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Spoiling The Youth With Ruby
Karel Minařík
Karel Minařík
→ Independent web designer and developer („Have Ruby — Will Travel“)

→ Ruby, Rails, Git and CouchDB propagandista in .cz

→ Previously: Flash Developer; Art Director; Information Architect;… (see LinkedIn)

→ @karmiq at Twitter


                                                                                Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
I have spent couple of last years introducing spoiling
humanities students to with the basics of PR0GR4MM1NG.
(As a PhD student)

I’d like to share why and how I did it.

And what I myself have learned in the process.

                                                 Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
I don’t know if I’m right.

                       Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
But a bunch of n00bz was able to:

‣ Do simple quantitative text analysis (count number of pages, etc)
‣ Follow the development of a simple Wiki web application and
  write code on their own
‣ Understand what $ curl ‐i ‐v does
‣ And were quite enthusiastic about it

5 in 10 have „some experience“ with HTML
1 in 10 have „at last minimal experience“ with programming (PHP, C, …)

                                                                         Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

Socrates is guilty of spoling the youth (ἀδικεῖν τούϛ τε νέουϛ
διαφθείροντα) and not acknowledging the gods that the city

does, but some other new divinities (ἓτερα δὲ δαιμόνια καινά).

— Plato, Apology, 24b9

                                                  Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Some of our city DAIMONIA:

Students should learn C or Java or Lisp…
Web is for hobbyists…
You should write your own implementation of quick sort…
Project management is for „managers“…
UML is mightier than Zeus…
Design patterns are mightier than UML…
Test-driven development is some other new divinity…
Ruby on Rails is some other new divinity…
NoSQL databases are some other new divinities…
(etc ad nauseam)

                                                      Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Programming is
a specific way of thinking.

                          Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
1   Why Teach Programming (to non-programmers)?

                                    Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
„To use a tool on a computer, you need do little more than
point and click; to create a tool, you must understand the
arcane art of computer programming“

— John Maeda, Creative Code

                                                   Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
(reading and writing)

                        Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

To most of my students, this:'pride_and_prejudice.txt').
         split(' ').

is an ultimate, OMG this is soooooo cool hack

Although it really does not „work“ that well. That’s part of the explanation.

                                                                    Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
2   Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language?

                                   Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation and naming things.
— Phil Karlton

                                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world
(Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt)

— Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 5.6

                                                                Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language?

We use Ruby because it’s…
Flexible and dynamic
Not tied to a specific paradigm
Well designed (cf. Enumerable)
(etc ad nauseam)

                                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
All those reasons are valid
for didactic purposes as well.

                                 Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language?

Of course… not only Ruby…

                                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language?


                                              Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language?

             5.times do
               print "Hello. "

                                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language?

Let’s start with the basics...

                                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
An algorithm is a sequence of well defined and
finite instructions. It starts from an initial state
and terminates in an end state.
— Wikipedia

                                            Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Algorithms and kitchen recipes

                    1. Pour oil in the pan
                    2. Light the gas
                    3. Take some eggs
                    4. ...

                                        Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

Finding the largest number from unordered list

1. Let’s assume, that the first number in the list is the largest.

2. Let’s look on every other number in the list, in succession. If it’s larger
then previous number, let’s write it down.

3. When we have stepped through all the numbers, the last number
written down is the largest one.                       Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Finding the largest number from unordered list


Input: A non‐empty list of numbers L
Output: The largest number in the list L

largest ← L0
for each item in the list L≥1, do
  if the item > largest, then
    largest ← the item
return largest

                                             Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Finding the largest number from unordered list

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #define SIZE 11
3 int main()
4 {
5   int input[SIZE] = {1, 5, 3, 95, 43, 56, 32, 90, 2, 4, 19};
6   int largest = input[0];
7   int i;
8   for (i = 1; i < SIZE; i++) {
9     if (input[i] > largest)
10       largest = input[i];
11   }
12   printf("Largest number is: %dn", largest);
13   return 0;
14 }

                                                         Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Finding the largest number from unordered list

1 class MaxApp {
2   public static void main (String args[]) {
3     int[] input = {1, 5, 3, 95, 43, 56, 32, 90, 2, 4, 19};
4     int largest = input[0];
5     for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
6       if (input[i] > largest)
7         largest = input[i];
8     }
9     System.out.println("Largest number is: " + largest + "n");
10   }
11 }

                                                         Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Finding the largest number from unordered list

1 input = [1, 5, 3, 95, 43, 56, 32, 90, 2, 4, 19]
2 largest = input.first
3 input.each do |i|
4   largest = i if i > largest
5 end
6 print "Largest number is: #{largest} n"

                                                    Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Finding the largest number from unordered list

1 input = [1, 5, 3, 95, 43, 56, 32, 90, 2, 4, 19]
2 largest = input.first
3 input.each do |i|
4   largest = i if i > largest
5 end
6 print "Largest number is: #{largest} n"

   largest ← L0
   for each item in the list L≥1, do
    if the item > largest, then
      largest ← the item
   return largest

                                                    Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
What can we explain with this example?
‣   Input / Output
‣   Variable
‣   Basic composite data type: an array (a list of items)
‣   Iterating over collection
‣   Block syntax
‣   Conditions
                                    # find_largest_number.rb
‣   String interpolation            input = [3, 6, 9, 1]
                                         largest = input.shift
                                         input.each do |i|
                                           largest = i if i > largest
                                         print "Largest number is: #{largest} n"

                                                             Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
That’s... well, basic...

                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

 The concept of a function (method)…
  # Function definition:
  def max(input)
    largest = input.shift
    input.each do |i|
      largest = i if i > largest
    return largest

  # Usage:
  puts max( [3, 6, 9, 1] )
  # => 9

                                       Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

… the concept of polymorphy
def max(*input)
  largest = input.shift
  input.each do |i|
    largest = i if i > largest
  return largest

# Usage
puts max( 4, 3, 1 )
puts max( 'lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor' )
puts max( Time.mktime(2010, 1, 1),
          Time.mktime(1970, 1, 1) )

puts max(, 999 ) #=> (ArgumentError: comparison of Fixnum with Time failed)

                                                                      Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

… that you’re doing it wrong — most of the time :)

# Enumerable#max
puts [3, 6, 9, 1].max

                                          Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

Pick an example and stick with it
Switching contexts is distracting
What’s the difference between “ and ‘ quote?
What does the @ mean in a @variable ?
„OMG what is a class and an object?“

                                               Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Interactive Ruby console at


[1, 14, 7, 3].max

["banana", "lemon", "ananas"].size
["banana", "lemon", "ananas"].sort
["banana", "lemon", "ananas"].sort.last
["banana", "lemon", "ananas"].sort.last.capitalize

5.times do
  print "Hello. "

                                                     Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Great „one-click“  installer for Windows

                                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Great resources, available for free

 (first edition)
                                            Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Like, tooootaly excited!

           Why’s (Poignant) Guide To Ruby
                                       Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Ruby will grow with you                   („The Evolution of a Ruby Programmer“)

1   def sum(list)
      total = 0
                                  4   def sum(list)
                                        total = 0
      for i in 0..list.size-1           list.each{|i| total += i}
        total = total + list[i]         total
      end                             end
    end                           5   def sum(list)
                                        list.inject(0){|a,b| a+b}
2   def sum(list)                     end
      total = 0
      list.each do |item|         6   class Array
        total += item                   def sum
      end                                 inject{|a,b| a+b}
      total                             end
    end                               end

3   def test_sum_empty
      sum([]) == 0
                                  7   describe "Enumerable objects should sum themselve

    end                                 it 'should sum arrays of floats' do
                                          [1.0, 2.0, 3.0].sum.should == 6.0
    # ...                               end

                                        # ...

                                      # ...                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

If you’re teaching/training, try to learn
something you’re really bad at.
‣ Playing a musical instrument
‣ Drawing
‣ Dancing
‣ Martial arts

‣   …

It gives you the beginner’s perspective

                                          Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
3   Web as a Platform

                        Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
20 09

20 09

But wait! Almost all of us are doing
web applications today.

                                       Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Why web is a great platform?
Transparent: view-source all the way
Simple to understand
Simple and free development tools
Low barrier of entry
Extensive documentation
Rich platform (HTML5, „jQuery“, …)
Advanced development platforms (Rails, Django, …)
(etc ad nauseam)

                                            Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
All those reasons are valid
for didactic purposes as well.

                                 Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

                                                         Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Why a Wiki?

Well known and understood piece of software with minimal
and well defined feature set (

Used on a daily basis (Wikipedia)

Feature set could be expanded based on individual skills

                                                   Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
20 10

Sinatra.rb   Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

Why choose Sinatra?
Expose HTTP!                GET / → get("/") { ... }

Simple to install and run   $ ruby myapp.rb

Simple to write „Hello World“ applications

                                               Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Expose HTTP

$ curl --include --verbose

* About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
*   Trying connected
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  <TITLE>Example Web Page</TITLE>
* Closing connection #0

                                                        Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Expose HTTP

# my_first_web_application.rb

require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
  "Hello, World!"

get '/time' do

                                Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
First „real code“ — saving pages

                                                .gitignore       |    2 ++
                                                application.rb   |   22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
                                                views/form.erb   |    9 +++++++++
                                                views/layout.erb |   12 ++++++++++++
                                                4 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 0 deletions(‐)                        Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Refactoring code to OOP (Page class)

                                                application.rb |    4 +++‐
                                                kiwi.rb        |    7 +++++++
                                                2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletions(‐)                        Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Teaching real-world processes and tools

                                          Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
Teaching real-world processes and tools

                                             Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
The difference between theory and practice
is bigger in practice then in theory.
(Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut or Yogi Berra, paraphrase)

                                                 Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
What I had no time to cover (alas)

Automated testing and test-driven development
Deployment (

                                           Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
What would be great to have

A common curriculum for teaching Ruby
(for inspiration, adaptation, discussion, …)

Code shared on GitHub

TeachingRuby (RailsBridge) (

Try Camping ( ?

                                                                   Spoiling the Youth With Ruby

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Spoiling The Youth With Ruby (Euruko 2010)

  • 1. Spoiling The Youth With Ruby EURUKO 2010 Karel Minařík
  • 2. Karel Minařík → Independent web designer and developer („Have Ruby — Will Travel“) → Ruby, Rails, Git and CouchDB propagandista in .cz → Previously: Flash Developer; Art Director; Information Architect;… (see LinkedIn) → @karmiq at Twitter → Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 3. I have spent couple of last years introducing spoiling humanities students to with the basics of PR0GR4MM1NG. (As a PhD student) I’d like to share why and how I did it. And what I myself have learned in the process. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 4. I don’t know if I’m right. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 5. But a bunch of n00bz was able to: ‣ Do simple quantitative text analysis (count number of pages, etc) ‣ Follow the development of a simple Wiki web application and write code on their own ‣ Understand what $ curl ‐i ‐v does ‣ And were quite enthusiastic about it 5 in 10 have „some experience“ with HTML 1 in 10 have „at last minimal experience“ with programming (PHP, C, …) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 7. Socrates is guilty of spoling the youth (ἀδικεῖν τούϛ τε νέουϛ διαφθείροντα) and not acknowledging the gods that the city does, but some other new divinities (ἓτερα δὲ δαιμόνια καινά). — Plato, Apology, 24b9 Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 8. Some of our city DAIMONIA: Students should learn C or Java or Lisp… Web is for hobbyists… You should write your own implementation of quick sort… Project management is for „managers“… UML is mightier than Zeus… Design patterns are mightier than UML… Test-driven development is some other new divinity… Ruby on Rails is some other new divinity… NoSQL databases are some other new divinities… (etc ad nauseam) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 9. Programming is a specific way of thinking. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 10. 1 Why Teach Programming (to non-programmers)? Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 11. „To use a tool on a computer, you need do little more than point and click; to create a tool, you must understand the arcane art of computer programming“ — John Maeda, Creative Code Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 12. Literacy (reading and writing) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 13. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 14.
  • 15. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 18. Literacy To most of my students, this:'pride_and_prejudice.txt'). split(' '). sort. uniq is an ultimate, OMG this is soooooo cool hack Although it really does not „work“ that well. That’s part of the explanation. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 19. 2 Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language? Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 20. There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. — Phil Karlton Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 21. The limits of my language mean the limits of my world (Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt) — Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 5.6 Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 22. Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language? We use Ruby because it’s… Expressive Flexible and dynamic Not tied to a specific paradigm Well designed (cf. Enumerable) Powerful (etc ad nauseam) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 23. All those reasons are valid for didactic purposes as well. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 24. Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language? Of course… not only Ruby… Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 25. Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language? Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 27. Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language? 5.times do   print "Hello. " end Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 28. Ruby as an „Ideal” Programming Language? Let’s start with the basics... Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 29. An algorithm is a sequence of well defined and finite instructions. It starts from an initial state and terminates in an end state. — Wikipedia Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 30. Algorithms and kitchen recipes 1. Pour oil in the pan 2. Light the gas 3. Take some eggs 4. ... Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 31. SIMPLE ALGORITHM EXAMPLE Finding the largest number from unordered list 1. Let’s assume, that the first number in the list is the largest. 2. Let’s look on every other number in the list, in succession. If it’s larger then previous number, let’s write it down. 3. When we have stepped through all the numbers, the last number written down is the largest one. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 32. Finding the largest number from unordered list FORMAL DESCRIPTION IN ENGLISH Input: A non‐empty list of numbers L Output: The largest number in the list L largest ← L0 for each item in the list L≥1, do   if the item > largest, then     largest ← the item return largest Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 33. Finding the largest number from unordered list DESCRIPTION IN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE C 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #define SIZE 11 3 int main() 4 { 5   int input[SIZE] = {1, 5, 3, 95, 43, 56, 32, 90, 2, 4, 19}; 6   int largest = input[0]; 7   int i; 8   for (i = 1; i < SIZE; i++) { 9     if (input[i] > largest) 10       largest = input[i]; 11   } 12   printf("Largest number is: %dn", largest); 13   return 0; 14 } Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 34. Finding the largest number from unordered list DESCRIPTION IN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Java 1 class MaxApp { 2   public static void main (String args[]) { 3     int[] input = {1, 5, 3, 95, 43, 56, 32, 90, 2, 4, 19}; 4     int largest = input[0]; 5     for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { 6       if (input[i] > largest) 7         largest = input[i]; 8     } 9     System.out.println("Largest number is: " + largest + "n"); 10   } 11 } Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 35. Finding the largest number from unordered list DESCRIPTION IN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Ruby 1 input = [1, 5, 3, 95, 43, 56, 32, 90, 2, 4, 19] 2 largest = input.first 3 input.each do |i| 4   largest = i if i > largest 5 end 6 print "Largest number is: #{largest} n" Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 36. Finding the largest number from unordered list 1 input = [1, 5, 3, 95, 43, 56, 32, 90, 2, 4, 19] 2 largest = input.first 3 input.each do |i| 4   largest = i if i > largest 5 end 6 print "Largest number is: #{largest} n" largest ← L0 for each item in the list L≥1, do if the item > largest, then largest ← the item return largest Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 37. What can we explain with this example? ‣ Input / Output ‣ Variable ‣ Basic composite data type: an array (a list of items) ‣ Iterating over collection ‣ Block syntax ‣ Conditions # find_largest_number.rb ‣ String interpolation input = [3, 6, 9, 1] largest = input.shift input.each do |i| largest = i if i > largest end print "Largest number is: #{largest} n" Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 38. That’s... well, basic... Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 39. BUT, YOU CAN EXPLAIN ALSO… The concept of a function (method)…   # Function definition:   def max(input)     largest = input.shift     input.each do |i|       largest = i if i > largest     end     return largest   end   # Usage:   puts max( [3, 6, 9, 1] )   # => 9 Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 40. BUT, YOU CAN EXPLAIN ALSO… … the concept of polymorphy def max(*input)   largest = input.shift   input.each do |i|     largest = i if i > largest   end   return largest end # Usage puts max( 4, 3, 1 ) puts max( 'lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor' ) puts max( Time.mktime(2010, 1, 1), ,           Time.mktime(1970, 1, 1) ) puts max(, 999 ) #=> (ArgumentError: comparison of Fixnum with Time failed) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 41. BUT, YOU CAN EXPLAIN ALSO… … that you’re doing it wrong — most of the time :) # Enumerable#max puts [3, 6, 9, 1].max Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 42. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED Pick an example and stick with it Switching contexts is distracting What’s the difference between “ and ‘ quote? What does the @ mean in a @variable ? „OMG what is a class and an object?“ Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 43. Interactive Ruby console at "hello".reverse [1, 14, 7, 3].max ["banana", "lemon", "ananas"].size ["banana", "lemon", "ananas"].sort ["banana", "lemon", "ananas"].sort.last ["banana", "lemon", "ananas"].sort.last.capitalize 5.times do   print "Hello. " end Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 44. Great „one-click“  installer for Windows Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 45. Great resources, available for free (first edition) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 46. Like, tooootaly excited! Why’s (Poignant) Guide To Ruby Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 47. Ruby will grow with you („The Evolution of a Ruby Programmer“) 1 def sum(list) total = 0 4 def sum(list) total = 0 for i in 0..list.size-1 list.each{|i| total += i} total = total + list[i] total end end total end 5 def sum(list) list.inject(0){|a,b| a+b} 2 def sum(list) end total = 0 list.each do |item| 6 class Array total += item def sum end inject{|a,b| a+b} total end end end 3 def test_sum_empty sum([]) == 0 7 describe "Enumerable objects should sum themselve end it 'should sum arrays of floats' do [1.0, 2.0, 3.0].sum.should == 6.0 # ... end # ... end # ... Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 48. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED If you’re teaching/training, try to learn something you’re really bad at. ‣ Playing a musical instrument ‣ Drawing ‣ Dancing ‣ Martial arts ‣ … It gives you the beginner’s perspective Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 49. 3 Web as a Platform Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 50. 20 09
  • 51. 20 09 R.I.P.
  • 52. But wait! Almost all of us are doing web applications today. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 53. Why web is a great platform? Transparent: view-source all the way Simple to understand Simple and free development tools Low barrier of entry Extensive documentation Rich platform (HTML5, „jQuery“, …) Advanced development platforms (Rails, Django, …) Ubiquitous (etc ad nauseam) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 54. All those reasons are valid for didactic purposes as well. Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 56. Why a Wiki? Well known and understood piece of software with minimal and well defined feature set ( Used on a daily basis (Wikipedia) Feature set could be expanded based on individual skills Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 57. 20 10 Sinatra.rb Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 58. Sinatra.rb Why choose Sinatra? Expose HTTP! GET / → get("/") { ... } Simple to install and run $ ruby myapp.rb Simple to write „Hello World“ applications Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 59. Expose HTTP $ curl --include --verbose * About to connect() to port 80 (#0) * Trying connected * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) > GET / HTTP/1.1 ... < HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... < <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Example Web Page</TITLE> ... * Closing connection #0 Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 60. Expose HTTP # my_first_web_application.rb require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' get '/' do "Hello, World!" end get '/time' do end Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 61. First „real code“ — saving pages  .gitignore       |    2 ++  application.rb   |   22 ++++++++++++++++++++++  views/form.erb   |    9 +++++++++  views/layout.erb |   12 ++++++++++++  4 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 0 deletions(‐) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 62. Refactoring code to OOP (Page class)  application.rb |    4 +++‐  kiwi.rb        |    7 +++++++  2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletions(‐) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 63. Teaching real-world processes and tools Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 64. Teaching real-world processes and tools Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 65. The difference between theory and practice is bigger in practice then in theory. (Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut or Yogi Berra, paraphrase) Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 66. What I had no time to cover (alas) Automated testing and test-driven development Cucumber Deployment ( Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 67. What would be great to have A common curriculum for teaching Ruby (for inspiration, adaptation, discussion, …) Code shared on GitHub TeachingRuby (RailsBridge) ( Try Camping ( ? Spoiling the Youth With Ruby
  • 68. Questions!