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Student Achievement Reflection
II. Analysis of Student Achievement: Lesson Before school even begins, I start getting to know my students and their families. I do this at Open house
by having the parents fill out a interest inventory on their child. During daily share time, I allow the students to tell me about themselves, their families,
and what interests them. I usually learn more about my students learning styles through class activities/discussions, parent teacher conferences, and
beginning/middle of the year screenings and assessments. I also learn more about students who have individualized education plans from meetings with
the parents, the special education supervisor/speech pathologist, and occupational therapists. Based upon the fact that my students talk about their pets
daily, I know that my students enjoy learning about animals and therefore, I decided to begin the unit of study, "Our Great Big World", on penguins.
In kindergarten, students are expected to write informative pieces of writing, as well as throughout their education. They are also expected to use
correct capitalization and punctuation when writing. This is based off of Common Core State Standards WK8: With guidance and support form
adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question and LK2: Demonstrate command of the
conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling as appropriate for kindergarten. This is why I incorporated a writing lesson
into "Our Great Big World" unit of study. I have several students who receive speech services; therefore I try to include oral language activities and
vocabulary into a lesson when possible. I also try to incorporate some fine motor and/or mid–line crossing exercises as suggested by the occupational
therapist. I began this lesson by having the students sing and dance along with "The Penguin Song" from The Learning Channel. This implemented a
kinesthetic activity into the lesson. The song also incorporated vocabulary, such as right flipper, and encouraged following directions. The song was
followed by a read–aloud, which included vocabulary and short comprehension questions. The students were then instructed to brainstorm different
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Junior Achievement Analysis
Raised by a single parent, many think I am not capable of exceeding expectations. In trying to accomplish the American Dream, I did not lose grasp of
my Hispanic roots. I appreciated my background and encouraged others to do so as well. With the pressure mounted of being successful in my family, I
managed to take control of my goals. By participating in Junior Achievement, an organization that helps children value free enterprise through
educational programs, I incorporated my knowledge onto the younger generation. My mother has always said that my education is more important than
any type of work out there. It is a privilege to even have an education, therefore, I shouldn't take it for granted. Moreover, my life has always been
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Junior Ambassadors
I joined a leadership program, called Junior Ambassadors, that empowers young leaders with the skills to make a positive difference in their lives &
community. The intense program put me outside of my comfort zone. The peer pressure of speaking in front of large groups of people caused me to
resort to desperately resigning to get the easy way out. After quitting, I noticed the changes that the members that stayed earned. Even those reserved
became strong and fearless leaders that did not back down to speak in front of groups of people. I noticed this and I wanted this for myself. When the
summer ended, I re–joined the Junior Ambassadors with no regrets. I wanted that change for myself. Despite facing previous year members that
graduated, I
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Junior High Awards Ceremony
Student Showcase
The Junior High Awards ceremony has been changed to highlight the great work done by all of our 7th and 8th grade students this year. The Student
Showcase will be on May 18 from 1:00–2:20 pm beginning in the HS Auditorium at 1 and moving into the 7th and 8th grade hallways from 1:10–2:20.
Students have been hard at work creating posters that demonstrate their thoughtful reflections on the work that they have chosen and and practicing
talking with adults about this work. Please join us on Thursday to see the great variety of work that our students have completed and are anxious to
show off (see attached letter).
My hope is that this will be a new tradition for the middle school students. The potential for growth for
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Being a member of the National Junior Honor Society would be an amazing opportunity that I would love to be a part of. It would be a great honor
to be accepted into the society. Since I follow Christ, I recognize that I should set an example for others, young and old, of how a Christian acts. I do
my best to exhibit honesty, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self–control through my day–to–day affairs. I
show respect and courtesy to my teachers and classmates and lend a hand whenever I can. I do my best in everything because I am doing it for the
glory of God. I should be accepted into the society because I possess an outstanding character and persevere with faith in God. I have exhibited
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Future Academic Goals For Junior High
Scholarship essay
My future academic goals for junior high is to promote as a CJSF member and to earn a GPA of a 3.5 or above. During my two years of Washington I
want to remain in the AVID program. AVID has helped me in many different ways, for example it has showed me how to keep organized, take
Cornell notes, be responsible, and how to strive for my goals. As a high school student I want to maintain a GPA of a 3.5 or higher as well. For my four
years in high school, I would like to also be an AVID member. As I graduate from high school, I would like to graduate as an honor student. After high
school, I would like to attend the Colorado State University. In the University of Colorado
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National Junior Honor Research Paper
I wish to be a member of the National Junior Honor (community of people/all good people in the world) because to be a member of this famous
/respected organization means so much to mejust to be invited to be one of its members. I would love to be a member of this (community of
people/all good people in the world) because all of my life I have lived by a standard of nothingless than the best and I think by being in this
organization it will continue my trip of excellence. All of the activities I have ever participated in I have not done for recognition or praise, the
gradesI have received I have not done for recognition. I have just done it because I believe that successcomes before work only in the dictionary. The
places I am trying to go and
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Marcus has had 2.5 cumulative GPA throughout college. Often times, he had been led by stress, sports, and other factors. Homework constantly
stresses him, and he worries that he will never be able to turn around his GPA even more. When he graduates, he wants to have a decent job to
support himself, but every time he does an assignment the same results occur: his homework is late, and his grades are low. He feels the situation is
hopeless. He is wrong. Are you in a similar situation? Today is a new day, and you can turn things around with these simple steps:
Decide that being on the Dean's List is one of the most important achievements for your academic career.
