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Light and Matter Colors of Objects
Mixing Colors of Light Mixing Colors of Pigment
Light passes through
Transparent Matter such as
To get white light, you
must combine green,
blue, and red light (as
shown in diagram
Red Green and Blue are
primary colors. When you
mix primary colors
together, you get a
secondary color such as
cyan magenta yellow.
By JP and Niall
Opaque Objects are not
transparent or translucent
Translucent Matter will let
light through, but it scatters it
Colors that we perceive a a
reflection of light
Banana’s are yellow because
yellow light is the only color that
reflects off of their skin
Mixing pigment is different
than mixing light. You can’t
get white pigment by mixing
red, blue and green.
A pigment is a material that
gives a substance its color by
absorbing some colors of light,
and reflecting others. Almost
everything contains pigments.
Light Refraction
As the straw enters the
water at an angle, the
light refracts and the
straw appears to be cut
By: David and Jon-Martin
Buckyballs, also known as
Buckministerfulleriens, are very
durable arrangements of Carbon.
C60, or Carbon-60, closely resembles
a soccer ball. While uses
inexsausted, scientists are trying to
come up with new ways to use
them. One use is as lightweight,
durable armor, while another use is
storing Hydrogen, a quite daunting
and explosive task, as it is an
extremely volatile gas.
Doctors are also in on Buckyballs as
they are a close match to the protein
that the AIDS virus latches on to
and are also good at slowing down –
or even stopping – allergic reactions.
When Buckyballs are
combined with Carbon
nanotubes and some other
“stuff” they form a
paintable liquid, then once
you lay down some wires
you’ve got a solar panel.
This property of Buckyballs
is a big draw for Green
Energy Activists, so
Buckyballs are a big hit in
that area.
The military is
testing a light-
weight Carbon-
Aluminum alloy
that, when only
as thick as a piece
of tinfoil,
hold 12 tons per
By Colin Trewitt
Northern lights
Most tribes believed that the
lights were spirits trying to reach
• The Point Barrow Eskimos
believed that the aurora was an
evil thing.
• The Fox Indians lived in Wisconsin
they thought it was an omen of
war. They also thought it was
spirits of their dead enemies.
• Most Eskimos believed it was
spirits playing ball.
• The East Greenland Eskimos
thought that the Northern Lights
were the spirits of children who
died at birth.
• The Eskimos on Yukon river
believed that the aurora was
spirits dancing.
Folklore The Cause
The sun throws
particles into space.
When the particles
get close to earth
they get pulled into
its magnetic field.
Before it can hit earth
it is blocked by the
earths atmosphere.
Which contains gases
that react with the
particles sent from
the sun, creating
electricity that is
shown as light.
In The North
The Northern Lights are in the
north because the magnetic force of
the north pole attracts the particles
sent from the sun. When the particles
go over the atmosphere they react
with gases and create light.
The shape of a penguin’s body is perfectly
shaped for cutting through the water and
that is why penguins can swim at speeds up
to 15 kilometers per hour.
Penguins can’t fly because their wings are
too small to support the weight to their
To protect them from the cold, penguins
share body heat by huddling together in
groups like this. These groups can include
thousands of penguins.
Penguins are very social creatures, and
always live together in groups called
Penguins have many layers of scale-like
feathers that help them keep warm. They
also have thick layers of fat that conserve
The muscles that control a penguin’s feet
and flippers are located in the penguins
body so that although the flippers get
extremely cold, they can still be operated
normally by regions that are fully functional
and at normal body temperature.
Another thing that protects penguins
from the cold is the very shape of their
bodies. They have a high ratio of volume
to surface area so there is less
opportunity for the heat to escape. So
although penguin’s bodies aren’t very
graceful, and make walking and turning
their heads difficult, they are perfect for
keeping warm.
PENGUINSBy Hali and Gale
What is it? How is it
The Periodic Table is an
arrangement of chemical
elements, according to their
atomic mass. Dmitri
Mendeleev (Russian
chemist) found a pattern in
the chemical elements in
1869. He wrote names on
the cards and arranged the
cards by properties like
density and appearance. By
arranging the cards by
atomic mass, a pattern
appeared. In 1914 a British
scientist , Henry Mosley
made the table more
accurate by determining the
number of protons and
atomic number.
Group 1: Alkaline
Group contains: metals
Shared properties:
softness, silver,
shininess and low
Group 2: Alkaline Earth
Group contains: metals
Shared properties:
silver, higher densities
than alkaline metals
Groups 3-12: Transition
Group contain: metals
Shared properties:
shininess, good
conductors of thermal
energy and electric
Group 13: Boron Group:
Group contains: one
metalloid and five metals
Shared properties: solids
at room temperature
Group 14: Carbon Group
Group contains: one nonmetal,
two metalloids and three metals
Shared properties: solids at room
Different Groups
Periodic Table of
(Picture below)
Dmitri Mendeleev
(Picture above)
By Kinsey R
What you hear in your ears are vibrations.
Vibrations push the air molecules in the
direction of the rarefaction, or
Many parts in the ear have to work
together to hear sound. if any
organ stops working the result
could be hearing loss or deafness.
First of all, a sound wave is a longitudinal
wave that is caused by vibrations. This is
what makes sound.
This is what your ear and your brain goes
through just to hear someone say“Hi”.
Short exposures to sounds that are loud enough to be painful can
cause hearing loss. You can protect your ears by putting some
distance from loud sounds. Turn the volume down when listening to
music, if you're in front of a loudspeaker keep some distance. When
you double the distance between yourself and a loud sound, the
sound’s intensity to your ears will be one-fourth of what it was
By Amy Lubeck and Justin Garcia
Gravity is an invisible force that keeps us on
(or pulls us toward) the ground.
The more mass an object has, the
larger its gravitational pull is. This
is why on Earth you don’t float
away. The blue arrows represent
attraction force of gravity.
Airplanes use air resistance to
push off of the ground,
effectively canceling the
affects of gravity. This allows
flight, despite the pull of
gravity on Earth!
Penguins are affected by gravity,
as you can see from the image at
the top left corner. Penguins are
flightless birds because they don’t
have the proper wings to lift, or
the correct design to move. Also
they are to heavy and because
they have so much mass, gravity
pulls them down.
Gravity has a different amount of force
on different planets, since the mass is
different. On mars, you weigh
7 times less than you would on Earth.
Zero gravity can be experienced
by entering a plane that goes on
a parabola. Upon going upwards,
you will feel gravity more than
usual, but upon going down, you
become weightless.
Properties of Sound Waves
The maximum distance that the particles of
a wave’s medium vibrate from their rest
position. The amplitude of a wave is related
to it’s height. The larger the amplitude, the
taller the wave.
A wavelength is the distance between any
two crests or compressions next to each
other in a wave. A wavelength can be
measured from any point on a wave to the
next corresponding point on the wave.
Wavelength is measured the same way going
top to bottom or left to right.
A frequency the number of waves produced in
a given amount of time. Frequencies have a
direct correlation with wavelengths.
Frequency is also the measurement of the
number of times that a repeated event occurs
per unit of time.
Wave Speed
Wave speed is the speed at which a wave travels.
Wave speed can be calculated using wavelengths
and frequency. This is the equation: wave
speed=wavelength x frequency.
By Jeffrey and Anish
Different types of light:
•Radio waves
•Visible light
•Ultraviolet rays
•Gamma rays
Certain colors look different to some people.
The primary colors are red, yellow and
green but on the computer the colors are
red, blue and green.
Auto chrome uses orange, green and violet
People at the same angle interpret the
rainbows appearance differently.
You can actually never reach the end of a
rainbow (  ) because the rainbow moves
when you move
Also the rainbow moves because the rain
drops are at different spots in the
What is sound?
Sound waves Sound and media
Making sound versus
hearing sound
Protecting your
A sound wave is a longitudinal wave
that is caused by vibrations and that
travels through a material medium.
Sound waves travel in all directions
coming from their source. But, air or
other matter does not travel back
and forth.
Longitudinal waves are made of
compressions and refractions.
The particles of the substance, such
as air particles, vibrate back and
forth along the path that the sound
wave travels. Sound is transmitted
through the vibrations and collisions
of the particles. Because of the
particles vibrate back and forth
along the paths that sounds travels,
sound travels as longitudinal waves.
All sound waves require a
medium/media. A medium is a
substance through which a wave can
travel. Most of the sounds that you hear
travel air at least part of the time. But
sound waves can also travel through
other materials, such as glass, metal,
and water.
In a vacuum, however there are no
particles to vibrate. So, no sound can be
made in a vacuum.
Sound must travel through air or some
other medium to reach your ears and
be detected.
Imagine If a glass cup hits the ground and
no one is around to hear it, does the broken
glass make a sound? When a glass cup hits
the ground, the glass and the floor would
vibrate. These vibrations make compression
and rarefactions in the surrounding air. So,
there would be a sound.
Making sound is separate from detecting
sound. The fact that no one heard the glass
cup fall doesn't mean that there wasn't a
sound. The glass cup did make a sound but
no was there to hear it.
Short exposures to sounds that are
loud enough to be painful can cause
hearing loss. Your hearing can also
be damaged by loud sounds that are
not quite painful, if you are exposed
to them for a long periods of time.
