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Women that all Chinese Malaysian should remember.

Hee Yit Fong

许月凤!我给你的一封信!- 你想聆听乡亲父老的声音吗?
你还记得 2008 年 2 月吗?


308 后,当地的国州议席虽然落在巫统的手中,但是回教党在国席让上届多数票从两万降到
三千,  公正党在州席让七千票降到数百。这些都是当地居民的意愿。霹雳州落入民联的手中,




霹州变天‧一人一句 2009 年 02 月 05 日 06:38 星洲日报














  308 政治大海啸显示出人民已经唾弃国阵 50 年来的贪污腐败,并勇敢地投下改朝换代的一
票,让民联可以执政吉打、槟城、霹雳、雪兰莪和吉兰丹 5 州。然而,国阵却不愿接受人民的







  他对于霹雳州政权出现变化感到非常痛心,尤其是其中 3 位跳槽的州议员当中,1 位竟然是


  张健仁是今日(周四,2 月 5 日)召开新闻发佈会上,如是指出。他也是古晋市国会议员兼





因为目前支持国阵的 31 名州议员,有 29 人是巫统的马来议员。


  她不只对不起行动党,也对不起选民、霹雳州人民、全国华人,甚至全马人民。” 星洲日报
WHAT MORE TO SAY?          HTTP://MT.M2DAY.ORG/2008/CONTENT/VIEW/17783/84/

Posted by admin

Saturday, 07 February 2009 15:32

If I were in Umno I would do exactly the same. I would use the immense wealth that Umno possesses to buy over
the prostitutes in Pakatan Rakyat. Anyway, is that not what we want Anwar Ibrahim to do? We want Anwar to
form a new federal government by enticing at least 30 Parliamentarians from Barisan Nasional to cross over to
the opposition.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Many ask why I have been very silent the last 48 hours. Well, that is because I sudah menyampah. Why scream now? If
we want to scream make sure we do it before the ship sinks. Once we are in the water we should save our breath for
breathing -- if we can keep our heads above water, that is. If not, then quietly drown and die with some dignity. At least
you will be remembered for someone who died in style.

There is a time to talk. There is a time to act. Now is no longer the time to talk. So can all those people who keep sending
me messages via SMS about ‘you must do this’ or ‘you must do that’ please stop doing so. You are just wasting your
money. I don’t even read them. I just delete them without reading any of them. Stop telling me what I should do. If you
feel something should be done, go and do it yourself.

Okay, I am down with a bad flu so I am in a very bad mood today. Even my wife is staying out of my way. I have not been
sleeping because every time I do I start coughing violently. This article, for sure, is being written with me in a most foul
mood indeed.

In spite of the flu I drove up to Ipoh on Thursday but came home that same night because I had to go to court the
following morning (yesterday). I am sure many of you who met me in Ipoh noticed I was not my usual friendly self. Sorry if
I appeared sombong but I was feeling real bad on Thusday.

To add to that list of aggravations, I am in the midst of preparing for three court cases next week -- my sedition, criminal
defamation and ISA hearings. Yes, I am going to be locked up in three different courts almost the entire week. And
chances are, I might be sent back to Kamunting to spend the remaining years of my life under detention if I lose.

I wrote the following pieces in the run-up to Thursday:
Constitutional Monarchy, rule of law and good governance (5 Feb)

How to bring a government down (4 Feb)


If fresh state elections are held in Perak (4 Feb)


Santa Claus is coming to town (2 Feb)


No two ways about it: DISSOLVE the Perak State Assembly (2 Feb)

Live by the sword, die by the sword (31 Jan)


I just love this country (27 Jan)


As you can see, I have already said what I wanted to say. There is nothing more I can add about an event that is already
a fait accompli. Nasi sudah jadi bubur, as the Malays would say.

About a week ago, a few of us sat down to discuss the impending collapse of the Perak government. It was suggested
we speak to the Pakatan Rakyat leaders, which we did. Our recommendation was that they dissolve the Perak State
Assembly and hold fresh state elections while Pakatan Rakyat still has the majority in the Assembly. Once Pakatan
Rakyat has lost that majority it will be too late. No way will the Sultan agree to the request to dissolve the Perak State
Assembly once you no longer command the majority in the Assembly.

But the Pakatan Rakyat leaders would not listen. They still have things under control, they remarked. We did not think so
and we told them this. But who are we to ‘teach grandmothers how to suck eggs’, as Malaysians would say? If we are so
smart then how come they, and not us, are the party leaders. We would be sitting in their chairs, instead, if we are
cleverer than them. Politicians do not think much of you if you do not hold any party positions. They only respect those
who hold positions in political parties and government, not those outside mainstream politics.

Everyone is an expert on hindsight. Only good leaders have foresight. And our leaders lack just that, foresight. They are
very clever when it comes to reacting to situations. But they know nothing about pre-empting. Why react, especially
when it is too late? You must be able to pre-empt before it is too late to do anything. This is what our leaders lack, the
skill to pre-empt.
When the Rulers of Perlis and Terengganu ‘interfered’ in Umno’s choice of Menteri Besar, we hailed them as great
Rulers who are full of justice and wisdom. When the Rulers agreed to allow Pakatan Rakyat to form the Perak and
Selangor state governments, they are the best Rulers in the world. Whenever things go our way we are full of praise. But
as soon as the decision does not favour us they are haprak Rulers.

The Rulers are a disappointment. We are disgusted with our Rulers. Our Rulers sold out to Umno. Malaysia should
abolish the Monarchy and turn the country into a Republic. And so on and so forth. That is what is on the lips of many
Malaysians. But if the Rulers had favoured the opposition, even though they did so in violation of the law and the
Constitution, we will hail the Rulers as amongst the best in the world.

