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Prof. DR. Nihaya A. AL-Telbani
Amani A. Abu Mandeel
Marketing Management (EBU2303)
Marketing Management: A survey for the material in mid-term
1. Define Marketing ? In your opinion which is the best definition ?
There are many definitions for Marketing :
1.Meeting needs of customers profitably. "This definition is the
basic definition".
2.The American Marketing Association " AMA ", offered a formal
definition : " Marketing is an organizational function and a set of
processes forcreating, communicating, and delivering value to
customers and for managing customers relationships in ways that benefit
the organization and its stake holders. "
3. Social definition: " Marketing is a social process bywhich individuals
and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering,
and freely exchanging products and services of value with others."
( b ) In my opinion, the third definition, which is " Social definition " is
the best one ; becauseit focuses on the conceptof social responsibility.
2."Exchange and transaction"
( A )What are the ways of obtaining a product?
1.Self-produce, such as, fishing, hunting, making bread .
2.Using force, such as, hold up, burglary.
3.Begging. 4.Exchange.
( B )What are the conditions for the exchange process
to exist?
We have FIVE conditions :
1.There are at least two parties.
2.Each party has something that might be of value to the
other party.
3.Each party is capable of communication and delivery.
4.Each party is free to acceptor reject the exchange offer.
5.Each party believes it is appropriate or desirable to deal
with the other party.
( C )Define " Exchange".
A process ofobtaining a desired product/service from someone by
offering something in return.
( D )What is " Transaction " and " Transfer "?
Transaction:It is a trade of values between two or more parties " traded values could be
money or
Goods orservices .
Transfer:( A ) gives ( x ) to ( B ) and does not receive anything tangible for return.
So, ( x ) is as a gift .
3."Whatis Marketed?"
1.Goods: such as, cars, refrigerators, television sets, machines …
2.Services: Airlines, hotels, car rental firms, barbers and beauticians, maintenance, doctors,
software, programs.
3.Events: major trade shows, artistic, performance, company anniversaries, Olympics, World
4.Experiences:by orchestrating several services and goods .
For example: paying to conductthe Chicago Symphony Orchestra for five minutes. OR,
Climbing Mount Everest.
5.Persons: Madonna, Oprah winfery, the Rolling Stores, Aerosmith, Michael Jordan.
6.places: Cities, states, regions, and whole nations compete; to attract tourists. are Intangible Right.
Investment companies and bank are involved in marketing securities to both institutional and
individuals investors.
8.Organization:they actively work to build a strong, favorable, and unique image in the
minds of the target publics.
9.Information:produced by schools and university to their students, partners, and
10.Ideas: from the political parties.
4.Who Markets ?
Everyone does Marketing.
Marketer:is someone who seeks a response( attention, purchase, a
vote, a donation ).
( A )What are possible demand states that the marketermay face ?
1.Negativedemand:Consumers dislike the productand may even pay a price to avoid it.
2.Nonexistent demand:Consumers may be unaware or uninterested in the product.
3.Latentdemand:Consumers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an
existing product.
4.Declining demand:Consumers begin to buy the productless frequently or not at all.
5.Irregulardemand:Consumers purchases vary on a seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily, or
even hourly basis.
6.Full demand:Consumer are adequately buying all products put into the marketplace.
7.Overfull demand:More consumers would like to buy the productthan can be satisfied.
8.Unwholesomedemand:consumers may be attracted to products that have undesirable
social consequences.
What is required as a result ?(( B
In each case, marketers must identify the problems of demand state and
then determine a plan for action to shift the demand to a more desired
5.How Business and Marketing are changing ?
/ Explain the following as changes in the Business and Marketing ?OR
There are TEN changes which is:
: the industrial age was characterized with inventory .changingtechnology1.
Much of today's business is carried on over electronic networks, internet extranets, and
:It's easier for companies to market in other countries and easier forGlobailzation2.
consumers to buy products and services from marketers in other countries.
Such as, electronic market, shopping.
:Many countries have deregulated industries to create greater completionDeregulation3.
and growth opportunities.
:Many countries have converted public companies to private ownershipzationPrivati4.
and management to increase their efficiency.
ost. "ciency : reach targets with less possiblec" Effi
es. "veness : achieve objectiv" Effecti
*Customers increasingly expect higher quality and service and some
*They perceive fewer real productdifferences and show less brand loyalty.
*Consumers shop more intelligently.
*They are showing greater price sensitivity in their search for value.
" Empowerment happened as a result of ending Monopoly, and create competition among
:The company is able to produceindividually differentiated good whetherCustomization.6
ordered in person, on the phone, or online; becauseitems are cut to order, the
company does not have to keep as much inventory around.
intense( fear ) competition fromd manufactured are facing:Branihtened competitiongHe7.
domestic ( local, internal ) and foreign ( global, external, international ) brands,
which is resulting in rising promotion costs and shrinking profit margins.
opportunities lie at the intersection of two or more: NewIndustry convergence.8
industries. Such as,
- pharmaceutical companies, at one time essentially chemical companies, are now adding
biogenetic research capacities in order to formulate new drugs.
- New cosmetics ( cosmoneuticals ) .
based retails are facing growing competition from catalog-:StoreRetail transformation9.
houses, direct-mail firms, newspaper, magazines, and TV direct-to-customer ads;
home shopping TV, and e-commerce.
So, they began building entertainment into stores with coffee bars, lectures,
demonstrations, and performance.
10. was deleted.
6.Explain the different conceptof marketing?
:The Production ConceptA.
*It's one of the oldest conceptin business.
*It holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely available and expensive.
*Managers of production-oriented business concentrate on achieving high
production efficiency.
:The Product Concept.B
* It holds that consumers will favor those products, that offer the most
quality, performance, or innovative features.
*A new or improved productwill not necessarily be successfulunless
the productis priced, distributed, advertised, and sold properly.
:The Selling ConceptC.
* It holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not
buy enough of the organization's products.
* The organization must, therefore , undertake an aggressive selling and
promotion effort.
* The selling conceptis practiced most aggressively with unsought
goods, goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as ,
insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots.
:The Marketing Concept.D
*It has emerged in the mid-1950s.
*Instead of a product-centered, " make-and-sell " philosophy, business,
shifted to customer centered, " sense-and-respond " philosophy.
*Instead of " hunting ", marketing is " gardening " .
*The job is not to find the right customers for your products, but the
rights products for your customers.
*Selling focuses on the needs of the seller; marketing on the needs of
:The Holistic Marketing ConceptE.
I am going to discuss it in the next question.
7." The Holistic Marketing Concept "
( A ) What forces calledfor a new marketing practice ?
1.Companies need fresh thinking about how to operate and compete in a
new marketing environment.
2.Marketers in the twenty-first century are increasingly recognizing the
need to have a more complete, cohesive approachthat goes beyond
traditional applications of the marketing concept.
( B ) What developed as a result ?
The Holistic Marketing Concept.
( C )List the main components of the suggestedsolutionin " B " ?
1.Relationship marketing. 2.Integrated marketing.
3.Internal marketing. 4.Social responsibility marketing.
8.Explain the components of the Holistic Marketing Concept?
*It has the aim of building mutually satisfying Long-Term relationships
with key parties( shareholders )—customers, suppliers, distributors, and
other marketing partners; in order to earn and retains their business.
*It builds strong economics, technical, and social ties among the parties.
*It involves cultivating the right kind of relationships with the right
constituent groups.
*Marketing must not only do Customer Relationship Management
( CRM ), but also PartnerRelationship Management ( PRM ).
*Marketing activities is in terms of the marketing mix, which has been
defined as: The set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursue its
marketing objectives.
*McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups, which he called
the four Ps of marketing : product, price, place, and promotion.
*Marketing-mix decisions must be made for influencing the trade
channel as well as the final consumers.
*The four Ps represent the sellers' view of the marketing tools available
for influencing buyers. From a buyer's point of view, each marketing
tool is designed to deliver a customer.
I am going to discuss it in next question.
9. " Internal Marketing "
( A )Define " internal marketing":
It is the task of hiring, training, and motivating able employees who want to serve
customers well. Smart marketers recognize that marketing activities within the
company can be as important as, or even more so than, marketing activities
directed outside the company. It makes no sense to promise excellent service
before the company's staff is ready to provide it.
( B )Explain the different levels of internal marketing ?
Internal marketing must take place on two levels:
1.The various marketing functions—sales force, advertising, customer service, product
management, marketing research, must work together. ( means
in marketing department ).
2.Marketing must be embraced by the other departments, they must also " think customer ".
Marketing is not a department so much as a company orientation. Marketing
thinking must be pervasive throughout the company.
*Holistic marketing incorporates " social responsibility " in marketing and
understanding broader concerns, as the ethical, environmental,
legal and social context of marketing activities and programs.
*The cause and effects of marketing clearly extend beyond the company and the
customer to society as a whole.
*Social responsibility also, requires that marketers carefully consider the role that
Are playing and could play in terms of social welfare.
and products that are not environmentally friendly. These problems were solved by
adding healthier items, such as, salad , and lightweight recycled boxes.
9.Shifts ( trends ) in Marketing Management:
NOTE ! This part just for True & False .
1.From marketing does the marketing to everyone does the marketing :
Agreed with Holistic Marketing Concept, internal marketing and who markets.
2.From organizing by product units to organizing by customer segments:
Agreed with The Marketing Concept.
-Some companies are now switching from being solely product-centered with
productmanagers and productdivisions to manage them to being more customer-
3.From making everything to buying more goods and services from outside:
Agreed with Globalization.
More companies are choosing to own brands rather than physical assets.
4.From using suppliers to working with fewer suppliers in " partnership ":
Agreed with the Relationship Marketing ".
5.From relying on old market positions to uncovering new ones in highly
competitive market place :
Agreed with Globalization + deregulation.
6.From emphasizing tangibleassets to emphasizing intangibleassets:
Intangible assets, such as, values, brands, intellectual capital.
7.From building brandsthrough advertising to building brandsthrough
performance and integrated communication :
Agreed with The ProductConcept.
8.From attracting customers through stores and salespeople to making products
availableonline :
Agreed with Changing Technology and Retail transformation.
9.From selling to everyone to trying to be the best firm to serving well-defined
target markets. ( segmentation )
10. From focusing on profitable transactions to focusing on customer life time
11. From a focus on gaining marketshare to a focus on building customer share.
12.From being local to being " GLOCAL "—Both global and local firms:
Agreed with Globalization.
13.From focusing on the financial scorecard to focusing on the marketing
14.From focusing on shareholders " stockholders / investors " to focusing on
10.Explainthe following tasks of Marketing Management:
.ring Marketing InsightsCaptu( A )
*Company needs a reliable marketing information system.
*Company needs a dependable marketing research system.
uilding Strong Brands .B)B(
*The company must understand the strengths and weaknesses of the
productbrand with customers.
*Product's strategy will need modification at the different stages in the
productlife cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.
*The company must also pay close attention to competitors.
-Nicher: part of the segment.
.Communicating Value( C )
*The company has to set mass communication programs consisting
of advertising, sales promotion, events, and public relations. It also
has to set up more personalcommunications in the form of direct and
interactive marketing and must also hire, train, and motivate
Term Growth .–Creating Long( D )
*The company must initiate new-product development testing, and
launching. The strategy also will have to take into accountchanging
global opportunities and challenges.
*The company will need feedback and control.
The rest of this points for True & False
In " Connecting with customers":*
The company will not want to market to all possible customers. Modern marketing
practice calls for dividing the market into major markets segments. ( T ).
True Or False , And CorrectThe Wrong Statement :
1.In the second definition of Marketing " AMA", focuses on customer
relationships which was later, developed into a conceptcalled partnership. ( T ).
2.The basic definition of Marketing is " AMA " definition.( F ).
First definition.
3.Marketing should give attention to stockand stake holders. ( T )., government, unions are examples of stockholders. ( F ). Stake.
5.There are three main definitions for Marketing, the best one is the " AMA "
definition, which is focuses on social responsibility. ( F ).the social definition.
6.The " AMA " definition focuses on building a relationship with the customer. It's
published by The American Management Association.( F).
7.Fishing, hunting, making a bread at home are examples of Self-produce as a
way of obtaining a product.(T ).
8.Exchange is a process ofobtaining a desired product/ services from someone by
not offering something in return.( F ). Transfer.
9.Television, machines, and car rentals, are examples of marketing goods.(F ).
Car itself., university, encyclopedias, are examples of marketing organization.(F).
11.Political parties can market many things. The most important is marketing
experiences.( F ). Ideas.
12.The first step of shift demand to the desired state, is develop a plan of action.
( F ). Identify the problem / diagnosing.
13.The marketer may face many demand states. In each case, the marketer should
diagnose the problem, then develop an action plan.( T ).
14.The Negative demand state is where consumers may be unaware or
uninterested in the product.(T ).Nonexistent demand.
15.Coffee bars, lectures, and demonstrations are examples of how companies
faced privatization.( F ).Retail transformation.
16.There are competing marketing concept, the latest conceptis called " Holistic
Marketing Concept".( T ).
17.In the selling concept, customers will favor the products that offer the most
quality, performance, and innovation.( F ).The productconcept.
18.The selling conceptis practiced with unsought productsuchas, insurance, and
encyclopedias.( T ).
19.The marketing concept, shifted the focus from productto customer and from
make-and-sell to sense-and-response.(T ).
20. "CRM" stands for Consumer Relationship Marketing.( F ).Management.
21.One of the marketing shifts ( trends ) is shifting from using fewer suppliers to using
many suppliers.( F ). Oppositeis the correct.
22.One of the shifts in marketing management is from marketing does the marketing to
everyone does the marketing.( T ).
23.The shifts from productunit to consumer segment is linked to one of dimensions of
holistic marketing concept.(F ). The Marketing Concept.
24.One of the shifts ( trends ) in marketing management is shifting from focusing on
stockholders to focusing on stakeholders.( T ).
25.At personal communication action creating Long-Term growth as marketing trend
means new productdevelopment, global opportunities, and feedback and
26.Capturing marketing insights means having reliable "MIS" and dependable
financial system.( F). Marketing research.
27.The third Marketing concept, which states that if customers are left alone, they will
not buy the product.(F ). Selling
AMA: American Marketing Association.
MIS: Marketing Information system.
CRM: Customer Relationship Management.
PRM: Partner Relationship Management.
Best Wishes
Amani A.Abu Mandeel

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Marketing Management (EBU2303)

  • 1. 1 Prof. DR. Nihaya A. AL-Telbani Amani A. Abu Mandeel Marketing Management (EBU2303) .Nov.2016rd3 Marketing Management: A survey for the material in mid-term exam.
  • 2. 2 1. Define Marketing ? In your opinion which is the best definition ? Why? There are many definitions for Marketing : 1.Meeting needs of customers profitably. "This definition is the basic definition". 2.The American Marketing Association " AMA ", offered a formal definition : " Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes forcreating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customers relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stake holders. " 3. Social definition: " Marketing is a social process bywhich individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others." ( b ) In my opinion, the third definition, which is " Social definition " is the best one ; becauseit focuses on the conceptof social responsibility. 2."Exchange and transaction" ( A )What are the ways of obtaining a product? 1.Self-produce, such as, fishing, hunting, making bread . 2.Using force, such as, hold up, burglary. 3.Begging. 4.Exchange. ( B )What are the conditions for the exchange process to exist? We have FIVE conditions : 1.There are at least two parties. 2.Each party has something that might be of value to the other party. 3.Each party is capable of communication and delivery.
  • 3. 3 4.Each party is free to acceptor reject the exchange offer. 5.Each party believes it is appropriate or desirable to deal with the other party. ( C )Define " Exchange". A process ofobtaining a desired product/service from someone by offering something in return. ( D )What is " Transaction " and " Transfer "? Transaction:It is a trade of values between two or more parties " traded values could be money or Goods orservices . Transfer:( A ) gives ( x ) to ( B ) and does not receive anything tangible for return. So, ( x ) is as a gift . 3."Whatis Marketed?" 1.Goods: such as, cars, refrigerators, television sets, machines … 2.Services: Airlines, hotels, car rental firms, barbers and beauticians, maintenance, doctors, software, programs. 3.Events: major trade shows, artistic, performance, company anniversaries, Olympics, World Cup. 4.Experiences:by orchestrating several services and goods . For example: paying to conductthe Chicago Symphony Orchestra for five minutes. OR, Climbing Mount Everest. 5.Persons: Madonna, Oprah winfery, the Rolling Stores, Aerosmith, Michael Jordan. 6.places: Cities, states, regions, and whole nations compete; to attract tourists. are Intangible Right. Investment companies and bank are involved in marketing securities to both institutional and individuals investors. 8.Organization:they actively work to build a strong, favorable, and unique image in the minds of the target publics. 9.Information:produced by schools and university to their students, partners, and communities. 10.Ideas: from the political parties.
  • 4. 4 4.Who Markets ? Everyone does Marketing. Marketer:is someone who seeks a response( attention, purchase, a vote, a donation ). ( A )What are possible demand states that the marketermay face ? 1.Negativedemand:Consumers dislike the productand may even pay a price to avoid it. 2.Nonexistent demand:Consumers may be unaware or uninterested in the product. 3.Latentdemand:Consumers may share a strong need that cannot be satisfied by an existing product. 4.Declining demand:Consumers begin to buy the productless frequently or not at all. 5.Irregulardemand:Consumers purchases vary on a seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily, or even hourly basis. 6.Full demand:Consumer are adequately buying all products put into the marketplace. 7.Overfull demand:More consumers would like to buy the productthan can be satisfied. 8.Unwholesomedemand:consumers may be attracted to products that have undesirable social consequences. What is required as a result ?(( B In each case, marketers must identify the problems of demand state and then determine a plan for action to shift the demand to a more desired state. 5.How Business and Marketing are changing ? / Explain the following as changes in the Business and Marketing ?OR There are TEN changes which is: : the industrial age was characterized with inventory .changingtechnology1. Much of today's business is carried on over electronic networks, internet extranets, and internet. :It's easier for companies to market in other countries and easier forGlobailzation2. consumers to buy products and services from marketers in other countries. Such as, electronic market, shopping.
  • 5. 5 :Many countries have deregulated industries to create greater completionDeregulation3. and growth opportunities. :Many countries have converted public companies to private ownershipzationPrivati4. and management to increase their efficiency. ost. "ciency : reach targets with less possiblec" Effi es. "veness : achieve objectiv" Effecti :Customerempowerment5. *Customers increasingly expect higher quality and service and some customization. *They perceive fewer real productdifferences and show less brand loyalty. *Consumers shop more intelligently. *They are showing greater price sensitivity in their search for value. " Empowerment happened as a result of ending Monopoly, and create competition among producers." :The company is able to produceindividually differentiated good whetherCustomization.6 ordered in person, on the phone, or online; becauseitems are cut to order, the company does not have to keep as much inventory around. intense( fear ) competition fromd manufactured are facing:Branihtened competitiongHe7. domestic ( local, internal ) and foreign ( global, external, international ) brands, which is resulting in rising promotion costs and shrinking profit margins. opportunities lie at the intersection of two or more: NewIndustry convergence.8 industries. Such as, - pharmaceutical companies, at one time essentially chemical companies, are now adding biogenetic research capacities in order to formulate new drugs. - New cosmetics ( cosmoneuticals ) . based retails are facing growing competition from catalog-:StoreRetail transformation9. houses, direct-mail firms, newspaper, magazines, and TV direct-to-customer ads; home shopping TV, and e-commerce. So, they began building entertainment into stores with coffee bars, lectures, demonstrations, and performance. 10. was deleted. 6.Explain the different conceptof marketing? :The Production ConceptA. *It's one of the oldest conceptin business.
  • 6. 6 *It holds that consumers will prefer products that are widely available and expensive. *Managers of production-oriented business concentrate on achieving high production efficiency. :The Product Concept.B * It holds that consumers will favor those products, that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features. *A new or improved productwill not necessarily be successfulunless the productis priced, distributed, advertised, and sold properly. :The Selling ConceptC. * It holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organization's products. * The organization must, therefore , undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort. * The selling conceptis practiced most aggressively with unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as , insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots. :The Marketing Concept.D *It has emerged in the mid-1950s. *Instead of a product-centered, " make-and-sell " philosophy, business, shifted to customer centered, " sense-and-respond " philosophy. *Instead of " hunting ", marketing is " gardening " . *The job is not to find the right customers for your products, but the rights products for your customers. *Selling focuses on the needs of the seller; marketing on the needs of buyers. :The Holistic Marketing ConceptE. I am going to discuss it in the next question. 7." The Holistic Marketing Concept " ( A ) What forces calledfor a new marketing practice ?
  • 7. 7 1.Companies need fresh thinking about how to operate and compete in a new marketing environment. 2.Marketers in the twenty-first century are increasingly recognizing the need to have a more complete, cohesive approachthat goes beyond traditional applications of the marketing concept. ( B ) What developed as a result ? The Holistic Marketing Concept. ( C )List the main components of the suggestedsolutionin " B " ? 1.Relationship marketing. 2.Integrated marketing. 3.Internal marketing. 4.Social responsibility marketing. 8.Explain the components of the Holistic Marketing Concept? :RelationshipmarketingA. *It has the aim of building mutually satisfying Long-Term relationships with key parties( shareholders )—customers, suppliers, distributors, and other marketing partners; in order to earn and retains their business. *It builds strong economics, technical, and social ties among the parties. *It involves cultivating the right kind of relationships with the right constituent groups. *Marketing must not only do Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ), but also PartnerRelationship Management ( PRM ). :IntegratedMarketingB. *Marketing activities is in terms of the marketing mix, which has been defined as: The set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives. *McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups, which he called the four Ps of marketing : product, price, place, and promotion. *Marketing-mix decisions must be made for influencing the trade channel as well as the final consumers.
  • 8. 8 *The four Ps represent the sellers' view of the marketing tools available for influencing buyers. From a buyer's point of view, each marketing tool is designed to deliver a customer. :MarketingInternalC. I am going to discuss it in next question. 9. " Internal Marketing " ( A )Define " internal marketing": It is the task of hiring, training, and motivating able employees who want to serve customers well. Smart marketers recognize that marketing activities within the company can be as important as, or even more so than, marketing activities directed outside the company. It makes no sense to promise excellent service before the company's staff is ready to provide it. ( B )Explain the different levels of internal marketing ? Internal marketing must take place on two levels: 1.The various marketing functions—sales force, advertising, customer service, product management, marketing research, must work together. ( means in marketing department ). 2.Marketing must be embraced by the other departments, they must also " think customer ". Marketing is not a department so much as a company orientation. Marketing thinking must be pervasive throughout the company.
  • 9. 9 :SocialResponsibilityMarketingD. *Holistic marketing incorporates " social responsibility " in marketing and understanding broader concerns, as the ethical, environmental, legal and social context of marketing activities and programs. *The cause and effects of marketing clearly extend beyond the company and the customer to society as a whole. *Social responsibility also, requires that marketers carefully consider the role that they Are playing and could play in terms of social welfare. and products that are not environmentally friendly. These problems were solved by adding healthier items, such as, salad , and lightweight recycled boxes. 9.Shifts ( trends ) in Marketing Management: NOTE ! This part just for True & False . 1.From marketing does the marketing to everyone does the marketing : Agreed with Holistic Marketing Concept, internal marketing and who markets. 2.From organizing by product units to organizing by customer segments: Agreed with The Marketing Concept. -Some companies are now switching from being solely product-centered with productmanagers and productdivisions to manage them to being more customer- segment-centered. 3.From making everything to buying more goods and services from outside: Agreed with Globalization. More companies are choosing to own brands rather than physical assets. 4.From using suppliers to working with fewer suppliers in " partnership ": Agreed with the Relationship Marketing ". 5.From relying on old market positions to uncovering new ones in highly competitive market place : Agreed with Globalization + deregulation.
  • 10. 10 6.From emphasizing tangibleassets to emphasizing intangibleassets: Intangible assets, such as, values, brands, intellectual capital. 7.From building brandsthrough advertising to building brandsthrough performance and integrated communication : Agreed with The ProductConcept. 8.From attracting customers through stores and salespeople to making products availableonline : Agreed with Changing Technology and Retail transformation. 9.From selling to everyone to trying to be the best firm to serving well-defined target markets. ( segmentation ) 10. From focusing on profitable transactions to focusing on customer life time value. 11. From a focus on gaining marketshare to a focus on building customer share. 12.From being local to being " GLOCAL "—Both global and local firms: Agreed with Globalization. 13.From focusing on the financial scorecard to focusing on the marketing scorecard. 14.From focusing on shareholders " stockholders / investors " to focusing on stakeholders. 10.Explainthe following tasks of Marketing Management: .ring Marketing InsightsCaptu( A ) *Company needs a reliable marketing information system. *Company needs a dependable marketing research system.
  • 11. 11 uilding Strong Brands .B)B( *The company must understand the strengths and weaknesses of the productbrand with customers. *Product's strategy will need modification at the different stages in the productlife cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. *The company must also pay close attention to competitors. -Nicher: part of the segment. .Communicating Value( C ) *The company has to set mass communication programs consisting of advertising, sales promotion, events, and public relations. It also has to set up more personalcommunications in the form of direct and interactive marketing and must also hire, train, and motivate salespeople. Term Growth .–Creating Long( D ) *The company must initiate new-product development testing, and launching. The strategy also will have to take into accountchanging global opportunities and challenges. *The company will need feedback and control. NOTE ! The rest of this points for True & False In " Connecting with customers":* The company will not want to market to all possible customers. Modern marketing practice calls for dividing the market into major markets segments. ( T ). True Or False , And CorrectThe Wrong Statement : 1.In the second definition of Marketing " AMA", focuses on customer relationships which was later, developed into a conceptcalled partnership. ( T ). 2.The basic definition of Marketing is " AMA " definition.( F ). First definition.
  • 12. 12 3.Marketing should give attention to stockand stake holders. ( T )., government, unions are examples of stockholders. ( F ). Stake. 5.There are three main definitions for Marketing, the best one is the " AMA " definition, which is focuses on social responsibility. ( F ).the social definition. 6.The " AMA " definition focuses on building a relationship with the customer. It's published by The American Management Association.( F). Marketing. 7.Fishing, hunting, making a bread at home are examples of Self-produce as a way of obtaining a product.(T ). 8.Exchange is a process ofobtaining a desired product/ services from someone by not offering something in return.( F ). Transfer. 9.Television, machines, and car rentals, are examples of marketing goods.(F ). Car itself., university, encyclopedias, are examples of marketing organization.(F). Information. 11.Political parties can market many things. The most important is marketing experiences.( F ). Ideas. 12.The first step of shift demand to the desired state, is develop a plan of action. ( F ). Identify the problem / diagnosing. 13.The marketer may face many demand states. In each case, the marketer should diagnose the problem, then develop an action plan.( T ). 14.The Negative demand state is where consumers may be unaware or uninterested in the product.(T ).Nonexistent demand. 15.Coffee bars, lectures, and demonstrations are examples of how companies faced privatization.( F ).Retail transformation. 16.There are competing marketing concept, the latest conceptis called " Holistic Marketing Concept".( T ). 17.In the selling concept, customers will favor the products that offer the most quality, performance, and innovation.( F ).The productconcept.
  • 13. 13 18.The selling conceptis practiced with unsought productsuchas, insurance, and encyclopedias.( T ). 19.The marketing concept, shifted the focus from productto customer and from make-and-sell to sense-and-response.(T ). 20. "CRM" stands for Consumer Relationship Marketing.( F ).Management. 21.One of the marketing shifts ( trends ) is shifting from using fewer suppliers to using many suppliers.( F ). Oppositeis the correct. 22.One of the shifts in marketing management is from marketing does the marketing to everyone does the marketing.( T ). 23.The shifts from productunit to consumer segment is linked to one of dimensions of holistic marketing concept.(F ). The Marketing Concept. 24.One of the shifts ( trends ) in marketing management is shifting from focusing on stockholders to focusing on stakeholders.( T ). 25.At personal communication action creating Long-Term growth as marketing trend means new productdevelopment, global opportunities, and feedback and control.(F).Task. 26.Capturing marketing insights means having reliable "MIS" and dependable financial system.( F). Marketing research. 27.The third Marketing concept, which states that if customers are left alone, they will not buy the product.(F ). Selling *Abbreviation: AMA: American Marketing Association. MIS: Marketing Information system. CRM: Customer Relationship Management. PRM: Partner Relationship Management. Best Wishes Amani A.Abu Mandeel