There are some things you could do
so that you won’t hurt your hearing.
Loud sounds can be blocked out by
earplug. You could listen at lower
volume when you are using your
earphones. You could also move
away from loud sounds. If you are
near a loud speaker playing loud
music, just walk away from it. When
you double the distance between
yourself and a loud sound, the
sound's intensity to your ears will be
one- fourth of what it was before.
Pieces of a Circuit
• Load- the object that uses the electricity
• Conductors- Wires that carry electricity
• Power source- Battery or generator that supplies power
• Switch- Controls the circuit by connecting and separating
two wires to control current.
Types of Circuits
• Series circuits
• All parts are connected in a single loop.
• There’s only one path for charges to follow.
• All parts share the same current.
• If one part breaks, the entire circuit stops.
• Parallel circuits
• A circuit in which the loads are connected side
by side.
• Charges have multiple paths to travel on.
• If one part stops working, the current can
continue through the other path.
What Uses Circuits?
Everything electronic!
Series Circuitsare used for…
• Light strings
• Burglar alarms
Parallel Circuitsare used for…
•Electrical outlets
•Lighting a building
Simple Series Circuit
Power Source
Path 1 Path 2
Load 1 Load 2
Power Source
Simple Parallel Circuit
Sara and Ishika- Period 3- April 2013
•To get white light, combine the
three colors of light (red, blue,
•RBG (red, blue, green. Also called
the primary colors of light) can be
combined in different ratios to
produce many colors
•Combining colors of light is called
color addition
•When two primary colors
combine, you see a secondary
color of light
*Cyan (blue plus green)
*Magenta (blue plus red)
*Yellow (red plus green)
•When light hits matter, it can interact
with it in three different ways: it can
reflect, absorb, or transmit
• Absorption is the transfer of light energy
to matter, and can make things feel
•Transmission is the passing of light
through matter
•Reflection is the bouncing back of light
•Three types of matter: transparent
(allows light to pass with little
interference), translucent (transmits light
but not am image), and opaque (object
that is not transparent nor translucent)
Here you see saran wrap (transparent),
wax paper (translucent), and aluminum
•Pigment: a material that
gives a substance/ mixture
its color by absorbing some
colors of light and reflecting
•Paint contains pigment
•You cannot make white out
of red, blue, and green
•Chlorophyll (what gives
plants their color) and
melanin (what gives skin its
color) are types of pigments
•Mixing pigments is called
color subtraction because
colors of light are absorbed
Primary colors of light combined
together to make secondary colors
Primary Pigments
•We see wavelengths as different colors
(long waves as red and short waves as
•The color of an object is determined by
the wavelengths of light
•Light reaches our eyes after reflection or
•Colors of light that are reflected by an
opaque object determine the color we
•When you look through colored
transparent or translucent objects, you
see the color of light that was transmitted
through the material
•Window glass is colorless because it
transmits all colors that strike it
In thee picture, every light is absorbed
except that yellow is being reflected
Light and Color
• Mixing colors of light:
• To get white light you need to combine the primary
colors of light, red, blue, and green
• These 3 colors can be combined in many ways to
create hundreds of different colors
• The secondary colors of light are cyan, magenta, and
yellow. These are made by mixing the primary colors
• Combining colors of light is called color addition,
because you add the colors together
 Mixing colors of pigment:
 A pigment is a material that gives something else its color by
absorbing some light colors and reflecting others
 Combining pigment colors is called color subtraction, because more
light colors are taken away when you mix more pigments
By Eva Waterman
yellow cyangreen
Freezing is when a
liquid of any sort
turns into a solid. For
this to happen, the
energy of a liquid is
removed and the
particles stay in
place. Then, the
attraction of the
particles has to
overcome motion to
freeze. Since energy
is removed, this is an
exothermic change.
The freezing point is
the temperature that
a liquid turns into a
solid, and is a
physical property.
Melting is the
opposite of freezing. It
is when particles are
heated up and reach a
certain temperature,
then overcome the
attraction between
them. Then the
substance turns from a
solid to a liquid. It is an
endothermic change
because energy is
added to the
substance. The
temperature that a
solid changes into a
liquid is the melting
point, and occurs at the
same temperature as
the freezing point .
Boiling is when a
liquid changes into a
gas. It happens when
the vapor pressure is
the same as the
pressure. The boiling
point is when any
liquid hits its
temperature that
causes it to boil. The
boiling point is
always the same,
even with different
amounts of the same
Condensation is
when a gas changes into
a liquid, and is the
opposite of
evaporation. Energy is
removed which causes
the attraction to
overcome the particles
of motion, and they
clump together.
Condensation is an
exothermic change,
because energy has to
be removed in order for
the state to change.
The condensation point
is the same
temperature of the
boiling point at a given
Evaporation is
when a substance
changes from a liquid
to a gas. It can occur
at the surface of a
substance below its
boiling point. Some
of the particles of the
liquid gain energy
and move fast
enough to overcome
the attraction
between them. They
break away from
from the particles
around them and the
substance becomes a
gas. Adding energy to
the liquid increases
the rate of
The Coil Gun!
By: thomas and tim
A Coil Gun is works by running electric current
through a coil of wire called a solenoid; therefore
giving the wire a magnetic field. Then attracting
the a iron bullet forward to the middle of the coil.
Once the bullet reaches the end of the coil (it
overshoots the center because it propels so fast),
a series circuit infrared sensor turns off the
current to the original coil and uses the bullets
momentum to continue forward.
There are usually more than one coil in the coil
gun. With three, four, or five coils, you can get a
lot of speed and momentum. When the bullet
goes through the first coil and reaches the tip of
the first coil, it opens a gate literally, turning of the
previous coil and completing the circuit for the
next one. The image below explains this.
Without the infrared sensor, the bullet would be
decelerating and oscillating to center of the coil.
There are three types of mirrors: plane,
concave, convex. A plane mirror is a mirror
with a flat surface. An example of a plane
mirror is a bathroom mirror. Just like
Convex Mirrors it doesn’t matter where you
stand, your characteristics won’t change.
We all know if we raise our right hand in
a plane mirror it will seem like our left
hand is being raise, or when the words
on our shirt is written backwards. Those
term is called the Left-Right Reversal.
Below is a picture that explain what is
happening in the Left-Right Reversal:
A convex mirror is a mirror that is curved outward like
the back of a spoon. Unlike Concave mirrors the location
of the object does not affect the characteristics of the
object. Think of a convex mirror as a sphere cut in half.
The center of the original sphere is called: center of
curvature. A line through the center of the mirror to the
center of curvature is called a principal axis. The mirror
has a focal point that is half way from the center of the
mirror and the center of the curvature. Since the focal
point it behind the mirror then it is called a negative focal
A concave mirror is a mirror that is curved
inward like the inside of a spoon There’s a
picture of a concave mirror above. Think of a
Concave mirror as opposite of a Convex mirror.
Just like I explained in the Convex mirror
description, that the mirror is kind of like a
sphere that has been cut in half. The center of
the used-to-be sphere is called the: Center of
Curvature. Now if you draw a line through the
mirror and through the Center of Curvature you
get a principal axis. In the middle of the
principal axis the fulcrum. In this case, since the
mirror is curved inward, then the center of the
used-to-be sphere is before the mirror, along
with the fulcrum. With a Concave Mirror just
remember: L.O.S.T. L stands for location (before
the Center of Curvature?) O is orientation
(upright or inverted?) S stands for size
(magnified, reduced, or same size.) T stands for
By Emma and Jillian
Plane Mirrors:Convex Mirror:
Concave Mirror:
The way a Convex mirror works is when rays hit the
mirror it will reflect, the light rays diverge. Subsequently
they will never intersect on the object’s side.
Radio Waves
62 miles to 0.04 inch (100
Kilometersto 1 millimeter)
1 foot to 0.003 foot (0.3
Meter to 0.001 meter)
Infrared rays
0.00015 foot
Visible light
(0.5 milliimeter)
Ultraviolet rays
(0.01 millimeter)
(0.01 nanometer)
Gamma rays
The entire range of electromagnetic waves is called the electromagnetic spectrum.
All electromagnetic (EM) waves travel at the speed of light. EM waves differ only by their wavelength and frequency.
1. Radio waves have the longest
frequencies and the longest
wavelengths in the EM spectrum.
They are used to broadcast radio
signals for radios and televisions.
2. Microwaves have the second longest
wavelengths. A special device called a
magnetron is used to produce microwaves by
accelerating charged particles. Microwaves are
not only used in microwave ovens, but also in
artificial satellites, cell phones, and radar.
7. Gamma rays have the shortest
wavelengths. They can penetrate most
materials easily. Gamma rays are used to
treat forms of cancer by focusing these
rays on tumors. They are also used to kill
harmful bacteria in food.
5. Ultraviolet waves are produced by the sun, and
reach earth even on cloudy days. When exposed to
UV light or skin cells produce vitamin D which is
necessary for our bodies, but too much of UV light
may cause sunburn, skin cancer, wrinkles, and
damage our eyes.
