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Star Wars: the Hero.
Religious people don't WANT TO FIT INTO SOCIETY,
don't try to Force them to fit into society; they don't want
When I say “religious”, I mean All those people 'who Refuse
to Accept Reality/and to Fit in it'.
Monotheism 'has just provided the SUPPORT FOR THE
Religious Body to do so; 'a Personal God'.
An ILLUSORY character ('intermediary') Between the
religious and society.
It's the Enemy of “Esotericism”, Hence their Hatred 'for
You cannot 'not be around these people'. The religious
WILL 'NOT BRING YOU ANYTHING'; they have 'decided
So it's useless to Talk to them.
From Awakening Kundalini: The Path to Radical Freedom
by Lawrence Edwards:
“Campbell discovered that the archetypal journey of the
hero has three phases to it regardless of who the heroine
or hero is, mythic or real.
Campbell summarizes the sequence of the hero’s journey in
three phases: leaving, initiation, and return.
First, the journey demands that the hero leaves ordinary
life in society — sometimes it’s by choice; sometimes it’s by
circumstances or accidents that force them out of society
and onto their quest. The hero or heroine is one who picks
up the quest and is carried forward by transpersonal,
archetypal, or mystical forces that are constellated by the
quest. They summon what they can internally and
externally to meet the demands of the quest, which, by its
very nature, will require more than they will ever be able
to gather alone.
Secondly, the hero or heroine goes on a mythic journey
during which they encounter supernatural forces or
extraordinary situations that demand extraordinary
responses from them and assistance from beyond the
ordinary mind and everyday reality (may the force be with
you!). In the process of meeting these demands,
overcoming obstacles, persevering, discovering hidden
supports, and so forth, they develop profound skills or
strength, profound awareness, an open heart, deep
compassion, or some other qualities. In this way they are
initiated into a higher mode of being and functioning. As
they reach the end of that segment of the hero’s quest,
after having been through the ordeal and initiation, they
take possession of something of great value. It may be that
they found it in some remote place or, in the archetype of
the spiritual quest, it is found within.
Lastly, the hero returns to their group or nation or
humanity with the extraordinary prize to share it for the
benefit of others. Campbell’s book Hero with a Thousand
Faces brilliantly discusses many examples of this
archetypal journey.
Campbell summarizes the sequence of the hero’s journey in
three phases: leaving, initiation, and return. This
sequence is repeated over and over again in countless
myths. Joseph Campbell was a consultant on the original
Star Wars trilogy.
Luke Skywalker and what he went through depicted
the myth of the hero’s journey, as well as was his
father’s journey to the dark side and back.
We see the hero’s myth in what Frodo went through in
The Lord of the Rings as well, and the list of movies and
stories focusing on the hero’s journey goes on and on:
Moses and the Ten Commandments, The Lion King, The
Chronicles of Narnia, The Golden Compass, The Matrix
trilogy, the Harry Potter series, Avatar, and many others.
The mythic journey is perennially engaging for people
because it offers the deep wisdom necessary for
understanding the profound meaning of a purpose-driven
life. The higher the purpose, the greater the meaning, but
also the greater the challenges and sacrifices demanded.”
This is why the Image of the “Underworld” in Esoteric
It is 'NECESSARY TO GO BEYOND' the Habitual
structures of thought and to overcome them.
You'll need to Discover 'what to Overcome' and Who you
From Edgar Cayce, The Meaning of Life and What to Do
About It by Stephen Hawley Martin
“Campbell was a professor at Sarah Lawrence College who
studied and taught comparative mythology and
comparative religion. He wrote a shelf full of books
covering a number of aspects of the human experience,
including his best-known work, The Hero with a Thousand
Faces (1949), in which he expounded upon his theory of
the journey of the archetypal hero.
The Hero’s Journey is a virtually ubiquitous tale recounted
in mythologies in many different and diverse cultures
across the globe. Ask any Hollywood writer or producer,
and he or she will tell you it’s the plot at the core of the
majority of successful movies and novels.
George Lucas used it to create Star Wars and even
consulted with Joseph Campbell on the early episodes.
I believe we humans are so attracted to and taken by this
storyline because we identify with it, subconsciously.”
We do. The Nature of myth IS THE SAME as that of our
brain. The brain 'works' in this way; 'IN THE
example the need for them 'of a historical Jesus'.
“You see, we each are a hero that has left home, our
ordinary world, to undertake a perilous journey into
and through the arduous, hard-knock, physical
From Secrets of the Force: The Complete, Uncensored,
Unauthorized Oral History of Star Wars by Edward Gross and
Mark A. Altman:
Ray Morton (senior editor, Script magazine):
“Lucas’s most significant creative decision in crafting the
script for Star Wars was to purposefully infuse his
narrative with a mythic structure—the classic “hero’s
journey” plot identified by Joseph Campbell in his book
The Hero with a Thousand Faces as one that has recurred
in the legends, folk tales, and fairy stories of every
culture across the globe.
Lucas then enhanced this decision by peopling his story
with archetypal characters resembling those who have
appeared in the narratives of all of the world’s storytelling
In my opinion, it was this choice by Lucas to deliberately
construct his B-movie narrative around these universal
prototypes and archetypes from the collective myth that
made it possible for Star Wars to connect with so many
different people in so many different countries in the
deep and meaningful way that it did and continues to
do. Audiences in every part of the world could and can
watch the film and find something familiar and
resonant in it.”
PROBLEMATIC 'in Star Wars'.
If it is problematic, it's because the Theme of the movie
and of Life 'is not understood'.
It's always THE SAME PEOPLE; the religious 'WHO CRY
OUT FOR NOVELTY', without understanding 'the
themselves'; TOO AFRAID OF IT, TOO WEAK.
From Sword Fighting in the Star Wars Universe: Historical
Origins, Style and Philosophy by Nick Jamilla:
“All great stories have a beginning, a middle, and an
The concept of a mythic hero has become part of common
parlance when referring to the events that befall Anakin
and Luke Skywalker. But as an outside observer, it is
important to critique Lucas’s own comments on Star Wars
and myth. Lucas has made numerous statements that he
wanted to make a modern myth.
The most easily referenced statement on Lucas’s insistence
that Star Wars is directly influenced by Joseph Campbell
comes from a Bill Moyers interview in the April 26, 1999,
issue of Time when Lucas said:
“With Star Wars I consciously set about to re-create myths
and the classic mythological motifs. I wanted to use those
motifs to deal with issues that exist today.
The more research I did, the more I realized that the issues
are the same ones that existed 3,000 years ago.
That we haven’t come very far emotionally.”
WE DON'T. This is 'what those Christians DON'T
UNDERSTAND'. The religious, those moderns in
mentality, don't understand the myth (of the hero), and
the 'Jesus story.'
JESUS lived.” It's Heartbreaking of idiocy. These people
“As Lucas has always maintained, potential is defined by
“The pivotal religious aspect in the Star Wars saga
concerning the Force was the prophecy of the chosen one
—the appearance of someone who would destroy the Sith
by bringing balance to the Force.
