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By: Kristin Jeppson
Grace Mohs
Caleb Tate
Jaren Goldston
Jacklyn Ferrari
Paul, originally known as Saul of Tarsus was an apostle. He
taught and spread the gospel of Christ and is considered one of
the most important figures of Christianity today. He was
originally named Saul and was a prominent persecutor of
Christians. In Acts: 9 of the Bible, While Paul was traveling from
Jerusalem to Damascus during a mission of persecution, Jesus
Christ appeared in a great light that blinded him for three days.
The books of the Bible titled, “Romans, First and Second
Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First
and Second Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon and
debatably Hebrews” are books considered to be written by Paul
that Show him soon after spreading the word of God and the
gospel that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God to areas of
the world such as Asia Minor and Europe.
Darth Vader
Darth Vader, originally known as Anakin Skywalker was a Sith Lord. He
assassinated his master, Darth Sidious saving the galaxy from a
tyrannical fate under the Galactic Empire and ultimately brought the
balance to the dark and light side of the force. He was originally
named Anakin Skywalker and was a slave on the planet of Tatooine. He
was discovered by Jedi and was predicted by a Jedi master to become
a prominent member of the jedi order. During his rise through the
ranks of the Jedi, he was conflicted with hate and anxiety over loved
ones dying around him and the possibility of stopping any further loss
brought him to the dark side. He then became one of the most
powerful Sith Lords in existence, but saw his folly while witnessing his
master, Darth Sidious electrocuting his son, Luke Skywalker, to death.
He killed his Master, but was fatally wounded in the process. Though
his body died, the force was so strong with him that he remained alive
in spirit only and dwelt in the light side of the force from then on.
Although Darth Vader had two drastic transformations,
both he and Paul, in the end, transformed from bad to
good. They were also, whether bad or good, both
prominent and important figures in the world around them.
Paul was a well-known prosecutor of Christians and then
became a well-known follower and evangelist of Christian
teachings. Vader was a well-known Jedi, a well known Sith
lord, and then a well-known master of the force in his
afterlife as well. They both also had major impacts on the
world around them. Christianity wouldn’t exist in the west
of the world if it weren’t for Paul’s evangelism. The far away
galaxy long ago would have self destructed under Darth
Sidious’s rule if it weren’t for Darth Vader.
So What?
“Using popular culture as a medium for theological reflection can
provide an important means of exploring essential questions
about our existence in ways that connect with the symbols,
concepts, and concerns of contemporary culture” (Lynch, pg. 41).
From the book “understanding theology and popular culture,”
specifically chapter 2, “Why Should Theologians and Scholars of
Religion Study Popular Culture,” Gordon Lynch is saying that we
can use both theology and popular culture in tandem to help
tackle important question as to why we are here. The similarity
between Paul the apostle and Darth Vader allows us to realize
Paul’s true contribution to the world today. We can appreciate
how a person that was a prominent figure in his day, like Darth
Vader in his, can have a complete transformation for good and
save the world from an evil fate.
Pivotal moment where Darth Vader is
similar to Paul the Apostle
God is a tough figure to describe. In Exodus 33:13,18 God
describes himself to Moses as “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful
and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and
truth,… by no means clearing the guilty” (34:5-7). Every day, God
reveals himself to us, but in an abundance of varying ways. God
is knowable for he created the universe and God is also forgiving
of our sins, though sometimes we can find ourselves being
condemned for it at first. Perhaps the most well known qualities
unique of God are his all knowing and all powerful abilities. Not
one other person or figure will ever possess those qualities,
leaving God to be the most high. In addition, God is a guiding
figure in our lives and He is someone we turn to when we are
suffering, sad, thankful, and more.
Yoda, a legendary Jedi master and, according to, is
“…wise and powerful, he trained Jedi for over 800 years, playing
integral roles in the Clone Wars, the instruction of Luke
Skywalker, and unlocking the immorality”. He is arguably the
most powerful and wisest Jedi Master in the galaxy. Yoda trained
many Jedi’s, including the most notable Obi-Wan Kenobi and
Luke Skywalker. Yoda oversaw many battles and defeated evil,
such as the Dark Jedi. In addition to this, Yoda had a talent for
sensing the future and this added to his profound knowledge of
the Force. Many view Yoda as a grandfather figure for he trains
the Jedi’s to their extremes, yet also possesses a comforting and
caring side. Many Jedi’s have gone to Yoda for advice and have
grown more confident because of this.
It is without a doubt that both Yoda and God posses similar
attributes. Their all-knowing wisdom that stems from their
experiences since the beginning of time is possibly the best
correlation God and Yoda have with each other. One of Yoda’s
most famous lines from the Star Wars franchise is “Fear leads to
anger, anger leads to hate, hate...leads to suffering." Yoda, being
a guiding figure to the Jedi’s and emphasizing the importance of
good in the world, is similar to that of God’s desire for good to
rule in the world. The Bible states that, “For God gave us a spirit
not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy
1:7 ESV). Both God and Yoda promote peace and oppose hate.
