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Born: 29-jun-2007No. 1 in 2007
Rhetorical techniques
(used for the iPhone launch)
Keynote Outline
1. Change and We did it before (Intro)
2. Status Quo and Vision
3. User Interfaces
4. Software
5. Design
6. iPod
7. Phone
8. Internet communications device
9. Internet companies - Google and Yahoo
10. Real Life Demo
11. Accessories, Battery, Technology, Pricing, Release, and Cingular
1. Change and We did it before (Intro)
2. Status Quo and Vision
1. First thing: User Interfaces and Software
2. Second thing: Learning from iPod
3. Third thing: Design
1. iPod
2. Phone
3. Internet communications device
1. Internet companies - Google and Yahoo
2. Real Life Demo
1. Accessories, Battery, Technology, Pricing, Release,
and Cingular
1. iPod outline (topics, details, conclusion)
a. Music
b. Video
c. Search
d. Album art/Speaker/Coverflow
2. Phone
a. Introduction
I. Making calls
II. Voice mail
b. Phone outline (topics, details, conclusion)
I. Phone app
II. SMS messaging
III. Photos
3. Internet communications device
a. Rich e-mail
b. Web browser
c. Google maps
Rhetorical techniques
(used for the iPhone launch)
1. Interrogatio
2. Geminatio
3. Power of Three
4. Asyndeton
5. Polysyndeton
6. Hyperbole
7. Anastrophe
8. Anaphora
9. Epiphora
10. Symploke
11. Tricolon
12. Metaphor
13. Simile
14. Personification
15. Antithesis
16. Exclamatio
17. Irony
18. Climax
19. Slogans
– Employing a question as a way of confirming or reinforcing the
argument one has just made.
Dear Life, When I said "Can my day
get any worse" It was a rhetorical
question not a challenge.“
Interrogatio is a rhetorical
question, thus the answer is
self-evident from the situation
of the speaker. Help Understood
better, getting attention from
And to unlock the phone I just
take my finger and slide it across.
Want to see that again? Sleep.
We wanted something you
couldn’t do by accident in your
Just slide it across. Boom.
Isn’t that great? Yeah.
Isn’t that cool? Yeah, it’s pretty nice.
Isn’t that awesome? Isn’t that awesome?
Isn’t this cool?
Pretty cool, huh?
Pretty cool, huh?
Yeah? Isn’t this awesome?
Isn’t that cool?
… isn’t that cool?
Isn’t this cool?
isn’t this cool?
Isn’t that incredible?
What’d’ya you think? Isn’t that incredible? (79 questions)
The second thing we’re doing is
we’re learning from the iPod,
syncing with iTunes.
You know, we’re gonna ship our
100 millionth iPod this year, and
that’s a lo… 10s of millions of
people that know how to sync
these devices with their PCs or
Mac and sync all of their media
right on to their iPod.
So you just drop your iPod in, and
it automatically syncs.
Rhetorical question add variety and interest
to a speech
The first one is a proximity sensor. It senses when physical objects get close, so when you bring
iPhone up to your ear, to take a phone call, it turns off the display, and it turns off the touch
sensor, instantly.
Well, why do you wanna do that?
Well, one to save battery, but two, so you don’t get spurious inputs from your face into the
touch screen.
Engage the audience to think
with a rhetorical question:
If entire speech is a series of
statements, audience may
passively listen and absorb
Well, how do I scroll through my lists of artists?
How do I do this? I just take my finger, and I scroll.
A rhetorical question is a
question that is asked not to
get an answer, but instead to
elicit thought and
understanding on the part of
the listener
I just take my finger, and I scroll.
That’s it. Isn’t that cool?
A little rubber banding up when I run off the edge.
Stir emotions by asking a
rhetorical question
I mean, Here’s four smart phones, right? Motorola
Q, the BlackBerry, Palm Treo, Nokia E62 – the
usual suspects. And, what’s wrong with their user
interfaces? Well, the problem with them is really
sort of in the bottom 40 there. It’s, it’s this stuff
right here.
And what happens if you think of a great idea six
months from now? You can’t run around and add
a button to these things. They’re already shipped.
So what do you do?
It doesn’t work because the buttons and the
controls can’t change. They can’t change for each
application, and they can’t change down the road
if you think of another great idea you wanna add
to this product.
Now, why do we
need a revolutionary
user interface?
“Wouldn’t it be great – if
you didn’t – if you had six
voice mails if you didn’t
have to listen to five of
them first before you
wanted to listen to the
sixth? Wouldn’t that be
great if you had random
access voice mail? Well,
we’ve got it.”
What we gonna do is get rid of all
these buttons and just make a giant
A giant screen.
Now, how are we gonna communicate
this? We don’t wanna carry around a
mouse, right? So what are we gonna
Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to
the audience about how he should act.
Well, how do I scroll through my lists of
How do I do this? I just take my finger,
and I scroll.
Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to
the audience about how he should act.
What’s a smart phone cost?
Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to
the audience about how he should act.
So what should we price it at?
Well, what do these things
normally cost?
Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to
the audience about how he should act.
What should we charge for
Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to
the audience about how he should act.
So how much more than
$499 should we price
Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to
the audience about how he should act.