4. Visible light is the very narrow
range of wavelengths and
frequencies in the spectrum that
humans can see. All wavelengths of
visible light combined are called
white light
6. X rays are a type of ray which
can pass through many materials.
They are used in the medical field
and in security devices. Too much
X ray exposure can damage our
3. Did you know that almost all things give off
infrared waves, including you? The amount of
infrared waves an object gives off depends on the
object's temperature. The warmer the object is
the more infrared waves it gives off. You can't see
them, but special types of cameras can.
300×106 Hz3 Hz 300 ×109 Hz 400 ×1012Hz 750 ×1012 Hz 30 ×1015 Hz 15 ×1018HzLow
Properties of Magnets
• 2,000 years ago, Greeks discovered a mineral that
attracts iron, called magnetite.
• Magnets exert force on each other and are
surrounded by magnetic fields.
• Bar magnets are strongest near their ends because
each end is a magnetic pole, which can be north or
• North poles attract south poles, and like poles
repel each other.
• You can magnetize iron by lining up the domains.
Earth’s Magnetism
• The Earth behaves as if it has one large magnet running
through its center.
• While the Earths geographic poles are on the axis on
which the it rotates, the Earths magnetic poles are the
points on the surface of the planet where the magnetic
forces are strongest.
• There is no actual magnet in the Earth, it’s core’s
temperature is too high to stay lined up in domains.
•Because the outer core is liquid, it moves as the Earth
rotates, which creates an electric charge. The charge
moves, and makes a magnetic field.
• An aurora is formed when charged particles from the
sun hit oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the air. The
atoms become excited and give off light of many
•Although the earths magnetic field blocks most of the
charged particles from the sun, the fields bend
inwards at the magnetic poles, and as a result the
charged particles can crash into the atmosphere near
the poles.
• Northern Lights are called aurora borealis, while
Southern lights are
• Electromagnets are made up of a solenoid wrapped
around an iron core.
• A solenoid is a coil of wire carrying a current.
• The iron in the center increases the magnetic strength of
the solenoid.
• The more loops per meter there are the stronger the
electromagnet is.
• Electromagnets are useful because they can be turned on
and off.
• Electromagnets are used in almost anything, from
doorbells to motors.
Magnetic Fields
• Magnetic fields exist in the region around a magnet
in which magnetic forces can act.
• The shape of a magnetic field can be shown with
lines drawn from the north to south pole of a magnet.
• These lines map out the magnetic fields and are
called magnetic field lines.
• The closer together the lines are, the stronger the
magnetic force is.
• Lines are closest together at the poles, where the
magnetic force is strongest.
• Magnetic fields can be created around wires with
current running through them.
By: Allie and Alisa
Light and Color
Colors of Objects
The color that an object appears is determined by the
wavelengths of light that reach your eyes. The lowest
wavelength you can see is red, the highest is purple. When
your eyes receive the light that bounces off of an object, they
send signals to your brain. Your brain interprets the signals as
Colors of Opaque
When white light hits an
opaque object, some of the
colors of light are absorbed,
and some are reflected. The
light that is reflected and hits
your eye is the color that the
object appears. For example,
a red apple absorbs all light
except the color red, which is
Colors of Transparent and
Translucent Objects
Transparent and translucent materials
are colored slightly differently than
opaque objects. Most transparent
and translucent materials are clear,
because all light passes through
them. But some objects are colored.
When a white light hits a colored
transparent object, most colors are
absorbed, but one passes through.
That is the color you see.
Light and Matter
When light hits matter, it can interact with the matter
in three ways: by reflection, sending the light back to
your eyes and allowing you to see the object; by
absorption, where the energy of light is transferred to
the matter; or by transmission, where the light passes
through the object.
Reflection Absorption Transmission
There are three types of matter: transparent
matter, translucent matter, and opaque matter.
Transparent matter is matter that allows light to
pass through it. Transparent matter is matter you
can see through, like air or glass..Translucent
matter transmits light but does not transmit an
image.Think bubbly glass. You can see shapes and
colors from outside, but you can't see details.
Finally, opaque matter is matter that light cannot
pass through.
Types of Matter
Transparent Translucent
By Claire
•Interference Of Sound
• Interference happens when
two or more waves overlap,
which causes it to make a louder
sound. The two types of
interference are constructive and
destructive. Bands use
constructive when they play, by
overlapping each other.
Destructive is when the sound
bounces off the walls and
interfere with the instruments.
•Resonance happens when two
objects vibrate at the same
frequency. The sound produced
by one object causes the other
object to vibrate. If you have a
tuning fork that vibrates at one of
the resonant frequencies of a
guitar string, you can make the
string make noise without
making any contact.
• Reflection Of Sound
• Reflection is when a wave
bounces back after hitting
an object, and it is called an
echo. The strength of that
reflection depends on the
surface. Smooth, hard
surfaces reflect best, like in
a gym. Soft surfaces
absorb the sound waves,
like in an auditorium.
I thought we could use this slide for
picture tryouts.
Background tryouts: A link:
You can work alone or with a partner on this project.
Choose a topic of appropriate complexity and cover it well.
The poster is a digital product that is simply one large PowerPoint slide.
Research, writing, and collecting graphics should be done at home and here.
A large format printer on loan from HP will be used for the final (only) printout.
The content for your poster can be gained from packets, books, websites, and videos.
The steps:
1. Get an overview of the project and view sample posters.
2. Find a partner (or not), browse the textbook and find an area of interest
3. Enter your names, topic, and textbook section onto my spreadsheet.
4. Do initial research to choose subtopics, then write them (3-4) on paper.
5. Create poster:
• One PowerPoint slide, set page width to 30 & height to 22
• Name the file "topic_first_first" (no spaces)
• Find and read information and add it (in your words) to poster
• Find great big graphics, save to computer, and add to poster (100% or less)
• Arrange components so that they make sense and look good (PARC)
• Print an 8.5 x 11 b/w copy and get suggestions for improvement
6. Show me your poster file (on screen) to get final approval
7. Turn in via by March 29 (pw = heumann).
Grading Criteria:
Each bullet listed above reflects 5 points of credit.
5 points for great quality,
4 points for good quality,
3 points for ok quality,
2 points for low quality,
1 point for lousy/skimpy/cursory quality,
0 points for no evidence of work/feature not present.
Software Network
An electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical
and logical operations at high speeds, and display the results of these
A computer has many different physical elements, which is
called hardware. There are a few main hardware
components that are vital to a computer.
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): The GPU processes data
it receives from the program that is currently running,
then inputs that data to the monitor, deciding what each
pixel will display.
Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU runs all programs
and processes your computer does.
Random Access Memory (RAM): RAM stores temporary
data sent from software and programs your computer is
running, and randomly accessed by the CPU.
Hard Drive: This is where all your permanent data is
stored. Information is stored here when you save
document, create a file, and do anything that you can
access after you restart your computer. The data stored
here typically stays here until you manually delete it.
Motherboard: Connects and transfers data to all the parts.
Software is data downloaded to
your computer from an external
source. Software is stored on your
hard drive, and ran by the CPU.
Software can vary anywhere from
your operating system (OS) which
is what you use to control your
computer, to a video game or
application such as skype. Your
web browser is also a piece of
software. Software is what you
command you computer to use or
run, and the hardware runs it.
Computers are connected
to the internet via a
network of cables, fiber
cables, internet providers,
and routing computers.
Your computer is
connected to the Ethernet,
which receives data
through cables on
telephone poles. These
cables go to your internet
provider, which finally
connects to routing
Why we have RedGreen&Blue. (andallthecolorsin between)
PrimaryColorsvs. Primary Colors of Light
Look at the two diagrams of colors above.
Which one shows the colors of light?
The primary colors you may know,red, blue,
andyelloware not actually the true colors of
light. In fact,Red, BlueandGreenare.
Notice that in between the primary circles
there are secondary colors of light. When you
mix various amounts of two or more colors,
we can make any other color we want. For
example, equal parts
redandbluemakemagenta. This is called color
Poster by Brian
Why is this orange orange?
A object’s color is determined by the
wavelengths of light that reach your eyes.
Your eyes see light reflected off the object.
Your brain interprets what your eyes see as
colors. The objects reflect only certain colors
of light. For example, thisorangeabsorbs all
of the other colors exceptorange.
Sometimes, objects reflect a combination of
more than one color, such as a pink
orbrown. Black and white are exceptions,
because black reflects no color, while white
reflects all colors of light.
Notice a row of colored arrows which
represent colors of light pointed at the
orange. As you notice, all but the orange
arrow go right into the orange. The orange
arrow reflects back out.
Transparent & Translucent Objects
Transparent and translucent objects can
be seen through. But, how can they still
have color?
The color is seen because the material
transmits light of that color, but doesn’t
completely block other colors. Light can
pass through, but at a slower rate. For
example, the bottle allows mainly green
light to pass through.
Objects you cannot see through are
considered opaque.
What Color?
Pigments & Printing
Pigments are materials that give substances their
colors. They absorb certain colors of light, while
reflecting others.
The primary pigments are yellow, cyan, and
magenta, which can be combined in certain ratios
to create any other color. Mixing these pigments is
called color subtraction, the taking away of more
colors. The primary pigments are the products of
the three primary colors of light.