They are full of endless wisdom and guidance that have helped
shape the lives of people and characters.
So What?
Though the connections of figures in the Bible to characters in
the Star Wars movies were not directly deliberate, the idea of
leaving the characters up to some interpretation is what makes
theology connect to popular culture in this instance. Gordon
Lynch explains the importance of “writing theology in an
accessible way for a wider audience” (Lynch, 93). Star Wars,
because of its popularity, has the ability to connect to a large
audience because of the varying ways one can interpret the
movie and its characters. In this instance, as a Catholic, I have
interpreted the movie through scenes in the Bible and its
characters. Lynch writes about the importance of theology being
as inclusive as possible, and the connection one can have to the
message in Star Wars no matter their religious affiliation proves
that theology can have a connection to popular culture.
Moment where Yoda is similar to
In mainstream Christianity, Satan stands for “The opposer” who at
one point in time was an angel that fell from the ranks of Heaven to
become God’s rival. Satan has become the personification of evil and
whenever his name is spoken there are always fears that come with
the name. Many know Satan as the Serpent that tempted Adam and
Eve in The Garden of Eden which brought forth sin in the Book of
Genesis. There are many stories of Satan in many books and about his
demonic possessions of good people and waging war against God.
The Book of Daniel prophesized the tribulational period and states
that Satan will be bound to Earth for a thousand years where in time
Armageddon will begin where Good and Evil will have one final battle
once and for all, where Satan and his followers will be defeated and a
new Earth in addition to a new Heaven will be created where there is
no mortal sin. (Revelation 20 NKJV) Satan is the enemy of God that
constantly is at odds with all that is good and holy.
Darth Sidious
Also known as Emperor Palpatine, he is one of the most feared in Star Wars
lore and has had a mission for over a thousand years to overthrow the
Republic and the Jedi Order. At a young age, he killed his father and lead a
double life under his mentor Darth Plagueis who he eventually murdered as
well when he felt he was more than sufficient to be the leader of the Dark
side. Being so powerful and deceitful, he was able to conceal his true
intentions and power to all for years. He orchestrated the Clone Wars and is
also well known to have converted Luke Skywalker, or better known as Darth
Vader, to the Dark Side with the temptation of being able to save his wife if he
harnessed the power of the Dark Side. Palpatine eventually abandoned his
light hearted ways to rule with terror and helped to create the Death Star,
which is what the Star Wars universe is based upon and are always led to
destroy. Eventually, Palpatine meets his demise with the takeover and
destruction of the Death Star and his former adversary Darth Vader killing
him once he realizes the destruction that has been created as a result of his
We find that in the Bible Satan is at constant battle with God,
eventually with the prophecies leading to a huge war that God
eventually wins. The story of Star Wars is very similar in the
sense that Palpatine wages war with the Clone Wars that lasts
for countless amounts of years, and eventually good overcomes
evil with the eventual demise of Palpatine and seemingly no
more terror (sin in terms of Armageddon) with this instance.
Also, Palpatine is also well known in the stories of Star Wars as
being the “serpent” that sways Luke into coming over to the dark
side. The other idea that is similar with biblical stories is how
when you think of God you think of Satin and with Satin comes
terror and fear. In the Star Wars universe, you think the exact
same way. With Star Wars comes Luke Skywalker which also
comes Emperor Palpatine and his reign of terror and fear.
So What?
If we go to Lynch, in the first chapter he talks about functionalist and
substantive points of view. (23) in this section he states that substantive point
of view for religion is considered having a deity/supernatural force that guides
these “core elements” of a religion to be what it is. That is exactly what Star
Wars is composed of. We have the dark side and the deity/supernatural force
being Darth Sideous and his followers like Darth Vader and then we have the
good side where the deity is known normally as being Yoda and his followers
being Luke and the primary gang. The interesting approach is that this is a
touchy aspect of modern culture as anything could almost be considered a
religion, but if you dive a little deeper into the lore of Star Wars and these
figures, you begin to see that they played with the substantive point of view
by splitting two factions apart and having key figures be the leaders who also
happen to not just have supernatural powers, but be the strongest foes/allies
you could have on your side. The Star Wars lore is all based around a fantasy
religion in this instance being the Jedi. Looking further into the substantive
approach it fits closely with what Star Wars represents and how it was
created with these important figures that many in this universe praise at the
head of it all.