oIf you did poorly in High School, now is the chance to turn those bad grades and habits around; you've got to decide that today is a new day, and
that you are fully capable to do college coursework. o Know that many employers look at Undergraduate transcripts to get an understanding of how fit
each graduate is to perform in jobs that they want to hire into. o It gives you confidence to deal with life. Once you're on the Dean's List, you feel
confident that you can overcome challenges, and be semi–professional: companies won't take people who do poorly in school. o According to Dr.
Keller, The Dean of Humanities, grades are a symptom of learning.
Make sure you know what the minimum requirement is for your school's Dean's List.
oRochester College's minimum Dean's List requirement is a 3.3 GPA for each
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Junior Summit Personal Statement
I believe participating in the 2016 Junior Summit would be an exceptional time for personal growth and development, as well as affording me the
opportunity to work alongside other like–minded leaders. As a sophomore in high school, I taught myself how to repair smart phones, which lead me
to start a smart phone repair business to save for college. I quickly realized that we are a "throw–away" society, in which 1% of cell phones are
sustainably recycled. Now, three years later and thousands of sustainable repairs completed, I look back and see that by repairing smart phones I have
helped in a small way to reduce the amount of e–waste in my community. Through my repair business, I am only able to play a limited role in
responsibly reducing, repairing and recycling e–waste by extending the life of smart phones. However, I know there continues to be a tremendous
global need for progress beyond my smart phone repair business. I have developed a genuine passion for globally sustainable and responsible practices
and programs to reduce e– more content...
My real–world experiences will allow me to share my perspective in these areas. The 2016 Junior Summit is a wonderful opportunity for me to work
with other individuals from around our world to help create advancements and solutions to our global
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Junior High Essay
I'm going to tell you about this weird school I'm in and how to survive this place called Junior High. I am going to be telling you the important
facts and guidelines on how to survive this place and how you can make friends. This place is very very hectic, and lots of dramatic. But now in 8
grade there is more freedom from when you were in 5 to 7 grade. We get more activities to do like electives and sports which I really like. We get more
privilege than the younger kids, like how we used to have the squad, and how we can run for president, and we get to go to Washington D.C. in
March. But there is also a lot more work so you have to prepare more and more. To survive Junior High youneed to know, good study skills, how to
have success, and social advice.
I am going to tell you how to organize and how to have success in 8 grade. One of the most important things you need to know is how to pay attention
in class. If you don't pay attention you won't know how to do the homework and you will either fail it or you will get a bad grade. So you have to listen
in class and take notes. Another big one is to organize so that when you come to class you will have all your tools ready for class, and so that you
know where more content...
Firstly it would be very helpful if you memorize your schedule. One reason is so you know right when you come to school what to grab for your first
two classes, and again organize your books in your backpack so you can easily take it out. And also make sure when you have free time take it and use
it to do homework or even study for a test or quiz. Make plans also, so lets say you have a big test the next day, you can make a plan to use your time
wisely and study for it that's when also time management comes in helping you. when you have all the things sorted out you shouldn't have any
problems finding and organizing your
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Why Did I Pursue My Greatest Achievement?