Actually, the Perak and Selangor Rulers were worried that the Pakatan Rakyat state governments of these two states
would not last, in particular in Perak, which had a very slim majority. That is why there was a week’s delay in swearing in
the Perak and Selangor state governments.

And can you blame the Rulers? DAP had said it will not sit at the same table as PAS, let alone form a coalition
government with it, if PAS does not openly and publicly declare it will abandon the Islamic State agenda. PAS, on the
other hand, said it shall not openly and publicly declare such a thing. That means DAP and PAS can never form a

The Rulers of Perak and Selangor then called all the State Assemblymen and women from DAP, PKR and PAS and
asked them, one by one, whether they agree to the formation of coalition governments in Perak and Selangor. The
coalition can only be formed if all three parties -- DAP, PKR and PAS -- agree to it. Even if just one of the three do not
agree, then Pakatan Rakyat will not have enough seats to form the governments in both Perak and Selangor.

The DAP, PKR and PAS State Assemblymen and women indicated their agreement. But this still did not satisfy the
Rulers. You can say one thing now, but what is there to prevent you from changing your minds later? So the Rulers
asked the DAP, PKR and PAS State Assemblymen and women for both Perak and Selangor to sign letters confirming
this agreement. Only then will the Rulers agree to swear in the new state governments.

It was, in a way, a contract of sorts. The Rulers wanted all the DAP, PKR and PAS State Assemblymen and women from
Perak and Selangor to sign a contract stating that they agree to the formation of a three-party coalition and that there are
no dissenters from amongst the ranks of DAP, PKR and PAS.

Then the fight broke out. DAP, PKR and PAS could not agree on how to share out the EXCO positions, the racial quotas,
who should hold the posts of Menteri Besar and Speaker, and so on. In Selangor, some DAP State Assemblymen
organised demonstrations. In Perak, they threatened to boycott the swearing-in ceremony. Even the trivial matter of the
wearing of the songkok during the swearing-in ceremony became a hot issue and almost brought the coalition down
before it could even be formed.

The Perak and Selangor Rulers had their doubts. They doubted whether the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition, now called
Pakatan Rakyat, could last. DAP, PKR and PAS had very little in common and were always squabbling over minor
issues. And they argued about party and racial quotas just like Barisan Nasional. Pakatan Rakyat is as racist as Barisan
Nasional. It appeared like there is very little difference between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional.

Nevertheless, the Perak and Selangor Rulers decided to give Pakatan Rakyat a chance. Let Pakatan Rakyat prove that
not only it can do a better job but it can also keep the coalition going. If the coalition breaks up, then a decision would
have to be made, later, what to do about it. In the meantime, allow Pakatan Rakyat to prove it can last at least one full
term until the next general election.

Then we began to hear grumblings. This State Assemblyman was not happy and wanted to resign. That State
Assemblywoman was not happy and wanted to resign. Barely one year into the marriage and the marriage appeared to
be breaking up. The Indians complained about not having enough Indian quotas. The Chinese grumbled about having
the most number of seats but not being able to become Menteri Besar. The Malays grumbled about the ‘Chinese’
government not looking after the Malays.

It was all about race and about so-and-so being neglected and not being looked after better. Suddenly it was no longer
about the rakyat. It was about your personal interest and position and about the quotas your race is being denied.
Pakatan Rakyat was nothing but Barisan Nasional by another name.

What happened in Perak is good. I hope it will teach Pakatan Rakyat that it has to get its act together. The DAP lady’s
crossover was triggered by something very trivial and goes to show she is more concerned about herself than about her
party or about the rakyat. Everyone got a new Camry except her. So she sulked (merajuk) and left the party. If she had
been given a new car she would not have sulked. A mere car brought the Perak government down.

If this is what brought the Perak government down, then it deserves to fall. The Pakatan Rakyat government in Perak
used to be a non-Malay majority government. Now, it is an almost entirely Malay government. 27 of the 28 State
Assemblymen are from Umno. Even if the three ‘independents’ join the new government it will be 29 Malays against only
two Chinese. And there is not a single Indian State Assemblyman/woman in the new government.

What took 52 years of transformation has been destroyed in a mere days. Today, we are back to an entirely Malay
government in Perak. And a DAP State Assemblywoman helped achieve this. A Chinese made the restoration of maruah
Melayu (Malay dignity) possible. She should be given the next Ma'al Hijrah award and be accorded Bumiputera status.

I can only say that this serves Pakatan Rakyat right. They had it coming. When personal interests and racial issues
override everything else, you deserve to fall. And there are many low quality wakil rakyat still in Pakatan Rakyat -- DAP,
PKR, as well as PAS. Expect more to cross over. The RM25 million dangled in front of their faces is just too difficult to
say no to. After all, not everyone is in politics to serve the rakyat. Many are in it for their personal interests. And RM25
million is an attractive proposition.

Next time, get better candidates. Some of the Pakatan Rakyat wakil rakyat are so low standard I would not even trust
them to baby-sit my dog. I would not deny there are some good wakil rakyat in Pakatan Rakyat, some even better than
those from Barisan Nasional. But all we need are 30% bad ones to bring the party down, especially when you are barely
surviving with a 10% majority in Parliament or the state assemblies.

Okay, Umno bought over our wakil rakyat. So what? If they are not for sale then Umno could not have been able to buy
them. It is like prostitution. If there are clients then there will be prostitutes. It is the law of supply and demand. If there are
no takers then there can be no givers as well. Simple!

