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Who Care About Flexible Modeling?
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
▸ Multiple concerns & stakeholders
▸ Multi-engineering approach
▸ Software as an integration layer
Who Care About Flexible Modeling?
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
▸ Recurring paradigms
▸ Evolving DSLs
▸ Collaborative modeling
All different,
but some are similar…
What it means from a language engineer point of view?
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
UML vs. Classical vs. Rhapsody Statecharts: Not All Models are Created Equal
Michelle L. Crane, Jürgen Dingel
In Software & Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 2007
What it means from a language engineer point of view?
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Language (and tool support) Interoperability
▸ Foster model sharing and collaboration
▸ Manipulate models in different environments
▸ Reuse tools and services
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
In practice…
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Conform To…
Limits of the conformance relation
▸ In MDE, a metamodel is the cornerstone artifact defining a DSL
▸ The conformance relation states
▸ Which models are valid instances of a given DSL
▸ How these models must be manipulated wrt. this DSL
▸ Theoretical limitations : ~ structural nominal typing
▸ Conformance is based on instantiation
▸ Conformance is nominal
▸ A model conforms to one and only one metamodel
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Limits of the conformance relation
▸ Analyze UML models publicly available on Github
▸ Conforming to the UML implementation of Eclipse
▸ 1651 models – UML2.2 to UML2.5
▸ Force to bypass the conformance check
▸ Key findings
▸ 7% of the models are valid wrt. only one version of UML
▸ 83% of the models are valid wrt. every version of UML
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Safe model polymorphism for flexible modeling
Thomas Degueule, Benoît Combemale, Arnaud Blouin, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
In Computer Languages, Systems & Structures (COMLAN), 49: 176-195 , 2017
Towards a flexible typing relationship
▸ Conformance:
▸ Used for creating models
▸ Bounds to a language implementation (i.e., metamodel)
▸ Typing:
▸ Used to reason over models
▸ Relies on a language interface (which can possibly abstract a
family of similar languages)
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
On model typing
Jim Steel, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
In Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2007
On Language Interface
▸ A language interface is a contract that exhibits the
relevant information for a given purpose (i.e., to support
specific operators or relations)
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Towards Language-Oriented Modeling
Benoit Combemale, 2015
On Language Interface
▸ Abstract over the intrinsic complexity of language implementations
▸ Expose meaningful information
▸ Concerning an aspect of a language (e.g. abstract syntax)
▸ For a given purpose (e.g. composition, coordination, analysis)
▸ In an appropriate formalism (e.g. a metamodel, a control-flow graph)
▸ Provide a reasoning layer atop a language implementation
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Static Dynamic
Dimensions of Model Typing
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
[Guy et al.]
[Sun et al.]
[Steel et al.]
[Degueule et al.]
[de Lara et al.]
[de Lara et al.]
Many more dimensions for model typing (e.g., [de Lara et al., TOSEM2017]),
but no consensus on a proper classification of them…
Polymorphic language reuse with model typing
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
▸ Conformance relation ensures safe manipulation regardless
of context
▸ But it hinders flexibility
Polymorphic language reuse with model typing
▸ Proposition:
▸ Model Types as structural interfaces atop language implementations
▸ Flexible subtyping relations to support model polymorphism
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
On model typing
Jim Steel, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
In Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2007
On model subtyping
Clement Guy, Benoît Combemale, Steven Derrien, Jim Steel, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
In EU Conf. on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), 2012
Using Model Types to Support Contract-Aware Model Substitutability
Wuliang Sun, Benoît Combemale, Steven Derrien, Robert B. France
In EU Conf. on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), 2013
Model typing in Kermeta 1, 2, 3!
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Model types as structural interfaces atop language implementations
@Aspect(className = FSM)
class ExecutableFSM {
State current
def void execute() {
§ Manually written
§ Inferred from a language
§ Inferred from a footprint
§ Static (metamodel level) or
dynamic (model level)
Model typing in Kermeta 1, 2, 3!
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
▸ States whether models typed by a given
MT can be substituted to models typed by
another MT
▸ Different subtyping relations [Guy et al.]
