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Stereotypes In Mulan
In Mulan, there are a number of times where there is a constant enforcement of male and female stereotypes. The first song, "Honor To Us All" reads
"A girl can bring her family great honor in one way...and serve her emperor, by striking a good match" (6:09–9:06), and when Mulan's true gender is
revealed in front of the other soldiers and general, she is told that "there was something wrong with her, [because] she is a woman!" (1:00:26). In
fact, when she arrives at the Imperial City to warn her friends of the enemy's arrival, her own sidekick Mushu reminds her that nobody is going to
listen to her because she is "a girl again" (1:08:28). Throughout the film, there is a hidden message that regardless of what Mulan has achieved, women
are going
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Papers On Mulan
Mulan, a children's movie that reaches deep seeded problems in society, scratching the surface of gender roles and expected statuses that cannot be
obtained. Mulan is expected to become the perfect wife and do everything she can to find a husband to take care of but on the other hand, she realizes
that she is not good at being a wife and she cannot complete her expected tasks accordingly. After all of the drama that occurs in her own life, herfamily
life becomes disturbed by her father being drafted back into the military even though he is hurt and unable to complete his duties. Mulan takes it upon
herself to ease some of the stress on her family and run away to join the military in her father's place. In Mulan's mind, she has not only corrected her
situation of disappointing her mother by not being a perfect wife, she is also helping out her father by ensuring his safety of not going back into the
military. Mulan represents not only conflict theory, but addresses the feminist and the critical theory. Cultures, sub cultures and counter cultures also more content...
The women were expected to take care of their husbands, cook, clean and remain looking flawless in the process but they were not expected to help
the country by fighting in the military. It was believed to be the man's duty to fight for and protect his family no matter what. The culture was to follow
traditions and not differ from the things that were passed down from your ancestors, Mulan went and did the exact opposite, which is the
counterculture. Mulan did not listen to her ancestors, she did not want to become the perfect wife and she went against what her parents and tradition
told her to do and went to join the military even though it was forbidden. She went against the culture and gender roles that were set in place for women
in China at the
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Mulan Essay
The film Mulan is a powerful children's movie, when disregarding the historical inaccuracies, in that it portrays the honorary Disney princess,
Mulan, as a progressive and powerful young woman in a world ruled by men and their sense of honor. Throughout her story, however, she would
have been lost without the help of her entourage; this is especially true for her guardian, Mushu. He has the obvious role of being the comic relief
for the film, but he is a vastly more complex character than that; he acts as Mulan's protector and as the main source to further along the movie's plot.
When Mushu was first introduced, he is portrayed as a mystical being who may play an important role within the story, as shown by his dramatic
entry; however, that notion is quickly challenged when the main Fa ancestor reveals that Mushu is a fallen guardian, one who has failed in the past at
protecting a member of the Fa family, Fa Deng, and was demoted to "gong ringer" (Mulan, 1998 DVD). After this, Mushu becomes dispirited as he
woefully awakens the other ancestors to debate on the proper course of action to protect Mulan. He is then tasked with awakening the great stone
dragon to be sent to Mulan's aid. While attempting to reanimate the dragon from its statue state, he accidently destroys it and, after fooling the
ancestors, takes it upon himself more content...
While Mulan and her entourage sit upon the mountain, she ponders if the decision to take her father's place was truly worth it. Mushu tries to
provide solace when she says she didn't see herself as being worth while by stating "[the helment] just needs a little spit shine is all" (Mulan, 1998
DVD). This shows that he has begun to see the errors in his ways and that he is growing out of his selfish desires, as evident when he admits "I risked
[Mulan's] life to help myself" (Mulan, 1998
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The Life of Mulan Essay
She was a young Chinese girl – disinterested in women's chores and not ready to be married. She was more worried about the draft, which called for
each family to send a son or brother to serve in the army in a war against the Huns. Since her father was disabled, she quickly purchased the
required equipment: a horse, saddle, bridle, and a long whip. Disguised as a man, she joined the evening camps and left for the long journey. Ten
years she was gone on a journey of ten thousand miles. As reward for her years of service, she was allowed to go home and was welcomed by all her
family. It did not take her long to get back to her true identity – a woman; she resumed her feminine appearance by fixing her hair, resuming her old
clothes more content...