We all know that Umno has tons of money. And RM10 million is nothing to Umno. If the Pakatan Rakyat people are so
unprincipled then whom do we blame? Why blame Umno? Blame our people who worship money and pray to the
Ringgit. Blame Pakatan Rakyat for fielding low quality people to contest the elections.
You can take the man out of the kampong but you can’t take the kampong out of the man. Low quality people can’t
suddenly become high quality just because they are now wakil rakyat. They will still remain low quality and will kowtow to
money because they have no maruah (dignity). That is, after all, what prostitutes do. They open their legs for money.
And many in Pakatan Rakyat are prostitutes while those who manage prostitutes and called pimps.

If I were in Umno I would do exactly the same. I would use the immense wealth that Umno possesses to buy over the
prostitutes in Pakatan Rakyat. Anyway, is that not what we want Anwar Ibrahim to do? We want Anwar to form a new
federal government by enticing at least 30 Parliamentarians from Barisan Nasional to cross over to the opposition. Najib
did in Perak exactly what we want Anwar to do at federal level. So, why the sudden outrage? What if three State
Assemblymen in Negerl Sembilan cross over and Pakatan Rakyat gets to form the new Negeri Sembilan state
government? Would we still express outrage?

Let’s face it: we lost. Let’s just lick our wounds and learn from this bitter experience. Our leaders were stupid and we paid
for this stupidity. We chose poor quality people as candidates. We knew that Umno was trying to buy over our wakil
rakyat. We knew they would eventually succeed. But we just stood and watched without launching a pre-emptive strike --
such as dissolving the state assembly when there was time to do so and when we still had the power to do so.

That is the long and short of it. Let us lose like gentlemen. Sure, they did not play fair. The Sultan should not have forced
the MB’s resignation or appointed a new MB from Umno when Nizar did not resign. Sure, there are questions of whether
it was legal to do what the Sultan did. But he did, fair or otherwise. And the Sultan could not have done so had we been
cleverer. We left the door open and they walked in. We should take the blame for that rather than moan and bitch. And,
next time, lock all the doors. Thieves are thieves and will always be thieves. But we were sloppy and that allowed the
thieves to get in. There is no denying that.

We lost the battle. But we are yet to lose the war. That is the big picture. So focus on the big picture and see how we can
eventually win the war. That is more important. And how do we turn defeat into victory? How can we menang dalam
kalah? We can turn defeat into victory if our leaders are clever. My only worry is whether they are clever enough to do
this. Let us see.
郭史光庆与王国兴 | 2 月 7 日 傍晚 5 点 02 分

                           议 声 中 宣 誓 就 任 ,但 霹 雳 州 国 阵 政 府 依 然 面
                           对 严 峻 的 挑 战 ,即 新 州 政 府 及 州 行 政 议 会 里
                           头 的 族 群 比 例 不 平 衡 ,非 巫 裔 的 议 员 人 数 太

                           因 此 民 联 消 息 透 露 ,国 阵 挖 角 跳 槽 的 努 力 仍
                           未 停 息 ,不 过 如 今 改 为 专 注 拉 拢 非 巫 裔 州 议
                           员 ,以 打 破 霹 雳 州 国 阵 几 乎 清 一 色 以 马 来 裔

                         根 据 马 新 社 报 道 ,首 相 署 部 长 兼 霹 雳 州 巫 统
                         联 委 会 署 理 主 席 阿 末 扎 希 ,基 于 霹 雳 州 国 阵
                         目 前 没 有 任 何 一 位 来 自 国 大 党 、人 民 进 步 党
                         或 印 度 人 民 进 步 阵 线 ( IPF) 的 州 议 员 , 国
阵 门 户 大 开 ,欢 迎 民 联 印 裔 议 员 过 档 。他 也 说 ,跳 槽 是 改 善 霹 州 印 裔 社 会

献议 3 百万及出任行政议员

《 当 今 大 马 》获 悉 ,至 少 有 三 名 非 巫 裔 民 联 州 议 员 ,已 证 实 曾 接 获 国 阵 的
献 议 ,拉 拢 他 们 步 上 4 名 民 联 议 员 的 后 尘 ,退 党 成 为 独 立 议 员 ,而 所 开 出
的 “价 码 ”包 括 出 任 行 政 议 员 , 另 加 300 万 令 吉 。

其 中 一 名 人 民 公 正 党 非 巫 裔 州 议 员 向《 当 今 大 马 》证 实 ,一 名 马 华 党 籍 的
选 民 昨 日 要 求 与 他 会 晤 ,并 献 议 他 追 随 九 洞 州 议 员 许 月 凤 的 后 尘 ,退 出 公

该 项 献 议 包 括 让 他 在 退 党 后 ,无 须 加 入 国 阵 就 能 受 委 为 行 政 议 员 ,并 还 能
获 得 300 万 令 吉 的 报 酬 。

“他 告 诉 我 , 如 果 我 成 为 行 政 议 员 , 就 能 够 更 好 地 服 务 人 民 。 ”

不 当 行 政 议 员 , 价 码 400 万

他 声 称 ,这 名 马 华 党 员 也 希 望 ,能 透 过 他 向 另 一 名 公 正 党 籍 的 非 巫 裔 州 议
员 提 出 退 党 献 议 , 开 价 是 400 万 令 吉 , 因 为 有 关 的 献 议 并 不 包 括 担 任 行

                                  员 表 示 ,虽 然 他 当 场 拒 绝 对 方 的 献
                                  议 ,但 是 对 方 依 然 要 求 他 考 虑 ,一
                                  旦 同 意 就 写 信 确 定 ,有 关 方 面 将 给

                 随 着 民 联 州 政 府 垮 台 几 成 定 局 ,其
                 他 民 联 州 议 员 “树 倒 猢 狲 散 ”,退 党
                 但 是 这 名 州 议 员 指 出 ,由 于 选 民 在
                 活 动 ,造 成 她 迟 迟 不 敢 回 家 ,其 家
                 人 也 备 受 困 扰 ,反 映 背 叛 民 意 所 付

目 前 国 阵 于 霹 雳 拥 有 28 个 州 议 员 , 但 是 只 有 1 名 华 裔 , 即 马 华 党 籍 的 积
莪 营 州 议 员 马 汉 顺 , 其 他 27 名 皆 是 巫 统 巫 裔 州 议 员 。 至 于 退 党 成 为 支 持
国阵独立议员的 3 名前民联州议员当中,也只有许月凤是华裔。换言之,
所 有 31 名 支 持 国 阵 的 州 议 员 当 中 , 只 有 2 名 华 裔 , 完 全 没 有 印 裔 代 表 。


另 一 名 非 巫 裔 民 联 州 议 员 在 今 日 接 受《 当 今 大 马 》访 问 时 指 称 ,他 从 去 年
3 0 8 大 选 之 后 就 不 时 接 获 跳 槽 献 议 ,但 是 过 去 一 周 来 对 方 接 触 他 的 次 数 更

“他 们 告 诉 我 种 种 的 好 处 , 他 们 答 应 我 行 政 议 员 职 , 不 过 最 近 他 们 不 再 定
下 ‘价 钱 ’。 ”


“我 的 立 场 是 , 人 民 投 选 的 是 我 和 我 党 , 如 果 我 接 受 献 议 , 就 等 于 是 出 卖

《 当 今 大 马 》尝 试 以 手 机 短 讯 联 络 霹 州 硕 果 仅 存 的 华 裔 州 议 员 马 汉 顺 以 回
应 国 阵 州 政 府 由 巫 统 主 导 的 课 题 ,不 过 对 方 以 事 忙 为 由 ,一 概 拒 绝 会 面 或


时 ,受 询 及 国 阵 州 政 府 由 巫 统 巫 裔 主 导 的 问 题 时 指 出 ,他 会 慎 重 考 虑 这 项
他 表 示 ,国 阵 在 霹 雳 州 议 会 的 几 乎 单 一 族 群 代 表 的 局 面 ,不 会 带 来 任 何 的

“我 肯 定 会 照 顾 所 有 的 三 大 种 族 。 ”