– Repeat word or word groups for dramatic effects
“And so I’ve got voice mail how I
wanna listen to it, when I wanna listen
to it, in any order I wanna listen to it
with visual voice mail.”
Steve jobs repeated words , or word groups, within the same sentence for dramatic effects.
“And so I’ve got voice mail how I wanna listen to it, when I wanna listen to it, in any order I
wanna listen to it with visual voice mail.”
And the problem is that they’re not
so smart and they’re not so easy to
use, so if you kinda make a…
Business School 101 graph of the
smart axis and the easy-to-use axis,
phones, regular cell phones are
kinda right there, they’re not so
smart, and they’re – you know – not
so easy to use
We’re gonna use the best
pointing device in the
We’re gonna use a
pointing device that we’re
all born with – we’re born
with ten of them.
We’re gonna use our
We’re gonna touch this
with our fingers.
We solved it in computers 20
years ago. We solved it with
a bit-mapped screen that
could display anything we
want. Put any user interface
up. And a pointing device.
We solved it with the mouse.
We solved this problem.
Asyndeton (uh-SIN-duh-ton)
– Removing conjunctions from a series to add emphasis
I came, I saw, I conquered.
– Julius Caesar“
In Asyndeton, speaker eliminates
conjunctions like “and” or “but”.
It makes a speech more dramatic and
effective by speeding up its rhyme
and pace.
Emphasize the gravity or drama
“And iTunes is gonna sync all of your
media onto your iPhone: Your music,
your audio books, podcasts, movies,
TV shows, music videos.”
Asyndeton: Results in a hurried
rhythm or passionate effect
We’ve got the multi-touch screen. A
Miniaturization, more than we’ve
done before.
A lot of custom silicon.
Tremendous power management.
OSX[cough] inside a mobile device.
Featherweight precision enclosures.
Three advanced sensors.
Desktop class applications, and of
course, the widescreen video iPod.
Asyndeton emphasizes
extremely important statements.
It makes speaker appear more
powerful and forceful to
But it also syncs a ton of data:
Your contacts, your calendars
and your photos, which you can
get on your iPod today, your
notes, your..your bookmarks
from your Web browser, your e-
mail accounts, your whole e-
mail set-up. All that stuff can be
moved over to your iPhone
completely automatically.
Asyndeton: It’s lack of
conjunctions between
coordinate phrases, clauses,
and words make the statement
ring in the ears of the listeners,
the statements stick.
It’s really thin. It’s thinner than
any smart phone out there, at
11.6 millimeters.
Thinner than the Q, thinner
than the BlackJack, thinner
than all of them.
Polysyndeton: is the repetition of
conjunctions in a series of
coordinate words, phrases, or
“It’s got everything from Cocoa and
the graphics and it’s got core
animation built in and it’s got the
audio and video that OSX is famous
– Use of exaggeration to excite audience
We’ve designed something wonderful for your hand, just
wonderful. What we want to do is make a leapfrog product that is
way smarter than any mobile device has ever been, and super-easy
to use. It’s really nice. It’s gorgeous. It looks pretty doggone
gorgeous. It’s got awesome security.
– Steve Jobs
“We also have the coolest photo
management app uh ever, certainly
on a mobile device, but I think
maybe ever.”
Hyperbole: Steve jobs was a master at greatly
exaggerating certain characteristics
And we have invented a new
technology called multi-touch,
which is phenomenal.
It works like magic.
You don’t need a stylus. It’s far
more accurate than any touch
display that’s ever been shipped.
It ignores unintended touches, it’s
“Best version of Google Maps on the planet....”
“It’s the coolest one that we’ve ever seen.”
“It’s the ultimate digital device.”
Anastrophe (uh-NASS-troh-fee)
– Inversion of conventional word order to add emphasis
Ask not what your country can do for you;
ask what you can do for your country–
John F.Kennedy“
“… and they all have
these plastic little
keyboards on
(instead of “little
Anastrophe Anastrophe is a rhetorical term for the inversion of conventional word order.
It is used to emphasize one or more of the words that have been reversed
“And boy, have
we patented
(instead of “we
Anastrophe Anastrophe (from the Greek: ἀναστροφή, anastrophē, "a turning back or
about") is a figure of speech in which the normal word order of the subject,
the verb and the object is changed.
– Beginning a sentence or clause by repeating the last
word or words of the previous sentence or clause to
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
And they all have
these control buttons
that are fixed in plastic
and are the same for
every application.
Well, every application
wants a slightly
different user
interface, a slightly
optimized set of
buttons, just for it.
Anadiplosis “It doesn’t work because the buttons and the controls can’t change. They
can’t change for each application, and they can’t change down the road if
you think of another great idea you wanna add to this product.”
Well, how do you solve this?
Hmm. It turns out, we have
solved it!
We solved it in computers 20
years ago.
– Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of
successive sentences or clauses.
“We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas
and oceans, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall
fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the
fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills …”
- Winston Churchill
We solved it in computers 20
years ago. We solved it with
a bit-mapped screen that
could display anything we
want. Put any user interface
up. And a pointing device.
We solved it with the mouse.
We solved this problem.
We’re gonna use the best
pointing device in the world.
We’re gonna use a pointing
device that we’re all born
with – we’re born with ten
of them. We’re gonna use
our fingers.
We’re gonna touch this with
our fingers.
It’s got video. Real video.
It’s got wha… this beautiful
gorgeous wide screen.
It’s got multi-touch user
interface. It’s got wi-fi.
It’s got a real browser. It’s got
html e-mail.
It’s got coverflow and on and
on and on.
And this stuff would normally
cost hundreds of dollars.
“Wouldn’t it be great – if
you didn’t – if you had six
voice mails if you didn’t
have to listen to five of
them first before you
wanted to listen to the
Wouldn’t that be great if
you had random access
voice mail? Well, we’ve got
– Repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive
sentences or clauses.
… that government of the people, by the people,
for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
— Abraham Lincoln“
“Well, these are their these
are their home screens. And
again, as you recall, this is
iPhone’s home screen. uhm
this this is what their contacts
look like. This is what iPhone’s
contacts look like, and again,”
– Combination of one or more Anaphora with one or
more Epiphora.
"Much of what I say might sound bitter, but it's the truth. Much of what I say
might sound like it's stirring up trouble, but it's the truth. Much of what I say
might sound like it is hate, but it's the truth."
-- Malcolm X“
“In 1984 we introduced the
Macintosh. It didn't just
change Apple, it changed the
whole industry. In 2001 we
introduced the first iPod, and
it didn't just change the way
we all listened to music, it
changed the entire music
industry. "
We’re gonna use the best
pointing device in the world.
We’re gonna use a pointing
device that we’re all born
with – we’re born with ten
of them. We’re gonna use
our fingers.
We’re gonna touch this with
our fingers.
“The first rich html e-mail on
a phone.
The first real Web browser
on a phone.”
– A series of three words, phrases or sentences that are
parallel in structure, length and/or rhythm.
We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas
and oceans, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall
fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the
fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills …
- Winston Churchill
“In 1984 we introduced the
Macintosh. It didn't just
change Apple, it changed the
whole industry. In 2001 we
introduced the first iPod, and
it didn't just change the way
we all listened to music, it
changed the entire music
industry. Well, today, we’re
introducing three
revolutionary products of this
class. "
“Well, today, we’re
introducing three
revolutionary products of this
The first one: is a widescreen
iPod with touch controls.
The second: is a revolutionary
mobile phone.
And the third is a
breakthrough Internet
communications device.”
First was the mouse.
The second was the click
And now, we’re gonna bring
multi-touch to the market.
And each of these
revolutionary user interfaces
has made possible a
revolutionary product – the
Mac, the iPod and now the
– Compares two different things without using connector (A is B)
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women
merely players. They have their exits and entrances."
- William Shakespeare“
And uh they typically combine
a phone plus some e-mail
capability, plus they say it’s
the Internet. It’s sort of the
baby Internet, into one
– Compares two different things by using connector (A is like B)
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
- Steve Jobs
“So iPhone is like having your life in your pocket”
“Now, software on mobile phones is like is like baby software.”
Antitheton (Antithesis)
– Contrasting two different (often opposite) ideas in the same
sentence or in two consecutive sentences
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.”
- Alexander Pope
“The kind of things you
would find on a typical
phone, but in a very
untypical way now.”
– An exclamation that expresses the emotional affection of the
“The killer app is making calls!”
- Steve Jobs
“I just take my unit here,
and I turn it landscape
mode, oh, look what
happens! I’m in cover
“The killer app is making calls!”
“Wah, whoa, what is this?”
“Oh, look, Apple’s up! That’s great!”
“Oh, a stylus,
We’re gonna use
a stylus.”
Irony is the expression of something by means
of a word or sentence that describes the
– Attribution of human properties towards things
It already knows how to power manage.”
- Steve Jobs
It already knows how to power manage.
And if there’s a new message it will tell me.
Now it knows who Phil is cause he is in my address book.
– Increase from a weaker to a stronger expression
But smart phones are definitely a little smarter, but
they actually are harder to use. They’re really
- Steve Jobs
“But smart phones are definitely a little smarter, but they actually are
harder to use. They’re really complicated. Just for the basic stuff a hard
time figuring out how to use them.”
– “Today, Apple is going to
reinvent the phone, and here it
– “So, we’re gonna reinvent the
– “We wanna reinvent the
– “…You’ll agree, we
have reinvented the phone.”
– “ Today Apple is reinventing the
Steve Jobs also had specific phrases he wanted to repeat over and over. According to Carmine
Gallo, this was all intentional since “reinvent the phone” was in the press release Apple sent out
before the keynote.

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Steve jobs iphone launch 2007

  • 1. Born: 29-jun-2007No. 1 in 2007 Rhetorical techniques (used for the iPhone launch)
  • 2. Keynote Outline 1. Change and We did it before (Intro) 2. Status Quo and Vision 3. User Interfaces 4. Software 5. Design 6. iPod 7. Phone 8. Internet communications device 9. Internet companies - Google and Yahoo 10. Real Life Demo 11. Accessories, Battery, Technology, Pricing, Release, and Cingular
  • 3. Part-1 1. Change and We did it before (Intro) 2. Status Quo and Vision Part-2 1. First thing: User Interfaces and Software 2. Second thing: Learning from iPod 3. Third thing: Design Part-3 1. iPod 2. Phone 3. Internet communications device Part-4 1. Internet companies - Google and Yahoo 2. Real Life Demo Part-5 1. Accessories, Battery, Technology, Pricing, Release, and Cingular Part-3 1. iPod outline (topics, details, conclusion) a. Music b. Video c. Search d. Album art/Speaker/Coverflow 2. Phone a. Introduction I. Making calls II. Voice mail III. GSM b. Phone outline (topics, details, conclusion) I. Phone app II. SMS messaging III. Photos 3. Internet communications device a. Rich e-mail b. Web browser c. Google maps
  • 4. Rhetorical techniques (used for the iPhone launch) 1. Interrogatio 2. Geminatio 3. Power of Three 4. Asyndeton 5. Polysyndeton 6. Hyperbole 7. Anastrophe 8. Anaphora 9. Epiphora 10. Symploke 11. Tricolon 12. Metaphor 13. Simile 14. Personification 15. Antithesis 16. Exclamatio 17. Irony 18. Climax 19. Slogans
  • 5. Interrogatio – Employing a question as a way of confirming or reinforcing the argument one has just made. Dear Life, When I said "Can my day get any worse" It was a rhetorical question not a challenge.“
  • 6. Interrogatio is a rhetorical question, thus the answer is self-evident from the situation of the speaker. Help Understood better, getting attention from Audience And to unlock the phone I just take my finger and slide it across. Want to see that again? Sleep. We wanted something you couldn’t do by accident in your pocket. Just slide it across. Boom. Interrogatio
  • 7. Interrogatio Isn’t that great? Yeah. Isn’t that cool? Yeah, it’s pretty nice. Isn’t that awesome? Isn’t that awesome? Isn’t this cool? Pretty cool, huh? Pretty cool, huh? Yeah? Isn’t this awesome? Isn’t that cool? … isn’t that cool? Isn’t this cool? isn’t this cool? Isn’t that incredible? What’d’ya you think? Isn’t that incredible? (79 questions)
  • 8. The second thing we’re doing is we’re learning from the iPod, syncing with iTunes. You know, we’re gonna ship our 100 millionth iPod this year, and that’s a lo… 10s of millions of people that know how to sync these devices with their PCs or Mac and sync all of their media right on to their iPod. Right? So you just drop your iPod in, and it automatically syncs. Rhetorical question add variety and interest to a speech Interrogatio
  • 9. The first one is a proximity sensor. It senses when physical objects get close, so when you bring iPhone up to your ear, to take a phone call, it turns off the display, and it turns off the touch sensor, instantly. Well, why do you wanna do that? Well, one to save battery, but two, so you don’t get spurious inputs from your face into the touch screen. Engage the audience to think with a rhetorical question: If entire speech is a series of statements, audience may passively listen and absorb little. Interrogatio
  • 10. Well, how do I scroll through my lists of artists? How do I do this? I just take my finger, and I scroll. A rhetorical question is a question that is asked not to get an answer, but instead to elicit thought and understanding on the part of the listener Interrogatio
  • 11. I just take my finger, and I scroll. That’s it. Isn’t that cool? A little rubber banding up when I run off the edge. Stir emotions by asking a rhetorical question Interrogatio
  • 12. I mean, Here’s four smart phones, right? Motorola Q, the BlackBerry, Palm Treo, Nokia E62 – the usual suspects. And, what’s wrong with their user interfaces? Well, the problem with them is really sort of in the bottom 40 there. It’s, it’s this stuff right here. And what happens if you think of a great idea six months from now? You can’t run around and add a button to these things. They’re already shipped. So what do you do? It doesn’t work because the buttons and the controls can’t change. They can’t change for each application, and they can’t change down the road if you think of another great idea you wanna add to this product. Interrogatio
  • 13. Now, why do we need a revolutionary user interface? Interrogatio
  • 14. “Wouldn’t it be great – if you didn’t – if you had six voice mails if you didn’t have to listen to five of them first before you wanted to listen to the sixth? Wouldn’t that be great if you had random access voice mail? Well, we’ve got it.” Interrogatio
  • 15. What we gonna do is get rid of all these buttons and just make a giant screen. A giant screen. Now, how are we gonna communicate this? We don’t wanna carry around a mouse, right? So what are we gonna do? Interrogatio Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to the audience about how he should act.
  • 16. Well, how do I scroll through my lists of artists? How do I do this? I just take my finger, and I scroll. Interrogatio Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to the audience about how he should act.
  • 17. What’s a smart phone cost? Interrogatio Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to the audience about how he should act.
  • 18. So what should we price it at? Well, what do these things normally cost? Interrogatio Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to the audience about how he should act.
  • 19. What should we charge for iPhone? Interrogatio Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to the audience about how he should act.
  • 20. So how much more than $499 should we price iPhone? Interrogatio Aporia: A feigned statement of doubt by the speaker and a question to the audience about how he should act.
  • 21. Geminatio – Repeat word or word groups for dramatic effects “And so I’ve got voice mail how I wanna listen to it, when I wanna listen to it, in any order I wanna listen to it with visual voice mail.” “
  • 22. Steve jobs repeated words , or word groups, within the same sentence for dramatic effects. “And so I’ve got voice mail how I wanna listen to it, when I wanna listen to it, in any order I wanna listen to it with visual voice mail.” Geminatio
  • 23. And the problem is that they’re not so smart and they’re not so easy to use, so if you kinda make a… Business School 101 graph of the smart axis and the easy-to-use axis, phones, regular cell phones are kinda right there, they’re not so smart, and they’re – you know – not so easy to use Geminatio
  • 24. We’re gonna use the best pointing device in the world. We’re gonna use a pointing device that we’re all born with – we’re born with ten of them. We’re gonna use our fingers. We’re gonna touch this with our fingers. Geminatio
  • 25. Geminatio We solved it in computers 20 years ago. We solved it with a bit-mapped screen that could display anything we want. Put any user interface up. And a pointing device. We solved it with the mouse. Right? We solved this problem.
  • 26. Asyndeton (uh-SIN-duh-ton) – Removing conjunctions from a series to add emphasis I came, I saw, I conquered. – Julius Caesar“
  • 27. In Asyndeton, speaker eliminates conjunctions like “and” or “but”. It makes a speech more dramatic and effective by speeding up its rhyme and pace. Emphasize the gravity or drama “And iTunes is gonna sync all of your media onto your iPhone: Your music, your audio books, podcasts, movies, TV shows, music videos.” Asyndeton
  • 28. Asyndeton: Results in a hurried rhythm or passionate effect We’ve got the multi-touch screen. A first. Miniaturization, more than we’ve done before. A lot of custom silicon. Tremendous power management. OSX[cough] inside a mobile device. Featherweight precision enclosures. Three advanced sensors. Desktop class applications, and of course, the widescreen video iPod. Asyndeton
  • 29. Asyndeton emphasizes extremely important statements. It makes speaker appear more powerful and forceful to audience. But it also syncs a ton of data: Your contacts, your calendars and your photos, which you can get on your iPod today, your notes, your..your bookmarks from your Web browser, your e- mail accounts, your whole e- mail set-up. All that stuff can be moved over to your iPhone completely automatically. Asyndeton
  • 30. Asyndeton: It’s lack of conjunctions between coordinate phrases, clauses, and words make the statement ring in the ears of the listeners, the statements stick. It’s really thin. It’s thinner than any smart phone out there, at 11.6 millimeters. Thinner than the Q, thinner than the BlackJack, thinner than all of them. Asyndeton
  • 31. Polysyndeton: is the repetition of conjunctions in a series of coordinate words, phrases, or clauses. “It’s got everything from Cocoa and the graphics and it’s got core animation built in and it’s got the audio and video that OSX is famous for.” Polysyndeton
  • 32. Hyperbole – Use of exaggeration to excite audience We’ve designed something wonderful for your hand, just wonderful. What we want to do is make a leapfrog product that is way smarter than any mobile device has ever been, and super-easy to use. It’s really nice. It’s gorgeous. It looks pretty doggone gorgeous. It’s got awesome security. – Steve Jobs “
  • 33. “We also have the coolest photo management app uh ever, certainly on a mobile device, but I think maybe ever.” Hyperbole: Steve jobs was a master at greatly exaggerating certain characteristics Hyperbole
  • 34. And we have invented a new technology called multi-touch, which is phenomenal. It works like magic. You don’t need a stylus. It’s far more accurate than any touch display that’s ever been shipped. It ignores unintended touches, it’s super-smart. Hyperbole
  • 35. “Best version of Google Maps on the planet....” Hyperbole
  • 36. “It’s the coolest one that we’ve ever seen.” Hyperbole
  • 37. “It’s the ultimate digital device.” Hyperbole
  • 38. Anastrophe (uh-NASS-troh-fee) – Inversion of conventional word order to add emphasis Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country– John F.Kennedy“
  • 39. “… and they all have these plastic little keyboards on them.” (instead of “little plastic) Anastrophe Anastrophe is a rhetorical term for the inversion of conventional word order. It is used to emphasize one or more of the words that have been reversed
  • 40. “And boy, have we patented it.” (instead of “we have”) Anastrophe Anastrophe (from the Greek: ἀναστροφή, anastrophē, "a turning back or about") is a figure of speech in which the normal word order of the subject, the verb and the object is changed.
  • 41. Anadiplosis – Beginning a sentence or clause by repeating the last word or words of the previous sentence or clause to emphasize Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. “
  • 42. And they all have these control buttons that are fixed in plastic and are the same for every application. Well, every application wants a slightly different user interface, a slightly optimized set of buttons, just for it. Anadiplosis
  • 43. Anadiplosis “It doesn’t work because the buttons and the controls can’t change. They can’t change for each application, and they can’t change down the road if you think of another great idea you wanna add to this product.”
  • 44. Anadiplosis Well, how do you solve this? Hmm. It turns out, we have solved it! We solved it in computers 20 years ago.
  • 45. Anaphora – Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive sentences or clauses. “We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills …” - Winston Churchill “
  • 46. Anaphora We solved it in computers 20 years ago. We solved it with a bit-mapped screen that could display anything we want. Put any user interface up. And a pointing device. We solved it with the mouse. Right? We solved this problem.
  • 47. Anaphora We’re gonna use the best pointing device in the world. We’re gonna use a pointing device that we’re all born with – we’re born with ten of them. We’re gonna use our fingers. We’re gonna touch this with our fingers.
  • 48. Anaphora It’s got video. Real video. It’s got wha… this beautiful gorgeous wide screen. It’s got multi-touch user interface. It’s got wi-fi. It’s got a real browser. It’s got html e-mail. It’s got coverflow and on and on and on. And this stuff would normally cost hundreds of dollars.
  • 49. “Wouldn’t it be great – if you didn’t – if you had six voice mails if you didn’t have to listen to five of them first before you wanted to listen to the sixth? Wouldn’t that be great if you had random access voice mail? Well, we’ve got it.” Anaphora
  • 50. Epiphora – Repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive sentences or clauses. … that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. — Abraham Lincoln“
  • 51. Epiphora “Well, these are their these are their home screens. And again, as you recall, this is iPhone’s home screen. uhm this this is what their contacts look like. This is what iPhone’s contacts look like, and again,”
  • 52. Symploke – Combination of one or more Anaphora with one or more Epiphora. "Much of what I say might sound bitter, but it's the truth. Much of what I say might sound like it's stirring up trouble, but it's the truth. Much of what I say might sound like it is hate, but it's the truth." -- Malcolm X“
  • 53. Symploke “In 1984 we introduced the Macintosh. It didn't just change Apple, it changed the whole industry. In 2001 we introduced the first iPod, and it didn't just change the way we all listened to music, it changed the entire music industry. "
  • 54. Symploke We’re gonna use the best pointing device in the world. We’re gonna use a pointing device that we’re all born with – we’re born with ten of them. We’re gonna use our fingers. We’re gonna touch this with our fingers.
  • 55. Symploke “The first rich html e-mail on a phone. The first real Web browser on a phone.”
  • 56. Tricolon – A series of three words, phrases or sentences that are parallel in structure, length and/or rhythm. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills … - Winston Churchill “
  • 57. Tricolon “In 1984 we introduced the Macintosh. It didn't just change Apple, it changed the whole industry. In 2001 we introduced the first iPod, and it didn't just change the way we all listened to music, it changed the entire music industry. Well, today, we’re introducing three revolutionary products of this class. "
  • 58. Tricolon “Well, today, we’re introducing three revolutionary products of this class. The first one: is a widescreen iPod with touch controls. The second: is a revolutionary mobile phone. And the third is a breakthrough Internet communications device.”
  • 59. Tricolon First was the mouse. The second was the click wheel. And now, we’re gonna bring multi-touch to the market. And each of these revolutionary user interfaces has made possible a revolutionary product – the Mac, the iPod and now the iPhone.
  • 60. Metaphor – Compares two different things without using connector (A is B) "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and entrances." - William Shakespeare“
  • 61. Metaphor And uh they typically combine a phone plus some e-mail capability, plus they say it’s the Internet. It’s sort of the baby Internet, into one device,....
  • 62. Simile – Compares two different things by using connector (A is like B) Computers are like a bicycle for our minds - Steve Jobs “
  • 63. “So iPhone is like having your life in your pocket” Simile
  • 64. “Now, software on mobile phones is like is like baby software.” Simile
  • 65. Antitheton (Antithesis) – Contrasting two different (often opposite) ideas in the same sentence or in two consecutive sentences “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” - Alexander Pope “
  • 66. “The kind of things you would find on a typical phone, but in a very untypical way now.” Antithesis
  • 67. Exclamatio – An exclamation that expresses the emotional affection of the speaker “The killer app is making calls!” - Steve Jobs “
  • 68. “I just take my unit here, and I turn it landscape mode, oh, look what happens! I’m in cover flow.” Exclamatio
  • 69. “The killer app is making calls!” Exclamatio
  • 70. “Wah, whoa, what is this?” Exclamatio
  • 71. “Oh, look, Apple’s up! That’s great!” Exclamatio
  • 72. “Oh, a stylus, right? We’re gonna use a stylus.” Irony Irony is the expression of something by means of a word or sentence that describes the opposite.
  • 73. Personification – Attribution of human properties towards things It already knows how to power manage.” - Steve Jobs “
  • 74. It already knows how to power manage. Personification
  • 75. And if there’s a new message it will tell me. Personification
  • 76. Now it knows who Phil is cause he is in my address book. Personification
  • 77. Climax – Increase from a weaker to a stronger expression But smart phones are definitely a little smarter, but they actually are harder to use. They’re really complicated... - Steve Jobs “
  • 78. “But smart phones are definitely a little smarter, but they actually are harder to use. They’re really complicated. Just for the basic stuff a hard time figuring out how to use them.” Climax
  • 79. Slogans – “Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone, and here it is.” – “So, we’re gonna reinvent the phone.” – “We wanna reinvent the phone.” – “…You’ll agree, we have reinvented the phone.” – “ Today Apple is reinventing the phone.” Steve Jobs also had specific phrases he wanted to repeat over and over. According to Carmine Gallo, this was all intentional since “reinvent the phone” was in the press release Apple sent out before the keynote.

Editor's Notes

  1. You may not be an Apple, iPhone or Steve Jobs fan – but no denying iPhone launch in 2007 was the catalyst for a mobile revolution Steve jobs is still the world’s greatest corporate storyteller. He delivered various keynotes some of which are considered world greatest presentations ever delivered. One of them was Iphone Launch in 2007. The iPhone launch unleashed a wave of enthusiasm that Apple still surfs today. Steve Jobs spent months working on iPhone 2007 product launch. The irony was that, for all the cutting-edge technology in the iphone, the text in his product launch was based on rhetorical devices that existed for thousand of years.Brilliant keynote, in which, he used lot of rhetorical techniques which swept away audience off their feet.
  2. Steve Jobs uses various different rhetorical measures to create emotional appeals in the audience. Some rhetorical figures and other elements may not be used without direct intention or even by accident
  3. Interrogatio is a rhetorical question, thus the answer is self-evident from the situation of the speaker.
  4. How many of you’ve noticed sentences having opening “We’re gonna”? Ofcourse, he could have said this a whole lot quicker. But he wanted to communicate his emotion, so he repeated it. This is the authentic sound of passion. That’s how that day entire world felt the passion of Steve jobs launching iphone. Remember long queues outside apple store in US.
  5. Asyndeton shuns the use of conjunctions in a series as burdensome and clumsy. And the longer the series the better! This scheme changes the rhythm of your rhetoric, either slowing it way down to create solemn drama (like Caesar) or speeding it up to create a sense of urgency: Use asyndeton sparingly. As with most figures, it can radically change the effectiveness of your discourse. Imagine if Caesar had decided to use a conjunction: “I came, saw, and conquered.” Or worse, a few conjunctions: “I came, and I saw, and I conquered.” The horror, the horror. Happy persuading!
  6. When a writer or speaker uses asyndeton, she eliminates conjunctions like "and" or "but." This rhetorical device works to make a speech more dramatic and effective by speeding up its rhythm and pace. Public speakers use asyndeton when they want to emphasize the gravity or drama of their topics.
  7. Have you noticed exaggeration? What was that? Did it hurt anybody? No. We felt excited. Yes Exaggeration excites: it gets the endorphins flowing. Leaders do this kind of stuff all the time. Steve jobs was not straight talker. He used exaggeration to draw people in, make them care and move them. And by exaggeration, he changed people’s view of the world. Exaggeration is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes people actively want to be swept along and made to feel better about what they do: so exaggeration can be a good way of meeting people’s emotional needs. There might be your team member who’s struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The exaggeration may be deceptive but it’s a noble deception – saying things like “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity’, “It doesn’t get better than this” or “I’m giving my hear and soul to this company” is not going to hurt anyone.
  8. Anastrophe: Rearrangement of the parts of a sentence or phrase that changes the proper or accepted word order. The most common use of anastrophe would be in a rhetorical situation that calls for humor. The typical arrangement of an English sentence is subject –> verb –> object. But apply the Anastrophe and you end up with object –> subject –> verb. When using anastrophe arrange the sentence any way you want! But make sure it’s still intelligible to your audience
  9. Departure from normal word order for the sake of emphasis.
  10. How boring would Steve jobs be if he talked like the rest of us? And we have patented it
  11. Anadiplosis can be used to demonstrate the relationship between things or events. It is often used to show cause and effect. Effect: Repetition of the words adds rhythm and cadence. The repeated words are emphasized. Anadiplosis often builds in intensity to a climax.
  12. Effect: Key words or ideas are emphasized, often with great emotional pull. Repetition makes the line memorable. The speaker’s words have rhythm and cadence. In English, an active sentence (“We developed the plan.”) is more effective than a passive sentence (“The plan was developed by us.”). Thus, anaphora is particularly effective when one wishes to emphasize the subject of an action. Speakers should be careful to limit the number of times a word or phrase is used in a single anaphora. For most speeches and presentations, three is an ideal number. Beyond three, a speaker risks sounding affected, theatrical or bombastic.
  13. How many of you’ve noticed sentences having opening clause “We’re gonna”? Ofcourse, he could have said this a whole lot quicker. But he wanted to communicate his emotion, so he repeated it. This is the authentic sound of passion. That’s how that day entire world felt the passion of Steve jobs launching iphone. Remember long queues outside apple store in US.
  14. Effect: Because the emphasis is on the last word(s) of a series of sentences or phrases, epistrophe can be very dramatic. It is particularly effective when one wishes to emphasize a concept, idea or situation. Note, for example, the concepts emphasized in the quotes below: people; problems; moments; domination; togetherness; ability. Repetition makes the lines memorable. The speaker’s words have rhythm and cadence. Notes: Epistrophe is the counterpoint to anaphora. As is the case with anaphora, speakers should be careful not to overuse epistrophe. Epistrophe is effective even when the words differ slightly; for example, when they are singular and plural as in the quote from Bill Gates below. The potential downside of using epistrophe to emphasize the subject of an action is that the sentence is often in the passive voice, which is weaker than the active voice.