Moment where Darth Sidious is
similar to Satan:
Samuel was a child who was able to find favor with the Lord. (1 Samuel 2:26) He served under Eli - Eli’s
sons were meant to continue Eli’s legacy as the priest, but both were “wicked” and “immoral.” (1
Samuel 2:17) Samuel heard someone calling him in the night and realized it was God, who was giving
him a message to tell Eli: that He would “judge his family forever because…his sons blasphemed God,
and he failed to restrain them.” (1 Samuel 3: 13) From that point, Israel began to recognize Samuel’s
significance, and God continued to reveal His word through Samuel. (1 Samuel 3: 19-21)
While the Israelites were at war with the Philistines, Israel was defeated, and they brought the ark of
the covenant into their camp. (1 Samuel 4: 3) The Philistines became afraid, yet Israel was defeated
once again, losing 30,000 men. (1 Samuel 4: 10) Eli’s sons were killed, the ark of the covenant was
captured - upon this news Eli fell backwards and died. (1 Samuel 4: 17-18)
Samuel became the new leader of Israel upon the death of Eli and remained a leader throughout his
life. (1 Samuel 7: 16) Samuel’s sons, much like Eli’s sons, were disobedient to the ways of the Lord. (1
Samuel 8: 3) Despite Samuel sending a message to the people of Israel that replacing him as King would
result in peril, they continued to refuse Samuel as their leader and asked him for a new leader – the
Lord told Samuel to “Listen to them and give them a king.” (1 Samuel 8: 5-21)
The Lord told Samuel, “I will send you a man…Anoint him ruler over my people Israel; he will deliver
them from the hand of the Philistines.” 1 Samuel 9: 15) That man was Saul. Samuel anointed Saul, and
God “changed Saul’s heart.” (1 Samuel 10)
During Samuel’s farewell speech to Israel, he showed the people and helped them realize that he
was their true King all along, the one and only sent by God to rule over them, and regardless of
the fact that he was always on their side, they rejected him and embraced Saul instead. (1 Samuel
12) He warned them that if they “persisted in this evil” there would be consequences, and that
they should continue from this point to listen to the word of God. (1 Samuel 12: 20-24)
Saul went on to rule Israel for over forty years, and went against the Lord’s command – so Samuel
called him out for doing “a foolish thing.” (1 Samuel 13: 11-13) Eventually, the Lord
communicated to Samuel that He regretted making Saul king. (1 Samuel 15: 11) Samuel
confronted Saul and refused to take Saul back since he had rejected the Lord’s word, and Samuel
killed Agag, the Amalekite king. (1 Samuel 15: 33) Finally, it is stated in the bible that “Until the
day Samuel died, he did not go to see Saul again, though Samuel mourned for him.” (1 Samuel
The Lord then sent for Samuel to go to Jesse of Bethlehem, for one of his sons would be the next
king, and Samuel was to anoint the son that the Lord would point out to him. (1 Samuel 16: 1-3)
Upon seeing the sons, the Lord had to note to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his
height…the Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:17) The Lord chose the youngest brother, the one
tending sheep – and his name was David.
Saul heard that the Lord was with David, and that he was a fine young man. (1 Samuel 16: 18)
David went on to be amazingly successful under Saul’s troops, and was well loved by Israel and
Judah. Saul feared David because he knew the Lord was with him, and began to live a life
attempting to take David down. Eventually, Saul is able to use a medium to call to Samuel. (1
Samuel 28: 14) Samuel shared with him that the Lord had given his kingdom to David, who had
favor with the Lord, unlike Saul. (1 Samuel 28: 17) Eventually, out of fear, Saul falls on his sword
and dies.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Originally a student under Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s contribution to the Star Wars saga
really began with his defeat of the Sith Lord, Darth Maul. After this he became a true Jedi, and reversed roles
by becoming a Jedi Master (teacher) to Anakin Skywalker. During this time he goes on great missions and
becomes a war hero, despite the fact that he was nearly defeated in a battle with the new Sith Lord, County
As the saga continues, Obi-Wan is forced to realize the truth about Anakin Skywalker when it is revealed to
Obi-Wan that Anakin led a mass-murder of every Jedi in the Jedi Temple. Anakin is now the Sith apprentice,
Darth Vader, and Obi-Wan confronts him and supposedly defeats him – until Vader is rescued by Sidious and
is re-born.
Years later, now known as Ben Kenobi, he approaches Luke Skywalker, Anakin’s son, to train him as a Jedi.
Even though Kenobi tells Luke that Vader is his fathers murderer, Luke doesn’t agree to follow Obi-Wan until
his aunt and uncle are killed by Vader’s troops. He begins training Luke to use the force, and on a journey to
Alderaan to continue this training, Obi-Wan and Luke (now joined by Han Solo and Chewbacca) in the
Millennium Falcon are attacked by an Imperial ship. Obi-Wan is able to distract Darth Vader enough so that
the rest can escape, but he is struck by Vader and disappears.
Throughout the final installments of the Star Wars saga, Obi-Wan is present as a spirit, helping Luke
throughout the rest of his training and his journey. He eventually reveals to Luke that Darth Vader was his
father all along, and is seen at the end of the final installment of the original trilogy during the celebration of
the Death Star being destroyed with Yoda and Anakin.
