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Public Health Essay
Public health is a dynamic field of medicine that is concerned primarily with improving the health of
populations rather than just the health of individuals. Winslow (1920) defined public health as;
" the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting physical health and
efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of
community infections, the education of the individual in principles of personal hygiene, the
organization of medical and nursing service for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of
disease, and the development of the social machinery which will ensure to every individual in the
community, a standard of living adequate for the maintenance more content...
Most of these issues have been successfully addressed, and in the twenty–first century, the focus has
widened to confront newer epidemics of ill–health resulting from drug abuse, obesity and
smoking.(5) SOPH are important in addressing these health issues largely because of its pivotal role
in the training of public health professionals, thereby laying the foundation for the future growth of
the health sector.(6)
Most SOPH in the UK are organized around the themes of capacity building, multidisciplinary
approach, balanced teaching and research. Information is dissipated in traditional class room setting,
either as full–time 12 month programmes, or as part–time 24–60 months programmes.(7) Some
SOPH have adopted more technologically advanced means of education delivery, utilizing electronic
means to provide distance learning facilities, especially for international students who may not be
able to afford the cost of living in the UK. The curriculum of most courses in public health
conventionally includes subject such as epidemiology, health policy, health promotion, health
management, environmental health, human biology and health economics.(6,8,9) Currently however,
the scope has been expanded to include courses involving statistical analysis and the use of computer
programmes; the ability to access, manage and work with information; the ability to present and
disseminate information in an effective manner; interview and
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Essay on Frozen River
Frozen River Learning Integration Paper
This essay analyzes family methods of interaction, strengths, and barriers of Ray's family and Lila.
It describes the family and community roles, rituals, and belief systems that sustain their life
processes. It also identifies the role of grief, values, and symbols that describe the family and
community system. Lastly, the paper targets systems for intervention. From a micro/mezzo
perspective the methods of interaction between Ray and her family appeared to be short and
emotionless. There appeared to be conflict between Ray and Troy, based upon Troy leaving the
home. Ray seemed to have little interaction with her kids TJ and Ricky. However she showed
desperation to fulfill their dream more content...
The family ate meals together despite it wasn't much, they did eat something. Ray met Lila after
searching for her husband. Realizing he was gone she saw opportunity through Lila to begin to
routinely smuggle illegal immigrants to the US which became a routine. The women began to
form a 'sister' like bond over time working toward their goal of providing for their families. Ray
and her family did not show any religious beliefs other than celebrating Christmas. They lived in a
Native community just outside of the Mohawk reservation. The community reflected cultures of
white working class and excluded underclass Mohawk natives. Ray and her sons all experience
grief of the loss of the dad, Troy abandoning them. Despite her anger, Ray did not talk bad about
Troy in front of the kids. She simply stated the facts to TJ, and addressed their dad leaving in an age
appropriate manner to Ricky; clearly conveying family an important value to them. Ray's most
prominent values throughout the movie seemed to be providing for her kids. She showed much
desperation smuggling in efforts to get sufficient housing, insisting TJ get an education rather than
work to help support the family, and fulfilling Ricky's dreams of a good Christmas. One of the
symbols in the movie was the climate; the movie had a winter setting with no sun light. It seemed as
blue as the main color which gives an oppressive, dramatic, and
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Essay on Effects of Mass Media on Society
In contemporary society, people are strongly influenced by mass media. Although traditional
television watching and newspaper reading are no longer as popular as before, people spend more
time in front of computers listening to music and radios, reading news and information, interacting
with other people in social network and watching television programmes and films. The developing
technology of mobile phone allows people to do almost everything they can do with the computer.
Nowaday, people are living in a world 'saturated by media sounds and images.' (McQuail, 2008,
p.456) In this essay, a general introduction of social change and media influence will be discussed in
the first section. The second section will introduce Golding's more content...
Obviously, media have some influence on our decision making, especially on our idea of
consumption. John Corner (2000, p.379) named it as 'circumstantial influence'. 'A holiday
programme may convince audiences to visit Greece in summer; a feature on cancer prevention
may finally persuade some people towards a healthier diet.' Good or bad economic news clearly
affect business, consumer confidence and have strong influence on financial market. In special times
such as war time, disaster or economic crisis, media are more influential. For example, during the
period of the Sichuan earthquake in China, almost all Chinese media content focused on the progress
of rescue. The media influence was very important for victims to obtain maximal concern from all
over the world. Many people devoted themselves into voluntary work to help the victims. Similar
situation also happened in Haiti after the earthquake in last month. Global media are focusing on the
poor Caribbean country and gathering people from different countries to lend a hand for those
earthquake survivors.