For many individuals, their greatest achievement might be winning a trophy at a competition or attaining a prestigious award. However, for me, the
journey of reaching my greatest achievement is in and of itself an achievement. My greatest achievement thus far is making it to Victoria Junior
College (VJC) with my academic results. Allow me to explain why. Growing up, I was never academically inclined. Rather, I was a mediocre
student in school. I grew up with average results throughout primary school. My parents were worried that that I would not be able to get into
secondary school based on my results, so they encouraged me to try the Direct School Admission (DSA) route using Badminton, which was
successful. When I entered secondary school, I lost interest in my studies. Till this day, I remember very distinctly an incident that changed my
attitude towards my academics. My Mathematics teacher came up to me and told me that I was the last in class for the examination. It walloped me
that the whole class was ahead of me. Moreover, it was a crucial year as our performance would determine which subject combination we were eligible
to take. Thankfully, I had an extremely patient Mathematics teacher who ignited my passion for Mathematics. I started working more
Thus, I decided to apply for the DSA route, thinking that I would have a higher chance to attain a spot in VJC. After I had gone for the trial, I was
hopeful that I would be short–listed because of my experience in that sport. However, time passed, and I did not receive any letter from them. Little
did I know, I had been rejected by my dream school. I was utterly dismayed from then on, and could not believe that I had encountered failure once
again. I pondered over this for a considerable period of time, it took me awhile to get myself back on my two feet, and continue the race that had a
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Achievement Culture
Achievement Culture: Coffee Breath and Eye–Bags As the last of three children having begun junior year, I'm essentially my parents' last opportunity
to impress their friends with their creation of yet another notable individual–criteria of which is currently limited greatly to academics in order to build
the foundation for later accomplishments. However, maintaining these educational standards implemented by parents in addition to my own
self–imposed commitments to cross–country and friends has caused the unfortunate appearance of successfully balancing the three to look like coffee
breath and eye–bags. Considering the greater portion of my 16 years of existence has exhausted the importance of junior year, it would be crass of me
to act surprised by the increases in coursework in correlation to additional Advanced Placement and Honors classes this year. However, with these
increases having painstakingly taken their effect on the amount of time and effort required for me to veraciously maintain an esteemed rank, a
seemingly numeric identity in the world of top–tier scholars, I find myself consistently spending 3 to 6 hours on homework, club meetings, and college
preparation in addition to the approximate 8 hours more content...
As I looked up into the mirror above the sink peering into the dark circles beneath my eyes, an epiphany struck me: the effects of conforming to the
surrounding achievement culture which pressured me to sacrifice my well–being for purpose of impressing my parents and college admissions had
taken their
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Junior Achievement Ambassadors
After volunteering this summer as a camp counselor in Junior Achievement's Finance Park I have decided to apply to become a Junior Achievement
ambassador. Biztown was my first experience with JA, but as a counselor I learned what JA was really about. I want to be a JA student ambassador
because I believe it is a great program that helps student learn real world skills such as financial literacy and future–planning that they unfortunately
often do not learn in school. In addition, for me it is a perfect continuation of a program I participated in last year under the acronym of TYE. It was a
business competition where I learned about entrepreneurship, ideation and business basics, and worked with a team to create and compete with a
business plan. My team was lucky enough to make it to the global competition. Moving forward a team member and I are working on creating a
small nonprofit organization of our own which teaches similar concepts to those we learned in our program to middle school students. The experience
I gained from being a camp counselor with JA has already helped me with my project, and more content...
I have experience in performing arts, I was a member of competitive show choir at my middle school, I have performed with both dance and band,
and have performed in multiple musicals. These experiences make me no stranger to being in front of audiences and have taught me to be
comfortable in front of crowds. Additionally, I am fluent in Spanish and have elementary proficiency in Mandarin Chinese, which could be useful
in situations as an ambassador. I am also good at working on teams and can easily adjust to fit the dynamics of different groups. I can step up and
be the leader in a group of people, but I understand when to step down and let others take charge. I am excited to be a part of your program, and should
I be accepted I would be sure to make it a priority. Thank
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Junior Achievement Education
As a result of my Junior Achievement education, I have acquired knowledge about many things that will guide me through my life in the future, such
as personal finance, world–wide issues, and decision making for the road ahead. I have learned how to manage my money by putting it into a savings
account, keeping track of my income and spendings, and by spending money wisely. I have also learned about the decisions I will have to make in my
future such as if I want to attend college, what kind of career I would want to pursue, and other situations like paying taxes and saving up to purchase a
house. Junior Achievement has given me the skills and knowledge that will help me succeed in my life and many other things that I choose to do.