In "Courage and Participation," Tillich suggests that participation requires not only "self–affirmation" but also the "courage" to participate. Although
the term warrior elicits one to believe that courage is an essential part of "war and fighting," one must also have the courage to participate. "The
courage to be is essentially always the courage to be as a part and the courage to be as oneself, in interdependence," (Tillich, 142). For women, the
courage to participate allows them to partake in many different tasks – for Tillich the courage to participate is really the courage to exist in our world
and the power of being fuels the necessary trends involved for women to transcend their "housewife" images into the 21st century. Women are taking
part of not only their own lives, but also the lives of those surrounding them. They work not only to earn money for their own benefits but also for
their husbands and children. They not only cook and clean (as do most women) but also are the emotional and mental beams of support for their
families. They participate not only within the household but within the working world, business world, and global world as well. "Man
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Movie Review Of ' Mulan '
Tyra Banks
Mrs. Shields
ENGL 101–38
17 September 2017
Film Review: Mulan
An animated Disney movie called "Mulan," was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook in 1998. The moral of the story is that women can be
just the same as men can. I support the general meaning of the movie. I believe men that and women should be treated equally and that women should
not be seen as weak or frail. Women are more than just wives or slaves and can–do jobs that have traditionally been set–aside for men. They can be
successful and bring honor to their families in other ways. When Disney Studios created Mulan, the original was changed to make it more exciting for
movie audiences. Disney begins by showing that there is only one way a woman more content...
She might not be the most feminine, she doesn 't wear a big poofy dress. No corset or high heels, but her natural beauty is what separates her from the
rest. Mulan doesn 't need a man to stop her from pursuing her goals and accomplishments. She knows how to fight, be strong, and push through tragic
times in her life. Her mind set shows that you don 't need to worry about being perfect and that you should just be yourself. Throughout the movie her
main goal isn 't to fall in love which is one my most favorite points in the story that you do not need a prince to make you happy. And she also
demonstrated that women can be strong and fight even though people expect them to be damsels. I also love how she carries herself with confidence,
beauty, and modesty. Mulan is a strong, intelligent, independent woman. She aims to bring honor to her family and, more importantly, to find out who
she truly is. She uses intelligence and persistence to succeed in the army and save her country. She does not rely on beauty or status to get her places.
Mulan, in fact, has more in common with male Disney leads than the female Disney leads. Mulan is a thinker. She 's resourceful, like Aladdin. She
is quick to act, like Eric (from The little Mermaid.) And she sacrifices herself for the sake of others, like Hercules. She also speaks her mind, even in
a culture that does not allow such a thing. She doesn 't waste time pining about "will I ever
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Chapter Analysis : ' Mulan ' Essay
Casey Kirk
Ms. Clarke
English 1301
20 October 2016
Bring Honor to us all In Walt Disney's, Mulan, the classic story tells the tale of a young woman in China who decides step up and fight in fear that
her disabled father will be drafted. As a girl living under a patriarchal regime, she is aware that she is not allowed to serve. Mulan defies the odds of a
stereotypical girls by impersonating a man and sets off to train with the other recruits. As Mulan overcomes many challenges, she uses her talents to
help defeat the Huns along with falling in love with the captain. Through the character Mulan, the film focuses on overcoming gender stereotypes and
embracing individuality. The Disney classic allows young children to believe that they are capable to do whatever they set their minds to no matter
the circumstance or their gender. The movie begins with the main character, Mulan, being prepared to be chosen as a bride by a suitable man. Within
the social system that Mulan lives in, this is the only way that honor can be brought to her family. The roles of women in China's society are different
from the expectations which males are to uphold. Mulan's family and the towns people sing together stating that the best she can to bring honor is to
become a wife "with good taste [be] calm, obedient..., good breading and have a tiny waist" (Mulan). In this same scene the men's acceptations are
spelled out much differently when the song says, "we all must serve our emperor, who guards
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Mulan Monomyth Essay
Mulan is the ultimate epitome of a hero. Joseph Cambell who said "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" ,
characterizes Mulan to perfection. She undergoes changes throughout struggles which shape her into the worthy hero that she is. . Mulan faces both
inner and outer battles that transform her persona to being a hero. According to Joseph Cambell's monomyth, Mulan meets the necessary qualities, as
she portrays them grandly
It all begins with the call to adventure. Mulan hears her father being called to fight for the emperor in a war against the Huns.. Outraged as she was, she
pleaded for her father to not be taken away, as he already fought for the emperor in the past. more content...