Three essential parts of a circuit: power, wire, and load.
Power-A power source is essential to any circuit. The
power source creates electrical energy to power the
Wire-A wire is anything that can conduct electricity and
carries the electricity in a circuit to the load and then
back to the power source to complete the circuit. Wire
are essential because without them you could no carry
the electricity to the load.
Load-A load is any device that changes the electrical
energy into another form of energy.
Diode-Diodes turn AC current into DC. Diodes do this by having a
negative side and positive side made when the two metals in a
diode combine. Since one side is negative and one is positive
when the positive flow attempts to travel through the positive
side it can’t because the positive side doesn’t need anymore
When engineers are designing circuits
they use symbols, like these, to represent
the parts. Engineers use symbols s a
shorthand, and its universal language.
Here are some examples of symbols.
To make circuits fulfill the desired task you need a
lot of devices to assist you. These are some
common parts in a circuit.
Switch- Switches are very common in circuits. Switches
have two points that are called contacts. When both
contacts touch two ends of a wire, the circuit is closed.
When only one contacts touches the circuit is open.
Circuit breaker- A circuit breaker is a device that
opens a circuit to stop the flow of electricity. Circuit
breakers are used in circuits to prevent fires from
happening. Circuit breakers stop the flow by having an
electromagnet in the device. When the electromagnet
gets to strong from the increase in voltage, the
magnetic force pulls a metal piece, this then opens the
circuit stopping the flow.
Fuse- Fuses are alternatives to circuit breakers. Fuses are
just thin metal encased by plastic. The metal has a certain
melting point, so when the voltage increases to a certain
point the metal burns and opens the circuit. Useful to
prevent fires like a circuit breaker
Resistors- Resistors is a device that creates a certain
amount of ohms. This limits the current of a circuit.
Resistors are very important because if we didn’t have them
circuits would just burn.
Transistor- Unlike a resistor a transistor amplifies the current
of a circuit. Transistors do this by having three basic components:
base, collector, and an emitter. When you increase the current for
the base, both the collector and the base combine to make a
bigger current at the emitter.
Voltmeter & Ammeter- These two device measure the
amount of volts and amps in a circuit.
Circuit breakers are hard to imagine
so here is a picture of one.
There are two main ways to design a circuit.
Series Circuit- Series
circuits use the load as a way
to transfer energy back to the
negative side of the battery.
This means if a load breaks,
such as a light bulb, then the
circuit is open making the
circuit not work. Series
circuits are useful as an
alerting system to show
when a load is not working.
Parallel Circuit- A parallel
circuit is more commonly use than
a series circuit. This is because if
one load on a parallel circuit breaks
the whole circuit still works. The
parallel circuit achieves this by
attaching each load individually to
the circuit instead of inn one line
on a circuit.
By: Anthony Damore and MatinKeshmiri
Covalent Bonds are a type of chemical bond that
involves two or more atoms sharing valence electrons.
Covalent bonds are formed when 2 or
more atoms share valence electrons.
Valence electrons are electrons in the
outer “shell” of an atom.
There are many things
made with covalent bonds.
An example is salt. Sodium chlorite, or common table
salt, is possible because chlorine and sodium share
their valence electrons. Some more common examples
include paper, credit cards, and water.
The black hole is pretty much, a hole. It basically creates a hole in the space-time fabric because of gravitational
field. Its gravitational field is so strong, that not even light, probably the fastest thing in the universe, cannot escape
A black hole is usually created by a dying star with a mass twenty
times bigger than our sun. During that stars life, It plays a constant
tug-o-war between the gravity pulling in, and the pressure pressing
out. But when the star runs out of nuclear juice, star collapses in
on itself. Large stars end with a bang (also called a supernova). If
the core of the star is 2.5 times bigger than the sun, the gravity
collapses into the core to produce a black hole.
How it all starts
A black hole ‘eating’ a star.
That is how the black hole looks like.
(Sorry that’s the biggest resolution I
could find)--------------------->
A charge is physical characteristic given to an object. An object can have a positive, negative or neutral (no) charge. According to the Law of electric charges, similarly charged objects repel each other, and oppositely
charged objects attract each other. The movement caused between charged objects is known as an electric force. The electric force’s area of effect (electric field) depends on the amount of charge in the objects, and
the distance between to two objects. The more charge and closer the distance, the greater the electric force. Here are three ways an object can be charged:
FrictionConductionInduction Rubbing a material that likes tocollect electrons onto one that Conduction charges objects through physical contact.
Induction changes the alignment of
loses electrons charges the objects by friction. If you have ever rubbed If you have a positively charged eraser, and you touch it to uncharged scissors, electrons in uncharged metal objects. If
a balloon against your hair and seen it attracted to the balloon, then you the scissors become positively charged. positively charged glass rod
near an know what charging by friction is like!
uncharged slate of metal, the electrons are a
attracted to the glass rod and a small area
negative charge is induced onthe object.
Static electricity
Static electricity is a type of electricity that involves wiping electrons from one surface onto another (see friction). When objects rub up against each other, the electrons are transferred. The object with
more electrons is negatively charged, and the object with less electrons is positively charged. Since opposite charges attract, the two objects attract each other. One example of this is when you walk across a carpet
wearing shoes. The rubber in the soles of your shoes is an insulator, and insulating materials like to collect electrons. The amount of electrons in your shoes increases with each step. Even more electrons are collected
when you rub your shoes on the carpet. All of these electrons leave your body when you touch a metal object, such as a doorknob. When you touch it, the electrons move towards the doorknob and shock you in the
Lightning is a form of static electricity (see static electricity) that occurs in thunderstorms. It is just like shocking yourself by rubbing your shoes on a carpet and then touching a metal doorknob. The first
step to forming lightning is the water droplets, ice and air rubbing up against each other due to strong wind currents. Since the charges build up from this, The bottom of a cloud has negative charge, and the top has
positive charge. The second step to lightning is that lightning likes to take the shortest path to the ground. The ground is positively charged, so lightning is attracted to it. The electricity is sent in a jagged bolt called a
leader stroke, and the ground sends up a bright return stroke. The two meet, and then the charges cancel out. This all happens in an instant. However, not all lightning is visible to us, most lightning takes place within
or between clouds. This type lightning that occurs in clouds is called sheet lightning. Sometimes, a strange electrical phenomenon is displayed called ball lightning. There are many theories to how and why ball
lightning is formed.
Geothermal Energy
How the energy is
The source: Heat from the mantle
section, which is 10,000 meters into
the Earth. This section is where
magma is found.
How energy is captured: Water, or a
heating fluid is sent in a tube 10,000
meters down to the mantle in a pipe.
While the water is down there, it
heats up and turns into steam. It then
comes back up as steam through a
different pipe called the production
well. Once the steam reaches the
heat exchanger back above ground, it
heats up water near a closer pipe. The
water in the closer pipe gets heated
into steam and rises into the turbine
room. The steam turns the turbine
while it goes by, and the energy from
the turbine is transferred into
electricity in a generator. Then, once
the electricity leaves the generator, it
is sent into power cables that run into
homes. The leftover steam comes out
a stack, or is used to heat public
swimming pools.
History of
geothermal Energy
1807: John Colter discovered the first
hot springs in Yellowstone. Settlers
also founded a colony called Hot
Springs, in Arkansas.
1830: Asa Thompson started a business
using the hot spring’s energy source.
The hot spring gets it’s heat from the
mantle area, just like how geothermal
energy gets it’s energy. It was the first
business to ever try geothermal energy.
1892: Citizens of Boise, Idaho get the
first experience of hot water from the
energy of hot springs. This was the first
use of geothermal energy for home
1921: John D. Grant drills a hole deep
into the Earth, in hope of harnessing
the heat and using it for power. He
hooked it up to a steam turbine and
generator, and ended up cranking out
250 kilowatts of energy.
1970: Geothermal energy is now being
approved and recommended for
energy across the country. From there,
many geothermal plants were being
built and improved for max efficiency.
Fun Facts
Over 20 countries use geothermal energy. Geothermal
energy has existed ever since Earth existed. There is a
larger resource of geothermal energy than oil, coal, gas,
and uranium combined.Geothermal energy generates
about 2% of the electricity in Utah, 6% of the electricity
in California and almost 10% of the electricity in
northern Nevada. Over 26% of Iceland’s power comes
from geothermal sources, since there are so many
volcanoes there. Every hundred meters you go below
ground, the temperature increases by about 3 degrees
Celsius. Some geothermal plants use the hot steam
coming out of the stacks to heat nearby pools. This
saves some electricity since they are using what is
already generated.
Farsightedness and Near Sightedness
Color Deficiency
Eye Surgery
Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is a condition in
which the lens of the eye focuses distances
behind rather than on the retina,and the eye is
too short. It is also a reduced ability to focus on
near objects caused by loss of elasticity of the
crystalline lens after age 45. A farsighted
person can only see something clearly if it is
far away. Farsightedness is normally present in
birth and tends to run in family.
Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a condition in
which the lens of the eye focuses distant
objects in front of rather than on the retina, and
the eye is too long. It is also eyesight
abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty
refractive ability, and distant objects appear
blurred. A nearsighted person can only see
something clearly if it is nearby.
Eye surgery is used to correct
nearsightedness and
farsightedness by reshaping the
cornea which retracts light.
Once the cornea is reshaped, it
focuses light differently.
Before surgery, the doctor will
measure the patient’s cornea.
The actual surgery will be
preformed by a laser beam
which reshapes the cornea and
improves the patient’s vision.
There are many risks
associated with eye surgery, a
patient could lose part of or all
of their vision.
Color deficiency is caused when
the cones in your eyes do not
function properly. Color
deficiency, or color blindness,
causes people to not be able to
tell the difference between red
and green.
Cones can detect red, green, and
blue, but can also detect many
other colors of light. Sadly, color
deficiency cannot be corrected.

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Student-Created Science Posters 2013

  • 1.
  • 2. Light and Matter Colors of Objects Mixing Colors of Light Mixing Colors of Pigment Light passes through Transparent Matter such as glass To get white light, you must combine green, blue, and red light (as shown in diagram below) Red Green and Blue are primary colors. When you mix primary colors together, you get a secondary color such as cyan magenta yellow. By JP and Niall Opaque Objects are not transparent or translucent Translucent Matter will let light through, but it scatters it Colors that we perceive a a reflection of light Banana’s are yellow because yellow light is the only color that reflects off of their skin Mixing pigment is different than mixing light. You can’t get white pigment by mixing red, blue and green. A pigment is a material that gives a substance its color by absorbing some colors of light, and reflecting others. Almost everything contains pigments. Light Refraction As the straw enters the water at an angle, the light refracts and the straw appears to be cut
  • 3. By: David and Jon-Martin
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Buckyballs, also known as Buckministerfulleriens, are very durable arrangements of Carbon. C60, or Carbon-60, closely resembles a soccer ball. While uses inexsausted, scientists are trying to come up with new ways to use them. One use is as lightweight, durable armor, while another use is storing Hydrogen, a quite daunting and explosive task, as it is an extremely volatile gas. Doctors are also in on Buckyballs as they are a close match to the protein that the AIDS virus latches on to and are also good at slowing down – or even stopping – allergic reactions. When Buckyballs are combined with Carbon nanotubes and some other “stuff” they form a paintable liquid, then once you lay down some wires you’ve got a solar panel. This property of Buckyballs is a big draw for Green Energy Activists, so Buckyballs are a big hit in that area. The military is testing a light- weight Carbon- Aluminum alloy that, when only as thick as a piece of tinfoil, canapparently hold 12 tons per cm2. Bucky-armor By Colin Trewitt
  • 7. Northern lights Most tribes believed that the lights were spirits trying to reach humans. • The Point Barrow Eskimos believed that the aurora was an evil thing. • The Fox Indians lived in Wisconsin they thought it was an omen of war. They also thought it was spirits of their dead enemies. • Most Eskimos believed it was spirits playing ball. • The East Greenland Eskimos thought that the Northern Lights were the spirits of children who died at birth. • The Eskimos on Yukon river believed that the aurora was spirits dancing. Folklore The Cause The sun throws particles into space. When the particles get close to earth they get pulled into its magnetic field. Before it can hit earth it is blocked by the earths atmosphere. Which contains gases that react with the particles sent from the sun, creating electricity that is shown as light. In The North The Northern Lights are in the north because the magnetic force of the north pole attracts the particles sent from the sun. When the particles go over the atmosphere they react with gases and create light.
  • 8. The shape of a penguin’s body is perfectly shaped for cutting through the water and that is why penguins can swim at speeds up to 15 kilometers per hour. Penguins can’t fly because their wings are too small to support the weight to their bodies. To protect them from the cold, penguins share body heat by huddling together in groups like this. These groups can include thousands of penguins. Penguins are very social creatures, and always live together in groups called colonies. Penguins have many layers of scale-like feathers that help them keep warm. They also have thick layers of fat that conserve heat. The muscles that control a penguin’s feet and flippers are located in the penguins body so that although the flippers get extremely cold, they can still be operated normally by regions that are fully functional and at normal body temperature. Another thing that protects penguins from the cold is the very shape of their bodies. They have a high ratio of volume to surface area so there is less opportunity for the heat to escape. So although penguin’s bodies aren’t very graceful, and make walking and turning their heads difficult, they are perfect for keeping warm. PENGUINSBy Hali and Gale
  • 9. What is it? How is it organized? The Periodic Table is an arrangement of chemical elements, according to their atomic mass. Dmitri Mendeleev (Russian chemist) found a pattern in the chemical elements in 1869. He wrote names on the cards and arranged the cards by properties like density and appearance. By arranging the cards by atomic mass, a pattern appeared. In 1914 a British scientist , Henry Mosley made the table more accurate by determining the number of protons and atomic number. Group 1: Alkaline Metals Group contains: metals Shared properties: softness, silver, shininess and low density Group 2: Alkaline Earth Metals Group contains: metals Shared properties: silver, higher densities than alkaline metals Groups 3-12: Transition Metals Group contain: metals Shared properties: shininess, good conductors of thermal energy and electric current Group 13: Boron Group: Group contains: one metalloid and five metals Shared properties: solids at room temperature Group 14: Carbon Group Group contains: one nonmetal, two metalloids and three metals Shared properties: solids at room temperature Different Groups Periodic Table of Elements (Picture below) Dmitri Mendeleev (Picture above) By Kinsey R
  • 10. What you hear in your ears are vibrations. Vibrations push the air molecules in the direction of the rarefaction, or compression. Many parts in the ear have to work together to hear sound. if any organ stops working the result could be hearing loss or deafness. First of all, a sound wave is a longitudinal wave that is caused by vibrations. This is what makes sound. This is what your ear and your brain goes through just to hear someone say“Hi”. Short exposures to sounds that are loud enough to be painful can cause hearing loss. You can protect your ears by putting some distance from loud sounds. Turn the volume down when listening to music, if you're in front of a loudspeaker keep some distance. When you double the distance between yourself and a loud sound, the sound’s intensity to your ears will be one-fourth of what it was before. By Amy Lubeck and Justin Garcia
  • 11. Gravity is an invisible force that keeps us on (or pulls us toward) the ground. The more mass an object has, the larger its gravitational pull is. This is why on Earth you don’t float away. The blue arrows represent attraction force of gravity. Airplanes use air resistance to push off of the ground, effectively canceling the affects of gravity. This allows flight, despite the pull of gravity on Earth! Penguins are affected by gravity, as you can see from the image at the top left corner. Penguins are flightless birds because they don’t have the proper wings to lift, or the correct design to move. Also they are to heavy and because they have so much mass, gravity pulls them down. Gravity has a different amount of force on different planets, since the mass is different. On mars, you weigh 2.655601659751037344398340248962 7 times less than you would on Earth. Zero gravity can be experienced by entering a plane that goes on a parabola. Upon going upwards, you will feel gravity more than usual, but upon going down, you become weightless.
  • 12.
  • 13. Properties of Sound Waves Amplitude The maximum distance that the particles of a wave’s medium vibrate from their rest position. The amplitude of a wave is related to it’s height. The larger the amplitude, the taller the wave. Wavelength A wavelength is the distance between any two crests or compressions next to each other in a wave. A wavelength can be measured from any point on a wave to the next corresponding point on the wave. Wavelength is measured the same way going top to bottom or left to right. A frequency the number of waves produced in a given amount of time. Frequencies have a direct correlation with wavelengths. Frequency is also the measurement of the number of times that a repeated event occurs per unit of time. Frequency Wave Speed Wave speed is the speed at which a wave travels. Wave speed can be calculated using wavelengths and frequency. This is the equation: wave speed=wavelength x frequency. By Jeffrey and Anish
  • 14. and Different types of light: •Radio waves •Microwaves •Infrared •Visible light •Ultraviolet rays •X-rays •Gamma rays Certain colors look different to some people. Type The primary colors are red, yellow and green but on the computer the colors are red, blue and green. Auto chrome uses orange, green and violet Rainbows People at the same angle interpret the rainbows appearance differently. You can actually never reach the end of a rainbow (  ) because the rainbow moves when you move Also the rainbow moves because the rain drops are at different spots in the atmosphere
  • 15. What is sound? Sound waves Sound and media Making sound versus hearing sound Protecting your hearing A sound wave is a longitudinal wave that is caused by vibrations and that travels through a material medium. Sound waves travel in all directions coming from their source. But, air or other matter does not travel back and forth. Longitudinal waves are made of compressions and refractions. The particles of the substance, such as air particles, vibrate back and forth along the path that the sound wave travels. Sound is transmitted through the vibrations and collisions of the particles. Because of the particles vibrate back and forth along the paths that sounds travels, sound travels as longitudinal waves. All sound waves require a medium/media. A medium is a substance through which a wave can travel. Most of the sounds that you hear travel air at least part of the time. But sound waves can also travel through other materials, such as glass, metal, and water. In a vacuum, however there are no particles to vibrate. So, no sound can be made in a vacuum. Sound must travel through air or some other medium to reach your ears and be detected. Imagine If a glass cup hits the ground and no one is around to hear it, does the broken glass make a sound? When a glass cup hits the ground, the glass and the floor would vibrate. These vibrations make compression and rarefactions in the surrounding air. So, there would be a sound. Making sound is separate from detecting sound. The fact that no one heard the glass cup fall doesn't mean that there wasn't a sound. The glass cup did make a sound but no was there to hear it. Short exposures to sounds that are loud enough to be painful can cause hearing loss. Your hearing can also be damaged by loud sounds that are not quite painful, if you are exposed to them for a long periods of time. There are some things you could do so that you won’t hurt your hearing. Loud sounds can be blocked out by earplug. You could listen at lower volume when you are using your earphones. You could also move away from loud sounds. If you are near a loud speaker playing loud music, just walk away from it. When you double the distance between yourself and a loud sound, the sound's intensity to your ears will be one- fourth of what it was before.
  • 16. Circuits Pieces of a Circuit • Load- the object that uses the electricity • Conductors- Wires that carry electricity • Power source- Battery or generator that supplies power • Switch- Controls the circuit by connecting and separating two wires to control current. Types of Circuits • Series circuits • All parts are connected in a single loop. • There’s only one path for charges to follow. • All parts share the same current. • If one part breaks, the entire circuit stops. • Parallel circuits • A circuit in which the loads are connected side by side. • Charges have multiple paths to travel on. • If one part stops working, the current can continue through the other path. What Uses Circuits? Everything electronic! Series Circuitsare used for… • Light strings • Burglar alarms Parallel Circuitsare used for… •Electrical outlets •Lighting a building Simple Series Circuit Power Source Wire Switch Load Path 1 Path 2 Load 1 Load 2 Power Source Switch Simple Parallel Circuit Sara and Ishika- Period 3- April 2013
  • 17. •To get white light, combine the three colors of light (red, blue, green) •RBG (red, blue, green. Also called the primary colors of light) can be combined in different ratios to produce many colors •Combining colors of light is called color addition •When two primary colors combine, you see a secondary color of light *Cyan (blue plus green) *Magenta (blue plus red) *Yellow (red plus green) •When light hits matter, it can interact with it in three different ways: it can reflect, absorb, or transmit • Absorption is the transfer of light energy to matter, and can make things feel warmer •Transmission is the passing of light through matter •Reflection is the bouncing back of light •Three types of matter: transparent (allows light to pass with little interference), translucent (transmits light but not am image), and opaque (object that is not transparent nor translucent) Here you see saran wrap (transparent), wax paper (translucent), and aluminum (opaque) •Pigment: a material that gives a substance/ mixture its color by absorbing some colors of light and reflecting others •Paint contains pigment •You cannot make white out of red, blue, and green pigments •Chlorophyll (what gives plants their color) and melanin (what gives skin its color) are types of pigments •Mixing pigments is called color subtraction because colors of light are absorbed Primary colors of light combined together to make secondary colors Primary Pigments •We see wavelengths as different colors (long waves as red and short waves as violet) •The color of an object is determined by the wavelengths of light •Light reaches our eyes after reflection or transmission •Colors of light that are reflected by an opaque object determine the color we see •When you look through colored transparent or translucent objects, you see the color of light that was transmitted through the material •Window glass is colorless because it transmits all colors that strike it In thee picture, every light is absorbed except that yellow is being reflected
  • 18. Light and Color • Mixing colors of light: • To get white light you need to combine the primary colors of light, red, blue, and green • These 3 colors can be combined in many ways to create hundreds of different colors • The secondary colors of light are cyan, magenta, and yellow. These are made by mixing the primary colors together • Combining colors of light is called color addition, because you add the colors together  Mixing colors of pigment:  A pigment is a material that gives something else its color by absorbing some light colors and reflecting others  Combining pigment colors is called color subtraction, because more light colors are taken away when you mix more pigments By Eva Waterman yellow cyangreen bluered magenta
  • 19. Freezing is when a liquid of any sort turns into a solid. For this to happen, the energy of a liquid is removed and the particles stay in place. Then, the attraction of the particles has to overcome motion to freeze. Since energy is removed, this is an exothermic change. The freezing point is the temperature that a liquid turns into a solid, and is a physical property. Melting is the opposite of freezing. It is when particles are heated up and reach a certain temperature, then overcome the attraction between them. Then the substance turns from a solid to a liquid. It is an endothermic change because energy is added to the substance. The temperature that a solid changes into a liquid is the melting point, and occurs at the same temperature as the freezing point . Boiling is when a liquid changes into a gas. It happens when the vapor pressure is the same as the atmospheric pressure. The boiling point is when any liquid hits its temperature that causes it to boil. The boiling point is always the same, even with different amounts of the same substance. Condensation is when a gas changes into a liquid, and is the opposite of evaporation. Energy is removed which causes the attraction to overcome the particles of motion, and they clump together. Condensation is an exothermic change, because energy has to be removed in order for the state to change. The condensation point is the same temperature of the boiling point at a given pressure. Evaporation is when a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. It can occur at the surface of a substance below its boiling point. Some of the particles of the liquid gain energy and move fast enough to overcome the attraction between them. They break away from from the particles around them and the substance becomes a gas. Adding energy to the liquid increases the rate of evaporation. Cayley Francesca
  • 20.
  • 21. The Coil Gun! By: thomas and tim A Coil Gun is works by running electric current through a coil of wire called a solenoid; therefore giving the wire a magnetic field. Then attracting the a iron bullet forward to the middle of the coil. Once the bullet reaches the end of the coil (it overshoots the center because it propels so fast), a series circuit infrared sensor turns off the current to the original coil and uses the bullets momentum to continue forward. There are usually more than one coil in the coil gun. With three, four, or five coils, you can get a lot of speed and momentum. When the bullet goes through the first coil and reaches the tip of the first coil, it opens a gate literally, turning of the previous coil and completing the circuit for the next one. The image below explains this. Without the infrared sensor, the bullet would be decelerating and oscillating to center of the coil.
  • 22. Mirrors There are three types of mirrors: plane, concave, convex. A plane mirror is a mirror with a flat surface. An example of a plane mirror is a bathroom mirror. Just like Convex Mirrors it doesn’t matter where you stand, your characteristics won’t change. We all know if we raise our right hand in a plane mirror it will seem like our left hand is being raise, or when the words on our shirt is written backwards. Those term is called the Left-Right Reversal. Below is a picture that explain what is happening in the Left-Right Reversal: A convex mirror is a mirror that is curved outward like the back of a spoon. Unlike Concave mirrors the location of the object does not affect the characteristics of the object. Think of a convex mirror as a sphere cut in half. The center of the original sphere is called: center of curvature. A line through the center of the mirror to the center of curvature is called a principal axis. The mirror has a focal point that is half way from the center of the mirror and the center of the curvature. Since the focal point it behind the mirror then it is called a negative focal point. A concave mirror is a mirror that is curved inward like the inside of a spoon There’s a picture of a concave mirror above. Think of a Concave mirror as opposite of a Convex mirror. Just like I explained in the Convex mirror description, that the mirror is kind of like a sphere that has been cut in half. The center of the used-to-be sphere is called the: Center of Curvature. Now if you draw a line through the mirror and through the Center of Curvature you get a principal axis. In the middle of the principal axis the fulcrum. In this case, since the mirror is curved inward, then the center of the used-to-be sphere is before the mirror, along with the fulcrum. With a Concave Mirror just remember: L.O.S.T. L stands for location (before the Center of Curvature?) O is orientation (upright or inverted?) S stands for size (magnified, reduced, or same size.) T stands for images. By Emma and Jillian Plane Mirrors:Convex Mirror: Concave Mirror: The way a Convex mirror works is when rays hit the mirror it will reflect, the light rays diverge. Subsequently they will never intersect on the object’s side.
