nature to be successful and if something is known to be efficient it will most likely be used consistently. An example that porter
gives in his article is one of the scientific community, the medical profession. "[This system] operates to constrain discourse; it establishes limits and
regularities...who may speak, what may be spoken, and how it is to be said; in addition, [rules] prescribe what is true and false, what is reasonable and
what foolish, what is meant and what not" (401). With such regulated systems how can ingenuity emerge? Insofar, it won't. In such a well–established
and successful systems there seems to be no means of changing. Change means different and different can lead to failure. We are bound to naturally
borrow the traces, codes, phrases etc. that we inherit and that our discourse community
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Declaration Of Originality : Synopsis
SAE Institute Glasgow Reflective Report Name: Thomas Gallagher Student number: 16985 Email address: Course code:
ADHE0413 Lecturer: Omar Khan Submission for: BA/BSC Audio Production Submission Date: 29th August 2014 DECLARATION OF
ORIGINALITY I hereby declare that I wrote this essay on my own and without the use of any other than the cited sources and tools and all
explanations that I copied directly or in their sense are marked as such, as well as that the dissertation has not yet been handed in neither in this nor in
equal form at any other official commission. Signature:Date: Place: CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONPage 4 OverviewPage 4 BackgoundPage 4THE
PROCESSPage 5 Team more content...
I also thought that we would work well together and would develop a good idea as a team. The members of the team had not worked together on
such an extensive project together, although we did have some contact working on a previous assignment on the subject of feminism; however
our working relationships essentially felt like they were starting a fresh. The business model we decided upon was based on providing a web
application that allowed audio equipment shops, studios and audio professionals (collectively referred to as 'service providers' within the project)
to advertise and sell their services to consumers. The business model is similar to that of 'Just Eat' or 'eBay' but designed and targeted at
'audiophiles', hence the name 'WavePhile'.The concept for the business grew out of our initial idea to connect session musicians in local areas.
However after the group discussed this we decided to include other services such as studio hire and equipment hire/sales as we realised that from a
technical standpoint offering one of these features could be easily modified to include many. This would also offer us a unique selling point as
although other applications offer similar services, none bring them together as one. Taking this into consideration, we were also conscious not to
overcomplicate the design of the system during the process. We looked at 'Reverbnation' as an example of a system
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Sustainability Multiple Choice Questions

  • 1. Sustainability Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 23 Multiple Choice Questions Name: ____________________________________________________________ 1) The term sustainability refers to ________. A) maintaining resource use at current or higher levels B) keeping the natural environment and human society in a happy, healthy and functional state C) holding or increasing the current quality of human life D) always focusing on fulfilling short‑term needs E) opposing change from current policies Objective: 23.2 Sustainable development 2) The current use of fossil fuels versus the need to develop new renewable energy sources is an example of ________. A) how short‑term needs are in opposition more content... A) funding for scientific research and elimination of damaging and inefficient technology B) increase of technology developed through self‑interest of large companies C) having citizens be cognizant of the need for politicians to work with "big business" D) public pressure to put limits on environmental protection E) importing inferior technology to developing countries while developed countries invest in green technology Objective: 23.4 Consumption, population, technology, and sustainability 10) Ecological economists suggest that we can gain better understanding of economics and human interactions with the environment if we view human economies as ________. A) consumer driven B) preservation driven C) entities that are integrated within natural systems D) entities that are devoid of ecosystem characteristics E) consumption driven Objective: 23.4 Consumption, population, technology, and sustainability 11) Which of the following will lead to sustainability? A) increasing energy