Christian influence of a virgin birth (Lucas says it was
common to many religions) is the clearest real-world
Early on, before the completion of the Prequel Trilogy, the
lingering question was whether the chosen one was Luke or
Anakin. Lucas states categorically in the “Chosen One”
documentary that Anakin brings balance to the Force
by destroying the evil Sith when Vader killed the
“BRINGS BALANCE TO THE FORCE” is the Key concept
For without balance, 'THERE IS CHAOS'.
The religious constantly oscillates between polarities.
The aim of esotericism is 'to control of One's biology'.
“Here again, Lucas remains consistent in his duality of the
Force with the prophecy that the expunging of evil leads to
the proper equilibrium of the universe. It remains in line with
the Christian concept that a universe absent of evil is by
definition the perfect union and goodness of God.”
understands 'WHAT HE JUST SAID':
- IF THE FORCE —IS DUALISTIC— (“consistent in its
duality of the Force”), then there is no need TO GET RID of
a polarity (“the expunging of evil”).
This is the mistake of religious people; the 'Christians
people', and their Obsession 'with evil'. Which makes
them totally NEUROTIC on a daily basis.
Christianism is not the only religion 'that has put' the
emphasis on the 'good/evil dichotomy'.
'But in the West', THE RELIGIOUS ARE THEM.
And they Inflict this 'duality' on a daily basis INTO THE
And makes the Western society 'so difficult to bear on a
Daily basis.'
“A strong case for the Christ-Anakin allegory has been
made by James Lawler, a professor of philosophy at the
University of Buffalo, in his article “The Force Is With Us:
Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit Strikes Back at the Empire,” in
which he uses Hegel’s interpretation of Christ having to
endure a descent into the world of evil.”
It's part of the INITIATIC PROCESS and you have to go
through it whether 'you like it or not'.
“Jesus becomes human in an imperfect, and therefore evil,
THIS WORLD 'IS NOT IMPERFECT', 'this mind and its
functioning is IMPERFECT'.
It is this mind THAT MUST BE CHANGED, not the world.
Hence the progressive destruction of this human species,
which destroys 'its environment' and I would say 'also'
his own biology.
“Jesus’ separation from the perfection of God constitutes
the evil of the world.”
No. This vision of Evil is an imperfection of the Mind.
“His descent is followed by an ascent into perfection
through love, which reconnects Jesus with his divine
Yes, that is Correct.
“Many writers have identified Star Wars as a monomyth, a
term coined by Joseph Campbell (1904–1987), a professor
of mythology who is widely considered the primary
influence on the Star Wars saga. The monomyth is the
synthesis of a broad story outline that, according to
Campbell, explains the similarities of the tales told in
cultures around the world at various times in history.
While interesting in terms of comparative cultural studies,
the monomyth is so broad and general that that it is
very easy to apply details of particular tales and legends
to its format.”
The person WHO DISCOVERS 'who he is behind this
illusion of separation', produced by the mental faculties.
The same mind, which it is a question of 'changing' in
Esotericism. 'Not the World', the mind needs to be
“And where Campbell attempts to synthesize cultural
creativities, the monomyth can also be criticized for what
it leaves out in terms of iconic or plot elements. The
monomyth works because it expresses the basic plot ideas
that make all stories successful and complete. The idea of a
figure who faces adversity and then conquers it by
creating some solution is fundamental to all storytelling. In
one sense, it is good that humanity can be seen as universal
in their experiences, but the uniqueness and individuality
of each culture and its traditional stories can be lost in
such loose and broad comparisons.”
What is not understood by the Masses. Masses who do not
awaken ('no initiation for them'), don't understand that
there is no difference between people, and that what they
perceive 'IS PERCEIVED'.
This is why 'the masses are racist' by nature.
“The story of Christ is profoundly different from that of
Arjuna or Siddhartha.”
“To lump origin myths together is an interesting task for
comparative religious studies, but in another sense it is
insulting that the uniqueness of particular cultures are
agglomerated and made to conform to a neat and orderly
the mental faculties that cut, classify 'INFORMATION'.
But this is just a mental activity, not what you are.
From Shimmering Sword: Samurai, Western, and Star Wars
Sword Fighting by Nick Jamilla:
“Despite the popular consensus, encourage by Lucas and
his philosophical mentor Joseph Campbell, Star Wars is
not a myth, but an epic in the ancient tradition, telling the
tales of men and women as masters of their own
destiny. ”
If you add 'that element' of 'Destiny', 'THEN BY
DEFINITION' the story' becomes MEANINGFUL.
If the story is meaningful THEN TOLD, then it 'becomes
a useful myth'. 'Star Wars' is a story told for the Purpose
THE CONFUSED AUTHOR of this book is everything that
is wrong with Christianism, 'a ridiculous sense of
particularism'. Useless people. The Christian who has the
verve of a child and 'Who does not want to lend his toys'.
In the West, there is no more narrow-minded and racist
and socially sterile than the Christian; this is the religious
'of the west'.
From Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment (The Enlightenment
Trilogy Book 2): The Enlightenment Trilogy by Jed McKenna:
“For those of you who weren't privileged to observe my
performance here last month," a few chuckles, "I pointed
out the same thing I'm going to discuss tonight; that life
isn't a spectator sport, that each of us is in it as much as
anyone has ever been, that stories like Star Wars and the
Bhagavad-Gita aren't someone else's stories, they're
our stories.
"I think one of the reasons for this artificial distancing is
the godlike quality of the people we see as heroes,”
THIS WAS NOT UNDERSTOOD 'by the christian'.
Who is always 'the Subject of his mind'.
This 'godlike quality' is where you have to go. The
Christian, the religious in general, still subject of his mind,
cannot see this aspect. Aspect he Considers as “Heretical”.
Hence the Almost millennial Hunt 'against Mystics'
people by the religious. Not by religions by the religious
The mind cannot 'understand' that there is something
'BEYOND IT', because you identify YOURSELF WITH
YOUR MENTAL FACULTIES. And you are therefore 'a
retarded adolescent'.
I like to quote the following from Activate Your Vagus Nerve:
Unleash Your Body's Natural Ability to Heal by Dr. Navaz
“Our bodies are designed to live and survive without
the need for conscious thought.”
Which Means that the body DOES NOT NEED the mental
activity TO FUNCTION.
THAT THINKS 'TO BE GOD'. Hence the 'Monotheistic
Appeal' among religious people.
Which Echoes their egocentrism. And the religious
A Monotheistic God; An ALL POWERFUL GOD.
In fact the religious REFER TO THE MIND when they
speak of God.
And I doubt there will be an AFTER WEST, as there is no
need for 'ESOTERICISM' in this Western society.
““This next part, marked Mass of Men, is just that. This is
where most everybody is. This is the line that you could
isolate as its own spectrum of awakeness and place
yourselves and virtually everyone you know along it
somewhere. I marked it Mass of Men because of Thoreau's
statement, 'The mass of men lead lives of quiet
“Here's where it gets good,” I say, circling the point at
which the downward slanting line turns straight down and
where the dotted vertical line divides the board into flesh
and spirit.
“This is where real life begins, where we get into our true
potential.” This causes some stirring and grumbles, but we
could get stuck here all night if I don't forge on, so I do.
“I've marked one side Flesh and one side Spirit because this
is where that transition occurs;
death of the flesh, birth of the spirit.”