Overall, Obi-Wan is known as one of the greatest heroes in the Star Wars story, and is thought of as one of
the ultimate Jedi masters. His impact to this story is always present and he seems to assume the role
(especially in the later films) as the wise, respectable trainer who continues his legacy by bestowing his
knowledge and skill into his training of Luke Skywalker.
Though there are differences in the lives of Samuel and Obi-Wan Kenobi, their stories are overwhelmingly
similar, and the core of their lives and legacies share a striking resemblance. From living their lives as
“chosen” ones to deliver a special plan, to their partnerships with other important contributors to their
societies that turned evil, so many portions of each of their stories are the same. Both Obi-Wan and Samuel
were such important figures to their significant societies, even though both were questioned by their people
at one point or another, both were ended up being eternally recognized as great and significant leaders.
Upon the death of Eli, Samuel began his life as the new leader of Israel – much like when Obi-Wan proved
himself and was able to surpass his teacher, Qui-Gon Jinn and become the new Jedi Master. During Samuel’s
life, he struggled with Saul, who was once a great King but lost favor with the Lord and turned to a “dark”
side – much like Anakin, Obi-Wan’s student who was once great and good, until he used his power to turn to
the dark side. Ultimately Obi-Wan defeats Darth Sidious and Samuel defeats Agag, leading to the next steps
in each of these leaders’ legacies. The Lord instructed Samuel to seek out the next great ruler, and he found
David – who came from a humble background, and ended up being one of the greatest and most significant
powers in the bible. This is much like Obi-Wan seeking out Luke Skywalker, who lived on a small farm and
eventually became a great Jedi-master who ultimately defeated Darth Vader. It was because of fear of
David’s power that Saul ended up being his own downfall. Eventually Darth Vader meets his end at the hands
of Luke as well.
It is also significant in the Bible that Samuel returns in a vision to Saul, as in the Star Wars saga Obi-Wan
returns in visions after his death as well. Overall, both Samuel and Obi-Wan share similar stories and similar
traits. Both died as respected individuals, who were able to pass their legacy on to some of the most
important characters of their respective “stories,” who would ultimately defeat each of their respective
companions who turned evil.
Relations in our Text
In their work, “Raising Cain, Fleeing Egypt, and Fighting the
Philistines”, Mark McEntire and Joel Emerson so adequately
sum up the heart of Samuel’s story when they state, “The
failures of Saul, whether they are his fault or the result of
Samuel’s manipulation, set the stage for Israel’s greatest
King.” (McEntire & Emerson, pg. 50) This is directly related
to the idea that Obi-Wan was able to overcome the turmoil
Anakin led him to when he recognized Luke was the next
great Jedi who would be the new and extremely significant
leader. In the Bible, Samuel is significantly known as one of
the first great rulers – he truly paved the way for David,
possibly one of the most important people in the Bible.
(McEntire & Emerson, pg. 52-53)
Luke Skywalker
Luke skywalker, son of Anakin Skywalker (Darth
Vader), was adopted by a family on Tatooine, the
same planet his father was raised as well. The Star
Wars saga takes him from a teenage boy to a Jedi
saving the Galaxy several times from the Galactic
Empire either by leading a rebel fleet to destroying
the Empire’s super weapon or personally facing the
sith lords (Vader and Sidious). He is the epitome of
good and, besides having brief points of struggle in
his mastering of the force and focus on the bigger
picture of winning the war, he lives for the salvation
of others.
Born to his earthy parents in a manger. Jesus is
tempted by the devil a lot throughout the Bible but
never gives into Satan. He had a perfectly
compassionate nature and was full of kindness,
selflessness and order. He was put on Earth as part of
the triune God – along with the Father and Holy Spirit –
and his earthly life was dedicated to a mission, which
he fulfilled. By living a sin-less life and dying on the
cross, he was resurrected after three days and
conquered death.
Luke was raised on a farm by his aunt and uncle while Darth
Vader was his real father, just as Jesus was born to Mary
and Joseph while God was his real father. Luke was tempted
by the dark side just as Jesus was tempted by Satan. Luke
also had followers that believed he
was the foundation of achieving a better tomorrow and
who also had faith in him and the force just like Jesus had
his disciples and still does to this day.The Dark side is our
temptations with belief in Jesus that he'll lead us to a better
tomorrow. Luke is viewed as the same in this universe.
So What?
Mathew 26 Verse 52: Then Jesus says to him “Put your sword
back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the
sword.” This verse is a pivotal example of how Jesus’ life is so
similar to Luke’s. In the following scene from Star Wars, Darth
Sidious tempts Luke by saying, “Pick up your lightsaber and
strike me down with it.” Both Jesus and Luke resist temptation,
and are triumphant in what the missions they set out to fulfill.
You can see in the essay “Jesus of the Moon: Nick Cave’s
Christology” how Jesus Christ can become a familiar figure in
our popular culture. Just like Nick Cave relates himself to Jesus,
we can do the same through the character of Luke Skywalker in
Star Wars. As already seen, Luke possesses Jesus Christ-like
traits that we can all learn from and apply to our own lives.