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  • 3. Originality In Today's Society In today's society, originality is crucial for any musical artist to gain popularity and remain relevant. This particular necessity to prevail as original is primarily due to the rapidly changing world of demand for uniqueness. Although rock bands dominated the music scene during the late 1980s and early 1990s, this quickly transitioned into our communities worshipping young female pop singers. Furthermore, numerous musicians struggle to obtain public support because most individuals are interested in listening to artists that bring distinctive aspects to our ever changing culture. Likewise, several musical performers strive to create a certain style of their work such as a mix of contrasting types of genres and constructing diverse, assorted Get more content on
  • 4. Originality In Large Amounts Analysis Originality Counts In Large Amounts The term originality can be defined as the "ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual manner." It is a trait that very few people in this world actually have. Some people whom I consider original in their respective fields are the following individuals: Beethoven, David Bowie, the Founding Fathers, Stephen King, and Michael Jordan. Originality usually leads to praise and respect from your peers. Originality means a lot to me because this is the way I want to structure my adult life. One of my main influences to gain originality was some of my family members. Their lack of originality has really motivated me to not become like them. People with this gift (originality) lead more content... However, a lot of people today allow the latest trends to severely manipulate their style of living. These people can be classified as "bandwagons" or "trend–followers because they try to be someone they are not in order to fit into the current society. I don't believe that these are good characteristics for an individual to be labeled as because since trends constantly change, so does the person. This means that a person has no personality and this can possibly affect them later on in life. For example, if you go to a restaurant that serves Korean Barbeque then visit that restaurant because you enjoy it, not because it happens to be the most popular dining option right now. What I am trying to say is that it is very important to be yourself because this is the method that you peers define the type of person you are. Being yourself is not very difficult to do and it can also be quite fun. Being yourself means that you are the sole decision maker in your life and you don't receive any sort of influence from anyone else. Furthermore, Irish poet Oscar Wilde was once quoted saying, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." This quote is one hundred percent true because if you are trying to be someone else then you are considered an imposture. The main point of this quote is, in order to maintain originality you have to be yourself. Being yourself is like being your own President of the United States; you are the one who makes the important decisions. The President of the United States always makes the critical decisions regarding the country and the world and by being yourself, you are like the Commander In–Chief. My advice to others is to take action and live life the way you wish and don't allow the sellouts of our current society manipulate your style of Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Integrity Check And integrity check is a test that God gives us to evaluate intentions. This check is a springboard to an expanded spear of influence. Because of my line of work, being in the music industry, I'm tested often as it pertains to the integrity test. Many times, I am around faithless people who do not have values and morals. I have to decide between blending, or say what is right according to the word of God. The most recent situation is when I was asked to say that a specific person wasn't involved in one of the writing sessions so that everyone else would make more money. I refused to do it because a little extra money in my pocket wouldn't be worth my witness and relationship with God. The obedience check is when the leader must learn to recognize, understand, listen and obey God's voice. Just yesterday I experienced a situation where I had to be obedient to God's word. A friend of mine called me speaking very negatively and at that moment God told me to stand in the gap and say what she couldn't say. I did, and she got very upset with me. However, she called me back today and told me thank you for being obedient to God. Sometimes it' more content... I believe based on the definition that I experience the word check in many ways and often. God place on my heart several years ago, to return back to school. I gave every excuse of why I couldn't go back to school, and made a list of everything that I didn't have. But I am grateful that God begin to work his word in me. I had received a word from God and I stared to stand on the word of God. The more I stood on his word, the more a higher education became my desire and I made up my mind that I would trust what God has said for my life and what I know is true. Suddenly God begin to open doors for me and I haven't looked Get more content on