That's why you have 'the Resurrection in
NO SAVIOR OF MANKIND' has ever Existed'; NONE.
'You are here to AWAKEN 'BY YOURSELF'.
“Human Childhood on the left, Human Adulthood on
the right.
This is where the small, segregated being ends and the
boundless, integrated being is born. Death and rebirth.”
“Just observe for now. I should point out that this isn't my
little pet theory. This is the human map. It's not Eastern or
Western or Christian or Hindu, it's human, and you'll
find it wherever you find people.”
From The Heroine's Journey: For Writers, Readers, and Fans
of Pop Culture by Gail Carriger:
“I need hardly say that the first Star Wars movie is a
Hero’s Journey. Both George Lucas (the creator of Star
Wars) and Joseph Campbell (the creator of the Hero’s
Journey as a field of study) openly acknowledge the
Lucas admits to having read The Hero with a Thousand
Faces (1949) and intentionally using it as a template for
Star Wars (documented via quotations from Lucas in the
authorized biography Joseph Campbell: A Fire in the Mind
by Stephen and Robin Larsen, 2002, p. 541).
Luke’s birth contains elements of his being fated or
ordained for something heroic (although we don’t
necessarily know about this in the first movie).
Luke follows some droids and encounters a mentor in the
guise of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and supernatural aid in the
form of a lightsaber. Obi-Wan urges Luke to seek his
destiny and learn the ways of the Force. Luke tries to go
home, at which juncture it’s made clear this is no longer an
option. His family is taken away from him, his parental
figures murdered, and his home burned. Even at the
beginning of his quest, this hero can never truly return
Luke then begins his quest. In his first major withdrawal
(he will engage in this pattern a lot through the course of
these movies), Luke abandons what is left of his family and
community. Princess Leia Organa shows up to act the
required role of seductress and distraction. Luke engages in
a virtual descent into the underworld (the garbage
masher). His mentor/father figure is killed, finally leading
us to the point where Luke, alone in his fighter, takes on
the insurmountable odds of a whole Death Star. He defeats
the enemy and retrieves a boon, which again takes the
form of acknowledged mastery and recognition of his
The movie ends with a classic return motif, the ritual
presentation of medals of honor, a physical manifestation
of recognition of victory. Interestingly enough, the final
scene is one of glory within the group, unusual in a Hero’s
Journey, and perhaps tied to the humor and heist trope
component of these movies.”
“Civilization is correlated with femininity and stasis,
our hero will lose what it means to be a hero if he returns
and reintegrates fully into cohesive society.”
NO, A SOCIETY “IS NOT PASSIVE”, “it's THE Opposite”.
is what the West “HAS FORGOTTEN”.
On The Other hand, the mind must be overcome before
'understanding this', MIND IS PASSIVE...REACTIVE.
'Reactive' because the brain is not conscious of itself; it's
an organ.
From The Lunar Bull: About the Spiritual Significance of
Matriarchy by Peter Fritz Walter:
“I found Joseph Campbell’s books in 1998, through a
reference in The Great Mother, by Erich Neumann.
Joseph Campbell basically affirms that patriarchy is a
form of collective neurosis—not a lifestyle, not a
philosophy, not a Weltanschauung.”
'NO EVIDENCE IS CITED' by the author.
I doubt that Joseph Campbell EVER SAID This or 'even
Wrote it'.
Joseph Campbell 'WAS A MYTHOLOGIST' not a
'Repressed child'.
“Patriarchy, with its craving for obedience to the father, is
a sort of compulsion neurosis.
Not only are individuals flattened out by systems that are
‘paternal’ hierarchies and replacements of real fathers,
those that have typically abandoned their roles as
true caretakers, having become troublemakers, but
authority-craving individuals also have flattened out their
better halves, their right brains, so as to serve the system.”
I read the TEARS OF A CHILD who refuses to Grow up.
If you don't want to 'deal with this KIND OF CRAZY' on
a daily basis; you don't have to.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO 'RESPOND to the solicitations of
crazy people'. I'm not sure many 'get this'.
From Three Story Method: Foundations of Fiction Book 1 of 2:
Three Story Method by J. Thorn, Zach Bohannon, et al.:
“With the rise of modern feminism and approaching the
new millennium, Maureen Murdock published The
Heroine’s Journey in 1990. Murdock met Joseph Campbell
in 1981, and she presented him with her take on the Hero’s
Journey. She “felt that the focus of female spiritual
development was to heal the internal split between a
woman and her feminine nature”.”
Sometimes I think “SOME PEOPLE ARE REALLY too
stupid to live”.
“Internal split between a woman and her feminine nature”,
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Probably 'nothing', like
'those people'.
“The big question is whether you are going to be able
to say a hearty yes to your adventure.”Joseph
Campbell in Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with
Bill Moyers (video).
From You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness
and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero:
“Getting clear about what your unique purpose is can be
the difference between living a happy, fulfilled life of
abundance, choice, and expansiveness or living in the
restrictive veal pen of your own indecision and tired
old excuses.”
From Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded by John Scalzi:
“The word “entertainer” has as an assumption that the
creator/actor is reaching out to his or audience to engage
George Lucas doesn’t bother with this.
He won’t keep you out of his universe; he just doesn’t
care that you’re in it.”
'YES LITTLE MAN', that's what differentiates a 'living
person' from a 'ROBOT'.
The robot is “collectivist by definition” and needs “the other”.
The living person does not need 'the other' because he is
Whole. The Living person does not 'need Others' TO
COMPLETE HIM. This is what differentiates THE
“FUNCTIONAL PERSON in society” from the “religious”.
And the 'reason' why the religious person navigate 'IN
POLARITIES', always, from hate to joy ('entertainment').
From Star Wars Psychology: Dark Side of the Mind (Volume 2)
(Popular Culture Psychology) Star Wars Psychology: Dark
Side of the Mind by Travis Langley (Editor):
Foreword: Why Star Wars Matters.
Carrie Goldman, Author of Bullied: What Every Parent,
Teacher, and Kid Needs to Know about Ending the Cycle of
Fear (HarperCollins, 2012):
““Why do we have wars, if everyone is always wishing for
peace? Why do some people do bad things to others?” a
four-year-old girl asked me last year. There are the usual
answers—lengthy explanations of land, politics, power,
and religion—but the elegant simplicity of the young
child’s question deserved an equally direct answer.
“I think it comes down to two things,” I told her.
“THE FIRST IS FEAR, and the second is a LACK OF
“Fear of what?” she persisted.
A good question, because not all fear is bad. Fear of danger
is what keeps us alive, just as fear of hunger motivates us
to work and provide food for our families. But fear can
morph and distend and become maladaptive. Fear of
those who are DIFFERENT can lead to mistreatment;
fear of losing power and privilege can lead to inequality;
FEAR OF CHANGE can lead to close-mindedness; and
fear of pain can lead to desperation and betrayal.”
“Fear of pain”, Hence the INCESSANT need of the human
Pain is “PART OF LIFE”.
MOMENTS' in your life.
The religious are these people per excellence; “Always
Inventing themselves “an idyllic world””.
This makes them 'Crazy'.
“When you combine unhealthy fear with a lack of
empathy, you open a psychological door that allows
people to harm others without pangs of conscience.”