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  • 1.
  • 2. Women that all Chinese Malaysian should remember. Hee Yit Fong 许月凤
  • 3. 许月凤!我给你的一封信!- 你想聆听乡亲父老的声音吗? 你还记得 2008 年 2 月吗? 当你遥远从九洞,回到你熟悉的怡保北区某个新村-一个是你,你兄弟和你孩子成长的地方。 身为州议员的你,颓丧的表情和行动不良的脚步,来到茶餐室向你熟悉的乡亲父老求助。你 哭诉,你在党内遭那两兄弟打压。身为现任的州议员,两兄弟最后时刻才通知你上阵,不给 与竞选支援和资金。所以,你不得不亲自回到家乡要乡老来支持你。很多人都了解你的处境, 都知道被打压的不只是你一个,还有几乎退出选举的小辣椒,我们都相信你。看到你欲哭忧 虑的脸,乡老们毫不犹疑的把五十,一百的钞票给你,让你代表行动党来出战。即使当时你 家乡,刚获得州政府的颁发耕种永久地,他们还是毫不犹豫去支持你的政党。 308 后,当地的国州议席虽然落在巫统的手中,但是回教党在国席让上届多数票从两万降到 三千, 公正党在州席让七千票降到数百。这些都是当地居民的意愿。霹雳州落入民联的手中, 你的乡亲父老都欢喜不已。是时候换一个新政府,让霹雳有个新希望。身为两届议员的你, 因为和那兄弟不合而得不到行政议员的机会,最后还是获得了副议长之职位。对对错错,这 事件,行动党也该自我检讨,他们也需要负一定的责任,弱势政府内,还在党内进行打压和 树立敌人。 新年期间,突然来了一个巫统青蛙,跳入了民联。曾谣传将会跳槽的你,再度谣传你将会跳 槽。紧急时刻,也和谣传的两位闹失踪。后来,出面澄清你消失的疑云。我还在这论坛帮你 说话,我还相信你,就如其他乡亲父老一样都相信你。 昨天,数度告急的危机,我依然相信你,相信你最多你会投靠公正党,最坏打算你会成为独 立人士但不支持国阵。年初七,你还出现在家乡的会馆上,和你乡亲父老一起庆祝新年的到 来。村出现州议员和副议长,还是很光荣的事情。最后,我发现我错了,当我从网站新闻中, 看到你出现在纳吉的记者会上。我真的吃惊了,很失望,很失望,为何你要那样子做? 你知道吗?虽然民联州政府还做得不够好,但比前朝来得亲民和有诚意。乡亲父老看到政府 效率努力的区改善,绩效还算让人民满意。没有想到你,你因为党内排挤,也因为私心,让 自己成为却成为一个稻草,压倒民联州政府的一个棋子。 你知道吗?昨晚在你的家乡,整村人都在骂,都不能原谅你,都很想向你吐口水。现在,村 人都传你拿了千万而违背民意去跳槽,没有人相信你受到党内兄弟的打压。不管你有没有拿, 实际拿了多少,这些都不重要。之前你州议员和议长月薪都近万,退休后还有退休金拿。原 本你可以选择一生后安然无忧写意的过日子,到老都会获得家乡村民的尊敬和感谢。这一切, 你都放弃了。你有没有想过,在城市的哥哥和在乡村生活的弟弟,面对村民侯将会面临了怎 样的压力?即使村民都知道他们是无辜的,都知道他们是清白的,但眼神都告诉了一切。你 有没有想过你的孩子,以后还能潇洒自由的回到抚育他们成长的家乡吗?你以后,还能自由 自在的回乡在巴刹和乡亲聊天喝茶吗?你背弃了民意,同时你也丢弃了一世无忧写意的生 活。你所换取的行政议员和其他的,足够赔偿你所损失的吗?你太自私了,你牺牲了自己的 下半世,你也让你家人获得了异样的眼光和压力,这一切,真的值得吗?如许多乡亲父老说, 你得到官位和金钱,却没有了尊严和信任,你还是不会快乐的。
  • 5. 霹州变天‧一人一句 2009 年 02 月 05 日 06:38 星洲日报 林冠英。(图:星洲日报)
  • 7. 张健仁。(图:星洲日报) 陆兆福。(图:星洲日报) 从不支持议员跳槽 ─槟州首席部长林冠英 “九洞区州议员许月凤不是第一个从行动党出走的议员,但却创下因退党而让州政府垮台的 先例。行动党一路走来立场始终如一,我们从来都不支持议员跳槽。” 民青反对拉拢议员行为 ─民青团全国署理总团长胡栋强
  • 8. “民青团反对任何拉拢议员以组织政权的行为,以往强烈反对公正党实权领袖安华要拉拢议 员以组织中央政府的不良企图,现在一样坚决反对以拉拢跳槽方式组织霹雳州政府。 霹雳州的局势已经持续不稳定多时,应该以更民主的方式来解决这个问题,有关议员在大 选期间是在本身所属的政党标志下上阵,多数选民都因为有关候选人是出自某政党才做出选择; 因此,有意跳党的议员应该辞职,重新让选民做出委託。” 透过选举决定新政府 ─人民公正党全国妇女组宣传主任黄洁冰 “只有解散州议会,还政于民,让霹雳州子民透过选举来决定新一届的霹雳州政府,才能够 平息当前霹雳政局的不稳定,并且可以确保长远政治稳定与经济得以发展。 308 政治大海啸显示出人民已经唾弃国阵 50 年来的贪污腐败,并勇敢地投下改朝换代的一 票,让民联可以执政吉打、槟城、霹雳、雪兰莪和吉兰丹 5 州。然而,国阵却不愿接受人民的 裁决,竟然利用威迫利诱的手段,来拉拢民联议员跳槽过档,促使霹雳州当前政局动盪不安。” 赞同解散霹州议会 ──回教党长老协商理事会主席拿督聂阿兹 “解决霹雳州这场政治风波的最好方法,就是解散霹雳州议会,还政予民,让他们再一次作 出选择。只有通过州选举,才能平息这场风波。就是单纯交由人民选择,不涉及金钱政治,没 有内安法令的威胁……” 狠批许月凤叛徒 ─行动党全国副主席张健仁 张健仁狠批霹雳州跳槽的行动党州议员许月凤为叛徒。 他对于霹雳州政权出现变化感到非常痛心,尤其是其中 3 位跳槽的州议员当中,1 位竟然是 行动党的州议员许月凤。 他指出,因为在上届全国大选,许多选民是以选党考量来投下神圣的一票,所以这些拿着 人民的委托,跳槽的州议员不仅是行动党的叛徒,同时也形同被判人民和民主的罪人。 张健仁是今日(周四,2 月 5 日)召开新闻发佈会上,如是指出。他也是古晋市国会议员兼 哥打圣淘沙州议员。 许月凤背负最大罪 ─行动党社青团总团长陆兆福 “在行动党历史上,九洞州议员许月凤是众多跳槽议员当中,背负最大罪的一位跳槽者。” 许月凤这次不只跳槽,她的跳槽行为还导致民联州政府倒台,成为历史上的“千古罪人”。 许月凤的跳槽行为,也可能造成霹雳州从一个多元种族政府变成完全由巫统控制的政府, 因为目前支持国阵的 31 名州议员,有 29 人是巫统的马来议员。 “我们肯定霹雳州华社所期待的永久地契,也可能会因为她的跳槽行为而粉碎了他们的期望。 她不只对不起行动党,也对不起选民、霹雳州人民、全国华人,甚至全马人民。” 星洲日报
  • 10. WHAT MORE TO SAY? HTTP://MT.M2DAY.ORG/2008/CONTENT/VIEW/17783/84/ Posted by admin Saturday, 07 February 2009 15:32 If I were in Umno I would do exactly the same. I would use the immense wealth that Umno possesses to buy over the prostitutes in Pakatan Rakyat. Anyway, is that not what we want Anwar Ibrahim to do? We want Anwar to form a new federal government by enticing at least 30 Parliamentarians from Barisan Nasional to cross over to the opposition. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Many ask why I have been very silent the last 48 hours. Well, that is because I sudah menyampah. Why scream now? If we want to scream make sure we do it before the ship sinks. Once we are in the water we should save our breath for breathing -- if we can keep our heads above water, that is. If not, then quietly drown and die with some dignity. At least you will be remembered for someone who died in style. There is a time to talk. There is a time to act. Now is no longer the time to talk. So can all those people who keep sending me messages via SMS about ‘you must do this’ or ‘you must do that’ please stop doing so. You are just wasting your money. I don’t even read them. I just delete them without reading any of them. Stop telling me what I should do. If you feel something should be done, go and do it yourself. Okay, I am down with a bad flu so I am in a very bad mood today. Even my wife is staying out of my way. I have not been sleeping because every time I do I start coughing violently. This article, for sure, is being written with me in a most foul mood indeed. In spite of the flu I drove up to Ipoh on Thursday but came home that same night because I had to go to court the following morning (yesterday). I am sure many of you who met me in Ipoh noticed I was not my usual friendly self. Sorry if I appeared sombong but I was feeling real bad on Thusday. To add to that list of aggravations, I am in the midst of preparing for three court cases next week -- my sedition, criminal defamation and ISA hearings. Yes, I am going to be locked up in three different courts almost the entire week. And chances are, I might be sent back to Kamunting to spend the remaining years of my life under detention if I lose. I wrote the following pieces in the run-up to Thursday:
  • 11. Constitutional Monarchy, rule of law and good governance (5 Feb) ( How to bring a government down (4 Feb) ( If fresh state elections are held in Perak (4 Feb) ( Santa Claus is coming to town (2 Feb) ( No two ways about it: DISSOLVE the Perak State Assembly (2 Feb) ( Live by the sword, die by the sword (31 Jan) ( I just love this country (27 Jan) ( As you can see, I have already said what I wanted to say. There is nothing more I can add about an event that is already a fait accompli. Nasi sudah jadi bubur, as the Malays would say. About a week ago, a few of us sat down to discuss the impending collapse of the Perak government. It was suggested we speak to the Pakatan Rakyat leaders, which we did. Our recommendation was that they dissolve the Perak State Assembly and hold fresh state elections while Pakatan Rakyat still has the majority in the Assembly. Once Pakatan Rakyat has lost that majority it will be too late. No way will the Sultan agree to the request to dissolve the Perak State Assembly once you no longer command the majority in the Assembly. But the Pakatan Rakyat leaders would not listen. They still have things under control, they remarked. We did not think so and we told them this. But who are we to ‘teach grandmothers how to suck eggs’, as Malaysians would say? If we are so smart then how come they, and not us, are the party leaders. We would be sitting in their chairs, instead, if we are cleverer than them. Politicians do not think much of you if you do not hold any party positions. They only respect those who hold positions in political parties and government, not those outside mainstream politics. Everyone is an expert on hindsight. Only good leaders have foresight. And our leaders lack just that, foresight. They are very clever when it comes to reacting to situations. But they know nothing about pre-empting. Why react, especially when it is too late? You must be able to pre-empt before it is too late to do anything. This is what our leaders lack, the skill to pre-empt.
  • 12. When the Rulers of Perlis and Terengganu ‘interfered’ in Umno’s choice of Menteri Besar, we hailed them as great Rulers who are full of justice and wisdom. When the Rulers agreed to allow Pakatan Rakyat to form the Perak and Selangor state governments, they are the best Rulers in the world. Whenever things go our way we are full of praise. But as soon as the decision does not favour us they are haprak Rulers. The Rulers are a disappointment. We are disgusted with our Rulers. Our Rulers sold out to Umno. Malaysia should abolish the Monarchy and turn the country into a Republic. And so on and so forth. That is what is on the lips of many Malaysians. But if the Rulers had favoured the opposition, even though they did so in violation of the law and the Constitution, we will hail the Rulers as amongst the best in the world. Actually, the Perak and Selangor Rulers were worried that the Pakatan Rakyat state governments of these two states would not last, in particular in Perak, which had a very slim majority. That is why there was a week’s delay in swearing in the Perak and Selangor state governments. And can you blame the Rulers? DAP had said it will not sit at the same table as PAS, let alone form a coalition government with it, if PAS does not openly and publicly declare it will abandon the Islamic State agenda. PAS, on the other hand, said it shall not openly and publicly declare such a thing. That means DAP and PAS can never form a coalition. The Rulers of Perak and Selangor then called all the State Assemblymen and women from DAP, PKR and PAS and asked them, one by one, whether they agree to the formation of coalition governments in Perak and Selangor. The coalition can only be formed if all three parties -- DAP, PKR and PAS -- agree to it. Even if just one of the three do not agree, then Pakatan Rakyat will not have enough seats to form the governments in both Perak and Selangor. The DAP, PKR and PAS State Assemblymen and women indicated their agreement. But this still did not satisfy the Rulers. You can say one thing now, but what is there to prevent you from changing your minds later? So the Rulers asked the DAP, PKR and PAS State Assemblymen and women for both Perak and Selangor to sign letters confirming this agreement. Only then will the Rulers agree to swear in the new state governments. It was, in a way, a contract of sorts. The Rulers wanted all the DAP, PKR and PAS State Assemblymen and women from Perak and Selangor to sign a contract stating that they agree to the formation of a three-party coalition and that there are no dissenters from amongst the ranks of DAP, PKR and PAS. Then the fight broke out. DAP, PKR and PAS could not agree on