▸ Total isomorphic
▸ Partial isomorphic
▸ Total non-isomorphic
▸ Partial non-isomorphic
▸ Up to behavioral substitutability [Sun et al.]
▸ The choice of a subtyping relation vary
with particular needs
Model typing in Melange!
▸ Model types defined explicitly or inferred from
▸ Implementation relations defined explicitly or
automatically inferred
▸ Based on structural typing
▸ Using the total isomorphic subtyping relation
▸ Simple renaming operator to align structurally
dissimilar languages
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
// Explicit model type definition
// e.g. a footprint that captures
// the contract of a transformation
modeltype FsmMT {
syntax ‘FsmMT.ecore’
// Language definition
language GuardFsm {
syntax ‘GuardFsm.ecore’
with ExecutableFsm
with ExecutableState
with ExecutableTransition
exactType GuardFsmMT
// Explicit implementation
language OtherFsm implements FsmMT {
renaming ‘otherfsm’ to ‘fsm’
transformation p-print(FsmMT m) {
val root = m.contents.head
m.states.forEach[s | print(s)]
Context Matters!
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Reuse is not enough! Context matters!
Imported / inherited DSMLs may not fit exactly
domain-specific requirements
èFinely tune with customization facilities
Melange: Language algebra with substitutability
▸ Language extension with
language inheritance
▸ Language unification with
language merging
▸ Language restriction with
language slicing
▸ Syntax merging and semantics’
weaving as fine-grained
customization mechanisms
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Melange: a meta-language for modular and reusable development of DSLs
Thomas Degueule, Benoît Combemale, Arnaud Blouin, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
In Int. Conf. on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2015
Melange Resource: Seamless Model Polymorphism
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Safe model polymorphism for flexible modeling
Thomas Degueule, Benoît Combemale, Arnaud Blouin, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
In Computer Languages, Systems & Structures (COMLAN), 49: 176-195 , 2017
"How to fit type group semantics, structural typing, and
family polymorphism in a language (Java) and framework
(EMF) that do not support any of them"
Experiment: a Family of FSM Languages
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
module FlattenFsm;
create OUT : FlatFsm from
IN : CompositeFsmMT;
-- Creates a new FlatFsm
rule SM2SM {
from sm1 : CompositeFsmMT!StateMachine
to sm2 : FlatFsm!StateMachine
-- Initial states of composite
-- states become regular states
rule Initial2State {
from is1 : CompositeFsmMT!InitialState
(not is1.parentState.oclIsUndefined())
to is2 : FlatFsm!State(
stateMachine <- is1.stateMachine,
name <-
-- Resolves a transition originating from
-- a composite state
rule T2TB {
from t1: CompositeFsmMT!Transition,
src : CompositeFsmMT!CompositeState,
trg : CompositeFsmMT!State,
c : CompositeFsmMT!State (
t1.source = src and = trg and
c.parentState = src and
not trg.oclIsTypeOf(
to t2 : FlatFsm!Transition (
name <-,
stateMachine <- t1.stateMachine,
source <- c,
target <- trg )
modeltype FsmMT uses “http://fsmmt/”;
modeltype Fsm uses “http://fsm/”;
transformation dummyInvert(
in inFsm : FsmMT, out outFsm : Fsm);
main() {
inFsm.rootObjects()[FsmMT::FSM] ->
map mapFSM();
mapping FsmMT::FSM::mapFSM():Fsm::FSM {
ownedState := self.ownedState -> map mapState();
initialState := self.finalState -> first().map
finalState := mapState();
mapping FsmMT::State::mapState() : Fsm::State {
name :=;
outgoingTransition :=
self.incomingTransition -> map
mapping FsmMT::Transition::mapTransition() :
Fsm::Transition {
input := self.input;
output := self.output;
target := mapState();
// Delegate the execution of the state
// machine "fsm" to the "execute"method
// of its operational semantics.