  • 6. Originality Of Work Essay Undertaking of Originality of Work We hereby attest that we are the sole authors of this UDP project report and that neither any part of this UDP project report nor the whole of the UDP Project report has been submitted for a degree by other student(s) to any other University or Institution. We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the current UDP Project report does not infringe upon anyone's copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques, quotations or any other material from the work of other people included in our UDP Project report, published or otherwise, are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard referencing practices. Furthermore, to the extent that we have included copyrighted material that surpasses the boundary of fair dealing within the meaning of the Indian Copyright (Amendment) Act 2012, we certify that we have obtained a written permission from the copyright owner(s) to include such material(s) in the current UDP Project report and have included copies of such copyright clearances to our appendix. We hereby declare that this is a true copy of our report, including any final revisions, as approved by our supervisors. Date: Place: Team Enrolment NoNameSignature 130110116007Desai Aman Keyurbhai130110116040Patel Prince JitendraAbstract In various environments where the input is a bunch of unstructured data having different file formats, there arises a necessity to convert them into one Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Narrative: Originality Originality "What do you think you want to be when you grow up?" "How many times have I been asked this question" I think to myself as I'm about to answer. "I–" I'm suddenly cut off, my mother answering for me "he wants to be a veterinarian! Right?" I nod while taking a bite of steak that tasted bitter just as my mood that evening. "That's wrong..." I thought to myself, hating how she answered for me. I've lived a life where my parents have dictated my life. Since my parents always made decisions for me I tried to find a hobby of my own that I would enjoy, and that's when I discovered anime. I was introduced to anime at the age of 14 and have been passionate about it ever since. Around the same time I picked up on a random anime I had chosen because I thought the name Code Geass sounded cool. The plot of Code Geass revolves around a boy named Lelouch who "destroyed the world and creates it anew." I was dumbfounded because I found Lelouch and me very similar, it was like watching me in an anime. Before I knew it my desire had finally begun to take shape. I knew that I wanted to do the same thing as Lelouch, create a better tomorrow. Even if it's childish, simple, and humorous to others, it's still my desire. My desire is to be a hero who creates a world where even strangers can more content... As I watched Lelouch throughout the story I realized I was becoming like him. I was horrible at chess until I watched Lelouch play. He organized all of his plans on the chess board, treating his battles like games. Lelouch strived to make a better tomorrow, all for his. When I saw the world that Lelouch created I knew that if we all lived in that world there would be no more conflicts in the world, everyone would be focused on solving world problems. That's the type of world that I want to create and anime has given me the desire to create that Get more content on
  • 8. 9239: Statement of originality Electronic signatures are acceptable Student declaration: I confirm that the enclosed material is all my own work. I have not copied or based my work on any samples or exemplars to which I have had access. Any work taken from another source has been appropriately referenced and acknowledged. Name: Rachel Tavolieri Date: 4/17/2017 Teacher Declaration: I verify that I have supervised sufficient work to enable me to say with confidence that this is the candidate's own work. The work has been fully checked and these checks included looking for: copying from any sample/exemplar materials; copying from other students; the possibility of a third person writing the work. I also confirm that more content... The topic of ex–felon voting is a delicate one that is handled on several different levels depending on the country and the crime. Murder, theft, and assault are three of the more extreme examples of reasons a person may become labeled as a felon. When a person gets a sentencing of felony crime they automatically go to a jail for a minimum of one year, which is a considerable amount of time. In order for a person to be classified as a ex–felon it means they have been released from prison, yet they still may have parole time to be served. This time could be as short as a year, or up to 10 years. This shows that in a way the law enforcement for a period of time still has control over the ex–felons lives. This brings up the argument of why ex–felons should not be allowed to vote.