THIS IS WHY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE 'are always a social
danger'. And why monotheistic religions “SHOULD BE
BANNED” socially.
“In milder forms, fear without empathy leads to attitudes
of entitlement and unkindness, manifested as bullying
behaviors. In its most extreme forms, this lethal
psychological combination leads to severe bullying or
even genocide, as we saw in Hutu Rwanda or Nazi
Germany. When you view another person as less than
human, you feel entitled to do whatever you want to that
In puzzling through how to explain these concepts to a
small child, I turned to an ancient form of education:
This is why Antiquity 'WAS SUPERIOR' AND MORALLY
“People learn better through stories. If you want to convey
the full breadth of the human condition, create an epic
story that allows a large cast of characters to feel all the
feelings. Share that story far and wide, so that different
people with diverse life experiences can hear the same
story and identify with the complex range of human
emotions. If the story is good enough, it will have
staying power, and it will be told for generation after
The moderns are so alien to THEIR OWN NATURE that
It is not by chance that Christians, religious people in
general, do not understand that “religious stories are in
fact myths”.
“The very best tales will transcend cultures and
languages. Star Wars has achieved [that] level of
For example, the central figure in the first six theatrical
Star Wars films is Anakin Skywalker. The progression of
his character serves as a metaphor to help people
understand the role that fear plays [...] and the role that
finding empathy plays in opening the heart to acts of
Star Wars matters because it gets people talking to
each other.”
THEMSELVES'; 'they see only difference
Hence this Obsession of moderns 'TO DEFINE
THEMSELVES 'all the time':
- I'm homosexual, I'm heterosexual, I'm bisexual;
- I'm a man, I'm a woman, I'm binary;
- I'm Christian, I'm Atheist, I'm Muslim, I'm Jewish;
- I'm from the Left, I'm from the Right;
- et Cetera.
IF YOU DEFINE YOURSELF, then you 'are alien to
yourself'. You 'need the Other' to define yourself because
you are not complete or you do not FEEL COMPLETE. IT'S
ONLY A FEELING as there is no outside BUT ONLY
Introduction: Lights in the Dark Side.
Travis Langley:
“Life on this planet is too brief to plod mundanely
through it when our minds can appreciate so much
William James:
“We are all ready to be savage in some cause. The
difference between a good man and a bad one IS THE
CHOICE [...].”
A Discussion with Darth Maul: Sam Witwer Interview on the
Antithesis of Self-Actualization. Jenna Busch and Travis
“Witwer: In the film [Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom
Menace], he’s a well-trained apprentice who had all this
potential. He was anxious. He was confident. He was in
control and eager to prove himself to his master. Things
didn’t really go as well as he’d hoped. He got cut in half
and sent down a bottomless pit and that’s not really good
for anyone. But he survived. He survived because of the
absolute self-obsession that fuels the Sith.”
Contrary to what the non-esoteric “people Maintain”.
'Awakening will bring Altruism', equal to no sense of
separation, but in order TO ACCESS THIS, YOU MUST
'FIRST DIE to this world'; die 'to your ego-centrism'.
Don't try 'to get rid of your ego' in the process of
awakening; ego is 'actually THE MAIN CHARACTER IN
IT'. This ego that WILL BE DESTROYED 'in the process',
when you will understand 'who you are'.
Joseph Campbell:
“All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, ARE WITHIN
From The World According to Star Wars by Cass R. Sunstein:
“Star Wars unifies people.”
Particularism inherent 'to the Mental activity, Mental
activity that cuts and classifies all the time'.
IF YOU CAN 'ISOLATE THIS MIND'; the Condition of
awakening; then 'YOU WILL SEE YOUR TRUE
NATURE': hidden 'behind the mind'.
“Star Wars offers a modern version of a universal tale: the
Hero’s Journey. Lucas was self-conscious about this,
drawing directly on Joseph Campbell’s wildly influential
book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, which sets out
the central life events that unify countless myths.
In its essentials, the hero’s journey is the tale of Jesus
Christ, Buddha, Krishna, and Muhammad—and also
Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, Jessica Jones, and Luke
Skywalker (and Anakin, too, and also Rey, and possibly
Finn and Kylo).”
Yes. Myth is Awakening; 'to understand One's true nature'.
The brain works 'IN AN ABSTRACT WAY', and 'THIS IS'
“The Hero’s Journey has deep psychological resonance. It
taps directly into the recesses of the human psyche.
Whoever you are, IT’S YOUR TALE AS WELL.”
“Star Wars also makes a bold claim about freedom of
The “freedom of choice” that has been denied since the
advent of the 'collectivist doctrine'.
We have seen it again 'with the collectivist treatment of
Covid' in the West. Which cannot 'get rid of this collectivist
mentality' because the West has no more esoteric tradition.
No more initiatic support 'for the Young'.
It is historically the West that has created all 'these
COLLECTIVIST IDEOLOGIES' because the Westerner, as
a non-initiate, perceives 'an exterior', whereas 'these are
only perceptions'.
Hence the feeling of 'INCOMPLETENESS'.
Hence the Racist FEAR OF DIFFERENCE.
Hence the last 200 years of the West.
And I 'don't want to be TOO PESSIMISTIC', but the
episode of 'the collectivist treatment of covid in the West'
SHOWS ME that I am right to be afraid of the West 'which
will end up 'recreating' SOME FORM OF COLLECTIVISM
and 'millions of dead'.
Just as people did not want to face the Reality in the time
of arrival of Bolshevism and Nazism; the West 'does not
want to see the next collectivist wave coming'.
AND YET IT WILL COME AS SURELY as it is programmed
That LITTLE CHILD who is Afraid of life and don't want to
grow up.
“That’s the hidden message and the real magic of Star
Wars—and the foundation of its rousing TRIBUTE TO
It's this same freedom that the Westerner does not want,
and refuses for 1800 years, supported 'by the monotheistic
egocentric doctrine.
But 'once again', the Westerner will not face 'HIS
DEMONS', and they will swallow him up, AS THEY HAVE

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Star wars: the hero

  • 2. Religious people don't WANT TO FIT INTO SOCIETY, don't try to Force them to fit into society; they don't want that. When I say “religious”, I mean All those people 'who Refuse to Accept Reality/and to Fit in it'. Monotheism 'has just provided the SUPPORT FOR THE Religious Body to do so; 'a Personal God'. An ILLUSORY character ('intermediary') Between the religious and society. It's the Enemy of “Esotericism”, Hence their Hatred 'for it'.
  • 3. You cannot 'not be around these people'. The religious WILL 'NOT BRING YOU ANYTHING'; they have 'decided to be WITHDRAWN' FROM THE SOCIETY of men. So it's useless to Talk to them.