public void execute(
StateMachine fsm, String input) {
// Dynamically dispatched on the actual
// language implementation of execute()
List<String> models = new ArrayList<>();
ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSetImpl();
// Load the model pointed by the given
// URI, retrieve its root StateMachine,
// and execute it
for (String uri : models) {
Resource res = rs.getResource(uri,true);
StateMachine root = (StateMachine)
execute(res, "{x;y;z;o;p;q}");
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Syntax & Semantics
and subtyping relations
Interfaces description
Currently registered
languages & interfaces
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Syntax & Semantics
and subtyping relations
Interfaces description
Currently registered
languages & interfaces
Built atop Eclipse, EPL-1.0 license
Seamlessly integrated with the EMF ecosystem
~30k Xtend LoC / 500k Java LoC
10 contributors, ~2000 commits
Parametric language reuse with generic metamodeling
▸ Inspired from generic programming:
▸ Concept: additional typing to implement MT independently of
▸ Structural typing
▸ Bind to metamodels through explicit, possibly flexible, relationships
▸ Template: use concept as requirement for their generic parameters, and
are applied to model/metamodel
▸ Mixin layers: define functional layers for metamodel extensibility
▸ Implemented in MetaDepth
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra
Generic Meta-modelling with Concepts, Templates and Mixin Layers
In Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), 2010
A-posteriori Typing
▸ Model retyping decouple object creation from classification
▸ Model retyping is
▸ Multiple classifiers,
▸ partial,
▸ either static (metamodel level) or dynamic (model level)
▸ Implemented in MetaDepth
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
A Posteriori Typing for Model-Driven Engineering: Concepts, Analysis, and Applications
Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra
In ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. (TOSEM), 25:4, 2017
Other approaches (among others)
▸ Arnaud Cuccuru, Chokri Mraidha, François Terrier, Sébastien Gérard: Templatable
Metamodels for Semantic Variation Points. ECMDA-FA 2007
▸ Antonio Vallecillo, Martin Gogolla: Typing Model Transformations Using Tracts. ICMT 2012
▸ Andrés Vignaga, Frédéric Jouault, María Cecilia Bastarrica, Hugo Brunelière: Typing artifacts
in megamodeling. Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2013
▸ Bernard Carré, Gilles Vanwormhoudt, Olivier Caron: From subsets of model elements to
submodels - A characterization of submodels and their properties. Software and System
Modeling (SoSyM), 2015
▸ Louis M. Rose, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Anne Etien, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Richard F. Paige:
Genericity for model management operations. Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2013
▸ Juan de Lara, Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Esther Guerra, Ludovico Iovino, Alfonso
Pierantonio, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado: Reusing Model Transformations Through Typing
Requirements Models. FASE 2017
▸ Etc.
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Concern-Oriented Development
▸ Concern =
▸ Unit of reuse
▸ Domain-specific:
▸ Encapsulates realization
artifacts related to a specific
feature or development
▸ Generic:
▸ Includes and integrates all
relevant (functional)
variations and realizations of
▸ Crosscutting
▸ Long-lived
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Concern-Oriented Software Design
Alam O., Kienzle J., Mussbacher G.
In Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), 2013
VCU: The Three Dimensions of Reuse
• Variability: select/configure what you want to reuse
• Customization: adapt it to your own context
• Usage: use it!
• VCU provides a powerful unified framework enhancing reuse, and cross-
fertilizing various disciplines separately investigated (MDE, SPL, CBSE, OO…)
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Usage (U)Variation (V) Customization (C)
VCU: The Three Dimensions of Reuse
J. Kienzle, G. Mussbacher, O. Alam, M. Schöttle, N. Belloir, P. Collet, B. Combemale, J. DeAntoni, J. Klein, and B. Rumpe
In Int. Conf. on Software Reuse (ICSR), 2016
Concern-Oriented Development: CORE/COLD
▸ CORE at the model-level
▸ COLD at the language-level
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Concern-Oriented Language Development
▸ Research questions:
▸ V: what means a goal model? how to breakdown a DSL?
▸ C: which customization operators?
▸ U: how to get a full-fledged language protocol?
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Manuel Leduc’s PhD, Univ. Rennes 1, France
Take Away Messages
▸ Flexibility in MDE is key for further adoption
▸ the FlexMDE community is a great opportunity!
▸ This talk takes voluntarily an SLE point of view, others are relevant too!
▸ co-evolution, sketching, globalization, agile modeling…
▸ Proposal: a sound, yet flexible, model type system for MDE
▸ Typing relationship based on language interfaces
▸ Subtyping relationships with possible isomorphic adaptions
▸ Language algebra with substitutability (merge, slice, inherit…)
▸ Ongoing work
▸ concern-oriented language development (COLD)
▸ unifying theory for model and language reuse
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
Hack your own languages?
Join us in the MDE/SLE group of the CNRS IRIT lab, in
a freshly rebuilt campus of the warm city of Toulouse!
Open Positions
for PhD and Postdoc
Sound Yet Flexible Modeling: A Language Engineering Point of View
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) are increasingly used by domain experts
to handle various concerns in systems and software development. To
support this trend, the Model-Driven Engineering community has developed
advanced techniques for designing new DSLs. However, the widespread use
of independently developed, and constantly evolving DSLs is hampered by
the rigidity imposed to the language users by the DSLs and their tooling,
e.g., for manipulating a model through various similar DSLs or successive
versions of a given DSL.
In this talk, I discuss a sound yet flexible model type system to support
various scenarios of flexible modeling. I review different existing
approaches, and highlight how they provide flexibility to language users.
Finally, I conclude with a long term initiative for a full-fledged unifying
approach for language reuse, aka. a Concern-Oriented Language
Development (COLD), and the expected flexibility for language users.
Sound yet Flexible Modeling
Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017

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Sound Yet Flexible Modeling for Software Systems

  • 2. Who Care About Flexible Modeling? Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Software intensive systems ▸ Multiple concerns & stakeholders ▸ Multi-engineering approach ▸ Software as an integration layer
  • 3. Who Care About Flexible Modeling? Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Software intensive systems ▸ Recurring paradigms ▸ Evolving DSLs ▸ Collaborative modeling
  • 5. All different, but some are similar…
  • 6. What it means from a language engineer point of view? Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 UML vs. Classical vs. Rhapsody Statecharts: Not All Models are Created Equal Michelle L. Crane, Jürgen Dingel In Software & Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 2007
  • 7. What it means from a language engineer point of view? Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
  • 8. Language (and tool support) Interoperability ▸ Foster model sharing and collaboration ▸ Manipulate models in different environments ▸ Reuse tools and services Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
  • 9. In practice… Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
  • 11. Limits of the conformance relation ▸ In MDE, a metamodel is the cornerstone artifact defining a DSL ▸ The conformance relation states ▸ Which models are valid instances of a given DSL ▸ How these models must be manipulated wrt. this DSL ▸ Theoretical limitations : ~ structural nominal typing ▸ Conformance is based on instantiation ▸ Conformance is nominal ▸ A model conforms to one and only one metamodel Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
  • 12. Limits of the conformance relation ▸ Analyze UML models publicly available on Github ▸ Conforming to the UML implementation of Eclipse ▸ 1651 models – UML2.2 to UML2.5 ▸ Force to bypass the conformance check ▸ Key findings ▸ 7% of the models are valid wrt. only one version of UML ▸ 83% of the models are valid wrt. every version of UML Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Safe model polymorphism for flexible modeling Thomas Degueule, Benoît Combemale, Arnaud Blouin, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel In Computer Languages, Systems & Structures (COMLAN), 49: 176-195 , 2017
  • 13. Towards a flexible typing relationship ▸ Conformance: ▸ Used for creating models ▸ Bounds to a language implementation (i.e., metamodel) ▸ Typing: ▸ Used to reason over models ▸ Relies on a language interface (which can possibly abstract a family of similar languages) Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 On model typing Jim Steel, Jean-Marc Jézéquel In Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2007
  • 14. On Language Interface ▸ A language interface is a contract that exhibits the relevant information for a given purpose (i.e., to support specific operators or relations) Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Towards Language-Oriented Modeling Benoit Combemale, 2015