(Colbartson 127-137).
Moment where Luke is similar to

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Star wars presentation

  • 1. By: Kristin Jeppson Grace Mohs Caleb Tate Jaren Goldston Jacklyn Ferrari
  • 2.
  • 3. Paul Paul, originally known as Saul of Tarsus was an apostle. He taught and spread the gospel of Christ and is considered one of the most important figures of Christianity today. He was originally named Saul and was a prominent persecutor of Christians. In Acts: 9 of the Bible, While Paul was traveling from Jerusalem to Damascus during a mission of persecution, Jesus Christ appeared in a great light that blinded him for three days. The books of the Bible titled, “Romans, First and Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon and debatably Hebrews” are books considered to be written by Paul that Show him soon after spreading the word of God and the gospel that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God to areas of the world such as Asia Minor and Europe.
  • 4. Darth Vader Darth Vader, originally known as Anakin Skywalker was a Sith Lord. He assassinated his master, Darth Sidious saving the galaxy from a tyrannical fate under the Galactic Empire and ultimately brought the balance to the dark and light side of the force. He was originally named Anakin Skywalker and was a slave on the planet of Tatooine. He was discovered by Jedi and was predicted by a Jedi master to become a prominent member of the jedi order. During his rise through the ranks of the Jedi, he was conflicted with hate and anxiety over loved ones dying around him and the possibility of stopping any further loss brought him to the dark side. He then became one of the most powerful Sith Lords in existence, but saw his folly while witnessing his master, Darth Sidious electrocuting his son, Luke Skywalker, to death. He killed his Master, but was fatally wounded in the process. Though his body died, the force was so strong with him that he remained alive in spirit only and dwelt in the light side of the force from then on.
  • 5. Similarities Although Darth Vader had two drastic transformations, both he and Paul, in the end, transformed from bad to good. They were also, whether bad or good, both prominent and important figures in the world around them. Paul was a well-known prosecutor of Christians and then became a well-known follower and evangelist of Christian teachings. Vader was a well-known Jedi, a well known Sith lord, and then a well-known master of the force in his afterlife as well. They both also had major impacts on the world around them. Christianity wouldn’t exist in the west of the world if it weren’t for Paul’s evangelism. The far away galaxy long ago would have self destructed under Darth Sidious’s rule if it weren’t for Darth Vader.
  • 6. So What? “Using popular culture as a medium for theological reflection can provide an important means of exploring essential questions about our existence in ways that connect with the symbols, concepts, and concerns of contemporary culture” (Lynch, pg. 41). From the book “understanding theology and popular culture,” specifically chapter 2, “Why Should Theologians and Scholars of Religion Study Popular Culture,” Gordon Lynch is saying that we can use both theology and popular culture in tandem to help tackle important question as to why we are here. The similarity between Paul the apostle and Darth Vader allows us to realize Paul’s true contribution to the world today. We can appreciate how a person that was a prominent figure in his day, like Darth Vader in his, can have a complete transformation for good and save the world from an evil fate.
  • 7. Pivotal moment where Darth Vader is similar to Paul the Apostle
  • 8.
  • 9. God God is a tough figure to describe. In Exodus 33:13,18 God describes himself to Moses as “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth,… by no means clearing the guilty” (34:5-7). Every day, God reveals himself to us, but in an abundance of varying ways. God is knowable for he created the universe and God is also forgiving of our sins, though sometimes we can find ourselves being condemned for it at first. Perhaps the most well known qualities unique of God are his all knowing and all powerful abilities. Not one other person or figure will ever possess those qualities, leaving God to be the most high. In addition, God is a guiding figure in our lives and He is someone we turn to when we are suffering, sad, thankful, and more.
  • 10. Yoda Yoda, a legendary Jedi master and, according to, is “…wise and powerful, he trained Jedi for over 800 years, playing integral roles in the Clone Wars, the instruction of Luke Skywalker, and unlocking the immorality”. He is arguably the most powerful and wisest Jedi Master in the galaxy. Yoda trained many Jedi’s, including the most notable Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. Yoda oversaw many battles and defeated evil, such as the Dark Jedi. In addition to this, Yoda had a talent for sensing the future and this added to his profound knowledge of the Force. Many view Yoda as a grandfather figure for he trains the Jedi’s to their extremes, yet also possesses a comforting and caring side. Many Jedi’s have gone to Yoda for advice and have grown more confident because of this.
  • 11. Similarities It is without a doubt that both Yoda and God posses similar attributes. Their all-knowing wisdom that stems from their experiences since the beginning of time is possibly the best correlation God and Yoda have with each other. One of Yoda’s most famous lines from the Star Wars franchise is “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate...leads to suffering." Yoda, being a guiding figure to the Jedi’s and emphasizing the importance of good in the world, is similar to that of God’s desire for good to rule in the world. The Bible states that, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV). Both God and Yoda promote peace and oppose hate. They are full of endless wisdom and guidance that have helped shape the lives of people and characters.