  • 4. From Awakening Kundalini: The Path to Radical Freedom by Lawrence Edwards: “Campbell discovered that the archetypal journey of the hero has three phases to it regardless of who the heroine or hero is, mythic or real. Campbell summarizes the sequence of the hero’s journey in three phases: leaving, initiation, and return. First, the journey demands that the hero leaves ordinary life in society — sometimes it’s by choice; sometimes it’s by circumstances or accidents that force them out of society and onto their quest. The hero or heroine is one who picks up the quest and is carried forward by transpersonal, archetypal, or mystical forces that are constellated by the
  • 5. quest. They summon what they can internally and externally to meet the demands of the quest, which, by its very nature, will require more than they will ever be able to gather alone. Secondly, the hero or heroine goes on a mythic journey during which they encounter supernatural forces or extraordinary situations that demand extraordinary responses from them and assistance from beyond the ordinary mind and everyday reality (may the force be with you!). In the process of meeting these demands, overcoming obstacles, persevering, discovering hidden supports, and so forth, they develop profound skills or strength, profound awareness, an open heart, deep compassion, or some other qualities. In this way they are initiated into a higher mode of being and functioning. As
  • 6. they reach the end of that segment of the hero’s quest, after having been through the ordeal and initiation, they take possession of something of great value. It may be that they found it in some remote place or, in the archetype of the spiritual quest, it is found within. Lastly, the hero returns to their group or nation or humanity with the extraordinary prize to share it for the benefit of others. Campbell’s book Hero with a Thousand Faces brilliantly discusses many examples of this archetypal journey.
  • 7. Campbell summarizes the sequence of the hero’s journey in three phases: leaving, initiation, and return. This sequence is repeated over and over again in countless myths. Joseph Campbell was a consultant on the original Star Wars trilogy. Luke Skywalker and what he went through depicted the myth of the hero’s journey, as well as was his father’s journey to the dark side and back. We see the hero’s myth in what Frodo went through in The Lord of the Rings as well, and the list of movies and stories focusing on the hero’s journey goes on and on: Moses and the Ten Commandments, The Lion King, The
  • 8. Chronicles of Narnia, The Golden Compass, The Matrix trilogy, the Harry Potter series, Avatar, and many others. The mythic journey is perennially engaging for people because it offers the deep wisdom necessary for understanding the profound meaning of a purpose-driven life. The higher the purpose, the greater the meaning, but also the greater the challenges and sacrifices demanded.” This is why the Image of the “Underworld” in Esoteric traditions. It is 'NECESSARY TO GO BEYOND' the Habitual structures of thought and to overcome them. You'll need to Discover 'what to Overcome' and Who you are.
  • 9. From Edgar Cayce, The Meaning of Life and What to Do About It by Stephen Hawley Martin “Campbell was a professor at Sarah Lawrence College who studied and taught comparative mythology and comparative religion. He wrote a shelf full of books covering a number of aspects of the human experience, including his best-known work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), in which he expounded upon his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero. The Hero’s Journey is a virtually ubiquitous tale recounted in mythologies in many different and diverse cultures across the globe. Ask any Hollywood writer or producer, and he or she will tell you it’s the plot at the core of the majority of successful movies and novels.
  • 10. George Lucas used it to create Star Wars and even consulted with Joseph Campbell on the early episodes. I believe we humans are so attracted to and taken by this storyline because we identify with it, subconsciously.” We do. The Nature of myth IS THE SAME as that of our brain. The brain 'works' in this way; 'IN THE ABSTRACT'. HENCE THE NEED FOR ESOTERICISM 'IN HUMANS'; THE NEED 'FOR MYTHS'.
  • 11. AND THE ERROR OF THE RELIGIOUS who 'cannot get the Myth AND SEES SOME HISTORICAL FACTS; then for example the need for them 'of a historical Jesus'.
  • 12. “You see, we each are a hero that has left home, our ordinary world, to undertake a perilous journey into and through the arduous, hard-knock, physical dimension. THAT’S WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT—AN ADVENTURE.”
  • 13. From Secrets of the Force: The Complete, Uncensored, Unauthorized Oral History of Star Wars by Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman: Ray Morton (senior editor, Script magazine): “Lucas’s most significant creative decision in crafting the script for Star Wars was to purposefully infuse his narrative with a mythic structure—the classic “hero’s journey” plot identified by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces as one that has recurred in the legends, folk tales, and fairy stories of every culture across the globe. Lucas then enhanced this decision by peopling his story with archetypal characters resembling those who have
  • 14. appeared in the narratives of all of the world’s storytelling traditions. In my opinion, it was this choice by Lucas to deliberately construct his B-movie narrative around these universal prototypes and archetypes from the collective myth that made it possible for Star Wars to connect with so many different people in so many different countries in the deep and meaningful way that it did and continues to do. Audiences in every part of the world could and can watch the film and find something familiar and resonant in it.” SO, NO, having a YOUNG WOMAN 'AS A HERO' IS NOT PROBLEMATIC 'in Star Wars'. If it is problematic, it's because the Theme of the movie and of Life 'is not understood'.
  • 16. From Sword Fighting in the Star Wars Universe: Historical Origins, Style and Philosophy by Nick Jamilla: “All great stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. The concept of a mythic hero has become part of common parlance when referring to the events that befall Anakin and Luke Skywalker. But as an outside observer, it is important to critique Lucas’s own comments on Star Wars and myth. Lucas has made numerous statements that he wanted to make a modern myth. IT IS EVEN AN UNWRITTEN CORPORATE POLICY AMONG WRITERS ASSOCIATED WITH LUCASFILM TO DESCRIBE STAR WARS AS MYTH.
  • 17. The most easily referenced statement on Lucas’s insistence that Star Wars is directly influenced by Joseph Campbell comes from a Bill Moyers interview in the April 26, 1999, issue of Time when Lucas said: “With Star Wars I consciously set about to re-create myths and the classic mythological motifs. I wanted to use those motifs to deal with issues that exist today. The more research I did, the more I realized that the issues are the same ones that existed 3,000 years ago. That we haven’t come very far emotionally.” WE DON'T. This is 'what those Christians DON'T UNDERSTAND'. The religious, those moderns in mentality, don't understand the myth (of the hero), and the 'Jesus story.'
  • 18. THESE MODERN IDIOTS “think that a HISTORICAL JESUS lived.” It's Heartbreaking of idiocy. These people are.
  • 19. “As Lucas has always maintained, potential is defined by THE CHOICES A PERSON MAKES.”
  • 20. “The pivotal religious aspect in the Star Wars saga concerning the Force was the prophecy of the chosen one —the appearance of someone who would destroy the Sith by bringing balance to the Force. Christian influence of a virgin birth (Lucas says it was common to many religions) is the clearest real-world connection. Early on, before the completion of the Prequel Trilogy, the lingering question was whether the chosen one was Luke or Anakin. Lucas states categorically in the “Chosen One” documentary that Anakin brings balance to the Force by destroying the evil Sith when Vader killed the Emperor.”
  • 22. The religious constantly oscillates between polarities. The aim of esotericism is 'to control of One's biology'.
  • 23. “Here again, Lucas remains consistent in his duality of the Force with the prophecy that the expunging of evil leads to the proper equilibrium of the universe. It remains in line with the Christian concept that a universe absent of evil is by definition the perfect union and goodness of God.” I DON'T THINK THE AUTHOR OF THIS BOOK understands 'WHAT HE JUST SAID': - IF THE FORCE —IS DUALISTIC— (“consistent in its duality of the Force”), then there is no need TO GET RID of a polarity (“the expunging of evil”).