  • 15. On Language Interface ▸ Abstract over the intrinsic complexity of language implementations ▸ Expose meaningful information ▸ Concerning an aspect of a language (e.g. abstract syntax) ▸ For a given purpose (e.g. composition, coordination, analysis) ▸ In an appropriate formalism (e.g. a metamodel, a control-flow graph) ▸ Provide a reasoning layer atop a language implementation Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 xDSML2 xDSML1 structural/ axiomatic behavioral xDSML3 subtyping relation coordination pattern
  • 17. Static Dynamic Structural Behavioral Dimensions of Model Typing Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 [Guy et al.] [Sun et al.] [Steel et al.] [Degueule et al.] [de Lara et al.] [de Lara et al.] Many more dimensions for model typing (e.g., [de Lara et al., TOSEM2017]), but no consensus on a proper classification of them…
  • 18. Polymorphic language reuse with model typing Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 ▸ Conformance relation ensures safe manipulation regardless of context ▸ But it hinders flexibility
  • 19. Polymorphic language reuse with model typing ▸ Proposition: ▸ Model Types as structural interfaces atop language implementations ▸ Flexible subtyping relations to support model polymorphism Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 On model typing Jim Steel, Jean-Marc Jézéquel In Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2007 On model subtyping Clement Guy, Benoît Combemale, Steven Derrien, Jim Steel, Jean-Marc Jézéquel In EU Conf. on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), 2012 Using Model Types to Support Contract-Aware Model Substitutability Wuliang Sun, Benoît Combemale, Steven Derrien, Robert B. France In EU Conf. on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), 2013
  • 20. Model typing in Kermeta 1, 2, 3! Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Model types as structural interfaces atop language implementations @Aspect(className = FSM) class ExecutableFSM { State current def void execute() { _self.states.forEach[…] } } … <<implements>> § Manually written § Inferred from a language § Inferred from a footprint § Static (metamodel level) or dynamic (model level)
  • 21. Model typing in Kermeta 1, 2, 3! Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 ▸ States whether models typed by a given MT can be substituted to models typed by another MT ▸ Different subtyping relations [Guy et al.] ▸ Total isomorphic ▸ Partial isomorphic ▸ Total non-isomorphic ▸ Partial non-isomorphic ▸ Up to behavioral substitutability [Sun et al.] ▸ The choice of a subtyping relation vary with particular needs
  • 22. Model typing in Melange! ▸ Model types defined explicitly or inferred from implementations ▸ Implementation relations defined explicitly or automatically inferred ▸ Based on structural typing ▸ Using the total isomorphic subtyping relation ▸ Simple renaming operator to align structurally dissimilar languages Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 // Explicit model type definition // e.g. a footprint that captures // the contract of a transformation modeltype FsmMT { syntax ‘FsmMT.ecore’ } // Language definition language GuardFsm { syntax ‘GuardFsm.ecore’ with ExecutableFsm with ExecutableState with ExecutableTransition exactType GuardFsmMT } // Explicit implementation language OtherFsm implements FsmMT { […] renaming ‘otherfsm’ to ‘fsm’ } transformation p-print(FsmMT m) { val root = m.contents.head m.states.forEach[s | print(s)] }
  • 23. Context Matters! Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Reuse is not enough! Context matters! Imported / inherited DSMLs may not fit exactly domain-specific requirements èFinely tune with customization facilities
  • 24. Melange: Language algebra with substitutability ▸ Language extension with language inheritance ▸ Language unification with language merging ▸ Language restriction with language slicing ▸ Syntax merging and semantics’ weaving as fine-grained customization mechanisms Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Melange: a meta-language for modular and reusable development of DSLs Thomas Degueule, Benoît Combemale, Arnaud Blouin, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel In Int. Conf. on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2015
  • 25. Melange Resource: Seamless Model Polymorphism Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Safe model polymorphism for flexible modeling Thomas Degueule, Benoît Combemale, Arnaud Blouin, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel In Computer Languages, Systems & Structures (COMLAN), 49: 176-195 , 2017 "How to fit type group semantics, structural typing, and family polymorphism in a language (Java) and framework (EMF) that do not support any of them"