  • 12. So What? Though the connections of figures in the Bible to characters in the Star Wars movies were not directly deliberate, the idea of leaving the characters up to some interpretation is what makes theology connect to popular culture in this instance. Gordon Lynch explains the importance of “writing theology in an accessible way for a wider audience” (Lynch, 93). Star Wars, because of its popularity, has the ability to connect to a large audience because of the varying ways one can interpret the movie and its characters. In this instance, as a Catholic, I have interpreted the movie through scenes in the Bible and its characters. Lynch writes about the importance of theology being as inclusive as possible, and the connection one can have to the message in Star Wars no matter their religious affiliation proves that theology can have a connection to popular culture.
  • 13. Moment where Yoda is similar to God:
  • 14.
  • 15. Satan In mainstream Christianity, Satan stands for “The opposer” who at one point in time was an angel that fell from the ranks of Heaven to become God’s rival. Satan has become the personification of evil and whenever his name is spoken there are always fears that come with the name. Many know Satan as the Serpent that tempted Adam and Eve in The Garden of Eden which brought forth sin in the Book of Genesis. There are many stories of Satan in many books and about his demonic possessions of good people and waging war against God. The Book of Daniel prophesized the tribulational period and states that Satan will be bound to Earth for a thousand years where in time Armageddon will begin where Good and Evil will have one final battle once and for all, where Satan and his followers will be defeated and a new Earth in addition to a new Heaven will be created where there is no mortal sin. (Revelation 20 NKJV) Satan is the enemy of God that constantly is at odds with all that is good and holy.
  • 16. Darth Sidious Also known as Emperor Palpatine, he is one of the most feared in Star Wars lore and has had a mission for over a thousand years to overthrow the Republic and the Jedi Order. At a young age, he killed his father and lead a double life under his mentor Darth Plagueis who he eventually murdered as well when he felt he was more than sufficient to be the leader of the Dark side. Being so powerful and deceitful, he was able to conceal his true intentions and power to all for years. He orchestrated the Clone Wars and is also well known to have converted Luke Skywalker, or better known as Darth Vader, to the Dark Side with the temptation of being able to save his wife if he harnessed the power of the Dark Side. Palpatine eventually abandoned his light hearted ways to rule with terror and helped to create the Death Star, which is what the Star Wars universe is based upon and are always led to destroy. Eventually, Palpatine meets his demise with the takeover and destruction of the Death Star and his former adversary Darth Vader killing him once he realizes the destruction that has been created as a result of his ways.
  • 17. Similarities We find that in the Bible Satan is at constant battle with God, eventually with the prophecies leading to a huge war that God eventually wins. The story of Star Wars is very similar in the sense that Palpatine wages war with the Clone Wars that lasts for countless amounts of years, and eventually good overcomes evil with the eventual demise of Palpatine and seemingly no more terror (sin in terms of Armageddon) with this instance. Also, Palpatine is also well known in the stories of Star Wars as being the “serpent” that sways Luke into coming over to the dark side. The other idea that is similar with biblical stories is how when you think of God you think of Satin and with Satin comes terror and fear. In the Star Wars universe, you think the exact same way. With Star Wars comes Luke Skywalker which also comes Emperor Palpatine and his reign of terror and fear.
  • 18. So What? If we go to Lynch, in the first chapter he talks about functionalist and substantive points of view. (23) in this section he states that substantive point of view for religion is considered having a deity/supernatural force that guides these “core elements” of a religion to be what it is. That is exactly what Star Wars is composed of. We have the dark side and the deity/supernatural force being Darth Sideous and his followers like Darth Vader and then we have the good side where the deity is known normally as being Yoda and his followers being Luke and the primary gang. The interesting approach is that this is a touchy aspect of modern culture as anything could almost be considered a religion, but if you dive a little deeper into the lore of Star Wars and these figures, you begin to see that they played with the substantive point of view by splitting two factions apart and having key figures be the leaders who also happen to not just have supernatural powers, but be the strongest foes/allies you could have on your side. The Star Wars lore is all based around a fantasy religion in this instance being the Jedi. Looking further into the substantive approach it fits closely with what Star Wars represents and how it was created with these important figures that many in this universe praise at the head of it all.
  • 19. Moment where Darth Sidious is similar to Satan:
  • 20.