  15. Effect: Three words, phrases or sentences combine to make a single, powerful impression. A tricolon allows you to emphasize your point in a pithy and memorable way. A tricolon is a powerful device for humour. The first two elements get the audience thinking you are going in one direction, but the third element introduces an unexpected twist. Notes: Tricolons are one of the most powerful rhetorical devices. There is something almost magical about the number three. In his book, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, Roy Peter Clark writes: “[T]hree provides a sense of the whole … the number three is greater than four. The mojo of three offers a greater sense of completeness than four or more. … Use one for power. Use two for comparison, contrast. Use three for completeness, wholeness, roundness.” A tricolon that is only three successive words is also known as a hendiatris. Examples include: Veni, vidi, vici.; Citius, Altius, Fortius; and Wine, Women and Song. The elements of a tricolon need not always be the exact same length. In fact, as Mark Forsyth has noted, tricolons sound especially good when the third element is longer than the preceding two; for example, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
  16. "This is a day I've been looking forward to for two and a half years." "Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. One is very fortunate if you get to work on just one of these in your career. Apple has been very fortunate that it's been able to introduce a few of these into the world. In 1984 we introduced the Macintosh. It didn't just change Apple, it changed the whole industry. In 2001 we introduced the first iPod, and it didn't just change the way we all listened to music, it changed the entire music industry."
  17. See how he bundles everything in threes? The history of Apple is crunched into three. The iPhone’s features are also boiled down to three – internet explorer, touch-screen iPod and the revolutionary mobile phone....what of the revolutionary Camera, awesome user interface? Jobs used the rule of three throughout his career, in every momentous statement he ever made, from the Mac launch in 1984 to his famous Stanford commencement address and his final launch of the iPad. Steve Jobs knew that three is the magic number. So Why three? Some say it is because three is the earliest point at which a pattern can be detected. For instance, if I give you numbers 1 and 2, you could not say with confidence which number will come next. It could be 3 (if the patter is rising by one), it could be 4 (if the pattern is doubling). It is only when the third point in the sequence is added that the pattern becomes clear. This what gives the rule of three that conclusive feel, like the final nail in the argument. We can speculate why it works but ultimately the most important thing is that it does. Well, three is the magic number in rhetoric. It’s just putting things in threes. You put your argument in threes, it makes it sound more compelling, more convincing, more credible. So move over, from “Teen tigada, kaam bigada” which means “Bad luck comes in Three’s” to English proverb, “third time lucky”. Remember, Steve jobs used this power to become world class presentor.
  18. Researchers have shown that three-part claims are more persuasive than four-part claims.
  19. Effect: The contrast between the two ideas is starker than it would be in ordinary speech. The message or focus is usually on the second idea. Notes: Antithesis always contains two different ideas. The grammatical structure of antithesis should be balanced. The contrasting ideas must be expressed in a parallel manner. Aristotle said that antithesis makes it easier for the audience to understand the point being made.
  20. Researchers have shown that three-part claims are more persuasive than four-part claims.
  21. Effect: The contrast between the two ideas is starker than it would be in ordinary speech. The message or focus is usually on the second idea. Notes: Antithesis always contains two different ideas. The grammatical structure of antithesis should be balanced. The contrasting ideas must be expressed in a parallel manner. Aristotle said that antithesis makes it easier for the audience to understand the point being made.
  22. Effect: The contrast between the two ideas is starker than it would be in ordinary speech. The message or focus is usually on the second idea. Notes: Antithesis always contains two different ideas. The grammatical structure of antithesis should be balanced. The contrasting ideas must be expressed in a parallel manner. Aristotle said that antithesis makes it easier for the audience to understand the point being made.
  23. Effect: Three words, phrases or sentences combine to make a single, powerful impression. A tricolon allows you to emphasize your point in a pithy and memorable way. A tricolon is a powerful device for humour. The first two elements get the audience thinking you are going in one direction, but the third element introduces an unexpected twist. Notes: Tricolons are one of the most powerful rhetorical devices. There is something almost magical about the number three. In his book, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, Roy Peter Clark writes: “[T]hree provides a sense of the whole … the number three is greater than four. The mojo of three offers a greater sense of completeness than four or more. … Use one for power. Use two for comparison, contrast. Use three for completeness, wholeness, roundness.” A tricolon that is only three successive words is also known as a hendiatris. Examples include: Veni, vidi, vici.; Citius, Altius, Fortius; and Wine, Women and Song. The elements of a tricolon need not always be the exact same length. In fact, as Mark Forsyth has noted, tricolons sound especially good when the third element is longer than the preceding two; for example, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
  24. Effect: Three words, phrases or sentences combine to make a single, powerful impression. A tricolon allows you to emphasize your point in a pithy and memorable way. A tricolon is a powerful device for humour. The first two elements get the audience thinking you are going in one direction, but the third element introduces an unexpected twist. Notes: Tricolons are one of the most powerful rhetorical devices. There is something almost magical about the number three. In his book, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, Roy Peter Clark writes: “[T]hree provides a sense of the whole … the number three is greater than four. The mojo of three offers a greater sense of completeness than four or more. … Use one for power. Use two for comparison, contrast. Use three for completeness, wholeness, roundness.” A tricolon that is only three successive words is also known as a hendiatris. Examples include: Veni, vidi, vici.; Citius, Altius, Fortius; and Wine, Women and Song. The elements of a tricolon need not always be the exact same length. In fact, as Mark Forsyth has noted, tricolons sound especially good when the third element is longer than the preceding two; for example, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.