News media is one of the most powerful and influential media forms. Golding (1981 cited in
McQuail, 2008, p.467) distinguishes four different concepts of news and their effects: 'planned and
short term', 'unplanned and short term', 'planned and long term'and 'unplanned and long term'.
Planned news can be described for 'propaganda', 'media campaign', 'framing news' and
'agenda–setting.' It may
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Study Plan Essay
I am applying to Seoul National University to continue the development of my critical learning
skills and to broaden my knowledge base. I feel I am now ready to complete a degree, and
understand what is required to function successfully in our environment. I realize that to advance
from the world of undergraduate college curriculum to that of an atmosphere of higher education in
graduate training, takes much of a prospective graduate student??s time and effort.
Throughout my life, I have worked towards one goal which is to become a doctor. Medicine offers
the opportunity for me to integrate different scopes of science while trying to improve human life.
Medicine has intrigued me throughout all my life because it??s a never more content...
I have taken stock of myself, considering my skills, experiences, and goals. I have looked to family
and friends, some of whom are doctors, for advice. Because of this self–examination, I have decided
to pursue a career in health care. The process has been difficult at times but always illuminating.
Throughout it all, I have never lost confidence – the confidence that I will actively absorb all
available medical knowledge, forge friendships with fellow students, and emerge from my training
as a skilful and caring physician.
I know that the road that I take to become a doctor is going to be very challenging; however I feel
that my past has prepared me for taking on the challenge. As a student, I am an active participant in
my academic and extracurricular activities. My first priority has always been to make good grades
and learn in college. Although this is important to me, I also know that by participating in clubs,
sports, and extracurricular activities, I will become a well–rounded student. I have been working
hard for the last 7 years, operating as an independent, responsible adult. In that time I have
constantly learnt from my life experiences and developed skills in both learning and life
management. I am a very motivated person with goal setting, time management and prior skills that
help me achieve what I aim to do.
What motivates me to pursue university education abroad? Well, the last couple of years have been
a long bumpy ride for me, however, the First
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UNIT 524
UNIT 524. Facilitate change, in health and social care or children and young people's settings.
Understand the principles of change management in health and social care or children and young
people's settings. 01.1 01.2 01.3 01.4
Analyze the factors both internal and external that drive change within your sector of health and
social care. Write a brief report of your findings.
Describe the underpinning theories of change management.
Describe approaches tools techniques that support the change process.
Explain the importance of effective change management for your service provision.
0.1.1 01.2
For any business to grow and prosper, managers of the business must be able to anticipate, recognize
and deal with change in the internal more content...
Management: The capability of the management team and the leadership styles employed by
managers will also have a major impact on the morale of staff (and volunteers in a non–profit
organization) and organization culture. More contemporary forms of management involve workers
in decision making processes and trusting that, although managers and workers have different
viewpoints, they largely benefit by working together to achieve the business objectives.
Assets: Its assets can make the internal environment of the organization richer or poorer. For
example, the organization's premises can be pleasant and uplifting, or demure and depressing. The
availability of equipment is another asset that can significantly impact on the internal environment.
If equipment is in short supply or not of the expected standard, then staff may be hindered in the
performance of their duties, or if equipment is used by customers then customer satisfaction will fall.
Financial Strength: Financial strength is a factor in its own right that influences the internal
environment of the organization. Despite however good other internal factors may be, it is very
difficult for an organization that is too short of cash to implement strategies within the strategic plan.
If the organization struggles financially this can impact on staff morale, as budgets need to be
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Trigger Warnings Essay
The most recent controversy on American college campuses today, is whether colleges should
adopt trigger warnings as a way to protect students from topics of discussion or ideas that may
cause them some level of discomfort for instance, a lecture about rape may disturb a student who
may have been raped in their earlier life causing the student great emotional disstress. Even though
trigger warnings save student from reliving a delicate past; trigger warning should not be added to
college classes because students at a college level should be mentally prepared to handle harsh
academic course work that may trigger their own difficult past. Trigger warnings blind ones vision to
learn the truth about topics that contain disturbing truths, more content...