Junior Achievement
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My Accomplishments In Middle School
I have several notable accomplishments, most of them are of academics. Some of the awards/accomplishments that I can recall ever since I was in
middle school are: First position on spelling contest, department award for the most Helpful student, Student of the quarter, Presidential award for
educational excellence (Gold Seal), 4.0 Honor roll, Indian Classical dance, Achieve3000 state winner, department award for "Excellence in English
Language Acquisition," and Academic Excellence Lettering Award. Among all these awards and recognition, I consider Achieve3000 to be the greatest
because it was a state level competition and was moderately competitive to win. In the Achieve3000 program, basically, an individual has to compete
with the students
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Junior Achievement Research Paper
Junior Achievement has helped me prepare for life in eye–opening ways. First, you may be asking, ВЁWhat is Junior Achievement?ВЁ Junior
Achievement, also known as JA, is an organization that prepares and expresses the knowledge that kids of today should know about the working
world. JA is run by representatives that come to a class every week to teach and inspire young adults about a career and how to pursue that career.
Representatives put life experiences into perspective so kids can learn the steps taken by a successful worker in todayЕ› society. Our class
representative, Mr. Priestly, is a worker at Millennium Steel. He is experienced with the mechanics of technical work on the line and off the line.
One of the first things we learned was how to create a logo that someone will remember. We as a class were given the opportunity to create our own
company name and logo with a set of colored wax. Brainstorming of an idea was the hardest part to creating our logo. In the real world creating a logo
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A resume is information given to the employer that makes yourself stand out for a job. Writing a well thought out resume can separate the qualified
candidates with the less qualified candidates. Writing a resume with strong vocabulary and zero errors will greatly increase your chances of being
selected for a certain job. During this lesson, we imagined ourselves as the employer and we had to examine multiple different resumes. Each resume
had its own little twist. Some were written clean and pristine while other resumes were written with haste and mistakes. As the employer, seeing these
simple mistakes changed my view on a candidate. This simple activity has taught me the importance of writing a resume. It showed me the little things
that an employer searches for. I can easily benefit from this experience because I now understand the advantages of writing a well–thought–out
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Junior Year Essay
Junior Year Junior year was one of the best years of high school, but also one of the most stressful years of high school. What made it great was
prom and homecoming. Prom was so much fun and my date was amazing. We also went together for homecoming too. That was the first year going
to prom and I knew it was going to be a good one.
Also, the boys had won the homecoming football ball game which was a great start to the weekend! I had got a class ring and customized it the way I
wanted and it turned out great. Now that we were upperclassmen it felt good to be almost at the top. I still had my friends that I had throughout high
school and middle school. However, I did lose one of my closest friends sophomore year when she moved to Texas.
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My Greatest Accomplishment In High School
A Found Friend I thought I knew everything about high school then I met Da'kevus Arceneaux. Well it was 7 o'clock in Ms. Phyllis's English 1 first
hour when De'kevus Arceneaux smoothly cruised into the classroom with a smile from ear to ear. De'kevus discussed with me how high school
changed him and helped him grow and he answered with a bright smile and clear answers. Speaking with De'kevus, I learned more about the high
school experience, coming of age and making future plans. Da'kevus had a very good experience when it came to sports and academics. I asked
Da'kevus, "What was your biggest accomplishment in high school and how did you accomplish it". Da'kevus answered "My biggest
accomplishment is where I am now, my senior year, you must stay focused and do what you need to do to get where you want to be.". Da'kevus
excelled very well in Track and Cross Country. Da'kevus said : I ran track because i love running.". Now I know more about Carencro High school, I
also learned more about Cross country. Da'kevus has matured so much during his years at Carencro High school. I asked Da'kevus "How has high
school changed you?" he answered by saying "High School changed me because at first I was shy but it changed me to open up to people and it taught
me how to speak to people, like you need to be able to speak to people for jobs and your life further beyond. Da'kevus and I were having a
conversations about the best advice a teacher has ever gave him, he answer with a
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My Greatest Achievement
To some an achievement would mean an award or an accomplishment they could be proud of. An achievement for me goes beyond that idea. My
biggest achievement is the positive contribution I gave to people in need around my neighborhood, and also the comfort I give to my parents because
of my independence, which also helped me find my passion in life. My motivation to apply this program is not only to pursue my dreams become
Psychologist but also to experience international education in South Korea which is the most prestigious country in Asia that known for the education
system. Korean system education also provide student with high technology in order makes student understand. Not to mention for the largest and
hi–tech library that makes me think Korean University is top than other university in Europe. Not only famous for their education system Korea is
known for their culture, language and long story history that brought South Korea to become this advance. So relating to that I want to studying the