  • 24. This is the mistake of religious people; the 'Christians people', and their Obsession 'with evil'. Which makes them totally NEUROTIC on a daily basis. Christianism is not the only religion 'that has put' the emphasis on the 'good/evil dichotomy'. 'But in the West', THE RELIGIOUS ARE THEM. And they Inflict this 'duality' on a daily basis INTO THE WESTERN SOCIETY. And makes the Western society 'so difficult to bear on a Daily basis.'
  • 25. “A strong case for the Christ-Anakin allegory has been made by James Lawler, a professor of philosophy at the University of Buffalo, in his article “The Force Is With Us: Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit Strikes Back at the Empire,” in which he uses Hegel’s interpretation of Christ having to endure a descent into the world of evil.” YOU DON'T ENDURE A DESCENT INTO THE WORLD OF HELL, YOU CHOOSE 'THIS DESCENT INTO HELL'. It's part of the INITIATIC PROCESS and you have to go through it whether 'you like it or not'.
  • 26. “Jesus becomes human in an imperfect, and therefore evil, world.” NO. THIS IS NOT UNDERSTANDING ESOTERICISM. THIS WORLD 'IS NOT IMPERFECT', 'this mind and its functioning is IMPERFECT'. It is this mind THAT MUST BE CHANGED, not the world. Hence the progressive destruction of this human species, which destroys 'its environment' and I would say 'also' his own biology.
  • 27. “Jesus’ separation from the perfection of God constitutes the evil of the world.” No. This vision of Evil is an imperfection of the Mind.
  • 28. “His descent is followed by an ascent into perfection through love, which reconnects Jesus with his divine nature.” Yes, that is Correct.
  • 29. “Many writers have identified Star Wars as a monomyth, a term coined by Joseph Campbell (1904–1987), a professor of mythology who is widely considered the primary influence on the Star Wars saga. The monomyth is the synthesis of a broad story outline that, according to Campbell, explains the similarities of the tales told in cultures around the world at various times in history. While interesting in terms of comparative cultural studies, the monomyth is so broad and general that that it is very easy to apply details of particular tales and legends to its format.” 'THIS IS THE HUMAN THEME'; 'THE AWAKENING'. The person WHO DISCOVERS 'who he is behind this illusion of separation', produced by the mental faculties.
  • 30. The same mind, which it is a question of 'changing' in Esotericism. 'Not the World', the mind needs to be changed.
  • 31. “And where Campbell attempts to synthesize cultural creativities, the monomyth can also be criticized for what it leaves out in terms of iconic or plot elements. The monomyth works because it expresses the basic plot ideas that make all stories successful and complete. The idea of a figure who faces adversity and then conquers it by creating some solution is fundamental to all storytelling. In one sense, it is good that humanity can be seen as universal in their experiences, but the uniqueness and individuality of each culture and its traditional stories can be lost in such loose and broad comparisons.” Because there is NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CULTURES.
  • 32. What is not understood by the Masses. Masses who do not awaken ('no initiation for them'), don't understand that there is no difference between people, and that what they perceive 'IS PERCEIVED'. This is why 'the masses are racist' by nature.
  • 33. “The story of Christ is profoundly different from that of Arjuna or Siddhartha.” NO, IT IS NOT. THESE DIFFERENCES are perceived AND NOT REAL.
  • 34. “To lump origin myths together is an interesting task for comparative religious studies, but in another sense it is insulting that the uniqueness of particular cultures are agglomerated and made to conform to a neat and orderly arrangement.” THIS PARTICULARITY 'DOES NOT EXIST', only with the mental faculties that cut, classify 'INFORMATION'. But this is just a mental activity, not what you are.
  • 35. From Shimmering Sword: Samurai, Western, and Star Wars Sword Fighting by Nick Jamilla: “Despite the popular consensus, encourage by Lucas and his philosophical mentor Joseph Campbell, Star Wars is not a myth, but an epic in the ancient tradition, telling the tales of men and women as masters of their own destiny. ” If you add 'that element' of 'Destiny', 'THEN BY DEFINITION' the story' becomes MEANINGFUL. If the story is meaningful THEN TOLD, then it 'becomes a useful myth'. 'Star Wars' is a story told for the Purpose of HELPING PEOPLE TO AWAKEN.
  • 36. THE CONFUSED AUTHOR of this book is everything that is wrong with Christianism, 'a ridiculous sense of particularism'. Useless people. The Christian who has the verve of a child and 'Who does not want to lend his toys'. In the West, there is no more narrow-minded and racist and socially sterile than the Christian; this is the religious 'of the west'.
  • 37. From Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment (The Enlightenment Trilogy Book 2): The Enlightenment Trilogy by Jed McKenna: “For those of you who weren't privileged to observe my performance here last month," a few chuckles, "I pointed out the same thing I'm going to discuss tonight; that life isn't a spectator sport, that each of us is in it as much as anyone has ever been, that stories like Star Wars and the Bhagavad-Gita aren't someone else's stories, they're our stories. "I think one of the reasons for this artificial distancing is the godlike quality of the people we see as heroes,” THIS WAS NOT UNDERSTOOD 'by the christian'. Who is always 'the Subject of his mind'.
  • 38. This 'godlike quality' is where you have to go. The Christian, the religious in general, still subject of his mind, cannot see this aspect. Aspect he Considers as “Heretical”. Hence the Almost millennial Hunt 'against Mystics' people by the religious. Not by religions by the religious people. The mind cannot 'understand' that there is something 'BEYOND IT', because you identify YOURSELF WITH YOUR MENTAL FACULTIES. And you are therefore 'a retarded adolescent'.
  • 39. I like to quote the following from Activate Your Vagus Nerve: Unleash Your Body's Natural Ability to Heal by Dr. Navaz Habib: “Our bodies are designed to live and survive without the need for conscious thought.” Which Means that the body DOES NOT NEED the mental activity TO FUNCTION.
  • 40. THAT IS NOT UNDERSTANDABLE BY THE MIND. MIND THAT THINKS 'TO BE GOD'. Hence the 'Monotheistic Appeal' among religious people. Which Echoes their egocentrism. And the religious emphasis on MENTAL FACULTIES. A Monotheistic God; An ALL POWERFUL GOD. In fact the religious REFER TO THE MIND when they speak of God. THIS MONOTHEISM WHICH RAVAGED GREEK PANTHEISM AND DESTROYED THE 'WESTERN CIVILIZATION'. And I doubt there will be an AFTER WEST, as there is no need for 'ESOTERICISM' in this Western society.
  • 42. ““This next part, marked Mass of Men, is just that. This is where most everybody is. This is the line that you could isolate as its own spectrum of awakeness and place yourselves and virtually everyone you know along it somewhere. I marked it Mass of Men because of Thoreau's statement, 'The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.'” “Here's where it gets good,” I say, circling the point at which the downward slanting line turns straight down and where the dotted vertical line divides the board into flesh and spirit. “This is where real life begins, where we get into our true potential.” This causes some stirring and grumbles, but we
  • 43. could get stuck here all night if I don't forge on, so I do. “I've marked one side Flesh and one side Spirit because this is where that transition occurs; death of the flesh, birth of the spirit.” That's why you have 'the Resurrection in ESOTERICISM'; THE CENTRAL 'THEME'. ' NO SAVIOR OF MANKIND' has ever Existed'; NONE. 'You are here to AWAKEN 'BY YOURSELF'.