  • 21. Samuel Samuel was a child who was able to find favor with the Lord. (1 Samuel 2:26) He served under Eli - Eli’s sons were meant to continue Eli’s legacy as the priest, but both were “wicked” and “immoral.” (1 Samuel 2:17) Samuel heard someone calling him in the night and realized it was God, who was giving him a message to tell Eli: that He would “judge his family forever because…his sons blasphemed God, and he failed to restrain them.” (1 Samuel 3: 13) From that point, Israel began to recognize Samuel’s significance, and God continued to reveal His word through Samuel. (1 Samuel 3: 19-21) While the Israelites were at war with the Philistines, Israel was defeated, and they brought the ark of the covenant into their camp. (1 Samuel 4: 3) The Philistines became afraid, yet Israel was defeated once again, losing 30,000 men. (1 Samuel 4: 10) Eli’s sons were killed, the ark of the covenant was captured - upon this news Eli fell backwards and died. (1 Samuel 4: 17-18) Samuel became the new leader of Israel upon the death of Eli and remained a leader throughout his life. (1 Samuel 7: 16) Samuel’s sons, much like Eli’s sons, were disobedient to the ways of the Lord. (1 Samuel 8: 3) Despite Samuel sending a message to the people of Israel that replacing him as King would result in peril, they continued to refuse Samuel as their leader and asked him for a new leader – the Lord told Samuel to “Listen to them and give them a king.” (1 Samuel 8: 5-21) The Lord told Samuel, “I will send you a man…Anoint him ruler over my people Israel; he will deliver them from the hand of the Philistines.” 1 Samuel 9: 15) That man was Saul. Samuel anointed Saul, and God “changed Saul’s heart.” (1 Samuel 10)
  • 22. ….. During Samuel’s farewell speech to Israel, he showed the people and helped them realize that he was their true King all along, the one and only sent by God to rule over them, and regardless of the fact that he was always on their side, they rejected him and embraced Saul instead. (1 Samuel 12) He warned them that if they “persisted in this evil” there would be consequences, and that they should continue from this point to listen to the word of God. (1 Samuel 12: 20-24) Saul went on to rule Israel for over forty years, and went against the Lord’s command – so Samuel called him out for doing “a foolish thing.” (1 Samuel 13: 11-13) Eventually, the Lord communicated to Samuel that He regretted making Saul king. (1 Samuel 15: 11) Samuel confronted Saul and refused to take Saul back since he had rejected the Lord’s word, and Samuel killed Agag, the Amalekite king. (1 Samuel 15: 33) Finally, it is stated in the bible that “Until the day Samuel died, he did not go to see Saul again, though Samuel mourned for him.” (1 Samuel 15:35) The Lord then sent for Samuel to go to Jesse of Bethlehem, for one of his sons would be the next king, and Samuel was to anoint the son that the Lord would point out to him. (1 Samuel 16: 1-3) Upon seeing the sons, the Lord had to note to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height…the Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:17) The Lord chose the youngest brother, the one tending sheep – and his name was David. Saul heard that the Lord was with David, and that he was a fine young man. (1 Samuel 16: 18) David went on to be amazingly successful under Saul’s troops, and was well loved by Israel and Judah. Saul feared David because he knew the Lord was with him, and began to live a life attempting to take David down. Eventually, Saul is able to use a medium to call to Samuel. (1 Samuel 28: 14) Samuel shared with him that the Lord had given his kingdom to David, who had favor with the Lord, unlike Saul. (1 Samuel 28: 17) Eventually, out of fear, Saul falls on his sword and dies.
  • 23. Obi-Wan Kenobi Originally a student under Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s contribution to the Star Wars saga really began with his defeat of the Sith Lord, Darth Maul. After this he became a true Jedi, and reversed roles by becoming a Jedi Master (teacher) to Anakin Skywalker. During this time he goes on great missions and becomes a war hero, despite the fact that he was nearly defeated in a battle with the new Sith Lord, County Dooku. As the saga continues, Obi-Wan is forced to realize the truth about Anakin Skywalker when it is revealed to Obi-Wan that Anakin led a mass-murder of every Jedi in the Jedi Temple. Anakin is now the Sith apprentice, Darth Vader, and Obi-Wan confronts him and supposedly defeats him – until Vader is rescued by Sidious and is re-born. Years later, now known as Ben Kenobi, he approaches Luke Skywalker, Anakin’s son, to train him as a Jedi. Even though Kenobi tells Luke that Vader is his fathers murderer, Luke doesn’t agree to follow Obi-Wan until his aunt and uncle are killed by Vader’s troops. He begins training Luke to use the force, and on a journey to Alderaan to continue this training, Obi-Wan and Luke (now joined by Han Solo and Chewbacca) in the Millennium Falcon are attacked by an Imperial ship. Obi-Wan is able to distract Darth Vader enough so that the rest can escape, but he is struck by Vader and disappears. Throughout the final installments of the Star Wars saga, Obi-Wan is present as a spirit, helping Luke throughout the rest of his training and his journey. He eventually reveals to Luke that Darth Vader was his father all along, and is seen at the end of the final installment of the original trilogy during the celebration of the Death Star being destroyed with Yoda and Anakin. Overall, Obi-Wan is known as one of the greatest heroes in the Star Wars story, and is thought of as one of the ultimate Jedi masters. His impact to this story is always present and he seems to assume the role (especially in the later films) as the wise, respectable trainer who continues his legacy by bestowing his knowledge and skill into his training of Luke Skywalker.