culture, language and history and all the positive knowledge to bringing back to my country, Indonesia. In my 19 years of existence in this world, I
have learned a lot about life from the experiences of my failures and my roles in family and in other environments. Being the fourth child of seven
siblings and left by her three sisters to go to boarding school since I was eight years old makes me to take responsibility for taking care of my younger
brother. Cooking for dinner and
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Student Achievement Reflection

  • 1. Student Achievement Reflection II. Analysis of Student Achievement: Lesson Before school even begins, I start getting to know my students and their families. I do this at Open house by having the parents fill out a interest inventory on their child. During daily share time, I allow the students to tell me about themselves, their families, and what interests them. I usually learn more about my students learning styles through class activities/discussions, parent teacher conferences, and beginning/middle of the year screenings and assessments. I also learn more about students who have individualized education plans from meetings with the parents, the special education supervisor/speech pathologist, and occupational therapists. Based upon the fact that my students talk about their pets daily, I know that my students enjoy learning about animals and therefore, I decided to begin the unit of study, "Our Great Big World", on penguins. In kindergarten, students are expected to write informative pieces of writing, as well as throughout their education. They are also expected to use correct capitalization and punctuation when writing. This is based off of Common Core State Standards WK8: With guidance and support form adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question and LK2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling as appropriate for kindergarten. This is why I incorporated a writing lesson into "Our Great Big World" unit of study. I have several students who receive speech services; therefore I try to include oral language activities and vocabulary into a lesson when possible. I also try to incorporate some fine motor and/or mid–line crossing exercises as suggested by the occupational therapist. I began this lesson by having the students sing and dance along with "The Penguin Song" from The Learning Channel. This implemented a kinesthetic activity into the lesson. The song also incorporated vocabulary, such as right flipper, and encouraged following directions. The song was followed by a read–aloud, which included vocabulary and short comprehension questions. The students were then instructed to brainstorm different things Get more content on
  • 2. Junior Achievement Analysis Raised by a single parent, many think I am not capable of exceeding expectations. In trying to accomplish the American Dream, I did not lose grasp of my Hispanic roots. I appreciated my background and encouraged others to do so as well. With the pressure mounted of being successful in my family, I managed to take control of my goals. By participating in Junior Achievement, an organization that helps children value free enterprise through educational programs, I incorporated my knowledge onto the younger generation. My mother has always said that my education is more important than any type of work out there. It is a privilege to even have an education, therefore, I shouldn't take it for granted. Moreover, my life has always been exemplified Get more content on
  • 3. Junior Ambassadors I joined a leadership program, called Junior Ambassadors, that empowers young leaders with the skills to make a positive difference in their lives & community. The intense program put me outside of my comfort zone. The peer pressure of speaking in front of large groups of people caused me to resort to desperately resigning to get the easy way out. After quitting, I noticed the changes that the members that stayed earned. Even those reserved became strong and fearless leaders that did not back down to speak in front of groups of people. I noticed this and I wanted this for myself. When the summer ended, I re–joined the Junior Ambassadors with no regrets. I wanted that change for myself. Despite facing previous year members that graduated, I Get more content on
  • 4. Junior High Awards Ceremony Student Showcase The Junior High Awards ceremony has been changed to highlight the great work done by all of our 7th and 8th grade students this year. The Student Showcase will be on May 18 from 1:00–2:20 pm beginning in the HS Auditorium at 1 and moving into the 7th and 8th grade hallways from 1:10–2:20. Students have been hard at work creating posters that demonstrate their thoughtful reflections on the work that they have chosen and and practicing talking with adults about this work. Please join us on Thursday to see the great variety of work that our students have completed and are anxious to show off (see attached letter). My hope is that this will be a new tradition for the middle school students. The potential for growth for Get more content on
  • 5. Being a member of the National Junior Honor Society would be an amazing opportunity that I would love to be a part of. It would be a great honor to be accepted into the society. Since I follow Christ, I recognize that I should set an example for others, young and old, of how a Christian acts. I do my best to exhibit honesty, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self–control through my day–to–day affairs. I show respect and courtesy to my teachers and classmates and lend a hand whenever I can. I do my best in everything because I am doing it for the glory of God. I should be accepted into the society because I possess an outstanding character and persevere with faith in God. I have exhibited scholarship Get more content on
  • 6. Future Academic Goals For Junior High Scholarship essay My future academic goals for junior high is to promote as a CJSF member and to earn a GPA of a 3.5 or above. During my two years of Washington I want to remain in the AVID program. AVID has helped me in many different ways, for example it has showed me how to keep organized, take Cornell notes, be responsible, and how to strive for my goals. As a high school student I want to maintain a GPA of a 3.5 or higher as well. For my four years in high school, I would like to also be an AVID member. As I graduate from high school, I would like to graduate as an honor student. After high school, I would like to attend the Colorado State University. In the University of Colorado Get more content on
  • 7. National Junior Honor Research Paper I wish to be a member of the National Junior Honor (community of people/all good people in the world) because to be a member of this famous /respected organization means so much to mejust to be invited to be one of its members. I would love to be a member of this (community of people/all good people in the world) because all of my life I have lived by a standard of nothingless than the best and I think by being in this organization it will continue my trip of excellence. All of the activities I have ever participated in I have not done for recognition or praise, the gradesI have received I have not done for recognition. I have just done it because I believe that successcomes before work only in the dictionary. The places I am trying to go and Get more content on
  • 8. Marcus has had 2.5 cumulative GPA throughout college. Often times, he had been led by stress, sports, and other factors. Homework constantly stresses him, and he worries that he will never be able to turn around his GPA even more. When he graduates, he wants to have a decent job to support himself, but every time he does an assignment the same results occur: his homework is late, and his grades are low. He feels the situation is hopeless. He is wrong. Are you in a similar situation? Today is a new day, and you can turn things around with these simple steps: Decide that being on the Dean's List is one of the most important achievements for your academic career. oIf you did poorly in High School, now is the chance to turn those bad grades and habits around; you've got to decide that today is a new day, and that you are fully capable to do college coursework. o Know that many employers look at Undergraduate transcripts to get an understanding of how fit each graduate is to perform in jobs that they want to hire into. o It gives you confidence to deal with life. Once you're on the Dean's List, you feel confident that you can overcome challenges, and be semi–professional: companies won't take people who do poorly in school. o According to Dr. Keller, The Dean of Humanities, grades are a symptom of learning. Make sure you know what the minimum requirement is for your school's Dean's List. oRochester College's minimum Dean's List requirement is a 3.3 GPA for each Get more content on
  • 9. Junior Summit Personal Statement I believe participating in the 2016 Junior Summit would be an exceptional time for personal growth and development, as well as affording me the opportunity to work alongside other like–minded leaders. As a sophomore in high school, I taught myself how to repair smart phones, which lead me to start a smart phone repair business to save for college. I quickly realized that we are a "throw–away" society, in which 1% of cell phones are sustainably recycled. Now, three years later and thousands of sustainable repairs completed, I look back and see that by repairing smart phones I have helped in a small way to reduce the amount of e–waste in my community. Through my repair business, I am only able to play a limited role in responsibly reducing, repairing and recycling e–waste by extending the life of smart phones. However, I know there continues to be a tremendous global need for progress beyond my smart phone repair business. I have developed a genuine passion for globally sustainable and responsible practices and programs to reduce e– more content... My real–world experiences will allow me to share my perspective in these areas. The 2016 Junior Summit is a wonderful opportunity for me to work with other individuals from around our world to help create advancements and solutions to our global Get more content on
  • 10. Junior High Essay I'm going to tell you about this weird school I'm in and how to survive this place called Junior High. I am going to be telling you the important facts and guidelines on how to survive this place and how you can make friends. This place is very very hectic, and lots of dramatic. But now in 8 grade there is more freedom from when you were in 5 to 7 grade. We get more activities to do like electives and sports which I really like. We get more privilege than the younger kids, like how we used to have the squad, and how we can run for president, and we get to go to Washington D.C. in March. But there is also a lot more work so you have to prepare more and more. To survive Junior High youneed to know, good study skills, how to have success, and social advice. I am going to tell you how to organize and how to have success in 8 grade. One of the most important things you need to know is how to pay attention in class. If you don't pay attention you won't know how to do the homework and you will either fail it or you will get a bad grade. So you have to listen in class and take notes. Another big one is to organize so that when you come to class you will have all your tools ready for class, and so that you know where more content... Firstly it would be very helpful if you memorize your schedule. One reason is so you know right when you come to school what to grab for your first two classes, and again organize your books in your backpack so you can easily take it out. And also make sure when you have free time take it and use it to do homework or even study for a test or quiz. Make plans also, so lets say you have a big test the next day, you can make a plan to use your time wisely and study for it that's when also time management comes in helping you. when you have all the things sorted out you shouldn't have any problems finding and organizing your Get more content on
  • 11. Why Did I Pursue My Greatest Achievement? For many individuals, their greatest achievement might be winning a trophy at a competition or attaining a prestigious award. However, for me, the journey of reaching my greatest achievement is in and of itself an achievement. My greatest achievement thus far is making it to Victoria Junior College (VJC) with my academic results. Allow me to explain why. Growing up, I was never academically inclined. Rather, I was a mediocre student in school. I grew up with average results throughout primary school. My parents were worried that that I would not be able to get into secondary school based on my results, so they encouraged me to try the Direct School Admission (DSA) route using Badminton, which was successful. When I entered secondary school, I lost interest in my studies. Till this day, I remember very distinctly an incident that changed my attitude towards my academics. My Mathematics teacher came up to me and told me that I was the last in class for the examination. It walloped me that the whole class was ahead of me. Moreover, it was a crucial year as our performance would determine which subject combination we were eligible to take. Thankfully, I had an extremely patient Mathematics teacher who ignited my passion for Mathematics. I started working more content... Thus, I decided to apply for the DSA route, thinking that I would have a higher chance to attain a spot in VJC. After I had gone for the trial, I was hopeful that I would be short–listed because of my experience in that sport. However, time passed, and I did not receive any letter from them. Little did I know, I had been rejected by my dream school. I was utterly dismayed from then on, and could not believe that I had encountered failure once again. I pondered over this for a considerable period of time, it took me awhile to get myself back on my two feet, and continue the race that had a Get more content on
  • 12. Achievement Culture Achievement Culture: Coffee Breath and Eye–Bags As the last of three children having begun junior year, I'm essentially my parents' last opportunity to impress their friends with their creation of yet another notable individual–criteria of which is currently limited greatly to academics in order to build the foundation for later accomplishments. However, maintaining these educational standards implemented by parents in addition to my own self–imposed commitments to cross–country and friends has caused the unfortunate appearance of successfully balancing the three to look like coffee breath and eye–bags. Considering the greater portion of my 16 years of existence has exhausted the importance of junior year, it would be crass of me to act surprised by the increases in coursework in correlation to additional Advanced Placement and Honors classes this year. However, with these increases having painstakingly taken their effect on the amount of time and effort required for me to veraciously maintain an esteemed rank, a seemingly numeric identity in the world of top–tier scholars, I find myself consistently spending 3 to 6 hours on homework, club meetings, and college preparation in addition to the approximate 8 hours more content... As I looked up into the mirror above the sink peering into the dark circles beneath my eyes, an epiphany struck me: the effects of conforming to the surrounding achievement culture which pressured me to sacrifice my well–being for purpose of impressing my parents and college admissions had taken their Get more content on
  • 13. Junior Achievement Ambassadors After volunteering this summer as a camp counselor in Junior Achievement's Finance Park I have decided to apply to become a Junior Achievement ambassador. Biztown was my first experience with JA, but as a counselor I learned what JA was really about. I want to be a JA student ambassador because I believe it is a great program that helps student learn real world skills such as financial literacy and future–planning that they unfortunately often do not learn in school. In addition, for me it is a perfect continuation of a program I participated in last year under the acronym of TYE. It was a business competition where I learned about entrepreneurship, ideation and business basics, and worked with a team to create and compete with a business plan. My team was lucky enough to make it to the global competition. Moving forward a team member and I are working on creating a small nonprofit organization of our own which teaches similar concepts to those we learned in our program to middle school students. The experience I gained from being a camp counselor with JA has already helped me with my project, and more content... I have experience in performing arts, I was a member of competitive show choir at my middle school, I have performed with both dance and band, and have performed in multiple musicals. These experiences make me no stranger to being in front of audiences and have taught me to be comfortable in front of crowds. Additionally, I am fluent in Spanish and have elementary proficiency in Mandarin Chinese, which could be useful in situations as an ambassador. I am also good at working on teams and can easily adjust to fit the dynamics of different groups. I can step up and be the leader in a group of people, but I understand when to step down and let others take charge. I am excited to be a part of your program, and should I be accepted I would be sure to make it a priority. Thank Get more content on
  • 14. Junior Achievement Education As a result of my Junior Achievement education, I have acquired knowledge about many things that will guide me through my life in the future, such as personal finance, world–wide issues, and decision making for the road ahead. I have learned how to manage my money by putting it into a savings account, keeping track of my income and spendings, and by spending money wisely. I have also learned about the decisions I will have to make in my future such as if I want to attend college, what kind of career I would want to pursue, and other situations like paying taxes and saving up to purchase a house. Junior Achievement has given me the skills and knowledge that will help me succeed in my life and many other things that I choose to do. Junior Achievement Get more content on