With her mentors, she learned the way of the samurai which helps her confront her biggest obstacle. She outgrows the clumsy stage and matures to the
point where she makes sure she knows what she's doing is not an error but something of benefit. For instance, the moment when she sees the Huns army
marching toward her while everyone is stumped, she sees an opportunity to strike them down with snow mounts. When she acts on this, the samurai's
escaped leaving the Huns in a temporary setback. Mulan's samurai sword is her talisman. It has such significance that she holds it in high regard.
When she changes her identity, she takes her fathers' possessions to fight for the emperor and the samurai sword is one of those items. This was
what she used to cut off her hair to pass as a samurai. This was an important moment in her life because it proved that she was dedicated, taking the
call. It was a self assuring moment in which she was sure that she was going to pass as a son of her fathers. Not only this, but the sword was her
force. She didn't know in the beginning of her journey that she would become a great samurai. The way in which she used her sword showed how she
knows how to use it and the better she got with it showed her growth in character. Her sword got her out of bad situations such as the moment where
all seemed lost with the Huns in large numbers ready to attack. When she used the sword as a mirror, she saw the opportunity to take them out,
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Mulan Sexism Analysis
Mulan Is Sexist Disney movies feature female characters in a variety of roles, from a damsel in distress needing a man's help to a woman who
becomes her own hero. Mulan is one Disney character who has a seemingly feminist role. The movie features an unordinary girl who is meant to bring
honor to her family by being the perfect woman for a man to marry. However, that's not who she truly is. When her father gets summoned to serve in
the military, Mulan poses as a man and takes his place. She trains diligently and becomes an impressive soldier who eventually saves China from the
Hans, almost single–handedly. In the end, she becomes a national hero, brings honor to her family, and starts a romance with the soldier who trained
her. However, more content...
Mulan's father snaps and shouts at her to know her place; her place being a girl who has no right to an opinion on the decisions of men, the gender that
holds the power. Regardless of her family not accepting who she is as an atypical female and not allowing her to have an opinion simply because of
her sex, she still decides to take her father's place in the military. Mulan's father treated her with sexist disrespect, yet Mulan chose to risk her life to
save him. While this isn't wrong, and it shows that Mulan cares about her family and is strong enough to not always listen to men, it is tolerance of the
sexist treatment she has faced. It is an example of how women excuse the sexism from their dads, boyfriends, brothers, or other men in their lives
because even though the men don't support feminism, they love that particular woman. Not only does Mulan tolerate sexism from the people she loves,
but she tolerates it from near–strangers as well. Once Mulan is in the army, she is trained by Li Shang, and she becomes the best soldier, obviously
out–doing all of the men. When they eventually face the Hans, Mulan creates an avalanche that saves her and the other soldiers. Shortly after, Li
Shang finds out she is a woman, and he and his men abandon her. One man even expects her to die for the dishonor she
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Disney Film: Mulan
Mulan was an actual person not just a character in the Disney film. Her last name was Hua. She was born in a small rural village in northern China,
and she lived from 581 to 618 AD during the Sui Dynasty. Mulan's father was a soldier and raised Mulan like a boy. She not only learned weaving and
embroidery from her mother, but also practiced martial arts, equitation, archery, and fencing with her father. In her spare time, she liked to read her
father's manuals on military strategy. Mulan took her fathers place in the war as her father was to old. Mulan went to war for 12 years, but she went
as a man not a woman. She was not discovered as a woman until after the war.