  • 24. Similarities Though there are differences in the lives of Samuel and Obi-Wan Kenobi, their stories are overwhelmingly similar, and the core of their lives and legacies share a striking resemblance. From living their lives as “chosen” ones to deliver a special plan, to their partnerships with other important contributors to their societies that turned evil, so many portions of each of their stories are the same. Both Obi-Wan and Samuel were such important figures to their significant societies, even though both were questioned by their people at one point or another, both were ended up being eternally recognized as great and significant leaders. Upon the death of Eli, Samuel began his life as the new leader of Israel – much like when Obi-Wan proved himself and was able to surpass his teacher, Qui-Gon Jinn and become the new Jedi Master. During Samuel’s life, he struggled with Saul, who was once a great King but lost favor with the Lord and turned to a “dark” side – much like Anakin, Obi-Wan’s student who was once great and good, until he used his power to turn to the dark side. Ultimately Obi-Wan defeats Darth Sidious and Samuel defeats Agag, leading to the next steps in each of these leaders’ legacies. The Lord instructed Samuel to seek out the next great ruler, and he found David – who came from a humble background, and ended up being one of the greatest and most significant powers in the bible. This is much like Obi-Wan seeking out Luke Skywalker, who lived on a small farm and eventually became a great Jedi-master who ultimately defeated Darth Vader. It was because of fear of David’s power that Saul ended up being his own downfall. Eventually Darth Vader meets his end at the hands of Luke as well. It is also significant in the Bible that Samuel returns in a vision to Saul, as in the Star Wars saga Obi-Wan returns in visions after his death as well. Overall, both Samuel and Obi-Wan share similar stories and similar traits. Both died as respected individuals, who were able to pass their legacy on to some of the most important characters of their respective “stories,” who would ultimately defeat each of their respective companions who turned evil.
  • 25. Relations in our Text In their work, “Raising Cain, Fleeing Egypt, and Fighting the Philistines”, Mark McEntire and Joel Emerson so adequately sum up the heart of Samuel’s story when they state, “The failures of Saul, whether they are his fault or the result of Samuel’s manipulation, set the stage for Israel’s greatest King.” (McEntire & Emerson, pg. 50) This is directly related to the idea that Obi-Wan was able to overcome the turmoil Anakin led him to when he recognized Luke was the next great Jedi who would be the new and extremely significant leader. In the Bible, Samuel is significantly known as one of the first great rulers – he truly paved the way for David, possibly one of the most important people in the Bible. (McEntire & Emerson, pg. 52-53)
  • 27.
  • 28. Luke Skywalker Luke skywalker, son of Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader), was adopted by a family on Tatooine, the same planet his father was raised as well. The Star Wars saga takes him from a teenage boy to a Jedi saving the Galaxy several times from the Galactic Empire either by leading a rebel fleet to destroying the Empire’s super weapon or personally facing the sith lords (Vader and Sidious). He is the epitome of good and, besides having brief points of struggle in his mastering of the force and focus on the bigger picture of winning the war, he lives for the salvation of others.
  • 29. Jesus Born to his earthy parents in a manger. Jesus is tempted by the devil a lot throughout the Bible but never gives into Satan. He had a perfectly compassionate nature and was full of kindness, selflessness and order. He was put on Earth as part of the triune God – along with the Father and Holy Spirit – and his earthly life was dedicated to a mission, which he fulfilled. By living a sin-less life and dying on the cross, he was resurrected after three days and conquered death.
  • 30. Similarities Luke was raised on a farm by his aunt and uncle while Darth Vader was his real father, just as Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph while God was his real father. Luke was tempted by the dark side just as Jesus was tempted by Satan. Luke also had followers that believed he was the foundation of achieving a better tomorrow and who also had faith in him and the force just like Jesus had his disciples and still does to this day.The Dark side is our temptations with belief in Jesus that he'll lead us to a better tomorrow. Luke is viewed as the same in this universe.
  • 31. So What? Mathew 26 Verse 52: Then Jesus says to him “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” This verse is a pivotal example of how Jesus’ life is so similar to Luke’s. In the following scene from Star Wars, Darth Sidious tempts Luke by saying, “Pick up your lightsaber and strike me down with it.” Both Jesus and Luke resist temptation, and are triumphant in what the missions they set out to fulfill. You can see in the essay “Jesus of the Moon: Nick Cave’s Christology” how Jesus Christ can become a familiar figure in our popular culture. Just like Nick Cave relates himself to Jesus, we can do the same through the character of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. As already seen, Luke possesses Jesus Christ-like traits that we can all learn from and apply to our own lives. (Colbartson 127-137).
  • 32. Moment where Luke is similar to Jesus: