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Eva María Gil Guerrero
Spanish teacher
F – 10 Sequence
Foundation – Level 2
Interact with teacher and peers to introduce self, greet and farewell others and describe friends, family and favourite things (VCESC109)
Participate in guided group activities and simple transactions such as games, performances, songs and rhymes, using modelled repetitive language (VCESC110)
Recognise and respond to classroom interactions such as opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, answering simple questions and following classroom
instructions (VCESC111)
Locate specific words and expressions in simple print, spoken and digital texts such as charts, lists, songs, rhymes and stories, and use information to complete guided
spoken and written tasks (VCESC112)
Present factual information about self, family, friends and everyday objects using simple statements and support materials (VCESC113)
Participate in shared reading, or viewing or listening to short imaginative texts and respond through mime, drawing and dance (VCESC114)
Create and perform simple imaginative texts that involve repetitive language, experimenting with sound patterns, rhymes and non-verbal forms of expression
Translate frequently used words and simple phrases using visual cues and resources such as word lists (VCESC116)
Create simple print or digital texts that use both Spanish and English, such as labels, captions, wall charts and picture dictionaries (VCESC117)
Recognise what aspects of songs, stories, rhymes and pictures from Spanish-speaking cultures may look or feel similar or different to own language(s) and culture(s)
Recognise themselves as belonging to groups, for example, ‘my friends’, ‘my class’, ‘my school’, ‘my family’ and ‘my community’ (VCESC119)
Systems of language
Recognise and reproduce the sounds and rhythms of simple spoken Spanish, noticing how they are produced and how they are represented in writing (VCESU120)
Notice and apply grammatical rules such as those relating to gender, simple verb forms and definite articles when describing people, places, things and relationships
Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ and recognise features of familiar texts such as charts, labels, rhymes and stories (VCESU122)
Language variation and change
Recognise that in Spanish different words and language forms are used to address and greet people according to relationship,context and time of day (VCESU123)
Understand that the English and Spanish languages borrow words from each other (VCESU124)
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Foundation – Level 2
Recognise that Spanish is one of many languages spoken around the world and in Australia (VCESU125)
Role of language and culture
Notice some differences and similarities in cultural practices between Spanish speakers and Australian-English speakers (VCESU126)
Achievement Standard
By the end of Level 2, students interact with teachers and peers through action-related talk and play. They introduce themselves and exchange greetings such as
Buenos días/tardes/noches, and farewells (for example, hasta pronto). They use simple repetitive language and respond to simple instructions when participating in
classroom routines, games and shared activities, for example, Sal de aquí, Párate en la puerta. They use visual, non-verbal and contextual cues such as intonation,
gestures and facial expressions to help make meaning, and reproduce distinctive sounds of the Spanish language, including the sounds for the letters ll, ñ, rr/r g/j, c and
y. Students identify specific words and expressions in simple texts, such as names of people, places or objects. They convey factual information about self, family,
friends and favourite things at word and simple sentence level, for example, Mi casa es grande, Nuestro ordenador es pequeño, Tu celular es nuevo. They respond to
and create simple spoken and written texts using modelled examples and formulaic language. Students use gender (for example, el pastel/la torta), simple verb forms
(for example, estudiar, comer, dormir), definite articles and vocabulary related to familiar environments to describe people, places and things. Students translate
frequently used words and simple phrases, using visual cues and word lists (for example, clase, zapatos, camisa, teléfono/celular) and create simple print and digital
texts in both Spanish and English. They identify similarities and differences between English and Spanish language and culture in songs, stories, rhymes and pictures.
Students know that Spanish uses the same alphabet as English when written, except for ñ as in mañana and España. They identify features of familiar texts and give
examples of how different titles are used to address people in different situations (for example, Doña Josefa, Don José, Tía). They identify Spanish as one of many
languages spoken in Australia and give examples of words that English and Spanish have borrowed from each other such as chat, ‘tortilla’, ‘fiesta’. Students identify
differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures.
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Levels 1 and 2
Themes and topics Examples of vocabulary Materials
My personal world
Myself Me llamo... (alphabet)
Tengo... años (numbers to 50)
Me gusta... (colours)
 Songs: Cantajuegos, Damaris Gelabert,...
 Rhymes: ¿Dónde está la llave?, Tengo, tengo, tengo, Sol solecito...
 Games: Un, dos, tres pollito inglés (Wolf, what time is it?), El pañuelo, ¿Quién
soy yo? (Who am I?)...
 Online resources to learn Spanish for children, such as 'Cuentos ilustrados para
niños' or 'La cueva de Tragapalabras'
 Stories: library with more than 100 books in Spanish for children:
 Classic Fairy Tales
 Disney stories
 Spanish stories: Don Quixote, El Prado Museum
 Children’s vocabulary books...
 DVDs: collection of more than 50 DVDs for children in Spanish:
 Las Tres Mellizas
 Teo collection
 Disney films in Spanish...