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Mulan Essay
The film Mulan is set in ancient China, in an undefined dynasty. The Huns have penetrated the Great Wall and have invaded China. The emperor
orders that new soldiers be drafted. Mulan, a girl who recently humiliated her family by failing the Matchmaker's assessment, in order to save her aging
father from death at war, steals her father's armor and masquerades as a soldier. Throughout the film, several historical inaccuracies, as well as accurate
portrayals, become apparent, in such respects as religious philosophies, historical inconsistencies and through the heavy American influence in the
making of the film. Ancient Chinese philosophies, which are still present today, played a huge role in the film and were accurately utilized
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Mulan contains somewhat extreme asian stereotypes that were spawned from the American view of asian societies. The story is also influenced by
American culture. One idea that is seen by many as distinctly American is the desire to do what is right, even if it against the norm. This idea is
the subject of many a famous American story. That idea is present again in Mulan, as she rides off to war to save her father, despite his wishes and
the law. The whole idea of 'doing what you know is right' is an idea that Americans hold on tight to. Examining the Huns, the primary antagonists in
the film, we see them portrayed how Americans would portray any of its national enemies. Throughout the film, the Huns make themselves out to be
unstoppable brutes with an everlasting bloodlust, who press on to assault the Chinese capital despite losing their entire army, save a few. By the end
of the film, we can't help but see them as rabid animals who can only be stopped by being put down. Historically, America is very good at
dehumanizing its enemies in this manner, most notably during World War 2, with the Japanese and Germans, and even today to an extent, making
terrorists in the middle east seem like targets for missiles and shells in our eyes. American culture influenced the writing if the Huns' characters heavily.
Mulan is without a doubt an excellent film that has entertained more than a few generations. However, it is filled with historical inaccuracies as well as
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Stereotypes In Mulan

  • 1. Stereotypes In Mulan In Mulan, there are a number of times where there is a constant enforcement of male and female stereotypes. The first song, "Honor To Us All" reads "A girl can bring her family great honor in one way...and serve her emperor, by striking a good match" (6:09–9:06), and when Mulan's true gender is revealed in front of the other soldiers and general, she is told that "there was something wrong with her, [because] she is a woman!" (1:00:26). In fact, when she arrives at the Imperial City to warn her friends of the enemy's arrival, her own sidekick Mushu reminds her that nobody is going to listen to her because she is "a girl again" (1:08:28). Throughout the film, there is a hidden message that regardless of what Mulan has achieved, women are going Get more content on
  • 2. Papers On Mulan Mulan, a children's movie that reaches deep seeded problems in society, scratching the surface of gender roles and expected statuses that cannot be obtained. Mulan is expected to become the perfect wife and do everything she can to find a husband to take care of but on the other hand, she realizes that she is not good at being a wife and she cannot complete her expected tasks accordingly. After all of the drama that occurs in her own life, herfamily life becomes disturbed by her father being drafted back into the military even though he is hurt and unable to complete his duties. Mulan takes it upon herself to ease some of the stress on her family and run away to join the military in her father's place. In Mulan's mind, she has not only corrected her situation of disappointing her mother by not being a perfect wife, she is also helping out her father by ensuring his safety of not going back into the military. Mulan represents not only conflict theory, but addresses the feminist and the critical theory. Cultures, sub cultures and counter cultures also more content... The women were expected to take care of their husbands, cook, clean and remain looking flawless in the process but they were not expected to help the country by fighting in the military. It was believed to be the man's duty to fight for and protect his family no matter what. The culture was to follow traditions and not differ from the things that were passed down from your ancestors, Mulan went and did the exact opposite, which is the counterculture. Mulan did not listen to her ancestors, she did not want to become the perfect wife and she went against what her parents and tradition told her to do and went to join the military even though it was forbidden. She went against the culture and gender roles that were set in place for women in China at the Get more content on