  • 9. According to a statistic from 2006, in the United States more than three–fourths of felony defendants had a prior arrest history, with 69% having multiple prior arrests (Criminal). This statistic shows the ineffectiveness of jails and prisons to change a person 's attitude and overall behavior. This backs up the argument of once a person commits a crime, that will forever be their mentality, therefore, their immediate right to vote should permanently be revoked. This also shows the immaturity of ex–felons as they have a difficult time grasping the concept of law and order. Another statistic that brings the mental stability of ex–felons into Get more content on
  • 10. THE IMPORTANCE OF ORIGINALITY IN FASHION BY FIRUZГ‰ FRENCH The Importance of Originality in Fashion By originality in fashion, I'm not talking about the originality of everyday people and their fashion style, what they wear and how they wear it. I'm talking about the difficulty top fashion designers face every 6 months when they make a great effort to create a contemporary and original collection for the fashion catwalk to please brutally honest fashion critics, of magazines and of the public. The struggle of designers to create collections that must be appeal to a wide range of evaluators, and what are considered to be the toughest judges in any industry, can sometimes be enough to put principal designers such as Viktor & Rolf more content... Balenciaga has recently produced their spring summer 2007 collection where they have used the theme of robotics, metal and solid shape to inspire their collection, giving a futuristic look. However, it seems much more like other collections than one of it's own, mainly because futurism is a reoccurring theme on the fashion front because of designers attempting to be innovative. For example, the solid shape is highly similar to Hussein Chalayan's fibreglass dresses in aerodynamic forms created in 2000(see catwalk photographs below) where he was inspired by aeroplanes and the ability to fly. It is also similar to Paco Rabanne's Autumn Winter 2003 –4 show in Paris, which used metal as fabric. This shows how even though you can have creative elements such as the robotic, mechanical leggings that haven't been done before, including something similar to another designer's work can be the cause of the fall of the entire collection because to a critic, it screams unoriginality. One of my favourite collections is by Dolce & Gabbana in Spring Summer 2006 in Milan. After twenty years of fashion collections they proved they still have what it takes to be top designers with garments that are ready–to–wear for the current trend but are all timeless pieces. The collection was inspired by senorita sundresses in bright red lace and broderie anglaise dresses, but reinvented by being styled with black opaque tights and high wedge heels. As one would expect, the size of the Get more content on
  • 11. Since I arrived in the United States one of the first concepts that was introduced to me was the concept of plagiarism and the severity of its consequences. Since that moment I see myself focusing much more on paraphrasing and not committing plagiarism than the quality of the ideas that I am writing. However, I have noted that most of my ideas and opinions are probably based on somebody else's work I might have read before. Therefore, is it not plagiarism? In the article "Intertextuality and the Discourse Community," James E. Porter challenges the idea of what plagiarism truly is. He states that it is almost impossible to write without committing some sort of plagiarism. Instead, Porter introduces the concept of intertextuality, which more content... What he describes as originality is to take somebody else's ideas and create new perspectives and opinions based on those points of view. In other words, Porter suggests that creativity is a matter of interpretation and that anything we write is the result of what we interpret when we read. That is why taking other's ideas to draw knew opinions should not be called plagiarism because inevitable all writing contains some sort of intertextuality. One can say that intertextuality is necessary for a writer to have a better understanding of what they read. As an international student myself, paraphrasing is one of the aspects that turns writing into a nightmare for me. Since my vocabulary is somewhat reduced, I have to focus more on making my sentences look as different as possible to the original texts. I was so scared of committing plagiarism that I did not even consider the aspect of using the author's ideas and creating my own opinions. Instead I preferred to follow the norm and paraphrase as much as possible. Sometimes I felt my professors paid much more attention to what I might have plagiarized rather than the quality of my own ideas. That is why writing turned into a systematic process in which I would only have to know how to rephrase sentences and I would be fine. In the moment I read Porter's essay I thought it was contradictory to all Get more content on