  • 44. “Human Childhood on the left, Human Adulthood on the right. This is where the small, segregated being ends and the boundless, integrated being is born. Death and rebirth.” “Just observe for now. I should point out that this isn't my little pet theory. This is the human map. It's not Eastern or Western or Christian or Hindu, it's human, and you'll find it wherever you find people.”
  • 45. From The Heroine's Journey: For Writers, Readers, and Fans of Pop Culture by Gail Carriger: “I need hardly say that the first Star Wars movie is a Hero’s Journey. Both George Lucas (the creator of Star Wars) and Joseph Campbell (the creator of the Hero’s Journey as a field of study) openly acknowledge the correlation. Lucas admits to having read The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949) and intentionally using it as a template for Star Wars (documented via quotations from Lucas in the authorized biography Joseph Campbell: A Fire in the Mind by Stephen and Robin Larsen, 2002, p. 541).
  • 46. Luke’s birth contains elements of his being fated or ordained for something heroic (although we don’t necessarily know about this in the first movie). CALL TO ADVENTURE. Luke follows some droids and encounters a mentor in the guise of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and supernatural aid in the form of a lightsaber. Obi-Wan urges Luke to seek his destiny and learn the ways of the Force. Luke tries to go home, at which juncture it’s made clear this is no longer an option. His family is taken away from him, his parental figures murdered, and his home burned. Even at the beginning of his quest, this hero can never truly return home.
  • 47. WITHDRAWAL. Luke then begins his quest. In his first major withdrawal (he will engage in this pattern a lot through the course of these movies), Luke abandons what is left of his family and community. Princess Leia Organa shows up to act the required role of seductress and distraction. Luke engages in a virtual descent into the underworld (the garbage masher). His mentor/father figure is killed, finally leading us to the point where Luke, alone in his fighter, takes on the insurmountable odds of a whole Death Star. He defeats the enemy and retrieves a boon, which again takes the form of acknowledged mastery and recognition of his skills.
  • 48. RETURN. The movie ends with a classic return motif, the ritual presentation of medals of honor, a physical manifestation of recognition of victory. Interestingly enough, the final scene is one of glory within the group, unusual in a Hero’s Journey, and perhaps tied to the humor and heist trope component of these movies.”
  • 49. HUMAN INERTIA. “Civilization is correlated with femininity and stasis, our hero will lose what it means to be a hero if he returns and reintegrates fully into cohesive society.” IS CIVILIZATION “FEMININE-PASSIVE”. OR THIS HUMAN INERTIA IS INHERENT TO THE MIND? THIS SAME MIND “THAT MUST BE OVERCOME”.
  • 50. NO, A SOCIETY “IS NOT PASSIVE”, “it's THE Opposite”. A SOCIETY —IS 'ACTIVE BY DEFINITION'—. And this is what the West “HAS FORGOTTEN”. On The Other hand, the mind must be overcome before 'understanding this', MIND IS PASSIVE...REACTIVE. 'Reactive' because the brain is not conscious of itself; it's an organ.
  • 51. From The Lunar Bull: About the Spiritual Significance of Matriarchy by Peter Fritz Walter: “I found Joseph Campbell’s books in 1998, through a reference in The Great Mother, by Erich Neumann. Joseph Campbell basically affirms that patriarchy is a form of collective neurosis—not a lifestyle, not a philosophy, not a Weltanschauung.” 'NO EVIDENCE IS CITED' by the author. I doubt that Joseph Campbell EVER SAID This or 'even Wrote it'. Joseph Campbell 'WAS A MYTHOLOGIST' not a 'Repressed child'.
  • 52. “Patriarchy, with its craving for obedience to the father, is a sort of compulsion neurosis. Not only are individuals flattened out by systems that are ‘paternal’ hierarchies and replacements of real fathers, those that have typically abandoned their roles as true caretakers, having become troublemakers, but authority-craving individuals also have flattened out their better halves, their right brains, so as to serve the system.” I read the TEARS OF A CHILD who refuses to Grow up. If you don't want to 'deal with this KIND OF CRAZY' on a daily basis; you don't have to. YOU DON'T HAVE TO 'RESPOND to the solicitations of crazy people'. I'm not sure many 'get this'.
  • 53. From Three Story Method: Foundations of Fiction Book 1 of 2: Three Story Method by J. Thorn, Zach Bohannon, et al.: “With the rise of modern feminism and approaching the new millennium, Maureen Murdock published The Heroine’s Journey in 1990. Murdock met Joseph Campbell in 1981, and she presented him with her take on the Hero’s Journey. She “felt that the focus of female spiritual development was to heal the internal split between a woman and her feminine nature”.” Sometimes I think “SOME PEOPLE ARE REALLY too stupid to live”. “Internal split between a woman and her feminine nature”, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Probably 'nothing', like 'those people'.
  • 54. “The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.”Joseph Campbell in Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth with Bill Moyers (video).
  • 55. From You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero: “Getting clear about what your unique purpose is can be the difference between living a happy, fulfilled life of abundance, choice, and expansiveness or living in the restrictive veal pen of your own indecision and tired old excuses.”
  • 56. From Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded by John Scalzi: “The word “entertainer” has as an assumption that the creator/actor is reaching out to his or audience to engage them. George Lucas doesn’t bother with this. He won’t keep you out of his universe; he just doesn’t care that you’re in it.” 'YES LITTLE MAN', that's what differentiates a 'living person' from a 'ROBOT'. The robot is “collectivist by definition” and needs “the other”. The living person does not need 'the other' because he is Whole. The Living person does not 'need Others' TO COMPLETE HIM. This is what differentiates THE “FUNCTIONAL PERSON in society” from the “religious”.
  • 57. And the 'reason' why the religious person navigate 'IN POLARITIES', always, from hate to joy ('entertainment').
  • 58. From Star Wars Psychology: Dark Side of the Mind (Volume 2) (Popular Culture Psychology) Star Wars Psychology: Dark Side of the Mind by Travis Langley (Editor): Foreword: Why Star Wars Matters. Carrie Goldman, Author of Bullied: What Every Parent, Teacher, and Kid Needs to Know about Ending the Cycle of Fear (HarperCollins, 2012): ““Why do we have wars, if everyone is always wishing for peace? Why do some people do bad things to others?” a four-year-old girl asked me last year. There are the usual answers—lengthy explanations of land, politics, power, and religion—but the elegant simplicity of the young child’s question deserved an equally direct answer. “I think it comes down to two things,” I told her.
  • 59. “THE FIRST IS FEAR, and the second is a LACK OF EMPATHY. “Fear of what?” she persisted. A good question, because not all fear is bad. Fear of danger is what keeps us alive, just as fear of hunger motivates us to work and provide food for our families. But fear can morph and distend and become maladaptive. Fear of those who are DIFFERENT can lead to mistreatment; fear of losing power and privilege can lead to inequality; FEAR OF CHANGE can lead to close-mindedness; and fear of pain can lead to desperation and betrayal.”