  • 3. Mulan Essay The film Mulan is a powerful children's movie, when disregarding the historical inaccuracies, in that it portrays the honorary Disney princess, Mulan, as a progressive and powerful young woman in a world ruled by men and their sense of honor. Throughout her story, however, she would have been lost without the help of her entourage; this is especially true for her guardian, Mushu. He has the obvious role of being the comic relief for the film, but he is a vastly more complex character than that; he acts as Mulan's protector and as the main source to further along the movie's plot. When Mushu was first introduced, he is portrayed as a mystical being who may play an important role within the story, as shown by his dramatic entry; however, that notion is quickly challenged when the main Fa ancestor reveals that Mushu is a fallen guardian, one who has failed in the past at protecting a member of the Fa family, Fa Deng, and was demoted to "gong ringer" (Mulan, 1998 DVD). After this, Mushu becomes dispirited as he woefully awakens the other ancestors to debate on the proper course of action to protect Mulan. He is then tasked with awakening the great stone dragon to be sent to Mulan's aid. While attempting to reanimate the dragon from its statue state, he accidently destroys it and, after fooling the ancestors, takes it upon himself more content... While Mulan and her entourage sit upon the mountain, she ponders if the decision to take her father's place was truly worth it. Mushu tries to provide solace when she says she didn't see herself as being worth while by stating "[the helment] just needs a little spit shine is all" (Mulan, 1998 DVD). This shows that he has begun to see the errors in his ways and that he is growing out of his selfish desires, as evident when he admits "I risked [Mulan's] life to help myself" (Mulan, 1998 Get more content on
  • 4. The Life of Mulan Essay She was a young Chinese girl – disinterested in women's chores and not ready to be married. She was more worried about the draft, which called for each family to send a son or brother to serve in the army in a war against the Huns. Since her father was disabled, she quickly purchased the required equipment: a horse, saddle, bridle, and a long whip. Disguised as a man, she joined the evening camps and left for the long journey. Ten years she was gone on a journey of ten thousand miles. As reward for her years of service, she was allowed to go home and was welcomed by all her family. It did not take her long to get back to her true identity – a woman; she resumed her feminine appearance by fixing her hair, resuming her old clothes more content... In "Courage and Participation," Tillich suggests that participation requires not only "self–affirmation" but also the "courage" to participate. Although the term warrior elicits one to believe that courage is an essential part of "war and fighting," one must also have the courage to participate. "The courage to be is essentially always the courage to be as a part and the courage to be as oneself, in interdependence," (Tillich, 142). For women, the courage to participate allows them to partake in many different tasks – for Tillich the courage to participate is really the courage to exist in our world and the power of being fuels the necessary trends involved for women to transcend their "housewife" images into the 21st century. Women are taking part of not only their own lives, but also the lives of those surrounding them. They work not only to earn money for their own benefits but also for their husbands and children. They not only cook and clean (as do most women) but also are the emotional and mental beams of support for their families. They participate not only within the household but within the working world, business world, and global world as well. "Man Get more content on
  • 5. Movie Review Of ' Mulan ' Tyra Banks Mrs. Shields ENGL 101–38 17 September 2017 Film Review: Mulan An animated Disney movie called "Mulan," was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook in 1998. The moral of the story is that women can be just the same as men can. I support the general meaning of the movie. I believe men that and women should be treated equally and that women should not be seen as weak or frail. Women are more than just wives or slaves and can–do jobs that have traditionally been set–aside for men. They can be successful and bring honor to their families in other ways. When Disney Studios created Mulan, the original was changed to make it more exciting for movie audiences. Disney begins by showing that there is only one way a woman more content... She might not be the most feminine, she doesn 't wear a big poofy dress. No corset or high heels, but her natural beauty is what separates her from the rest. Mulan doesn 't need a man to stop her from pursuing her goals and accomplishments. She knows how to fight, be strong, and push through tragic times in her life. Her mind set shows that you don 't need to worry about being perfect and that you should just be yourself. Throughout the movie her main goal isn 't to fall in love which is one my most favorite points in the story that you do not need a prince to make you happy. And she also demonstrated that women can be strong and fight even though people expect them to be damsels. I also love how she carries herself with confidence, beauty, and modesty. Mulan is a strong, intelligent, independent woman. She aims to bring honor to her family and, more importantly, to find out who she truly is. She uses intelligence and persistence to succeed in the army and save her country. She does not rely on beauty or status to get her places. Mulan, in fact, has more in common with male Disney leads than the female Disney leads. Mulan is a thinker. She 's resourceful, like Aladdin. She is quick to act, like Eric (from The little Mermaid.) And she sacrifices herself for the sake of others, like Hercules. She also speaks her mind, even in a culture that does not allow such a thing. She doesn 't waste time pining about "will I ever Get more content on
  • 6. Chapter Analysis : ' Mulan ' Essay Casey Kirk Ms. Clarke English 1301 20 October 2016 Bring Honor to us all In Walt Disney's, Mulan, the classic story tells the tale of a young woman in China who decides step up and fight in fear that her disabled father will be drafted. As a girl living under a patriarchal regime, she is aware that she is not allowed to serve. Mulan defies the odds of a stereotypical girls by impersonating a man and sets off to train with the other recruits. As Mulan overcomes many challenges, she uses her talents to help defeat the Huns along with falling in love with the captain. Through the character Mulan, the film focuses on overcoming gender stereotypes and embracing individuality. The Disney classic allows young children to believe that they are capable to do whatever they set their minds to no matter the circumstance or their gender. The movie begins with the main character, Mulan, being prepared to be chosen as a bride by a suitable man. Within the social system that Mulan lives in, this is the only way that honor can be brought to her family. The roles of women in China's society are different from the expectations which males are to uphold. Mulan's family and the towns people sing together stating that the best she can to bring honor is to become a wife "with good taste [be] calm, obedient..., good breading and have a tiny waist" (Mulan). In this same scene the men's acceptations are spelled out much differently when the song says, "we all must serve our emperor, who guards Get more content on
  • 7. Mulan Monomyth Essay Mulan is the ultimate epitome of a hero. Joseph Cambell who said "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" , characterizes Mulan to perfection. She undergoes changes throughout struggles which shape her into the worthy hero that she is. . Mulan faces both inner and outer battles that transform her persona to being a hero. According to Joseph Cambell's monomyth, Mulan meets the necessary qualities, as she portrays them grandly It all begins with the call to adventure. Mulan hears her father being called to fight for the emperor in a war against the Huns.. Outraged as she was, she pleaded for her father to not be taken away, as he already fought for the emperor in the past. more content... With her mentors, she learned the way of the samurai which helps her confront her biggest obstacle. She outgrows the clumsy stage and matures to the point where she makes sure she knows what she's doing is not an error but something of benefit. For instance, the moment when she sees the Huns army marching toward her while everyone is stumped, she sees an opportunity to strike them down with snow mounts. When she acts on this, the samurai's escaped leaving the Huns in a temporary setback. Mulan's samurai sword is her talisman. It has such significance that she holds it in high regard. When she changes her identity, she takes her fathers' possessions to fight for the emperor and the samurai sword is one of those items. This was what she used to cut off her hair to pass as a samurai. This was an important moment in her life because it proved that she was dedicated, taking the call. It was a self assuring moment in which she was sure that she was going to pass as a son of her fathers. Not only this, but the sword was her force. She didn't know in the beginning of her journey that she would become a great samurai. The way in which she used her sword showed how she knows how to use it and the better she got with it showed her growth in character. Her sword got her out of bad situations such as the moment where all seemed lost with the Huns in large numbers ready to attack. When she used the sword as a mirror, she saw the opportunity to take them out, preventing Get more content on
  • 8. Mulan Sexism Analysis Mulan Is Sexist Disney movies feature female characters in a variety of roles, from a damsel in distress needing a man's help to a woman who becomes her own hero. Mulan is one Disney character who has a seemingly feminist role. The movie features an unordinary girl who is meant to bring honor to her family by being the perfect woman for a man to marry. However, that's not who she truly is. When her father gets summoned to serve in the military, Mulan poses as a man and takes his place. She trains diligently and becomes an impressive soldier who eventually saves China from the Hans, almost single–handedly. In the end, she becomes a national hero, brings honor to her family, and starts a romance with the soldier who trained her. However, more content... Mulan's father snaps and shouts at her to know her place; her place being a girl who has no right to an opinion on the decisions of men, the gender that holds the power. Regardless of her family not accepting who she is as an atypical female and not allowing her to have an opinion simply because of her sex, she still decides to take her father's place in the military. Mulan's father treated her with sexist disrespect, yet Mulan chose to risk her life to save him. While this isn't wrong, and it shows that Mulan cares about her family and is strong enough to not always listen to men, it is tolerance of the sexist treatment she has faced. It is an example of how women excuse the sexism from their dads, boyfriends, brothers, or other men in their lives because even though the men don't support feminism, they love that particular woman. Not only does Mulan tolerate sexism from the people she loves, but she tolerates it from near–strangers as well. Once Mulan is in the army, she is trained by Li Shang, and she becomes the best soldier, obviously out–doing all of the men. When they eventually face the Hans, Mulan creates an avalanche that saves her and the other soldiers. Shortly after, Li Shang finds out she is a woman, and he and his men abandon her. One man even expects her to die for the dishonor she Get more content on
  • 9. Disney Film: Mulan Mulan was an actual person not just a character in the Disney film. Her last name was Hua. She was born in a small rural village in northern China, and she lived from 581 to 618 AD during the Sui Dynasty. Mulan's father was a soldier and raised Mulan like a boy. She not only learned weaving and embroidery from her mother, but also practiced martial arts, equitation, archery, and fencing with her father. In her spare time, she liked to read her father's manuals on military strategy. Mulan took her fathers place in the war as her father was to old. Mulan went to war for 12 years, but she went as a man not a woman. She was not discovered as a woman until after the war. Get more content on
  • 10. Mulan Essay The film Mulan is set in ancient China, in an undefined dynasty. The Huns have penetrated the Great Wall and have invaded China. The emperor orders that new soldiers be drafted. Mulan, a girl who recently humiliated her family by failing the Matchmaker's assessment, in order to save her aging father from death at war, steals her father's armor and masquerades as a soldier. Throughout the film, several historical inaccuracies, as well as accurate portrayals, become apparent, in such respects as religious philosophies, historical inconsistencies and through the heavy American influence in the making of the film. Ancient Chinese philosophies, which are still present today, played a huge role in the film and were accurately utilized more content... Mulan contains somewhat extreme asian stereotypes that were spawned from the American view of asian societies. The story is also influenced by American culture. One idea that is seen by many as distinctly American is the desire to do what is right, even if it against the norm. This idea is the subject of many a famous American story. That idea is present again in Mulan, as she rides off to war to save her father, despite his wishes and the law. The whole idea of 'doing what you know is right' is an idea that Americans hold on tight to. Examining the Huns, the primary antagonists in the film, we see them portrayed how Americans would portray any of its national enemies. Throughout the film, the Huns make themselves out to be unstoppable brutes with an everlasting bloodlust, who press on to assault the Chinese capital despite losing their entire army, save a few. By the end of the film, we can't help but see them as rabid animals who can only be stopped by being put down. Historically, America is very good at dehumanizing its enemies in this manner, most notably during World War 2, with the Japanese and Germans, and even today to an extent, making terrorists in the middle east seem like targets for missiles and shells in our eyes. American culture influenced the writing if the Huns' characters heavily. Mulan is without a doubt an excellent film that has entertained more than a few generations. However, it is filled with historical inaccuracies as well as ideas Get more content on