  • 15. My Accomplishments In Middle School I have several notable accomplishments, most of them are of academics. Some of the awards/accomplishments that I can recall ever since I was in middle school are: First position on spelling contest, department award for the most Helpful student, Student of the quarter, Presidential award for educational excellence (Gold Seal), 4.0 Honor roll, Indian Classical dance, Achieve3000 state winner, department award for "Excellence in English Language Acquisition," and Academic Excellence Lettering Award. Among all these awards and recognition, I consider Achieve3000 to be the greatest because it was a state level competition and was moderately competitive to win. In the Achieve3000 program, basically, an individual has to compete with the students Get more content on
  • 16. Junior Achievement Research Paper Junior Achievement has helped me prepare for life in eye–opening ways. First, you may be asking, ВЁWhat is Junior Achievement?ВЁ Junior Achievement, also known as JA, is an organization that prepares and expresses the knowledge that kids of today should know about the working world. JA is run by representatives that come to a class every week to teach and inspire young adults about a career and how to pursue that career. Representatives put life experiences into perspective so kids can learn the steps taken by a successful worker in todayЕ› society. Our class representative, Mr. Priestly, is a worker at Millennium Steel. He is experienced with the mechanics of technical work on the line and off the line. One of the first things we learned was how to create a logo that someone will remember. We as a class were given the opportunity to create our own company name and logo with a set of colored wax. Brainstorming of an idea was the hardest part to creating our logo. In the real world creating a logo for more content... A resume is information given to the employer that makes yourself stand out for a job. Writing a well thought out resume can separate the qualified candidates with the less qualified candidates. Writing a resume with strong vocabulary and zero errors will greatly increase your chances of being selected for a certain job. During this lesson, we imagined ourselves as the employer and we had to examine multiple different resumes. Each resume had its own little twist. Some were written clean and pristine while other resumes were written with haste and mistakes. As the employer, seeing these simple mistakes changed my view on a candidate. This simple activity has taught me the importance of writing a resume. It showed me the little things that an employer searches for. I can easily benefit from this experience because I now understand the advantages of writing a well–thought–out Get more content on
  • 17. Junior Year Essay Junior Year Junior year was one of the best years of high school, but also one of the most stressful years of high school. What made it great was prom and homecoming. Prom was so much fun and my date was amazing. We also went together for homecoming too. That was the first year going to prom and I knew it was going to be a good one. Also, the boys had won the homecoming football ball game which was a great start to the weekend! I had got a class ring and customized it the way I wanted and it turned out great. Now that we were upperclassmen it felt good to be almost at the top. I still had my friends that I had throughout high school and middle school. However, I did lose one of my closest friends sophomore year when she moved to Texas. Get more content on
  • 18. My Greatest Accomplishment In High School A Found Friend I thought I knew everything about high school then I met Da'kevus Arceneaux. Well it was 7 o'clock in Ms. Phyllis's English 1 first hour when De'kevus Arceneaux smoothly cruised into the classroom with a smile from ear to ear. De'kevus discussed with me how high school changed him and helped him grow and he answered with a bright smile and clear answers. Speaking with De'kevus, I learned more about the high school experience, coming of age and making future plans. Da'kevus had a very good experience when it came to sports and academics. I asked Da'kevus, "What was your biggest accomplishment in high school and how did you accomplish it". Da'kevus answered "My biggest accomplishment is where I am now, my senior year, you must stay focused and do what you need to do to get where you want to be.". Da'kevus excelled very well in Track and Cross Country. Da'kevus said : I ran track because i love running.". Now I know more about Carencro High school, I also learned more about Cross country. Da'kevus has matured so much during his years at Carencro High school. I asked Da'kevus "How has high school changed you?" he answered by saying "High School changed me because at first I was shy but it changed me to open up to people and it taught me how to speak to people, like you need to be able to speak to people for jobs and your life further beyond. Da'kevus and I were having a conversations about the best advice a teacher has ever gave him, he answer with a Get more content on
  • 19. My Greatest Achievement To some an achievement would mean an award or an accomplishment they could be proud of. An achievement for me goes beyond that idea. My biggest achievement is the positive contribution I gave to people in need around my neighborhood, and also the comfort I give to my parents because of my independence, which also helped me find my passion in life. My motivation to apply this program is not only to pursue my dreams become Psychologist but also to experience international education in South Korea which is the most prestigious country in Asia that known for the education system. Korean system education also provide student with high technology in order makes student understand. Not to mention for the largest and hi–tech library that makes me think Korean University is top than other university in Europe. Not only famous for their education system Korea is known for their culture, language and long story history that brought South Korea to become this advance. So relating to that I want to studying the culture, language and history and all the positive knowledge to bringing back to my country, Indonesia. In my 19 years of existence in this world, I have learned a lot about life from the experiences of my failures and my roles in family and in other environments. Being the fourth child of seven siblings and left by her three sisters to go to boarding school since I was eight years old makes me to take responsibility for taking care of my younger brother. Cooking for dinner and Get more content on