  • 60. “Fear of pain”, Hence the INCESSANT need of the human being TO ESCAPE FROM PAIN. Pain is “PART OF LIFE”. Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T ESCAPE 'UNSATISFYING MOMENTS' in your life. The human 'HAS THIS EXTRAORDINARY FACULTY to be able to “USE HIS MENTAL CAPACITIES” TO ESCAPE FROM MENTAL PAIN; 'ITS DOOM'. The religious are these people per excellence; “Always Inventing themselves “an idyllic world””. This makes them 'Crazy'.
  • 61. “When you combine unhealthy fear with a lack of empathy, you open a psychological door that allows people to harm others without pangs of conscience.” THIS IS WHY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE 'are always a social danger'. And why monotheistic religions “SHOULD BE BANNED” socially.
  • 62. “In milder forms, fear without empathy leads to attitudes of entitlement and unkindness, manifested as bullying behaviors. In its most extreme forms, this lethal psychological combination leads to severe bullying or even genocide, as we saw in Hutu Rwanda or Nazi Germany. When you view another person as less than human, you feel entitled to do whatever you want to that person. In puzzling through how to explain these concepts to a small child, I turned to an ancient form of education: storytelling.” This is why Antiquity 'WAS SUPERIOR' AND MORALLY SUPERIOR TO MODERNITY.
  • 63. “People learn better through stories. If you want to convey the full breadth of the human condition, create an epic story that allows a large cast of characters to feel all the feelings. Share that story far and wide, so that different people with diverse life experiences can hear the same story and identify with the complex range of human emotions. If the story is good enough, it will have staying power, and it will be told for generation after generation.” The moderns are so alien to THEIR OWN NATURE that they no 'LONGER UNDERSTAND THE MYTH'. It is not by chance that Christians, religious people in general, do not understand that “religious stories are in fact myths”.
  • 64. “The very best tales will transcend cultures and languages. Star Wars has achieved [that] level of immortality. For example, the central figure in the first six theatrical Star Wars films is Anakin Skywalker. The progression of his character serves as a metaphor to help people understand the role that fear plays [...] and the role that finding empathy plays in opening the heart to acts of redemption. Star Wars matters because it gets people talking to each other.”
  • 65. THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH MODERNITY, 'PEOPLE DON'T COMMUNICATE ANYMORE'. 'NOT KNOWING THEMSELVES'; 'they see only difference EVERYWHERE'; Hence this Obsession of moderns 'TO DEFINE THEMSELVES 'all the time': - I'm homosexual, I'm heterosexual, I'm bisexual; - I'm a man, I'm a woman, I'm binary; - I'm Christian, I'm Atheist, I'm Muslim, I'm Jewish; - I'm from the Left, I'm from the Right; - et Cetera. IF YOU DEFINE YOURSELF, then you 'are alien to yourself'. You 'need the Other' to define yourself because you are not complete or you do not FEEL COMPLETE. IT'S
  • 66. ONLY A FEELING as there is no outside BUT ONLY PERCEPTIONS.
  • 67. Introduction: Lights in the Dark Side. Travis Langley: “Life on this planet is too brief to plod mundanely through it when our minds can appreciate so much more.” William James: “We are all ready to be savage in some cause. The difference between a good man and a bad one IS THE CHOICE [...].”
  • 68. A Discussion with Darth Maul: Sam Witwer Interview on the Antithesis of Self-Actualization. Jenna Busch and Travis Langley: “Witwer: In the film [Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace], he’s a well-trained apprentice who had all this potential. He was anxious. He was confident. He was in control and eager to prove himself to his master. Things didn’t really go as well as he’d hoped. He got cut in half and sent down a bottomless pit and that’s not really good for anyone. But he survived. He survived because of the absolute self-obsession that fuels the Sith.” THIS “ABSOLUTE SELF-OBSESSION” IS INDISPENSABLE “IN THE INITIATIC PROCESS”. Contrary to what the non-esoteric “people Maintain”.
  • 69. 'Awakening will bring Altruism', equal to no sense of separation, but in order TO ACCESS THIS, YOU MUST 'FIRST DIE to this world'; die 'to your ego-centrism'. Don't try 'to get rid of your ego' in the process of awakening; ego is 'actually THE MAIN CHARACTER IN IT'. This ego that WILL BE DESTROYED 'in the process', when you will understand 'who you are'.
  • 70. Joseph Campbell: “All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, ARE WITHIN YOU.”
  • 71. From The World According to Star Wars by Cass R. Sunstein: “Star Wars unifies people.” NO. This Sense of UNITY IS 'YOUR OWN NATURE', HIDDEN BEHIND 'THIS PARTICULARISM'. Particularism inherent 'to the Mental activity, Mental activity that cuts and classifies all the time'. IF YOU CAN 'ISOLATE THIS MIND'; the Condition of awakening; then 'YOU WILL SEE YOUR TRUE NATURE': hidden 'behind the mind'.
  • 72. “Star Wars offers a modern version of a universal tale: the Hero’s Journey. Lucas was self-conscious about this, drawing directly on Joseph Campbell’s wildly influential book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, which sets out the central life events that unify countless myths. In its essentials, the hero’s journey is the tale of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, and Muhammad—and also Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, Jessica Jones, and Luke Skywalker (and Anakin, too, and also Rey, and possibly Finn and Kylo).” Yes. Myth is Awakening; 'to understand One's true nature'.
  • 74. “The Hero’s Journey has deep psychological resonance. It taps directly into the recesses of the human psyche. Whoever you are, IT’S YOUR TALE AS WELL.”
  • 75. “Star Wars also makes a bold claim about freedom of choice.” The “freedom of choice” that has been denied since the advent of the 'collectivist doctrine'. We have seen it again 'with the collectivist treatment of Covid' in the West. Which cannot 'get rid of this collectivist mentality' because the West has no more esoteric tradition. No more initiatic support 'for the Young'. It is historically the West that has created all 'these COLLECTIVIST IDEOLOGIES' because the Westerner, as a non-initiate, perceives 'an exterior', whereas 'these are only perceptions'.
  • 76. Hence the feeling of 'INCOMPLETENESS'. Hence the Racist FEAR OF DIFFERENCE. Hence the last 200 years of the West. And I 'don't want to be TOO PESSIMISTIC', but the episode of 'the collectivist treatment of covid in the West' SHOWS ME that I am right to be afraid of the West 'which will end up 'recreating' SOME FORM OF COLLECTIVISM and 'millions of dead'. Just as people did not want to face the Reality in the time of arrival of Bolshevism and Nazism; the West 'does not want to see the next collectivist wave coming'. AND YET IT WILL COME AS SURELY as it is programmed to come 'BY THE PASSIVITY OF THE WESTERNER'.
  • 77. That LITTLE CHILD who is Afraid of life and don't want to grow up.
  • 78. “That’s the hidden message and the real magic of Star Wars—and the foundation of its rousing TRIBUTE TO HUMAN FREEDOM.” It's this same freedom that the Westerner does not want, and refuses for 1800 years, supported 'by the monotheistic egocentric doctrine. But 'once again', the Westerner will not face 'HIS DEMONS', and they will swallow him up, AS THEY HAVE BEEN SWALLOWED UP HIM FOR 1800 YEARS.