Universities interpret the idea of trigger warnings as taking a student's right to learn freely away, for
another student's well– being. Imagine a class of students studying to become professionals in
criminal justice and they are shown a graphical video on a murder case. One student may have a
childhood memory of witnessing a murder and this video presentation is going to trigger those
emotions to surface back to the students mind and emotionally harm them. Now if the student were
to say something and the professor stops the video, which takes away the right for students to learn
all for the sake of one student. Jennifer Medina writer of Free Speech: Is it Endangered on Campus,
states "Warnings affect the open mind that students... are expected to bring to the material"(Medina)
Medina uses this to tell us that trigger warnings would keep students from receiving information
that is much needed to master a career. How are you going to be a homicide detective if you do not
know how to handle the situation simply because you were not allowed to watch and discuss a video
in your classroom? The U.S. Constitution's First Amendment states that congress cannot restrict the
right of a person to speak freely. Everyone has the right to comment on anything they'd like however
they like. Therefore; college professors have the right to teach the material they have to including
every detail
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Equality Act 2010 Essay
Equality Act 2010:
The Equality Act 2010 shortens the existing laws and puts them all together in one piece of
legislation. On the other hand, it makes the law resilient in some areas. This law protects employees
from perception in workplace and in the world. Equality Act 2010 replaces all anti–discrimination
laws within a single Act. This Act has 116 single pieces of legislations and has been put together
into one Act which is known as Equality Act 2010. This Act has started to work in UK and EU in
2010 of October. In this Act it covers the main laws such as race, sex, sexual orientation, disability,
religion/belief, age and equal pay.
European Working Time Directive:
This Act is EU legislation proposed to support the health and safety more content...
To conclude, Employment Act 2008 also improves the areas of employment which includes
minimum wage, holiday pay, equal opportunities and also contains trade unions. Holiday pay
such as employees are entitle to 28 days of leave if they are working full time and 12 weeks of
holiday pay if they are working part time rendering to the hours they are working. Trade unions
are the representatives in a firm as they stand for all employees that are working and solve issues
within the firm. Parents are entitle to ask for flexible working hours as they have a right which
includes part time work or working during school hours, working from home, job sharing and finally
shift working. They have permit to put in a request to work flexibly every 12 months.
National minimum wage/ National living wage:
National minimum wage is the lowest wage per hour which an employee is eligible to in the UK.
The national minimum wages are changes yearly by the Government of UK. The national minimum
wage is different to all workers at different ages. For example; for Apprentice wage is ВЈ3.50 per
hour, Under 18 wage is ВЈ4.05, 18 to 20 wages is ВЈ5.60, 21 to 24 wages is ВЈ7.05 & finally 25+
wages is ВЈ7.50. UK is formerly at the highest amount in 15 years when referring to minimum wage
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Essay about The Importance of Biodiversity
What exactly is Biodiversity? Biodiversity is generally defined as "the existence of many different
kinds of plants and animals in an environment." (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d.) However, there
is no single definition for biodiversity. One definition for biological diversity is "a diversity among
and within plant and animal species in an environment" (Biological Diversity, n.d.). Biodiversity can
also be defined as "the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region"
(Biological Diversity, n.d.). Another definition is "the variability among living organisms on the
earth, including the variability within and between species and within and between ecosystems"
(Biological Diversity, n.d.). There are at more content...
At the opposite end of the spectrum, characteristics of genetically healthy populations include many
beings that are completely unrelated to each other.
Ecological diversity is the variation of habitat styles that are offered in a given area. These habitats
can have very dissimilar physical characteristics. Some examples of this are temperature and soil
type, as well as different entities occupying them. After the habitat with all its organisms and their
multifaceted exchanges are careful measured together, it is characterized as an ecosystem. Ecosystem
diversity is normally referred to as the level that is deliberated in relation to biodiversity.
Many different people for a variety of reasons have argued the value of biodiversity, but they all
point to a unified ideal of conservation. Humans would need to ensure that our natural resources are
available for all of our future generations. Several assemblies and establishments in our modern
society also are aware of the intrinsic value of biodiversity in all of its forms. Some examples of this
include waste managers, pharmacists, the food industry, the pet industry, hobbyists, hunters and
anglers, scientists and, finally, conservationists.