how to share out the EXCO positions, the racial quotas, who should hold the posts of Menteri Besar and Speaker, and so on. In Selangor, some DAP State Assemblymen organised demonstrations. In Perak, they threatened to boycott the swearing-in ceremony. Even the trivial matter of the wearing of the songkok during the swearing-in ceremony became a hot issue and almost brought the coalition down before it could even be formed. The Perak and Selangor Rulers had their doubts. They doubted whether the DAP-PKR-PAS coalition, now called Pakatan Rakyat, could last. DAP, PKR and PAS had very little in common and were always squabbling over minor issues. And they argued about party and racial quotas just like Barisan Nasional. Pakatan Rakyat is as racist as Barisan Nasional. It appeared like there is very little difference between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional. Nevertheless, the Perak and Selangor Rulers decided to give Pakatan Rakyat a chance. Let Pakatan Rakyat prove that not only it can do a better job but it can also keep the coalition going. If the coalition breaks up, then a decision would
  • 13. have to be made, later, what to do about it. In the meantime, allow Pakatan Rakyat to prove it can last at least one full term until the next general election. Then we began to hear grumblings. This State Assemblyman was not happy and wanted to resign. That State Assemblywoman was not happy and wanted to resign. Barely one year into the marriage and the marriage appeared to be breaking up. The Indians complained about not having enough Indian quotas. The Chinese grumbled about having the most number of seats but not being able to become Menteri Besar. The Malays grumbled about the ‘Chinese’ government not looking after the Malays. It was all about race and about so-and-so being neglected and not being looked after better. Suddenly it was no longer about the rakyat. It was about your personal interest and position and about the quotas your race is being denied. Pakatan Rakyat was nothing but Barisan Nasional by another name. What happened in Perak is good. I hope it will teach Pakatan Rakyat that it has to get its act together. The DAP lady’s crossover was triggered by something very trivial and goes to show she is more concerned about herself than about her party or about the rakyat. Everyone got a new Camry except her. So she sulked (merajuk) and left the party. If she had been given a new car she would not have sulked. A mere car brought the Perak government down. If this is what brought the Perak government down, then it deserves to fall. The Pakatan Rakyat government in Perak used to be a non-Malay majority government. Now, it is an almost entirely Malay government. 27 of the 28 State Assemblymen are from Umno. Even if the three ‘independents’ join the new government it will be 29 Malays against only two Chinese. And there is not a single Indian State Assemblyman/woman in the new government. What took 52 years of transformation has been destroyed in a mere days. Today, we are back to an entirely Malay government in Perak. And a DAP State Assemblywoman helped achieve this. A Chinese made the restoration of maruah Melayu (Malay dignity) possible. She should be given the next Ma'al Hijrah award and be accorded Bumiputera status. I can only say that this serves Pakatan Rakyat right. They had it coming. When personal interests and racial issues override everything else, you deserve to fall. And there are many low quality wakil rakyat still in Pakatan Rakyat -- DAP, PKR, as well as PAS. Expect more to cross over. The RM25 million dangled in front of their faces is just too difficult to say no to. After all, not everyone is in politics to serve the rakyat. Many are in it for their personal interests. And RM25 million is an attractive proposition. Next time, get better candidates. Some of the Pakatan Rakyat wakil rakyat are so low standard I would not even trust them to baby-sit my dog. I would not deny there are some good wakil rakyat in Pakatan Rakyat, some even better than those from Barisan Nasional. But all we need are 30% bad ones to bring the party down, especially when you are barely surviving with a 10% majority in Parliament or the state assemblies. Okay, Umno bought over our wakil rakyat. So what? If they are not for sale then Umno could not have been able to buy them. It is like prostitution. If there are clients then there will be prostitutes. It is the law of supply and demand. If there are no takers then there can be no givers as well. Simple! We all know that Umno has tons of money. And RM10 million is nothing to Umno. If the Pakatan Rakyat people are so unprincipled then whom do we blame? Why blame Umno? Blame our people who worship money and pray to the Ringgit. Blame Pakatan Rakyat for fielding low quality people to contest the elections.
  • 14. You can take the man out of the kampong but you can’t take the kampong out of the man. Low quality people can’t suddenly become high quality just because they are now wakil rakyat. They will still remain low quality and will kowtow to money because they have no maruah (dignity). That is, after all, what prostitutes do. They open their legs for money. And many in Pakatan Rakyat are prostitutes while those who manage prostitutes and called pimps. If I were in Umno I would do exactly the same. I would use the immense wealth that Umno possesses to buy over the prostitutes in Pakatan Rakyat. Anyway, is that not what we want Anwar Ibrahim to do? We want Anwar to form a new federal government by enticing at least 30 Parliamentarians from Barisan Nasional to cross over to the opposition. Najib did in Perak exactly what we want Anwar to do at federal level. So, why the sudden outrage? What if three State Assemblymen in Negerl Sembilan cross over and Pakatan Rakyat gets to form the new Negeri Sembilan state government? Would we still express outrage? Let’s face it: we lost. Let’s just lick our wounds and learn from this bitter experience. Our leaders were stupid and we paid for this stupidity. We chose poor quality people as candidates. We knew that Umno was trying to buy over our wakil rakyat. We knew they would eventually succeed. But we just stood and watched without launching a pre-emptive strike -- such as dissolving the state assembly when there was time to do so and when we still had the power to do so. That is the long and short of it. Let us lose like gentlemen. Sure, they did not play fair. The Sultan should not have forced the MB’s resignation or appointed a new MB from Umno when Nizar did not resign. Sure, there are questions of whether it was legal to do what the Sultan did. But he did, fair or otherwise. And the Sultan could not have done so had we been cleverer. We left the door open and they walked in. We should take the blame for that rather than moan and bitch. And, next time, lock all the doors. Thieves are thieves and will always be thieves. But we were sloppy and that allowed the thieves to get in. There is no denying that. We lost the battle. But we are yet to lose the war. That is the big picture. So focus on the big picture and see how we can eventually win the war. That is more important. And how do we turn defeat into victory? How can we menang dalam kalah? We can turn defeat into victory if our leaders are clever. My only worry is whether they are clever enough to do this. Let us see.
  • 15. 霹雳州跳槽风气继续扩散? 传国阵转向非巫裔议员下手 郭史光庆与王国兴 | 2 月 7 日 傍晚 5 点 02 分 虽然新任州务大臣赞比里昨日已在千人抗 议 声 中 宣 誓 就 任 ,但 霹 雳 州 国 阵 政 府 依 然 面 对 严 峻 的 挑 战 ,即 新 州 政 府 及 州 行 政 议 会 里 头 的 族 群 比 例 不 平 衡 ,非 巫 裔 的 议 员 人 数 太 少。 因 此 民 联 消 息 透 露 ,国 阵 挖 角 跳 槽 的 努 力 仍 未 停 息 ,不 过 如 今 改 为 专 注 拉 拢 非 巫 裔 州 议 员 ,以 打 破 霹 雳 州 国 阵 几 乎 清 一 色 以 马 来 裔 议员为主的局面。 根 据 马 新 社 报 道 ,首 相 署 部 长 兼 霹 雳 州 巫 统 联 委 会 署 理 主 席 阿 末 扎 希 ,基 于 霹 雳 州 国 阵 目 前 没 有 任 何 一 位 来 自 国 大 党 、人 民 进 步 党 或 印 度 人 民 进 步 阵 线 ( IPF) 的 州 议 员 , 国 阵 门 户 大 开 ,欢 迎 民 联 印 裔 议 员 过 档 。他 也 说 ,跳 槽 是 改 善 霹 州 印 裔 社 会 地位的最佳方法。 献议 3 百万及出任行政议员 《 当 今 大 马 》获 悉 ,至 少 有 三 名 非 巫 裔 民 联 州 议 员 ,已 证 实 曾 接 获 国 阵 的 献 议 ,拉 拢 他 们 步 上 4 名 民 联 议 员 的 后 尘 ,退 党 成 为 独 立 议 员 ,而 所 开 出 的 “价 码 ”包 括 出 任 行 政 议 员 , 另 加 300 万 令 吉 。 其 中 一 名 人 民 公 正 党 非 巫 裔 州 议 员 向《 当 今 大 马 》证 实 ,一 名 马 华 党 籍 的 选 民 昨 日 要 求 与 他 会 晤 ,并 献 议 他 追 随 九 洞 州 议 员 许 月 凤 的 后 尘 ,退 出 公 正党成为支持国阵的独立议员。 该 项 献 议 包 括 让 他 在 退 党 后 ,无 须 加 入 国 阵 就 能 受 委 为 行 政 议 员 ,并 还 能 获 得 300 万 令 吉 的 报 酬 。 “他 告 诉 我 , 如 果 我 成 为 行 政 议 员 , 就 能 够 更 好 地 服 务 人 民 。 ” 不 当 行 政 议 员 , 价 码 400 万 他 声 称 ,这 名 马 华 党 员 也 希 望 ,能 透 过 他 向 另 一 名 公 正 党 籍 的 非 巫 裔 州 议 员 提 出 退 党 献 议 , 开 价 是 400 万 令 吉 , 因 为 有 关 的 献 议 并 不 包 括 担 任 行 政议员。
  • 16. 虽当场拒绝,对方仍不放弃 这名不愿透露姓名的公正党州议 员 表 示 ,虽 然 他 当 场 拒 绝 对 方 的 献 议 ,但 是 对 方 依 然 要 求 他 考 虑 ,一 旦 同 意 就 写 信 确 定 ,有 关 方 面 将 给 予安排。 随 着 民 联 州 政 府 垮 台 几 成 定 局 ,其 他 民 联 州 议 员 “树 倒 猢 狲 散 ”,退 党 或跳槽国阵的可能性也越来越大。 但 是 这 名 州 议 员 指 出 ,由 于 选 民 在 许月凤退党后展开一系列的抗议 活 动 ,造 成 她 迟 迟 不 敢 回 家 ,其 家 人 也 备 受 困 扰 ,反 映 背 叛 民 意 所 付 出的代价庞大,因此相信民联州议员叛党的可能性已大大减低。 目 前 国 阵 于 霹 雳 拥 有 28 个 州 议 员 , 但 是 只 有 1 名 华 裔 , 即 马 华 党 籍 的 积 莪 营 州 议 员 马 汉 顺 , 其 他 27 名 皆 是 巫 统 巫 裔 州 议 员 。 至 于 退 党 成 为 支 持 国阵独立议员的 3 名前民联州议员当中,也只有许月凤是华裔。换言之, 所 有 31 名 支 持 国 阵 的 州 议 员 当 中 , 只 有 2 名 华 裔 , 完 全 没 有 印 裔 代 表 。 跳槽邀请在过去一周更频繁 另 一 名 非 巫 裔 民 联 州 议 员 在 今 日 接 受《 当 今 大 马 》访 问 时 指 称 ,他 从 去 年 3 0 8 大 选 之 后 就 不 时 接 获 跳 槽 献 议 ,但 是 过 去 一 周 来 对 方 接 触 他 的 次 数 更 加频繁。 “他 们 告 诉 我 种 种 的 好 处 , 他 们 答 应 我 行 政 议 员 职 , 不 过 最 近 他 们 不 再 定 下 ‘价 钱 ’。 ” 这名代议士透露,由于自己多次拒绝,对方甚至忍不住破口大骂。 “我 的 立 场 是 , 人 民 投 选 的 是 我 和 我 党 , 如 果 我 接 受 献 议 , 就 等 于 是 出 卖 选民。” 《 当 今 大 马 》尝 试 以 手 机 短 讯 联 络 霹 州 硕 果 仅 存 的 华 裔 州 议 员 马 汉 顺 以 回 应 国 阵 州 政 府 由 巫 统 主 导 的 课 题 ,不 过 对 方 以 事 忙 为 由 ,一 概 拒 绝 会 面 或 接受电话访问。 赞比里允照顾三大种族利益 国阵新任州务大臣赞比里今早在怡保狮美新村出席上任后的第一项活动 时 ,受 询 及 国 阵 州 政 府 由 巫 统 巫 裔 主 导 的 问 题 时 指 出 ,他 会 慎 重 考 虑 这 项 问题,确保即将出炉的新州内阁阵容,不会忽略任何一个族群。
  • 17. 他 表 示 ,国 阵 在 霹 雳 州 议 会 的 几 乎 单 一 族 群 代 表 的 局 面 ,不 会 带 来 任 何 的 问题。 “我 肯 定 会 照 顾 所 有 的 三 大 种 族 。 ”