  • 26. Experiment: a Family of FSM Languages Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 c module FlattenFsm; create OUT : FlatFsm from IN : CompositeFsmMT; -- Creates a new FlatFsm rule SM2SM { from sm1 : CompositeFsmMT!StateMachine to sm2 : FlatFsm!StateMachine } -- Initial states of composite -- states become regular states rule Initial2State { from is1 : CompositeFsmMT!InitialState (not is1.parentState.oclIsUndefined()) to is2 : FlatFsm!State( stateMachine <- is1.stateMachine, name <- } -- Resolves a transition originating from -- a composite state rule T2TB { from t1: CompositeFsmMT!Transition, src : CompositeFsmMT!CompositeState, trg : CompositeFsmMT!State, c : CompositeFsmMT!State ( t1.source = src and = trg and c.parentState = src and not trg.oclIsTypeOf( CompositeFsmMT!CompositeState)) to t2 : FlatFsm!Transition ( name <-, stateMachine <- t1.stateMachine, source <- c, target <- trg ) } c modeltype FsmMT uses “http://fsmmt/”; modeltype Fsm uses “http://fsm/”; transformation dummyInvert( in inFsm : FsmMT, out outFsm : Fsm); main() { inFsm.rootObjects()[FsmMT::FSM] -> map mapFSM(); } mapping FsmMT::FSM::mapFSM():Fsm::FSM { ownedState := self.ownedState -> map mapState(); initialState := self.finalState -> first().map mapState(); finalState := mapState(); } mapping FsmMT::State::mapState() : Fsm::State { name :=; outgoingTransition := self.incomingTransition -> map mapTransition(); } mapping FsmMT::Transition::mapTransition() : Fsm::Transition { input := self.input; output := self.output; target := mapState(); } TransfoFsm.qvto c // Delegate the execution of the state // machine "fsm" to the "execute"method // of its operational semantics. public void execute( StateMachine fsm, String input) { // Dynamically dispatched on the actual // language implementation of execute() root.execute(input); } List<String> models = new ArrayList<>(); models.add( "melange:/m1.flat?mt=FlatFsmRtcMT"); models.add( "melange:/m2.timed?mt=FlatFsmRtcMT"); models.add( "melange:/m3.hier?mt=FlatFsmRtcMT"); models.add( "melange:/m4.timedhier?mt=FlatFsmRtcMT"); ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSetImpl(); // Load the model pointed by the given // URI, retrieve its root StateMachine, // and execute it for (String uri : models) { Resource res = rs.getResource(uri,true); StateMachine root = (StateMachine) res.getContents().get(0); execute(res, "{x;y;z;o;p;q}"); }
  • 27. Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Syntax & Semantics Overview Inheritance, implementation, and subtyping relations Interfaces description Currently registered languages & interfaces
  • 28. Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Syntax & Semantics Overview Inheritance, implementation, and subtyping relations Interfaces description Currently registered languages & interfaces Built atop Eclipse, EPL-1.0 license Seamlessly integrated with the EMF ecosystem ~30k Xtend LoC / 500k Java LoC 10 contributors, ~2000 commits
  • 29. Parametric language reuse with generic metamodeling ▸ Inspired from generic programming: ▸ Concept: additional typing to implement MT independently of metamodels ▸ Structural typing ▸ Bind to metamodels through explicit, possibly flexible, relationships ▸ Template: use concept as requirement for their generic parameters, and are applied to model/metamodel ▸ Mixin layers: define functional layers for metamodel extensibility ▸ Implemented in MetaDepth Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra Generic Meta-modelling with Concepts, Templates and Mixin Layers In Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), 2010
  • 30. A-posteriori Typing ▸ Model retyping decouple object creation from classification ▸ Model retyping is ▸ Multiple classifiers, ▸ partial, ▸ either static (metamodel level) or dynamic (model level) ▸ Implemented in MetaDepth Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 A Posteriori Typing for Model-Driven Engineering: Concepts, Analysis, and Applications Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra In ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. (TOSEM), 25:4, 2017