Biodiversity also means there are other options out there, and we have to find them. The options
range from medicine to technology that are inspired by animals and plants. The nature in the world
is an immense fountain of helpful information that might,
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Studymode Essay

  • 1. Public Health Essay Public health is a dynamic field of medicine that is concerned primarily with improving the health of populations rather than just the health of individuals. Winslow (1920) defined public health as; " the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting physical health and efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of community infections, the education of the individual in principles of personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing service for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and the development of the social machinery which will ensure to every individual in the community, a standard of living adequate for the maintenance more content... Most of these issues have been successfully addressed, and in the twenty–first century, the focus has widened to confront newer epidemics of ill–health resulting from drug abuse, obesity and smoking.(5) SOPH are important in addressing these health issues largely because of its pivotal role in the training of public health professionals, thereby laying the foundation for the future growth of the health sector.(6) Most SOPH in the UK are organized around the themes of capacity building, multidisciplinary approach, balanced teaching and research. Information is dissipated in traditional class room setting, either as full–time 12 month programmes, or as part–time 24–60 months programmes.(7) Some SOPH have adopted more technologically advanced means of education delivery, utilizing electronic means to provide distance learning facilities, especially for international students who may not be able to afford the cost of living in the UK. The curriculum of most courses in public health conventionally includes subject such as epidemiology, health policy, health promotion, health management, environmental health, human biology and health economics.(6,8,9) Currently however, the scope has been expanded to include courses involving statistical analysis and the use of computer programmes; the ability to access, manage and work with information; the ability to present and disseminate information in an effective manner; interview and Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Frozen River Frozen River Learning Integration Paper This essay analyzes family methods of interaction, strengths, and barriers of Ray's family and Lila. It describes the family and community roles, rituals, and belief systems that sustain their life processes. It also identifies the role of grief, values, and symbols that describe the family and community system. Lastly, the paper targets systems for intervention. From a micro/mezzo perspective the methods of interaction between Ray and her family appeared to be short and emotionless. There appeared to be conflict between Ray and Troy, based upon Troy leaving the home. Ray seemed to have little interaction with her kids TJ and Ricky. However she showed desperation to fulfill their dream more content... The family ate meals together despite it wasn't much, they did eat something. Ray met Lila after searching for her husband. Realizing he was gone she saw opportunity through Lila to begin to routinely smuggle illegal immigrants to the US which became a routine. The women began to form a 'sister' like bond over time working toward their goal of providing for their families. Ray and her family did not show any religious beliefs other than celebrating Christmas. They lived in a Native community just outside of the Mohawk reservation. The community reflected cultures of white working class and excluded underclass Mohawk natives. Ray and her sons all experience grief of the loss of the dad, Troy abandoning them. Despite her anger, Ray did not talk bad about Troy in front of the kids. She simply stated the facts to TJ, and addressed their dad leaving in an age appropriate manner to Ricky; clearly conveying family an important value to them. Ray's most prominent values throughout the movie seemed to be providing for her kids. She showed much desperation smuggling in efforts to get sufficient housing, insisting TJ get an education rather than work to help support the family, and fulfilling Ricky's dreams of a good Christmas. One of the symbols in the movie was the climate; the movie had a winter setting with no sun light. It seemed as blue as the main color which gives an oppressive, dramatic, and Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Effects of Mass Media on Society In contemporary society, people are strongly influenced by mass media. Although traditional television watching and newspaper reading are no longer as popular as before, people spend more time in front of computers listening to music and radios, reading news and information, interacting with other people in social network and watching television programmes and films. The developing technology of mobile phone allows people to do almost everything they can do with the computer. Nowaday, people are living in a world 'saturated by media sounds and images.' (McQuail, 2008, p.456) In this essay, a general introduction of social change and media influence will be discussed in the first section. The second section will introduce Golding's more content... Obviously, media have some influence on our decision making, especially on our idea of consumption. John Corner (2000, p.379) named it as 'circumstantial influence'. 'A holiday programme may convince audiences to visit Greece in summer; a feature on cancer prevention may finally persuade some people towards a healthier diet.' Good or bad economic news clearly affect business, consumer confidence and have strong influence on financial market. In special times such as war time, disaster or economic crisis, media are more influential. For example, during the period of the Sichuan earthquake in China, almost all Chinese media content focused on the progress of rescue. The media influence was very important for victims to obtain maximal concern from all over the world. Many people devoted themselves into voluntary work to help the victims. Similar situation also happened in Haiti after the earthquake in last month. Global media are focusing on the poor Caribbean country and gathering people from different countries to lend a hand for those earthquake survivors. News media is one of the most powerful and influential media forms. Golding (1981 cited in McQuail, 2008, p.467) distinguishes four different concepts of news and their effects: 'planned and short term', 'unplanned and short term', 'planned and long term'and 'unplanned and long term'. Planned news can be described for 'propaganda', 'media campaign', 'framing news' and 'agenda–setting.' It may Get more content on
  • 4. Study Plan Essay I am applying to Seoul National University to continue the development of my critical learning skills and to broaden my knowledge base. I feel I am now ready to complete a degree, and understand what is required to function successfully in our environment. I realize that to advance from the world of undergraduate college curriculum to that of an atmosphere of higher education in graduate training, takes much of a prospective graduate student??s time and effort. Throughout my life, I have worked towards one goal which is to become a doctor. Medicine offers the opportunity for me to integrate different scopes of science while trying to improve human life. Medicine has intrigued me throughout all my life because it??s a never more content... I have taken stock of myself, considering my skills, experiences, and goals. I have looked to family and friends, some of whom are doctors, for advice. Because of this self–examination, I have decided to pursue a career in health care. The process has been difficult at times but always illuminating. Throughout it all, I have never lost confidence – the confidence that I will actively absorb all available medical knowledge, forge friendships with fellow students, and emerge from my training as a skilful and caring physician. I know that the road that I take to become a doctor is going to be very challenging; however I feel that my past has prepared me for taking on the challenge. As a student, I am an active participant in my academic and extracurricular activities. My first priority has always been to make good grades and learn in college. Although this is important to me, I also know that by participating in clubs, sports, and extracurricular activities, I will become a well–rounded student. I have been working hard for the last 7 years, operating as an independent, responsible adult. In that time I have constantly learnt from my life experiences and developed skills in both learning and life management. I am a very motivated person with goal setting, time management and prior skills that help me achieve what I aim to do. What motivates me to pursue university education abroad? Well, the last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, however, the First Get more content on
  • 5. UNIT 524 UNIT 524. Facilitate change, in health and social care or children and young people's settings. Understand the principles of change management in health and social care or children and young people's settings. 01.1 01.2 01.3 01.4 Analyze the factors both internal and external that drive change within your sector of health and social care. Write a brief report of your findings. Describe the underpinning theories of change management. Describe approaches tools techniques that support the change process. Explain the importance of effective change management for your service provision. 0.1.1 01.2 For any business to grow and prosper, managers of the business must be able to anticipate, recognize and deal with change in the internal more content... Management: The capability of the management team and the leadership styles employed by managers will also have a major impact on the morale of staff (and volunteers in a non–profit organization) and organization culture. More contemporary forms of management involve workers in decision making processes and trusting that, although managers and workers have different viewpoints, they largely benefit by working together to achieve the business objectives. Assets: Its assets can make the internal environment of the organization richer or poorer. For example, the organization's premises can be pleasant and uplifting, or demure and depressing. The availability of equipment is another asset that can significantly impact on the internal environment. If equipment is in short supply or not of the expected standard, then staff may be hindered in the performance of their duties, or if equipment is used by customers then customer satisfaction will fall. Financial Strength: Financial strength is a factor in its own right that influences the internal environment of the organization. Despite however good other internal factors may be, it is very difficult for an organization that is too short of cash to implement strategies within the strategic plan. If the organization struggles financially this can impact on staff morale, as budgets need to be excessively Get more content on