Routines and
Buenos días/tardes/noches
Hola, adiós
Hasta mañana
Ayer, hoy, mañana
Casa, colegio, parque
Grande/pequeño, nuevo/viejo
My family Papá/mamá, hermano/a, abuelo/a
Joven/viejo, pequeño/mayor
My friends Amigo/a/os/as
Jugar, saltar, correr, leer
Bici, pelota, muñeca, patinete, cuento
Animals Perro, gato, vaca, oveja, toro...
The Spanish-speaking world
Festivals and
Cumpleaños, Navidad,
 Dances with castanets, maracas, fans...
 Costumes
 Performances with puppets
 Spanish-world symbols: flags, map, animals
Food and drink Paella, tortilla
Comer, beber
Art and
Música y baile: Flamenco, tango,
chachachá, salsa
Cantar, bailar, pintar
Page 3
Levels 1 and 2
Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding
Substrand: Socialising Systems of language Language variation and change
Interact with teacher and peers
to introduce self, greet and
farewell others and describe
friends, family and favourite
things (VCESC109)
Recognise and respond to classroom
interactions such as opening and
closing of lessons, transition activities,
answering simple questions and
following classroom instructions
Recognise and reproduce the sounds and
rhythms of simple spoken Spanish,
noticing how they are produced and how
they are represented in writing
Recognise that in Spanish different words and
language forms are used to address and greet
people according to relationship,context and
time of day (VCESU123)
 Students exchange greetings with the teacher and peers everyday saying 'Buenos
 Everyday routine starts with a greeting song in Spanish called 'Buenos días' (Good
 In small groups, they create drawings for the most important greetings and farewell
words, so we hang them in class and they can recognise them and say them when
appropriate. Basic models are provided and can be modified with spanish-relating
symbols, such as the flag, a bull or flamenco as they wish.
 Drawings of daily routine activities will also be created and displayed for them to
learn and follow, such as 'Hora del cuento' (Story time), 'A cantar' (Let's sing), 'A
jugar' (Let's play) or 'Vemos un video' (We watch a video).
Page 4
Levels 1 and 2
Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding
Substrand: Informing Substrand: Creating Systems of language
Language variation and
Role of language and
Locate specific words and
expressions in simple print,
spoken and digital texts such as
charts, lists, songs, rhymes and
stories, and use information to
complete guided spoken and
written tasks (VCESC112)
Participate in shared reading,
or viewing or listening to
short imaginative texts and
respond through mime,
drawing and dance
Recognise and reproduce the
sounds and rhythms of simple
spoken Spanish, noticing how
they are produced and how they
are represented in writing
Understand that the English
and Spanish languages borrow
words from each other
Notice some differences and
similarities in cultural
practices between Spanish
speakers and Australian-
English speakers (VCESU126)
 The teacher reads out loud the Spanish story 'Teo y su cumpleaños' (Teo and his
birthday) making them notice the words and expressions: 'Feliz cumpleaños' (Happy
birthday), 'Fiesta' (party) and 'Amigos' (friends) and letting them choose another that
they would like to learn.
 In the whiteboard, a digital text is displayed and they try to spot these words out of
some sentences.
 In groups, they choose their favourite part and play a guessing game in which they
use a mime performance for the other groups to guess.
 We listen to the song 'Cumpleaños feliz' (Happy birthday) in Spanish trying to see if
the tune is similar to the English song.
 This song will be sung in every student's birthday.
 We reflect about words like 'Fiesta', that the English language has borrowed from
Spanish. Do they know any other word?
Page 5
Levels 1 and 2
Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding
Substrand: Socialising Substrand: Informing Systems of language Role of language and culture
Interact with teacher and peers to
introduce self, greet and farewell others
and describe friends, family and
favourite things (VCESC109)
Present factual information about self,
family, friends and everyday objects
using simple statements and support
materials (VCESC113)
Notice and apply grammatical rules
such as those relating to gender,
simple verb forms and definite articles
when describing people, places, things
and relationships (VCESU121)
Notice some differences and similarities
in cultural practices between Spanish
speakers and Australian-English speakers
 In small groups, we share with peers the name of our favourite toys/games: Me gusta
mi... pelota, bici,...(I like my... ball, bicycle...), noticing its gender.
 They draw them and colour them, sticking them on a wall: masculine objects in blue
and femenine names in pink.
 The teacher provides the game '¿Quién soy?' (Who am I?) with things familiar to
them, such as everyday objects and their favourite toys. The students should try to
describe every item with words in Spanish and mime. The student who guesses
should give the article, that is, un libro, una bici. Card samples:
 What are Spanish favourite toys/games? The teacher shows a presentation of the
most popular presents that children wanted the previous Christmas. The students
reflect: do they see many differences between Spanish-speakers and Australians?
Page 6
F – 10 Sequence
Levels 3 and 4
Interact with teacher and peers to exchange information about aspects of their personal world such as school, home, everyday routines and favourite pastimes
Participate in collaborative tasks and experiences such as creating and presenting a display or performance and following procedures and instructions
Recognise and respond to classroom interactions such as opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, answering simple questions and following classroom
instructions (VCESC128)
Participate in everyday classroom exchanges such as responding to simple questions, asking permission, requesting help, asking how to say or write something, asking
for repetition and complimenting others (VCESC129)
Gather and share information from peers and from texts relating to the Spanish-speaking world and to areas such as home, school, routines, responsibilities and
interests (VCESC130)
Present information about personal or shared interests or experiences, using simple descriptive language and supporting resources such as tables, lists and images
Read, view and listen to stories, children’s television programs and songs and make simple statements about characters, themes and reactions (VCESC132)
Create short imaginative texts such as dialogues and stories using modelled language (VCESC133)
Compare and explain simple texts or expressions in both Spanish and English, such as street signs, advertisements, sayings and greetings (VCESC134)
Create bilingual texts such as action games, songs, stories or photo captions, and identify and discuss aspects of culture represented in the texts (VCESC135)
Interact in Spanish using simple phrases and expressions, recognising how language reflects cultural practices (VCESC136)
Explore own sense of identity, for example, by discussing membership of groups such as a club, a country or a language-speaking community, and how these elements
of identity are reflected in language use (VCESC137)
Systems of language
Experiment with Spanish pronunciation, intonation and spelling rules, including patterns associated with questions and statements (VCESC138)
Notice and apply elements of Spanish grammar such as gender, singular/plural forms, adjectives, adverbs, verb forms, pronouns and prepositions in simple spoken,
written and digital texts (VCESC139)
Recognise that texts such as stories, emails and dialogues have particular characteristic features, and notice similarities and differences between some Spanish and
English versions (VCESC140)
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Levels 3 and 4
Language variation and change
Understand that language use varies according to the age and relationship of participants (VCESC141)
Recognise that languages change with use over time and according to context (VCESC142)
Identify the variety of languages represented in the school, local community and general Australian population (VCESC143)
Role of language and culture
Discuss examples of ways in which the cultures of Spanish speakers influence everyday interactions such as expressions of respect and affection (VCESC144)
Achievement Standard
By the end of Level 4, students interact with teachers and peers in classroom routines, action-related talk and play. They use formulaic expressions when participating in
classroom routines and collaborative activities, such as complimenting others (for example, El bolso de Susana es hermoso), requesting help (for example, Necesito
ayuda con mi bicicleta) and seeking permission such as ¿Puedo ir al salón de informática?. They interpret visual, non-verbal and contextual cues such as intonation,
gestures and facial expressions to help make meaning. They make statements using the present tense and the present + infinitive form (for example, quiero cantar,
quiero salir) about aspects of their lives such as school, home and everyday routines (for example, Mi escuela está cerca de mi casa, Me gusta la clase de español). They
approximate Spanish pronunciation and intonation in simple statements. Students gather information relating to own and others’ lifestyles and present information at
sentence level in simple texts. They make simple statements about characters such as La bruja es amable, themes and their own reactions such as El payaso está triste
in response to imaginative texts. They use modelled sentence structures to compose short original texts using conjunctions such as y, o, porque and pero, and
prepositions such as a, con, de and en. Students use vocabulary related to school, home and lifestyles (for example, divertido, alto, gordo, grande). They use possessive
adjectives (for example, mi libro, nuestro coche), adjectives (for example, extraño, fantástico), singular and plural forms (for example, el árbol, la cafetería, las pelotas,
los mensajes) and regular verbs (for example, cantar, correr, vivir) in simple constructions. When writing, they apply punctuation and capitalisation rules. They translate
short texts, using word lists and dictionaries and create simple bilingual texts. They use simple phrases and expressions that reflect cultural practices, for example,
diminutives such as Sarita, gatico.
Students differentiate between statements, commands, exclamations and questions according to intonation. They identify similarities and differences between some
Spanish and English texts, recognising that familiar texts have characteristic features. They give examples of how language use varies according to the age, gender and
relationship of participants, and of ways that languages change over time. some of the many languages that are spoken in Australia, and identify languages
represented in the class and local community. They identify ways in which the cultures of Spanish speakers influence everyday interactions, involving greetings such as
hugging or kissing on both cheeks and polite expressions such as ¿Me pasa el ipad por favor?
© VCAA Page 2
Levels 3 and 4
Themes and topics Examples of vocabulary Materials and resources
At Grandma's house Domitorio, salón, cocina...
Comida, receta, ¡Qué aproveche!
Animales: perro, gato, pez, pájaro
Ropa: camiseta, pantalones...
 Songs:
◦ For children: Cantajuegos, Damaris Gelabert,...
◦ Traditional and modern:
 Rhymes and guessing games
 Games:
◦ Interactive games:,
◦ Board games: Game of the Goose with vocabulary, Taboo, Bingo...
◦ Other games: Mentiras piadosas (white lies), ¿Quién soy? (Who am I?)...
 Stories: library with more than 100 books in Spanish for children:
 Classic Fairy Tales
 Disney stories
 Spanish stories: Don Quixote, El Prado Museum
 Children’s vocabulary books...
 DVDs: collection of more than 50 DVDs for children in Spanish:
 Las Tres Mellizas
 Teo collection
 Disney films in Spanish...
At school Por favor/gracias
¿Cómo se dice... en español?
Horario y calendario
Buen trabajo
Hobbies and pastimes Soy... y me gusta...
Música: flamenco, cueca, salsa
Deportes: rugby, fútbol...
At the city Museo: cuadro, Picasso
Biblioteca: novela, Don Quixote
Cine: película
Teatro: obra de teatro
Transportes: coche, autobús, tren
In the world Países
Page 3
Levels 3 and 4
Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding
Socialising Informing Reflecting Systems of language
Content Description Content Description Content Description Content Description
Interact with teacher and peers to
exchange information about
aspects of their personal world
such as school, home, everyday
routines and favourite pastimes
Gather and share information from
peers and from texts relating to the
Spanish-speaking world and to areas
such as home, school, routines,
responsibilities and interests
Explore own sense of identity, for
example, by discussing membership of
groups such as a club, a country or a
language-speaking community, and
how these elements of identity are
reflected in language use (VCESC137)
Notice and apply elements of Spanish grammar
such as gender, singular/plural forms,
adjectives, adverbs, verb forms, pronouns and
prepositions in simple spoken, written and
digital texts (VCESC139)
Creating a self-profile
 Reading a text about 'Grandma' (Worksheet 1) and noticing the vocabulary and
expressions used:
◦ Me llamo...
◦ Tengo... años
◦ Me gusta...
 Completing the information card on the worksheet 1 (see next page).
 Deciding, in small groups or pairs, what questions need to be made in order to
survey your classmates and creating a similar information card. For example:
¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Dónde vives? ¿Qué te gusta?
 In pairs, asking these questions to a classmate and completing the information
card in, ¡Hola! Soy Carlos, Taller.
They can print out their own “Mundo guay” card.
 Playing a guessing game after collecting and mixing the students information
cards. To guess, cues such as 'Tiene dos hermanos' or 'Le gusta jugar al rugby'
will be read out by a volunteer.
 Creating a self-profile in Spanish using a slide presentation (example 1) or an
online internal school Voki.
Example 1:
Page 4
Page 5
Levels 3 and 4
Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding
Substrand: Socialising Substrand: Creating Systems of language Language variation and change
Recognise and respond to classroom
interactions such as opening and closing of
lessons, transition activities, answering
simple questions and following classroom
instructions (VCESC128)
Read, view and listen to stories,
children’s television programs and
songs and make simple statements
about characters, themes and
reactions (VCESC132)
Experiment with Spanish
pronunciation, intonation and spelling
rules, including patterns associated
with questions and statements
Understand that language use varies
according to the age and relationship of
participants (VCESC141)
Book week
 Reading the text about 'El día del libro' (Book day) in Spain (worksheet 2 on next page),
which is the 23rd
April, date of the death of two prominent authors: Miguel de Cervantes
and William Shakespeare.
 In pairs, share with classmates what are their favourite books and why, using 'Mi libro
favorito es... porque...'
 The Book day coincides with Saint George's day and in Catalonia, a region of Spain, the
story of 'San Jorge y el dragón' ('Saint George and the dragon') is very popular. It is also
used to link both anniversaries (book and saint) and on the book day, a book and a rose
are exchanged among friends and families. We will read that story in Spanish (resource 1),
discover that link and explore similarities and differences between Spanish and Australian
 Plannig activities for the Book week:
◦ Preparing, rehearsing and conducting a performance or a puppet show on the story for
the school assembly or a presentation to parents.
◦ Creating invitations for the performance.
◦ Dessigning a poster for the Book Week with, promoting reading and
the tradition of exchanging a book and a rose (in collaboration with the school library,
some books could actually be exchanged).
◦ Following instructions to make a paper rose.
Resource 1:
Page 6
Page 7
Levels 3 and 4
Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding
Substrand: Socialising Substrand: Informing Systems of language Role of language and culture
Interact with teacher and peers to
introduce self, greet and farewell others
and describe friends, family and
favourite things (VCESC109)
Present factual information about self,
family, friends and everyday objects
using simple statements and support
materials (VCESC113)
Notice and apply grammatical rules
such as those relating to gender,
simple verb forms and definite articles
when describing people, places, things
and relationships (VCESU121)
Notice some differences and similarities
in cultural practices between Spanish
speakers and Australian-English speakers
'Un paseo por el arte': Visit to the NGV
 Planning the visit to the National Gallery of Victoria and its 'Paseo por el arte'
education resource. The teacher provides information about the art works and in
groups, the students design a worksheet to complete during the visit, with
questions such as: ¿Me gusta esta obra? ¿Por qué? ¿En qué pienso cuando la
 The day before the visit, the students work on preparation activities in groups:
▪ Sports
▪ Food
▪ Clothes
▪ House
 Visiting the National Gallery of Victoria to follow the Spanish education resource
'Un paseo por el arte'. See link:
 Reflecting on the visit. Students read out their worksheets, try to describe their
favourite piece of art and we all discuss about the effect of art.
Page 8

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Spanish F 10 levels 1-2 and 3-4 elaborations - Eva Maria Gil

  • 1. SPANISH SPANISH P-6 Eva María Gil Guerrero Spanish teacher Email: SAMPLES OF CURRICULUM AND ELABORATIONS
  • 3. SPANISH F – 10 Sequence Foundation – Level 2 Communicating Socialising Interact with teacher and peers to introduce self, greet and farewell others and describe friends, family and favourite things (VCESC109) Participate in guided group activities and simple transactions such as games, performances, songs and rhymes, using modelled repetitive language (VCESC110) Recognise and respond to classroom interactions such as opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, answering simple questions and following classroom instructions (VCESC111) Informing Locate specific words and expressions in simple print, spoken and digital texts such as charts, lists, songs, rhymes and stories, and use information to complete guided spoken and written tasks (VCESC112) Present factual information about self, family, friends and everyday objects using simple statements and support materials (VCESC113) Creating Participate in shared reading, or viewing or listening to short imaginative texts and respond through mime, drawing and dance (VCESC114) Create and perform simple imaginative texts that involve repetitive language, experimenting with sound patterns, rhymes and non-verbal forms of expression (VCESC115) Translating Translate frequently used words and simple phrases using visual cues and resources such as word lists (VCESC116) Create simple print or digital texts that use both Spanish and English, such as labels, captions, wall charts and picture dictionaries (VCESC117) Reflecting Recognise what aspects of songs, stories, rhymes and pictures from Spanish-speaking cultures may look or feel similar or different to own language(s) and culture(s) (VCESC118) Recognise themselves as belonging to groups, for example, ‘my friends’, ‘my class’, ‘my school’, ‘my family’ and ‘my community’ (VCESC119) Understanding Systems of language Recognise and reproduce the sounds and rhythms of simple spoken Spanish, noticing how they are produced and how they are represented in writing (VCESU120) Notice and apply grammatical rules such as those relating to gender, simple verb forms and definite articles when describing people, places, things and relationships (VCESU121) Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ and recognise features of familiar texts such as charts, labels, rhymes and stories (VCESU122) Language variation and change Recognise that in Spanish different words and language forms are used to address and greet people according to relationship,context and time of day (VCESU123) Understand that the English and Spanish languages borrow words from each other (VCESU124) © VCAA Page 1
  • 4. SPANISH Foundation – Level 2 Recognise that Spanish is one of many languages spoken around the world and in Australia (VCESU125) Role of language and culture Notice some differences and similarities in cultural practices between Spanish speakers and Australian-English speakers (VCESU126) Achievement Standard By the end of Level 2, students interact with teachers and peers through action-related talk and play. They introduce themselves and exchange greetings such as Buenos días/tardes/noches, and farewells (for example, hasta pronto). They use simple repetitive language and respond to simple instructions when participating in classroom routines, games and shared activities, for example, Sal de aquí, Párate en la puerta. They use visual, non-verbal and contextual cues such as intonation, gestures and facial expressions to help make meaning, and reproduce distinctive sounds of the Spanish language, including the sounds for the letters ll, ñ, rr/r g/j, c and y. Students identify specific words and expressions in simple texts, such as names of people, places or objects. They convey factual information about self, family, friends and favourite things at word and simple sentence level, for example, Mi casa es grande, Nuestro ordenador es pequeño, Tu celular es nuevo. They respond to and create simple spoken and written texts using modelled examples and formulaic language. Students use gender (for example, el pastel/la torta), simple verb forms (for example, estudiar, comer, dormir), definite articles and vocabulary related to familiar environments to describe people, places and things. Students translate frequently used words and simple phrases, using visual cues and word lists (for example, clase, zapatos, camisa, teléfono/celular) and create simple print and digital texts in both Spanish and English. They identify similarities and differences between English and Spanish language and culture in songs, stories, rhymes and pictures. Students know that Spanish uses the same alphabet as English when written, except for ñ as in mañana and España. They identify features of familiar texts and give examples of how different titles are used to address people in different situations (for example, Doña Josefa, Don José, Tía). They identify Spanish as one of many languages spoken in Australia and give examples of words that English and Spanish have borrowed from each other such as chat, ‘tortilla’, ‘fiesta’. Students identify differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures. © VCAA Page 2
  • 5. SPANISH Levels 1 and 2 Themes and topics Examples of vocabulary Materials My personal world Myself Me llamo... (alphabet) Tengo... años (numbers to 50) Soy... Me gusta... (colours)  Songs: Cantajuegos, Damaris Gelabert,...  Rhymes: ¿Dónde está la llave?, Tengo, tengo, tengo, Sol solecito...  Games: Un, dos, tres pollito inglés (Wolf, what time is it?), El pañuelo, ¿Quién soy yo? (Who am I?)...  Online resources to learn Spanish for children, such as 'Cuentos ilustrados para niños' or 'La cueva de Tragapalabras'  Stories: library with more than 100 books in Spanish for children:  Classic Fairy Tales  Disney stories  Spanish stories: Don Quixote, El Prado Museum  Children’s vocabulary books...  DVDs: collection of more than 50 DVDs for children in Spanish:  Las Tres Mellizas  Teo collection  Disney films in Spanish... Routines and interacting Buenos días/tardes/noches Hola, adiós Hasta mañana Ayer, hoy, mañana Casa, colegio, parque Grande/pequeño, nuevo/viejo My family Papá/mamá, hermano/a, abuelo/a Joven/viejo, pequeño/mayor My friends Amigo/a/os/as Jugar, saltar, correr, leer Bici, pelota, muñeca, patinete, cuento Animals Perro, gato, vaca, oveja, toro... The Spanish-speaking world Festivals and celebrations Cumpleaños, Navidad, Estaciones  Dances with castanets, maracas, fans...  Costumes  Performances with puppets  Spanish-world symbols: flags, map, animals Food and drink Paella, tortilla Comer, beber Art and entertainment Música y baile: Flamenco, tango, chachachá, salsa Cantar, bailar, pintar Page 3 greetings
  • 6. SPANISH Levels 1 and 2 Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding Substrand: Socialising Systems of language Language variation and change Interact with teacher and peers to introduce self, greet and farewell others and describe friends, family and favourite things (VCESC109) Recognise and respond to classroom interactions such as opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, answering simple questions and following classroom instructions (VCESC111) Recognise and reproduce the sounds and rhythms of simple spoken Spanish, noticing how they are produced and how they are represented in writing (VCESU120) Recognise that in Spanish different words and language forms are used to address and greet people according to relationship,context and time of day (VCESU123) Elaborations  Students exchange greetings with the teacher and peers everyday saying 'Buenos días'.  Everyday routine starts with a greeting song in Spanish called 'Buenos días' (Good morning)  In small groups, they create drawings for the most important greetings and farewell words, so we hang them in class and they can recognise them and say them when appropriate. Basic models are provided and can be modified with spanish-relating symbols, such as the flag, a bull or flamenco as they wish.  Drawings of daily routine activities will also be created and displayed for them to learn and follow, such as 'Hora del cuento' (Story time), 'A cantar' (Let's sing), 'A jugar' (Let's play) or 'Vemos un video' (We watch a video). Page 4
  • 7. SPANISH Levels 1 and 2 Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding Substrand: Informing Substrand: Creating Systems of language Language variation and change Role of language and culture Locate specific words and expressions in simple print, spoken and digital texts such as charts, lists, songs, rhymes and stories, and use information to complete guided spoken and written tasks (VCESC112) Participate in shared reading, or viewing or listening to short imaginative texts and respond through mime, drawing and dance (VCESC114) Recognise and reproduce the sounds and rhythms of simple spoken Spanish, noticing how they are produced and how they are represented in writing (VCESU120) Understand that the English and Spanish languages borrow words from each other (VCESU124) Notice some differences and similarities in cultural practices between Spanish speakers and Australian- English speakers (VCESU126) Elaborations  The teacher reads out loud the Spanish story 'Teo y su cumpleaños' (Teo and his birthday) making them notice the words and expressions: 'Feliz cumpleaños' (Happy birthday), 'Fiesta' (party) and 'Amigos' (friends) and letting them choose another that they would like to learn.  In the whiteboard, a digital text is displayed and they try to spot these words out of some sentences.  In groups, they choose their favourite part and play a guessing game in which they use a mime performance for the other groups to guess.  We listen to the song 'Cumpleaños feliz' (Happy birthday) in Spanish trying to see if the tune is similar to the English song.  This song will be sung in every student's birthday.  We reflect about words like 'Fiesta', that the English language has borrowed from Spanish. Do they know any other word? Page 5
  • 8. SPANISH Levels 1 and 2 Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding Substrand: Socialising Substrand: Informing Systems of language Role of language and culture Interact with teacher and peers to introduce self, greet and farewell others and describe friends, family and favourite things (VCESC109) Present factual information about self, family, friends and everyday objects using simple statements and support materials (VCESC113) Notice and apply grammatical rules such as those relating to gender, simple verb forms and definite articles when describing people, places, things and relationships (VCESU121) Notice some differences and similarities in cultural practices between Spanish speakers and Australian-English speakers (VCESU126) Elaborations  In small groups, we share with peers the name of our favourite toys/games: Me gusta mi... pelota, bici,...(I like my... ball, bicycle...), noticing its gender.  They draw them and colour them, sticking them on a wall: masculine objects in blue and femenine names in pink.  The teacher provides the game '¿Quién soy?' (Who am I?) with things familiar to them, such as everyday objects and their favourite toys. The students should try to describe every item with words in Spanish and mime. The student who guesses should give the article, that is, un libro, una bici. Card samples:  What are Spanish favourite toys/games? The teacher shows a presentation of the most popular presents that children wanted the previous Christmas. The students reflect: do they see many differences between Spanish-speakers and Australians? Page 6
  • 10. SPANISH F – 10 Sequence Levels 3 and 4 Communicating Socialising Interact with teacher and peers to exchange information about aspects of their personal world such as school, home, everyday routines and favourite pastimes (VCESC127) Participate in collaborative tasks and experiences such as creating and presenting a display or performance and following procedures and instructions Recognise and respond to classroom interactions such as opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, answering simple questions and following classroom instructions (VCESC128) Participate in everyday classroom exchanges such as responding to simple questions, asking permission, requesting help, asking how to say or write something, asking for repetition and complimenting others (VCESC129) Informing Gather and share information from peers and from texts relating to the Spanish-speaking world and to areas such as home, school, routines, responsibilities and interests (VCESC130) Present information about personal or shared interests or experiences, using simple descriptive language and supporting resources such as tables, lists and images (VCESC131) Creating Read, view and listen to stories, children’s television programs and songs and make simple statements about characters, themes and reactions (VCESC132) Create short imaginative texts such as dialogues and stories using modelled language (VCESC133) Translating Compare and explain simple texts or expressions in both Spanish and English, such as street signs, advertisements, sayings and greetings (VCESC134) Create bilingual texts such as action games, songs, stories or photo captions, and identify and discuss aspects of culture represented in the texts (VCESC135) Reflecting Interact in Spanish using simple phrases and expressions, recognising how language reflects cultural practices (VCESC136) Explore own sense of identity, for example, by discussing membership of groups such as a club, a country or a language-speaking community, and how these elements of identity are reflected in language use (VCESC137) Understanding Systems of language Experiment with Spanish pronunciation, intonation and spelling rules, including patterns associated with questions and statements (VCESC138) Notice and apply elements of Spanish grammar such as gender, singular/plural forms, adjectives, adverbs, verb forms, pronouns and prepositions in simple spoken, written and digital texts (VCESC139) Recognise that texts such as stories, emails and dialogues have particular characteristic features, and notice similarities and differences between some Spanish and English versions (VCESC140) © VCAA Page 1
  • 11. SPANISH Levels 3 and 4 Language variation and change Understand that language use varies according to the age and relationship of participants (VCESC141) Recognise that languages change with use over time and according to context (VCESC142) Identify the variety of languages represented in the school, local community and general Australian population (VCESC143) Role of language and culture Discuss examples of ways in which the cultures of Spanish speakers influence everyday interactions such as expressions of respect and affection (VCESC144) Achievement Standard By the end of Level 4, students interact with teachers and peers in classroom routines, action-related talk and play. They use formulaic expressions when participating in classroom routines and collaborative activities, such as complimenting others (for example, El bolso de Susana es hermoso), requesting help (for example, Necesito ayuda con mi bicicleta) and seeking permission such as ¿Puedo ir al salón de informática?. They interpret visual, non-verbal and contextual cues such as intonation, gestures and facial expressions to help make meaning. They make statements using the present tense and the present + infinitive form (for example, quiero cantar, quiero salir) about aspects of their lives such as school, home and everyday routines (for example, Mi escuela está cerca de mi casa, Me gusta la clase de español). They approximate Spanish pronunciation and intonation in simple statements. Students gather information relating to own and others’ lifestyles and present information at sentence level in simple texts. They make simple statements about characters such as La bruja es amable, themes and their own reactions such as El payaso está triste in response to imaginative texts. They use modelled sentence structures to compose short original texts using conjunctions such as y, o, porque and pero, and prepositions such as a, con, de and en. Students use vocabulary related to school, home and lifestyles (for example, divertido, alto, gordo, grande). They use possessive adjectives (for example, mi libro, nuestro coche), adjectives (for example, extraño, fantástico), singular and plural forms (for example, el árbol, la cafetería, las pelotas, los mensajes) and regular verbs (for example, cantar, correr, vivir) in simple constructions. When writing, they apply punctuation and capitalisation rules. They translate short texts, using word lists and dictionaries and create simple bilingual texts. They use simple phrases and expressions that reflect cultural practices, for example, diminutives such as Sarita, gatico. Students differentiate between statements, commands, exclamations and questions according to intonation. They identify similarities and differences between some Spanish and English texts, recognising that familiar texts have characteristic features. They give examples of how language use varies according to the age, gender and relationship of participants, and of ways that languages change over time. some of the many languages that are spoken in Australia, and identify languages represented in the class and local community. They identify ways in which the cultures of Spanish speakers influence everyday interactions, involving greetings such as hugging or kissing on both cheeks and polite expressions such as ¿Me pasa el ipad por favor? © VCAA Page 2
  • 12. SPANISH Levels 3 and 4 Themes and topics Examples of vocabulary Materials and resources At Grandma's house Domitorio, salón, cocina... Comida, receta, ¡Qué aproveche! Animales: perro, gato, pez, pájaro Ropa: camiseta, pantalones...  Songs: ◦ For children: Cantajuegos, Damaris Gelabert,... ◦ Traditional and modern: video-letra.html  Rhymes and guessing games  Games: ◦ Interactive games:, ◦ Board games: Game of the Goose with vocabulary, Taboo, Bingo... ◦ Other games: Mentiras piadosas (white lies), ¿Quién soy? (Who am I?)...  Stories: library with more than 100 books in Spanish for children:  Classic Fairy Tales  Disney stories  Spanish stories: Don Quixote, El Prado Museum  Children’s vocabulary books...  DVDs: collection of more than 50 DVDs for children in Spanish:  Las Tres Mellizas  Teo collection  Disney films in Spanish... At school Por favor/gracias ¿Puedo...? ¿Cómo se dice... en español? Horario y calendario Buen trabajo Hobbies and pastimes Soy... y me gusta... Música: flamenco, cueca, salsa Deportes: rugby, fútbol... At the city Museo: cuadro, Picasso Biblioteca: novela, Don Quixote Cine: película Teatro: obra de teatro Transportes: coche, autobús, tren In the world Países Idiomas Animales Page 3
  • 13. SPANISH Levels 3 and 4 Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding Socialising Informing Reflecting Systems of language Content Description Content Description Content Description Content Description Interact with teacher and peers to exchange information about aspects of their personal world such as school, home, everyday routines and favourite pastimes (VCESC127) Gather and share information from peers and from texts relating to the Spanish-speaking world and to areas such as home, school, routines, responsibilities and interests (VCESC130) Explore own sense of identity, for example, by discussing membership of groups such as a club, a country or a language-speaking community, and how these elements of identity are reflected in language use (VCESC137) Notice and apply elements of Spanish grammar such as gender, singular/plural forms, adjectives, adverbs, verb forms, pronouns and prepositions in simple spoken, written and digital texts (VCESC139) Creating a self-profile Elaborations  Reading a text about 'Grandma' (Worksheet 1) and noticing the vocabulary and expressions used: ◦ Me llamo... ◦ Tengo... años ◦ Me gusta...  Completing the information card on the worksheet 1 (see next page).  Deciding, in small groups or pairs, what questions need to be made in order to survey your classmates and creating a similar information card. For example: ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Dónde vives? ¿Qué te gusta?  In pairs, asking these questions to a classmate and completing the information card in, ¡Hola! Soy Carlos, Taller. They can print out their own “Mundo guay” card.  Playing a guessing game after collecting and mixing the students information cards. To guess, cues such as 'Tiene dos hermanos' or 'Le gusta jugar al rugby' will be read out by a volunteer.  Creating a self-profile in Spanish using a slide presentation (example 1) or an online internal school Voki. Example 1: Page 4
  • 15. SPANISH Levels 3 and 4 Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding Substrand: Socialising Substrand: Creating Systems of language Language variation and change Recognise and respond to classroom interactions such as opening and closing of lessons, transition activities, answering simple questions and following classroom instructions (VCESC128) Read, view and listen to stories, children’s television programs and songs and make simple statements about characters, themes and reactions (VCESC132) Experiment with Spanish pronunciation, intonation and spelling rules, including patterns associated with questions and statements (VCESC138) Understand that language use varies according to the age and relationship of participants (VCESC141) Book week Elaborations  Reading the text about 'El día del libro' (Book day) in Spain (worksheet 2 on next page), which is the 23rd April, date of the death of two prominent authors: Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare.  In pairs, share with classmates what are their favourite books and why, using 'Mi libro favorito es... porque...'  The Book day coincides with Saint George's day and in Catalonia, a region of Spain, the story of 'San Jorge y el dragón' ('Saint George and the dragon') is very popular. It is also used to link both anniversaries (book and saint) and on the book day, a book and a rose are exchanged among friends and families. We will read that story in Spanish (resource 1), discover that link and explore similarities and differences between Spanish and Australian traditions.  Plannig activities for the Book week: ◦ Preparing, rehearsing and conducting a performance or a puppet show on the story for the school assembly or a presentation to parents. ◦ Creating invitations for the performance. ◦ Dessigning a poster for the Book Week with, promoting reading and the tradition of exchanging a book and a rose (in collaboration with the school library, some books could actually be exchanged). ◦ Following instructions to make a paper rose. Resource 1: Page 6
  • 17. SPANISH Levels 3 and 4 Strand: Communicating Strand: Understanding Substrand: Socialising Substrand: Informing Systems of language Role of language and culture Interact with teacher and peers to introduce self, greet and farewell others and describe friends, family and favourite things (VCESC109) Present factual information about self, family, friends and everyday objects using simple statements and support materials (VCESC113) Notice and apply grammatical rules such as those relating to gender, simple verb forms and definite articles when describing people, places, things and relationships (VCESU121) Notice some differences and similarities in cultural practices between Spanish speakers and Australian-English speakers (VCESU126) 'Un paseo por el arte': Visit to the NGV Elaborations  Planning the visit to the National Gallery of Victoria and its 'Paseo por el arte' education resource. The teacher provides information about the art works and in groups, the students design a worksheet to complete during the visit, with questions such as: ¿Me gusta esta obra? ¿Por qué? ¿En qué pienso cuando la miro?...  The day before the visit, the students work on preparation activities in groups: ▪ Sports ▪ Food ▪ Clothes ▪ House  Visiting the National Gallery of Victoria to follow the Spanish education resource 'Un paseo por el arte'. See link: paseo-por-el-arte/  Reflecting on the visit. Students read out their worksheets, try to describe their favourite piece of art and we all discuss about the effect of art. NATIONAL GALLERY OF VICTORIA Page 8