  • 23. Radio Waves 62 miles to 0.04 inch (100 Kilometersto 1 millimeter) Microwaves 1 foot to 0.003 foot (0.3 Meter to 0.001 meter) Infrared rays 0.00015 foot (0.00005meter) Visible light 0.0000015foot (0.5 milliimeter) Ultraviolet rays 0.00000003foot (0.01 millimeter) X-rays 0.00000000003foot (0.01 nanometer) Gamma rays 0.0000000000003foot (0.0001nanometer) The entire range of electromagnetic waves is called the electromagnetic spectrum. All electromagnetic (EM) waves travel at the speed of light. EM waves differ only by their wavelength and frequency. 1. Radio waves have the longest frequencies and the longest wavelengths in the EM spectrum. They are used to broadcast radio signals for radios and televisions. 2. Microwaves have the second longest wavelengths. A special device called a magnetron is used to produce microwaves by accelerating charged particles. Microwaves are not only used in microwave ovens, but also in artificial satellites, cell phones, and radar. 7. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths. They can penetrate most materials easily. Gamma rays are used to treat forms of cancer by focusing these rays on tumors. They are also used to kill harmful bacteria in food. 5. Ultraviolet waves are produced by the sun, and reach earth even on cloudy days. When exposed to UV light or skin cells produce vitamin D which is necessary for our bodies, but too much of UV light may cause sunburn, skin cancer, wrinkles, and damage our eyes. 4. Visible light is the very narrow range of wavelengths and frequencies in the spectrum that humans can see. All wavelengths of visible light combined are called white light 6. X rays are a type of ray which can pass through many materials. They are used in the medical field and in security devices. Too much X ray exposure can damage our skin. 3. Did you know that almost all things give off infrared waves, including you? The amount of infrared waves an object gives off depends on the object's temperature. The warmer the object is the more infrared waves it gives off. You can't see them, but special types of cameras can. 300×106 Hz3 Hz 300 ×109 Hz 400 ×1012Hz 750 ×1012 Hz 30 ×1015 Hz 15 ×1018HzLow Energy High Energy
  • 24. Magnetism Properties of Magnets • 2,000 years ago, Greeks discovered a mineral that attracts iron, called magnetite. • Magnets exert force on each other and are surrounded by magnetic fields. • Bar magnets are strongest near their ends because each end is a magnetic pole, which can be north or south. • North poles attract south poles, and like poles repel each other. • You can magnetize iron by lining up the domains. Earth’s Magnetism • The Earth behaves as if it has one large magnet running through its center. • While the Earths geographic poles are on the axis on which the it rotates, the Earths magnetic poles are the points on the surface of the planet where the magnetic forces are strongest. • There is no actual magnet in the Earth, it’s core’s temperature is too high to stay lined up in domains. •Because the outer core is liquid, it moves as the Earth rotates, which creates an electric charge. The charge moves, and makes a magnetic field. Auroras • An aurora is formed when charged particles from the sun hit oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the air. The atoms become excited and give off light of many colors. •Although the earths magnetic field blocks most of the charged particles from the sun, the fields bend inwards at the magnetic poles, and as a result the charged particles can crash into the atmosphere near the poles. • Northern Lights are called aurora borealis, while Southern lights are Electromagnets • Electromagnets are made up of a solenoid wrapped around an iron core. • A solenoid is a coil of wire carrying a current. • The iron in the center increases the magnetic strength of the solenoid. • The more loops per meter there are the stronger the electromagnet is. • Electromagnets are useful because they can be turned on and off. • Electromagnets are used in almost anything, from doorbells to motors. Magnetic Fields • Magnetic fields exist in the region around a magnet in which magnetic forces can act. • The shape of a magnetic field can be shown with lines drawn from the north to south pole of a magnet. • These lines map out the magnetic fields and are called magnetic field lines. • The closer together the lines are, the stronger the magnetic force is. • Lines are closest together at the poles, where the magnetic force is strongest. • Magnetic fields can be created around wires with current running through them. By: Allie and Alisa
  • 25. Light and Color Colors of Objects The color that an object appears is determined by the wavelengths of light that reach your eyes. The lowest wavelength you can see is red, the highest is purple. When your eyes receive the light that bounces off of an object, they send signals to your brain. Your brain interprets the signals as colors. Colors of Opaque Objects When white light hits an opaque object, some of the colors of light are absorbed, and some are reflected. The light that is reflected and hits your eye is the color that the object appears. For example, a red apple absorbs all light except the color red, which is reflected. Colors of Transparent and Translucent Objects Transparent and translucent materials are colored slightly differently than opaque objects. Most transparent and translucent materials are clear, because all light passes through them. But some objects are colored. When a white light hits a colored transparent object, most colors are absorbed, but one passes through. That is the color you see. Light and Matter When light hits matter, it can interact with the matter in three ways: by reflection, sending the light back to your eyes and allowing you to see the object; by absorption, where the energy of light is transferred to the matter; or by transmission, where the light passes through the object. Reflection Absorption Transmission There are three types of matter: transparent matter, translucent matter, and opaque matter. Transparent matter is matter that allows light to pass through it. Transparent matter is matter you can see through, like air or glass..Translucent matter transmits light but does not transmit an image.Think bubbly glass. You can see shapes and colors from outside, but you can't see details. Finally, opaque matter is matter that light cannot pass through. Types of Matter Transparent Translucent Opaque By Claire Leary
  • 26. •Interference Of Sound Waves: • Interference happens when two or more waves overlap, which causes it to make a louder sound. The two types of interference are constructive and destructive. Bands use constructive when they play, by overlapping each other. Destructive is when the sound bounces off the walls and interfere with the instruments. •Resonance: •Resonance happens when two objects vibrate at the same frequency. The sound produced by one object causes the other object to vibrate. If you have a tuning fork that vibrates at one of the resonant frequencies of a guitar string, you can make the string make noise without making any contact. • Reflection Of Sound Waves: • Reflection is when a wave bounces back after hitting an object, and it is called an echo. The strength of that reflection depends on the surface. Smooth, hard surfaces reflect best, like in a gym. Soft surfaces absorb the sound waves, like in an auditorium.
  • 27. I thought we could use this slide for picture tryouts.
  • 28. Background tryouts: A link: fset=0
  • 29. THIS IS DUE MARCH 29TH!!!!! You can work alone or with a partner on this project. Choose a topic of appropriate complexity and cover it well. The poster is a digital product that is simply one large PowerPoint slide. Research, writing, and collecting graphics should be done at home and here. A large format printer on loan from HP will be used for the final (only) printout. The content for your poster can be gained from packets, books, websites, and videos. The steps: 1. Get an overview of the project and view sample posters. 2. Find a partner (or not), browse the textbook and find an area of interest 3. Enter your names, topic, and textbook section onto my spreadsheet. 4. Do initial research to choose subtopics, then write them (3-4) on paper. 5. Create poster: • One PowerPoint slide, set page width to 30 & height to 22 • Name the file "topic_first_first" (no spaces) • Find and read information and add it (in your words) to poster • Find great big graphics, save to computer, and add to poster (100% or less) • Arrange components so that they make sense and look good (PARC) • Print an 8.5 x 11 b/w copy and get suggestions for improvement 6. Show me your poster file (on screen) to get final approval 7. Turn in via by March 29 (pw = heumann). Grading Criteria: Each bullet listed above reflects 5 points of credit. 5 points for great quality, 4 points for good quality, 3 points for ok quality, 2 points for low quality, 1 point for lousy/skimpy/cursory quality, 0 points for no evidence of work/feature not present.
  • 30. Software Network Hardware An electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speeds, and display the results of these operations. A computer has many different physical elements, which is called hardware. There are a few main hardware components that are vital to a computer. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): The GPU processes data it receives from the program that is currently running, then inputs that data to the monitor, deciding what each pixel will display. Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU runs all programs and processes your computer does. Random Access Memory (RAM): RAM stores temporary data sent from software and programs your computer is running, and randomly accessed by the CPU. Hard Drive: This is where all your permanent data is stored. Information is stored here when you save document, create a file, and do anything that you can access after you restart your computer. The data stored here typically stays here until you manually delete it. Motherboard: Connects and transfers data to all the parts. Software is data downloaded to your computer from an external source. Software is stored on your hard drive, and ran by the CPU. Software can vary anywhere from your operating system (OS) which is what you use to control your computer, to a video game or application such as skype. Your web browser is also a piece of software. Software is what you command you computer to use or run, and the hardware runs it. Computers are connected to the internet via a network of cables, fiber cables, internet providers, and routing computers. Your computer is connected to the Ethernet, which receives data through cables on telephone poles. These cables go to your internet provider, which finally connects to routing computers.
  • 31. Color&Light Why we have RedGreen&Blue. (andallthecolorsin between) PrimaryColorsvs. Primary Colors of Light Look at the two diagrams of colors above. Which one shows the colors of light? The primary colors you may know,red, blue, andyelloware not actually the true colors of light. In fact,Red, BlueandGreenare. Notice that in between the primary circles there are secondary colors of light. When you mix various amounts of two or more colors, we can make any other color we want. For example, equal parts redandbluemakemagenta. This is called color addition. Poster by Brian Why is this orange orange? A object’s color is determined by the wavelengths of light that reach your eyes. Your eyes see light reflected off the object. Your brain interprets what your eyes see as colors. The objects reflect only certain colors of light. For example, thisorangeabsorbs all of the other colors exceptorange. Sometimes, objects reflect a combination of more than one color, such as a pink orbrown. Black and white are exceptions, because black reflects no color, while white reflects all colors of light. Notice a row of colored arrows which represent colors of light pointed at the orange. As you notice, all but the orange arrow go right into the orange. The orange arrow reflects back out. Transparent & Translucent Objects Transparent and translucent objects can be seen through. But, how can they still have color? The color is seen because the material transmits light of that color, but doesn’t completely block other colors. Light can pass through, but at a slower rate. For example, the bottle allows mainly green light to pass through. Objects you cannot see through are considered opaque. Yellow Magent a Cyan What Color? RedBlueYellowGreenPink OrangePurpleGreyCyanMagentaNavy Pigments & Printing Pigments are materials that give substances their colors. They absorb certain colors of light, while reflecting others. The primary pigments are yellow, cyan, and magenta, which can be combined in certain ratios to create any other color. Mixing these pigments is called color subtraction, the taking away of more colors. The primary pigments are the products of the three primary colors of light.