  • 12. Originality in Movies Hollywood Originality I've always thought that originality was something to strive for. It seemed that doing something nobody had done before would yield the best results, but it now seems that may not be the case. After looking through AFI's list of the top 100 films of all time, it is clear that the death of originality in Hollywood isn't something that is keeping a film from being considered great and is in fact helping make more profit for the movie industry. Sticking to familiar ideas can ensure Hollywood they will get the one thing they want: money. So why run the risk of losing money when they can remake a movie knowing they will profit from it? Whether it be a sequel, an adaptation of a book or television show, or the more content... Unoriginal films are also easily noticed when they are sequels to another film. Often these sequels are necessary to finish the story, but sometimes unnecessary sequels are made. One major example of this is Scream 4. Scream 4 was released 11 years after Scream 3. It was an unnecessary sequel because Scream 3 supposedly ended the trilogy, however Hollywood made another one for more money. Although films that were not original ideas have been made since the beginning of film, they were not noticed like they are in this day and age. It seems that the main thing Hollywood cares about is money, and they will make any type of movie that gives them what they want. They don't strive for originality because unoriginal movies are what makes the profit. Whether it be through a sequel, a remake, or a book adaptation, Hollywood will continue to make movies based off other peoples' and films' Get more content on
  • 13. The Difference Between Originality And Plagiarism The Difference Between Originality and Plagiarism Intertextuality and the Discourse Community, a text written by James E. Porter, discusses two general and possibly the most concentrated concepts of writing today. "(1) That writing must be original and (2) that if a writer "borrows" ideas from other writing without acknowledging that borrowing, the writer is plagiarizing"(Wardle & Downs 395). Throughout Porter's text, he explores intertextuality, the principle that all writing and speech–indeed, all signs–arise from a single network: what Vygotsky called "the web of meaning"(Porter 396). He states that it is not possible to create a text that does not contain previous sources. Therefore he does not believe that you can be original. A text written by Nancy Sommers, I Stand Here Writing, describes her intention of teaching her students that "sources thicken, complicate, enlarge writing"(Sommers 570), but it is "always the writer's voice, vision, and argument that create the new source"(Sommers 570). Sommers is saying originality is a combination of previously collected information along with new meanings that are created by the writer. The combination of intertextuality and personal meaning creates originality rather than plagiarism. Intertextuality is an opportunity for one writer to complicate and challenge a text that was written by someone else. Without the use of intertextuality, previous knowledge would not be expanded into the new meanings and originality that is Get more content on
  • 14. Judicial Originality And The Legal System Topic 2 By: Raylen White Judicial originality is the most fundamental principle in the legal system. Judicial originality to me means being able to make a decision based off the effects. If a judge has had a case in the past similar to a current one, the judge can base his current decision using the same discretion or rule he used before. Dworkin wrote a paper about this, he argues that judges should not be able to create laws through the effect of their decisions. He has two arguments about why judicial originality is not a good thing for society. In this paper I will talk about these arguments and if Dworkin has the right to claim that this argument has no force against it. The first argument he had against judicial originality was that a community should be govern by men and women who are elected by and responsible to the majority. This means that most judges are not elected by a wide spread of the community, and if they could make their own laws they would not benefit the community. It is important that the community has a say on what should be a law and what should not be a law. If judges were to make laws that would be a contradiction to the theory of separation of powers. It would seem to be that judges are analogous to the legislature, which in fact, they are not because the legislature is elected. "Policy decisions must therefore be made through the operation of some political process designed to produce an accurate expression of the different interest that Get more content on
  • 15. Try to imagine a world today without any originality in it whatsoever. Attempting to do this is nearly an impossible task because originality has such an enormous influence on our daily lives. John Stuart Mill discusses the impact originality has on society in his essay, "Originality and Genius". Mill talks about the positive effects that having an atmosphere of freedom has on a society, while also addressing the severe effects that would happen if that same atmosphere were to be nonexistent. I concur with Mill's central argument, that as a society, we must acknowledge that an atmosphere of freedom is needed, in order to allow originality to flourish, thus preventing societal deterioration and eliminating mediocre tendencies. I I I I I When the atmosphere of freedom is present, originality is able to prosper, allowing the discovery of new ideas, and for new genius to thrive. For instance the United States was founded on the principle of freedom for all of its citizens. This foundation is stated in the first amendment of the constitution, where the Founding Fathers list the freedoms that Americans have the right to. In doing so, this has allowed all people in the United States to have the ability and right to think and act, in whatever manner they please and provides our society with an atmosphere of freedom, enabling originality and genius to prosper. By supplying our society with this atmosphere, it allows its own people to make extraordinary discoveries and original Get more content on