  • 31. Other approaches (among others) ▸ Arnaud Cuccuru, Chokri Mraidha, François Terrier, Sébastien Gérard: Templatable Metamodels for Semantic Variation Points. ECMDA-FA 2007 ▸ Antonio Vallecillo, Martin Gogolla: Typing Model Transformations Using Tracts. ICMT 2012 ▸ Andrés Vignaga, Frédéric Jouault, María Cecilia Bastarrica, Hugo Brunelière: Typing artifacts in megamodeling. Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2013 ▸ Bernard Carré, Gilles Vanwormhoudt, Olivier Caron: From subsets of model elements to submodels - A characterization of submodels and their properties. Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2015 ▸ Louis M. Rose, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Anne Etien, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Richard F. Paige: Genericity for model management operations. Software and System Modeling (SoSyM), 2013 ▸ Juan de Lara, Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Esther Guerra, Ludovico Iovino, Alfonso Pierantonio, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado: Reusing Model Transformations Through Typing Requirements Models. FASE 2017 ▸ Etc. Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
  • 33. Concern-Oriented Development ▸ Concern = ▸ Unit of reuse ▸ Domain-specific: ▸ Encapsulates realization artifacts related to a specific feature or development issue ▸ Generic: ▸ Includes and integrates all relevant (functional) variations and realizations of solutions ▸ Crosscutting ▸ Long-lived Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Concern-Oriented Software Design Alam O., Kienzle J., Mussbacher G. In Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), 2013 Concern Customization Use Req Model Test Model Design Model <<trace>> <<trace>> Variability … <<trace>>
  • 34. VCU: The Three Dimensions of Reuse • Variability: select/configure what you want to reuse • Customization: adapt it to your own context • Usage: use it! • VCU provides a powerful unified framework enhancing reuse, and cross- fertilizing various disciplines separately investigated (MDE, SPL, CBSE, OO…) Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Usage (U)Variation (V) Customization (C) VCU: The Three Dimensions of Reuse J. Kienzle, G. Mussbacher, O. Alam, M. Schöttle, N. Belloir, P. Collet, B. Combemale, J. DeAntoni, J. Klein, and B. Rumpe In Int. Conf. on Software Reuse (ICSR), 2016
  • 35. Concern-Oriented Development: CORE/COLD ▸ CORE at the model-level ▸ COLD at the language-level Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Metalanguage Language Model COLD CORE
  • 36. Concern-Oriented Language Development ▸ Research questions: ▸ V: what means a goal model? how to breakdown a DSL? ▸ C: which customization operators? ▸ U: how to get a full-fledged language protocol? Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017 Manuel Leduc’s PhD, Univ. Rennes 1, France xDSML Customization Use Abstract Syntax (AS) Concrete Syntax (CS) Semantics Domain (SD) Mac Mas VariabilityV&V tools editors generators
  • 38. Take Away Messages ▸ Flexibility in MDE is key for further adoption ▸ the FlexMDE community is a great opportunity! ▸ This talk takes voluntarily an SLE point of view, others are relevant too! ▸ co-evolution, sketching, globalization, agile modeling… ▸ Proposal: a sound, yet flexible, model type system for MDE ▸ Typing relationship based on language interfaces ▸ Subtyping relationships with possible isomorphic adaptions ▸ Language algebra with substitutability (merge, slice, inherit…) ▸ Ongoing work ▸ concern-oriented language development (COLD) ▸ unifying theory for model and language reuse Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017
  • 39. Hack your own languages? Join us in the MDE/SLE group of the CNRS IRIT lab, in a freshly rebuilt campus of the warm city of Toulouse! Open Positions for PhD and Postdoc BENOIT COMBEMALE PROFESSOR, UNIV. TOULOUSE, FRANCE HTTP://COMBEMALE.FR BENOIT.COMBEMALE@IRIT.FR @BCOMBEMALE
  • 40. Sound Yet Flexible Modeling: A Language Engineering Point of View Abstract. Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) are increasingly used by domain experts to handle various concerns in systems and software development. To support this trend, the Model-Driven Engineering community has developed advanced techniques for designing new DSLs. However, the widespread use of independently developed, and constantly evolving DSLs is hampered by the rigidity imposed to the language users by the DSLs and their tooling, e.g., for manipulating a model through various similar DSLs or successive versions of a given DSL. In this talk, I discuss a sound yet flexible model type system to support various scenarios of flexible modeling. I review different existing approaches, and highlight how they provide flexibility to language users. Finally, I conclude with a long term initiative for a full-fledged unifying approach for language reuse, aka. a Concern-Oriented Language Development (COLD), and the expected flexibility for language users. Sound yet Flexible Modeling Benoit Combemale @ FlexMDE, Sep. 2017