  • 32. Three essential parts of a circuit: power, wire, and load. Power-A power source is essential to any circuit. The power source creates electrical energy to power the load. Wire-A wire is anything that can conduct electricity and carries the electricity in a circuit to the load and then back to the power source to complete the circuit. Wire are essential because without them you could no carry the electricity to the load. Load-A load is any device that changes the electrical energy into another form of energy. . Diode-Diodes turn AC current into DC. Diodes do this by having a negative side and positive side made when the two metals in a diode combine. Since one side is negative and one is positive when the positive flow attempts to travel through the positive side it can’t because the positive side doesn’t need anymore electrons.. When engineers are designing circuits they use symbols, like these, to represent the parts. Engineers use symbols s a shorthand, and its universal language. Here are some examples of symbols. CIRCUITS & SYMBOLS To make circuits fulfill the desired task you need a lot of devices to assist you. These are some common parts in a circuit. Switch- Switches are very common in circuits. Switches have two points that are called contacts. When both contacts touch two ends of a wire, the circuit is closed. When only one contacts touches the circuit is open. Circuit breaker- A circuit breaker is a device that opens a circuit to stop the flow of electricity. Circuit breakers are used in circuits to prevent fires from happening. Circuit breakers stop the flow by having an electromagnet in the device. When the electromagnet gets to strong from the increase in voltage, the magnetic force pulls a metal piece, this then opens the circuit stopping the flow. Fuse- Fuses are alternatives to circuit breakers. Fuses are just thin metal encased by plastic. The metal has a certain melting point, so when the voltage increases to a certain point the metal burns and opens the circuit. Useful to prevent fires like a circuit breaker Resistors- Resistors is a device that creates a certain amount of ohms. This limits the current of a circuit. Resistors are very important because if we didn’t have them circuits would just burn. Transistor- Unlike a resistor a transistor amplifies the current of a circuit. Transistors do this by having three basic components: base, collector, and an emitter. When you increase the current for the base, both the collector and the base combine to make a bigger current at the emitter. Voltmeter & Ammeter- These two device measure the amount of volts and amps in a circuit. Circuit breakers are hard to imagine so here is a picture of one. There are two main ways to design a circuit. Series Circuit- Series circuits use the load as a way to transfer energy back to the negative side of the battery. This means if a load breaks, such as a light bulb, then the circuit is open making the circuit not work. Series circuits are useful as an alerting system to show when a load is not working. Parallel Circuit- A parallel circuit is more commonly use than a series circuit. This is because if one load on a parallel circuit breaks the whole circuit still works. The parallel circuit achieves this by attaching each load individually to the circuit instead of inn one line on a circuit. By: Anthony Damore and MatinKeshmiri
  • 33. Covalent Bonds are a type of chemical bond that involves two or more atoms sharing valence electrons. Covalent bonds are formed when 2 or more atoms share valence electrons. Valence electrons are electrons in the outer “shell” of an atom. There are many things made with covalent bonds. An example is salt. Sodium chlorite, or common table salt, is possible because chlorine and sodium share their valence electrons. Some more common examples include paper, credit cards, and water.
  • 34. The black hole is pretty much, a hole. It basically creates a hole in the space-time fabric because of gravitational field. Its gravitational field is so strong, that not even light, probably the fastest thing in the universe, cannot escape it. A black hole is usually created by a dying star with a mass twenty times bigger than our sun. During that stars life, It plays a constant tug-o-war between the gravity pulling in, and the pressure pressing out. But when the star runs out of nuclear juice, star collapses in on itself. Large stars end with a bang (also called a supernova). If the core of the star is 2.5 times bigger than the sun, the gravity collapses into the core to produce a black hole. How it all starts A black hole ‘eating’ a star. That is how the black hole looks like. (Sorry that’s the biggest resolution I could find)--------------------->
  • 35. Charges A charge is physical characteristic given to an object. An object can have a positive, negative or neutral (no) charge. According to the Law of electric charges, similarly charged objects repel each other, and oppositely charged objects attract each other. The movement caused between charged objects is known as an electric force. The electric force’s area of effect (electric field) depends on the amount of charge in the objects, and the distance between to two objects. The more charge and closer the distance, the greater the electric force. Here are three ways an object can be charged: FrictionConductionInduction Rubbing a material that likes tocollect electrons onto one that Conduction charges objects through physical contact. Induction changes the alignment of loses electrons charges the objects by friction. If you have ever rubbed If you have a positively charged eraser, and you touch it to uncharged scissors, electrons in uncharged metal objects. If a a balloon against your hair and seen it attracted to the balloon, then you the scissors become positively charged. positively charged glass rod near an know what charging by friction is like! uncharged slate of metal, the electrons are a attracted to the glass rod and a small area of negative charge is induced onthe object. Static electricity Static electricity is a type of electricity that involves wiping electrons from one surface onto another (see friction). When objects rub up against each other, the electrons are transferred. The object with more electrons is negatively charged, and the object with less electrons is positively charged. Since opposite charges attract, the two objects attract each other. One example of this is when you walk across a carpet wearing shoes. The rubber in the soles of your shoes is an insulator, and insulating materials like to collect electrons. The amount of electrons in your shoes increases with each step. Even more electrons are collected when you rub your shoes on the carpet. All of these electrons leave your body when you touch a metal object, such as a doorknob. When you touch it, the electrons move towards the doorknob and shock you in the process. Lightning Lightning is a form of static electricity (see static electricity) that occurs in thunderstorms. It is just like shocking yourself by rubbing your shoes on a carpet and then touching a metal doorknob. The first step to forming lightning is the water droplets, ice and air rubbing up against each other due to strong wind currents. Since the charges build up from this, The bottom of a cloud has negative charge, and the top has positive charge. The second step to lightning is that lightning likes to take the shortest path to the ground. The ground is positively charged, so lightning is attracted to it. The electricity is sent in a jagged bolt called a leader stroke, and the ground sends up a bright return stroke. The two meet, and then the charges cancel out. This all happens in an instant. However, not all lightning is visible to us, most lightning takes place within or between clouds. This type lightning that occurs in clouds is called sheet lightning. Sometimes, a strange electrical phenomenon is displayed called ball lightning. There are many theories to how and why ball lightning is formed.
  • 36. Geothermal Energy How the energy is created The source: Heat from the mantle section, which is 10,000 meters into the Earth. This section is where magma is found. How energy is captured: Water, or a heating fluid is sent in a tube 10,000 meters down to the mantle in a pipe. While the water is down there, it heats up and turns into steam. It then comes back up as steam through a different pipe called the production well. Once the steam reaches the heat exchanger back above ground, it heats up water near a closer pipe. The water in the closer pipe gets heated into steam and rises into the turbine room. The steam turns the turbine while it goes by, and the energy from the turbine is transferred into electricity in a generator. Then, once the electricity leaves the generator, it is sent into power cables that run into homes. The leftover steam comes out a stack, or is used to heat public swimming pools. History of geothermal Energy 1807: John Colter discovered the first hot springs in Yellowstone. Settlers also founded a colony called Hot Springs, in Arkansas. 1830: Asa Thompson started a business using the hot spring’s energy source. The hot spring gets it’s heat from the mantle area, just like how geothermal energy gets it’s energy. It was the first business to ever try geothermal energy. 1892: Citizens of Boise, Idaho get the first experience of hot water from the energy of hot springs. This was the first use of geothermal energy for home heating. 1921: John D. Grant drills a hole deep into the Earth, in hope of harnessing the heat and using it for power. He hooked it up to a steam turbine and generator, and ended up cranking out 250 kilowatts of energy. 1970: Geothermal energy is now being approved and recommended for energy across the country. From there, many geothermal plants were being built and improved for max efficiency. Fun Facts Over 20 countries use geothermal energy. Geothermal energy has existed ever since Earth existed. There is a larger resource of geothermal energy than oil, coal, gas, and uranium combined.Geothermal energy generates about 2% of the electricity in Utah, 6% of the electricity in California and almost 10% of the electricity in northern Nevada. Over 26% of Iceland’s power comes from geothermal sources, since there are so many volcanoes there. Every hundred meters you go below ground, the temperature increases by about 3 degrees Celsius. Some geothermal plants use the hot steam coming out of the stacks to heat nearby pools. This saves some electricity since they are using what is already generated.
  • 37. Farsightedness and Near Sightedness Color Deficiency Eye Surgery Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is a condition in which the lens of the eye focuses distances behind rather than on the retina,and the eye is too short. It is also a reduced ability to focus on near objects caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens after age 45. A farsighted person can only see something clearly if it is far away. Farsightedness is normally present in birth and tends to run in family. Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a condition in which the lens of the eye focuses distant objects in front of rather than on the retina, and the eye is too long. It is also eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability, and distant objects appear blurred. A nearsighted person can only see something clearly if it is nearby. Eye surgery is used to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness by reshaping the cornea which retracts light. Once the cornea is reshaped, it focuses light differently. Before surgery, the doctor will measure the patient’s cornea. The actual surgery will be preformed by a laser beam which reshapes the cornea and improves the patient’s vision. There are many risks associated with eye surgery, a patient could lose part of or all of their vision. Color deficiency is caused when the cones in your eyes do not function properly. Color deficiency, or color blindness, causes people to not be able to tell the difference between red and green. Cones can detect red, green, and blue, but can also detect many other colors of light. Sadly, color deficiency cannot be corrected.

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