  • 16. What ever happened to originality anyway? Remember when every movie was unlike the last, when every book you read was a completely different experience, when every song didn't song didn't sound like an electronic mess? Nowadays, originality is nothing short of a rarity, people tend not to be as original simply because it's a risk, specifically in the media. Media being television, movies, music, video games and books. The reason originality is a risk is because of sales and popularity, things that people are familiar with tend to be more popular, like internet memes. Of course memes are generally unoriginal garbage, but since so many memes are similar to one another, and have cringe worthy jokes that everyone's heard before, people more content... With that being said, people are afraid of being original, simply because they're scared of the consequences, and others, just can't afford to be original in the first place. Even in the advertising business, the lack of originality seems to be an issue, but the lack of originality needs to start somewhere. How the cycle works is, somebody has an original idea, in this case an advertisement, it booms with popularity, and then all of the other advertisers copy it! "In 1993, when Jeff Goodby of San Francisco–based ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners came up with the phrase "Got Milk?" as part of a California Milk Processor Board–sponsored campaign to boost sagging milk sales. The idea behind the campaign, which was such a success that it went national in 1995, was the most people take milk for granted–till they run out of it." (Philpot, Robert. "Got a New Idea?" Fort Worth Star–Telegram [Fort Worth, TX] 08 May 2002: n. pag. Print.) Here is the original idea, it's the "Got Milk" advertisement, that surely everyone has seen at this point, because it's so overused by other people. It states in the quote that "Got Milk" became very popular very quickly, this is most likely why the ad has been used by so many others, countless times. "I think one thing that will show a little difference between 'Got milk?' and the copycats is that 'Got milk?' knows the way this works is continuity and reputation for a long, long time," Raskopf says. Get more content on
  • 17. Plagiarism Checker: Originality Report Plagiarism Checker Find out if your paper is original Plagiarism check ONLY. Click here for plagiarism + grammar check. It's simple – just copy and paste your paper in the box below Your paper will be analyzed immediately in real–time Compares to billions of online pages Get Started Below Originality Report Plagiarism Detected Originality: 0% This paper may be plagiarized. The percentage of original content in this paper is too low. The following web pages may contain content matching this document:–of–hiroshima–nagasaki–2/–war A low originality percentage is indicative of plagiarized papers. more content... Access may not be legal by certain persons or in certain jurisdictions. PaperRater is not responsible for any damages, claims, or injuries that may result from unlawful or inappropriate access to the materials. Once again, you access the site at your own risk. Any legal issues and claims related to the use of PaperRater shall be exclusively governed and litigated by the laws and courts, federal and state, of Kenton County, Kentucky, U.S.A. By using PaperRater, its products or services, you agree to irrevocably waive any objection that you may have to this venue and consent to personal jurisdiction in this venue. If any provision within the Terms of Use is found to be invalid, the invalidity of that provision shall not affect the validity of the rest, which shall remain in full force and effect. PaperRater's choice not to enforce any provision of the Terms of Use does not preclude or waive our right to future enforcement. Just because we don't act immediately doesn't mean we won't act. These Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy form the entire legal agreement between you and
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  • 19. Plagiarism Checker Originality Analysis Plagiarism Checker Find out if your paper is original Plagiarism check ONLY. Click here for plagiarism + grammar check. It's simple – just copy and paste your paper in the box below Your paper will be analyzed immediately in real–time Compares to billions of online pages Get Started Below Originality Report Original Work Originality: 100% No sign of plagiarism was found. That's what we like to see! A low originality percentage is indicative of plagiarized papers. Sometimes the score is lower due to long quotations within a document, so please make sure that you use proper citations if this is the case. For more information on our originality scoring process, click here. Upload File I have read and agree to the terms of more content... SUCH LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY TO PREVENT RECOVERY OF DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, REVENUES, DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE AND EXEMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY USE OF THE WEB SITE, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY THIRD PARTIES, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT PAPERRATER IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH Get more content on