  • 6. Trigger Warnings Essay The most recent controversy on American college campuses today, is whether colleges should adopt trigger warnings as a way to protect students from topics of discussion or ideas that may cause them some level of discomfort for instance, a lecture about rape may disturb a student who may have been raped in their earlier life causing the student great emotional disstress. Even though trigger warnings save student from reliving a delicate past; trigger warning should not be added to college classes because students at a college level should be mentally prepared to handle harsh academic course work that may trigger their own difficult past. Trigger warnings blind ones vision to learn the truth about topics that contain disturbing truths, more content... Universities interpret the idea of trigger warnings as taking a student's right to learn freely away, for another student's well– being. Imagine a class of students studying to become professionals in criminal justice and they are shown a graphical video on a murder case. One student may have a childhood memory of witnessing a murder and this video presentation is going to trigger those emotions to surface back to the students mind and emotionally harm them. Now if the student were to say something and the professor stops the video, which takes away the right for students to learn all for the sake of one student. Jennifer Medina writer of Free Speech: Is it Endangered on Campus, states "Warnings affect the open mind that students... are expected to bring to the material"(Medina) Medina uses this to tell us that trigger warnings would keep students from receiving information that is much needed to master a career. How are you going to be a homicide detective if you do not know how to handle the situation simply because you were not allowed to watch and discuss a video in your classroom? The U.S. Constitution's First Amendment states that congress cannot restrict the right of a person to speak freely. Everyone has the right to comment on anything they'd like however they like. Therefore; college professors have the right to teach the material they have to including every detail Get more content on
  • 7. Equality Act 2010 Essay Equality Act 2010: The Equality Act 2010 shortens the existing laws and puts them all together in one piece of legislation. On the other hand, it makes the law resilient in some areas. This law protects employees from perception in workplace and in the world. Equality Act 2010 replaces all anti–discrimination laws within a single Act. This Act has 116 single pieces of legislations and has been put together into one Act which is known as Equality Act 2010. This Act has started to work in UK and EU in 2010 of October. In this Act it covers the main laws such as race, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion/belief, age and equal pay. European Working Time Directive: This Act is EU legislation proposed to support the health and safety more content... To conclude, Employment Act 2008 also improves the areas of employment which includes minimum wage, holiday pay, equal opportunities and also contains trade unions. Holiday pay such as employees are entitle to 28 days of leave if they are working full time and 12 weeks of holiday pay if they are working part time rendering to the hours they are working. Trade unions are the representatives in a firm as they stand for all employees that are working and solve issues within the firm. Parents are entitle to ask for flexible working hours as they have a right which includes part time work or working during school hours, working from home, job sharing and finally shift working. They have permit to put in a request to work flexibly every 12 months. National minimum wage/ National living wage: National minimum wage is the lowest wage per hour which an employee is eligible to in the UK. The national minimum wages are changes yearly by the Government of UK. The national minimum wage is different to all workers at different ages. For example; for Apprentice wage is ВЈ3.50 per hour, Under 18 wage is ВЈ4.05, 18 to 20 wages is ВЈ5.60, 21 to 24 wages is ВЈ7.05 & finally 25+ wages is ВЈ7.50. UK is formerly at the highest amount in 15 years when referring to minimum wage per Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about The Importance of Biodiversity What exactly is Biodiversity? Biodiversity is generally defined as "the existence of many different kinds of plants and animals in an environment." (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d.) However, there is no single definition for biodiversity. One definition for biological diversity is "a diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment" (Biological Diversity, n.d.). Biodiversity can also be defined as "the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region" (Biological Diversity, n.d.). Another definition is "the variability among living organisms on the earth, including the variability within and between species and within and between ecosystems" (Biological Diversity, n.d.). There are at more content... At the opposite end of the spectrum, characteristics of genetically healthy populations include many beings that are completely unrelated to each other. Ecological diversity is the variation of habitat styles that are offered in a given area. These habitats can have very dissimilar physical characteristics. Some examples of this are temperature and soil type, as well as different entities occupying them. After the habitat with all its organisms and their multifaceted exchanges are careful measured together, it is characterized as an ecosystem. Ecosystem diversity is normally referred to as the level that is deliberated in relation to biodiversity. Many different people for a variety of reasons have argued the value of biodiversity, but they all point to a unified ideal of conservation. Humans would need to ensure that our natural resources are available for all of our future generations. Several assemblies and establishments in our modern society also are aware of the intrinsic value of biodiversity in all of its forms. Some examples of this include waste managers, pharmacists, the food industry, the pet industry, hobbyists, hunters and anglers, scientists and, finally, conservationists. Biodiversity also means there are other options out there, and we have to find them. The options range from medicine to technology that are inspired by animals and plants. The nature in the world is an immense fountain of helpful information that might, Get more content on