  • 20. Originality is a word that makes perplexity among the general public whether it exist or is it a myth. Particularly in the design field, more new plans are made and new items designed. As designers, we research for inspiration, and we chip away at new design projects each day. The inquiry is, are those new things characterized as original work? (Ho, 2015) We may say we have seen comparative yet diverse work some time recently, and it is only a development from the past work. Along these lines, some may trust it is original and some may say it is not original. This research will argue on the misconception of originality in human speculation and how the social impacts lead to same experience and considerations bringing about comparative thoughts Get more content on
  • 21. Originality And The Discourse Community The definition of originality is the ability to think independently and creatively. Many authors have had different perspectives about the concept of originality or subjects pertaining to originality. In James Porter's article Intertextuality and the discourse community, he introduces the idea that originality in writing does not exist and he backs this up by proposing the concept of intertextuality. The most significant question is whether anything is truly original. How important is originality when every writer's ideas are stemming from already created ideas? Intertextuality is the interrelationship between texts. "The idea that all texts contain traces of other texts and there can be no text that does not draw on some ideas from some more content... Every discourse is composed of "traces" of other text that assist in portraying its meaning. "A 'discourse community' is a group of individuals bound by a common interest who communicate through approved channels and whose discourse is regulated" (400). Originality is an even more far fetch concept in the confines of a discourse community. "Genuine originality is difficult within the confines of a well–regulated system" (402). This is because in a well–functioning system such as a discourse community, rules and regulations are set out to ensure consistency and success within the group. It is human nature to be successful and if something is known to be efficient it will most likely be used consistently. An example that porter gives in his article is one of the scientific community, the medical profession. "[This system] operates to constrain discourse; it establishes limits and regularities...who may speak, what may be spoken, and how it is to be said; in addition, [rules] prescribe what is true and false, what is reasonable and what foolish, what is meant and what not" (401). With such regulated systems how can ingenuity emerge? Insofar, it won't. In such a well–established and successful systems there seems to be no means of changing. Change means different and different can lead to failure. We are bound to naturally borrow the traces, codes, phrases etc. that we inherit and that our discourse community Get more content on
  • 22. Declaration Of Originality : Synopsis SAE Institute Glasgow Reflective Report Name: Thomas Gallagher Student number: 16985 Email address: Course code: ADHE0413 Lecturer: Omar Khan Submission for: BA/BSC Audio Production Submission Date: 29th August 2014 DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I hereby declare that I wrote this essay on my own and without the use of any other than the cited sources and tools and all explanations that I copied directly or in their sense are marked as such, as well as that the dissertation has not yet been handed in neither in this nor in equal form at any other official commission. Signature:Date: Place: CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONPage 4 OverviewPage 4 BackgoundPage 4THE PROCESSPage 5 Team more content... I also thought that we would work well together and would develop a good idea as a team. The members of the team had not worked together on such an extensive project together, although we did have some contact working on a previous assignment on the subject of feminism; however our working relationships essentially felt like they were starting a fresh. The business model we decided upon was based on providing a web application that allowed audio equipment shops, studios and audio professionals (collectively referred to as 'service providers' within the project) to advertise and sell their services to consumers. The business model is similar to that of 'Just Eat' or 'eBay' but designed and targeted at 'audiophiles', hence the name 'WavePhile'.The concept for the business grew out of our initial idea to connect session musicians in local areas. However after the group discussed this we decided to include other services such as studio hire and equipment hire/sales as we realised that from a technical standpoint offering one of these features could be easily modified to include many. This would also offer us a unique selling point as although other applications offer similar services, none bring them together as one. Taking this into consideration, we were also conscious not to overcomplicate the design of the system during the process. We looked at 'Reverbnation' as an example of a system Get more content on